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Research and Analysis Branch
R & A No. 2915.1
From American Re6ognition of he Soviet Union
to the SoViet-German Conflict
10 October 1933 ?21 June 1941
25 September
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP09-02295R000100010001-4
Research and Analysis Branch
R & A No. 2915.1
Part I. From American Recognition
of the USSR to the SoViet.,
.German Conflict, '
10 OctOber 1933 --
21 June 1941.
25 September 1945
Copy No.
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- This Chronology corers tho erio from the establishment of
_diplomatic relations betWqen the United States and the Soviet
Union to the end of World War II. .It is divided into,twojoaris;
Part T. From American Recognition of the Soviet Union to the,
Soviet-German Conflict, 10 October 1933 -21 June 1941; and Part II.
USSR in the War, 22 June 1941 - 2 Septemir 1945. Work is already
- -
in progress in the preparation of a third Part; covering the post--
war period.
Part I: For reasons of colvenience to the users and economy
.of space, Fart I lists the events of a given day alphabetically
under descriptive captions assigned' to each item. -Events involving
the relations of the.Soviet Union with other ? countries are generally
ntered.under the names of countries involVed. -International...con-
ferences and conventions- have been listed under their offidial
designations :wherever possible, _Soviet internal affdrs have most
frequently. been placed under the caption Soviet Union. or under
convenient catch-word titles.
Part. II: -While the above arraagement app3ared adequate to
cover both internal and external events during the years of in-
creasing Soviet participation in .international affairs, the com-
plexities of the war years .seemed to make a more elaborate- arrange-
ment'advisabIe? A four- column division was made. In the first
column are listed the. military.highlights of the war. To the
second column were consigned the,general-international events- in-
which the. Soviet Union participated Or had an interest. Thethird
column records the developmentof Inerican-Soviet relations,
Occasional. use was made of the device of spreadingsome interna-
tional gatherings or undertakings across' columns two and. three.
In the fourth column tho tore important Soviet internal develop-
ments, and. speeches. by leading Soviet officials (including those
on the war and world events) are. indioated.'
A large variety of sources has been used in compiling the
data for this Chronology, For all parts the Bulletin of Interna-
tional Hews, the Department of State Bulletin, the Research
Bulletin of the Soviet Union-Tuith its various continUations);
A. J. Toynbee?. Survey:of:International Affairs, and J, W.
Wheeler-Bennett, Documents on International Affairs, were basic
references supplementd as, needed from Soviet and other sources-.
For the war years- in Part II extensive use was made of the Offi-
cial Soviet Compilation on foreign relations, Vneshnyaya politika
Sovetskogo Soyuzav period otachestvennoi voiny, Volume I, to 31
December 1943. This was suppleMented for 1944 and 1945 by
chronologies issued in War and the. Working Class and its successor,
New Times. Among non-Russian,compendiums steady us a was Made of
-Facts on File, the issues - of the New York Times, and the volumes
on The War. Tirst Year through Fourth Year) iTalished by Edgar
McInnis, From time to time several other publications and mono--
graphs were Consulted for special topics,'controversia/-items;
and dates in dispute.
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? In this. Chronology special attention was devoted to the for-
eign relation's Of the Soviet Union. ?For the great profusion oP
domestic developments 4 selective approach had to be made. The
criterion used generally was the impact 'ofa given internal event
upon the outside world. ?
Lack of time andpersonnel precluded the :preparation of an
Index for the Chronology. It is hoped that the introductory words
at-the'beginning of most entries will serve as a substitute,
although recognizably inadequate, for an Index.
Despite the care-and.time. expended on this Chronology, the
participation of several individuals in the work?of compilation and
the lack of time for thorough. editing made it impossible?to achieve
a-complete consistency in the style of presentation. ?
.It has been occasionally necessary to include references to
.? unverifiable press accounts of events affecting diplomatic' history.
The words "report" and "allegation" have been-used to-note this
As far as possible; events are listed under the exact date of
their occUrrence. When this could not be established with cer.,
tainty the event was entered Under the date of its publication,
this distinction being made clear whenever possible.
In' alllikelihood there are ;missions and errors in this com-
pilation, in spite of considerable efforts made to achieve accuracy.
The supplying of omissions- affd the-correction-of mistakes would be
Welcome. .
Future Installments
Should the publication 'ofthese two parts of the-Chronology
result in a significant extension of the considerable use to which
? it has already been put in manuscript form, the ? publication of
- further parts will. be possible, covering. the period beginning with
3 September .1945 and based .upon-a Chronology of daily events which.
is. currently being .compiled. This continuing-Chronology, revised
and edited in accordance with the lbnger perspective then available,
. could sUbseouently-be brought together into a?third Part at an
appropriate time.. In preparatio4:fortbis, the compilers would be
glad tO receive any suggestions for improvement :which users of the
first two parts may wish to make.-
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Part I, From American Recognition of the USSR
to the Soviet-German Conflict,
10 October 1933 21 June 1941
October 1933
10 United' States: President Roosevelt asked
President Kalinin to send a representative to the
United States for the purpose of negotiating
normal relations betweep the two countries.
12 White Russians in Manchukuo: Exodus of White
Russians from Shanghai to Manchuria reported as
a result of call issued by Gen. Semenov, who said
they would fight .-the Soviets if Japan would
furnish arms and supplies.
13-? Manchukuo: The Russian government issued
statements to the press showing that the Manchukuo
authorities had arrested further numbers of of-
ficials of the Chinese Eastern Railway, as a
result of which great disorder was reported to
prevail on the line.
United Stares: President KaliniP's telegram to
President Roosevelt was published. Kalinin ac-
cepted?the invitation and went on to say that
there was no doubt that difficulties between-the
two countries could be settled if there were
direct relations between them.
21 : Poland: An official of the Soviet, consulate
in -Warsaw was shbt dead by a-member of the
Ukrainian National Organization who' was arrested.
26 Turkey: An official.Soviet delegation, headed
by .voroshilov, arrived in Constantinople en.
.route for Ankara for the celebration of the
tenth anniverSary of the republic.
30 Germany- ?It was understOod that, following
conversations' between the ? German Foreign, Minister
and the Soviet:Ambassador, agreement had been
reached to allow. the Soviet press correspondents
.to resume their work in'Germany.and to readmit-
GerMan correspondents into the USSR. The -repre-
sentatives of Tass and Izvestiya were to be
? allowed to attend the Reichstag fire trial again.
31 ,France: ._?Litinov,--who? stopped in Paris on his
? 'way to the UnitedStates and the .French Foreign
Minister, Paul-Boncour, discussed thequestion of
? close' collaboration .between France and Russia.
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2 ,?-?
November 1933
November '
6 Japan: Conversation on outstanding questions,
including the Chinese Eastern Railway, between
Japanese Foreign Minister, Hirota, and the Soviet
Ambassador in Tokyo.
Japan; In an address at the celebrations in
, connection with. the 16th anniversary of the
Revolution Molotov spoke of Russia's desires for
Peace, but that one had to reckon with events in
Manchuria and the fact that agreements with that
country had been violated by it. He placed
responsibilit for that and for plans to seize
Siberia squarely on the shoulders of Japan.
7 Germany: The Russian government protested
statements made by Goering at the Reichstag
fire trial.
USA: Litvinov arrived in Washington where he
made a statement-to the press in which he referred
to the "artificial :nature of the estrangement"
between the American people and those of Russia..
He was making the first breach in the barrier,
he stated..
8 UnitediStates .NegotiationS_botweenLitvinov
, and President :Roosevelt concerning the relations
of their countries -began and continued throuh_
10 United State: Following a conference between
the President end Litvinov a statement was issued
to the effect -that they had reviewed questions
between the two countries which _had previously
been discussed between the Secretary of State and
Litvinov. Conversations nith the President and
the State Department were to continue.
Japan iirota proposed that the U3?,DR and Japan
mutually undertake to put an end to military
activity along the Siberian-Manchukuo borders,
thus extending provisions of the-Portsmouth
Treaty to this border.
16 Persia, London Convention: Ratifications of
the London Convention f'or' the definition of an
aggressor, signed by the Shah of Persia, were-de-
posited ent the Foreign CoMmissariat by the Persian
United States; Exchange of notes effecting
recognition of the Soviet government by the United
States. Official relations established 11:50 p.m.
17 United States: Document4ssued to the American
press letters dated 16 Lovember in -"vbich Roosevelt
announced his decision to establish normal dip-
lomatic relations, Litvinov replied that his gov-
ernment was glad to take the complementary steps.
Amongst other things the Soviet government made a
pledge to abstain from propaganda in the United
Announcement that William Bullitt would be
the United States Ambassador to :ioscow.-
18 United States: Troyanovs1 appointed as Soviet
Ambassador to 'iiashington. B. Skvirsky to serve as
Charge d'Affaires till Troyanovsky's arrival.
Thereafter he would become counsellor of the Embassy.
27 Manchukuo. It was stated in Moscow, that the
Consul-General at Harbin had made an energetic
Protest to Manchukuo authorities concerning the
arrest of thirty-three Russian Workers on the
Chinese Eastern Railway,
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7.3 -
December 1933
2 , Italy: Litvinov arrived in Rome.
3 Italy: Litvinov and Mussolini discussed pos-
sibilities of improving the general political
situation in the spirit of the Italo-Soviot Pact
of Friendship recently concluded.
Latvia: Trade agreement with Latvia signed in
Communist Youth; The 15th anniversary of the
Communist Youth Organization was celebrated.
Italy: Litvinov made a statement to the press
in Rome stating that his meeting with Mussolini
had sought to continue and to consolidate re-
lations already existing and that the two gov-
ernments had derived what was useful from their
economic and political cooperation.
9 Internal control: Kalinin issUed a decree
placing responsibility for quality and efficiency
of work and workers on executives. The latter
would be made liable to criminal prose'cution and
prison,sentencos for lapses.
11 Far East: A decree was issued exempting the
peasants of Eastern Siberia from grain deliveries,
with a view, to stimulating the flow of migration
to the Far East. The pay of employees in Eastern
Siberia was increased including that of soldiers
stationed there.
13 United States:. William Bullitt presented his
credentials to the President of the Soviet Union.
Far Eas.t: The Communist Party opened a cam-
paign in connection with the-decree of 11 De-
cember, describing it as an epoch-making event
designed to strengthen the defenses of the Far
Eastern frontiers.
14 Manchukuo: The Consul-General reported that
the Manchukuo authorities had appointed a manager
to the Chinese Eastern Railway.
Lithuania: Ratifications were exchanged in
Moscow of the Convention regarding the definition
of an aggressor in the Non-Aggression Pact between
the USSR and Lithuania.
15. Italy: Litvinov and the Italian.Ambassador
exchanged ratifications of the Pact of Friendship,
Non-Aggression and Neutrality, signed on 2 September
16 France: J. Paul-Boncour invited tO Moscow to
discuss USSR-Franco Alliance.
18 Military Preparedness: It was announced in?
Moscow that a new drive was to be made to increase
the military preparedness of the civilian population
by a series of measures. to be carried out by the
Youth Communist League and the Osaviakhim. -The
latter was to' recruit another two million members,
and an additional 500,000' young men were to start
military training; also 1,000 new gas detachments
were to-be raised before the 16th birthday of
the Red Army in February.
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19 Finland: Ratifications exchanged between USSR
and Finland of the protocol Prolonging the Non-
AggreSsion Pact of 21 January 1932.
20 Siberia conscription: Classes of 1921-26
registered in Siberia in preparation for con-
23 United Sta'cas: First contract to make films by
Americans in the USSR signed between the Soviet
Kino Trust and i. Field, Jr., L. T3iselow, and 'V.. ,
Withrow, Jr.
28 Japan: At the opening of the session of the
Central Executive Committee of the Soviet Union
in hoscow, -olotov accused Japanese militarists
of provoking the USSR, because they feared the
union of the Ua)F. and the United States in the
.Par East.
29 ?. Japan: Speaking at the meeting of the Central
Executive Committee, Litvinov called Japan's
policy in Manchuria the darkest and most threaten-
ing loud on the international horizon. Man-
chukuo. he .called an "agency of .the Japanese gov-
ernment and Japanese coMmand," He went on to say
that negotiations for the sale.of the Chinese
Eastern Railway would not, be resumed while ar-
bitrary acts on the railway continued. Japan
should :prove her peaceful intentions ? by signing
a pact of non-aggression with the Soviet govern-
ment -
a 'Germany: LitVinov continued and spoke of his
dissatisfaction with the course of 'Russo-German
relations, and cited Hitler's demand that Germany
shoUld acquire territory in the East; and Rosen-.
berg's alleged intrigues with .the .Ukrainian
League of Mations:. He referred.tbthe League
b-y-sayinRussia had never refused international
cooperation and that it was willing. "to use some
of the existing er projected internatioal com-
binations and organizations" in the interest of
30 Five-Year Plan: Politburo approved the program
for completion of the Second Five-Year Plan, under
which-total'industrial production was to increase
240% over 1932 by 1937.
31 Latvia: Ratifications exchanged between Latvia
and the USSR of the Commercial Treaty of 4 De-
cember 1933 to come into force 1 January 1934,
together with economic agreement of the same date.
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January 1934
1 Soviet Union; CoMmunistTarty: StrUctural ?
changes in the organization of Communist Party,
entailing alterations in the government, were
2 Soviet Union (Tadzhik SSR): N. Maksum, presi-
dent of the Tadjik Pepublic, was dismissed- on
grounds of bourgeois-nationalist -deviation from
party line.
5 Baltic States: It was reported that diplo-
matic representatives of Poland and the USSR had
discussed with representatives of Finland,
Latvia, Estonia, .and Lithuania, a suggestion
that a guarantee of security for the 4 Baltic
States should be entered into. Finland refused ,
on grounds that a Treaty of Non-Aggression al-
ready existed. Proposal for joint Russo-Polish
guarantee of security of Baltic States had emanated
from the USSR.
Soviet Union: The Session,of the Central Execu-
tive Committee closed after r.pproving the budget
for 1934, which showed revenue at one billion
rubles more than expenditures.
7 Afghanistan: Commercial treaty with the USSR
8 Japan: The Soviet Ambassador in Tokyo requested
Japanese Foreign Minister'sgood offices. in reviv-
ing regotiations. for -sale of Chinese Eastern Rail-
way, and stated his government might reconsider
the price. He. also suggested that six Russian
railway officials arrested at Tiarbin be released..
Soviet Union: Official figures wero. published
of the record grain harvest of. 1933; 90000,000
United States: Soviet Ambassador Troyanovsky
accredited to President Roosevelt..
11 France.: Commercial agreement with. the USSR
signed at Paris (Cf. 9 December)
14 League of Nations: Reports were -current in
Moscow that Litvinov and Molotov -have represented
to Stalin the importance to the USSR of its ad-
mission to membership in League of Nation's..
-15 Japan: Resumption of conversations in Tokyo
regarding sale of Chinese Eastern Railway.
Switzerland: Manager and five members of
.foreign staff -of a Swiss firm operating in USSR
arrested, together with. 20 Russian employees, on
Charges of economic espionage. ? -
16 France: In Senate, M. Paul-Boncour.expressed
satisfaction at the improvement of relations with
the USSR and praised the ?Eastern Locarno pacts"
cencluded by Russia.
21 . Soviet. Union; Far East:. Speechin Khabarovsk
.12Y LaVrentiev,,Party Secretary for the Far East
Deported in Moscow; it revealed that Japanese
construction of strategic roads and airfields
in Manchuria. was .being. countered by double track-
ing the.TransSiberian, Railway and the' construction
of the new Baikal-Amur
Turkey: Protocol signed providing.8 million
dollars credit to Turkey for industrial machinery.
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22 Japan: A spokesman from the Foreign Office
stated that the Soviet statements alleging that
Japan was preparing to attack Siberia were Great-
-ing an unjustified fear that war impended.
Soviet Union; Fbreign relations: Kaganovich,
at a party congress in Moscow, was reported to
have stated that the relations with Japan were
growing worse, that the USSR would be Willing to
,re-establish relation's with Germany on pre-Nazi
.basis, that the League of Nations might, be useful.
Soviet foreign policy mobilize all anti-war
forces abroad, at the same time helping any re-
volutionary Movement "which is the only serious
way of opposing IMperialistic sehemes.
24 United States: U.S. Treasury rescinded order's
against the receipt of Soviet gold shipments, and
anti-dumping orders on lumber, pulpwood, and
25 Soviet Union: The 17th CongreSs_of the Com-
munist-Party. opened in 1.1ogeew.
26 Soviet Union: Stalin in his report to the
? opening sessions of the 17th Party Congress noted
the establishment of 200,000 new collective and
5,000 new tato farms. Industrial production was
? satisfactory although transport lags existed and
stating that the party line preyed victorious,
Stalin said that -.1arxism,did not mean levelling
of all wages and indicated the necessity of a
,more effective ?arty Control Commission than the
? Workerst and Peasartpf Inspection (RKI).
Soviet Union; Foreign po1icya Stalin in his
? report to the 17th party congress on the state
of the nation outlined Soviet foreign policy as
one of preservation of peace and development, of
trade with all countries. He said the 'unfriend-
ly change'' in Germany was largely responsible for
the improvement of relations with Poland and
France. Anglo-Soviet relations were less satis-
factory, while relations with Japan were bad,
the USSR standinG ready to return blow for blow.
United States: Stalinfs speech to the 17th
party congress stated that resumution of relations
with the United States would not only consolidate
trade relations, but also marked the end of period
when the United States was regarded in various
countries as stronghold of all anti-Soviet tenden-
28 Soviet Union; Foreign policy: The full text of
Stalints report (26 January) published. Stalin
predicted a second war against the USSR 'hieh
would lead to the complete defeat of the aggressors
in Europe and Asia followed by the destruction of
their bourgeois governments.
February 1934
1 Finland: Ratification of convention defining
the aggressor deposited in lescow by Finnish minis-
United States: President Roosevelt reported
studying a proposal to create a banking corporation
to serve as an intermediary in financing of trade
with the USSR, South America and the Balkan
countries. (Cf. 12 February).
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February . ?
3 Soviet Union; Defense: Commissarafor War and
Marine Voroshilov told the All-Union Communist
Congress that the Soviet army was well-equipped,
increased in size and would defend the country.
4 Japan: in speech before 17th Congress, Commis-
sar of War used expressions regarding Japan's
policy in Manchuria .which were interpreted as
accusation that she wished to seize Maritime
Provinces. He said he refused to Give Japan the
pleasure of finding Siberian borders defenseless.
5 Soviet Union (Far East): Pay of army in
Siberia increased; Far Eastern districts built
up and army morale strengthened.
A decree provided for special concessions to
settlers in the Far Eastern region. ':lest Si-
berian peasants were exempted from delivery of
agricultural products, following the policy of
strengthening the Soviet position in the East
in the event of war. with Japan.
6 , Hungary: Treaty signed establishing diplomatic
rolations with the USSR.
Soviet Union:' The'main objectives of tho Second
Five-Year Plan were outlined .to the Party Congress
by M. Molotov. ? Improving transport was mentioned
as the most important task.
Soviet Union; Eastern Siberia: A decree was
issued extending to the inhabitants of Transbaikal
area, including Buryat-Mongolia, the privileges
granted to those of ,the Far East by the decree of
11 December, 1933, including exemption of peasants
from compulsory grain deliveries and pay increases
to soldiers and workers.
' 7- Soviet Union: The Communist Party Congress
Unanimously ratified the Second Five-Year Plan.
8 .Italy: Ratifications exchanged with the USSR
of the tariff agreement with the USSR of 6 May
9 . Germany: Moscow. office of Metallgesellschaft
? of ,Frankfurt closed; staff of. Russian nationality
. 10 Soviet Union; The Party Congress closed after
electing new officials. The Politburo was now
composed of Stalin, Molotov, Lazarus, KaganoVich,
? Kalinin, Voroshilov, Ordzhonikidze, Kuibyshov,
Kirov, Andreyev and Kossior. Kaganovich and Yezhov
became chairman and vice-chairman of the Party
Control Commission.
? Soviet Union (Far East): In address to 17th
Congress, General Blucher, Far Eastern Army Com-
? mander, stated that Japan was feverishly preparing
for war and had 130,000 troops in Manchuria, and
500 airplanes there. According to him USSR, if
necessary, could concentrate more planes than
12 Sinkiang; Former Chinese Governor of South
Sinkiang, supnaorted by Tungans, assumed control
in Kashgo,r on behalf of tho Chinese Republic.
United States; It was announced that a cor-
poration to be known as the Export-Import Bank
of Washington was being formed to finance trade
with the USSR.
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13 Poland: Foreign Minister arrived in Moscow on
official visit.
14 Sinkiang: Inkushgar, Andijanis and Kizghiz
were attacking the Chinese-backed Tangans; the
British Consulate was involved in the fighting.
15 Poland: ?Foreign Minister left Mos6ow. Joint
Polish-Russian announceMent stated that both
governments wore in full agreement as to many.
problems and exPressed wish further to improve
relations between the two 'countries. Polish-
Soviet pact of definition of 'aggressor, already
basis of Polish-Soviet relations, should be of a
lasting character. Pact extended from 3 to 10
16 Germany; Soviet Embassy in Berlin applied for
release of Reichstag fire prisoners, Dimitroff,.
Taneff, and Popoff, following grant to them by
Soviet government of Russian nationaligy.
Gt. Britain: Temporary commercial agreement
with the USF, signed at London (Cf. 21 March).
17 Five Power Convention on Definition of Aggression
(London, 3 July 1933).
19 Japan: Fpreign Minister received Soviet Am-
bassador, who presented proposals for filling
posts of six Russian officials of Chinese Eastern
Railway who had been arrested by Manchukuo author-
ities on 24 September 1933.
Soviet Union: Troops reported as being sped to
.Manchurian border daily.
20 Japan Dispute over fishery rights occurred at
Vladivostok owing to local authorities declaring
Japanese auction bids invalid because they were
accompanied by deposits calculated at rate of
exchange of one ruble to 32* son instead of 75
21 Soviet Union; Foreign policy: Notes from
Soviet government received in Paris and London
expressing -view that conclusion of regional pacts
was an essential element in organization of
security in Europe.
22. German,T: USSR threatened ?reprisals unless
Germany released 'Reichstag fire defendants.
24- Soviet Union: M.- Bukharin was appointed editor
of izydstiya to replace M. Gronsky,-, who retired..
.25 Japan: News reaches Moscow .of release of six
Soviet officials of Chinese Eastern Railway.
Arrangements being discussed in Tokyo .for appoint-
ment of New Soviet nominees- to replace them. '
27 Germany: The 3 Bulgarians, Dimitroff, Taneff,
and Popoff, arrayed in Moscow, on deportation from
Germany, after Reichstag fire.
Soviet Union: The Central 'Committoe of the
Party and the Sovnarkom issued a decree on the
remission of arrears on 1933 grain deliveries,
and granted three years! delay in the repayment
of grain loans.
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March 1934
1 Gt. Britain: Mr. Runciman stated in Parliament
that the central feature of the Soviet British
Trade Agreement was the Russian assent to the
principle that after 1938 their exports to Great
Britain should equal their imports.
3 Gt. Britain: Foreign Secretary signed ratifi-
cation of Commercial Agreem&nt of 16 February (Cf.
21 March.
Soviet Union; Communist Party: The Central
Committee decreed a reorganization of primary
party organizations. Cells were abolished and
responsible oarty instructors wore to replace the
system of sectors and sub-sectors.
Japan: Official Soviet statement, outlining
causes of dispute with Japan over fishing rights
points out that paper yen of 1934 should not be
considered equal to .gold yen of 1931, and that the
agreement concluded 1931 with Japan shoUld be re-
16 Soviet Union; A decree provided for measures
to restore the principle of personal responsi-
bility of leaders in industry and to combat in,
efficiency through strengthening of the one-man
system of management, reductions in the number of
trusts and liquidation of "collegiums" attached
to the Peoples' Commissariats.
17 A decree of the Central Committee of the
'Sovnarkom on the .calculation of wages in accordance
with the quantity and quality of production
abolished the minimum wage guarantee in cases of
personal negligence.
?? Reform of organization of agriculture planned
by Communist Party Congres6: cooperation with
industry keynete; simplification of system decreed.
19 Soviet Union:- Foreign. trade returns for 1933 ,
showed in export surplus of 147 million gold rubles;
? imports valued at 348 million rubles and exports
at 495 millions.. The total for imports was only
half that of 1932 and,6ne third that of 1930 and
1951.. -
20 ? Postal Conventions, Cairo: ?USSR signed two of
seven agreements: universal postal convention,
and cohvention on insured letterS,and.-bo5ces.
21 bt. Britain: Temporary commercial agreement ,
with-the-USSR (16 February) ratified, ,
23 Japan: Government was informed by the Soviet
Ambassador that USSR had agreed to satisfy
application of Japanese fishing firm for additional
bids at Vladivostok and -be-accept payments, dur
ing first half of 1934, at rates of exchange. .
26 Austria: It was announced in Moscow that
Austrian concession "RATAD" has been liquidated
by mutual agreement.
Germany: Commercial agreement with the USSR
regulating questions of foreign exchange, signed
(Cf. 8 August).
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26- Soviet Union RAilwayS; Decree issued pre-
scribing new rules for all railways in USSR,
abolished number of ineffective organizations..
Provided for-stricter enforcement of individual
responsibility. Managing direetor were to ap-
point other directors of.other lineS and were to
be:influenced only:by considerations of training
and efficiency.
28. Baltic States, Germany: M. Litvinov proposed
to the. German Ambassador in Moscow that Germany
should take part in protocol guaranteeing inde-
pendence of Baltic States (Cf. 14 April). Soviet
government proposed to the three Baltic States;___
Finland and Poland that validity of the Treaty
of non-aggression to be extended for 10 years
after its expiration in. 1935. Consent of Latvia
had been received. ?
Soviet Union; Communist Party: Elaborate.
Central Committee instructions were issued on the.
structure and .functions of party organizations in
the Red Army in peacetime. -
April 1934
3 United States:. The first Soviet ship, the
motorship Kim, arrives in New York.
4 'Estonia: .Protocol signed with the USSR pro-
longing non-aggreSSion pact of 4 May 1932, for
ten years, (Cf. 26 June). . ??
Latvia: ',Protocol signed with the USSR pro-
longing the non-aggression pact of 5 February 1932.
(cf.-2 June).
? Lithuania: Protocol signed in Moscow prolong-
ing ? the non-aggressioh pact of 28 September, 1926,
? for ten years (Cf.-4. June).
? Soviet 'Union; Agriculture: A campaign was
launched to bPing the remaining individualist
? farmers into collective ? units-. Coercion was barred.,
Finland: 'Protocol signed with the USSR prolong-
ing of the non-aggression pact of 21 January 1932
(Cf. 19 December),.
Soviet Union; Foreign policy: , In the. course of
signing of the Soviet-Finnish protocol., Litvinov-
stated that the USSR did not intend to demand
revision of existing treaties, did not support_
racial or national prejudices, and did not desire
expansion of territory or stimulation of military
spirit, but only re-alisationof th ideal of a
Socialist organization' of society, in which it
saw the whole meaning of its existence. He also
pointed out that international relations were
becoming more acute, and hardly anything was heard
of Means. of averting wAP'threat.
?United States: San Francisco Chamber of Com7 ?
merce recbgnized the 'first Russian-American Chamber
of-CoMmerce on WestCoast.
? Chinese Eastern Railway: Soviet manager of the
Railway in his annual report for 1933, stated that
there were 11 intentional train wrecks, 39 attempts
at wrecking, 38 armed raids on trains, 19 cases
Of ,arson, 60 murder of employees, 1.97 other cases
of robbery and assault, 400 People had been kid-
napped on or near lines..
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- 11 - 1934
9 United States: American-Russian Chamber of Com-
merce announced trade promotion tour of Russia.
10 Disarmament Conference: The Conference reconvened,
after a recess since November 22, 1943. .At the pri-
vate session of the Bureau, ?M. Stein (USSR) and
other delegates of the principal powers reported to
hold the view that the best that could now be hoped
for from the Conference was regional arrangements
for limitation of armaments. These could be
? systematized within the framework of the League of
? Nations.
? 12 Soviet. Union: .Rescue of tYle ChelyUskin Party
'completed ,with American aid. .
Soviet Union: New title, hero of the Soviet
Union', created for seven aviators who reScued
Chelyuskin expedition; Order of Lenin and year's
salary awarded to them and mechanics.; Order of
Red Star awarded to re.s,cued persons. .
14 Baltic States, Germany: Soviet proposal of
28 March for agreement or preserving independence
and integrity of Baltic States rejected by Ger-
many. (Cf. 25, 26 April)
16 Soviet Union; ?Finance: Central Executive Com-
mittee announce& the issues of a domestic loan of
3,500 rubles.
17 Soviet ?Union; Defense: The Trade Union auth-
orities reported to have come to an agreement with
the Aviation and Chemical Warfare Society (the
Osoviakhim) whereby 300,000 workers and peasants
would be trained as sharpshooters, to form an
organization called "Voroshilov's Sharpshooters."
19 Gt. Britain: Parcel post convention with the
USSR signed.
? United States: The Commi,ssariat of heavy In-
dustry informed the State Planning Commission of
the USSR,that import plans,: recently altered in
favor of the United States would have to be revised
because, under the -Johnson Bill the Washington '
Export-Import Bank would not extend credit to the
USSR until the latter agreed to pay its debt to
the United States government and American nationals.
20 Soviet Union: Kalinin asked for militarization
of rural districts.
23 Austria: Socialist refugees nuMbering about
350 reported to have entered USSR from Czechoslovakia
with the permission of Soviet authorities.
Soviet *Union; Education: A decree of the
Central Committee of the Communist,Party forbade
overburdening school children and pioneers with
civic and political training. It Was ordered to
stop immediately study of the 17th Party Congress
resolutions and Marxist-Leninist Theory because
they were beyond the understanding of children and
made them antagonistic towards phenomena of social
lifp which they could understand.
25 Baltic States, Germany: The Latvian telegraph
agency had issued a statement on the German refusal
to join the USSR in a protocol guaranteeing in-
dependence and integrity of Baltic States. (Cf. 14
26 . Baltic States, Germany: An official German
statement connected Latvian report (25 April) of
German refusal to join the USSR in guaranteeing
Baltic independence, and reiterated the official
? position.
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- 12 -
-28 . Soviet Union Komsomol: It, was announced that
_the League of Young Communists was to receive
military training.
May 1934
5 Baltic States: Soviet proposals of guarantee of
security by Poland and the USSR turned down by the
Baltic States on the ground that it was useless
without the inclusion of Germany and that their
non-aggression treaties with USSR were adequate so
far as USSR was concerned, in Baltic viewpoint.
Poland: Protocol signed with the USSR pro-
longing the non-aggression pact of 25 July, 1932,
for 10 years (Cf. 16 June).
United States: The At;torney General, refer- ,
ring to the Johnson Act and the USSR, stated ?that
he was "alTara of no principle in law under which
Previously existing default is waived or overcome
because of the mere pendence of negotiations...
although...the matter might be affected by the out-
7 Soviet 'Union: Birobidzhan was declared the
Autonomous Jewish Region.
United States: Attorney General Cummings rules
that the Johnson Act applied to the USSR and
therefore made impossible the functioning of the
Export-import Bank.
10 Soviet Union: Karakhan and Sokolnikov relieved
of posts as Deputy Foreign Commissars. Litvinov
in future to have only two deputies.
11 Soviet -Union; Defense: Commissar Voroshilov
appeals to men to participate in intensified physi-
? cal training.
14 Manchoukuo: Commissioner for Foreign Affairs
protested to the Soviet Consul-General in Harbin
against action of Soviet troops who were alleged
to have fired on a Manchoukuo steamer on the Amur
on 13 May.
15 Soviet Union; Education: The establishment
of common types of general schools throughout the
USSR was decreed in order to secure "a clear
organizational system .and order" 4 year elementary
schools, 7 year incomplete secondary schools and
10 year secondary schools, methods of appointment
and qualifications of teachers were provided for.
16 Soviet Union; Education: Decrees ordered the
revision of teaching of geegraphy and history
in the schools. Only the study of historical and
chronological sequence (with names and dates)
could lead to the Marxist conception of history.
Elimination of dry statistical and economic
geographical data and return to the "traditional"
memoriz,ing of geographic names was ordered. New
text books were to be compiLed in both subjects.
17 League of Nations: ' Litvinov arrived in Geneva
and had conversations with M. Barthpu and M.
The Soviet version of 13 May incident in Amur
accused the Japanese of photographing _shore de-
fenses in the Russian side of the Amur. Blank shots
fired as a warning were ignored by the steamer.
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- 13
18 East European Pact of non-aggression and mutual
assistance: meeting between M. Litvinov and M.
Barthou at Geneva initiating the project of building
Eat-European Pact to include provision's of mutual
assistance in case of unprovoked aggression.
Litvinov was understood to have initiated the idea.
13arthou suggested as alternative that USSR join
League. Litvinov reported to have intithated that
this step might be arranged.if the pact went through.
19 Japan: Agreement concluded with the USSR
on Kamchatka fisheries.
23 Japan: The Ambassador to Moscow reported to
? have protested to the Soviet Governffient in connection
with tWo cases of firirt in front of the Consulate
24 'spain: Foreign minister stated that Spain would
warmly welcome, entry of USSR into League.
25 ,Finland; Convention signed with the USSR re-
garding fishing and sealing in LakesLadoga (Cf.
? 21 Ivovember).
29 . Disarmament Conference, Geneva: In a speech 'at
the Conference, Litvinov reaffirmed the,original
? Soviet doctrine that the total abolitibn of arms
was the only true guarantee against the,war. He
said there was complete lack of agreement on any
ingle concrete proposal, and even oi .general
formula. Conference should devise workable system
of guarantees of security, after-which they might
reconsider disarmament in more favorable circum-
? stances.'
General renunciation of war cannot be effective
without complete renunciation of armaments;sb long
as armaments exiat the peace is only an armed peace,
an interval between wars*.
30 Manchoukuo:kieports ware received from-Khabarovsk
confirming firing by Soviet guards on Manchnukuo
steamers in Amur (cf. 14 May). It was also re-
ported that these steamers had gone up the Saya
river several times, in Soviet territory, taking
photographs of shore.
June 1934
1 Disarmament Conference; At-the meeting of the
Ueneral Commission-, Litvinov stated that he was in
favor oft permanent disarmament commission; he
thought it better to make the Conference permanent,
and not a commission, which would be. an offshoot
of it. It could deal with security and guarantees
of peace, and a limited disarmament comission could
not do that.
"2 Latvia: Protocol of 4 April, prolonging non-
aggression pact; ratified in Moscow.
. Disarmament ?Conference; Differences over the the Bureau split the delegations into
two*greups, those which put security first (France,
Russia, the Little Entente), and those which wished
first for an agreement on disarmament with German
collaboration (Gt. Britain, the U.S., and the powers
represented by the Swedish delegate). Litvinov pro-
posed the appointment of a drafting committee to
harmonize the views of the USSR, Turkey and the
small powers, but the proposal was defeated.
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- 14 -
4?' _.-Lithuania.:'.AatificatiOnS-ekchanged at Kovno
of Protocol signed 4,Apri1 prolonging for 10 years
thb non-aggression pact with the
Disarmament Conference: Soviet proposal for a
permanent conference ( 1. june) waS to be referred
.to the governments concerned, by a resolution sub-
mitted by Mr. Henderson, and accepted by Mr. Eden,
but opposed by the.l'rench.
League of Nation:' The Chairman of the Committee
of three dealing with the Chaco dispute invited the
? governments of the USSR and Japan to take part in
the embargo on the export .of arms. (Cf . 8 June).
United States: Tydings resolution introduced in
the Senate to empower and'direct the President to
enter into negotiations "with those Governments
.,_owing to the United States obligations contracted
during or immediately after the World War, for the
purpose of accomplishing tho settlement of such
? inter-governmental oblitmtions,with the United
States on a lump sum and final basis."
8 Disarmament Conference:, Compromise resolution
adopted by the General Commission recognized that
the Soviet proposals for a permanent conference .(1
? june).called.for careful study,.and requested the
Presidenttp submit that proposal to the govern-
merits. i1r. Litvinoy did not oppose the resolution,
but stated that it did not go far enough., and hoped
the proposal to transfohn the conference into a
permanent peace conference would not be pigeon-
? Greece: Commercial exchanges agreements signed
with the USSR, in force from ,10 April to 31 De-
cember 1934.
League of Nations: The Soviet Government in-
formed the Committee on Gran Chaco dispute that it
agreed to associate- itself unconditionally with
the arms embargo...,-(Cf .6 June)
Soviet 'Onion:, The Central Executive Committee
issued a decree altering Criminal ('ode so as to
make the relatives of traitors liable to punish-
Czechoslovakia: 'Exchange of notes with the USSR
establishing diplomatic relations. '
Rumania: Exchange ct'notes with the USSR
establis,hing diplomatic relations.,
10 Rumania: The ?resumption of diplomatic*relations
with .the USSR was Welcomed .by the Rumanian press
'especially because of the .undertaking given by both
,partiesi which. definitely established the right of.
' Rumania to.Be-ssarabia.
11 ? Disarmament Gonference: In the course of the
General Commission 'meeting to set up various
Committees, Litvinov stated that the Soviet Govern-
ment did not regard European regional agreements
as a final solution, of the problem 'of security,
but thought that the way should' be kept open for
the ,extension of pacts of security to other parts
of.the World. 1hr. Henderson 'said in 'a, dosing
? statement he, would submit the, Seviet proposal to
convert the Conference into a permanent conference.
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- 15
13 Disarmament Conference:.-, In the Course of the
meeting' of the Committee to study guarantees of
execution, Japanese delegate pointed out that the
several reservations made by Mr. Sao in November,
1932, would apply to guarantees of execution.
Soviet Delegate Stein stated that the Soviet gov-
ernment, though willing to. be represented on the
Committee, considered, that. all undertakings re-
'lating to supervision and guarantees of execution
must be Universal, and they.. could not 'accept them
unless they were accepted by their neighbors in-
eluding Japan. They were, however, strongly in
faVor of automatic Control of the most.strngent
'Germany: Baron Von Neurath rejected Litvinov's
offer to Germany of mutual assistance pact.
16 Poland: Ratifications exchanged of 5 May
protocol Prolonging the.non,aggressiOn pact of
20 Little Ente.fte Conference: At the final
meeting the conference noted with satisfaction
the resumption of diplomatic relations between
the USSR, and Rumania and Czechoslovakia, decided
to support the organization of-security and take
part in the regional conventions for mutual
Soviet Union': Abolition of Revolutionary ililitary
Council and the reorganization of Department for
Defense. Name of Commissariat for War and Navy
changed to Peoples' Commissariat for Defense of
-USSR. Power centralized in hands of Gen. Voroshilov
and two deputies.
- 22. - Poland: Exchange of notes with the USSR con-
cluding customs' agreement.
23 Gt. Britain: The First Lord of the Admiralty
in a. speech at Spetchley Park quoted figures to
show that while during the past eight years Britain
had.decreased her armament expenditure by 16 percent,
the USSR had increased them by 197 percent.
25 'Soviet Unien; Foreign policy:, In speech of.
National Peace Congress at Birmingham,;M.'Maisky,
Soviet Ambassador -referred to insistent "peace -
'offensive" of Russia, whose people .did not believe
that war was inevitable, ,but was the result. of
defedtive organization of society. The Soviets '
did not .harbor" any aggressiVe.intentions, and.had
neither motive nor inclination for aggression.
The government would make its decision as, to entry
'or 'non-entry into the League of Nations solely and
exclusively according .to the measure in which the -
League in existing conditions 'could play the part
.of a real factor in reinforcing peace._
26 ? Estonia: Ratification exchanged of protocol
'prolonging non-aggression pacts of 4 May 1932. (Cf.
4 April).
29 France: Trade agreement .With the 'USSR ratified
by the Chamber of Deputies.
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- 16 -
July 1934
July '?
7 Germany, Comintern: The Executive Committee
of the Comintern issUed a manifesto,. "Program of
EmancipatLon for the German working class"I'pro-
theintention to destroy Hitler's State
?Nachine, create a"GermanSoviet' Republic under
ComMunist leadership fraternally allied to the
USSR, and create a German Red Army linked with :the
USSR. and revolutionary elements in Poland, France,
and other countries.
United. States: It was reported that the State
:Department had declared that negotiations by
Litvinov for a non-aggression pact.had.been terminated
by U.S.. refusal.
? Baltic Pact: A conference at Kovno between
representatives of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
reached an understanding on the principle of a
Baltic Pact. (Cf. 29 August and 12 Sept.),
United States: It was reported that theSoviet
government had denied that Litvinov had proposed a
non-aggression pact to the United States.
10 Soviet Union: OGPU was abolished and merged
into the new Commissariat of Internal Affdirs (NKVD)
with control of the entire police, frontier guard
services and labor camps. E. Yagoda, chief of the
OGPU was appointed Commissar of Internal Affairs.
All cases of treason were'transferred to the juris-
diction of military tribunals while ordinctry criminal
cases were to be handled by the regular courts.
.13 League of Nations: Sir John Simon declared in
Parliament that in the British government's opinion
the entry of the Soviet Union into the?League,of
Nations was an essential partof the scheme fer.
European security Which included the project for an
Eastern Pact, and that the United Kingdom would
welcome an application for membership. by Russia.
15 .Soviet Union: The Council of People's 'Commissars
and. the Central Committee of the Communist Party
jointly decreed a .10 percent increase in wages
paid at "works having military importance."
18 ,Eastern ?not: The. Seviet Ambassador Communicated
to the British Foreign Office the Russian govern-
ment's Agreement with the views expressed by the
British on the proposedEastern.Pact and fts will-.
ingneSs to give guarantees,of security to Germarly?
as well as to France. ?
Sinkiang: General Ma chingying, Tungan Chief
and leader of reiVolt in ChineseTurkestan reported
to have 'been forced after defeat to cross the Soviet'
frontier, where he was,disarthed and interned.-
21 Eastern Pact: The SoViet Ambassador in Berlin
informed the German government of his government's
willingness to become a co.-guarantor of he Locarno
Treaty., and that the French guarantee under the
proposed Eastern Pact should extend to GerMany's
Eastern frontiers.
' ? ?
23 Bulgaria: The Bulgarian Minister to Turkey ,
and the Soviet envoy signed a proposal for the open-
ing of diplomatic relations between the two countries
(cf. 5 Aug.).
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- 17 -
23 Poland: Two Polish warships left for Leningrad
on an official visit to the Soviet Navy.
Soviet Union; Purge: One hundred railway workers
were tried and sentenced on charges of neglecting
their railway duties and sabotage on the railways
between Euroncan Russia and the Far East.
25 Convention for mutual protection against
dengUe fever (Athens): The USSR a signatory.
United States: Negotiations between Secretary
of State Hull and Ambassador Troyanovsky began'
on the debt and commercial situation.
26 Soviet Union: The Central Committee of the
Communist Party decreed a ruthless campaign against
'coating in weighing and measuring and infringe-
ments of regulated retail prices.
27 Soviet Union; Purge: During the trial of
"wreckers," begun at Sverdlovsk the chief charge
was made against a "foreign machine-making company,"
alleged to have worked for destruction of the Ural
machine works. Neither name nor nationality of the
firm was announced.
