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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 Volume 8, No. 5 June, 1 THE SOVIET JOURNAL OF TRANSLATED' FROM RUSSIAN CONSULTANTS BUREAU Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19 : CIA-RDP10-02-196R000100050b05-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 Research by Soviet Experts Translated by Western Scientists Soviet Research'on the LANTHANIDE AND ACTINIDE ELEMENTS, 1949-1957 ' An important contr4ai n to the literature of nuclear chemistry, this collection of papers is a_ comprehensive presentation of Soviet re rch on the chemistry of lanthanides and actinides. The 106 reports included in this collection appeared in the major Soviet chemical journals translated by Consultants Bureau, as well as in the Soviet Journal of Atomic Energy, 1949-1957. The five sections, totalling 657 pages, provide broad representation of contemporary Soviet research in this important aspect of nuclear science. This collection, should . be accessible to all nuclear researchers, whether theoretical or applied. Each part may be purchased as follows: Basic Chemistry (25 papers) $15.00 Analytical and Separation Chemistry (30 papers) $20.00 Nuclear Chemistry(and Nuclear Properties) (32 papers) ?$22.50 Geology (10 papers) $7.50 Nuclear Fuel Technology (9 papers) $7.50 Complete collection $65.00 RADIATION CHEMISTRY, PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST ALL-UN1ON CONFERENCE MOSCOW, 1957 More than 700 of the Soviet Union's outstanding research scientists participated in this conference sponsored by the Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of the Chemical Industry. Each of the 56 reports read in the various sessions covers eithur the theoretical or practical aspects of radiation chemistry, and special attention is given to 'radiation sources used in radiation-chemical investigations. The general discussions which followed each report and reflected various points of view on the problem under analysis are also included. . . Primary Acts in . Radiation Chemical Processes heavy paper covers 5 reports, plus discussion illustrated $25.00 Radiation Chemistry of Aqueous Solution (Inorganic and Organic Systems) heavy paper covers 15 reports, plus discussion illustrated- ? $50.00 Radiation Electrochemical Processes heavy paper covers 9 reports, plus discussion, illustrated $15.00 The Effect of Radiation on Materials Involved in Biochemical Processes heavy paper covers 6 reports, plus discussion ` illustrated . $12.00 Radiation Chemistry of Simple Organic Systems heavy paper covers 9 reports, plus discussion illustrated $30.00 , The Effect of Radiation on Polymers heavy paper covers ,49 reports, plus discussion illustrated $25.00 Radiation Sources . heavy paper covers 3 reports illustrated $10.00 -Individual volumes may be purchased separately. NOTE: Individual reports from each volume are available . at $12.50 each. ,Tables of contents sent upon _request. special price for the .7-volume -set , Payment in sterling may be made to Barclay's Bank in London, England. - $125.00 CONSULTANTS BUREAU 227 West 17th Street ? New York, N.Y., U.S.A. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 EDITORIAL BOARD OF ATOMNAYA ENERGIYA A. I. Alikhanov A. A. Bochvar N. A. Dollezhal' D. V. Efremov V. S. Emel'yanov V. S. Fursov V. F. Kalinin A. K. Krasin A. V. Lebedinskii A. I. Leipunskii I. I. Novikov E ditor-in-C hie f ) B. V. Semenov V. I. Veksler A. P. Vinogradov N. A. Vlasov (Assistant Editor) A. P. Zefirov THE SOVIET JOURNAL OF ATOMIC ENERGY A translation of ATOMNAYA ENERGIYA, a publication of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Russian Original bated May, 1960) Vol. 8, No. 5 June, 1961 CONTENTS Winners of Lenin Prizes Determination of the Mean Number of Secondary Fission Neutrons from the Fragment PAGE 341 RUSS. PAGE Mass Distribution. Yu. A. Zysin, A. A. Lbov? and L. I. Sel'chenkoy 343 409 An Investigation of the Properties of Metals and Some Steels after Irradiation by Fast Neutrons. Sh. Sh. Ibragimoy, V. S. Lya.shenko, and A. I. Zay'yaloy 347 413 Vapor Pressure of T20. M. M. Popov and F. I. Tazetdinov 353 420 Radiometric Analysis of Ores on Conveyers. L. N. Posik, S. I. Babichenko, 358 425 and R. A. Grodko Angle-Energy Distribution of y-Radiation Scattered in Water and Iron. Yu. A. Kazanskii 364 432 Universal Apparatus with a Coss y -Ray Source with an Activity of 60,000 g-eq of Ra for Simulating Radiation-Chemical Apparatuses, and Investigations (The "K-60,000"). A. Kh. Breger, V. B. Osipoy, and V. A. Gol'din 371 441 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Investigation of the Spent Fuel Element of the First Atomic Power Station. A. P. Smirnov- Averin, V. I. Galkoy, Yu. G. Seyastiyanoy, N. N. Krot, V. I. Ivanov, I. G. Sheinker, 375 446 L. A. Stabenoya, B. S. Kir'yanoy, and A. G. Kozloy On Improving the Efficiency of Power Station Reactors with Gaseous Coolants. T. Kh. Marguloya and L. S. Sterman 377 448 Measurement of the Fast Neutron Flux Distribution in the Core of the VVR-S Reactor with Respect to Changes in the Electrical Conductivity of Germanium Specimens. E. Aleksandroyich and M. Bartenbakh 381 451 Calculation of Thermal Shocks in Reactor Structural Parts. Yu. E. Bagdasaroy 383 452 600-key Proton Injector for a Linear Accelerator. Yu. N. Antonoy.L. P. Zinoy'ey, 386 454 and V. P. Rasheyskii Mean Number of Prompt Neutrons Emitted in Photofission of Th2s2 and U238 by y -rays Produced in the Fls (p, ay )016 Reaction. L. I. Prokhorova and G. N. Smirenkin . . . 390 457 Electron Acceleration in a Traveling-Wave Cyclical Wayeguide Accelerator. A. A. Vorob'ey, A. N. Didenko, and E. S. Koyalenko 392 459 Use of Scintillation Counters in Gammascopy. V. E. Nesterov 394 461 NEWS OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Atomic Energy at the Soviet Exposition in Havana. L. Kimel', and V. Tsurkov 397 464 Atomic Energy of the All-China Exposition on Industry and Means of Communication. Shen Chung-po 399 464 Annual subscription $75.00 ? 1961 Consultants Bureau Enterprises, Inc., 227 West 17th St., New York 11, N. Y. Single issue 20.00 Note: The sale of photostatic copies of any portion of this copyright translation is expressly Single article 12.50 prohibited by the copyright owners. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 CONTENTS (continued) [Washington Conference of the American Nuclear Physics Society and Atomic Industrial Forum. Sources; Nucleonics 17, No. 12. 17-23 (1959); Nuclear Power 5, No. 45, 111-116 (1960) PAGE RUSS. PAGE 467] [Development of Nuclear Power in the_Countries of South and Central America 467] [Organic Moderated Reactors for Land-Based and Seagoing Facilities 470] [Reactor as a Neutron Source 472] Measurement of Magnetic Moment of Li8 400 473 [New Foreign Articles on Rolling of Uranium 474] [On the Use of Statistical Analysis Techniques in Explorations for Uranium Deposits. Source; R. Bates, Econ. Geol. 54, No. 3, 449 (1959) 476] BIBLIOGRAPHY New Literature 401 480 NOTE The Table of Contents lists all material that appears in Atomnaya Energiya. Those items that originated in the English language are not included in the translation and are shown en- closed in brackets. Whenever possible. the English-language source containing the omitted reports will be given. Consultants Bureau Enterprises, Inc. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 . WINNERS OF LENIN PRIZES Translated from Atomnaya gnergiya, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. I-II, May,1960 The Committee of the Council of Ministers of the. USSR. for the Lenin prizes in the field of Science and, -Technology has assigned the prizes for 1960 to the fol.- lowing.scientists for their scientific research on the physics of fast-neutron nuclear reactors: Academician (Academy of Sciences of the UkrSSR) A. I. Leipunskii, .Drs. of Phys. : and Math. Sci., 0. D. Kazachkovskii,and I. I,Bondarenko, and Cand. of Phys., Math. Sci., L. N., Usachev. . ? . Nuclear reactors working with fast neutrons occupy. ? a special place in nuclear energetiC-s. Back 'in 1949; A. I. Leipunskii calculated that in such reactors one could - realize an extensive production of nuclear fuel. COnse- quently,?the use of energy reactors working with fast neutrons, together with the use of energy reactors working. with thermal neutrons, would allow complete use of ex- tracted uranium, which is increasing by a... factor 100 the 'fuel resources of nuclear power engineering.. The main difficulty in the practical realization of a chain reaction in a reactor aonscsted ip.the fact that many problems of the 'physics of such reactors were still unsolved. There appeared no publication concerning fast reactors in the foreign literature until 1955. Therefore, a:school of specialists was formed and developed indepen- _dently in the Soviet Union in the physics of' fast-neutron reactors. This school was headed by A. I. Leipunskii, 0, D. Kazachkovskii, I. I. BOndarenko, and L. N. Usachev. Under their guidance the problems of the physics of fast-neutron reactors were studied on a theoretical basis, ? . ? ., experiments for establishing the, constants necessary for calculation were carried Out, the foundations of the theory were elaborated, and practical work for building fast- ' neutron reactors was started. ? Subsequently, critical assemblies and fast-neutron. reactors were constructed (BR-1, BR-2, BR-3, BR-4, and BR-5). The construction of each new apparatus was a logical continuation and generalization of experience 'accumulated, and a development, Of the theory and.. prac7 toe of reactors working with fast. neutrons.. -. _ The last apparatus of /his seriesBR-5;.started in the shintner of 1958?has all the main characteristics Of an' atomic electric power plant, and is a prototype of the future powerful atomic plants .with fast-neutron reactors. The Lenin prize for the construction of the complex. of research water- water reactors VVR-2, VVR:5, and ITR was assigned to the scientists S. M. Feinberg, V. V. Goncharov, G. A. Stolyarov, T. N. Zubarev, P. I. Khris- tenko, V. F. Kozlov, and 0. I. Lyubimtsev. The construttion of research reactors is the ha-sit' fOr the. use of atomic energy. Perhaps there has been:no development of its use that has not taken place as a direct . or indirect result of work on research reactors. The obtain- ment of radioactive isotopes, 'the radiation' treatment and testing of materials, the study of the phYsical Problems -Of high-power reactors; the testing of thermoemitting elerneots for nuclear power plants and transport atomic equipment under construction Or in project, the testing. .of CoinPonenti,' joints and materials .for high power reactors, A. I. Leipunskii 0. KazachkOvskii I. I. Bondarenko L. N. Usachev 341 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 investigations in neutron physics, biology and medicine investigations concerning the 'radiation of supply products,. radiation polymerization, and many other problems are solved with the help of research reactors. Our industry produces at present in mass research water-water reactors of the types VVR-2, VVR-S, and ITR. Some scientific research institutes Of the Soviet Union and of foreign countries are equipped with them. The compactness, the low cost, thereliability of operation,and the wide possibilities for experimental re- search are the main advantages of the water-water re- actors whose construction is recognized by the Lenin prize. The first of these reactors?VVR-2?was.constructed when the world literature included no