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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050001-8 Volume 8, No. 1 THE SOVIET JOURNAL OF ' April. 1961 OMICI ENERGY ATONHa51 1-leprlisi rlAXSLA F.)) [[OM CONSULTANTS BUREAU Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196k000100050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050001-8 - 2 _outstanding, new KINETICS AND CATALYSIS The first authoritative journal specifically designed for those interested Oiirectly 'or indirectly) in kinetics and catalysis. This journal will carry original theoretical and experimenthl papers-on the kinetics of chemical transformations in gases, solutions and solid phases; the study of intermediate ,active particles (radicals, ions); combustion; the Mechanism of homogeneous and heterogeneous.' catalysis; the scientific , grounds of catalyst selection; important practical catalytic , processes; the effect of substance ? and heat-tran:sfer, proc- esses on the kinetics of chemical transformations; methods of calculating and Modelling contact apparatus. Reviews stimmarizing recent achievements in the highly im- portant fields of catalysis and kinetics of chemical trans- formations will befirinted, as welt as' reports on the proceed- ings of congresses, conferences and conventions. In addition to papers originating in the Soviet Union, KINETICS AND CATALYSIS will contain research/of 'leading scientists from abroad. - Contents of the first issue include:. Molecular Structure and Reactivity in Catalysis. A. A. Balandin- - The Role of the Electron Factor in Catalysis. S. Z. Roginskii The Principles of the Electron Theory of Catalysis on Semiconductors. F. F. Vol'kenshtein ? The Use of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance in Chemistry: V. V. Voevodskii ' The Study of Chain and Molecular Reactions of Intermediate Sub- stances in Oxidation of n-oecane. Z. K. Nlaizus, I. P. Skibida, N. M. Emanuel' and V. N. Yakovleva The Mechanism of Oxidative Catalysis by. Metal Oxides. V. A. Roiter The Mechanism of Hydrogen-Isotope Exchange on Platinum Films. G. K. Boreskov and A. A. Vasilevich Nature of the Change of Heal and Activation Energy of Adsorption with \.,lncreasing Filling Up Of the Surface. N. P. Keier Catalytic Function of Metal Ions in a Homogeneous Medium. L. A. Nikolaev ' Determination of Adsorption Coefficient by Kinetic Method. I. Adsorp- tion Coefficient 6f Water, Ether and Ethylene on Alumina. K. V. Topchieva and B. V. Romanovskii The Chemical Activity of Intermediate' roducts in Form of Hydrocar- bon Surface Radicals in ,Heterogeneous Catalysis with Carbon Monoxide and Olefins. Ya. T. Eidus Contact Catalytic Oxidation of Organic Compounds in the Liquid Phase on Noble Metals. I. Oxidation of the Monophenyl Ether of Ethyl- ' eneglycol to Phenoxyacetic Acid. I. I. loffe, Yu. T. Nikolaev and M. S. Brodskii , Annual Subscription: $150.00 Six issoes per year ? approx. 1050 pages per volume Sovret journals' JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY This significant journal contains papers on all of the most -iinportant aspects" of theoretical and practical structural 'chemistry, with an emphasis _given to new 'physical 'methods and techniques. Review articles- on 'special subjects in the field will cover pUblished Wok not readily available in ? English. The development of new techniques for investigating the structure of mattei and the nature of the Chemical bond has been no less rapid and spectacular in the USSR than in the West; the Soviet 'approach to'the many problems of structural chemistry cannot fail, to stimulate and enrich Western work in this field. Of special value to all chemists, physicists, geo- chemists-, Ind biologists who'se work is intimately linked with problems of the mblecular structure of matter, Contents of the first issue include: Electron-Diffraction Investigation of the Structure of Nitric Acid and Anhydride molecules in Vapors. P. A. Akishin, L. V. Vilkov and ? V. Ya. Rosolovskii Effects of Ions on the StructUre Of Water. I. G.: MIkhailov ,and Yu P. Syrnikov Proton Relaxation in Aqueous SolutiOns of Diamagnetic Salts. I Solu- tions of Nitrates of Group II Elements. V. M. Vdovenko and V. A. Shcherbakov , Oscillation Frequenciet of' Water Molecules in the First Coordination 'Layer of Ion in Aqueous Solutions. 0. Ya. Samilov Second Chapter of Silicate Crystalloclliiiiistry. N. V. Belov . ? Structure of Epididymite NaBeSi3O,OH. A New Form of Infinite Silicon ?Oxygen chain (band) ISi3O,51. E. A. Podedimskaya and N. V. Belay , ? Phases Formed ,in the System Chromium?Boron In" the Boron-Rich Region. 'V. k Epel'baum, N. G. Sevast'yanov, M. A. Gurevich and G. S. Zhdanov ;Crystal Structure of ,the Ternary Phase in the 'Systems Mo(W)? Te(CO,kii)?s),. E. I. Gladyshevskii and?Yu. B:Kyz'ma Complex Compounds with Multiple Bonds in the Inner Sphere. G. B. Bokii 1 Quantitive, Evaluation of the Maxima of Three-Dimensional Paterson . Functions. V. V. Ilyukhi6 and S. V. Borisov Application of Infrared Spectroscopy to Study Of Structure of Silicates. I. Reflection Spectra of Crystalline SOdium Silicates in'llegion of 7.5,15p.. V. A. Florinskaya and RI S. Pechenkina Use of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance for Investigating the Molec- ular Structure of Coals. N. N. Tikhomirova, I. V. Nikolaeva and V. V. Voevodskii ' New Magnetic Properties of Macromoleculai Compounds with Con- jugated Double Bonds. L. A. Blyurnenferd, A, A.- Slinkin and A. E. Kalmanson Annual Subscription: $$0.00 Six issues per year ? approx. 750 pages per volume , Publication in the USSR began with the May-June 1960 issues. Therefore, the 1960 volume will Contain four issues. The first of these will be available in translation in April 1961. CONSULTANTS BUREAU '227 W.17 ST., NEW YORK 11, N. Y. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050001-8 EDITORIAL BOARD OF ATOMNAYA ENERGIYA A. I. Alikhanov A. A. Bochvar N. A. DollezhaP D. V. Efremov V. S. EmePyanov V. S. Fursov V. F. Kalinin A. K. Krasin A. V. Lebedinskii A. I. Leipunskii I. I. Novikov (Editor-in-Chief) B. V. Semenov VI. Veksler A. P. Vinogradov N. A. Vlasov (Assistant Editor) A. P. Zefirov THE SOVIET JOURNAL OF ATOMIC ENERGY A translation of ATOMNAY A ENERGIY A, a publication of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Russian original dated January, 1960) Vol. 8, No. 1 April, 1961 CONTENTS Influence of the Reactor Temperature Characteristics Upon the Choice of the Optimum PAGE RUSS. PAGE Thermodynamic Cycle of an Atomic-Electrical Generating Station. D. D. Kalafati . . 1 5 Number of Neutrons Emitted by Individual Fission Fragments of U235. V. F. Apalin, 10 15 Yu. P. Dobrynin, V.P. Zakharova, I. E. Kutikov, and L. A. Mikaelyan Method of Estimating the Critical Parameters of a Body of Arbitrary Shape Made from Fissionable Material. V. G. Zagrafov 17 23 Removal of Oxides from Sodium and Tests for the Oxide Content. P. L. Kirillov, F. A. Kozlov, V. I. Subbotin, and N. M. Turchin 23 30 On the Change in the Color and Transparency of Glasses when Bombarded by Gamma Rays from a Co69 Source and in a Nuclear Reactor. S. M. Brekhovskikh 29 37 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Mass-Spectrometric and Spectroscopic Studies of Hydrogen Discharge of an Ion Source. A. I. Nastyukha, A. R. Striganov, I. I. Afanas'ev, L. N. Mikhailov, and M. N. Oganov 35 44 New Isotopes of Holmium and Erbium. N. S. Dneprovskii 38 46 Fission Cross Section of Th229 for Monochromatic Neutrons in the 0.02-0.8 ev Region. Yu. Ya. Konakhovich and M. I. Pevzner 39 47 Mean Number of Prompt Neutrons per Spontaneous Fission of U238. E. K. Gerling and Yu. A. Shukolyukov 41 49 The Effect of Boron-Containing Layers on the Yield of Secondary Gamma Radiation. D. L. Broder, A. P. Kondrashov, A. A. Kutuzov, and A. I. Lashuk 42 49 Critical Heat Flows in the Forced Flow of Liquids in Channels. A. A. Ivashkevich 44 51 Investigation of Heat Transfer in the Turbulent Flow of Liquid Metals in Tubes. M. Kh. 48 54 ?Ibragimov, V. I. Subbotin, and P. A. Ushakov Determination of Melting Points of Binary Mixtures of Uranium Oxides with Other Oxides in Air. S. G. Tresvyatskii and V. I. Kushakovskii 51 56 The Distribution of Iron in Microvolumes of Zirconium Alloys. P. L. Gruzin, G. G. Ryabova, 53 58 and G. B. Fedorov Reactions of Nitrogen Dissolved in Water, by the Action of Ionizing Radiations. M. T. Dmitriev and S. Ya. Pshezhetskii 56 59 Method of Calculating Dosage Field of Powerful Isotopic Units. N. I. Leshchinskii 59 62 Integrating Detector of Penetrating Radiation. 