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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 Volume 8, No. 4 June, 1961 THE SOVIET JOURNAL OF \ANSLACT7Ia.i OM PZUSS[I'AN CONSULTANTS BUREAU Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 2oiitstandingnewsovietjourna KINETICS AND CATALYSIS The first authoritative journal specifically designed for those interested (directly or indirectly) in kinetics and catalysis. This journal will carry original theoretical and experimental papers on the kinetics of chemical transformations in gases, solutions and solid phases; the study of intermediate active particles _lralliskls, ions); combustion; the mechanism of ieous and heterogeneous catalysis; the ' scientific grounds of. catalyst selection; important practical catalytic - processes; the effect of substance ? and heat-transfer proc- esses on the kinetics of chemical transformations; methods of calculating and modelling contact apparatus4 Reviews summarizing recent achievements in the highly im- portant fields of catalysis and' kinetics of chemical trans- formations will be printed, as well as reports on the proceed- ings of congresses, conferences and conventions. In addition to papers originating in the Soviet Union, KINETICS AND CATALYSIS will contain research of leading scientists from , abroad. f Contents of the first issue include: Molecular Structure and Reactivity in Catalysis. A. A. Balandin ? The Role of the Electron Factor in Catalysis. S. Z. Reginskii The Principles of the Electron 'Theory of Catalysis on Semiconductors. F. F. Vol'kenshtein The Use of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance in Chemistry. V. V. Voevodskii The Study of Chain and Molecular Reactions of Intermediate Sub- stances in Oxidation of n-Decane. Z. K. Maizus, h P. Skibida, N. M. Emanuel and V. N. Yakovleva - The Mechanism of Oxidative Catalysis by Metal Oxides. V. A. Roiter The Mechanism of Hydrogen-lsotOpe Exchange on- Platinum Films. G. K. Boreskav and A. A. Vasilevich Nature of the Change of Heat and Activation Energy of Adsorption with Increasing Filling Up of the Surface. N. P. Keier Catalytic Function of Metal Ions in a Homogeneous Medium. L. A. Nikofaev Determination of Adsorption Coefficient by Kinetic Method. I. Adsorp- tion Coefficient of Water, Ether and Ethylene on Alumina. K. V. Topchieva and B. V. Romanovskii The Chemical Activity of Intermediate Products in Form of Hydrocar- bon Surface Radicals in Heterogeneous Catalysis with Carbon Monoxide and Olefins. Ya. T. Eidus Contact Catalytic Oxidation of Organic Compounds in the Liquid Phase oh Noble Metals. I. Oxidation of the Monophenyl Ether of Ethyl- eneglycol to Phenoxyacetic Acid. I. I. loffe,?Yu. T. Nikolaev and M. S. Brodskii Annual Subscription: $150.00 Six issues" per year,? approx. 1050 pages per volume JOURNAL OF ? STRUCTURAL - CHEMISTRY Is This significant journal contains papers on all of the most important aspects of thebretical and practical structural chemistry, with an emphasis given to new 'physical methods and techniques. Review articles on special subjects in the field will cover published work not readily available in English. The development of new techniques for investigating the structure of matter and the nature of the chemical bond has been no less rapid and spectacular in the USSR than in the West; the Soviet approach to the many problems of structural chemistry cannot fail to stimulate and enrich Western work in this field. Of special value to all chemists, physicists, geo- chemists, and biologists whose work is intimately linked with problems of the molecular structure of matter. Contents of the first issue include: Electron-Diffraction Investigation of the Structure of Nitric Acid and Anhydride Molecules in Vapors. P. A. Akishin, L. V. Vilkov and V. Ya. Rosolovskii Effects of Ions on the Structure of Water. I. G. Mikhailov and Yu P. Sy rn ikov Proton Relaxation in, Aqueous Solutions of Diamagnetic Salts. I. Solu- tions of Nitrates of Group II Elements. V. M. Vdovenko and V. A. Shcherbakov Oscillation Frequencies of Water Molecules in the First Coordination Layer of Ion in Aqueous Solutions. 0. Ya. Samilov Second Chapter of Silicate Crystallochemistry. N. V. Belov Structure of Epididymite NaBeSi3070H. A New Form of Infinite Silicon ?Oxygen Chain (band) (S160,5). E. A. Podedimskaya and N. V. Belov Phases Formed in the System Chromium?Boron in the Boron-Rich Region. V. A. Eperbaum, N. G. Sevast'yanov, M. A. Gurevich and G. S. Zhdanov ? Crystal Structure of the Ternary' Phase in the Systems Mo(W)? Fe(CO,Ni)?Si. E. I. Gladyshevskii and Yu. B. Kyz'ma Complex Compounds with Multiple Bonds in the Inner Sphere. G. B. Bokii Quantitive Evaluation of the Maxima of Three-Dimensional Paterson Functions. V. V. llyukhin and S. V. Borisov Application of Infrared Spectroscopy to Study of Structure of Silicates. L Reflection Spectra of Crystalline Sodium Silicates in Region of 7.5-15p.. V. A. Florinskaya and R. S. Pechenkina Use of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance for Investigating the Molec- ular Structure of Coals. N. N. Tikhomirova, 1. V. Nikolaeva and V. V. Voevodskii New Magnetic Properties of Macromolecular Compounds with Con- jugated Double Bonds. L. A. Blyumenfei'd, A. A. Slinkin and A. E. Kalmanson Annual Subscription: $80.00 Six issues per year ?j approx. 750 pages per volume Publication in the USSR began with the May-June 1960 issues. Therefore, the 1960 volume will contain four issues. The first of these will be available in translation in April 1961. CONSULTANTS BUREAU 227 W. 17 ST., NEW YORK 11, N. Y. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100650004-5 EDITORIAL BOARD OF ATOMNAYA gNERGIYA A. I. Alikhanov A. A. Bochvar N. A. Dollezhar D. V. Efremov V. S. Emel'yanov V. S. Fursov V. F. Kalinin A. K. Krasin A. V. Lebedinskii A. I. Leipunskii I. I. Novikov (Editor-in-Chief) B. V. Semenov V. I. Veksler A. P. Vinogradov N. A. Vlasov (Assistant Editor) A. P. Zefirov THE SOVIET JOURNAL Of ATOMIC ENERGY A translation of ATOMNAY A ENERGIY A, a publication of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Russian original dated April, 1960) Vol. 8, No. 4 June, 1961 CONTENTS PAGE RUSS. PAGE Lenin on Science and Industry: I. I. Kul'kov 259 301 Design of the VVR-S Research Reactor. V. F. Kozlov and M. G. Zemlyanskii 263 305 Ion Cyclotron Resonance in Dense Plasmas. L. V. Dubovoi, 0. M. Shvets, and S. S. Ovchinnikov 273 316 Electrolytic Isolation of Small Amounts of Uranium, Neptunium, Plutonium, and Americium. A. G. Samartseva 279 324 Role of Oxidation-Reduction Processes in the Solution of Uranium Oxides in Acid Media. G. M. Nesmeyanova and G. M. Alkhazashvili 284 330 Composite Radiometric Work in Mining. I. M. Tenenbaum 289 336 Heat-Treatment of Uranium. G. Ya. Sergeev, V. V. Titova, Z. P. Nikolaeva, and A. M. Kaptel'tsev 292 340 Investigation of the Internal Friction Increase in Polycrystalline Uranium Specimens Caused by Temperature Changes. Yu. N. Sokurskii and Yu. V. Bobkov 299 348 Methods of Radioactivity Metrology in USSR. K. K. Aglintsev, V. V. Bochkarev, 304 354 V. N. Grablevskii, and F. M. Karavaev LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Cross Section for the Reaction Th232 (n, 2n)Th231 at 14.7 Mev Neutron Energy. Yu. A. Zysin, A. A. Kovrizhnykh, A. A. Lbov, and L. I. Sel'chenkov 310 311 360 361 y-Radiation Emitted by U238 Under the Action of 14 Mev Neutrons. A. L Veretennikov, V. Ya. Averchenkov, M. V. Savin, and Yu. A. Spekhov A Study of Scintillations in Helium at Liquid Helium Temperatures. B. V. Gavrilovskii . . 313 363 Mass-Spectrometric Analysis and the Identification of Technetium. G. M. Kukavadze, R. N. Ivanov, V. P. Meshcheryakov, Yu. G. Sevasttyanov, B. S. Kir'yanov, V. I. Galkov, 316 365 and A. P. Smirnov-Averin Heat Transfer to Sodium at Low Re Numbers. M. S. Pirogov 318 367 Separation of Lithium Isotopes on a Simple Ion-Exchange Column. G. M. Panchenkov, 319 368 E. M. Kuznetsova, and L. L. Kozlov Some Aspects of Aerial y-Ray Prospecting Over Forested Regions. G. N. Kotel'nikov and N. L Kalyakin 321 370 On the Accuracy of Calculation of the Build-Up Factor for 7-Rays in Thin Absorbing and Scattering Media. A. V. Bibergal' and N. I. Leshchinskii 324 372 Radiation Field Due to a Cylindrical Source Placed Behind a Plane Screen. D. P. Osanov 325 374 and E. E. Kovalev Annual subscription $ 75.00 O 1961 Consultants Bureau Enterprises, Inc., 227 West 17th St., New York ll, N. Y. Single issue 20.00 Note: The sale of photostatic copies of any portion of this copyright translation is expressly Single article 12.50 prohibited by the copyright owners. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 CONTENTS (continued) An Investigation of Certain Artificially Radioactive Isotopes and Their Use in Medical Radiography. I. A. Bochvar, V. E. Busygin, and U. Ya. Margulis PAGE 327 RUSS. PAGE 376 NEWS OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Tenth All-Union Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy. 0. Kraft 330 378 At the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. (A conversa- tion with the vice-director of the Institute of Physics in charge of scientific research, 0. F. Nemets). V. Parkhit'ko 332 380 [Utilization of Nuclear Power in Brazil and Argentina 381] [Plans for the Development of Nuclear Power in Spain 382] [Start-Up of a Fast Power Reactor at Dounreay 384] [The Nuclear Power Station at Latina (Italy) 387] [The Turret High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor 389] [Recent Data,on Neutron Cross Sections 391] [Fission Parameters for U235 392] [Nes!! Uranium Deposits Outside of the USSR 392] [Industrial Unit for Exposure of Materials to Radiation 3961 Brief Communications 333 391 BIBLIOGRAPHY New Literature 334 398 NOTE The Tables of Contents lists all material that appears in Atomnaya Energiya. Those items that originated in the English language are not included in the translation and are shown en- closed in brackets. Whenever possible, the English-language source containing the omitted reports will be given. Consultants Bureau Enterprises, Inc. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 LENIN ON SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY I. I. Kulticov Translated from Atomnaya Energiya, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 301-304, April, 1960 The shaping, the undeviating forward advance, and the successes of Soviet science are indissolubly associ- ated with the name of the founder of the Communist Party and of the Soviet Government, leader and teacher of toilers of the entire world, superlative thinker, and coryphaeus of science, Vladimir Il'ich Lenin. In Lenin were combined in brilliant fashion the wisdom of the political organizer and leader of the popular masses with the theoretical power of the scientist. Lenin's great merit before the international workers and Communist movement resides in the fact that in the struggle with every different type of oppor- tunist, he held high the purity of Marxist theory, and enriched it with new discoveries and deductions cor- responding to new historical conditions. Lenin's con- tributions to Marxist philosophy, political economy, and the theory of scientific communism number among the most glorious conquests of scientific thought. Lenin's theoretical heritage constitutes an enormous contribution to the further development of the social sciences and to all of natural science. The juncture of the Ninteenth and Twentieth Cen- turies is marked, as we know, by great discoveries in the field of natural science: x-rays were discovered in 1895 (ROntgen), the phenomenon of radioactivity was dis- covered in 1896 (Becquerel), the electron was discovered in 1897 (Thomson), polonium and radium were dis- covered in 1898 (Pierre and Marie Curie), the founda- tions of quantium theory were laid in 1900 (Planck), the theory of relativity was founded in 1905 (Einstein), etc. These achievements of science produced a radical change in the views of scientists about nature. Probing further and more profoundly into their concepts of the structure of matter, its forms of motion and so forth, scientists saw demonstratively in the new discoveries the narrowness and limited range of the philosophical basis of the old physics, i.e., meta- physical and mechanistic materialism. Many physicists- scientists, while lacking any grasp of materialist theory and being unacquainted with Marxist dialectics, proved to be at a loss in the face of these new discoveries; being unable to make generalizations philosophically and to interpret the discoveries, they fell victim to idealists who drew reactionary conclusions, viz., dis- appearance of matter, existence of motion without matter, concepts and laws of science which were not a reflection of objective reality but rather were "con- ventionalisms," "symbols," the results of conventions arrived at between scientists, etc. The upshot of all this was a crisis in physics. "The essence of the crisis in modern physics," wrote Lenin, "resides in the break- down of the old laws and fundamental principles, in the rejection of objective reality as independent of con- sciousness, i.e., in the replacement of materialism by idealism and agnosticism" (V. I. Lenin, Collected works [in Russian], Vol. 14, p. 245). Analyzing the substance of the crisis, uncovering its social and gnosiological causes, Lenin indicated the way out of the dilemma, the road to the correct solution of the philosophical problems raised in connection with the development of natural science. Lenin's work of genius, "Material and Empirio-Criticism," marked a new epoch in the development of science and has now become part of the standard bookshelf of every materialist-scientists. There remains no doubt but that the influence of this book will far transcend the bounds of the Twentieth Century. Lenin demonstrated that previous concepts held on the structure of matter vary to the degree that our knowledge is enriched and deepened. But, however much our knowledge of the structure and properties of matter undergo change, the fact remains unaltered that matter constitutes an ob- jective reality, existing independently of our conscious- ness. Pointing to the limitless structural complexity of matter, Lenin at the same time took note of the fact that the capabilities of human reason to reveal the secrets of the world surrounding us is also limitless. Worthy of particular note is Lenin's ingenious prediction of the cleavability of the atom, on the inexhaustibility of the atom and electron, confirmed by the entire subsequent development of nuclear physics. Lenin taught that philosophy plays an exceptional role in natural science. In his article "On the Value of Militant Materialism," he wrote that it would be im- possible for natural science to progress without a philo- sophical outlook, and that, to successfully cope with bourgeois influence, every natural scientist would have to become a dialectical materialist. This tenet is of decisive importance in the problem of the shaping and development of Soviet science, and has aided the most advanced scientists in struggle against the reactionary idealogy which acts as a brake on the development of scientific thought. 259 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 Being himself an outstanding scientist, Lenin grasped the decisive significance of science, terming it the "pride of humanity." From the very first days of the Soviet power, Vladimir Il'ich devoted an enormous amount of attention to science, despite the tremendous burdens weighing upon the leadership of the young Soviet government, then beating off the murderous on- slaught of the foreign interventionists and the internal counterrevolution. He felt that science must be of service to the working class, as one of the most im- portant tools for building the new socialist society: "No sinister or ignorant force of any nature will be able to stand up before the union of the representatives of science, of the proletariat, and of technology" (V. I. Lenin, Collected Works [in Russian] Vol. 30, p. 376). Lenin saw clearly the gigantic possibilities for the development of science presented by socialism ? the new social system, since only this system "liberates science from its bourgeois fetters, from its enslave- ment to capital, from its groveling before the interests of the sordid capitalist greed for profits. Only socialism provides the opportunity for the broad expansion and genuine disciplining of social production and of the dis- tribution of commodities in line with scientific con- siderations aimed at rendering the life of all the toiling masses comfortable, at providing them with ample opportunity for welfare. Only socialism is capable of achieving this" (V. I. Lenin, Collected Works [in Russian] Vol. 27, p. 375). A multiplicity of documents: government decrees, letters and notes, speeches and reports, rough copies, and outlines of articles, these attest convincingly to the para- mount place which Lenin accorded to science in the development of the productive forces of the country, in carrying out a cultural revolution. This is most strikingly illustrated by the 'Rough draft of a plan of scientific and technological work," embodying a proposal to the Supreme Soviet of the National Economy to immediately authorize the Academy of Sciences to proceed to drawing up a plan for the reorganization of industry and for promoting the economic prosperity of Soviet Russia. The overall problem was tackled concurrently with the concrete content of the plan intended to include a "rational apportionment of industry in Russia' and a "rational ... concentration of productive facilities" (V. I. Lenin, Collected Works [in Russian] Vol. 27, p. 288). Particular attention was given to the electrification of industry and transportation facilitiies, to the use of electricity In agriculture, etc. Thus, having outlined a concrete program of action for the Academy of Sciences under conditions of socialist construction, Lenin defined the fundamental trends of development of Soviet science and technology. All of the measures envisaged hy Lenin could have been realized only on the basis of the latest achieve- 260 ments in advanced science and technology. With the aim of bringing science into closer harmony with the practice of socialist construction, a Science and Technology division was set up under the aegis of the Supreme Soviet of the National Economy. The Academy of Sciences and the Commission