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STAT Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP11M01338R000400470125-1 R Next 2 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP11M01338R000400470125-1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP11M01338R000400470125-1 46456 Federal Register / Vol. 52, No. 235 / Tuesda. December 8. 1987 / Rules and Regulations 2. Paragraph, (a) of ? 351.5 is amended by the addition at the end thereof of two sentences, As revised paragraph (a) reads as follows: t 351.5 (Amended) (a) Poymil plans: Bonds may be purchased through deductions from the pay of employees of organizations which maintain payroll savings plans. The bonds must be issued by an authorized issuing agent, whch may be the employer organization or a financial institution or Federal Reserve Bank or Branch servicing that organization. Effective February 1, 1988, bonds may be purchased only in denominations of S100 or higher. except that employees who on such date are purchasing S50 or 575 through payroll deductions will be permitted to continue the purchases. Although these employees may increase the amount of their payroll deductions, or change the inscriptions on their existing authorizations, no new ? authorizations for additional ? registrations in the S50 and S75 , denominations may be made. ? ? 4 ? ? IFR for., 87-28051 Filed 12-7-67; 6.45 am) BI COOE 4E10-10-1,1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 32 CFR Part 1900 Public Access to Documents and Records and Declassification Requests AGENCY: Central Intelligence Agency. ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: Part 1900 of Title 32 CFR was last published in full text in the Federal Register on 12 January 1953 (Vol. 48. No. 8. p. 1293). Since then, there?have been sea eral substantive amendments and more recently, proposed amendments were published in the Federal Register of 18 May 1987 (Vol. 52. No. 95. p. 15579) affecting those portions of the regulation relating to fees as required by the Freedom of Information P.efoi in Art (FOIRA) of ltid6. For the benefit of the Part 191)0 is being republished ith all current amendments and' revieions. including a number of error corrections and changes in phraseology as vk ell as technical and/or administrative chances to clarify or inure accurately relleo applicable procedures. ? ErsEcTiVE DATE: Di,centLer 8 1987. ADDRESS: Lee Strickland. Information and PrivacN? Co.rdinalor, Central Intelltence .a;.,.eney. Washington. DC 20505. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lee S. Strickland. Information and Privacy Coordinator, Central Intelligence Agency. Washington, DC 20505. Telephone: (703) 351-2083 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The policies and procedures of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA or Agency) for handling requests for CIA records under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or Executive Order 12356 are published in 32 CFR Part 1900. This final rule, in part, hereby amends those portions of the regUlation concerned with fees charged for records services in response to FOIA requests to be consistent with the provisions of the FOIRA and is issued subsequent to formal public notice and comment. During the comment period, written comments were received from a number of individual journalists and organizations. These comments, which were generally critical of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and Department of justice (DOJ) guidelines on fee regulations under FOIRA, were considered by the Agency in adopting these regulations. For example, the definitions in the proposed regulations of "commercial use." "representative of the news media," "educational institution," and "freelance journalist" were argued to be too restrictive. In addition, the fee waiver guidelines were also argued to be too restrictive, The comments were duly considered in drafting the final rule published herein. To accomplish the purposes of the FOIRA it will be necessary to modify ?? 1900.3 (Definitions) and 1900.25 (Fees for: records services). The amended fee schedule reflects recommended adjustments for agency-wide charges that are permitted by law and the .remaining charges are based on the government-wide schedule. The increases in fee schedule charges more accurately reflect current, direct costs., In addition. the FOIRA specifies two basic requirements to qualify for a _ waiver or reduction of chargeable fees. This amendment also sets forth the factors which will be used in making such determinations. This final rule also amends the remaining sections of Part MO by incorporating into the regulation a number of error corrections and chances in phraseology as well as a number of _ technical and/or administrative changes to clarify or reflect more accurately applicable procedures and prar:tices. It has been determined that invitation of public comment on these changes to the Agency's implementing regulations prior to adoption would be impracticable and unnecessary, and it is thercfoie nut required under the pul.Thc provisions of the Administrati?i- Procedures Act. 5 U.S.0 553 ld persons, however, are invited ta comment in writing on these chanees All written comments received v.?:l! br considered in making subsequent amendments or revisions to these regulations. Written comments should, be addressed to: Lee S. Strickland. Information and Privacy Coordinator. Central Intelligence Agency, Washington, DC 20505. . Lastly. it has been determined that this final rule is not a "major rule" within the criteria specified in section 1(b) of Executive Order 12291 and does not have substantial impact on the public. In addition. this rule does not contain a collection of information for purposes of the Paperwork Reduction . Act. List of Subjects in 32 CFR Part 1900 Freedom of information. Accordingly, 32 CFR Part 1900 in its entirety is revised and reads as follows: PART 1900-PUBLIC ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS AND RECORDS AND DECLASSIFICATION REQUESTS See. General 1900.1 Purpose and authority. 1900.3 Definitions. 1900.5 Organization requests and submittals. Requesting Records 1900.11 Freedom of Information Act and Executive Order 12356 communications:? requirements as to form. 1900.21 Identification of persons requesting information under the provisions of Executive Order 12355. 1900.23 Pre-request option: Estimates of charges. 1900.25 Fees for records services. Processing Freedom of Information and Executive Order Communications 1900.31 Screening communications. 1900.33 Processing expressions of interest. 1900.35 Processing requests for records. Actions on Requests 190041 Searching for requested records 1900.43 Pcviewing records. 1900.45 Expeditious action: exTrnsion of time. 1900.47 Allocation of manpuwel and - resources: agreed extension of lime. 1900.49 Notification and payment; furnishing records. Appeals 1900.51 Appeals to CIA information Review Committee. ktiscellaneolis 1900 61 ALLosc for his:nrical resv.irth . npdassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP11M01338R000400470125-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/13 : CIA-RDP11M01338R000400470125-1 Federal Register / Vol 52. No 235 / Tuesday. December 8. 