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activities that the IOB or Presidential direc- concerning intelligence ary to Executive order nthin the Intelligence .ivities; tors General and Gen- ig and reporting intel- ?cutive order or Presi- port to the President and take appropriate ntral Intelligence, the ice Community. With IOB shall advise and intelligence, the Cen- ;ommunity. elligence Community, information that the >rs General and Gen- rmitted by law, shall to time as necessary 've reason to believe directive. embers of the PFIAB rity protection in ac- of the PFIAB, each nts shall execute an y virtue of his or her ons as the President ?nsation but may re- orized by law. Staff as authorized by the s amended, and Ex- voked. Approved For Release 2011/05/05: CIA-RDP10002232R000100190002-8 2-11 4 EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 12958 CLASSIFIED NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION (April 17, 1995, 76 F. R. 19825, This order prescribes a uniform system for classifying. safeguarding, and decia< sifying national security information. Our democratic principles require that the American people be informed of the activities of their Government. Also. our Na- tion's progress depends on the free flow of information. Nevertheless, throughout our history, the national interest has required that certain information be mNn- tained in confidence in order to protect our citizens, our democratic institutions. and our participation within the community of nations. Protecting information critical to our Nation's security remains a priority. In recent years. however, dramatic chances have altered, although not eliminated, the national security threats that we con- front. These changes provide a greater opportunity to emphasize our commitment to open Government. Now, THEREFORE, by the authority vested in me as President by the Constitu- tion and the laws of the United States of America. t is hereby ordered as follows PART 1-ORIGINAL CLASSIFICATION Section I.I. Definitions. For purposes of this order (a) "National security" means the national defense or iureign relations of the United States. (b) "Information" means any knowledge that can be communicated or docu'iie tary material, regardless of its physical form or charar.teristics, that is owned b produced by or for, or is under the control of the United States Government. "Con- trol" means the authority of the agency that originates information, or its successor in function, to regulate access to the information. (c) "Classified national security information" (hereafter "classified information", means information that has been determined pursuant to this order or any prede- cessor order to require protection against unauthorized disclosure and is marked to indicate its classified status when in documentary form. (d) "Foreign Government Information" means: (1) information provided to the United States Government by a foreign go%- ernment or governments, an international organization of governments, or any element thereof, with the expectation that the information, the source of the in- formation, or both, are to be held in confidence; (2) information produced by the United States pursuant to or as a result of a joint_ arrangement with a foreign government or governments, or an inter- national organization of governments, or any element thereof, requiring that the information, the arrangement, or both, are to be held in confidence; or (3) information received and treated as "Foreign Government Information" under the terms of a predecessor order. (e) "Classification" means the act or process by which information is determined to be classified information. (f) "Original classification" means an initial determination that information re- quires, in the interest of national security, protection against unauthorized disc!,, sure. (g) "Original classification authority" means an individual authorized in wriuc_ either by the President. or by agency heads or other officials designated In President, to classify information in the first instance h ~ 'Unauthorized disclosure" means a comrnumca,u, ' classified information to an unauthorized recipien i , Agency" means any "Executive agent,< o t neu - other entity within the executive branch tha, _orn. s into e ow.;e "i, n a' information. (j) "Senior agency official" means the official designated by the agency heaa under section 5.6(c) of this order to direct and administer the agency :s progrsn: under which information is classified, safeguarded, and declassified. Approved For Release 2011/05/05: CIA-RDP10002232R000100190002-8 Approved For Release 2011/05/05: CIA-RDP10002232R000100190002-8 EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 12958 166 (k) "Confidential source" means any individual or organization that has pro- vided, or that may reasonably be expected to provide, information to the United States on matters pertaining to the national security with the expectation that the information or relationship, or both, are to be held in confidence. (I) "Damage to the national security" means harm to the national defense or for- eign relations of the United States from the unauthorized disclosure of information, to include the sensitivity, value, and utility of that information. Sec. 1.2. Classification Standards. (a) Information may be originally classified under the terms of this order only if all of the following conditions are met. (1) an original classification authority is classifying the information; (2) the information is owned by, produced by or for, or is under the control of the United States Government; (3) the information falls within one or more of the categories of information listed in section 1.5 of this order; and (4) the original classification authority determines that the unauthorized disclosure of the information reasonably could be expected to result in damage to the national security and the original classification authority is able to iden- tify or describe