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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 - tu SECRET ? GENERAL ORDER NUMBER: 75-13, 31.401). 1 ISSUED: 27 April 1945 EFFITTIVE: 1 Feb. 1945 TO: List 3 SUBJECT: Per Diems and Allowances to Members of the Military and Naval Forces attached to 053 There is hereby approved the recommendation of the Board of Review that there be added to General Order 75-13, the following paragraph 2. 2. In the case of enlisted porsonnol in avilian clothes who are not receiving Government rations and quarters, additional living allowances or per diem may De paid in such amounts aa shall be approved as necessary by the Strategic Services Officer, upon recommendation of the Theater Board of Review, or by the Chief of Mission in Neutral countries. (69355) SECRET - fp- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 OITTOU OF :411A14010 OVIVION4 OHNOAL OMR NuMOUN; Frob.13 ISSURD1 7 Denamber 1944 TanOTIVNI 7 DonomtAr 1944 51JIrg091 NIP PIMA 4nd Allowknnon tn Mamhara mr tha MIlltary and Naval Poroom attooho0 to 01A Tba Vollowine4 renommonilfttion of tha board or 11004,w is horoby approvodi To Army 40d N4V paPoonl (orftoor or aralmtod). whothiip tn lAntPorm or in otvIltbn olcA1-460, attoohod to OU tn Tholtova ct Oporktton or tn nto04-41 00un. foual bo 4110wed pop dlomn Or quhritt-ro alid aubmintonop In onmeopmtty wIth IlLand Army Qr NAV 0'40000 lAndor PtmllaP otronmoLanof4. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 OPPTOE OP 8ThATE010 UHRVIORO =MAL ORM MBAR 75-10 xnnum 9 doptomhar 1944 EPPROTrillts 9 boptombor 1944 TO' B RYWNOTI 08B, laxod AllovAnooto to rormonnol tor Ront And Entortninmont Tho Poltowlnm moommtndntIon of tho Board or Noriow is horoby npprovods "All ttRod allomoon ror rtint 4nd rntor- talnmont provlomnly nuthorlmod rop otArr pormormol tho Ituroponft Thoator nhAll bo dts. ontlhuoa no of 1 Ootobur 1944." CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 411b ? TJ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 -.444?4?40?010*,fa5 .1014,3* rt.,',114?ZY.4. CONFIDENTIAL OPIP/011 OP MIAMI? BM1(18 Washington, D.0, OONSAAL OWLVM MOM 7041 UMW. 21 August 1,00 IMPIMOTIVIts 21 August 1944 TOI List BUMOTt Expendituros for flooessary intertainment in Oontinontal Unitod Statos Porsonnol of OZ may be roimbursod for roasonsble oxponsos in- currod An tho continental UnitodStator, upon tho prior written authorisatton of tho Offico or Branch Ohiof conoornod, in tho nom', sary ontortainmont of distinguishod guosts of tho agency, inoluding represontativos of foroign govornmonts. Ouoh oxponsos may inolude the entertainmont of koy porsonnol of this agonoy vhoso prosonoo is necessary to the purpose to b. sorvod. If the objent of the enter* tainmont is confidential in naturo, roimbursoment should bo made from Spocial Funds; if tho objoct of tho ontortainmont is not ?ones fidontial in naturo, roimbursomont shall bo made from voueherod funds. 2# Boimbursemont for oxponsor incurred in tho oontinontal United Statos for tho purchaso of confidontial information, ineluding roasonablo and nocossary ontortainmont for that purpose, shall continuo to by governed by thy gonoral provisions of Oonors1 Order Mo. 14, Ehtortainment for tho purposo of toeuring oonfidonttal ina formation is litorally that and nothing oloqe Tho n000soilly for such oxpondituros must be elm, in ovory 0484, responsibility rest& ing with the officer roquisitioning the funds. 3. No roimbursomont shall be made for any 'Imo-moos In the sontinemow tal Unitod States for ontortainmont other than 410 provided above, except in the disorotion of the Wroctor? Assistant Wroctor or tbe ExocutIvo Officor, who will authorise or approve such wsponsom Nay in clearly justifiable camas. All othor ontertainment shall be items of personal expense to be borne by tho individuals conoormed# 4. All disbursements gado for tho above purposes sholl be perisdi- call7 reviewed by tho Offieo of Goneral Counsol, whit* shall report thereon to the Director. (5vni$ a, &Mid Saxton ? *atlas Dirooter CON PIP -1-.1teto!".3tromms14,00,i.i '1,mbilismump1sliptike 410 neclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 17,4, , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 (*' - TO: List S lems.6?4?11.g~fAiiONWAKKOIMIPIPAit0.91.4........ SECRET OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES Washington, D. C. anpeo GENERAL ORDER NUMBInt 75-10 ISSUED: 23 August 1246 EFFECTIVE: 23 August 1944 SUBjECT: Additional compensation of Military or Naval personnel attached to OSS Tho following recommendation of the Board of Roview is horcby approved: 1. (a) Military or Naval personnel in the Continental U.S. . shall rocoive extra compensation only when assigned as agents to missions, activated in the Continental U. S., and intendod for operations bohind enemy lines. Such personnol may be paid extra componsation from the date of their Military or Naval oversells orders to the termination date of the mission, (b) Military or Naval personnel in foretgn Theaters may be paid extra componsvtion only wnen assignod as agents to missions fntrindod for operations behind onemy lines. Such additional payments will be effective from the date of such assignment to the termination date of the mission. 2. (a) Addt....ional compensation may bo paid to Military or Naval porooalol, acting as agents, in order to raisa their total pay (exclusive of al)owances) up to the salaries of OSS civilians doing similar work, providod that such total pay does not exceed the rate of 43,000 par year. ? (). All Offico or Branch Chiefs, both in Washington and abroad, will rovise any existing arrangoments affected by this order. Contracts will be adjusted or rewritten am' soon as possible. 3. Extra compensation may be paid to Army or Navy personnel, acting as agents, only by Special Funds Officers in accordAnce with regular Special Funds payroll procedures and engagement shoats. (49998) ; SECRET 11?111... Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 "4'1" Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 xPl ? ;.. ? Oommeneing 30 September 1044, Mt 01141 *sole& Am. Brin0h, shell submit to %di Direeeer aree o t each quortero indieoving the newend railk et perecnnel who yeasty* extra eempeOsatlion from 4.0 ip together with the amounts reeeired end the Oft 0141 Io which such personnel is assigned. The 0140 lireneho m4Y requisition tram any low. all tio4 seolf maryo In his judgment. to the proper preperetien or emeh gwArterly reports. 44-4 t. .ItylMv.gr,azror? SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 Declassed and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 .17-, ,. . _ . __:. Ave.WaftV't A.01Cr.-'-'`..114?P' t. ..,,,,m-op , , - . . 