3987 / Rules and Regulutic,ris 4 64 57 1400 C3 Suggestions und cornpleints Authority- Ndtional Security Act of 1947. us Amended Central Inidligence Agency Act of 1949 Hs arnenJed. Freedom of Inform,itiiin Ad i ernendc.d CIA Informetion Act of It.t4. end E 0 1:'.35G General e 1900.1 Purpose and authority. The part is issued under the authority of and in order to implement: section 102 of the National Security Act of 397, as amended (50 U.S.C. 403); the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949. as amended (50 U.S.C. 403a et seq.): the Freedom of Information Act. as amended (5 U.S.C. 552): the CIA Information Act of 1984 (50 U.S.C. 431): and Executive Order 12356 (3 CFR Part 166 (1983). It prescribes procedures for: (a) Requesting records pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act; (b) Requesting the declassification of documents pursuant to Executive Order 12356; (c) Filing an administrative appeal of a denial of a mandatory review request under Executive Order 12356 or an initial request under the Freedom of Information Act: (d) The prompt and expeditious processing of such requests and appeals: and (e) Requesting estimates and advice prior to actually requesting records. thus affording protection against unanticipated fees. This part is also designed to assist Central Intelligence Agency management at all appropriate echelons to allocate resources to perform the functions. duties and responsibilities of the Central Intelligence Agency prescribed by and pursuant to law, including in particular those situations where it is deemed necessary to choose among conflicting requirements, duties and responsibilities. 1900.3 Definitions. For the purpose of this part, the following terms have the meanings indicated: (a) "Agency" includes any executive department. military department or other establishment or entity included M. the definition or agency in subsection 552(e) of Title 5 of the United States Code; (b) "Coordinator" means the Central Intelligence Agency Information and Privacy Coordinator: (c) "Expression of interest" means a written communication submitted by a potential requester pursuant to 1900.33 to indicate an interest in requesting records: (il) "Freedom of Information Act- means section 552 of Title 5 of the United States Cede. as amended. (e) "Executive Order- means Executive Order 12356 (3 CFit Part 166 09830: (r) "Potential requester" means a person. organization or other entity who submits an expression of interest in accordance with { 1900.33; (g) "Records." with reference to records of the Central Intelligence Agencycincludes all papers. maps. photOgraphs. machine readable records. and other documentary materials regardless of physical form or characteristics made or received by the Central Intelligence Agency in pursuanr.e of federal law or in connection with the transaction of public business and appropriate for preservation by the Central Intelligence .Agency as evidence of the organization. functions. policies, decisions, procedures. operations or other activities of the Agency or because of the informational value of data contained therein. But the term does not include: (1) Index, filing and museum documents made or acquired and preserved solely for reference, indexing. filing or exhibition purposes: (2) Routing and transmittal sheets and notes and filing instructions and notes which do not also include information. comment or statement of substance or policy; (3) Dooks, newspapers. magazines, and similar publications and clippings and excerpts from any such publications: (4) Records not originated by the CIA and subject to the continued control of the originator (such records will be referred to the originator for a disposition pursuant to I 1900.43(c)). (h) "Records of interest" means records which are responsive to expression or interest or of a request; (i) "Work days" means calendar days other than Saturdays and Sundays,and legal public holidays. (j) "Direct costs" means those expenditures which an agency actually incurs in searching for and duplicating (and reviewing in the case of commercial requesters) documents to respond to a FOIA request. Direct costs include, for example, the current salary of the employee performing work (the basic rate of pay for the employee plus 16 percent or that rate to cover benefits) and the cost of operating duplicating machinery. Not included in direct costs are overhead expenses such as costs of space and heating or lighting the facility in which the records are stored. (i,) -Search,- includes al: tit-7.1( spcnt fur meterhd thei, IS res;):.!-?.s a request utilizing available inslises cre. other finding aids The ternee sc e?c_e is predicated on the concept of reJsenabli search as contrasted to researce which is neither requited nor authorizet 1..tee FOIA. Efforts will be made to enserr that search for material is done in the, most efficient and least expensi?e manner so as to minimize costs fur 'Leith the Agency and the requester. 'Search' for the purpose of determining whether a document is responsive is distinguished from "review" where the objective is to determine whether any of the responsive material is exemet from disclosure. Searches may be done manually or by computer using existing programming. (1) "Duplication" refers to the process of making a copy of a document necessary to respond to a FOIA request. Such copies can take the form of paper copy. microform. audio-visual materials, or machine readable documentation (e.g.. magnetic tape or disk) among others. The copy provided must be in a form that is reasonably usable by requesters. (m) "Review" refers to the process of examining documents located in response to a request that is for a commercial use (see paragraph (n) of this section) to determine whether any portion of any document located must be withheld. It also includes processing any documents for disclosure (e.g.. doing all that is necessary to remove or obliterate any material which is exempt from disclosure and otherwise preparing them for release). Review does not include time spent resolving genera! legal or policy issues regarding the application of exemptions. (n) "Commercial use" request refers to a request in which the disclosure sought is primarily in the commercial interest of the requester. It is a request from or on behalf of one who seeks information primarily for the use or purpose that furthers the commercial, trade. income or profit interests of the requester or person on whose behalf the request is made. In determining whether a requester is properly included in this category. the Agency will consider rind may draw reasonable inferences from the identity and activities or the requester as well as the use to which the requester will put the documents requested. (o) "Educational institution" refers to a United States preschool, public or private elementary or secondan, an institution of graduate higher education. an institution of undergraduate higher education. an re,---.1.seeifinei in Part - Sanitized CODV Approved for Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP11M01338R000400470125-1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP11M01338R000400470125-1 ? 464.8 Federal Register / VoL 52. No. 235 Tuesday. December 8. 