0. A. Myazdrikov 62 64 Measurement of Co69 y -Ray Dose Close to the Boundary between Two Bodies. V. I. Kukhtevich, B. P. Shemetenko, and B. I. Sinitsyn 64 66 On the Efficiency of Gas-Discharge Counters. V. P. Bovin 67 68 Annual subscription $ 75.00 Single issue 20.00 Single article 12.50 ? 1961 Consultants Bureau Enterprises, Inc., 227 West 17th St., New York 11, N. Y. Note: The sale of photostatic copies of any portion of this copyright translation is expressly prohibited by the copyright owners. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050001-8 CONTENTS (continued) PAGE RUSS. PAGE Airborne Radiometer-Analyzer. V. V. Matveev and A. D. Sokolov 70 70 Investigation of the Productio4 of an Electromotive Force in a System of Semiconductors with Uranium during Irradiation in a Reactor. Yu. K. Gus'kov, A. V. Zvonarev; 73 72 and V. P. Klychkova NEWS OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY International Symposium on the Metrology of Radioactive Isotopes. K. K. Aglintsev and V. V. Bochkarev 76 76 International Conference on Accelerators. A. N. Lebedev . . . . 78 78 At the Institute for Physical Methods of Separation (German Democratic Republic). N. M. Zhavoronkov and K. I. Sakodynskii 80 81 [Uranium Production in Canada during 1958 82] [Use of Ammonium Molybdophosphate in Treating Fission Waste Solutions . . . . 84] Building and Designing of Atomic Powered Vessels in Western and Eastern Countries. A. V. Klement'ev 82 85 Brief Communications 84 86 BIBLIOGRAPHY New Literature 85 88 NOTE ? The Table of Contents lists all material that appears in AtomnayaEnergiya. Those items that originated in the English language are not included in the translation and are shown en- closed in brackets. Whenever possible, the English-language source containing the omitted reports will be given. Consultants Bureau Enterprises, Inc. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050001-8 INFLUENCE OF THE REACTOR TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS UPON THE CHOICE OF THE OPTIMUM THERMODYNAMIC CYCLE OF AN ATOMIC-ELECTRICAL GENERATING STATION D. D. Kalafati Translated from Atomnaya fnergiya,Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 5-14, January, 1960 Original article submitted November 18, 1958 In this article we investigate the possible temperature changes in a nuclear energy station as a function of the thermal power of the reactor when there are two limiting temperatures: for the shell and for the center of the heat-emitting elements. We find the changes in the al- lowed thermal and electrical power of the unit as a function of the parameters of the thermo- dynamic cycle. We give the reader an understanding of the boundary thermal power of the reactor and the efficiency of the generator. We also give the conditions under which the formulas which we have derived may be used for a preliminary calculation of the optimum parameters of the thermodynamic cycle. Our analysis gives the curves which show the increase in the parameters and the efficiency of the electrical generating station as a function of the material of which the shell is con- structed and of the type of nuclear fuel used. Changes in the initial parameters of the thermody- namic cycle of atomic-electrical generating stations and, consequently, of the temperature of the heat carriers leads to changes in the thermal power of the reactor as well as to changes in the efficiency of the cycle; therefore, the optimum parameters of the thermodynamic cycle and of the heat carriers are determined only by a simul- taneous analysis of the operating conditions of the cycle and the reactor. Besides, in order to calculate the thermal operation of the reactor we must first know the optimum initial parameters of the cycle and of the heat carriers. This is difficult to do merely by means of varia- tional calculations. The following formula (1) was obtained on the ba- sis of using the condition of minimum cost of electrical energy In a preliminary calculation of the optimum mean temperature of the heat supply for the heat cycles in the steam turbines of the atomic-electrical generating stations 711V (1) where T1. is the limiting temperature of the shell Tls. or of the center T& of the heat-emitting elements (HEEL) of the reactor; T2 is the temperature in the condenser; z= nt + CT (nt is the thermal efficiency of the cycles, or is the thermal component of the cost of the electrical energy). For a small thermal component where we can as- sume that or = 0, formula (1) corresponds to the condi- tion of maximum electrical power of the generating station [2]: T ?I) yin = "771772-4K (2) Formula (2) gives the value of the optimum mean temperature not of the heat carriers, as in the formula obtained by G. Melets [3, 4],but of the thermodynamic cycle. As a result of the completely identical results for limiting temperatures of the center and periphery [1, 2], in formulas (1) and (2) the temperature Trimust corres- pond to the limiting shell temperature or the limiting center temperature and which of the temperatures is the limiting one in a given reactor. Since the optimum tem- perature of the cycle differs basically, it is necessary to estab lish which optimum is preferable for nuclear energy in- stallations: that determined on the basis of the limiting temperature of the shell or that determined on the basis of the limiting temperature of the center. In addition to this we often assume that the optimum temperatures exist simultaneously at the periphery and at the center. The question then arises as to how we can in such a case, determine the optimum cycle parameters. Possible Temperature Characteristics of the Nuclear Energy Station Let us examine the possible temperature changes in a given nuclear energy installation for changes in the 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050001-8 thermal power of the reactor, due to,changes in the ini- tial parameters and to the thermodynamic cycle. Let the form, the surface, the number of HEEL be given and let us choose the velocity and consumption of heat carriers. Under these conditions, the thermal power of the reactor is proportional to the difference in the limiting tempera- tures of the shell (or center) of the HEEL and the average temperature of the heat supply pipes in the cycle [1]: 1 m Qr = kr nkr Fs (4) (Tr - Tic), ) (3) where kr is the coefficient of nonuniformity of heat em- ission with respect to the reactor radius, Li is the number of HEEL, kt is the coefficient of heat transmission, Fs is the surface of the HEEL, and co is the coefficient of utili- zation of the possible reactor power. The electric power of the station is equal to Pe = Qr esrt ? A Psn = kr n kt Fs co (Trl Tay) X T2 cy (1- ril ) nri Tim Psn Ti cy where nri nm g Is me product of three efficiencies: the relative inner, the mechanical and the generator ef- ficiency; and APsn is the power required for the ppera- don of the station. If we change the thermal power Qr for the given constant thermal resistances of the HEEL, constant heat transmission to the heat