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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/24: CIA-RDP10-00105R000403760001-6 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/24: CIA-RDP10-00105R000403760001-6 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/09/24 : CIA-RDP10-00105R000403760001-6 50X1-HUM ? Ut nt 'leeks fcr the ?rovene t of Aeril Recchnais rice Under Modern Conditio-c, by Colonel-General of Aviation S. W..ronov JJ or-General of Aviation M. Mukhim It is generally known that the degree of troop control is directly dependent on the timeliness with which the various command echelces of the armed forces receive necessary intelligence infwmation. The demands of military art for all types of intelligence are coeseently increasing in proportiot to changes in the nature of armed combat, and the equipping of troops with the newest types of weapons and combat equipment. This emphasizes the problem of further technicel improvenent of the present means of reconnaissance and the creation of new =dela or recomnsitsance equipment. On the basis of a study of experience froe the cat traininG of troops and the state of the means of leconnaiasence, it can be said that the troop demands levied on the orgens and Weans of reconnaissanc significantly exceed the capabilities of the latter. This pertains mainly to aerial reconnaissance, the status of which causes us perticular alarm. Aerial reconnaissance pert oris its tasks with the aid of a whole complex of various technical means which are organically inter-connected and which together constitute a single intelligemee system. It is necessary to comasider the vehicles of reconnaissance equip aent as the first element of this system. Aerial reconnaissance must have at its disposal a great number of sophisticated flying equipment: manned and pil.dtless, fast Lnd slow, high and low flying and having vatious ranges of operation. It to the present, however, we have had only manned aircraft, mainly of obsolete construction (TU-16B, IL-2814, )1G-15R bis), with low performance characteristics and extremely limited capabilities for overcoming an enemy PV O system. 50X1 -HUM ?i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/24: CIA-RDP10-00105R000403760001-6 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/09/24 : CIA-RDP10-00105R000403760001-6 50X1-HUM ? ? ? The reconnaissance aircraft which are available can only partially perforr their tests. Moreover, their reconneissance equipment does not provide for detectior Cf srell aai mobile tar6ets, for determination of their geogrEpticL1 coordinates, or for transmission of infwmetion from the aircraft. The YAK-27R, utichizin series production, has limited performance characteristics and the evipment installed on these aircraft permits only visual observation and sex Lal photography reconnaissance during daylight hours under favorable weather calditions. The second most important element of the system of aerial reconnaissance meens is the complex of technical equipment of reconnaissance aircraft, inclwiing reconnaissance, navigational and communications devices designated for detection and identification of targets, determination of their geographic coordinates, and transmission of the intelligence information from the reconnaissance aircraft to the appropriate command posts. It should be noted that the problees of receipt, processing and tranamission of intelligence data in short periods of time,and in the neoassary vallnae,arc the most complex of all the problems facing aerial reconnaissance. This is explained by the extraordinary and varied nature of the targets which may be point-like (tochechmyy), of smell dimensions, area (ploahchadmyy), aerial, on land (cc water), underground (under water), concealed or camcuflaged. The characteristics of each type of target exert a great influence on determining the requirements that are levied on the reconnaissance devices: in relation to the capability for long-range detection of targets, the resolving power of the devices, the time for conduct of reconnaissance of a given target, etc. Aerial reconnaissance can exploit such important characteristics of targets as, for example, the reflection and radiation of electromagnetic waves of various frequency ranges and also the magnetic, ionization and radiation characteristics. Thus, taking into account that the targets of reconnaissance naturally emit electromagnetic waves, radio and radio-technical reconnaissance devices are constructed, and on the basis of exploiGing the principle of reflection?aerial photography, television, infrared, radar and other devices are constructed. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/24: CIA-RDP10-00105R000403760001-6 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/24: CIA-RDP10-00105R000403760001-6 ? ? At the present tine, aerial photoEsaphy end radio-technical recorneissarce devices have becoae the basic recocInaissance equipment of our armei forcee. Unfortunote, other types of these devices (television, infrared, radLr, magtometric, radionietric, radiational and mete:clogial) are not sfficiently Indiv1duF1 mode1z of such devices have not yet beer perfected and are of little use in Obtaining irtelligehee data. The inadequate development of the above-listed typet, of reconnaissance device F seriously limits the capabilities of aerial reconnaissance. The devices of reconnaissance aircraft do not satisfy the requirements of the armed forces as to voime, quality or timeliness of receipt of intelligence informatio7 The degre: of .iut-lation of airborne reconneissance devices is extremely low atid special operators are needed to operate them in flight: Night photography is limited ? because airborne lighting means have not been perfected. It is possible only after lighting the terrain with photObombs, as a result of Which the number of aerial photographs is limited by the supply of photObothe on