publication con- cerning such reactors. Nevertheless, the group of special- ists solved successfully all the problerris?concerning the construction and the physics of the reactor, its regulation, its operational stability, etc.' ? The construction of the complex of research,water- water reactors is a great achievement in the field of the use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes. ? The vast development of experimental work on such reactors that exists?at present permits a wider use of atomic energy in the national economies of the USSR and other ?countries. P. h Khristenko 342 V. F. Kozlov ? O. h Lyul?imtsev L Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 DETERMINATION OF THE MEAN NUMBER OF SECONDARY FISSION NEUTRONS FROM THE FRAGMENT MASS DISTRIBUTION Yu. A. Zysin, A. A. Lbov, and L. I. Serchenkov Translated from Atomnaya gnergiya, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 409-412, May, 1960 Original article submitted September 3, 1959 A method is presented for computing the mean number of secondary fission neutrons -r-) from the fission-fragment mass distribution curves. The error of the method is estimated. It is shown that in those cases in which the frag- ment mass distribution curves are carefully studied ,7-7 can be determined with satisfactory accuracy by this meth- od.r The value of 7 is computed for fission in Th232, u233, u235, u238, pu239, Am241,and r252. The results are dis- cussed and compared with results obtained by other methods. The partial values 7m are computed for thermal- neutron fission of U233 and U235. At the present time the mass distribution of fission fragments has been studied in many cases of fission in heavy nuclei [1-11]. In some cases the accuracy and completeness of the experimental data are adequate for computing the mean number of secondary fission neutrons 7 with satisfactory results. Although the quantity i7 has been measured very precisely by indirect methods [12- 14], this calculation is of great interest since it allows us to determine the values of F by an independent method. Furthermore, this technique allows us to obtain the value of for those cases in which it has not been determined by other methods. Finally, in principle,using the fission- fragment mass distribution curves it should be possible to compute the partial values of 7m, i.e. the mean number of fission neutrons corresponding to a given ratio for the mass numbers of the heavy and light fragments (AH/AL)m. Attempts to estimate r7 from the fission-fragment mass distribution curves have been carried out earlier [8-10, 15]; however, these estimates were extremely ap- proximate. In the present paper, for the first time,the possibilities of this method are investigated in detail, the errors involved are studied, and calculations of 7 are carried out for cases in which the error is shown to be small. In the general case v =? 2A, (1) where Ao is the mass number of the fissioning nucleus and 7i is the mean mass number of all fragments, where ociA///a, (A1 is the mass number of the frag- ment and cti is the fragment yield). It is well known that Ea, = 2. In practice, however, it is not convenient to use Eq. (1) to determine 77 because of the appreciable errors involved. The error in the determination of i7 is found to be much smaller if another expression is used: (2) which takes account of the fact that two fragments are formed as a result of fission ? the light and heavy frag- ments, which are characterized by the mass numbers -AL and -A-H,respectively. This formulation of the problem is valid in all cases of fission in which the original nucleus is not highly excited since ternary fission and cases in which protons and alpha particles are emitted can ob- viously be neglected. The quantities AL and -AH can be determined by averaging the masses of the light and heavy fragments, respectively, using the expressions E,41a1 E Aka i, ? AL = and AH- - From the definition of yields it is obvious that cci and cck summed separately over the light and heavy frag- ments should be equal to unity. Because of the inaccuracy in the experimental determination of the individual yields, however, these quantities are found to be only approxi- mately equal to unity; hence, in computing -73 from Eq. (2) it is important to introduce two normalization condi- tions: I a, = 1 and ak =1. We now consider the mean-square-error AT and its dependence on the uncertainty in the experimentally determined quantities a. From the expression for the determination of the error in 7 due to the ith term and 343 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 Comparison of the Calculated and Measured Values of ir emission which ac- companies fission Energy Determination ofT/by the present method Determination of 1; by other methods Ao AL AH reference U233 U235 PU.238 Am241 Th232 1J235 U238 (j235 U238 U238 U238 U238 Cf 252 Neutrons ft ft )' rays 10 Spontaneous fission Thermal Reactor spec- trum Fission spec- trum The same 14 Mev 14 Mev 8-10 Mev 16 Mev 48 Mev 234 236 240 242 233 236 239 236 239 238 238 238 252 93,3+0,1 94,8+0,1 98,5+0,2 101+0,3 91, 4+0,1 95,6+0,2 97,3+0,1 96, 3?0 , 2 97,0+0,3 96,6+0,1 97,4+0,1 96,5+0, 2 106,3+0,3 138,2+0,1 138,8+0,1 139,0+0,1 138,3+0,3 139,8+0,3 138,4+0,3 138,9+0,1 135,5+0,2 137,0+0,4 138,7?0,3 137,5+0, 3 137,2+0,3 140,9+0,3 2,5+0,2 2, 4?0, 2 2,5+0,3 2,7+0 , 6 1 ,8?0, 4 2,0+0,5 2,8?0,2 4, 2+0 , 4 5,0+0, 6 2,7+0, 4 3,1+0,4 4,3+0,5 4,8+0,6 2,52+0,03 2,47+0,03 2,92+0,04 3,14+0,05 1,8*** 2,50+0,06**** 2;65?0,07***** 4,13+0,24 4,50+0,32 3,84+0,12 [12,131 [12,13] [12,13] [14] [12] [12,13] [12,13] [12,13] [12,131 [13] The uncertainty in iTis determined by the sum of the uncertainties for AL and A"H. The actual un- certainty in Vis smaller. " We give the experimental values of7/ obtained by other methods, which are averaged over many measurements. Hence, the uncertainty is appreciably smaller than the experimental uncertainties in the in the individual methods. ***This is obtained by direct extrapolation by the values of iTi=2.35?0.07 for En=3.5 Mev and TJ 2= =4.64?0.20 for En=14.2 Mev. ****For an effective energy of 0.7-0,74 Mev. For an energy of 1.5 Mev. Vrn 3,0 2,0 1,0 I ' ob 0090 - , 2,0 117=2'1B 1,0 'III Ili m= R Fig. 1. Partial values vm for thermal- Fig. 2. Partial values urn for thermal- neutron fission of U. neutron fission of U. 344 L Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 from the corresponding normalization conditions, it can technique it is possible to carry out the necessary calcula- be shown that when Eq. (1) is used tions. It should be noted, however, that in this case it is necessary to take account of the variation of the partial value values vas a function of the type of fission which g 171 at(i71--A)2; while when Eq. (2) is used (3) L Av = e 1/1 al (AL A02 isc4 (Alf? Ak)2 , (4) where ? = A a/a is the relative uncertainty in the deter- mination of a (for simplicity we assume that ? is the same in all cases). In the case of thermal-neutron fission of U235, com- puting v from Eq. (1) we find 6,11 ? 1.3; comput- ing this same quantity from (2) we find AT = ? 0.15 (in both cases we assume that I el 0.05). Thus, when Eq. (2) is used the accuracy oi the calculation is an order of magnitude better than the accuracy attained with Eq. (1). The accuracy depends strongly on the asymmetry in the fission-fragment mass distribution curve, which is determined by the depth of the valley. If the mass num- ber AL (characterized by the yield a1). intermediatebe- tween the numbers of light and heavy fragments, refers to the heavy fragment rather than the light fragment, or vice versa, an additional error Ai7=1(X-H?A-dall (with an accuracy to second order) occurs. As an example we estimate Ali for fission of U238 by thermal neutrons (the asymmetry is well defined, aI 10-4) and for fission by neutrons with energies of 14 Mev (in which case the asymmetry is weaker, al =10-2). Taking (XH- --XL =40, in the first case we have Aiit = 0.004; in the second case AT/1=0.4. Thus for fission by 14-Mev neutrons the quantity A71 can make a sizeable contribution in the final uncertainty. Since the error in the determination of 7 by the method .described here depends on the uncertainty in the yield determination, it is extremely important that the yields (absolute or relative) ai and ak be known for the greatest possible number of mass numbers Ai and Ak. Interpolation of the fragment mass distribution curve for A with unknown values of a increases the error. For this reason the calculations reported here were limited to those cases in which the fragment mass distribution curves were known rather completely and characterized by well- defined asymmetries. In this work we have used data published up to January, 1959 [1-11]. It should be noted that experimental refinement of the fission-fragment mass distribution curves will make it possible to compute 1-)- for many other cases of interest in the future. For the cases which have been studied,refinement of the distri- bution curves will make it possible to increase the ac- curacy in the determination of 17 . In certain cases (for example, for U238(y [2]) appropriate distributions have not been studied with the necessary detail; however, by using "reflected" points and a successive approximation is involved. The results of the calculations of ii by the method reported here are given in the Table. For comparison purposes, we also show values of V determined experi- mentally by indirect methods. As is apparent from the Table, in the majority of cases the values of v computed by the present method are in satisfactory agreement with the values determined by other methods. It may be indicated that the data for 7 for fission of U238 by y rays with energies of 8-10, 16,and 48 Mev are new. In all cases the uncertainty in the determination of 'XL and AH are obtained from the spread in the results of the calculations by different versions of the mass distribu- tion curves; these curves in turn are obtained by different methods and are affected by the spread in the experimen- tal points and the individual uncertainties. The fission-fragment mass distribution curves also allow us to compute the partial values Um =A0?(AH + +AL)m; the mass numbers AH and AT are coupled, i. e. characterized by the same yield am (AH /AT =m). Rela- tion between 77 and 7 is expressed by the formula V --= vm 711 E 711 (5) The difference Ac,?(AH+ AL)m will determine the partial numbers of secondary neutrons for a given pair of mass numbers A and AL under the following conditions; 1) the mass distribution curve is measured very carefully, 2) am is a sensitive function of A, 3) there is no fine structure in the mass distribution curve, 4) the curve it- self is monotonic in the region considered, and 5) and the distribution of probability for emission of one, two, three, etc. neutrons are weak functions of A. The calculation of 7m was carried out only for fission of U233 and U238 by thermal neutrons, for which there are experimental yield values for almost all the mass numbers It will be apparent that this method of determining 7m is not accurate in the region 1.3< m< 1.7. The curves that have been obtained (Figs. 1 and 2) are similar in shape to the analogous curves obtained for U233 by another method [16]. The maximum value of v?m is obtained for values m=1.5. In both cases there is a characteristic sharp reduction in -Dm for fission into -fragments of ap- proximately equal mass. If we consider the emission of secondary neutrons to be the result of excitation of frag- ments, which are not spherical in shape [17], it may be assumed that the fragments in symmetric fission are more spherical than the fragments due to asymmetric fission. 