4,414 ,,tt.tt , ? SECRET OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICE'S Washington, D.C. TO: List S SUBJECT: Per diem allowances to civilians and Army or Navy perscnnel in training in Continental U.S. for overseas duty. The following recommendation of the Board of Review is hereby approved and applies to personnel recruited in Continental U.S. for foreign duty, where the clear intent of their employment by OSS is that they will be sent overseas as soon as training can be.completed and transportation arranged: 1. Civilian Personnel, including Agents (a) No civilian employee is considered to be in travel status during the time he is actually at his OSS Headquatters in Continental U.S. or at any Train- ing Area. (b) Quarters and subsistence will be.furnished all civilians while actually in Training Areas, and no deductions will be made against their salaries for such accommodations.. (c) Travel ?gets, and per diems or expenses, (in accordance with regular OSS practices) shall be allowed oivilian employees only when they are engaged in offi- oial business away from MS Heedqusaiters in Continental U.S? or when they are away from any Training Area on an assigned task in connection with training programs. 2. Army or Navy Personnel (a) In addition to regular allowances for quarters and subsistence provided by their respective earldom', commissioned and enlisted personnel who are not drawing per diem from their respective servioes may be allowed per diem as follows during the period between the date SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 -4 _ .? . Is ? .1? V 11cf?i"i . ? ? w. re- ..1!, 4 411 on 1, lob niov reporii for dut:y. w4.141. han Ihe 'ate PP V 40 44014R21.14ffeil4070 A OP fnlir Well Irlt eAEARPRP u RlfgPfgal 1 Rtt A 1 Af gitoige Onon 9444@geWpW10 o f 014 AltAtISE. IpAriwo pfl ownnoe s neoossaroy to avoid su stantin naraen lot cli Qfq-cera, P Pc3r 41em of 27.0Q for rt max4JAA olliplyss a per diem of 57.00 for m a maximu of days, I 'u' m,.; n, a Der 41em of: p:88 for JAA im0A100, fROsta or diem or 5 for a maximum of 7 anYs. it Arm- personnei ass' lne, to tem-)orarr (u. Rt QS al, 14..nPoEMP ge aill 03R i 90411.P4Of v u, MnYggr,r0n;OknW11 R $ fglotlell@riont=1", V1404 TfinKPAtYpft44109e 2 n fWegr .8P9Ifiawko 4a0a WMPA9r804111f.Por2uf ORTWAPt fif AM44HeR q tere gwopons1;ng. officer cer or HoaduRrtoro and ilea quarters Detnohment. Payment r F-lowances to ,t m , ath: from OQ? funds under alp 9lilimOu0KnaX;RYWATOntPIPM, WoogNI1d9R1141 ft Oiekthill F. ilraffRoY.1 019PPcOlfili W.Picillirgigef#1444Ae, u efe*ii: A* toMeR0UsoDWICIRdigrAirfAht eu Ofacorompe OPARtntR@ORMY Nr1480;fail0,0w floWki 4Pfin rff@ '' 4 nomtspitpfgOvomftnggW regu atlons presor a ? V: 214 Ijrillikgb ' "" Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 CONFIDENTIAL orricE OF 8TRATEGI0,SPVI01S Washington, D.C. TO: SUBJECT: REFERENCE: List 8 .4'Allowance to Civilians for Special Clothing Board of Review Administrative Bulletin No. The following recommendation of the Board of Review is horeby approved: 1. Office or Branch Chiefs may requisition up to $200 per person fromSpeoiql Funds to provide neoessary special clothing to eivilian'employees ordered to posts outside of the Continental U08., on confidential missions or duties, where special clothing not ordinarily used by olvillans in this country.ts necessary to the proper performance of the apsigned duty. 2: Unused funds.together with complete receipts tor purchases will be delivered to the Special Funds Branch at the earliest practicable time. 3: In exooptional oases, additional allowances may be recoup- mended by Office or Branch Chiefs to the Director in Continental U.S. or to the Strategic Services ?Moor in the Theater. If approved, such additional allowances may bo requisitioned from Special Funds Branch and acoounted for ap in paragraph 2 above. 4? Special clothing provided in acoordance with ibis ardor shall be expendable property of the United States. CONFIDENTIAL ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 ' - 0 4 ' V Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 ? * a SECRET op?' Gs OF STPIATIOIO BOVICNIS WAshington, D. 0, =MAL ORM NUMMI 7540 Supp. 1 I0Onels 10 Pottruary EFFZOTIVVI 26 February TO: List 8 OUBJNOT: Livtng Allowance,' for Ltnoroted Aros0 end Chins 1. (it-moral Order 75-70 ltimued 16 August 194111 end Adminintrative Bulletir I. 40 issued 76 Augvat 1944, aro hereby implemented, 2. Paragraph ) of Ooneral Ordor No, 75-7 provIdom that 411 MI olvillftn omplowin, oxoopt agents, who aro not in 044vol mtatun h11 '1ve 4 living and qUartoorn allowanca In aocordance with the 04ato Department formula (sae !WNW 011inul4r No, A-8 and amendmen). '3. An amendmont 100 tomued to Budget Circular No, A-8 on P9 Boptombor 1944, preisoribing, 4mong other thing'', a mpooi41 mximum roroie living allowance for pooto in lthor4tod aroftm 4n1 Mans, Mono op!latel allowances wort, omtAblimhod hoomoo or tho mnumm41 and extraordinary con- dttl.ong promiling in thom axiono. A copy of tho smondmont im ftttoohod. 4, Tho 1114XiMUM linton rivomorthod for 1iberato4 area' sr@ twit rorhh In pologroph or tho omundmont, It should bo ntaod Mot plongrsph P !)rovidom thlit suitoiblo eldjustmonts bolow thtl maxtmum 4110,01anotIm Ihnllbs mild? Om% tho untivial or oxtraordinary oondittond aro modified to the extent that moxtmum O1ou4noos too not nootioonify, 1.3# Acoordingly, oftoh Thomtem Doftrd or Wwioii nhell mak@ 0, recommendation to the atratoglo 3orvinon officer es to tho living and quartord 411 )wanoo to bo paid, within the mime pormittod by tho smondmgnt, In Morstod nrofts in the Theatav conoJrnod0 and the ntratt,gin Dervico4 Orrloor ottani than,- upon ontablioh the amount or m1loy4nmo bo paid. In malcift4 itd rtoommendation, tho Tho4tor Bosrd W:1411 oonstdor, among othor ractora, the rt oo fixed by oth(?1, Onvornmont stgvn*loo for thoir employeec In theme areao. (61.)079) SECRET 7 ?ji - : , i, , ? 11,:', :I ? ?- 7,- ?, :... - : '? %S.., ?-: -i,...... r.., - l' ''?? :),[n ji !!, ' ? -.... ??? * S Ir'' I A:- ' . ? - k: f'' 4 ?, . ' 1 -f 1 , , ' N ) - 11 . ',..1 t ' . 1 4 .. , ? ? 1. I , ? ? . ,' ",: ' ' ' . ,, 1 ? .. .- ?? 1 r -.." 1. :. ? ,. . t - rl, ., t if .. ..:s. ' el?P r...i''' ? ; ...,'? ;a t- .?, .. 7 . '. ., .: ?:, '"-...eltime............. ....."0000,1040040,106 ? 't - 4 ? ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 ..,1q30g; keitiryf-, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 .k"14F-41-r-rw? ; \ SECRET - 2 - 6. The Theater Board shall review its mcommendatiqn ever/ three months (unions special circumstances require 4 sore frequent review) to determine vhsthor adjuatment* should be made by the Strategic Services ()Meer in the ellowce_ because of changes in the unuoual and extraordinary conditional prevailing in the areas. The Theater Board shall transmit to the Board of Review, Washington, copies of all such rocoomenda- tions, together with a statement or the considerations uppn which the recommendaions are based, and copies of 411 rate schedules established by the Strategic Services Officer. The Board in Washington will periodically report to the Director on the entire matter, making such recommendations ao it may deem appropriate. 