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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 . r e' , and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 ? 4. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 4. r , ? _ ??: ? 7, k.:4 14,L ---.0swator:tontmE),,_r modviametfterMW qv' .i''''31--.;%":..1143liZtr*--i'll'imeAM ? t :t 4. ?????;. ? t Tit ?t? 1.,1/44??!? --??? ? r A t ? : ; ?;"-????,:' at ? ? ? .17 - '511V"?'4'? ' ? - :-"?Z ????A r " e , . ./ . ? ' ? ? ? ? ? , .? 4 i4?7`.:2: ? 4'4'1 ??: ? : t???/ ?? ? y ? -: - ? 1. ' ? ? ?? ...? ? ? 1 ??? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 401' ?????, t?l? ? -w7Z, 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 r^ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 ? . . ?????- ? , ? ;?,.? :11141 s. f,?V"?4?? " ?'.=A ,fr????,..? ' _ N (.?-.7-77,-- ? : S. ? ? - : - ? . ? t ? ? _245?44--- ? : ? . ? ? : ' ? ? . - ? .. ? ?' . ? 11 ?? ? I 1 ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 lbelioard of Review -AttOntiong Mri J. Se !tor Biecutive Office Loss of Acerutet Leave by Colonel Drewor fp,7,4t Atta03,ed is original of your mersoralqdum of pi$,JUIT 1045 to the Acting. Director, too.ether with yow tile on the abov* awntect# The opinion of t,130 (lemma.' Counsel and the. Ao.ting ir*c1m approvra of your stdou reimburse,. "sea or Colonel riitewe*-aise indicated on the face of your memOra:44*4 ? , ? -;-?..-....4.?-: ?-'4 ' .. , t'-lilt. v.' *-? . : .:47111? ...I 1,--???,-1,, , .1 ....' 1...'::;':';'1,t1?-?;!:;::,:ll" ?:.,. ' ? -i.,4 ",,. 1_4 -fir, Vsr.l.'1,1. . 1.* -1 ' -, .??:, ' . .4 i? : _ , '. ? ?11 ., , i ? . ..?? - -.- 4. L i ' "'i? - . V ...., 41 ' ..4.1\t ? _ A? i .; ?? ';.-??:iif . li ? . ? ; ? ^ :IC - : Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 f t ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 d I ??? ? 't . ? ?!-' ? ;41' .*-. # CONFIDEN-1 AL aitv 41,0415 Too.At ocitte. sutt *en,IPA*0 lot ilimuted Leta.YT O1 eW*P 0,400rxtftw from tho emot 0 seta POWs titlwes vkir,c,,, CO ? ,ba tb Wm% liVax28 Api42. 25 tax 1E4. Di tristiodo1.131moror la VI\ reZ eabgber 1940 vrast listronstot OSS to v ,'Lf40A4. olt Govov 44 41 oflOswalv l'iv4414): 44*- 4 or Ulm* 1 '27 "11 ,.. h?r, 4 tr41.1-- Olt ? t, , .1 , e 4 MP lAtions 'would ottnilitr14-- , :11t..--Aitiv omivad .301X4ta tad i Imo or ' , , * t, Itit-ima it, li reiOambitiolaille A -- '*.O.A Anount at soot lova sio*tiktitioal t k by scitte linsuottiTh 6 tal ,.... two vajogy cl. ' o t uta ftlt1114160 ,- , I,, 10, i144100 am liL 1. 6 quaraiora AMMO. "ilarket0 Sr* .414110 1 tilla th0 66C41 '51* lutto rft-*tt4r4A t tviteittga, on 4.4 .1. ? 4,1 ? **". MI21011 4 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R00010 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 Ittr,1! Mfg fat:A.% tlit4 gi% MP* W'3,t :04 9;3V OLP , -??-???? '?*,k Vkw voti Ofk 0,1AVAVV%;44 rot 1???,? tt,to ittqww tOko g,"'" ....?,4 ;1 . if i r- -4--- ... f I j (li Z I' ?????????,???????????????????????????4 ? , Q,A7.7 r *Oz.?. - , .1.- -613,0,....2-7 A i-x-).,????-?-?,-? ..,-- ??.?,-,;41..:,:t?..,.?,.,,,.... - ....i.. e ..c .3: ...t,... i-la--- ? 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';'' '''.: Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 AIN Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 Board of Review Attentioni fiT? Ei? Morgans Chairman Executiveg Offiae Funds ror Area fir Th4ra is returned herewith the original of yoar memora:adua of 12 July 1945 to the Director together with your filo ou the above vablect* Please observe the added notation incorOrating the language recommenaed by the General Counsel providing for personal certification by the Deputy-Direetor - Schools "a Training before expenditures of this type are mai.de Aliso note thAt the Opinion of the General Counsel Atiatb* approval of the DiTeCtOr appear =the second page of yoar laezarandt4t. ? 0 ? dit ?.3 4+, 3/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 Op POW 400/4 ? . . To: lists*bJ preeedure contes- t,. the Illoaled of Review unisorandtia to you provides ',110 1$101,sonal, certification by t* uW,.)it?eetor Sehools and tore expontitures ?i typo-avo *ado I believe that INN is order for A rosettes to this effect tile the language re- 4-lb, Alio General Counsel to 41111 th? Rod page somisrubdat above the or .1.te sisaatare. 4: - ?..41 ? E 4L604.0 ht,a1 w. 8. affiCe 7 of the Secretariat ?; ? , ? 1,10041 f / eff ? 4.11. VI ? 4Ig MU Mid& Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 ? ???,. -????? A., I ? ... UENERAL COUNSEL ROUTE SLIP DATE ? TO INAME INITIAL) ..,.-? ........w.dme.......? .?.....-11SIMINIMMOIMIR . J. B. DONOVAN _ . W. AaMIJTH N. S. CO? ????????????????4 r?-??? , C. S. FORSYTHE ' W. L. FOX i 4 H. H. HAM! LTON C. P. iii-..y?IER00 II L. R. HOUSTUN J. C. MARBACH ? C. S. McCLELLAND J. L. MrDONNELL 17.41/....... ...-117-REMMER SC J. JS. WARNER 1 ? ?. 0. G. C. FILES______ _ _ ___ _______ _ QiSC06 ?Arto Fu #1 1).$ Pm. A1144 - 1111. (9 4,40011 0441 444.vime,vu % c4,14 ,,?:4 Au,* r4w,st. fro?-? frvirv-4 9r145 V4402,T 1frr#4, y't4,74 )-14-4..1,61 433c4.tivwfrtl tA. 4.-ixytio 014 0 ? - ? ? ???-? .1AAAI diAa? Q.it.4- 01?44 ft.4.? , ???? , c. C;)77 ? ?(62462 ) ? ....??????,.,??????????:??,,,,..--???,???7 Z...., ? - ? ????11- f.? -??????-???? ??? ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R006100020001-1 ? :13 ??? ;:?%_., r - ? ? - - ? ' vtt- ? ' ? . ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 12 July 1945 TQ The Director SUBJBOT: Funds for Area 410. he Board of. Review. has corls4dered with representatives of the Ctenstral, Counsel's *faces Pineal" Branch and Schools ik r.training_the, attached memor.andum fr4 ,Dr4 bleConauggy requesting thstt certain expenditures at Area ?Pc* be paid for from vouchered fun4. On, the subjeot o suppiles and materials previously PurAhated from the training,,tald, opeoial activities fundso the ttelieves th$.t there c&I,ould be a.Z,trial period during which all, prgimsrenaent is done from !Queue r a.A funds =id through Procure- mot an aupply. Branch. Ca/e. objeci4c4 in the past to this pro- ewlitrin.41,_ has been the sztaad. rev .innsdIA.t.44 spot purchases of mill Item :mil AS 9,1=bizek,e,ixture4 and the like*, but en attempt .by Ztatools lc Txlaining and Proeurmient an Supply?.to Pee,t to vouchered fundas..a. tiiall stexe* Ate,0 -..ard it a this neure .to be needed*. A S.oho-e St TrA441.414v,_.ahoalC4so be trained in pro-. eurelietratt iMitooduronat.irofM,07.4tion lotth .Procuronent and Supply 911033140.