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) Ht. . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP09M02108R000100680001-5 June 3, 1947. H. E. GROSS APPARATUS FOR SALVAGE Filed Nov. 30, 1942 2,421,377 8 Sheets?Sheet 1 HENRY EMMETT GROSS Prt Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23 :_CIA-RDPO9M02108R000100680001-5 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP09M02108R000100680001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP09M02108R000100680001-5 STAT - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP09M02108R000100680001-5 June 3, 1947. H. E. GROSS APPARATUS FOR SALVAGE Filed Nov. 30, 1942 2,421,377 8 Sheets?Sheet 2 . 20? .41 r- rkil;! `11 - Y ? 41.51 20- HENRY EMMETT GROSS `611A. ellty PM ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP09M02108R000100680001-5 ? =,%, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP09M02108R000100680001-5 June 3, 1947. H. E. GROSS APPARATUS FOR SALVAGE Filed Nov. 30, 1942 2,421,377 8 Sheets?Sheet 3 WAIF 40. /2 1 r- r- -svent1170"77:4,:mrrnm?cr C r f- ? 20 jt) .11 t)t or, HENRY EMMETT GROSS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP09M02108R000100680001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP09M02108R000100680001-5 June 3, 1947. MI" i - 20..z? H. E. GROSS APPARATUS FOR SALVAGE Filed Nov. 30, 1942 26 412 4Z1 Ar? iff-=7 .30 44 3.9 jq 2,421,377 ' 8 Sheets?Sheet 4 /Or .1.11/1.1101/ ?4/ 111111111111111=1111 II ' .38 HENRY EMMETT GROSS 4 a, 12,9 (20t9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013109123: CIA-RDP09M02108R000100680001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP09M02108R000100680001-5 June 3, 1947. H. E. GROSS APPARATUS FOR SALVAGE Filed Nov. 30, 1942 2,421,377 8 Sheets?Sheet 5 A .11041MIWIN INAKI1111.14q? ? ? :II I t) I 110 t HENRY EMMETT GROSS 1).9 atty Declassified in Part.- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP09M02108R000100680001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP09M02108R000100680001-5 June 3, 1947. H. E. GROSS APPARATUS FOR SALVAGE Filed Nov. 30, 1942 ? 0 I-7 "5-7 2,421,377 8 Sheets?Sheet 6 111 _ ? ? 4'0 .52 ioy HENRY EMMETT GROSS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: ClAiRDP09M02108R000100680001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP09M02108R000100680001-5 'June 3, 1947. H. E. GROSS APPARATUS FOR SALVAGE Filed Nov. 30, 1942 2,421,377 8 Sheets?Sheet 7 ,111.1.11110t HENRY EMMETT GROSS L- (214, I Declassified in Part :Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP09M02108R000100680001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP09M02108R000100680001-5 June 3, 1947. H. E. GROSS APPARATUS FOR SALVAGE Filed Nov. 30, 1942 2,421,377 8 Sheets?Sheet 8 HENRY EMMETT GROSS Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP09M02108R000100680001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP09M02108R000100680001-5 Patel:Zed June 3, 1947 2,421,377 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 2,421,377 APPARATUS FOR SALVAGE Henry Emmett Gross, Chicago, Ill. Application November 30, 1942, Serial No. 467,445 12 Claims. 1 This invention relates to a me.t.hoil .and its associated apparatus for salvage of a sunken vessel. Prior practice for the recovery of articles from the ocean floor has required the employ- ment of divers for operation on the submerged object. An operation of this character is there- fore subject to all of the limitations imposed on it by human limitations. No recovery ean be carried out unless the diver can descend to the wreck thereby eliminating many of the more 10 desirable prizes from recapture. The practice of dragging and grappling is not susceptible to sufficiently precise management to enter into consideration. The present invention does not contemplate 15 the employment of deep-sea divers for estab- lishment of contact with the sunken vessel and is hence free of the concomitant limitations. Furthermore, the apparatus employed has no inherent limitations of its own. From the per- formance of analogous apparatus, it requires only sound engineering practice to carry out salvage operations at depths deemed fantastic when contemplated in terms of the prior art. Recovery even of the largest size sunken vessels 25 from depths of 10,000 or even 15,000 feet, is de- pendent only on economic considerations. The invention contemplates first, accurately locating the sunken vessel either by some of the known means or preferably by methods described more particularly below. It is contemplated that there will be a determination of the latitude, longitude and precise dci h and as well?the Manner in _w ch.. s on the oceaoor-both--- .as to direction ancTierdigle to the_ve_rtical. Next, the salvage apparatus is brought into place above the