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Publication Date:
January 22, 1944
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
C00100301% IMAAA,
JANUARY 21. 1944.
111. .-1.
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4 4
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
JANUARY 250, )944e,
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20.: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
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and Approved For
Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
v T-
4,* ?
Lt, Commander H. Rorgan
txecutive Off oe
41 Dmoom,'
There is returned herewith memorandum pvevared by
you to the Chief* D Branch rolatIns topttotUd-,
tion priorities fOr dottuments and aUrvenar* Ibis
Will confirm 4r. Putzell*s conversation *ith you
in which he stated that the Operatiaus Committee
at its meeting on September 20# 1943, tslablIarteld
General Magruder and Ur. Scribner at a dommIttear
to determine priorities for the productitoft of detru
mentor* FAIyour further informatt*no the Conmittow
at that m Ing also appointed Gen*oill 11140u4or,
Mr. Scribner and yourself as a committee to
mine for R & D from which Government an4 AIlltd
Agencies R & D will be able to accept p coilucttaa
I also attach copy of 1.tt.r to Colowt1 Bonnier
which contains a slight varistEon on paragraph 6*
We are also sending a copy of the revised letter
to Dr. Lovell, as indicated on yoar copy.
Also attached is memorandum dated December 11,
1943, on the subject *Relations of Research and
Development and Censorship Document Branch,* We
are sending a signed copy of this to D. Lovell
" i Oeseimr-moo. eam.momm"....."
Robert Thruz
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
?17) 1 4401 ?
Colonel %dwara J. V.
2677th MON. CV.
rxperimental (ProV.)
Algiers, Algeria
ihenJetitt toUld r* 'U filer thief
Dear Co1o1 t peratitud itommoiltIgh
1. Referring to Oimierta to rt'.*letter or Nitott-too
regarding the newly created Document 41/440111011441 Div-14141U
Iishod in Washington, 1,14 advised you 'thst St Welt int#434104 ttt SOSAt
ydu an, individual to Assiut in questions abottionda
documents and their related intellivenee. 1.141:10 ppro oet Es now
.2. The letter indicated that it did, ftat 41.4m
to provide you, with facilities foir, reprottuoIng Adetinetticti ruixt
Mission. Further :Mutt' has developed such * pm/Alb-lit
3. There in being planned a nasal mit to be *tont to you
with personnel and equipment necentail to prodiacet a stIblatantial
portion of your requirements in this respoit. 1-11114 ut34.1 frill be
a branch factory or R&D and will resetve tech:gala *Arica, assi
arum and supply from that Branchg
4. There mad he mutual interchange of teobablimi tarort4.-
mation at all. times between the Washington Rita) and it twanclitea.
5. I enclose a oolpy of a tacertorttndum outliating the respoststris
functions of the Document Intelligence Walvis:Lazo, CD Branclz, siadk
R&D. This &quo division ot functions would apply to titair reaspootamo,
representatives in 7our gission.
6. Please cable promptly whether or not you reqtreirial suat
a production unit :recruited and equipped for, your ritistion.
G ? Edward MI
Acting DirCttoi
? .4
..,., .:,?..
? -
Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
-oft* I t*43
CoAonel DAVid 1 'Jae
cio Commending onnral
European Theater
#1 APO #007
Doer David:
i) jolt E.,
t Lit lot IP NET' tho Frito
ri 4C)ten1.1tWnitiliF
1. of rri rigra to rioneral aonovon*s Le tkor it
regarding the newly omitted Dont Intolltonoto
established in Washington, he advised iou that IA was
send you an individual to %natst Ln 411entlora Ii
especially documents luld ft.;hoir ritaatod tntrallnae,
is now under-way.
A ? -
trittsra tito
etirVW r
o ,x401,140mt
2. The letter indleateld that I dinmt sworn, p: '4 bm
provide you with facilities for raprodintiOdIAIMIC41.4 131 tattr`
Mission. Further study ham developed nut_ a ponsihtltty
3. There in being planned a small unit tko be nellt tot
with personnel and equipment neoesagcry to prodhoo A sUblwtAn
portion of your requirements In this respoot. Thin qnIt xl
a branch factory of nut) and will recolve teohANical
*nee and supply from that nrenah.
4. There would be mutual interehano or to nical
mation at all times between the 7,nahtnaton TAIND Lj ttn bru
5. I enclose a copy of a morwrandum out1inin4 the rva ey 17*
functions of the Document Intelligence Division* C4,) 7rancho and
R&D. This same division of functions would a;ply to thetr renfectivit
representatives in your mission.
6. I recognize that your present location may place a 11
on the uso which you can make of such roproduction faollitles.
However, we think it would be best to supply :mu with such fact/MS.64
in anticipation of an opportunity for their full utilliatIOA., ahem
such an opportunity does occur it may not allow to the LaeritablO
delay of recruiting and shipping. Please cable promptix whether
or not you require such a production unit reorulted and equipped
for your Mission.
G. Edward Buxton
Acting Director
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Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
04 4
Declassified and Approved For Release 20
SUAJPTT ! neo-Amrsn
In imil.T4mnoo
1. The neod or P OnrniMMqt Ine411,1444pal.m
for AOMP titts hoen rnatly rett:f It ttho413 urewl4ta 4g
the tochnlrial advice ond holp AttlJf-h ;4 co- t)Aily
2. The record to iftto indtam,g rzh.ortel
qffice het atteinpted aneleco&ded 11 ..1!qt- ;44A-r 4,,c-tketa
to solve the prnblerl latmlved thpr P,Ac Dpon T-,rtrIt"n
of co-ordinated orrevt.
3. OSSI rTnrt.5411 urgpntly 414 iCt,Wqvit ittikt)4101
the Document Intelligenc,o Petion, f thtztl mt;Itton. Mot.'.h.tor
of this Section wo,t1d serves nt a aont4v!t AM% g?;4 IPe611/13,t.
He should have irnaginatton and drtviit 151,4t TIftlort not 11* a tgtOt-
nician. ffowever, It Arolid certainly h4 prersombLo tf
After thP Chief or the So+ction had ott.Alltvted vith,
the various Allied SPrvices, he thoul4 15 prolvtioc! 11VN. 4 ,g11
but highly export st7Aft4 (.7,r tech,tqaat. n1 i' ht..;
at the outside, would be four.
4. Those men should be able to .:Torl: Itth #4.hftdr haritht. nd
between them, should hnv43 an fvxport rr110,10,t,y
chemistry, worldwor%ing and metalwork:Jag.
5. The dovuments necessary for entry tat> t*orgotin
countries and the restrictions imposed by foretgn couztrtos
change so rapidly that it is absolutely f%ssontial c
capable of finding out about these re:strictlns. mac! 'Ttet;c1r.
documents as near the scone or action as posib- 0.
6. From the short-term point of vie4, V this 111V7rn,
is faced with the same problms that were prc.sented trtrtiy
that is, combat intelligence, it is imperatitkr that thL,, 44"
:unit be at least able to provide the agents Atith propPrly was.thed
documents and with a minimum of concealment gadgets. To. date-,,
we have been entirely dependent upon our Allis fHr this servt
which is an unsatisfactory position.