28 Poland: An air squadron left Poland to return
the 1933 visit of the Polish Air Commander-in-Chief
to Moscow.
29 Eastern Pact; Baltic States: Litvinov received
both from the Estonian Minister of Foreign Affairs
and from the Latvian Minister statements on the
Eastern European Pact, which were released to the
press on the following day.
30 Eastern Pact; Baltic States: The Estonian Foreign
Minister issued a'declaration in Moscow declaring
that the ;Estonian government was favorably disposed
toward the Eastern fact project but that it re-
served the right to suggest amendments to the text.
An identic statement was issp.ed by the Latvian
31 - Eastern Pact; Lithuania: The Lithuanian Foreign
Minister left on an official visit 'to Moscow to
discuss the Eastern European Pact. 1
'Soviet Union; Purge: All the accused in the
Sverdlovsk "wreckers" trial were condemned to death.
August 1934
1 Soviet Union: Rakovsky, formerly Soviet Am-
bassador in London and Paris was apoointed to his
first post since his re-admission to the Communist
Party in February. He was appointed head of the
Soviet delegation to the International Rod Cross
Conference to be held in Tokyo in December.
Eastern Pact; Lithuania: Lozoraitis, Lithuanian
Foreign Minister visited Moscow and had an interview
with Litvinov, during which both statesmen expressed
the conviction that the proposed Eastern European
Pact was the best method of preserving peace.
Bulgaria: Text of the protocol establishing
diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and the USSR
was published simultaneously in Moscow and Sofia.
France, Italy: Soviet military 'planes left for
Rome and Paris to return visits paid in 1933 by
Marshal Balbo and Cot.
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- 18 -
6 Soviet Union: The Council of People's Commissars
issued decrees cancelling promises made in January
over the signatures of Stalin and Molotov, that if
peasants cultivated more. land than was provided for
in official plans, the additional area would not
be taxed. New decrees, signed by Molotov, ordered
collection of a State levy from these newly cul-
tivated areas.
France: The Russian air mission .arrived in Paris.
. Germany:. . Further .protocol of ,commercial agree-
ment between the USSR and Germany signed. (Cf. 26.
10 , Chinese .Eastern Railway:. The Soviet Ambassador -
in Tokyo. communicated to the Japanese Foreign Office
-the final decision of the Soviet Government not to
accept_ the Japanese offer of 25 July, regarding the
transfer of. the Chinese Eastern .Railway to. Man-
chukuo. .The Soviet government. resubmitted for the -
consideration of Manchukuo authoritias the counter-
proposal it had made 3.1 July. , ?
Soviet Union Union.Republic commissariats of
local industries were established.
15. Japan: Tw'enty Russian employees of the Chinese
Eastern Railway were arrested on charges connected
with recent attacks on trains. They were also
accused of taking part in an anti-Japanese and anti-
Manchukuo c amPaign. ,
Provisional agreement reached on -payment by
Japan for fishery rights in Russian Waters.
Soviet Union: The First All-Union Congress of
the Union of Soviet writers opened in Moscow, unit-
ing all "loyal fellow travellers", condemning the
forceful "proletarianization" . of art in the preceding
period, proclaiming Stalin's slogan of.'social
realism" and accepting Stalin's formula to become
"engineers of the human soul."
16 , Chinese Eastern Railway: Soviet.authorities
stated that they had authentic information that the
military forces at Harbin had begun preparations
for proclamation of martial law along Chinese Eastern
Railway, as preliminary to seizure of the railway,
18 Chines.? Eastern Railway: The Soviet government
- issued a statement giving particulars of negotiations
for sale of the Chinese Eastern Railway to Manchukuo.
20 Convention on tha unification of certain rules
concerning international air transport (Warsaw,
12 October 1929); Ratified, by the USSR.
Turkey: Provisional commercial convention con-
cluded. by exchange of notes.
22 . Japan: The Soviet government sent ,-note to
Tokyo protesting. against the continued arrests of
Soviet employees of . the Chinese-Eastern Railway.
Actions of Manchukuo. authorities were called a
"rude infringement of treaty.; rights of the Soviet . "
Manchukuo claimed that attacks on. the railway
were the result of Soviet instigation.:
-25 :Japan, Manchukua:. Reports. were. re calved in the
USSR of arreSt of nine more Soviet employees of the
Chine se Eastern Railway, some of. whom were . ill-
? tr.'ated with a view of extracting confessions from
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- 19
26 Manchukuo: A joint Soviet-Manchukuo Commission
reached an agreement regarding navigation of the
Amur, Sungari, Ussuri, and Argun Rivers.
29 Baltic Pact: An agreement for the formation of
a "Baltic States Union" was initialled at Riga by
representatives of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia.
(Cf. 9 July and 12 Sept.)
September 1934
1 Japan: The Foreign Commissar of the USSR handed
the Japanese Ambassador a note protesting against
the ilinhuman,tortures" to which Soviet citizens,
?arrested in lianchukuo, were alleged to have been
subjected. Those allegations wore stated to have
? been confirmed by the Soviet Consulate at Harbin.
? The Japanese government was asked to take steps to
stop practice adopted to wring confessions from
prisoners that they had organized attacks on the
Chinese Eastern Railway.
.Italy, Turkey: - The USSR welcomed Turkish and
Italian military missions as an aid to peace pros.-
Manchukuo: Agreement concluded between Manchukuo
and the USSR regarding river buoys.
Japan: The Japanese Foreign Minister replied
to the Soviet note of 1 September and said that
the men concerned had issued directions to bandits
for blowing up the Chinese Eastern Railway and
furnished them with the necessary explosives.
Japan: Tass stated that the bandits who had
attacked the Chinese Ef':stexm train on 30 August had
been armed with Japanese rifles.
8 League of Nations: The Soviet government made
a declaration to the Secretrry-Genoral of the League
of Nations Council, contained in a note sent to the
British, French and Italian governments accepting
the principle of arbitration and the minority clauses
by which Poland was bound (Articles 4,5 and 7
of the Treaty of Riga in 1920).
10 Germany, Eastern Pact: The 'Germans were under-
stood to have declined to participate in the East
European Pact and to have communicated their views
to the governments of Franco, Gt. Britain, Italy and,
the USSR.
League of Nations; Ukraine, Georgia: The Secre-
tariat of the League of Yations mceived protests
from deputations from the Ukraine and Georgia,
against the admission of the USSR to the League,
unless it should have first withdrawn its troops
from the Ukraine and recognized the independence
of Georgia. The Ukrainians claimed their country
should be permitted to reconstitute its nationality.
12 Baltic Pact: The Treaty of Understanding and
Collaboration, concluded in Riga on 29 August, be-
tween Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia,' was signed in
Geneva. It was to remain in force for ten years.
(Cf. 9 July and 29 August)
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.- 20 -
12 League of Nations: private letter from the
Council ?of the League to the Soviet government
inviting it to become a member of the League was
sent to Litvinov.
14 League of Nations: Letter of invitation ap-
proved by Litvinov. Draft for Litvinov's reply
approved by the signatories of the letters of
15 League 'of Netions: Thirty nations signed a
formal invitation for the USSR to join the League
of Nations'. Litvinov accepted saying: "The Soviet
government, which has made the organization of
peace the main task of its foreign policy, and
has never been depf to proposals of international
cooperation in the interests of peace considering
that...this invitation represents...a recognition
of the necessity of cooperation with the USSR
is become a member of the League.
17 Albania: Exchange of notes in Rome establish-
ing diplomatic and consular relations.
18 Lengue of Nations: The Soviet Union was formally
received as a member of the League of Nations. The
Assembly approved the Council's resolution to award
'the USSR'a permenent seat on the Council.
21 Chinese Eastern Railway: Agreement reached
for the transfer of Chinese Eastern Railway from
the USSR to Manchukuo at a price of 170 million yen,
this price to include 30 million for retiring Soviet
23 Comintern: The World Congress of the Comintern
was postponed from October or November to the be-
ginning of 1935.
27 Soviet Union: A government money tax on private
farms, applicable only to individualist peasants
:".was decreed to speed collectivization.
28 United States: Tho U.S. government initiated
two lawsuits to gain possession of funds held in
New York banks in the name of Russian insurance
companies which had been nationalized by decree in
30 Soviet Union: The Central Executive Committee
restbred.the franchise to Kulaks who had repented.
October l34
3 Japan: The Soviet ambassador in Tokyo handed
a note to the Japanese Foreign'Minister stating
that the Soviet government was lodging fresh protest
against arre'st' and tortures of Soviet workers on
the Chinese Eastern Railway and was demanding the
release of all guiltless Soviet employees under
, Turkey: Protocol signed with Turkey prolonging
frontier conflicts convention of 6 August 1928.
Japan: Reports were published"in Moscow that
Japan had arrested (1 number of Soviet employees
of the Chinese Eastern Rnilwny and had occupied
premises belonging to Soviet citizens.
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- 21 -
13 Soviet Union (Moldavian ASSR): The 10th anni-
versary of the creation of the autonomous republic
of Moldavia was celebrated.
18 Spain, Comintern: The Executive Committee of
the Comintern, and the Young CommunistsInternetional
were reported to have decided to continue to give
"concrete assistance" to Spanish rebels against the
Lerroux government.
22 Germany: The Military Collegium announced the dis-
covery of a plot by a German organization for mi1itart7
and economic espionage in Leningrad and Murmansk.
The chief organizer, P German, was sentenced to 8
years at hard labor, an Austrian to 6 years. A
Soviet citizen was condemned to death.,
31 . Estonia: A trade agreement with _Estonia was
signed to supplement the agreement of 1929. It was
to remain in force for 3 years:
November 1954.
1 Soviet Union; Elections: DurinR November
90,000,000 people participated in the elections ?
to local Soviets. Molotov, in an election speech,
said: "There could be no question of any opposition
party trying to sheW its face."
Soviet Union; Army: Soviet commanders were
ordered to le-arn dancing and other social accom-
Gt. Britain: Agreement signed in Moscow set-
tling the dispute between the USSF:and the Lena
Goldfields, Ltd., of Gt. Britain. The company was
to receive 3 million pounds for the mines and the
whole of its businebs in Russia.
5 , Soviet Union: Death sentence imposed in absentia
on S.V. Voronkov for desertion from the battleship
Marat. His relatives faced prison terms under a
now hostage decree.
11. 'United State-a: American,manufacturers in Moscow
conferred' with Soviet officials for possible accord
on credits.
21 Finland: Ratifications exchanged between Finland
and the USSR of convention on fishing right. (Cf.
25 May)
23 Soviet Union; Defense: Advisory Military Council
formed, to be attached to Commissariat of Defense.
It was to be known as the 1:ar Council, with Voroshi-
lov as chairman.
28 Soviet Union; MTS: A decree authorized the
reorganization of the Political sections in Machine
Tractor stations into regular party organizations.
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December 1934
1 Soviet Union: Kirov, Politburo member end
secretary of the Leningrad branch of the Communist
Party, was assassinated. This precipitated arrests
and trials throughout the whole country. Subsequently
A. Zhdanov was appointed to take Kirov's place.
Soviet Union; Purge: Kirov's murderer, L.V. Ni-
kolayev was arrested. ' Others were a,-rested in hos-
cow and Leningrad as class enemies who were connected
with terrorist plots against Soviet officials.
3 Soviet Union; Purce: Leningrad officials of the
Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD) were removed
for alleged negligence in connection with Kirov's
murder. The widespread purge was begun.
4 Soviet Union: A decree was Published amending
the criminal code, to provide for immediate trial
and execution without right of rppeal'for those ac-
cused of terrorism.
5 France: Loyal, and Ldtvinov signed r declaration
by which both countries undertook not to enter rny
bilateral agreements without consulting each other
So long as the question of the Eastern Prot remained
undecided. ,
Soviet Union; 2urge: It WOS announced thrt 66
persons had been executed during the previous few
days for "counter-revolutionary" activities. No
mention was of any connection with Kirov's mur-
8 Czechoslovakia: The Czechoslovak. government
announced its adherence to the Franco-Russian agree-
ment of 5..December. (Cf. II December).
? 9 France: Commercial agreement signed in Paris.
11 Czechoslovakia: According to a statement of
Loyal made on 18 December, Czechoslovakia receded
to ?agreement of 5 December as of 11 DeCember (QC: 0
22 Soviet Union; Purge: Seven "old guard" communists,
including Zinoviev, Kamenev and Safarov, were arres-
ted by the Commissariat of Internal Affairs and
banished: the evidence against them was insufficient
for trial. Eight others arrested were being examined
by the Commissariat.
23 Hungnry: A, Beksaldion, first Soviet minister to
Hungary in 20 years was received by Regent Horthy.
25 Soviet Union: The Central Committee issued a
decree on the procedure of reinstatement of purged
Party members and candidates.
26 Soviet Union: The indictment against Kirov's mur-
derer was published im-olicating the consul of a
foreign country :ho WPS alleged to have promised
aid to "an underground counter-revolutionary ter-
rorist group" of former followers of Zinoviev.
29 -Soviet Union; Purge: The Supreme Court of the
USSR pronounced sentence on Kirov's assassins.
Fourteen persons charged with complicity were
officially stated to have been shot. The official
Indictment described the prisoners PS guilty of
working for foreign powers proposing to change the
regime 'in the USSR by armed force from abroad.
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. January 1935
JanUry -
1 . Germany Agreetent initialled on 26 'September
1934,'regarding export of'wheat'and flour to Germany
:.came into farce..
.Soviet Union (Secret Ballot, etc.): Congress of
Soviets of All-Russian Republics adopted the secret
ballot, equal repr'esentation of town and city
voters, and direct elections.
Afghanistan: Commercial treaty with
Soviet Union: Stalin elected member
of Central Executive Committee and head
tional committee, to frame amendments.
15 Soviet Union: Congress of Soviets of All-Russian
Republics opened in Moscow.
the .USSR
of Presidium T
of constitu-
16. Eastern Pact: French note present6d in Berlin in
? reply to German memorsndum of 10 September 1934 on
Eastern Pact proposal. Conversations at Geneva be-
tween Laval, Col. Beck, and Litvinov.
' Soviet Union ,(Purge): Soviet Government published
formal indictment of Linoviev, Kamenev, Yerdokimov
and 16 others, charging them with complicity in
anti-Stalinist and terrorist plot, includinc murder
of Kirov.
17 Soviet Union .(Purge): Zinoviev, Kamenev and
other "Old Guard" Communists sentenced to imprison-
ment for counter-revolutionary activities and "moral
? and political re'sponsibility' for murder of Kirov.
47 people banished to remote regions of the USSR.
18 Soviet Union (Purge): Safarov and 76 others
"tainted with the Zinoviev mentality" banished
? from central regions pf. the ,USSR.
19 Eastern Pact: Continuance of conversations at
Geneva between Laval, Col. Beck, and Litvinov.
22 Japan: Negotiations for the sale of Chinese--
Eastern Railway concluded. Management of the line
to be taken over by the South Manchuria Railway.
Soviet Union; 1935 Budget: Budget estimates for
1935 gave the total for the unified State Budget
as 65,700 mIllion roubles for revenue and 65,200
millions for expenditure.
23 Soviet Union (Purge): The head of the secret
police in Leningrad at the time of Hirovls murder
and eleven of his assistants were sentenced to
prolonged terms of imprisonment in concent.ration
oamps, after a secret trial.
25 Soviet Union; Obituary: Death of V:Ve Kuiloyshev,
Vice-preOident of Council of Commissars and a
member of the Politburo.
28 Eastern PEct: Speaking at opening of 7th Ail-
Union C?ongress, Molotov said that relations with
Great Britain were satisfactory. Judging by
Germanzis reluctance to join the Eastern Pact, USSR
must d-raw own conclusions that policy of territorial -
conquest on the east formulated in Mein Kempf remain-
ed in force, and take their measures accordingly.
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30 Soviet Union; Defense: Vlce Commissar of Defense,
Tukhachevsky, announced that the strength of Soviet
armed forces had been increased from 600,000 to
? 940,000 men. The Red Army had almost doublEd its
fighting power in the last 4 years. .Regular defense
budget for 1934 was 1,665 million roubles. 5 million
had been already spent, and a further 6,500 million
were to be spent in 1935. This expenditure was
necessitated by situatioh in the Far Last.
The air fleet had been increased. by 330% during
the 4 years, and tanks by 760%.
In the army, 'machine gun'sections n-d been in-
creased by 700%. In the navy, submarines by 435%,
and torpedo craft by 370%.
31 Japan: At the 7th Congress, Molotov discussed
the Portsmouth Treaty and Japanese intentions with
regard to the USSR and, especially her actions re-
garding the Sovict-Manchurian frontier.
United States: Breakdown of negotiations be-
tween the two countries concerning pre-Soviet debts
and other financial claims announced by the State
February 1935
1 Soviet Union; Politburo: Mikoyan and Chubar ap-
pointed members of the Politburo in place of Kirov
and Kuibyshev.
Soviet Union; Secret Ballot': The Central Commit-
tee of Communist Party decided to alter the elector-
al law and introduce the secret ballot with direct
elections. Peasants and workers were to have
equal representation.
United States: Secretary Hull announced end of'
talks and breakdown of negotiations concerning the
debt question.
2 Soviet Union; Heavy.Industry: Ordzhonikidze's
report to the 7th Congress on the state of Heavy
Industry said that as a whole the past year exceeded
the 1933 plan by 26.7%. However, railway transport
remained an impediment in the general progress.
Greater stress on consumers' - goods' was, to be given
during the coming year.
6 Soviet Union: The All-Union Congress ended
after electing Stalin as chairman of a committee.
for drafting reforms of the constitution,. to be -
compoSed of Molotov, VoroshiloV,. Kaganovich,
.Chubar and Litvinov. Molotov 'in Introducing the
measure commented that since. the class system
had been completelytiestroyed certain changes in
the constitution were out of date. The USSR; he
said, emphatically disapproved of. government by
terrorism, which.was being adopted in bourgeois
United States: The State Department announced
that the Consulate-General. in Moscow wasto be -
abolished and a number of other officials in the
USSR withdrawn.
14 Manchukuo: It was officially announced that the
Rivers Navigation Agreement concluded 27 December
1934 in Hsinking was reached between the Amur River
State Shipping Company of the USSR and the Harbin
Water Department of Manchukuo, and not 'between the
USSR and Manchukuo.
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- 25 -
18 Soviet Union (Collective FarMing): "Model
Statute" published regulating tenure of land, and
ownership of live stock and machihory. All land was
State-property and could not be bought or sold even
by collective farms, but their land would belong to
them permanently on. those terms.
19 Eastern Pact: In a speech in London, Soviet
Ambassador Maisky made a plea for collective planning
of world peace, and said that equal security was
needed for all parts of Europe. It was, therefore,
unfortunate that Germany arid Poland did not welcome
the proposal of an Eastern Pact.,
20 Gt. Britain: The Soviet Ambassador tendered a
note replying to the British communication in which
the Soviet government Was advised of the results
? of the Franco-British conversations in London.
Soviet note expressed general approval of the pro-
pOsals and hoped that full acceptance of all points
would help to consolidate peace.
Veterinary Conventions relating to (1) campaign
against contagious diseases of animals; (2) transit
of animals and animal products; (3) import and ex-
port of animal products (other.than meat and dairy).
Geneva: USSR a signatory.
23- Soviet Union: Mordvinian and .Udmurt Republics
established as autonomous,.
25 Gt. Britain: Invitation conveyed to the British
government to send a representative to visit Moscow.
28 Soviet Union: Kaganovich appointed Commissar
of Communications, with a view to carr7ing out a
thorough reorganization of the transport system.
March 1935
4 USSR (Transcaucasia): M. Yenukiaze appointed
President of Central Executive Committee of Trans-
caucasian Republic. He is succeeded as secretary
of Central Executive Committees .of USSR and RSFSR
by M. Akulov.
Greece: Commercial exchanges agreement signed
with Greece to remain in force until 31 December
7 Germany:, Parcel Post agreement signed with:
11 Japan, Manchukuo: The agreement for the purchase
of the Chinese Eastern Railway by Manchukuo was
initialled in Tokyo. The document contained no
? mention of recognition of Manchukuo ,by the Soviet
government. The Japanese Foreign Office spokesman
said Japan was content to let international lawyers
a decide whether the Soviet's -action was tantamount
to recognition.
? China: The Chinese government p?otested to the
Russians against the sale of the Chinese Ecstern
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- 23
14 Japan: Litviriov, referring to the agreement for
the sale of the Chinese Eastern Railway, objected
to talk of the "demilitarization" of the Soviet-
Manchurian frontier. He considered that friendly
discussions between Japan aid the USSR could lead
?to good results in the withdrawal of some of the
forces on both sides of the Soviet-Manchurian
17 'United Front: The,Executive Bureau of prof intern
(Trade Union International) published a document
dated 7 March, ordering Communist agents abroad to
organize non-Communist trade unionists for united
onslaught on the 'common enemy, Fascism.
18 Soviet Union; Purge: Over 1,000 persons were re-
ported to have been arrested in Leningrad, some of
whom were to be tried for anti-Soviet activities and.
for working on behalf of foreign states. A large
number were sent to? Siberia for being in the privi-
leged zone (around Leningrad) without Passports.
?22 Gt. Britain: Soviet People's Committee confirmed
the agreement of 4 November 1934 with Lena
Goldfields, Ltd.
23 Japan, Manchukuo: Agreements signed between
Manchukuo, Japan and the USSR regarding transfer of
Chinese Eastern Railway to ownership of Manchukuo.
Manchukuo Minister handed the Soviet Ambassador a
check for one-sixth the purchase price.
24 ,Czechoslovakia:. Conventions signed with Czecho-
slovakia regarding commerce, navigation, and in-
dustrial property. Ratifications exchanged 8 June.
'26 Gt. Britain: Pravda published an interview with
Sir Austin Chamberlain wherein he said there was no
doubt about the necessity of cooperation of Soviet
Russia in any complete system of European security.
Soviet Union; Foreign Trade: Publicsation of
foreign trade figures for 1934 showed exports to be
valued at 418 million gold roubles and imports at
233 millions.
28 Gt. Dritain: Eden arrived in Moscow and was met
by LitvinoV. He subsequently discussed with the
Soviet Foreign Commissar and Maisky the four points
set out in the London Declaration of 3 l'ebruary
and gave an account of the Berlin discussions.
Litvinov outlined the progressive deterioriation of
Russo-German rel-.tions during the pa st 2 years.
Later he described Eden's visit as a milestone in
29 Gt. Dritain: Eden was received by Stalin who
was accompanied by Molotov and Litvinov.
31 Gt. Britain: Eden left Moscow for Warsaw.
A joint Anglo-Soviet communique issued referring to
conversations hold stated that represenatives of the
two governments were confirmed in their opinion that
the cboperation of the two countries in the general
work for collective organization of peace and secur-
ity was of 'primary importance for furtherance of
international efforts to this end."
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-.27 -
April 1935
1 Gt. Britain: Russian press praised Eden,s visit
and said it had achieved most important results.
Eden had convihced them that the British method, of
seekind information by personal contact with
Britain, was sound.
Lithuania: Economic agreement signed between
Lithuania and the USSR.
2 Germany: Representatives.of several German
? steel companies expelled from ,the USSR.
7 Trade Union International: The Executive Bureau
? of the Trade Union International (Profintern) de-
cided to transfer one of its chief departments to
Paris, where the general activities in Europe would
be directed. S.
France:: It,was understood that agreement had
been reached with the Soviet government PS to the
terms of a proposal for a Franco-Prussian system
o?f mutual guaranties within the frameworkeof the
League. Le Journal stated that the plan contem-
plated controlled limitation of armaments simul-
taneously with guaranties of mutual military
Germany: Signature of a commercial agreement
between Germany and the USSR in Berlin; The. USSR
to place new orders in-Germahy (in addition to
their normal requirements) tattle value of 200
million marks.
10 Baltic States: Soviet government is understood
to have sounded the governments of Letvia,
Lithuania and Estonia on the subject of a mutual
assistance pact, which wOuld be' on the lines of
the one just arranged with France and might be
linked with it.
11 Baltic States: Representatives of the govern-
ments of Estonia, Latvia, ?and Lithuania met in
Riga to discuss the Russian governments sugtestion.
15 Manchukuo: The River Navigation Convention of
25 December 1934 came into force. -
,21 France: A communique published in ,Moscow stated
that negotiations with the French government had
been temporarily interrupted, and Litvinov had been
called to Moscow to make a report to the Council
of People's Commissars;
.26 Postal conventions (Cairo 20 March 1934):
Conventions of the Universal'Postal Union and on
insured letters and boxes ratified by the USSR.
27 France: Further discussions in Paris between the
Soviet Ambassador and Laval. Fresh Soviet pro-
posals were submitted and the French saLL-estions
were transmitted to Moscow. It was understood that
satisfactory progress had been made as a result of
the new start.
28 Comintern; Clermany: The Comintern decided to
supplement Litvinovis policy of p6ace pacts by a
chain of "proletarian pacts" encircling Germany.
? Instructions issued to Comintern's gections in
certain countries bordering on Germany- (except the
Netherlands and Switzerland) to organize anti-
German committees.
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:7. 28
.29 France: After TU'rther 'discussion between LaVal
and the Soviet Ambassador it was stated that ,the
? mait-points had been settled. .Final 'conversations
...were being directed. towards achieving agreement
up0-1, a text capable of only one. interp.retation.
May, 1.935
1 May Day:' May- Day demonstration in Moscow was
signalized by formation flying of 660 military
planes over Red Square. War planes and tanks took
part in the parades in Moscow and other cities'.
800 planes demon'stra'ted. in the Manchurian frontier
2 France: Franca?Soviet mutual as'sis-tance pact was
signed in Paris. It was based on articles 10, 15,
and 16 of the Covenant Hlhey invelved.the obliga?
tion of both parties to' consult together in case of
a-danger of aggression or give each other mutual
'assistance in 'case of- unprovoked azgr6esj.on.
5 Soviet Union; Bond Floatation: The issue of 3,500
:million rubles as an -internal loan was announced,
with ten years as the period of redemption.
6 ' Soviet Union; Air Force: The Aircraft Yearbook,
published by the U.S. Aeronautical Chamber of
Commerce, gave USSR combatant strength in planes
as 3,000.
Spitzbergen Convention: Acceded to by the USSR.
13 France: Laval arrived in Moscow and was met
by Litvinov and a number of other officials. In
speeches, both,Laval and Litvinov emphasized that
the pact of .2 May aimed solely at reinforcint_ peace
and said the door remained open to all those who
sincerely sought the same goal.
14 France: Stalin receixed Laval to study appli?
cation of the E,?stern ELI-rope Pact, including the
question of pronaganda by the 3rd International.
15 France: Laval left Moscow for Warsaw, after
further discussions about which an official state?
ment said that the statesmen had expressed
their satisfaction about the East "European Pact.
Hungary: The Regent of nungary authorized
creation of a legation in Moscow. He appointed
Dr. Jungerth?Arnoldy_as Ministur.
Soviet Union; Communist Party: The Central Com?
mittee of the Communist Party divided the cultural
and propaganda department ,into 5 divisions to in?
crease control.-
Czechoslovak?Soviet mutual assistance treaty
signed at'Prague.
17 Communications and Transit Conventions (Barcelona,
20 April 1921): Acceded to by the USSR.
23 Germany: Pravda described Hitler's speech of 21
May as a collection of fairy tales about German
neacofulno'ss. and Soviet aggressiveness. Hitler's
objection to collective pacts was due to his hope
of separating the Powers and destroying them singly.
His program was not one of peace but of war; war
both'in the East and in the West,.
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'???? 29 -
-31 ? -Soviet Union: The Central Committee of the Com-
munist.Party decided to disband the'Seciety of old
:June .1935.
3 .' Czechoslovakia: An agreement ,was signed in
- Prague by:Which a group of banks.eXtended credit
of.' 250 mill:ton browns to the Soviet government to
finance exports to the 'USSR.-
6 Finland: Shifting of population of Finnish
extraction from the Finnish border to Central Russia
neared completion. The Finnish government ordered
an investigation into Soviet policy concerning this.
Bulgaria: The USSR government protested to
Bulgaria against alleged anti-Soviet activities by
Russian refugees.
Soviet Union; Purge: The Central Committee of
the Communist Party deprived-Yenukide, an "Old
Guard" Bolshevist, of all his party posts and ex-
pelled him from membership for :"political degener-
acy and rotten liberal habits."
Czechoslovakia: Benes arrived in Moscow and
exchanged ratifications of the Mutual Assistance
Pact, and of the Trade Agreement signed on 25 March.
Czechoslovakia Conversations between Benes,
Stalin and Molotov.
10 Czechoslovakia: An official statement acknowledged
that the pacts and the agreements concluded by both
Governments created a firm basis for continuation of
collaboration, as well as'successful development of
economic relations.
Finland: The Soviet government rebuffed Finland's
inquiries into the deportation .of Finnish born
inhabitants near the frontier.
Belgium: Diplon.atic relations' established be-
tween Belgium and the USSR.
Japan: 'The Soviet government demanded from the
Japanese government the release of several Russian
'soldiers alleged to have been captured on the.
Manchukuo frontier.
15 Italy: Export credits agreement concluded_be-
tween Italy and the USSR.
Telecommunications Conventions' (Madrid, 9-10
December 1932) ratified by the USSR.
22 Gt. Britain: A Soviet government spokesman in-
formed the foreign press that he believed English
public opinion was being deceived by certain moves
represented as steps toward international collabor-
ation and security. He Said the English must
understand that bilateral agreements which wero in-
compatible with the League were a screon for the
principle of localization of war which was pro-
claimed by Hitler and was being put into practice
by China and Japan.
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- 30
26. Japan: The Japanese Foreign Minister received
the Soviet Ambassador in connection with his
government's protest on 11 June against the shoot-
ing of a Russian soldier near Lakc Khanka.
Mr. Hirota was understood to have received his
proposal for the establishment Of a joint commis-
sion to deal with frontier disputes.
Soviet Union: The Society of Political Ex-
Convicts arid Exiles was disbanded, according to
a government decree. The society had been formed
after the Revolution by revolutionaries condemned
by the Tsarist regime.
July 1935
.1 Japan: Protests-to Japan regarding incidents On
. the-Amur of 27 June. ? Manchukuo gunboats alleged
to have intruded into Soviet territorial waters.
3 Road Traffic Conventions (Paris, 24 April 1926;
Geneva, 28-3 March 1931) acceded to by the USSR.
5 Japan: The Soviet government was understood to
have accepted the proposal of the Japanese Foreign
Minister that a joint Soviet Manchukuo-Japanese
commission should be set up to deal with frontier
7 Soviet Union: The Constitution Committee, es-
tablished by the Congress, began its work of
framing anew constitution. Two sub-committees
out of twelve were placed,under Stalin's personal
Japan: The Soviet Ambassador informed the
Japanese Foreign Minister that his proposal' lor a
frontier disputes commission. was acceptable in
principle, but, the commission should not deal with
boundaries, as these had already been fixed, but
only with incidents. Its membership should be
dual, i.e., Russia and Japan, or Russia and
Manchukuo; not Russia, Japan and Manchukuo.
Obscene Publications Convention (Geneva, 12
September 1923) acceded to by the 'USSR.
10 Bulgaria: Parcel post agreement signed by
11 United States: Exchange of notes (July 11-15)
regarding value of goods to be purchased under
reciprocal trade agreement of 13 July 1935.
12 Belgium: Exchange of. letters providing for
recognition of the Russian government by Belgium.
13, United States: Reciprocal-trade agreement
signed in Moscow, :to remain in force one year.
The Russians undertook to purchase Americcm goods
to a value of 30 million dollars, in return for
which the U.S. undertook to extend to Soviet
goods all tariff concessions resulting from recip-
rocal trade agreements with other foreign
countries (except Cuba).
19 Soviet Union; Defense: Infantrymen dropPed
from planes in war games near Moscow.
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- 31
20 Japan: The Japanese Foreign Minister replied
to the Soviet note of 1 July about frontier vio-
lations. He categorically denied all charges
and said no Japanese armed units have ever crossed
the frontier.
Soviet Union: All property of workers' cooperd-
tive organizations which had been nationalized was
ordered to be returned to owner.
25 Comintern: The 7th World Congress of the
Comintern began at Moscow, and was scheduled to
last through 21 August 1935. It was the' firstsince
1928 and was attended by. some four hundred dele-
gates from fifty countries.
29 Soviet Union; Amnesty: A decree cancelled all
civic disabilities for peasants resulting from
penalties for counter-revolutionary crimes and
premeditated failure to carry out obligations, if
such peasants had since become useful collective
farm workers. Another decree proclaimed an amnesty
to persons imprisoned in 1932 and 1933 for crimes
against socialist property. All trials for such
offenses were to be stopped.
United States; Communist Party: Ambassador
Troyanovsky denied connection of the U.S. Communist
Party with the USSR. Browder reported to the Com-
intern on the activities of the Communist Party in
the U.S.
August ?1935
2 Comintern: The Congress Voted to formulate basic
policies which, however, would avoid interference
in the internal work of independent parties. Plans
were made for the training of new leaders. A united
front with moderates was approved to fight Fascism.
3 Manchukuo: Moscow Foreign Office denied a re-
port from Darien that 160,000 troops had been moved
to Irkutsk ready to advance on the Mongolian border
should any trouble arise out of Manchukuo's demands
to Outer Mongolia.
7 Germany: Ratifications exchanged between
Germany and the USSR of the Parcel Post Convention
of 7 March.
Soviet Union; Foreign Irade: The government an-
nounced that in the future foreign business will
pass from the Commissariat of Foreign Affairs and
Soviet trade agencies into the hands of ordinary
export, import and transport,organizations, which
were empowered to make contracts and to give and
recaive bills of exchange.
14 Soviet Union; Amnesty: Amnesty announced to
'ex-prisoners, chiefly, wreckers, who had joined
collective farms. The order was issued by the
Central Executive Committee in order to stimulate
:Grain harvest- workers..,
19 Gt. Britain; Comintern: Complaint made to the
USSR by the British klmbassador regarding propa-
gandist speeches made at Comintern Congress.
_Italy, Latvia; Comintern: Italy and Latvia pro-
tested to the Soviet government against subversive
activities of the Comintern in their respective
Soviet Union: Moscow correspondent of Gazeta
Polv,ka expelled owing to article in which he
1inkBrest and Toulon riots with Communist ac-
tivities in Moscow.
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- 32 -
21 Comintern:- .Comintern Congress closed in
22 Comintern: The New Executive Committee of
Comintern announced the appointment of Dimitrov
as the first general secretary of the political
23 Czechoslovakia: 'Russian military delegation
arrived in Prague to attend the Czech army
24 Iran: A commercial treaty was signed with Iran.
25 United States: Ambassador Bullitt presents a
note from the State Department on propagandist
speeches made at the Comintern Congress protesting
them as violation of :Jnti-propaganda pledge made at
the time of negotiations for diplomatic recognition
November 1933.
26 Gt. Britain: it was learned that the British
Ambassador had protested verbally on 19 August ,
against the subversi've activities of the Comintern
in Great Britain.
27 United States, Gt. britain: Reply from the
Soviet government to the U.S. and Great Britain
regarding their protests against propagandist
speeches. The Soviet government declared that no
pledge had been violated and declined responsibil-
ity for any actions by the Comintern.
31 United States: Mr. Cordell Hull issued a state-
ment regarding the Soviet reply and reiterated the
charge that the Russians had violated their pledge
of non-interference in hmerican internal affairs.
He emphasized that friendly relations between the
two countries depended upon Russian adherence to
the pledge.
September 1935
5 Belgium: Provisional commercial treaty signed
by Belgium, the USSR, and Luxembourg.
Italy, League of i\lations: Litvinov in speaking
before the League Council affirmed that he could
not approve the attitude of the Italian delegate
who suggested that the council should dissociate
itself from the Italo-Abyssinian dispute, for in
so doing he invited other states to violate their
interne.tional obligations and the Covenant.
6 Japan: Protest to Japanese government against
the arrest of Soviet citizens in Manchukuo.
Manchukuo: The Manchukuo government was re-
vealed to have lodged over 100 protests with the
Soviet government over frontier incidents; 91 of
these were still unsettled.
Road Traffic Conventions (Geneva, 28-30 march
1931): Agreement between customs authorities
regarding undischarged or lost triptychs signed
by the USSR.
Belgium: A commercial'agreement w5as signed
with Belgium.'
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-33 -
14 League of Nations: Litvinov made a plea at
Geneva for the establishment of a permanent peace
conference and for fresh consideration of his
proposal for total disarmament. He regretted the
lack of-universal recognition of what constitutes
22 Soviet Union; Army: An officers' corps cretittod
for the first time since the Revolution. Commanders
received individual ranks. The title of Marshal
was introduced.
25 Young Communists International: The 6th World
congre6s of the Young Communists'. International .
opened in Moscow and was addressed by Dimitroy.
The last congress had been held in 1928.
October 1935
7 Soviet Union: OG?U re-titled State 6ecur4ty
Department. Its officers were accorded ranks
similar to those of the Red Army.
13 Japan: ?Protest to Japan against violation of
the Soviet frontier ,by Japanese and Manchurian
troops several times since 1 October. On 12
October fifty soldiers had attacked two Soviet
frontier guards in Soviet territory- near
Pogranichnaya, with loss of life.
Manchukuo: Reports reached Harbin that during
pnevious week three Russian cavalry detachments
had crossed frontier into Manchukuo and attacked
?Manchukuo troops.
16 Rumania: The Rumanian Foreign Office,issued a
statement denying that any negotiations with the
USSR for a pact of mutual assistance were or had
ever been in progress.
25 Japan: The Japanese government handed a note
of protest td the Soviet 1-mbassador about frontier
incident of 12 October'. - It alleged, that a Soviet
patrol had fired on and killed six Japanese and
Manchukuo -scouts.
28 Italy, League of Nations: It was understood
that the Soviet government had informed the League
Secretariat that it accepted all proposals for
sanctions against Italy.
*31. Opium Conference, 2d (Geneva, 19 February 1925):
Convention only, acceded to by the USSR.
Manufacture and Distribution of Narcotic Drugs
Convention (Geneva, 13 July 1931) acceded to by the
November. 1935.
November . .
7 ? sTurkey: ProtOCO1 'signed by turkey and USSR
prolonging until 1945 .the friendship aadneutrality
treaty of 17 December'1925, together with protocol
of 17 December 1929 and. naval agreement of .7. March
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' 1935 .
12 France: Ratifications exchanged with France of
comtnercial agreements of 11 January 1934.
? International Exhibitions Convention (Paris, 22
November 1928) ratified by the USSR.
14 Soviet Union: Lecree issued abolishing payments
in foreign currency in the USSR. Torgsin. to be
1iquidated 1 February 19$6. Ilfter .tht date every?
thing to ?be paid for in roubles at new fixed rate
of exchange of 24 roubles to the sterqing.
16 ezechoslovakia: Consular convention signed with
C echoslovakia. "
United States: Second anniversary of recognition
of USSR by U.S.
19 Italy: USSR protested against anti?Soviet
demonstrations in Italy.
22 italy: ?The Soviet government transmitted reply
to the Italian government of its note of 11 November,
stating that Russia had ho hostility towards Italy
and no interest in the italo?Abyssinian conflict
but "all members of the League must enjoy full
equality in the event of attack, regardless of racial
and other distinctions Similarly, "no member of
the League, with all its sovereignty, has the right
to evade obligations resulting from hrticle 16."
December 1936
18 Sinkiang: The Ti.uvh leader, 'Ma Chung,-ling,
who was .in Moscow., received a d-eiputation'. of :five
Tungan representatives.
19 Japan, Manchukuo: Reports reached Moscow tha,t
Japanese?Manchukuo forces' had attacked a frontier
post near Dolonor Lake and killed the vice?
commandant in Mongolia.
22 Japan: Reports from Urga, capital of Outer
Mongolia, stated that troops responsible for the
incident near Dolonor were Japanese, .not MonEolians.
They had crossed frontier and made an unprovoked
attack on the post. This was stated to have fol?
lowed breakdown of negotiations to create a joint
commission to settle frontier incidents on the spot.
Japanese were accused of being responsible for
breakdown by insisting Mongolia admit Maftchukuo
agent to protect interests at Ura. Mongolia
had refused. =
25 Manchukuo: The government of Mongolia protested
to the government of Manchukuo against frontier
incidents, warning it that consequences might be
serious unless steps were taken to prevent them.
Full responsibility would fall on Manchukuo and
Japan, since Japanese troops were taking a most
active part in the attacks.
7 Uruguay: The Uruguayan government st,vcred diplo?
matic relations with the USSR ?on the ground', that
Soviet diplomatic representatives had been connected
With Communist activitieS", both in Uruguay and
elsewhere in South limerica (cf. 5 Jrnurry. 1936).
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- 35 -
28 Uruguay: The Soviet Minister to Uruguay pro-
tested against the decree severing relations with
his government. He stated it had been based on
unproved Brazilian allegations and on speeches at
7th Congress of Comintern in Moscow. He denied
that the Soviet legation had helped to finance
Brazilian rebels.
Uruguay: The Foreign Minister of Uruguay re-
jected Soviet note of 28 December on the ground
that the mission of the Soviet Legation was
31 Uruguay, League- of Nations: The Foreign Commis-
sar of the USSR sent a. complaint to :the League
- Secretariat that. Uruguay, s action. in ? severing rela-
tions was a ?violatien of 1-rticle. 12 of the Covenant,
The, Soviet governMent orclered-,reprisals*, forbidding
trade organizations to make purchases. from Uruguay,
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Januar v: 1936
January _
. ? ? ,
1 ? Convention on the publication of customs
_ .
' tariffs, Brussels, 5 July 7 1890: .acceded to--py-
the USSR Witheffect 'frpM 1 January-
. .
Comintern:, The Executive Committee 'published
.,an announcement of the degradation of Torgler,
Taney, and Popcv.for unworthy behavior during,
the Reichstag 'trial.
League of Nations, Uruguay; Soviet note to
the League protesting agatnst the action of
Uruguay (27 j:Jec'ember1935).
6 ? France: Agreement concluded prolonging corn-
mercial agreement pf 11 january 1934 (cf. 11 Janu-
ary, 17 December).
Soviet Union: New regulations to control the
movement of all foreigners put into effect.
10 Japan: Soviet Ambassador lodged a protest
with the Foreign Minister against eight cases of
trespass by Japanese military aircraft across
the Soviet frontier. -
Soviet Union: The Chairman of the Council of
Commissars Molotov, at the meeting of the Cen-
tral 7,xecutive Committee of the Communist Party
stated that the threatening war danger on the
7:astern and the ',astern frontiers caused by the
aggressive policies of Germany and japan de-
manded an augmented military budget for 1933.
11 France: Additional agreement prolonging
commercial agreement of 11 January 1934
(cf. 6 January).
Japan: Soviet Ambassador discussed with the
Foreign Minister Hirota the rumors of a secret '
Japanese-German alliance.
Soviet Union: Construction begun on sixteen
new giant planes, successors to ill-fated 'Maxim
12 Soviet Union: Tests made of glider-aeroplane
capable of carrying tons or sixteen passengers.
Soviet Union Announced standing army for
1936 increased to 1,500,000; military budget for
1936 14 billion rubles.