1987 I Rules and Regulations institution o! professional education and an institution of vocational education which operates a degree-granting. accredited prugram or programs of scholarly research in recognized fields of study. The criteria to be met to be included in this category. for the purposes of fee waivers. are not satisfied simply by showing that the request is for a library or other records repository. Such requests. like those of other requesters. will be analyzed to identify the particular person who will actually use the requested information in a scholarly or other analytic work and then disseminate it to the general public. (p) "Non-commercial scientific institution" refers to an institution in the United States that is not operated on a "commercial" basis as that term is referenced in paragraph (n) of this section and which is operated solely for ?the purpose of conducting natural life or physical sciences research the results of which are not intended to promote any particular product or industry. (q) "Representatives of the news media" refers to any person actively gathering news for a United States entity that is organized and operated to publish or broadcast news in the United States to the general public. The term "news" means information that is about current events or that would be of current interest to the general public. Examples of news media entities include television or radio stations broadcasting to the public at large and publishers of printed periodicals (but only in those instances when they qualify as disseminators of "news") who make their products available for purchase or subscription by the general public and whose products are, in fact, received by a significant element of the general public. These examples are not intended to be all-inclusive. Moreover, as traditional methods of news delivery evolve (e.g.. electronic dissemination of newspapers through telecommunications services), such alternative media would beincluded in this category. In the case of "freelance" journalists, they may be regarded as working for a news organization if they can demonstrate a solid basis for expecting publication through that organization. even though not actually employed by it. A publication contract would be the clearest proof. but the requester's past publication record may also be relevant evidence of the requester's status. ? 1900.5 Organization; requests and submittais. The headquarters of the Centrid Intelligence Agency is located in Fried \ Count), VA. Functions arc channeled and determined by regular chain.of. command procedures. Except as provided by this regulation. there are no formal or informal procedural requirements regarding public access to Agency records. Requests and other submittals should be addressed to: Information and Privacy Coordinator. Central Intelligence Agency. Washington. DC 20505. Requesting Records ? 190011 Freedom of information Act and Executive Order 12356 communications; requirements as to form. (a) Any communication to the CIA or to the Director of Central Intelligence under the Freedom of Information Act or Executive Order 12356 should be addressed to: Information and Privacy Coordinator, Central Intelligence Agency, Washington, D.C. 20505. This address should appear on the envelope or other folder or package in which the communication is transmitted. It should also be included as the addressee of the letter or other communication or be clearly set forth in the text of the communication. (b) Any request for records under the Freedom of Information Act ( 1900.35). expression of interest in requesting records (? 1900.35) or request for declassification of records under Executive Order 12356 (? 1900.35) shall be in writing and shall be addressed as prescribed by ? 1900.11(3). The Coordinator may, but need not, waive the requirements as to address. (c) The request or expression of interest shall reasonably describe the records of interest and, in the case of mandatory declassification review, requests shall identify the documents(s) with specificity such as by National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Document Accession Number or other applicable. unique document ? identifying number. (d) Any request or communications to an agency other than the Central Intelligence Agency which concern documents, records or information originated by the CIA and referred to the CIA, shall be considered a Freedom of Information request to the CIA for that referred document as of date of receipt by the CIA of the referral, and shall be processed pursuant to regulations. 11900.21 Identification of persons requesting information under the provisions of Executive Order 12356. Pursuant to section 3.4(a)(1) of Executive Order 12356. a mandatory declassification review request can be made only by a United States citizen or permanent resident alien, a agency or a State or local goVernmer.! This Agency shall require sufficient identifying information from the requester to authenticate the requester's qualifications. 1900.23 Pre-request option: Estimates of Charges. (a) In order to avoid being faced with unanticipated sizeable charges. interested persons and entities may defer the submission of requests for records and first submit a written request. in accordance with the procedures prescribed by ? 1900.11 for an estimate of charges likely to be incurred if the records are requested. (b) Notice is hereby given that a requester may be liable for the payment of search charges. in accordance with the fee schedule and provisions of ? 1900.25, even if search for requested records locates no such records and even if some or all of requested records which are located are denied the requester under one or more exemptions of the Freedom of Information Act or Executive Order 12356. ? 1900.25 Fees for records services. (a) Search, review, and duplication fees will be charged in accordance with the schedule set forth in paragraph (c) of this section for services rendered in responding to requests for Agency records under this part. To the extent possible, the most efficient and least costly methods will be used to comply with requests for documents made under the FOIA. Records will be furnished without charge or at a reduced rate whenever the Coordinator determines that a waiver or reduction is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of the United States government and is not primarily in the commerical interest of the requester. The Coordinator shall consider the following factors in making his determination: (1) Whether the subject of the requested records concerns the operations or activities of the United States government; and, if so. (2) Whether the disclosure of the requested documents is likely to contribute to an understanding of United States government operations or activities; and, if so. (3) Whether the disclosure of the requested documents will contribute to public understanding of United States government operations or activities: and. if so. I Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP11M01338R000400470125-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP11M01338R000400470125-1 Federal Register / Vol. 52. No 235 / Tuesday. December h. 1987 / Rules and Regulations 4C470 (4) Whether the disclosure of the requested documents is likl to cnniribute sign;ficantly to public understanding of United Stales pox ernment operations and activities. end. (5) Whether the requester has a commercial interest that would be furthered by the requested disclosure: and. if so. (6) Whether the disclosure is primarily in