, ? .4. -
N .441 .
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United States
Equals British MOSS 5i -
"44: "411k
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npriassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
7, rnr the- 1,Pne ry4;;, tb,
ractuep a varl^ty 4,14
on restrietirns, in a r 16 1,, t ? 1P1, ".:-
bost 1)0 dm:, In ArAghingtrm, tIts 1,r1m !
LhP war-tImP oxp-rropeo cpIn0.4 In ",hor
be of vast bonortt to thP Itct.;h1nr?c)n rf4"-0:1 4
8. This probipm 141 Itrgon'', /
around tho r cmno
to oPch mission ftnd dovoLop hI5 erron orgnain:z"tn. 71 !,70'.r-or
mission f1o4 of tochni(!al trlf4lrintloln: wtli .4'1"CT7W,e. PHiT;
WF will bo Ablo to st,nnli on -qr '#n foalt Itst
adjunct to our rnAndod-out sorvir,o.
e: ? ??? '2,1""" ,
? 10.
, ? f f
4. .3
neclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
Friiths tintutti
it, el 1 rt 4 t
1'0 Co I ril)o bi tt '41
4 ia.?.....?????.???...4.4,..thl le*/ ???041
r ori!,! rt ,,krF 471 P.:?1r ;
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f,e,) ? ;;11 ft ?-') ? ?? I-11'i 01
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S?I')' r1 I Ikr, t4I7ir I4.?,?1 " 1' if-1
t,,() t.tc
, 'Jr
p trot:111cl r r L!,
Corryn n r: t '?A., et
14!igruopr luz6 \4r1 rrrnr 4;
committnp to dotnrlInotrriP
ror thr, prodilr.-4,1,--41rf
It Faso i p po Lrt c,d 1.; F, r ; r
Mr. ,:',(Irthnnr nnfl yom-s;Plr.
mittmo d rz:1 r k:0 r
which GovrIrnmPnt nnM All!
H P D set 11 hi, nrrf".7)t, r ),?
tion onlors.
Thus/it will blo unno,70n!:11ry tfr-i I -
prove thfNrittMc trrnoreviti irt3
leSS it is desired to nitt,r thlo,
existinr, t..Irrahl.;;priPht.
)16 ? ?; r ?
a I Office of tho Secr4Itttrielt:
(9139) SECRET:
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
? ro.'
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Declassified and Ap ? roved For Release 2013/09/20 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
f 1.11-110,,II3111,1f.
Cmlonel 0* &hoard Itautten 11
The Soorettielat
The attaehed papers wore submitted te ate Nrortstitrtal
Merges with the statement that Wiry baill bmmtikoorommitikr 0~04
They represent suggeeted forme of lettere fee rimer otgnelpsrep *00-
dreseed to Colonels Olavtn end Orono and Lto 4004, Nepipmer# Oforbitit
to mash Theater a small snit, ',opened et It eamseeescr poroomisMi
and equipment, for the ropreduniem at demieeste. Is* Letter vieteis
further that theirs is enelesed a espy of a someromom* outiintmg thie
respestive funetiene of the Demonist latelligenie Division, at) Amok
and MO.
The menerandus referred to has boon signed by iota Li-. Comdr. !WOW*
and Mr. Lovell. It eoestitstes * reasolsehXy ulster aliatommat of Wits
line of demarcation between the CD AnWit and MD, prienipilly aimme
the lime* et providing that CD Brew* will oillsegt inksIligOnse rem-
girlies doeumentation and openness of personal oicemmelatm* *erns.
MD will actually prairie* augh document*, lath rospeat to 11414
Misname, the momerandem propeeeo Wet the same Ile* of donernstieft
be renamed, i.e., CD repreeentatives will be ecacornod nth Intelliw
genes and the *souring of information, together with WO setsal
control of all natters oweraing documentation, paper*, *lathes and
^mmouflage, and MD sin nittiblieh units for the actual ptseas
? deemminte required.
dines the nemeramdma has bees approved * the hes* of the 100,
Iramottee oeneermed, and bas bees onerarred in by facsmrs1
and time a lose net seem to soarliot lifillf Sit Um lases at Vic
Dimas, ease forrilas the temettose If116?40 inadialik. it wield mos
to be la order ter year apiperral. It woe14 ales sees to be is ev
that this asessr odoil be tranomitted t the Ille* iiiorilar to
forsetall s oes.fteloa IOWA say result fres the "IMMO/ Sat St -
plane to despateb both CD ailed DID vette to the larlose Theaters*
There is aloe oabodttad *Li. Candir. Moms for row **prima a
fora of sissoretees to the Chief If MD SR the %emotion of setabliih?
int pitoritlee in De ter the prodeetios et doompsesiie tor the CO Ihtomelt?
?'? tv,i.;
4 ,
ancl Annroved For Release 2013/09/20 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
-7 twi.
-4?4 4447,1
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
the moseramdisi itstes
A40 aye hmeoloseste ts oset iJirnt
the mess Um to soot pitsdoet1
the matter gill to matemped to Nite
Or ths estibliehoftt st prisoltiesi
thst this hoe the sipproostl se Wro
and wield Otessiere smote to be Is spies Owl
- ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
OlifiCt Of 59A rtate vIctl
114-711/401rtit MMO
TO, Colonel 0. %Award Ouxton
FlOkit The Sec re ta via t
0Alt I) geoNm.
- 1 ?4*
The attached papers per, samitted to the Sectritue ?A. aridr
Morgan with the mtAtement that they h*d beer si by Cenw *1
They represent suggested forms of letters for pm: sign-allure, ad...
dressed to Colonels Glavin And Bruce And tt. Col, oNippner, offeriag
to each Theater a small anit, compose4 of the neoffilsery personnel
and equipment, for the reproduction ot document34. lath letter ot^tes,
further that there is enclosed a copy or a memorandum outlIninK the
respective functions of th* Dot teiien C arandt
and R&D.
The memorandum referred to has been signed by both Lt. Comdr VOrgan
and Mk. Lovell. it constItntes 4 reaeonasly clear stattmwat of the,
line of demarcation between ee CD Breach and ROI priticipalV along
the lines of provldiag that CD Branch 771.11 allect Intelligence reo-
garding documentation and specimens of personal doeumentet whereas
R&D will actually produce such documents. With respect to Yield
Piseions, the memoranehm proposes that the same iin* or domarcAtiaa
be followed, tie., CD repr000ntatives will be canoernod with intent
genes and the securing of information, to:ether-4th Whet Actual
control of all matters concerning documentation, papers, clothes and
camouflage, and R&D will establish units for the Actual production
of doauments required.
Since the memorandum, has boon approved by the heads of the two
Brandies concerned, and has been concurred in by General Magruder,
and since it does not seem to conflict with any of the idea* of the
Director concerning the .funotions of these Branches, it would **ea
to sbc in order for your approval. It would also *est to be in order
that this memorandum should be transmitted to the Field in order to
forestall any confusion lohidh may result from the working out of
plare to despatch both CD and R&D units to the various Theaters,
There is also submitted by Lt. Comdr. Vorgan for your approval a
form of memorandum to the Chief of R&D oa the question of establtst..
ing priorities in R&D for the production of documents for the CD BranCh.