for the Study of the Productive Forces of the Nation received the necessary financial means to carry into realization a plan of scientific work conceived on a broad front. Lenin always saw to it that no obstacles of any kind were put in the way of scientific research fraught with great signi- ficance for the development of the national economy. The achievements of science and technology awakened a lively interest in Lenin's mind, and attracted his most concentrated attention. Academician G. M. Krzhizha- novskii recalls on this theme: "During his infrequent minutes of leisure which Vladimir Il'ich had available for a simple friendly chat with me, I knew that there existed no better way of drawing Vladimir Il'ich away from his heavy affairs and concerns than a conversation on the latest in science, and particularly a conversation on the general run of conquests registered by technology. And among those conquests, what interested him most, of course, were those achievements which might have some immediate application here among us, in Russia" [The Scientific Worker, Book 1, p. 41 (1925)]. Lenin was intrigued by electrical engineering, radio and electronic engineering, underground gasification of coalbeds, the assimilation of chemistry in production, locomotive construction, aeronautical engineering, and many other branches of technology and engineering. It is a matter of common knowledge what colossal significance Lenin attributed to the electrification of the entire country. It was on his initiative and with his direct participation that the now famous GOELRO plan, the state plan for the electrification of Russia, was drawn up. By electrification of the country, Lenin understood the creating of the material and productive basis of communism, the development of large-scale and above all heavy, industry resting on the most ad- vanced technology and high labor productivity. "Communism," Lenin pointed out, "is the Soviet power plus electrification of the entire country." This re- markable statement is fundamental to the activity of the Communist Party and of the whole Soviet people. It is being successfully carried out in life. Not only powerful steam plants and gigantic hydroelectric stations are being built in our country to generate electric power, but also large nuclear-fueled power stations as well. In the very heat of the civil war, in the midst of an atmosphere of famine and ruin, Lenin, exhibiting an exceptional farsightedness, correctly evaluated the significance of the Kursk magnetic anomaly (KMA). He wrote: "I am paying attention to the exceptional importance of research work on investigation of the Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 Kursk magnetic anomaly... we have here what is cer- tainly a source of wealth never before seen in the world, capable of completely transforming metallurgy" (The XXX VI Lenin Symposium [in Russian], p. 466). Lenin's instructions have now been successfully fulfilled, and Kursk ore is being worked into product metal in ever in- creasing quantities. At the very dawn of the development of radio, Lenin made an evaluation of its importance, from the vantage points of political value and service to the national economy, and called it an area of work of "gigantic importance." In a letter addressed to the foremost scientist and radio engineer of the time, M. A. Bonch-Bruevich, Vladimir Il'ich stated: "I take the opportunity to express to you my profound gratitude and sympathetic interest for the great work in radio inventions which you are engaged in. A newsparer without paper, and "without limitations as to distances," such as you are creating, will be a great thing. I promise you whatever assistance, and to whatever extent, which can be rendered you in this and similar endeavors" (V. I. Lenin, Collected Works [in Russian] Vol. 35, p. 372). As a result of Lenin's constant per- sonal support, Soviet radio engineering rapidly de- veloped into a great branch of science and technology, and even during the time when Vladimir Il'ich was still alive occupied a leading position in its field in the world. Lenin always took a deep interest in those achieve- ments of science and technology which held promise of easing Man's labor and raising his living standards. For example, in the article entitled "One of the Greatest Victories of Technology," which dates back to 1913 and deals with the problem of underground gasification of coal, Lenin wrote that this discovery will bring about an enormous revolution in industry since, as a result of underground gasification, it would become possible to save a huge quantity of human labor spent in mining and conveying the coal. While this discovery will inevitably lead to increased unemployment and misery under capitalism, under socialism it will make it pos- sible to immediately cut down the working day for all workers from 8 hours, for example, to 7, or even shorter hours. The 'electrification' of all the factories and railroads will render working conditions safer, will free millions of workers from the fumes, dust, and grime, will accelerate the transformation of the filthy and re- pulsive sweatshops into clean, bright laboratories worthy of Man" (V. I. Lenin, Collected Works [in Russian] Vol. 19, p. 42). It was only in this way that Lenin conceived of the significance of the latest achievements in science and technology? to serve the interests of Mankind, and not the reverse. Lenin pointed out the necessity to keep up con- tinually with the scientific and engineering achieve- ments in foreign countries, and to make use of these achievements in the cause of building the new society. It was precisely for that reason that he gave his support to the initiative for setting up a Bureau of Foreign Science and Technology under the auspices of the Science and Technology division of the Supreme Soviet of the. National Economy. Lenin likewise suggested sending scientists and engineers abroad to study ex- perience accumulated in other countries and to assemble the literature on the latest scientific and engineering achievements, for the purpose of putting these to immediate use for the successful creation of the new socialist economy. Lenin placed high significance on the developnient of international collaboration in science and technology. This is attested to the notes Lenin added to the letter of G. V. Chicherin, People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs, on the Soviet proposals for the Genoa conference (cf. Lenin symposium XXX VI [in Russian], p. 452). In fulfilling Lenin's legancy, the Soviet Union strives for international technological collaboration on a broad scale, including in the field of peaceful uses of the atom: "We are ready to collaborate with all peoples in the cause of the peaceful uses of atomic energy, and it would please us if this appeal were taken up by all other govern- ments" (from the reply by N. S. Khrushchev to the letters and telegrams received in connection with his trip to the USA, in "Pravda" dated September 15, 1959). The most shining example of international scientific and techno- logical cooperation in the peaceful uses of atomic energy is the activity of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, at Dubna near Moscow. At this Institute, scientists of 12 nations are joining their efforts in common work on the investigation of the atomic nucleus. The Soviet Union has provided the Institute with equipment unique in its kind, including elementary-particle accelerators of 680 million and 10 billion electron-volts. Striving to reach the stage where the blessings of the peaceful atom might become the property of the many, the Soviet Union is voluntarily assisting many nations to set up their own scientific-research nuclear centers, turning over to them equipment, instruments, research reactors, accelerators, isotopes. In consonance with Lenin's legacy, Soviet science has scored tremendous successes. N. S. Khrushchev, at the Twenty-first Congress of our Party, stated the follow- ing: "Soviet scientists, designers, engineers have brought great merits to our Homeland, and are making a worthy contribution to the cause, common to all our people, of the building of communism" (N. S. Khrushchev, On the Control Figures for the Development of the National Economy of the USSR for 1959-1965 [in Russian] (Gos- politizdat, Moscow, 1959) p. 12. Soviet scientists and engineers have scored out- standing successes in the area of research, transforma- tion, and peaceful uses of atomic energy. The achieve- 261 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 ments of nuclear physics are notable. Much progress has been recorded toward the solution of the grandiose and exceedingly difficult problem of bringing about a con- trollable thermonuclear reaction. The world's first nuclear-fueled electric power station went on line in the USSR, and other, bigger power stations are on line or being built. The world's first nuclear-powered ice- breaker, the "Lenin," is on the seas. Radioactive and stable isotopes are commonly used throughout the na- tional economy. 