7. The special allowances for posts in China are set forth in paragraph 3 or the amendment. Since the rates for China are not discretionary, no action by the Theater Board to necessary. All civilian employees in China who are entitled tn a living and quarters allowance shall receive tht allow- ance in accordance with the terms of the amendment. / 41, . i; / tr , // William/J. Donovan Director Attayhment (65079) SECRET ,1446.!rsimoopl Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 SECRET EXCUTIT CrIC CF BUREAU OF Tyr; VIDCZT iTeshington, D. C. September 29, 1944 Amendment to CIRCULAR NO. A-6 TO TifF, HSAD3 OF EXECUTIV DEPART! TS D E5TABLISEart3 SUBJECT: VPrious allowances payable to Federal offiers end employees stationed in foreign countries, etc. This nmendment to Circular No. A-8, sated August 1, 1943 provides (1) for the regrouping of certain personnel for the peyment of quarters allowances; (2) prescribes a special maximum foreign living allowance for posts in liberated areas and Vatican City; and (3) prescribes a special foreign living allowance for posts in China. Appendixes I-IV, inclusive, of Circular No. A-8 are amended accordingly. 1. Groups 2, 3: rnd 4 as defined in paragraph 7, "ClAssification of officers and employees," of Part I and 83 indicated in Appendix II, are hereby redefined, effective July 1, 1944, to read as follows: "Group 2: In a diplomatic mission, the counselors of eibaesy or legation or the senior first secretary acting as counselw; or, if there is neither a counselor of embassy or legation nor a senior first secretary acting es counselor, then the highest ranking diplomatic secretary. "Foreign Service officers in charge of consular posts and vice consuls commissioned by the Secretary of State who are in charge of consulates. "Attaches, who are neither Foreign Service officers nor vice consuls commissioned by the secretary of State; commissioners; supervising agents; nnd technical and professioncl experts direct4 subordinate to their departments in nashington. "Group 3: All Foreign Service officers assigned as diplomatic or censular officers and not included in Group 2; vice consuls commissioned by the Secretary of State and not included in Group 2; Foreign Service employees designated as administrative officers; assistant attaches (including Foreign Service officers designated as assistant attaches); assistant commissioners; inspectors; immigration technical advisers; treasury representatives; customs agents rnd deputy collectors of customs; technical end professional experts not directly subordinate to their departments in Washington, and junior technical experts. (65079) _ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 L-1-0009000 1-0001 0000X? 1,c1C1I-V10 L/6O/L.OeseeIe ..101 penoxiclv Pue PeWsseloaCI - tar ? 1,311DHS (64o?9) Igelvd &twig aed RutmoTtoJ eqq le eeoUeMOTIV tvUoIltppt eATODEldiq 'tutq qqtm peptega AIdeth.VeJ efietl ueapttqo itouttu ..to/pt iv 0,14m ogoqm eeicotaftia ptiv JebtjJ0 q0u0 'UolltppV ut 4pep/Ao1d eAv dae4Atob 414emWeA00 ueqm 00co peoeXe 04 10U do oe loggt Itufluu* Awl 0004 Jo 94VA egett 41. egeouvmoltv aeulo Itw Jo waft uf void 9q Tivug ta*tiloatu vtip depun 99ou1mor1w oq pet:Glue puw vutqu qi pguelvele tquolglavdea won dtoUtlogaod 4otAaoU aTeaod WoOlto (90.6idwe put 4*901J0 uove 19ot4oU Aotoarj tviUn pU '&101 0/ eop a9A9qufqm loud 91q q* tVATadv jo eqvp WuJJ JO r4/4/61 eT 4i9rp160 etifioeJjA Uqj ut woud JoJ eutivA0/10 NUIAI1 UVIeJ0J IVIo0d0 v 'oM deluoaID ju E-C,pu vtidiraimild 01 10theand rpettdo0n0 9,00.u,jo 41voctoou 90 twufgo UI YuttIvAvad w.i0fltpuoo XavuIpamia4xt put/ Tenentin 90 01 WV $g 444tp UVorleA Jr sVede pe4vdetal 0/ ele0d (40114 le NAWde Jo eigp ol AVM/40004rd rtituptetu eAutiV 90 pe0Oke 04 40U eleA u 4e pod eq toqg ejovAgml uotlaod v 10 eo00Motte metp duLl uto9thop 90 MA/A/good ktiagaodmoq ireskotdwv puv rUollvoljtogvt6 4god V gv peaepouuo eq tIgug vOuVmottv tv;:ogdg loA dwiroato Jo Ot qUwitilwaud Jo 99godahd 90 Ltbj 'AavgspogU 4ou pav goouilmottv tatiultIvut qvuq eq 4 04 pompom eaV OUopuoo AatarpdoVallo AO tehenUtt eht4 getiM queutiluttetwoe dO quemlavdep 044 X4 01)#w eq ttlitte e0UtMotte WMIATIW e14 motet( 4uotullInNti gItIo4IqU 006-4 ?net t-d e6-dvo Rbt911 09Te oo42,1, . 5Ajd 011t g6-Ato 090E4 9A04u PuY 1514d 'n-d1.10 1I'D70=771-triti: V 0940 tdliti.1 own uufiwoutogglo Iviutxwoi timuv VurmottoJ euq poem; oq luu voqva qw tent4uu 40144.01j mut puv 4P/6t /CM' 9AT400.110 PIRd oq ',IntnodIO 'To aeput geoulmOTtii (3'4 potli4U4 31t ot0ato peqvaerift uf pouuroo equvullAvdioN v49ig ftguuogaod obIAJou uriligaoa 4d0oX4 igooWoldtup putt 'wow? It% 04 timutamoitt Jour Icy Jo nett ut pod eq toug 99uvmott* 144f, ugotqvA puv ovelV uutui ut good tig aul oouvmutig egutAtt ulltv4o,t wrilmtivw Twioodg * fa-y 'oN agthodto Jo Le pug tol titidtAtdwd 01 qUlti0Ahd 'peotamong gwq golj Jo .A.Awqva99p etti feeede polvaotift Ul Pul/IvAmAd stuotliptioo Aavutvaovalitg pUv TVtuenUtt eui aho "e atimmftml. L-1-0009000 1-0001 1-0000X? d 0 L/60/ aseeleJ01 p8AalddV pue pewssepea ISM:33S 4 -1 ? '? ? ? - c;.r. ? ? 4 If: v 4 ??- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 7 hs MAAP rtA MAXAMUM of allowsnim 44600 4 Ahoy@ 03000 to $099 OP1ow 4)P00 W.000 t1440 01;400 4.4 ? ?'%" .fat SECRET For A Wil01 For 4 ohildi For 2 or will 40/6 a 1/6 of ohildroni 4/4 JrEt 1000 #960 POO 40 114?,J0 Tho AddltionAl sliowsnoo shall ho paid sffpotivs ?globs,' 1, 1444, or whPntshoffloor oP omployoo dopsrtm for his post in Chins, whiobovor dsts is lstor. Tt sholl terminato on ths dad ths omploydoiv? 'Thins, or tho dato of dopartnpo of his Islifp sndiop minor ohadvon for ehinA, Ph P Amount of tho Adationo1 AlIowAnoom phAa not it modifisd 'wort vim ft Phsne40 in thp omployasis dppondonoy Atotuft, Tho hAftio Allowoo or $20001 loom PV or not to plc000d fj00; *1411 110 sdjustod by ordor of tho Amoriotin AmbAAAAdors or in hip 4bM4n00, hy tho OhArgo d'AffAiroP Ad intmrim; ofrootivo tho ripst of tho wonth followin$ A month for 0Aoh ho hti.dotormino WA? for popponnol rpoolving tho sllowsnop, tho svprso opt of subsimtsnoo, oxolnoivo or Ninto 44 ArPootod hy axoboing4 ToPtom or othoe oiroumotimoom, shall hsvo ohongod by gp moh 44 10% frm thp last 44tA11.4.filhOd p4e,Tho 401sta:int shall ba dirootly Anp1io1 44 a pOPPPIltge ohonito to in011@AR@ PP dooroApo tho t4iM 4110W40,30 14,40 of 10001 nuoh E,djumtmont pholl bo Qortifiod Am boing cot 4n0 n0000wy by tho AmbAmmAdor to the DonArtmont or Wto hhioh Phial An turn; PP oortify to tho Burosu of tho Lindwiti peoviriod that, if thin float of submistonos, ovolnsivo or pont 40 mossurod by th.3 mothod sbovo, shonld ohsngo by NIP@ thsn ;00% for any on month, prior sppeovsl kAd Authortmtion of tho floorotAry nata lo paquAvol to 44,Wat tho AllowAnoo, (tNO()) ' ? ? , ,441 '1.7.dra I I 1.V &54!7'44.4411 ,A ' ? ? - rof f4-4404104irait '1 ? ? . ? . . ' IlAVILV D. ?41Til Direotor (Ni. A-0) SECRET " ' n rinq T _ci 2nd A .. . - - - . ? -'? '61 ? 