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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP12-00036R000100040010-6 fl UNCLASSIFIED flm.RNAL ME ONLY CON NTIAL E] SECRET ROUTING AND RECORD S EET SUBJECT: (Optional) Printing and Dissemination of FBIS Publications FROM: AC/PSD/OL EXTENSION NO. DATE 1 December 1967 50X1 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE RECEIVED FORWARDED 1,3 Director of Logistics 6 J.6 lk 1 . E D D L b--f447 *il I. ,.. 4. 6 /st) OFFICER'S INITIALS COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draci line across column after each comment.) 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. 14. 15. CeLat eArtilth 411- A44 4'1/14 -`4"?-') 50 OL 7 7933 FORM 61 0 usiD7Itnces 1=1 SECRET CONT,I4NTIAL INTERNAL 3-62 I IICC A111 V n UNCLASSIFIED I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP12-00036R000100040010-6 X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approve-di-o-r-Relrea;e23/07/30 : CIA-RDP12-00036R000100040010-6 IIP'V %di ics? I I di IA.. DEC 1967 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Logistics SUBJECT : Printing and Dissemination of FBIS Publications 1. At a meeting'on-6,NeveMber 1967 with the Assistant Deputy Director for Intelligence and officials of the Office of BaSic and GeographiC' Intelligence and Central Reference Service for the purpose of discussing the prOblems of production of certain DDI publications it was decided that the Foreign Broadcast Information Service would develop specific information as to the increases required in their publications. This information tcxbe.furnished to Printing Service's. Division for a determination as to what will be required to handle the increased requirements. This information was developed and sUb- mitted to the ADDI in a memorandum dated 8 November 1967. A copy Of this memorandum was submitted to PSD on 13 November 1967 and'is attached. 2. A review of the FBIS requirements indicates (a) an. increase in the total pages to be produced, (b) a shifting and realignment of books published on the day and/or the night shift, and (c) a need for increased speed in the printing and dissemination of the Supplements and the PAD Trends and Surveys. As was pointed out in the meeting on 6 November 1967, these increased requirements greatly exceed the pro- ductive capacity of the PSD force assigned to this work. 3. Present FBIS requirements are the printing and dissemination of six daily books and periodic Supplements by the PSD night shift of eight personnel. Concurrently there are produced... four.FPD dailies and two semiweeklies and other incidental monthly publications on the PSD day shift. At the present time the amount of material produced by PSD averages 106 signatures of .24-pages each ().i.24) on the night shift and approximately 145 pages (printed in single sheets) daily on the day shift. By mutual agreement FBIS and PSD have regulated the number of pages to be produced in the daily :publications in an attempt to stay within the productive capability of the night forCe producing.this work. When FBIS is required topublish additional books or supplements it usually is done by sacrificing material that normally would have gone into the dailies in order to stay Within the established limitations. FBIS has reluctantly accepted these agreements. In March1967,the agree- ment of 340 pages per day was increased by 35 by-directionof the DDS and more recently an additional 10 pages were included in an enlarged Latin America daily. It will be noted that these limitations are fre- quently exceeded, usually requiring overtime. The number of pages printed heretofore On the day shift has averaged 145. * OL 7 7933 CONF _1NTIAL. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP12-00036R000100040010-6 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/07/30 : CIA-RDP12-00036R000100040010-6 IIIiiJ2C..flhIt%L up SUBJECT: Printing and Dissemination of FBIS Publications 4. Due to the reorganization combining the Foreign Documents Division and the Foreign Broadcast Information Service lemiabowftatma RatiaftidAdeftlet, the FED publications printed on the day shift are to be discontinued and their substantive content included in the present FBIS daily publications as soon as the PSD night shift can handle this additional workload. This additional Aerial and the requested increase in FBIS pages will exceed the page capacity of the binding machine and the increased workload will exceed the capability of the eight persons on the night shift. As a solution FBIS is agreeable to staying within the 96-page limitation of the binding machine by splitting books, thus increasing the number of books to be produced, and PSD will realign production schedules between the day shift and the night shift and "request the additional personnel required to handle the additional work- load. a. The following shows the shifts on which the publications are noW printed: Night Shift Day Shift (Former FPD Publications) White Foreign Press Digest Far East Latin America Foreign Press Digest EE Asia & Pacific Foreign Press Digest Soviet Union Communist