262 The outstanding victory of Soviet science and technology is constituted by the artificial earth satel- lites, the orbiting of the first artificial planet of the solar system, the launching of the space rocket which planted the Soviet pennant on the moon, the photo- graphing of the far side of the moon, and many other great achievements bearing witness to the astounding successes of Soviet science, whose pathways and per- spectives were traced out in advance by Vladimir Il'ich Lenin. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 DESIGN OF THE VVR-S RESEARCH REACTOR V. F. Kozlov and M. G. Zemlyanskii Translated from Atomnaya Energiya, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 305-315 April, 1960 Original article submitted, December 26, 1959 A water-cooled, water-moderated reactor for facilitating scientific research endeavors on applications of nuclear energy in peaceful pursuits has been built in the Soviet Union. Such reactors are currently completed and in operation in the Soviet Union and in other Socialist countries. Six such reactors were put into operation during 1957-1959; five reactors (four of which are built to handle power surges) are in the stage of preparation, assembly, and start-up tests. This article describes the design of the VVR-S reactor and its experimental facilities. The physical character- istics of the reactor have been described in an earlier paper [1]. Experimental Possibilities Inherent in the VVR-S Reactor This nuclear reactor was designed to produce neutron flux levels of ?2 ? 1013 neutrons/cm2 ? sec. It has high enough excess reactivity to facilitate research work [2] as well as the production of radioactive iso- topes. Eight channels 40 mm in diameter plus one dry channel 60 mm in diameter in the core are provided for those purposes, in addition to twenty channels 60 mm in diameter in the displacement rods positioned in the core at the start of the reactor run. Fig. 1. General view of the VVR-S, seen from the direction of the thermal column. Nine horizontal channels (opened or shut off by gate valves) lead toward the periphery of the core, and of these nine, six channels are 100 mm in diameter and the remaining three are 60 mm in diameter. In addi- tion, a trolley-track thermal column with four verti- cal channels 80 mm in diameter, connected up to a horizontal channel 100 mm in diameter, is led to the core periphery. The horizontal channel of the thermal column is opened or shut by a manually operated gate valve. The gate valve is housed in a cast-iron shielding. All of the vertical and horizontal channels are serviced by special-design manipulator devices. Three biological channels 350 mm in diameter and four moni- toring channels 80 mm in diamter are placed in the con- crete shielding zone of the reactor. The possibility of installing two experimental loops in the reactor core was provided for in the design of the reactor vessel. Basic Reactor Data The VVR-S reactor (see Fig. 1) has the following basic characteristics: Thermal power, kw Peak thermal flux, kcal/ m2. hr Number of fuel assemblies: at start of run at end of run Flowrate of primary-loop distillate, for cooling core, m3/ hr Flowrate of secondary-loop technical- grade water, for cooling distillate, m3/ hr Fuel loading , kg U235 at start of run at end of run 2000 0.44.106 31 51 650 250-300 4 5.6 263 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 Fig. 2. Overall flowchart of the reactor system. 1) Downflow to drainage system; 2) distillate tanks; 3) distillate line; 4) process water; 5) reactor; 6) filter; 7) air from main room; 8) deaerator; 9, 16, 22) venting ducts; 10) throttle valve; 11) heat exchange units; 12) pumps; 13) headers; 14, 17) downcomers; 15, 18) overflow ducts; 19) to drainage system; 20) to tank-level indicator; 21) graveyard for used fuel assemblies. Fig. 3. View of the reactor pump house. 264 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 Water, cast iron and concrete (ordinary and heavy) were used for radition shielding. For reactor shielding in the radial direction, water (800 mm), cast iron (200 mm), and concrete of 3.2 g/cm3 density (1600 mm) were employed. At points where piping, ducting, and ventilation facilities were passed through the shielding, lead and cast-iron reinforcements were installed. The protective layer of water was 3.5 m deep over the core and 1.15 m under the core. 800-mm-thick cast-iron disks were also used for top shielding. To avert the spreading of radioactive air and vapors, the space above the reactor, the space below the reactor, and the space above the fuel-element storage tank are ventilated by means of a constant rarefaction established In those volumes. The reactor loading made for an excess reactivity = 0.05. Compensation of reactivity and reactor control are carried out by control rods, some of which function as scram rods. Flow Scheme of the Primary Reactor Loop A flowchart of the entire installation is shown in Fig. 2. Distillate is heated from 34? to 36?C in the reactor core. Centrifugal pumps take care of circulation of the distillate. Heat transfer from the distillate to thewater flowing through the secondary loop takes place in two heat exchanger units (each with a surface area ?95m2). Filters are employed to clean up the distillate and re- move fission fragments. Cation and anion exchangers and activated charcoal are used in the filter system. These sorbents undergo special processing prior to in- corporation into the filter. The filter is placed in the loop only periodically, when activity due to fragments appears in the distillate. To remove explosive gas mixtures forming during the operation of the reactor, a deaerator is provided, with up to 1071,- of the total flow of distillate being pumped continuously through the facility. Figures 3 and 4 give some idea of the arrangement of ancillary equipment serving the primary loop. Most of this equipment is placed underground in the basement section protected by thick shielding walls. The reactor room is built for easy accessibility and safe maintenance of the equipment, as well as auto- matic compensation of the ducts and piping. The pumping units are placed well below the level of the reactor, to provide head in the suction tube, and to eliminate cavitation during pump performance, which leads to reactor power surges. Dump valves and slide valves are manually oper- ated, to avoid random errors on the part of the service personnel, so that an accidental opening of the draining facilities,possible where electrically actuated valves are used. may be averted. An error of this type would . lead to loss of water from the reactor, and in turn to severe damage due to residual heat release. The heat exchangers are set up vertically, so that they may serve a concurrent function as traps for me- chanical impurities in the loop. The distillate in the b bottom of the exchanger flows at low speed and changes direction abruptly, a circumstance which favors the settling out of such mechanical impurities. The im- purities are removed by periodic drainage and routed to a waste tank. In order to control distillate flow through the deaerator within the loop (downstream of the heat ex- changers), a special throttling device, remote-controlled from a local control post and from the operator console (Fig. 2), was installed. The design of the throttling device excludes the possiblity of the piping becoming overloaded, since a rapid total overloading such as occurs when electric-relay controls are relied upon may result in waterhammer. To avoid any overflow when the reactor tank is be- ing filled with distillate or when makeup is being added, overflow ducts are built in above the present level (an overflow might result in the distillate gaining access to the ionization-chamber channels and gate valves, with the ionization chambers being rendered inoperative and gate-valve parts becoming subject to corrosion). When the deaerator is on, the distillate level in the reactor tank is lowered, for which reason distillate makeup is added to the reactor tank to reach the present level only when the pumps are shut off, i.e., when circulation in the loop is cut off. The pipe cross sec- tions in the auxiliary loop and overflow ducts are cal- culated such that the overflow ducts are cut out of the system when circulation stops. To avert formation of condensate on the cast-iron shielding roof, and to keep condensate out of the ionization chambers, a certain degree of rarefaction is maintained above the reactor tank. Reactor Design The reactor subassemblies and mechanisms are assembled on a baseplate and support structure (Fig. 5). The use of such intermediary elements (i.e., baseplates and support structure) has made it possible to cormpletely assemble the reactor, to run-in individual parts and assemblies, to make final adjustments of mecha- nisms and devices, and to freeze the relative positions of the various subassemblies, all under factory con- ditions prior to installation. This resulted in appreci- able simplification of the work in installing the reactor in situ, eliminated the need for concrete shielding as a structural element during the assembling operation, and enhanced the quality and efficiency of the assembl- ing operation while cutting down on assembly time. This solution in design made it possible to standardize the reactor type, to carry out the assembling operation successfully, and to put a series of reactor facilities into operation. Figure 6 shows the assembling of the 265 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 5 rIo/wzr- - ? 