carriers and the steam generator, then all the temperature drops in the in- dicated elements change proportionally to the thermal power of the reactor. However,the temperature changes of these elements cannot be the same (Fig. 1) since they depend upon the conditions under which the changes oc- cur in the thermal power of the reactor. For a small thermal power( Zone I) an increase in the thermal flux leads to an increase in all the temperatures of the unit except the condenser temperature Twy = const. In Zone I an increase in the thermal power of the reactor leads to an increase in the average tempera- ture of the cycle, i.e., in this zone there is no maximum electrical power. In the indicated zone we may operate reactors that are used for study purposes,but as far as the operation of power reactors is concerned ,it is always ad- vantageous to increase the thermal power until the maxi- mum peripheral power Tax up to the limiting value. A further increase in the thermal power of the reactor must occur for Ti = const. .This can only be accomp- lished by lowering the mean temperature of the heat carriers in the cycle,while at the same time increasing the maximum temperature of the center HEEL Tglax. Since in this process the thermal power increases and the cycle efficiency drops, then in Zone II, according to equation(4),we get the maximum electrical power of the station which corresponds to the optimum mean tempera- ture of the cycle,equation(2), if we substitute in the for- mula Tis. for T. Then the point &corresponding to the optimum thermal reactor power, is determined by the (4) r, ?c 600r 400 200 0 Qp QFnax Fig. 1, Possible temperature changes in a nuc- lear energy installation with qv in Zone IL PePr WO 'X 80 60 40 10 0 T2 cy Ill /p eMaX II p 100 ToPy m 200 c m T ?C Fig. 2:Dependence of the thermal and elec- trical power of a reactor with TIT m in Zone cy II upon Trey . point of intersection of the lines of the optimum and al- lowed temperature cycles (see Fig. 1). The dependence of the thermal and electrical pow- er of the station upon the average temperature of the cycle for one limiting temperature of the shell or of the HEEL of the center is discussed in papers [1, 21. For two limiting temperatures,the allowed changes in the ther- mal and electrical power have been computed from equa- tions (3) and (4), for the case of an optimum in the av- erage power Zone II, as a function of the mean tempera- ture of the heat conductor for the cycle Tlxciy and are shown in Fig. 2. We can see from Figs. 1 and 2 that an 2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050001-8 increase in the thermal power in Zone II for 11 = const is possible until we reach the limiting temperature of the center of the HEEL, after which possible changes in thermal and electrical power can occur only for Tic= const, i.e., in the high thermal power Zone HI. in this case we must substitute Tic for '4 in equations(3) and (4). Since the limiting shell temperature is bounded by the quality of the materials used or the properties of the heat carriers and often does not exceed 300 - 400?C, then for a condenser pressure p2 = 0.04 atm as = 28.6?C) and4 = 300?C we get from equation (2): 1 2yrn 17573.302 416 ?R= 143?C, this corresponds (for the cited temperature range of the shell) to a saturated steam cycle with an initial pressure of 5 - 10 atm. Such steam parameters would lead to low efficiencies (of the order of 2090 and less),therefore the operation of atomic-electrical generating stations in Zone II would not be economical. For the same thermal reactor power an increase in the efficiency of the station (the factor nisy in equation(4)] increases proportionately, or lowers the specific capital losses. For a given electri- cal power for the station using nuclear fuel, i.e., for the same depth of burning (degree of fuel utilization), the duration of the reactor charge is directly proportion- al to the efficiency of the station. Therefore an increase in the efficiency of atomic generating stations is signi- ficant even for the small fuel cost component of elect- rical generating stations. Since the limiting temperatures of the center of the HEEL are significantly higher than those of the shell (from Tic = 660?C for metallic uranium to T 2800?C 2800?C for uranium dioxide) then the optimum mean tempera- ture of the heat conductor during the cycle, as given by formula (2) according to the limiting temperature of the center of the HEEL, increases discontinuously as for T, ?C 600 Zone I Tgla Zone II 400 - Ts' 'Tic Zone III 200 200 - T2 cy b op Qs Qc Or Fig. 3, Possible temperature changes in a nuclear en- ergy installation with TfPcIT in Zone example, for Tio = 1000?C, 'gym= 41273-302 = 623?K = 350?C. This mean temperature necessitates the use of steam with ultra-high parameters ,with station efficiency of the order of 40% which is twice as great as the effi- ciency of the station during operation in Zone II. In connection with this it is expedient to tale such possible temperature characteristics of the nuclear energy instal- lation so that the lines of the optimum and possible temp- erature cycles cross in Zone II and in Zone III; in Zone III both the thermal power of the reactor and the opti- mum cycle efficiency are greater (Fig. 3). Upon reaching the limiting temperature of the shell and of the center of the HEEL simultaneously, the thermal power, which we shall henceforth call the boundary thermal power of the reactor, dr), does not as )et reach its maximum possible value, as has sometimes been indicated in the literature, but lies only at the be- ginning of Zone III. A further increase in the thermal power of the given reactor in Zone III for Tcl = const is possible if we decrease the maximum shell temperature as well as the mean temperatures of the cycle and of the heat carriers. Possible changes in the thermal and electrical po- wers of the nuclear energy installation in the presence of an optimum in Zone III as a function of the changes in the mean temperature of the cycle are given in Fig. 4. As we see from the figure,if we increase the mean temperature of the cycle, when operating in Zone HI, the electrical power of the installation increases at first, reaches a maximum ITV (determ ined from equation (2) by substituting ?I'? for T),and then decreases. After we reach the boundary thermal power of the reactor, changes in the thermal and electrical power are possible only for the conditions of Zone U. Thus the economy in the operation of atomic elec- trical generating stations operating in Zone III at a high- er thermal power and greater efficiency is significantly Pe,Or 700X BO 40 20 0 T2cy 100 max TT e 200 igy 300 Timcy. Fig. 4. Dependence of the thermal and electrical po- wer of a reactor with TPN,n in Zone III upon Tfacy. 