345 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 LITERATURE CITED 1. S. Katcoff, Nucleonics 16, 4, 78 (1958). 2. R. Duffield, R. Schmitt, R. Sharp, Report No. 678 (USA) Second Int'l. Conf. an the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (Geneva, 1958). 3. A. N. Protopopov et al., Atomnaya fnergiya 5, 2, 130 (1958)! 4. M. P. Anikina et al., Second Int'l. Conf.on the Peace- ful Uses of Atomic Energy (Geneva, 1958); Reports by Soviet Scientists, Nuclear Physics [in Russian] (Atomizdat, Moscow ,1959) Vol. I, p. 396. 5. L. Bunney etal,, Report No. 643 (USA) Second Int'l. Conf. on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (Geneva, 1958). 6. K. Fritze, C. McMullen, and H. Thode, Report No. 187 (Canada) Second Int'l. Conf. on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (Geneva, 1958). 7. L. Bunney et al., Report No. 644 (USA) Second Int'l. Conf. on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (Geneva, 1958). 8. J. Cuningham, J. Inorg. and Nucl. Chem. 4, 1(1957). 9. J. Cuningham, J. Inorg. and Nucl. Chem. -5-, 1 (1957). 346 10. L. Glendenin and E. Steinberg, J. Inorg and Nucl. Chem. 1, 45 (1955). 11. J. Cuningham, J. Inorg. and Nucl. Chem. 6, 181 (1958). 12. R. Leachman, Second Int'l. Conf. on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (Geneva, 1958) Selected Reports of Foreign Scientists, Neutron Physics (Atom- izdat, Moscow, 1959) Vol. II, p. 342; Atomic Engi- neering Abroad, 1, 11 (1959). 13. I. I. Bondarenko et al., Second Int'l. Conf. on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (Geneva, 1958) Report of Soviet Scientists, Nuclear Physics [in Rus- sian](Atomizdat, MosCow, 1959) Vol. I, p. 438. 14. V. I. Lehedev and V. I. Kalashnikova, Atomnaya gnergiya 5, 2, 176(1958). 15. R. Jensen and A. Fairhall, Phys. Rev. 109, 942(1958). 16. J. Fraser and C. Milton, Phys. Rev. 93, 818 c1954). 17. Ya. B. Zel'dovich and Yu. A Zysin, Zhur? Eksp.i Teoret. Fiz. 10, 8, 851 (1940). *Original Russian pagination. See C. B. translation. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 AN INVESTIGATION OF THE PROPERTIES OF METALS AND SOME STEELS AFTER IRRADIATION BY FAST NEUTRONS Sh. Sh. Ibragimov, V. S. Lyashenko, and A. I. Zav'yaloy Translated from Atomnaya Energiya, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 413-419, May, 1960 Original article submitted May 28, 1959 The article considers the effect of the irradiation by fast neutrons and of a subsequent heat-treatment on the properties of some metallic materials. The change of the properties of materials upon irradiation is explained in terms of the formation of various types of defects on the crystal lattice, which are annealed at appropriate temperatures. The kinetics of the defect elimination processes leading to a strengthening of the material is studied, and their activation energy is determined. It is well known that under the action of nuclear particles, especially of fast neutrons, significant changes take place in the physical and mechanical properties of various materials. The extent of these changesdepends principally upon the particle energy, the integral dose, and the temperature of irradiation. The change of mechanical properties of metallic materials under the action of heavy nuclear particles has some similarity with the strengthening produced by cold deformations. The cause of the property change in both cases could be looked for in the appearance of disturbances of the regularity of the crystal structure of the materials and defects of the lattice. On the other hand, some experimental data show an essential differ- ende between the changes produced in a material by nuclear particles and those produced by a cold plastic deformations [1-3]. One can suppose that the disturbances arising under the action of nuclear particles are a com- plicated phenomenon: additional experimental and theoretical investigations are required before they can be explained. The present paper reports an investigation of the effect of fast neutrons on the structure and properties of iron, nickel, molybdenum, and some steels,whose chemical composition is given by Table 1. Samples of the materials mentioned above were irradiated in the active zone of an experimental BR-2 reactor [4] after an appropriate heat-treatment in special hermetically welded tubes of 1Kh18N9T steel. The average integral dose was 1.8.1020 fast neutrons per 1 cm2, and the irradiation temperature was 40-70?C. The properties of the materials studied, before and after irradiation, are presented in Table 2. The data of the table show that as a result of irradiation by fast neutrons, the strength, hardness, and electric resistance increased, and the relative lengthening decreased. The degree of property change depended upon the nature of TABLE 1, Chemical composition of some steels Contents of principal elements, 6/0 Steel type Cr Ni Mo Ti ? 1Kh18N9 0,14 16,0 9,5 ? ? 1Kh18N9T 0,11 16,7 9,2 ? 0,6 1Kh18N12 0,09 16,6 12,0 ? ? 1Kh18N12M2T 0,10 17,2 12,4 2,1 0,5 1Kh18N17 1,12 16,1 16,9 ? ? the irradiated material: a more or less complex composi- tion of a steel due to alloying with various elements did not seem to have any important effect on the magnitude of the change in question. The greatest change was ob- served for molybdenum (its relative lengthening decreased by a factor more than 10, its electric resistivity had a 33% increase); this may have depended upon the high annealing temperature and upon the high elastic con. stants of molybdenum. With the purpose of studying the temperature sta- bility of radiation defects and establishing the tempera- ture of complete regression of the properties, the irradia- ted samples were subjected to annealing at various temp- eratures for 30 min. After each treatment the micro- hardness and (in some instances) the electric resistance of the samples were determined. The results of the micro- hardness measurements are given in Figs. 1 and 2. The data presented in Figs. 1 and 2 show that: 1) as a result of heating at appropriate temperatures a com- plete elimination of the increase in microhardrass took place; 2) the increase in microhardness upon heat- treatment took place in a temperature range higher for materials with body-centered cubic lattices (iron, moly- bdenum) than for materials with face-centered cubic 347 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 TABLE 2. Properties of metals and of some steels before and after irradiation 348 Specific electric resistance, ? ohm? ?cm UOptligA 00 uolnipvi -al nip ,l'0,1 ._ co co- ,-, n ,caD 1--- I I I 1-: t?-: 1---N uopv!pvi -IT 910jaq Cq cc. - . N io c- ,-. 0 Cn 1 I I ' I 1---: CO- t----r- Microhardness, kg/mm2 uopvinn o 0 co-. 1,- o co 000000 oo",n" c::)- c5 ?O. "-T. cocc...-.0mo -4-, .?...., uopylpvio -al iavg 0 Lo- c; CO CD ..,4 ..,-., 000000 00,i01.4. 20?, we find ree /50? . it is reasonable to expect that because of the increase in anisotropy of Compton scattering with an increase in energy of the primary y radiation, the angle eo will be reduced. However, the function le (0), plotted from the data of [7] (a plane uni- directional source of electron bremsstrahlung with elec- tron energies of 10 Mev and a lead barrier 152.4 mm thick) for 6 > 20? is proportional to e-0/18e; that is to say it coincides with the le curve in lead for a Co60 source. Energy spectra of scattered radiation. The energy spectra Io plotted from the results of other measurements of the angle-energy distributions measured under condi- tions of semiinfinite geometry were compared with the calculations [1] which were carried out by the method of moments for a medium of infinite extent (cf. Figs. 6 and 8 and [5, 6]). When the Coe? is used as a radiation source agreement within 5-10% is generally obtained with the calculations for energies greater than 0.4-0.5 Mev. As a rule, for energies below 0.4 Mev the experi- mental data lie below the calculated data; this finding is explained by the difference in geometries in the cal- culations and the experiments. It is of great interest to compare the experimental and calculated energy spectra for higher primary y -radia- tion energies. In [7] a comparison has been made of the energy spectra for scattered bremsstrahlung y radiation, 370 using the calculations in [1]. The discrepancy of about 25% is attributed by the authors to the difference in geo- metry and the fact that no account has been taken of the brehmsstrahlung due to secondary electrons in the cal- culations. It should be noted that the discrepancy is actu- ally more significant since the authors of [7] have com- pared the energy spectrum of y radiation which intersects a fixed unit area in all directions (flux) with calculations [1] of the spectrum for scattered y radiation which inter- sects a sphere of unit radius in all directions. In conclusion the author wishes to thank I. I. Bondar- enko and V. I. Kukhtevich and S. G. Tsypin for discussion of the present work; the author is also indebted to A. N. Voloshin and V. I. Popov for help in carrying out the experiments. LITERATURE CITED 1. H. Goldstein and J. Wilkins. Calculation of the Pene- tration of Gamma Rays (New York, 1956, NYO- 3075). 2, L. Spenser and F. Stinson, Phys. Rev. 85. 662 (1952). 3. M. Berger, J. Appl. Phys. 26, 1504 (1955). 4. G. Whyte, Canad. J. Phys. 33, 96 (1955). 5. Yu. A. Kazanskii and S. P. Belov, Physics and Heat Technology of Reactors. Suppl. No. 1 of Atomnaya gnergiya, p, 123.** 6. Yu. A. Kazanskii, S. P. Belov, and E. S. Matusevich, Atomnaya gnergiya 5, 2, 457 (1958).* * 7. J. Hubbell, E. Hayward. and W. Titus, Phys. Rev. 108, 1361 (1957). 8. W. Dixon, Canad. J. Phys. 36, 419 (1958). 9. Yu. A. Kazanskii, Pribor. i Tekh.gksp, 4,32(1959). 10. M. Weiss and M. Bernstein, Phys. Rev. 92, 1264 (1953). 11. V. I. Kulditevich, S. E. Tsypin, and B. P. Shemen- tenko, Atomnaya gnergiya 5, 6, 638 (1948). 12. M. Berger and J. Doggett, J. Res. Nat.Bur. Standards, 56, 89 (1956). t A comparison of the ratio of the energy build-up for different geometries is possible because of the small difference in the accumulation factors under conditions of infinite geometry for a point source and a plane uni- directional source with small values of ti or [1]. s'Original Russian pagination. See C. B. translation. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 UNIVERSAL APPARATUS WITH A Cow y -RAY SOURCE WITH AN ACTIVITY OF 60,000 g-eq OF Ra FOR SIMULATING RADIATION-CHEMICAL? APPARATUS, AND.INVESTIGATIONS (THE "K-60,0009 A. Kh. Breger, V. B. Osipov, and V. A. GoPdin Translated from Atomnaya Energiya, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 441-445, May, 1960 Original article submitted August 20, 1959 The article describes a universal apparatus for radiation-chemical investigations with a Cos? y -ray source possess- ing an activity of about 60,000 g-eq of Ra. The design of the apparatus makes it possible to ,simulate radiation- chemical apparatus with powerful isotopic y -ray sources of various configurations and dimensions: a cylindrical radiating element, a radiating element in the form of two plates, a radiating element in the form of a "heat ex- changer," and a radiating element in the form of one or more rods. The dosage rate (without taking into account the attenuation in the protective vessels) varies from-250 thee in a volume of 36 liters to? 3000 thee in a volume of 0.1 liter. The apparatus is designed for carrying out radiation-chemical investigations under practically any physicochemical parameters; it ensures the possibility of remote control and observations both of the experi- mental conditions and the processes taking place in the investigated systems during irradiation. As a result of the development of radiation-chemical investigations [1, 2] and the imminent change-over from laboratory work to processes on an enlarged scale it has be- come necessary to develop new apparatus which meet both ordinary requirements (for isotopic apparatus) [3] and a number of new requirements. On the one hand, the apparatus must meet require- ments associated with the necessity of irradiating large volumes of substances (liters, tens of liters)at high dosage rates (102-103 r/sec) and adequate uniformity of the dos- age field.