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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP1 OM02313R000100750008-0 Memorandum for. 27 1LR,2, SUBJECT: Versaille Summit Draft Briefing Papers Per instructions from , we have passed our comments on the attached briefing papers directly to the Department of Energy. We have also attached a memo for Tom Cormack detailing the substance of our comments. STAT STAT STAT Director, DDI DDI Reg. D/OGI OGI/ED OGI/ED/M OGI Office of Global Issues OGI/EDI I(26 Apr 82) STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP1 OM02313R000100750008-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP1 OM02313R000100750008-0 26 April 1982 MEMORANDUM FOR : Thomas B. Cor ma ck Executive Secretary F ROM Director, Office of Global Issues STAT Versailles Summit: Presidential Draft Briefing papers 1. We have passed our comments on the attached bri,,?fing papers directly to the Department of Energy. We had no major substantive problems with any of the drafts, but provided the following comments. 2. U. S. Supply Developments: The first Point-Counterpoint under the Key Points section refers to the 1978/79 doubling of world oil prices. These price increases actually took place in the 1979/80 time frame. 3. Stockpiling: No comments 4. Oil Price Trends/Outlook: The second paragraph leaves the mistaken impression that oil prices are expected to continue their downward spiral no matter what happens to the economy. Ne suggested that the second sentence in this paragraph be revis d to read something like: "The US position is that the upturn in economic performance beginning later this ,y i unl ik ly to generate upward price pressures." Similarly the r fereence to an "essentially irreversible trend toward lower oil consumption" is a Counterpoint left the impression that consumption will never rise above current depressed levels. We recommended that this phrase be struck From the text. 5. Natural Gas -- Prici n and Supplies: No con~rnents. 6. Nuclear Energy: The first sentence under the Essential Facts section points toward the cancellation of some 90 nuclear reactors in the United States. Our records show only about 50 reactors have been cancelled. The first sentence in the next paragraph points to the problems experienced by the nuclear industry in other. Western countries. We suggested it would be worth pointing out that despite these problems, no plants have been cancelled. Finally, we recommended the addition of another talking point dealing with the question of nuclear waste disposal since most OECD countries are waiting for the United States to take the lead in this area. STAT STAT 1_ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP1 OM02313R000100750008-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP10M02313R000100750008-0 Office of the I)EPUTY DIRECTOR FOR INTFLLIGENCE April 23, I932 NOTE FOR: Eta/OGI Bob would like you to respond directly to Carol Lee by 1200 hours on 26 April concerning the attached request from the DOE. You should also prepare a memo to Torn Corrnack by COB of that date detailing what Yoo passed on to Energy. Thanks. STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP10M02313R000100750008-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP1 OM02313R000100750008-0 ' trtment D.C. r 5 coNFiliwfidL WMANI 1Q* Unto I Chase X41'3 D.par m.nt of Treasury Thom H. Coreaak kooa 7813 CIA Hsnry Nsu 9o01R 9 2 building Old n ecutive office building Irwhe George or P URaipal a sistant for Interbat Affairs 6901tcTe Viratilles'Hu it: Clearance of Draft Hris!iny Pape. for President's briefing Book for Jun. 4..6, 982 directly to mV staff person coordinating our contrtbuti4n (Carol 6os 262-6383). Attached for your aq ncy's clearance are papers on kegs elne,ngy -L*oue. b for the- Presidents i.f inv boo* *w, the ViBrasil ?s Suitt, lease provide your co .nts by Nook. April 26. CONFIDENTIAL Vnc1alsaf i?d W ?. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP1 OM02313R000100750008-0 New a ?cutive building Office Steve (error Rocs 23S Alon arson R 136 DepsrOSnt of State John laugh Novo 862 Dsgar want of Coenaerce Ro"ritorter ROM 35 Old 8 ecutive Off too STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP10M02313R000100750008-0 i U.S. SUPPLY OEVELOP14ENTS 1.? "CISION in 4~y ill lotr 1 g Mr e f to the imedi ate d$O$troI of . oil -polity a*ocated by this Adtiaistra~tiori~p~rt: the free-market appr'o h to , APR IS 1982 The mitt" r se of u I S "tro l euft k t . .Owcostral of on and rev U$. oil co nnumption 00 o aAs Is...w.. II t _/e ? ", "-wm 1wr -elarwts 14 _ U.S. oil aerket result we froze it oil prices ip 197$/79 -ather than the decontrol decision._ , u ue+nts per 9atlon. ne WOW barro l s per did ? previously +t iatt+fad of du l In l,nq . pp~ o ; ? w barrel a ~sol i exppcteO and world oil prle~es fell by prices 6y a-o t 14 for OPEC 911 and l the decontrol dais 1 of the Eftitlaoents Program eliminated "'Was f*- I impart t p encouraged domestic oil 00 oration *1d ierorts. MIUltin from --- g er world oil ------ ?. ? ^?..+wOWN to {o? prig. on. Most foreign vowel nwe99> str ly ? ~iwcq 1 oil y W1. U -S. oil drilling activity has besis $t . an all t 1'oh* pry on eaa fi d t1 1nt~-The oil i -, .AT-,,,-,- 1-1 1 1 J aux pr'lca increases In" 1970/79 created a h1 181 motive* melon. Oil dec. ro1 released `first- producers to see actual bricht_ potential by al wr ng ~nsu wa i d but the "Admieistre. 0"f Tore ful eve to trot ei 1 ~ *Mh11 a dreeontro l may have he l -.d increase conventional all prat law r oil prices are flowing down investment in U.S. synthetic fuels. p= ces raoaal prevail in the future. re dn a clearly stated abJecti gif allolri aarkai s to work eli.inat~d doubt about the possibility of futurro tP" centrals and allows producers to invest now in drilling and production act1 4ty tai that Yr?s _a-v4.+ i i t" PrU idoot Cartier deserves a lot oc d _.The 991tap r ' MAI.A "tr t ivn decontrol dec i s l n only speeded up ' tt was ail. will uncle lay from thatCarter Administration. ?"L+ er' prices coupled with ' ? eta t?sts of synthetic Beal Also. the is fuels CoTpoMation s .4 p d hf latloa are 1 4nO the t d VW' ei set! iepror ,N? later"t ro a,a WON with loan to Iprarentees and program i ~t lc fuels deve l nt so that i f world of l fvturt, private ndustry can' r idl a uric rise in the a- y xpand synthet it fuels production ,aisi seeded. John Stan 1ey.Mi1ier/-P . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP10M02313R000100750008-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP1 OM02313R000100750008-0 STOCKPILIDhIC I!+ r 1. Oka Vhlterd t t&Att s has sa hastied * p on nurssrouo ocoas os that risaaxy reliance on market tomes together with high 115.31s of .. itirstaic Dt0 k? tot discretionary national use are t10pst lice $or deal4ng with tu, re oil supply disruptions of wbah rtear propciort ~ TM UI4ted a*at" b remained strongly opposed to any! 00mal ato I rprdoan arranqeasn coordination, such as that propp t i by Ita] ;, .s c, ulnae f to eeu >r the effects of minor supply die Rion. . Tb> v seine vountrie, have attempted to link discussion iacre~#~ p Wo levele with a of stock use, and in the past ooated at$2 s$ng flexible urge stocks to reduce pressive on the market is,' t ions. minor Supply disrup lees TAW &C for the A" 1 Ministerial in May. While we coat, o to yurt high levels, of oil stocks we remain strongly, ad to iii mission which vo 1d link stock levels and stock us YII. Tsll~iag aPoint we hope to disoou r a further stock uss -init tat ive>t: Mi tlr>Ir ssa~rr E ? meeting, the United States successfully eliminated the stock issue issues to a" of th IRA subgroups for further conside tion, whir. ! de .a,StIVA 0000 "St l1y iron lEA support for remanding' U' stock i . ' lit' this 'P &*UAY- 16 ~Abti.ny of the TEA Governing soar l; 1 t#ts U.S. stock management ini these situations. ell price leevelso onetheless there is no system Whirr 6ftcesaes, 6 ;OW 1tel tively minor oil disruptions can. hMions*q rnves i tvidual countries supply pasitioha' far oVrrr. .'