! .i )..
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,f 1Tb A 4
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naf-laccifiind and Approved For Release 2013/09/20 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
i ?
' '44.3ir.ore!!
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
1h4 mot* 8 t hOl Pik* II vih ricolur h)? otolikio t ors. kol la koot
FWD *to inAdectut? tao meet kho requiesmoois' of Mk* 00 Or4rolt or 4,6
the same Clime to meet prodhsotlan 4dhedtame In RoOD for of1rlo4eloy, Woo
the mattOV will be rererrod to the Diroolor or Alliolott DiemeAor
Cor the estobliihMent or prwitiego Lh. Comdr# M*1400 A04q0014 q14
that thie halo the okpp-roltia or Wt. Lov411 4nd 04 lion#011 114044-tor
And would therefore seem to be In otdor for yolw seign4t4r,w
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
X-^.7"-^'W 4F.?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
? ea, ,^^:m
Lt, Colonel Riuhard P. flooppmEr
American Marlin
Mew Delhi, /Mill
flubjoots 71014 f Os for tie r
of pe1/k *1 admillown.t
Dear Dicks
, vtjtv,
I 4' Or;sJJ
Doimiettbor 110 VI'l
1. Referring to ?amoral kftmirti * lottel Ottotivr21
regarding the newly areated Docrument Into:Mende DIVIisiAIS eloticblai
lished in Washington, ht adwited yft that it woe "At 44 to) *era
you an iadividnal to assist in imeitiOts donbevnin- *sip-4-
?11.'11y documents and thoir related illt*Wrienfoo ovoS*ot ts
now under-way.
2. The letter indicated that It did not seem praltlaal
to provide you with faeilitisa tor reproductm dimmionts tft yOUr
Mission. Further study has developed such a posaibility
3. There is being planned a small mit to be 'rent to
you with personnel and equipment necossar7 to produto asubstan
tial portion of your requirements in this respeot, Th:s unit wilI
be a branch factor. of B 111 D and will rettetwo toahnical advt**,
assistance and supply from that Branth.
gr: '4'44
4. There would, be mutual intordislago of tetthnlool inforva-
tion at all times between the Washington R & D and ite brandhow,
5. I enclose a copy of a nemorazdua outlinin the res-pme-
tive functions of the Document Intelligence Bronchi
and R & D. This same division of functions would apply o their
respective representatives in your Mission'
6. At this distance we are unable to foresee t,zz
what type of equipmeht will be required to fill your needs so tm
the first instance we would send a minimum of equipment ould
be supplemented as experience indicated. Nor ire*, writing about
this matter to Lt. Col. Coughlin in Chun king until our affairs
in China are clarified,
7. Please cable promptly whether or not you require avi&b.?
a unit or units recruited and equipped for your Mission,
4,4,4 -0""e0 1??????4044.
G. Idward Buxton
Acting Director
-? `" ? 1.
^", : ?
. :
, 2s3w.:0-4.51,
_ ,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
Declassified and A ? proved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
r. 4
gobjoets Relations of Ammeareh and
Doormen% Bromeilu
Alp 44. J
;11 r.i'r ;as ?
x. 1Pash1ngtasti,
1. The CO Drench 'will collect triteillimense rogorrot
' dissusentstion, mad specimen* at petreasa doozwertga, ?
proclaim feesialle cleurtspeeinte
C'10 Brenteh? St Shell be the riwevaihollk
CD Bronett to *mid* iibirther the risprodzoilkins
factory o:r esti Asti* sotisfest the, tiotick
&Atonable and whother Mkt b)it 4tusitatzotts#4;*
B. Camouflage itis.,
Bronokl .colleat sUpoliksiAlts waygipositIegu
for and ideos regardine fotrou: of canounaza rtAV
any natoriala and Intatruot .1:01) rs-srillna 11.11 mixt:44v-
manta. Wary= maIntairt a ?tub m milablot or
2Prcoducintt soon quentitl**, Irortarat litatus?
itte= aro required LUqueztitliks larger thau 1441 li1031
produce, they shall be proirivoti tIv."0* tbe coirtsms",k.
1053 procurement abiumelz.
Close oporat1nt3; will balate
CD in ordor to carry out the foregoing..
II. Field nissionv.
1. CD mill twain, and dispektch poreonnel to the 722,
*ions to sot aa cover 004)4114$ to col:laborect. tildth
tha staff 'Of the ,Utsitions ,t. at
cover *tortes and 'at* Imiatialistg. of all.trAtters
conoerningd t.tiUft. pepolres, clothes aM
camouflsok. A Azrther It7 of reel 73.iw.mttrIneti
be- to send. 'bask to Washington iota-thane tt -
able to obtain under the 'above hoe DR
. ,
. ' 1
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001nnnnnnp_q
0.'N!! P44-k. Af's?
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Sttg?;44. 4 ?.
440 staxionlitif
a 06$ *A4 t140 141*okon**
4r 1?
tho ir*quitliwiatts Jot 00* 4te tk* 4itapo41004
Thom. wilt* vIll .01*61%*4 kt 104 on* 14
tho 041114117 rimulowoonto or Cha Mlastea*
oft da0u**114* mid '441 tw, 01* doiviptotto#
doogm*Kt* prodittood, lo*Ofly- or tit410414,0
mat* cabi*14 toin4rado th* n******11. ,o-
to produ** *13, do*oviotito moot: *
th* woonow pormit* or dolo ar
the do*uo*nt rovcirwo lbw m**4 comioUt* roproftoiloo
holliti*** Zia* 41**1*n* 0111 hove V* 04144 *tom*?
the toallitlos or th* (t444 piflcat alm$
tin* urgoottr *Mould, coll Zoo thm rovvrAugetima ta th*
ti*14 or it Maahi
111. Comouflag* Itoma?
l? Vat tb* primoiont no ottompiti will to* gad. **NA la
mont to tha tlald tor th* produ*tlioniramamtlow*
Xtra*, bltt Cho CD Drionokh rwrprooiotwilliows with tb* ala
*ions will forward all * atiaus *44 rollosort*
fl*ttton whor* thoy wi b* 4*ft1t wIth ** prveldis4
S. Morgan, Chie0CD laraneb OtonIty Pw ca
ominimoralormw: `rommon?41*404?14611M4
G. Edward Buxton, Aoting Direotor
44eammeasearrmiumadmia4?44444444.404444?444.?04444.4..-- _ 4r44?444*,???????-?".*???????.......444,4? 44.c...........".....44,44.4461,1,Bdriapht..44 41344C.?
. ;,?9 ? I
s r
n,,f-Inecifiari and Approved For Release 2013/09/20 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
Colonel tlavi
ob Coward!,
"Plat:poen This
it.P.o* 007
Dear David:
X az enclos;
IntoIlls-Anoe tiesticol *Wel
La nenorecadun is laiVel
ts which require Ar
leant to act 7oux- ***ice and
rot ;ff; rirtt, er.oPtir,sw-?
