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Publication Date: 
September 20, 1968
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Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/11/26 : CIA-RDP10T01930R000500130016-4 Meeting on Johnson Library Project with 20 September 1968 DDS 25X1 25X1 spoke briefly of what has been learned of the work- ? ings of Presidential Libraries and agreed to provide with ? copies of the two Memoranda for the Record covering his meetings with the N White House and the National Archives, and also a copy of the DDP direc- tive on the Johnson Library Project. He said that many points which arose in his meetings on what is ? already intended for the Library from the White House and what is intended with respect to future handling by the Archives (which will be responsible for the Library), make it clear that there is already a great deal of highly classified CIA material in the White House vault which is no longer under CIA control. The Archives make it clear that CIA can make any policy it desires as to custody and rules for the eventual use and disposition of its material, after whatever number of years specified. We only know in very general terms what of CIA's is actually in the White House. Some material sent to the White House is shown to the President and kept in the vault - other material is not shown to him and eventually returns to CIA. But since our destruction records are kept for only two years, it is impossible to determine what is actually there. We must recognize the principle that CIA material from different Presidential eras should be kept either in the appropriate library (Truman, Eisenhower, or Kennedy) or in a separate archives under our control, and a system should be set up for the smooth handling of this matter from 25X1 now on. It is up to the DDS to decide what of its material should be included in the Library. Such selection should be based entirely on historical rather than security considerations. If the material is sensitive it should still be selected but for retention under CIA custody at If the material is not too sensitivethen it should be earmarked for Austin since even there, it will still be under security handling in a classified vault. cited examples of the type of material which it is proposed will be sent to Austin: NIEs, microfilm of the total daily production of FBIS, a generalized essay on the CIA historical program in order to show scholars in the future that we have been conscientious in keeping our own history, even though it is not included in the library, and bibliographical material such as the standardization of foreign. personal names which would be helpful to scholars. Other agencies have been asked to prepare complete histories of their activities during the Johnson period but CIA does not have to do this. We can provide actual documents and essays oncertain selected types of our activities. DDS logistical and personnel support in ? . _ ? ? - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/26 : CIA-RDP10T01930R000500130016-4 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/26: CIA-RDP10T01930R000500130016-4 i? . -2- There will probably be several offices of the DDS which will have nothing appropriate to provide. Each component knows best about this and is the one to make the selection and under what conditions it is provided. felt that the Office of Training would have the most to offer from the DDS. This could include training material which is not sensitive. One of these could be the general approach to the problem of insurgency. A check should be made to determine if there are surveys on the threat of insurgency in OTR which could be included. Such material vould have historical value in showing how CIA approached such a problem. Communications might have something on the development of new communications devices or new systems which would probably be kept within CIA custody. Personnel might prepare something in connection with CIA recruitment and presence as consultants on various campuses. There might be an essay prepared by Personnel on the 100 Universities program which would not be very sensitive. The names of actual professors involved would be kept in CIA custody. CIA, must save the type of material which will reestablish its reputation for conscientious work in the academic field. Material which is selected for inclusion in the Library (either in CIA custody or at Austin) should be forwarded to 25X1 as the Coordinator of the Johnson Library Project (Room 7E62)9 with a memorandum from the DDS stating that such and such a document has been selected for inclusion. AIMED should also state if a certain component has determined that there is nothing to contribute. Mr. office is equipped to reproduce documents if the originals 05xi are still of current use and the originals will then be returned to DDS, with a notation that a copy has been made a part of the LBJ Library. 25X1 It was agreed that by 15 October would forward to 25a memorandum commenting on the probable nature of the )(11 DDS contribution, listing documents if already available, and stating whether it would be useful or necessary to write some kind of summary on a given program or set of? developments. 25X1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/26: CIA-RDP10T01930R000500130016-4