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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050002-7 --vc?s7to Volume 8, No. 2 May, 1961 THE SOVIET JOURNAL OF TSATi) OM7,'?,,SSJAN? CONSULTANTS BUREAU Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050002-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050002-7 1=60' the latest Soviet techniques: CONTEMPORARY EQUIPMENT for ;WORK with FADIOACTIVE ISOTOPES c1:01 A comprehensive review of the Soviet method 'and tech- nological 'procedures used in the production of isotopes and . the preparation of labelled compounds from them. The shield- - ing and manipul,ative devices .are described as well as illus- trated -in detail. It is an excellent, guide ,for all scientists and technologists concerned With radioactive isotopes. CONTENTS' Some technical and technological aspects of the production of4Sotopes and labeled-compounds in the USSR,. ? INTRODUCTION . Development of remote handling methods in the radiochem- ical laboratories, of the Academy of Sciences, :USSR. Shielding and manipulative devices for work with radio- active isotopes. INTRODUCTION , CHAPTER I. Development of Shielding Techniques in , I Ra`diopreparative Operations ? CHAPTER II. Mechanical Holding Devices "., CHAPTER ILI. Remote Pneumatic Manipulators _ ,CHAPTER IV. Liquid Dispenses CHAPTER V. RadioChemical Hydromanipulators CHAPTER VI. Radiopreparative 'pneumatic "Hydromanip- , ulators CHAPTER VII. Toothed Mechaisins for Manipulative De-, vices ? CHAPTER VIII. Non-Destructive Methods of Ampule' In- spection 'CHAPTER CONCL. USION Some' Decontamination Method? durable paper covers - 67. pages illus. $15.00 CONSULTANTS BUREAU 227 W. 17th ST., NEW, YORK 11? N. Y. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050002-7 ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050002-7 EDITORIAL BOARD OF ATOMNAYA 2NERGIYA A. I. Alikhanov A. A. Bochvar N. A. Dollezhal' D. V. Efremov V. S. Emel'yanov V. S. Fursov V. F. Kalinin A. K. Krasin A. V. Lebedinskii A. I. Leipunskii I. I. Novikov (Editor-in-Chief) B. V. Semenov V. I. Veksler A. P. Vinogradov N. A. Vlasov (Aseistant Editor) A. P. Zefirov THE SOVIET JOURNAL OF ATOMIC ENERGY A translation of ATOMNAY A ENERGIY A, a publication of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR ? (Russian original dated February, 1960) Vol. 8, No. 2 May, 1961 CONTENTS Thermal Stresses in Reactor Constructions. A. Ya. I4amerov, Ya. B. Fridman, and PAGE RUSS. PAGE S. A. Ivanov 1 91 101 The Deformation of Uranium Under the Influence of Thermal Cycles During the Simultaneous Action of an External Tensile Load. A. A. Bochvar, G. Ya. Sergeev, and V. A. Davydov. . 100 112 The Separation of Pa233 Without a Carrier from Thorium Nitrate Preparations Irradiated by Slow Neutrons. V. I. Spitsyn and M. M. Golutvina 105 117 Determination of the Optimum Yield of Enriched Ore in Radiometric Enrichment of Uranium Ores. E. D. Mal'tsev 108 121 Strong Focusing in a?Linear Accelerator. P. M. Zeidlits, L. I. Bolotin, E. I. Revutskii, and 114 127 V. A. Suprunenko LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Stability of Plasma Bunches in a Waveguide. M. L. 'Levin 120 134 Self-Reproducing Solutions of the Plasma Equations. B. N. Kozlov 121 135 Complex Fission of Uranium by 2.5-Mev Neutrons. Z. I. Solov'eva 124 137 Fission Cross Sections for Th236, Pu246, Pu241, and Am241 by Neutrons with Energies of 2.5 and 14.6 Mev. M. I. Kazarinova, Yu. S. Zamyatin,, and V. M. Gorbachev 125 139 Analysis of Neutron Interactions with He4 , C12, and .016 Nuclei Using an Optical Nuclear Model. E. Ya. Mikhlin and V. S. Stavinskii.. 127 141 Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer in Slit-Type Ducts with High Heat-Transfer Rates. Yu. P. Shlykov . 130 144 An Investigation of the Alloys of the Uranium-Germanium System. V. S. Lyashenko and 132 146 V. N. Bykov Coprecipitation of Pu (IV) with Organic Coprecipitants. V. I. Kuznetsov, and T. G. Akimova. 135 148 Contribution to the Problem of Electron Injection to a Betatron. V. P. Yashukov 137 150 Some Data on the Distribution of Radiations Emanating from the Synchrocyclotron of the. Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. M. M. Komochkov and V. N. Meldiedov 138 152 Dose Field of a Linear Source. V. S. Grammatikati, U. Ya. Margulis, and V. G. Khrushchev. 