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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 THE SOVIET JOURNAL OF Volume 7, No. 6 April, 1961 OMIC ENERGY CONSULTANTS BUREAU ATOMIla51 1-leprlisi F'ROArk 741:SSANcl Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 -o Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 the latest Soviet techniques.' CONTEMPORARY EQUIPMENT for WORK with RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPES A comprehensive review of the Soviet methods and, tech- nological used in the production of isotopes and the preparation of labelled compounds fromthem. The shield- ing and manipulative devices are described as well as illus- trated in detail. It is an excellent -guide for all scientists and technologists concerned with.radioactive isotopes. CONTENTS Some* technical and technological aspect? of the production of isatopes and labeled compounds in the USSR. INTRODUCTION Development of remote handling methods in the radiochem- ical laboratories- of. the Academy 'of Sciences, USSR. Shielding and manipulative devices for work with radio- '- activeisotope?: INTRODUCTION Development' of Shielding Techniques in , ?Radioprepas9.tive Operations Mechanical Holding Devices Remote PneurnatiC Manipulators Liquid Dispensers Radiocheinical Hydroinanipulatorg? Radiopreprative Pneumatic flydromanip- ulators CHAPTER I. CHAPTER II. CHAPTER III. CHAPTER IV. CHAPTER V. CHAPTER VI.- CHAPTER VII. Toothed Mechanisms for Manipulative De- vices CHAPTER VIII. Non-Destructive Methods. of Amptile In- , sPection CHAPTER IX. Some Decontamination Methods CONCLUSION durable paper 'covers 67 pages illus.. $15.00 - 101 CONSULTANTS BUREAU ? 227 W. 17th ST., NEW YORK 11, N.Y. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 EDITORIAL BOARD OF ATOMNAYA gNERGIYA A. I. Alikhanov A. A. Bochvar N. A. DollezhaV D. V. Efremov V. S. Emel'yanov V. S. Fursov V. F. Kalinin A. K. Krasin A. V. Lebedinskii A. I. Leipunskii I. I. Novikov (Editor-in-Chief) B. V. Semenov V. I. Veksler A. P. Vinogradov N. A. Vlasov (Aasietant Editor) A. P. Zefirov THE SOVIET JOURNAL OF ATOMIC ENERGY A translation of ATOMNAY A ENERGIY A, a publication of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Russian Original Dated December, 1959) Vol. 7, No. 6 April, 1961 CONTENTS Design Principles and Basic Data of Betatron Facilities at the Moscow Transformer Works. PAGE RUSS. PAGE B. B. Gel'perin 969 509 Simulation of Control and Temperature Variation of Water Density in Intermediate-Neutron Uranium-Water Reactors. V. B. Klimentov and V. M. Gryazev 977 519 Utilization of Natural Uranium in a Homogeneous Reactor. Vatslov Bartoshek 981 524 Determination of the Solubility of Metals in Lithium. Yu. F. Bychkov, A. N. Rozanov, and V. B. Yakovleva 987 531 Identification Tables for Use in the Analysis of cx and 8 Activities. A. A. Lbov and L. I. Serchenkov 993 537 Morphological Types of Industrial Uranium Deposits and Methods for their Prospecting. D. Ya. Surazhskii 1003 539 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ? External y -Radiation Dosage Due to Fallout of Several Fission Products. V.P. Shvedov, G. V. Yakovleva, M. I. Zhilkina, and T. P. Makarova 1007 544 Calculation of the External y -Radiation Dosage Due to Fallout of Radioactive Fission Products. L. I. Gedeonov, V. P. Shvedov, and G. V. Yakovleva 1008 545 The New Isotopes Sb112 and Sb"4 and the Identification of SbII5 and Sb115. I. B. Selinov, Yu. A. Grits, Yu. P. Kushakevich, Yu, A. Bliodze, S. S. Vasil'ev, and T. N. Mikhaleva. . 1011 547 Stability of a Charged Beam in Storage Systems. A. A. Kolomenskii? and A. N. Lebedev. . . . 1013 549 The Albedo of)' Rays, and the Reflection Build-Up Factor. B. P. Bulatov and 0.I.Leip?nskii 1015 551 Application of Mass-Produced Scintillation Equipment in Radiometric Control of Boundaries of Petroleum Product Mixtures in Piping. L. N. Posik 1016 553 Improved Deposition of Uranium and Thorium Layers by the Method of Atomization in an Electrical Field. Yu. A. Selitskii 1019 554 About the Single-Stage Separation Coefficient of Lithium Isotopes by the Ion-Exchange Method. G. M. Panchenkov, E. M. Kuznetsova, and 0. N. Kaznadzei 1021 556 Creep in Hot Rolled Uranium. G. Ya. Sergeev and A. M. Kaptel'tsev 1023 558 On the Parameters of a Reactor with Minimum Critical Loading. V. Ya. Pupko and L. I. Ermakova 1025 560 NEWS OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Fourth International Conference on Ionization Phenomena in Gases. L. Kovrizhnykh and N. Sobolev 1028 562 The IX International Radiological Congress. K. K. Aglintsev 1031 565 Annual subscription 75.00 .@ 1961 Consultants Bureau Enterprises,'Inc., 227 West 17th St., New York 11, N.Y. Single issue 20.00 Note: The sale of photostatic copies of any portion of this copyright translation is expressly Single article 12.50 prohibited by the copyright owners. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 CONTENTS (continued) The Linde Approach to the Production of Heavy Water by Low-Temperature Distillation PAGE RUSS. PAGE of Hydrogen. K. Sakodynskii 1033 566 The Atomic Energy Section at Poland's Industrial Exhibit in Moscow. Yu. Koryakin 1034 567 A Trade Enterprise Unique in Its Own Way. Yu. Koryakin 1036 569 (Brief Communications 5711 BIBLIOGRAPHY New Literature= 1038 572 INDEX FOR 1960 Tables of Contents for Volume 7 1041 Author Index 1053 NOTE The Table of Contents lists all material that appears in Atomnaya nergiya. Those items that originated in the English language are not included in the translation and are shown en- closed in brackets. Whenever possible, the English-language source containing the omitted re- ports will be given. Consultants Bureau Enterprises, Inc. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 DESIGN PRINCIPLES AND BASIC DATA OF BETATRON FACILITIES AT THE MOSCOW TRANSFORMER WORKS B. B. Gel'perin Translated from Atomnaya Energiya, Vol. 7, No. 6, pp. 509-518 December, 1959 Original article submitted February 14, 19591 The present article gives the principles underlying the design of betatron accelerator facilities for nondestructive testing, medical, physical, and other research uses. The conditions under which azimuthal asymtnetry of the betatron magnetic field may take shape, and methods for coping with it, are considered. The multiyoke electro- magnet design for betatrons, developed at the MoscoW Transformer Works (MTZ), is described; this design confers improved azimuthal homogeneity on the magnetic field. Data are also provided on specialized betatron designs of the following types at MTZ: a stationary 4-yoke model with accelerated-electron energies from 20 to 50 Mev, a rotating suspended-type betatron, 25 Mev, for medical purposes, a movable rotating 25 Mev model for nondestruc tive testing, and a 15 Mev pendulum-type tilting betatron, for medical purposes. Introduction Betatrons are being employed in an increasing num- ber of applications for research in the physics of the atomic nucleus, in medicine (for therapy in malignant- tumor cases), and in industry (for nondestructive testing), etc. The increasing use of betatrons in the national economy has thrown new light on the need to develop I not only stationary installations, but also those facilities which can be moved or adjusted to a desired position:1 rotating and pendulum-type facilities, etc. The principal requirement to be met by stationary betatrons is reliability of output parameters (energy and intensity of 5 - or y -radiation). A necessary factor in I the design of movable betatrons must, in addition, meetsuch requirements as minimized weight, size, and noise level. It is obvious that the donut chambers in movable beta- trons must also be sealed off. Basic Requirements for Betatron Electro- magnets To obtain maximum radiation intensity, a high degree of azimuthal homogeneity must characterize the magnetic field established in the air gap of the elec- tromagnet. The magnetic field of the betatron always suffers from a certain azimuthal inhomogeneity in pracl- tice, since the orbital path of the accelerated electionsl will not be a circle, because of distortions in the mag- netic-field homogeneity, but some form of a closed I curve. It is a familiar fact from betatron theory ? that the deviation of a perturbed orbit from the ideal orbit xo I is expressed by the relation Co xo hi ? ro 12+n? 1 cos (10 + t=i where 1.0 is the radius of the ideal orbit; hi is the re- lative magnitude of the 1 -th harmonic obtained by de- composing the magnetic field in a Fourier series; a/ is the phase of the 1 -th harmonic. Let's consider in greater detail the reasons for the azimuthal inhomogeneity of the field and measures for coping with it. The field intensity H1 at a point (01, ro) will differ from the intensity H2 at a point (0 2, ro) both in amplitude and in phase. Let H1 = Hoi sin wt, and H2 = H02 sin (wA+ .5), where H01 and H02 are the ampli- tudes of the field intensities at points 01 and 02 and 6 is the phase shift. Since 6 is usually a small angle, we have 112?Ht 6 _L. HO2 ( 1 Hi =tan cot H01 The magnitude oftanoau may be neglected, com- pared to unity, since as a rule cot, >> 6 at the time of injection. Then rtan cot) ? 112 --HI 6 1112-1101 Hi ?tan cot ' Poi ' Accordingly, the inhomogeneity of the magnetic field at two points may be broken down into two com- ponents: phase inhomogeneity I s=cot -1102? Hot and amplitude inhomogeneity: Va ? yei ? The nature of these two components of field in- homogeneity is different. Phase inhomogeneity is due to the nonuniformity of active currents coupled to the tubes of force of the magnetic field at different azi- muths, i.e., it is due to the nonuniformity of energy losses in the magnetic materials of the electromagnet. *D. Bohm and L. Foldy, Phys. Rev. 70, 249 (1946). 969 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 The amplitude inhomogeneity, on the other hand, is due to the difference in the reluctance of the tubes. Since the reluctance of the tubes is determined principally by the reluctance of the air gaps and spacers between components, y a is due to the difference in dimensions of individual tubes of the field. It is clear from Fig. 1 that yp is a vector perpendi- cular to the field intensity Hoi, while ya is a vector coinciding with it. At the initiation of the acceleration cycle, while 6 wt is still small, y has a large value, since is tan wt practically 8-1/0. at the time of injection, whereas ya is about 2-3/0. At the end of the acceleration cycle, yp will be insignificant, its value tending to zero. The time to combat field inhomogeneity is therefore prima- rily at the beginning of the acceleration cycle, when y p is large compared to the injection field. This pro- blem is approached on the one hand by designing azi- muthal symmetry into the electromagnet, to minimize 'natural' inhomogeneity, and on the other hand by set- ting up a bank of coils to compensate for any "natural' inhomogeneity on the part of the field. An example of symmetrical design in the magnetic circuit may be seen in the multiyoke design developed at MTZ (a 4-yoke design is shown in Fig. 2). The en- tire periphery of the pole piece is broken down into a large number (some 200-250) of segments, each of which is assembled from an identical number of steel laminations forming a portion of the pole piece and the yoke at the same time (Fig. 2a). The thicknesses of these segments azimuthally are so consigned that the pole is densely packed when all of the parts are assem- bled in place, while the segmental parts forming the yoke, also arranged radially, have a smaller stacking factor. The yoke portions of all of these segments are in turn broken down into m equal parts (4 parts in Fig. 2b), which are compressed to form m symmetrical yokes, identical in design. They are identical, mag- netically speaking, except for the fringe segments (at Fig. 1. Diagram of phase and amplitude inhomogeneities of the magnetic field. 970 the sides of the yokes), through which the fringing mag- netic flux leaks. The shape of the curve for the azi- muthal phase inhomogeneity distribution is found to be a consistent one with characteristic humps corresponding to the edges of the yokes. Figure 3 shows the approxi- mate curve for the magnetic field distribution across the gap of a 4-yoke electromagnet. The fourth harmonic in the curve is the fundamental. However, its contri- bution to the distortion is limited, since its amplitude is divided by a factor less than the square of the har- monic number (at n = 0.7 by 15.7). In Table 1, we have the values for the harmonics of the curve, and their contribution to the distortion of the orbit. The 'natural' azimuthal inhomogeneity of the magnetic field is thus held at a minimum in multiyoke-type magnets, because of symmetry in design. We see a completely different pattern in the conven- tional two-yoke design for the magnetic path. It is clear from inspection of Fig. 4, for instance, that the pole piece is in this case assembled from a radial array of steel laminations, while the yokes and columns are assembled from parallel-stacked steel laminations. It Single piece Fig. 2. Diagram of 4-yoke design of magnetic leads to betatron. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 TABLE 1 Harmonic Analysis of the Curve in Fig. 3 Number of harmonics Amplitude 1 2 4 hi hi 0,29 0,517 0,14 0,995 ?0,435 0,141 0,0161 0,0635 12?n-1-1 is readily seen that the segments arranged closer to the center will saturate more strongly (see area abed) than segments farther out (see area efgh). Specific energy losses in different segments of the yokes will not be the same, for that reason. It is evident that the curve for the azimuthal magnetic-field intensity distribution will in that case exhibit a clearly defined second harmonic (Fig. 5). Table 2 shows that the 'natural" yp will be much larger in that case. The compensation for ya is usually brought about by equalizing the gaps in the magnet (by inserting ad- ditional spacers, or reducing the thickness of existing ones). The phase inhomogeneity is offset by means of coils, through which flows current shifted 90 in phase to the principal magnetizing current of the magnet. When these coils are properly positioned and connected up, the first and second harmonics of the azimuthal phase variation, of whatever magnitude, can be com- pensated for. Higher-order harmonics need not be cancelled out, as a rule. since their contribution to distortion of the orbit is negligible. The compensation circuit of the first harmonic in the four-yoke electro- magnet design is shown in Fig. 6. In the two-yoke de- sign, used in the betatron, the compensation coils are TABLE 2 Harmonic Analysis of the Curve in Fig. 5 Number of harmonics mplitude 1 2 3 6 0,23 3,0 0,064 2,25 h1 0,345 0,82 0,0074 0,144 12+n-1 wound around segments of the yokes and columns (the medium and extreme segments), in corresponding manner. The ventilation ducts provided in the yoke columns are used for accomodating the compensation coils. The compensation system remains the same as described. The advantage of this type of compensation system is that the compensation current may be controlled by the operator from a control console while the betatron is in operation, and the magnetic field of the facility is subject to control, to obtain peak y -radiation inten- sity. Design of Electromagnets in Stationary and Movable Betatrons The considerations mentioned above provide grounds for the conclusion that a multiyoke design is in some ways superior to the two-yoke design in betatron ap- plications. The stationary betatron facilities built at MTZ,,and designed for 20 Mev energy and higher, are therefore based exclusively on the multiyoke design. When magnetic field intensities are equal throughout the air gap, the weight of multiyoke magnets shows little difference from that of two-yoke magnets. Min ?7 I .1,1.I,I,I 180 160140120100 80 it 1.1 60 40 20 0 340 320 30,0 280 260 240 220 200 160 Azimuth Fig. 3. Azimuthal phase variation of the magnetic field across the gap M. a 4-yoke electromagnet. 971 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Development work on movable betatrons demon- strated the need to reduce greatly the weight of the movable portion of the facility, i.e., the electromagnet. As we know, the weight of a betatron electromagnet is approximately proportional to the cube of the orbital radius. For some specified energy of accelerated elec- trons, the radius of the orbit may be reduced solely by increasing the magnetic field strength at the orbit. In addition to weight reduction, reduction in the radial dimensions of the electromagnet air gap may be a- chieved by reducing the radius of the orbit, since dis- tortions of the orbit due to azimuthal field inhomo- geneity are propUrtional to the radius of the orbit. The accelerator donut chamber is therefore made more com- pact and sturdier. It was decided to employ cold-rolled steel in movable betatrons, to increase the magnetic field strength. The improved magnetic properties of this steel permit the field strength in the electromagnet air gap to be brought up to 5 kilo-oersteds, while only 3.3 kilo-oersteds are attained by the use of hot-rolled steel. The orbital radius may accordingly be reduced by 330/0. Fig. 4. Arrangement of steel laminations in a two-yoke electromagnet. However, cold-rolled steel shows greater anisotropy in its magnetic properties. When the magnetic flux is directed along the rolling direction of the metal, the magnetic properties are excellent, but when the mag- netic flux is directed at some angle, particularly Be and 90', magnetic properties deteriorate abruptly. Since the shape of the blank is punched from sheet steel to form the pole pieces and yoke simultaneously in multiyoke designs (Fig. 7), the magnetic flux will proceed partially along the rolling direction (sections 1 and 2), partially at right angles to the rolling direc- tion (section 3), and partially off at different angles (sections 4 and 5). In that case, the improved magnetic properties of the cold-folled steel will not be realized in practice. In the two-yoke design, the magnet yoke and core may be assembled from metal cut only along the direc- tion of rolling. The electromagnets used in movable betatrons are therefore made from the cold-rolled steel used in the two-yoke design. Cooling Systems for Stationary and Movable Betatrons The length of time a betatron may be operated depends on the field in which it is being used. In physics research and training demonstration applica- tions stationary betatrons are generally employed, and the duty cycle is insignificant. Natural air coo' ling is used in such betatrons. In chemistry and biology, sta- tionary betatrons are also used, but a certain dose of exposure is required here, so that the betatron duty cycle may take on significant proportions. Some approach to Min 1- 20 /9 ?18 ?17 ?16 ?15 ?14 ?13 ? ?12 ?11 ?10 ?9 ?8 jIIiliItlIil 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 5 4 3 2 ill 1 If I 20 0 340 320 300 280 260 240 220 200 180 Azimuth Fig. 5. Azimuthal phase variation of the magnetic field across the gap of a two-yoke electromagnet. 972 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 artificial cooling must be resorted to in these cases. Forced air cooling is employed as a rule. Movable betatrons for medical applications and flaw detection have large duty cycles. In medical therapy, the duty factor is 60, and in flaw detection. 10C10. Forced-ventilation cooling arrangements are needed for movable betatrons. The parts subject to greatest heating are exposed to the full force of the air blast: the inner bushing with its high magnetic saturation, and coils having comparative- ly high current density. In stationary betatrons, cooling Fig. 6. Arrangement of compensation coils in a four-yoke electromagnet. Fig. 7. Arrangment of segments in stock metal for a four-yoke electro- magnet, prior to machining. Fig. 8. Path of cooling air in electromagnet. air is drawn by suction from the betatron hall and driven through the electromagnet, to be discharged outside. This direction of air flow protects the rooms where people are working from contamination by radioactive air. Figure 8 shows the path of air flow through the electromagnet, which is used in stationary betatrons. The fan for the stationary betatron is usually installed In an underground room, to minimize fan noise in the betatron hall. In movable betatrons, the fans are installed within the betatron enclosure. In this case, air from the beta- tron gains admittance to the room housing the betatron facility, thus putting a premium on good cross ventila-1 tion arrangements for the room. The speed of air flow in the ventilation ducts of the betatron varies 5-20 meters/ sec. ' Choosing the Frequency for Betatron Current Supply In choosing the frequency for the current supplied to the betatron, one must keep in mind that the corn- Arrows indicate path of air flow Flange for air ducting Grounded sector A cz, Tapped sector Fig. 9. Stationary 4-yoke betatron, 20 Mev, 973 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Not less than C".:? Movable carriage Counterpoise Betatron pilot wheel , Fig. 10. Ceiling-suspended rotary Winch /. /// ///:/:////2i//-24",;'12.'Z?-?;.2,--Z!=" Raising and lowering controls Detachable beam- ' position indicating probes 974 Cooling fans 10 betatron, 25 Mev, for medical applications. 580 1070 Stuffing box for supplying cables 625 1000 to target 6 Detachable beam-position indicating probes Pilot wheel for rotating betatron, scale range ?45? (2) 1560 1160 900 Fig. 11. Rotating 25 Mev betatron, for nondestructive testing. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 plexity of the arrangement is increased as the frequency increases, with lessened reliability in performance and a pronounced weight penalty with respect to the electro- magnet, since the allowable flux density in the steel decreases as the frequency is stepped up. On the other hand, the intensity of the betatron radiation increases as the frequency. Although a high radiation intensity is required in movable betatrons, industrial line fre- quency (50 cps) has been accepted for those applications, requiring less complex equipment; all the more so since the personnel who will be operating the facility will not be very highly skilled technically in this area (e.g.,doctors, nurses). In the case of stationary facilities, where low weight is not such a prime consideration, the equipment used may be more complicated and higher weight may be tolerated, with an associated gain in radiation intensity. MTZ has devised a stationary beta- tron facility with supplied frequencies of 150, 300, and 600 cps. The high-frequency generator used is a vacuum-tube oscillator or a static frequency tripler. Parameters of MTZ Betatrons The following basic betatron designs have been evolved at MTZ: 1. The 20 Mev 4-yoke betatron (Fig. 9). 2. A ceiling-suspended rotating betatron for medical purposes, 25 Mev (Fig. 10). The suspension design makes it possible to position the magnet for both horizontal irradiation (with the target placed at 1050 cm from the floor) and vertical irradiation. The de- sign provides for 600 mm displacement vertically and rotation of the electromagnet 120? about the horizontal Cable car Suspension frame Electromagnet ///////////////////////1// Fig. 12. Crane-suspended 25 Mev betatron, for nondestructive testing. tHt_ Roll axis Controls for angle of swinl/g TaW_e siporting patienti N.= 950 rL -e- Range ? swing 0-240 R 380 GLI Fig. 13. Pendulum-type tillable betatron, 15 Mev, for medical applications. 975 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 TABLE 3 Betatron Characteristics Parameters Betatron type stationary, 4-yoke (Fig. 9) suspension, rotating, medical (Fig. 10). rotating platform, flaw de- tection (Fig. 11) traveling- crane-sus- pension, flaw detection (Fig. 12) pendulum- type, tillable, medical (Fig. 13) stationary, research Energy of accelerated electrons, Mev 20 10-25 10-25 10-25 6-15 10-50 Weight of active steel, kg 4750 1625 1625 1625 420 15,000 Weight of electromagnet, kg 6600 2700 2700 2700 650 18,500 ' Weight of upper removable part, kg 3000 1200 1200 1200 300 9000 Cooling system Forced air Forced Forced Forced Forced Forced air circulation air air air air circulation Fan capacity, meterss/hr 3000 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500 600 5000 Current supplies frequency, cps 150 50 50 50 50 50 Intensity of y radiation, at 1 meter from target, r/ min 100 30 30 30 4.5 200-250 Weight of lead shielding, kg ? 585 ? ? 400 ? Donut chamber , Evacuated Sealed-off Sealed-off Sealed-off Sealed-off Evacuated axis, with the beam position variable over a range +90? to ?30? from the vertical. All of the vertical displace- ments are controlled by a motor drive, and angular ad- justments are controlled manually. An array of diaphragms and equalizing filters allows for the following irradiation dose fields at a dis- tance of 1 meter from the target: round 40 and 80 mm diameters and rectangular 100 x 150 rum, 80 x 100 mm, 60 x 80 mm, and 50 x 180 mm (the dose field over the ranges can be stabilized to within 1050). The betatron is lead-shielded on the patient's side. The thickness of the lead shielding is based on the dose rate of unused y radiation,not exceeding 0.5% of the dose rate at the beam axis (with a filter in use). 3. A 25 Mev betatron for nondestructive testing; one model on a rotating platform, another crane-sus- pended. The rotating betatron (Fig. 11) can vary its beam axis to 30? off horizontal. The crane-suspended betatron (Fig. 12) can be moved to a distance of 20 meters from the location of the controls, and the beam axis can be lowered to 90? below or raised to 30? above the horizontal. 