? ,:ti-.L.-.14K4:0"
124 44110,
14, titaitiI040014i0
VIA AV. Stee
ono. ir atiotti-Un *se,
reearnindationd ome atturtmit
X ea sottiv up this new Ilse-tton Ito oentrellze la ors
place the .iinfornation end tseflit sue*, 14
Iterious places in WIZ 401 to provide riurtilwor iitl4milieUon
those aetivILties so that *bat is evailalae owl be
to the Missions as proapt17 as, poseibloo,
activities of the 5eet1on outlined in 'the amorea
to point out the followingo
(a) cover initormatioa?
The latter part of the enclosed neroloreattan 141;
in the form of questions ithieh outline tho, tip. et trabluoktion
*wish it is desired to collect and have ,ftrearded:
The various Visa/One 02.44 riesivo tbrougi4 tbsIr lona :scturels
a eonsiderab.le portion of this inforaaticu . but, the
or it shaAild be encouraged as noel as IA*
or Damara:lig mush information to Wash' , is that the ore
a large number of other sources; "shish do pot
to you but (1k) eons bort* and. it is pro
such inrorastion and ploecos it in ah tom that
returned to all the ViStOlans in the tom or a
this ilia till, 'Missions will have all 13%foivisition sit
the Whole of OW *hi& 3411 etrplenent *bat thei
in 'their own band..
The questionnaire in the enclosed document lee
.7.. ? .;
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
hops ! 111 *leo be inara ss * guilio rim, tAlivt
so s witli regard to the tip** of intimmat
requi -d. i
(b) Papers a, .
The cell'ilsOion and truisostaisloa t* ir
or paper* and personal iloitumikite la :tot as
the Over inforwatiO0 referred tit,* *Wm- said
that yoU celleet truth deseaments roma
within vur area 'together with the re1oile4
regarding their use,
It would, be Ideal it it
2,*eprodmee pOPOZIO Y*0091047 for an vont
field on the spot, bat IVr the priseent, tLa is
because or thi tochnleal problems inivaved
especially the natt or P410.1" 141 Letended
reproduo? hero specitior, c domasents A"siquesitio4
but ago to prs*r ut stoOk of documents
the litiusions in blank together with ism necitessary
stamps and instruetions rscarding how tbei abetatli bo
out and complited so that thcra ber scaerthInt available
112 your bands ror immediate use,
(0) clothing.
rup activities or the new Section in
connection with the sollection at clothing, 1114c*sso2!tess
suitaases, briefcases and such lilts soluipmantLa livlted to
the sources available in the United States. A COX331440-111bit
stock has boon acalssulated arid *en be dial
know your requirements. In addi
send you on assortment so that yo
Such, items will serve to suppleMent 1.
locallyi far bettor elan we can., and illiair0016,
*Oatiajle to 001100t Zattorial on.
only sending back to Washington any itenl
us to endeavor to reproduce.
(a) Camourlege.
ars producing and devaopt ideas asui
examples ,cr oaaountagot alone the lines Int:Wats-4 124.
attached,',monorendisa. Specimens, of thee*, will be roxim.-t.eided
to you. Since wo wish to render you the, maxima sorvie.
possible In this dirsotion, we wtild app, roc:late reetwilting
from yola atv suggesti0ns you. have on the, subject or oatimilasi
and oonceelzsent together with ancr orittotera ;rt*
hied S9:42
? Viiti ULU
on hand.
0 ,
. , k
nprIaqsifiAri and Approved For Release 2013/09/20 : CIA
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
113* otritolly attpitithilk2
(*) Pcrion,mp.
it w143,
that ogwigon eenteaplates
so. that they have a
this 144, and also thi p.j00-
sand ono iluala paroon to
'Oa 11.111SiOn ,aubd the igeogra
thair problems eons*
to us that this toowaliorata
lrevi may pretsr to 4utills* an lasting
who ,hes: had tield ocApariertalt for thee* pp
otips the shipmakr* ol? one &Mittrrn?
Conigaeted *ream ot toonaportstion,
wishes in this liAtt4040 sa if wit gir,
rearuit hiM proaptI70
I aa iziost azudous that theAel tto4
section ba got the grealast possible aestal
will await las an7 suggestions or ideas shit
experienced paople the tield ase7 haviso
S the are17.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
?, ?_;1;??01,i,tril
Oolonol Pdware 47d P4t OlAvIn
2877th atliqts* Co*
Experimental (Provo) AM
Algiers, Algeria
Dear Ool*nel
ert enclosing e, tvxmorirdiut 4conomMtAg t14 now Ift4va ,
Intelligence Ssotiov whteh Et being establIsht4 tn 04/0111ustor4
Thi* itinuararldUra la 1 arte 17 a rottez SaaruitUr7 trut Ul?:111411 tiattp?
some points which roquire further axpianatIo44: and Ln ulattan
we want to get your advice and mcicirsuouttowttrok an scot avow**
I am setting up this new section to centralige ttt
place tho tnformation and facilities alraeAly *Tellable ta
various places in OSS and to provide twomMher atimulattors
those activities, so that it Is avid:Uhl. aim be gotten cul,
to the Miasions as promptly a* possible* Ragardlaa the varlautt
activities of tho Section outlined In tha mosmranitt=1? : loot
to point out the following*
(a) Cover information*
The latter part of the enclosed male:rand= Ls
in the form of questions which outline tho trot or infevmattom
which it is desired to collect and have tmrwarded to INAshlzertom*,
The various Missions already receive through their Own sommt*
a considerable portion of this Infortiationl? but the reeelpt of'
it should be encouraged as mudh as poselMe* The ptuws?at
forwarding such information to washingtou Is Chet there aro
a large number of other sources which do not flow in direet17
to you but do come here, and it is propoeed to pool tisgetbir
such information and vroceps it in such form that it mar We
returned to 40.1 the ',Missions in the form of a bulletin* ra
this way the Missions will have all inftwmattua available to
the *bele of OSS Which will wupplementhat thay *area have
in their own, hands. ,
The questionnaire in the enclosed etooumemt we:
t ,trr. rtersts .44 ? -4444040,434,4444.1,44.4t...e. brtur??,..44/1.414
-........44.4414;140.A67,41(11kiakiWitea41.4????,1".....0441KtiMaest4,4114,61,...00hasse.".~Si'itta,pg,/ ETh?Aig
- ? ,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
? =+' 0 Air44.144- '1"--074iP/"741,FP34"i?; 4101141
hope wt1,1 also ber woeful ors a
0oUrcem iltith regard to tk-4* typo*
teme wow.
Paporp and tiotrureetts4
Thsoollootion and trussmLotiation Zouttailti
of peplum* and personal documents Is juittt as tAnpartatfit as the,
cover JLntormation reterritd t above, ttrld ii La rorpork that
you collect cueh elogNments r ipciartoMe sourtias
your IOW togoothor with the related intamation "card&
t would be ideal if it *malt posst,144*,ttro?
papers necess for on aient to iluti flo414 on
!pot but tor resent this 1 ' L? Atit,a, tligitcum*
tb.tecithnical prOb ems involved i th4rroeta.itscrttuct? inmost*
the 'utter of pepar. It is intonded *t oj to rivroducie
here specific documents request*d. too the -one but alsO
to prepare a stook of dmassents and tben to ithei lassions
in blank together with e W- . ' necessary rt ttaavut uttl
instructions regarding haw, they shca,44 1 tQtflid mat and
completed so that there sill t)410 *OM variable in your
hands Or immediate W1140.