China Foreign Press Digest Latin America USSR & EE Semiweeklies: ME/AWE Foreign,Press Digest Near East Supplements Foreign Press Digest Africa b. In order to increase production time, particularly on the binding machine, PSD propose 6 to print the White Book and all supplements on a special day shift established for this purpose. The work would be printed as follows: Night Shift Day Shift Latin America White Asia & Pacific Communist China White Communist China Supplements (one-day service) USSR East Europe ME/A&WE c. As PSD interprets FBIS requirements, the workload in terms of number of pages is as follows: CONEJ.iTIAL I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP12-00036R000100040010-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP12-00036R000100040010-6 ? UVINil SUBJECT: Printing and Dissemination of FBIS Publications Present Requirements (Production) Average number of pages of FBIS daily publications (night shift): Dailies: 106 signatures 4 pag6s each 424 Supplements: 10 per month @ 65 pages each 35 Total- 459 Average number of pages of FPD publications produced daily (day shift): Dailies and Semiweeklies Total - 145 14-5 Total number of pages 604 Proposed Requirements (Production) Night Shift FBIS Dailies Increase due to including FPD material in FBIS publications Total - 569 424. Day Shift White 96 Communist China White 65 Supplements 35 Total - 196 Total number of pages 765 It should be noted that under the proposed publication requirements, no book is limited in size ate to mechanical capa- bility except the White Book It is axiomatic that the books will increase in size if at all possible Nor does the increased number of pages reflect the total work impact on the Printing Services Division. Ancillary tasks such as maintaining additional address lista, graphotype and addressograph operations, preparation of mailing envelopes, and envelope stuffing and packaging operations are all increased. ? 5. Although the increased requirements are substantial, sufficient equipment is available for the additional workload. Four additional press operators, however, will be required for the night shift and three press operators and one Information Control Clerk Will be needed for the day shift. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP12-00036R000100040010-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP12-00036R000100040010-6 - JU,J.Z1LI1I inL. w SUBJECT: Printing and Dissemination of FBIS Publications 6. In order for the printing Services Division to handle the increased FBIS requirements eightvadditional slots will be needed and immediate recruitment will be necessary. Meanwhile FBIS's objective of publishing more USSR and EE material can be accomplished by creating two books in place of one and doing the additional work on overtime on a regular daily basis until the additional personnel is available. 7. Immediate study will be made of the problems of plate delivery, paper, and the possibility of GPO production of Broadcast Stations of the World by the Linotron. 8. As an alternative to meeting the complete requirements of FBIS immediately, a progressively phased approach might be suggested. a. Four additional slots would be required to meet the minimum,' or or first phase, requirements of FBIS. The proposal is: Night Shift Six FBIS Dailies - 496 pages Day Shift White - 80 pages ?b. The second phase for FBIS requirements would be to increase the total page allocation to a full 96 pages for each of the six dailies on any day. This would be an increase of approximately. 85 pages per day. One additional.slot would be required to accomplish this requirement. c. The third phase requirement would be to provide one day service for supplements on the day shift using regular side stitching format. This would necessitate an additional slot. ? d. The fourth phase requirement would be to print a Communist China "White' Book on the day -shift. This would be an increase of approximately 65 pages daily of.about'150200 copies each. This requirement plus assuring .a maximum number of pages in the regular White would be atcomplished with an increase of two additional slots. ? If the phased approach is deemed more appropriate it should be in sequence as stated above which is according to priorities of FBIS. 9. It is suggested that this be discusSed with the ADD I and if satisfactory with him, a request be made to the DDS' for the additional personnel ceiling: and. overtime authorization mentioned in paragraphs 5, 6, and 8 above. Att Afting?Chief Printing Services Division 50X1 uuNHIEifflAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP12-00036R000100040010-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP12-00036R000100040010-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP12-00036R000100040010-6 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/07/30 : CIA-RDP12-00036R000100040010-6 411 f November'1967 MEMORANDUM FOR: Assistant Deputy Director for Intelligence SUBJECT: PSD Support l. Pursuant to your instructions, we have defined in specific terms the scope of the printing problems -we face, and we have suggested solutions and alternatives where possible. These are indicated in the attachment. Wo are now discussing these points with PSD to determine which solutions are feasible, what alternatives PSD might propose, ? and the cost the various courses entail. Yie are giving this -matter very high priority, since progress toward completing the integration of FDD and FBIS is affected by _some of these printing decisions. ? 