wreck. This may be incorporated in a single vessel or preferably mounted on a framework supported between two or more vessels. In any event, the vessel or vessels are 40 securely anchored in such manner that the rela- tionship of the apparatus to the wreck in rec- tangular coordinates will be fixed and constant. From construction records and the position of the ship as previously determined, a template is prepared and this is lowered to the sunken ship by means of a plurality of strings of rotary drill pipe of the type common to the oil drilling in- dustry. Each pipe is provided with a milling cutter and means for securing the string to the 50 sunken vessel. Guided by the template the various strings of pipe are then operated to be secured to the ship. By operating the drills through hydraulic rotary tables n.11 of the pipes may be raised 55 (Cl. 114-51) 5 20 30 45 2 simultaneously just as they were lowered. When brought near the surface of the water, the ship may be towed to shallow water or otherwise disposed of in any suitable manner. For a fuller understanding of the invention reference should be had to the drawings wherein: Fig. 1 shows a schematic front elevation of one embodiment of the invention, with the drill pipe in place ready for raising the sunken vessel. Fig. 2 shows a side elevation of the apparatus showing the drills in position just after drilling. Fig. 3 shows an enlarged view of the hy- draulic tables used for operating the drills. Fig. 4 shows an enlarged view of the lower portion of the drill stem and the template show-. ing tile manner in which they co-operate. Fig. 4a is a similar view at right angles there- to as indicated at 4a on Fig. 4. Fig. 4b is a similar view showing the dog housed within the drill collar. Fig. 5 shows the drill pipe used. Fig. 6 is a view similar to Fig. 1 showing the sunken vessel raised, ready for towing inshore. Fig. 7 is a view similar to that of Fig. 1 show- ing a modification suitable for less difficult oper- ations. Figs. 8 to 12 inclusive disclose schematic ar- rangements of ships and other apparatus for locating wrecks to be salvaged by the apparatus disclosed in Figures 1 to 7. Fig. 8 shows two vessels dragging by means of cable. Fig. 9 shows an electrical detection device. Figs. 10 and 11 show enlarged views of alter- native heads for the device of Fig. 9. Fig. 12 shows an electronic scanning device and means for carrying the same. According to Figs. 1, 2 and 6 of the drawings, the invention employs two or more ships A, At of approximately similar construction, provided with steel trusswork, united to the framework of the two ships so that the resulting structure is secure but not necessarily rigid. The span be- tween the tv.q) vessels should accommodate the full height from keel to superstructure of the largest ship upon which operations are contemplated. Running the length of the trusswork is the operating floor 12 preferably at least three quar- ters as long as the wreck. Since the weight of the salvaged ship will be carried by this floor during its elevation from the ocean floor, pro- vision must be made for supporting and trans- mitting it to the salvage ships. Along the length of the floor are distributed a series of hydraulic rotary drilling tables IC of the sort commonly Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP09M02108R000100680001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP09M02108R000100680001-5 2,421,377 3 4 employed in the drilling of oil wells by the rotary log will so far as possible be spaced between the method. The number of tables employed may ribs of the ship so that, as to be indicated the one hundred or more and the scheme ribs will be intact and available to support the employed for determining the number required ship during the raising thereof. The template is will be set below. Each table consists of a large 5 provided wt.ih holes for each of the drill pipes chuck 15 through which there may be passed or to be employed and these holes are arranged in held securely pipe of diameters up to 10 or 20 the pattern which it is desired to be followed in inches. By means of power applied to the ro- sinking the drills into the ship. It is not neces- tational member 16 of the table the pipe may be sary however, to employ precisely this same pat.