(a) Clothing.
Tho activitiezo. els ncvaection run otazoidtlort
with the collection of alothinz, acocasorits, zultcasiasj,
briefcases al:w4.much /Ike, equipment is, gmitod to the siourcos,
available in t*Rctitod States. A conclidamblo stock has
boon accumulated iiM can be dispatched. *ben 1M lava your
requirements. In addition, it you woo*, los win *end you,
an alsortment so that you will have a sitoCk on harvi* Liza
items: will serve to, oupplemient items 1.111,0h you can Obtaln
loaally tar hetter'than we oan, and I axiom" that zrou,wtU
continue to collect such material on the spot for your use*
only sending back to Washington any iteautt attach you would Me
us to endeavor to reproduce*
(d) CamoufliaSse
We are lproducing ,oxnd develop *ad
of 'osmoUflaiss *long Ulm 1is 1dioatc in tba attsaled
amsorandiss. Spielman* of these will be forwarded to rottik SU**
we wish to render you the maxilla* service poitsibilk iA tusk
direation, we would iippaseeiate receiving free you any sow-
leagens, you have on the subject of emisoutlaget and
- together with any criticism or improvements you may *um*
e. ..... .....". , , 1 . ' ' ---+ "'-....P.,114.60406111 Awl epr ipli0.41$ p.o.r.g tro...., woo... ?_?'_
. ,..mar..
iblees.:1,13410.1.^ +.' --++,-......41. oral h.-tiro *A 1--oro --rinr.Coroo.00 lo, ?....N.. .o........A.,,,d,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,o.,,,,,,,,,k, ,,,,,Kry,,,..,......,,,,,,,,,,,? ..,
- t:
IVY' '''i,. . ? ;!?41;1
.? 4
1 -1
.1 ?
1 '
? .-...,, ...,, , 11 ?'i' ? , r` 4., .?...* ',
? i ir?
: ?,:- i ,,.P ?,,11...? :, '..i..-ii-N..,,
1;.,1,i,,,,, ,
4 6 ; , ? ?
, , ... , ...
l 4, "*.i. ' ..A, i'' I. -' 9 4 I , 1 . . , iCH . - , :
' l' .
' ' 11 ' '
? , , :'"4 . Sil-
--' -
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
in .the ertioles ao.,pstel*d to 760*
(el Pereouttga*
It w111 be setit trail OW eri te(thed Oiedti Wit
thtt 01.11" plain eCintemSplititen trfilatinglx-14piis*14
Co that the/ he14 si twOitratentlizio 4 Uis 401 set
this Iona and also the po11it. ddeltpuppookt
send one suah person to *soh Itilsoloth satist, thoo
the U1801011 eAt,l, the geopephioal Usk reprtsentittImIt
an their probleit eomeerning quetticom o Dover* la -
to us that this presentslimitiale jot tor stor tetot pergola
Tau rist7 prefer to utilise sn twisting sesieber VFW.
who .has had field experisme .tor *hoe* seta
avoiding the shiposent of one additional y the=
congolitd MAULS a trartapOrtatica. S WU*: IOW
wi*fiis in this rmattor 4L,I It we ere to tend?ratzt
recruit hi ta provtli*
so =oat azzlous thet the now Doeuttient Tht*1ip -
Section be of thio foreatast possible slictjteride and ittive rya
will send las 0137 suggestions or idees ableh 7otx or pltilt
experienoed people In the field zuw Immo.
npriaccified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
Lt. Colonel JobnEp Toulaln
0/0 Amason LezetIon
Cairo* Egypt
Dear Colonel Toulmin:
totior 270,
agi 611010abla motaoratim diormyrnint the. trAta
Intelligence 844ti4 which is beim establisted twsual
This =mom:14u* is slarvillr selk-explanato- tt there' az*
nom pointu whioh require fulIhet s La4tIttlart
we want to get your advloc and ZOO ikttT4.o mkt othevw*
at sottim up thin now zecAtIon to corrtralls. ow
place tho infortisatlon end facilities Alreectr avollsivol
various plecca iLn OSS and to provide tortbir at
t?hcce activitieS SO that what is ,availeble ten he gottica ow%
to the =scions as prowttly Ito possible* Regartitne the '
activities of the Section outlined it tho memorandum* I wan
to point out the folIowinc.
(a) Cover :nation.
The latter part of the 9tc3.os.dMenorandtmaia
in the forts of quegitions which maim the tjo ortrtforaaktlam
which it is desired to collect and have foreardied to vuhingttnu
The various =salons already reoeivo through their IN= SOIMMOO*
eonsiderable portion or this information* Vial the reefelpt of
it should be oncouraged as Touch as possible. The of
forwarding gush information to We whinxten is that
a large number of other sources whigth do not flow in
to you bnt do eos. here* and it is pamposed to
suoh informatiog prooess it in 1,160b :Ora 'Mkt
returned to all tho xiSsIoni in. this tem of a terai In
this way the Ilasions will bay* all intimation alb.maillblit asE
U* *hole of OSS wtdoh will supplement what ty lave* hal*
in th.4? own hands*
The quostionnaire in the eneleeed doeissiont woe
Irr,r0 ,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
1%Milkeat4 - ....4.44,4
hope eta oleo be
souzli1.44 with regsrli 1,Alitoi
(b) rapers AM dectosut
4cal4i 001:10.0..tion and tvisnattlita ,
.: ..._ ,
of papers and pergooel flocumwrits is julit a II ix
oovor intortuationroterioithi to above* sad Lt ts :4 '
you oollect sue namoto blan Sli pestable sour*** I
your area toestlier with the relatis4 infonsttlon met
It wm341k1. be ideal it it OW possible t
p p re hooeunary tor an tont proeiredi to the rts14
tijot, but tor tile IMP0411411"t 01,11 is i?1L1a b.oavale
tho toobnical problem lavolleti inUi-Frocructlarli
clapootally tho matter of paper. It is 4 ro-t oi
reproduce here aspiwatfic cloovoonts rievsseil
but also to prepare a *took or doomenit*
the ttiesiona n bisabk toothier -with air
and instruction* .Lt:n hov thsi Should be
completed no that thor* w. 11 be silatadttilirtg $43001:tak
hands Cor irtoodialto us.*
(o) alothina.
The aotivition t al* MI/ SOOttOci .141 00111110.0t401%
with the collection ot clothing, aceessortasi. suitclaseo,
briefcases and ;mob Ulco ograipesont is litaiW; to the sourest
available in the rLt.t4Pd States. A cortiolders)4* *took bee
boon accumulated and osn be dispatohid waloola.trtv
raquiroutent** In addition, it iota scree# we, will send 2.1on
an assortmalt no that icria will have a steak on band* stath
items will serval to supplement items whish, you can obts41
locally far bettor than we can. mud X *sauna that you_ will
continue to collect such materiel on the et .your use
only eendirts bank to Wsobinirton stvr 33-4013 :onila %Med Lt
US to 'endeavor to rep:Name*
(d) Camouritge.