4, - - jy,4 ? _ r:?!: ^ .4" u ^ 1441- ? -sI ' A ?10 _ d For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 ?$?!, ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 ;4;.$ '14 . ?'" : ????? -14 SECRET ? ? OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES Washington, D. C. TO: SUBJECT: ? Salaries, personnel of seoret per diems or allowances ? civilian outside of Continental U.S., exclusive agents. REFERENCE: Administration Bulletin Number 4. The following reoommendation of the Board of Review is hereby approved: 1. Salaries of all OSS civilian personnel, exclusive of soars% agents, employed outside of the Continental UrS, shall conform as nearly as possible to Civil Service salaries for similar duties or positions. 2. No base salary adjustments will be permitted to attempt to compensate for differences in living costs in different theaters or locations. 3. All civilian employees, except agents, who are not in travel status shall receive a living allowance in accordance with the State Department formula. (See Budget Circular No. Ap-8 and amendments.) 4. Where quarters are furnished for civilian employees 40 of the total living allowance shall be deducted on current papm rolls from the monthly living allowance included in tLose pop- rolls to defray the oost of such quarters, and the balance (60%) of the living allowance shall be paid to the employee. If quarters are not furnished the full living allowame shall be paid to the employee. 5. The employee shall reimburse 088 ourrently for the cost of subsistence furnished by 088. Amounts to be reimbursed. by employees shall be determined by the Strategic Services 3fficier upon recommendation of the Theater Board of Review. Ouch amounts shall be uniform for all employees receiving subaom ten3e at any on OBS locality but may be different for different localities within a theater. - (49636) SECRET . ? s dk? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 6. Any adjustments of living allowinoes nails in theaters sill be retroaotive to the date upon wash per dless or 0110,00000 were disoontinued. _1 7. Wherever oontrectual arrangsmants, oontrom to this (mar, are in effeot, Off toe or Branoh Chiefs conoerited shall adjust or rewrite such contracts at the earliest practicable Use. (#1,61 tww. IV 4'0 fio/ G, 14ward Buxton Acting Director 411. '[ ? 'OA 7 7 . ?P? = ? A ? en, 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 Declassified and A proved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 CONFIDENTIAI ?mot or STUMM, SWIM Wnshington# D. C. TO; Liot 00nOTI! Node from which omployoos will be pni4 Tho followloR r000mmoodntion of the lonr4 of Review is hereby npprovod; (A) Only eocrotcngents nod other employees, who, for security ;lemma, chould not be identiflod with OSS, moy be paid from Special funds -1 limitation 4003 es ewe oopt that employees stationed overeeas at points where regular oovernment payroll futilities oannot be We available may be paid trom Special runds. (b) All the employees now paid from Special hinds shall bo traneforred to vouoher fun4s (4001) AO soon is Civil lervioe positions are available, except (c) 402 funds will be used to pAy the following types of personnel; (1) Alien. (by law, oAnnot be Civil Service) (0) Employoes selected for overseas service (until arrival at OVOPOOPAN post) (6) Now employcos whose entrance on duty at an dato is urgent and whore the only delaying faotor is the time involved in 'souring Civil Bervioa olearanoo of qualitications. emm ploysom wipuld be transferred to .001 tune upon olearanno) (4) tmployileso prinoipally stenographic', typist or olorioal, who ere brought into a %raining pool And held there pending specific assignment. (6) Rant oases of an employee who should mei,s a salary increase but where rig$1 Civil IlervOe rules make a reclassification almost impossible. Sue% employees shall be promoted only upon specific mnri Annr ved For Release 27 ? CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 It? Declassified and Ap?roved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 ?5i 4 _ 4 ' - 4 ? , .? Ir. CONPthENTIAL 2 . approval Of' thO.DieotOr or Assiiitstit Direetai n rOoMitehd*tiO at the Chief; Ciifiliah Personnel Branch arid the Board: tiHPADyee4 doing'wOrk 0-J: suet a tutiUre,thiti -. fOr_tiboutity resliCns job Usoriptiont necessary ta,eitabliSh Salaries cannot be filed outside of iMpi4oei *ng tranifeiied frOm dpeOiii Fohde to .001. funds, pending the availability Of CiVi1 Service positions: Offioe,and Branch Chiefs ,who ow have OmOloyeeS peid,rrom Special Funds (.903) shall immo4ate1y reviCw,payrolle,in detail and take the necessary action tb Comply with (a), (b) or (c) above. The judgment of Office and tranch Chiefs in determining which employeett shall be paid from SPecial Funds hStve primarY weight in the decision. If the Chief, Special Funds Branch does hot concur in a particular instance; the Case will be referred to the Director for decision. 144. William J. Donovan Director CONFIDENTIAL ? ,;;;;?' r ? A','14!" ? at Oft Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 The attached 'Secret' order is to he substituted for Order 75-5 of the same text which was classified as "Confidential. The 'Confidential' order should be destroyed. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIAIRDP13X00-06-1-R000100060001-7 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 - t.1/4 :714 SECRET erns 0/1 11114111111U0 11111970111 Ilaohington, D. 0. 01111111AL CUM MISS, 7,-5 %ISM 5 Alpo* /944 SPIPS011711. 5 Militurt TOI LIST 8 1 MINOT' Compeneation of Civilian Foreommel Outside of 0amtimem,m1 SYS. Wan reoreases and Meolaseifleation. Initial Salary Determinations. On the basis of the polio, set forth in Admdnistrative Sullen* NC I the following recommendations of the Nuard of Review are herehi approved. 1. Reoommendations for promotion or reelameitleatiom of oivilicin employeea paid from regular funds (.001 or MR fends) shall be transmitted by the Strategic Services Officer through the ap_tpropriae Drenoh or Offios Chief In Washington to the Ohiue, Civillen moresmat Branoh. 