976 4. A pendulum-type tillable betatron, 15 Mev, for medical applications, (Fig. 13). The betatron electro- magnet may be swung through any angle to 210?. This provides a maximum dose of exposure at the center of the tilt excursion (at the tumor), with a much smaller dose rate at the surface of the healthy skin (at the points where the beam enters and leaves the body). The distance from the center of the swing ex- cursion to the target is 800 mm. The betatron is equipped with the same array of diaphragms and filters as is the 25 Mev medical betatron, with the further ad- dition of one 70 x 30 mm diaphragm. The lead shield- ing cuts the dose rate of unused y radiation down to 0.5% of the dose rate at the beam axis (with filter in use). The motion of the betatron is controlled by two remote-control facilities (from a control desk) and also directly from the room where the betatron is installed. 5. The 50 Mev research betatron. This betatron is of the 2-yoke design, made of cold-rolled steel, and is in the production stage at the present time. The basic characteristics of the betatron types described herein are presented in Table 3. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 SIMULATION OF CONTROL AND TEMPERATURE VARIATION OF WATER DENSITY IN INTERMEDIATE- NEUTRON URANIUM-WATER REACTORS V. B. Klimentov and V. M. Gryazev Translated from Atomnaya Energiya, Vol 7, No. 6, pp 519-523 December, 1959 Original article submitted March 12, 1959 This article deals with the results of experiments on the physical simulation of control and of the temperature effect due to changes in water density in intermediate-neutron uranium-water reactors. The values of control rods of different types were determined, and the dependence of the critical size of uranium-water reactors on the density of the water filling the reactor core was found. Introduction The physical simulation of various processes in nuclear reactors may be achieved by simulation pro- cedures carried out on critical facilities. This makes available much information needed in the design and construction of nuclear reactors, and is a much cheaper, variant than carrying out criticality experiments during, the reactor start-up. Physical simulation makes it possible to arrive at a highly accurate estimate of the 1, optimum reactor loading at peak power operation, better than that obtainable from theoretical calculations. ? Specially heightened interest is focused in studies of the temperature effect due to variation in water den- sity, and problems connected with the control of inter- mediate-neutron uranium-water reactors. The authors of the present article have performed investigations of these problems on the critical assembly of a uranium- water multiplying system. The design of the facility and, several of the experiments performed on it are described In detail in a report submitted to the Second Geneva I Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy [1]. ? The possiblity of altering the configuration and composition of the core and reflector, and arrangment of control rods, was provided for in the design of the critical assembly. The working components of the critical assembly were plates 250 x 70 x 2.7 mm, compacted from a mixture of uranium dioxide and trioxide (90% U235) plus polyethylene. The plates were assembled.5-8 units each in a stainless steel cell. The cells were mounted on a scale-model table forming a core of the required size and shape. The volume of a single casing was 0.62 liter. The ratio of the number of hydrogen nuclei to number of U235 nuclei (p H 4235) varied from 17 to 50. Two hollow cadmium automatic-control rods and two scram rods were positioned near the core. The critical I facility was lowered into an aluminum tank 3 meters across and 1.6 meters high. The tank was instrumented for controlled loading of water and rapid discharge. The water level was indicated by a water gauge. The critical facility was fully instrumented for reliable control and monitoring of the process during all phases of its per- formance. While experiments were in progress, parti- cular attention was devoted to radiation hygiene prob- lems. 1. Control Rod Value Studies Empirical determinations of control rod worth are not difficult and may be carried out with ease on a critical assembly of the type described at a power level no higher than 1 w. A solid boron rod (134C) measuring 60 mm in diameter and a hollow cadmium rod of the same diameter, wall thickness 1 mm, were studied. The Fig. 1. Diagramof annular uranium-water system, with graphite lateral reflector (pH/p2 = 31): The blank rectangles are working cells, while the hatched area is the graphite; P are control rods; A are scram rods; ? indicates a movable cell. 977 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 length of the rods was 400 mm,with the height of the core of the multiplying system equal to 250 mm. Measurements were carried out for systems with water reflector and graphite lateral reflector 210 mm thick and 400 mm high. Rods placed at distances of 35, 70, and 140 mm from the reactor core were studied. Water was used in all instances as the upper and lower reflector. The measurements were performed on a ring multiplying system, with an interior cavity, 140 X 140 mm, for water. A diagram of this system, illustrating the case with a side reflector,of graphite, is seen in Fig. 1. The scram rods could be relied upon to shut down the facility at any given position of the control rods or test rods. Neutron spectrum energy was determined from the ratio pH/p235 = = 31. According to the paper mentioned earlier (1], the fraction of fissions of U235 due to neutrons of energies above 0.4 ev is about 30% for this type of arrangement. The procedure employed in the measurements in- cluded prior calibration of the control rods P, by using a removable working cell. A special setup with a lead screw was used to move the cell. The worth of the cad- mium and boron rods, and that of the working cell, was determined by this means. The experiment was as follows. An automatic controller was started and the test cell was removed from the core. Control rods P were automatically raised. The worth of the extracted portion of the control rods was tentatively estimated from the reactor doubling time. Similar operations were repeated until the test cell had been completely withdrawn from the core. Control rod displacement was shown by a synchro position indicator. The effectiveness or worth A p of a single working cell in the mutiplying system of 25 cells, with aawater reflector, was 0.015, and was found to be 0.021 for the system of 20 cells with graphite side reflector. The cali- bration curve for two cadmium rods inserted together and placed in the graphite side reflector flush to the core is seen in Fig. 2. Lip 403 0,02 0,01 if 7 100 200 300 400 H, mm Fig. 2. Calibration of control rods: I) core; II) top and bottom water reflectors. 978 The worth of the boron and hollow cadmium rods was found to be virtually the same. Their relationship to the arrangement of rods about the core was determined from the distribution of thermal neutrons in the reflec- tor, as shown in Fig. 3. Liquid absorbers may prove useful in the control of pressurized uranium-water reactors. Controllers with liquid absorbers have no moving parts, which entails an appreciable simplification of the reactor design. An estimate of the effectiveness of a mercury ab- sorber placed at the center of the core of a uranium- water system with water reflector was obtained by ex- perimental means. A diagram of this system appears In Fig. 4. The energy spectrum of the neutrons in the multi- plying system was determined from the ratio pH 4235 = = 25. The number of fissions caused by neutrons of energies higher than 0.4 ev amounted to not less than 50% [1]. The mercury absorber consisted of 12 copper tubes filled with mercury (2.7 kg of Hg). It replaced two withdrawn test cells. The outer and inner diameters of the tubing were 10 and 8 mm, respectively, and the height 400 mm. The tubes were placed along the peri- meter of a square of sides 53 mm. Corrosive attack by the mercury on the copper presented no hazard, since the rods were not used for any period in excess of a few days. Gradual withdrawal of the mercury absorber was effected as part of the reactor automatic controls, the variation in reactivity being compensated by introducing control rods and withdrawing peripheral cells. For a rod filled with mercury, Ap' = 0.088, and without mercury Ap "= 0.023. Accordingly, the effectiveness of 2.7 kg of mercury for the given rod design in the system is A p'"--Ap.= 0.065. lip 0,015 0,010 0,005 50 150 R,cm Fig. 3. Effectiveness of absorber rods as a function of their position around the core: 1) reflector (210 mm, graphite); 2) reflector (water). 100 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 2. Physical Simulation of Temperature Variation of Water Density Temperature-induced changes in water density result in increased neutron migration length and greatly modify the physical characteristics of uranium-water reactors. Variation in water density in the core of a nuclear reaction was simulated by introducing special layers into the space between working plates. These layers were made from a thin resin film on a copper base and were filled with air. The volumes of air and layering material were determinedby the volume of water displaced by them. The distance between work- ing plates was small compared to the neutron diffusion length in water, and remained within 3-4 mm, while the thickness of the air-containing layers was about 2 mm. Experiments aimed at calculating the degree of heterogeneity of uranium-water systems with plate-type fuel elements such as described in [1] showed that such systems may be viewed as homogeneous systems at pH /p235 C'.1 II) If) CS 0. . COC') sl, -a. co oo Lf) if) in 0" 0. ' g ac., 0 ?,-, 01 co t- ..,-. II . ? 4 9. L C.) E, milliwatt- days/ ton , co to 0-../i in...I? 00 co oo co CV 00 0-> cs1 cq t-- co cq 8 .0 o. 11)t????? ca, -. .. C)... 0 CD Co 0.. ..... If) co oo 0.. c:7 8 C.) N cl ,c 00 00 .....? II 01' *d C.) E , milliwatt- days/ ton 0 0 C \IC \I CO If) co Lo 0 If) N. ',V ,0 .0 0170 t?-? 0 CI ..7... CO 8 .0 00 CO co ca) 0- 0- 00 -, 0- InCV -a. t-- - c; co E 0 c0)00co -.10 00 ..?-?? C,; 11 11 ?-? F.4 9- Q E. milliwatt- days/ ton oin co c..? c co ? Co LC) -..1, Cl co ...../. o. co .../. cy. co co CO Cl 8 ,0 CO CO N. C) ????7' If) 0; C).. N. Cr) If) C).- 0....14 N. 53 If) CS. C) 788 Rcrit ?172 CM E, milliwatt- days/ ton CC CO Cl .../I Cr LC) 00 cc Cl CV ..r. in 0 .....1r t?-? co Cl 8 .0 a, -4, ????-? co 0 C; 0... 0 ..5. O. N t-- 00 Cl (Z7 0... 8 40 ,,,,,, ??,1 C0 I I II U E, milliwatt- days/ ton -.. t..... if) CD I.0 C) N. ....,14 Cf) I-0 If) ..,?-? --? N. If") Cr) --? 8 .0 o. n a) In c?D ...../I .5. 0; C; 00 -a If) 0- c\I a) oo If) Ca' CC C; C; . 0 C) -, CV .C) Cr) 0 0 ..../. II) olQh W5hQ5CrI5 WohQoaf9 ofs + W11Q1 Qh0 (I (i)a shcr h ' where wik is the yield of the k-th fission fragment on fission of the i-th isotope; Xk is the disintegration con- stant of the k-thfission fragment; Sk (in analogy to the case of uranium breeding) designates the operating time during which the equilibrium quantity of the k-th fission fragment is produced in the reactor. The losses due to individual fission fragments in the stationary state are equal to where and W5 + 1475 Zs I + a piritg)D at, wsh (7 5 W5 = h (Doh Shah (18) f c , GP Woh ?aq -1- h --- w9 L A,1 la O'n (19) Ho 1 + + 11(71? Utilization of Uranium In.its'initial state the system has a neutron excess expressed by Equations (9), (11a), and (11b). If the breeding of uranium in the reactor occurs in such a way .that the quantity of U238 nuclei per cm3 remains con- stant (N8c? = N80), then it can be shown that the relative volume change of the moderator is VA/ This means that the moderation and diffusion character- istics of the system are practically invariant, and there- fore one can write (N man+ DB2)? = (IV mum + DB2); (29) T?8=-- (PT ?Ps' (..B2T)?= (B2x). (21) In such an equilibrium system the neutron excess is determined by the expression 67 = v;e-B2I ?1 ? R [1 + e-n2I (17'5? vi,u)+ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 If we substitute psc? and R50" into expression (26), we shall obtain the corresponding energy yield. It can be seen from this formula that in general E increases with decreasing p6c13 and with increasing 116, but the values of these quantities are related to each other by the limiting criticality conditions, which by expression (22) demand that 6c? = 0. The table shows several values of U295 equilibrium concentrations (p6a3) and the corresponding energy re- lease (E) pr ton of introduced natural uranium in re- lation tothe over-all operating time S since beginning of reactor operation, using several critical assembly dimensions [2]. The table wes compiled using the following parameter values:. ? 0,02s , "9 "I ?"Til 1+ cfpuRT (Z? s Or' 5 rit, 1 +-NS) (22) 1 a6 W ' If the neutron excess in the system is initially equal to we can convert expression (22) into the expression ? z' (1+ ap,i1C) ?*86.-B2' vpu 1 1 ? (5? ? Q5 \ a5 0? us K (55 1? 