- SA-Aatat. the neosessity paper workican be accomplished ex- PeatliwAilly. old earacientlIts 5. The use or vous:44V,e4 's rem the type of items other to8121 Rad *uP13,11.0.0 scoverod by Dr. McConsughy's memo- 0.. not entirely satiegaotowy, Whether .001 or .002 funds are Axe .002 binds, elms ..cubjeat to _scrutiny by the General SonOlatting?.0iffitce, and their use is often made sublect to the soso.rtatse PA if .0034, Awl& were. tainted. And under usual ftstertswinx0, regalatiatuto, thi use. c4f funds for mu% items as male fat baseball %IMO*, orctiestras for occasional dances 1$10 items 1,0214 not bv clears In addition, it is bat VOu.0141X0.4 funds could be need for the purchase of inxtilantenta37 ra.Uotts Which tap all other areas are financed tra*. lawirliUchered tunas. ilfts.. ttmk.other Wad*. the use of .003 funds for such SUM IntlaCtiOt,320r14la.11 b?13 :IIV,st !astable since the lease is pait,Otta* Ifiocrawrikit funds cad tht operation of Area V" is not in ony, sonfidentia14, However* the rehabilitation have oertaln confi(liential aspects and, tn eat3e3 1; or eicatridential nature. .003 funds may be used Ated========;iiiiiiin,' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18 : CIA-Ru Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 Ju17 1.3445 without regard to lawe and regulations relpitine to the oxpemili- ture of money, p7evided that the espendlture is necessary for the seerot or confidential activit3* The Board therefor* tvlieves that *005 Pumas Should not be uued for orchestras* extra meala* supplementary rations or any other item except in ttamo Onns,s shore the Deputy Director* Salmis ft Tralaingo personaily certifies that suet' an item Is neoossary for rikhabilitatIam purpose* and that no method of obtianing the 5.tom othzr then payment tberefor by OBS is available. This /atter condition would require that Schools TrainLng maks an attempt* an la the moo at hiring an orchestra, t* BOOUTO ono fram the U.S, Or other (temperable organisations ana* if that proves nti.t to be poseible# that the Deputy Director* Schools Training* certify that the expenditure is necessary for rehabilitation 3urposes0 SAC principle would also require that ever7 effort be made to build up eompany funds to ower to MI greatest extent possible the type of expenditure here invoLved* 541 No fund should be made aTallable, but reimbursement for expenditures should be mu,de upon indlvidual voucaers certifiedit so above* Under suCh a prooedurea the Board bel lovas that the use of 403 funds might be appropriate for the items othvr tham materials and sapp/i overed by Dr. MeConaughyts isastOranftlas AtteWW*P*t Approved subject to the condition that the Deputy Director - Schools and Training, personally pass upon and certify that all .003 expenditures are necessary and confidential and can not be obtained from other sources. William J. Donovan Director 4. ? :I ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 ? ? ' ? . Soard of Review Attention; 30 B. Illorgan) Chairitan Execrative Office X.2 (Inside) Office in Paris There is rotuihed herviti he original of your #44noran4ui of 12 July 1945 to th,e ix:itting Director together with your file on the above subjecto Please note that tbe ohion of the General Counsel the approval of the Director appear on your memorandum. The suggested cable from X-2 Branch has been dis- patched. General Donovants note to the Executive Officer on theace Of, yoUr raenotiandunt is bOir4 acted uPon by the Z?;3:;? .7,4: ---,,It,?;..;,,i..4-1 -;-.1..t......= --cr,?*0-4--. .!-, i .., ,. 4 - : , ,?4 f- - kr? . - kW; 1 , T_Ir ? . 11;1'4,1' ;:?.,??????.- 1 . t? - ?I. ? - \e-1 :1 .cle ',/r. ? , ,r???? -.1???.1 ? ? ' . ? 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020 - J :i:7-7..,11.1.1::li:::-; V'',.? .7.-1.1:-.1' 'w4--TV. i,,..---- - ? NAY ? 1 ? J . ? eq--' -- - . - ? :,,t.....- ? 1- , , : :::..;:::, ? 1 ? .-':,:-, .-1.4 - : .",7 t -.,01- ?,, " 141 :t1;c:". 14', ?.? - -1:: I ' ' I ??- _, r? i ? -7 ' . . %kV --1., _.? 1. .--L--T . . r 4.,,,,... ., -.,...kt.. $7....7, 2: . - ; ....: -. .,? ..,,???,? r ? ? . ? ? 7,?- I t- '''' Ir'''7:1:1:':3775.41H1. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 The Director has instructed that you furnish this office with a full report upon the activities, expeaditures and resuts of the office operated by Mr. Grey in Paris tor the past fiscal year. k Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 r?' IO General Donovan MOW Colonel. Bruce 03 suluiMt Attadhed memorandum "X-2 (Inside) Office in Paris" 1. I think Greyls continuance in his present poon is mo important. 2. I agree with the ug ?n that he make his st financial accountings to Washington. 5. I am not qualified to pass on the amount of money that he requires, but dhould think that the aam of t5000 per month would be adequate. Tb$15 item in the February 1-3une 50, 19t5 report for "Purdh.lse of information, paanta to Agents anti Agents expenses" (882,090.00 francs) is, I assnme, s.ncol- recurring one, and that expenses In thie ssteVry can be very considerday reduced. 4. DtAdouttedly a hardship is imposed - especial-17 in Paris - by using the approximately official ra?e of exchange, b\xt I do not see bow ah exception eat be made in Greits particular case, and believe tbs.` 1121 mast be treated as are all other OSS rBpresentattves in France. 3/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013112118 CIA-RDP13X000 f ? 11;1!y.4' 1* The attached, papers, consisting of a memorandun from the,Chiera__Opecial Funds Division to the Board of Reviow and a enggeSted cable from, X4.2 Branch, raise the question of the appropriate kUthsriXstion for (a) PUtnre expen4iturem daring the coming tie c3. year in the amount of . _ 4030.0 per =nth for the cfric,0 Charles. Mten (b) Past. expenditures for Wihich 120000000 French frame. have_ been advancted tt48,484,80 francs have been...Am:unmated for es ,of 31 Now. Lt.., With reflgtence to tho authorization for the owing year_in the smount at Imoo ,per month". the Chief of X-2 pm hat dettepained that. thit,amomat can be allocated for this pee froxLitike_overall.jmnount to be made available to X2 B-2130..1400414, or 116,40W. has. discussed with Nr, Murphy Purigilletk vid, objectives of the office and ?