W. are producing and dove:11
or camouflage ,oloteg the indicated
randuate Spostisoni oit these will be owiuy4 to?
we wish to render you. OA 1111414411 oervieopo*sr1, IA
directions we would isppreciate reoaivil
aestione you hay* on the subjeet of eismaxitlege and
together with ear ertticiamt or isproveskentit you maysrnt
` ............4A4V-?&6110t1P4064if IMANIegatittiallar0115.04.," /6-4,4017440,,i 10111Am ,rbyi pigoosi Weiviairop$4-.04 '140 1::,%41-' A* ' L ' ''. '.-- '
's `li ?y?,..: . . = i'-, - '
?/1- ,..z . 4: . ? i' ' '
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
in the articloa 41,11cpatabo1
(40 Arnomoel
It 1fflL tee iuMAN relart thAtt ginOiaditi StigtVIIlkirattat
thrit 'Mar plan oontetotFlatee tmitang tiolltigas PrAstamPit tumilt
so that the7 hay* a run tzderstanding tbo reztlItLaz at
thin ond and also 1141 possibilitten efr dito:ktp9nont SAW to
'tend one sueh person to eaeb Ittsalon it* 41tAtAlat foul 24144
the Mission and tbe Epeopixpasal ditis$11, rtotprosawntattiiiis Tat Sal
thoir problems ooneorang questioms o4rottetrur4 It *atm
to us that this presen4 A fuliewtiz* 1ptOrAp7 00d poraom*
You my profor to utilize Art ilptiortang onorbtor $ixf law attic:a
who has had field overlent:Po tor 'mow PUZIPV-0/Wit ta4rgPfl
avoiding the shipment of or adationd 1)40-000% thst
congested moons or truntrportati4n4 nesa41,16t %.741N, rtwa*
wi8ho irt tbls raatteiro gke Urre- are to mid a ammo, 'se! ',Vila
recruit him prompt-04,
I am most anxious that the map*:topottlairnt :atoll:gong*
Section be or tho Greatest ponalble asalmtazati and 'iope 7ou
7111 nond uo tar/ ,aucgoctions or idttaa ittatieth you or rl=
experienced pooplc in the field Iasi halm*
a ,
? -
,, ?
1: f' . .11,
npriassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
Tat Colonel TlIchard P* neppna
vierleen Itinaion
New D1.ii, India
neer Dick:
titotor 20.7 ,p 1044
X art eneloning 0 Itictlatratlait c*iix tatt MAW 4 ?-4
intelligence Section *dell 1* being, eattabliahod t4sh,t17,41=44,
This tacaorandvrt ls largely solf-exp1ansit'4117*, but, thelem or. _
sofa* points which rewire further explatuatler.*:* And la tuld1,4'.
'WO want to cot your advice ttnd reoeuraiondtation, on saw otl,,tert*
X an sottinz law thin nowtJii ocontmlIzo in co*
placc, tho Inrormation and tnallitins alltiauty avoiLlable
various pl,accs in. 035 and to provide itttrittiww stimulation or
those activities so tLat what In nvallablo *az vatton ciwa*,
to the Tilissions as promptly an poactible* Itecitrdim Taw
'various) activities or tho Section outlintnit ,Ln the marsto,orsndut
X want, to pelnt out the Ibllowl,lago
(a) Cover irttornation?
Tho lattor part or thee anclomod nv,;:lorianativa,Ia
in the form of cluostimui which outlinie the troc inevotEatIon
'which it is desired to collect and haw lUirwarded, tto Tit
The various ?fissions already receive titrouch th.elr CNA **crow
,a considerable portion, of' this inforaation. but the. receipt ot
it should be encouraged is =eh, as, posaila.* Ste parposs
forwardine suob. information to Dashingtom is that there aro
a large =ober of other sources *doh db not flowt arc:0;17
to 'you but do come hero, and it is proposed to tialool. tocipther
.suoh, infonsa,tion and :p.rooass it in such rtiiro that it ,may
retUrned to ''113. the ItHissioLl in the for btale.
this way the Missions will have ell infiernation ?Nal
the whole' of OSS whiett will wupploseent *hilt they airoa
in their own hands,
The questionnaire In the (matured docivaozt
,...,....,..ottostetftWittAillftearrat4 puma f 1"-
.?t ; I
?, ,k 4,, 4,
r ? S ? '
roc" -1,41,1rr%
r ?
- I. I-
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
Declassifiedand Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
r ,g1g,
IXTO wj1.allho 440714 uta 1;4140 tor Ingtir 40-
#ouroota with rogarti ki t,1144 ,rpiad w?11,4 Lti4riorsoat
(b) rapors and ilootzriont41.
Tho csolloe 4.11i WO and tralltitil!.111141.14.1 tO ::,441111 i ? of
morn and personal delettoonto La !tat 11-111 itiVartalit 0.10,
cover information roterre41 to aboveii 4..tok It is reittatts-tiott
YOU collect ouch doom:loan tram act?. possoirblio stmrdes3, wit
your area tocother wit li lito nit_latAd informiallm ragarlarse tlx010
it would: bo Ideal It It lucre P044 t1to o voiAsei.
papers; nceoataary for an tisaint :)410811064.:41111: tUtv. on the
opot, but for tho pronovitth tIscniveititloatac bocauctv
toohnical pliable= Involved La their molirroduotlort., eapitatsd1
tho mattor or paper,. It to !ntended nat. ora7 to revrodtre.
horo opocific dam:am-Ito rtiquezted y the )1Usalona 'but Ala*
to proper* a *too k at damutorits and, gulpAir t1..v3 to the aicama
in blank together vrith ancr neves:la:7 rutbor a-tarava =ad Instruct:Axe
ru&rdin io thc7 ohould, b tined out and co4plotod so Mat
thoro will be oomothing, available In your hazda tor tamovilatot
(0) Clothinc?
The activitilan of the new Section tr4, commotion
with the collection or a:Lathing. accoseartoz*. suitcase:4
'briefcases; and such like oquipment is limited to Cu* VOuraos
available in the United Statoo* A conoldorable atook bast
boon accumulatod ,and can bo diormi..tched ifwei know :oar
requirovionta. In addition* if you aureo, C utlI elle rtvw. an.
assortmont no that you will have ntoolk on hazul*, aucti itottro
will serve to oupplemon.t items which ;rola obtarn loter.14.
far bcttor than we can sind I ABlittler that you will torltinvet
to colloct such materill on the spot for your to, 041117
sending back to viaahington Limy it -*blob you ouid 1 *
to endeavor to reproduce*
(d) Camouflage"
Ws) aro producina aod tiaveloptme idess. wnd
examplea of csunourlago along the lines Indicated in the attached
zaemorandvau p:minions ot these will be lt'orwarded to ryas
since Tie wiah to render you the ntaxilma Ike:mice potaitils in
this .direction? wo would appreciate readving, fret .7o,tz vazts
auggesitions you. have on the subject o ovizoutlage sad conceal
Meat together with any. criticism or iriprovisments you =Kr
H. 4, 4'
4t g
for??? 41,4. f
; 4 ,
'''':41;-? 414
' ' , .1 ? - ?