- rotated. ? An indexing means may be provided so 10 tern on the drilling floor as it is well known In that the exact angular position of the lower end the art of oil drilling, to alter the direction of of the drill pipe. may be determined. ? drilling as it proceeds: The temPlate is provided The drill pipe is also of the type commonly with one or more guides, 32 of appropriate shape, employed in oil well drilling save that it is not to align the template in proper position over the necessary .to provide a fluid passage through the 15 sunken ship. pipe as is required for oil drilling. Instead, I pro- Each drill pipe 20 is provided with a corre- pose to seal the pipe at each end. This serves sponding drill collar 34 connected thereto by two purposes. First, it enables the use of rein- means of interfitting splines 26 and 36 on the pipe. tively thin :wall pipe without any danger of col- and collar respectively. Thus there may be rela- lapse at working depth. Pressure in the sea in- 20 tive vertical movement of an amount sufficient to creases .447 pound per square inch for each foot compensate for the rise and fall of. waves, say 30 of depth. Consequently, if a particular length of feet, while rotation is strictly controlled. drill pipe Is to be employed at a depth of 10,000 The cutting through the side of the wreck is feet, an internal pressure of 4470.Podn-cis will be.-- Den'ornicd by milling heads 33 carried by the P.-builp in the section before lowering it into the. 25 drill collars. Pivoted on pin 39 within the collar sea. Corresponding pressures can be built up above the milling head is a dog 40; during the for each length of pipe according to its position drilling .operation this is held within tile collar in the string. ? by means of slidable sleeve 42 which is of too For the shallower depths of the order of b000 small a diameter to slide off the mill at the bot- feet or less the use of compressed air is satis- 30 tom of the collar. When the mill has penetrated factory. As the amount of pressure necessary in- the wall of the vessel and passed into the in- creases, compressed air becomes appreciably tenor of the ship, the sleeve is retained outside dense and the loss of buoyancy makes it advisa- allowing the dog to open outwardly within the ble to employ a lighter gas preferably hydrogen or vessel. Using the indexing device on the drill helium, especially the non-explosive mixtures 35 table enables the operator to . bring tile dog thereof. The second advantage of sealing each lengthwise of the ship so that by drilling midway between two ribs, the pull of the drill pipe through length of pipe lies in this buoyancy. By selection of pipe size it is possible to give the pipe just the the dog is thus transmitted from the strongest right displacement enabling it to pull just as big portion of the wreck directly to the drill pipe. a load at 10,000 feet as at 100. Assuming the use 40 When the initial pull on. the drill pipe 23 is of steel pipe having a density of 7.8 the ratio of applied to raise the wreck its weight is trans- the external diameter D and the internal di- mitted thru the ribs 44 to the dog 40 and thence ameter d, are determined according to the fol- thru pivot pin 39 to drill collar 34 and drill pipe lowing equation: 20. If desired, the pivot pin 39 may be designed 13211 'D?d'45 to properly carry the anticipated load. However, 2 'D-'--d') I prefer to design the pin relatively much smaller 4 /= ? 2 IX 7.8; d =.93D and support it by means of a relatively light web This calculation neglects the weight of the fluid 45 at the top of slot 40 which terminates opposite contained in the pipe. If this is substantial, car- the foot of slot 41 in which dog 40 is pivoted. rection must be made. One of the standard drill 50 Thus as the pull is increased, pin 39 breaks thru pipes is that of 8% 0. D. This can be had in .32" web 45 and the dog then will come to rest at the wall thickness, weighing approximately 32 pounds foot of slot 41 thus transmitting the weight on per foot of length; such pipe has just about the the dog directly to the drill collar 34 and thus right proportionate dimension. The total tensile thru the drill pipe to the salvage apparatus. strength of the standard pipe of this dimension 55 Since the drill pipes 20 are raised and lowered is roughly 500 tons. Apparatus equipped with hydraulically through the drill tables 14, inter- a hundred drill tables is thus capable of han- connection of the tables to a common source of dling sunken ships up to 25.000 tons if a safety hydraulic pressure enables a steady, even lifting factor of 2 is required. As shown in Figure 5, the action. When a full length of pipe is exposed pipe 20; consists of individual lengths 20a, 20b, r,0 above the drill table, it may be uncoupled from 20x of pipe usually 20 to 40 feet each in length the string and put aside for further use. As soon provided with upper 21 and lower 22 threaded as the sunken vessel is brought close to the stir- ends, all of standard dimensions, and preferably face it maybe desirable to move salvage appara- provided with drill joints 26a and b of the rugged tus and the vessel inshore together, the vessel style used in oil fields. 