14 Greece; Comzierciol agreement signed with
USSR with effect from 1 January to 31 December.
15 Lithuania: Trade agreement concluded.
Soviet Union: CentraliT3xecutive Committee
(Communist Party): Vico Gompunissrlr of Defense
reported that the hod Army consisted of 1,300,000
men (77 percent with completed training and under
arms). Commissar of Finance reported a surplus
of 700,000,000 rubles of revenue over expenditures
at the end of the fiscal year.
16 Soviet Union: Budget figures 'for'1936 Pub-
lished; of mi11ion.S-rubles1 148'millions
placed for defense, as againZst 6.5 millions in
Foreign Trade: Council of People's Commissars
approved a decree forbidding all exports to
countries wha-se currency restrictions prevented
the receipt of full pa,rment.
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-37 -
18 League of Nations: The Secretariat circulated,
to all members of the Council the correspondence
between the Soviet and Uruguay Govornments which
attended the broach of diplomatic relations.
(cf. 27 December 1935, 5 January).
Mongolian hepublic; Hoilumoto in Manchoukuo
reported captured by outer Mongolian troops
(cf. 20 January).
20 Mongolian Republic! Exchango of protest and
warning between governments of outer Mongolia
and Manchoukuo.
22 Loaguo of Zations, Danzig: Following Mr.
Eden's roeort on Darzig, Soviet and other dole-
gates pointed out that the responsibility for
the normal working of the Danzig Constitution
lay with the Council.
23 League. of l'Jations, Uruguay: Litvinov's speech
on the dispute with Uruguay; answored by the
Uruguayan delogate with instancos of Soviet
interference in the domestic affairs of other
countries, and averring that the Third Inter-
national was not indeeendont of the Soviet
25 Japan: Fivo allogod Japanoso agonts son-
. toncod to death by Sovict authorities in
Khabarovsk for espionage.
27 Mongolian Republic: ManchouhUoanzovornment
?domanded withdrawal of troops from its territory.
Japan: anchurian troops reported socking
refuge on oviet sido of frontier after mutineer-
Mongolian Republic: Urga reports of frontier
incidents on the Earkhoukuo border every day
since 23,January.
30 Japan; Frontier incident on Soviet territory
noar Pogranichnaya.
31 Czechoslovakia! Ratifications exchanged of
parcel post ai7reomont of June 1935. Came into
force 1 March.
Japan: Deputy Commissar for Foreign Affairs
protested to the Japanese Ambassador in Moscow
against the frontier incident of 30 January.
February 1936
February ?
1 Soviet Union; Now rate for rublo of five to
the dollar wont'into'effect for intornal trade;
State bank closod out accounts in-foroign cur-
Soviet Union: Decree closing Torgsin shops
wont into effect.
Japan, The Kwantung headquarters
'alleged that 'Soviet influences ,were behind tho
mutiny of the .Manchoukuo soldiery (29 January).
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-38 -
4 France: Agreement concluded regarding tax
on importation and transit of Soviet products.
Soviet Union: Staff of Spacial Far Eastern
Rod Army offered to give fullest aid to any
unbiased commission inquiring into recent in-
cidents on Sovict-Manchurian border.
Franco: The Financc Minister, in the dis-
cussion of a proposed credit to the USSR, re-
vealed that tho Minister of Commerce in tho
Laval cabinet had promised an 'insuranco'credit"
of 300 millions to the USSR, but that tho Caisso
des Depots et Consignations had refused to ad-
vance the funds. Assistant Commissar of War,
Tukhachovsky, reported in Paris consulting on
military cooperation between Franco and t4c
Soviet Union.
Soviot Union: Trial of thirty-nine p4sons
accused of carrying on private trado operi'd in
Soviet Union: Yaroslvshy, Pro.;;. nion
of Militant Atheists, spoke at tenth anniver-
sary of the organization; announced seven
million members, two million of school age,
operated from fifty thousand ?cells."
Soviet Union: Communist Academy merged with
Academy of Scioncos.
9 Estimated 25 percent of 1936 films to be for
It was disclosed that the doubling of the
track of tho Trans-Siberian Railroad had boon
completed as far as Nhabarovsk..
10 Soviet Union: Progress reported in construc-
tion of Black Sea-Caspian Sea Canal.
United States: Senator Pittmanys speech in
tho Senato; seen as saying in effect that Tokyo
could not afford to count on U.S. neutrality in
the event of a war with China or with the'USSR.
11 Finland: Protocol signod modifying railway
transport convention of 10 Juno 1924 (cf.N13
France: Debato in the Chamber on the pact
with the USSR; Flandin asked for its rat3lpa-
tion, made it clear that the pact would apply
only to unprovoked attack.
Japananchoukuo): 2rotost,froM thc-i(n-
'chouuo government asking for satisfaction for
frontier incidents,' charging Moscow with sub-
versive activities in Manchuria.
Sovict Union: Bukharinl-N; chiof. of .edi-
torial board of Izvestiva, attacked in_Pravda
editorial for ?ntatemont oblenoviSm most charac-
teristic trait bf Russian ?pooplo in pro-revolu-
tionary days.
12 Belgium: Trade agreement with the USSR
ratified by the Senate. ,
France; The Moscow press, referring to the
French Pact; stated that European peace and
system of collective security rested upon it.
Japan (idanchoukuo): Breakdown of conferenco
at Harbin. Kwantung Army reported driving out
200 Outer Mongolians occupying Olohodka near
Buirnor. Roports froM Hailar of Soviet :bombing
of Japanese troops.
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? 1936
- 39 -
13 Japan (Manchoukuo); Foreign Office spokebman
described the Buirnor incident as "tantamount to
an act of war without a formal declaration."
The Foreign Minister of Japan instructed the Am-
bassador in Moscow to propose that a joint com-
mission bo sot up to investigate the incident.
Soviet Union! Government increased price to
be paid for grain delivered to State by collec-
tive farms.
14 Japan (Manchoukuo):s A Soviet version of the
Buirnor incident, accusing Japanese of violating
Mongolian frontier.
15 Japan (Manchoukuo): Soviet Consulate General
in Mukdon closed.
- Rumania: Clearing convention concluded.
Came into force I March.
Soviet Union: Bukharin, N., in a signed
article in Izvostiva rejected views attributed
to him, and apologized for having used Phrases
? which could be misconstrued.
Press attchod,"'Leftidt art"; Shostakovichls
ballet "Limpid Stream" removed from repertory
of Bolshai Theater.
16 Japan: The Asaki suggested that the proposal
of a non-aggression pact with Russia be revived.
Soviet Union: National advertising campaign
started as part of movement to improve State-
controlled retail stores.
-17 Japan: The Foreign Office denie,d that the
Government. were considering a non-aggression
pact with the USSR..
-Rumania: Trade, agreement signed in Bucharest;
provided for a system of barter.
.19 'Comintern The Exccutive'Canmittec issued a
progress report ,on. the realization in various
countried of the. program adopted by the World
Congress' in August 1935. France. led in member-
ship increase, degree of control in the.tradc
Unions, and establishment of party schools.
21 Soviet Union: Pravda editorial attacked ?
kitchenless apartments as "LeftiSt attempt'
artificially to introduce communal living". and
termed entire Leftist school of architecture' as
"monstrous trick architecture."
22 Japan (Manchoilkuo): It was reported that
the. Soviet Government had abandoned its claim'
for neutral _representatives on the commission
to inquire into the fighting on the nanchukuo
frontier on 30 January. Japanese Affibassador
Ota informed that the Soviet Government viewed
with serious concern the frequent clashes on
Outer Mongolian-LIanchoukuoan border.
Soviet Union ,Mizhlauk, Chairman
Gosplan, awarded Order of Lenin.
Now operas "And Quiet Flows the Don" and
?Komarinski Euzhik" opened.
Defense: Pravda editorial on the lath
anniversary of the Red'irmy stated that the
country was ready to fight both Japan and Ger-
many, and claimed that even the railway system
was ready to handle, all strategic problems.
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e 0 1936
?40 -
24 'Mongolian Rapublic, Japan: Vice Commissar
for Foreign Affairs 'was understood to have sug-
gested to Tokyo the setting up of? a second
frontier commission to investigate tho incidents
on the frontier of Outer Mongolia, and to have
stated that the Soviot Union was obliged to nro-
toct the Mongolian People's Republic.
25 Franco: Debate on the Franco-Soviet pact
continued; chairman of Foreign Affairs Committee
pointed out the pact was a link in a chain of
colloctivo security.
Japan: Military' coup d'etat in Tokyo (cf.
1 March).
27 Franco; The Soviet Pact ratified by the
ChaMbor, 353 votes to 164.
SOvict Union: l'ew school of propaganda es-
tablished - connected with Communist University
of HoscOw.
23 Franco: The Soviet press (Izvcstiya), pointed
out that the Pact with Franco was only a moans
'of making Germany disposed to join the collective
system; Pravda stated frontier incidents in the
Far East had boon provoked in order to prevent
the ratification of the pact by the Fi-onch.
March 1936
1 Japan: Soviet pross stated the Tokyo events
(25 Fobruary) woro likely to hasten the begin-.
ning of a war in Asia, described Gen. ?'raki as
a bitter enemy of the USSR.
? Soviet Union: Reported that largo numbors
of' submarines shipped across Siberia for assem-
bly at Vladivostok.
? Gold ruble abolished and paper ruble
stabilized for external and internal trade at
five to dollar as of 1 April 1936.
School gave course on Communist propaganda -.
Important in transition period ?"toward Communism."
':ford "competition" to describe Soviet enter-
prise banned - word moaning "friendly contost"
to bo used. ,
League of Nations Eden stated that the
British Governfliont favored the imposition of
an oil ombard'against Italy; Potemkin intimated
that the USSR agreed with Mr don's proposal.
Soviet Union; Report Moscow greeted with
relief defeat of militarist group and triumph
of more moderate elements in Tokyo insurrection.
Standard of living reported decidedly above
past winters.
State Bank ordered by docrec to recalculate
the rublo on the value of all foreign currency
in its possession.
3 Poland: Tariff 'agreement signed.
? Soviet Union: Soviet ,statistics showed
avbracc wage in 1935 fpr industrial and office
.workors incroased 22.6 percont over. 1934. '
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4 Franco Soviet Pact approved by the Sona to
Commi ttoo .
Soviot Union: Stalin's intorviow with
? Roy '7. Howard. Stalin stated that Mongolian
? Republic would be defended in the case of an
attack by Japan; that although -Poland had pro-
tested her unwillingness to permit any foreign
troops to usa hor territory as a basis for
operations, this would be no barrier to an
aggrossivo state; intimated the possibility of
Hitler' s invasions in Europo; denied oxpansi on-
1st ambitions on the part of the USSR, or any
plans for bringing about a world revolution.
Soviet Union: High trade union officials
in Ukraine dismissed; be be trio6 for om-
5 Japan: Litvinov stated to havo boon assured
by the Japanese Ambassador that t'oLo ovonts in
Tokyo would have no effect on Japanese foreign
Soviet Union: Decree ora'nizod now adminis-
? tration for highway work. in -ITT); peasants ro-
? quirod to contributo six days labor annually
On highways.
Reports of troop concontrati ons in the VolTa
Basin and no Soviot Far :ast.
7 Germany: Hitler donouncod tho Treaty of
Locarno, and announced that the Treaty had
practically ceased to be, by roason of tho con-
clUsion of the Franco-Soviot Pact
France: Pareel post agroamont signed (cf.
30 ,Juno).
Gorman7 2 Soviet interpretation of Hitler's
Reichstag speech was that it clearly showed his
aggressivo designs in Thstorn Europo.
Japan:- Soviet communication containing con-
ditions for frontier mixed commissions (cf.
17 March)
10 . Gt. Britain: Lord Cranborno told by the
Soviet Ambassador that the USSR could not re-
gard the Gorman denunciation- of Locarno as an
isolated action; the -occuoation of the- Rhein-
land zone was viewed as one in , a chain of
aggressive acts, and should not bo condoned;
tho danger of war might -bo proventod if a
resolute stand wore mado now. Soviet Govern-
ment was strongly opposed to negotiations., and
at Genova it -would recommend, and suopOrt to
the full, a most resoluto action.
? . Soviet Union: Serious spoilage of cotton
crop. (1935) due to early picking;- investigating
committee sent to Uzbekistan.
11 France: S9-nate Foreign Affairs Commission
reported favorably on the Franco-Soviet troaty.
12 Franco; Soviet Pact (2 Hay 1935) ratified
by the Sonato.
Germany; Reports that Soviet Government had
intimated that the negotiations for the credit
of 200,000,000 for Soviet purchases of German
goods 1,-ore at an end.
Japan: Protest to the Japanese govornmont
against the arrest of Japsnoso employees of the
Soviet Embassy.
Mongolian Republic; Mutual assistance oro-
tocol signed.
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16 Mongolia,Manchoukuo:_ .Publication of notes
setting uip,a mixed commission to investigate
border incidents.
. Soviet7Union;. Pravda published official
figures to sho7 higher standard. of*_living among
individual colloctivo'farm. members..
Turkey; Ratifications =changed. of protecol
of 7 November, 1935; prolonging friendship and
neutrality treaty of 17 December 1925...
-17 Czechoslovakia .Prague denied that the
Soviet Union was preparing for the establishent
of air bases in Slovakia.
? Japan: Soviet Government. welcomed Japanese.
Proposals for frontier commission in Tanchoukuo_
(cf. 9 March); inquirod:whether such coLlidlssions
7ould be sot Up for the.Mengol-Manchoukuo fron-
League of Nations: Litviney critic izod
severely the violation: of Locarne, disclaimed
the idea. that Germany 7as being. encircled, and
stated the USSR 7as ready to take part in all
measures doCided upon. ?
Soviet Union; Communist Party and, government
loaders demanded strengthening Stakhanov move-
ment; threatened serious consequences for dirac-
tors sabotaging the movement implied.
19 Soviet Union; Cossacks, now 7.",ovictizd,
pledged support to Soviet State.
24 France: 72Litor. of Le Temps,..1!iolotov
Franco would be aided =67 T77-7ssR if attacked
by Germany.'
. Japan; :.mbassador in Moscow instructod that
Japan accepted the Soviet proposals, of -a =ad
frontier commission, but only for. the ? section
of the frontier of iiianchouhuo.between Lake
Yharka and tho Here= frontier. ?
? Soviet Union; Commissariat of. Foreign Trade
figures showed Soviet grain.oxports. increased;
1934 - 760,400 metric tens, 1035 - 1,516,400
metric tons.
? 25 Japan Primo .Minister stated that Japans
policYwas still .based on the Imperial Roscript
of 27 ijarch? 1933, .Japan expecting te cultivate
friendship 77ith the USSR, the. US, and Great
BritaiP. Vladivostok rePorted .frontior incident
in the Hunchun area near .the frontidr of:.Horea,
where firing was. begun by Japanese troops.
Soviet Ambas.sader in Tokyo instructed to lodge
an energetic protest with the Japanese govern-
26 France; USSR. Central TlxCeu.tive Cemmittoe
ratified mutual assistance' treaty.
Soviet. Union Railroads completed ten-day .
Stakhanov test with great success. .
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27 Franco: Ratifications exchanged of mutual
assistance treat? of 2 May 1935. Came into
force 20 Mar-ch.
japan: Three further frontier incidents at
Buirnor; Soviet patrol also attached on the
--,rgun River; Soviet Government protested to the
Japanese ../labassador, averring that thesconflicts
wore being engineered by certain Japanese ele-
ments in Manchoukuo.
Soviet Unions Decision of the Council of
People's Commissars appropriated 2,500,000
rubles for now factories for food and light in-
? dustry plants; increased output rePortdd.
28 Mongolia; Mutual assistance pact with the
? USSR reported ratified.
Soviet 'Union: Income from Internal State
Securities for 1936 predicted at 1,800;000,000
rubles; more than 50 million bondholders re-
29 fghanistarm Agreement signed-with:1=R pro-
longing'ncutrality and non-aggression troaty of
24 June 1931, for ton years, Ratifications ex-
changed 3 September.
To border violations by the
Japanese reported.
31 China: Sovereignty claim ever Outer Mongolia
reaffirmed by China, in connection with the
Soviet-Mongolian pact (cf. 7 -pril).
Japan; Soviet govorn2K,nt protested against
the detention two Soviet steamers in the
of Minaya.
Japan, Mongolian Republic:
stating that a Japanese
Harbor dues
Soviet Union; Resolution of directorate of
the Communist Party rebuked a 1r,cal leader for
discriminating against the daughter of an ex-
Urga roport
force had invaded Outer
arrangement with the
1 ? japan; ;.mbassado to Moscow informed of tho
Outer Mongolian-Soviet protocol. of 12 March.
Japan, Mongolian Republic: I.kInchoukuoan
troops':sont to investigate, an air raid by Outer
Mongolian forces' bombed by Mongolian planes. '
Soviet Union; L.nnouncement that 4,000 miles
of new airlines wore to be added in 1936.
Belgium; Caamercial agreement with the USSR
ratified by the Chamber.
Manchoukuo:. 'rIarning to i'cease provocations"
reported sent to the Cuter Mongolian 'government.
Soviet Union Institute of Labor of the
.Commissariat for Light industry, designed to
set production norms, abolished as bureaucratic.
PraN'Tda.scored illegal privileges of Party
rdelher students and their relatively poor scho-
lastic training.
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44 ...
4 International Institute of :i.griculture:
Convention on the 0Toation of (7 June 1905),
and Protocol (5 October 1926) acceded to by
the USSR.
Soviet Union: Heavy industry production
for first quarter of 1936 increased 40 percent
over first quarter 1935. :_vorage planned in-
crease for year 26 percent.
Soviet Union: Two collective
in Volga region sentenced to two
nont for renting land.
' Jane managers in Donets Basin
replaced by Stakhanovito worker
farm officials
years imprison-
coal fields
wth good re-
6 Germany: Rado?:, in Izvesti-ja, advocated
connote equality for Gornany and a strong col-
lective system of security under a strengthened
League of Potions.
Nonchoulmo: Foreign Office spol,:calan
stated that Soviet Mongol nact of 12 :larch
ropresentd a strengthening of Rod influence,
which increased greatly the menace to I:an-
7 China; Tho government protested to the
Soviet gcverucliont against the Soviet-Mongol
mutual assistance pact, claiming that it
violated the agreement between China and the
USSR of 31 May 1924, whereby idongelia was
recognized as Part of China. Chinese
of Foreign Iffa",rs assured the Japanese Con-
sul General in'Hanking that no secret or other
understanding existed with Moscow regarding
Outer ;Jongolia.
Japan; Local press reported that
had concluded a secret agreament with Moscow
against Japan.
Soviet Union ..greenent signed between
USSR, Czechoslovakia, and Rumania for new
airline from oscolr to Pra'rue via Rumania.
Mongolian Republic: Details published in
USSR of the Protocol of Mutual -ssistanco of
12 March. '
Soviet Union: Teachers, Parents, play-
writes not to discuss plays suitable for
10. 'China: Litvinovls reply to Chinese govern-
mentls..protest (7 :pril) declaring the Sino-
Sovict,Lgr.Cc:fient:.of. 1924 as'unvic.51ated_ond
binding, and that. the Russo-Mongol Pact did
not signify any, Soviet territorial pretensions.'
?League of Nations: The pros s stated that
the Soviet stood for the reorganization of the
League into ?a real international organ for
defense against aggression, stated Germany'offered a new defense ,
system on strict basis of equality.
Mongolia Premier Gendun. arrived in Moscow.
Japan:- Patrol. attacked on the UsSuri
by the Soviet forces..
Soviet Union; 10th Congress of the Komsomol
opened in Kremlin.
Decree- provided\raise in teachers :Solari-es
as of 1 Npril 1936.
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45.- -
12 Soviet Union: Komsomol Congress set as
immediate objectivo training of every member
in specialty useful for military defense.
? Doom? abolished State subsidies in several
branches of heavy industry and timber industry.
13 .nland: Ratification of protocol modifying
railway convention (cf. 11 February). Came
into force 12 June,
Soviet Union: General Secretary of the Kan-
sonol announced 46 porcont of Soviet population
born since Revolution of 1917.
Moscow's twenty-eight remaining churches
fillod by 7orshippors colebrating Eastor.
14 Soviou "Union:. Kamsomols urged to train
8,000 aviators in 1936.
15 , ? China: Ronowed protests to.Uoscow against
the Soviot-Mongolian pact:
16 Turkey: Soviet pross.roportod.that the USSR
would support Tnrjf..o,71s plea bolero the Council
of the League for the right to fortify the
Straits. ?
17 Soviet Union: Litvinov predicted growth of
foro,ign travel by Soviet citizens.
18 Soviet Union: Enrollment of new --lonbors in
the Communist Party rosumed aftor three year
19 Soviet Union: Reported at Railway Conference
service and officioncy steadily improving; sys-
tom may begin earning dividends.
20 Soviet Union; First flight to Franz Josef
Land complotod. ?
The Central Exocutivo Committee formally
? removed the disabilities attached to Cossacks
serving in the Rod
21 Sovict Union: Industry to sot asidc 4 per-
cent of ordinary profits to improve worhorsi? _
living conditions; 50 porcont_of profits abovo
plan to go to fund mainly for housing.
22 Japan: The Hochi attached the Soviot Em-
bassy by accusing it of maintaining a spy net-
work for preparing war on Japan.
Japanese employees of the Soviet Embassy
were accused of planning to reconstruct the
Japanese Cnoinunist Party.
Soviet Union: Secretary Central Comuittoo
of tho Communist Party statod that in 1936
98.5 percent of all production socialized;
hgriculturo almost complotoly colloctivized;
only one class in Soviet Union workers; Soviet
State largely achieved first goal of march
towards Communism.
23 Soviet Union: Flow rules issued for the Kom-
somol provided for compulsory training cf mem-
bers in somo branch of tochnical military know-
lodge, for denunciation of all disloyal persons,
and for "patient? anti-roligious.propaganda.
Decree giving namosto various Cossack
divisions issued by Commissar of Defense.
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24 Italy: Moscow reports indicated luher!arn.
Soyviet attitude toward sanctions against Italy,
-unless offective sanctions wero to bo applied
against any aggrossor in tho future.
25 Soviet Urdon: Transportation of blood to aid
wounded on battlefield annnuncod as eractical
possibility by the Cg:Inissariat of Health.
26 Japan:- Soviot military officials invited to
oxchango visits uith the Japanese, by :.nbassador
Ota, at a banquet An the Japaneso :J:nbassy.
27 Baltic States: Estonian and Latvian general
staff officers reported in Moscow. Visits soon
as Soviet atpzipts to rovivo the 'lastoris Locarno
Japan: Foreign Ministor inforned by the Soviet
Anbassador that ii0SCO7 had accoptod hissugges-
tions as to the two joint co...LAissions, one to in-
vestigate frontier disputes, another to rodomar-
cato the frontier.
28 Soviet Union: -Propbsoct draft of new marriage
law included a tax on divorces and further re-
strictions on abortion. .
29 Bulgaria; Ratifications exchanged of parcel
post agreement of 10 July 1935. 0allo into force
29 May.
Germany": Convcntion concluded regarding trade
and clearing during 1036. Cane into force the
sane day.
Japan; ,:-..:-.-Ibassador'-_furenov requested that
moasuros be token to control the activities of
White Russians in hanchoukuo.
30 Great Britain': L,oviot _.-nbassador informed
the Govermont that the USSR was :ready to dis-
cuss naval questions. cop of the naval
treaty had boon carlicr supplied the Soviet
Soviet Union: Census of. the Soviet Union
to be-takon 6 January 1937. Lc) questions were
to be asked 61-1 "social origin for first
May 1936
1 Soviet Union: 'May Day parade demonstrated
latest type military eqUipn.ont, including 750
:planes .of diver's? type, and 30,000 troop.
9 Soviet Union Ordjonikidze, C=issar of.
Heavy Industry, .announced meeting of L.11-Union
Conference of EngineorS7 Wives tc discuss in-
p!rovement of camTanfty'liVing conditions.
'LH-Union and Ukrainian VOKS societies sent
.60,000 books abroad and receivod? 137,000 in ?
10 SoviotiUndon: Commission for Liouidation of
Child Vagrancy announced plans to encourage
adoption by collective farms of orphanages and
honelass children.
Japan: Har Minister was reported to have ad-
mitted at a secret session of theDict that the
1.-rmy had rejected a non-aggrossion treaty with
the USSR.
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-47 -
12 , Vatican; Tho Popo, opening an exhibition of
the Roman Catholic press, lamented the absence
of the USSR and Germany whoro by an artificial
confusion and identification of religion and
politics, the existence of a Catholic press is
13 Japan: Provision made for six months ex-
tension of Soviet-Japanese fisheries convention
expiring 27 May.
15 Gt. Britain: Soviet .:.:Ibassador Moisky spoke
to the .Lnglo-Russian Parliamentary Culmittco;
declared that the Soviet Government believed
that collective security was the best and
cheapest system of defense; stated that although
tho USSR had no objections in principle to ne-
gotiations with Germany, they believed that Hit-
lor's peace plan could not -be regarded as pro-
mising real peace.
Soviet Union: Nineteen former executives
Ukrainian Trade Union Council accused of em-
bezzlement of 5 rubles of social insur-
ance fund.
16 Gt. Britain: Soviet Union announced its
policy for the negotiation of the bilateral
naval treaty with Groat Britain; stated unwill-
ingness to accept limitations thich were not
also binding on Germany and Japan.
Soviet Union: Moscow celebrated first an-
niversary of subway; carried nearly 77 million
parsons during year.
17 Manchoukuo; Now incident on Soviet frontier
Soviet Union: Draft of now Constitution of
USSR completed.
18 Japan: Firmer policy toward China attributed
in Tokyo to the rumors of a secret treaty be-
tween China and the USSR.
4 Gt. Britain: Naval nagotiations with the
USSR opened in London.
-Japan: Soviet Government protested the ar-
rests of Soviet Enbassy e-mplo,joes in Tokyo, and
the anti-Soviet campaign in the Japanoso press.
Soviet Union Izvestiya censured consumers'
goods industries for poor quality of production.
23 Czechoslovakia: Ratifications exchanged of
consular convention of 16 November 1935. Came
into force 6 June. .
Soviet.Union: Pravda attacked tipping as
fostering servant and master psychology; blamed
trade unions for failure to prevent 'ft.
Plans revealed to construct 250 planes capable
of transporting'entiro division with equipment.
? 24 Soviet Unionl, Simonchuk, ex-chief of 1:frangel
? Island polar station, sentenced to death on
charges of murder, banditry, and wrecking Soviet
prestige in the '_rctic.
25 Japan: Soviet Government reiterated that it
must preserve freedom of action as regards
building of its Far Eastern navy until an agree-
ment was reached with Japan.
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- 48
26 Soviet Union: Projected law on family,
marriage, and divorce put up for_discussion by
workers and farmers. 2,bortion was to be made
a criminal offense, and promiuris were to be
offered ?for large families.
27 Japan: Soviet vessels refused landing per-
niits Forliosa; Japanese fishery inspection
ships barred fro:e a Siberian port.
28 Soviet Union:. Nation-wide discussion of
projected fa-aily 1.-Telfare law raised various
objections; bill expected to b modified in-
accord with public .criticism.
Juno '1936 ?
Gt. Britain: SoViet Government ,refused to
exchange inforiation on naval building plans for
fear that japan might obtain this knowledge.
2 Soviet Union: --r2aouncorient that new Con-
stitution was to provide reorganization of
judicial systc.-.):-: to protect civil rights and
personal dignity of Soviet citizens.
4 China: The Toky-o Nichi Nichi Shirthun pub-
lished a report that a Russo-Chinese alliance
had been concludc.:d. early in the year by which
Soviet interests in Outer Mongolia and Sinkiang
were recognized In return for Russian support
of China against Japan.
Soviet Union: - The Central Corn-_ittoo, of the
Communist Party ended its session in Moscow -
after deciding to sumilon the .:11-Union Congress
of Soviets to cons:Lder the draft of the reformed
6 International Labor Organization: Soviet
Government informed the Organization that it
was sending a worker-delegate to the annual con-
ference in Geneva, in addition to usual govern-
ment delegate.
8 Iran; Ratifications exchanged of conventions
of 27 ;,ugUSt:1935 regarding (1.) co),:rierce,
tablishment and ? navigatien; (2)-plent diseases
.and insect post; (3) locusts; (4) veterinary
? Soviet ijoscow began. anti-noise can-
naign in face of now construction and 30,000
10 L.-fgh.anistan: Report of a trade agreement
with the Soviet:Trade., L.gency providing for the
barter of col-lmoditios..
,Switzerland: L. metier' to resume diplomatic
relatiens with the USSR defeated in Parliament.
United ,States,: - Large shipments of aviation
gasoline .from California to Siberia reported.
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- 49 -
12 Soviet Union: Text of now Constitution ap-
proved by Presidium 'c,,f -:d1-Union Central -Cxecu-
tive'Committoe, and published. Special session
of Congress -of Soviets convoked to
meet 25 November to pass on Constitution4
14 C-t. Britain Compromise reported in .,nglcY-
Soviet naval talks, whereby USSR agreed not to
exceed British tonnage unless Japan increased
uresent fleet.
Soviet Union: Public discussion of proposed
new Constitution began with publication of text
throughout the USSR.
15 . ov le t Union: rinf.'unc ?me nt that c a rl oadi ng
doubled in past eighteen months; in first five
months-, of 1936 as against 1935 consumers' goods
increased 29 percent, heavy* industry 37 percent.
16 Soviet Union: :.nnounce:ient that substantial?
increase in credits ,:;ore to be Soviot
Housing Corporation to aid private home bulletins.
17 Soviet union: :-nnouncement of the intention
to reduce bank credits from 6'1)-8,c.,;' to 15-45 in-
terest, savihgs accounts from -8,(1J-37,, interest.
This understood to foroshado,' conversion of in-
ternal State loans to long-torn bonds and pos-
sible es babl sh: lent of ruble on. international
18 .. Soviet Union: MaxIn Gorky died at ago of 68
in his. country house near Moscow.- -
- United States: Imports of 35,000,000 Lomeri-
can goods since July 1935 revealed by the Soviet
21 Soviet Union: Gorky's funeral in Red Square
.attendod by highest officials ? and-thoUsands of
Soviet citizens.
22 Geode,tic convention of Baltic States of
31 December 1925: Protocol renewing the Con-
vention signed by USSR. Montreux Convention
regarding the regime of the Straits opened
(cf. 20 July).
23 Convention for mutual convention against
dengue fever, ..-thens, 25 July 1934: Ratified
by: the USSR.
? Montreux Convention: Litvinov stated that
Russia should be free to transfer her naval
forces at will from the Black Sea to the Medi-
terranean and that free passage must be assured
in order to permit the carrying out of decisions
of the League of Nations.
? 25 Montreux Convention; Litvinov issued a
statement on the Soviet proposals concerning
the Black Sea.
Soviet Union: Barrier between Volga and
Moscow Rivers blasted for Moscow-Volga Canal
scheduled for completion' in Suring of 1937.
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- 50 -
Juno .'
27 Soviet Union: Family law approved by Central
Executive Committee; law, including prohibition
of abortion, passed, without change (cf. 26 May).
28 'Soviet Unien Seviet Gold .Trust anneUnced?
first ? half year program completed-ahead:Of
'schedule; produatiot:up 25 percent oval- 1935!
? Extensive salvage nrogram.announced.for. .
raising sunken vessels in. USSR seas, rivers,.
lakes--?including?some. from Russo-Japanese War.
- 29 ' Denmark: .Parcel post agroomont with the USSR
Japan:. ? Soviet press angered by a provocative
-Speech by the .Japanese delegate Ms2kiyama at the
Interparliamentary Union meeting in Budapest.
Soviet Union:.. Ordzhonikidze, Ocnnissar of
Heavy Industry; stated heavy industry expected
to complete second Five-Year Plan in December
1936, attaining level fixed. for end of 1937 by
that time. -
The head cf?the aviation industry stated at
the :111-Union industrial Congress in Moscow that
the Soviet aircraft factories wore now bigger
than any in.L'uro-Po or Lmeriea.
30 France: Parcel post' agreement of 9-Larch
ratified. .Came into force 1.4
Soviet -Union: . Bukharin,-in IzVostiya, sug-
gested government convert internal loan bonds
to now issuewith lower interest and twenty
year rather than ton year 'maturity.
July _1936
League of Nations .The neutral powers issued
a statement reserving the ?right to refrain from
applying sanctions .until steps had boon taken,
towards disarmament. Litvinov defended the
Covenant, stated that. ,Jfhat was necessary was ,
confidence that in all cases of aggression
sanctions would be applied by allmember states.
- Soviet Union: Now consolidated internal loan
bonds totalling nineteen billion rubles announced
for. ussue .1 September 1936; interest rate ..4 per-
cent, maturity 20 years. The conversion of all
existing 10 year leans made compulsory. The ?
Commissar of -Finance explained that a temporary
sacrifice had to be made, since the armed forces
required a very large expenditure for?udefense
against the alert capitalist countries.0
9 ..Japan: Soviet Government demanded that japan
stop fishing vessels from poaching off the coast
of Kamchatka.
Montreux Convention: Soviet delegates ob-
jected to the Turkish desire to limit tte. right
of passage of Soviet warships through-tho.Straits.,
Soviet Union: Central. Council of Trade Unions
issued notice that holiday and recreation privi-
loges hitherto available to only certain workers
to be extended .to rest of employed population.
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" 5 Japan: jap6mosc :_nbassador protested tho
arrest of ,a Jap,anoso cavalry patrol on Soviet
territory near 1:ianchouli; statcd that the
Tsitsikhar Troaty of 1911 was not recognized
by Hanchoukuo. '
Soviet Union: Central Committee of the Com-
munis Party and Soviet pross launched attach
on pedagogy as "pseudo-scionce, and hamful
influonco in elementary education.
6 liontroux Convention: The British draft of
a now convention to replace the Lauzanno Con-
vention of 1923 discussed. Scivot dologatos
objected to ,tonnago limitation as too high.
Soviet Union: ,Hass sports demonstration in
Rod Square, lioscm:t.
Soviet Union: 'Coorgi Vassilycvich Chichorin,
forrier C=isscr for Foreign ffairs, diod in
Kremlin Hospital, iloscow,' of diabetod.
Japan: It was .stated officially, as regards
the now Straits Convention, that Japan .sought
equality with the Russian Black Soo Picot in
tho passage of tho Straits by warships.
Soviet Union:' New internal loan of 4 billion
rublos subscribed 07 percent in first five days;
reported savings accounts totaled 3,106,000,000
rublos with 14 million holders.
Franco: -French ir Hinister, in the Chamber
of Deputies, explained communicating plans of
aircraft guns to the USSR as application of
"princiPlos of technical collaboration to all
states participating in collective, sccurity."
. United rAatcs: EXchangos of notes of 11 July
and 9/13 July regarding prolongation of com-
mercial agrecmont of 13 July 1935..
Soviet Union; .Lcadonician Bogacaolcts pub-
lished in Pravda an attack on "traditions of
sorvility" referring to undue deference of
some Russian scientists to foreign scientific
15 . Czechoslovakia: Soviot ."-ir Force mission,
headed by the commander in chief of the Red
.."dr Force, arrived in Prague.
16 Soviet Union; Commissar. of Food -Industry
Milroyan announced avorage production of all
Commissariats increased 33 percent during first
five months of 1936 as against 1935 - same
period. Recommended that the USSR study -meri-
can marketing and advertising
17 Rumania: - statcmont by Titulescu said that
a rapprochement with Russia was the best way of
enabling Rumania's cxisting alliances to have
their full value, but denied that permission had
been given to Soviet troops to cross Rumanian
Soviet Union; Litvinov awarded Order or
Lenin on 60th birthday for "outstanding merit
in struggle for peace.'.'
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- -52 -
- 18 Hontreux Convcntion: Unanimously adopted,
as England compromised on the Straits control
? Soviet :Union; Coal deposit, osticiatod to
? contain 7,500,000 tons oponod near Chclyabinsk
in eastern Ural Lountains.
19 Soviot Union: .:Icadony of Sciences discussed
in dotail dovelopnont of now Ural-3nba oil field
in Kazakhstan; production to be incroased greatly.
20 ITontroux Convention regarding tho rkgino of
the Straits:, Signed (cf. 9 November).
Soviet Union: :,,stronomers criticized for
unnocessar: ovidoncod b; publication
of renorts in foreign scientific journals bc-
forc -80vict publication.
21 SOvict Union: Criticism made of food short-
age in Uoscow ria.e in largo part to bad marketing
and distribution.
22 Czechoslovakia: Gon. chief of Rod
dir Force, visited Czech airOraft factories.
24 Soviet Union; Non-stop .irctic flight from
KoscoY to Nikolaovsk, Siberia.
25 Finland; Helsinki Dross reported removal _
of Finns in Northern ingria to Soviet areas
more distant from the Sovlot-Finnish frontier.
26 Sovict Union; Public Prosecutors Office
reported. making now drive' on private specula-
tors charged with buying goods from State
stores and reselling at a profit.
Commissariat of Finance to provide facili-
ties for holders of now internal bonds to
borrow up to 30 percent of bond holdings from
savings banks.
27 Gt. 'Britain: USSR Commissar for Foreign ?
Trade revealed that a credit offer from Great
Britain had. been received, but added that the
Soviet had no intention of lessening. restric-
tions,on imports. .
- 'Japan; Two frontierincidents on USSR
boundary reported.,
28 Soviet Union; Curtailment of. Soviet purr,
chases from abroad announced by the Commissar
for Foreign Trade. Reduction of foreign debt
to 75,000,000 reported.
. ? .
29. ? S,oviot.U.nion: increasod production ordered
of champagne, wines, liqueurs, as step provid-
ing 1more abundant life" for pcololo.
30 Canada: -Early renewal of SOvict-Canadian re-
lations,seen'as result of?conforonco,,in Moscow
between, Minister of-Trade'and the Soviet Foreign
Frade Commissar.
Gt. Britain:. The terms of ?Lnglo-Russian naval
understanding reached during the current conver-
sations in London wore-communicp.ted to foreign ?
? Gt. Britain; Lord RuncIman revealed that the
Export Credit Guarantee Dopartmorit of the Board -
of Trade had agreed to'provido guarantees up to
:Gen million pounds in connection with Soviet
orders for British goods.
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.Lugust 1936
1 Gt. Britain: -nbassador Maisky, speaking in
Oxford, said the principles of Soviet foreign
? policy were self-dotormination of nations and
peace; described pacts with France and Czecho-
slovakia as additional buttreSses to non-ag-
gression pacts; stated USSR needed peace; claimed
League Covenant should contain the definition of
the aggressor.
3 levy on the wages of all employees
of USSR announced, to form a fund for aid to tho
? Spanish.governmont.
4 Spain: Soviet Dress published many articles
? in support of Spanish Communists; trade unions
organized demonstrations of solidarity through-
out the USSR.
5 Spain, Franco: .USSR Foreign Comissariat,
answering French reprosontations that the USSR
should accept the principle of non-interference
in Spain, stated that the USSR vias ready to take
? Dart in the proposed agreement, but do sired that ?
Portugal should join also, and that certain
States should immediately discontinue ai'ding the
rebels against the legal govoi=ent of Spain..
7 Spain: 'State Bank of USSR to nand to the
Spanish government 36,435,000 French francs col-
lected for the Defense of the bpanish, People Fund.
10 Soviet Union; The chairman of the Soviet of
the Far Eastern territory stated that the Far
Eastern Rod -.-ray and Fleet were now ready to re-
? pulse the enemy, if they attack the USSR fron-
tier. Largo roadbuilding campaign in the area
Sloodn, France: USSR Government info mod the
? French government that they were willing to
give their adhesion to the text of the French
proposals regarding non-intervont3ic,n in
11 Franco: ...,groonent signed regarding trans-
mission of judicial and notarial acts and execu-
tion of rogatory commissions (cf. 8 October).
Soviet Union: Decree lowering the draft ago
from 21 to 19 years. It would not take fall
effect until 1939.
'13 japan: ambassador Ota returned to Tokyo,
stated to the press there was no motive for
either Japan or the USSR resorting .to wCr.
14 Finland: Reported to have protested to the
USSR Government against Soviet Dress reports
alleging that Finland, by building airfields,
was proDaring to assist foreign aggression
against the USSR. The Soviet Foreign Commis-
sariat declined governl-ionti s _responsibility ?
for press comments..
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? 54
16 Soviet Union: Leon Trotsky, in Norway,
issued a statement branding Soviet press accu-
sations that he was the leader of a "Zineviev
roup" responsible for?tho death of Kirov as
one of the greatest fakes in political history."
19 Soviet Union: Trotsky, follnwing the seizure
of his papers by Norwegian Nazis, exonerated by
Norwegian Police of his complicity in political
In Moscow, the trial began of Zinoviev, Kame-
nev, and 14 others charged with leading a ter-
rorist group. An accused revealed the compli-
city of the Genian Secret Police.
20 Soviet Union: Moscow trials: Statements
:lade by the accused implicated Sckolnikov,
-1,rcus, Bukharin, tykov, Radek ond Tousky, some
Cf vholl were reported under arrest. ?In his
ovidohce Zineviev declared that Trotsky was the
organizer of the plot.
21 Volgiun: Ratification exchanged with USSR
of provisional coiriercial convention (including
Luxembourg) of 5 September 1935. Cr-le into
force the sreic day.
Soviet Union: Moscow trials: The press re-
ported the arrests of leaders of the alleged,
terrorists in many cities_, ,, including Tiflis,
Baku, Datum and -:]rivan. .1any-Goorgian Menshe-
viks and i:hite Guards were among those arrested.
22 'Soviet Union: Moscew trials: Death penalty
for all the accused demanded by the Prosecutor.
Suicide of Tolisky revealed.
23 Soviet Union; Moscow trials: All the accused
sentenced to death by shooting.
,25 Japan: Government informed by the Soviet
Ambassador that the USSR agreed to the Japanese
proposal for setting up of a joint commission
for the settlement of disputes on the :]anchoukuo
Soviet Union: Moscow trials; The death
sentences were carried out. The press -reported
the apprehension of numerous groups of wreckers,
described as Trotskyist, and arrests of loaders
throughout the country.
Spain, France; Notes exchanged with the
French Charge, dl_Lffaires in Moscow, providing
for Seviet adherence to the French non-Inter-
vention plan, subject to the adherence of Ger-
many, Italy, and Portugal.
26 ilaritime Law Conventions (Brussels, 23 Sep-
teuber 1910) (Collisions at sea; Assistance
and Salvage) acceded to by the USSR with effect
from this date.
Opium and other Drugs: Convention for the
suppression of the illicit traffic in dangerous
drugs (Genova) signed.
27 Soviet Union: Moscow trials; Military
_.-Ltach(?) in London, Gen. Putna, rccallod to
ITOSC21:- and arrested. A number of Finnish-
born Communists also arrested.
Spain: Russian Ambassador arrived in Madrid
and was warmly welcomed by the nress.
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28 League of Nations: -Soviet proposals for the
reform of the Covonant transmitted to Genova.
Norway: Trotsky interned following his re-
fusal to accopt more stringent conditions for
his continued stay in Norway.