1),e where we define , 6rg W5 = W5 -F1 + a6S ; = 0,712; IV =- 0,4086; T=500? K ; ,v'5= 2,08; (23) vpu = 2,64; vi,u= 1,97; ay. = 1,34; i?:r 1=--0,106; cr,f, af Wpu 0,0210; W5 = 0,0216; 17, = 1,91, v, = 2,14. (24a) K (s) apt, (2 ? + 0,02s -I -1 W,, (24b) ao ?W8 (24c) and have used expressions (6), (7), and (11b). If the reactor was initially critical (6? = 0), and remained critical after a given operating time in an equilibrium state (6?3 = 0), then under these conditions Equation (23) was satisfied, and consequently, it was possible to utilize the introduced uranium pfic?. We have employed in our computations the fact that W5 can be con- sidered independent of s because of the small value ot C6. The operating period S (which we define to be that operating period in which we have total renewal of the uranium in the reactor) is linked to the concen- trations of the introduced uranium p5d = N5d/N5? and of the utilized uranium, in accord with expression (4a), by the relation e, ? ? 1) . 05 c.?5? (25) In the course of an equilibrium-state operation with one ton of introduced natural uranium, we obtain the energy E=t1 ? v._ -1- Q, (T5 (cq' -c-rf f-i-.14)] 6450 millwatt-daysiton. (26) 9 69 a9 The figure shows the attainable utiliza- don E per ton of introduced natural uranium, with re - spect to S. It can be seen from the figure that for identical reactor dimensions and short operating periods it is possible to attain higher utilization with high uranium concentrations, while for long operating periods a higher utilization is attained with low uranium con- centrations. One can therefore expect that for given co ^ 7000 -o 10000 9000 99 0,766 Rcrit, cm 182 8000 0,788 172 \ \ \ \ \ 0,813 166 \ \ 0,827 166 \ \ \ % \\ 0,855 173 ?\\ 5000 --- \\ 0,869 181 ......... ---., --*----. ---"- ---.. - ? ? -........**-.. ....... --,......, ........... ? ??,-,_... -... \s' nou (11 6000 ;4 g 4000 ? 3000 1000 I. 10 10 30 40 50 Operating period, S Utilization of natural uranium in a homogeneous reactor 985 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 reactor dimensions and corresponding to each operating period S there exists a certain optimum uranium con- centration (optimum io8) which permits attaining a minimum p5c? and consequently, maximum utilization. Optimum Cycle in an Equilibrium State For a reactor of fixed dimensions the conditions ? 1 ? [ 1 + N N 4lam (1 + LifB2 = 0 is os determine the reciprocal relation between 8.? and 08, The requirement = 0 (23) specifies the attainable equilibrium concentration pe as a function of the values of 00 and 08. It can be seen from expression (23) that for 6 = 0, the quantity p5c? decreases mono- tonically with increasing 8-? ; on the other hand, it can increase or decrease as a function of tp 8, and for OF/ /8 = 0 it can assume a locally extreme value, lead- ing to the result Or (1?'(1)8(3- /32Vpu)2 = K (Q. + 211v (It 00) 6 V '5 05 (27a) 1 = [1 ? K (QT -cr? 0?) . e v V5 05 Pu r,271)) A more detailed analysis shows that a local minimum of pe corresponds to the negative sign in Equation (27b), and that this value appears to be physically realizable in contrast to the value which corresponds to the positive sign in Equation (27b). It is possible to eliminate pe from Equations (27) and (23) and to find a relation between tp Band efor which p5a) appears as a minimum: trcr8= 0.5 V K ?? ?W. 0 11?-1?Wr n2 11 K (1 11)8e?, Vpu)2?Vire- 986 11(28) In order to have the reactor initially critical, we must satisfy = 710 (I ? 11)8) 0.5 + NAI (1L1 111 _2 B2) I ' AT5 in such a way that Equations (28) and (29) determine the parameters for which the reactor is initially critical and at the same time has a value of 08 (optimum uranium concentrations) such that for S it has a mini mum attainable concentration pep as determined by Equation (27). By calculating the values of tpg Opt cor- responding to various values of s in the interval s = 10 to 50, we shall obtain the function tp 8 opt (s) and the corresponding concentration of uranium in heavy water for which one can always attain the maximum uranium utilization. Smaller s means we get smaller values of sog opt (i.e., the concentration of uranium in the moderator will be large), while for increased s the values of S?8 opt will also grow (i.e., the uranium concentration will decrease). This means that the optimum cycle in the equilibrium state occurs not for a constant uranium con- centration, but rather for a gradually decreasing con- centration; this reminds one of the dilution cycle proposed in [1] as a means of extending the period of use of an equilibrium-state reactor which had stopped being critical. It is necessary to note once more that the analysis we have conducted concerning an optimum cycle is based on the assumptions that17V5 and IN9 do not ,depend on the utilization and appear to be constant; i.e., removal of fission fragments from the reactor is carried out at a constant rate and is independent of the operating cycle, , and neutron capture in U236 is small. However, even in the case where fission fragment removal from the reactor is carried out simultaneously with uranium renewal (Sk = S), the above analysis remains qualita- tively valid. (29) LITERATURE CITED 1. V. M. Byakov and B. L. Ioffe, Transactions of the Second International Conference on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy [Russian translation], (Geneva, 1958) 2; Nuclear Reactors and Nuclear Power [in Russian] (Atomizdat, Moscow, 1959), p. 398. 2. I. Rochek, Calculations on the Critical Dimensions of Homogeneous Reactors [Russian translation], Trudy In-ta yadernoi fiz. (Prague, 1958), No. 325. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 DETERMINATION OF THE SOLUBILITY OF METALS IN LITHIUM Yu. F. Bychkov, A. N. Rozanov, and V. B. Yakovleva Translated from Atomnaya Energiya, Vol. 7, No. 6, pp. 531-536 December, 1959 Original article submitted March 9, 1959 The solubility of uranium, zirconium, iron, nickel, titanium, molybdenum, niobium and beryllium in lithium at temperatures of 700-1000?C was determined to assess the stability of metals in lithium and establish the mechanism of corrosion. It was found that nickel and beryllium have a high solubility (of the order of 1%), iron, zirconium, titanium and uranium are slightly soluble (from hundredths to thousands of one percent) and niobium and molyb- denum have a very low solubility (less than 10-41o). Crucibles of the lithium to be tested were filled in a special still with distilled lithium and hermetically sealed in a container in a medium of argon. The solubility of the metal to be tested was determined by chemical analysis of rapidly cooled lithium fusions after they had been kept for 50-100 hours in the container at a predetermined temperature. The presence of isothermal transfer of aluminum, beryllium, zirconium and silicon via lithium to steel and iron was discovered. Under these conditions maximum solubility of the metal in lithium was reached far more slowly than in the absence of transfer. Lithium can be purified by getters? uranium and zirconium? slightly soluble in lithium. The thermophysical properties of lithium are superior to the properties of other metallic heat carriers and it is, therefore, of great interest to find materials which are stable in lithium at high temperatures. To assess the stability of metals in lithium and determine the mechanism of is necessary to know the solubility of various metals in it at different temperatures, i.e., the lines of the liquidus of the phase diagrams of the metals with lithium. There is little data in literature on the solubility of high melting point metals in lithium which could provide a basis for select- ing alloys stable in lithium. It is known that after a residence time of 100 hours at 480? C in vibrating zir- conium crucibles,the lithium contained 0.01% zircon- ium, and after tests at 760?C ? about 1% zirconium [1]. It is also known that chrome steels, iron, niobium, molybdenum and tantalum have a high stability in lithium at temperatures up to 800?C, whereas chrome- nickel steels are stable only up to 500?C [2]. Lithium forms alloys with magnesium, aluminum, silicon, silver, platinum, copper and gold at comparat- ively low temperatures [3]. Leaching of nickel to a depth of 0.02 mm was detected metallographically in type Ya0 chrome-nickel stainless steel after a residence time of 40 hours in lithium at 1000?C; this converted the y phase in the surface layers of the crucible to the a phase [4]. The change in the mechanical properties, structure and composition of carbon, chrome and chrome-nickel steels after 230 hours corrosion testing in lithium at 800?C was investigated in [5]. The tests were carried out in Armco iron crucibles. Under these conditions chrome-nickel steels and also chrome steels with 2% nickel were intensely corroded while chrome steels were more stable. 1Kh12MV4B steel was the most stable. The resistance of stainless steels, iron, beryl- lium and thorium to corrosion in lithium at 300 and 600?C under static conditions was investigated in [6] by the metallographic method and the change in weight. According to the data of this work, thorium and low- carbon high-chrome steel containing 14-10 chromium had the maximum resistance. The resistance of pure Iron and chrome-nickel steel of type 18-8 alloyed with niobium was almost as high; ordinary 18-8 steel and high-chrome steel with 0.6-0.7% carbon underwent severe corrosion; nickel and Inconel were still more markedly corroded. Investigation Procedure and Apparatus. Crucibles of the metals to be tested were used to determine the solubility in lithium. The inner surface of the cru- cible was ground, after which it was electrolytically polished or etched. These crucibles were filled in a special still with freshly distilled lithium (Fig. 1). Elec- trolytic lithium 10 was placed in a stainless-steel evapo- rator 8, welded to the lower flange of a vacuum cham- ber 1. The crucible was heated by furnace 9 to a tem- perature of about 800?C. The vaporizing lithium heated the stainless-steel condenser 2 (of thickness 1 mm) to 250?C; this condenser was in the form of a trihedral pyramid with guides welded to the sides. The lithium deposited on the condenser flowed down the three guides into three crucibles 6, installed on the sole 987 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 and filled them, while the elements more volatile than lithium condensed in the cold parts of the chamber. Difficultly volatile elements remained in the evaporator. During the distillation the pressure in the chamber was kept at 10-4-10-3 mm Hg. After the process had been completed the still was filled with pure argon; the con- tent of impurities in the lithium after distillation was reduced: sodium to 0.02-0.00/0, potassium to 0.015%, iron to 1-4 ? 10-4%, magnesium to 0.00/0 and less; silicon, nickel and chromium were not detected. The crucibles filled with lithium were placed in Yal-T stainless steel containers, to which the covers were slowly welded in an arc furnace in an atmosphere of argon. The containers were then placed in the furnace for isothermal treatment. Crucibles of metals which react at the temperature of the test with stainless steel were isolated from the steel by sheet molybdenum, with which they were fixed in the containers. Since the content of lithium-dissolved metal depended markedly on the rate of cooling from the temperature of isothermal treatment, after the treat- ment was finished the containers were cooled in water. 988 As was shown by direct measurements, this ensured cool- ing of the lithium fusions to the solidification point in less than 50 sec. The content of the elements dissolved in lithium was determined calorimetrically. The initial materials for the investigation were zirconium iodide of 99.9% purity, titanium of grade TG -0 smelted into rods of diameter 30-40 mm in a MIFI SM-3 arc furnace, baked briquets of molybdenum and niobium powder, Armco iron smelted and cast under vacuum, distilled beryllium, uranium and nickel crucibles cast or obtained from sheet by pressing. The mechanical properties of molybdenum, niobium and zirconium before and after reaction with lithium were determined on a micromachine for specimens of diameter 1.2 mm. The properties of the other metals were investigated on specimens of diameter 3 mm with a working length of 20 mm. Isothermal Transfer of Metals via Lithium. Cru- cibles of Armco iron,Yal? chrome-nickel steel and Zhl chrome steel, in which lithium and the samples of the metal to be tested were placed, were used in the mi- Fig. 1. Diagram of the apparatus for filling crucibles with distilled lithium: 3) screen on which sodium and potassium condense; 4) funnel; 5) screen; 7) backing; 11) support; 12) thermocouple; 13) brace; 14) diffusion pump; 15) thermocouple; 16) cover (remainder of the legend given in the text). Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 a b Fig. 2. Macrostructure (x 2) of the crucible walls after isothermal transfer via lithium at 1000?C: a) silicon on iron after 40 hours; b) aluminum on iron after 50 hours; c) beryllium on Yal-T after 400 hours. tial experiments. After they had been kept at the tem- perature of the test ,the welded sealed containers con- taining the crucibles with lithium and the samples were cooled in water. It was found that if the material of the crucible differs from the material of the sample, precipitation of the metals from the lithium fusion may occur on the walls of the crucible. The precipitation of large crystals of silicon on iron (Fig. 2a), aluminum on iron (Fig. 2b) and beryllium on steel (Fig. 2c) can be de- tected very clearly by visual means. The transfer and precipitation of metals from the fused system can also be judged by the variation in the microhardness of the surface of these crucibles (Fig. 3). The transfer and precipitation of metals during isothermal treatment is only possible if the chemical affinity of the dissolved metal for the material of the crucible is greater than the affinity for lithium. Where- as silicon and aluminum, which have a high affinity .900 800 700 600 500 400 300 700 100 Si 41 03 0,5 0,7 0,9 1,1 1,3 1.5 ? 1,7 2,0 MID Fig. 3. Microhardness of the surface of the crucibles: 0) stainless steel crucible ; ?) iron crucible. for iron, were precipitated from lithium, lithium-dis- solved magnesium was not precipitated on iron. The transfer and precipitation of zirconium were investigated by means of the radioactive isotope Zr. After Zr95 powder wrapped in tantalum foil and placed in a Yal-T stainless-steel crucible had been kept in lithium for 100 hours at 900?C it was found that the tantalum foil had not become active, whereas the crucible, with which the zirconium was not in direct contact, had a y activity corresponding to 4 ? 10-3 g of zirconium. At 800?C about 10-4 g of zirconium was transferred in 10 hours from a plate of radioactive zir- conium to a Yal steel crucible. This shows that at temperatures of 800-900?C the chemical affinity of zirconium for tantalum is slight, whereas that of iron for nickel, included in the composition of stainless steel, is high. By reacting with zirconium dissolved in lithium, stainless steel disturbs the equilibrium, which leads to further dissolution of zirconium and its transfer on to the crucible walls. Naturally, in the presence of transfer the rate of dissolution of the metals increases. Weight % Ni oo 0,1 Be 2 50 100 200 400 Hours Fig. 4. Kinetics of the dissolution of nickel in lithium at 750?C and beryllium at 1000?C. 989 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 The concentration of zirconium in lithium under conditions of transfer was determined by comparing the y activity of Zr s6 in a given sample of lithium and the radioactivity of a known sample of the initial Zr". The uniformity of the distribution of zirconium was checked by measuring the radioactivity of different lithium samples. After 100 hours in stainless-steel crucibles the zirconium content in lithium determined by means of Zr" at 900?C was 1-1.4 ? 10-210. This value was of the same order as the solubility of zircon- ium in lithium determined chemically. From these experiments it follows that, in particular, tantalum crucibles can be used for the determination of the solubility of zirconium in lithium. In [5] carburiza- tion of chrome-nickel steel to 0.6-0.710 carbon and chrome steel to 1% carbon as a result of isothermal transfer at 800?C of carbon from an iron crucible via lithium was observed. Solubility of Metals in Lithium. The attainment of the limiting (equilibrium) solubility of metals in lithium is a fairly long process. The limiting solubility is reached only after several hours. For example, at 750?C after 2 hours the nickel content in lithium was 0.33-0.4%; after 50 and 200 hours the nickel content was 0.5-0.55%, i.e., the maximum solubility, equal to was reached after several hours. Similar behavior was also shown by other metals. The beryllium con- tent in lithium at 1000?C increased when the residence time was more than 50 hours. The values of the maximum solubility from the exit of the curves on the plateau were taken as the limiting solubility (Fig. 4). The limiting solubility of beryllium is reached far more slowly than that of nickel as a result of which isothermal transfer of beryllium on- to steel, reducing the beryllium content in lithium, takes place in the first case. Moreover, the rate of dis- solution of beryllium was probably somewhat less be- 990 700 800 ? OSO 900 1000 1100 1700 T, 'C Fig. 5. Solubility of zirconium in lithium at 700-1000?C. TABLE 1 Solubility of High-Melting Point Metals in Lithium Metal Temp., ?C Solubility, weight % ? Iron 900 0 .0 I 1000 0.02-0,1 It :I 200 0,15 Nickel 700 0,15 750 0:-) 850 1,313 II 950 ,,.. Titanium 900 0.014 Molybdenum IWO < 1 0 -4 1700 0,03-0,1 Niobium 1000 21-1 41.Llld 9811d '1.08/1 ' L LT M 4 6003 '6910H `903H `ToloH , , iS `,,EO '991011 ?681q1 VZII . 001 I 'el 'LUC'S ' 14411,1I.'1,,LISPD 'OA `,,,esJS togs N 0,7,;311 'ErotuIS 'c,1131 'moi, T, 'ay ??,qg ' eztuS ' ,5y2-1)1. 0 I '2 ,.sy ? 1. 814)1 , PI?11.1 'osituo 69,1? 479131 '901A1 '8111 Mill ?t9IgA. '1391 na '6EIeg 0101 'gull '9LIM 4091Tud_ '90Ild 6610a ?iei I . , 401101 /9 1Z 99fNI 111 9-I rappird-g : pub -73 Jo uoTssiula oqi Aq parrigcluaopov lou sT Asoap asown sadolosi 1 f13 umouNun ippt sadmosy anpoe- g 0r?L'C L'C'-'C )'C-0'l L' Z?E' Z ?` Z-6 I . A9W 93 (sArp oc T tuoi; aPI-Jteffisado)osi anTlov-uan (Pa nui itio0) g 'I V CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 TABLE 3 Beta-Aative Isotopes (Half-lives more than 30 days) Mev T , 2 o?o , I 0 , i?o ,3 0,3-0,5 0,5-0,7 0 ,7-0 ,9 0 , 9-1,1 1,1-1,3 30-50 days Fen, Nb95, Rum, lig203 Fe's, cout Hpsi Ce", pmus Rbs 4 50-100 days S66, Sb124 SC46, C068, Y21, Zr95, Tessm, Tb", W185 Te95,74, Sb124, Tb162 Tb16s, Ir122 Sb" 100-200 days Ca45, Relis Tals2 Lull , Tal82, Yss Tun? Tull? 200-365 days Aguom Ce144, 131049 Zn65, Ce" Ag115771 Rh" Rh", Rh" 1-3 years Rum, Tu171 sb125 p/047, Eu" 511,21m, csis4 Na22, Sb', Cs" Pm" 3-5 years Tr" 5-10 years Ra228 Co6? Cd" Re 10-'30 years 113A02 1:1)21?, Pon' Euiss, Eui54 5r90, Eu152 Kr85, Cs127, Eu152, Eu154 Eu" Eu152 Cs" 30-100 years smi51 Ho" Holas >100 years Niss, Zr23, pdm, Re187 C", 5i32, Se", Rb', Tess, 029, Cs", L03E1 Tess, Lulls Be's, Ms, Nbs4, In", Am" Cl" A126 /O/ eseeiej -101 panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 T A BLE 3 (Continued) Beta-Active Isotopes (Half -lives more than 30 days) T, 2 Ea' Mev. 5-active iso- topes with un- known E8 Isotopes whose decay is not accom.- panied by the emission of a- and 8 -particles 1,3-1,5 1,5-1,7 1,7-1,9 1,9-2,3 2,3-2,7 30-50 days Rb84' Cd115'1, Te122171 prams A97, Awes, Tell", xe3.29, ybo39 50-100 days S188 Co58, y91, slain Sb124 win Bel, As", Rb83, Sr85, Zrr, Nb", Te81m, In11411 Te12501' 1125, Eu148' Gd, Tuna, 1.075, Re183, Re", Os" 100-200 days SO123 Tel"" Se" Y88, Sum, Tel", Tei23,n, cei39, E,;149, Gd", Dy199, Wu', Au185, Hg184 200-365 days V", Ma", CO" Ge88, Sulu", pra143, PM144, SM145, G?1.153 1-3 years Os," Fess, 114o", Cd'", Lum, Lulls, Tel" 3-5 years A49 Hf" 5-10 yearsBi2?7 RV", Be", 10-30 years 0 Eut92 Eu"" Nb", pram 30-100 years >100 years K4? Fe8? Ca", Ti", Mn", Ni", Kr", Tc97, Lam, Pb202, Pb205, Bi208 M ii, umoinlun ipim sadol _og alg1OV-73 proztuD 'mil on!?1 'mud ' tstdN 'mil 'es;11 :lel 'eszdts1 `goon 9CS ri 'goon 'Ma en a 'Can 'esztli, ?Gild `GOZ !ft 'ogiP0 '561d`911cuS `41,1111S , vtTPNI zotoD weal( sOI < anID Lroill ',,JD `TeauTV itztulf 'etenD 'stztuD 'tvzNa 'mull+ etzuW 'mud `ssznd '6zell 'Iszvd `Gozod Gsznd 'isOici '63011 '96.ztl mud 'ocaL spin siezA ,ot -pi oszIO D `9celd .cvenD eteD 'fund 'tezulD seznd `Rzzill 'gun ecznd 'Etz;t1I 'eczn `gszdN 'sozod tzz9V 'itzoci sluaA 00 I-i mulD 'intuD . nand oota 'teznd 'mod ?DOR sTucau ZI-I tzETIL ?stOM 'oczn `ezzvIl 'mod of 'cp1111 '8913d `za. nzzyll oszil Tull 'iczfl 'mull ezzull ,nzod GelPD 'LtIn'd s."P 0C-I EnlV 'erzud 'mull -CoCeilli 'Zit! 0 ' LOZ,1V GOV `9?41V 'OH 'Int% 0131V 1000d 'VESTS .00V SOZOd 'TOZ HI 'LlOd coz!fl 6oiclI ?SSI'CO 'c?ica '?iqj, 'iCa 114 t3-I sozmV 'elz!fl 'mud ;ozod 'eszdN Go ifi 'mad upi 09-03 NIzoci ?goz1 \' `sood %MI ?II . S III !II `ooz.:0,1 io,-.0.1 't ix !ft ptz!ti trn-strOV L?H '091>IH tillu 03-T ? SM....2H MU] I > lity A ysi . sadolosi annov-utidjV V 3'1E171, : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 cleft Liwid L umotniun imm sadol Os! annou- 70 ...tzula 'ttz"d siraK 0I< S IggJD 6VZ1D mak o1-o1 S vsza gcz ID `}:pi,?"P;) 'o.r.) SIUA 00E- I zcza Prin zfq.1]!0 STPUOLU Zi- -I 9pGJa m11,3 IltzjD `ssz'd Esza 'MA ?spz31E1 'onu'D otzulD 'mg gsz,IE1 'Luta. sAuP 0C-I . tszuld '99Zaiii ?0.3.1U A . igz.,".4 'c.tx.H azIfl ?evz3la 'eczuK) evz,la veznd 'moll `surd `ztz111 'mull `Lszaill 111 -773- 1 ogzukg `vi,..r) `str,J3 onr.,1 zund LZZUd ?GZZC1 ?9Z311", `cseld `tezdN `zizull mull nozulj `nzei.T. 'He'll liTui 0903 otz:.1 mull '9zOcT 'on szzO. `m....0 V 'flea 'mg' ozzfl `7.W.4 `coz>1V `tzvki 4 VOZUU 'Ilea ?90zUll n'.1`,361>IR `9siod LOztICH 4 EON' ' LGI011 Mtn 03-1 vgz201 az `tivaw,1 `szzud tigod `0i00,1 tizod 'tiz4V `vizod `Idaizod 'mull 'mod 1,1011 '61gUil 'TOY stz?ki '91z,?1V `trzull `tit,od 'nal. `ozOlj `Tizod g Izod `ctrid umzod '81zul1 `tzzILL 'LOY zzz,W ?lizod 'mull 'ingod tz0),I `oz0.4 ',mil/ 'red `zz011 'mull `LizOd `goz>1V GTzull .'o0511,11 '610V UT al 1 > 733 umoiniun.tplA SadOlOST 0/1110E- X> 6< 6-8 8?L L?g L ' 9 SL`9-06.9 08 '9?SO 9 50'9-9 g_ I 1 sodOlOSI 2AP.OV qdiv - (panuiluoD) T7 3111V J. CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 To determine Ea one. can use, for example, ioni- zation or magnetic a spectrometers. It should be noted that when several groups of a particles with different energies belong to the same isotope, all of the Ea are taken into account, and the given isotope is appropriately indicated in the various columns of the table. If Ti or Ea of any isotope is exactly at the end of the interval corresponding to a particular row Or column, that isotope is placed in the following row or column. Tables 1-4 herein presented enable one to indicate a group of appropriate isotopes for an indicated inter- 1002 val of Ti and E8 (or Ea). To make the latter more precise, it is convenient to use the detailed table of isotopes [1], and the use of a radioactive decay chain scheme may be of additional assistance in a number of cases in identifying the activities. We consider it our duty to express our gratitude to Yu. A. Zysin for a discussion and his advice. LITERATURE CITED 1. D. Strominger, J. Hollander, and G. S.Seaborg,Rev. Mod. Phys. 30, 585 (1958). 2. N. Hallden, Nucleonics 13,78 (1955). Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 MORPHOLOGICAL TYPES OF INDUSTRIAL URANIUM DEPOSITS AND METHODS FOR THEIR PROSPECTING D. Ya. Surazhskii Translated from Atomnaya fnergiya, Vol. '7, No 6, pp. 539-543 December, 1959 Original article submitted May 30, 1959 The grouping of uranium deposits according to the comhination of their morphological features is proposed. Five groups of deposits are distinguished, for each of which the following are examined: the prospecting system, the most efficient ratio between mining and drilling operations, the density of the prospecting network and the conditions for the classification of reserves. General Remarks As with other mineral ore deposits, the prospecting: of uranium deposits is carried out either by drilling or mining operations or a combination of both. The choice of the prospecting system, the most effective ratio be- tween mining and drilling operations, the density of the prospecting network and the conditions for the classi- fication of the reserves are determined mainly by the shape of the ore bodies, their dimensions, the degree 61 variability with respect to the metal content (gener- ally expressed by the coefficient of variation) and the degree of discontinuity of the mineralization (expressed by the coefficient of ore bearing, i.e., the ratio between the area occupied by the conditioning ores and the totall area of the ore-bearing bed or ore-containing fissure). From the combination of these morphological features, I known uranium deposits can be divided into five groups: 1) mineralized beds; 2) large bed-like deposits; 3) ; bed-like, pillar-like and vein-like deposits; 4) lend- cular and pocket-like deposits; 5) systems of thin veins.' Prospecting of Mineralized Beds (First Group of Deposits) This group includes continuous beds of uranium- bearing sedimentary rocks developed in areas measuring tens of square kilometers. They are characterized byuni1 formly poor mineralization distributed without inter- ruption along the strike, to the dip and with respect to the thickness of the productive levels. The boundaries of the mineralization coincide with the lithological boundaries and can be determined visually. The coef- ficient of ore bearing is close to unity and the coeffi- cient of variation with respect to the metal content in the ore does not exceed 20-30/0. The most characteristic deposits of this type are uranium-bearing marine shales, uranium-containing phosphorites and analogous