65 being carried suspended between the salvage Plates, 24 and 23 are welded in each joint of ships. However, it may prove more expedient pipe just clear of the threaded portion to seal when the vessel is brought within the reach of the pipe. In the top plate, 23, a valve 25 is pro- deep sea diving equipment to use such means ?vided enabling any desired pressure to be main- to transfer the support of the vessel tO any of tamed within the pipe. ? 70 the more conventional means, thus freeing the When the sunken ship is located and the man- salvage ships for further operation. ner in which it rests upon the bottom is deter- According to Figure 7 of the drawing, a modi- mined, a template 30 is prepared from this in- flcation is shown whereby for the less difficult formation with the aid of known construction operations, a single ship may be employed. In details of the ship. It is contemplated that drill- 75 such event, it is necessary to bring the sunken Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP09M02108R000100680001-5 I . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP09M02108R000100680001-5 2,421,377 5 ship within perhaps say 50 to 100 feet of the surface and then remove it for further opera- tions. In order to provide for the roll of the salvage ship in heavy seas, the hydraulic tables are preferably mounted on large rubber blocks 49 which are sufficiently flexible to take up the twisting strains set, up by the rolling. Less desir- able, but effectively, ball and socket joints may be employed. For locating the exact position of the sunken 10 ship, there may be employed first such records as are available which records will usually at least provide information as to approximate posi- tion. Therefore, if the ocean floor in the partic- ular locality is known to be relatively smooth, a cable may be.drag,ged between two ships as shown in Figure 8. In Figures: 9 to 11 an electrical device is em- ployed consisting of a cable 50 provided with elec- trically conducting leads within its jacket. Sus- pended from the cable is a sphere, pyramid or other shaped body provided with rrrotuberances 52, 53 acting as terminals for the conducting leads, and insulated from the main body. The leads are connected within the ship in an electri- cal circuit having a suitable source of current, indicating device and balancing resistance so that no significant amount of current will.flaw be- tween the exposed terminals in ordinary sea wa- ter. However, when two of the exposed terminals 30 contact an electrically conducting surface such as a ship's side, there will be an additional amount of current flowing and this will be shown on the indicating device. For a more thorough examination of the under 35 water scene of action the device shown in Figure 12 rhay best be employed. There may be lowered from the salvage or other ship a single string of pipe 60, having an unobstructed passage through- out its lehgth and at its lower end a watertight 40 observation sphere 62; the pipe is identical with that designated by reference numeral 20 save that the interior plates 23 and 24 are not employed. An illuminating light 64 is arranged to cast its light downwardly toward the ocean floor, cur- rent for the same being provided through leads sent down through the open pipes. Through an adjacent window 66. an electronic scanning de- vice views and transmits to the surface through additional wires the appearance of the surround- ing ocean floor. By means of the indexing de- vice on the pipe supporting table at sea level, the field of view scanned may be related angularly with respect to the salvage vessel so that the wreck May be fully oriented thereto. Having set forth my invention and the best method by which it may be carried out, what I claim is.: 1. Apparatus for raising sunken vessels com- prising buoyant means, a drilling floor supported thereby, a plurality of hydraulic drilling tables positioned thereon, each provided with a string of drill Pipe, each string comprising a plurality of joints of drill pipe, each string being provided at its lower end with a milling bit, next above the bit a section provided with a .pivoted dog, eccen- trically heavy, whereby, when unconstrained, the dog will normally assume a position at right angles to said drill pipe and a sleeve constricting said dog and freely slidable along the dila pipe and a 70 template provided with holes for guiding and spacing the various drill pipes, resting upon said sleeves and thru which the various drill pipes pass. 2. Apparatus for raising sunken vessels corn- 75 5 15 20 25 50 55 110 (15 6 prising buoyant means, a drilling floor supported thereby and a plurality of hydraulic drilling tables positioned thereon, each provided with a string of drill pipe each string comprising a plurality of joints of drill pipe, each string being provided at its lower end with a milling bit, next above tho bit a splined drill collar whereby the lower end has freedom to rise and fall without being free to rotate independently of the drill pipe, said drill collar being provided with' a pivoted dog, eccen- trically heavy, whereby, when unconstrained, the dog will normally assume a position at right angles to said drill pipe and a sleeve constricting said dog and freely slidable along the drill pipe. ? 