? ; ? :
? I, A ? ?
? ;I
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
muggeot in thy ertIoloo itdAir voiao,
gt) Personnel
It will be 44lion road *Awl oitegleit untionWfurs
that our plea, oorittioxplatos tralang arattalide gunit9nrtel
40 that the7 hiOire rat uridopotan4i-liit or Lb& real:W:34s
at ti di end arul alooL1 posn 11411 Wiwi ite 4troNgovpoot azil to,
amid: on Instil person, to 0 /Oh Viloolan assIxt to114 cr:
the Ithatton twit the goograttatiosidr:444:14turioaramtows
their px'oitat 1yunatiorta 4Wterft.Ztgo-om*
us that this prosonts a 1tfl.-tioe jab taw *Iv *no pergola*, _
You lest7 pretorto 1t.12 Lae an orzlatirm watatiter or mar starr
who hits 1ta4 field itistperionoo for thcio, therste-,
avoiding the shIpo4n at ono 4441tionol triton - ths
oongented MUM or tranoplortattota, 14, 444 Mt :40AM Ma"
wiehett In tblo mettor, we aro to gond a ma. wa =mat
rooruit him prom?t*Izt
am moat anxious that the now Oolamannt :=41
Sootion bo or tho greatamt pouttiblo mats tguadta araiip
will oend UK) ittrtY j?utiona or teloaz whie, or 73-rxr,
experionood pooplo in tho field
agt :40 Don
oleir ?k-111.4 ? ?
lit =
- ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
tot' itiltkr&Ittgaqsa-.4.
? a
Pt(115,' r
14 ?
ftTlIORA.TDI r10 r7,111r mc) 7)0iTtITrlti/fri Errt
t 6 r
Thin momorandlim 11 prImr-,1 to prrwli,
Missions of OSS wlth tnr1rmntton rrordtnr
lichod Dooumont Intolltgnncl 50ot1oh. Tho mot:cu.:1nd= Infr%t9:;
tho purposes and oporittnns or tho aoceplf)t Ind 11i9 ;:r..)7L1c.;
information rogarding and Inrrmri,r, rfl,rrt
tho Branches and ti Lone a,nd Also InrcHrmatton
porvicoo which tho Sootion t4 dr;atg.m,d to rIn(Vir ".1!Icm4
Tho organizatton or tho 3.1rYf,
will bo principally 1:ntcrc:d In 'hltohtngtor.. rr-ErnrIntL1)11
material collcctod nnid roquostn rev Ouit n
drossod there in thc, first tnstanco. tJle H.
has boon appointod Chivf or the &Atton,,. R.
r 0
Brooker will act as advLser to tho Soctton ind thr
organization and incoption of tho ntork,
The Document Intolllgono Soctlor. La dr)zt t o
? ?
ganizo and coordinato tho fo11owin4 Activttta:
1! Cover Information
To collect from OSS and out:licit' lnolqdlnt.;
other Govermont Agenc1J, all informatL)n c.)r.
tions in foroign countrtz a Lz thc
operation of agents thorotn. Li ov:rz r.tray
territory, enow-occuplA terrttory Authorizd
noutral torritory.
To pool and disseminato such Inrcr=tlen to OSS Ind
outside agencies as may bo approprilto.
This information will eover a larsto rtold, =141 Ii
include specialized information neoenzary to the
production of all forms of papora and documcntatloa
and stamps. Thoro is attached a detailed m=orandam
in the form of a questionnaire ;letting forth the
typos of information which the Document InLqiizonce
Section desires to receive from the Brflaches and
Missions.. The Document Intollisonco Sc.:lotton also
I OE ttT"'
neclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
wistv.1 to gqth,r 4.11410 lr
1ontimint.,1 it pr-1,1.1?; In thi, ;4.1 lr7
of OS3 to-tiwr vith
iinrA P.hvoi trtrtorqmAilm.
2. E2=-21.122,21alntll'In' n -aqbar
To provido aufriotc.nt tIr t110
of pnpor$1, lnd itetmr ,-)r ILL ktnprO, in4 1L40
colloot svcir,.on 1.1hcq4.
To colloct, olasgifj Inl rwift a
typos of fort lgn clothing. -wld iinc,-?n4411t7
for an agent proceding tl 1,.ho CL,114# PGAn f'111, tt
purposo, to mAintAin r nlmpr,,mnottr, IP:o(7:k IC oLc-o-
ing, acconaorLos, outtons-a, displt1 st.f
and thus to bo in 1 poaitton to mo )t ffimout
any sudden domnndq from whator 341tWOG*
4. Camouflaise
To collect all possiblo r't
regarding forms of cAmouflag Iny mntt, ri.ALA;
sent to the flold whieh require wtmoutiA,TL
covors rndlo equIpmthnt, documonto,
and nmmunitiont food, mcdtcni supplt,)s. ';t011r,.14to,
dovices, socrot messngos, etc. Tht wiLi
a wide -spread collection of informAtton oonarranw.
foreign labels and containers of vlriouJ
providing specimens of conta1nor.9 1.44 Tho
Documcnt IntQlligence Section vol3h40;:: to ;1L
possible sources of information on t:lo foroing tr.d
to receive any ideas on the subjct r).17 concoramonr,
and camouflage which may be dovolopod.
In order that the results of thu oC thk;
Document Intelligenco Section may be avati.Lblo in thv ttLd
it is planned that specialized personnel will bo r,Icruttc,d qnd
trained and sent out as cover exports, to nasist hoad4 of
Missions in the preparation of cover storte$ for a8ents0. and
handle all quostions concerning information, documuntltion,
papers, clothos and cnmouflago*
A further duty of such personnel will be to send back
to Washington anything they are able to obtain under thc above
""'"''.......:?40*401013611111 GOSIPAM? 0 '`
?.; ??-i- ? I
,??????????.8. Ini116144
4.14 ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
hondInga, so thlt th,) MAttilftrt h'qr.rtt
tho Brnnohna nod Pillste)nA*
It Is tnt-411-11 th,-0., fl,h,-; 7)c,;111-11101t1 rev, ir,,,,4143,
will mice tho mnximum '4, ,-,r 11I .1xL,11'Jr14 ;.Nnnc;.1 f.!-'
oolloction 9r InformItin olnA me.111. ?-j ,n10. -/;,,,
now chonnoin and si t ',tip nwm 11, ttl 71, rA,,,,,1 tri 1,1, 1
alrcady oxiat.
An motioned prwitnually the fi-ntr.11 r t:Av.