* On the other hand, the necessity arises of carrying out investigations of radiation processes in flow- ing and circulating systems. In the latter case, uniform distribution of the dosage field in a large volume is not obligatory and it is more important to have high dosage rates. Moreover, with the development of radiation-chem- ical investigations the physicochemical conditions under which the experiments are carried out become more com- plicated. Finally, for a change-over from laboratory ex- periments to industrial processes, experimental simulation of radiation-chemical apparatus with powerful radiating elements of various shapes and sizes is necessary. Reliable scientifically-based methods of calculating pilot-plant and industrial apparatus can evidently only be develop ed by means of such experiments. This includes calcula- tions of dosage fields of energy [4-6] that is absorbed by the irradiated system,f the efficiency of the radiating element and the apparatus as a whole [7, 8], the choice of the optimum shape and size of the radiating element, the heat conditions, etc. When the K-60,000 apparatust was developed, to- gether with ordinary requirements previously formulated [3, 93 and included in the design of the apparatus described in [10. 11],the above-listed requirements were also taken into account. It should be noted that in a number of works published after the construction of series K apparatus, during the development of apparatus for radiation-chemical invest- igations,the authors took as their basis considerations and requirements similar or closely similar to ours. This applies particularly to those works whose authors made efforts to analyze literature data and approach the development of a new apparatus from the aspect of a scientifically-based problem of general significance [12, 13], not a particular constructional problem applicable only to the given conditions. TheK-60,000 apparatus was also developed on the basis of such considerations. Principal parameters and design of the K-60,000 apparatus. The K-60,000 apparatus is designed for: 1) The simulation of radiation-chemical apparatus with powerful y -ray sources of various configurations, that is, ? The latter is important mainly during irradiation of objects in the solid phase. f The calculations of the absorbed energy in irradiated systems were made by A. Kh. Breger, B. I. Vainshtein, L. S. Gusei, N. P. Syrkus, and Yu. S. Ryabukhin. t The development was commenced in July, 1957. 371 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 a) with a radiating element in the form of a hollow cylinder of height 32 cm, and an internal diameter of 2-38 cm; in this case, a mean dosage rate" of -3000 r/sec (in a volume of 0.1 liter) to -250 r/sec (in a volume of 36 liters) is ensured; b) with a radiating element in the form of two plates of height 32 cm and length up to 32 cm, the distance be- tween the plates being from 5 cm (in a volume of 4 liters the mean dosage rate** was ,-1300r/sec) to 25 cm Fig. 1. Horizontal section of the K-60,000 apparatus; 1) transducers of the USID-1 dosimetry apparatus; 2) transmission; 3) electrical drive; 4) working table; 5) solenoid shutter, dooroirtm-A;Effortzefieiroseresom r NMI liko, 1D111 1011111rAW 'ffr, 6i% r47441e0 Fig. 2. Vertical section of the K-60,000 apparatus; 1) store; 2) working table; 3) radiating element tubes; 4) ropes for raising the cassettes with Co66; 5) mechan- ism for moving the sources; 6) induction transducers; 7) switchboard connecting the electric cables with the instruments of the physicochemical control- board; 8) transmitting camera of the television system. 372 (in a volume of about 26 liters the mean dosage rate" was 450 r/sec); C) with a radiating element of the "heat exchanger" type with different arrangements of the sources in the ir- radiated medium; d) with a radiating element in the form of one or more rods. It is possible to vary (other conditions being equal) the activity of the radiating element from 3000 to 60,000 g-eq of Ra. 2) For carrying out radiation-chemical processes in various apparatus with the use of the radiating elements indicated in section 1, and in practice under any physico- chemical conditions. The K-60,000 apparatus is located on two stages of a specially equipped room. The labyrinth (Fig. 1) and the working chamber (Fig. 2), in which irradiation is carried out, are located on the lower stage. The working chamber and the labyrinth are separated from the neigh- boring rooms by concrete ceilings and walls (specific density of the concrete 2.3 t/m3), which protect the per- sonnel when the cassettes with the y -ray sources are in the working position. The following principal units of the apparatus are located in the working chamber. 1) The y -ray source, consisting of 20 articulated four-membered cassettes (Fig. 3). Each cassette contains four standard Co6? preparations, each having an activity of 700-750 g-eq of Ra (in its sheath, a preparation has a length of 81 mm and a diameter of 11 mm). 2) The stgre of the y -ray source, consisting of 20 isolated, specially curved,tube-channels, the area be- tween which is filled with iron shot of diameter 2-3 mm (bulk density 4.5 g/cm3).tt During the intervals between Irradiation of the objects the cassettes with the Co6? pre- parations are kept in the lower parts of the channels of the store. The layer of iron shot, of height 1.6 m, and the curved channels attenuate the y radiation to the per- missible norm. 3) The radiating element of the apparatus, consist- ing of 20 individual tubes connected to the corresponding channels of the store by means of flexible metal sleeves.** 4) The working table of the apparatus, on which the objects to be irradiated are arranged, and which is used ?? The dosage rate is calculated without taking into ac- count the attenuation of irradiation in the materials of the cassette, the tubes of the radiating element, etc. Such data on the calculation of the dosage fields and their experimental investigation will be published later ft The K-60,000 apparatus is made without the use of lead. **The channels of the store, the cassettes and the radia- ting element tubes are made of mark Kh18N9T stainless steel. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 to support the tubes of the radiating element, the con- figuration of which is determined by the experimental conditions (Figs. 2 and 4). 5) The ropes with electromagnets fixed on the ends by means of which the required number of cassettes (from 1 to 20) is lifted to the radiating element of the appara- tus. 6) The mechanism for moving the source, with trans- mission gear and electric drive. In addition to these components the working chamber contains the outlets of the gas and liquid pipelines, the switchboard for connecting the electric cables to the secondary instruments on the control desk and for ob- serving the physicochemical conditions of the experi- ments: remote control and adjustment of the temperature, pH, pressure, electrical resistance, dosage rate, etc. A television system is installed in the working chamber for visual observations on the irradiated objects. The control desk of the apparatus has a light-signalling system for indicating the position of the individual irradiation sources. Working principle of the apparatus. Before the corn- mencerhent of irradiation all the cassettes with the Co6? preparations are located in the lower part of the channel; this is signalled by the induction transducers installed in the channels of the store. The induction transducers Fig. 3. Cassette with Co60 y -ray source and electro- magnet. Fig. 4. Working table of the K-60,000 apparatus, with radiating element in the form of two plates. consist of double coils*** with an ac feed. As a result of the presence of cores, which in the given system are formed by the Co6? preparations, an emf is induced in the secondary winding of each coil; this actuates a re- lay which operates in the signal and locking circuit of the inlet door of the labyrinth. Thus, entry into the laby- rinth. Thus, entry into the labyrinth and working chamber is only possible when all the cassettes with the Co6? pre- parations are located in lower part of the channelsttfi. To prepare the apparatus for radiation-chemical experiments the operator installs and fixes both the tubes of the irradiating element and the ropes with fitted elec- tromagnets according to the selected configuration of the radiating elementtn. When the objects to be irradiated have been placed in the guard vessel, the cables can be fed through the central tubel. The apparatus having been made ready for work in this way, the operator in the work- ing chamber switches on the locking device as a result of which the core of the solenoid shutter of the door2 is attracted and held for 20 sec. This period is sufficient for the operator to leave the chamber and close the door. The power supply of the electromagnets3is switched on to raise the required number of cassettes with Co6? pre- parations, by means of the toggle switches on the control desk. After the power supply has been switched on, the cassettes are drawn toward the electromagnets by a plug- yoke and are raised to the working position by means of the displacement mechanism. The signal lamps serve as The winding of the coils is made of mark Pg.TKSO- 0.35 wire, resistant to the action' of y rays, impregnated with organosilicon lacquer. 1-1-1' In addition to the locking device by means of the induction transducers, the USID-1 dosimetry device oper- ates in the locking circuit of the inlet door. When the door is opened the electromagnets are automatically dis- connected by the key, and if cassettes with Co6? are pre- sent in the radiating element they fall into the store via the channels. In this way additional locking is obtained during functioning of the apparatus. M The change-over from one variant of radiating ele- ment to another is carried out under safe conditions in 30 min. 'For any variants of the radiating element the objects to be irradiated can be placed on the ends of the working table and on the floor of the working chamber. 2When the core of the solenoid shutter is lowered the door to the labyrinth can only be closed if the time re- lay (the button of which is located in the chamber of the apparatus) is switched on; this eliminates the possi- bility of the presence of personnel in the chamber when the source is raised. 3The supply for the electromagnets is obtained from an ordinary buffer circuit with a VSA-6 rectifier and a 384 x 2 amp/lir storage battery. 