3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050001-8 greater than that for electrical generating stations oper- ating in Zone II where the optimum cycle parameters are determined by the limiting temperature of the shell. Therefore the best conditions for the operation of atom- ic-electrical generating stations are the conditions prevailing in Zone III where the optimum cycle para- meters are determined by equation(2) according to the limiting temperature of the center of the HEEL. Since in Zone III the temperatures of the shell and cycle de- crease relatively slowly, it is more probable that the operation in Zone III will be in the vicinity of point M , (Fig. 5). Due to the independence of the coefficients of con- ductivity and thermal emission of the mean temper- ature,the possible temperature characteristics take the form of line segments. Fig. 3. If the indicated coeffi- cients change somewhat with temperature, then these lines will have an insignificant curvature,but the shape of the diagram and the division of the characteristics into three characteristic zones will not change. We wish to underline the fact that the diagram we have shown is not a diagram of the changing mode of opera- tion of the reactor during power regulation in the ex- ploitation process (for example, at average heat carrier temperatures T cont, corm,. see dotted line in Fig. 1) but the characteristic temperature changes in the unit due to the choice of thermal power of the reactor. Fig. 5. Possible temperature changes in a nuclear energy installation for a reactor operating with c?b Limiting Thermal Power of the Reactor and Greatest Electrical Power of the Station Depending upon the relationships between the limit- ing temperatures of the shell and the center, the rela- tionships between the thermal resistances of the HEEL, 4 the processes of heat transfer to the thermal carriers and the resistances of the steam generator, an intersection of the lines giving the possible changes in the mean tem- peratures of the cycle with the lines of optimum mean temperature in Zone III is not always possible. In par- ticular,this is impossible when the limiting temperature of the shell of a given reactor in Zone III is lower than the optimum mean temperature of the cycle according to (2) with respect to the limiting temperature of the center, i.e., if Tj ;cy > Ts' ? The indicated temperature relationship occurs,for example,in uranium dioxide water-water reactors. Since,for WWER (water-water element reactors) Tic = 2200?C and due to the absence of the boiling away of the heat carriers for PT = 100 atm,it follows thatTis- 309?C [5]. Then according to the equation(5) (5) 1/2473.302=860?K > 582?K, i.e., for the indicated type of reactor it is impossible to obtain the optimum mean temperature of the cycle in Zone III,clue to the low limiting temperature of the HEEL of the shell. For this case, the mean temperature of the cycle must be as near as possible to the limiting temperature of the shell, since it is entirely expedient to raise the possible temperature characteristics,and the extent to which they are raised is limited only by the necessary optimum temperature drop in the steam gen- erator &msg. The temperature characteristics of such a unit are shown in Fig. 5, while the possible changes in thermal and electrical power,as a function of the mean cycle temperature or of the heat carriers,are shown in Fig. 6. For the case under consideration,there is no maximum electrical power either in Zone II or in Zone III, since the limiting temperatures of the HEEL of the shell and center are reached simultaneously for the point when, in one of these zones, the maximum is ob- talaed. Howeve4 on the boundary of Zones II and III, for the limiting thermal power of the reactor, the great- est electrical power is obtained at the point of intersec- tion of the curves which show the changes in electrical power in Zones II and III (Fig. 6). The optimum mean temperature of the cycle, cor- responding to the value of greatest electrical power, is always located between the two values of optimum mean temperature of the cycle which are determined from equation(2) if we substitute first the value of the limiting shell temperature and then the limiting temp- erature of the center of the HEEL. The value of the mean temperature of the cycle corresponding to the maximum electrical power cannot be found from equa- tion (2). Therefore,the attempt [6] to find Pglax by in- troducing, in equation(2), the limiting temperature of the shell plus a correction factor cannot be successful. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050001-8 However,for the case of the limiting thermal power we get from the condition of the simultaneous existence of the limiting temperatures of the shell and of the center of the HEEL a single-valued determination of the mean temperature of the heat carriers. This solves the problem. For this case the optimum mean temperature of the cycle is determined from the expression Top icm b _Atom y (6) If,for the maximum electrical power there was a flat part of the power curve for which it would be pos- sible that a small deviation of the mean temperatures of the cycle and of the heat carriers from the optimum would not result in a drop in the electrical power?then the derivative dl3e/dTrcy would have a discontinuity. At this point E on the electric power curve we get a sharp, peak (see Fig. 6) Therefore, even a small deviation of the mean temperature of the heat carriers from the op- timum can lead to a noticeable lowering of the electri- cal power of the installation. For example, the maxi- mum temperature of the center of the HEEL, 1200?C, for the atomic generating station in Shippingport [7], had not yet reached the limiting value for uranium dio- xide, i.e., the steam pressure p1 = 39.2 atmospheres, which was too high for the given installation, corresponds to point III on Fig. 6, and does not insure the maximum possible electrical power of the station. Thus in the case under study, when the limiting temperature of the center of the HEEL is reachethit is expedient to raise the temperature characteristics for the mean cycle temperature, but if for the given installation max . Tc < T . c, Is expedient to lower the mean tempera- /00 III pill. 80 pmax too ??,2120 m 300 Ticy ?C Fig. 6. Dependence of the thermal and electrical power of a reactor with Qllupon ture of the cycle so that the limiting temperature of the center is not reached. Power Efficiency of the Steam Generator For the greatest electrical power output of the in- stallation there is a boundary value for the thermal power of the reactor,but for a constant consumption of heat carriers there exists a mean temperature to which the heat carriers are raised. For this case,changes in the pa- rameters and in the efficiency per cycle of the installa- tion can occur only as the result of changes in the temp- erature drop within the steam generator due to changes in its surface heating or in the coefficient of heat trans- mission kht. 11, duringalternations in the thermal power of the reactorichanges in the steam generator temperature drop influence the coefficient of utilization of the thermal power of the reactor [1, 2]:then for a limiting thermal powers changes in the mean temperature drop in the steam generatoridue to changes in its surface heattin- fluence only the changes in the thermal efficiency of the cycle. Evaluations made in the literature regarding the quality of the steam generator sometimes make use of a value of the steam generator which takes into account the heat losses.These can usually be neglected. For a given reactor,thermal power Qii?= const due to the fact that the heat exchange process in the steam gen- erator is not reversible, the index of thermodynamic per of the steam generator must be set up not in terms of the heat but in terms of the power efficiency of the steam generator and be equal to the ratio of the max- imum work capability of the heat,before and after the heat exchange in the steam generator: ALCY ifn sg A L [ev iirtev m ?7;c) 71)13(7) ? T20),) 72),' where ALF represents the operation of an ideal steam cycle (Fig. 7) and ALrtev represents the maximum pos- sible work capability of the heat received by the heat carrier, which is equivalent to the operation of the re- versible cycle,abcda,with an alternating temperature in the heat carrier heat supply. The work ratio in equation (7) is equal to the ratio of the efficiencies of the steam and reversible cycles expressed in terms of the tempera- ture,since they represent the same amount of supplied heat. In order to evaluate the thermodynamic perfection of the steam generators in atomic-electrical generating stations, we wish to point out, for example, that the pow- er efficiency of the steam generator for a station with (WWER) computed from equation (7) is = 0.92,that for the atomic icebreaker "Lenin ? is trn =0.835, i.e., sg the power efficiency of the steam generators is close to the thermal efficiency of the boilers. The optimum 5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050001-8 T,?C 700 ? 