29 Norway: Soviet noto asserting that Trotsky
had organized terrorist activitios on Norwegian
territory, and stating that continued permission
of asylum for him would damago friendly? relations
between the two countries.'
Soviet Union: Moscow trials: "Trotskyist
nests" reported discovered in the State Publish-
ing Office and ?in the Commissariat of .griculturo.
30 Germany: Law increasing the period of mili-
tary service denounced as a provocative act in
Norway: Foreign Hdinistorfs statement on
Trotsky, defending 'the principle of asylum and
stating that Norway liwould not be overawed by
31 Soviet Union: Moscow trials: Further
Trotskyist nests discovered in the State Bank,
in the Komsomol in Tiflis, and in the trade
unions in Kiev. '
September 1936
September '
1 , Japan: :4-.1bassador to Eanchoukuo Gen. Nyoda,
assorted that a secr9t understanding between ,
Chtang and tho Chinese Communists was being fos
to red by the USSR. Soviot Union was accused_ of
sending war materials to China by way of Outer
Mongolia and Sinkiang.
Norway: Department of Justice announced that
Trotsky would be interned in a villa. ,
Soviet Union: Soviet officirls uncondition-
ally doni-id report of Ryazan mutiny which had
appeared in Voolkischor Boobachtor.
Defense: 1914 class and half of 1915 class
called up together with all mon who ?I been
exempted in 1935.
2 Afghanistan; Ratification of agroomont of
29 March.
Germany: Gorman press rcports of a mutiny
in Ryazan denied by -Soviet officials:
?Rumania: :intonosculs statement on foreign
policy averred desire to continue to maintain
friendly relations with the USSR. Soviet
govornmont expressed anxiety over the =oval
of Tituloscu from office.
Soviet Union: Komsarlol staged largo parades
to celebrate International Youth Day.
Director of State Bank Tumanov and Vico- '
Commissar of .Igriculturo Huralov dismissed from
0 Norway: :_idc-monoire to the Soviet Govornment
on Trotsky deploring the unfriendly tone of the
note of 29 ugust, and pointing out that Kirov
had been murdered in'1934, .vthercas Trotsky ar-
rived in Norway in 1935.
4 world Youth Congress, Geneva: Soviet delegates
stressed the importance of race equality as a
basis for world peace.
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5 Japan: Soviet Government fornally notified
Japan that the intolerable situation oh the
Soviet-Manchoukue frontier was endangering peace,
and that Japan weuld be held strictly respon-
sible in the event of future border incidents.
. Soviet Union IlosCoW trials: Tunanov.and.
.MuraloV arrested -(cf. 2?September). Further
Trotskyites apprehended in Gorki trade union.
council, also?in-OMEk, TOMBk' (Political Police),
Rostov, and in Leningrad factories.
8 -?Soviet Union; -Commissar of Light Industry
Lubinev attacked- laggin'output and inferior..
quality of consunors goods; dismissed numerous
factory managers.,
Yugoslavia: Belgrade rumors. saw anti-Soviet
move: in Stoyadinovichis visit in Rumania, which
might be directed-aflainst thb CzechSoViet pact;
this was soon as the success of. Gorman attempts
to weaken the Little Entente.
German-y; llessl speech attacking- the USSR,
Soviet. Uniell! Soviet. :--rny announced holding
gigantic nal-louvers in BolorusSia to demonstrate
defensive powers; -British, French, Czechoslovak
observers reported.
Chief Prosocutorts office announced Buhharin,
editor of Izvestiza.and Ryhov, -.L., Commissar of
Co=unicatIons, exone'Pated of any complicity in
Trotskyist conspiracy.
Spain: The International-Committee for the
ap:)lication of the agreement regarding non-
intervention in-Spain' not in London and waS
attended by representatives of 26 countries,
including the USSR. ,
0 ,Germany:- Goebbeisi speech attacki
11 . .Finland :? Jinnouncement of denunciation of.
teleph.ene agreement of 13 Juno 1924, with effect
from 30 September.. ?
.Germany: Violent attaCl(s on: the USSR in.
speeches by various German efficials;.assor-
tions that the-USSR government was controlled
by Jews were seen by the. London Til7108-as a
delib&rato Nazi attempt to German-
Soviet relations.
Soviet -Union: 36-Rofrir.rerator-Trust employ-
:ees reported On trial charged with. wasting
: 1,700,000 rubles of State funds.:
.12 -. Germany: Hitler's two addresses attacking
tho USSR.
Soviet 'Jar Conriisswr Speaking to.
the. troops engaged in maneuvers in the 'Jest,
stated that "t're?invinciblo-Red my is ready
at any moment to destroy the enemy in his own
13 Germany: .Eitler's Speech attacking ,Sovict
? Norway; The Government received from. the
Soviet governn!ont a.note oxpreasing dissatis-
faction with theyorwegiah reply of 3 September.
Soviet Union; Lovanovsky and Levchenko
Dieted 12,000-Miie flight from Los =.1g.goles. to
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14 Canada: Resumption of trade with the USSR;
as ombargo on Soviet goods, imposed in Fobruary,
1931, was cancelled. - similar action was taken
by the USSR which undertook to limit anthracito
exports and to fix the price at tho world level.
. Germany: Aitler's -speoch at the Closing of
the Party Congress at which he reiterated his
dotormination not to negotiate with Bolshevism
or ontor into any kind of bargain with the
Bolshovist outlook. Moscow pross usod violent
language in its references to Hitlerls state-
16 Soviet Union: Pravda contrasted "Ionbs,
bullets and poison ga-sir-sont by Fascists with
? Communist Party's open sponsoring of nation-
wide campaign among i:doviet women to provide
relief for Loyalist Spain women and children.
Thr Caamissar, speaking at army maneuvers in
Kiev, stated that the capitalists yore proDaring
war against tho Sovict Union, but that tho USSR
was ready for war.
17 .Soviet Union: Publication of Soviet import
figures rovoalod Soviet purchase of cotton de-
clined from 26,000 tons in first sih months
of 1935 to 12,000 tons in samo period of 1936.
18 Gt. Britain: Note of proposals to hola a
five-power conforonco, not including tho USSR,
handed to various western European diplomatic
representatives in London.
19 Soviet Union: Over-zealous Party leaders
.ordered to desist from oxpollinrSmembers for
trivial or .imaginary reasons. in connection with
Trotskyist Durso. -
20 Soviet Union: ? Capt. Lj:dell Hart, in dispatch
to New York Times, commontod on significance of
parachute maneuvers of the Red rny.?
Spain: -Gorman Dross report that. 200 Zoviot
planes, manned by Russians, had arrived in
Barcelona. -Gen. do Llano .stated that 47-Soviet
planes had landed in Spain, 37 of then at
-Valencia. Now diplomatic roprosentativo ap-
pointed to Moscow to ropla,ce tho Minister who
had resigned.
? United States: Hcarst pros accused the
USSR of taking an active part in tho Prosidential
campaign on .tho sido of the Now Deal.
Soviet Union: :ainouncemont that Rod. :..rmy
officials in Gorki,,sceno,of autumn-maneuvors,
'urged moro careful teaching of CoDnunist theory
to soldier-candidates of Party; reported about
50 percent of .Lrmy personnel Party members. '
.It was announced Party may again accept now
Yaroslavsky, head of tho League of-Militant
theists, apDrovod Constitutional grant of ?
suffrage to priests.
22 Rumania* Minister in Borlin?protostod Ger-
man allegations that a railroad Was being built
to transport Soviet troops to Czechoslovakia.
Spain: Pravda revealed tho dispatch of food-
stuffs via Odessa as a first installment in aid
of Spanish mon and children.
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- 58
.23 - :Convention concerning tho uso:of.broadcasting
.in the cause of peace,. Geneva: Signed by the
USSR with reservations.-. t,
, Czechoslovakia; Chtrge.'dffairoS in Berlin
:0-retested against Gociebels? allegatidns concern-
ing Czechoslovak airports:for the Soviet ir
Gt. Britain: Reports that Groat Britain had
,decided plans for a new Locarno pact with France
and GermanTi-in-Order not to jeopardize the
? Franco-Soviet pact.: . ?
Soviet Union: Red .r7-.17, during maneuvers near
Moscow) dropped by parachute behind "opposing
forces" 2,200 non with fighting equipment.
25 Nations: Gorman and anti-govern-
? ment French presses charged the USS13. with do-
liberate fomenting of confUsion in the._Loague
.Issembly in connection with lIthicpia's:presence
and Italys?abserce.
Seviot-Unlon: Trade unions urged by.the
? Central Committee to facilitate easing of house
hold duties for wo&crsr wives.'
ZarShal Voroshilov stated at army manouverS
In 1.1oscow that:the'Red .Irmy Was intended :solely ,
for defensive purpeses;,RUssia might at any
moment become the object of.military assault,
? but was ready to moot the enemy.
26 Soviet Union: J.G. Such, .Oklahoma oil pro-
icor, recently returned from visit to Soviet
oil fields, stated Seviet.oilf)reduction de-
veloping rapidly but exports decreased duo to
higher:domestic need-S.-
United States: Secretary of the Treasury
Lorgenthau revealed Soviet State Bank offered
a million pounds atoning in Now.YorL,
?pliod that this was a raid against the Three
? Towor.Eonetary..1grooment.
27 -Soviet Union: KKV.D2-.GommisSar of the -
Interior Yagoda succedded by P.1. Yezhoy.;
- -
Yagoda,.made Coml.lissar of .Communications in
place of Rykov (cf. 20 ..luust).
? United States: Commissariat of Foreign
ffairs denied?1-Illtheut explanation, Secretary
Idorgonthau's charges (cf. 26 September).
OQ -
League of Nations: Litvinov.deprocatod a
-postpona,:-.1ent:in the discussion of League re-
form. _,Thore was no need for new -blocs.Quos-
tion of Covenant application should not wait -
on universality and referred to the appropriate
committee,;- while individual 'members should no-
zetiate bilateral or regional pacts of mutual
assistance. :7.01ained, Soviet adherence to tho
non-intervontion agreement because.a friendly
country feared the possibility of an inter-
national conflict.
?Soviet Union;. Foreign experts in the _Soviet
Union calculated 1936 grain harvest just below
? 1935 level, far below, calculated level.
United States; Soviet tress revealed that
the sale of pounds sterling in. New York (c.f. 20)
27. ugust) was a routine:business transaction
for the.' purpose of making a dollar statement to
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- 5.9 -
29 Germany: Izvostiya editorial alleged that
Germany was sche,ling to obtain Swedish, Finniah,
and Polish cooperation.
Soviet Union; Baltic and Pacific Fleets hold
simultaneous maneuvprs to test defenses of .
Kronstadt and Vladivostok naval bases.
October 1936
1 . Gt. Britain; Provisional draft of the now
Soviet-British naval treaty agreed Upon in Len,.
don. .
Soviet Union: .Central Committee of the Oczl-
munist Party issued instructions for acceptance
of new members into Party; ban on admissions
since Decomber.1932 terminated.
. The Commissar of Timber .Industry and the
Chief of Radio Broadcasting roplacpd.
Spain; DiSpatch of further food supplies
from Odessa .revealed.
2 Snain; Gon. Franco7s the
?New Snain" which would maintain friendly re.7
lations with all countries except the USSR.
3 Japan L.greement reached on the main points
and text of a now fisheries convontion. The
establithmont of a Soviet-Nanchoukuo frontier
colission pressed by the USSR. .
-Soviet'Uniong Record wheat harvest reported
in the Ukraine.
- Soviet Union; Two for,ler.Tsarist officers
reported brought to. trial in ,..shhhabad, accused
of involvement in the execution of twenty-six
Baku Cou,Assars in 1918.
5 Soviet Union: Three year task of renovating
and restoring St. Basil's Church in Rod Square
begun. ,
6 Soviet Union: Pravda editorial indicated
USSR embarking on large naval building progran.
Liquidation of -:larly state farms reported
because of had management. Land was distributed
among the collective farms.
Spanish Non-intervention Cr=ittee: Soviet
note suggesting a committee of investigation be
sent te the Spanish-P.,rtu7,ueso frontier.
7 League ofations; Funds voted to send a
mission to the Far East to study the problem of
Russian refugees in China; the proPosal ,-.!as on-
posed by 'the USSR delegate Stein.
Soviet Union; 1,,ioscovi trials Chief.Y'rose-
cutor Vyshinsky revealed :Earl Radek arrested; '
to be tried for involvement in a counter-revolu-
tionary plot. Criminal prr;ccedings also begun
against Sokolnikov (former ...mbassador to London),
Pyatakov, and Serobryakov.
Spcmish Eon-Intervention ?Committee bovict
Charge dl.iffaires in London handed a letter to
tod)Chainian of the 3=ittee referring to the
Spanish protests against the violation of the
:.grecuent addressed to Germany, Italy, and Portu-
gal; and warning the CianKiitteo that if the viola-
tions were not discontinued, tho Soviet Govern-
ment 'would consider itself re)_eased from obliga-
tions under that agreement.
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.8 France: Ratifications exchanged of agreement
of 11 August regarding transmission ofjudicial
? and notarial. acts'. .
Spanish Non-Intervention Cgi..-Iittce; Soviet
conramications (cf. 6,7 October) presented at
the meeting; the Committee decided that no action
should be taken.
League of dations : Committee to study the
question of the application or the Covenant sot
up; Litvinov opposed a Hungarian proposal that
the Co,inittce should so oh the aiC of nal-no-Thor
Japan: Lzroomont signed with representatives
of the ComiSsariat of Heavy industry extending
Japanese. prospecting rights for five moreyears.
1.1anchoukuo: T':Jo clashos on the Soviet fron-
tier (1',IUcheng River and. near Hunchun) between
Japanese patrols. r).:n(i Russian frontier police..
13 Germany: -Objections raised to the Soviet
reservations: in. the draft in the 2:n:7,10-Soviet
-1danchoulcuo- japan; Soviet statement on border
clashes assorted those occurred on the Soviet
territory. Japanese Charge d?,Iffaires handed a
pretest. - ?
Spanish - Non-Intervention Committee:. FUrther
note cf brotest.. from. the Soviet government, dc,,
tandin7-that -control be established. aver Perth-
'cups() ports.
14. Poland: Litvinov conferred in '7arsaw with.
the Soviet -;.,-,:lbassadors to Poland and Germany.
Spanish Non-Intervention Committee:. Chairman
visited by the Soviet -L-mbassador to London, who
insisted or a full meeting of tho Committee to
consider tho?Seiet rot? (13 October).- ?
15 Spain: Stalin- telegraphed to. the Spanish Com-
Klunist Party, declaring that the wo'rkers of the
USSR would merely fulfill their duty in render-
ing- the revolutionary masses of Spain every pos-
sible assistance.
Spanish Hon-Intervention ComMittce Rcply_by
the Chairman to the Soviet note of. 13 October,
stating no further meeting would be.publihed at
that stage, as no reply, had been receivedfrom
the Portuguese government.
17 ? Japan: Soviet 'oposal for settling the bor-
der disputes on nchoukuo frontier presented to
japan. - ?
Spain:. Hooting and demonstrations in many'
Soviet cities in support of the Spanish workers;
? resolutions passed demanding to stop aid to ?
Franco, or enable the Loyalists to acqUirc arms
and munitions. ?
SpaniSh-Hon,.-Intervontion Committee: Soviot
press published a statement emphasizing that the
Soviet government ,would ? not be reconciled to the
-Position -adopted by tho Ca=ittee, and urging-
.5=cdiate application of international measures
against the aggressor state.
Vatican:. ?ovict,reports that anti-Soviet
movement throughout' the world actively organized
by the .Vatican..
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- 61 -
10? Germany: Exporters reported seeking incroas.-
ing markets in tho USSR despite the anti-Soviet
drive of political loaders.-
2 0 S ovie t. Union: -Bukharin completely exonerated
of complicity. with Trotskyite-Zinovievite cen-
ter; resumed active direction of Izvestiya.
22 Balkans: Premier Tatarosou of Rumania visited
Belgrade in purported attempt to per's-Li:Ade Yugo-
slavia to join in an anti-Soviet policy.
Snanish.Non-Iqervention Committee2 No to
from Gorman Charge d'L.ffaires alleging Soviet
violations of the agreement..
23 Czechoslovakia; Foreign Minister reaffirmed
his loyalty to treaty obligations to France tl.n.O.
the USSR.
? Spanish Non-Intervention ? Committee: British
and Italian allegations of Soviet violations of
the ? agreement examined. letter from the Soviet
?delegate statod. that the Soviet government could
not consider itself bound by the agreement to any
greater extent than any of th..c.) remaining parti-
24 Spanish Non-Intervention Committee:Mat sky
asked to obtain from Moscow an explanation of
the Soviet statement (23 October).
25 Soviet Union :I I':?ostow factories reported
making 6 million rubles worth of Christmas tree
deoorations for New Year celebrations. :
? Mectilags in many factories .ondor sing the
? firm stand made by. Mai sky in. London, demanding
that Fascist. intervention in Spain be stopped.
? Spain: Reports. from Turkey alleging the
passage of 12- Soviet vessels carrying war mate-
? rials for Spain.
27 Finland: . Two border incidents reported from
Moscow. Finland accused of hindering; the in-
? ve.stigatioh.
Germany: .:Ippecti to Groat Britain to join
?Germany in fighting CmmunisM understood that
Germany wants Britain.' s support in case of a
war with the. USSR. .
28 Franco: Soviet decree revaluating, tho ruble
in terms of devalued French franc to maintain
ratio of ruble- to .dollar.
? Portugal: Notes to the Non-Intorvention Com-
mittee, alleging Soviet interference in Spanish
war, released in Lisbon and London.
Spanish Non-Intorvention Conaittoo 2 Haisky
read Soviet Government's explanation of 23 Octo-
ber statement; until guarantees of control wore
forthcoming, Soviet Government was ilmorally en-
titled to consider themselves no more bound by
the ,..greement" ,than those governments which
violated the agreement. Further Soviet viola-
tions alleged in a note from Italy.
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29 Soviet Union: Reported relay march in gas
riaSks to make people air and gas defense con--
scious to take place 'in 1937 along southern and
eastern frontiers from Baku to Leningrad.
? Spanish Non-Intervention Committee: Mr. Eden
stated in Parliament that Soviet allegations of
Portuguese violation had not boon verified.
30 Spain: Destruction of tanks of Soviet manu-
facture on approaches to Hadrid announced bp. the
rebel headquarters.
Hongolia: Premier Foreign Minister .Lmor ar-
rived in Moscow bn a mission to strengthen the
ties with the USSR.
November 1936
2 .Ge many : Berlin, banks announced_ that a now
export credit of 300,000,000 marks to the USSR
was' impending. ?
Spain: Tho capture of four Russian tanks
announced by, the rebels..
3 Switzerland: Decrees 'suppressing Communist
5 Rumania: Iron Guard manifesto to the King
threatening with death any politician who brought
Rumania into a war with R-assia.
6 Gt, Britain: Secretary Edon pledged adherence
to the-Lea7ue of Nations; commenting on German
desire to exclude the USSR from European pacts,
suggested that Germany should enter the League if
it feared Soviet aggression.
Soviet Union: Largo mass meeting hold in
Bolshoi Theater in Moscow oened celebration of
19th -Inniversary of Revolution.
7 Soviet Union: Traditional parade and military
display marked celebration of 19th :..nniversary of
October 'Revolution.
Report stated USSR had launched shipbuilding
program to create greatest defensive navy in
world -.mainly submarinos, torpedo boats and
8 Catalonia: The Soviet Consul' in Barcelona
pledged the-USSR aid to Catalonia in case of
foreign intervention by Rascist nations.
Montreux Convention regarding the regime of
the Straits, 20 July, ratification signed in
Paris by the USSR, France, Great Britain, Turkey,
Rumania, Greece,, and Yugoslavia.'
10 Japan: - new eight-year fishing agreement
concluded with the USSR (cf. 22 November).
Soviet Union: Maxim Litvinov awarded Order
of Lenin in a ceremony at Kremlin.
Soviet Foreign Office announced several Ger-
mans, -Lustrians and a Swede arrested for parti-
cipating in an anti-Soviet plot.
11 Germany: Termination at the end of too year
reported of the Russian-German
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- 63 r.
12 Germany: Government proteSted to the Soviet
Government against the arrest of German citizens
in connection with the "Fascist" plot in Russsia.
Soviet Unien:,, :..rrosts of foreigners impli-
cated in an anti-Soviet plot revealed in the
Spanish Non-Intervention Ca-Ilittec: Charges
against the USSR examined; it was decided that
the charges were not fully established.
13 Soviet Union: First train run on now railroad
line fra.-1 Volochaevska to Komsoolsk in 7astern
14 Germany: Formally denounced parts of the
Treaty of Versailles.
Soviet Union: Telephones in Moscow, numbering
110,000 to be increased by 17,000.within year.
15 United States: Decline of cotton exports to
the USSR during the coming year expected, duo to
exceptional cotton crop in thc USSR.
16 Germany; Soviet goverrnent's reply to the,
note of 12 November regarded as unsatisfactory
in Berlin.
japan: German-Japanese pact ratified at a
plenary session of tide Japanese Privy Council,
17 Germany; Litvinov report-.)d to have informed
the German .Lmbassador that the majority of the
arrested Germans had confessed.
Japan: Moscow reports that the Japanese For-
eign Minister had informed the Soviet ilmbassador
that the 5apanese Government and a "third party
had boon discussing moons be combat Communism.
L.nti-Communist agreoment soon in Moscow as a
.screen for thc rear agree:lent providing for the
coordination of action by Japan and Germany in
caSe of war.
18 . Japan, Germany: Tokyo deniod.military alli-
ance with Germany had been signed; admitted anti
Communist pact, but stated it was not directed
against.Soviot Russia.
Soviet Union:. Announcement that Komsomol
opened a. school to train wOmen machine-gun in-
structors. .
Japan: Soviet Government informed Japan that
it considered unsatisfactory Japan's explanation
of the character of the agreement with Germany.
Soviet Union: German engineer and eight Soviet
executives and technicians, on trial in Novosi-
birsk, pleaded guilty of sabotage.
21 Germany: Protest to the Snviet government
against another arrest of a German citizen.
Soviet Union: Stickling, German engineer,
gave testimony ?which revealed German Consul in
Novosibirsk directly involved in alleged sabotage
in Siberian coal mines. Nino accused in Novo-
sibirsk condemned to death. ,
. United States; Joseph -.1]. Davies appointed
:zibassador to Moscow to succeed
'Alliam C. Bullitt.
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22 ;,.nti-Communist 2,ssociation formed,
at a meeting attended by the Minister of the
Germany: Gorman -mbassador. to Moscow pre-
tested against the arrest of ,Stickling, asked
for clemency.
Germany; Moscow arrests described in the
Berlin press as an "intornati enal
Japan; Negotiations for the renewal of the
Fisheries Convention reported broken off by the
Soviet Government. ,
.Germany; Report of arrests of 'four more Ger-
mans in Russia.
Gt. Britain, Germany; British Government re-'
ported using all its influence to prevent the
breaking-off of diplomatic relation. t7icon
Germany and the USSiZ.
25 Bills of 2xchan:m Conventions and Protocols
(Geneva, 7 Juno 1930) providing a uniform law
for bills of exchange and pr.onissory notes; for
the settlement of conflicts of las and on stamp
laws, acceded to by USSR.
Japan, Germany: rgroement against the Com-
munist International signed in Berlin. Japanese
Foreign Office statement on the Comintern, ac-
cusing it of anti-Japanese activities in China. .
Soviet Union: Stickling sentence commuted
fro-_-1 death to Len years imprisonment.
- Opening of the Extraordinary Congress of So-
viets convened as a constituent assembly to pass
the new constitution. Stalints address suggest-
ing amendments, ,and rebutting various criticisms
of the projected draft.
26 Czechoslovakia;. l'ho 'press denied German al-
legations about Soviet airbases in Bohemia.
Japan: Moscow reports of a Japanesc-Eanchou-
huoan violation of Siberian territory, with
several casualties.
Soviet Union: Ukrainian Premier accused Ger-
many and Japan of preparing a , crusade
against the 'Soviet Union.
27 Soviet ,Union: N61: railroad construction in
? the Far Eastern region announced.
28 Italy: Litvinov, speaking' in the Extraordi-
nary Congress of Soviets, reported that Italy had
Proposed to Jamm the conclusion of an aa-roonent
similar to that between Germany and Japan.
Ja-oan: 'Moscow filed a strong protest over the
frontier violation (26 November). Japanese army
in ManchciJkuo reported a Soviet cavalry attach
into Manchoukuo.
Soviet Union: Extraordinary. Congress: Li t vi-
nnv accused the Fascists of plotting against the
USSR. Cay-lander in Chief of the Navy, Orlov,
stated the increased naval armaments in Germany,
Italy and Janan compelled. the Soviet Union to
strengthen its fleet; disclosed sevenfold in-
crease of the submarine fleet since 1933.
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? -65-.
November ?
29. Soviet Urion: Extraordinary Congress: L.ssis-
tant Commander of tb ir Force stated that thc
force was the most powerful in the world.
? The head of the Leningrad Coununist Party
warned the little countries against allowing
their territories to be used by ?ugr at advon
turcrsu against the Soviet Union.
.)ocember 1936
1 Soviet Union: Cong_oss of .Seviets adopted the
proposed draft of new constitution as basis, ap-
pointed Committee of 200 under Stalin to revise
2 Latvia: Foreign Hinister asflurcd by the Soviet
Ministor that the speech in Leningrad (29 Novem-
ber) reflected no aggressive intentions towards
the Baltic States.
, :Soviet Union: Congress of Soviets adopted the
finaldraft of new Constitutin; 5th December do-
:clarod. *national holiday.
6 Germany: Litvinov rejected the request of the
German :Imbassador to pernit German officials to
see Genlans arrbsted in the USSR.
Spain: Soviet vessels reported detained by
insurgent warships when passing through the
Straits of Gibraltar.
Japan: New Japanese .Lribassader, Shigemitsu,
accredited in Moscow.
Spanish Non-Intorvontion C t tc Soviet
delegates proposed that the obligations of the
,Igreemont should be extendecl to include the
sending of volunteers.
8 Soviet Union: Pravda reported Stalinogorsk-
Moscow high tension electric lino in regular use.
Spain: Tass agency denied the presence of
Sievict troops in the Spanish rmy.
9 japan: In Privy Council, Soviet Governrlentts
refusal to ratify the Fisheries Treaty was at-
tributed to the Ger la n-Japano s pact.
Soviet Union: Orders published on organiza-
tion of the new Commissariat of Justice ' of the
Spanish Non-Intervention Committee: Von
Ribbentrop stated that 35,000. Russians wore
fighting in the Spanish Government ranks.
10 Soviet Union: Members of Kazan militia
charged with violation of now Constitution for
arrests without sanction of _court or procurator.
N.V., Krylenko .bcgan work as the CommiSsar for
Justice. _ _
Spanish Non-Intervention Committee: Soviet
Government; replying to the French and British
proposals, stated that the USSR was prepared to
take part in mediation in Spain, denied that it
had broken the ,:.,grooment, but expected guarantees.
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11 Germany: TUrther representations to the .
Soviet Government regarding the arrosts of Gor-
man citizens. ;
Rumania: Foreign Minister :,,ntonescu assured
the Parliament of the cordiality of Soviet-
Rumanian relations; asserted that Rumania shared
Litvinovvs viewpoint, expressed in his recent
Geneva speech.
12 Soviet Union: Soviet gold nroduction official-
ly estimated to excood 1935 figure.
? 3 China: SoViet press declared that the Soviet
had no connection with the kidnapping of Chiang
Japan: Litvinov reported notifying the Japa-
nese -mbassador that the USSR would delay Fish-
eries ...grooment and re-demarcation of the flan-
choukuo frontiers
Spain: Farther detentions of Soviet snips by
the rebels disclosed by the Tass agency. Steamer
Komsomol sunk by Spanish rebels.
15 Soviet Union' Announcement of a campaign to
insure observance of now rights granted under
Constitution; action taken against officials who
continued to discriminate against persons because
of class origin.
17 France: Additional agreement prolonging com-
mercial agreement of 11 January 1934 (cf. 6 Janu-
ary) signed.
Soviet Union:- Pravda article criticized poor
production records on now typo automobiles.
22 Soviet Union: Construction started on five
now bridges over Moscow River.
23 Soviet Union: Railway transport reported
falling behind schedule; stern measurcS taken to
improve service.
'Spanish Non-Intervention CommiLteef :laiskyvs
attack on Gen. Franco.
24 Germany: The 1936 trade agreement with Ger-
? many in regard to credits extended. through 1937.
? Spanish Non-Intervention Committee: Dinlo.-
matic representatives in Moscow, Berlin, [tome,
and Lisbon instructed to impress 'upon their
governments the urgent need of stopping the flow
of foreign volunteers to Spain.
25 , Soviet Union: Second L.11-Union Congress of
Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists opened
(closed 30 December).
Vatican: Popels message on-the civil war in
Spain containing strictures on some oPponents of
Soviet Union: Pravda announced" .details of
plan to enlarge the size of Collective farms by
taking land. from State.farms.
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-67 -
28 Japan The PrijI Council ,approved a propocol
extending for a -,izear the Fisheries Convention
with the USSR. It was subsequently announced
that the PretocOl had. been signed in-lioscow."
Soviet Union ; Heavy IndustryC ommi s sar oft
announced drive to improve efficiency .of factory
organization by introducing changes along .'rriori7.
can linos.' ? ? --
Spanish,Non.rTntervention Committee; : Litvinev
informed. the British and French :zribassaders that
the USSR was' prepared to accept .the .ban on forh-i
eic.f,n volunteers in Spain- (24: December) .subject to
certain conditions.-
31' Germany; Further reports of -.1.rrests of Gor-
man citizens in Leningrad', and elsewhere,.
Soviet Union New Year's Celebration re-
ported gayest since Revolution; kovi 1,1:earls trees
used extensively for decorations.
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- 68
January 1937
-Gosplan'report'showed increases for 1936. over
1935; in-number of workers in4ndustry (9')
average monthly wage in industry(22$)4 and tbtal
industrial g'eduction (30%)."
.Pravda said that the "band of Trotsky; ,Zinovyev
and Pystakov hoped-tO'destroy sociaiismand restore
capitalism but no ferceTheuld stem the march of
the People
Pravda attacked Radok, Sokolnikov, and .Pyatakov;
and another treason trial was foreshadowed.
6 . Preliminary returns 'on the censusindicated a
population near 1804000 persons, of whom 43cA were
born after the Revolution
11 Soviet Budget: The total proposed exnenditures
for 1937 amounted to 97 million rubles with 20
? *
billion for the military costs, and ' billion
for new construction in heavy industry. The mili-
tary costs were increased one-third in order to
acquire large reserve supplies for the Soviet army.
13 Soviet Budget: The Central Lxecutive Committee
unanimously passed the 1937 budget, balancing at
approximately 98 billion rubles.
15 Soviet Union: The Congress of the RSFSR met in
Moscow and adopted a constitution, which WES iden-
tical with that for the USSR.
Spain: The Soviet note in reply to the proposal
for banning volunteers to Spain immediately, WPS
handed to the British ambassador.
19 Purge: It was learned that 17 Old Guard
Leninists were to he placed on trial for conspir-
ing against the government. They included Radek,
Sokolnikw, Pyatakov, Serebryakov, Marolov, and
Bukharin was relieved of his post as editor of
Izvestiya, and he and Rykov were described as in
disgrace, though not arrested.
23 Treason Trials: Trial of Radek, Sokolnikov,
Pyatakov and 14 others began in Moscow; all the
accused pleaded guilty.
26 Purge: The arrest was reported of Beloborodov,
an old Party man, who was believed to have ordered
the execution of the Tsar and his family in 1918. ,
27 Purge: Trotsky's son, Sergei, was reported to
have been arrested at Krasnoyarsk on a charge of
Upoisoning Soviet workers".
Personalities: Yagoda, General Commissar of
State Security, placed on reserve by the Central
Executive Committee. Yezhov, People's Commissar
of Internal Affairs, made General Commissar of
State Security. N. Orlov named AssiStant ieople's
Commissar of Defense for the Navy.
28 Ukrainian SSR: NEW constitution adopted.
29 Treason Trials: Thirteen of the accused were
sentenced to death, including Pyatakov, Serebryakov,
Muralov, and Drobnis, while Arnold, Radek and
Sokolnikov were sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment.
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February 1937
1 . Treason Executionsz The death sentence was
-carried out on the 13 men.convicted in the
Trotskyist trial.
5 Foreign Trade:. Preliminary figures for 1936
foreign trade showed increase of 46 million
rubles over 19.35. Total trade was estimated at
2.0712,000,000 rubles with an export balance of
6 .million rubles.
Spain: The Non-Intervention Committee received
a reply from the Soviet government relative to the
scheme submitted-to. all the governments on 28.
January for controlling the Spanish sea and land
frontiers. The ? Russians stated-that Soviet war-
ships should be allowed to share in the suPervi-
sion of the coast and that there should be a
unified control of the whole coast rather. than a
?sectional control by the various fleets.
? Foreign Trade with Germany: Reported Russian de-
liveries of raw materials. to Germany fell far
below expectedjevels under the 1936 trade agree-
ment, while Soviet purchases of German machinery
Finland Hoisti, the Foreign Minister of -
Finland, arrived in Moscow on an official visit,
? the first since the establishment of independent
? Finland. ?
10 'Finland: -Holsti left Moscow after conversations
? with Litvinov. A statement was issued mentioning
that the discussions had resulted .in an amicable
exchange-of views on Finnish-Russian relations.
11 ? Copper: Announcement that. a large smelting
plant was to be opened in March in estern
13 Georgian. SSR: New constitution adopted.
15 Trans-Siberian R.R.: Announcement that the
double tracking of the Trans-Siberian Railroad
was within 400 miles of completion. ?
16 Sovkhozes: Announcement that State Farms pre-
viously attached to factories and other enter-
prises would be administered henceforth by local
18 Obituary: Gregori Konstantinovich Ordzhonikidze,
People's Commissar of Heavy Industry, died in
19 Spain: Announcement that Rosenberg had been
recalled as Ambassador to Spain and was being
succeeded by Gaikis.
Naval Treaty of 1930: It was learned that the
Russian government in a note to the British
dated 16 February had signified its adherence to
? the provisions of the Naval Treaty of 1930 which
governed the action of submarines against
merchant ships.
23 ?Spanish Volunteers: The Council of People's
Commissars approved the decision taken on 20th
February to forbid the departure of Soviet citi-
zens for Spaim, the enlistment of volunteers in
Soviet territory, their transit through the USSR,
and their embark-ation on board Soviet vessels.
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25 Personalities: Mezhlauk, President of Gosplan,
was appointed Commissar_of Heavy Industry.
Germany: It was announced that ten Germans,
who had been under arrest since early in November,
had been expelled from the USSR.
27 Greece: Commercial e)?changes agreement signed
with Greece.
.28 .?Kolkhozes:-: A decree of the 'Council:of People's
COmmisSars announced theetransfer ef an additional
2,250,000 acres from State. to?cOlIective farms.
The State farms were to assume the functions of
large scale nurserieS?and experimental farms.
March 1937
2 Religious revival: Pravda reported outbreak
of religious revival in the form of local sects
in Ivanovsk district.
U.S.: . Davies, U.S. Ambassador, returned
from a survey of industry in the Ukraine. He was
impressed by increased production, but asserted
much could be learned by the Russians from
American industry.
Expulsions from Party: Bukharin .and Rykov
were expelled from the Party.
Communist iarty: The Central Committee of
the Communist Party passed a resolution pi"oviding
that the secret ballot should take the place of
open voting by show of hands in the Party.
Holders of office within the Party were to be
elected on a democratic basis instead of being
appointed by superior organs as was the practice.
8 Communist Party; The Central Committee of the
Communist Party decreed that International
Women's Da-3 to be marked by mass political cam?
paigns to attract women of the Soviet Union in
greater numbers to Socialist Construction.
10 Religion: Izvestiya reported decline in
forces organized to diScourage religious propa?
ganda and deplored efforts of religious'groups
to stage comeback under puotection of freedom
of worship guaranteed under the newt constitution.
11 Secret ballot: A speech by Zhdanov, assist?
alit secretary of the Party's Central Committee,
which he had made on 26 Februtry in the Central
? Committee of the Party, appeared in the press,
wherein he expressed fear of the secret ballot
as a means of introducing Trotskyites and went
on to say that the Party would have first to
weed out its own unsuitatae and unpopular
13 Re 1-inti?Comintern Pact: isky specking in
? London, considered that the danger of the war in
general, and against Russia in pierticular, had
increased during the past 15 months ? the German?
Japanese rapprochement amounted virtually to a
military alliance against the USSR ? but Russia
? had the ?satisfaction of knowing that her prepared?
ness and power of resistance had also increased.
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71 .7.
14 Caucasus: In memory of Gregori Ordzhonikidze
the name of the North C&Aicasus region was
changed to Ordzhonikidze Territory.
Citizenship:. Citizenships rights restored
to thousands of disfranchised according to
provisions of new constitution.
20 Pravda editorial attacked Party and Lovern?
ment leaders in southern regions for laxity and
delay in spring sowing.
21 Decrees published freeing collective farms
? and individual farmers from grain delivery
? arrears and making concessions by reading pay?
ments to MTS from ten to thirty percent.
28 A speech devoted in its entirety to the
struggle with Trel:skyism was published that Stalin
had made 3rd March before the Central Committee
of the Communist Party. They were apt to forget,
he said, that fivesixths of the world were made
up of capitalist countries and that so long as
this environment continued, the Soviet 'Union
would be full of spies, wreckers and assassins.
Led by Trotsky these enemies were still of great
power to do harm. He mentioned several times
that Germany and Jpan as the countries working
hand in hand with Trotsky and the Trotsky
.30 A decree was issued by the Central Lxecutive
Committee of the Council of People's Commissars,
outlining the economic Plan for .937, and
criticizing defects in the economic work during
.31 Turge: Reports were current that among
TrotskyiSts, recently :arrested was Rakolisky,
formeriAmbassador to London and 'Paris.
April 1.937
4 Purge: It was learned that Yagoda, ex?chief
of the Security Police, had been dismissed as
Commissar of %mnications for criminal activity.
5 Personalities: Khalepsky was appointed in
place-of Yagoda as Commissar of Communications.
Purge: Yagoda's deputy, Prokofieyev was
dismissed as Assistant Commissar of Communications.
Spain, Foreign Trade: Figures were cublished
of the trade with Spain, showing that exports to
that country in the ,past four months were valued
at over 40 million rubles. In January Spain had
imported 32,000 tons of Soviet coal, 317,000 tons
of oil fuel, and 1,000 tons of motor lorries.
Anti?religion: Bezbozhniks began campaign to
rebuild organization by establishing anti?
religious schools.
10 Class war: Report that since Yagoda's removal
as Commissar of the Security Police emphasis had
shifted from incessant -'whr against the class
enemy" to a campaign against disloyalty to the
Party and against sabotage and espionage.
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?.72 ?
12 Trade Unions: The function of trade unions
was seen as changing since they appeared no
longer to take an active part in the upward
revision of production norms.
14 Reports of Ural exile of Mrs. Litvinov de?
nied officially. She was said to be teaching'
Basic English at Sverdlovsk University.
15 Anti?religion: Kosarev, general Secretory of
the Communist Youth League, in a Pravda article,
celled for a revival of militant atheism.
16 Unofficial estimates placed 1936 total grain
harvest at about 15% less than average,for pre?
ceding three years.
17 Gold production: League of Nations monthly
? statistics bulletin stated that Russia had nearly
doubled production.
18 Submarines:. :Britishkdmiralty estimate of
Soviet submarine fleet to be:between 125 and
175 submarines. .German Naval handbOok reported
19 Red Army potential: European experts reported
?to consider the Red Army as the most formidable
in the world, but potentially weak in transport.
They were generally agreed that Russia could not
? be invaded successfully.
20 Education: Decree abolished model schools"
? and ordered their reorganization along usual
lines of secondary schools.
21 Wrecking: Molotovls March speech was pub?
lished. It revealed that serious re eking acti?
vities had hindered industrial development.
24 Purge: Reports were current that some 300
more arrests had beQ.n made of men in or connected
with the former GPU.
'25- Purge;. CaMPaign was launched against bribery
and graft, as_eVidence of 'their existence in -
important -industrial establishments was revealed.
Five Year :Plan: Arlilouncement that the Second
Five Year Plan had been completed 1 April, nine
Months ahead of s6hedule.
27 Turkey: It 'as learned that the Soviet
Minister had Presented his letters of recall and
had left Ankara.
NKVD: It was rumored that the People's Com?
missariat of Internal Affairs (Securit:y.Police)
had been drastically reorganized by its new
Commissar (Yezhov).
. .
28 Trade Unions:: :Editorial in 'Trud rebuked the .
Trade Union Council. for methods .
and charged it with erribezzlement and misuse of
funds.. ' ?
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-73 -
May .1937
May . . , . ,..
. .
1 May Day.:celebratipn included Cossack cavalry
for the first time, Over 250 tanks and more than
800 airplanes.
- Third Five-Year Plan: The Russian government
decreed the preparation of a third Five-Year Plan,
for which provisional plans were to be ready by
1 July.
Religion: 50,000-persons were reported to have
attended Easter services in Moscow.
Far East: A decree was i,ssued by the Far East- _
ern Executive Committee offering extensive privi-
leges to former soldiers, sailors and border
guards desiring to settle along the Soviet Far
Eastern frontiers.
Germany: It was learned that the Civil Aviation
Department had informed the German Lufthansa that
it considered it undesirable to negotiate a new
agreement for the air service between Moscow and
Berlin to replace the agreement which expired
30 April.
8 Anti-Religion: Communist...Par.:by made known its
disapproval of eXcesses in the fight against'
religion, -suggesting that intensified propaganda :
should- be used instead of. overt coercion.
9 Five-Year Plan: *Addressing heads of heavy
industry, the industry's Commissar, Mezhlauk,
stated that the:Third.Five-Year Plan would pay
more attention to smaller and more manageable
plants and that the policy of building up in-
dustry at the expense of agriculture would be
eliminated. .
Marshal Tukhachevsky,:Vice-Commissar of
Defense, was.demoted to an insignificant post.
He was succeeded by Yegorov, Chief of the
General Staff.'
15 Purge: State Prosecutor Vyshinsky intervened
in the over-zealous hunt for "wreckers" by local
authorities which had resulted in many unjust
dismissals and prison sentences.
16 Manchukuo: It was understood that the Russian
government had notified the Manchukuo authorities
that it intended to abrogate the Waterways
Agreement of 1.934 regulating navigation on the
,Amur River.
17 Purge: Eight trade union leaders were an-
nounced arrested as "Trotskyite enemies'.
Red Army: A decree was published regarding
changes in the organization of the Red Army
which would increase the Communist -earty's con-
trol over it. Thirteen military councils were to
be sat up. Political commissars would be given
greater power. The councils would consist of a
triumvirate composed of the Army commander of the
district, and two appointed members, thus insur-
ing control from Moscow.
18 ? France: After Li-bvinovls conversation with
Blum and Delbos, a statement was issued affirm-
ing the friendship of the two countries and
their common desire to maintain p.3 ace by 'means
of collective security.