373 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 a means for indicating when each cassette has been lifted into the tube of the radiating element. When the experiment has been completed all the operations are carried out in the reverse order; the irradia ted objects can be removed from the chamber for further investigation and the apparatus prepared for the next ex- periment. Method of assembling the powerful y -ray source of the K-60,000 a2paratus. The y -ray source, consisting of 80 standard Co6? preparations, is assembled by means of a special transport container, similar to that developed 5. by us previously [8], by the method described in [10, 11]. The container is installed on a plate located in the room above the working chamber of the apparatus. From the center of the plate a pipeline is passed through the con- crete ceiling; this pipeline is first connected in the work- ing chamber to one of the channels of the store contain- ing the empty cassette. Four Co60 preparations are passed in succession into each cassette via the pipeline; the plug- yoke is then screwed into the cassette by means of an electromagnetic screw driver. When the plug is screwed up (or unscrewed) each cassette is held securely in a hex- agonal jack in the lower part of the channel. The authors wish to express their thanks to V. I. Vainshtein, M. A. Dembrovskii, and N. P. Syrkus, who took part in the discussion of individual problems of the design of the apparatus, and also to A. I. Dombrovskii, V. M. Kasatkin, A. V. Tatov, D. V. Yasinskii, I. A. Gromov, V. G. Ivanov, M. N. Demichev, V. V. Serebrya- kobaya, N. V. Troinov, and others, who took part in the construction and assembly of the apparatus. 2. 3. 4, LITERATURE CITED 1. S. S. Medvedev, Proc. All-Union Scientific-Tech- nical Conference on the Use of Radioactive and Stable Isotopes and Radiations in the National Eco- nomy and Science (April 4-12, 1957). Istopes and 374 6. Radiations in Chemistry [in Russian] (Izd. AN 8SSR, Moscow, 1958) p. 85. ?A. I. Topchiev, I. G. Alad'ev, and P. S. Savitskii, Atomnaya &ergiya 5, 3, 321 (1958).4 A. Kh. Breger. Problemy Fiz. Khim, 1, 61 (1958). Yu. S. Ryabuldiln and A. Kh. Breger, "Simulation of isotopic radiation sources of possible industrial radiation-chemical apparatuses," Proc. First All- Union Conference on Radiation Chemistry [in Russian] (Izd. AN SSSR, Moscow, 1958) p. 318. A. Kh. Breger et al.,Problemy Fiz. Khim. No. 2, 132 (1959). A. V. Bibergal', M. M. Korotkov, and T. G. Ratner, Atomnaya inergiya 2, 3, 244 (1959).4 '7. B. I. Vainshtein, A. Kh. Breger, and N. P. Syrkus, Zhur. Khim. Prom-ti, 7, 6(1959). 8. N. P. Syrkus, A. Kh. Breger, and B. I. Vainshtein, Zhur. Khim, Prom-ti, 8, 1 (1959). 9. A. Kh. Breger et al. in: Symp. The Action of Ioniz- ing Radiations on Inorganic and Organic Systems. . Ed. by S. Ya. Pshezhetskii [in Russian] (Izd. AN SSSR, Moscow, 1958) p. 379, 10. A. Kh. Breger et al., Proc. All-Union Conference on the Use of Radioactive and Stable Isotopes and Radiations in the National Economy and Science (April 4-12, 1957). The Preparation of Isotopes. Powerful y Ray. Appalatus. Radiometry and Dosi- metry [in Russian] (Izd. AN SSSR, Moscow 1958) p. 182. A. Kh. Breger et al., Report No. 29, UNESCO Inter- national Conference on the Use of Radioisotopes in Scientific Investigations (Paris, September, 1957). 12, G. S. Murray, R. Roberts, and D. Dove, Report No. 19, UNESCO International Conference on the Use of Radio- isotopes in Scientific Investigations (Paris, September, 1957). 13. 0, Joklik, Atompraxis 10, 10, 355 (1958). 40riginal Russian pagination. See C. B. translation. 11. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 ? Letters to the Editor INVESTIGATION OF THE SPENT FUEL ELEMENT OF THE FIRST ATOMIC POWER STATION* A. P. Smirnov-Averin, V. I. Galkov, Yu. G. Sevast'yanov, N. N. Krot, V. I. Ivanov, I. G. Sheinker, L. A. StabenoVa, B. S. Kir'yanov, and A. G. Kozlov Translated from Atomnaya Energiya, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 446-447, May, 1960 Original article submitted January 28, 1960 In designing new nuclear reactors for power stations and in developing new operating parts, it is necessary to study the changes occurring in fuel elements (FE) during their operation. Thorough investigations of spent FE make it possible to design power station reactors where the nuclear fuel is utilized with maximum efficiency. One of the stages in studying spent FE is the investigation of the nuclear fuel isotope composition after operation in the reactor, the burn-up variation along the FE length, and the state of the outside and inside FE jackets. We investigated the fuel element of the First Atomic Power Station [1], which was in operation over an effec- tive period of 104 dayst and then stored over a period of 1160 days after the end of the run. It was transferred from the storeroom of the First Atomic Power Station to the unloading room of the "hot" laboratory and then placed into a protection cell by means of the remote-handling unloading mechanism. The fuel element was observed by means of special binoculars through the lead glass of the cell. A thin oxide film was detected on the outside jacket. This jacket was not damaged. In measuring the outside diameter at differ- ent spots along the FE length by means of a remote-meas- urement micrometer, it was found that the jacket was deformed. As a result of irradiation the average diameter along the FE length increased from 14.11 ? 0.02 to 14.20? ? 0.02 mm. In the course of further investigations, six specimens 1 cm long were cut from different spots along the FE length. An inspection of the specimen inside tube on the side where it was in contact with the coolant (water) re- vealed a brown deposit. By means of an MIM-6 metal microscope, it was established that the deposit had a thickness of 1 i. The metal structure at the metal?de- posit interface was not disturbed, which indicated that the layer consisted of scale and that it was not a product of stainless steel corrosion. The burn-up was determined with respect to the ac- tivity of Cs', which evolved from the specimen. Cesium Is the most suitable fragment for this purpose, since its yield is well known [2] and its half life is long, due to which the corrections used in calculating the burn-up are small. The chromatographic method was used for separat- ing cesium. The purity in chemically separating Cs137 was controlled by means of a scintillation y spectrometer as well as by measuring the 8 spectrum according to the absorption method. The absolute 8 activity of Cs137 was measured by means of .a 4ir counter. In burn-up calculations we took into account the Cs137 activity due to Pu2" fission as well as the reduction in U235 nuclei due to the radiation capture of neutrons. Data on the burn-up at different FE spots are shown in Fig. 1. The average burn-up is equal to 12.5%. For the specimen taken from a spot 95 cm from the lower FE end, the burn-up was determined by means of a mass spectrometer. The uranium content in this sped- 20 5 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Length, cm Fig. 1. Burn-up along the FE length. *First communication. t The investigation of elements with deeper burn-up is in progress. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 160 375 3 2 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 Data Pu238 Pu239 Pu2a0 P11211 AM241 , Experimental ' 2,54.10-4 1,20 0,102 1,27.10-2 1,86.10-3 Theoretical ? 1,17 0,100 1,36-10-2 ? al)(1081 Bottom Top 20 15 10 20 40 60 80 100 ' 120 ' 140 ' 150 Length, cm Fig. 2. Variation of over-all a, 8, and y activities along the FE length. 2,0 1,f Bottom 40(x yPu 238( 103). Q,n24 Itx Top 20, 40 60 80 100 Length, cm 120 140 150 Fig. 3. Distribution of the content transuranic element iso- topes along the FE length. men was 4.32%, which corresponded to a burn-up of 16.1%. This value was in good agreement with the value obtained with respect to the Cs137 yield. The over-all a activity was measured by means of a standard Da-49 device, and the over-all 6 activity was measured by means of a 4ir counter . The y -radiation activity was measured by means of an ionization chamber, which was calibrated with respect to the y activity of a radium standard. The measurement results are shown in Fig. 2. As was to be expected, the shape of the relative 376 family of the over-all 6-and y -activity curves was simi- lar to the shape of the burn-up curve. The content of transuranic element isotopes was determined with respect to a-radiation spectra and with respect to the number of spontaneous fission events. The spectra were obtained by means of an ionization a spec- trometer, which consisted of an ionization chamber with a small collecting electrode (a ball 1.5 cm in diameter), an amplifier, a discriminator, a second amplifier, a sta- bilized rectifier, and a 50-channel pulse analyzer. The a-spectrometer resolving power was 2%. Complete data on the content of transuranic element isotopes cannot be obtained directly from the spectrum of the specimen a radiation, since the spectral peaks of Pu239 and Pu24?,as well as Pu238 and Am241,coincide with each other. After we measured the a-radiation spectrum of plutonium that evolved from the specimen, we succeeded in separately determining the PU238 and Am241 content. The Pu249 content was determined with respect to the number of spontaneous fission events produced by the layers prepared from the evolved plutonium. Figure 3 provides data on the content of transuranic element isotopes (in kilograms per 1 ton of uranium) at different spots on the FE. The Pu241 content was deter- mined theoretically by using data obtained from Am. On the basis of experimental data, we determined the amounts of various isotopes (in kilograms per 1 ton of uranium), which were averaged with respect to the FE length. The theoretical and experimental results ob- tained in measuring the FE isotope composition are shown in the table. A comparison of these results indicates that ? the theoretical and experimental data are in good agree- ment. The authors extend their thanks to G. M. Kukavadze and R. N. Ivanov, who performed the mass-spectrometer analysis of irradiated uranium, and also to V. N. Sharapov who calculated the FE isotope composition. LITERATURE CITED 1. D. I. Blokhintsev, N. A, Dollezhal', and A. K. Krasin, Atomnaya energiya, 1, 10 (1956)4 2. S. Katcoff, Nucleonics 16, 4, 78 (1958). tOriginal Russian pagination. See C. B. translation. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 ON IMPROVING THE EFFICIENCY OF POWER STATION REACTORS WITH GASEOUS COOLANTS T. Kh. Margulova and L. S. Sterman Translated from Atornnaya ?Energiya, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 448-451, May, 1960 Original article submitted September 3, 1959 An increase in the gaseous coolant temperature tc,1 at the reactor downstream end always leads to an increase in the reactor efficiency. However, the choice of the maximum temperature depends on the material of which the fuel-element jacket is made. If the material cost is high and is not justified by an increase in the cycle ef- ficiency, it is advisable to use lower coolant temperatures. The gas temperature te,2 at the reactor upstream end cannot be determined without a careful analysis of the power station thermodynamic layout. The power station efficiency is usually the highest for a large gas tempera- ture drop between the reactor upstream and downstream ends (of the order of 150 to 200?C and over). If a two- pressure operating cycle instead of a single-pressure cycle is used in the power station layout, the resulting complica- tions and the higher cost are entirely justified by the ad- vantages offered by an increase in efficiency. The use of a three-pressure operating cycle is hardly advisable, since in this, the efficiency is very little improved in compari- son with the case of the two-pressure cycle, and the power station layout becomes much more complicated. Figure 1 shows the dependences of the efficiency (71e) on the vapor pressure Php in the high-pressure loop for a power station with a two-pressure operating cycle. The curves were plotted for the case without regenerative ?le 0,28 0,27 0,26 0,25 0,24 0,23 10 20 30 40 50 CO Php atm abs Fig. 1. Variation of ne in dependence on the vapor pressure Php for the follow- ing temperatures tc,2 (?C): 1) 140; 2) 200; preheating of the feed water, when the gas temperature at the reactor downstream end was equal to 375?C. Each value of t0,2 corresponds to a Ph value that secures the optimum efficiency. The initial points of these curves correspond to the Tie value for the single-pressure opera- ting cycle. In reactors with gaseous coolants, for constant tc,i and te,2 and a chosen value of php, the vapor pressure in the low-pressure loop drops with an increase in the feed water temperature tfw, and the quantity of this vapor, reduced to the same quantity of high-pressure vapor, in- creases. This negatively affects the power station effi- ciency. Therefore, regeneration exerts a positive influence only in a certain definite feed water temperature inter- val, which depends on the number of preheaters; the opti- mum tfw value is lower than that for ordinary power sta- tions. Figure 2 shows the efficiency vs. feed water tempera- ture curves for different numbers of regenerative preheaters for single-pressure (a) and two-pressure (b) cycles. Figure 3 shows the dependences of the maximum ef- ficiency value on the coolant temperature to for single- pressure (curves 1 and 3) and two-pressure cycles (curves 2 and 4) in the presence (4eT solid curves) and absence (nrx, dotted curves) of regenerative preheating. It can be seen that regenerative preheating for the single-pressure operating cycle is beneficial only if the tc.2 value in the reactor exceeds ?170?C; for the two-pressure cycle, re- generative preheating leads to an increase in efficiency even for lower t 2 values. Obviously, in deciding on the C, power station layout, it is necessary to determine to what extent the advantages resulting from the use of regenera- tion with a given number of preheaters exceed the addi- tional costs involved. For higher tc.2 values, the efficiency as well as the coolant circulation losses increase. The efficiency cal- culated by taking into account these losses is determined by the equation H= _Ne?KNe Ne?KNe 1) Qvap?Kriblmotil bl mechPle . ( where Q. is the reactor heat output, Ne is the reactor electrical output, l< is the portion of the electrical energy 377 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 ite,n 0,30 rle,n 0,28 0,27 0,25 0;25o . 23 0,29 0,28 0,270 50 100 t fw, ?41 a It 50 100 150 tfw Fig. 2. Variation or /leo.' in dependence of the feed water temperature tfw and the number of regenerative preheaters z (mixing-type preheaters): 1) z=1; 2) z=3; 3) z=5; 4) z=10; tc,1=375"C; te,2=200?C. max , qe,n 0,31 0,30 0,29 0,28 427 0,26 0,25 0,24 0,23 3 1 140 160 180 200 220 240 te,2,?C Fig. 3. Dependence of the,maxi- mum values n Tax and n emnax on the coolant temperature tc,2 for the constant value of to,1= 375?C. Ne expended on coolant circulation, Qvap is the heat transferred to the vapor generator, nbl mech is the blower ? mechanical efficiency, and 71b1 mot is the blower motor efficiency. Equation (1) can be reduced to the following form: (1?K)ne e 1-- Knell bl motnbl mech (2) The maximum efficiency values, (nell, n), calculated by taking into account circulation losses in the presence 378 of feed water regenerative preheating for a single-pressure (a) and a two-pressure cycles, are given in Fig. 4. The variation of rig n in dependence on to,2 for constant loop hydrodynamic characteristics and for a constant reactor heat output is shown by dotted lines. Under these condi- tions, the following relation holds: (3) K"?ltc, 1?.1C, 2 ) ) p, ) Tle,n where K' is the fraction power expended on coolant cir- culation, y is the average coolant specific weight, Cp,1 is the average coolant specific heat, and n' is the elec- trical efficiency without taking into account the piping losses for t" ? 2 K" V2' Cp,2,arld ne",n are the values of C' the same qu,antities for *,2. If we know the fraction power K' for the given opera- ting conditions, we can determine its value K" for the same reactor output, but for a different value of tc,2. As can be seen from Fig. 4, there are optimum tc,2 values which correspond to the maximum efficiency value where coolant circulation losses are taken into account. An increase in the coolant temperature at the re- actor upstream end initially leads to such an increase in efficiency that Ile% also increases (regardless of higher circulation losses). Subsequently, increasing circulation losses lead to the fact that lie Hn begins to decrease with an increase int It is obvious from Fig. 4 that the opti- mum H values for the single-pressure operating cycle e,n correspond to te,2 values higher than the tc,2 value for the two-pressure cycle. The fraction power expended on coolant circulation in the single-pressure cycle is also higher than that in the two-pressure cycle under condi- tions securing the optimum efficiency, and the efficiency value where circulation losses are taken into account is always lower. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 i?g,n 428 427 0,26 0,25 0,24 0,23 0,22 0,21 140 160 0 rS /1 /I AFJ V / r / r/ ?yr/ //r / . 180 .2011 a i?e8,n 0,29 0,28 0,27 0,26 0,25 0 24 220 2 ,?C 140 160 % o o % \N - o? , MY - iP Wirg-FriP' AWAPPArv?1> ////_70?7 IP \ . / 180 200 ty,T Fig. 4. Dependence of n on the coolant temperature for various values of the fraction power expended on coolant circulation (tc,f-375?C). e,n 0,27 0,26 0,24 0,23 Fror, torm issler%, mow v?, rharir\ EMT aria a An will. 150 180 200 to ,2,?C a ne,n 0,30 0,29 0,28 0,27 0,26 0,25 pill lUll, AA Illp A MON MEMON MOM A Wraggr graggin MOMMEMA WIRMitil MEM ? ra7Jill 150 180 200 220t Fig. 5. Dependence of ne,n on the coolant temperature tc,2 for various relative values of the fraction power expended on coolant circulation (two-pressure cycle): a) te.1=340?C, b) te.1=400?C. 379 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 The above analysis pertains to conditions where =375?C. In order o determine the effect oft tc,1 t ffvalues c,1 on the power station efficiency, we also performed cal- culations for different tc.1 values. Figure 5 shows the neHn vs. tc,2 curves. From Figs. 4b, 5a, and 5b, it is obvious that, for equal relative cir- culation losses, eFin increases with an increase in the gas temperature at the reactor downstream end, and the maxi- mum efficiency values are obtained for higher tc.2values. We are justified in increasing the reactor heat out- put if the increase in the fuel cost in producing electrical 380 energy due to a lower power station efficiency is com- pensated by lower capital expenditures. For a given re- actor heat output, it is necessary to strive for the maxi- mum power station efficiency while taking into account circulation losses. It is necessary to bear, in mind that the maximum efficiency value decreases with an increase in the heat output of a given reactor, i.e., as can be seen from Figs. 4 and 5, the lower dotted curves correspond to large reactor heat output values. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 MEASUREMENT OF THE FAST NEUTRON FLUX DISTRIBUTION IN THE CORE OF THE VVR-S REACTOR WITH RESPECT TO CHANGES IN THE ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY OF GERMANIUM SPECIMENS E. Aleksandrovich and M. Bartenbakh Institute of Nuclear Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw Translated from Atomnaya Energiya, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 451-452, May, 1960 Original article submitted December 28, 1959 In connection with the investigations of the behavior of semiconductors under neutron irradiation that are in progress at the Institute of Nuclear Research in Warsaw, it was necessary to determine the fast.neutron flux distri- bution in the reactor core. Under the action of fast-neutron irradiation, the electrical conductivity of a germanium monocrystal of the n type gradually decreases, and, in the final stage, the germanium monocrystal is converted to the p type [1-7]. The typical curve representing the variation of germanium electrical conductivity in time during irradia- tion by fast neutrons is shown in Fig. 1. The initial portion of this curve can be considered as linear, which is notice- able only in the case where the neutron energy exceeds ?300 ev. Nine germanium specimens cut from the mono- crystal were used for measurements. The specimens were in the shape of parallelepipeds whose dimensions were 1.5x 1.5x10 mm. They were selected in such a manner that their electrical conductivity was at the maximum. In order to eliminate the influence of thermal neu- trons, each specimen was enclosed in a cadmium shell Time, hr Fig. 1. Variation of the electrical conductivity (a) of a germanium specimen (monocrystal) in time during irradiation by fast neutrons. 0.25 mm thick. The specimens were placed at equal distances from each other in a special aluminum probe and then introduced into the core of the VVR-S reactor between the fuel elements. Thus, seven specimens were distributed along the reactor core height and two speci- mens were placed outside the core: one was above and the other below it. The electrical conductivity of the specimens in the reactor was measured during irradiation with respect to the current intensity through the specimens; the current was supplied by a dc voltage source. The current intensity was such that the specimens were not heated during meas- urements. The reactor power, equal to 1.5 kw was kept -constant. 1,8 1,5 1,4 1,2 1,0 0 0,8 0,5 0,4 0,2 0,0 X t''`'.41111 14Nh--- into reactor I Probe moved / Probe / moved., Probe inserted 0 2 Time, hr Fig. 2. Variation of the electrical conductivity (a) of germanium specimens lowered to various depths into the core of the VVR-S reactor during irradiation by fast neutrons. 381 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 The variation of the electrical conductivities of all specimens during irradiation is shown in Fig. 2. A sharp change in the magnitude of da/dt at the points t=1 hr and t=2 hr was caused by changing the probe position in the reactor. The slope of the a (t) curve is the measure of the intensity of the fast neutron flux at the point where the specimen is located. Figure 3 shows the fast neutron flux distribution along the core axis. In plotting this curve, we used the time interval enclosed between the points t=1 hr and t=2 hr in Fig. 2. This method can also be used for absolute measure- ments. Effect of control rods Bottom Core height = = 50 cm 9 Top Fig. 3. Fast-neutron flux distribution along the VVR-S reactor core axis. 382 LITERATURE CITED I. R. Davis et al., Phys. Rev. 74, 1255 (1948). 2. W. Johnson and K. Lark-Horovitz. Phys. Rev. 76, 442 (1949). 3. J. Crawford, jr., K. Lark-Horovitz, Phys. Rev. 18, 815 (1950); Phys. Rev. 79, 889 (1950). 4. J. Cleland et al. Phys. Rev. 83, 312 (1951). Phys. Rev. 84, 861 (1951). 5. H. James and K. Lark-Horovitz. Z. phys. Chem. 198, 107 (1951). 6. J. Cleland, J. Crawford and J. Pigg. Phys. Rev. 98, 1742 (1955). 