600 - 500 - 400 - 300 200 100 T2h 0 1.0 1.5 Fig. 7- Loss in the working capability of the heat during nonreversible heat exchange in the steam generator. temperature drop in a steam generator is uniquely de- termined by comparing the surface heating of the steam generator and the energy losses during heat exchange, however, this requires a special derivation. Influence of the Fuel Component Cost of Electrical Energy Upon the Optimum Cycle Parameters Previously we have, for simplicity.examined in- stallations in which the cost of the fuel components of the electrical energy was so small that it could be neg- lected, i.e., for which the optimum parameters were de- termined by the condition of maximum electrical pow- er. When the cost of the fuel component reaches 0.1 - 0.2 and higher,the optimum mean temperature of the cycle must be determined from the condition of the minimum electrical energy cost. Changes in the cost of the electrical energy may be expressed as a function of the electrical power and the efficiency of the station K V Ce -=CKf CT = ? cents/kw hour, (8) where K denotes the capital outlay7amortization, sal- aries, and other, exploitation expenses which are propor- tional to time and computed per hour of operation of the atomic power generating station,and V is the cost of nuclear fuel used per kilowatt hour of heat generated. The optimum mean temperature of the cycle, tak- ing the cost of the nuclear fuel into account for K constiis determined from equation(1). This preserves all the previously obtained conclusions regarding the influ- 6 ence of the possible temperature characteristics of the installation upon the optimum mean temperature of the cycle. The optimum mean temperature and efficiency of the cycle corresponding to a minimum cost of electri- cal energy for ? either Zones n or III (determined res- pectively from the 1},tniting temperature of the shell and the central HEEL) will be somewhat higher than the temperature and the efficiency corresponding to maxi- mum electrical power (2). . However, if the unit operates at the limiting ther- mal reactor power,then as a result of the discontinuity in the power derivative dPeklincy at the point E (see Pig. 6) then the derivative of the costs dCe/dTFIcy will also have a discontinuity at this point. Instead of ob- taining the minimum cost for the limiting thermal reac- tor power, we will get the minimum value of the cost of the electrical energy (except for the boundary portions at points M and P, Fig. 5). Thus,for the limiting ther- mal power of the unit the maximum electrical power usually coincides with the condition of minimum cost of electrical energy. For uranium,for Tic= 650?, cT = 0.40 and Tit = 0.45, the coefficient z is 0.18. Under these conditions, the optimum mean temperature of the heat supply is equal to m y923.302 q? = 585? K = 312?C. PcY 1-0.18 = At the same time for the cycle we have used for pi = 90 atm, t1 = 500?C and th = 215?C (temperature to which the water is heated), the mean temperature of the heat supply is given by: iiin ___ 810.1-220,4 Tm - ? 585? K=312? C. cy sn 1.5934-0.5866 It follows from the example cited, that the optimum initial cycle parameters for atomic?electric generating stations,using metallic uranium with T1 = 650?C as de- termined from the conditions for the minimum electri- cal energy cost,consist,for example,of 90 atm pressure and 500?C. For the type of fuel considered a further in- crease in the initial steam parameters would be inad- visable. This conclusion coincides with the data of the project for the possible improvement in the cycle of an atomic-electric generating station using uranium with a sodium graphite reactor SGR [8]; in this project an in- crease in the initial steam parameters from 56 atm (440?C) to 88.5 atm (510?C) was foreseen. In this pro- cess the electrical power of the station does not increase, and an increase in the steam parameters results only in a decrease in the cost of the electrical energy. A fur- ther increase in the cycle parameters was advisable only for an increase in the temperature of the central HEEL, i.e., in the case where another nuclear fuel or an alloy with a greater limiting temperature was used. ? The amortization time of an electrical generating station is taken as eight years. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050001-8 The Line of Optimum Temperatures for the Heat Supply During the Operating Cycle of an Atomic-Electric Generating Station All the positions which we have examined for the line giving the optimum mean cycle temperature in the various zones,can be connected with one line of opti- mum mean cycle temperatures in 'Mr coordinates, this is the heavy line in Fig. 8. The point of intersection of the line of possible temperature characteristics of the cycle, which can be drawn during the planning of the unit, with the line of optimum cycle temperatures will correspond to the op- timum operating conditions of the given atomic-elec- tric generating station. For the case of operation at the limiting thermal reactor power, the point of intersection of the possible changes in the mean temperature of the heat carriers with the vertical portion of the line giving the optimum conditions corresponds also to the mean optimum temperature of the heat carriers. If we take into account the component giving the fuel costs of the electrical generating stations,the line showing the optimum cycle temperature in Zones U and III is raised,depending upon the coefficients z = cfnt in formula (1); this corresponds to the dotted lines in Fig. 8. We wish to underline however,that all the points on the optimum temperature line of the cycle are of equal weight. The best conditions, which insure simultaneous- ly the maximum thermal power and efficiency of the unit,lie in Zone III near point M. The optimum mean temperatures of the cycle or of the heat carriers,for a given nuclear energy installation having a given form of, number of and type of surface TI 'C 1200 1000 Tcmax 800 600 400 100 0 Zone I Zone II Zone III Tsma Fig. 8. Line of optimum temperatures for 'lay? of an atomic-electric generating station. HEEL, and with a given velocity and utilization of heat carriers and with a constant surface heating of the steam generator, were considered previously. . If the characteristics of the possible temperature changes in a nuclear energy installation do not insure an optimum mean cycle temperature in Zone III (de- termined by equation (2) from the limiting center tem- perature),then we should raise the line of the possible temperature characteristics of the heat carriers in the cycle by changing the ratios of the thermal resistances of the HEEL, the heat transmission to the heat carriers, and the steam generator resistance, in order to insure the choice of the optimum parameters. Such an increase in the temperature characteristics of the heat carriers and of the cycle is possible if we change the diameter and heat conduction of the HEEL, the surface temperature of the steam generator,and the coefficient of heat trans- mission, depending upon the speed and parameters of the heat carriers and the working substance. It is pos- sible to entirely eliminate Zone II and obtain only Zone III and its left boundary. The method of obtaining more favorable thermody- namic operating conditions for the nuclear energy in- stallation consists in raising the possible temperature characteristics. The expediency of such an increase in the indicated characteristics must be verified by cal- culations. In order to evaluate the applicability of the pre- viously derived conclusions,we show in Fig. 9 curves of the optimum mean temperatures of the heat supply dur- ing the cycle computed from equation (1) as a function of the limiting temperature of the shell and of the cen- tral HEEL and the fuel cost component of the electrical energy. Points 1 - 17 , Fig. 9, correspond to given mean temperatures of the thermodynamic cycles of the constructed or proposed electric generating stations listed in the table. The computations for points 1 - 4 (Fig. 9),which we have carried out either as examples or to be used for double-purpose stations agree well with the theoretical curves computed using the limiting shell temperature; and points 5 - 11 characterize stations using uranium as a fuel,computed using the optimum cycle temperature for the limiting temperature of the central HEEL and for a fuel cost component of electrical energy from 0 ? 