77 7 Li L =.14- 1=111= MOIL - 04441r00" 5111Z3-4' ini)-:-4 /s ' % /0/, ,/,47./../, AZ", Fig. 4. Horizontal cross section through the reactor and pump house: 1) reactor; 2) pumps; 3) heat exchangers; 4) filter 5) fuel-element cemetery; 6) gate valves for fuel bundles; 7) horizontal channels; 8) leads to gate valves. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 reactor, on baseplate and support structure, under shop conditions. The reactor core is housed in a tank measuring 2.3 m in diameter and 5.9 m high, made of aluminum alloy. The tank also accomodates experimental channels and transporting chutes (Fig. 7), plus the control rods. The tank consists of three cylindrical shells welded to a spherical bottom,and two removable tops. Use of a middle shell allowed the further possibility of reduc- ing coolant volume in the loop, while at the same time reducing the capacity of the discard tanks into which fouled coolant is drained off in the event that the her- metic sealing of the fuel-element jackets is damaged. Into the tank are welded: nine horizontal channels (see Fig. 4), a recess accomodating the forward disks of the thermal column, and seven vertical straight-through channels designed for experimental purposes, for transporting irradiated samples into the hot cells, and for housing experimental loops. The inclined tube of the transporting chute (see Fig. 7), with an I.D. of 200 mm, is welded into the tank, to carry fuel-element assemblies into the spent-fuel graveyard. Welded into the tank bottom are the overflow, drainage, and circula- tion ducts, as well as tubes for control and measuring instruments. Housed at the top of the tank are: an X- shaped bracket supporting the nine vertical channels for the control rods, irradiated-sample channels, two channels for preliminary charging of fuel-element assemblies, and seven channels to accomodate ioniza- tion chambers. On the baseplate rests: the support structure, con- sisting of some cast-iron rings at the bottom, an outer shell, and cast-iron rings at the top, gate valves for the horizontal experimental channels, with supporting struts, beams supporting the pipework, and a trolley track servicing the thermal column. The cast-iron rings of the foundation unit were included primarily to reduce radiative heat release inside the concrete. A large rotating lid is built into the top of the support framework (cf. Fig. 5), fulfilling the function of supple- mentary top shielding for protecting personnel from radiation. The lid is rotated both manually and by electrical power. A smaller hand-operated lid is placed within the larger one, eccentrically. Manipulating de- vices and optical equipment are mounted on the smaller Fig. 5. Crosss section through the reactor at thermal-column depth: 1) reactor vessel; 2) reactor core; 3) control-rod channels; 4) thermal column; 5) shielding for thermal column; 6) gate valve; 7) base- plates; 8) support structure; 9) rotating upper lid; 10) smaller rotating upper lid; 11) fuel-element coffin. 267 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 lid while the reactor is in operation(cf. Fig. 7), as well as the 'fuel-element coffin (cf. Fig. 5), which is used to transport fuel assemblies when the core is unloaded manually.. The'supporting,Structure of the reactor ,encom- passed by concrete shielding, in which rest the inclined transporting chute (dump Chute) with cast-non shielding, an experimental. channel for the thermal column,' channels for storing probes and optical equipment, duets, air vents; electric switchbox, laboratory-type box for electric cabling, drainage and telemetering tubes serv- ing the control and measuring instruments, and health- - physics instrumentation. The thermal- column, covered on its side by movable cast-iron shielding (cf. Fig. 5),, passes throUgh..a. Space not used for tubing 'or pipework. ? The upper portion of the reactor concrete shield- ing is lined with stainless steel.: Brackets on which' mechanisms for positioning removable and fixed ioniza- tion chambers and control rods are mounted (Fig. 8) fit into the upper openings through this shielding. Control System and Shielding Mechanisms Five manually controlled rods serve to compensate excess reactivity, three rods act as scram rods, ? and one, is used to automatically sustain the present_power level. The automatic-control rod is made of boron steel; while the remaining rods'are made of boron carbide. The rods are arranged crosswise in the core. Each rod',,. is placed with its guide tube?between the fuel-element, assemblies.. Cabling leading from the control ,rods to , ? theiervo ittuators runs in' bundles having.a cross con- figuration. This arrangement groups-the co'n'trol-rod - servoesiti three distinct spot's for: assemblY. By this means, mechanized loading and Unloading of the' re- actor core is made possible,- and optimum conditions ? ?? ? , are created for maintenanCe of the seivornechanisnis and .protection of the cable transmission from harmful; - external effects, The rod .positions are controlled by position sensors. Seven ionization chambers, KNT-52.type;- are in-. stalled-in the reactor tank 'to Monitor reactor Power levels' during startup and steady-state operation. - Three ionization chambers.(triggere,d) are con- nected by cabling to three servomechanisms and may .be arranged vertically ; The position of the ionization? chamberi,is controlled'by position ransducers and in- dicatorS. Four'ionization chambers (Continuously operating) 'are positioned at specified heights relative to the core: ? ? For accurate determination9f 'the Change in reacti- vity when different materials are introduced into the core, a precision servo-actuated control rod was de- signed (Fig. 8). The linear velocity of displacement of this precision rod is 2 rrirri/ sec. At its extreme upper' ,and lower position, the electric motor of the servo drive :unit is shut off by limit microsWitches mounted inside' the position transducer.. The: emergency scram rod falls ,into its lowest position; impelled by a compressed spring and by its. ? 268 ? Fig. 6. Assembly of reactor under shop conditions. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 own weight, within 0.2-0.3 sec after the appropriate signal is transmitted. At the low end of its travel, the rod is braked by a friction coupling housed in the servo- mechanism, which softens the impact of the rod against the cabling system and the drum portion of the servo- mechanism. The servomechanism serving the emergency scram rod is coupled to its electric motor by a friction clutch which protects the cable transmission against sharp blows and overloading in case the upper limit switch should fail to function. A manually operated servo drive provides a choice of two linear velocities for the rod: a normal operating speed (6 mm/sec) and an emergency scram speed (37 mm/sec); the servo auto- matic-control drive moves the rod at a speed of 6 mm /sec when operated manually, and can step up the speed to 35 mm when operated by automatic control. Unloading and Reloading of Reactor Core A system of mechanisms consisting of two rotating lids (one larger, one smaller nested in the former), servocontrolled manipulator outfit, transportation chutes for the fuel assemblies and specimens, optical viewing equipment, and illumination is employed, to facilitate removal and recharging of fuel assemblies and specimens from and into the reactor. The mani- pulator equipment may be set up above any coordinate point to be serviced, by proper use of the rotating lids. All of the points to be 'serviced have their angular co- ordinates, recorded in tabular form, indicated on the rotation mechanisms of the lids. The manipulator system may be used to remove the fuel assemblies from the core to shift them to the spent-fuel graveyard, and to remove irradiated specimens to forward them to the hot cells. Changing of fuel is carried out inside the reactor vessel without removing the protective lids. This procedure eliminates the hazard of radioactive contamination of the reactor top or irradiation of per- Fig. 7. Cross section through the reactor at the depth of the fuel-element dump chute: 1) fuel-element graveyard (storage tank); 2) dump chute for spent-fuel assemblies; 3) optical viewing equipment; 4) manipulating devices. 