7. B. Buras et al., Report No. 101/I-B. Institute of Nuclear Research, (Warsaw, 1959). Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 CALCULATION OF THERMAL SHOCKS IN REACTOR STRUCTURAL PARTS Yu. E. Bagdasarov Translated from Atomnaya Energiya, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 452-454, May, 1960 Original article submitted July 13, 1959 Thermal shocks in the walls of reactor structural parts arise due to a sudden drop in the coolant temperature at the core downstream end after reactor emergency shutdown. Since sharp temperature changes lower the strength of such important and irreplaceable parts as tanks, collectors, and pipes, it is necessary to know how to calculate the thermal shock in reactor structural parts if power station devices are to be designed correctly. The thermal shock effect has been studied by a number of investigators [1-3], An effective method for protecting the walls of important reactor structural parts from thermal shock is the provision of a thermal screen between the wall and the coolant. The wall thickness of tanks, collectors, and pipes used in reactor loops is considerably smaller than their diameters. From the point of view of changes in tempera- ture fields and thermal stresses, these walls can be consi- dered to be flat. Therefore, we shall hereafter consider only the two-dimensional geometry. For technical reasons, in the majority of practical cases, the carrying walls and the thermal screen are made of the same material. This makes it possible to obtain analytical equations for the calculation of thermal stresses if we assume that ideal thermal contact exists between the thermal screen layers and between the thermal screen and the carrying wall and that liquid layers are absent. The neglect of the thermal resistance and the heat capacity of the cool- ant layers lead to somewhat higher thermal stress values in the carrying wall, which provides a safety margin in calculations. The temperature changes in the plane of the wall cross section are found from the following system of equations [4]* : a2t at a --- - ? aX2 aT' tit= 00 = const; at BxIxO at -ax--1 x=o =a [t/x=6? 0(v)]. The solution of this system is given by the equation t (x, r) ?0 (T)-1- 11, A (x) cos (8 n 6 where bE2 T beAt A, (T).--- ?Bne -e ' 4 sin En Bn- 2en+ sin 2e? The proper values of a n are found from the transcendental equation tg ?n=Bik n, and, for Bi > 50 we can assume that ? n=(2n- 1)(7r/ 2),where n=1, 2. . ..The thermal stress on the outside surface of the kth layer is determined from the relations [5] E.., ? CI (T)= a1"--; [th (T) (Ch, i)]; ck ch eh 1 vt, t (x, or) dx. "Vh Each form of the 0(r) function yields a separate form of the expression for ock(T). The table provides the final formulas for the cases of linear and exponential changes in 0(r). As an example, the figure shows the results obtained in calculating thermal shocks in the carry- ing wall and the thermal screen of a fast reactor vessel with sodium cooling [6]. The following initial data were used in calculations: the material was Steel 1Kh18N9T; 0(T)=00t, 00e-mr ; 6, 00=140?C; m=0.1 sec-1; 6 =0.2m; Y10; c1=0.05 m; 7N =0.19 m; cm=6 =0.2 m. The following notation was used in these calculations: t(x,T) is the carrying wall and the thermal screen tempera- ture (?C); 00, 0(T), and 0.0 are the coolant temperatures at the initial instant of time, at the time r, and the asymp- ? The notation used is explained at the end of the article. 383 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 0, kg/cm2 4000 1000 2000 1000 0 10 20 30 rbsec a 6, kg / cm2 200 100 0 500 1000 1500 r, sec 6, kg/cm2 2000 1000 0 10 20 30 t", .sec Thermal shock calculation. a) Carrying wall without thermal screen; b) carrying wall with thermal screen; C) end layer (in contact with sodium) of the 10-mm thermal screen. Calculation Formulas for Determining Thermal Stresses Coolant temperature Equation for calculating thermal stresses For exponential changes 0 (t)=-0+6,00e-r" a (t)._\I I 1 n"1 -r" -- e-b841.] -_-A6,00 x ch L.IbEA?m n=i ek sin(en?.5 ) --sin (t e, Yit ) 6 cos (en 75-ch eh? Vk i5 For linear changes. 0 CO= 00- pv * Linear temperature -it changes . sin (eri -Let,(e, it) 1 6 B ch I eePT0-11 e-be4v _bov [1 j qin ch ? yk 6? en for v < To; . a A 12- (t). E --B X ch b n=1 [sin en ck )? sin (c -Y1) 11 6 15 ch cos (en eh? ?it a 6 en for "r ->- TO occur during the time r0, when 0 = 0,0. totic value of the coolant temperature for 00 (?C), respectively; 00=00- 0 00 is the maximum change in the coolant temperature (?C);Tk(T) is the average temp- erature of the kth layer (?C); T is the time (sec); T0 is the time during which the coolant temperature drops linearly (sec); x is the coordinate measured from the ves- 384 sel outside surface toward the interior (m); S is the over- all thickness of the carrying wall and of the thermal screen sheets (m); ck is the coordinate of the kth layer outside surface (m); y k is the coordinate of the kth layer inside surface (m). Here, the carrying wall represents the first layer. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 The structural material parameters are the following; a is the diffusivity coefficient (m2/sec); X is the thermal conductivity coefficient (kcal/mxsecx?C);aw is the line- ar thermal expansion coefficient (1/?C); Ew is the elasticity modulus (kg/cm2); v is the Poisson coefficient; cc is the coefficient of heat transfer from the wall to the coolant ( kcal/m2x sec x ?C); b=a/8 2; Bi=a8 A ; A= otwEw/ 1?u; a ek(T is the thermal stress at the kth layer outside surface (kg/cm2); 2 is a parameter (deg/sec); m is a parameter (sec 1) LITERATURE CI TED 1. R. Tidball and M. Shrut, Transactions of the ASME 76, 4, 639 (1954). 2. A. A. Klypin, Teploenergetika, 1, 33 (1957). 3. M. Heisler, J. Appl. Mech. 20, 2, 261 (1953). 4. 5. 6. A. V. Lykov, Theory of Thermal Conductivity [in Russian] (Gostekhizdat, Moscow, 1952). S. P. Timoshenko, Strength of Materials [in Russian] (Gostekhizdat, Moscow, 1946) Vol. 2. A. I. Leipunskii, et al., Transactions of the Second International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (Geneva, 1958). Reports by Soviet scientists; Nuclear Reactors and Nuclear Pdwer Engineering [in Russian] (Atomizdat, Moscow, 1959) Vol. 4, p. 212. 385 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 600?key PROTON INJECTOR FOR A LINEAR ACCELERATOR Yu. N. Antonov, L. P. Zinov'ev, and V. P. Rashevskii Translated from Atomnaya Energiya, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 454-457, May, 1960 Original article submitted December 10, 1958 The necessity for increasing the injection current at the 10-Bey proton synchrotron at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Studies prompted the authors of the pre- sent paper to undertake the following problem: using an ion source capable of furnishing a large proton cur- rent, extract and focus this current for acceleration to an energy of 600 key. In doing this it is necessary that the geometric dimensions and angular convergence of the beam at the output of the accelerator tube satisfy the injection conditions in the linear accelerator. Ion source. This is a gas discharge with a dou- bly contracted pinch [1] in which' electron oscillations are used. The source was developed in NII-5 and then modified by the authors and V. M. Blagoveshchenskii, T. I. Gutkin, and Yu. V. Kursanov of the High-Energy Laboratory of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Studies. A schematic diagram of the source is shown in Fig. 1. In this source we used cathodel of a TGI-90/8 thyraton. The cathode leads 2 are cooled by circulating water and isolated from the cathode flange 5 by porcelain insulators 4. The hydrogen is introduced into the discharge chamber through a palladium filter and tube 3. The internal cavity of the intermediate anode 6 forms the cathode region of the discharge; the presence in the intermediate anode of the channel 15, 9 mm in diameter and 10 mm long, causes the formation of a double layer of hemispherical shape. The spherical part points toward the cathode and serves to contract the pinch. The intermediate anode is also cooled by water which flows in the cavity '7. Directly on the intermediate anode there is a coil 8 that produces an axial magnetic field that contracts the plasma in the space between the channel 15 and the emission aperture 17. The intermediate anode 6, the wall of the source, 16 and the output flange 12 form an open magnetic conductor. The copper anode 10 has an aperture 9 mm in diameter which is concentric with the channel 15 and the emission aperture; the elec- tron oscillation takes place in the space between these two electrodes. The output flange of the source (anti- cathode) has an insert 13 made from nonmagnetic mate- rial (tungsten or stainless steel) with an emission aperture . 2 mm in diameter and approximately 0.5 mm long.* Since the source is at a potential of 600 kv with respect to ground the entire power supply circuit, which is moun- ted on porcelain insulators 2.6 m in height, has its own 386 generator (220 v, 50 cps, 3.5 kw) and a GSM-1 generator (220 v,500 cps, 0.6 kw). The drive that connects the generator and the motor, which is at ground potential, is a shaft made from 6 wood which is approximately 2 m in length. The power supply for the source is shown in Fig. 2. The filament supply for the cathode of the source comes from transformer Tr The filament requires 7.8 v at 6.4 amp. The hydrogen pressure in the discharge chamber is maintained at about 1.5'10-2 mm Hg; the hydrogen is admitted through the palladium filter Pa and the flow rate is controlled by heating the filter. The magnetic field in the source is produced by a coil with 320 turns. The magnetic induction in the space between the intermediate anode and the anticathode is 1000 gauss for a coil current of approximately 2 amp. When the artificial line is discharged through the thyratron a negative pulse approximately 500 ?sec long appears at the cathode; the amplitude of this pulse is con- trolled by the voltage from the power supply B2 which is used to charge the line. The thyratron is fired by a pulse 14 5 16 14 14 011602I 4,1! 2 4 A F.ircwirACT irg?0 za 6 8 Cop- rma per vzzajSteel eitkl 10 11 s=. Porce- ma Rubber lain Nom gasket 17 13 12 Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the source; a) copper, b) steel, c) porcelain, d) rubber gasket. ? If the emission aperture is a channel the loss of ion current to the wall increases appreciably; hence, the condition bcd must be satisfied for the aperture. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 which is obtained from a photomultiplier which is moun- ted on an insulator; this tube is triggered by the flash from an MN-3 neon lamp which is located at the base of the insulator. The pulse from the line (amplitude of 400-500 v) is applied to the cathode of the source and ignites an arc between the cathode and the intermediate anode. The arc current produces a potential difference across the resistance R1=200 ohm; this potential difference causes the ignition of an arc in the channel in the intermediate anode. Any disturbance of the uniformity of the discharge gap in the channel causes electron drift in the region of the anode plasma; the hemispherical double layer accele- rates and focuses the electrons, providing the required electron current density in the region of the anode plasma. The potential jump in the double layer automatically reaches a level such that the generation of ions in the region of the anode plasma is sufficient for satisfactory stability of the space-charge limited bipolar current; ip ( 771 -- le )1 / 2 where I is the directed current of positive ions; Ie is the directed electron current; me and mp are the mass of the electron and positive ion,respectively. The strong inhomogeneous magnetic field in the region of the anode plasma causes a still greater contrac- tion of the discharge, leading to an additional increase in the density of carriers. The double contraction of the discharge and the use of electron oscillation in the space between the intermediate anode and the anticathode causes an appreciable degree of ionization in the anode region of the discharge. The current extracted from the source can reach values of 270 ma. Knowing the pass spectrum of the beam and the gas consumption in the source (source parameters are given below) we can show that the ionization percentage in the discharge is close Tr2 220v. 31 50 cps 220v 50 cps Tri TGI-1-90/8 FEU 82 Li MN1)-4, Fig. 2. Power supply for the source (R1=200 ohm; R2= =R3=12 ohm; R4=5.10 3 ohm; C=10 f; L=25mh). to 100/0. Under the effect of the electric field the ions generated in the anode plasma are directed toward the emission aperture of the source and extracted by the ex- tractiom system. The geometry of the discharge chamber of the source is chosen experimentally for optimum conditions for ignit- ing the pulsed arc. The opening angle of the cone of the intermediate anode in the working version if 120?. If this angle is varied the current extracted from the source falls off sharply since the axial magnetic field has a strong effect on the electron kinetics and parameters of a low- pressure plasma [2]. When the diameter of the emission aperture is in- creased from 0.8 to 2.0 mm the current increases approxi- mately as the square of the diameter (Fig. 3). However, when the diameter of the emission aperture is increased to 3.0 mm it is difficult to ignite the arc in the source because the field of the extraction electrode "drops" in the discharge chamber. A very important factor is the presence of the nonmagnetic insert 13 (cf. Fig. 1). The absence of this insert causes a noticeable reduction in the extracted current and deteriorates the focusing. In the working model the diameter of the insert is 10 mm. Some increase in current is achieved if the diameter of the insert is increased to 20 mm. The current at the output of the injector, as a func- tion of discharge current, is shown in Fig. 4. For any magnetic field configuration the contraction falls off as the discharge current is increased, i.e. with an increase In charge concentration. (In a discussion of the relaxa- tion length of a Maxwellian distribution, I. Langmuir [3] 50 10 0 1,0 20 Diameter of the emission aperture, mm Fig. 3. The current extracted from the source as a function of the diameter of the emission aperture. 387 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 has shown that with an increase in electron concentration causes a reduction in mean free path. Since the magnetic field is effective over the mean free path length, the effect of the field is reduced as the concentration is in- creased.) In Fig. 5 we show the source mounted on the accelerator. The parameters which characterize the operation of the source are as follows: Filament voltage, v 7.8 Filament voltage, amp 6.4 Arc voltage, v 90-120 Arc current, amp 30 Magnetic field in the gap, gauss 1000 Gas pressure in the discharge chamber, mm Hg 1.540-2 Gas consumption 150 Proton component of the extracted current, percent. 75 cvi 20 20 10 0 10 20 30 0 jam, amp Fig. 4. The extracted current as a function of arc current. (pH2=1.2.10-5 mm Hg; Uext=45 imag=1.1 amp). Fig. 5. The source mounted on the accelerator tube. 388 The percentage proton composition of the beam which passes through the linear accelerator in the absence of resonator excitation is measured by means of a sectored magnet (deflection angle, 750). Accelerator, extraction and focusing of the beam. The useful diameter of the 600-kv accelerator is 350 mm while the length is 1670 mm. The tube has 70 irises and every other iris has an anticorona ring which is connec- ted to an appropriate tap on a voltage divider. The divider is a vinyl plastic tube 8 mm in diameter with uniformly distributed taps, along which distilled water flows (this water is also used for cooling the source). The source is mounted directly on the input flange of the accelerator. The extraction and focusing electrodes are located inside the accelerator tube and the power supply leads are introduced through the first anticorona rings. The arrangement of the extraction and focusing elec- trodes in the source and accelerator and the power supply system are shown on Fig. 6. A TRVV pulse transformer is used to apply a pulse to the accelerator tube. The amplitude of this pulse is 600 kv and its length is ap- proximately 300 usec. A special system is used to main- tain the voltage of the flat part of the pulse with an ac- curacy of better than 0.5%. The transformer load is the divider D (R=430 kiloohm) part of which is used to de- rive the 50-kv extraction voltage. The resistance of the accelerator tube divider is approximately 5.106 ohm. The voltage to the focusing electrode is taken from a high-voltage power supply PF which is located on the source insulating column. In order tofocus the beam, at the output of the tube (1 m from the output iris) we apply a focusing voltage of 3 kv with respect to the source. This voltage determines the energy spread of the beam at the output due to ion generation in the extraction region. The energy spread in the beam at the output is less than 0.5%. The beam is monitored visually at the output of the tube by means of the radiation from a quartz shield. The Fig. 6. Diagram showing the arrangement and power supplies for the extraction electrode (1) and the focusing electrode (2). Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 ion current is measured with a Faraday cylinder; a coil which provides a field of approximately 500 oe at the axis of the cylinder is mounted on the Faraday cylinder in order to protect it from secondary electrons. The angular divergence of the beam at the input to the linear accelerator is estimated to be.3.10-3. The dia- meter of the spot at the input to the linear accelerator (a distance of approximately 6 m from the output of the tube) is 8-10 mm. With a beam focused, at a distance of approximately 1 m from the output of the tube the spot diameter is approximately 2 mm. In conclusion the authors wish to take this opportunity to thank M. S. Vasil'ev and V. V. Slesarev for taking part in this work. 1. LITERATURE CITED ?M. von Ardenne, Tabellen der Elektionon-physik, Ionenphysik und Ubermikroskipie. Deutscher Verlad der Wissenschaften (1957). 2. 0. N. Repkova and G. V. Spivak, Scientific Records: of a Plasma in a Magnetic Field, Moscow State University, (Izd. MGU, Moscow, 1945). . I. Langmuir, Proc. Nat. Acad, Sci. USA, 14, 627 (1928). 389 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 MEAN NUMBER OF PROMPT NEUTRONS EMITTED IN PHOTOFISSION OF Th232 AND U238 y RAYS PRODUCED IN THE F19 (p, ay) 016 REACTION L. I. Prokhorova and G. N. Smirenkin Translated from Atomnaya Energiya, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 457- 459, May, 1960 Original article submitted January 3, 1960 In [1] attention has been directed to the fact that the data available in the literature concerning the mean number of neutrons 7 in spontaneous fission of U2" (2.1? 0.1 [1], 2.26? 0.16 [2] ) and for photofission of U238by y rays from bremsstrahlung with a maximum energy Emax =5.5 Mev ( 1.65? 0.5 [3]) are not in agreement with a linear dependence of 7 on the excitation energy of the fissioning nucleus Ex [4]. The values given for if in photo- fission of U238 indicate that all neutrons are released in one fission event: v-j n) -1 2 a (y, 2n) _L. (v, f) a (17, 1) -1 (1) since the energy Emax7_5.5 Mev is smaller than the re- action threshold for U'38(y .n). A similar value of 17 for Th232, 3.15?0.5 (Emax=6.8 Mev), can be obtained from [3]. Other information on the number of prompt neutrons in photofission is not available in the published literature. In the present note we report on measurements of the mean number of prompt neutrons emitted in one photofission event U2" and Th"2 by y rays from the re- action F19 (p, ay) 016. The reaction is realized by irradia- ting a CaF2 crystal with 2.6-Mev protons. They -ray 390 Values of 7; in photofission of U238 and Th292 spectrum for the F19 (p, ay )016 reaction [5] consists of three lines: 6.13, 6.9,and 7.1 Mev. The proton energy for the last two lines is 3.2 times greater than the com- ponent at 6.13 Mev. The admixture of y rays with an energy of 12 Mev for the F19 (p.7) Ne" reaction is less 0.2%. The mean energy of the y rays causing fission of U238 and Th"2 is approximately 6.7 Mev. The measure- ments were carried out with a van de Graaff generator. The accelerator target and the fission chamber are surrounded by 12 B16F3 counters in paraffin which serve as neutron detectors. The pulses due to fission neutrons selected by means of a coincidence circuit with a resolu- tion time of TF=52.10 -4sec. The method of making these measurements is well known and has been described in detail in [6]. Accidental coincidences, which amount to approximately 70% of the recorded coincidences, are eliminated by measurement of the resolution time T. The spread 7 is less than 1% for the entire measurement time. The number of neutrons recorded for one photofission event in U238 and Th'' is compared with the correspond- ing quantity for spontaneous fission of Rum? for which the value of 70 (accuracy of 2%) is 2.26?0.05 [7]. Thus the Ref. Emax Mev kx, Mev U238 Th232 a(V,f) a(v,i) 131 5,5 5,3 1,65+0,5 0 1,65+0,5 6,8 5,9 4,3 +0,5 1,15 3,15+0,7 3,15+0,5 0 3,15+0,5 8,6 6 , 6 4,5+0,5 3,65 0,85+1,0 10,3 7,7 5,3+0,5 3,8 1,50+1,6 8,0+0,5 6,25 1,75+1,0 [9] 8 6,3 7,07 1,8 5,3?0,75 4,65 2,00 2,65:170,5 9 6,8 6,92 2,5 4,4+1,0 6,35 4,35 2,0 :7E1,1 10 7,5 7,25 3,25 4,0?1,3 8,65 5,7 2,95+1,4 11 8,2 7,47 4 3,5+1,6 11,4 7,0 4,4 +1,8 *Error ?40% ? **Error +25%. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050005-4 ratio 3/iTo is measured directly in the experiment. The measured results are modified by certain corrections? 2%)for variation in detection efficiency for prompt neutrons in fission of the materials being studied and neutrons from spontaneous fission of Pu249. This difference arises as a consequency of the angular anisotropy of the fragments in photofission and the correlation between the prompt neutrons and the fragments. After corrections are introduced, the experimental values of the ratio IV //70 are 1.86?0.09 for uranium and 1.42?0.09 for thorium. Using the value of 70 given above we find vu=4.2? 0.2 andTh? =3 2?? 0 2 ? Starting with the data on v for fission in the neigh- boring nuclei U239 and Th233, produced with the same excitation energy in neutron irradiation, and the small variation in v in going from one isotope to another [8], one would expect substantially smaller values of 17 and approximately 2.7 for U238 and approximately 2.2 for Th232. Large values are obtained for V if we exclude the fraction of (y ,n) neutrons from the total neutron yield measured in [9]. The earlier data reported in [3] are not in agreement with the results reported in [9]. In the table we show values of 7 computed from the neutron yield n [3, 9] and the energy dependence o(y ,n)/a(y .1) [10], according to Eq. (1) (for Emax