30%. When we considered the case of uranium dioxide as the nuclear fuel,we assumed that the temperature of the center was 2200 - 2760?C,and that the optimum mean temperature of the operating cycle of the atomic- electrical generating station (points 12 - 17, Fig. 9) was higher than the limiting temperature of the shell. Therefore such stations operate at the limiting thermal reactor power. For a limiting temperature of the central HEEL,of the order of 1000 - 1200?C, the optimum parameters 7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050001-8 Mean Temperature of the Heat Supply over the Heat Cycles in the Installation Londition Point No. (see Fig.9) Name of Reactor or Station 1 ?C '. , T m icy. ?C 1 Uranium-graphite reactor (calculations in For a limiting tempera- 2 [9]) 230 118 ture of the shell HEEL Uranium-graphite reactor (calculations in 300 137 3 [4]) 4 Two-purpose reactor at Marcoule (France) 400 408 157 165 Reactor at Calder Hall (England) 5 First atomic generating station (USSR) 370 185* 6 Station at Henderstone (England) 569 227 7 Heavy water reactor with organic heat car- riers (Switzerland) 600 224 8 tkanium-graphite reactor using super- For a limiting temper heated steam (USSR) 550 312 9 I Sodium-graphite reactor at Santa Susana ture of the central (USA) 642 245 HEEL /0 Reactor SGR (USA), variation 1 [8] 650 269 10' Reactor SGR (USA), variation 3[8] 650 297 11 Reactor "Enrico Fermi" (USA), variation 1 713 262 11' Reactor "Enrico Fermi" (USA), variation 2 713 287 12 Generating station at Shippingport (USA) 1200 241 For a limiting thermal 13 oiling reactor at Kale (ERG) 14 IWWER reactor (USSR) [5] 1760 2200 2,47 235 power of the reactor 15 IDresdenreactor (USA) 2520 258 16 "Yankee Atomic" station (USA) 2600 243 17 Reactor SGR (USA) 2760 297 *For points 5, 8, 10, 12, and 14 in paper [6] the values given for TIrdy are not correct: 40-60?C lower without taking regeneration into account ''Point 6, Fig. 3, paper [1] for the station in Shippingport is erroneous. 1000 T?ym 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 FAr A ........ mai gi mai .....- ____ am, a . 0 ......."". ---", a M ril EMI ?o'4% --- --- ?iRli. , ,I ..? MMEM! NEM t335?C min Napo -; . . II ?ts=303 12 130 c OA o 15 17 0/6 rro?-? , 7 vim 266*c mil 0 100 ZOO 300 400 500 600 700 800 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 01) 1 T 0r, C Fig. 9. Comparison of Inc), for stations in operation, being planned or being built,with the theoritical curves for TPtym for various fuel components. will become so high that they will be unattainable for cycles utilizing ultrahigh parameter steam. Then the choice of the cycles for steam turbine installations may be based on the parameters attainable for steam and the determination of the optimum parameters will be nece- ssary only for gas-turbine installations. We have so far considered the temperature limita- tions of HEEL. There are also other limitations, for ex- ample,the critical thermal loading, the limiting temp- erature of the moderator, the radiational instability, etc., which affect the temperature characteristics which we have presented in TQr coordinates and which require a special analysis for each case. On the basis of the data presented and also of rhe typical computations shown in papers [1, 2],we can con- clude that equations (1) and (2) may be used to obtain a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050001-8 preliminary estimate of the optimum parameters for the thermodynamic cycle of the steam turbine installations of atomic electric generating stations. A theoretical analysis using the indicated formulas enables us to find the factors which influence the optimum cycle para- meters and also shows us how to develop and improve the thermodynamic operating cycles of atomic-electric generating stations. LITERATURE CITED 1. D. D. Kalafati, Symposium Physics and Thermal Engineering of Reactors [in Russian](Atomizdat, yoscow, 1958) p. 164. 2. D. D. Kalafati, Works of the Moscow Power Institute [in Russian] (1958) Vol. 30, p. 186. 3. Zh. Ibon, Materials of the International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (Geneva, 1955) [in Russian] (Fizmatgiz, Moscow, 1958) p. 397. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. P. A. Petrov, Nuclear Power Installations [in Russian] (Godnergoizdat, Mosdow. 1958). S. A. Skvortsov, Atornnaya trier& 5, 3, 245(1958).1' Yu. D. Arsen'ev and K. E. Averin, Teplo6nergetika 5, 29 (1959). George Simpsoni et al., Materials of the Internation- al Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (Geneva. 1955) [Russian translation] ( Godner- goizdat, Moscow-Leningrad, 1958)yo1.31). 269 Ch. Starr, Materials of the International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (Geneva, 1955) [Russian translation] (Gosenergoizdat. Moscow- Leningrad, 1958) Vol. 3, p. 131. A. I. Alildianov, V. V. Vladimirskii, P. A. Petrov, and P. I. Khristenko, Atomnaya tnerg-i, 5 (1956).t f Original Russian pagination. See C. B. translation. 9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050001-8 NUMBER OF NEUTRONS EMITTED BY INDIVIDUAL FISSION FRAGMENTS OF U235 V. F. Apalin, Yu. P. Dobrynin, V. P. Zakharova I. E. Kutikoy, and L. A. Mikaelyan Translated from Atomnaya nergiya ,Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 15-22, January, 1960 Original article submitted July 1, 1959 A large detector filled with a liquid organic scintillator containing cadmium has been used to measure the number of neutrons emitted by individual fragments in U235 fission by thermal neutrons. Using 4 ir geometry the dependence of the number of neutrons emitted by fragment pairs on the mass ratio has been measured. The excitation energy used in neutron evaporation is determined on the basis of the semiempirical Weizsicker formula. A sharp asymmetry in the distribution of excitation energy between the heavy and light fragments is noted. The data which are obtained are found to be in disagreement with the statistical theory of fission pro- posed by Fong. Introduction The distribution of excitation energy between frag- ments is an important characteristic of the fission pro- cess in heavy nuclei. In fission by thermal neutrons, the initial excitation energy of the nucleus is equal to the binding energy of the the neutron in the intermediate nucleus which is formed and is approximately 6 Mev, a figure which is many times smaller than the mean value of the excitation energy of the fragment pair which, in fission of uranium isotopes, is approximately 30 Mev. Considerations based on a quasi-static process [1] indicate that the fragments remain in an unexcited state up to the moment directly preceding the division of the neck which connects them. Bohr and Wheeler [2] have indicated that the exci- tation of the fragments is basically connected