.s. 2. n, ' The reliance an the war Stocks for discreti dealing with oil di prrrep-or t ions . Forms the effective ,opera find technical, reSsa effectively in a sal sharing system a.a a. .tea s ?~ s7 an4~rrr~ryLaMII ?ZRi.JRL Q ' Th P!} i7IP, ,fie -bey the r sources of private oil stocks for individbar-l; country , and yet be j below the level that would trigger ! the l .6. has continuously stressed th t'1 sexy at together with high levels of $t Ogie nary national use are the best m*a of ruptions of either sub-trigger or rgsnoy interventionist mechanisms interir;.with Lon of the market and for a varit legal! a would be impossible to establish aderti -trigger environment. by national governtOnto as they see fit. rleoatrity stooks ?hu d be available for use on a discr *Mary basis ) whatever action is uagea -tecessary. However, emege !hoed other Gount.e into I t is impossible to anticipate the ~p*etal ebarac or33's't i of in oil supply disruption. Therefba # .,we Must build vernmee it emergency oil stocks to supplemae tc;private, luppliee and be pre Bred at the time of a supply inter ' ptlon to consult closely wit industry and other governments an ii~oo take Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP1 OM02313R000100750008-0 An4 f! 4 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP10M02313R000100750008-0 IL PRICE TRENDS/OUTLOOK APR 11 *2 ? A Ali doclin in world crude oil and refined prcldvot prices. The outlook fcr oil prices in the future fI.' ' tAC ~ The we;ld oil market has been extremely weak in 1962. Oil canw?*ption ha6 tinusd its stoop decline which began in 3,979. at thq- a time, oil exporting countries havh been prodw rw o than they could sell. The resulting over-apply hO t pressure on prices, forcing oil producers either to give,,a icisl and/or unofficial price auto as most Dots-dpRJC swap OPEC oil exporters have done, or to cut production as OP did beginning April 1, 1982. The decline in oi'l prices can be attributed to both t long- term, Isss+snti,a 1yj irreversible trend toward a more efficient ut3liw~ation oi' a rgy and non-oil alternatives and a a~yy~~Rplical r dow t in th n u n e is pSrtormance iA the idti+llid nuaruuse sovntxLim, The 1.$. position is that the upturn pe~pooac.ic ~ .....,..., al esaetiveo rn3ah as 00 01 and nuclasr.\ in the abee>of an unexpected eu ly disruption, there" should be lit or no Upward pressure on real oil prices' for the next sivrral years. i drev a fiaiency and grater use of sa _4 bpi ing later this year is unlikely 'masse u txen owl from (WEC's past overpricing quo" , end Q'. Q . toward lover oil osasuwseptioe +ti III. TALKING POINTS proper incentives' to continue to became more effie tin their use of ener and to use alternatives to oiliZus fl {?'" perpetuating an a son Tally irreversible trend toward lower oil consumpo ion. This process will also recsi*o+a boost from Ad*ini tr on policies to stimulate soon~y recovery which w 11 also encourage new energy-sfficlout capital Lnvestmen a. Point: Low econo$ic activity has been prisparily re Ibis 7-CF-The decline i a oil consumption, and as a result, when the economic reoovery,``arrives oil consumption will incroepo, renewing upward pressure on prices. Counts int: Pat overpricing of oil by OPEC and this A fttt ori's inforcoment of market forces thro s decontrol of crud oil prices and deregulation of thp; tt.i. oil industry have been the driving forces behind the; trend toward greater of iciency in energy useage and uses Pt alternatives to o 1 in the U.8. This Administration's market-oriented policies will offer American consuwusra the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP1 OM02313R000100750008-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP1 OM02313R000100750008-0 9. ICSuz GAS - PRICING AND SUPPLINS APR 1I Uer'equlbticn oaf U.S. wellhead natural gas prices. ? European dependence on Soviet gas imports. IT.