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Document Release Date: 
August 9, 2011
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Publication Date: 
September 20, 1974
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Approved For Release 2011/08/09: CIA-RDP09T00207RO01000020061-6 o.-d ,y Tom ~ _, 3 ,. ickch WASHINGTON--The di;clL,,we that the Central Intelligvncer A~_e;-~:y fi- nanced the series of ,,rikes that pre- ceded the overthrow of President Al- 1 `Writ: irn Chile nut to ma:e Gerald Ford hide iii, face. I"Sthet he has b;: alt conned by the C.I.A. into rr,',' 1 i l;is- leadin; the American p ople and giv- ing his approval to into latin:il gang- slcri,nl, or he did it on his own, Mr. Ford, confirmin -, at. his recent news conference that the C.I.A. had carried out covert oceiauc ns in Chile, sugn'";trd that, it happened "three or four ye rs a^o" ;anti lint it war lv ralY an aft( ,t,nt. t0 s.i t tile lwc,,rrvatioll of opposition tuvvsliai,~s and elec- tronic media and to preserve opno>i- tion polilic_l patties." The facts are that the Allende Gov- ernn'ent did not Irv, as Mr. Ford Clio, t.;c;~i h ch U, to ?. o r t,. t ion nesss m dia . . . and to dcrtroy 0'-,p0- cition p?,litical parties," 'fi'e parties colit.itttcti to function throughout tic Allende regime. No Gov'ctrrment cen- sorship of the press was established, A rite-day shutdown of an opposition paper, I"I Mercurio, was t:mtle poSSibie by a libel law p used i i the previous regin, of Eduardo I rc i, who was sup- portet c Cr: in the t 1 i'\l per,, for . cooper-a- t.r ; '5 h r n sod tn)r!~rali0t: trtci c? :',i. r~IGtl of the intercols of other It T (,l 1bly tell; Us ti--' G -"!!J F aI l 1 ~: sc'd a b ll o! 1? C LA. ,,'" that t, e d P C I ! irl r, sit?io,s in t 1 o, ) t, pert eras cl in foreign ifta, tto t iit,uh ia'?,ud..tcCl by the at Lis tan,, sling to i, case aria?; staudul Ttc!icies I'u, , -an i isti,7cUvc ha`.,lt :. ;tr~ ~v!thi, s?id what tlrcy v.? sled }Mini to 5; r i;t their' bt st litter t >t, And that tells us further t'rtt if the vvr z s of the C.I.A. 'ire t I ,p, c'r}red env ni? t of , and if X71 }v ,?ngor's rr , 1 ?ibilit}" for the rr in Chile is to li- (:n;l- ^;'e5S v.'i!1 ilave to Clo it, 1`:tali to i;Ci;i from the, White House, 00728 Approved For Release 2011/08/09: CIA-RDP09T00207RO01000020061-6