269 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 sonnet. Charging of fresh fuel-element assemblies and specimens is carried out by the same mechanisms, with the use of supplementary channels for preliminary charg- ing. The manipulator unit incorporates a long rod with grips, a servo control for the grips, and a servo for ele- vating and lowering the rod. The unit is mounted in a special packet forming part of the smaller lid, but is in position only during recharging or unloading. Optical equipment is available for viewing the central portion of the reactor. This equipment con- sists of shielding plugs and an optical viewing device. To secure better observation during charging and un- loading of fuel assemblies, the central portion of the reactor is illuminated by a movable automobile head- light. Gate Valves The shielding gate valves (cf. Figs. 4, 5) are de- signed for opening and closing nine horizontal experi- mental channels, which are fully closed by the valves only after a successive rotation of five shielding disks through a certain angle. To avert a direct beam of radiation emerging through the valve opening, the valve jacket, valve pocket, and valve axis are designed to vary stepwise, while the valve disks are of different diameters. o?,3\1P. The disks are rotated by an electric motor, through the intermediary of a planetary reducing-gear trans- mission. When the gear transmission and the electric motor are shut off, rotation may be carried out manual- ly. The gear transmission is coupled to the disks via the toothed rim of the forward disk. At the terminal positions of the forward disk, the electric motor is automatically shut off by microswitches and the cor- responding annunciator lamps are switched on. An appropriate opening is provided in the valve bonnet, for mounting a collimater in the forward disk. The gate-valve design as described here has also found application in other reactors, viz. the IRT-1000 and the VVR-2. Thermal Column The thermal column (Figs. 4, 5) consists of a trolleyway with a trolley, five removable graphite disks, and a cooling facility consisting of eight Field tubes and a system for delivering and removing coolant water. The trolley rides on rails. Graphite disks integral with aluminum cylindrical drums have one central (axial) and four vertical openings, which constitute experi- mental channels for physical experiments. The chan? nels are covered with graphite plugs. The outside of the thermal column is fitted with cast-iron biological 1-11114t1T 0,- 3 Fig. 8. Lengthwise cross sections showing control and shielding systems: 1) control rods; 2) scram-rod servo; 3) precision servo; 4) automatic-control servo; 5) ionization chamber fixed in place (continuously operating); 6) ionization chamber movable up and down (functioning when triggered); 7) support bracket. 270 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 shielding. The gate valve serving the central channel Is mounted within this shielding, along the axis of the thermal column. This valve is operated by hand. The thermal-column shielding is placed on rails and may be run down the rails by means of a winch and wire rope. On reaching the extreme positions of their travel, the thermal column and shielding are brought to a halt by limit switches With annunciator lamps connected to them, and the limit switches switch the electric motor to a reduced number of revolutions and switch on timers to disconnect the electric motors from the power supplies. After the thermal column is rolled out, the recess into which it fits is covered over with the cast-iron shielding. Control of the motion to and fro of the ther- mal column and cast-iron shielding may be carried out by remote control from two points inside the reactor room. When the thermal column is being rolled back Into place and the cast-iron shielding is replaced, these units are driven in till they meet limit stops, and come to rest in their thermal positions within a tolerance of 0.1 mm. This assures that the vertical channels of the thermal column will be aligned with the vertical channels of the reactor, and that the horizontal reactor channel will be aligned with the channel in the cast- iron shielding. The Fuel-Element Graveyard The graveyard (cf. Figs. 4 and 7) for the spent fuel elements or failed fuel elements is designed especially for that purpose. The bottom of the tank contains a bay with 60 equally spaced cells for accomodating the assemblies. When fuel assemblies are being put into place, the graveyard is illuminated by an underwater floodlamp. The inclined transporting chute down which the fuel-element assemblies are transferred from the re- actor to the graveyard dips into a receptacle in the graveyard tank bottom. To avert deformation of the fuel-assembly casing as the assemblies are being dis- charged down the chute, the walls and bottom of the receptacle are rubber-coated. Welded into the graveyard tank are tubes for de- livering distillate, a dump pipe, and tubes for the control and measuring instruments. Cast-iron plates covering the graveyard on top are fitted with two open- ings through which fuel assemblies may be extracted or shifted in position. These openings are plugged. The upper cavity of the tank is ventilated. Test-stand Performance of the Equipment In view of the fact that the design project worked out here had to serve as basis for the simultaneous con- struction of a series of VVR-S type reactors, and that most of them are to be built outside the USSR, a good deal of attention was given to the performance of se- parate subassemblies and reactor parts on the test stand. The following tests were performed on test stands, and the following phenomena were noted: 1. The hydrodynamic characteristics of the core were tested; the flowspeed and flowrate of the distillate was determined in three throttled-flow regions (corre- sponding to predicted radial patterns of heat release). Severe vibration of the hydraulic test stand was observed, simulating the response of the reactor vessel. However, after the point where the distillate gains access to the reactor vessel was fitted with a conical cap, this vibra- tion came to a halt. , 2. Owing to an insufficient number of radial open- ings in the walls of the channels carrying the distillate used to cool the rods, air is drawn into the primary loop through the control-rod channels. The presence of air in the loop may lead to power surges and improper func- tioning of the pumps. This suction of air into the loop was eliminated by increasing the number of such open- ings in the walls of the reactor control channels. 3. The pressure seals were adjusted and the pump characteristics were recorded. 4. It was noted that, when the distillate flowrates through the core surpassed 1500 m3/ hr, the walls of some of the fuel-element assemblies were being de- formed on the inside, because of a loss of static pressure inside the assemblies. 5. The fuel-assembly transport chute and the re- ceptacle for the fuel-element graveyard were perform- ance-tested. It was found that protruding areas on the contact surfaces and rough spots due to dents in the inner surface of the fuel-element dump chute resulted in deformations and scoring of the outer surface of the fuel-element assemblies. Removal of these protrusions and rough spots eliminated fuel-assembly damage as the assemblies were dumped into the graveyard. 6. The operation of the manipulator equipment and the loading and unloading operations of the fuel- element assemblies and specimens for irradiation into and out of the core were checked out. These operations call for proper training of operating personnel. 7. Neutron-physics core parameters were determined [1]. 8. The scram system servomechanisms were checked out by repeated operation of the scram rods. The scram-rod servo, for example, held up well under testing with 2000 drops of the rod. The friction-braking unit performed normally. The spread of terminal posi- tions of the rod was found to remain within a range of 5-12 mm. 9. The gate valve was performance-tested for accuracy of alignment of channel disks upon opening of the valve. Channel alignments to within 0.05 mm were obtained as a result. Sharp impacts were recorded as the gate valve was opened or closed. These impacts caused deformation and malfunction of the main disk coupling designed to take the thrust. This phenomenon 271 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 might be eliminated by balancing the disks, but this would incur a penalty of excess metal in the valve (with attendant deterioration of the protective proper- ties of the gate valve and a sharp increase in the gamma background in the neighborhood of the valves). Only the two middle disks of the valve were balanced for opening and closing of the valve, to set up a con- stant torque. The gate valve was run through 2000 cycles of alternate opening and closing. Reactor Power Excursions, The VVR-S reactor facility design takes into account the possiblity of power excursions. To cope with power excursions, the reactor is provided with reinforced biological shielding to combat neutron and gamma radiations (940 g/cm2), and stand-by and back- up equipment is liberally provided for. 272 In order to reduce the amount of heat released in- side the concrete shield, cast-iron rings with 14 vertical openings for cooling of the shielding were included in the design of the support structure. All of these pre- cautions allow for handling a power surge up to 10-20 thousand kw, provided the heat-release surface and heat-transfer coefficient a are increased. Two such reactors with power-excursion provisions are in the stage of start-up and performance testing. LITERATURE CITED 1. N. A. Lazykov, I. E. Chelnokov, and V. P. Ivanov, Atomnaya Energiya 5, 1, 44 (1958)." 2. Yu. G. Nikolaev, Geneva 1955, International Con- ference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (in Russian] (Izd. AN SSSR, 1957) Vol. 2, p. 469. 