_tbero .catt.be.110. question ooncernirk, Its justiflft 1 .p.o.fttot irtog a present I-42 operation; and 041,31ti .wrattens,.. Orly two questions can be ?rz4ng. .the apptopriatte...prooedwees for the coming s*,_Xm2LBM404.00#44 that the accountings IMIL.etP? 1b.. OM shall be made in Washington lock, iriew Airthe complete severance re orations in the European MO, ?agre.eMnt ._botwom 0: Ulm of which are iz PO whereby Colonel Pargan .oneibility. for Wk. Wore activitiesis the 0,40 that the proposa of 4:002 for the aub. 14440014tingW dir50..0 WaSbington be adopted, The Amastea to the rate of exchange to be us6d and , Ator.the :repo* used in these operational. The igemb?,,hao rtieed the queoktion ao to whetber xm2 804, atilt_tbcoftictalt rate or at the rate at which Virffireagitneatsmohaa?40 Th lts latter question bas been b varicOs branches and. it iS oar understanding that hes 4110,tabliened a system of "working" rates " Oatv'en W40 M401--egrVart-P-4r-rMwIr"" Waehtnr,ten, D, 21 .7'linr; 14 TO: The Director SUBJECT: Renewal of Contracts 1. In addition to certain contracts discitsced in our?- randum'ef today's date, the Board of Review las received reei).st,s for the renewal of the following contracts: (a) Contract with Western Union Telerap Company fT5T-'6ER6-maintenanee of communications lin Ps to San Francisco and Los Angeles. The rate of cht?res is approximately $750 per month and renewal le,s been re- quested by Major Delafield. (b) Lease 0S5159, covering the offLee space now used byarrii-E-66 Angeles. Present rental is $7,575 per annum and renewal has been requested by Colonel Connely. (c) coverinc officp space now lceu- pied by ?SS in San Francisco. Present rental is 31110222.40 per annum and renewal has been requested by Colonel Connely. (i) 2.2aLract5.2.061.2....4..LO!,.q-14/0 calling for the expenditur-e- of 000 and 46,0Orrespectively for speciR1 services rendered to Foreign Nationalities Branch. Renewal has been requested by Mrs. Ilarcella Kennedy. (e) Lease OS5-679, covering the rromises presently occupied by the Interdepartmental Committee in WaahLntor. The annual rental is 3.8,000 per annum and renewal has requested by Lt. Kilgeur. (f) Contra%L9-742 c- -tng reproduction per- formed by the Wlarles S. Go Cor1pafl or the Inter- departmental Committee, the charges under which are estimated at '1124,000, for the coming fiscal year. 2. In the ease of etch of the above iontracts, the (lecisione relatinz to the-new budget make any recommsndstions by the n,eard orReview imnoasible: (a) Mu) renewal of the concfnact 01 Western ':nion olegraph Company,. if it takes VT4 hould take into aocomt the proposed closing o PVriene sco Office wiq ii ; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 Declassified and Approved For_Release, 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 CONFIDENTIAL ..the Director -2- 21 ;Tune 17i4r, and the consequent elimination of the cum-van'_catIons 31n,:z between Washington and San Franeisco and leetween Los ? Angeles and San Francisco; (b) The lease for the Los Ancele:3 area rec.,/ call for the giving up of certain space in the light of tlie deel- sions as to the activities to be carrLed on in Los Angeles; (c) The lease for the San Franolsco )roperty obviously should not be renewed if the Sen Francisco Office is to be closed; (d) In as a sum substentIally snaller V. an last year's amount is made available for Foreic,r. Nationalities Branch, these two contracts should be resubmitted to the Branch for decisol as to whether the Branch wishes to carry them on out of its next year's. allocation; (e) The lease of the intardepa.etnenta3 Committee premises obviously would depend upon the extent to which ?SS is financing IDC for the coming fiscal year; (f) The contract with Charles S. Coetz Company is also dependent upon the extent to which OSS will finance MC operations for the coming fiscal year. 3. Since the Bogard of Review is not in a position to make recommendations with respect to the contracts discussed above, it submits them to your office for dlsposition by the apnropriate official in the light of the new circumstanaes for tlie connc year. S.,S. Morgan Chairman Declassified and Approved For Release 201 3/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 ?,: GUNFIDENTIAL OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES WASHINGTON 25, O. C. 31 May 1945 ? MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Review FROM: Chief, Contract Division SUBJECT: Renewal of Contract No. OSS-l15 ? Your attention is directed to the subject contract which covers services supPlied by the Western Union Telegraph Company. Major Delafield, Chief of the Message Center, has requested this office to renew the contract for the ensuing fiscal year. The charges under this contract may vary but are approximately at the rate of $750.00 'Der month. It is requested that your office approve the renewal of this contract in order that the letter of renewal may be issued by this office, o 66, seph B. Kelley Lt. (i.g.), USNR rarlediVre" ' ? 9in r\- 7.4717/1 ? - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000103320001_1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 STAtuttans? rams oa, Office Meinwrondithi (11. 'TED l'AT3,?,S. GOVERNMENT San Francisco ? TO OOPS* rzalus Moron, Chairman, Board of Bgview rmrs: 31 MOW 1945 ESC teeth PROM Chief' Pacific' Coast Ara& SUBJECT: Sztattuion of OSS Lease ii459? 1. 'Die lease in question mewl= office space now in use by ala in Us Awslen and is located in the Rowan Building at ge South Spring Streot? The following activities have offices at this locations Misuisiatration, Services, Transp)rtationg R & Branch, Survey gr loreign lgxperts. Foreign Ehtionalities. and Field raperinental *Obit. 2;? An appraisal of the nitration indicates that all of -this, space will. centime to be use* in the future', except for certain space on the :ninth floor wive occupied by iliographical laitco;icess Section of R & which will not be rcededi after 1 7u1y lift: and on ,ohich the arrangements will be cancelled by Hr. least= who is in charge of the Loa Angelica efficel, The carriiists out of OSS acti rities other than the exception noted is essential, toll there is no other oupplus speice available at this time. This rent is paid with imchered funds. eat. IA* Colo Ichuroza (2) lir? Zaatva colow r , 1-?,,,????,"`"' 411 4' 1.2 ? ? " -72.* Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 office ion . UNITED S':71iTES GOVERNMEN'T' oss 0 stik itrandisio avvinaito row ma. 6s GiApt? Plato Ilaresa. Obeismeae Iteeve cor Ilactos DATE: 31 117:916 nOM old% 'settle -West Arco suglaCgt Sittawdosi of cas Leave 4530. 