Documont intollignnon Zoction w11I b tn. W-1,1t.rla:k
dition to this, a small offIcc wil1 timatotltnill trn-w
to work in contact with !III nauroot qvIIII1A-, in MO:
and also to handle+ tho storlgo etod cil4trtA!tvn rf,*
accossorios, 1ug,pta. iPurthrmorr), if It ;.'t'!)7n.,;
bo dosirablo, A ropmscintlttvo will bn pla(t,ld -)c.; t40
for tho colloction of Ori-Jotll mat,r111 qnd infcIrmattln+
A domonstrlttoo room *t11 bo ostnbitshcd tn
to oxhibit all vlrlous typos or m.Atk,rt'll avaI1,41b1,1 tn
procooding to tho ficld lnd otho,r pnrzona conernc;c1+
It in roquostod thAt tho Brotoah C111,:rz doztgn, In
I ndividual within their Br loch with whom th,; Document tAtol
ligonco Soction can maintain Its principal contAc': Ind who
will insuro that its rol-ttions with tho UldtvIdu.:11 Br-,n011.
aro adoquatoly coordinatocr.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
th0 rortn :)r .1 flit, :Is', I ,',11.0.q. T cr '.n , i ' t, .
thn t yri ,ls or tnr 't MI- i t 1 , n :rith t - h tii:e. nr,
r,oner Snotlon ..4,,M-:,.. 0,-1 ,..,b0.41)1.4
IL Olt bn 0,hlt
quostion piny qA
801100, rinq hls no einn,rn wtr,h
or polttical it-1;1).:0?noon
All tho ,nr)vm-;ttn tr, 11,..--ttm T.; LL1
to onnblo an ngcnt to nroo0,0.1tr 141tr,-7, blo
to stay Lh6rr, nnd to qndqA.1`mo wItrt-1
formation for whtali Tr.) r.-Tar IlnitArkt gtI--1;;1 ,)tv
up-to-dat() tvws.
1. What tdriltl.ty c tdzar, In
2. Aro Civil Lan Identity cards (.:1011rill
to ollcupatio:1 or by ;tons.
3. In the CLL3f) or an oecupLel untz.0-y, r;Ti
Identity cards bcon lantwd to t.t) popti-
lation. Altornattvoly,
ovorstampod Ly LIT crloupytn,: cort.,$
rogistration of p-:)rul'ttion.
What arc tilt; pos3ibtlitt('3 pf obtltnit
mai identity cards.
Do you know of any rQgtstration c,e,ntrt)s AthIch havo
been dostroT,d by bombin6, etc..
How ofton are idontit: cards tmspcti)d ava whon do
such inspections most usually takt) plc.
If identity cards arc asked for, Is tids done by ,
German or local police. ..,J.
To whyt extent Is the local police., willing to
assist allic,d sympathisors. and undor what circum-
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100050006-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
WhA t pqpnrm I n -1,11 ' ?'.1
nr?firstry 111.1, tri
; ' 1
I 4
11. 4ihnt, tt,Ing nf rn0,1 qrvi
12; What ttrc? thP r21!IliJITPJ
arttolms on khr PlIrk-ote
13; Do you know or Iny cls,.; of 11!-t
being asststd. VIA,,,rA), Ind 14,11,1plr thtTr.l.tr;')1no
14; Do you know nrw.e)s or dr.orIpttonsi Vir
provoeaturs worktr.?. for
15. CRn you givr., the loc,'..it; ton or
Go i tap o or Gczrnytn 14:onv t,&r.
1 What subdIvislons or
for tho purposc,s of intk:rnai rlov.m.nt
'4401 *
What formaliti(s must bo to
within thc, country including "TtOr 7A2
necessary and whor they aro obt,I,Ln 1.
1 What possibilities are thr4.1 of
travol pQrmits:
What posoibilitios aro thre of trv'lltrt; 74,Lthe-At
movement permits, g1v1116 namws or qa: autelt11
guides or crossing place
6L How can such uides be contaetod.
7 To what extent and under what cIrcumst4Incoo do
neutrals travol in the country.
What are the possibilities of obtatntne lifts In
enemy vehicles'.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
? t19 I r
01 t.:11. 1" b:i 1,',11(1 r t, p.; trirl
; r -t; Pt' - 10'; -, ?
12.. Vitt! Lrc- tti. IpPrt311* ti
count .t.:7 or int- f' I c't ; 1.7
13. Are 'Any !lpoz1 1 tirmr0 or
cv11 t Iv, 1.
14. Whqt ciA:LI 1 ctr. po!pul.'.tt,,rt
Mattrrs of ctrnil.Ittn.
1. What an, f.;uvfow hour.t.
What pnvrs !wt. noc,,t1:;'try 1.rt
populat Lott :Aro xonlp t Crt.):,z cv rr, 7.7
3.. Villa t ru(_;u:L't t Loriti Dt. 1 t t,,,:nr,t,r, 1.-Aroxi L ; . ;'it-,..1
limit; or prollibl, t 1 tJ t, :It rl?:, tz .y..L :. t I
What pro(Ittots '.12..., t..,..) lon;,, iv 't; 1,-,-; ,:.
chased, ( se,. , olt, nit c lls, it, Lra:.: I
6 ? t I i.
nilill t p 0 t e ?
What restrictins tr t1t. pruMt,l,!.;16.
drinks or clistivotit,tJ or f,)odJ on
What local ruins havt bo(,n tmpoJ t4-
popul'Ition reL;aodInG s'tluLlng oe r;:y p
scnoral bohavio etc.
What rcgulatIona govurn fL311Ln6, hur:tt be
What pormits aro nccussary and vtZwrc
What regulations gov,.rn tqDloymont, chAn6. oe
ploymont, utc.
g. What classc:s havo bcon callLd fo'r Jmployrant Ln
Gurmany; wh;tt classUs of omploymcnt ,sxmpt.,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2913/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
ld. Whnt nontrfAn In -rt7,77?t r .r
spec:tit-a o1othtn#0-.4. rr.t MATATI.-)%r! ,rir
or of inne,unr,o-,
1. Do you knr)w rtireth C'; r..11 t ri'` :14 ,'.!,;?
rndto D-P''tng ntth,r hl tc, ne-,Tty ;LIGrql
tionn, 't vin nrmr $ I in,q 114 trapil.,
Whqt oatogor *lis or rmil
What forma1lti.1 .0v,rn ti.w 3 .v,Ittd; lr
telephone mosJiidE.s.
5 Do you know of any (;--11a,In comsor.7.
sonaliti(ls In them.
1. What restrictions cov,,rn h cfsma
monts tn thu nowspwrs or mneArdn,s.
What restrictions cov(rn public r.,-k.tnr:slp chilrrth
moetings, cinomas, ctc.
What formal! ti. gov:rn *
In nowspapers or maGazines.
1. What restrictions or formalLtiQs tov:rn vIt't27:3k1
of funds from a bank account or tr-Inafr of
and/or securities.
Do you know any namos of pQoplc o Ctrna wtlltn4 to
convort local currency into pound:1 stcritnt; or, dollqra;
If so, how can this bost bc arran6Gd on what tr-m$,.
Any recent chances In currc,ncy
Any dotails from personal oxprionces
or local police mothods for searchu, aurvetil
intorrogations, or spocial policc mthod.A..
Declassified and Approved
For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
f% ?
eel/ 4? 4440/.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/20: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100050006-3