2. Reoommendations for proration of Glynis& emplooleee other than agents from Opeciel Funds 'hell be tmenemittot by the Stretegis Sorvioes Offioor through the appropriate Drench or Offloe Chief in Washington to the Chief, 8pooj1 FUnds &inch in Weshington for epprom priate aotion after oonsultation, when appropriate, with the Chief, Civilian Personnel Branoh. Melo reoommendatioraiwill te in the tom and contain data presnribed by the Chief, Special Pada Smash. 3. No Imlay increales to ?trillion poreomnel melds of Continental U. 8, will by effected by Orrice or Smell Chief. in Wash.' ington, emospt by recommendation through Strategic Servioes ?Moore. 4. No base salaries shall be inorossol to ?almost' for overtime in ammo of 40 hours per week. Ouch adjustment will be effooted through the rogulmr overtime pay procedure as defined in U. mlnistrative rnstruotion No, 2. 5. &thrive of new olvilian emP14/0404, other law lees *rutted oversew, mball bo determined um reommendatimm at tintabegie dervioco Offioer in mourdanoe with paragraphs 0 and 01 above. Compemsep tion at the rate tinnily approved by the Civilian Poroommileatibb, Washington, or the Speeds.. Funds Nranoh, Woohington, as the esee may will be effective fres the date of hill.' in the theater. (48364) SECRE1/1".'fr) nut. , -r;i6,40/4-.?44.? 'PC ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100060001-7 ? ? .\ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 a id* 630060htlein 4 di*IlfehPerSI*thel Ntede 4 dblitintintal bri ?4 (a) Wl fhtift44001 (t) Ohitti# hoitifi4fiAltini; oil the,beille dt tho poltd# ikii f6itt iii A4i4S4tfiti+e Nt$6 hie; l; P0666itifittifileofiii #4 iiididtieti di *ebiakettleettein 4 el*1ii0h eiogidoom tot fiall *0* timdi (Ai di. :6ploe tuna) shill to t*Miiiiitteol by the bifittettle Ref*Itied tiftieei thicii0 the 00Pfbliffikte iliMdb; dfildo diii4 ifi ihimigidii id itt dfiloti ti*iiii Oilisdnnei #; ,OodathiefidAtidile fed; Oiiitetien 4 eiviligh 0040644 eithifif Oittii 00100 6d01 006614 tunoto 6611 be*filiiiiii+611 by Olt btiti+0016 defigtiee ottieei thi*gh the 000Viiiite *itho'h di. ott1d6 6144 tin iimi4iigidfi id thedilidt; 466141 th OiiiiiiheOn tef aii*ii4 ffitite litiO:dh titter edfieulthtidni iibeh OiiPtOtliitei *fib ttio Otiliiti difilihii Peredirriel ti.ftribt; htimb ie0166illidritldfil Iiiil 66 iii the tdiii hil4 edfitelh clete preboribett by Old &hit), tobdial iiiiiihe ikiiiiiiii .. #0 oft1,01.# Ailetegiieb,t6 8001,16 ileiedfihoi diitOide di ddittilibiito tii s. vial td dti t# edte4 othdd 6i *itijidh Otidfijo liiedili eittieg by reddi4hefilltItfdli thi6Ogh biiatdgid adivitibit ottiddid: .4. He, bee, odiHiftlis Ottiii be IhOib0664 tti odijefiitOb fdi dtartimt tH eifdeee et h8 hdui.m tdi' iiiidc 6iiiih edjuettehte.irill be inliiiett;htliie iiiiitlititi6h #64 P; Wilebeyit 4600 the, idguloir 0.46/41266 iiity *1%606'6 iti, 641664 in All 5; 86164 _ .10 dt ijdo eliriiiiiii eltidyeeit *lei thOh ? 60efeeed ithii bi 4066 ib0600o0fidhitiiii Of iierf6b Offfe,. ih00061466d6 vitt Ofag#4*.#1 864 pi As* the ihte ft0idie4 by idrodfibei en" the, 6lietilfti POMO #fOliehi VeshitINtdpi te the *Ail be eftedtii*e trtii iht tette cif tii#41* IA the theeter; ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100060001-7 406 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 TO1 Liat a OPPIOX OP STRATI= SINVIOS3 NT OSNIN4? ORDSP NUMMI '0-4 T00MIDt 2 August 1944 spirsoTrysi 2 August 1944 OUNROTI Bartow Item* and 00041 Squipment Trio following r000mmondAtion of the Board of neview Is hereby Approvodi 1, ntrAtogio Oorvi000 Offlooro shoal stook pile soh no-onliod bArtor itomo (matoriAlo to bo lesuod In exohange tor oonfidontloll informAtion), Ad MAU AO ()Amens, wrist wAtohom 4nd non-otAndArd firoArmo As thoy my oonmider neoeoeAry Vor imeuAnoo 4n their roepootive theAters, 0 No nuoh itomn nhAll bo lonmod tn Oontinontal U. O. oxoopt upon rogutoition from ?Moo or Dranoh Chiefs, or tboir Authorigod rcpromtntAtivoo oortifying thAt the per to whom ouoh Jtom o Aro to be ioouod Is Atisigned to an AVOA whoro tho mAtoriAle or equipment nnot be seourod from rogulAr inetAllAtione or thAt ?over Arrangemonts provont tho omployom from noouring tho items from suoh InotAllAtiono, ), Until UPAtogio Oorvioon Offioore have hAd an oppor- tunity to build up A otook or those itoms, Proourement and 8upply BrAnoh io Authoritod to rill roquisitions originated by ()Moo or DrAnoh Ohiofc in WAohington, ?Moe or Branch Ohiote fthAll inetruot thoir omployoes to turn over to the OtrAtogio norvioop ?Moor, upon Arrival in the theater, Any muoh ttome proourod in WAnhington, 4. Offloo or BrAnoh Ohiefe or individuAls in Washington or Now York, who Aro now in possession of items reterrod to horoin, imouod to thorn by 008, ehall immodistely return Allah itome to Proouromont and 5upply SrAnoh, to be there- Ancor isouod in n000rdAnoe with thts order. (48255) Je (42 Willtam4. Donovan otr?otor CONFIDENTIAL .d?i',vkgiviaxzttgi,IRTMM:g5llfigr_g4rxilr ? npriassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 ? CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 .) ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 OFFICE OF STRI,TEGIC SERVICE5 Wnrthint;ton, D. C. GE1MAL ORDER MOEN: 75-3, Surp. 2 Elcc(,labcr 1944 EFPECTIVE: 6 PGcumber 1944 Spoci!li Clothing Allow-Ince Gonoral Ordur No. 75-3 is heroby amendud by ndding perngrnph 4 rts I. The: provisions o1 this orflur nrc retro- ,)ctive r1,--)pl,/ to personnel who re ordercd into civitt-n cloth u8 or into non- combrItnt irmw or flnvy c1othlni pr or to the effuctive dctc of this order. if puch pursonnol had rucolvud fIllow!,nccs for clothing In amounts less thgn '20.00 - Offtc0 or Prnnch ,19y rc.quisition ffum Speci-1 adUltionnl funds to britw tho tot r.1 up to 1=0.()O. If personnel -.re uw,blu to furnish complctc rocoipts for clothing purchflotd prtur to 11 July 1944, thLy mny suhrlit to SpItil Funds Branch, in liuu of ruccipts, sworn stntmtnts listing ite?ms of clothinL!, pur.chr,s.,d, npproxi.Irte cost, name of store.; whc-ru purch!tsed r,nd etpproximtc d'.te of purcfu:so. YMrc.',..,..xnriwn741exce;:AV47,-4-tie,,,,TKIGRM-34.7001,WelliIMICRINOMIWOMINOW 2013/09/27 ? CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 4". Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 ? - ? ??