sedimentary syngenetic de- posits in which appreciable distribution of the metal deposited simultaneously with the adjoining rocks is not found. The prospecting of such deposits consists mainly in the drilling of the ore bed according to an isometric network. Mining opera dons (small shafts, prospecting pits and crosscuts driven from them) are carried out on a small scale, solely to check the data of borehole samples. Reserves of all industrial categories (A, B, and C) may be revealed during prospecting. In this connec- tion the network of boreholes must not be less than 100 x 100, 200 x 100 and 400 x 200 m,respectively. In deposits which are prepared for exploitation,the re- serves between mine workings at a distance of up to 200 m from each other can be included in group A2, and reserves between workings at a distance of 400 m from each other in group B. Prospecting of Large Bed-Like Deposits (Second Group of Deposits) Deposits of this group consist of large bed-like bodies with nonuniform distribution of the metal, cor- related with specific stratigraphic levels. In contrast to deposits of the first group, not allof the bed thickness, but only part of it, is industrially valuable; the con- tinuity of the mineralization may be interrupted by instances of narrowing. Instead of a single ore body, in practice it is, therefore, necessary to deal with several more or less isolated ore bodies, each of which occupies an area sometimes measuring several square kilometers. The contours of the ore bodies are determined solely from test data on samples. The coefficient of ore bearing varies from 1.0 to 0.8, and the coefficient of variation with respect to metal content reaches 100%. This group includes the largest of the known epi- genetic uranium deposits in sandstones, conglomerates and other sedimentary rocks of primarily continental facies. A combined mining-drilling system with a 1003 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 marked predominance of core drilling is usually em- ployed for the prospecting of these deposits. The main task of drilling operations is the mapping of the ore bodies in contour, while that of the mining operations is to record the boundaries of the industrial minerali- zation wth respect to the thickness of the ore-contain- ing formations, and also obtain data for the complete characteristics of the chemical and mineralogical com- position of the ores, their physicotechnical properties, etc. In the case of isometric forms of the ore bodies drilling is carried out according to a square network, in all other cases by lines perpendicular to the plane of maximum variability of mineralization. If there is sufficient evidence to assume that the ore lenses are located in several layers and pass beyond the limits of the main ore bed, part of the boreholes (up to 10-10 of the total) is sunk to a depth ensuring the intersection of all the ore-bearing measures and the re- cording of ore bodies below the main ore-bearing level. As usual, mining operations consist in driving road- ways and rises at intervals of 80-120 m in one of the ore districts, principally to check drilling data and ob- tain material for technological samples. If prospecting is carried out by roadways and the thickness of the ore body exceeds the width of the roadway, crosscuts are also driven, generally at intervals of 40-60 m. In contrast to deposits of the first group, reserves exposed by boreholes of the 200 x 100 m network are not placed higher than category CI. Reserves of cate- gory B are considered to be those within the limits of enclosures found by drilling on the 100 x 100 m network; mine workings which confirm the drilling data being present in one of the districts where the deposit is located. Prospecting of Bed-Like, Pillar-Like and Vein-Like Deposits (Third Group of Deposits) The difference between these deposits and those described above is that the form of their ore bodies and their location in the area are determined not only by the lithological composition of the adjoining rocks but also (in some cases, chiefly) by folded and ruptural de- formations. Many of the ore bodies are characterized by a relatively high thickness (reaching several tens of meters in places) and also by marked variations in the shape, dimensions, conditions of occurrence and the area of the transverse section at comparatively small intervals along the strike and to the dip. The mineral- ization is generally uninterrupted but the shape of the ore bodies is complicated by the presence of isolated blocks of waste rock. The boundaries of the industrial mineralization are determined solely from test data The coefficient of ore bearing varies between 0.8-0.5; the coefficient of variation sometimes reaches 15C1%. 1004 The area of such deposits (in the dip plane) does not exceed several hundreds of thousands of square meters. Such deposits generally consist of one or more (two- four) ore bodies. This group includes many bed-like bodies in se- dimentary rocks of continental facies, metasomatic deposits on the flanks of steep folds, vein-like deposits within major faults, stockworks in crushing zones as- sociated with the faults, pillar-like bodies at the inter- sections of two tectonic zones, etc. The main role in the prospecting system is played by mine workings, a series of crosscuts intersecting the ore body along the short axis at distances depending on the configuration and cross-sectional area of the deposit at the given level. In some cases the crosscuts may be partially re- placed by chamber-diamond drilling boreholes. The alternation of crosscuts and chamber-diamond boreholes is fairly common in practice. Staples and rises, which serve to confirm the continuity of the mineralization along the vertical, between the levels of the roadways, are also important. Deep drilling on a very close network (generally 50 x 50 m) makes it possible to assess the reserves not higher than category C. As a result of the complexity of the shape and the markedly nonuniform distribution of the metal in the ore, reserves of category B are con- sidered only within the limits of sublevels completely prepared for extraction operations. Reserves of category A2 are generally not revealed at the normal density employed for the prospecting network. Prospecting of Lenticular and Pocket-Like Like Deposits (Fourth Group of Deposits) The ore bodies are sometimes localized in specific stratigraphic levels or are associated with ruptural de- formations (for example, in the contact zone of granites and sedimentary-metamorphic rocks),but in general the lithologic and structural control of the mineralization is less clearly expressed here than in deposits of the other groups. The outlines of the industrial mineralization are determined solely from the data of tests. In many cases the zones of distribution of the lenses are in the form of narrovf(up to 300-500 m) bands of considerable extent. The dimensions of the ore bodies in the dip plane do not exceed several tens of square meters. The coefficient of ore bearing within the individual lenses does not exceed 0.50-0.25; the coefficient of variation of the metal content within the individual lenses often reaches 2000. The group described above includes small lenses of hydrothermal ores in zones of tectonic contacts, bedded and anticlinal veins,and domal structures of higher orders,and also a number of deposits, the pre- dominant role in which is occupied either by purely in- filtration processes or processes of the metamorphism Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Grounine of Uranium Deposits According to the Main Morphological Features Group . _ Characteristics Maximum areas of the ore bodies Coefficient of variation (maximum), 10 Coefficient of ore bearing 1 Continuous seams of uranium-bearing sedimentary rocks with uniform minerali- zation, recorded uninterruptedly over large areas. In general,the boundaries of the mineralization coincide with the lithologic boundaries and are established visually. Tens of square kilometers 30 1 2 Large bed-like deposits with. nonuniform distribution of the metal, correlated with specific stratigraphic levels. The boundaries of the mineralization are established only by the results of tests or y measurements. Square kilorheters 100 1.0-0.8 3 Bed-like, pillar-like and vein-like deposits controlled by folded and ruptural deformations. The boundaries of the mineralization are established only by the results of tests or y measurements. Hundreds of thousands of square meters 150 0.8-0.5 4 Lenticular and pocketlike deposits with markedly nonuniform distribution of the metal. In general, lithologic and struc- tural control is not clearly expressed. The boundaries of the mineralization are established only from the results of tests or y measurements. Tens of thousands of square meters 200 0.5-0.25 5 _._ Thin veins in rupture and shear fractures. The mineralization is very nonuniform, in the form of small lenses, the combination of which forms ore pillars. The boundaries of the mineralization are established visually. Tens of thousands of square meters 200 0.25-0.02 of rocks having an increased content of radioactive elements in comparison with the clarke. A combined mining-drilling system is used for prospecting these deposits. Core drilling on a network of 50-70 x 30-40 m by lines at right angles to the general direction of the ore bands makes it possible to determine the width and ex- tent of the mineralized zones, assess approximately the value of the area coefficient of ore bearing and map the individual largest lenses roughly. The mine workings, a system of adits, roadways and are plotted to de- termine the outlines of the individual ore lenses. With the normal density of the prospecting network,, the reserves of these deposits cannot be included in categories A2 and B. Reserves of category C1 are re- vealed mainly by mine workings on a 40-60 x 40-60 m network. They are sometimes also considered by interpolation between the mine workings and boreholes. Prospecting of Thin Veins (Fifth Group of Deposits) This group includes hydrothermal deposits formed by the filling of fissures. In general. they are character- ized by extremely nonuniform distribution of the metal. The ore accumulations are generally in the form of flat lenses localized in thin rupture and shear fractures rest- ing on larger dislocations. A combination of such lenses sometimes forms ore pillars inclined at different angles to the level; such pillars alternate with oreless or poorly productive districts of vein fissures, the ratio of the total area of the ore lenses to the area of the whole ore-containing fissure being frequently more than 0.10 and generally equal to 0.04-0.03. The prospecting of these deposits is carried out almost exclusively by means of mine workings. Since the deposits in the majority of cases are represented by tens or even hundreds of parallel veins, not by one vein, 1005 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 crosscuts play a very important part in the system of mining operations. The length of the crosscuts and the optimum distance between them are determined in each individual case on the basis of the average extent of the ore bodies and the established or proposed boundaries of the distribution of rocks lithologically favorable for mineralization. The underground prospecting of individual veins revealed by crosscuts is carried out by continuous trac- ing in each prospecting-extraction level or by the com- plete excision of blocks of size 30 x 40 to 40 x 50 m. According to existing standards of mining develop- ment work, such distances between the boundary work- ing are minimal but even they cannot ensure the pro- vision of reliable data on the reserves and quality of the ores within the limits of individual extraction blocks. A comparison of the calculation of the reserves with the results of extraction indicates that the actual reserves of metal in the individual blocks are in a num- ber of cases several times less or more than the reserves calculated from prospecting data. But as a result of the mutual compensation of high and low errors,the error in the determination of a combination of blocks (10-12 blocks) does not exceed the limits permissible for ca- tegory C1. During the prospecting of the above-described de- posits an important role is played by small crosscuts or long boreholes in the walls of the workings. The ne- cessity for such boring operations and drilling is caused by the generally increased tendency of the productive fissures to ramification, with the concentration in the ore apophyses of considerable reserves of metal some- times exceeding the reserves in the main vein. The importance of the different types of worRings depends on the position of the ore pillars. In the case of steep inclination of the latter the assessment of the veins is carried out mainly from the data obtained as a result of roadway drivage. When the ore pillars are gently inclined ,the data