3. Apparatus for raising sunken vessels com- prising buoyant means, a drilling floor supported thereby and a plurality of hydraulic drilling tables positioned thereon, each provided with a string of drill pipe, each string comprising a plurality of joints of drill pipe, each joint comprising an elon- gated tubular member sealed at the ends thereof tcr render the same buoyant, each string being provided at its lower end with a milling bit, next above the bit a section provided with a pivoted dog, eccentrically heavy, whereby, when uncon- strained, the dog will normally assume a position at right angles to said drill pipe and a sleeve con- stricting said dog and freely slidable along said drill pipe. 4. Apparatus for raising sunken vessels com- prising buoyant means, a drilling floor supported thereby and a plurality of hydraulic drilling tables positioned thereon, all of said tables being con- nected to a common source of hydraulic fluid whereby said tables may all be actuated simul- taneously and uniformly each said table beim: provided with a string of drill pipe, each string comprising a plurality of joints of drill pipe, each string being provided at its lower end with a mill- . ing bit, next above the bit a section provided with a pivoted dog, eccentrically heavy, whereby, when unconstrained, the dog. Will normally assume a position at right angles with said drill pipe and a sleeve constricting said dog and freely slidable along the drill pipe. 5. Apparatus for raising sunken vessels com- prising buoyant means, a drilling floor supported thereby and a plurality of hydraulic drilling tables positioned thereon, each provided with a string of drill pipe each string comprising a plurality of joints of drill pipe, each joint comprising an elongated tubular member sealed at the ends thereof to render the same buoyant, each string being provided at its lower end with a milling bit, next above the bit a splined drill collar whereby the lower end has freedom to rise and fall with- out being free to rotate independently of the drill pipe, said drill collar being provided with a piv- oted dog, eccentrically heavy, whereby, when un- constricted, the dog will normally assume a posi- tion at right angles to said drill pipe and a sleeve constricting said clog and freely slidable along the drill pipe. 6. Apparatus for raising sunken vessels com- prising buoyant means, a drilling floor supported thereby a plurality of hydraulic drilling tables positioned thereon, each provided with a string of drill pipe, each string comprising a .plurality of joints of drill pipe, each string being provided at its lower end with a milling bit, next above the bit a splined drill collar whereby the lower end has freedom to rise and fall without being free to rotate independently of the drill pipe, said drill collar being provided with a pivoted dog, eccen- trically heavy, whereby, when unconstricted, the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP09M02108R000100680001-5 TT-- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP09M02108R000100680001-5 ? 2,424,377 7 dog will normally assume a position at right angles to said drill pipe and a sleeve constricting said dog and freely slidable along the drill pipe and a template provided with holes for guiding and spacing the various drill pipes, resting upon said sleeves and thru which the various drill pipes pass. 7. Apparatus for raising sunken vessels com- prising buoyant means, a drilling floor supported thereby and a plurality of hydraulic drilling tables positioned thereon, all of said tables being con- nected to a common source of hydraulic fluid whereby said tables may all be actuated simulta- neously and uniformly, each said table being pro- vided with a string of drill pipe each string com- prising a:plurality of joints of drill pipe each joint comprising an elongated tubular member sealed at the ends thereof to render the same buoyant, each string being provided at its lower end with a milling bit, next above the bit a section pro- vided with a pivoted dog, eccentrically heavy, whereby, when unconstricted, the dog will nor- mally assume a position at reit angles to said drill pipe, and a sleeve constraining