--.61';--e"4-*;;F:44 TOt Liet 3 WIMMOTI Speolal Clothing Allowanoe Oonoral Order No. 75?3, second paragraph under, Xtom 1, le hereby amondod to road* "Artor ano yoftr rrom the date on A p whloh oreon wee ordered Into olvillAn olothee, Oftleo or Drama! Milers my requIeltim from Spoolal 'founds up to #100 for the pogo or nothing miantonanoo or ropla6q- mont during the onsuing twolvo montha." (40701) CONFIDENTIAL '"1"'tr134x4=gintom,r""1747-.41?41.MIK419154Nv Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 ,???;zas-Jr ' CONFIDENTIAL ? ? TO; Lint 0 OUBJECT, Opoolal Clothing Allowance The following reoommendations of the Board have boon approved by tho Dirootort 1. Army or Wry personnel m ordered to wear oivilian olothos for official duties; ()Moo or BrAnoh Chiefs may rcquisitlon up to WO pop person from Bpooial Funds to prooure neoessary oivilian olothing. Unused tuna together with oomm plotc r000lpto for purohnoos will by doliverod to tho OpoolAl Fun de Branoh MI the oarliost praotioablo lamo. Artok on yonr trom tho dato of tho original allow Anne, Offioo or Branch Chian my requisition from Opoolal Fundo up to '100 tor the purposo of nothing malntonanoo or roplaoomont during the ensuing WW2: monthn. Olvillnn personnel m ordered to wear nonmoombatant Avmy or Navy olothing; omoo or Brnnoh Chiefs mny requisition up to 0200 por poroon from Opooinl Fundo to prooure neooseary olothing. Unused funds together with oompleto rom oelpts will bo do livered to Special Funds Branoh promptly. 0rvioo or Branch Chiefs Aro urged, to hAvo personnel use enlisted personnel clothing wherever possible, thlin avoiding tho oost of offioerls c3ot4ing. Bova tions for Army or Nnvy clothing of this typo 4hould bo mAdo to Procurement nnd 'Supply 'Smalls Exoeptionnl 0,000 us primarily when Army or Navy perm flannel aro ordorod to wear oivillan olothos for ofm riolal duties in neutral countries: (wee) CONFIDENTIAL ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 AdditionAl AllowAnoos my be reoomaonded by ?Moe OP brAnoh Chioto to the Direetor in Continental U. I, or to tho OtrAtogio Sorvi000 Ortio*r in A theater, (46320 CON FIDENTI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 ? IFR g MgAiis 34 RB;Aia 1+814J4F,4T61.3. . ' Ai144 piltiq '.0;.:?1, 4.i'PAH14: r-4.44.:.: )FT 41.4) 4 V.M i4444 .0:;; 1*.;.g,4"41 lingi A -.3): Trit40:41p ,R, t .041 4 Bq 44.04=tli 08b:14 (1,1 1H46,31i 't4,8 tiiq 44-i''R R; "%IV: 11)J441 4c44' '-1;T-, Bli 4FffiiHt 1;10uf.2 2 .,21L1,1 111A4 .6 t'Bti.81J11 18i1 Aiiii: - PA1 0i0841r4 t4q;B.$ ?W14, Wri4 F iip9:41. ..Le!;SA8P, wWf9f,toll ... - I -,i --- It 4 ,9 44 1 4)i.ii..; 1 - F . - , 'i'.,i, '='!;iFt.i (c1B1.4%141, tY,,,W6 4014it 'S , 11W ,44,13 : iVoli-0 ;* 't(--,U*4.- qc4' r..,ftl w k.c 4.ii), 1(14;441' '";-'13WPI 14 41?tijili.49., g,.i 681 1-'4 RC-1',Fii.1 104. ,,, ? f 1 . : li* (r=feqwr,+ pH 4 kit404t44,4 4 Ura- 1 ,-1 citwiqq 41i:46134'41 1, -, H4ff :?,111Th 4 .Js!..4-:i il0.4d'q AW ARPP: i , j ffi1-1.1i'. :-411H8.1. ' T4 Bill,PS IP c'w-4 iiiii. 084Wii. ' L' ,.. 4 4-iH HliTi 1;1 tiirrilf;-11141=8 i''ff PFi.1., qr.4 Wi4 f-14 41,11: bl.,,H1 Oii'l'Hi.: 'vc:i1-11.H 411, 11,.iH 4Siii. F* 1-W14i, ili (0 '3it.14; Of3, lic CL94 8F 41'416134 l'iq c'I's 44:4.110:81i l ii9U1R-1-1B1iii ;-S;1 HP18:4 4 .1;041.1-4 1.4.4441-4 w4i } tti)(84. 447 '4!qi,L4'4 1;tadtl-t4f4 %t4- 134.1$3:40i i1742.wAll: P'.1itiqK-i ,i,8ill 4-11.,,.411.1 imlii.4.;-,3 ?.W3 .1;' q',. i LI!. H4:- -7-4. 4 ;4:;VA 4'34104: , Declassified and Approved For Release 2613/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 4;(!. 4-? -1 ? 4 -ir,oslo SECRET OPPTC,1;', rn'liATIVI IC 31.:IiV1CE3 Wf,tthinc,ton, C. GM411AT, OfIDER NINIthals 76-2, SupplorruJut 131t7glit 6 DootAhr4r 1944 11J4VIP,CTIUt 7 July 1941 mnljrCTI Pnymont (JV Trnnoportntton Coot nnd For Plomil to Pronpk,ottvu EflipLoy0141 Praingrnph "1" or (1(ntir1 ?Nor 71)-?e, ofrbetivf, 7 July Lr nmondod 9doing now movwpophvflph "d" Ilt,ndtm no follow]: n(d) Othii tvnhoporotntIon Gxpinnt,n ouch no ter,11 yl huo, ,1n6 rnoon, )1,0k41:01-0,0:i 111011.0Pc4i bI tho prioopottvt; wployio ln onnhLotion with tywvta 1,,,qul000 by nttond/hao vt SECRET 16r.: rolialgrifanstWikiktv.utg,oftipamoz 4 Atf' Declassified and Approved For Release-2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 eh' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 44'; A 1,, * ? ,L 4: a N. Change Board of Review Administrative Bulletins 2, 3 and 4 to General Orders Board-of Review AdAdnIstrative BUlletins num- bered 2, 3, and 4 are hereby approved. They are made General Orders and are to be re-numbered Is General Order 75-1, 75-2 and 75-3 respectively. ' ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 gior .1 . r= ? ? ? 11, ? r k ? ? SECRET ? TO: List SUBJECT: Salaries, per diems or allowances - civilian personnel outside of Continent]. U.S., exclusive of aecret agents. General Order 75-7 sets forth the policy of 088 with referenoe to the above subject. For additional information of Office and Branch Chiefs, the Board quotes herewith from its recommendation submitted to the Director: "The Board believes that it should be a fundamental policy of OSS that salaries, per diems (for those in travel status) or allowances (for those at permanent posts) to all civilian person,- nel outside of Continental U.S. conform as nearly as possible to amounts paid or allowed by other Government agencies. It further believes that employees paid from Special Funds or from limita- tion 8002 (in other words, non-Civil Service employees) should. receive the same pay and allowances as Civil Service employees in like positions and locations. The Board recognises the difficulty of assigning Civil Service classifications to.many confidential positions but believes that substantial oorrela- tion can be scoompliehed. Civil Service employees outside of Continental U.S. are paid salaries at uniform rates applicable to their position, ragardp. less of the theater to which they are assigned. Those not in travel statue receive a quarters and subsistence allowance determined, for a particular location, by the State Department and adopted by the Bureau of the Budget. The Board believes that this rule should apply to all OBS civilian employees, except secret agents. At the present time pay and allowances for non-Civil ServiOe personnel vary widely as between locations or theaters. Some receive, or did receive per diems;othezealiving allowance and others an amount to cover rent and food. In the North Afrioa Theater per diems or living allowances were discontinued as of 1 February 1944 as far as most special funds personnel were concerned, but Civil Service employees continue (49632) SECRET ? ????? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 4's L-1-00090001-00011-0000X?1-dCl-V10 L/60/ eSeeiei -10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI gijkliP11414640111'" -0/14111161.. :%;.? I +NI 131103S (aeodo) A UN/41440 w INVO, epi 40 *toAvm, ? y4" MOTAOW JO pavog oq; 404 osuoawddir ow000q ittopyypowwy mom owortiotrd otimow uonjupo onoyaos .polurddw woth4 ;uktojttyp .4404/4 404woy/4 irotitouw o; poaktojouwo eau poowoouy 041 WIN pirg tot cowl oim ooltordwo Jr uw ?