the commercial interest of the requester. (b) The Coordinator may also waive or reduce the charge whenever he determines that the interest of the government would be served thereby. In addition, fees shall not be charged where they would amount. in the aggregate. for a request or for a series of related requests. to less than S6.00. (c) Denials of requests for fee waivers or reductions may be appealed by writing to the Chairman of the Information Review Committee, via the Coordinator. Requests for fee waivers or reductions or appeals of such decisions will not be considered after a requester has given his commitment to pay fees and/or processing costs have been incurred by the CIA. (d) In order to protect the requester and the Agency from large. unexpected fees, when the anticipated charges will amount to more than 525.00 and the requester has not indicated his willingness to pay applicable fees, the processing of the request shall be suspended until the requester indicates his willingness to pay. The requester shall be notified and asked for this commitment to pay all reasonable % search and duplication (and when appropriate, review) fees. At his option. the requester may indicate in advance a dollar limitation to the fees he is prepared to pay. In such an event. the Coordinator shall initiate a search of the system or systems of records deemed most likely to produce relevant records. instructing the system managers to discontinue the search as soon as the stipulated amount has been expended. Where an advance limit has not been stipulated, the Coordinator may. at his discretion or at the behest of the requester. compile an estimate of the search fees likely to be incurred in processing a request. or of such portion thereof as can readily be estimated. The requester shall be promptly notified of the amount and be asked to approve its expenditure and guarantee payment thereof. The request shall be cancelled after 60 days if no response is received. (e) In those cases where the Coordinator estimates that the fees will exceed S250.00 and the requester has no history of payment. an advance deposit of up to 100 percent of the estimated fees will be required In all Lases where there is reasonable evidence that the requester may possibly fail to pay the fees which would be accrued by processing his request. an advance deposit of 100 percent of the estimated fees will be required. The notice or request for an advance deposit shall extend an offer to the requester whereby he is afforded an opportunity to revise the request in a manner calculated to reduce Dispatch of such a notice shall suspend the running of the period for response by the Agency until a reply is received from the requester. (f) Except for requests that are for a commercial use, the Agency will not charge for the first two hours of search time or for the first 200 pages of reproduction. However, a requester or associated requesters may not file a series of multiple requests. which are merely discrete subdivisions of the information he actually seeks, for the purpose of avoiding or reducing applicable fees. When the Coordinator reasonably believes that a requester or a group of requesters acting in concert. is attempting to break a request down into a series of smaller requests solely for the purpose of evading the assessment of fees. the Coordinator may aggregate any such requests and charge accord ingly.. (g) The schedule of fees for services performed in responding to requests for CIA records is established as follows: (1) For each one quarter hour,e-or fraction therof. spent by non- profestional personnel in searching for a record. 52.50: (2) For each one quarter hour. or fraction thereof. spent by professional personnel in searching for a record. $4.50. (3) For each one quarter hour. or fraction thereof. spent by professional personnel in reviewing a record in response to a FOIA request. which is primarily commercial. $4.50, (4) For each on-line computer search. $11.00: (5) For each off-line (batch) computer search of Central Reference Files. sr.00: (0) For all other off-line computer searches of Agency files. $8.00 per minute of Central Processing Unit (CPU) time: (7) For copies of paper documents in sizes not larger than 81/2 x 14. 50.10 per copy of each page: (a) For duplication of non-paper media (film. magnetic tape. diskette. etc.) or any document that cannot be reproduced on a standard office copier. Jima! (hied cost: and (9) For copies of reports. rn?es reference aids, and other Agcr.c.., puldications. actual costs (h) Inasmuch as the Agency's s of records are decentralized. sevetal computer searches may be required lu process a request, depending upon its scope. The computer search costs gi \ , in paragraphs (g)(4) through (6) of th:s section. do not include whatever mar,,,l search time is needed to determine whether the records located are in fact responsive to the request. (i) Search fees are assessable ever. when no records pertinent to the requests, of no releasable records a7e found, provided the requester has born. advised of this fact and he has, notwithstanding, agreed to incur the costs of search. Individuals associated with or otherwise making requests en behalf of any organization or other entity or person shall be jointly and severally liable with such party for all applicable search, review, and reproduction costs incurred. (j) For requests which have accrued search and duplication fees in excess of $250.00. or where there is reasonable evidence that the requester may possibly fail to pay the accrued fees. then, at the discretion of the Coordinator, the requester may be required to pay the accrued search and duplication fees prior to the actual delivery of the requested records; otherwise, the requester shall be billed for such fees at the time the records are provided. Payment shall be remitted by check or money order, made payable in U.S. dollars to the Treasurer of the United States, and shall be sent to the Coordinator. No appeals shall be accepted or arty additional records services provided to the requester or associated requester until the requester and associated requesters have paid all outstanding charges for services rendered under this CFR part or corresponding CFR part for other government agencies or departments. In cases of requesters associated with. acting in concert %vith, or on behalf of any other individual or orgdniy..ition, such requesters. individuals and organizations shall be jointly and severally liable for all applicable charges. (k) With the exception of requesters seeking documents for a commercial use. section (4)(A)(iv) of the Freedom of Information Act, as amended. requires agencies to provide the first 100 pages of duplication and the first two hours of search time without charge. Moreover. this section prohibits agencies from charging fees to any requester. ineludiee commercial use requesters. if the cost of Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP11M01338R000400470125-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/13 : CIA-RDP11M01338R000400470125-1 454&0 Federal Register / Vol. 52, No. 235 / Tuesday, December 8. 