the damage. (b) If there is significant doubt about the need to classify information, it shell not be classified. This provision does not: (1) amplify or modify the substantive criteria or procedures for classifica- tion; or (2) create any substantive or procedural rights subject to judicial revie%% (c) Classified information shall not be declassified automatically as a result of any unauthorized disclosure of identical or similar information. Sec. 1.3. Classification Levels. (a) Information may be classified at one of the following three levels: (1) "Top Secret" shall be applied to information, the unauthorized disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security that the original classification authority is able to identify or describe. (2) "Secret" shall be applied to information, the unauthorized disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause serious damage to the national se- curity that the original classification authority is able to identify or describe. (3) "Confidential" shall be applied to information, the unauthorized disclo- sure of which reasonably could be expected to cause damage to the national se- curity that the original classification authority is able to identify or describe. (b) Except as otherwise provided by statute, no other terms shall be used to identify United States classified information. (c) If there is significant doubt about the appropriate level of classification, it shall.be classified at the lower level. Sec. 1.4. Classification Authority. (a) The authority to classify information origi- nally may be exercised only by: (1) the President; (2) agency heads and officials designated by the President in the Federal Register; or (3) United States Government officials delegated this authority pursuat to paragraph (c), below. (b) Officials authorized to classify information at a specified level are also au- thorized to classify information at a lower level. (c) Delegation of original classification authority. (1) Delegations of original classification authority shall be limited to the minimum required to administer this order. Agency heads are responsible for ensuring that designated subordinate officials have a demonstrable and con- tinuing need to exercise this authority. (2) "Top Secret" original classification authority may be delegated only by the President or by an agency head or official designated pursuant to paragraph a,(2), above. (3) "Secret" or "Confidential" original classification authority may be dele- eated only by the President: an agency head or official designated pursuant tr paragraph ra)(2;, above: or the senior agency official, provided that official has been delegated "Top Secret" original classification authority by the agency head -1) Each delegation of original classification authority shall be in writing and the authority shall not be redelegated except as provided in this order. Each delegation shall identify the official by name or position title. Approved For Release 2011/05/05: CIA-RDP10002232R000100190002-8 (d) Original cla: lion as provided in t (e) Exceptional or grantee of an at nates information b shall be protected i; rectives. The infori order or its implem( ter interest and clas cv shall decide with which agency has c to the Director of tl termine the agency oration. with approp n;rnation Sec. 1.5. ('lass(/ :,,formation ma.A a) military plan hi foreign gover Ic) intelligence m'-thods, or crvptolo) d: foreign relat fidential sources. er scientific, te( rite: If-) United Stater facilities; or O vulnerabilita( :0 op to the na'iona Sec. 1.6. Durot., 'ncinal classiticatio, for declassification h the information The h heiow. (b) If' the originL date or event for de( 10 years from the da: below (c) An original cl; or reclassify specific time if' such action under this order. Thi that are more than 2: torical value under to id) At the time of exempt from declassif disclosure of which c( security for a period release of which could (1) reveal an or activity; (2) reveal info ons of mass destri (3) reveal info nology a I Approved For Release 2011/05/05: CIA-RDP10002232R000100190002-8 nization that has pro- rmation to the United ie expectation that. the ce. 'rational defense or for- closure of information, be originally classified ions are met: ,e information: rr is under the control hat the unauthorized d to result in damage hority is able to iden- information, it shall cedures for classifica- to judicial review. stically as a result of assified at one of the iauthorized disclosure ally grave damage to 'ity is able to identify thorized disclosure of ge to the national se- identify or describe. unauthorized disclo- se to the national se- identify or describe. -ms shall be used to if)' information origi- ident in the Federal authority pursuat to td level are also au- II he limited to the are responsible for ionstrable and con- e delegated only by rsuantto paragraph horny maN be dele- gnated pursuant t'' led that official has by the agency head. shall be in writing ided in this order. i title. 767 EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 12958 id) Original classification authorities must receive training in original classifica- tion as provided in this order and its implementing directives (e) Exceptional cases. When an employee, contractor, licensee, certificate holder. or grantee of an agency that does not have original classification authority origi- nates information believed by that person to require classification, the information shall be protected in a manner consistent with this order and its implementin_ di- rectives. The information shall be transmitted promptly as provided under this order or its implementing directives to the agency that has appropriate subject mat- ter interest and classification authority with respect to this information That agen cv shall decide within 30 days whether to classify this information. If it is not clear which agency has classification responsibility for this information. it