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October 24, 1981
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II IJL .ill . I I III I Approved For Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP09S00048R000100020104-6 ARTICLE APPEARED ON PAGEfi BUSINESSMAN TIED. TO. TESRORI9T PLOT. Indicted With Ex-C.I.A. Agents'l in Training Project. in.Libya: .:" : ? BySTUARTTAYLORJr.:::~ SpedaittTDaN,WYO ttlms WASHINGTON; Oct 23 - A Federal indictment was made public today air curing a 38 yearold Virginian of ship-, ping explosives to?Libya? and training terrorists there. as part: of a conspiracy headed by two. former;: Central Intelli-. encea is , g The l0.count: Indictment also broad- ened the charges against the two former. agents, Edwin. P. Wilson and Frank E.. Terpil,. to include.a shipment of explo. sives to Libya, inn April 1977. The last. I shipment listed in. the original, April 1980, indictment.of Mr. Wilson and Mr Terpil on the explosives charges took place in August 1976.:' ' The charges against the new-defend- ant, Douglas M. Schlachter Sr.,. grew: out of the testimony of"newly cooperat- ing. witnesses.'' according. to Carol E.. Bruce, one of the assistant United States attorneys working with the grand jury. investigating the Libyan venture:; . ; .-: . "The tnvestigatiomhas.developed new targets'! as a result of this cooperation, she said.. "We'- consider- it a - break- throughl Meanwhile the State Department rd that it ba r - that- Ameeiesar` ens- takes part in afrfifts to supply Lbrm h-5 inrl-d ?-Tbe.Ne+s Yale.;Times reQoeied . meebanl week Iffit>plaw: sad., 'ettstted by Mr W wlre'flyfrts aadt c .: +vta raari ti a :d+1~rr o, For= inodxraewsactldes lldr lYllsbn>s tees "paw tarba+~sariedao'sS 'ra s::icsed. aompr+rair? the Soviet LTniao sad ao bs*e been Hoked tbesueped is tse atoe~mipted as.edacdati=: Lbyaa sad" fa Gioioredot?. mM. d.. those toetoaesw~re msotfosied fatsyefe Mr. SCbWC rt!! was eb.alrgedyw3.sblovfa` pert~tagthe 'byanaaddtarsdea1Mr. Wilson . and+ Mr Terpil : M upp __ atrnr tosspptttee cave neat.. With. aapbdres4?ma0s- to die, LTmted states and eotwin I 4-lses totsar them 'at0esrovaearT~ial97'lf am.ISlr. PtEW YORK TIMES 24 OCTOBER 1981 Mr: S&isel .none thought to be is the Arleen natiM of Sue=dl.. aaa no known earoeetiooawith 00711odH$aoce agency.accordingto; said t be bad been war ata wed awdiaa datiaot near ville, Va., setae MrW1bon to manage bis.ccstot 7 Mate tbers In earty 1976. Tnefadictmentses tfie+t "r>s of the` time.,; of .ae:. om14 'I.CY " Ls ewes peeaidemt of a Washing tco based woubtas and marl -1 firm. )saosc. as Les Intern amt. wbishweso no by Mr. Wibos.: ? Mr. Schlaetat trateled is om. Virginia Lib}d ::''t0 slepextile' the tarsals[ 'to training pmfect" in mltmt: 1976; so? cording to the bWk=eML Prceewsors said be had been in Libye,:Lnod= Bo- rnadi and other forvism Countries ofthetimesfacetbea. !.. I... ..A'4 LatlSetmantals~gtcR~ - .. Tbe' 17-page:: fndiezzneat utbeeaed today by Federal DistridJud eJohn B. Pratt waa beaded down by a grand j+a Y' Aug,. & Oat-- semme while the uie - m `to 'the GarftTAMt L of Burundi; which ban-nat. ean!aditlcm. Meaty with-:'the: United States:tasetem Mr. Schlachterto face Thos eliaels hate not pet su seeded. Mr7, Breessaid the +msealing of the fn. dfetmentwouid ailoa the United States th nom to with ~dr..Schlachtes di. "tVerre opt of".: getting MM The fadieomeat superseded the April L40 i~eot of Mr._ W113016 Mr. Ter. pfl, wbofnris reeantly been rem in Labs. non and Syria, aad:Jsrome S. Brower, loemedy bead of a? Pomona, C lff.i es: ? nod distribut wfa-pieaded guilty last: January sad is -=--' with prase. W. Sir to babe a to be AM- Ind4rand She world rw annumacawbetherbewesstillbe lkxslt*tn=rkftfcrW W.I1m.wbe. iafaTlipaH. ti:,. ,c,t aldr Scalar ei airs- a wife: and twe: ? ' . ditati:~ aaT:fsY`th i.-Alatted Stales: but be "1s aot.inasdfatLaaoae," ?as.BirDeaai~seittais~toNaboeat i s, the tsreermea aIn. the imb coo- ~ apitacy to rioiatea and: rioiatian of Saw. harries e~aet of wMiaslra to beuaed sofrillparaosta earldenserpropertyam=. herring tsar daom~merd~~tt~ai,ryearrieesto trsnpart bmatdous = -a ~r,o~f : :A:ms Ekpost C=tra Act of l9 6 tee wdieh bas export of certain mn Mons: . wit 4StateDepertmmtappewral..:- : Mr. Wllsm and Mr.Teipil are also illegal as unregis. iordg2s agents Of the ~ t of Libya during 1978 sad.= and cca- to murder a political cpocme nt of .. Col. Yiaannnar eWaddxfi, the Libyan ;teder.inE~ptinl9?7. _ ... I All three men could face life in prison and large Saes if appcebended and cca. slced on all rants. The-cant that caeriesa life term charges that. the cca. sptrecy resulted in an ac c1deatal eaplo- `?sion in Tobruk,. Libya, in July 1977, that . killed several Libyans and in jured. three o (W Wilsat's emplo7ees: , Thelndicime t states that'?.he cbiect- of the coegpiracy was to ski, QLY covertly and for a profit the - Government of Libya with perxanel, explosives, expio- sae material and other goods necessary .to make explosive devices and teach others bow to make,esplcsfve devicazia a terrOrisa training project. ..: : Mr. Schlachte .' waked hand In ha rd with.: tine Libyans," Mrs.. Brie. said, 7M not fairy '