1987 I Rules and Pegulatioes collecting a fee would be equal to or greater than the fee itself. These provisions work together. so that, except for commercial use requesters. the Agency will not begin to assess fees until after providing the specified free search and reproduction. If the amount of the chargeable fees is equal to or less than the cost of the Agency of billing the requester and processing the fee collected. no charges would result. The elements to be considered in determining the "cost of collecting a fee" are the administrative costs to the Agency of receiving and recording a requester's remittance, and processing the fee for deposit in the Treasury Department's special account. The per- transaction cost to the Treasury to handle such remittances will not be considered in the Agency's. determination. (1) For purposes of these restrictions on assessment of fees., the word "pages" refers to paper copies of a standard Agency size which will normally be "81/2x11" or "11x14." Thus. requesters would not be entitled to 100 microfiche or 100 computer diskettes, for example. but rather such microfiche, diskettes, or other computer output having a dollar value equivalent to 100 pages of paper copies (i.e., $10.00). (2) Similarly, the term "search time in this context has, as its basis. manual search. To apply this term to searches made by computer. the Agency will provide computer searches under ?1900.25(c)(4) through (6) having a dollar value equivalent to two (2) hours of professional search time (i.e.. S30.00). (I) There are four categories of FOIA requesters: "commercial use" requesters: "educational and non- commercial scientific institution" requesters: "representatives of the news media" requesters: and. "all other" requesters. The FOIRA prescribes specific levels of fees for each of these cutegories: (1) "Commercial Use" Reques!ers: When the Agency receives a request for documents for commercial use, it will assess charges which recover the full direct costs of searching for, reviewing For release, and duplicating the records suught. Requesters must reasonably describe the records sought. Commercial use requesters are not entitled to two hours of free search time nor 100 free pages of reproduction of documents. The Agency will recover the cost of searching for and reviewing records even if there is ultimately no disclosure of ree.ords. 121 "Educct lona! end Non-comnwrcial Scientific institution" Requevers: The Agency will provide documents to requesters in this category fur the cost of reproduction alone, excluding charges for the first 100 pages. To be eligible for inclusion in this category. requesters must show that the request is being made as authorized by and under the auspices of a qualifying United States institution and that the records are not sought for commercial use, but are sought in furtherance of scholarly (if the request is from an educational institution) or scientific (if the request is from a non-commercial scientific institutiprOesearch. Requesters most reasonably describe the records sought. (3) "Representatives of the News Media" Requesters: The Agency shall provide documents to requesters in this category for the cost of reproduction alone, excluding charges for the first 100 pages. To be eligible for inclusion in this category, a requester must meet the criteria in ?1900.3(q), and his or her request must not be made for a commercial use. In reference to this class of requester, a request for records supporting the news dissemination function of a requester shall not,be considered to be a request that is for commercial use provided that the requester meets the requirements specified in I 1900.3(q). Requesters must reasonably describe the records sought. (4) "All Other" Requesters: FOIA requesters who do not fit in any of the categories above will be charged fees which recover the full reasonable direct cost of searching for and reproducing records that are responsive to the request, except that the first 100 pages of reproduction and the first two hours of search time shall be furnished without charge. Moreover, requesters asking for records about themselves will continue to be treated under the CIA fee provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974 which permit access to records without charge. Processing Freedom of Information'and Executive Order Communications 1900.31 screening communications. (a) If any Agency employee receives a written communication which the employee believes to be un apparent or intended communication under the Freedom of Information Act or the mandatory declassification review provisions or Executive Order 12356. he shall expeditiously transmit the communication to the Coordinutor. (b) Upon receipt of a communication in accordance with ? 1900.11 or parugraph (a) of this section. the Coordinator shall promptly consult with such Agency components as he msy deem appropriate and: (11 Determine the nature of the communication?an expression of interest (I 1900 33), a request g 1920 3:-,) or other. and (2) If he determines the communication to be an intendr expression of interest or intended request, he shall further determine whether it fails to qualify as an expression of interest or request on'y because it fails to reasonably describe the records of interest. (c) The Coordinator thereupon shall take the appropriate one of the fel:rev:ea; actions. (1) If he determines that the communication was not an intended expression of interest or an intended request. he shall take such actice with respect to the communication as he ma:, deem appropriate. (2) If he determines that the communication was an intended expression of interest or an intended request but failed to reasonably describe the records of interest. he shall so inform the originator of the communication promptly. in writing and he may offer to assist the originator in revising and perfecting the description of the records of interest. (3) The Coordinator shall determine whether any communication not anted on under paragraph (c)(1) or (c)(2) of this section is an expression of interest, or is a request made in accordance with , published rules stating the procedures to he followed, as required by subsection ()(3) of the Freedom of Information Act or Executive Order 12.356. The Coordinator's determination in this regard shall be based on and shall reflect the clear intent of the originator of the communication insofar as the Coordinator is able to determine that intent. When the originator's intent is not apparent to the Coordinator and when the Coordinator deems it idestrahto and feasible. he shall promptly communicate with the originator in order to ascertain the tatter's intent. In this and any cases where additional information is required. the request will be canceled after 60 days if no reply is received. (d)The Coordinator shall inform the requester, in writing. of his determination made under paragraph (c)(3) or this section and. in the case o!' determination that the communication is a request. of the date of acceptunce The search conducted pursuant to that request shall be for records in esiiiiiinee as of and through the acceptance date. Such notification shall be given promptly and, in any case. within fi%e work days of the date of such determination. The ten work days within which the Agency must determine whether to compty %vitt) :) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/13 : CIA-Rnpi 1RA10r,?,, . - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP11M01338R000400470125-1 Federal Register / Vol 52. No 235 I Tuesday. December 8. 