2. When our talks are completed, a range of alternatives and our recommendations should be available for youto consider. 3. We strongly support your view that henceforth budgetary provision for the printing and distribution of FBIS reports should be a part efr-the-monitoring program, so that When FBIS collection or dissemination increase, corresponding resources for publication will be provided. At present,.with separate ? budget4g,?,thereis?obvieusly inadequate Correlation between' ' the collecting and 'printing effort. , ROGER G. SEELY Director Foreign Broadcast Information Service . Attachment - 50X1: 6111:(JP I EacluCzt: tram utcmatic domizrv.rlid,1 cid .dsdla,s3Iiicatian I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP12-00036R000100040010-6 -, . nr4Pir:frul!.-s; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP12-00036R000100040010-6 I. SERVICE FOR THE INTELLIGENCE 'GOKkRINITY FBIS Solution,: Consolidate 10 ms daily reports and 2 semi. weekly reports. Eliminate four dailies and :2 semi week lies0 Incorporate material ? into FBIS Daily Reports.. Approximately 145 pages of materiel daily would be shifted from the day print. -ing operation to the night time operation., . IBIS can time the. consolidation of all reports so it occurs simultaneously, enabling PSD to move a bloc of manpower _to the evening shift; or consecutively0 , permitting a phased PSDkapproacho which. ever PSD prefers ? ? ? The stitching machine can only handle 96 pageso artificially restrict. ing content of some * reports. This should be done immediately. -1Ve have more Soviet and East European material than one book can accommodate,.. 414- Lift the present 370-page limit on nightshift volume (within reason) to enable FBIS to be more respon.L - sive to events,.: Print White Book during the daytime o and not count it against the present combined (370 145 pages) total. *. . , ' is in effect will give-FBIS a reserve capacity of 70.90 pages whbn events ? saty0 a party congress? a Middle East:, crisiso and a cultural revolution provide a .surfeit of useful material,' Provide one-day printing service for Supplements. Avoid the present early deadline for one Daily Report. _ PIUS will arrange for these to arrive in PSD early in the morning for dayshift processing and distri. bution in same afternoon. --- .. Arrange special courier pickup of insure all xaterial at 1,510 arrival ot material at PSD by 1600. ? ?7*.? This will also reduce demands on the PSDI nightshift. For example? we printed 10 ' supplements in the past month.. ? Will enable FBIS to get more current material in the one Daily Report which at early deadline now precludes. .. g,-.: 1 . ET.:1!In.d irp, ainig!: . .. ? ,,, C:1':!r: 6p-i7 Al, 0 , , . ? - ? ,.: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30 : CIA-RDP12-00036R000100040010-6 . ? imuriklr_11:411&.1 ? . ? -? . . Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP12-00036R000100040010-6 ' Problem Improve the readability of FBIS Daily Reports. FBIS Solution Conversion to more substantial and opaque. paper stock which would run: more efficiently through the presses and collator and result in higher-, . ? -, quality and better readability?. . ? Create a separate set of masters for the White Reportsi possibly: using the ITEK system:? ? Provide same-day . service for PAD Trends' and Surveys: Reports should be given priority in PSD at request of DDI. This is vital if the value of. these : repOrts is-not to be seriously.under.. minded. Such service used to be standards Overcome inordinate delay in printing Broadcasting. Stations of the World.? Explore possibility of CPO using Linotron process to print the report.. STATf II. SERVICE FOR THE ACADEMIC COMMUNITY_ To make more FBIS material available to the academic world. Print 150 more Communist China : Daily Reports, under white coversa with a few mats containing 000 material being deleted. A simple method will be worked out by FBIS and PSP. These 150 extra copies could be run off on dayshift to avoid strain on nightshift.? - 2 -7flif:F5Pr flIAL ' JL-izt I ikt ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP12-00036R000100640016-6 ? r.?Sn./. ? ? ? ? . ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CiA-RDP12-00036R600100040010-6 II,. SERVICE. F0.11 THE ACADMIC" COMUNITY a Problem ? PBIS Solution Insure that normal White nook contains full 96 pages of worthwhile material .dailyo FRS Pemarks Aerisio.11.31m.P111111* Often less than a full book is - published because the total book ii: ? Included in our total page allotment, an we prefer to give the space to our. colored books: e n , Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30 : CIA-RDP12-60036R00010004001026