- II. ZSSENTIAL PA S The European C pity is concerned about the U.S. coaeeeitm ent to the aoralera ed decontrol of domestic natural gas prices. They fear that ontinued controls will increase U.S. demand and reduce prod ati o Tw rAAA &t -.. by the deoist+n !to defer legislation to accelerattee nattuuraitggaas deregulation. I ve heavily on internatioaa]; gas markets Thi e U.S. to draw mo and force th +...? o` wow ais 6w UV M$ mane tp. Soviet natural tSur ncssase opeans ate con,siderLOV; the possibility o! other increscent of Soviet gas in tb*l late 1900's or early 1990'0. The U.S. position is to eroouroge the SUr ssns to dgIop sltern,stive souro es, especially new Norwrgtiap gag o 110S. The U.S. would like to d.uQasttate that th seouct.k~ provided by alternative sources outweighs the additional ecbst . 11t. LJ~L cl, No of t: Tho U.S' Administration appears to haw rropidered s aomnita~ent U.S. proceed with accelerated deregulation of natural gas prices. ~tej to an extremely heavy legislative Calendar, *ze Qed tb defer introduction of legislation to modify and Improve the or in which the Natural Gas Policy Act achieves derequllction of the wellhead price of natural gas. We remain firmly, committed to the principle of introducing market marketlforces to;our energy markets, including the pricing of gas + ?0iii is Natural c$s from the Soviet Union provides Europe with ? asoaaably Pori d source of energy to use in the re4uation of dependence on Middle East oil. Co inn, I estimating the cost of gas, Europe must n er' . e Mai, in terms of their own security, of depend- ence on the Sevi t Union. More consideration must be given to the dowel ogs t of '.cure sources of gas supply such as gas from Norway. 1 jF 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP1 OM02313R000100750008-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP1 OM02313R000100750008-0 I NUCLEAR ENERGY 1. ISSUE An W2 Stronq support ron Summit leaders of co* ercial nuclear lnergy Rs an altorna ewe to reliance on insecure oil would halt alleviate some Pf the problems associated with insteased si oar onowly two. One major public concern is waste management which could be specifically addressed in the context of Increased international technical cooperation. I1 J y nanetisl problesesr 3) burden regulations and licensing delays] and 4) failure to rsdegva sly resolve the waste management issue. o ngl'aleatr ndustry has experlenaed cancellatt , of i'9Mlit iO oacdsrs. The Ilia or Ud_ V& soww wU for robleas d rata of growth of ,el ctricity demand, 21 unlit fir ilo"e em ae, with the eveantinn of irsn . Most technical super s would agree that the technology cagy for such disposal in a safe nner is in hand, but the political and in- stituti*nal decision necessary to implement it have not been suds. Given this si nation, nuclear energy prospects in these countries would and btadly be enhanced and confidence renewed if Heads of State ma a strong statement in support of Woole- ..~. s.........i.. -...a _----- i i.aossgri y for iii i7-477,11. o t e same reason s' 0 part 44 " culor* all Western ntries have some degree of a publ ic per- goptian problem asso sated with high-level waste des 1 nded some action to resolve the eibtj p a oonccern about was$.e. In the latter regard the Heads of State could ask the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) to assess the feasibility of a ioit international waste management project. A a _ e. {wa{,auya`a awzeaive u.~anas on insecure oil and gas sources, s?s fiance may press for a stronger pro-nuclear statemtaf ~ Po nts it is i tent that all energy sources, ingiwd- i* ins nuc ear eneraw. tPo"t-114amA ..w~~.. _ r Points In View of widespread public concern over the nu- clear was a issue this OECD/NBA should be asked to assess the feasibility of an international waste management project. stale that would hav -e r--ujn;`" "w ? public impact have been unsucces;sful. Poi s We su rt a Summit mandate to the High-Level $onitor ng Group to *vote special attention to nuclear energy issues over tfis next two or three years. i Response Saw' Eurnre-n countries ray suggest try t thi s Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP1 OM02313R000100750008-0