1. Ode eviestitutee the lionse on the off Lee space met:plea Iir OW Sin Sat IraliatirliOs ho6 liontesseery street, twos ail tam ' 2. A 4;4001 eurvey ot edifl requiriesents for the 1028nags of MAL statsUlef lb* pia: Soltisatee that there ;or excitant spaeo in the present iarstit* avA, 'We iloara ot Betio , weed to croead. the /ease as tt ish sow cosatitotea. Mould there develop IA a 1.citer date a covitattea *Joh vov3A varzett trho clatiostalattiou 01, Fat of this litasso it la belliff.a that %Ito esiteellatim clause ot eisty ams 43.1 he eible6, ptoteottou to the Ottise of ittosteSie services. 30 ibtos rent la pe$A with Touche:col :Waft , A ./ il I1 ? ort:i r, Oolontag law., Cfsiale Pacific Court woe ees Ltp eel. law= (2) 4-en ' Ak-v ?;? -*?01? ,14 ?'un ? f- , " _ ? P'4i104. ? trz.4, rad,141? PI ? .weit, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 10, TO: vaasmoseiarftworukt.rookitAPPEMSVMPASORP14105rig 1 OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES INTEROFFICE 'MEMO Mr. J. B. Morgan, Chairman Board of Review FROM: its F. Kennedy, FN SUBJECT: Renewal of Contracts 4.gs-144474 DATE: 4. June 1945 Reference is made to your memorankium of 31 May 1945, copy attached. The Foreign Nationalities Branch is engaged in reporting the political activities, sentiments and movements of some 35 ethnic groups represented in this country. It has been doing this with only a small staff. The expeTience of the Branch has demonstrated the use of contract facilities to be an efficient and economical method of operation. By purchasing information the Branch obtains the knowledge and services of 4 variety of persons with a real contribution to make to the work. To obtain the services of these persons by employing them, would require much greater expenditure. Contracts OSS 69 and 088 147 represent an expenditure of $12,000 and 0,000 respectively for the 1945 fiscal year. it is expected that the expenditure for the 1946 fiscal year will lie the same. It is not possible at this time to prophesy termination dates. f)r-) 14/ 1/ p ) , amp _. ? 44?11 44.4. ? n. # Declassified and Ap roved For Release 2013/12/18 : CIA-RnD vzynnry-,4, IMF Jr: si led and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 31 May 1945 TO: Foreign Wationalities Branch Atitenticate Ursa Kennedy Renewal of Contracts 10 The Mtisf, Cootract Diviel.crn, Procure' Merit and Supply aranchs Imo notified the Board ot 'Review or your desire to *snow the following eontriatal 0534439 " Service conteraot with Overseas News Agency 13014iff 4.4. Service contraot with Xceeph Seam .Vi. 0,31 you submit to the Board at Review a isesittrsatinus outlining the necessity for the aubSepot contractst thli Mount expected to be experigte.d under that in lhe coming fiscal year, the mount expended under the contracts during the swat tuella years and the lair:bed tormina-. Um, .Aatest if am knicern* Any *Mier details which you, Otal _supply to enable the Board Of ROVieW to maks. taw 'appropriate :ftecenztondation ,to the Director %VIIbe appreciated* Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 #0 .......00"4"2"""......0*.? * IiTERMARTILENTAL colanmn FOR ra ACQUISITION- OF FOMIGE ? OFFICE Or STRATEGIC SERVICES WASHiliGTOM D. C. (20 26th 81 E Streets E. Wo CiSV-V-Mr- e ' TO: Board of Review Attention: Lir. R. R. I. Goeidard FROM: Lt. (j.g.) Frederick G. 1Kil.gours, USER SUBJECT t Renewal, of Contracts Reference: Your tiemortuldum, of 29 Nia.7 1945. 1)- IOC has six photostat copies made. or the recent issues ortwo leading Japalleeee newspapers. Cat Japanese Official Gazette:, and the leading; Japanese eocnonic periodioal. In addition photostats are also made of important. recent Japanese yearbooks-. By this photostating important in $U1g6U? i lytailei More Widely usable than could otherwise be. the. ease. The rCharled S. Goetz Co. has been doing thia work for jaq for the pest year end a half. It is estimated- that''$24,060141,1,,be spent on. this photostating during the 1946 fiscal lre:ai ? -2) The present approved, IDC Departmimtal Staff for 1946 tit 70 people. The premises now ?couple& by IOC have a total of 1C.208 usable sq. ft. Duo o the space required for processing publiaabious 2.722 ag? ft, is used by 16 people. The remainder of the space le occupied by 54 people. an average or, 139 ego JE*.b. per person which is very liberal. Wend the feet that 70 employees hare to be housed some- *bete. the only adVantage to housing VC separately is that a couple, of IDCts :Japanese lartgua,6e Analysts have a Utted Security -that restricts thm from other OBS build- ingt. .10 It is believed that the rinallee Brandi oan supply the sprievato expended under these oontracrte during the current ? ;fiscal year. /It this connection it should be pointed out that t*Se GOO Co. atm photostated Eviropeaxt pub lications for 11)0 during the current year. iltS TRic , 444eilrelittWeVAPC.60 ? ? 4.. ii.1111111111111111 Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R00 MIMIMM ? ? rd_ ..TAVIZINOtt;I Cfrtb PeCr- 2 k) 4) The expeoted termination date of the Goetz contract A/ (OSS-742) is 17-Day, that of the lease (OS8-679) 1T-Day plus the time required to complete the final reduction - in - force. FGKifd t ' *10.646.11tAZIAL? N. VC Frederick G. Kilgour t5494,0/ 4c/1f "IA4t/ ilUiette415012""ARO . ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES ? WASHINGTON. 0. C. Interdepertemitel Cemittise Attentions rot4(1) Magyar. 'Renewal or contracts Coritraot Divislon, Procure's. 17 Branch, has notifild the Board your desire to renew blt-se torlowing Charles So Goets Coavercr 79 414; Lease savoring rental or premises cloctupted 22. ioa submit to the Board of Review s. outlining the nozessity for the ot3ntraots* the Areguilnt expected tpo be 4*1 der them in the oostin8 fiscal year, vtt impended attnaer that earttrobote during years and tbs expeated terminam now Immo Amp *Utter details vtatoh to enable Oa 13.0:ird oi iteitacw to aprVte riseoniservastian to tho Dirtroter VW the Beard norieers a. ku ?to Gottdowil igeemp Declassified For Release 2013/12/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 __________________U? and cl ? nFire to/ 44:4"cl. V e 009 OR fr.wk,,rot seet,ci ? le ippOreklMirdreliWYPII, ? ? 