1987 / Rules and Regulations 46301 request as provided by subsection (a );6);A);1) of the Freedom of Information Act. shall begin as of the acceptance date. (e) The Coordinator shall promptly process under the procedures specified by ? 1900.33 those communications which he determines to be expressions of interest. He shall promptly process under the procedures specified by ? 1909.35 those communications which he determines to be requests. 11900.33 Processing expressions of interest (a) Upon determining, in accordance with ?.1900.31(c)(3). that a communication is an expression of interest, and after promptly consulting with such Agency components as he may deem appropriate. the Coordinator. to the extent feasible, shall determine the applicable search. review (if appliCable), and, duplication charges likely to be incurred in processing the potential request. In determining such charges, the Coordinator shall take into account the nature and quantity of the work and services of people and computers and other equipment which ? may be required. and the applicable rates set out in the fee schedule prescribed by ? 1900.25(g). If feasible at this stage. the Coordinator also shall determine whether to waive or reduce the fee in accordance with ? 1900.25(a). (b) The Coordinator thereupon shall advise the potential requester, in writing, of the likely charges and he shall make clear that the amounts indicated are estimates only. if such be the case, and, if there is a possibility that the charges to be incurred may be greater than the estimate, he shall so inform the potential requester. If the amounts indicated are not estimates but bre the amounts which in fact are to be charged if the potential requester makes a request. he shall inform the potential requester of that fact. In either event, he shall also inform the potential requester that search charges will be levied upon the requester even if no records fitting the description are located or if any or 611 records which do fit the description are denied the requester. 10 When he deems it appropriate or ?vtfen the potential requester so requests. the Coordinator may assist the requester in determining whether and, if so. how to revise the description of the records of interest so as to cause or permit a reduction in the likely applicable charges. (d) Upon receipt of such estimate and ad % ice concerning likely charges. the potential requester may: (1) In accordance with ? 190011. submit a reouest for records. either the records of interest indicated in his expression of interest or records encompassed in a modified description. (2) Advise the Coordinator that he dues not intend to request records, or (3) Take no additional action. (e) If, as a result of his consultations with the Coordinator or otherwise, the potential requester wants to request records additional to or other than those described in his expression of interest. he may submit an expression of interest with respect to such records. in accordance with ? 1900.33 or a request for such records in accordance with 1900.35. 11900.35 Processing requests for records. (a) Upon determining that a communication is a request for records. the Coordinator, after consulting with such Agency components as he may deem appropriate, shall promptly transmit a copy of the request to the component or components believed to be a logical repositor of responsive records. inform the components of the date of receipt of the request as determined by him pursuant to 1900.31(d). and alert the components to the action required of them by If 1900.41 through 1900.47 with respect to the request. Requests will be handled with each component on a first-received. first-answered basis. In those components where the volume of pending. highly-complex ("project") requests has substantially impeded the processing of other smaller requests. the Coordinator may direct the establishment of a dual-queue system in order to ensure that both regular and project requests receive appropriate and equitable processing. (b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this section. the Coordinator may determine that there is no basis for searching for the requested records of that the Agency's required response to the request obviates the need to conduct ..any search since (a) The fact of the existence or non- existence of records responsive Id the request would itself be classified pursuant to Executive Order 12350. or. (2) The category of the information requested is within the scope of 50 U.S C. 403(d)(3). 50 U.S.C. 403g. or other applicable exempting statute and thus the requested information, if it existed. would be exempt from required disclosure pursuant to FOIA exemption (b)(3). Whenever the Coordinator makes such a determination he shall respond to the requester accordingly. and the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section and of ?? 1900.41 through 1900 43 shall not apply as to that particular request. Actions on Requests ? 1900.11 Searching for requestec records. (a) Upon receipt of a copy of a request and the tasking pursuant to 1903.35. the components which are logical , repositories of the requestedrecords (hereinafter the "cognizant components"), shall, with such assistance as may be appropriate from the Coordinator and from such reference, indexing of filing aids as available, undertake to locate the requested records from all files except those designated by the Director of Central Intelligence as exempt from search pursuant to the CIA Information Act. 50 U.S.C. 431 through 432. (b) If no records described by the requests are located, the cognizant components shall inform the Coordinator who shall promptly inform the requester in writing. The Coordinator also shall determine the charges. if any. for which the requester shall be liable, in accordance with the fee schedule and provisions of ? 1900.25. He shall inform the requester of the amount charged. explain the basis of computation, and request prompt payment thereof. ?1900.413 Reviewing records. (a) The cognizant components shall review any located records in accordance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act and Executive Order 12356 and on the basis of other applicable law. regulations and policy, and determine which. if any. requested records. or reasonably segregable portions of records. are to be furnished the requester and which are to be denied or withheld. Any decision to furnish or to deny or withhold requested records shall be made only by employees and officials to whom authority to make such decisions has been duly delegated. (b) In the event an Agency component believes that located records require review by another CIA component or another agency. it shall forward such records to the Coordinator who shall expeditiously coordinate such review. (c) In the event located records are determined to have originated with another government agency. the Coordinator shall expeditiously forward such records or a description thereof to the originating agency for their determination. (d) Pursuant to subsection 3.410(11 of Executive Order 12356. this Agency shall refuse to confirm or deny the existence im,,,I,ccifiari in Part - Sanitized Com/ Approved for Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP11M01338R000400470125-1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP11M01338R000400470125-1 4 6462 Federal Register / Vol. 52, No. 235 / Tuesday. December 8, 1987 / Rules and Regula tions non-existence of information .equested whenever the fact of its existence Or non-existence is itself classifiable under this Order. 