with the fact that the shape of the fragments directly after for-? mation does not correspond,to equilibrium; the energy of deformation is consequently transformed into energy of internal degrees of freedom. B. T. Geilikman [3] has considered this question in detail, relating the ex- citation energy of each fragment with the deformation parameters and the shape of the nucleus at the instant preceding the actual division into fragments. The ex- citation energy Ee is, as is well known, dissipated in the emission of "prompt" neutrons and y rays; E (A/1)e,-- v (M) 8(M) el, (M.), where M is the mass of the fragment; r) is the mean number of neutrons emitted by the fragments and E y is the energy carried away by the y photons; E(M) is the mean energy required for the evaporation of a sin- gle neutron. The energy carried away by the y pho- 10 tons is a very weak function of the ratio of fragment masses [4] and their excitation energies [5]. On the other hand, direct experiments show [6] that an increase in the excitation energy of the nucleus leads to an in- crease in the number of neutrons emitted in fission and that on the average the emission of a single neutron re- quires an energy of approximately 7 Mev. Hence,an investigation of the neutron yield from the separate fragments makes it possible to obtain data on the dis- tribution of excitation energy from the individual frag- ments and thereby, information on the deformation of the fragments at the time of formation. The depen- dence of excitation energy of a fragment pair on mass ratio is of interest from the point of view of checking the statistical theory of fission proposed by Fong [7]; this theory predicts an increase in the excitation energy of the fragment pair characterized by the most probable mass ratio. The neutron yield from individual fragments in U233 fission by thermal neutrons was first measured by Fraser and Milton [8] in 1954. The results obtained by these authors indicate that in fission,which is almost symmetrical in mass,the excitation energy is distributed between the fragments in a manner which is far from symmetrical; for a fragment mass ratio of 1:1 the light fragment emits approximately four times more neutrons that the heavy fragment. The total neutron yield is a weak function of the mass ratio. In the region of the most probable mass ratio there is apparently a small in- crease in the number of emitted neutrons. This last feature has been interpreted by Fong [7] as evidence of the validity of his theory. From the point of view of fission physics it is interesting to determine whether the pattern observed by Fraser and Milton is an accidental Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050001-8 one, arid is characteristic only of the fissile nucleus U234 or whether the excitation energy distribution,which has been observed,is a general feature which pertains under certain conditions for all nuclei (similarly, for the fission asymmetry). In the present work we have measured the average number of neutrons emitted by the individual fragments and the fragment pairs, in fission of U2s5 by thermal neu- trons. Experimental Apparatus The measurement of the neutron yieldv(M) from individual fragments is based on the fact that the an- gular distribution of the neutrons with respect to the di- rection of motion of the fragment is highly anisotropic: approximately seven times more neutrons are emitted in the direction of motion than at an angle of 90?, while the emission of neutrons in the backward direc- tion is essentially negligible [9]. A schematic arrange- ment of the apparatus is shown in Fig. 1. A layer of U235, 30 g/cm2 thick is deposited by evaporation on a colloidal film 20 1g/cm2 thick which is placed on the central electrode of a double grid ionization chamber. The chamber is filled with a mixture of carbon dioxide and argon (partial pressures of 50 and 900 mm Hg res- pectively). The angle of emission of the fragments with respect to the normal to the layer is defined by Fig: iron lead p77.11 con- water crete boroo...olus paranm 1. Diagram of the apparatus: 1) double grid ioni- zation chamber; 2) scintillation tank for neutron de- tection; 3) photomultipliers; 4) collimated neutron beam. the collimator; this is a plate of phosphor bronze 0.4 mm thick in which an aperture 0.4 mm in diameter has been drilled. The ,most probable emission angle for the . fragments is approximately 25?. The uranium layer is located at a distance from the neutron detector such that the most probable angle at which neutrons are de- tected is also approximately 25?. The neutron detector is a hexagonal tank with a volume of 200 liters which is filled with a liquid scin- tillator. The scintillator is a solution of 2,5-diphenyl- oxazole (PPO) in dioxane with a concentration of 4 g/ liter which contains an almost saturated water solution of cadmium nitrate in amounts such that there is one cadmium atom for each 400 hydrogen atoms. The scin- tillation flashes,produced by the captured y photons,are recorded by 32 FEU-24 photomultipliers with cathodes 78 mm in diameter. At the center of the detector there is an aperture 113 mm in diameter through which the collimated neutron beam passes. The lifetime of the neutrons in the scintillator is 11? sec. The measured ef- ficiency for detection of neutrons from U235 fission in the detector is 62%. The efficiency is determined by locat- ing the layer of fissile material at the center of the de- tector. With the exception of the scintillator,the detec- tor is essentially the same as that described in detail by Reines, Cowan, et al. [10]. The operation of the electronic system is controlled by the coincidence pulse from the fragments. This pulse opens for 25 ?sec a gate which transmits pulses from the detector to a high-speed counting system and pulses from the double ionization chamber to the input of the ratio analyzer. The gate is opened after a delay of approximately 0.6 ? sec from the fission time in or- der to avoid detection of the prompt y rays. The re- solution time of the neutron counting channel is approx- imately 0.4 ?sec. Information for each event (the mag- nitude of the ratio and the number of neutrons) is recor- ded on a recording system. The ratio range from 2.2 to 1/2.2 is covered by 30 channels of the analyzer. Cases in which the light fragment is emitted in the di- rection of the detector for ratios from 1/2.2 to 1 are an- alyzed by the first 15 channels while cases in which the heavy fragment is emitted in the direction of the detec- tor for ratios from 1 to 2.2 are recorded by the remaining 15 channels. Under operating conditions approximately 80 fissions/min are recorded. We measured 500,000 fission events in the course of these measurements; this corresponds to approximate- ly 215,000 neutron pulses of which 85,000 were caused by fission neutrons,with the remainder due to the back- ground of scattered y rays and neutrons from the beam. The data on the total yield of neutrons from frag- ment pairs can be obtained by measuring the neutron yield from the individual fragments v(M). However, in order to obtain the quantity v(M), it is necessary to in- troduce a correction in the experimental results; this 11 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050001-8 * correction takes account of the dependence of neutron detection efficiency on angular distribution with respect to the fragments. To determine the total yield indepen- dent measurements are made in which the ionization chamber containing the layer of fissile material is placed at the center of the detector and the neutrons are detected in a 4it geometry. The apparatus is operated in the same way as in the measurements of neutron yield from the individual fragments with the only difference being that the ratios x