for the assessment of the veins 1006 can be obtained mainly by driving vertical workings, i.e., raises and staples. The low coefficient of ore bearing and the slight thickness of the ore veins, which are often in the form of thin tectonic joints, exclude the possibility of a re- liable assessment of the reserves of these deposits by means of boreholes. Under such conditions drilling is used only for an approximate solution of the problem of the possible depth of the industrial mineralization. It was established, for example, that when the ore veins lie in a gneiss-shale stratum the lower boundary of the uranium deposits frequently coincides with the surface of the granite massifs forming the basement of the surrounding rocks. The topography of this surface can be established by drilling so-called structural bore- holes. Small drillings from the mine workings sometimes give a considerable effect both during prospecting and the geological servicing of existing mines; they success- fully replace small crosscuts during the prospecting of parallel veins, ore apophyses and displaced parts of the ore-containing fissures. SUMMARY The above-given morphological characteristics of the present known uranium deposits can be jointly sum- marized, as shown in the table, as follows. Deposits of the first group prospected by drilling; deposits of the second, third and fourth group ? by a combination of mine workings and boreholes with a different density of the prospecting network; deposits of the fifth group ? by mine working only. The groups of uranium deposits indicated in the table also differ from each other according to the con- ditions of classification of the reserves. During the process of geological-prospecting operations, the reserves of all three industrial cavItgories (A2, B and CI) can be revealed only in deposits belonging to the first group. In deposits of the second and third groups the reserves do not have a higher classification than B; in deposits of the fourth and fifth groups the extraction must be based mainly on reserves of category C1. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21: CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 EXTERNAL y-RADIATION DOSAGE DUE TO FALLOUT OF SEVERAL FISSION PRODUCTS V. P. Shvedov, G. V. Yakovleva,1 M. I. Zhilkina, and Letters to the Editor T. P. Makarova Translated from Atomnaya gnergiya, Vol. 7, No, 6, pp. 544-545 December, 1959 Original article submitted July 18, 1959 A flask,1 m2 area,was used to make a monthly col- lection of radioactive fallout during 1958 in the city of Zelenogorsk. After having been dessicated and incine-1 rated, the contents of the flask were analyzed, using al single-channel scintillation y spectrometer with a large CsI crystal. y -lines whose energies were approximately 150, 500, and 750 key, and whose intensities dropped off in periods of about 30, 40, and 70 days, were discovered in the spectra of the fallout samples. These could be I unambiguously attributed to the y lines of Gem, Ru193, and (Zr+ Nb). With the aid of a 47r counter, a calibration of the y spectrometer was made in order to make the conversion from the area of the photo- peak to the absolute 13 activity of each isotope. The isotopes being identified were radiochemically separated from the series of samples, and a subsequent measure- ment made of their 8 activity with calibrated end- window 13 -counters. A comparison of the spectrometer method and the radiochemical method showed that the error in the determination of the absolute activity of the y emitters by the use of the spectrometer tech- nique was at most 1010. The absolute activity of the Cs i" cOntained in the fallout samples was determined by the radiochemical method. The absolute activity in the monthly fallout per 1 m2 of the earth's surface of an arbitrary isotope (Atot) can be represented in the form of a geometrical progres- sion -'tot =Ao+Ane-?' I Ane-2X+ ? ? ? +Aoe-tX, where Ao is the average activity of the daily fallout per 1 m2 of the isotope; X is the decay constant of the isotope (days-1); t is the sampling period in days. Or I An (1?e -M) tot It is possible to determine from this the average activity of the isotope (A0), and therefore the number of active 1 atoms of this isotope in the daily fallout. The knowledge of the number of active atoms (which is equal to the number of future decays of the isotope) enables one to calculate the y radiation dosage from this isotope for the future. The y -radiation dosage of radioactive fallout was calculated for a point 100 cm from the earth's surface neglecting the shielding of the y radiation. The cal- culation of the dosage was made by integrating the y radiation over an infinite plane surface [1], using the Hirschfelder formula [2, 3] to calculate l the secondary rays. The results of the dosage calculations are shown in the Table. The 30-year dosage rate from ?Zr, Ru193, and Ce141 is equal to the dosage rate for the year. Thus, for a dosage rate in the year from the y radiation of Cs137 equal to ?1 mr/year, the dosage rate from Zr, Rum, and Ce14/ amounts to 7.5 mr; i.e., as a result of the continued tests of atomic weapons, the short-lived isotopes make a considerable contribution to the dosage from the external radiation. The dosage rate from radioactive fallout in 1958 already amounts to ?1/3 of the world-wide average dosage rate due to cosmic radiation (28 mr). The value calculated pre- viously [4] by us for the 30-year dosage due to radio- active fallout for the years 1954-1956,inclusively,was 16 mr, and for the year 1957 a value of 18 mr was ob- tained. The sharp increase in the dosage attests to the growing danger from the testing of nuclear weapons. 30-Year Dosage Due to Radioactive Fallout in 1958 Isotope Dosage, Mr (Zr ?1-N.1.)95 6,5 Rum3 , . ? 0,9 (;e141 0,1 Cs137 32,6 _ Total 40,1 1007 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 LITERATURE CITED 1. G. V. Gorshkov, Gamma Radiation of Radioactive Substances [in Russian] (LGU, Leningrad, 1956). 2. J. Hirschfelder and E. Adams, Phys. Rev. 73, 863 (1948). 3. J. Hirschfelder, J. Magee, and M. Hall, Phys. Rev. 73, 853 (1948). 4. L. I. Gedeonov, V. P. Shvedov, and G. V. Yakov- leva, Atoffinaya fnergiya 7, 545 (1959).? ? Original Russian pagination. See C. B. translation. * * * CALCULATION OF THE EXTERNAL y*RADIATION' DOSAGE DUE TO FALLOUT OF RADIOACTIVE FISSION PRODUCTS L. I. Gedeonov, V. P. Shvedov, and G. V. Yakovleva Translated from Atomnaya Energiya, Vol. 7, No. 6, pp. 545-547, December, 1959 Original article submitted May 20, 1957 In connection with the performance of atomic weapons tests and the fallout of radioactive fission pro- ducts over the whole earth's surface, an estimate based on continuous observation of radioactive fallout is made for the external y-radiation dosage. It is not possible to make a direct measurement of the y-radiation dosage due to radioactive fallout at great distances from the ex- plosion site, since the natural y background is much larger than the y radiation of the fallout of fission pro- ducts. A calculation appears to be the only possible method of determining the dosage. In the present paper, an estimate is made of the dosage of the y radiation due to fallout of fission pro- ducts in the territory of the Leningrad region from the beginning of the atomic weapons tests up until January 1, 1957. The dosage was calculated for a point located 100 cm above the earth. It was assumed in the calculation that all of the fallout of active substances remains in an infinitely wide and thin upper layer of the earth's surface. Such factors (which would tend to cause a decrease in the activity) as washing out of the soil, the action of the wind, the shielding due to surface irregularities, and others, were not considered; only the natural decay of the radioactive substances in the fallout was taken into account. The y -radiation dosage was calculated from the time of the fallout to the complete decay of the fragments (till t = co). )Only such a calculation enables one to tell what the upper limit of the dosage will be. The calculation was made according to the formula D-=kQ, 1008 where D is the dose (in roentgens), i.e., the amount of energy evolved in 1 ems of air by the y radiation; Q is the total number of future ,6 decays of the fission fragments which have been deposited on 1 cm2 of soil during the whole preceding time starting from the moment of fallout; kis a coefficient which character- izes the value of the dose at a height of 100 cm above the the earth due to 1 decay per 1 cm2 on soil. . The number of future decays of the fragment acti- vity for an age of this activity greater than 60 days was calculated according to formula [1] .Q=3515at, (1) where a is the activity of the fragments (decays /min) which have fallen out on 1 cm2 of the soil; tis the age of the fragments which have fallen out (days). The number of future decays for an age of the activity less than 60 days was found according to the formula Q= (t), (2) where (p (t) was found by use of a curve given in [1]. The measurement of the activity of the fallout of fission products per 1 cm2 of soil was made daily from the 6th of March, 1954, according to the method described in [2]. Activity of an unknown age was conditionally re- lated to the middle of the series of tests just prior to the fallout of the activity. The results of the calcula- tion of the numbers of future decays are given in Table 1. Considering the relatively small amount of testing which was carried out up to 1954, one can assume that Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 TABLE 1 Number of Future Decays on 1 cm2 of Soil --------- Year of fallout Number of future decays on 1 cm2 of soil 1954 8,88.106 1955 14,7.106 1956 10,9.106 1954-1956 34,5.106 the activity of all the fragments which had fallen prior to 1954 did not exceed the activity of the fragments during 1954. So the number of future decays per cm21 of soil from all the testing is estimated as Q = 4.3.107 decays/ cm2. The calculation of the coefficient k was carried out in three steps; 1) the calculation of the number of y quanta per one future B decay of the mixture of fissiOn fragments; 2) the calculation of the flux of y quanta from an infinite plane which passes through a 1 cm2 area located at a height of 100 cm above the earth; 3) calculation of the y radiation dosage in roentgens. 1, The number of y quanta per future 13 decay dc- pends on the age of the fragments at the time of fallont, which for the sake of simplicity in the calculation was taken as 75 days. Those beta-active fragments whose proportion of a 75 day-old mixture of fragments was greater than 0.Tiol of the total are given in Table 2. It is taken into account in Table 2 that in the Rufos_Rhios equilibrium chain there is one 13 decay which is recorded, since the energy of the a particles of Ru106 is so small that in a measurement with a thick source the they are not recorded. For this reason Pm147 and Sm151 are missing from the table. TABLE 2 The average number of y quanta per decay is found according to the formula v (3) The average energy of the y quanta emitted is found according to the formula 11 abc Eav 11 aibi 5=1 (4) At an age of 75 days, the mixture of fragments has v = 0.45 quanta per 1 future 13 decay; Eav = 0.60 Mev. The flux of y quanta emitted by an infinite plane contaminated with fission fragments (passing through a 1 cm2 area 100 cm above the plane) is given by (neg- lecting secondary radiation) formula (5) of [3]. Qv ,. N = ? t ( ? WOW, where N is the y -quantum flux; Q is the number of 8 decays per 1 cm2 of soil; v is the number of y quanta per 1 8 decay; Ei (-10011) is the function Ei of the argument (-10011); ? is the attenuation coefficient of the rays in atmosphere in 1 cm-1 (for Eav = 0.60 Mev), equal to 10.8 ? 10-5 cm-1. The y -ray energy loss in air for a small coefficient of true absorption r + a 5 amounts to. (5) I 1011--e?("113)1=10 (.r-1-0R)x, (6) Relative Number of Future Decays of Fragments in a 75 Day-Old Mixture Isotope Period I 1 I Yield at time of formation, % Portion of the total number of future de- cays,_a_ Number of y quanta per 1 13 de- cay, b Average y -quantum energy, c _ Sr89 Sr" y91 Zr96?N1)99 Nb" 11W" B uinfi_m,106 Cs137 Ce"' Ce144 Pr"'5 54 daysl 27 year 61 days 65 days 35 days I 42 days 1 year , 33 yeari 33 days .1 290 days . ? 1 5 5 5 6 0 3 5 2,5 6 5 Q058 0,150 0,060 0,160 0,054 0,032 0,066 0,150 0,044 0,113 0,113 0 0 0 .1 1 I 0,2 0,92 0,7 0,5 0,01 0 0 0 0,72 0,75 0,5 0,8 0,66 0,15 0;08 1009 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 where I = NEay; x is the path length of the y rays in air (iri cm); (r+ 8) is the coefficient of true absorp- tion in the Compton effect and photoeffect; r + o8 = = 3.8 ? 10-5 cm-1. The energy yield of the y radiation in penetrating 1 cm of air is / (Td-cro)=NE,av(T-1-o) Mev, while the dose in roentgens [3] is D=1,45-10-5NEav(t+ad. (7) (8) On substituting expression (5) for N into (8), we obtain D=--1,45105 2 Qv (r+ Eav Ei (_100 ti) r. (9) Putting in the numerical values for I/ r + a/3, Eav, and Ei (-100 ? ), we get D=3,7.10-11:9 r. (10) The value 3.7 ? 