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? 74 ?
20 Purge: Reports reached moscow that 43
persons charged with railway wrecking had been
shot at Svobodm6 near Khabarovsk.
21 Purge: Directorate of the Academy of Sciences
recommended Bukharin's expulsion for.counter?
revolutionary activities.
22 North Pole: The Soviet claimed thc Nnrth
Pole because it was first to establish a settle?
ment in its vicinity.
23 Purge: The press reported further arrests
of TrOtskyites in 'several places, for crimes
connected with the railways.
28 Spain: The Russian government replied to the
British proposal for =a truce in Spain for the
withdrawal of volunteers agreeing in principle,
but stipulating that the insurgents should cease
? hostilities first and withdraw all foreign
troops incladinR the Moors.
Money: Statement to the effect that Rupsials
currency circulation had increased in less than
two years by 43. The gold reserve was valued at
31 Purge: Gamarnik, head of political adminis?
tration of the Red Army, committed suicide after
being accused of anti?Sovict activities.
June 1937
3 Purge: General Eideman, President of the
Osoaviakhim, was removed from his post.
Purge: The- Commissar of Defense signed a
decree removing a rumber of leading generals
commanding on the Iestern frontier. They in?
cluded General Uborevich, formerly of the Minsk
command, General Yakir, who had recently been
transferred from Kiev. to Leningrad, and Marshal
Purge: A nuMber of high officials of the
Co=issariat of Internal Trade were arrested, and
? orders were issued for the arrest and Droncrmtion
? of Korotky, head of the Moscow and Leningrad
cotton industry, and Sosmin, director of the
Leningrad Cotton Trust.
Spain, Non?Intervention Committee: The chair?
man of the Non?Intervention Committee received a
letter from tne Soviet delegatc complaining
about the unlawful. loombing of the Deutschland
and the unlawful seizure of merChants ships be?
longing to the USSR and a number of other
countries. He suggested that all negotiations
for guaranteeing the patrol vessel's safety
ought to be undertaken only after the whole
question had been discussed by the Comitittee.
11 Purge: After a secret ,trial the Mili&ry
Cellegium sentenced to death Marshal Tukhachevsky,
General Putna, Yakir, Uborevich, Feldman,
Kork, Primakov, and Eideman, "habitual and base .
betrayal of military secrets to a certain hostile
Fascist power and working as spies to compass
the downfall of the Soviet state and to restore
capitalism." All were reported to have
? Pleaded guilty.
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12 Purge: The government announced that the
eight condemned men had been shot.?
13 Purge: The .linister of Defense, in a special
"command to the Army", said that the "military
Fascist organization" had existed and functioned
for a long time. It went out to describe its
activities and said that in return for foreign
aid to overthrow the government it had agreed
the surrender of the Ukraine.
_ 14 Purge: Rozengolz, the Commissar for Foreign'
Trade, was dismissed froM his post. Reports
reached Moscow of the shooting of 28 more people
at Svoboda,, near Khabarovsk. They were desbribcd
as "Trotskyite and pro-Japanese wreckers employed
on the Amur Railway. The head of the political
police in Leningrad announced the discovery of
foreign spies working for German firms in Russia.
Defense: A new Vice-Commissar of the Defense
? Industry was 'appointed.
15 Internal reform: A decree was issued granting
the collective farms and individual peasants new
pi-qv-lieges, which included reductions in taxation,
'remission of unpaid ?taxes, an increase of credits,
and .a small rise in the prices paid for grain.
Purge: Arrests of several officials were re-
ported from Minsk, including Goloded, Chairman
of the Council of People's Commissars,
Latvia: Speaking at a. reception to Mentors,
the Latvian Foreign Minister, Litvinov said that
since people were ?now thinking of the length
of time that separated them from the ncYt war,
countries must think not only of their own fron-
tiers, but also of the security of the frontiers
of other countries. Owing to the geographical
position of Latvia the Soviet Union could not
help being interested in the maintenance of her
complete independence.
16 Purge: Announcement that Kruttor, chairman
? of the Far Lastern Executive Committee, and '
larin, chairman of the Rostov Committee, had
been relieved of their posts for "inefficiency
and lack of Bo/shevist vigilance."
Purge: Chernyakov, chairman of the Central
LxecutiVe Committee of Byelorussia, committed
? suicide at Minsk "for personal and family
reasons." He had been blamed by the local party
committee for allowing General Uborevich to
carry 'on his wrecking work.
Latvia: Molotov entertained the Latvian For-
eign Minister at a lunch,1 which was attended by
Stalin, Voroshilov, Kaganovich and Yezhov.
17 Purge: The dismissal was announced of
Tsylko, Vice-Commissar for Agriculture, and of
several party officials at Rostov-on-Don.
20 ? Purge: Nine Communist Party oN-icidls were
sentenced at Odessa to prolonged terms of
prisonment as 't-.:aicultural wreckers."
Spain Non-Intervention Committee: The chair-
man of the Non-Intervention Committee received a
letter from the Soviet Ambassador, who stcted
that the four Powers had no authority to act in-
dependently as ;t?hey had in making the agreement
of 12 June,'and that they had created a precedent
which might endanger the work of the Committee,
for which the Soviet government disclaimed all
? responsibility..
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June ,
23 Purge:. The Premier 'and luny of the higher
officials of the Uzbek SSR .were removed for ?
27 Purge: Ruports from Khabarovsk stated that
more arrests had been, made of "divcrsionist
? spies", alleged to be emissaries' of "P neigh-
boring country dreaming of seizinA the Soviet
? Far East,'' and 37 of them werc executed.
Japan: The headquarters of the Kw_ntung
Army; at Hsinking reported Soviet seizure of
two small islands on the Amur River. Protests
lodged with the Leviet consul at Harbin.
29 Japan: Litvinov received the J-panesc Am-
bassador, who protested against the occupztion
of the islands on the Arnurl River. It was re-
ported that the Japanese-had undertaken to
withdraw their troops a certEin distp-ice from
the bank of the river, and that the Soviet govern-
ment agreed in principle to evacuate the two
? 30 Japan: The Russian,s protested the sinking
of one of their. gun-=boats on the. Amur River,
July 1937.-
1 Defense Loan: The Russian government announced
the floating:' of a.four billion defense loan,
bearing interest at .4%. It wasto be redeemed
2 Japan: The Commissariat of Defense gave
orders to the -4)rmyin the Far East to withdraw
all prmed patrols and cutters from the dis.-
puted?Islmds on the Amur.
6 Purge: It was reported that 22 railway nen
had been shot in the Far East, and that groups
of "Trotskyist wreckers and spies" had been
discovered disorganizing the Moscow transport
services, synthetic rubber factories, lorry
'construction plant, and other branches of industry.
7 Purge: The Director-General of Toss,
Doletski was denounced in the press as an enemy
of the people.
Japan: Complaint lodged with t Japanese
Embassy that Japanese troops had been landeg
on one of the disputed islands on the Amur.
The Embassy was reported to have that
as the islands belonged to Manchukuo taere
could be no pledge-that soldiers would not be-
stationed on them.
8 . Purge: Reports were current that among other
persons.arrested.for treason were KoMinsky,
Rudzutak, s11-Qzhlaulc, KaraddianKrestinSky,
Rozengolz, Ossinsky,'Unschlicht;. and Stern.
9 Administration: The Ccntra;1 Executive Commit-
tee of the Soviet Union passod\unanimously the
law for electing a new Supreme Council of the
Union, to consist of two ?chambeTs, the Union
Council, and the Council of Nationalities.
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- 77
9 Purge: Aron Soltz, a judge of the Supreme
(cont.) Court, was reported to have been arrested.
Personalities: A1exej Gorkin appointed
secretary of Cent?ral Executive Committee replac-
ing I.P. kkulov, who resigned because of ill
12 Turkey: The Turkish Foreign Minister and '
the Minister of the Interior arrivEd' in Moscow.
Purge; Reports? reached Moscow of the shooting
in the Far East of 61 persons accused of espionage
for Japany and Germany.
The. Communist Party organ' at Tiflis reported
the shooting of seven Georgian "old 8olshcviks?
who had, pleaded guilty of being spic s and wreckers.
14 Purge: Arrest's reported of the Commissar of
Education, Bubnov, and the writer Filnyak.
15 'Amnesty: With the opening. of the Moscow-Volga
Canal to navigation, 55,000 prisoners, who had ,
worked on its construction, were liber.ateA.
17 Decollectivization:,? The Presidium' of the
Central Executive Committee passed a reolution
declaring "decollectivization" to be a crime and
ordering the punishment of persons who began the
movement and of local bfficials who failed to'
prevent it. The peasants of some districts
understanding that the new Constitution gave them
freedom to belong to collective farms or not as
they chose, had liquidated the collectives and
distributed the live-stock, machinery, etc.
Personalities,: Yezhov, Commissar for Internal
Affairs was awarded Order of Lenin for effectively
suppressing counter-revolutionary and anti-
government activities.
Gt. Britain: Naval agreement signed with
Great Britain. Text published 19 July. -
Ratifications exchanged 6nd bathe into force
4 November.
19 Turkey: The Turkish Foreign Minister left
Moscow. A statement was issued that the inter-
ests of both countries demanded the preservation
of ' friendly relations.
21 Personalities: Procurator Vishinsky awarded
the Order of Lenin.
Germany: The new Ambassador to Germany,
Yurenev, presented his letters of credende to
Hitler at Berchtesgaden.
Personalities: Mikoyan appointed Vice
President of the All-Union Council of Peoples
Commissars. Bulganin appointed President of
the Council of Peoples Commissars for RSFSR.?
Yurkin appointed Commissar of State Farms for
all of USSR.
- 23 Personalities: Timoshenko named commander
of the North Caucasus military area.
29 Spain, The Non-Intervention Comrrlittee: The
Russian governrilent refused to grants bLiliE,erent
rights to General Franco.
30 Spain, The Non-Intervention Committee: Maisky
said the question of' belligerent rights was ir-
relevant to that of non-intervention.
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? 78 ?.
) -
August 1'937
1 Gt. Britain: Izvcstiya blamed British dip?
lomacy for the non?intervention deadlock. -
Purge; The preAs recorded the discovery of
groups of wreckers' in the Commissariat ofJus?
tice in the Ukraine, the central committee of
the Komspmo1s, the Commissariat of Agriculture,
the Don Basin Coal Trust, and the centr-1 com?
mittee of the shipbuilding industry. Arrests
? were reported of Bela Kun, the former dictator
of Hungary, Chernov, Commissar of Agriculture,
and several members of the Foreign hffairs
Japan: The Russian government handed a note
to the Japanese Foreign Minister pr ?testing a
raid on the Soviet Consulate in Tientsin, exe?
cuted by White Russians on the previous day.
Finland, Germany: Izvestiya protested against
an invitation e)?-tended by the Finnish government
to a Gefman flotilla of submarines to visit the
military port of Abo. the paper claimed that
'Germany was attempting to establish air bases in
North Finland under the pretext of fishing conces?
sions. ,
Purge: Three of eight officials of the food
industry were sentenced to death at Novorossiisk.
Purges carried out among Tadzhikistan high
officials. ?
United States: Exchange of notes with the
United States, constituting a commercial -gree?
ment, which came into force 6 August.
Purge: Vishinsky condemned severe penalties
imposed on peasants for trivial offences and
blamed anti?government groups.
sle Purge: Arrests reported of high officials
in Tashkent, Tadzhikistan, Armenia, some priests,
. scientists, and industrial leaders.
11 Purge: Reports reached Moscow that 72 rail?
way officials had recently been ?shot at Irkutsk,
and th:.A a thorough purge had been carried out
in the administration of Turkmenistan.
12 Purge: Reports that several hundred foreign-7
ers, including 58 Germans, had been arrested.
13 , Germany: The Russian government received from
the German Ambassador representation concerning
the arrests of German nationals.
19 Purge: Reports reached Moscow of the exe?
cution at Irkutsk of 34 members of a spy ring
accused of working for the Japanese intelligence
Japan: Pravda attacked the Japanese Ambassador
for circulating to foreign newspaper correspond?
ents in Moscow a statement' denying that the
Japanese army or police were responsible for the
raid on tae Soviet Consulate at Tientsin on
1 August.
20 ,Sinkiang: Kashgar repOrted taken by the .
Tungans. ?
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August .
21 China: A five?year non?aggression pact signed
in Nanking by which each party ?renounced war as
an instrument of national policy and undertook
not to assist any aggressor attacking the other.
22 Industry: The Comissariat of Heavy Industry
was split to.forma'Commissariat of Machine
Building headed by Valery Mezhlauk end. a Commis?
sript of Heavy Industry headed by L. Kagcnovich.
25 Communist Party: The first of the neii official
Communist history of 'Russia for schools indicated
a considerable chanEe of emphasis in the treatment
of Russia's past and particularly of such subjects
as the Tsars, the nobility and Christianity.
September 1937
1 Manchukuo: Reports that the Soviet JI.overnment
had closed all Russian consulates except those at
Harbin, Manchuli and Tahiho.
Purge: FolloWing the Court?martial and shoot?
ing of ton officials of the Leningrad Red Dawn
telephone and telegraph factory, a British sub? '
ject, Mr. R.U. Bell, formerly employed in the
same factory, was arrested on a charge of'espion?
age. Numerous collective farm officials and
seven Georgians were sentenced to death.
2 Purge: It was officially announced that
Lynbchenko, chairman of the Council of Peoples
Commissars of the Ukraine since 1934, committed
suicide to escape arrest on a charge of anti?
government activities.. Boudarenko was appointed
as his successor.
Gt. ritain: It was learned that the British
Embassy had requested that the British Consul?
General in Leningrad be allowed to see Mr. Bell,
who had not been allowed to communicate with
Purge: Fourteen 4Trotskyists", found guilty
of poisoning the food of Red Army units, were .
reported to have been shot..
Italy: Following the sinking of'the Russian
steamer Blakogey, off Skyros, the Soviet Journal
Pravda declared that Italy was responsible for.
the attacks on Russian shibs in the Mediterranean.,
Italy: The Soviet government sent a stronEly?
worded note to the Italian Foreign Office ,,ccus?
.ing Italy of responsibility for the sinking of
two Russian vessels in the Mediterranean, claim?
ing inFlemnities, and dertiandIng punishment of the
_guilty persons. The Italian government repudiated
responsibility fe-.2 the attacks and- rejected cn
bloc the demands for indemnification and punish?
ment of the guilty persons.
Mediterranean Conference: Russia accepted
the Franco?British invitation to the Mediterranban
Conference, but enquired why an invitation was
sent:to Germany, which was not mediterranean
power and demanded that Spain be invited.
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8 . Japan: A rdpor't from Siberia stated that an
armed Japanese cutter, anchgred in Sovi,t waters
had been detained by the Soviet frontier author-
Italy: The Soviet Charge d'Affaires handed
to the Italian Foreign Office a second note
stating that the Soviet government did not find
the Italian reply to their first note satisfac-
tory and maintained their accusations.
10 Japan: The Russian governMent received and
rejected a vigorous, protest from the Japanese
Ambassador concerning Soviet apprehension of
Japanese end ,Lorean fishing boats.
Nyon Conference: TheiNyon Conference was
opened. Litvinov in his remarks referred
bitterly to United States which had not cope
and said that although Russia had her own methods
for looking after her shipping, she was reedy to
help in protecting other ships if a scheme was
involved. He deplored the fact that thc Spanish
government had not been invited.
12 Italy: Stalin and Molotov took ths, salute at
a mass demonstration in Moscow directed primarily
against the "Italian pirates.
? 13 Japan: It wa's announced that the Russians had
informed the Japanese government that the Japan-
ese consulates at Odessa and Novosibirsk would
be deprived of consular privileges on 15 September,
inasmuch as the Russians had but six consulates in
Japan, while Japan had eight in Russia.
15 Purge: Krylenko dismissed from his office
as Commissar of Justice of the)RSFSR..
17 The Central Lxecutive .Committee approved the
Council of People's Commissars on the reorgani-
zation of the State Planning Commission.
18 All-Union Soviet for Commercial Economy,
attached to the Central Lxecutive Committee was
19 Purge: 'Reports reached Moscow of executions
of railway officials in the Far East, accused of
working for the Japanese, and of the arrest of
party officials in the grain region near ?Rostov-
on-Don. A purge was also reported to be taking
? place.
24 Purge: Reports current in Leningrad that
Admiral Ivanov had been court-martialcd and shot
for having."demoralized sailors of the Red Flcetou
Japan: A. dispute WCS stated to have -risen
over the Japanese oil and coal concessions in
the Russian part of Sakhalin owing to the dismissals
of large num,ers of Russian emplowees and the
virtual suspensi-n of boring -and 'mining operations.
25 Japan: The Russian government warned the
Japanese that they would be held responsible for
all the conseciaences if any harm came to the
? Soviet Embassy or Soviet citizens by the "unlaw-
ful air bombardment of Nanking."
Census: Methods used in census of January I
were declared unscientific and its results were
officially nullified. A new census was ordered
for January 1939.
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?81 ?
28 Reports reached Moscow of the dismissal and
degradation'of several p.rrty leaders and higher
officials in Armenia. Shakeups continued in
Tadzhikistan, Uzbokistnn and some, of the pro?
vinces. The tendency was to replace older men
by younger ones.
29 Purge: Reports reached Moscow of the execu?
tion of many officials at Kharkov, Rostov?on?Don,
Sverdlovsk, Tiflis, and other places and in
Leningrad 16 persons were shot for conspiring to
murder members of the government and. wreck the
chemical works. They were described as sPies of
the German Secret Police.
30 Personalities: Admiral Viktorov, formerly
commander of the Far Eastern Fleet, ecceme Com?
mander?in?Chicf of the Sovict Navy,replacing
Admiral Orlov.
Purge: The former prcSicent of the Adjer
Itcpublic and seven other officials were executed
at Batum for spying.
October 1937
2 Treason sentence : The Central Executive Com?
mittee, of the Union issued a decree confirming
death,by shooting as the supreme penalty for
spying, wrecking, arson, and other offenses
against the regime, but increesing the maximum
armed imprisonment for less serious offenses
from ten to twenty?five years, with n view to
giving the Courts greeter imposinL
Spain,ion?Intervention Coramittee: The Russians
stated that the abandonment of naval supervision
must make the continuance of any form of control
3 Far Est RepOrts that the headquarters of
the.Far Eastern .ismy was being transferred from
Khabarovsk to Irkutsk.
'Purge.' At Leningrad twenty persons described
as "wreckers" weresentenced to twenty years im?
prisonment under the new decree. In the -
Krasnoyarsk district of Moscow province nine
party officials were condemned to death for
attempting to ruin farming.
Purge: The President and the Premier of
,Daghestan were removed from office as "bourgeois
Naval Maneuvers: The Soviet Baltic Fleet
tested its ability to withstand aerial attacks.
Turkey: Agreements signed with Turkey regard?
ing (1) commerce and navigation: (2) exchange
and payments.
Maneuvers: Combined Red Army and Navy maneuvers
were held at Vladivostok.
Spain Non?Intervention Committee: The Russians
in a note.dated 29 September stated thnt as the
naval patrol had ended thby saw no useful purpose
in maintaining the systems of observers in ships.
The not went on to say that "the abolition of
the naval patrol and of observers on board ships
inevitably involves the abolition also of control
on the land frontiers of Spain.0
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? 82 ?
10 Purge: Zelonsky, chairman of TsentrosoyuZ,
? was denounced DS an enemy' of the people. Pravda
declared that, the organization was overrun with
grafters, Twenty-six members Of the Presidium
of the Central Lxecutive of the USSR aere stated
? to have been removed since the purge began.
Rakhmanov, President of the Azerbradzhan Council
of People's Commissars, was dismissed.
12 Purge: Announcement that Bubnov had been
relieved as Commissar of Eduction in RSFSR and
succeeded by Tyurkin; also that Admiral Ko7hcnov
had been replaced as commander of the Black Sea
Fleet, by Admiral Smirnov.
Communist Party: MeetinE of the Plenum of
the Central'Committee of the Communist Party was
Yezhov; Commissar of internal ffairs,
was Ilected as cin alternate,member of the
15- Purge:. Rukhimovich was relieved of his office
of Commissar of Defense Industries and .succeeded
.by Kaganovich, .a.-brother,of the Commissar of
Heavy Industry.
17 Purge:- Veitsev, Commissar of Internal Trade,
was dismissed and succeeded by ,Smirnov.
Military Strength: A foreign authority
estimated USSR's defense strength: regular army
1,300;000, reServes - 10,000,000, first-line
combat 'planes - 2,900, naval tonnage in five
principal categories - 270,000.
18 Purge: Sudin, Acting Commissar, of Foreign
Trade, was relieved of his post. Ovseyenko was
relieved as Commies,,r of Justice and succeeded
by Dimitriyev, President ?of the Sup'eme Court
19 Purge: News ?reached Moscow that 54 persons
had been shot at Ulan-Ude for spying in behalf
? of Japan. Mezhlauk relieved as Commissar of
? Machine Industry in which he was succeeded by
Bruskun, and was reappointed chairman of the
State Planning Commission.
Industrial production: A comparison of pro-
duction showed 1936 increases over 1926 were as
follows: stool -400%, coal - over 300%, oil -
240%, electrical power - almost 600%. total
industrial production - 900%.
20 Outer Mongolia: The Japanese press published
reports, stated to have reached Shanghai, that
Moscow had decided to return Outer Mongolia to
China. The Mutual Assistance -Protocol of 1936
was to be cancelled, end Outer Mongolic to place
? its forces at the disposal of Nanking.
27 Spain, Nm-Intervention Committee; The Soviet
Ambassador handed a note announcing the discon-
tinuance of Payments by Russia towards the
?Contra]. Scheme.
29 ? Foreign Telations: The Russian government
? announced its decision to accept' the invitation
to the For Eastern Conference at Brussels.
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November 1937
4 Gt. Britain: RatificF:tions?were exchanged.
in London of the -Anglo-Russian Naval Agreement
signed 17. July.
The 20th anniversary of the Russian Revolution
was celebrated throughout the Union and Voroshilov
addressed a parade in Moscow, extolling the prog-
ress made. This i^ould have been greater still,
he declared, but for enemies inside and outside
the country, Trotskyites, spies, wreckers, and
Fascist agents.
8 Comintern: The Executive Committee of the
Comintern issued a manifesto to the world
urging the masses in both Fascist and democratic
countries to follow Russials example in carrying
through a revolution. It extolled the united
front as the most effective weapon against Fascism.
- 9 Italy: Count Ciano received the Soviet Ambas-
sador who informed him that his government con-
sidered the terms of the Anti-Communist Fact to
be contrary to the Italo-Russian .Greement of 20
September 1933, and regarded the gesture as an
unfriendly act.
Purge: Reports reached Moscow that ten senior
officials in Abkhazia had been executed for plot-
ting the assassination of Stalin and three had
? bpen sentenced to terms of imprisonment from ten
to twenty years. The execution of nine officials
of Azerbaidzhan was also reported on a similar
10 Purge: The Ambassador to Poland, a?vtian,
,was reported to have been arrested and the
Minister to Lithuania was summoned to moscow.
11 Purge: Arrests reported of the Ambassador
to Germany, and Turkey and it was rumored that
the German Consul-General in Leningrad had been
ordered to leave the country immediately. The
Ambassador to Germany was alleged to have been
in close contact with Nazi leaders and to have
failed to report the imminence of the Anti-
Comintern Pact,
13 Purge: The Military Attache in Helsingfors
was recalled and the Minister to Finland was re-
ported to have been arrested. Reports. also
current of arrests among the clergy in Kazan,
Orel, Minsk, Orenburg, Samara and Omsk.
15 Purge: The Minister to Latvia Was reported
to 11,-ve been arrested, and the Minister to
Estonia, whose death had recently occurred, was
believed in some quarters to have committed
16 Spain Non-Intervention Committee: Soviet
accopte'd the British plan for non-intervention
in Spain without any qualifications.
17 Purge: The arrest was reported of the Prime
Minister of the Ukraine on a charge of maintaining
treasonable contact with Ukraine Separatists and
with an anti-Soviet center in xerlin.
Germany: Announcement in Moscow thatthe
German government had decided to cloae the Consu-
lates-General at J-,eningrad and Tiflis 'and the
Consulates at Vladivostok, Odessa, and Ehnrkov.
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- 04 -
21 Elections: The official list of candidates
for all constituencies in the General-Election
was published, -and showed that there was only
one candidate for each. Reports were current
that attempts to put forward candidates in op-
position to the official ones had been summarily
dealt with. Many of the candidates were senior
officers of the State Security Police and of the
- 23 'Purge: A 'military court at --Leningrad sentenced
to 25-.yeare',imprisonment two Germans convicted
of espionage on .behalf of the German secret ?service.
27 Foreign Relations: A meeting held in Moscow
between representatives, of the International Feder-
ation of Trade unions and of the Soviet Trade
Union Council ended with the signature of an
agreement, the terms of which were not published.
? The object of the conference was to elaborate the
? conditions;on which Russia's Trade Union organiza-
tion would enter the International FederLtion for
the purpose of unity to "fight Fascism throughout
the world."
28 Japan: The Foreign Commissar, in a reply to
a Japanse protest about the "trans-settlement
of Koreans living in Russia, was understood to
have replied denying ?Japan's right to interfere
in the question, as the Koreans were citizens of
the USSR.
29 Purge: Reports current that among officials
? arrested were Ozerski, formerly chief trade
delegate in London, and Bron, his predecessor
and former director of 1-imtorg. Also that the
Premier and Commissar of Education in the Ukraine,
the Consul-General in New York, and the Minister
to Finland were in custody.
Foreign relations: Litvinov peaking 'as the
? unopposed candidate fora Leningrad constituency,
attacked the aggres-sive methods of the totali-
tarian states and condemned the weakness of the
League and of the Brussels conference. Japan, he
declared, was not only ravaging her present
victim but preparing for another war. The Soviet.
Union was strong and depended on its own fight-
ing services. It had joined the League to ascer-
tain its worth as an instrument of peace, but
unfortunately other states were not willing to
cooperate effectively to combat aggression by
states which flouted all international law.
-beoember 1937
'2 Tannu Tuva: -visit by the President took
-place In..Moscow. ? ,
Poland- Border incident, when Polish guards
.interfered With Soviet..railroad employees.
-rediction made that the large 1937 Soviet
cotton crop Would entirely-eliminate the purchase
of cotton from the United States.
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.5 Purge': Barmin,"Charge d'Affaires of the
(cont.) Soviet Legation in Athens, arrived in France
and yvas reported to have reqUested the French
? govennment to allow 'him to stay as -a political
? emigre. He had received an order to return from
Athens to Moscow, and had refused to comply.
? He was also reported to have addressed an acoeal
to the Central Committee of the League for the
Defense of the Rights of Man for action to save
the lives of numerous Soviet diplomats stated
to be in prison in Moscow, and also on behalf of
those abroad who risked being imprisoned if they
returned to Russia.
11 Germany: Ambassador kontantin Yurenycv
will not return to Berlin, according to an offi?
cial announcement. _Repprts were-current that he
had, been arrested.
12 Elections Elections - were held throughoUt
the Soviet Union.for.choosing members for the
Supreme Council.
15 Ambassador Troyanovsky declared the -verdict
of innocence by the Trotsky Defense Committee
was only an effort to whitewash Trotsky.
17 Japan: Protested against alleged illegal
detention of Japanese citizens by the Soviet Union.
19 Poland: A Soviet note accused Polish
road.offioials of burhing a Soviet train. (Ste
28 Janu ry 1944).
Purge: The trial and execution for high
treason, terrorism, and espionage of eight
officials were officially announced, including
Karakhan, Ycnukidze, Zuckerman, and Steiger.
Trums?Siberian R.R.: Trans?Siberian double
tracking announced as completed.
21 ' japan: .Fishing?agreement signed with Soviet
Union after some delay. The ,5ovict press said
this.was'cauped by.Japanese the
anti?communist pact. -
23 Lithuania: Trade agreement for 1938 signed
with the Soviet Union.
27 Export lAanagers Club (New York) was dissatis?,
fled with conditioris for the shipment of goods
to the Soviet Union; wanted a -stand',rd order
form ta eliminate friction. (See 8 January
? 30 China: Tass declared that the Soviet Union
would continue to send war supplies to China,
?but admitted that the amount was insignificant.
Establishment of a People's Commissarict of
Navy as distinct from thb People's Commissar?
iat of Defense. 1i. Smirnov appointed cs-its
first Commissar.
31 Pla.n figures for first year of Third Five
Year Plan published for Industry and Transport
called for 84,300,000 ruble output in 1938,
15.3% greater than for 1937.
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- 86
January 1938.
2 -China; Soviet Embassy in Nanking reported
destroyed by fire.
3 France: Soviet-French provisional trade
agreement prolonged to 31 December 1933.
Soviet-Union? (Armenian SSR): 0 Armenian
officials sentenced to death. Among these was
the president the State Bank, the Rector of
the Universit7 and two Vice-Commissars for Agri-
1938 .
4 ? United. States Experimental tests of radio-
tolePhone coMmunications between Moscow-New York.
? began, . They were to continua throughout January.
7 United States 2 - Embassy in Moscow delivered .
formal -note, to Soviet 'ForeIgn Office asking in-
formation on Mrs. Ruth Rubens, an American who
disappeared. on. 9 December 1937 while traveling
under the name of Mrs. Donald Robinson.
8 Soviet Union Births in Moscow for 1937 given
at 135,848, a conSiderable increase over 1936.
United States: ' Soviet official in the United
States declined- to prepare a standard -order form
for American exporters.. Competing European firms.
-use forms now available- in the United States.
(See 27 DoceMbor 1937.)
? 9 Soviet Union; Purges: -rrest'was reported- of
seven Church dignitaries., as enemies of .the people,
traitors to the Union, and spies. They included
? the Metropolitan of Moscow, the former head of
the ;?Living. Church' and. several- Bishops.. The
press claimed that together with the acting Patri-
arch of -Russia they wore. agents of a Trotskyist
organization' working for .the German Gestapo.
10 Soviet Union; Purges:. ,Altogether 21 bishops:
were claimed to have boon arrested?on similar
charges since .November.
, 11 Rumania: -Sovic Minister, Mikhail .0stroysky,
reported askingteo recalled to Moscow because
? of. strained relation's with. ?the:Goga government. -
No-successer.was named. (See 22, 29 January.) ?
?. Soviet Union: The Supreme. Soviet opened its ?
first sessibn.
12 Gt. Britain; Tho Soviet government informed
the Briish that it. wished?the number of consular.
.posts the territory of the-
?;: -other to be oqual,:atd:aS.,:thero vcs only one in .
Great Britain,-It'sUggestod the -closing of the
-consulate in Leningrad,.
Similar representations were said to have been
made to LatVia, Norway, 'Sweden, Estonia and Fin-
?: :' ?
Soviatqinion: .A new .passenger .airline was
opened hettiebn Krasnoyarsk and Dudinka..
. .
13 !Gt. Britain 0p-17)Osed a Soviet
close its Leningrad.consulate. (See_23 January..)
United States: Sec-rotary ? of State Hull asked
Ambassador Troyanovsky4gain.for information On
Mrs. Rubens, believed under investigation as sp.-7
in Moscow..
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?07 ?
January_ -
14 - Soviet Union: The Creation. was annauncod of.
a General Staff of ..the Navy; under-dmiral Galler,
a former Tsarist-officor.
15 Italy: It was announcod that the government
had suspended all diroct payrilonts duo to Italian
firms for goods supplied, on the ground that
Soviet organizations had not-paid for -goods pur-
chased by Italy, particularly oil, for about a
Soviet Union:, Supreme Soviet affirmed de-
cision to o.stablia Commissariat of Navy.?
joint session Of the Suprome Soviet adopted
unanimouslY an amendmont to the Constitution
giving the Presidium power to doclare martial
law throughout the country wherovor and whonovor
Sovict territory was "throatoned by a foreign foo.
Molotov announcod that larc, warships would be
built; owing to the refusal of Italy and Japon to
'limit their floats.
? Reports-that 23 Moscow journalists had 'boon
arrested and one shot; also that the former
Minister to Estonia had boonbanished to tho
north for 10 years as a.Tretskyist.
7, japan; Zhdanoy urged more determined aetion
in dealing with Jap_nese provocations, and of
those from Hanchoukuo.
Soviet Union; Tho:Suprome Soviet elected
M. Kalinin as President. -Other mombors wore
Marshals Budonny and Bltcher,,Mme. Krupskaya,
Taganovich, and Zhdanov:,
Molotov resigned and was at once asked to
form a new government.
18 Soviot Union; Purgcs? decroo was issued
ordering the cessation of expulsions'from the
Communist Party without investigation, the ex-
? amination and reinstatement of many thousands
of poople recently oxpollod, and the punishment
of malicious informers. -
19 Estonia; Sovict guards killed on the border.
Soviet Union: Molotov was unanimously re- .
cloctod,Chairman of the. Council'of
Comniscars, 'as wero the ot:lorb except
who was roplaced as Commissar of juctica by.
Ryslikev. Chubar was succeeded Cortlizsar of
Finance by Zverov, "but- remaineda ViccQ,chairilan
of tha*Council. .
Molotov denounced certain foreign Consulates
engaged in hgstile anti-Soviet spying activities
on Soviet territory", warned Japan that the Union
would know how to dofend its'interests.and "end-
Japanese hooliganism on the Far Eastern frontier,
and accused Franco "of harboring individuals on-
gaged in anti-Sovio'c activities.
-Supremo Soviet adjourned.
Roport that Mozhlauk, former director of the
Gosplan, had been shot as a Trotskyist.
_ Sun Fo arrived in :Moscow accompanied by a
delegation of Chinese administrators and had
conversations with several Soviet loadors.
20 China;'' Hankow'dispatch stated that the
construction of a highway between China and the
Soviet Union, via Sinkiang, was progressing
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-88 -
22 ? - Rumania; Soviet Minister M.S. Ostrovsky re
called (cf. 11, 29 January).
United States: Soviet authorities refused to
permit U.S. Embassy officials to ' isit Hrs. Rubens
until their questioning of her had been.completed.
23 Gt, Britain: Statement that Russian visas
will be issued only at Leningrad: (Soo 13 Janu-
Soviet Union: :,.ccording to Ja-oanesc press
tho.USSR's Pacific squadron had 90 submarines.
24 China: Soviet Embassy. in Ilankow reported
destroyed by fire.
Gt. Britain; Branch consulate at Moscow
25 Finland: -Russian request reported that-Fln-
? nish consulate in Leningrad bo closed. ,
Soviet Union; .:,.ccording to London reports
fortifications and shipbuilding activities at ,
Leningrad have been greatly intensified and that
? the district is to become a groat naval base.
This is believed to be the reason for the clos-
ing of foreign consulates at Leningrad.
Turkey: Turkish and Soviet consulates,
except one, to be-closed on each other's ter-
United States: State Department declined to
accept USSR's refusal for permission to inter-
view Mrs. Rpons and charged it to be a violation
of Litvinov-Roos-evelt agreements. of 1933.
? '27 Japan.; Temporary suspension of: postal ser-
vice-between Japan and the Soviet Union. -
.Donmark: *agreed to close its consulate in
Leningrad on 1
Poland:. Lgreed to regulate the railroad, in-
cidents at the Soviet border. (See 3, 19 Decem
'ber 1937.)
? Soviet Union';' .Lgricultural plan for 1933 was .
Completion of the foundation' for the Palace
of Sov.iets was announced.
League of Nations; ? Foreign Ministers Eden,
Delbos and Litvinov reported conferring with
Dr. Moo on be submitted to League
Council for aidtb China..
? Rumania: -The RuManian ambassador was re-
called from Moscow. . (Sce?11 Jairdary.):
? Soviet Union: The clearance of inhabitants
from treas along Soviet borders for-military -
reasons was .reported.
Vyshinsky, Procurator of USSR, reported that
25 percent of criminal'casos brought to court
in Moscow were without foundation, and condemned
thb tendency to mass accusations.
.30 Soviet Union: PeOpleis,Commissar of Heavy
Industry, Ka7anovich, issued an order on.tho
1938 plan for heavy industry and the measures
to be taken to insure its fulfillment.
31 Soviet Union; Baltic Fleet held tactical
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February 1938
1 Soviet Union: Smirnov, Peoples' Commissar of
the Navy, stated :that the USSR's coast defenses
had tripled during the last five-yearS, and that
the Navy's old pre-war battleships had been
modernized; Taiznetsov was announced to be the
new commander of the Pacific Fleet..
Soviet Union; Plenum of the Socioty of Mili-
tant Atheists met.
3 Soviet Union; A decree was issued providing
for the reorganization 9f the State Planning
? Commission. The-start of construction on a new
railroad from 'Ulan Ude (capital of_Buryat Mon-
golia situated on the Trans-Siberian railroad)
? to Kiakhta on the. Outer Mongolian frontier was
'Soviet :Union: Bezbozhnik (Atheist) publica-
tion to be resumed.
United States: Soviet authorities agreed to?
allow a U.S. representative to interview Mrs.
? Rubens.
6 Soviet_Union :,?decree was issUed reorganiz-
ing the system for financing Machine Tractor
-Rumania: Soviet .legation Informed. Rumanian,
foreign office that the charge d'affaireS,.
Butbnko, had diSappeared.thc.ovening before and
could-not be found. (cf, 10, 16 FeiSruary.)
Japan.. .rar minister, Suiyana, said Soviet
armament expansion required that Japan should
also build up its armaments. The Soviets had
1500 airplanes in the Far East. -
Estonia Second._ border clash with Soviet
Rumania Emphatic Soviet protest over dis-
appearance of the Soviet charge, Butonho.
10 Rumania: soviet Univa sent a note of pro-
test on the disappearance of-Butenko. (cf.
16 February.)
United States; Charge d'Affairez Henderson
interviewed Mrs. Rubens, who made no request for
aid from State Department.
12 - China: USSR. reported refusing further aid to
China, but permitting plane purchases and en-
listment of volunteers.
.Sovie't Union; Stalin's. statement in sPravda on
home and foreign a:'-4-airs. Stalin declarEd?there
were two problems before them: internally, over-
coming, their own bourgeoisie, and building a com-
plete socialiSm, and externally, of securing the
country from the dangers of foreign intervention.
The first had been solved, although ua victory of
Socialism in our country is no.t.yet final.' The
second problem had not yet been solved.
Soviet Union; -ir Force; General Loktyonoff
appointed Commander in Chief of the Red Air-Force
in place of General Alksinis.
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15 United States; Smit of Soviet government to
recover one million dollars from rational City
Bank 'of Now York was dismissed by Now York Su-
premo Court. Although money was deposited in
1918, the Court held that all Russian claims
against Atherican nationals were assigned to the
U.S. government under Litvinov agreement of 1933.
16 -Rumania; The .allagod missing Butenke, in :
Rome, denounced Bolshevism and .the Soviet govern-
ment,. (c f. 7 February.)
17 Germany; RecortS-frem Berlin indicated -measures
were being taken by German governmentto remove
from no,country all Jewish.Sovi,et citizens (about .
1,000 or 8(i' SoViet. citizens resident in Germany).
Jran. Ambassador to Moscow denied.roport that
Iran, Turkey,-Afghanistan andraq,were,.negotiating
to amend Four-Power Treaty between them to include ?
anti-Communist provision.
Rumania; Foreign Commissar Litvinov protested
again over the 'disappearance of Butenho, as all.
efforts to sec,him?in Rome have been refused to
the Soviet Embassy.
18 , Gt, Britain: Opinion in Moscow official cir-
cle's considered that Eden's resihation and Groat
Britain's "capitulation" to aggresser nations - had
increased. danger .of Nar. ?
19 ? Rumania: Bucharest .nowspaperh reported USSR
about to begin construction of fortifications
along the Russo7Rumanian frontier and_additional
air base's and coast defenses along the. Sea
'20- China; Sun Fo and to other members of the
Chinese MissiOnleft Moscow. after a 5-week visit.
The mission presumablyfailed to secure a promise
of military aid to' China-.
Japan;,. Port authorities at Hakodate were re-
ported to :have searched. a Soviet survey ship and
:to have arrested the captain.
22 Soviet Union; Purges; Speaking on the occa-7
sion of the 20th anniversary Of the fled Army,
.flarshal Voroshilov said that-Admirals -Orlov.? ,,iiv-
kov and Ludry had ,been shot as enemies of the
people-. I-1'e also said the Army was.not-intonded
for aggression, but was ready to fight all ono-
nics. .
. .23 . United States Ambassador Davies returned to
Moscow ?to stay there till late:spring, when he -
would go to Brussels, -
-26 . Estonia; The Soviet-Estonia Trade Agreement
.27 Soviet Union; PurgeS; The State ?Prosecutor
announced that 21 prominent men wore tobe.tried
for treason,. including.-Bukharin, Rykov? Rakovhky,
Grinko, Krestinshy, Rosengoltz, Yagota, Chernov
and Ivanov.
Three doctors were. accused .of murdering
Kuibyshov, Menzhenski and Gorki. ,
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? 1938
-..91 -
March 1938
.1 Denmark, Estonia: Consulates to be closed.
Germany: The German-Soviet Trade Agreement
extended for 1938.
Soviet Union; Foreign Policy: The press pub-
lished a statement explaining that the article
in Pravda of 14 February had boon misunderstood.
SoviOT foreign policy was not directed against
any peaceful foreign state, but only against
Fascism. The Union had two enemies, the im-
perialism of Japan and the Fascism of Germany
and Italy, and both the Union and the Comintern
wore cooperating loyally, with all other countries
? against Fascism. It was certain- that an armed
clash will come with Fascism, i-Thich 1111 develop
into a'great war in which one of the sides will
bc destroyed.'
Soviet Union; Purges: The trial of the 21
accused men, including Bukharin, Rykov, Rakovsky
?and Yagoda, opened. 'Tho indictment included
charges that Trotsky, in cooperation with some
of the accused, had boon a secret agent of the
German govermient since 1921, and of tho British
government since 1926. All the accused pleaded
? guilty except Krcstinsky.
Soviet Union; Purges; Krestinshy withdrew.
his statement of the previous day and pleaded
? guilty.
China; Communist press in China insisted
that ?Moscow trials would disclose plots by
Trotskyists to aid Japan.
Germany: Germany and the Soviet Union agreed
to close all their consulates on each other's
territory. (Soo 9 March.)
Soviet Union; Purges; During the trial,
Rakovsky declared., that in 1924, While Ambassador
in London, he had boon forced into the British
Secret Service, and had spied for Britain and
for Japan up to 1936. Ho also Said that Trotsky
had told him that ho was a British agent, too.
Statements made.during tho trial incriminated
two Ambassadors: Bogamolov, Ambassador in China
until autumn of 1937, and'Yuronyov, in Japan till
Juno 1937.,
? Japan: The USSR protested against the deten-
tion by the Japanese of two Soviet steamers and
ono mail plane.
9 Iran, Latvi4and Sweden;' 'Agreements reached
by the USSR with these countries to close most
of their consulates,'
11 Japan: Eight Japanese, earlier arrested as
suspected spies, held by the.Soviet government
as hestages for to Soviet ships and crew held
by the Japanese. .