board. There are no electrical lighting devices in the equipment of our units for taking night photographs of targets from various altitudes. The radio-technical reconnaissance quipment does not ensure complete detection of the enemy's radar networks, particularly of the stations for controlling missile weapons. The handding capacity of the equipment is low. As a result, an experienced operator, in one flight in a TU-16R with en SRS-1 station, is capable of reconnoitering only 8 to 10 ground radar stations. The accuracy of determining the locations of individual radar stations is extremely low: 10 to 20 km. The processing and interp7etation of the results of radio-technical reconmiissance require a rather lengthy period of time. Intelligence on the enemy' ri modern radio-technical equipment which operates by rapid bursts or by switch-over of frequencies is practically nonexistent. The existing means of air navigation do not in fact provide for the necessary accuracy in determining the geographical coordinates of targets, especially under difficult weather conditions and at night, and the navigational prObleme in long-distance flights over areas without reference points and in northern latitudes are also unresolved. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/24: CIA-RDP10-00105R000403760001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/24: CIA-RDP10-00105R000403760001-6 ? The and perfection of navigational means which perzdt accurate gent7a9hical pirpointingof targets and ths determination of a current pssition of the reconnaissanoz aircraft is an independent prole= in itself, s is also mastery of the whole com.;lex of re2nnal53an-e Modern 'warfare emphasizes the need to shorten, to the maximum extent possible, the intelligence cycle, i.e., from the time of receipt of the initial reconnaissance information to the time of receipt of exhaustive inteiligence`idata by the appropriate staffs. A whole cot4,1ex of airborne and ground devices is necessary for this. This problem can be resolved in various ways, for example, by tranardtting the initial information directly- frcea the reconnaissance aircraft. Another method is the imocessing of the initial informaticm aboard the reconnaissance aircraft. A third method envisages having all the recontmissance information accumulated abcerd the aircraft but processing it on the ground after completion of the reconnaissance flight. This method is basically embodied in the existing reconnaisrance apparatus since the problems- of processing reconnaissance infccrmaticm in flight and its automatic transmission from the reconnaissance aircraft are sti.11. unresolved. The existing ground equipment is not capable of processing and transmittiug reconnaissance informetion in the required volume. For essample, the production capacity of the photo-laboratories of reconnaissance units provides far the process:113g of only 40 to ,50 percent of the photographic materials produced by reconnaissance crevs during the course of a day. Unfortunately, as yet the has been inadequate development of such highly advanced an of reconnaissanee infcramtion processihig as television, photo-television, aerial photography with processing of photo-documents on board during flight, and also apperatus for the systematic processing of infortation aboard the reconnaissance airplane with subsequent transmission to the ground. For a cculete resolution of this problem, it is necessary to create ground points for collection and automatic processing of information which is received from strategic, operational and tactical aerial reconnaissance. For transmission of the reconnaissance information to the interested headquarters, It is necessary to introduce television, facsimile and other high-speed means- Mi Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/24: CIA-RDP10-00105R000403760001-6 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/24: CIA-RDP10-00105R000403760001-6 ? An examination of the basic elements that enter into the complex of aerial reconnaissance Indicates that each of them presents a complicated scientifiC-technicel problem. In order to ensure the necessary coordination in the development of aerial reconnaissance means and in the activities of the various organizations conducting work in this direction, it is advisable to concentrate in a single center the processing development and requests pertaining to all means of aerial as well as satellite reconnaissance. In our opinion, the air forces will most successfully cope with this problem with appropriate guidance from the General Staff. Together with this measure, in order to eliminate more rapidly the existing discrepancy between the capabilities of aerial reconnaissance means and the revirements of modern weapons of destruction, it is advisable to broaden greatly the scope of scientific-research, experimental and experimental-design work in the field of the creation of the latest technical means of aerial reconnaissance. In particular, it is necessary to designate the leading institutes (especially for the development of reconnaissance devices) and U., broaden the production base of the industry engaged in the creation of series models of aerial reconnaissance means by widely initiating the production of devices in smell series. In this connection, the development and creation of new aerial reconnaissance means should, in our opinion, be considered one of the primary tasks in the field of increasing the combat readiness of all of armed forces. In order to ensure timely intelligence data for all types of armed forces, we must solve a number of problems that are connected with determining the numerical composition of aerial reconnaissance forces for peacetime and wartime conditions, the organizational structure of these forces and control over them, and also Cie development of the most favorable system for the flow or intelligence information from the lowest level to all interested echelons. In considering the necessity for maintaining a'high degree of combat readiness of aerial reconnaissance, we believe that in peacetime it is very importamt to have strategic, operatiomaloand tactical means in quantities which will permit the timely detection of the preparations of an aggressor for nuclear/missile attack and will provide all types of armed forces with intelligence data in the initial period of a war. The readiness of the aerial reconnaissance forces mast correspond to the combat readiness of our strike force& and above all of our missile troops. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/24: CIA-RDP10-00105R000403760001-6 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/09/24 : CIA-RDP10-00105R000403760001-6 50X1-HUM In view of the fact that in the majority of cases aerial recon.n.Assance will be carried or. under conditions of strong opposition from enemy PV3 weapon& and will be accoepanied by significant losses, it is necessary to envisage the creation of special reserves for the period of the war., including those of the Supreme High Command, Which are capable of ensuring reinforcement of reconnaissance forces on the meet important axet of operations of our troops. During the course of operations, because of the sharply increased troop maneuverability, aerial reconnaissance must be marked by very frequent Observation of. (targets), Which means conducting a large number of flights by manned and pilotless Means. Research, based on materials from training exercises and maneuvers of our troops, indicates that in the most typical front offensive operation in a developed theater of combat operations against a group of enemy armies consisting of 25 to 30 divisions, it will be necessary to conduct 650 to 70C reconnaissance flights per calendar day? In determining the overall number of aerial reconnaissance forces and means required by a front, it 17 net_osary to keep in mind the fact that the average potential of manned reconnaissance aircraft consists of: 3 flights per calendar day for tactical reconnaissance, 2 flights for operational reconnaissance, and 0.5 flights for strategic reconnaissance. The new tasks facing aerial reconnaissance also necessitate a change in the form of the structure of the entire intelligence system. In our opinion, the basis of the organizational structure of the intelligence system must be the idea of ensuring centralized direction and use of all forces and means. To accomplish this, it is necessary, along with the CU, which does not embrace all types of intelligence, to have within the Ministry of Defeuse a single directing intelligence organ upon vhich should be levied: --the working out and improvement of the system of equipping intelligence elements; --the working out of a single organizational-organic structure of intelligence AnIts and organs; --coordination of the activities of the intelligence organs of the various type& of armed forces and the organization of coordinated operations among ther; --centralized direction of all types of intelligence. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/24: CIA-RDP10-00105R000403760001-6 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/09/24 : CIA-RDP10-00105R000403760001-6 50X1-HUM ? The absence at the present tink of such sr intelligence organ does not plovIde at opportunity for the nos7c effective use of our available forces and nears of intelligence and is a serious Obstacle to the creation of E single intelligence syster within our armed forces. The direction of strategic, operational and tactical aerial reconnaissance with the al.= of receiving reconnaissance data for all of the interested echelons should, in our opinion, also be concentrated in appropriate intelligence centers. For this, the forces and means of atrategic aerial reconnaissance of the armed forces, inc2,;4ine satellite reconnaissance, should be concentrated in a special center of the air force, VhiCh would be responsible for providing intelligence data both to the Supreee High Commend and. to all types of armed forces. The forces and means of operational and tactical aerial reconnaissance should be concentrated in the intelligence centers of air armies (air fortes (voyenno vozdusbnyyt sily--VVS) of fleets or groups of troops) which would be responsible for furnishing intelligence data to the troops of the district (front or fleet). We consider the introduction of aerial reconnaissance units and subunits into the (TOLE) of corbined-arms and tank armies prerature for the tine being, since a large number of oervice units and subunits would be required for airfield support. As a result, this would decrease the maneuverability of the canbined.arms formations, would result in a dispersal of the a)ready Iiirited forces of aerie reconnaissance, 'would hinder combat support of the operations of aerial reconnaissance forces, and in peacetime would also significantly weaken the organization of combat training and the direction of reconnaissance units and subunits. As pilotless means for reconnaissance or a field of combat are introduced, nears which do not require complicated maintenance, it will be possible to introduce them into the TOLE of combined-erns formations. At the present time, however, combined.arme and tank armies must receive reconnaissance data from the headquarters of the trout, liehich, depepAirg on the mcmlet situetiom which is taking shape, will carry out operations by the forces and means of aerial reconnaissance on behalf of all trowe and in accordance with the goals of the front operation being conducted. It should be noted that the intelligence crap= which exist in the main headquarters of the VVS, the headquarters of naval (voyenno-morskoy flot--vmr) aviation, and in air armies (VVS of districts and frocte) by virtue of their small numbers and organisational 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/24: CIA-RDP10-00105R000403760001-6 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/09/24 : CIA-RDP10-00105R000403760001-6 50X1-HUM ? imperfection, will not be able to perform. the tasks which we propose to lorri OL. the intelligence centers of strategic and operational- tactical reconnaissance. Also, the separate reconnaissance squadrons created in the military- districts (groups of troops) instead of aviation regircnts, are not capable of fulfilling r.ombet tasks to the required exter.