and 1/x, corresponding to the same mass ratio for the heavy and light fragments,are entered in the same channel of the analyzer. In these measurements the counting rate for coincidences be- tween fragments is15/minwhile the background is equal to one count per fission. In all approximately 70,000 fission events were recorded. Corrections for Absorption in the Layer and Ionization Defect In the ionization chamber used to measure the neu- tron yield from individual fragmentsone of the frag- ments passes through the colloidal film and the colli- mator whereas the other loses energy only in the uran- ium layer. The average energy loss in the uranium lay- er is less than 0.4% and no corrections for this effect have been made. The energy loss in the film and the collimator are determined from the displacement of the point corresponding to symmetric fission with respect to the analyzer channel which records equal-amplitude pulses. The energy losses of the fragment in symmetric fission are found to be approximately 5 Mev. The ap- propriate corrections are introduced in the experimen- tal distribution of fragment mass ratios. In introducing the corrections account has been taken of the depend- ence of initial ionization of the fragments on velocity In the measurement of the total neutron yield,one of the fragments passes through the collimator while the other passes through the film. The energy losses of the fragments are approximately the same in magnitude and the displacement of the mass-ratio distribution curve is less than 1%. Hence,we have not deemed it necessary to introduce corrections for absorption,and record events characterized by the ratio x and 1/x in the same chan- nel. The yield curve for the fragments is also corrected for the ionization defect. In introducing this correction we use the values 5.7 and 6.7 Mev [11] for the ioniza- tion defect of the most probable light and heavy frag- ments respectively. It is assumed that the defect is a linear function of fragment mass: AE(M) = (4 + 0.019M) Mev [8]. fraction of the neutrons emitted by it which enter the detector and are recorded. The angular distribution of isotropically emitted neutrons from a fragment converted to the laboratory coordinate system has been given, for example, in [9]. In introducing corrections, we assume that the neutron detection efficiency n(M,q) for neutrons which are emit- ted in the coordinate system of a fragment with energy q is proportional to the probability for emission of a neutron at an angle 00 in the laboratory coordinate sys- tem. Under these conditions (M, q) = const (1 + r)2, r =17 E (M) Mq (1) where E(M) is the kinetic energy of a fragment with mass M. For the most probable energies q and ?E the value of r is slightly smaller than unity. In going from symmetric to the most probable fission the efficiency n varies by approximately 20%. It can easily be shown that the magnitude of this variation is a very weak func- tion of the energy q in the range 0.5 - 2.0 Mev, which covers most of the neutrons. Hence, although the neu- tron spectrum is continuousiit may be assumed that the detector efficiency is determined by the mean neutron energy q(M) emitted by a fragment of a given mass. The mean value of q(M) for the most probable mass de- pends on theexcitation energy and is given by 0.62(g+ 1) 2 Mev, where Y is the mean number of neu- trons .which appear per fission event (Terrel [12]). For U235 OS 1.15 Mev. Since,experimentally,one observes a strong dependence of fission excitation energy on mass, the corresponding change in mean neutron energy is taken into account. It is assumed that q (M) = 1.5 + [ v (M)? . The factorjj can be found either from the relation q = 0.62(v + 1) 2 Mev or from the experimental results by studying the change in fragment temperature as a function of excitation energy [13]. The quantities found by these two methods differ somewhat and the average value is taken: k = 0.25 Mev/neutron. Thus q(M)-0.84? v (M) 0.25. Substituting the value of q(M) in Eq. (1) and expressing the fragment energy in terms of its mass and the total kinetic energy of the fragment pair E0 (x) with respect to the mass ratio x, finally we have Correction for Neutron Detection I 11l/Mo?Ml/E0(x) (M) = const (2) Efficiency This correction must be introduced only in the measurements of neutron yield from the individual frag- V M0 (0,844-0,25v (m)) ments. The larger the fragment velocity, the greater the 12 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/19: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100050001-8 where Mo is the mass number of the fissile nucleus. The value of the constant is found from the normaliza- tion condition: the results must be normalized to the known average value of v for U215 which is taken to be 2.45. Discussion ?of Results The results of the measurements are shown in Figs. 2 and 3. The mass ratio of the fragments is plotted along the abcissa axis. The fragment yield per unit mass ratio, corrected for the ionization defect and ab- sorption, is shown in Figs. 2a and 3a. For purposes of comparison we also show the results of radiochemical and mass-spectrometer studies of fission products [14] (Fig. 3a, dashed curve). In Fig. 2b is shown the neutron yield for individual fragments corrected for the efficiency of the neutron detector. Analysis shows that on the average the light fragment emits about 17'o more neutrons than the heavy fragment. In Fig. 3b the points indicate the measured neutron yield from the fragment pair while the crosses denote values of v (x) computed from the results of the measurements of v from individual fragments. A comparison of the calculated and measured values shows 1 10 2 0.6 Ca 0 that although the correction for detector efficiency is based on a large number of simplifying assumptions, the error is less than approximately 5'/o when these correc- tions are taken into account. The following remarks should be made with regard to these results. The values of v obtained experiment- ally are averaged over some range of ratios. This aver- aging takes place primarily because of the finite resolv- ing power of the ionization chamber. The resolving power A x/ x (A x is the dispersion in the value of x) can be determined from a comparison of the obtained frag- ment yield curve with the adcurate data obtained by radiochemical and mass-spectrometer analysis. An an,- alysis such as that carried out by Leachman [15] shows that in the present experiment A x/x = 0.08. It is as- sumed that for all values of x the error distribution is given in a Gaussian form with dispersion 6 x which depends linearly on the ratio: A x= const The effect of the finite resolving power is specially noticeable where the fragment yield falls off sharply. Hence, in the region close to symmetric fission ( x: - , by E..N.`1;yustikh- , k ' k ,?,_ . _ The classie theories of Airy, Pratt, Dutton, and others ar6 discussed, criticized;and amPlified' , - ? in the light of new data. The methods of 'gathering this- information, the means of analysis,- and the applications of 'original Soviet research are expounded Italy both in the text and on , related maps. Present theories-related to isostatic rebound, compensation and 'overconipensa-, e? tion, gravitational anomalies showing concentrations of denkty, etc., are -illustrated with- -accompanying /pertinent data. Designed to produce a,clearer,and.more 'Up-to-date picture of . _ , , the isostatic status of the earth. . i - . , ?cloth,.- , ? s? .1 150 pages ' ? d $6.50 ,` : ? ---- , . r , , .5.1 . _4,,_ . ,., ... . Volume-,3 TH.E MICROSTRUCTURE AND MACROSTRUCTURE OF ELASTIC WAVES , ? , - IN . ONE-DIMENSIONAL COKITINUOUS NONHOMOGENEOUS. MEDIA - , TRUbif? No. 39' 7 ' t '',' , B. N. Ivakin - , ? ' . 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