140 154 Experimental Investigation of Scintillation Counter Efficiency. V. P. Bovin 142 155 A Mobile Neutron Multiplier Unit. T. A. Lopovok 145 158 NEWS OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY The Production and Use of Stable Isotopes in the USSR 147 160 Conference on the Uses of Large Radiation Sources in Industry and Particularly in Chemical Processes 151 164 Annual subscriptions 75.00 .0 1961 Consultants Bureau Enterprises, Inc., 227 West 17th St., New York 11, N.Y. Single issue 20.00 Note: The sale of photostatic copies of any portion of this copyright translation is expressly Single article 12.50 prohibited by the copyright owners. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050002-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050002-7 CONTENTS (continued) PAGE RUSS. PAGE Tashkent Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy. A. Kiv, and E. Parilis 154 167 [Atomic Energy in Italy 1691 [Experiments on Doppler Broadening of Resonance Levels in Uranium and Thorium 171] [Shielding Design Nomograms 172] [Uranium Prospecting Methods in France 1721 Stafidardi. Tina? Gamma Sources 156 177 Brief Notes 157 174 INFORMATION AND BIBLIOGRAPHY New Literature . 158 178 A Message from the Central Committee of the Communist:Party of the Soviet Union and the Council of Ministers of the USSR 163 Insert Mikhail Mikhailovich Konstantinov ;. 166 0 NOTE The Table of Contents lists all material that appears in Atomnaya fnergiya. Those items that originated in the English language are not included in the translation and are shown enclosed in brackets. Whenever possible, the English-language source containing the omitted reports will be given. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050002-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050002-7 THERMAL STRESSES IN REACTOR CONSTRUCTIONS A. Ya. Kramerov, Ya. B. Fridman, and S. A. Ivanov Translated from Atomnaya rnergiya, Vol. 8, No, 2, pp. 101-111, February, 1960 Original article submitted May 9, 1960 Conditions for the appearance of thermal stresses in reactors are investigated; also their magnitude and the danger they create are estimated. The influence of the form of the heat-generating elements (HGE) on the temperature drop and magnitudes of thermal stresses is analyzed; recommendations are given with the aim of decreasing the harmful effect of thermal stresses. The methods from the theory of elasticity employed in the calculation of thermal stresses have significant limitations. In many cases when estimating the magnitude and degree of danger created by the thermal stresses, when combining such stresses with mechanical stresses, and also when seeking a way to decrease them, other effects such as fluidity, creep, initial breakdown, and microscopic processes must be taken into consideration. INTRODUCTION In recent years the study of thermal stress has enjoyed great attention, particularly in connection with the known framework of atomic reactors. Among the characteristics of reactors we make particular note of the following; a) the intensive neutron and y radiation at moderate temperatures which leads to a decrease in plasticity; b) internal radiational heat sources; C) high thermal current (106kcal/m2-hour) and heat production density (109 kcal/m3-hour), resulting in a large temperature gradient (-400? C/mm ); d) the use of new little-studied materials (sometimes undergoing undesirable structural transformations upon heating) and combinations of materials with different coefficients of thermal expansion; e) sharply repeated changes in the temperature result- ing in a thermal shock in the structure (for example, in the case of an emergency stoppage of the reactor); f) the use of new complex structures, for which there have been neither analogies in the usual engineering techniques, nor long-run operational tests. Significant thermal stresses also may arise in structures associated with long established areas of engineering (for example, in reactor turbine construction). However ,the many vari- ants and long operational tests which have accumulated in these areas in many cases permit by extrapolation the use of structures near to those tested in practice, and there- by some of the dangers from thermal stresses may be avoided. The literature on theoretical questions having to do with thermal stresses is fairly large, but it consists pri- marily of papers treating the analytical solution of differ- ent problems in the field of eleasticity [1], and, far more rarely, in elastoplasticity [2-5]. In this literature only macroscopic stresses (of the first kind) are considered. We mention also papers [6-13]. Estimate of the magnitude of temperature stresses Basic notation: 00.or, 0 z are the normalstresses acting in the angular, radial and axial directions respectively; a is the thermal coefficient of linear expansion; E,the modulus of elasticity (kg/cm2); v,Poissori's coefficient; AT=Tr?Tinit the deviation of the