10-1? is the dose rate at a point 100 cm above the earth corresponding to 1 decay per cm2 on the earth's surface. Estimation of this quantity based on data in the literature yields the following values (r/decay): 8.2 ? 10-1? [4]; 4.6 ? 10710 [5]; 16 ? 10-10 [6]; 3.4 ? 10-10 [7]. One should regard the first of the values just given as too high, since it was assumed in calculating that for each 13 decay 1 y quantum is radiated. If one used the value of 0.45 y quanta radiated for each decay, the value 3.7 ? 10-1? r/decay is obtained instead, in the first case. The authors of [6] note that they give only the order of magnitude of the quantity. Taking these limitations into account, the various estimates of the value of the dosage rate per decay agree well with the values found in this article. On substituting the previously calculated value Q = 4.3 ? 107 decay/ cm2 into expression (10) for D, one obtains D = 0.016 r for a 30-year period. 1010 The dosage value for England is estimated [8] at 0.055 r. For the USA, the value of the dosage calculated using the assumptions of the present paper fluctuates' in the range 0.006-0.160 r [9], depending on the distance from the firing ground. The value of the dosage re- ceived by humans over a period of 30 years from cos- mic rays and the natural radioactivity of the soil is between 4.3 and 5.5 r [10. 11]. By comparing the data adduced,it is clear that the y -radiation dosages obtained for several countries are approximately the same in value, and much less than the natural y -ray dosage. Although, as is shown by these data, the external y radiation of radioactive fragments does not present an immediate danger, never- theless the presence of additional radiation can be- come a cause of undesirable genetic consequences. In addition, a considerable part of the fallout activity be- longs to Sr" whose capture inside an organism is dangerous. The authors express their gratitude to Prof. K. K. Aglintsev for his valuable guidance and advice in the completion of the present undertaking. LITERATURE CITED 1. V. A. Blinov and L.' I. Gedeonov, Reactor Physics and Heat Engineering [in Russian] Atomnaya fnergiya (1958) Supplement No. 1, p. 96. 2. V. P. Shvedov, V. A. Blimov, L. I. Gedeonov, and E. P. Ankudinov, Atomnaya inergiya 5, 577 (1958)! 3. G. V. Gorshkov, Gamma Radiation of Radioactive Substances [in Russian] (LGU, Leningrad, 1956). 4. The Effects of Atomic Weapons (US Gov. Print. Office, Washington, 1950). 5. R. Lapp, Bull.Atomic Scientists 11, 45 (1955). 6. M. Eisenbud and J. Harley, Science 121, 677 (1955). 7. I. Blifford and H. Rosenstock, Science. 123, 619 (1955). 8. J. Cockroft, Nature 175, 873 (1955). 9. M. Eisenbud and J. Harley, Science 124, 251 (1956). 10. R. Lapp, Bull. Atomic Scientists 11, 216 (1955). 11. Science 123, 1157 (1956). *Original Russian Pagination, See C. B. translation. * * * Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 THE NEW ISOTOPES Sbn2 AND Sb114 AND THE IDENTIFICA- TION OF SW' AND Sb115 I. B. Selinov, Ya. A. Grits, Yu. P. Kushakevich, Yu. A. Bliodze, S. S. VasiPev, and T. N. Mikhaleva Translated from Atomnaya gnergiya, Vol. 7, No. 6, pp. 547-549 December, 1959 Original article submitted February 7, 1959 In searching for new isotopes of antimony, and with the aim of identifying the antimony isotopes whose half ' lives are 7 and 31 min [1], a study was undertaken of the activities formed in sufficiently thick targets enrichedI with tin isotopes (of mass numbers 112, 114-118) upon irradiation of the targets in the 120-centimeter phaso-1 tron at the MGU Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear Physics. In order to isolate the isotopes obtained in thei (p, ri) and (p,2n)reactions, the irradiation was carried out at several proton energies of 7 to 30 Mev. A comparison of the activities formed in various enriched isotopes of tin as a result of bombardment by protons of various energies showed that the 7-minute and 31-minute activities belonged to Sb113 and Sb116 105 104 3-103 3-103 respectively, these having been obtained in the SW" (p, 2n) SO" and Sn116(p, 2n) SO reactions. We did not observe in the case of SO an activity with a half-life Ti = 60 min (which was ascribed to the latter isotope in [2]); one can assume that the y lines which were related to Sb116 do not in fact belong to Sb116, but to Sb116, which has Ti = 60 min. In addition, we discovered two new isotopes: Sb112, with T = 0.9i 0.1 min, and Sb114, with T = 3.3 ?0.3 min (Figs. 1 and 2). These isotopes were obtained in the Sn112 (p, n) Sb112 and Sn114 (p, n) Sb114 reactions. The chemical separation of the antimony was done just as in [1]. In studying the short-lived isotope Sb112, it became necessary to use an incomplete separation 1 1 .? Group 1 Group 2 . . T = 0.9 min T2 (S 2 = 3.5 in (Sb ) . . = 16 min (Sblie 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 t, min Fig. 1. Half-lives of radioactive isotopes of antimony chemically separated from tin enriched with Sn112, after irradiation of the tin by protons. Isotopic composition of the target (in perclent): Sn112 ? 52.3; Sn114? 1.5; Snl" ? 1.5; Sn116? 11.2; Sn117 ? 4.2; Sn'118 - 11.2; Snl" ? 4; Snl" ? 10.7; S n122 ? 1.4; S n124 ? 0.2. Proton energy 15 Mev; exposure 1 min. 1rhe activity with a half-life of T = 3.5 min is determined for the most part by the isotope 5b118 (T = 3.5 min), and partially by the isotope Sbl" (T = 3.4 min), since the Sn118 content in the target is 7.5 times as large as that of Sn114. 101_1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 t, 'TIM 25 30 35 3.105 10 5 3 10' 8 o 10 3402 to' 3.10 10 1012 5 10 15 20 i i 1 \1.... 1111111111k T 2 = 16 min(Sb116-) \ / :. \ I '? li = 3.4 min(Sbl \ \ -,.... ij \ T z .... To= 1hr(Sb11 \ i 0 lgT 8 7 6 5 4 3 t, hours Type of transformation 14) Fig. 2. Half-liVes of radioactive isotopes of antimony chemically separated from tin enriched with Sn114, after irradiation of the tin by protons. Isotopic composition of target (in percent): Snm ? 0.6; Sn114? 57.2; Sn116? 3.3; Sn116? 19.6; Sn111? 10.8; Snug ? 6.8; Sn116? 0.4; Sn126? 1.3; Sn12? 0.1; Sn124? 0.1. Proton energy 15 Mev; exposure 1 min. Sb li (stable ,11P Nbf23 istable I T> 1018 or 20 years) --active wit attc._____, s 119 r fiv/ Sb122 I I 1 Sb sby ,e 18 I Sb \ ? b121 \ St"f 118 St" / / \ \ \ ' Obi sb120I Sb '\ ? se" (sbyfs.)*** .. ..? .01121 .01b 12 I 1 Sb ?-? sbt94 .0 ?f?(3? I 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 Fig. 3. Half-lives of radioactive isotopes of antimony. Neutron number N is plotted on on the abscissa. The left branch of the curve corresponds to ? - and 13+ -active isotopes, and the right branch corresponds to - -active isotopes. As yet undiscovered isotopes are indicated in parentheses. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 of the antimony (about fio), in order to start the measure- ment of the activity within 3 min after terminating the bombardment. The initial intensity of the antimony with Ti = 0.9 min which was separated from the target which had been enriched with Sn112 and bombarded by 15 Mev protons was 15 times as high as the initial in- tensity from a mixture of other isotopes of antimony. The analogous ratio for Sb114 was equal to 30. The maximum energy of the 13,4- emission as de- termined by the absorption method amounted to 2.7+0.2 Mev in the case of Sb114. The gamma .spectrum, which was measured with a scintillation spectrometer using a 100-channel pulse-height analyzer, consists of three lines; the y line of the annihilation radiation, the 1300+30 key line, and the less intense 900+60 key line. The gamma spectrum of Sb112 has, besides the annihila- tion line, only one y line, whose energy is 1270+30 key. As is evident in Fig. 3, the isotopes of antimony with even neutron numbers (Sb113, Sb115, Sb117) have a greater T.1 than the isotopes next to them with odd neutron m.. numbers(Sbm 0114, shi , ) It is to be anticipated that the still undiscovered isotope Sb111 has a value Ti ftc 1.1 - 1.5 min; i.e., somewhat larger than the Ti of Sb112. A more detailed description of work on the new isotopes of antimony will be given later. The authors express their gratitude to V. S. Zolotarev for making enriched isotopes of tin available, to Yu. A. Vorob'ev and the members of the phasotron staff, and also to L. Ya. Shavtvalov for his work on the spectro- meter. LITERATURE CITED 1. I. P. Selinov, Yu. A. Grits, D. E. Khulelidze, E. E. Baroni, Yu. A. Bliodze, A. G. Dentin, and Yu. P.Kushakevich, Atomnaya Energiya 5, 660 (1958).? 2. D. Strominger, J. Hollander, and G. Seaborg, Rev. Mod. Phys. 30, 585 (1958). ? Original Russian pagination. See C. B. translation. * * * STABILITY OF A CHARGED BEAM IN STORAGE SYSTEMS A. A. Kolomenskii and A. N. Lebedev Translated from Atomnaya nergiya, Vol. 7, No. 6, pp. 549-550 December, 1959 Original article submitted June 8, 1959 In connection with the proposal on the feasibility of reactions with intersecting beams of relativistic particles [1], there has been increased discussion recently con- cerning methods of storage [2] of high current in annular magnetic systems. Of particular interest for such systems is the study of the interaction of the large number of particles in a storage orbit. Besides the lateral repulsion of the beam, which mainly affects the betatron oscilla- tions, there are also interesting effects connected with the azimuthal inhomogeneities of the density and the resulting redistribution in energy of the particles. It follows from quite simple physical consider- ations that under certain conditions, a distribution of the beam which is homogeneous with respect to the azimuthal direction is unstable. For simplicity, let us consider a monoenergetic beam. The field due to a positive density fluctuation which is formed accelerates particles moving in front of the fluctuation and decele- rates particles moving behind it. If at the same time the rotation frequency decreases with a rise in energy dco ? 0, the fluctuation tends to be dE die resolved. The condition dE ? < 0 is obtained in weak-focus- ing and strong-focusing systems above the critical energy. In view of the practical importance of the question, and the physical interest which plasma effects exhibit in storage systems, it is therefore appropriate to examine such instability in greater detail.? The change in energy of a particle in the presence of an azimuthal electric field is described by the Hamiltonian [2] ( do.) \ 1472 2 , (1) *After this note was written to the press, another study [3] was published, in which the beam stability was also examined in the region above the critical energy. 1013 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/21 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000100040004-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/0 In which the canonic momentum W is connected with the energy E by the relation (' (11:. i=.\ P! (2) where v is the velocity of the particle. (The index S indicates quantities evaluated at the average energy of the stored beam.) The canonical coordinate o) which is conjugated to W is connected with the azimuthal angle e by the relation (I) = 0- wst; in the general case of arbitrary periodic systems, 0 is the so-called generalized azimuth [4]. The quantity 6(q', t) is the azimuthal com- ponent of the electric field of the beam. We will describe the state of the beam by the dis- tribution function F(W, t), which can be represented in the form of a sum F (W, tp,1)--=-Fo (w)-1- (HT, (p,t); f < Fri, (3) i.e., we shall examine small deviations from an equilib- rium state which is homogeneous with respect to the azimuthal direction. It is clear from physical consider- ations that 6 =0 in the equilibrium state, since the linearized kinetic equation has the form Of at ( am-) at -1- afq) dE )S (4) or, if we take the Fourier transform on the azimuthal angle and a Laplace transform on time; do) (5) In order to connect g(k) with the Fourier component of the charge density, we make use of the fact that the electric field of the beam is well shielded by the horizontal covers of the vacuum chamber and is practi- cally the same as the field of a rectilinear beam which is located between two conducting planes. Whence +03 2 (k, t)= i Ake \ f (14, k, t) dW ; ?y=( 1_!)_h/2(6) R2y2 r ?CO where R is the average radius of the orbit. This same expression can be obtained rigorously, if we use for the field of the shielded circular current the expressions given, for example, in [5]. The exact result of expression (6) will be given in a more detailed study; we will note here only that the quantity A, which depends on the ratio of the transverse dimensions of the beam to the gap width d, has a value in the range 2-3 in cases of practical interest. Expression (6) was ob- tained by using the assumption that the dimensions of the inhomogeneity are large in comparison with the aperture of the chamber; i.e., k