13' Soviet Union; Purges:. Eighteen of the prison-
ers were?cendomned-to death, Pletnev was sentenced
to 25 oars. imprisonment, Rakosky to 20 years,
and 15 years..
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- 92 -
15 . Soviet, Union: A government spokesman 'in Moscow
told the press that the USSR would go to the aid
of Czechoslovakia if she wOreattacked,.proVided
France did likewise.
17 Austria, Germany: Litvinov's statement to
? the foreign press saying that Hitler's seizure
of Austria was a menace to all states, and that
Russia was prepared to participate in measures
? either within the League or without that would
aim at checking any further aggression.
18 Gt. Britain, Franco, United States; The Rus-
sian government transmitted notes to the British,
French and U.S. governments proposing that states-
men from the four countries convene and see what
could be- dene.collectivoly to prevent further
21 Soviet Union: An.ord_or was issued for the
improvement of potato' production, in order to se-
cure local self-sufficiefic7 in every region of
the USSR. - -
Soviet Foreign Trade for 1937 chewed a favor-
able balance of V77,000,000.
23 / Japan: Russia's request tc.closo consulate
at Vladivostok refusedby Japan. (See 2 May.)
27 -Japan: Japan and Manchoukuo .stopped payments
on the Chinese :'astern Railway,
28, Soviet Ullion (Kazakh SSR):' The execution was
announced of 19 senior officials of the Republic
of Kazakhstan, including a former President.
30 Manchoukuo: Reports from Ksinking from Japa-
nese sources stated that the Outer Mongolian
government with Soviet help had stationed on the
frontier semc 50,000 infantry, supported by
ether units. Also that largo'forcos of Soviet
troops were concentrated at Urea and Sanbeis in
? Outer Longolia.
April 1938
1 Soviet Union; Religion:' H. Platonov, former
Metropolitan of the Living Church in Leningrad,
renounced the churc-h and proclaimed his adherence
to Soviet doctrines.
4 Japan: The Foreign Commissar received a pro-
test from the Japanese Ambassador against the
1111itary assistance which he asserted the govern-
ment was giving to China. Litvinov replied that
? their attitude in selling arms to China was in
? complete accordance with international law.
? Soviet Union; Purges; Krylenko, the former
Commissar of Justice; was denounced as a 'des-
picable traitor" by the State Prosecutor.
5 Soviet Union: L. Kaganovich was appointed to
replace A. Bal:ulyn as Ccomissar of Railroads
while continuing his present post as Commissar
of Heavy Industry.
6 Bulgaria: F.F. Raskolnikov, Ambassador to
Bulgaria, reported recalled.
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- 9 '
8 Soviet Union: N. Yezhov, Commissar of Inter-
nal Affairs was also named Commissar of 'later
? Transport, ,replacing N.I. Pakhomov.
10 Soviet Union (Tatar ASSR): The executions of
Commissariat of Agriculture officials in the
? Tatar Republic was announced.
? An announcement was made that the 1938 Trade
Union budget ?amounted to 2 billion rubles.
11 Finland: An agreement is signed with USSR
regulating parcel post arrangements.
- Japan: The USSR protested the alleged flight
of eleven Japanese planes over Soviet territory.
Soviet Union;. Army: Editorials in leading
newspapers pointed to the increased power and
prestige of nolitical officers in the Red Army;
who educate 17677:17i5Tmen in Soviet ideology.
12 Soviet Union; Education: An order extended
the amount of time for independent study for uni-
versity students; requiring a four grade system
of grading and eliminating physical education in
the middle of the day.
13 Soviet Union; Navy: American naval officials
estimated Soviet submarine strength at 150 sub-
. 15 United States: New York Stabe AppelDte Divi-
sion rejected U.S. Government claim to Moscow
Fire Insurance Company surplus under Litvinov-
Roosevelt agreement.
16 ?telgium: Parcel post agreement signed be-
tween Belgium and the USSR.
17 Soviet Union: Construction of the Kazan-
Yegorlyk. Canal, joining thn,Kuban and the Don,
was started. Completion Was projected for 1940.
18 Greece; Soviet-Greek trade agreement signed
for 1938..
. Japan: Japanese sources reported the deten-
? tion by Soviet officials of a Japanese plane
forced down on Soviet, territory.
20 Soviet Union; Purges: Decrees'were issued
? orderinR the.cosation of the purge of.colloc-
tive farms. ?
23 Soviet Union; Religion: It was reported that
Mo-scow churches were crowded for Easter service.
24 Gt, Britain: Ambassador to Moscow informed the
? Foreign Commissar that his Government took a grave
? view over.tho arrest of Rose Cohen, foreign editor
? of the TIOSCOV Daily News. She was a British sub-
ject who married a Russian who had recently been
convicted of espionage.
Soviet Union; Purges; The press reported the
arrest of 25 clerics, including an Archbishop and
a Bishop of Moscow, charged' with espionage for
? Germany, Poland and Japan, and with organizing
secret churches and monasteries.
At Kirgiz SSR 9 mon were executed for spying
and wrecking.
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26. United States.: Supreme Court reversed the
Circuit Court of. Appeals' decision admitting
U.S. Government's right to sua for funds hold
for the Kerensky Government.
27 Japan: The, 'Tass Agency stated that the govern-
ment had been trying to reach an agreement With
Japan over .10 issues- outstanding, and that Tokyo
,,had.made counter proposals..
28 Finland: A protocol- signed between the USSR
and. Finland defining the border.
30 Soviet Union; /Purges: General P.E. Dybenko
was removed from his post as commander of the
Leningrad Military District.
? 1 Comintern: ;Jay Day manifesto urged U.S. work-
? ers to demand arms embargo against Japan.
Soviet Union: The Commissar for Defense,
speaking at the May Day celebration in Moscow,
warned the nation that it must be kept in a state
? of mobilization, as the. world wa now an armed
camp; our numerous enemies...prepare open war
against us." The military section of the parade
revealed better equipment than previously seen.
2 Japan; Japan refi)sed Soviet request to close
its consulates at Khabarovsk and Blagoveshchensk.
4 Japan: 'laming to the USSR against aid to ,
China reported.
5 Japan: Re Japan's protests against Russian
aid to China, M. Litvinev replied that many
countries were, sending arms and volunteers to
China, but the Ambassador answered that volunteer-
? ing was impossible in Russia, and that the Soviet
government would be responsible for any situation
that ight arise from their aiding China.
Germany: A.T. Merokalov reported appointed
Soviet Ambassador to Berlin.
International Peace Eovement meeting, Geneva:
Shvernik, Secretary of the :al-Union Council
of Tracl.e Unions, urged international cooperation
for peace.
8 Turkey: The Soviet-Turkish Trade Agreement
? unanimously ratified by the Turkish government.
'Czechoslovakia: The British government in-
formed the Soviet government of steps taken in
Prague, in conjunction with the -French government,
to promote a peaceful settlement of the Sudeten
German problem.
Ethiopia: In the League Council, Litvinov led
a debate on Ethiopian representation; insisted
that the Council should abide by the League's es-
tablished principle of refusing to recognize the
results of acts of violence committed in contra-
vention of the Covenant.
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95 -
'11 ' Japan: The Soviet government rejected a. note
.from Japan dated 11 May protesting against -a
_speech Made by the Naval Commissar at Vladivostok
on 1 May, wherein he is reported to.have said, .
'The Japanese imperialists, .like bloodthirsty. mad
dogs, tear to pieces the living body of China."
The Soviet reply pointed out that ?a campaign of
slander and propaganda against the USSR has been
systematically carried out by Japan...frequently
with participation of official institutes. and-
* Soviet Union; Purges: Bolshevik reported the
arrest of several clergymen .in Leningrad on charges
of espionage and debauchery.
12 Ethiopia: In the League debate following the
Emperor's speech, Litvinov supported Ethiopia,
took issue with Lord Halifax on his contention
that peace would be best served by the course
which Great Britain was proposing.
?14 Soviet Union; Budget:. The social insurance
budget, amounting to more than 6 billion rubles,
was published.
16 Japan; The USSR rejected the Japanese protest
against a speech made by Cam-AsSar of the Navy VladiVostok bn May
18 Soviet Union; Pinance: Announcement Was 'made
of a 20-year internal loan to be issued -on 1 Juno,_
amounting to 600 million rubles and accompanied
by a conversion of loans for 1929, 1930, 1932 and
Soviet Union; Navy H.I. Dqshenov, commander
-of the Northern Fleet, announced that the naval
base near Murmansk was strong enough to prevent
blockading.of.the?Sovict northern sea route. in
time of war4
19 International Federation of Trade-Unions: The
general council of.thc Federation rejected :the
conditions proposed by SoVict trade unions for
affiliation with the I.F.T.U.
United States: The Soviet iimbassador speaking
low York said that though Russia did not appear
to be menaced by immediate danger, it could not
wash its hands of the present Europeansituation.
It would be faithful to its' principles and its
treaties; uwo are ready tip defend France itself.
We ?hq11 perhaps be summoned to defend other
Great Powers. We do not want to be 'isolated in
international affairs. Afirin stand.against the
aggressors la the fundamental.solution of the
present international tension.?
Tho press published articles on the same theme.
26 Spanish Uon,Intervention Committee: ?Thc Soviet
representative voted against the British plan for
withdrawal of foreign voluntcors'in Spain.
28 Afghanistan; The USSR signed an agreement for
cooperation with Afghanistan in combatting insect
poets detrimental to cotton.and other crops.:
31 Spanish Non.-InterVention-Committee: The Soviet
government offered to pay her share of expenses in
preliminary count of foreign volunteers in Spain,
but still refused to contribute to .the cost of
their actual evacuation.
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June 1938
1 China: The Russian nross reported that Dr.
Sun Fe, when he had been in Moscow, had concluded
a "9-point agreement" by which Russia would enjoy
a privileged position in China in exchange for '
extending the natorial assistance already being
gfvb.riand, in particular, strengthening the
mechanized land forces and the air force.
Soviet Union; Elections: During thc month of
Juno elections wore hold in Union and 4-utonomous
Republics for tho delegates to their respective
Supreme Soviets,
Spanish Yon-intorvontion Committoo: Tile Soviet
Union agrood to the plan for withdrawal of foroign
troops from Spain on condition that intornational
observers wore permanontly stationed in Spanish
China: Conclusion of a 5..yoar non-aggression
pact with China signed on 21 August 1937.was an-
nouncod by the Foreign Commissariat. It was also
bolievcd that Sun Fo had signed an undertaking
guaranteeing the Soviet Government most-favored
nation Voatmont in China..
Soviet Union; Industry: Plans for the total
,industrial production for the third (mortar of
1938 averaged 20 porcont above the output for,
the corresponding period of 1937.
? United States: :,mbassador Davies had inter-
views with Kalinin, Molotov, and Stalin on his
departure from FoscoW to take up now post in ?
United Statos: Litvinov, speaking aV a dinner
for Ambassador Davies, said that there was "a la-
tent, unbroclaincd, mutual sympathy and respect
between the peoples of both States." Mr. Davies
said he admired the achiovoments and policy of
the Soviet Government in the upbringing of young,
talented people, and also admirod the countryis
oconomic achievements.
12 China: 'TohyO press revealed' Sine-Soviet pact
Soviet Union: Elections to the-Supreme Soviet
(cf.'24, 26 Juno)..
17 Soviet Union: Purges: Tho G.P.U. announced
the discovory and liqUidation'of a numbor of
religious groups in Moscow, Leningrad, Gorki,
Knzakhstan and other places.
21 Comintern: Tho Socretary-Goneral of the Comin-
tern issued a 4-point'anti-Fascist program, call-
/? ing on the workers of the world, espocially in
? Fance, Britain, and the U.S.A., to bring effect-1
ive pressure to boar on their governments to join
? the USSR in destroying tile existing regimes in '
? Germany, Italy and Japan.'
? ?Spanish Non-Intervention Caumittee: The USSR
agrood to the closing of the Spanish frontiers
tO munitions delivories, under the terms of the
general plan for tho evacuation of foreign troops
from Spain.
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23 Soviet Union: Litvinov's speech at Leningrad
demanding a firm stand against aggression.
Soviet Union; Savings: Here than 14 million
depositors had savings totalling 5.3 billion
rubles in 23,604 savings bank offices in the
24 Soviet Union: Further elections to the S
preme Soviet (cf. 12 June).
.25 Soviet Union; Foreign policy: M. Litvinov,
speaking at Leningrad, declared that Germany in-
tends to achieve her pre-war borders and to de-
mand return of her colonies and that without
firing a single shot Germany had succeeded in
nullif?ing the results of the World War. With
respect to Czechoslovakia, Russia was desirous
of seeing that her disputes were 'settled peace-
United States: Foreigh Commissar Litvinov
expresseddoubt that the United States would
? take active steps- to combat Fascism On the Euro-
pean continent;
26 Soviet Union: F'urther elections to the.Su-
? prone Soviet (df. 12 June).
? Spain: Three Soviet:ships, ?the Haks Gelt,
the Lensoviet, and the Ahademik Pail-67, which
had been seized by the'SparirSE-rebers, were re?
leased. ?
29 Japan: The USSR charged that Japan violated
the Portsmcuth treaty by detaining a Soviet ship
in Laperouse Bay.
Jul 1938
1 Japan: Japan countered Russian claims of
:Japanese arrest of General Lyashkov, head of
? the in the Far East, who had presumably
crossed the hianchoilkuoan .border on 13 June, as
protective custody requested by: the General
? himself.'
Soviet Union: During 'July the Supreme Soviets
? met for the first time undertheir new constitu-
'Soviet -Union; Finance The government do-
creed the iSsue of a new 20-year -loan of 5 bil-
lion rubles. for ?economic and cultural needs in
1938 and reinforcement of tho country's de-
3uilse-6. Half would bear interest. at.4% and
the other i.f wou]d be a lottery. .
Soviet Union; Purges.: In a signed statement
to the. Japanese press, General Lyushkov declared
that Leninism- was- dead in the USSR, that Stalin
waS liquidating his rivals on fictitious charges.
'He declared that the Red Army cast of Lake Baikal
.consisted of 400,000 troops, with 2;000 aircraft,
and 90 .submarines at-Vladivostok and other ports.
Spanish Non-Intervention Committee: England,
France, Germany, Italy, and the USSR finally
agreed on a plan for the evacuation of fereign
? troops from Spain. The plan was to be submitted
to Barcelona and Burgos.
United States: President Roosevelt conferred
with Ambassador Davies.
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6 - Gt. Britain: Tho USSR and Groat Britain
signed. a naval pact to bring their agreement of
July 30, 1936 into accord with'tho 45,000-ton
limi-t for battleships set by ,Groat Britain, the
United States and France. The pact did not ap-
ply to forces in the Pacific, since Japan had
not agreed to the limit.
9 Finland: The Soviet Union protested a viola-
tion of its border by a Finnish airplane.
11 Manchoukuo-: :Soviet troops occupiod,Changhu-
? feng Hill on Hanchurian border (cf. 31 July,
10 August).
12 United States: Howard .Hughes landed in Moscow
on his round-the-World flight. '
. 13 Latvia: The Sovi0t Union protested a viola-
tion of its border by a Latvian airplane.
Soviet Union; Purges: General Lyushkov (see
, 1 July) told a mooting if foreign press corros-
pondOnts ih 'To:Icy.? that the various purges in
Russia had affected over 10,000 ?Senior military
officers and political leaders, as well as at
least a million civilians and soldiers. In tho
army nearly 'all the_ officers who had' taken part
? in the fighting betWepn 1917 and -1921 had been
.rmnoved or executed.
14 Germany:, Soviet Ambassador A.T. Vierekalov
reported accredited to Hitler.
15 Japan: The USSR rOlected a Japanese demand
that Soviet border guards evacuate Changkufeng
on the Soviet-Korean-Hanchurian border.
Soviet Union: ?Spvnarkom ordered the indus-
trial commissariats to increase production of
consumers' goods.
17 Japan: ,Communique issued in Moscow,stated
that "from 11 July not a single Rod soldier
crossed the frontier into Manchoukuo territory.
The ForeignOffice demonstrated this to the
Japanese Charge d'Affaires by snowing him the
Chung Ching Treaty -of 1869 betweeh Ritfissia and
China and the map. attached to it. This does not
permit any doubt that Lake Hanka, west of which
it is alleged that the Soviet incursion occurred,
lies entirely inside Soviet territory."
18 Japan: Two reiSresentativeS of Japahese-Man-
choukuo authorities were sent to Soviet Commander
to request evacuation of Changkui'eng, a hill on
borders of Manchoukuo'and the USSR.
19 ??Poland The Soviet press criticized the
Polish Foreign :linister's visits to the Baltic
capitals. Pravda..declared that the so-caled
"block of noutral countries extending from the
Black Sea t6,.the Arctic Ocean,which he was
trying to Create, was really a Fascist Organi-
zation which would be wielded ?in good
an instrument ?against Russia.
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20 Japan: Shigemitsu, Japanese Ambassador to
Moscow, in an interview with Litvinov, demanded
that Soviet troops evacuate,Changkufong.and
threatened use of force. .Litvinov rejected the
demand, stated that the territory was Soviet
under terms of the Hunchung Agreement of 1886.
22 Poland: The USSR protesfod to Poland on the
usurvoirlanceir to which its embassy employees
were subjected in Warsaw.
Soviet Union; Census: Sovnarkom issued an
order for the organization of an All,Union cen-
sus in 1939.
23 Japan: Foreign Office claimed that 160 Soviet
soldiers had crossed the border and sot firc to
several Manc.houk?o villages before idanchoukuo
troops forced them to withdraw. The Hanchoukuo
government filed a protebt with the Soviet
25 Japan; It was reported that 2 representatives
of the Japanose-Aanchaqkuo local authorities who
had boon sent on 18 July with a note to the So-
viet Commander at Novoheisk requesting the evacu-
ation of Changkufong had returned without a reply.
27 Soviet Union; Purge of Pacific Fleet officers
29 ,' Japan: Serious fighting between Soviet and
Japanese troops took place near Changhufeng.
30 'Soviet Union: Tho new electrified railroad
lino from Moscow to Stalingrad was uDoned for
regular service.
31 Japan; Protest to Japan re Manchoukuo clash.
Soviet government said that -fa incident at
Changhufong had boon caused by Japanoso-lianchou-
kuo detachments crossing into Soviet territory.
Manchoulazo: Korean Garrison Command .stated
that Japanese had reoccupied the disputed
heights of Changkufeng Hill after heavy fighting
(cf. 11 July, 10 August).
'Aupust 1938 ?
1 Japan: kcommunique issued in:liospow claimed
that a Japanese attach had boon repulsed with
enormous losses, 'and that Soviet troops were
-holding Changkufeng Hill.
United States; Communication from American
Charge (Kirk) to the Commissar of Foreign Affairs
(Litvinov) concerning the amount of purchases
which USSR intended to make in the U.S. during
the next 12 months.
4 Japan: In an interview with Litvinov, thc
Japanese Ambassador in idoscow expressed his de-
'sire to settle the dispute without further
fighting, and asked for the cessation of Russian
attacks on Japanese positions.
United States: Litvinovls answer to the com-
munication of 2 August, stating the amount to be
at least 040,0000000.
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United States: ?Ic;Lontic Notes exchanged bo-,
tween the U.S. Chargo (Kirk) and. the Foreign
?-Commissar .(Litvinov) confirming the eXtonsion
until 6'AuguSt 1932 thc commercial agreement of
4-6:August 1937.
7 Soviet Union': Last Lutheran church. in ;loscor
roportpd closed.
Constantine Stanislavsky, founder of the ilos-
CO7 Art Theatre, died at the age of 75.
Japan: Articles in the Soviet press accused
tho Japanoso "militarists" of deliberately trying
to force japan into war with the USSR and said
that if their Provocative activities continuo, a
serious war must inovitably ariso, since the So-
viet govornmont was determined not to let the
killing of frontier guards continuo.
Soviet Union: .,merican oxports to the USSR
in Juno, 1930 wore twice as groat as those of
? Juno, 1037.
10- -
Japan; - truce between Japanese and Soviet
forcos at Changkufong to begin noon, 11 -ugust,
arranged. A commission of two Sovict-and two
Japanese roprosentativos designated to rcdomar-
cat? the bbrder (cf. 11, 31 July, 10 -ugust).
Soviet Union: Tho second session of the Su-
premo Soviet of the USSR clot.
11 Soviet Union: Report that the Supreme Soviet
had begun discussion of a Budget for 1.938 which
includod an increase of military expondituro by
7 billion rubles - i.e., 30% -over the" 1937
14 Japan; Shooting incident on the Soviet-Japa-
noso border on Sakhalin.
15 Gt. Britain: ,Sir 'Tinian Seeds appointod
British Ambassador to the USSR.
? Soviet_Union: L.J. Kaganovich was appointed
Vico-Chairman of the Sovnarkom.
? I.G. Kabanov roplaccd A.L. Gilinsky as Com-
missar of tho Food Tndustry.
16 Rablania: The building of roads across Ru-
mania to connect the Soviet Union with Czecho-
slovakia was reported. -
Soviet Union: NOW Judicature Act adopted.
17 Jar an: The Japanoso govornmont reported that
tho truco at Changkufong was fully in effect.
Further quostions arising out of the truce to be
handled by tho'commandors at ?tho scone.
13 Soviet Union; Aviation; In celebration of
"Aviation Day", the Chief of tho,Russian Air
Force published a statement that, -Liao USSR had
attained ?indisputabic world supromacy of the .
air, with the nightipst air fleet in the world.?
21 Soviet Union: The sccond scssion of the Su-
premo Soviet closed, after approving the 1930
budget, and passing now laws on the election of
judges and citizenship..
Soviet Unions Defense: ? The Pooplosi Commis-
sariat of Dcfonso.callod the plassos of 1917 and
part of 1918 to thair period of military service,
beginning 1 Se-otonor.
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22 Czechoslovakia, Germany:. German,-mbassador
had an interview with Litvinov.
24 Sevict Union; Purges; Ton loading officials
of the Azerbaidzhan Commissariat of A'griculture
wore sentenced to death for plotting the over-
throw of the Soviet Govern:lent and ?vrocking
cattle feeding.
28 Soviet Union; Navy: l'ew naval program, con-
centrating on capital ships, announced in Krasny
Plot (navy newspaper).
30 Soviet Union; Purge s : The Naval C mli s sariat
announced that -dial Orley, Commander in Chief
f the NaVyl.dmiral Si vkov, c-y.imander of the
Baltic Fleet, and ...411airal Ludry, Chief of the
Naval _.cadomy, had been shot as traitors some
time previously.
31 Germany; .Editorial in Journal. do Lloscow
warned that German aggreasion in Czechoslovakia
would be dangerous for small states as. well as
for Great Britain. and Franco. It further .
stressed the need for concerted practical
measures by the great pOWers .and yeasserted
USSR s ' pledge to live up to its obligations un-
der the mutual assistance pact with Czechoslo,-
September 1938
2 Japan: Tokyo reports state.d that secret plans
? of the Japanese cabinet wore to increase the
? strength of forces on the Soviet border, after
consolidation of gains in China.
Soviet Union: izveStpra called for the purifi-
cation of Soviet -art from decadent modernistic
influences, urging return to the great painters
of the Renaissance as models, and Soviet humanism
to be the basis of Socialist art.
5 Czechoslovakia:. Litvin6V reported to-have
said to the German Ambassador, YrThe Soviet Union
has proMised to help Czechoslovakia. She will
keep her word and do her best." ?
, Soviet Union; Jews: .The Society for Jewish
Farm Settlement. in Russia,. an American organiza-
tion- having worked. for ' seventeen .years in .set-
' tling 250,000 Jews on collective farms in.Russia,
terminates its work there as being no longer
United States: German-AMerican Bund urged
the severance of diplomatic relations with the
'6 China: Gen. Yang Chieh reported appointed
Ambassador to :loscow.
Czechoslovakia: :loscow press repeated the
assurances reported to have been given by U.
Kalinin to a Czechoslovak delegation on 11 :lay
that the USSR would fulfill its treaty obliga-
Soviet Union; Youth Eovement: 750,000 youths
marched in the _International Youth Day celebra-
tion; slogans urged solidarity, of youth through-
out the world against war and Fascism. .
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- l02
9 Rumania; Litvipc v and Rumanian Foreign Minis-
ter Pctroscu Comnen reported discussing the pos-
sibility of Russia's being permitted to move
troops throUgh Rumania' to CzochoSloval-.ia in the
?vont of ?a Gorman attack on the -latter.
Soviet 'Union: ?ravda began to print in full
the text of the now -Short His_t2Iy_pf the Commu-
nist Party.
11 Sevict Union: The second branch of the Mos-
cow sub'way was oponed to normal traffic.
Rumania: It was reported that an agreement
had boon reached between 'tho Rumanian Foreign
Mini star and Litvinov that in the event of an
aggression against Czechoslovakia- noither country
would remain neutral.
13 Japan': The Japanese government protested to
the Soviet goVornment against Rillogal penotra-
tien'.1_ into,Japneso territory' near -Handazawa,
by Scviot :front io r guards on four oc-
casons in
14 Sovioc Union, 1' Navy : The. Dolt.Lc, Black. ,Sea
-and' 'Pacific '0"co.arr?Fle-cts of the Soviet .navy began
theirautumn:tact i cal maneuvers.
15 Gt. Britain; The RusSian press exprossod dis-
approval of Chamberlain's visit to Germany and
claimed that ho honed to sacrificc Czechoslovakia
to make a bargaln.With
16 Czechoslovakia: Izvestiya's Genova ?corrospon-
dont?reportod that ' Hi tl s purposo in Cze cho-
-SloVakia was to ..forco hor to abrogate her French
'and--Soviot pactS substitute .a four ,powor
agroomont of . England ;. France, Germany and Italy,
'and thus to 'isolate t he :USSR. -
' Soviet Union Rod Army stroop concentration
in Ukraino reportod.:
17. Gt. Briton t- P.ravda regardod ChaDborlain 2 s
yisit, to Germany as a deliberate betrayal of
Czochoslevakia and' urgod Franco to :'s tand more
i?fE, .
? _-
20 Japnn Larioru ShigeMitsu, Japanose. Ar4bassador
151C.Scaw-, tranSterrod 'to London.- .?
.LOagUbcf. Nations.: '.Tho Soviet -delogation at
GemYa b'',6 at cd- thatit Prasup govcrn-
me nt in reS pOnso to s their quo ry ! on the n ro ceding
,day that RuSSia -would carry out her obligations
to Czechoslovakia.
.21 Czechoslovakia: ?. The Soviet Press denounced
the Anglo-French plan of having Czochoslovakia
yield the Sudoton area to Germany. Litvinov in
a speech .before tho.Lcaguo Assembly defended
Czochoolovahia and the prosorvation of peace
through Lo-aguc mat hinory , but said that at the
momont '71-1on a further list ,of sacrificos to the
god' of aggression was being drawn up the Soviet
govorniliont disclaimed all rosponsibility for the
cvonts taking placo and their consoquoncos.
,Soviet Union: An order was issued- forbidding
resale of industrial goods in collective farm
markets at highor prices than thoso prevailing
in government stores.
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22 Leaguo of Nations: Litvinov stated:readinoss
of the USSR to support Czechoslovakia if ,France
did likewise.
23 Poland: The Soviet Foroign Office warnod
Poland that tho Soviet-Polish non-aggression
pact of 1932 Would be donounccd if Poland at-
tomptod to invade Czochoslovahia.
Lcaguo of Nations: Soviot officials at
Geneva reaffirmed Russials willingness to aid
Czechoslovakia; France had boon told the exact
amount of military aid the USSR was propared to
24 Poland: Large Russian forces, estimated at
30 divisions, with 3,000 airplanes, were reported
to havo concentrated in tho western areas within
striking distance of Poland.
25' League of Nations: Geneva reports stated that
Litvinov would appeal to tho League to put pros-
. surc on' Groat Britain and France on behalf of tho
27 Germany: The Russian press described Harr
Hitler's spcoch as ?political blackmail and
?bluff." It also expressed doubts as ?to tho
military proparednoss of Germany and her capa-
city to faco-a Pretractod Europoan war.
Soviet Union; Defense: 100,000 in Moscow
participated in defense af-:ainst an imaginary air
raid, with blackout.
United States: AMbassador Troyanovsky ro-
portod roauesting withdrawal from his American
28 Soviet .Union: 100,000 in Moscow participatod
in an air raid practice drill, including a black-
29 Loague of Nations: Litvinov in a speech be-
fore the political commission dofondod Loyalist
Spain, stating that the latter was entitled to
the benefit of self-determination. Soviot of-
ficials at Geneva also condemned tho Munich
conference, now underway.
Munich Conference: Izvestiya doscribod tho
inclusion of Mussolini in tho Munich conference
as "monstrous" and accused Chamberlain of
.strengthening the aggrossor by adding anothor
aggressor. It complained that Russia was not
invited, but should have been, as his inclusion
would have balanced the nations.
United States: The toxt of Prosidont Roose-
velt's appeal to the Soviet Union to exert her
influence to avert war in Europe printed in the
Soviet press, along with the Soviet roply,
pledging its support.
30 France: A Moscow radio broadcast announced
that "France has lost her greatness" by partici-
pating in the Munich Conforonco.
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October 1930
Poland; Pravda, referring to the Teschen
question, said that "acting under instructions
from Hitler, Polish landlords are strengthening
Fascist aggression in Centrale.Europe, thereby
digging a grave for Polish:independence with
their own hands.? is well known that in Po-
lish territory are, areas whiCh German Fascism
has long coveted."
2 France; The Commissariat of Foreign Affairs,
USSR, denied that Daladier had been authorized
to represent.the USSR at Munich,eas reported by
the United ? Press.
Gt, Britain; The British embassy is reported
to have protested Russia's alleged seizure of
three British trawlers in the Arctic.
0 'Munich Conference A semi-official statement
issued in Tioscow declared that Groat Britain and
France had acted without consultil the Soviet
government in the matter of the Munich dis-
Munich Conference; The Commissariat of For-
eign Affairs denied the Stories in the Foreign
press that the USSR was informed of steps taken
by other governments leading up to the Munich
France; In an article in the Journal de lios-
cow, the value of France's word as pledged to
Czechoslovakia and the USSR was questioned.
Soviet Union; An order provided that workers
on State Farms might own cattle for their own
8 Soviet Union; At Monchegorsk-the nickel-
copper combinat's first section was placed in
10 China; Large Chinese army, equipped by the
USSR, ..reported formed in Sinkiang.?
Gt. Britain.; Lord 77interton, speaking at
Shoreham, ? said that Russia had not offered real
help in the Czech crisis, but ?Only made vary..?
vague promises owing to her military weakness.'
United States; Eleven leading ?Soviet aviators
denounced Colonel Lindbergh cts spreading lies
about the weakness of Soviet air power in order
to procipitate? the surrender of Czechoslovakia
to Germany.
? 11- Gt. Britain; 'Ivan Maishy, Soviet Ambassador
to London, pretested a statement made by Winter-
ton to the effect ? that the USSR had: made only
vague promises of aid to the Czechs, due to her?
military weakness.
jbanich. Conference; The Moscow Journal stated
that the policy of capitulation to Germany was
continuing after the Munich Conference, France
was _losing all her political 'positions in Central
and Southeast Europe, and the Little- Entente- had
been betrayed by France. She had also sacrificed
the possibility of ?restoring her former relations
with had provoked the mistrust of the
Soviet Union, and gall this in order to follow
the policy conducted in England."
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15 Soviet Union: It, severe drought was reported
in some areas; the 1038 harvest decreased below
that of previous years but was still above pro-
, ,
war level.
The Arctic Instituto of? the Northern Sea
Route Administration planned to organize fuel
basos at known coal and oil deposits in the
18 Soviot Union; Amy: Two ne- military awards
ostablishod: "For Bravery". and "For Hilitary
21 Czochoslovakia: The Ozochoslovak Foreign
ijinistor informed tho- Soviet :anister that his
government was no longer interested in the pact
with the Soviet Union..
23 Soviet Union: All ontorprisos on collective
farms not directly connected with farming wore
disbanded and turned over to departmonts of local
Soviet Union; Purges: The Russian press ro-
ported that several senior Army the
Far East woro in.disgrace, and that Choromin,
the head of tho military and political police
at Volga, was under arrest.
,26 Gt. Britain; A Soviet newspaper accusod
Prime Hinister Chamberlain of trying to foment
war against the Soviet Union, saying the ilunich
Pact was a stop toward involvillg her in a war
with Germany and Japan.
27 China A group of prominont Chinese reported
derdanding that Chiang Hai-shok sock cooperation
of the USSR and continuanco of rosistanco to
Soviet Union; Botween 27-29 Octobcr, 6,000
awards and decorations wore given to partici-
pants in fightinr! at Changhufong.
Soviet Union: An order was issued for meas-
uros to be taken to insure a stable harvest in
the southoastorn regions exposed to drought.
29 Soviet Union: The Twentieth nnivorsary of
the founding of the Young Communist League was
30. China: A trial radio-tolophono connection .
was established between Hoscow and China.
November 1938
2 thiopia: Chamberlain, in thc House of Com-
mons, proposed that the agroemont
should be completed by a British recognition of
Italian sovereignty ovor Ethiopia, and.rocallod
that besides Groat Britain, USSR was now alone
in according Italy' in 2thiopia nothing more than
a recognition de facto.
4 Soviet Union; ?A woman- locomotive engineer
was appointod director- of the :JoseOw circular
railway, bocominR the first woman to hoad-a
. .
railroad in the USSR.
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6 Soviet Union; Premier Holotov, on the eve of
the Twenty-first Anniversary celebration, re-
-stated the fact that, his country was fling to
fulfill its obligations to Czechoslovakia, and
accused Germany of instigating the Japanese at-
tack at Changkufeng. ?
Soviet Union; Navy: H. ?Frinovsky vas appoint-
ed Crmmissar fOr the Navy, in sucCession to
". Smirnov, who had been removed.
'United States; Soviet Charge d'Affaires,
Constantin Oumansky, laid the cornerstone of the
Soviet pavilion at the New York Ijorld's?Fair.
7 Japan; Soviet Defense Commissar 1Toroshilov,
speol-ing at the Twenty-first Anniversary cele-
bration, warned Japan against military adven-
tures in Siberia. He claimed, that the Japanese
threw in their best forces at Changkufeng, but
nevertheless were defeated.
Soviet Union; Tho Twenty-first Anniversary
Of the Soviet regime was celebrated with a
military parade and a two-million member demon-
United States; President .Roosevelt sent a
message of good?will to President Kalinin on the
Twenty-first ;.nniyersary of the October revolu-
9 Soviet Union la)lotov, addressing a meeting
of the iloscow Soviet, warned foreign enemies of
the danger of attacking Russia and urged his
audience to remember that the whole of the Soviet
people must regard themselves as in a state of
permanent mobilization, permanently alert.
15 Soviet Union: ?The Central Committee of the
Comunist Party decreed an intensive campaign to
teach the principles of Harxism.and Leninism on
a broad scale.
. United States The fifth anniversary of the
recognition of Soviet Russia by the United. States
marked by numerous Soviet newspaper articles com-
menting on the value of friendship between the
world's two giants, and stating that both coun-
tries are targets of Fascist intrigue.
20 Germany; Tho Soviet press denounced the anti-
Jewish campaign of Nazi Germany.
21 Soviet Union; A Komsomolshaya Pravda article
condemned moral laxity.among.young men and women.
23 Soviet Union; Purges; :,.V. Kosarov and four
others were removed from leadership in the Kom-
24 China: Shanghai reports that the Chinese
government had decided on a pro-Soviet national
policy and that new bases were being built in
'northwest China near the Soviet border.
.26 Poland; Conversations between Foreign Colvlis-
sar Lityinov and the Polish Ambassador Grzybowski
led to a Polish-Russian declaration on mutual
relations emphasizing the peaceful intentions .of
both countries.
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28 Japan: Japanese Vico-ilinister of vlar told
Japanese munitions makers that -armaments mu-st
be sufficient for a two front war. - against the
Soviets and the Chinese.
Soviet Union: lioctings were hold throughout
the Soviet Union protesting the persecution of
Jews in Germany.
29 Turkey: The Turkish i.iinistor of Foreign 2_f-,
fairs in an interview with the Soviet press
stated that friendship between his country and ,
the USSR was not a political fiction, but "a real
December 1938
6 Finland: delegation of 25 Finnish govern-,
ment officipas, headed by the Hinistor of Rail-
ways, arrived 'in :Ioscow, and was received by the
Commissar of Heavy Industry and the Commissar for
Foreign Trade, both of facm Politburo members.
Soviet Union: Vast colebratinp; marked the
second anniversary of the Stalin Constitution.
7 Soviet Union: B.S. Stomoniakov, Vico-Commis-
sar of Foreign affairs since 1926, ,was reported
removed from his post. .
China; Wang Ching-woi reported announcing
that Chinese -.3.mbassadors to the U.S., USSR,
Great Britain and France would seek four-newer
policy against Japan.
Soviet Union: innouncement that. Li. Yezhov
had resigned as head of the G.P.U. and -ICInistor
of the Interior. Ho retained the post .of
ter of ':fater Transport. He was succeeded by ,
15 ' Poland: Trade Delegation arrived in :loscow
(cf. 20 December).
16 Japan; Litvinov was said to have informed
the Japanese _--mbassader that, for strategic rea-
sons, the Soviet Union would withhold 40 fishing
rrounds from any new convention15 1
17:1-C_I might be
concluded with Japan. They were about 10% of
the area covered by previous conventions.
It was pointed out in :Ioscow that tho Japanese
Vice-:Iinistr for Foreign :.ffairs had recently
said that Japan was preparing to wage war against
the USSR.
17 ? Bulgaria; Tolstoy reported nozaod Soviet
;.-iinister to Sofia.
20 Poland; 2_ trade agreement with Poland was
concluded, providing for large increases in the
traffic between the two countries, and the regu-
lation of the balance of trade by the clearing
21 Soviet Union; decree was issued introducing
'work. books u for all Soviet workers.
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23 Japan Prince. Konoye reported listing peace
Conditions. for China apioroved by the Imperial
Conference.' Uhe8o included China !s adherence
to the .4iti-Colninten Pact, daSignation Of Inner
Liongolia as. a'SpecialThnti-Cormunist area. (cf.
28 December.)
26 Italy: Soviet Consulate in :Tilan to be closed.
28 Japan, China; Chiang reported rejecting
Fonoyo's peace plan (cf. 23 December).
Soviet Union: :inoticenent was made that
worlaors who met high standards of production
would be awarded medals. -
29 Soviet Union; Now labor regulations were
introduced to improve labor discipline and to
reduce labor burn -over.
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January 1939
3 Chile: An early recognition of the ,USSR and
the establishment of diplomatic and consular
services foreseen in Santiago (cf. 11 December
Soviet Union: Commissariat of Light Industry
divided into Commissariat of Light Industry and
Commissariat Of Textile Industry., S.G. Lukin
appointed Commissar of Light Industry. ?A.N.
Kosygin' ppointed Commissar of-Textile 'Industry.
Soviet Union: It was announced that in Feb-
ruary a new oath would be taken by tie Red .hrmy
when the pledge of loyalty would be to the Soviet
gover:nment.i: and-not before the "workers of the
whole world.' Tho men would swear as ?citizens of
the Soviet'Union", instead of sons of thc working
class. ' ?
, , ? . .
. Soviet Union: The-goVernment was. understood
to have:giVenspermission for. the reopening of
the Polish Roman Catholic:ChUrch in Moscow.
8 Soviet Union: An order raised individual pro-
? duction norms and lowered price;work rates in
the machine building industry.
11 Czechoslovakia: Protest-to Prague government
from the Soviet Minister of the leader Of the
Tsarist Cossacks, N. Popov, who was reported to
be'supporting the German scheme for a Greater
12 Soviet Union: The Commissariat of Defense
Industry was split into Commissariat of Aviation
Industry headed by11,1.14. ?Kaganovich; Commissariat
of ShiPbuilding I.T. Tevosian; Commissrriat
of Munitions - I.T. Sorgeyev; Armaments - B.L.
13 China: Domei reported that Soviet arms and
munitions had been reaching Chirtese armies in
?increasing amounts via China' northwest.
15 Soviet Union,? 'A new labor code caalc Into
force, providing for the introduction pX"lfocour
cards', indicating full particulars conc6rning
the worker. No one could be employed for more
than 5 days without such a card. All workers
wishing to change their place of work were re-
quired to give one month's advance notice.
17 United States: The Journal de Moscou
called President Roosevelt "the only statesman
in the bourgeois world aware of fascism'suthreat
and courageous enough to express himself.
. ?
29 United States:. New York World's Fair:
M.I. Kalinin broadcast Russia's salute to the Fair
as the Soviet flag was raised over the Russian
30 ? .Japan: The Japanese Ambassador protested to
Russia's announcement that the fishing .grounds
in Far Eastern territorial waters would be let
by tender or auction on 15 March. -lie alleged
that the Soviet government had violated: the
spirit of the' Portsmouth Treaty a.nd complained
that the fishery question was being converted
into a political problem.
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30 Soviet Union: The outline of the Third .Five-
(cont.) Year Plan covering 1938-1942 inclusive, , was
'published:-% ?
February 1939
1 Japan: It was announced that a stern protest
had been made td: the Japanese government against
? the action of Japanese troops who had occupied
an island on the Argun River, and fired on a
sentry. They were dislodged:after seven had been
? killed or-wounded.
? 2 Hungary: M. Litvinov informed the, Hungarian
Minister that his government,had decided to
sever diplomatic relations with Hungary owing
to the latter's adherence to the anti-Comintern
Manchukuo: Protest to-Soviet government
against an incident on 31 January when some 100
Russian soldiers were alleged to have crossed the
frontier near Mingkosili, some 65 miles north-
east of Manchuli, and fired on the border station.
Soviet Union: The Central Committee of the
Communist PartTissued orders curtailing the
powers of the political commissars over officers
in the Red rmy.
Yemen: ,.. Treaty of Friendship and Trace with
?the USSR extended until April 24, 1949.
7 Italy: Signature of Trade Agreement with
Japan: 'A communique issued in Mascow reported
further clashes with Japanese.troops on the Argun
River, and :accused. the Japanese ?ofa-ttackino, an
island frontier post on February 6 and 7. They
landed on the island, but were driven off with
ten casualties.
9 Japan: Soviet press comments on.the 35th anni-
versary of the Russo-Japanese vjar, warning Japan
that she no .longer faced an "utterly rotten
Tsarist.statel, but a firstn-clasg military power.
Turkey: Foreign Commissar Litvinov, in the
course of a luncheon given a week earlier by the
Turkish Ambassador, made a suggestion that a
Black Sea Pact be discussed by the pertinent
countries. ?,
17 United States: New York vvorld Fair: A Soviet
steamer with USSR exhibits arrived in New York.
19 Poland: A general trade agreement with Poland
was signed -in Moscow, based on most-favored-nation
treatment, and providing also for an equal ex-
change of goods on a clearing principle.
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March 1939
1 Anti-Comintern Agreement.: A joint Polish-
Italian communique, 'Reaffirming that order and
justice are two essentials of Italian an0 Polish
policies', seen as -Polandts substitute for
the A.-C.A.
4 Non-Intervention Committee: Announcement made
that the USSR formally.withdrew from the Committee
as of 1.March. .