6 1900.45 Expeditious action; extension of time. (a) Concerning Freedom of Information Act requests. whenever feasible under the standards prescribed by ? 1900.47, the search and review functions prescribed by ?? 1900.41 and '1900.43 and notice to the requester of the Agency action on the request. as prescribed by ? 1900.49(a). shall be completed within ten days of the date of Agency receipt of the request as determined by the Coordinator pursuant to '1900.31(d). Whenever the Coordinator determines that "unusual circumstances" as defined by subsection (a)(6)(B) of the Freedom of Information Act exist, he may, by written notice to the requester. authorize art additional period for completion of Agency action, but no such extension shall be for more than ten work days. His notice shall also set forth the reasons for the extension. (b) Concerning mandatory declassification review requests. Agency responses shall be governed by the amount or search and review time required to process the request under ?? '1900.41 and 1903.43.11 unusual circumstances prevent a final Agency determination from being reached within one year or the date of receipt. the Agency shall inform the requester of the additional time needed to process the request. ? 1900.47 Allocation of manpower and; resources; agreed extension of time. (a) Agency components shall devote such manpower and other resources to searching for, locating and reviewing records in accordance with ?I 1900.41 and 1903.43 as may be appropriate and expedient in the circumstances, taking into account: (1) The manpower and resources HViiilable for those purposes: (2) The right of a requester submitting a request under the Freedom of Information Act to resort to litigation if the Agency decision on the request is not made within ten work days: and ? ca; Alt functions, duties and responsibilities assigned to those components by. or pursuant to. a law. (b) The responsible components shall consult with the Coordinator with regard to the need to allocate resources and establish priorities, and the latter with the requester, as may be appropriate. in order tu accomplish such nrrangemcnts and agreements with the requester as may be acceptable to the requester concerning the Agency's efforts and ability to act on his request expeditiously. In particular, when the Coordinator deems it feasible and of possible benefit to the requester, the public. or the Agency, he shall inform the requester that more thorough or extensive search or review, or both, could be accomplished, which might be of benefit to the requester, if additional time were to be available. When appropriate in such cases, the Coordinator shall also advise the requester of the effect on charges and fees such additional search might cause. Any extensions arranged or agreed to under this section may be in addition to any extensions under 6 1900.45. 6 1900.49 Notification and payment furnishing records. (a) The Coordinator shall promptly inform the requester. in writing, which of the requested records, or portions thereof, if any, are to be furnished the requester and those, if any, which are denied, as determined pursuant to ? 1900.43(a). With respect to the latter, he shall also explain the reasons for the denial and he shall furnish the names and titles or positions of the persons responsible for the decision to deny access. (b) Upon receipt of payment of all fees and charges. or upon the completion of arrangements satisfactory to the ? Coordinator that payment will be made promptly. the Coordinator shall promptly prepare copies of the records. or portions of records, which are to be made available and transmit them to the requester. The Coordinator shall do likewise with respect to any records or portions of records made available to a requester by the action of the Central Intelligence Agency Information Review Committee under ? 1900.51(e). (c) As an alternative to any requester receiving any records from the Agency by mail, a requester may arrange to inspect the records at a CIA Reading Room in the metropolitan Washington. DC area. The Coordinator will designate a Reading Room for the purpose of records inspection, and the requester may select whatever records the requester wishes to purchase at a cost set forth in I 1900.25. Access to the Reading Room will be granted only after the fees that accumulated from the search (and review if applicable) to produce the requested records have been paid. or waived by the Coordinator pursuant to I 1900.25(a). Upon receipt of a written statement from the requester exercising this option. the Coord:nator will advise the requester of the location of the Reading Room and provide directions thereto. Records that the Agency will release will be available for inspection in the Reading Room on a date or dates mutually agreed upon the Coordinator and the requester. not more than seven days from the Agenc:s's receipt of the written request or from completion of the processing of the request for records, whichever is later The requester may agree to a date or dates more than seven days from such time. On the days the Reading Room is open. it will be available to requesters from9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Appeals ? 1900.51 Appeals to CIA Information Review Committee. (a) Establishment of Committee. The CIA Information Review Committee is hereby established pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act and section, 3.4(d) of Executive Order 12356. The Committee shall be composed of the Deputy Director for Administration, the Deputy Director for Operations, the Deputy Director for Science and Technology, the Deputy Director for Intelligence, and the Inspector General. The Director of Central Intelligence shall appoint a Chairman. The Committee. by majority vote, may delegate to one or more of its members the authority to act on-any appeal or appeals under this section, and may authorize the Chairman to delegate such authority. The Chairman may appoint an Executive Secretary and delegate such authorities as he deems appropriate: in the absence of such an appointment. he shall exercise any delegated or assigned functions himself. The Chairman may call upon appropriate components to participate when special equities or expertise are involved. (h) Right of oppeoi: Notice. Whenever access to any requested record or any portion thereof is denied, the requester shall be apprised, in writing, of his or her right to appeal the denial to the CIA Information Review Committee through the Coordinator. (c) Appeol procedures. Any such appeal or request to the Committee shall be in writing, addressed to the Coordinator. The appeal or request may present such information, data. and argument in support thereof as the requester may desire. The Cernmittee Shall not permit a requester or his representative to appear before the Committee or to make an oral presentation. No appeal shall be accepted if the requester or associated requester has outstanding record service charges with the CIA or other federal government agency or department. (d) Time for oppeok expiration or appeal. An appeal under the Freedom of Information Act shall be exercised Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP11M01338R000400470125-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP11M01338R000400470125-1 Federal ,Register / ?'ol. 52. ND. 235 / Tucscv, Dcccmher 8. 