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Document Release Date: 
September 5, 2013
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Publication Date: 
May 12, 1945
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, ? ' 45.". ? ,',54P*.X,sgzC'Y's;i"1111-17:4"`? "34re,d4....., ? r? ,..,????kt ?,r4t: rr.vrotra, j1-14,11M' ? .4 erotOiroxl), 12,44 44 1* _ - .. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/69/05 : IA-RbP13X00001R000100070005-2 ? ?- 3 J ? 44,0z ? 'N? ? , tS1'.4.? -14;?? S. , c, , L ; ?-??L-4.???7.? ? ? al r 401011,4 lippi//44,46044SYNIWP s ???? r-or 4.4 11- ??7 .L-41 LP 1 _ "e7-40.40012400 , . ? .,?????? , ';N ? .?. n ,,,,,,,?47.;.:11., ,. ,,,0? ?,?f', ; I . .? ,crl". ? ?, ? ..,t,.., IL ?,,...? p. ? 4 .4.44 ??? 4. ? rt *4....., -0, _44 '.-t. ti, 4 4.1..;,,,,,fr 4? '???fr E. -4 ... _ ?,- * . t ' . - rd'?? '. i3.* ?,_ PI' -, & 711it ' ! ':'* ' ' At. 94 'S ''' * 7 170*--.;"4)r-- ?ii, - 1 .7... ..., .... ?-? Mg, , 40: ? : , e- ,2,,, I ---4.,, * a, 4,.,,, - t, .., r a_ .--,r? % .. . ,,, A-444 ..... , -4a-v t'''";-'4, ? .? v-74 -:;- -?,-: ? 4 'r. . k C ? . ? - ??? ?F/V ? 1 * "L ? -; 4.0.?:???,....r*-..;?? / '. - '_,Min..'' ,r?F?r?-? '.' ?'''' ?C '` ,,,,;:i4. '..2.4, r... ?':?,_?f..4_is...,...e.i, r _11 .0---,-,, 4014' 12' + 11k,S '''?: .44, -'1.- ....t'' ,,?''.141r.,..:1;'-(1'. - ' ? ,, . .t Arr" r. 70,.....;,,,.? , . ... t * .-4E d ).-,f- 4- .-'.? - A'g.44---, ',;,,,,, ..,V. ; , ??. , _ , ....- .4'' :Id j? . i.- t--gth, :' V i- 4 . ...k*i.24,, , . , ..,, - , eV ,er ' L. ? '4 - .? s ? " ' - -; V-41?Act:itk:?_ ???? ? ?$?:4. ? . - !yr!, r ? s faiir ???t S,. ' /.0. ? e , A ? Z " r ."11f4Pkr .4. - 4.4 -11 f",.!?4411,,d5,..? ; 41 ? ? ? - ykti ? , " PPA A' ?? art: 44 I a ? - 4 iletsvir " ? ? ? _ = - _ ? A *, or z Ps ? . o ^:,? ? 7:triVirte,f1 J-'1,-;115471. 1e,044?V fi_JWA ?,`,Tf-r -47 ? iy? ?jo, 4.4.4 .?-?* -..-4 .4 { u? 4 . .1::),.? 7.. . t 44 a ' , -?4-k Z - ,..7i ' F7. . 1..V,17 -.4ailt. 0 Zri4`.? ?4' .4- ' ?-i-e-4 _ ?- - '",.:4 ? . ? . a.,4-.1 .... ...._, RE -- . .0:4 .i." ., . , (: 1,. ' ' ? 5 5-c. ^ - . . ? ? ????1!' ? ?Pr?At f 1.0 40,1 ? .,' a ? ' , ? V ? e5/11.-4:;,? . ?? ."11/A: r- 4i 4 1-41q! -54 ? r?.4?, S--.4"i 4 - 4.??? , ?.? ? -?--`? ' tr *--4 ? "; ? P7' 41: Pps ?. ? - ? ?0 1, ? ;ri4S1 L ? 90' ? j - ? ??-? , ? sn ? 4." ir 437, :re's''????%4 ;?-4, _V3 0 i ',. PA-W-F.e.-TIVfa%, r -pc, ' .-14.!..ii c. .1-4. .1,0,44.,e-aid., - 44,44 ti'fr?-%-?3, ' r?'-;' *.)L--f-V.:17f7ste L 4.1?13P?.- -. .41.10?7..? '' - ilr,? i'??-71,7.?A?71,?=.'??=4 rr &??=;'-',"?r..) ??? S14 '?44 . ' '7f, 3; C..4i*'' ; .44..b..: Jakii.14:_'7??-??14-414. ,,, _ ,a,,,. ? " .?:, . , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070005-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070005-2 't ; rj.iikeIrmc104114i1-0.4, A. Arl.pr n (1.4r,$11111 tItiriA " Cif *1.-0 r: F'se ,1,43! ? s (4) ('1 I 1,4 holiw/-1 17:141,1%,-/ ,??t?i Ively ts--,r;1? r r 4r4 ? 1-"" d0g8. Thrly t. (1, r tecL uflq pr"acroo *r lr.f; ":c1.1T SurprIsr, t,t`Tro r":14rry r4r14-43 ' (4 v- !?' :41,Ln ? in Ont.9nting PrinMy rilti SOO 1i:.?. rt4743.1i I et1 rl ;Toe! ',hJ3 r f. -?ritt " "??' 1 the capflibiltLip!: qpdI " the qnomy and r-301 gr63 1-4 r 2 I ?"?1 13. During th9 pre-1,;4?.N1-. n2nrco-,1?-$T1,; throP dflily patrols pr '504)0 to PX)1", 1) rilt4n41 four patrols of ov,iir two dRy3' lurlt-.10!1 more scout dogs and tiArqn rir -;ova Howevor, It Is Nit. th151 iq 411, a situation ouch thll. For 12.1t rnn 1.11 imum requirements for gn trINIntry ro,!4T7vent. 1:14 mossengor dog t9nms or 2 ci og qohmitn 4 e'OCrtlindi handlers. Doth dogs rind h411,110r,1 4.1irrIr.?i7''. in *1110c0,7t- insure adelugto rest for thPM ")+-0',W1i1.9141. pAtr And ;4-.1;1 dogs to meet nvernge pAtro'iln rlo*,907.. this unit It ts rti!tt ?lkio,vt,1 tr* meet these refill rvmentl. C. For maximum effirrcy tt recntitn9ndpd th .1nn-ce-m. missioned orricers In Ole Wqr-Doi; flqt.e.:,on h,571'f',-1-1 :7 from the t.uarLermast#-,,r Corp i th Fd i jnrt viously trained in jun.L:ly varr-tre, Tbo master sent overseas with the pLit.00r have tto:;:tAyod age and :1..nitiative but do no !71 and patrolling in the jungle. 5k;11 In 8;11,lo only after long and utduous -aLt I r ndcd1r,r-,0t. h.=.1 night. h previously tralneu Anflart'f-jun his dog, and be ready for patrnis In mu(.; master handle' c'IP be taught jtznOe rind th,9 leads to greater erficiency. D. Since time is of the essencel it ts t fi ienced dog trainers and necessary numb4)r of dogs b t l-CmtI states, while the dog handlers he takan Croc' jun 1;:;y units already in the theatre. The p1atoon-z5 coules b,1:1 Cflrmod theatre and be trained for embat operatinr 1.,TI A roIative short time. flF c011:,` 4 !, 'JP ? 4 -9 c,r0f7.. 9 F. 1.5 : I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070005-2 4