United States: Lawrence A. Steinhardt, U.S.
Ambassador to Peru since 1937, named Ambassador
to the USSR.
7 Soviet Union: Report that the heads of the
GPU had been removed in the Ukraine,ahite Russia,
the Moscow and Leningrad districts,and many towns,
as part of a purge of the higher ranks of the
9 Soviet Union: The 18th Congress of the All-
Un-ion Bolshevik Party opened in Moscow. ,5talin
in a speech on foreign policy said that PILissir
wonted peace and sought to strengthen trdc tics
with other countries. Russis,, he said, would
fight with double blows any attempt to violate
her frontiers.
? 15 Gt. Britain: Ambassador M-isky speaking in
London, said there were three fundamentals govern-
ing Anglo-Soviet relations; first, that the for-
? eign policy of the Soviets had alwa:yz been a
policy of universal peace; second, that by
reasons of her geographic position the USSR was
most particularly Late-rested in the preservation
? of peace in Europe and Asia; and, third, ti-zt
? the two countries essentially were no comp,titors
in world markets. He looked forward to a mater-
ial expansion in their mutual trade.
Japan: Preliminsry auctions of the Far Eastern
Fisheries was held in Vladivostok (cf. 3 April).
Soviet Union: The Commissar of Defense in
addressing the Congress of the Communist Party
said the size of the Army had been more than
doubled since 1934 and the Air. Force had increased
? 16 Germany: Tho Russian government received a
note from the German Ambassador announcing the
changes in Czechoslovakia.
Soviet Union: M. Molotov in his report to
the Congress in the Third Five-Year Plan claimed
it would be one of the most important stages in
the transition from socialism to complete
Communism. However, the Union needed at least
anOther two or three five-year plans to overcome
international competition.
17 Germany: The German Ambassador handed in a
second note informing the Government of the
est&blishment of a German protectorate over
Bohemia and Moravia.
18 Czechoslovakia, Germany: In 9n exchange of
notes with the German Ambassador in idoscow,
Commissar Litvinov informed the German govern-
ment that the Soviet government Cie not recog-
nize the incorporation of Czechis and Slovakia
in the German Reich, in one or another fore
as legitimate and corresponding to the generally
recognized standards of international Lw and
justice or to the principle of self-determination
of nations.
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21 Czechoslovakia; The Soviet government announc-
ed that it had proposed to &reat Britain a con-
ference between France, Great Britain, Poland,
Rumania, Turkey, and the SoviEt'Union to discuss
the situation following the absorption of Czecho-
slovakia. Great Britain reported to have rejected
this proposal as ',premature".
Soviet Union: The Communist Party Congress
ended, after electing a new Politburo.
22 Poland, Rumania: Tnss issued an official
denial of the reports that Poland and Rumania had
appealed to the Soviet Union for protection
against aggression.
23 Great Britain: Mr. Hudson and the members of
the British trade mission arrived in Moscow.
Mr hudson then had a discussion with Litvinov,
M. Potemkin, the Assistant Foreign Commissar, and
M. Mikoyan, the Commissar for Foreign Trade.
Soviet Union: Army, exercises began along the
whole western frontier from Leningrad to White
Russia, Marshal Voroshilov proceeded to Minsk
to direct operations.
26 Soviet Union: The result of the Census/of 1939
was published .uad, shoWed a total population of
170 millions
27, ? Spain: Anti-Comintern Pact signed by
Gen. .Franco.
28 Gt. Britain: Following the conclusion on the
preceding day of the conversations concerning
British trade relations, a Russian communique said
that they revealed a number of differences which
would be "reduced to a minimum during further ne-
gotiations in London."
April 1939
3 Japan: Announcement of the conclusion of a
new fisheries agreement between Japan and the
USSR for 1939; further Fisheries auctions were
1-E1d in Vladivostok (cf. 15 March).
4 Soviet Union: Pravda accused France and Great
Britain of plotting to induce Germany to go to
her doom through the Carpatho-Ukraine and said,
The threads of espionage and intrigue which
' enmeshed Carpatho-Ukraine leade not only to Berlin,
Warsaw and Budapest."
Soviet Union: in a speech to the Communist
organization of the Red la-my. at ,Adev, the Army's
political chief said they had no need to seek
allies and carry out a mobilization in conditions
of panic as others were doing. The alleged plan
for annexing Soviet Ukraine to Carpatao-Ukraine
was, he said, like 'sewing a coat to a button."
8 France: Pierre Cot, former Air Minister,
pleaded for definite military agreements with
Russia, stated that "Russian aid is vital to
Soviet Union: 'Four warships were reported to
have left the Black Sea for the Mediterranean.
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10 Soviet Union: More warships, reported to be
destroyers, left via the Bosporus.
The press and radio'expres's'ed satisfaction
thnt.the Soviet view of the necessity for col-
lective defense against the "two highwaymen",
Hitler and Mussolini, was gaining ground in
London and Paris.
A broadcaster said that Turkey, Rumania, and
above b11,' the Soviet Union, must be enlisted to
form a defensive bloc capable of damming the tide
wherever it might seek a destructive path.
11 Gt. Britain: Foreign?Secretaiy, Lord Halifax,
-conferred with the SOviet Ambassador Moisky on
the question of the anti-aggression front.
United States: The Court of Appeals ruled in
' the matter of tae Modcow Fire'insurance Comeany
Funds on deposit in New York.
12 ,Gt. Britain: David Lloyd Georgelpleaddd for
a definite mil-itary understanding,. -stated "u9ity
with USSR can-save. _
13 Soviet 'Union: An official denial was issued
in Moscow,of the reports that warships had left
the Black Sea.
United States: Soviet Charge d'I.,ffaires
C. Ounfansky called-the guarantees offered
by the democracies to smaller Eurppean countries
liorsatz decurity:c!
14 Gt, Britain: Ambassador Maisky called on
ecretary Lord halifax-in London and Ambassador
Sir i11iam Leeds called on Foreign Commissar
M. Litvinov in Moscow to discuss an anti-aggression
front including the USSR.
Soviet Union: It was announced that the Baltic
Fleet would begin its spring exercises in and
about the Gulf of Finland on April 20.
Soviet Union: Semi-official statements made
in Moscow .re Russian attitude towards the policy
of guarantees explained the reserve shown as due
largely to the fact that neither Poland or
Rumania' had sought her help in any form.
Turkey, Italy: Trss officially denied that
Soviet naval vessels passed through the
Bosporus into the Mediterranean.
15 Gt. Britain: M. Litvinov received the
British Ambassador.
United States:. Charge d'Affaires in ffioscow,
Alexander C. Kirk, transferred to Berlin.
, 16 Soviet Union: The nress gave brominence to
the full text of Mr. Roosevelt's appeal.
United States: E.O. Kalinin's telegram to
President Roosevelt expressing approval of his
message to Hitler and Mussolini.. AcIcnowledged
22 May.
17 Gt. Britain, Poland, Rumania: British offi-
cials were reported to have been assured that.
the USSR would send fighting planes and war
material to Poland and Rumania if their inde-
pendence were threatened.
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18 Czechoslovakia: Former kresident E. Bens
stated that the-USSR was adequately prepared for
war at the time .of the Munich crisis, was ready
to fulfill its pledge of military assistcnce
oven if the other Powers failed to cl3 so.
20 Gt. Britain: Soviet proposals for an anti?
aggression front were reported sent tithe
British Foreign Office.
Poland informed Great Britain that she had a
Elnegative attitude toward permitting SJviet
troops or planes to march or fly over l'olish
21 Gt. Britain: Soviet pranas'lls repaEtedly
accepted as ?,a ''basis for negotiations.
24 ?Gt, Britain:, USSR Ambassador Maisky left
Moscow for London after reporting to the govern?
ment on the British reception of Russian propos-
Turkey: Vice Commissar 'of Foreign affaIrs
Vladimir Potemkin left for Turkey on a special
26 Gt. Britain: Neville Chamberlain refused to
give information on the 1-')ro:Ixess of the Anglo?
Soviet negotiations in the HJUSC of Commons,
27 France: USSR Ambassador Maisky, in his way
to London, conferred with Foreign Minister
Bonnet and USSR Ambassador to France ,J. Sauritz;
stated to press, "Russia's Position is clear.
Ilue are going to assist Eurapc in case of egres?
Poland: The Polish Nationalist Party pub?
lished a resoluti)n edvoc-Iting Poland's closer
collaboration with the S3Viet
29 Gt. Britain: Ambrssadar Maisky.c lief at the
British Foreign Office. It was reported that
he offered on behalf of the USSR e military
alliance with guarantees against ag,ression in
both Europe and the Far Last.
Soviet Union: admiral Kug,netsov was app)inted
Minister of Ilcrine, in place of M. Frinovsky.
The Commissar for the -Navy issued an order
stating that the Union was buiring "a big sea
and ocean fleet, which is worthy of our greet
In a message to the Red army Marshal Vorashilov
stated that the "Soviet Union stands for supporting
nations who are the ?victims of aggression and
are fighting for their independence." He also -
declared that Russia would not embark on any mil?
itary adventure, but it .was fully Prepared for
a great war.
May 1939' ?
1 Turkey:. .President inonu visited by Vice
Commissar V. Potemkin.
2 Gt, Dritain: Neville Chamberlain again re?
fused information to the House of Camm..ns )n
the progress of Anglo?Soviet relations.
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' 3. Gt. Britain: evi11 Chamberlain announced to
the House of Commons that British government was
ready to consider an excl5ange non-aggression
- pledges with Germany; the Gallup poll found 92
pErcent of British voters in favor of a Soviet
alliance. German government offered non-aggres-
sion pacts to Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia
and Latvia.
Soviet Union: An official communique announced
that M. Litvinov had been released from the Office
of Foreign Commissar at his own request. His
duties were temporarily assumed by ii. vialotov.
? 4 Latvia accepted a non-aggression poet with
5 Gt. Britain informed the Soviet Union that
their proposal for a direct military alliance
with Britain and France was unacceptable.
Bulgaria: Vice-Commissar ?V. Potemkin inter-
viewed King Boris and Premier Kiosseivanov,
Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania: A Washing-
ton. (?) report current, but not officially
confirmed, that the Russian government had told
the Great 2overs that Russia would send her
troops into Estdnial Latvia and Lithuania imed-
iately to protect her own position, in the event
of a German-Polish clash.
8 astern Europe: Reports from Bucharest stated
the Soviet. government had offered all the smaller
states in Eastern,Europe defensive guaranties on
the lines of -those given by Britain and France
to Rumania and Greece.
Gt. Britain: Ambassador Sir William Leeds
conferred with Foreign Commissar Molotov.
Poland: N. Sharonov transferred from Athens
to Warsaw, to serve as Soviet envoy to Poland.
Rumania: Vice Foreign Commissar V. ?Potemkin
conferred with Foreign Minister Gatenko.
Vatican: Pope Pius XII invited the Foreign
Ministers of Germany, Britain, lerance, Poland,
and Italy to confer on the international crisis
9 Gt. Britain: A Soviet cammunique was pub-
lished-characterizing the British proposals
as one-sided, and outlining the proposals.
Poland announced "complete normalization of
Polish-Soviet reliations"; Vice Foreign Commissar
V. Potemkin arrived in Warsaw.
League of Nations.Ceuncil- agreed 'c.c.) the USSR
request for postponeent of its May 15 meeting
until May 220 'permitting further Anglo-Soviet
. . .
German-Italian military alliance discussed in
Izvestiya; Britain was again accused of asking
a "one-sided agreement.
Soviet Union: Izvestiya said it was a complete
mistake to hold that the German denunciation of
the agreements with Britain alr)d 'Poland and the
conclusion of the German-Itali.n. alliance had not
changed the situation for the woYse. There was
now no chance of Rome standing ap,art from Berlin;
It went on to say that Britain oassed over the
question of a triple pact of immediate assistance
to Britin and France should they be involved in
war in fulfillment of their obligations in hast-
ern Europe, but made no mention of any a6sistance
-fthe USSR would receive should it be involvd in
hostilities owing to its guarantee to states in
Eastern Europe.
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13 Turkish-British provisional agreement, cover-
ing "any act of aggression leading to war in the
Mediterranean" announced.
16 Soviet Union: A decree was issued raising
the term of service in the Navy from four to five, and providing that men who had had secon-
dary and higher education should serve the full
five years. .
17 Gt. britain: Ambassador Maisky characterized
British proposals as "inadequate". Reports cur-
rent that Britain-and France would offer the
Soviet Union a guarantee of support in event of
21,, Great britain: Secretary Halifax ane Ambassador
Maisky conferred at Geneva, where both were attend-
ing the League of ilations meeting.
22 Germany and Italy signed a ten-y3-ar alliance
in Berlin.
Gt. Britain: It was reported that an agree-
ment for an Anglo-French-Soviet alliance would
be presented for approval to ,the British Cabinet.
24 Finland had asked Soviet coolEration at the
League of Nations council for approval of a plan
to fortify the Aland Islands (Toss report).
- ?Gt. britain: It was announced that the British
Cabinet agreed in princiPle to a mutual agreement
pact with France and the Sovlet Union against
further aggression.
25 Finland, Sweden: Soviet Union reported' seek-
ing assurances that the fortification of the -land
Islands would not be used against -the USSR.
Soviet Union: The Session of the Supreme
Council of the Soviet Union opened in M,,scow.
The budget for 1939 was brought up. Forty billion
rubles were devoted to defense.
26 Gt. Britain: h draft of the mutual assistance
peace-front pact submitted. USSR Commissar of
Defense Voroshilov invited to attend British irmy
27 Finland, Sweden: No decision reached by the
League of 'lotions council on the question of the
refortification of the Aland Islands.
Gt. britain, France: M. Molotov received
the British and French Ambassadors, who handed
him memoranda ctntaining identical proposals for
mutual assistance by Britain, France and Russia.
28 Turkey: Tess denied that a Soviet-Turkish
military alliance had been concluded.
?29 Germany: T,ss denied that German-Soviet trede
negotiations were being carried on in Moscow.
Soviet Union: The Premier of White Russia,
speaking in a joint session of the Supreme Council,
condemned the acts of aggression perpetrated by
Germany, Italy and Japan against peaceful states
which had made it necessary for other peaceful
.countries wishing to survive to speed enormous
sums on defense.
31 Soviet Union: Foreign policy: V.M. Molotov
mode an important speech on foreign affairs before
the Supreme Council outlining Soviet requirements
? for tile establishment of an anti-aggression pact.
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e' June 1939'.
1 Polaad: Trade Agreement with the USSR
ratified in Moscow
2 Gt. .britain, France: Formal reply delivered
on the SSR to the-latest British proposals for
.a threa+power mutual assistance pact. The note
?.includdd Soviet demand for--a guarantee of the
Baltic States.
?Gt. Britain, Brltic States: The Foreign policy
committee of the-British Cabinet refused to extend
guarantees to the Baltic states bordering on Russia.
6 Germany, Baltic: The German-Esto'nian and
? German-Latvian non-aggression pacts signed.
? Soviet Union: Pravda stated that the Russian
government had presented four demands to London
and -earls as the minimum required for a defensive
organization: 1. Conclusion of an agreement by
the three countries for effective mutual assist-
ance against aggression; 2. An agreement for the
USSR to give assistance to states guaranteed to
Britain arid France, particularly Belgium, Greece,
Rumania, Turkey, and Poland, inc ase they were
attacked; 3. A guarantee by the three countries
to assist the three Brltic States should their
neutrality be violated; 4. I. concrete,ngreement
about the methods, the form, and the extent of
help to be given.
13 Baltic States: Pravda editorial reiterated the
Soviet view that the independence and security
of the Baltic States of hstonia, Finland, and
Latvia must be guaranteed as the only safeguard
? of a peace front.
? 15 Gt. Britain: William Strang (Chief, Central
? Division, ?Fordign Office) arrived in Moscow on
? the previous day far further negotiations of a
mutual assistance pact. Molotov and fotemkin
had a prolonged discussion with him and the
British and French Ambassadors.
16 Soviet Union: The press and radio said that
the five representatives had discussed the chief
divergences of opinion between the Russian and
British governments and that "in the circles of
the Soviet Foreign Ministry- tie results of the
first talks are regarded as not entirely
18 "Japan: Report of protest to Tokyo against .
the seizure of the Soviet consulate at Tientsin
by White Russians styling themselves the "White
Russian Anti-Comintern Commission."
Soviet Union: The ?press stated that Tientsin
was Only an excuse utilized by Japan for the
creation of a conflict with Great Britain.
21. Gt, Britain: Toss denied that the negotiations
regarding a British-French-Soviet pact were being
delayed by questions regarding the gliarmtee of
Far Eastern frontiers.
22 Soviet Union: Tess said, that no progress WS
apparently being made in the discussions between
the USSR and Gt. britain and France.
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23 Gt. britain: Ambassador Maisky and Lore
Halifax conferred inLondon in an effort to speed
up the negotiations on a three-power mutual
assistance pact.
Manchukuo: Report of air fighting on the
Manchukuo border.
24 China: Announcement that a trade treaty with
China had been signed in Moscow on 16 June, based
on the 'principles of equality and reciprocity.
27 Japan-Manchukuo: The Soviet-Mongolianair
force reported an air battle on the Dianchukuo
frontier in which 110 Japancse-Manchurian machines
took part. They were engaged when about 80 miles
inside Mongola and seven of them were destroyed.
29 Gt. Britain, brance: Andrei Zhdanov (Presi-
dent of the, Foreign ffairs Commission of the
Soviet) stated in a signed article in Pravda that
the British and French governments had no real
pact with the Soviet Union.
lyk 1939
1 Gt. Britain and France: Molotov received the
-British and French Ambassadors and Mr. Strang,
who communicated to him further suggestions for
overcoming the difficulty of guaranteeing the
Baltic States.
Soviet Union: The press published full reports
? of Lord Halifax's speech.on British foreign policy
in a prominent position.
3 Gt. Britain, France: Molotov again received
the British and French Ambassadors,
? Soviet Union: The Vice-Commissar of the
Navy speaking in Moscow, said that Russia held
one of the first places in the world for sub-
? marines and in the event of war, we will beat
the enemy in his own waters.'
6 Japan-Manchukuo: Tess reported that the
Japanese-Mf,nchukuo forces had forced their way
? into Scviet territory on 2 and 3 July southeast
of Lake Buir, and that the Outer MongoliLn forces
had than counter-attacked and driven them back
again, destroying 50 of their tanks, with the
loss of 25 of theirs. Claim that 45 Japanese
planes had been brought down in three days with
? a loss of Lonly nine. ?
? .
9 Gt. Brltain, irance: Molotov and Potemkin had
a long discussion with the British and French
14 Japan-Manchukuo: The Soviet-Mongolian Head-
quarters issued a report on the frontier fighting
in the week 6-12 July, claiming that the enemy
had lost20000 killed and 3,500 wounded, with 61
plane's, four tanks and, 15 armored cars. The num-
ber of planes destroyed stnce 20 ,:May was given as
189, while the Outer Mongolian forces had lost 52.
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.17 Gt.Britaini France:A.Prolonged discussion
took place between Molotov and the British and
French Ambassadors. British Embassy, issued a
statement that there was no fundamental change
in the situation. .
18 Japan: An official communique stated that
on 16 June the Foreign Commissariat 1.-Lad received
? a note from the Japanese Ambassador "raising
? questions in connection with the inequitable ac7
tivities of the Japanese petroleum and coal con-
cessions in Northern Sakhalin, and disputing the
decision of the Soviet Law courts rev.ordinL., -the
unlawful actions of the Japanese concessionaires
? in the island. The Jaoanesse had demanded an
answer by the 18th of July at the latest. The
Vide-Commissar on behalf of Molotov had rejected
? the document on the previous day without exami-
nation because of its threatening character.
22 Germany: The Foreign Trade CommiSsariat
issued a communique announcing that negotiations
with Germany had been renewed about trade and
? credits.
23 'Outer Mongolia: Army Headquarters in Outer
? Mongola issued a Communique _stating that in air
fighting on 21 July 14 Japanese plaaes had been
shot dbwn, with the loss of three; also that a
? Japanese infantry battalion had been annihilated
in fighting on 12-13 July.
24 Japan: The Vice-Commissar of Foreign .4ffairs
rejected the-Japaneseipotest against the Lnposi-
? tion of a fine of 37,i1000 roubles on a Jaoanese
coal mining company. Russians claimed that the
Japanese had violated every article of the con-
vention agreement of 1922 regarding housing and
conditions of work protecting their Russian
Soviet Union: Navy Dry was celebrated
throughout the Union and the press stated that
in three or four years Russia would be fa first-
class naval Power. Seventy ships of the Baltic
Fleet were inspected by the Commissars of the
Speaking in Moscow, the Commissar of the lavy
warned Japan to'stop violating the Soviet fron-
tier, and announced that Russia had over 100
warships in the Far Last not counting small units.
She also had more submarines than any other
country, and more than Germany and. Japan
? 25 Soviet Union: The Session of the Supreme
Soviet of the .1-6FSR opened in Moscow.
28 ? Outer Mongolia: The Far Eastern Command
reported that 74 Japanese airplanes had been
brought down in 3 days? fighting -- 23-25 July --
east of the Halka River.
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- 120 --
30 Soviet Union Izvostiya published an ar:ticic
concluding with. the following note "They (the
Bolsheviks) stand for the crea'Qion of a general
peace front capable of halting the further de-
velopment of Fascist aggression - a peace front
founded on full reciprocity, full equality of
rights, and, an honest sincerity, and repudiation
of the disastrous':policy of Ynon-intorvention.v
They are ready at any moment, at the head of 170
million strong Soviet people, to crush utterly any
Fascist incendiary who ventures to bring the con-
flagration of the second imperialist war to the
frontiers of the land of the Soviets."
31 Soviet Unien? Travda, writing on the 25th
Anniversary of RuS'sia's entry into the 7ar,
clare2d-that the Second imperialist war had begun,
and that war against the aggressors in defense of
national indopendenco was El.-just war.- It attack-
ed "bourgeois isolationists" and said that "the
Soviet pooplo:know that the onslaught of the
Fascist aggressors can be stopped by an. effect-
ive front of the peace-loving States,. and are
ready to take part in the organization of a
genuine Peace Front." -
.It included the sentence, "The SOviet people
aro defending tho -frontie'rs of the Mongolian
People is .aeublic as if they were their own....?
--urmst 1939
- 1 : Soviet Union Stato---loan of - billion- rubles
for industrialization and defehso.
_Soviet Union ,The-11-Unior.:t.gricultural ITlx-
hibition was .opened -in Lloscow." Tass reported
'.in-reality?the difference.- is not whether to en-
croach or not to encroachon. the independence of
the, Baltic- States, because both. sides stand for
guarantoding this independence, but that no loop-
hole should-be left inthe formula jindirect
aggrossionl for aggressors making an.attempt on
the independence of the 'Baltic States.''
2.'United States Renewal of Soviet-American
Trade :.Lgreemont for one year. The USSR Would.
.buy a minimum ofvV10,000;000 north of-merican ?
goods during" the year, while the-U.S. would give
Russia- the same tariff i'eductions as countries
with which the U.S. had trade-agreements.
Gt. Britain .Lr. Strang left HO'SCO7 by air,_
to return to his post in London..
Japan: according to a dispatch from Moscow,
final agreement- had been reached between the '11os-
cow representative of the I:forth Sal(hlin Petro-
leum Company and the Chairman of the Soviet Trade
Union in the Far East on the conclusion of col--
'lective labor contracts--one Of the outstanding
difficulties in the Sakhalin dispute-. ?
10 France; Gt. Britain: The French and British
military missions arrived in-Leningrad.
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12 France, Gt. Britain: Staff talks between, the
British, French and :Snviet military missions be-
Japan: .greement signed in lbscow, providing
that the Japanese-owned North Sakhalin Petroleum
Company should-increase the wage of its Soviet
rerl,:ors by 15 percent. Simultaneously it gave
pormission to the cotpany to import 480 Japanese
15 Soviet Union: The 6 billion ruble loan for
the second year of the third 5-Year Plan for in-
dustry and defense issued on 2 -ugust was stated
to have boon over-subscribed by ever one billion
21 Egypt: 'The.Egyptian Government decided to
recognize Russia, p?ovided'it refrains from Com-
munist propaganda in the former country.
Finland: The Finnish-Minister of Igriculturo,
accompanied by a Deputy of the Finnish Parliament,
arrived in Moscow to visit the agricultural ex-
. Franco, Gt. Britain: -? Staff talks between- the
British, French andSoviet military missions v
resumed ,after a break. of three days. .
Germany: Ribl4entroplz.announcement of Russo-
German Non-Aggression Pact.
22 Germany: Tass issued an announcement con-
firming that Ribbentrop would arrive in Moscow
in a few days for the conclusion of a non-ag-
gression Pact with the USSR.
Soviet Union: Tass, commenting on the forth-
coming Non-Aggression Pact, stated that uaftor
the conclusion of the Soviet-German trade and
credit agreement there arose the problem of im-
proving political relations between Germany and
the USSR.'
- 24 - Germany: Yon-ggressipn Pact signed in il-/roscow.
? 25- Gt. Britain:. ?? -Anglo-Polish treaty of mutual
assistance. signed, with secret protocol. (See,
.5 .Lpril-1945.)
27 Soviet Union: 1:arshal Vornshilov in an inter-
view with izvestiya claimed that tho British and
French missi-ns had rejected :Russia's argument
that 4;c, render them effective aid, Soviet troops
wouad have to enter Polish torritery, and that
Poland had declined military assistance from
Russia. Ho insisted that the Soviets had con-
cluded the Hon-_-=ggressimn Pact with Germany be-
cause of the ircpasse-n the military conversa-
tions, and not vice versa.
28 Franco a The French Ambassador left Moscow
by air.
Soviet Uniona -L special session of the
Supreme Soviet opened in Moscow.
29. Soviet Union: Tass announced it had been do-
?eided to strengthen the garrisons on the 1-lectern
frontier ?because of the, aggravation of the situ-
ation in Eastern Eur-pe.? It refuted a renert /
that the Army Command had withdrawn ?001.000 to
300,000 troop s to reinforce the Eastern frontier.
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31' - SoViet Union; Molotov, speaking in the Supreme
Soviet on the negotiations with Britain and France,
said: Is a pact of mutual aid possi-la if we. are
informed beforehand that Soviet aid is not wanted?
The Eftglish-n-ench?proposal.for definition of in-
direct aggrossion_would have provided them with,
means of backing out The English-French po-
_sition wab shot through with contradictions. The?
most fundamental of those was that th(ly feared.
aggression and sought a pact in order to strengthen
themselves. But at the some tine they feared to.
strongthenus, and this fear becamo-the-uppermost-
consideration. We _signed a pact with Germany
when it as ovident?nothing would come of the
Tho Supromc Soviet than ratified the Pact 7M_th
September 1939
5 - Soviet Union: Tho Government -announced that
a further one and a half classes of conscripts
would be called up for training between 15-Sop-
tomber and 15 October (those born in 1919 and in
the second half of 1918), about l Million. In
addition, 145,000 of the 1920 and 1921 classes
would be called up, and 1:arshal Voroshilcv also
ordered the soldiers of the 1937 class serving
in the Baltic, Polish, and Ukrainian frontier
districts to remain with the Colors for 'mother
6 Poland: Russians said to have informed the
Polish-government that they hoped to maintain
norMal co:-.21ercial relations with Poland during
the war.
Soviet Union: 71ie Rod Star wolcomed the Pact
with Germany because it put and to "hostility
between two of the greatest 21.urepoan States, fo-
mented by agents ProvocatourS."
National Youth Day emphasized that the Soviet
Union was an island of peace amid a warring capi-
talist world.
9 Soviet Union: Tho Foreign Trade Commissariat
was empowered to rostriCt or prohibit the export
of goods to counties which created conditions
unfavorable for Soviet trade., was given the
power to prevent the shipment ,f goods abroad un-
loss paid for in advanco.
Soviet Union: Pravda, in a long artfclo on
Poland, ascribed the basic causes ofthe Polish
defeat not to German superiority and lack of
assistance from Britain and Franco, but to "tho
inner weaknesses and contradictions of. the Polish
state, which is a multi-natlohal state. It de-
clared that the policyof the ruling classes in
Poland has. been charaCtorized by the suppression
of national minorities. The paper made reference
to tho'lossos sustained by Poland and said the
government machine --fas falling to pieces.
. 16 Japan :Armistice with Japan concluded in Mos-
: ? .? ?
Poland: Molntov handed the Polisb-:.mbassador
a note saying. that Soviet troops would enter
Polish territory. The latter refused to accept
it, but informed his government of its contents.
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J -123
17 Poland: Soviet forces crossed the Polish
frontier at 4 a .n. at many points between Polots17_
and Hamenetz-Podo1s7r:
Soviet Union: Tiolotov broadcast an address to
the people explaining the action taken against
18 Lithuania: Molotov received the Lithuanian
Poland: In a joint declaration the Soviet and
Gorman governments announced that their troops in
Poland would not pursue aims contrary to the in-
terests of the two governments.
21 Soviet Union: .1. short version-of Hitler's
speech was released. for publication, omitting
his assert-ion that he. no longer wanted the '
Ukraine and his .remarks about the Russo-Gorman
agreement on the future of Poland.?
22 Poland: ,:. .joint German-Soviet connuhique wa6
issued in-Moscow announcing the lino of demarca-
tion between the Goicnan and Soviet armies.
24 Estonia: .The Foreign Minister, of Estonia ar-
rived in Moscow.
Soviet Union: The press published a manifesto
issued by Gencral.Timoshenko just before he led
his troops into Poland. Ile appealed to "my
brothers and sisters" in 17esterr Ukraine to "fall
upon Polish gentlemen with firearms, scythes, hay-
fork_s, and axee, and to follow Iltho example the
Russian people save under Lenin's and Stalin's
leadership in paying back. the enemy."
25 Finland; The Russian government withdrew the
rights of Finnish ships, to travel from the Baltic
to Lake Ladoga by way of the River Nova.
27 Bulgaria: Lavrentiev was appointed -mbassador
to Sofia (Post had been vacant for nearly 2 years)
Estonia; Tho Estonian Foreign Minister re-
turned to Mcs'cow.
Germany: Ribbontrop arrived in Moscow, accom-
Pani'ed_by. the Soviet Ambassador in Berlin and
Herr Fnrster,.the Danzig Nazi leader, as well as
by legal and economic experts.
Rumania: Tho Russians. wore understood to have
made representations to the Rumanian government .
about an "aggressive". 'military- concentration in
28 Germany, Poland; .:. treaty was signed with
Germany partitioning Poland and establishing
friendly relations based on the common interest
of protecting their territorial gains against
third parties.
29 Estonia:' A Pact of Mutual Assistance with
Estonia was si,gned in Moscow.
October 1939
1 Turkey: The Turkish Foreign Minister had a
four-hour conversation with Stalin and Molotov.
2 Latvia: The Latvian Foreign Minister arrived -
in Moscow.
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_ Latvia ;' rolotev had: a -se c end conversation.'
i th tfle Latvian Foreign Minister. ? - ?
Lithuania; The Li thUanian ? 'Foreign Minister
arrived _Mose ow and' S,c1W? Molotov.. ?
Turite. Molot ..saw the.- Turkish -
Germany ln .additional protocol- to the -Soviet-
Ge man treaty as signed in Mose ov,T; .setting up a
mixed commission to demarcate ,the frontier be?
tween the: two countries*
Latvia.; mutual assistance pact waS signed
in .,-flosd ?
Soviet Union ; press prominently published
a, statement .of the British Communist.Party rging
the Government to make peace
-MeSto7 broadcast offered Latvia and' Estonia
trade; 'routes through the- 171.-rite. and Black- Seas.
Soviet Union; The MoSco,:.7 radio announcod that
?? Faced by the -refusal of the. Government or Fin-
land to-send tho 'Finnish Foreign Minister to
negotiate. a trade agreement' in 1.1osc-o7.7,- the Soviet
government reserves to itself the - right to take
decisions it thinks
1 -
Finland Finnish, C011Emani qu rienti one d
Rus si s invitation to Finland to send a repre-
sentative to discuss political and econo'.-mic
-Ge many ?; oerMan. -.0 c ononi c mission, led by ,
the head "of ?-t-h;e '17.c.Onomi c' Department -of the For
e gn. -Office, -arrived ,in. Moscow. ?
.Lithuani a ; lot o-v- had. two :.c.onvc rsations 7.v ith
the Li. th:o_andan -Foreign ? ..who had arrived
in Mos c Ow. the provi ouS day, ace c.',Mpanied :by the
Li thuani an Cer.liaando-r-in-Cli le f and tho Vice -P re s
dent of the . Council of Ministers. .
? Soviet Uni oh ; rIzvestiya declared' that s
prepos.als can - serve as a real practical basis
for negotiations for the early ConclUsien of
peace." Following the 'dissolution of -Poland,
the re was no Lenge any. justification.for co n-
tinuinc ? the war. ?
9 .Geianyu L. statement was issued to the effect
,that 1.1elotov?had'undertalzon 'bat the Soviet
? Union' should 'begin supplying raw materials to .
-Germany at "once,- and had-received-an?asstrance
of corresponding deliveries of Garman industrial
. Poland; The Polish limbassadei' and staff left
Moscow for Finland. .
? Soviet Union; .1zvestiya-said, "Ono cannot
destroy any idblogy by fire an sword., ? One may
.respect er'hato Hitiorism just as any ?other sys-
tem of political views-. This is a matter of
taste. But to understand wa-r.for lannihilation
of Hitlerismi--=ans to commit criminal folly in
. _
10 Lithuania; The Lithuanian Minister returned
to Moscow to sign a mutual assistance pact with
Finland; Paasikivi arrived in Eoscow.
Gt." Britain; trade pact was signed with
Groat Britain providing for' the 'exchangeof lum-
ber forrubber and
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125 ?
12- inland: TansiLivi with Stalin and Molotov.
. .Scandinavia:. Tho Russian: government received
from -the Danish2?Swodish,?and Norwegian govern- .
Dents idontic note stating that the Northern
1-overm-iacints were following with interest the no-
gotiatLens taking place ?between Russia .and-Fin-
land and wore expressing the hope that nothing
would be done to imPinge oft- Finlnndis neutrality.
'United States: the Lnicrican _Imbassador was .
understood to havc?=prossod the hope that -nothing
Would. ac-cur t jure tho peaceful relations be-
tween .Soviet Russia and ?Finland. '
13 Soviet Union:. Tass? annotmcod.'that the COMDiS*
sariat of 'Fuel and Industry had boon. divided into
two--ono for coal and Slate Mining, gas,, and the
manufactUre? of coal-mining machinery; the other
for?pil producing?and refining., the manufacture
of artificial fuel.and of machinery for
the -oil industry. K?aganovich was appointed Com-
missar-of Oil.
Finland: Tore mooting tack place between
Stalin, Nolotov and ,the Finnish delegation.?
. . 16 - Turkey: long discussion took place' with .
the Turkish Foreign -Minister.
17 Turkey; Tass announced that the stay in Mos-
cow of the Turkish Minister provided the opportu-
nity-for a series of c,omprehonsive talks which
confirmed the 'Iinvariablo and, friendly relations?
between the two governments.. Both .,,ivernments
reached. the conclusion that it would be desirable
to maintain contact in the future fon joint dis-
cussion of questions of mutual interest.
. Germany _L fourth Go man mission arrived in.
MoSco to-arrange for tho? transfer to Germany of
Germans living in the Russian part of Poland..
Turkey: The Turkish Forcin Minister and the -
Soviet :LmbasSador to -Trkoy left for :,nkara at
United States: Publication of 1Ctters
changed.between Kalinin and President Roosevelt..
19 Soviet Union: The Presidium of the Supremo ?
Council of the Soviet Union ratified the. Soviet-
Gorman Treaty of Friendship and Frontiers and the
additional protocols of 4 .October (defining the
Ifrontior of intorests'i of the two -countries).
20 'Soviet Union: The Russian radio announced the
conclusion of TurThe778 Treaty with "the
without comment.
22 China; Pravda denied a report that Moscow had
-demanded from -E177 Chineso'overnment the right
to establish 'Red -rmy garrisons in Sinkiang and
Inner Mengolia, and thatNorthwest China- was to
be Sovietized.
'23- Finland; 'The Finnish dcleation arrived in
loloscow and resumed discussions:_-
? Poland: Pravda said that the elections in the
-two provinces annexccL to. the USSR were proceed-
trig' under the conditions of class warj and there-
fore are a form of class .warfare."
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211 Gernany ?? An ag 1'0 CI lent was repo/I-bed ( from-Gor-
man sources) to have been signed in lioscow for
the export of l'nillion tons to Germany, delivery
-to be completed within two months.
A trade delegation of 45, headed by the Com-
missar of the shipbuilding industry, left Moscow
for Berlin.
_25 Gt.-Britain; 7,11-o Government issued a reply to
The British Notes Rf 6 and 11 Seetelober regarding.
contraband and handed it to the British and French
Ambassadors. In their reply the Russians refused
to recognize the validity of either note and said
they would seek compensation from the British
goverment for losses caused by the British
? Soviet Union ; Announcement of re sults of the,
voting in rfestern 1lifte Russia and 7e stern Ukraine.
The voting was over7ihelmingly in favor of Bol-
shevik candidates.
29 United 3-bates; Izvestiya, referring to the
U.S. neutrality Bill, accused the U.S. Government
of reactionary conduct, involving the persecution
of the Communist Party.
31 Finland; In an address to the Supremo Council,
Molotov said that Russia wanted a mutual assist-
ance pact from Finland, but this Finland had re-
fused. Russia wanted some minor land concessions
-around Leningrad for which she would be fully
compensated. If the Finns continued in their
failure to moot the Soviet; requirements, it would
be harr.-iful to the cause of Finns and t the Finns
? November .1939
1 Gernanv; The Gorman -Ambassador left ?Moscow
for Berlin. -
Soviet Union; .The Supremo Council absorbed
the _;11Jostern Ukraine''. into the Soviet Union in
the persons of 65 new Deputies elected on
22 October.
2. - Finland: The Finnish delegates arrived hack
in Hoscow.
_3 .Soviet Union ? Pravda published an attack on
Finland. and accused the ?Finnish. press of dis-
torting completely the essenceof the Soviet pro-
4 Finland ; Stalin and inolotcv had an hours
talk with the Finnish delegation, whicI) then
? referred certain points to Helsinki.
50 Linuania; The Russians were understood to
have proPosed to the Lithuanians that 100,000
? Lithuanian(nationals in Polish 11hite Russia near
Vilna should be exchanged for an equal number of
Polish 17hite Russians and Jews living in Lithuania.
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- 127 -
6 Comintern The Comintern issued a manifesto
declaring that the ruling circles in Britain,
France and Cermany were conducting a war for
world domination, the first two to preserve
their "slave empires", and Germany to redistribute
those in her favor. The manifesto, went on to de-
clare that the task of the working class was to
unite, not only against the "imperialist" bour-
geoisie, but against its Social Democratic leaders,
without. whose "treacherous holp" the bourgeoisie
could not have started nor carried on the war.
The workers in oil 'those countries were said to
draw inspiration from the peace policy of the
7 Soviet Uni en The annual military Parade was
hold in Moscow, and Fla roha 1 Vo ro shi 1 ov 1 addre ssing
the troops, declared that the ovic,t s pnlicy was
neutrality, but being surrounded by capitalist
countries, the Union nut remain vigilant and
ready for everything.
Finland: Discussions with the Finnish delega-
tion were resumed in the Kremlin.
11 Finland: Tass broadcast a statement that the
Finnish attitude had stiffened.
12 Finland: Moscow papers declared that the
Finnish politicians wanted war and that the
Soviet government was dissatisfied- and. would now
have to find ways and moans of obtaining what
they required...
Fi n1 and The Finni sh dole ga t an lc ft Mos c ow ?
for hone.. . ?
?' ? . -Finland: .Pravda -published a Tass,;mossage
? from Mb 1 s nh i to the effect that. Finland' s war
measures were so burdensome that she c ould not
stand. the strain longer. than 4 to 7 months,
Soviet Union: The Rod. Star, referring to the -
"decided rejection"- ofe. BelgoDutch, appeal 'by
Britain-T1nd 'Franco, protested against:: 'French
and British attempts to involve ? neutrals, in tho
war ,by Scaring Belgium and Holland with the bogy
of German invasion and by inciting Scandinavia
and Finland against' the. Soviet Union's peaceful
policy; . ?
It also said that-Britain and Franco were ex-
ploiting the Turkish Pact 'in order- to.' force the
Balkan neutral countries into a bloc oriented on
theMsolves, and attempting to obtain Rumania ' s -
signature to a ,mutual assistance pact.
15.. -Poland: . Lvov broadcast attachad Sikorski.
. 20 Japan :-IItinouncement of an :exchange_ of views
with the. Japanese Which had disclosed "sem . points
of accord" upon the principles of a trade treaty.
. Mongolia -Tbe conclusion was announced of an
agreement on the Mongolian Frontier Commission.
21 Finland: Izvestiyo., in an article by the
Commander of the Baltic Fleet, said that the
Soviet demand for .a lease of Mango was vital.
The Soviet fleet was ton large to be crowded
into a small, far-away corner in the Gulf of
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123" ?
23 Japan: ilnnouncomont of decisions to open
trade discussions with Japan.
Soviet Union: .11ravda, in an article about
what it described as the peace movements in
Britain and Franco, said it hoped this would. con-
vert the war of nations, into a class war within
the nations.
26 Finland: Nolotov handed a note to the Finnish
Minister, demanding that Finnish troops should be
removed 12 to 15-milos fro: the frrontier, point-
ing out that Soviet troops had net returned the
Finnish fire, being under strict orders not to
allow thensolvos to be provoked. -Innouncement
in Moscow that at 3:30 p071. Finnish artillery on
the Karelian Isth:Jus had fired, 7 rounds which
fell on Soviet territory, killing four and wound-
ing nine Red
Finland; Tho Finnish govern:lent rojoctod the
Soviet protest and denied that shots ha: been
fired fro -La the Finnis- side. It refused to with-
draw its troops, but said it was -)Ailing to-en-
gage in talks loading to a mutual withdrawal of
troons. It claimed that the shots vie-re fired
fro-.-1 the Soviet side and proposed a mixed con-
7.1ission to investigate the incident. Moscow prom
and-radio, referring to the Finnish note, de-
clared that the Soviet Union had reached the end
of its patience an: would be satisfied only with
decisive measures.
28 Finland: The Russian government denounced
the Hon-L.ggrossion Treat:: signed in 1932,6n the
ground that Finnish troop- concentrations near
Leningrad were an act of hostility to the Soviet
Union. The Russian radio?ci:airiod that another
incident took placo on the outskirts of Leningrad.
29 Finland: The Russian government handed a note
to the Finnish Minister breaking off relations,
and the latter, -:ho had reccivcd_a note from his
? goverment, was not allowed to present it.
Soviet Union: Molotov broad6,nst a statement
in which he announced that his government had
severed diplomatic relations with Finland, and
declared that the Red Army must be prepared for
any eventualities. ?
Pravda published a statement by Stalin, ac-
cusing Franco and Groat Britain of being respon-
? sible for the war with Germany.