'Original Russian pagination. See C. B. translation. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 ION CYCLOTRON RESONANCE IN DENSE PLASMAS L. V. Dubovoi, 0. M. Shvets, and S. S. Ovchinnikov Translated from Atomnaya Energiya, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 316-323, April, 1960 Original article submitted May 4, 1959 The possibility of heating a plasma by means of the ion cyclotron resonance is investigated. It is shown that in -a plasm 1011 cm, as with charged-particle densities of 102? the use of short (compared with the length of the pinch) heating sections mades it possible to weaken the effect of transverse ionic polarization fields by virtue of the motion of electrons along the lines of force of the external magnetic field. In a low-ionization plasma the efficiency of transfer of energy from the rf field to the ions is reduced as the ion velocity increases; this reduc- tion is due to cooling of the ions by neutral atoms. Introduction In this paper we present the results of experiments undertaken to investigate the possibility of heating a plasma by rapidly varying electromagnetic fields. Heat- ing based on ion-cyclotron resonance has been studied; this mechanism is of special interest because of the possiblity of direct transfer of energy from the rf field to the ion. In spite of its apparent simplicity, this method actually involves a number of difficulties; to a considerable extent the practicable utilization of this method depends upon the degree to which these difficul- ties can be overcome. Thus, an investigation of the pro- perties of a hydrogen plasma in the region of the ion- cyclotron resonance [1] has verified the possiblity of heating the ionic component of the discharge to tem- peratures of the .order of several kilovolts at charged- particle densities smaller than 108? 109 crns., A further increase in density causes a sharp reduction in heating efficiency because of the appearance of internal plasma fields due to ion currents. The results of these experi- ments are in agreement with the calculations carried out in [2], according to which the criterion for the appearance of polarization effects in the region of the cyclotron resonance is that the inequality (.4/(.02< 1 is not satisfied,(wo is the ion Langmuir frequency auu w is the heating generator frequency). In accordance with the basic assumptions of the analysis [2], in the experimental work reported in [1] the discharge tube defining the plasma geometry was placed in a spatially uniform radio-frequency electric field (the analysis is based on the model of an infinite plasma cylinder in an oscillating field which is uniform in the axial direction). In configurations of this type, with magnetic field strengths of 108? 104 gauss, it is difficult to heat plasmas with densities greater than 109 cm-3 because of the strong skin effect; because of the skin effect the external rf field can intereact only with ions close to the surface of the plasma column. Only one of the possible means of reducing the effect of plasma self fields is indicated in [3]. This method consists of choosing a spatial distribution for the rf heating field such that the space charge produced by the transverse ionic currents is compensated by the mo- tion of the electrons along the lines of force of the ex- ternal magnetic field. The simplest system of this kind is an infinitely long cylindrical plasma in a longitudinal magnetic field with heating sections in the form of a short solenoid or a condenser. [4]. The ionic polariza- tion fields arising within the heating section are neutral- ized by the longitudinal displacement of the electrons. According to the analysis of [3] the inequality u)20/ w2 6 ? 1011 cm-8. When the dependence of maximum absorption on density becomes nonlinear the main re- sonance peak is split into two absorption peaks; as n increases these two peaks are then monotomically dis- 1.0 0.0 0.8 (Z7 0..6 0.5 0.4 a3 0.2 at 1100 1300 1500 1700 i1, gauss Fig. 6. Resonance curves for the absorption of ion power at various oscillator frequencies (p = 6 ? 10-3 mm Hg; n 1010 cm4). 1.0 12.9 0.8 127 0.6 0.5 Q4 0.3 02 01 ti 0 44 P A , ,..., , -q-,',111.11i I, q: 5 in A Pr ip . ma 1 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 H,gauss Fig. 8. Resonance curves for various plasma den- sities (f = 2.2 Mcs; p= 6 ? 104 mm Hg). 276 placed in opposite directions from the value of the magnetic field which corresponds to resonance for a given oscillator frequency. Reducing the spatial period of the if system by a factor of two (for the same density values) reduces the displacement of the absorption maxima by a factor of two or three. Discussion of the Results The absence of constant electric fields, and fields due to stationary currents, in the region of the heating section, and the relatively uniform radial distribution of plasma density in the discharge configuration used here mean that we have a fairly good approximation to the basic model used in the theoretical analysis [3, 5]. 1.0 0.9 oft 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 3 2 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1/, gauss Fig. 7. Resonance absorption curves for various pressures (f = 2.2 Mcs), mm Hg; 1) p = 9 ? 104; 2) p= 5 ? 10-8; 3) p = 9 ? 104; 4) p = 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 a 04 0.3 a+ a! pr .-- H k. Ca.)=Wc4 I 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 . , gauss Fig. 9. Absorption curves at high densities (f = 2.12 Mcs; p = 10-2 mm Hg). Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 According to this analysis, if the inequality (20/ vet < < 1 is satisfied there are no polarization effects. The absorption in the region of the cyclotron resonance is th then proportional to the product of the plasma density and the oscillator frequency. Maximum absorption takes place when w is exactly equal to Loci. At higher densities (more precisely, when w20/k2c2 1, self-fields arise in the plasma; a consequence of the appearance of these fields is the displacement of the region of effective penetration of the rf field from values of the magnetic field such that w is equal to wet to values such that w > (pd. [2, 10] or Ul < ci [3, 5]. If the displacement, which is given by (02)/ lec2 is large enough to exceed the half width of the cyclotron re- sonance 6,H the ions are no longer heated and the ab- sorbed power is dissipated in weakly-damped hydro- magnetic oscillations in the plasma [2, 3, 5]. 1 For the system (k = cm-2) used in obtaining the 16 curves shown in Figs. 8 and 9 the critical density above which the efficiency of resonance heating is reduced is ? 5 ? 1011 cm-8 and the linear increase in the absorption of rf power observed in the experiments as the density n increases from 107 to 1.0n cm4 is to be expected. The measured value of the optimum density (3 ? 1011 cm"a) also corresponds to the calculated value. As far as polarization effects are concerned, a change in density is equivalent to a change in the square of the length of an element of the heating sec- tion; this fact one can easily explain as the qualitative agreement with theory of the displacement of the ab- sorption maximum as a function of k. Unfortunately, it is difficult to make a quantitative comparison of the results of the measurements for various values of k at charged-particle densitities greater than 1011-1012 cm4, because of the Coulomb in- teraction; this effect can be avoided only if the plasma is heated to temperatures such that the ion energies are greater than several electron volts. In experiments with small values of kit is necessary to have large volumes with strong magnetic fields. 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0,5 0.4 0.3 02 0./ 1205 0.1 0.2 06 0.8! 2.0 E, v/cm Fig. 10. Effect of electric field strength on the time of interaction between the ion and the rf field. Data for different values of k can be obtained from a comparison of the results of these experiments with the results obtained in [1], which was a study of the case equivalent to k = 0; further information can be obtained from effects which accompany the polariza- tion of the plasma (the nonlinear increase in the ab- sorption of rf power with increasing density and the dependence of the half width and the position of the absorption maximum on density) when the inequality wio/w2< 1. is no longer satisfied. It should be noted that in looking for effects associated with the skin effect for (20/ w2=-- 1 (w20 /k2c2-?