4. ? -006M00341110004000eueloveteireeePwe 4. C. OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES WASHINGTON 25, D. C. 22 May 1945 MEMOOREd TO Boa?. of Review Mat Chief, Contract Division STSJEOT: Renewal of Lease No. 055.6/9 Your attention is directed to the sub3ect lease whlth covers the rental of premises occupied by the IDC Lt. (3.g.) Kilgour, Chief of the IDC Branch, has Branch of OSS. requested this office to renew the lease for the ensuing fiscal year. The annual rental is $18,000.00 and this expenditure has been payable from .002 funds. It is requested that approval by your office of this expenditure for the next fiscal year be expedited in order that the renewal ? m4Y be exercised. 0.401 A Jose] B. Ke oy Lt. (3.g.), U8NR Of it Wiresi 4.1144.6. e.t41-1. I 444. - ??? C 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 Declassified and ApprolvierirRIellirej201r1112/181:11.-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 OFFICE OF BTRATEGICStgall.GES CONFIDENTIAL Washington), D. C SUBJZCTt__ Rozioa3 o C.ontracbs .20,....211.404iitiOn_10-.0rtiActaflOntrpacl.X.41491044A lnour_IIIMO- Tlaktirts. of, ?today* s date.), the Board of ROWAN has received requests tar taw ?Anoxia of 1,1the following contra,rtei with Western Union Telozraph 4ompa7 or o 0Axn Onanoo of camvaa'..cations linos to San Francisco and Los Angeles.. The eats of charges is oproxinately $750 per month and ranowal has been re - (Mated by Itlajor Delafield, (b). 08.4-satt, coverinc th.0 ,)ffice spaoe now us.ed by ( ? n Am' ...geleso, Present rental is 47)575 par annum_ and renewal. has been requested b, Colonel COrmely. (0). ISO 0 coverinz a:Ciao space now ?eau- i rtd by. SaA, PranoisooA. ?resent rental is _ _por.annum. an& reneyial kae been revestvd by d 0.011Inel qt4)3101X? . igkij 041, calling for the 0;win4:414r0. _snot AO rospectively for special 110-2T1014,11 rendera.d.t.o For.eign.Hationul.lties. Branch. Rensjffitl heen.r.evested by ;Aft's. Flarcella. Xemedy.? CAL .* ..0,0VerinS taw premises presently Oefonlities4?404v.,. eautrilent.e.1, Omind,ttee in Washington? !Fhtimouiuma. riantal?ts_ le,000. per sinnum and ronewal*Las Jatique.e.te.4by Lt?, Nioilnours Atl?, _ 2_ covorIJIE 1. on per- tenittit.ta e 40_ O. Goetz Conpitny f or i40 Inter - IsAttal Cosnittole.?, the charges =der which are . satiMatted At $2400004. tor, the com.:ng, fiac:al year. 2. 111...thit 0.,affe gif each. of the abovo oontracts, the decisions ve3katisa..U.0",xwir .1mdget WON 14)7, re.ocmands time by the Board et..114friant iana001111401 .iaL10_100UW04.0f thk contracI with Western Union Ze p =Rains_ Aitkos. plmos.L, should take into -,10409.4..glOiting, of ishe atm lirancisoo Office tomatugaillmanmemiliNINMEEI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 ..? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 r . etrok the, 4: O2& 011442,41;AM Of the costrunikoAtione lines) tWIten. WriAttan Asps, anaiaao, and betwoen Los ?and. At.1100,1 _ .r.011'.,1010?1?ses 'melee area ma7 call for ttux...8,143t1 A tae lig,ht of the deal- eJ&tjVJ1c3ELt( b arrietti on in Los An80318) 160,11.0. tqz1..,1 ..,titOCiian. Francisco property elbytemilxithount..T0A. Am. re.tored 11" the. San Franoisao rito bet,034,40.4; . lalaemah, ars, a. sum,;stizbeJa4/t.ially smaller than ra... amount._ te,...mak, for .Foreign Atiamaties. arAAahtr. the?aa? two a ontraote should, be t1.0?,.11retnah,, to,v. daela,Ion.ae. bo whether the .T4..91,7410 .itrr7.,.,the 4,.. r..?_0...0.44. of. it*. next. yo.ar ?0,41001,414$ ,....LtL..... VA.. 240,4.8... ot.....,.14111. kft,Loil4 rlik8a.L.W,0;14 `,11 tnAing. Z).. _ - -irt _ ttl ..581ifit..., coat:xi:tot r;g:t?-a . 4 ? OPAEMIL ARO- , tlie44 ?' at /AXIL X Ot , -4414r,r4 14- titIA"' Akal, Osima.ttoe tarkt to 103.10.14 Aiwa, year; APO .11,_Coatp.any. _ OSS- il1.final/4e xear* :itiri A. p.oatior to make ek0 EL, di ette.se d ab o.v.e.,t. it AgLby, the.,4appropriate (040,a4?ope for the a mans rear. ?":: Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R - . 4j ? Ali' ? ' and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 ? a OFFICE 07 SEEMISOTO METVICHS Washing Von, D. C. tat DIveaboro ?Za ad4Atlon %a oartalmAkontmote diummod In our no or Ware date,. the Board of Remise has received reerasete SW' the renewal of the following contraottli (a), ftLzatmaL9SST,1213, with Westonivn Union Telegraph 00_ any rititiEtfiiiialitolitinces of commaisatIons lines to SIM ?tonnage? and Lou Angelos? eflul rote of charg.es is igtproximately V750 per month and renewal has been row vikated by Major De'afield* tb) 90 oeverinG this ()Moe epnee now selen. Present rental to 47,576 annum and enwt1 he been requested b: colonel ? carotins office space now (mu- b I3 ciao** Prestent rental is pthr almum and, renewal, has bum requested by glInely* for the drpeetively for special Uationulitiee Rranch? , Um, Viarcella Kinute4974. ,o1;!oring lb) promisee prenently e partinentaI Committee in Washinnton? la 01E4000 per annum and renewal has 7 Lt, =sour 71' covering reproduction per- *. ets Ovimpany to the Inter- the charge's under which are 4,..for the Atzezag fiscal year. Kwot eadft of the Otovo pontraoto, the decisions as budiset make any roommendations by the Board winAblas t? ?Patriot with Western union JJ t ttkey p/mos should take tato 4044lostag et the Sn Vranoinoo atlas) BIIIIIIIIM7Zassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 mi...mmimmEMEMEM - The DILMAtOr a ?:?;- 7 ????? CONFIDENTIAL :00340, 21 Juno 1048 1,34010n of the commodeations lines btwoin Vt 011 spa 0I&A rranctieco arid botiseen Ixos a 1Fra.uoloke0) b. do, e, ror the Los Angelos moos, =4 eal tor ,00ltrtain spAtos in the 13,gh1, or that to tw?W3tiVit1131Cto be Garr/444 on In Los Tho lease for the 11141. VrAnoisoo woperty y Allotad not be?Penewed it %Ito San 7rvzoinoo a, to be 04004; (4) Maatpinuoh an A tm,eubetantilally ertaller than !ttk emoNtritt i? ttio4e Available tor 'ox'en ea Broxiob.,0_ therse trio o ontra.ote ahould bo to, thit Dranak for deeleion au to whothor the 00, to Oarry, ,theuto o0 or its next yo"* thci. ipter4opagitmerttal. Oownittee d..4pi upola tho vixtent to which .yee.ri antra? with :Oharlos. 13, (Weitz, clempany 130.011. th 0: opt to whi,oh 0153 will tinanoe I? imaing.? fi ma ?Par ? 17,, 40VLOIrI 10 not IA youltiov, to make oonimpts distal:Loped, abovos it :tt.41 sposition bz the appropriate ot XO)Y eiroumatanoea for the *ming ye;m? ' Por the Board of RevIewi 6 gory= matt nONFIDENTIAL e't NI N. I t-i airtmolano.06.4.6?'"itodiertialoatm.?.?*0? t I - ,tetz? ? _a a r sia6. ??0, - ? ?(.1 Declassified and A roved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13xnnnni :4 -2-i- ? 