1987 / Rules and Rey.'ulations 46-163 witian thirty days of the date of receipt uf notification of the right to appeal and the right of appeal shall cease as of the expirat.on of that period But the Committee. for good cause shown. may permit an additional thirty days for the sutimission of an appeal Pursuant to the mandatory declassification review provisions of Executive Order 12356. an administrative appeal must be filed within sixty days of receipt of the denial of the initial request. (e) Committee oction on appeals and requests. (1) The Committee shall promptly consider any appeal, together with any submissions in support thereof. and shall grant or deny the appeal or take such other action thereon as it may, deem appropriate. The Committee's review. decision and action shall be based on and shall be in conformance with the Freedom of Information Act. Executive Order 12356 and other applicable law, directives, regulations and policy. (2) The Committee shall promptly consider any requests under Executive Order 12356 for declassification under paragraph (a) of this section and shall declassify any such records or reasonably segregable portions or coherent segments of such records as it deems appropriate in accordance with Executive Order 12356. (3) Committee action on appeals of FOIA determinations shall be completed within twenty work days of receipt of the appeal. and appeal of mandatory declassification review determinations shall be completed within thirty (30) workdays, except that the Committee may. in accordance with the provisions of I 1900.45. avail itself of an additional period of time for completion of its work on the appeal. But no such extension shall be available with respect to an appeal of a denial of a request which was the subject of an extension of time for Agency action by the Coordinator under this Part. In the event that the Committee is unable to complete its review of an appeal within the time prescribed by this subsection, it shall so advise the requester. (4) Concerning appeals under the FOIA, the Committee shall promptly inform the requester of its determination(s) and. with respect to any decision to withhold or deny records, it shall identify the officer responsible therefore. If any record or portion thereof is denied the requester by the Committee's action. the Committee shall also inform the requester of the provision for judicial review of that determination under suliseetion (e)(4) of the Freedom of information Act. (5) Concerning appeals under the mandatory declassification review provisions of Executive Order 12356. Committee decisions are final and no right of judicial review exists Miscellaneous ? 1930.61 Access for historical research. (a) Any person engaged in a historical research project may submit a request. in writing. to the Coordinator to be given access to information classified pursuant to an Executive Order for purposes -What research. Any such request shall indicate the nature. purpcse. and scope of the research project. It is the policy of the Agency to consider applications for historical research privileges only in those instances whtre the researcher's needs cannot be satisfied through requests for access to reasonably described records under the Freedom of Information Act or Executive Order 12356. (b) The Coordinator may authorize access, under such conditions and at such time and place as he may deem feasible. But the Coordinator shall authorize access only with respect to documents and records prepared or originated not less than ten years prior to the date of such requests and only upon the prior written approval by the CIA Director of Security of a current security clearance of the requester and of persons associated with him in the project, in accordance with applicable executive orders, regulations. and directives, and upon the Coordinator's further determination that: (1) A serious professional or scholarly research project is contemplated: (2) Such access is clearly consistent with the interests of national security: (3) Appropriate steps have been taken to assure that classified information will not be published or otherwise compromised: (4) The information requested is reasonably accessible and can be located and compiled with a reasonable amount of effort. (5) The historical researcher agrees to safeguard the information in a manner consistent with Executive Order 12356, and signs an agreement to safeguard the classified material to which access is granted in accordance with Agency security requirements; and (6) The historical researcher agrees to authorize a prior review of his notes and manuscript by the Agency for the sole purpose of determining that no classified information is contained -therein. (c) An authorization shall be valid for the period required for the research project as the Coordinator may determine, but in no event for more than two Nears But upon renew ed requesi ;0 accordance with paragraph (a) of this section, authorizatior, may be renewed in accordance with paragraph (b) of rr:.s section and this paragraph. (d) The Coordinator shall cancel dr.:, authorization whenever the Director of Security cancels the security clearant-e of the requester or of any person associated with the requester in the research project or whenever the Coordinator determines that continued access would not be in compliance wtth one or more of the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section. ? 1900.63 Suggestions and complaints. Any person may direct any sugeestion or complaint with respect to the CIA administration of Executive Order 12356 to the CIA Information Review Committee. The Committee shall consider such suggestions and complaints and shall take such action thereon as it may deem feasible and appropriate. Date: December 2. 1997. William F. Donnelly, Deputy Director for Administro:ion (FR Doc. 87-28115 Filed 12-7-87.895 am) SILLo+c CODE $31O-O2- ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 40 CFR Part 52 (FRL 3295-73 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Ohio AGENCY: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). ACTION: Final rulemaking. 'SUMMARY: This notice approves, as a revision to the Ohio State Implementation Plan (SIP) fur total suspended particulates (TSP). operating permits for the following two shiploading facilities: The Andersons Grain Division, Toledo Plant and Mid. States Terminals Incorporated These permits are needed to satisfy the requirements of Part D of the Clean Air Act. EFFECTIVE DATE This final rulemaking becomes effective on January 7, 1997. ADDRESSES: Copies of the SIP revision and other materials relating to this rulemaking are available for inspection at the following addresses: (II is recommended that you telephone Delores Sieja. at (312) 886-6036. before visiting the Region V Office.) narinccifipri in Part - Sanitized Coov Approved for Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP11M01338R000400470125-1 STAT Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP11M01338R000400470125-1 R Next 4 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP11M01338R000400470125-1