said dog and freely slidable along said drill pipe. 8. Apparatus for raising sunken vessels com- prising buoyant means, a drilling floor supported thereby and a plurality of hydraulic drilling tables positioned thereon, all of said tables being connected to a common source of hydraulic fluid whereby said tables may all be actuated simul- taneously and uniformly, each said table being provided with a string of drill pipe, each string comprising a plurality of joints of drill pipe, each joint comprising an elongated tubular member sealed at the ends thereof to render the same .buoyant. each strinr being provided at its lower end with a milling bit, next above the bit a splined drill collar whereby the lower end has freedom to rise and fall without being free to ro- tate independently of the drill pipe, said drill col- lar being provided with a pivoted dog, eccen- trically heavy, whereby, when unconstricted, the dog will normally assume a position at right angles to said drill pipe, and a sleeve constrain- ing said dog .and freely slidable along said drill pipe. 9. Apparatus for raising sunken vessels com- prising buoyant means, a drilling floor supported thereby, a plurality of hydraulic drilling tables positioned thereon, each provided with a string of drill pipe, each string comprising a plurality of joints of drill pipe, each string being provided at its lower end with a milling bit, next above the bit a section provided with a pivoted dog, ec- centrically heavy, whereby, when constrained, the dog will normally assume a position at right an- gles to said drill pipe and a sleeve constricting said dog and freely slidable along the drill pipe and a template provided with holes for guiding and spacing the various drill pipes, resting upon said sleeves and through which the various drill pipes pass said template being provided with a plural- ity of outwardly and downwardly extending guide arms to guide the drilling heads in contact with the vessel. 8 10. Apparatus for raising sunken vessels, com- prising buoyant means, a drilling floor supported within said means a plurality of hydraulic drill- ing tables, flexible mounting means supporting said tables on said floor whereby a string of drill pipe supported by the said hydraulic table May swing freely beneath said buoyant means, pendu- lum-fashion, each said table being provided with a string of drill pipe, each string provided with a 10 plurality of joints of drill pipe, each string being Provided at its lower end with a milling bit, next above the bit a section provided with a pivoted dog, eccentrically heavy, whereby, when con- strained the dog will normally assume a position 15 at right angles to said drill pipe and a sleeve con- straining said dog and freely slidable along the drill pipe. 11. Apparatus for raising sunken vessels com- prising buoyant means, a drilling floor supported 20 thereby and a plurality of hydiaulic drilling tables positioned thereon, each provided with a string of drill pipe each string being provided at its lower end with a milling bit, next above the bit a section slotted longitudinally to receive a dog, 25 pivot means passing transversely thru the slotted sect on to support the dog to swing freely in said slot and a second pair of longitudinal slots spaced radially from the first slots and extending from a point a little below the pivot to a point opposite 30 the lower end of the first mentioned slots where- by only two thin metal webs support the pivot pin whereby when a substantial load is placed on the dog as it extends at right angles to said drill pipe, the webs will be sheared and the dog will fall to 35 the bottom of the first mentioned slot and a sleeve freeiy slidable along the arill pipe for con- fining said dog in its slot. 12. Apparatus for raising sunken vessels com- prising buoyant means. a .drilling floor supported 40 thereby and a plurality of hydraulic drilling tables positioned thereon, each provided with a string of drill pipe each string comprising a plu- rality of joints of drill pipe, each joint compris- ing an elongated tubular member provided with screw threads at the ends thereof and having plates within the ends, sealing the same and a valve in one of said plates, each string being pro- vided at its lower end with a drilling bit. HENRY EMMETT GROSS. 45 50 55 no 65 REFERENCES CITED The following references are of record in the file of this patent: UNITED STATES PATENTS Number Name Date 1,296,824 Lemons Mar. 11, 1919 1,491.984 Cowles Apr. 29, 1924 775,370 Lacey Nov. 22, 1904 2,060,6'10 Hartman Nov. 10, 1936 1,993,607 Byler Apr. 23, 1935 1,807,361 Weinreich May 26, 1931 1,659,647 Althouse Feb. 21, 1928 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP09M02108R000100680001-5