1-? ?- ?t. '''?( ? 1 ? - ? -???- ".????>.; , - 1111111rn lassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 It o' etd re 1.01ek.c) wilesimmw. 4 *at /) 1. -r Lt. George Y. Larison 25 AugUst 19451 ? Executive Office 1.1 4 L Special 7unds Allocation from 1944-45 Appropriation This is to inform you that the Director has approved your memorandum of 20 August 1945 to Mr. Chestan on the above subject in which you request approval of an additional $5,500 stapplementary to the $7,000 recommended to the Director by the Board of Review in its memorandum of 27 'Tune 1945; snd approved by the Director. vhile -qproval ?, from 1943 fundm is si7c4k 3,946 funds Inust IA used for diem pmyablo and obligations tneurred eubsecuent to 30 June 1945. Specla Vunds E. j. Putzell$ Jr. Lieut. (j8), Executive officer - 04:2? ? ? f..4.41114141 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 1). The attached /UM) from Special Projects requests approval of an additional $5500, mupplementary to the $7,000 recommended to you by the Board of Review in its memo of 27 June 1945, and approved by you. 2) We see no legal objection to your approval of these sxpenditures pro- vided the necessary substantiating evidence is furnished to Special Funda Division in accordance with its regu- lations. 5) While approval from 1945 funds i requested, 1946 funds must be used for per diem payable and obligations incurred subsequent to 30 June 1945. John R. Sehoemer, jr. Assistant General Counsel (4293) yerr-7.y. T Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 11111111DedassifiedandApprovec11111111111111111111.1111/8: ICIA-RDP13X00001 R000100020001-1 r ,,,,uct41$9013 tat4;gramdsvenimiewm.......=?-`--- SECP OFFICE OF STR"TE7 GIC SERVICSS WASHINGTON, P. C. .117 (.2) a---; di GEL/dp 20 August 1945 MEMORADUM TO: FROTA: SUBJECT: Mr. Charles S. Acting Chief, Special Funds priation 1. Reference is made to attached memo which will explain the reason for this request. Cheston Special Projects Office Allocation from 1944-45 Appro- 2. It is requested that $5,500 of last year's funds \ t , Florida. This \ be allocated to Special Funds for the payment of special per diem at the base a St. Petersburg amount is broken down as follows: $3,900 \ 1,400 \ 200 415766 Per diem payment to Army Officers Payment for services rendered by civilian consultants Miscellaneous expense Total 3. This sun is required over and above the $7,000 re- cently made available, and the present deficit of $5,500 was occasioned by the fact that when we inquired of Special Funds as to the necessary figure needed to satisfy our obligations up to and including the last day of June, we were informed that the aforementioned $7,000 would be sufficient. Obviously this figure fell far short and the additional $5,500 is now urgently needed to clear up all outstanding indebtedness at the Base on opeoial per diem, 4. All special per diem at the base is being discon- tinued after 31 August 1945. SK ? ,2"'""""1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 ,.. ,,,.. - - ? - ' Sometime prior to 30 June you requested the Special .Funds Division to --to4,#61. a figure sufficient to cover expenditures of Javaman Project -,4:WOI:igh.'the sand of fiscal year 19/45. ---?:?.,..0.._. _ .. er#,e:estillated amount of 371000. which was furnished proved to be , ade4liate' inasmuch as there was difficulty in determining the nu of ' :: f? ? ,,,,, AtX,fill - rtOr :14 Varal.O. assigned to -.11c Javarran Project who would be drawing per diem , Y-Tf'r'frOlii156e:pia.i. Funds throtgh 30 June 19145. , 3144to Drymalski of your -office estimates that an additional W900. ,. ? .? , -vii157?e:required to cover payment of per diem, eil)1400. for consultant fees ':.?,... aza:-.20.6., for miscellane0u57. expenses. In addition to these amounts it will be ? '.-well tecOonstd4r1outstanding advances of P6;3,089.1)4 as of June 30., 1945. If *irie'5 were expended prior to 30 June, the Java,man expenditures would ? irciaiO'dWdthe Prtiount authorized for expenditure would be decreased by a ,like,f-A411604. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 ? 'al Jay 190 41, 71/yre rottOrried ttfoftwitth is origina otawar mosormiumot 271Ala7 to the Aobtag Dbootero ttutr '` Me on tho oubleetip - TO. W.M. Otik *At 'kb* IM414O1k thek taut 00 **Villa, AV the AO. , taXiiititor has ivaLos,tod that r -.4401:4141 bo reviewoit before. tbri az?" to* /14 APT feria& to see whetbor 40 11 Ottiondoci on notice given ttAt _be etottepoledi? ibrula iit.gzeoutiv# Officer , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 ? Declassified and Approved or e ease WPM GP 8TRATI410 IEEVI Aottag Director Subjeott Per Diem for Spocial Projects Officers Ther, is attached a reveal; from the Admisaisftwative Officer, Special Projects Offices for the allocation of 4 0 for the payment of per diem to 50 army ' officers stationed at St. Petersburg for the Mal 60 days. - Os Board ,of Review has resommanded approval in the pasta and ',Ma have soroveil the pcosent ?of per diem to the Special Projects Otric ere stationed at St. Petersburg who were 4kestinod to go OVele8,01111 with the Projects, cgo, the .tiii2O27 that they were stationed, ther4 on Oue taisporat, &My and that it would be 1.xnfairo OM. ttie7 Ittid to,maintain families cAnd home where, to deprive) tbas of a smr diem. At this tim44 howayero the period o temporary daty has been running On or a considerable lentth, of time. Tho wasent circumstances are such that it does now teem that within ,the next 60 days the Project either will 00 03,013,01 or will tie discontinued altogether. The Board oritsittli believes that under those circum- stances tile per 4i?or army officers stationed at In* P toratioV,s, OtOuid not be payable beyond the next s It the Project is not going into operatics *mai 10:41) atficers stationed there should be told in adValat41Ui it tads* per dims will seas* and that they must make apprwilate arrangements. If the Project 444/ gone evel?seato than those officers who remain at 110t,it OM have to be considered as being on VOW** with no per diem payable. '? requetsd IN $24,000, based upon the olain- attuateay GO army officers at #7.00 per =iamb astuplly works out to 1,000. ,.... o -1t0wiew recommend* 'that you approve the from th0 Speciel Projects Office budget of speedtal. ribinft.i.fctr the pagriqsopt of per diem 41411 Pr 'Setts oiTticer* for- the 0033 1 4,4j GO days, t ,ee* catet to exceed timond 30 Sep -{i.er 1945. irho Beard ot ow further re4rOmmende that at the end Of that plod*o further per diem shall be payable trot Spootal Itikads for this purpose. . ;For the Bawd of Reeviews, 4.44"., ' Illleiri 7) kjilaie*j6 410 gyrilir 7 . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100020001-1 I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 Dotard or Renew Attention,* #Tii 00 Morgan ftecutive Offile PogroaDt Of For Diem to Special Projects Personnel There is returned herewith the original memorandum of 16 June /945 to the Director on the Dounsel an the approval of the Director appocr on the race or your memorerftia0 ; Secretariat , Genera Counsel DireOtor sp i/es 7.? $74,, "..nr? .? ecomws ? v;:?;'?` ?-1? ? mmilimmmomMMUMEU Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 Ell.1.1111111 , , ,?;.> treoraw ? % ? t er"0,19.**041111?.0e^.501,410,00orAgAw `3?%- "LT, - 1' A , kY, t, e ' - ? Le'i,-;10,.:,:;,".,? 7,11,C,7? o ? 3 ??. ;17' ;"?'' ? 44,25 Utte VA 7.?.:',.e.? , ?ro, 14ug,K1 yt ) ??????,...? n.4 , , I ? , ? ? , , ? ? ' ?,,.),e ,??-??P?r, ? I .?, - - 1".F.Pc7" ? ?-s4 , ' 71".r. F,-.e ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 eclassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 Mr. Louis Ream Col. W. L. Rehm Referring to the organizational changes recently directed with respect to finances I have asked the Board of Review to examine the entire s tuation now presented aud to make recommendations to me with respect to any new policy matters, questions of con. trols, etc., which may result fraa this change. Once you save examdnod this question and made your tentative plans: I 'therefore should like you to take the matter up with the Board. `-t Declassified and Approved For Release2013/12/18 : C - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 3;f5;3; r.f.2"."," , .' er* ? ' 4. 4. .?44 . . .., ... '' ..i,..c .?1 .. , 4 .. .. ? ? '" 44 , 1?.; , :1.? ,.....itii..,';? ,...,?,,, ..,,,,,,-; ..._?.-.:.1,7i.7,...,,, 1:,..* ' , .Iiii..r.I.ti'', ....1, i,4 , >1 44, "frli. ? I . 4 .4 4, ,i.V.4. ....., r 1,..-"L ? ',.. ?'; `1?"?I ? ?0 ? 1 ? ; ? , ,"" ? ''''0",,i.- ? '-. vi? ",7';/-?' ? ? -;0.;',' ''--'` &, .;, *Wq?:*;,q- ..,i.:; 1 :.IP,'. ',;,,Z.',.. ' I? 54 .; $ ., 1il ' 1"- !?,., ..?. X' . '. ..."i..., `r.- r i ..:- ?? . r .- '' ? -,.. '.- - ,, ? z .0, di /1C.:??1-:*4 , .., -,i 44-_-i ,,.%1; _?;,-..e.;;Jr .11 ?... ', ".; ,...,;?,.. ',,,,;i?, ".14'.:;;;;?:::::!.;,... ,,, 44,.,' !';'4';'.?..:. Z.z.Z,,. -t,t,--5" --.. 0 ' ? -_,,,rri:-../.4 1--..-...-1,5-.,..4,0 !-,,i,,i-' i.......,,.. _ it. i'.. t? ?4- .- - ?:441., .. i 4 l - , , ."... 4. " - '',, , ^ t'''t.'; '., '''.--;. ? * li_ / to, Talon. of, 21 April 11)45 'vekhlis appro , 'tbes 1 treturnia ile cra the?above, ,41 '47411'.:? ; 5 .11 . ? Jr. IL.40ci;g4tat 1444(1).7tvcip .10 4,44er ? . - 4 AWAY' ? ?.; ' ? , ? , ," ???; ? T...4 ????'. _ ? y ? I, ' ? 4., "" 1 41- ? , , ? , ? - ' r..rr.4;;17.? 7, (71-7,1-.17-7.'g' 414 , ? ? . , ;; . ? I ? " . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 ?t? 1 i4,1:1. I -; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES WACIHINGTON. 0. C. Ths-PCIIIX41 colaeiciered and discussed with 1st* AWL, attached. request for *pyre:Intl eti: a 11450AC- ..0.4M. ter .tbs?.. proluotion of the motion TakettUra. Netkitte, Priss Talmo." ?Eie latolerictoolt Review that this film beitekr...,VaAos gart? uPat/ PhotograPU, al" r..11010X1101012414.1)3r,_ Griffins formoirly with Pie34 Rot-, eo14e. ft: and later on assignmat ttp lathe .knattent Osmeneo _.:?Mut prinelpplAneasittum..in tbe, reggeated budget re.-. to. te,..004.*RePPE00404.Ar. CePtairt ti) itiritlea 16 NEU rulA.S;00 AGNORZOCaler, dit and the prepAration trogivOlLoszegi, tot tbsi. cokktre Picture& A Possible sow- iLlitittoz.0012LPAtlel be ert.ecrted ly thiu use of ?atiztott. At,,.$51LA120.. Minion of Ipto. English that L11by. 1st Use effeettirei. :00,the eat there in 4C..00%. ,bseing_caticylorolaULAstributed voz-V404,444 0_,Igbether, or not. jamet. arrjajneves. PrOttafaibian, of the riba would at1*0.0 for .the purpoi!tes of Woo agency. -ainnendia. that you approve the .A? I(QJgr ."..Orders trim iCok7ce and 1,013,,,ot ? ".0 rimititrod, amount of voushered funds Attltatattaltt-MMEMIda that vten eeffluner- trikatilmof tiotill3m bacons a p,easibilitys -riaiktual Art Aingelaante iDe maw itherety ursiment...14,12.,be. =Co by the commercial to the 11131404. States Governmento For the goaril. r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R I-. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 illentignitIllaimil Morgan Bizecutive Mace Contract for 'There Is returned herewith the original of yaur memorandm of nilayt1945 to the Director together inith your file an the above subjects Please note that the opinion of the General Counsel and the approval of the Director appear on the face of your manaramdtam ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 111.11111Massified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 INENNE3=1.1 F stvredhAft ,1,24P4-,t> 40" .4 MICE t4 STUTEGIC SERVICES Washington, D. C. 20 $7112.7 1945 It; 'rot whit Director ;Subjects Contract for Disguises IEvvaman Project 1-* There is attached a request from the Special Projects Office for approval for 4125,606 from vow:the-red funds for the Zemmol Project* This amount, 'Which is intended to be spent with the Dunphy Boat Corp. of Oshkosh, Wis0, is for the rocurement of oariouflage suld disguise meter*. s for the dlavaman boats* The Special ProSesta Orrice ham represented that there is AO possible Source for these Initerioll other think precUrement from civillitum sources with OSS fUnds. 24 The Board ot Review recoramends tbat ion approve the retsist 01 the xulderetending, with 'bleb the SPOeilla f*ojects Office is it agreement, that thil 141s0Ont will be charged against the 41.00100 tiC:the Specie Projects Office from fUMa aval101o for the flocal year lt#45?046. The 230,,4 .Atrther recommends, aa tbe Special P3.110jset,4 _NTice has requested,. that vouchered Auld. but care should be taken In the thet contract to make certain that the project is not revealed. 5. Attack/00a ?K.A.somik- A 4:efiramti (04-eradu titaitORMS$90.247491r.kr.Wai 144 ZKfie. , Por the Board of Review, r. S. Morgan Chairman , 7/4/Affej-' ? ? ? ?,* , r ? t ,S .1 4 /17 . ------------ ? ? _ . ? 4 ? .11 ' 4 0; ?an ? ?? * : t Si o ....,..-...,:,.;::.....1.:t.',i. ? :ti.'fi, ,...1.:7,...*:',.'. Iii" :-. .1. 1..f:t.'k.: i: -7? :. F. ..";?:? ;.. 