-.L, and the extremely limited forceE and means of aerial. radio-technical reconnaissance are widely dispersed: 2 or 3 aircraft available in the special purpose (osoboye naznacheniye?osnaz) units of districts (groups of troops) and in the reconna,issance units of air armies. It is perfectly clear that the existing dual subordination of units and subunits of tactical aerial reconnaissance (to the district and to the air army) and the dispersal of reconnaissance means: weakens direction of them and does not permit sufficiently efficient and purposeful organization of cooperation between operational and tactical aerial reconnaissance. Therefore,it seems to us advisable to create aviation reconnaissance regiments in some military districts (groups of troops) primarily on the main axes: instead of having separate all intelligence subunits in eacn military district. The question of having cadres of reconnaissance specialists for intelligence organs and units and subunits of aerial reconnaissance is also very important at the present time. In connection with the increaced demands of modern conditions, specialists of the intelligence organs of all echelons must have broad general and special traininc. However, this category of officer personnel has not been trained in military educational institutions in the courae of recent years. As e result, a significant part of the Intelligence orgens and staffs of air regiments are still manniki with officers who do not have the necessary theoretical knovledge,and work experience. The acute shortage of reconnaissance specialists can be eliminated only by establishing special training au a sufficient scale in the military educational institutions of the country. In addition, in the interests of maintaining permanent cadres of intelligence personnel, it would also be advisable to resolve the question of the material-legal incenttrep of the personnel of intelligence organs and units. .1?11s. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/24: CIA-RDP10-00105R000403760001-6 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/09/24 : CIA-RDP10-00105R000403760001-6 5UX1-HUM Alsccfnomllimportince is the pralen of improving the TO&E of reconnaissance units. In aviation reconnaissance regiments, for eke1e, the position of photogramnetric interpreter is usually filled by privates and privates first class who are serving their normal period of comnulsory military service. Taking into account that under modern conditions decisions for the use cf weapons of mass destruction will be made on the basis of the interpreted materials of aerial photo- reconnaissance, we consider that it is advisable to assign to these positions officer-specialists and soldiers who are serving voluntarily beyond the required period and who possess high qualifications. In conclusion, a few words about the preparation of intelligence organs and the training of intelligence personnel. At the present time, the performance of reconnaissance tasks is not being achieved to the required extent because of the extremely limited training facilltiWs, the lack of trained command poets for controlling reconnaissance aviation, the lack of proper opposition by PVC forces and weapons during training exercises, and also because significant limitations in the mode of operation of reconnaissance aircraft in flight cause serious defects in the training of units and intelligence organs. In order to inprove the combat training of intelligence organs and units, it is necessary above all to create an appropriate training facility which will permit the training of unite and intelligence organs in the conduct of reconnaissance of weapons of mass destruction and determination of the coordinates of targets with the maximum possible accuracy. In cuu. view, it is advisable to create within the armed forces specialized inter-district firing ranges with control and support means which provide targets which are mdbile at firing positions both on the firing ranges and in areas outside the ranges. In order that reconnaissance units perform their tasks during training exercises under conditions of strong enemy PV0, we feel that it is necessary during the trainiuz to create realistic courftermeesures by fighter aircraft, by units of antiaircraft missile troops (zenitmcy7e raketnyye voyaks--7V), aud by radio jamming. .1????? 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/24: CIA-RDP10-00105R000403760001-6 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/09/24 : CIA-RDP10-00105R000403760001-6 DOX1-HUM And fiiy, in order to work out, durilw the course of the traimim: of units, the whole copTlex of tasht in the collection, processinE and analysis of reconnaissance data, and also for the transmission of in the shortest period of tine to the interested headquarters) it is adyisable to employ the mexim possible number of reconnaissance units and subunits and the intelligence organs of all echelons in the troop training exercise. and maneuvers. * * * Speedy resolution of the entire complex of problems facing aerial reconnaissance will ensure the calcination of the gap which has formed between its capabilities and the requirements of the troops. This will increase the effectiveness of the use of the new weapons of destruction and also the combat readiness and combat efficiency of all types of armed forces to a significant degree. ????? 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/24: CIA-RDP10-00105R000403760001-6