temperature from that of the initial( Tinit)unstressed state; T,the average value of AT with respect to cross 'section; Q,the total rate of heat generation (kcal/hour); qF the thermal flux (kcal/m2-hr); a the density of heat generation (kcal/m3- hr); a, 12. the internal and external radii of a tube; ri; the radius of a cylindrical rod; p = a/ bthe dimensionless radius of the hole in a tube; and lir is a form factor, equal to the ratio of stress (or temperature drop) in a body of the shape considered,to that in a circular cylinder (other conditions being equal). The magnitude of the thermoelastic stresses of the first kind is estimated by the formula a =EA (aT) and a =BaAT (for a=const). (1) In the presence of internal heat sources in bodies with more or less smooth shapes the temperature change in a cross section is equal to qp ro AT ( 2) X X Fq Fq 4? 1?' where ro = 1.2V/Fq is a quantity proportional to the mean path taken by the flow of heat in the body; V is the volume of the body (m3); qr. Q/Fctt the thermal flux; and F,the heat transfer at the surface. 91 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050002-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050002-7 If the thermal stresses reach the yield point for the material, then the body or its individual parts enter the plastic state and thermoplastic stresses arise. In the elastic region the stresses at each moment are determined by the existing temperature field, whereas in the plastic region the stresses depend also on the past history of the body. The exact temperature field, and also the thermal stress and displacements of the first kind in the elastic region are found from a known system of equations from the theory of heat conduction and the theory of elasticity. These equations differ from the usual by the additional ternii ct.O.T in the expression for the generalized Hooke 's law. In this case only mathematical difficulties are en- countered, which however limit the possibility of obtain- ing exact solutions in practice. There exist approximate methods of calculating the thermoelastic stress [2, 3, 5, 14]. Methods for calculating thermal stresses of the second kind have also been little studied. In reactor construction one often has to deal with problems relating to cylindrical bodies of revolution: housings, heat generating elements, and their casings. In these cases in the absence of external forces the thermoelastic stresses of the first kind are determined, as is known, by the relations E r2 a2 r2 b2 a2S aAT (Or dr a 1 aAT (r) dr aA (r)) ; a b,_a, 3 ctAT (r) dr ? a (3) ? aA 7' (r) rdr) (4) az + (5) Ordinarily the largest stresses occur at the inner (r=a) or outer (r=b) bounding surface [depending on the form of the function AT(1)1 and equal and 92 E (UO)r v X X (9 b2_,72 aAT(r) dr ?aAT (a)) ; U (e)1.--b= 1?v X b2 I S aA 7' (r) r dr ? aA 7' (b) a (6) Thermoelastic stresses of the first kind in a thin plate with built-in edges or temperature field symmetric with respect to the mean surface may be found from the formu- la +6 1= 1?E v ( 216 aA7, (x) ? aA T (x)) . (7) ?6 The first terms included in the parentheses in formulas (6) and (7) represent the mean (with respect to cross sec- tion) temperature difference or, more accurately, the mean value of the free thermal expansion aAT. Formulas (6) and (7) may be combined in the rela- tion a = 1?Ev (aA7' ? aA T), (8) which permits one to find the greatest stresses in a circu- lar rod, thin-walled tube, in a plate with built-in edges with symmetric temperature distribution, and in certain other cases, when the principal deformations at each point are equal among themselves, or some of them are equal to zero (linear and plane stressed states) and more- over, are constant in some principal plane.?Actually under these conditions the relative stretching in the plane indicated may be determined by the formula a (1?CV) E = aAT, where cis equal to 0, 1, or 2 for the one-dimensional, two - dimensional, or volume stress statearespectively. Integra - ting over the entire cross section of the body in this plane (sF =l?Ecv 1:TdF aAT dF) and using the equilibrium condition a dF we find that e = aAT dF = aA T , and, finally, we obtain the relation [8]: a = 1_ cv (aAT ? aAT). In the cases examined, by virtue of the linearity of the heat conduction equations, the temperature distribution, and consequently the thermoelastic stresses of the first kind,rnay be represented in the form of a sum of a solu- tion to the homogeneous equation (without internal heat sources) with the actual boundary conditions (index "AT") and the solution to the heat conduction equation *These results for thermoelastic stresses of the first kind may be generalized to the case of variable a(r) by replacing the quantity aAT by the quantity A (aT). Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050002-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050002-7 with internal heat sources but zero boundary conditions (index "q"). Each of these solutions in turn may be written in the form of the product of three fact/ors, express- ing respectively the influence of the physical properties, the density of heat generation, and the dimensions ( or AT bdy) and shape of the body. Hence we have a = .+ 0, AT r aE 1 r gra , L v ii Gqm 4 [aE 1?v [ladl Taer The factor [aE/( 1? v )]( 1A) conditionally expresses the influence of the physical properties. Introducing the ratio giciT' we obtain the factor [aE/( 1?v)]( 1/X T), condition- ally characterizing the influence of the physical proper- ties of the body, taking into consideration also the margin in attaining the yield stress. For structural elements in the active zone, where the heat is generated by the absorption of energy from y rays and neutrons, the complex of physical properties (first factor) will depend as well on the corresponding cross sections or coefficients of absorption. Neglecting the self-screening and the heat generation from the ab- sorption of neutron energy, we find that the first factor is proportional to the mean coefficient of y -ray absorp- tion or (for elements with moderate atomic weight) the specific weight; i. e. ,the expression [aE/(1? v))( 1A) may depend on the expression [ccE/(1? v)/y/ X). When using materials with high a and low X and a Tit is especially difficult to avoid going beyond the yield point and the resulting residual deformations. In this connection uranium and stainless steel possess undesir- able properties. Thorium, black lead, and to a lesser degree zirconium and aluminum are better behaved as regards the appearance of permanent deformation, not- withstanding their comparatively low a B and T. Even if economical considerations and estimates as to the re- sistance of the material to radiation, corrosion, etc., are not entered into, still the estimates and comparisons of different materials as to their resistance to thermal stress are very complex and conditional; in the corresponding complex coefficients there should enter characteristics of durability, which for many plastic materials,worked under conditions of thermal fatigue, are still unclear. The influence of the quantity aT,introduced into the set of coefficients, is not unique, since an increase in a T may cause harmful (later release of thermal stresses of plastic deformation), as well as useful effects (decrease in the accumulated plastic deformations)[12]. The comparison of materials is still further compli- cated in that many properties (especially aT, 6 , aB and others) strongly depend on the working and structure of the material. Comparison of HGE of different forms In order to have a dimensional relationship to charac- terize the HGE, it is useful to require for all forms consi- dered that they have equal volumes per unit heat-transfer surface. This guarantees their approximate equivalence as regards neutron physical calculations with identical thermal conditions at the surface (for equal volume densi- ties of heat generation q inside the HGE), i.e., among comparable forms, ro =2V HGE/Feidem. Formulas are given below for the greatest tempera- ture drop and for the high-temperature elastic stresses of the first kind for four basic shapes for the cross sections of the heat generating elements (no account taken of the casing, and for uniform heat generation). For,-,conciseness, the temperature drop qii/ 4X at the cylinder radius rt, is denoted by ATo, and the maximal thermoelastic stress [aE/(1?v)](AT0/ 2)in the solid cylinder is denoted by at,. The expressions introduced below are obtained by substituting into relation (8) the solution of the equation of steady heat flow (? XAT=q) for suitable boundary condi- tions?zero or prescribed values ATbdy (for a derivation of the most complicated case, the third, see the Appendix). Case 1. For a tube or cylinder cooled from the out- side, Arrnax = A TAW(1)t (an) 111(1) - AT r-=-h, ? 0 ? Case 2. For a tube cooled from the inside, ATmax= A Tor.i4.4; (cre)1,-,a = a 04%2 4) ? Case 3. For a tube cooled from the inside and the outside (in this case the maximum temperature difference is nonlinear relative to ATbdy), AT = AT 1?~2Q ( Q1 ~2 ) max o _02 where R2 2 -;t,- r lbdy(i + Q2 _ 1 In Q2 1_ ATo and R is the radius of the circle (within the limits of the tube's wall thickness a