=-2 10-8) we have not ob- served any noticeable departure from the results to be expected from [3] whereas the described polarization effects appear when the inequality w20 /k2c2< 1 is not satisfied (for w20/ w2 104). Hence, in spite of the ab- sence of direct proof of the penetration of the rf fields into the plasma in the systems which have been in- vestigated,* the satisfactory agreement between the measured and calculated values of the density at which plasma polarization effects appear, and the fact that there is a shift of the absorption maximum with in- creasing n, rather than smearing, which would be the case if only the boundary layer (continuous density variation) were heated, all seem to indicate it is pos- sible to set up systems in which the skin effect is small. If we assume complete compensation, the fact that the fields inside and outside the plasma are equal allows us to estimate the ion heating. According to [11], when a charged particle moves in a constant magnetic field H which is perpendicular to a variable electric field [E = E0 sin (wt)], at exact resonance the ion will rotate in an orbit of radius R(t) = E0/ 2H,t sec- onds after acceleration starts. The quantity t, which is equal to Tc (the time of interaction between the ion and the rf field between two successive collisions), can be found from the experimental data from the relation LW TC 1[9]. The product HR(t), measured in this ? way, then serves as a measure of the energy acquired by the ion in the heating process. For an electric field strength of 0.2 v/ cm, which is typical of the majority of the experiments which have been carried out, the growth in ion energy as a result of interaction with the probing signal (-10-v) is small compared with the thermal energies of particles in the discharge so that the perturbation introduced by the measuring process is inconsequential. In order to explore the possiblitiy of increasing the ion energy, curves were taken to determine the depen- dence of ion lifetime M (referred to the lifetime cor- responding to a resonance width of 55) on the electric field E produced by a plane condenser (Fig. 10). An *It is impossible to measure the radial field distribution of the rf field by means of probes because of the distor- tion of the field caused by the probe; impurities from the probe also affect the properties of the plasma. 277 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 estimate of the velocity increment v1 acquired by the ion in the heating process, with respect to the thermal velocity vo corresponding to a temperature of approxi- mately 300?K (characteristic of the majority of the discharges) shows that at the break in the M(E) curve, at the field strength E 0.3 v/ cm, v1 me vo. In accord- ance with [12], when v1 > vo the quantity rc is in- versely proportional to ./.E. However, the curvature of the M(E) curve in the region E 1 v /cm cannot be ex- planined in this way. The stronger dependence of M(E) when v1 > vo may be explained by a process similar to that proposed in [13]; in this process the plasma tries to equalize any anisotropy such as v1 > vo which arises in the heating process. The increase in the magnitude of the longitudinal velocity component v11 ctiv1 > vo to values re(E) means that it is necessary to take account of the additional reduction of due to the reduction in the time spent by the ion in the region of the heat- ing section: 11 f=41 kvii Taking account of the relation re - 1/TE for > vo under the assumption that v11 v1 leads to the possibility of a quantitative description of the observed function M(E). At the same time, the variation the time between collision re .="2 1//E for strong energy exchange between ions and neutral atoms has been rather well studied in the theory of atom motion [12]. It is found that at high ionization, the neutral atoms, which are not restrained by the magnetic field, trans- fer a large amount of energy to the chamber walls. Conclusions The results of experiments in which we have used a spatially periodic system for introducing rf power in the region of the ion cyclotion resonance for cold plasmas characterized by densities of 107- 1011 cm-3 are found to be in satifactory agreement with the theo- retical analysis which predicts a reduction in the effect of the self polarization fields on the penetration of the oscillating fields for totally ionized hot plasmas at densities up to 10" - 1014 cm-3. The experiments show that in order to achieve suc- cessful plasma heating by the cyclotron resonance technique it is necessary to keep the percentage of neutral atoms to a minimum. 278 The dependence of plasma behavior in the region of the ion gyromagnetic resonance on particle density and on temperature can be used to develop methods of studying the properties of gaseous discharges. The authors are indebted to K. D. Sinel'nikov for his interest in this work and for valuable discussions. LITERATURE CITED 1. L. V. Dubovoi, et al., Report No. 2211, Internation- al Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (Geneva, 1958). 2. K. Kerper, Z. Naturforsch. 12a, 815 (1957). 3. T. Stix, Phys. Rev. 106, 1146 (1957). 4. Stix and Palladino, Proceedings of the Second In- ternational Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (Geneva, 1958). Selected Reports of Foreign Scientists. Plasma, Physics and Thermo- nuclear Reactions [Russian translation] (Atomizdat, Moscow, 1959) Vol. I, p. 242. 5. Stix, Proceedings of the Second International Con- ference of the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (Geneva, 1958). Selected Reports of Foreign Scientists, Plasma, Physics and Thermonuclear Reactions [Russian translation] (Atomizdat, Moscow, 1959) Vol. I, p. 254. 6. E. M. Reikhrudel', G. V. Smirnitskaya, Iz vest. Vyssh. Ucheb. Zavedenii, Radiofizika 36 (1958). '7. Horton, Howard and Heinz, Procedings of the Second International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (Geneva, 1958). Selected Reports of Foreign Scientists. Plasma, Physics and Thermo- nuclear Reactions [Russian translation] (Atomizdat, Moscow, 1959) Vol. I, p. 675. 8. T. Yeung and T. Seyers, Proc. Phys. Soc. 451 B, 663 (1957). 9. C. Kelley, H. Margenau,and S. Brown, Phys. Rev. 108, 13 7 (1957). 10. P. Doyle and J. Neufeld, Phys. Fluids 2, 390 (1959). 11. J. Amoignon and G. Rommel, Vide 12, 377 (1957). 12. L. Loeb, Basic Processes of Gaseous Electronics (Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of California Press., 1955) Chapt. 1. 13. A. A. Vevdenov and R. Z. Sagdeev, Plasma Physics and the Problem of Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions [in Russian] (Izd. AN SSSR, Moscow, 1958) Vol. III, p. 273. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050004-5 ELECTROLYTIC ISOLATION OF SMALL AMOUNTS OF URANIUM , NEPTUNIUM, PLUTONIUM, AND AMERICIUM A. G. Samartseva Translated from Atomnaya Energiya, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 324-329, April, 1960 Original article submitted September 4, 1958 In the study of the nuclear properties of elements and the investigation of isotopic composition, it is necessary to prepare thin, homogeneous layers; in the analytical chemistry of transuranium elements, the quantitative isolation of these elements, including those in tracer amounts, is important. An original electrolytic method for the quant- itative isolation of traces of uranium, neptunium, plutonium, and americium from acid solutions is described in the present work. It was shown that the yield of the elements in the electrolysis is independent of the electrolyte anion and is primarily determined by the solution pH. Conditions were found for the quantitative electrolytic isolation of plutonium in the presence of various foreign metals; the effect of iron was eliminated by the intro- duction of oxalic acid into the electrolyte. The electrolytic isolation of transuranium elements from aqueous solutions is an excellent method of depo- siting thin, homogeneous layers in the study of nuclear properties or the isotopic composition of these radio- elements. In addition, this method may be used success- fully in the analytical chemistry of transuranium ele- ments as it makes it possible to isolate these elements quantitatively and without carrier, even when they are present in solution in tracer amounts. We previously developed a method for the quanti- tative isolation of uranium (1) and also transuranium elements [2] from mineral acid solutions. The present work is a continuation of these investigations. Uranium, neptunium, plutonium, and americium were isolated in a normal electrolytic cell, consisting of a small platinum dish (anode) and an elongated plati- num plate with a working area of 1 cm2 (cathode). In this cell it was possible to work with an electrolyte at any pH value without appreciable losses of radioele- ment due to adsorption on the walls, which is observed P/1 Fig. 1. Relation of element yield to solution pH. The current density on the cathode was 100 ma/ cm2 and the electrolysis time, 2 hr. when a glass or plexiglass electrolyzer is used. The so- lution was stirred with the cathode which rotated at 60-80 rpm. Electrolytic separation of the radioelement occurred simultaneously on both sides of the platinum plate cathode; the cc-activity on this electrode was measured in a special chamber [3]. In the work we used the isotopes U233, Np237, Pu239; and Am241. With an ionization chamber and a multi- channel amplitude analyzer it was shown that the Pu2" contained 0.7 - 0.9 010 of a mixture of Am241 and Pu"8, and the Np231 contained ?2.0% of Pu239. No impurities were detected in the isotope Am241; the U233 was not analyzed. Weighable amounts of the hydro- xides of the elements were dissolved in the acids which were used as electrolytes. A study of the valence states of the elements in the starting solutions showed that the U233 was in the hexavalent state; the Np237 consisted of 10.2% of Np (VI), ?90% of Np (V), and