14.. .....?, 77...,....it. :i.i..,..,:,1; 4? ,.. . ,. . 7, ? ? " ' :e: i '? / ..1:1:r?I . ? . 7 ingisimmaimmumini Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000 I onn9nnn1_1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 plit 6 4 ? Wftwv,?ftut -c=t) Soa oi te l Attention Salley s ur* SO I ChPirMan A4reou e tive Office 14 Juy 1945 f Zaraman Projest 4,10 el0000 Additional epoeial hada* se e 1945 Auti g Dire tor on the bove subject ot , IOU 421 for the note at the a v41 oa f the Afting Zdtv Iv use unvouotered fuwis providing the sum requeste4 Is chareed to 1944.4945 budget appears on the face of t copy attszotted hereto* herewith Is 4 copy of your memorandum of BA 4741 Zieut* Pute011A 1TrA (418), OUR btooutive Officer f .4? 4 4st ; _ e ; . ?. - ? ,..;)?-??? Z.t ? 411 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 ? _ ot!"' - orric9 rOr wage SERVICES WASHINGTON. 0. C. h. JLadp 33 July 1945 TO: The Director, 0S6 (Attention i../... jheston) FROM: Chief, Special Projects Office SUBJECT: $7,000 cm ?22214121.2120.P. 1. A request for 47,000 was placed lidith the Board of Review about three weeks ago. The Board approved and strongly reoommended allocation of this amount to the Director's office on the basis that this is for moneys and expenses incurred prior to the close of tne last fiscal year. 2. Originally we placed a request for 415,000, and we were allowed 08,000 of this amount. At the time tne 015,000 was requested we definitely determined that it would take 015,000 to en0 the fiscal year - for per diem, eta. We still need the 4,000 to pay per diem. (Lai. Dimond presently is holding over 4'1000 in expense accounts (per diem) which he cannot pay because we have no money, in special Funds.) LA-3' F 1 , 1 jilAilEEN Lt. Comdr.,USNR I SECRET WOMMINal 1?1.,MiteIRCP: ;:441?11',;? " , 7.17,fe4 ? 5.F. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 ?.-:;.r 14,1 tt,t The Boexii or Rolm Attention: Mr. 3. S. Moron. Claim= lbteoutive Office itavenen Proileat Rotor* lgroglith is the ori4gina1 G f lrourantaillt,0 24 Ma /(4415 to the A: 1' Direotor it , they with your file Os ei*U Oval satijorl 1 fiat Ian the 0600734 'page opiaon or the Mae ammo. (with stated asisitaxxt Direotor. ttt tt`tt:'1i t Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 MINUEMINMIN Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 --t anntiE firlitAl/catr: r -;zis Washingtmas, DeCip L. Iguana let iteview hap conalAketed the atrUmatiaid ?Nat t 1 8L4 Ppelossiw otti for * Taktiatored fltada to a total its to he imd an Projetat a tor Idle balm a the ourrent Zlaseal TOZNI Om Basra boa been Inforan4 thaS Cliato !fission 410,3Pliffts Man?a questa. 401 acarausharee funds Zi to be used pawn I1 1V Mat. .14 JP 6102 ptonlontaly fie logy *tilos tor* ,Loneil at the avastan bee* in AM. Otarilibliftek IP tint, so Rations& goat die= drnr4. a ! ISO diva amp itat7 in the On Lhfl Out eta et tooth tlma 11 have Wet able to :lad itita-?.. Lto s till t'skallitilea* Those 43 tiCalti Stk ?obleve Ind a .per 1Lisone Wi141401 azavasaaary enty *deb oh at WI beset y fres tralatIo peal nstze4111spatah 1,114 witecont miLial funds lanittl. Wm 6 et I? ourrant ? Eiontika Miteit, old lt la Wart I;?ectuttltutte a *4i 1ZV I jzipot for opimotlre togyb tha 11461111 132 part for tatitiureeeen oicaxtlag- Obiland Ando gatt mated, in a total amount of $1211 b?ike tatathi for the ni t pint fop the lippikiaar mitt erylees and telt late 001:041 WOO_ gambri the use of nubnuarlmo Pa Me extent o which tannin for exe tee tat lb Potantsmosse A *MOO ftn6 ki fao puVialegefit of nappiles not now Cop ovatee1visterihals enter amid above ? ototiit ThQ rum bang vouebere6012,1 bq itgoombauss m osug -,-44,ete with all applicable id Ai roved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001000 0001-1 t. eclassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDF13X00001R000100020001-1 - maw Dart at Ete'elm harm romentlz owe. tbo s:avargran an ap, Aida Avoretiam irvast ? ?Ante Acterittemireadeato- wit.pmegiishieb, boen 7LAW,/ aria serto Miiialt pabtL Omsk eertodat 1121.01angst? 010,004,,imatUA.to to walked ,1*.ftori$W4,,Arontret of the It .t) i.htefk. Owes_ of rah- iloptiting11...roaceatonds. 'taut dilutti 4 the 10.3maitligas Aromehetred glade ?'ft Approvai is given in accordance With the recommentiatiaa a the k Or gevicluw&th the following exceptions: Pond's to be allocriktedtirce voucftereu funds$28,000 :Lnste,w er 41v aad from, unvoucheredlopdS $60000 insteA'0a a $150000. 4..s ti 440 the Manual of the Boaro. at' Review" I auve 4,uriouab re,bcrv...- WWW1It'eatigkiIMIOgh reserve fund ?izt, tais time, wnlcu in Us SO 412,0000 The,adational money can ;Jo up,ae ,31,,,J.1,11)14.11 if wOA revost by Atte Projecl,s 0/lice to tile Iio,a41 of 1.0.Arieli. iiX Miarcncia getS TO? 4i,nd i Is to bt t/et.1 in i.vit.cleati;r1 rant 'considerationb ri#4 dribe proulAwb rk;Nit.a 0/ ter. 7 r C12444.1 Cheston faksistunt L1 rector 54/ 46414.5 SEC of Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 tfr , - '71 1?. f%; r ? ? n 4 /41 4.; re' v` Izt r?44,4-4., /v/eAtz-r way 1946 - T rt p(pilird of Savior Bieloal:: MC? ?114412" Lt 00.111041 Projeot? 4he4 heireittth, the vaginal re:1041k of A Sod .4946 to thdi Dbytte. With 7a1niv the On the above saw _? 1111111 pcUi thskt Cosi oPizaori or Wu, Gen* .010,1 001 the Oprolina of' the Dtractor esr f.044 of your Insworanamo ...., _ ''I.t- Z.; 1, ? -IT;''. i:.;., ...,? ,.., , ? ? , -... . , ... ^ J. -:..: ?.,? ? ::?- 1,..!..-N,..b,.,. 1, *. i. ' ; ';'$.-.''' - ..j.i.i : , ' -..." ,-..: t. -.." . :.,,,,.?-2, ,..3 ,,,, .,;___?.., ..N. :.I 4 ' 1.?:.?+k? ''. r?4:1-';...c.4,,./:.2": , ? .? -,?,..- ,. ,- ^ ,i,,,,c 7 .1. Z40.1'0004 :v. tisvuto Uatta Ott % Exelptive Z#19159 ++. , c 1.? ; ? , a 4.1 ? - ? - ? f. ? .? ;et ? , ? ? ,r ''I&Ej^ .?"4.16613404033"r`415*?"' ts?1 :4t# ???. ??? flagfAIWASPOIW*1110. ?.? 4' ...I.+ .1 , ? t4'1-`: ? 4 %Z. n -1.04 -.- ? - ? 2.?.? --- z-4* Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 I ? !! Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 , - ? ; OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES WASHINGTON, O. C. Aorod ttbn roprostontotivon ? oVok, of .lbto osvaviOnti toror.rowes U Io 16,Theft I; in /NM 111 II k ,1431442.06. tow ooltim iasm of oontraot or lip at. far 14-4 v1oh will Or the PWIrNattfiAt I17.1 lL?0 ,V4to snd J dos Dp.c..ztooloipt oil Utile ISsigo ikt the iouligoisib of r000- IP; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100020001-1 7