/404v044 uoomtloci ow wayouwd000tktooto 4)14 04 rivet 4/1#4Titouy TiTA 04404 410ta40, JIAT0 potterronoth 04 001,06104 ;no 0 41,10d IRO Trowo40 eithun of 101144 cuomm 014144 404woli; ouo uw uy 4wd pow' jo oulow;on pp St moos oqi ifoototdwo OOTAXO, TTAI'DmUOU JO 4 4owg oq; Nero,' offs 40J ocitordso *if; 0; blywjuirs fOOOWO tUWW tif spuw mou tuoswea hue? S011oweitomy oolsynbeuy mirpw o; *paw uooq 4r4uwookt ow? milostsw w* oprogir 4044 ur ?wrtimaoj fluomsetwdoe ot/4 uo " a - -kfairneeMe L-1-00090001-00011-0000X?1-dCl-V10 L/60/ eSeeiei -10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 ----4414X221-Zgit.;ax re ? I SECRET OPPICE OP STRATEGIC SERVICICS Board of Review .1_21,11171/STRATIft MUM mar' MIMI 10 July 1944 ZIPPICTIVIt 7 July 1944 TO: List SUBJECT: Payment of transportation cost prospective civilian employees Payment of transportation cost and employees. and per dices to Of n ew civilian 1. Transportation eosts and per diens will be allowed to Prospective civilian employees who are required to attend Assessment School. Office or Branch Chiefs concerned with the employment of such personnel may requisition from Special ?unds Branch funds to defray the cost of transportation and per diens regulations) in the following (to be accounted for in accordanoe with Special 'Undo Branch amounts, (a) One way firet-class railroad and Pullman charges or 3 cents per mile for the use of private automobile from the prospective employee's present location to the aeseesment school (when the employee can enter on duty without returning to point of origin). (b) Round trip first-c15, railroad and Pullkan charges from the prospective employee's present location to the assessment school and return (when the employes must return before entering on duty). ' ?; ; Govel,nment travel regulations: (c) $6.00 per diem, computed in accordance with standard (1) From the time of the employee's departure from his present location to his return there or to his entrance on duty with OSS, if the employee enters on duty immediately after completing the assessment school work, or departs at the earliest practicable moment after he has been informed of acceptance or rejection. No per diem will be allowed while the employee is receiving quarters and subsistence. (2) If the prospective employee, upon notification that he is acceptable. chooses to remain in Wiah... ington for several days before entering upon duty, no per diem should be allowed for this interval. (46185) _Amwmimwmlao.wzvuglxrx SECRET thi [Vri" 6:- 9 ? " Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 SECRET ow. 2. Transportation costs only will be allowed to now omployoom whose base pay is at the rate of $2600 per annum or loss. OSS representativt's who are empowered to recruit civilian personnel may obtain funds to pay the cost of tirst-olass rail and Pullman charges or 3 cents per mils for the use of private automobile from an employeets present location to WashingtOn as follows: (a) In the case of employees to be paid from Special Funds, requisitions for funds or reimbursement vouchers will be submitted to Speoial Funds Branch. (b) In the case of Civil Service employees or employees to be compensated from regular funds, vouchers will be submitted to the Finance Branch. Requisitions for funds or reimbursement vouchers will.be sub- mitted in such form as may be prescribed by the Chief, Special Funds Branch or Chief, Finanoe Branch. For the Board of Review: Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 "'s Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 - TOi List 8 SUB/EOTt Allovanoes to Civilians for Speoial Clothing General Order 75-8 malos provision for the above. The Board's r000mmndation to the Director vas in reoognition of the fact that, In some oases, civilians ere *soigne to overeepn pot e where the special nature of their duties or pecullur olimatio zonditions require Oothing not ordinarily popoontvA, by civilians omployed in Con'otnental U. S. ?or maples Special hrotto clothing Special Tropioal clothing /t vat not tbi intontion of the Board that, for instanoe, a otviigo-Inf!, to the aritinh Isles vould be provided vith a heavy overcool, moroly bocause it might be oold there or that a raincoat Ng:pad be furnished becaune it might rain. Hovevoll if a oivillan vivo ordered to Attu, it is entirely postWA0 he would, need furn or special shoes flit ordinarily possomned by a civilian in thin country. For the Board of Revisits Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R00_0:19,0060001-7 ? `6 CONFIDENTIAL OFF/CE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES Board of Review TO: List S SUBJECT: (a) Salary increases - civilian persannelo'exelusive of agents, outside of Continental U. 3. (b) Salaries of iv employees recruited overseas. The Board of Review has recommended to the Direotor a unitors policy covering civilian salary increases overseas and the determination of initial salaries of new civilian employees. The Director,. Order on this subject is General order 75-5. To give Office and Branch Chiefs complete information on our recommendation, the text is reproduced herewith: "1. The fundamental OSS policy relative to salaries of all civilian personnel is that salaries of employees paid from Special Funds or from limitation .002 shall be as nearly as possible the same as Civil Service compensation for positions of similar duties and responsibilities. 2. This result is acoomplished in the Continental U. SI through close cooperation between Special Funds Branch, which approves Special Funds payrolls, and Civilian Personnel Branch, which is responsible for the application of Civil Service rules and salary classification. 3. The problem of equitable pay increases outside or Con- tinental U. S. is more difficult since in most locations we do not have men trained in Civil Service clas3ification to assist or advise- the Strategic Services Officer, the Special 'hinds posed pay increases. 71". Officer and the Findncl.Dfficer in their consideration of pro- 4. At present, Civil Service promotions are accomplished by recommendation from a Strategic Services Officer to Civilian Personnel Branch in Washington, giving a job description of the new duties to be performed and additional data necessary to en- able that branch to approve or disapprove the promotion. 5. The Board believes that we should have in-each theater an employee sufficiently qualified in Civil Service classiflea- tion and pay procedure to be authorized to apprcve Civil Service promotions and to recommend to the Strategic Services Officer the action to be taken on suggested promotions of all employees, including Special Funds employees in positions oomparable to Civil Service. This employee could well be trained in Government BULLITIX MN= 2 rums 5 August 1944 DIPICTIVZ 5 August 1944 (48363) CONFIDENTIAL t ? 41??? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 S ? ? I , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 CONFIDENTIAI Aocounting methods 4n6 be able to serve both as seeematant 0164 filAepirtooktion expert. When, in the opinion of the Ohio!, Milian Personnel Araneh and Ohiot, Speotal Nods Orem*, such 411 omployee to qualified to Myles the Stratelle Serviees ()Meer 44 to proper compenssti4n to eaeh trp, aad elaseitio cation or employes! the Otratelle Serviees ?Meer viii be ewe powered to 144k4 44 an' adjustments without the prior approval or the WAshington HeAdquArterom Any promotion* so wompliehed will be reported promptly to the Chief' Oivflian Personnel /*Allah or to the Ohief, Apeciml ?undo Dranchs 6, Until this 444 be acoomplished, the Scapa reeommends thiti (A) flecommendAtions tor promotion or reclmeitim qAtion of oivillAn employoes pAid from regular tundo ((.lvil 5@rvice or $00P fundsi Mall be transmitt.d by tho ntrAtegic tiervices Of leer._ through the a priAte Office or &Allah Chief in Washington, to ?bur, olviliAn Perfonnel DrAneh for appropriate Aotion. Them@ reoommendAtions will be in the form and contal4 data preocribed by the Chief OivillAn Permonnel hronohe (b) RecommendAtions for promotion of 01041m omployobes other than a ents,Mid from 4)00141 Funds MAU be transmittod by the Strategic Services Offieor through the ApprepriAte'Oftiee or DrAnch Chief in WnAhington to the Obief, Spool:Al Funds branch ter appropriAto notion After conmultAtion, when appropriate, with the Ohttif, Olvilim Personnel Araneh. These renommendAtionm will twin the form And contsin data praeorlbod by the ?hurl npooinl ?undo Brannhs omm(de or Onntinont ? vil bo Al U. eil_ Mooted by 0) No 441417 incr@asom to eivatAn poreonnel ()Moe nr tiranoh ?hurl in WAmhinAton, except by reeommendAtion through 3trAtegie ervicep Officers. (0) No Imo salarips shall be lnoreAsed to moms PonsAte for overtime in exceme of MU how's per week. Nob opotmonto vill be effected through the regular overtitmo my procedure Al donned in Administrative Xnetruotion No. P. 7, The eanrlee of new civiliPn employees rooruited outs Aldo of OontinentAl Us3,,y111 be determined in AccordAnee with pnlingrnphe 5 and 6 Above," (411J671) CONFIDENTIAL I s,? Rel 2013/09/27 ? CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 L-1-0009000 1.00011-0000X?1-dCll-V10 LZ/60/?1,0Z eseeIej .101 panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI Nib S tt,ir ' ft 'sow potmtdw000u uu lemoo404 ut pooquolop umun4To p44 uo44 4oqocoaTa A penally ott ttra Java? 4.1444111,1 u qu44 pinvtdwo4uop wr 4x '115..IVAk ? L-1-0009000 1.00011-0000X?1-dCll-V10 L/60/ eSeeiei .10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 ''PiPirtre.,: i` RESTRICTED OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES Board of Review ? TO: List S SUBJECT: Purchase of athletic and recreational equipment. The Director has approved a recommendation of the Board of Review that the purchase of athletic And recreational equipment from appropriated funds of OSS shall be in accordance with the following procedure. 1. Regular requisition to Procurement and Supply Branch. Only items of general use will be purchased, that is, base- balls, bats, gloves and the like but in no event will items be purchased for individual use such as track or baseball shoes. 2. Procurement and Supply Branch will make every effort to obtain the !temri from sourcos such as Red Cross, USO and the ,,Thlike but failing to sncure thec, items free of charge, pur- ,chases will be charged to limitation .002. For the Board of Review: RESTRICTED Wm. Declassified and Approved For Release-2013/09/27 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 . , 44-a2r ? CONFIDENTIAL emus OP =mow xinviOle Board of Review TO: LX M 3 The Directive approved by the Assistant Direotor and dated 31 May 1944 provides in part AS follows: -- of-, Witnajtjamai The following matters pertaining to finanole-nhall-b4-4i44iowed in Washington by the Board, and recommendations pertaining thereto shall be presented to the Direotor when appropriate for his oonsiderationt (A) olio es: The Board shall review all finanoial polioies o.O5 inoluding (1 the general purposes for which All types of funds shallbe used, (ii) the types of funds to be used in oompensating personnel, (iii) oircum- mtanoes under whioh additional oompensation may be paid to militemy or naval personnel, (iv) offloial expenditures of All Offioes, Branohes and individuals, and (v) oiromstanoes under whioh tinanoial olaims may be released by 033. (b) The Board shall review all proposed expenditufoVinter-ageney transfers of 033 funds involving 0000.00 or more for any one projeot or purpose, transmitting suoh propormln to th4 Direotor or Assistant Direotor with recommendations thereon. No suoh proposed expenditure or transfer shall be presented by any ()Moe, Branoh or indi,. vidual to the Direotor or Assistant Director exeept through ? the Board in a000rdanoe with the procedure established here- in. The Board shall issue regulations speolfying the infor ,:tion to be submitted with eaoh suoh proposal, an:rob:ill have authority to require from the reapeotive Branches and ()Moos such further data 40 it may believe to be neoessary to en- able it to make proper recommendations hereunder." Pursuant to the romping, the Beard requests that projeets be submitted to it in writing, in duplicate. Whenever neoessary, in its judgment, the Board will discuss the projeot with the Ohief of the originating ortio0 or Branch before mtiking its reoommendation to the Director. ? 4o, $peoifloally, the following twee of proposed expenditures Are to be submitted to the Dirootor through the Boards 1. Over-all plans at?proved by the Planning Group. When expenditures of Any branoh will be more than $5000 under CONFIDENTIAL ? ? ? 7P4 ? ??? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/277CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7 tr't' ? 14:47 . , ? ? -131, th* plAno thAt brAnoh ehould give the lord or Me oxpendituroal Rs Annunl pnyrolle to be paid Prom npoolmil Punk A? Within the Continent's), U$41 b, RetrimAto oAoh TheAter divided between (1) "open" pAyroll And (R) Agente vhero rersoons or eeourity ask* It impomiiible to /Ivo full detAlls? VVAII:olgmit)illlistart=onlo)14,dgg"fromt"MerDLIttluigat? nnd tho nmount or mo noy to bo AllooAted for those pays' rolles :,s4ntjtItriCgilxittgileta loiregole4Ldflgikrill isitiP14.43kTgorrol Q80 purpomo@, vhon Amount or rondo involved I@ mom thsn fr1000, 4? Mine for notivitioe orlminnting $n brAnohos And vhioh may involvo oxpondlture moro thAn WOO other thAn ;awls whoh oomo undor pnrAgrnph 1 Abovos Approvodt (?) 1,/ I 0, Rdw4rd Buxton Ao6ing Dirootor t CON141 MNTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100060001-7