30 Finland Russian troops crossed the, Finnish
loordor at. several points and Russian aircraft
bombed Helsinki and Viborg.
?United States: The Russians received Presi-
dent Roosevelt's offer of good offices at 12:45
after hostilities-had begun.
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3.29 64-?
Doconbe 1939
1 Fin1and2 Tho Russiansclainod that a now
ovorn-lent had boon fornod at Torijohi the pro-
? vious day, headed by Kuusinon, which the Soviets
? considered as an Iriportant factor in clarifying
tho situation and bringing about oaco.
United States ; _^,.ccording to official broad-
casts, Molotov recoied the U. S. L-nbassador and
t91d hill that tho Soviot ir Forco had n: inton-
tion r'f bonbinc the civil population of Finland.
Tho- had brnbed
Finland; The Moscow radio annoUnced the con-
clusion of a troaty of nutual assistance with tho
"People's Governnont" of Finland.
Finnish cam:uniqu& that Potsano had boon re-
captured. Russians roported it had boon rotahon.
United States i. connuniquo iosued in Moscow
Statod that Molotov had told the U.S. -Lnbassador
that the -Russians' had not bonbod-any towns.
3 Finland: Jho Finns haltod the Russian-inva-
Sion around Suojaorvib. Gapturo by tho Russians
of the islands of 'Hogland, 'Tytarsarri, Lavansaari
? and Soishari in 'the bastorn end of tho Gulf 9f
? Finland.
4 Finland Russians refused an arnistico and
peace negotiation proposal fr-A Pronior Ryti,
preferring Kuusinon's government as one tnoy
would dol with.
' League of Nations z r_L'he Moscow radio broad-
cast :.rlotcv's reply to tho Socretary-General of-
the Loa,::;u-e. This said that tho crnvocation Of
tho Council was unwarranted, as Russia was
"not at war with Finland, and 09os not threaten
- it, o that the reference to ,:rticio 11 of the
Covenant is hicrrrect."
6 Finland Russian forces continued their
penetration of Finland to the west and north.
Rdnania: Connuni8t- International. clained
oppression- of nationalities ? and atrocioUs
ploitation of the passos in the Runanian prov-
inces of Bukovina, Dobruja, Bessarabia and
Transylvania. -
7 Denmark and other neutrals: Notified by the
Russians that Finland's coast and the adjoining
waters would be blockaded from noon of the next
' Finland; The Finnish Minister and Legation
staff left Moscow for Stochholn.
8 Finland The Russians took Suonussalni.
9. Finland; Finns recaptured Suonussalni.
Sl9vakia Tisso arrived in Moscow as
Minister of Slovakia.
It was reported that the. Russians had recog-
nized the German jprotectorate. of Slovakia over
a month previously.
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Dec orabor
12 Estonia : General La i d one r C ortian(or-in-Chiof
of the Estoniandror, arrive( in T.osc ow .
nl and : Tho Russian r n rc o s fought their way
across Finland, os t to yes t, by 3 separate
routes. Capture of tho village of Lae rkaerjaorvi
put then a third of the -Fay across.
.Le ague of rati ons : The Russians declined t
take part in tho discus si n s On Finland for tho
reasons given in their to le gran of 4 Dec=bor.
14 Loagur of H'Itions: Russia expelled ?on the
15 Finland : Report concerning disnissal and di s -
di sgraco of O. "Cuusinon by tho Sovie governuont
for alleged ni s.inforziati on on the strength of
his Poll
, Broadcast offer to rosuc nevtiations by the
Finnish Fflreign TjnisLDr.
17 , Finland7 In t'o north, tho , Russ i ans colloto
col-Ives t of Finlan( ? s strip of .2..rctic territory.
. ?
? ,"
? ? .
18 . .Japan;-.?ilolotev said_to_havasteld the Japanese
basse.dir)r -that before any ? fi shery' treaty ;.could
? be concluded, -Ilanchoukuo, or Japan. for her, :Just
pf.-ly the final ins taThont of the purchase price
of the Chi 3.10 aa stern lway , aDounting t c .
5900,000 yen..
. .
? 20 ? .F.1 n1 and Jn r the rn Pin 1 a rid the ?Rus s
drive was stalled ? by blizzards and tblirooraturos ?
25. de gre,-.)s boldTT zoa.
. ? . ?
21 S 071 t 'Uri en ? ?. Lose ow celobra4ted ,Stalin s
? COth .b :r.thday. ITe. re cc o. ti t le of. Ts
. .
S o c al'i?st? Lab r.
? . .
, . .
25 .FiPea Elnni?sh trns celebrated? Chri s tins
by invading Rus s an to rritory east Of Loks a
? ? 120 idles no'rti;1_ of?,Lake ? Lc.d...ocsa
. ,
-28 ? Finland ? ,Rncnnan t To op s cut- t hr c?'ugh tho
?? ? -nor thorn s trip, to ? Solid jaervi on the ..Tlcrvrgian
frontio r i ? T? _
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January 1940
.. -
1 _ ? Finland; Jyyt-iskylii : Russian aircraft_ dropped
leaflets demanding fall of Cajandu government.
Half iainuto:_later this was followed by bombing
and strafing of the city.
? ?
2 Finland:-- Tho' - Finns 8tated they had surrounded
and -trapped -55,000, Russian trooP-s and -
had salted. a Russian supply base at -Littajoki,
on the eastern border.--
4 Finland; Lake Hianta; Finns reperted, that
in their victory they had captured largo .sums
of money, including -92,000. Finnish marks 4
. Japan; 2. trade delegation arrivc:;d' in -1-.Iosco w.
5 . Finland; Isthmus:. Russians stated to be
ding in opPosite liannerhadia? line. ?
Finland; Turku,: Tuopie bombed by Russian air-
'Russian losses sine() the war asti:'ziatod by
'neutral -observers at 50,000 killed and in wounded
more than-_. that number .?
? Norway: ii0SC07.7 radio 'warned Norway not. to
allow ?herself to become a tool 4n the hands of
England? and Franco iy assisting Finland or by ?
allowing war materiel to pass over Norwegian
8 .stated that a .trade .agreement
with China had been 'concluded and ratified by
both parties.
Soviet Union; ? P.ravda ,,,,b..rne?d the Soviet 75'
enepic.?>s that mulch -had -changed since the 'civil
war; . the Rad rriy in personnel and arm= nt7and
by, virtue. of its. training, ? had' become -a gigantic
force which had.,1?provod its strength and invinci-
n .battles n orgol?a, ir the Ukraine,
and in '-thite Russia.
10 Finland; Suoi:-.iussalmi:' Finnish tr-oops -threw
back Russians over the frontier to. Russian soil.
Saila and Lake ?Hianta; Russians -reported to
have. concentrated larg,a masses of troops and to
be making a-fresh attempt. ,to cut Finland in two ?
.by an advance -from Salla towards .railway terminus
ct...Hou5. ji-Irvi
.Soviet Union: Kaganovich relieved as People. iS
C Orini S S r of the viatton industry and supposedly
transferred tb 'another .post. ?
SbakbUrin had ? taken :over* Kaganovich's post.
11 evict 'Union.; Conscription: Non of 1921 and
? 1922.61asses liable to service under ?tho 2.r2;1y . ?
. ? law off.1939 were called up in Hosco.
12. 'Finland; 1;_andalak_Sha to Hurmansk railway
reported to have boon repaired by the 13;,issians.
- Soviet. Unionj -Conseription:. Swedish sources
stated . that large' numbers of officers and DO-
- 1.1 ti commissars' had boon dismissed during --
previous few days, including commander of the
ir Force at Baltiski,EsthnIa.
13 - Finland; .Leningrad comMand issucd a communi-
que denying "foreign reports of Finnish successes.
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14 Swee:ni, Norway: loscow protested against
matorial help to Finland and moral support in
tho pross.
Soviet Union: :loscw-- wireless said that capi-
talists and other hostile elonents found no sup-
port among largo masses of population. Thor? was
no mod to use military force for their sup-
prossion; the work could be dono by punitive
Yorcos after intclligonco had done its work.
15 Norway, Swodon: 'Pass stated that the Govern-
pont considered not quite- satisfactpry the re-
plies of those two countries to thc notes of
protest regarding aid to Finland. Objections
wore rai sod to non-supprossion of influence of
"thoso Powers which strivo- to involvo Norway and
Swodon in war against the USSR."
16 Sweden: -111 ,paper 6 in Moscow published a re-
port from Stockholm saying that Sweden was solv-
ing her unomploymont problem by persuading mon
to onlist- in Finland.
17 ' Finland: Joutsijarvi: 40,000 Russians
ported entrenched oast of Joutsi Lake.
Helsinki : 2loscow broadcast denied bombing
of Helsinki.
18 Finland; Saila front: Finns'claimed to have
pushed the enemy back nearly 30 miles on the
Saila front to lidrkHjarvi.
Iran :.,ranouncoraont that work had been begun
on a rai3way between Julfa and Ninjovan on the
frontier of Iran.
-Sweden:. .?pology to that country for bombing
near Lulea duo to snowstorn.
19. Finland: Lake Ladoga: On tho',nerth shore
Russians reported to have abandoned attempt to
roach Kitola and to have retired to Pitkaranta.
Norway apology to Norway for violation of
its arctic frontier by 'Russian aircraft.
.20 Franco:-,Pravd?dcalinc, with si4)Pression of
thc Communists ii Franco,. said that Fonch rulers
were wholly responsible for tho fact that 'Europe
was involved in an imperialist war. In such a
situation the Soviet Union's policy was to se-
cure the overthrow of icaperialist governments by
21 Soviet Union: Shorbakoff, socrotary of the
lbs cow Committee of the Communist Party, speaking
in Stalin's presence at a demonstration, said
that tho struggle between the capitalist world
and USSR would progrossivel,- bee one m.-)ro and
more acute. Lc warnoC that the prosent state of
the Rod Army would nac intervention very dan- '
23 - Bessarabia: :Ioscov announcod a road was
being built from Stalingrad to Tiraspol on the
.Bessarabian frontier. It was hoped to
it in 50 days.
24 ' Germany; Gonoral Todt arrived in Moscow vith
a -party of engineers and road bxports.
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January ?
26' ? , Finlandt Mannerheiu tine: turning point ?
in the war was rbached when the Russian forces
? -broke the third line *-and strongest defchses of
? the ilannerheim;aine at SIAM?, ? . ?
. ? .
Gt. Britain:- Izvestiya attacked 1.'1r. Churchill
the greatest ..enO:ny .,of the Soviet ?Union..;1
28 Finland; Northern .Front: Russian reinforce-.
nents sent 'from ,..rchangel, wore believed to .have
? brought the strength .of the troops on tl4s .front
.to-about 50,000 men.
Finland: Fighting Was resumed on the north
central 'front around Maerkaerjaorvi and in -the
-.Kulimo region., .
Germany:. A.'L Gorman ililitary. mission was -re-
ported to be in Mas.c-ow..
? Japan: SpvoraM. artiCles appeared in. the
press very critical, of japan., which ,also rcfc-rred
to Vang Ching-wei as a traitor, and said that
Japans plaee was to ?enslave China, through the
Chinese, - Vfang chinG-wei and his gang being used
for this purpose.`!
? .
? 31.. ? Soviet Union; ?Purges.: Moscow radio announced
that another purge had. begun.'
February 1940
1 ? Finland; Sunna: Afte,r prolonged artillery
preparation, the- Russians, launched 'an attack on
Surrila in the riiddlo of the Liannerheir.i. lino with
aircraft,- tanks, armored sleds and smoke screens.
5 Finland; Helsinki said -that during -tho pre-
Vious veek t)-..e Russians had bombed 141 locali-
ties, some nine times in one day. .Lbout 6_,800
bombs wore dropped and 145 civilians killed and
179 wounded. ,Six hospitals were attacked.
? United States: Chamber of
.Commerce office in roscow was closed, and the
resident _secretary loft for the U.S.
11 ?inland; Russian losses: Helsinki gave as
an official estimate the number of Russian tanks,
destroyed or captured as 641, and of airplanes
as 333. ?
12- Soviet Union; 18th Party Congress of the
Fleet: The Naval Commander in Chief, addressing
the Congress, ?declared that Black Sea forces had
been doubled, and were now "mighty."
United States: Trud, referring to President
?Rooseveltls moves regarding Europe, said that
llellese trip was significant, that although the
U.S.. had not joined in the second inporialist
? war, it was only biding its
? nerican
capitalists were waiting and. in the meantime
selling munitions n.nci. gaining enormous profits.
Their aims in both 1914 and p.017 were identical.
They were working to create a world-wide con-
flagration of the present war.
?. 13 Finland; Su:Aa-ia: In SIE-1111a sector alone the
Russians had fired in a single day 300,000
? _shells. This bombardment had been Going on for
several days. S11::12.ia itself was reported taken.
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February '
15 Soviet Union'; IzveStiya accused Turkey, Iran
and t...fghanistan,of'gress ingratitude, since "thcv!
achieved their independence Of. British inparial-
iSD only owing to Soviet Su?pport.R.
17 Finland; Sunwa In official statment, Hel-
sinki Said that Russian penetration into the
ilannerhei]). Line had been'aehieved by a terrible
wastage of hullan lives. It was added that the
situation had taken a illore serious turn for the
Finns in the last 24 hours.
18 Finland; SuHr.-ia ; Red -r-..ily comunique stated
that the advance on the isthuus was continuing
20 .Poland; Repatriation: The -last batch of
35,000 Russians arrived frol::.1'the German'?Govern,- ?
rent-General' in Poland. Therest,-nul-abering -
over 450,000 had refused to leave. .
21 Finland: The Russians shifted their: offensive
to Taipale, which previously had---boon?concentrated
around Sup7la and Lake IJuela in the west and had
forced the Finns. to withdraw- to .new
, ? -
22 Gt. Britain; Ivan laisky presented to the
British Foreign. Office Russials proposals to and
the Finnish 'Tlar.. Tho British,after studyinr,.the -
tors, declined to sero as an interpediary. ?
23- Finland; Viipuri Russians. wad a succession
of attacks toward.-Viipuri with. forces esti-:lated
at 250,000, as the beginning of anattellpt to ?.
carry the second ?Finnish?lines of-defense.-
Estpnia, Latvia and Litnuania:oscow radio
denied that Russ ia had I'Jade-denands of these
countrio0-for the cession of =re naval baseS,
? and increases in the garrisons .in the ceded
basbs. -
Finland: J:Ioscow announced that the Russians
had occupied ? the lines .of Koivisto, TiurfUsaari
and Piisaari, 'fortified with iron and concrete .?
fprts. .
25 Soviet Union: HonsoDelskaya Pravda declared
that. the Line- of. Lenin and Stalin would load to
the victory of Cnw'iunisn all over the world.
27 ?Finland: Pets=o front; 2, Russian col= '
Doved 15 Lines down the highway Hoyhinjarvi
to Nautsi, the first break in the front since
just before Christilas, when the Russian drive
fro :i. the :,.rctic Ocean was stopped.
28 ' Finland; l!crnern front; The first Norwegian
and Swedish units were reported to have joined
the battle line.
99 Soviet Union; Connissariat of Foreign 2,ffairs:
ilescow radio announced that 11. PotoT.07in had- boon
relieved as :,ssistant Ca=isbar for Foreign 2,:f-
fairs and -would be appointed 01=Jiissar for Edu-
cation'. -
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March 1940
4 Finland; Viipuri; Swodish-sourcos said 3-
Russian divisions were closing in on Viipuri.
Finland; Scala; -nnouncomont that the Swodish
voluntoor corps had begun operations on Salla
- Finland; Finnish delegation, consisting of
Paasikivi, General I'lalden d, LI. Voionmaa,
left for Hosbow-to conduot poace.nogotiatiOnS.
8 France Pal,i?s announced the exteAt-Of Fronch
and EngliSh aid to
Finland; Pending armisticc conferences,
Russian troops have occUpied several islands
.and"towns in the Viborg Gulf area.
12 Finland: Ltrotty. of poaco was signed in
Moscow by dologatos from Russia and Finland at
?11 p.m.
French LLid to Finland; Daadicr, in a do-
bate in the Chambor onutho Finnish tragedy and
-the part played by France in those oventsrl, men-
tioned that 50,000 French troops were awaiting
- Finnish green light at onbarkation ports, but
that those never left port because tho Finns
never gave a dofinito answer.
13 Finland; Cessation of hostilities to occur
at noon -- troops to nova to now frontier by
10 a.m., 15 .:larch-.
Qt. Britain Mr. Chamborlain in Parliament
quoted figures of what the Lllics had been will-
ing to furnish in non (100,000) and material,
provided Finland made a direct request and Sweden
pormittod passago of troops over her territory.
He also gave data as to what was actually sent
to Finland.
Finland: Field-Marshal Diannorhoiu broadcast
an order of the day in which he mentioned that
a hard peace had boon concluded. He said that
15,000 VFinns and 200,000.Russians had boon
15. V Finland; Tho Finnish,Parlianent ratified the
peace treaty by 145 to 3. Tho Prime Minister .
made a statement which included the following:
"We believe that by choosing peace we have
acted in the best way for the mememt.'
18 V Soviet Union; Izvostiya published a warning
to neutral countries that if they acceptod
,guarantees from the liios they were entering
a perilous courso.
20. Finland;. Exchange of instruments 6f ratifica-
tion of the'treatT. with Russia.-
Scandinavia; The Tass agoncy issuod a-state-
ment donying that it had objected .to, the conclu-
sion of a defensive alliance between Finland,
Norway and Sweden.
22 Hang8 handed over to the Russians.
? 25 Iran Russians sign trade treaty with Iran
at Teheran. .
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26 France: Moscow wireless announced that
Suritz, the Abassado to France, had been
recalled, after a demand of theFrench govern-
29. Soviet Union; Foreign policy: Mr_. Molotov in a.
speech addressed to Saprome soviet said that there
had been many instances of Franco-British hostility
to the Soviet Union.and-that the Russians had boon
fighting not only the, Finns, but theCombined
forces of the-imperialist countries, .including
those of England apd-Ji'rance. He gave his estimate
? of cas-ualties as 48,745 Russians killed and . ?
158,865 .wounded; that of Finns as 60,000 killed,
and not loss than,250,000,f7Tounded.
The Soviet Union would maintain its non-,agres-
sion'treaties with. Turkey and Iran, :but that the
Union had no such treaty with .Rumania because of
.the um-attic:d controversy on Bessarabia. 'However,
.Russia had no intentions to regain it by force.
Japan must ...realize that the Soviet Union would
not tolerate any violation, of her interests-.
Ho concluded that Russia, must maintain her
position of neutrality and refrain'from. partici-
pation in the war between the 7estern Powers.
31 Finland: The Supreme Soviet adopted a pro-
pesal to incorporate the Karelian Isthmus in the
-Yarelian Republic to form the 'IKarelian Finnish.
Union Republic."
April 1940
Finland: Russians evacuate Petsamo.
15 Baltic states:. Trud stated that, the Soviet
Union T7ill aid the Baltic countries' in caSe of
? -29 Soviet Union; ? 1030 census figures published,
showing a population'of 170067,186.?
Flay 1940
3. Sweden: Moscow radio broadcast a- statement ,
-that. both Russia. and Germany wore' interested in
the proServation of Sweden's neutrality..
0 Soviet Union: .Voroshilov reported by.Tass to
have boon relieved of his duties and appointed
-Assistant Chairman of the Council of Peoples,.
Commissars and Chairman of the Committee of De.,
.fonse. . Also to be Molotov's deputy.-
. Timoshenko appointed Defense Commissar.
11. 'Yugoslavia: A trade and navigation.troaty
with Russia-signed in Moscow.
21 Gt: Britain: Molotov sent a note in reply to.
-a British memorandum On trade negotiations in
which he said that Russia had been trading, and
would continue to trade, with, belligerents and '
.noutrals on the Principle. of- equality.
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1,57. ? ?
26 Yugoslavia; Publication of treaty with Yugo-
slavia. It included agroomonts on thc most-
favored nation clause, and a protocol providing
for the ostablishmont Of trade delegations in ?
Moscow and Belgrade.
? 4 ; dt. Britain.; Russian radio announced that ,
its goVornmcnt had accapted Sir Stafford Cripps
as British Ambassador to theSoviet Union.:
8 . Lithuania:. Lithuanials-Promier.and Chief of
Staff arrived in Moscow,
United States; 'Pravda advised tho United' -
StateS?not to'ontor the war. If it did so, the
Float would havo to be mOvod into the Atlantic,
.thus leaving Japan. a free hand in the Dutch East
Indies and .possibly the Philippines.
12 Gt. Britain, Franco: Sir Stafford Cripps and
the new French Ambassador, M. Labounc, arrivod in
14 Lithuania: Ultipatum..prosontod to Lithuania,
expiring at 10 a.m.-the next day, domanding
resignation of. the Government.' It required
Lithuania to form a now Government which would
onjoy Moscow's confidoncc and to allow the pas-
? sage of Soviet troops.
15 , ? Germany: Agroomont with Germany for sottlo.:.
mont of frontier 'Incidents.
? Lithuania; Lithuania Occupied by Soviet
troops, although that country had agreed to
Soviet demands.
16 Baltic countries; 'Latvia and ,Estonia received
notes frbill ]:folotov, requiring an immediate change
.pf govornmont and free passage of troops to oc-
cUpy-important centers.
Both governments, accepted the domands.
24 . Yugoslavia: Announcement that diplomatic re-
lations with Yugoslavia had boon rosumod_ and
Arlbassadors had boon appointed by both govern-
26 Rumania; T:olotov at 10 p.m. handed the
Rumanian Minister a note demanding ilnodiato
cession of Bossarabia and Northern Bukovina,
giving Rumania till 10 p.m. on 27 Juno to reply.
27 Runania accepted demands of 26 Juno.
28 .Rumania: Soviet aircraft landed-at Corno:uti,.
Kishinov .(Chisinan), Akkprman (Betatea?Alba) and
30 Rumania Tass announced that theRod Al
advancing to occupy Bessarabia and Bukovina, had
bdon assisted by parachutists, and that the ad-
vance was procooding-"according to plan.;!
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-July 1940
1 :Estonia Tallinn radio announced the dissolu-
tion of the Fascist military organization, the
Hungary: Government protested to Rumania
against frontier accidents.
Rumania -; Foreign Hinister reported to the
cabinet on the evacuation of Northern Buhovina
and BesSarabia; defined the reorientation of ?
-Rumanian foreign policy as determined by the
Now European order in the course of establishment;
renounced the Anglo-French guarantee of April 13,
1939. The Council unanimouslyapproved.
Soviet Union: An. eight-billion ruble, 20 year
loan at four percent interest was announced.?
2 Germany: A-Swiss-correspondent in Berlin was
expelled for 'spreading lies about Russo-German
relations." ?
Rumania: The ? Foreign ilinister told the For-
eignAffair..i Committee Of-Parliament that Russia,
ineits two ultimatums, demandedeunconditional- re-
turn of the two territories; regardless of the
advice of Rumania's friends and allies to accept
the ultimatum,. a Note was sent to .loscow, sug-
gesting negotiations.. The Soviet's reply termed
this Note evasive and set a,time limit for ac-
ceptance of the demands.
. -Soviet Union The Baltic Fleet completed
o -
"7 \ Germany, Rumania: Tho German .1.anister arrived
back in Bucharest from Germany with instructions
to toll the Goverment that Germany for the pre-
sent was unable to offer Rumania a treaty of
alliance or Military assistance. .
Gt. Britain:. 1.1r. Churchill ?received the
4 Germany Four foreign press correspondents
expelled for reporting that Russo-German. rela-
tions had worsened., ? .
Rumania Government resigned; E. Gigurtu
formed a cabinet with 11. lIanoistescu (a member.
of the Iron Guard) as Foreign.lanister.
Soviet Union; harl7anovich 'released from his
duties as.Commissar.fer Heavy. InduStry and
succeeded by Sedin.-- Defense C=issar Time-
shenTho and the Secretary of the Uln'ainian Com-
munist party.Khrushchev reported in Bessarabia.
Rumania; A Government statement tnnounced
that in foreign affairs they intended to follow
a policy of the fundamental integration of
Rumania with the Axis system, simultaneously
intending to maintain the most cordial -relations
with all her neighbors.
.Turkey : German.accusatiors alleging that
Turkey had conspired with Britain and France to
.bomb Baku oil fields, denied in official circles,
and also in an official communique. ? '
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- 139 -
6 Germany: It was announced that Germany and
Soviet Russia had agreed to reopen three con-
sulates at three cantors in each country.
Rumania: The Prime Hinister said in a broad-
cast that "the directing of Rumania's foreign
policy within the framework of the Axis combina-
? tion is an accomplished fact."
Soviet Union; Izvestiya published the docu-
ments in the Goman vihi-EF?nook of Juno 29,
asserted that they revealed direct plans, for an
insidious attack on Transcaucasia.
Lithuania: The Government had ordered the
confiscation of Church real estate property
(Finnish report).
Turkey: ?The Soviet Ambassador had a long
interviow with the Gorman Ambassador.
8 Turkey: The Soviet Ambassador left for Hoscow.
0 Soviet Union: i= HoldaVian SSR was formed, com-
posed of Holdavian ASSR in the Ukraine and Bess-
10 Soviet Union: P.F. LoDaho was -neled Commissar
of Non-ferrous Hotallurgy, replacing Samokhalov.
? 1 Gt. Britain: Jr. Butler, in a reply to a
Parliamentary question about the German vihite
Book's allegations as to the British plans
against Russia, stated that the Government's
policy had been to improve and strengthen their
relations with the USSR. Success in this ap-
peared more likely since Ziarch, when the USSR
made a friendly-Proposal for the resumption of
the trade negotiations (first departure from the
unfriendly attitude since the breakdown of DO-
litical negotiations in August 1939). Hope_ was
expressed that the discussions going on in dos-
cow might remove the danger of Russia?s.working
either economically or militarily against Bri-
tain in the interest of Germany. ,!'dmitted, that
since Russials most valuable form of help to
Germany would be oil from the Caucasus, it was
the duty of the General Staff to examine whether
in certain eventualities it would be possible to
interfere with the output of oil there, but
averred that no attempt was made, to enlist the
cooperation of either Turkey or Iran in these
hypothetical plans.
Rumania: Government announced withdrawing
from the Lea-me of Fations.
Turkey: _rY'ass denied foreign press reports
that Soviet Government presented Turkey with an
ultimatum demanding territorial concessions.
13 Rumania: Partial demobilization announced.
14 Baltic States: :iescow radio stated the pro-
grams of a Labor-Peasant-Army front in the 3
Baltic States included: Alliance with the USSR;
Democratization of the Army; supnrcssion of the
Fascist organizations; land refor.a; moratorium
on peasant debts; free speech, organization,
right to strike.
Estonia: General election 1,61d, to decide on
the future status of the country-. Russian reports
stated that over 90% of the electorate voted for
the new popular party.
Latvia: General election resulted in over 90%
voting for the new popular party.
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14 Lithuania: General election was held; 90% of
the electorate voted for the now popular party.
16 Bessarabia: Forier 'Ionastory lands in Bess-
arabia have been distributed to landless peasants.
19 Finland: It was reported that the Govern:lent
had bben asked by the USSR either to derlilitarize
the aland Islands, or give Russia an equal share
in their control and occupation. Finland had de-
cided to dollilitarize.
Gt. Britain: Tass stated that :Ir. Churchill's
stataziont about Groat Britain having consulted
the USSR Govornlaont on the subject of the Buma
Road was an 'inexactitude, but :Ir. Butler, had
acquainted :kubassader :Taisky with the British
Governziont's decision.
Soviet Union: n ordor was issued providing
penalties for workers who loft ilachine Tractor
Stations without due cause.
, 19 Latvia:- Popular demonstrations in favor .of ?
joining the U$SR-roported'in Russian press.
Prine KirchonStoin Concluded 'a speech:
"Long live the Rod Amy.
Germany: Hitler's ?speoch to the 'Reichstag:
on the position with regard to the USSR he said.
that a Clear definition.of-GerUan-Russian in-
terests had been followed by a new basis for the
relations between the two countries.- ?
United States Chicago?Tribune correspondent
in Riga ordered to leavo??tho'colatry.
20 Gernany: Idoscow radio broadcast in.7,nglish
nado no Uention of Hitler's speech.' ,
21 Estonia The new National Assenbly -voted
unaniDeusly in faVor ef the .country beconing a
_.Soviet Republic and joining the USSR.
The now National Ilssoubly Voted
.unanimously to join the USSR.
-.Former Foreign Ilinister I.lunters- arrested by
the Soviet authorities. 0. .
'.Lithuania, The now National ssoubly voted
unanimously to join the USSR..
Soviet Union:. Stalin attended a parade in
?-lioScow of' 30,000 athletes chosen frm 6,000,000
young people frou all over the USSR.
23 GerUany: A delegation arrived in .1.1oscow to
arrange the evacuation of Gornans fron Bessarabia
and Northern Bukovina.
- Latvia: The new Parlianent had decided to
nationalize all land, banks, and large business
concerns (Swedish -report).
United?Statos? SuKiner 7,elles, in a state-
illent? for the press, expressed syrapathy with the
three Baltic Republics being "deliberately an-
nihilated', declared that the U.S. Governnent
would continuo to recognize the diplonatic
representatives in.Thshington of the Baltic
States now living "under duress," '
Yugoslavia Tass agency correspondent. in
Belgrade, in a speech, said that the .USSR rp-
gardQd Dr. Ilachek-as the guide and leader of the
Croatian people. -
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A 1940
Iran; Two,d.e,logations loft for lioscow, one
to discuss raL1.1-1a: traffic, the other agrioul-
tural and industrial questions.
Unitcd States; The State pcnaii,tnont, withdrew
the -linistors and Military :'1:tachos from Estonia,
-Latvia, and Lithuania.
26 Finland; --?groonont with the USSR reportedly
signcd in Moscow; Finland undertaking not to code
thc :3.aland Islands to any third nowcr, and to
denilitarizo thcp; also giving Russia tho right
to transport troops' and war natorial across
Finland to Hang.
Sdvict Union; The Peoples' Comnissariat of
Navy announced 160 warships to be added to Soviet
Navy during the yoar.
United States; Tho lic2ritino Conlission ap-
proved thc chartering of an oil tancr td a
Soviet organization to load gasoline for Vladi-
vostok. ?
27 Estonia: The State bank, 102 other banks,
500 industrial undertakings and about 100 print-
ing works reported nationalizcd.
Latvia; iderchant ships forbidden to visit
ports outside the Baltic without nermission
(Finnish reports).
Gt. Britain Soviet :-nbassador protested to
? tho Foreign Office against the tcnporary freezing
of balances hold in British banks for the, crodit
? of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.
28 .1fghanistan; Trade agrconent with USSR, signed
? in Kabul, announced by Tass.
Soviet Union; Davy Day celobrated;
Kuznetsov, the Co:laissar of the Navy, roported on
the additions to thc Foot in 1939 (112 units)
and 1940 (168 now shins to bc built).
29 Iran: .:, dclogation arrived in Moscow to dis-
cuss questions of railway transport. ?
?Rumania; No satisfactory reply had yet been
received in Lioscow to the deriand under the toms
of the 26 Juno agrconont for the return of loco-
notivcs and rolling stock re-loved from Bessarabia
and Northern Bukovina.
30 Latvia; The Minister to London, Zarins, and
the Minister to Washington, Bilmanis, deprived
of their citizenship and property for their re-
fusal to return hone,
Poland (London); Foreign nnistor stated that
in spite of their pretended hostility Moscow and
Berlin worked in a perfect agrooDont.
31 'Baltic States 1-oprosontatives of the i.'ssera-
blies of .the 3 Baltic States arrived in Iloscpw
for the mooting of the Suprono Soviet of the USSR.
Estonia; iderchant fleet reported nationalized;
Civil Guard arms and funds stated to have boon
handed over to the C=unist Party.
, United States; The Government issued orders
freezing the holdings ef"Estonia, Latvia, and
Lithuania. Mr. Sumner 'Jones told the Pro ss
that.ussia had protestcd through the U.S. Eh-
bassy in Moscow.
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.tugust 1940
? 1 Finland; _Lbassador.Paasikivi loft Moscow for
Japang Cabinet's doclaration on foreign pol-
icy reforringAo a new order in .greater T]astern
Tho Foreign Jinister told the press that
the policy that Japan should be friends with
-Dowors who assisted her in china, and should ro-
ject those. who obstructed her, /as still the
policy ofthe Govermont.
Soviet Unions Foreign Relations;. Foreign
C.o-4issar V.I.. Molotov's speech on the inter-
national situation; at the? 7th session of the
Suprome ScViet. Molotov ro-affimed-.4ussia's
neutrality?in.the war, and. defined Russian
policy towards the?belligorents'and.othor states.
He stated that the Geman-Soviet?Hon-aggression
grow in importance; saw Sir Stafford Cripps' ap-
pointment as an attempt by Great Britain to
prove relations justified the absorption of
three Baltic Stats by the ?failure Of the bour-
geois groups controlling the?goVernmonts of
applying honostly the mutual assistance pacts
with the USSR.
United States; -Molotov, in his major foreign
policy speech, declared that :,.;:lerican authorities
were withholding gold recently bought by the
USSR State, Bank fro:.'. the banks of the Baltic
States. The U.S. Goverment bore responsibility
for those illegal acts.- The U.S.' was also de-
veloping imperialist ambitions. in connection With
the pending redistribution of colonial possessions
of holland, Belgium, and Franco.
Finland;- Taos - report. that,a meeting sponsored
by the u?Socioty for Foriends'ilip,and.Pcaco with the
Soviet Union' had boon violently interfered with
by thc.police, donicd,by tho 'Finnish sources." -
Soviet Union ? .:, bill providing for the forma-
tion of a .1.1oldavian Federal Soviet ?Republic
passed in the Supreme Soviet. .
3 Lithuania The Supramo Soviet of the USS,
by an unaniLlouS vote, granted .Lithuania's appli-
cation to enter ? the USSh as the 14th Ficpublic to
join the Union.
Turkey! ,.1gonce _.-n_atolio accused the German
Ncws .1gency of nisquoting,:lolotov's speech in
using a phrase about the 'highly unpleasant
attitude of certain Turkish high personalities."
Thc press as a whole expressed satisfaction at
Molotov's assertion that Soviet relations with
Turk,a7 romc_ined unchanged.
5 Po1aiacl Ji1itary agreement with Groat Britain.
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6 Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania: The Supreme
Soviet of the USSR unanimously granted the ap-
peal of these countries for incorpnratinn in
the USSR.
Gt, Britain; The British Ambassador was re-
ceived by V.M. Molotov.
Switzerland: The Federal Council issued a
decree banning the, Communist Party, the Trotzky-
ists, and the anarchists.
United States: Renewal of the 1937 Commercial
Agreement with the USSR until 6 august 1941 signed
in Moscow. A 7Iashington massage stated that the
agreement did nottouch on the problem of the
Baltic States, or on the freezing of their funds
in the U.S.
Soviet Union: It was reported that the Soviet
Navy was holding maneuvers in the Pacific.
8 Brazil: Latvian ChargC d'Affaires Olins sent
a message to Dr. Aranha, the Brazilian Foreign
Minister, expressing gratification that Brazil
had prevented two Latvian steamers from going
to the Soviets.
Rumania: New Minister to the USSR, Gatoneu,
left for Moscow.
United States: Mr. Sumner 7elles was reported
to have described the results of a two-hour talk
on outstanding problems With the Soviet Ambassador
as Uencouraging.?
9 Finland; The Government issued a statement
? on the police incident on 6 August involving the
?Union for Peace and Friendship with the Soviets."
? Soviet Government pretested the killing of a
member of the Union by a Finnish volunteer from
Latvia: The Bank of Latvia ronorted Proclaim-
ed a branch of the USSR State Bank.
10 Bulgaria: The Bulgarian Minister to Mnscow,
Stamenov, arrived in Sofia to discuss with the
Bulgarian Government the difficulties created
between Russia and Bulgaria by the negotiations
to return Dobrudzha to Bulgaria.
Soviet Union: Stalin, Molotov, and Voroshilov
attended a reception in Kremlin in honor of the
delegates from Bessarabia, Northern Bukovina,
Lithuania, Latvia,? and Estonia.
11 -Buliraria: A manifesto by the Bulgarian Com-
munist PQ.rty described the Bulgarian Government
ts a ?Fhscist Dictatorship? and alleged that it
had refused Russian proposals for the conclusion
of a pact of friendship and mutual assistance;
was equally hostile to the Axis b.nd towards
British imperialism.
? Rumania: Now Al-bassadnr Gatoncu arrived in
? Soviet Union A decree was published provid-
ing punishment for larceny in industry.
United States: :fr. Herbert Hoover issued a
statement at Colorado Springs with regard to the
feeding of the population of the GCCUTACd coun-
tries; advocated permitting imports Of food from
USSR and the Baltic Countries.
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13 Baltic States: The. Commissariat for Foreign
.11ffairs in '-Moscow sent a Note to foreign orabaso,
sies and legations in. 1.-Ioscow asking them to -Close
all diplomatic and consular establishments in. the
Baltic States ,by .25 ugust..
Soviet - Union: Decroe ?abolishing political
cOr.r.Iiissars in the ,:r-f.ry and Fleet. ?
16 Soviet Union ; Goiiara1K.i. Mc.,,retskov was
appointed ,Chief of Staff of. the Red?i'irmy.
Sweden: Tho .Swedish Legations in the Baltic
.States wore -clrsed .and ? the Lithuanian, Estonian
and. Latvian Legations in Stockholm handed over
to a Seviet representative. .In-a review of
foreign 'policy, before the Rikscia..g stated that
trade negotiations with tho USSR were in DrogreSs,
in an. effort-to extend trade within the blockade
barrier. ?
, 19 Bulgaria, Rul:iania Delegates met in Craiova
to negotiate- the transfer of Southern Dobrudzha.
20 Gt . Britain :? churchi 11 I s speeeh in Parliament
(survey of the first year of the war) .includod
promise of far larger. .operations in the Middle
, East, and a ?statement - that the ?British had large
. armies and the moans of reinforcing them., and
complete sea command of ?the Eastern Mediterranean
( cf.' 21 -
21 Bulgaria, Rumania; grcenent for cession of
Southern Dobrudzha by Rumania. ? ?
Gt. Britain: Soviet. presS reported Mr. Chur-
chill's speech: of 20. :,.ugust omitting the, refer-
ence to :the E):)lack 'Sea and the Middle East.
Mexico; Leon Trotsky.?.died.
22 - Gt. Britain: :-Mbassador to Moscow received by
the Foreign Trade Commission..
Norway; - Communist Party banned by the German
aUthorities; some of the leaders. arrested'.
? ?- ? .?
. a
23 Ge rmany . The anni vo rs a ry of the Pact vati th the
USSR lauded by the German; the Deutsche
Diplomatischo ,Korrespo,ndeng Said that apart from
its exbelient political, results, ? the Pact had
opened ?u.-o prospects of successful? economic Co-
25 Rumania; Rumanian planes L-1.tiacir.ed by nod :dr
forces oVer? Rumanian territory in rEoldavia.
Frontier sltirmishes also reported.
? ? ?
.Ja-nan: joint cumm,inique is-sued by the
'Government of ?ManchUkuo. and 'Outer. Mongolia stated
that. the linked commisSion appointed. to fix a
boundary had reached an ?agreenent covering the
No).11onlian: Sector, ? and the ? C oMmi ssi oners had loft
Chita .for the frontier. .
--.United States; Mr. Martin Dies- declared that
Germany., Italy-, and Russia were carrying on what
seemed ?te be a e amM-on campaign of sabotage and
FLumania:: Report ori 'cicshes 17th ?Rumanian
aeroplanes c.nd.troploS.2in Liio],davi.a ?
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29unania: linistor to :loscow, Gatoncu, ro-
calved by ;Iolotov, who gavo hin certain
assurances concorning Soviotunanian relations.
Vico Ce: nissar for Foroign ffairs handod tho
I&Imanian Ilinister in :Joscov a Not? conplaining
of hostile actions by 7oamanian frontior detach-
monts and the violation of Soviot territory by
aimanian aircraft, and placing the responsibility
for any consoquoncos of these actions on the
iZumanian Govornuont. iinistar Gatoncu handed
over a iumanian reply to a Soviot protest ro- .
calved on 19 -Iugust. Tho reply contostod Soviet
allegations, stated that iZumanian frontior do-
tachLiont had boon fired on. The Vice Commissar
statod that Gatoncu's infornation would be von-
fled, but reiterated that the Soviot Govorniont
noodod an "carly and satisfactory answer ?3 to
the frosh protest. ,
? 30 -7or1d 'far II: Tho ILed Star, referring to tho
air attacks on ngland, statod that Gornan claims
of groat successes in air raids on Britain yore
untrue, as roll as tho statonont that Germany
had won mastory of the air over Britain.
Soptombor 1940
3 Soviet Union; :Lutumn ma.nouvers of the..ed
.'Hungary: - Trade Treaty with tho USS1-1 signod
in Hoscow.
Soviet Union; :alitary draft: Classes of
1920, 1921, 1922, with certain exceptions, called
up for 2 years military training.
5 Gt. Britain; Lord Halifax,,roviowing tho war
situation in the House of Lords, referred to tho
? dotrimontal activities in L',111-.1ania since the,ro-
nouncomont of tho British guarantee.
6 l'aluania King Carol abOicatod in favor of
Prince Ilichael.
Soviet Union; - Peoples' Co=issariat of
State Control has boon established, to bo headed
by Lov Jekhlis.
7 riunania: Gonoral :_ntonoscu entrusted with
forming a Cabinet.
Soviet Union: Y. Vyshinsky nariod first
Vice-Commissar of Foreign .,...ffairs.
8 Soviet Union: L.Y. Vyshinsky, Corner State,
Prosecutor, appointed Vice Culmissar for For-
eign :.ffairs.
Sweden: L. Trade and Credit -agreement with
the USSIL signed in Iloscow.
11 Germany: Somi-official reports current in ilos-
cow stated that the Deputy Commissar for Foreign
:Lffairs had rocoived the Gorman ...mbassader and
confirmed him that tho Soviet could not in
different b.o questions of tho control of shipping
on the Danube, and that the Soviet, as a state
bordered on the Danube, must. participate in tho
decision of ,questions concerning the Danube.
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12. - Poland Large numbers of Polos. fro::. the Vilna
district being deported to the interior of i.ussia.
13 uiania Tho Soviet Goverment wore understood
to have protested to the iZumanian govern:lent, for
the second tine, regarding the firing by Junanians
on a frontier patrol, ?to have ronindcd the
ilullanian Minister that no reply had boon received
to the previous protest of Al.iust 29. A ca-ip was
colipleted in Belgrade to accomnodabe 120,000
Germans leaving Bessarabia and Bukovina for Ger-
many ?
' -14.
? 1-umanic.,.,:. 1-ibports worc.current that the Soviet
Government -had askbd flumaniato?rolinquish all
the rolling Stock. which had been in Bessarabia
and Northe-r,nBukovina.? ?
18 ania - report fron the alssian sources
stated that the Soviet Legation had received an
appeal frm. the inhabitants .-f Northern Dobrudzha
begging for Soviet protection. It was stated in
:8ucarost that Minister Gatencu had boon sharply
cress-examined in :Tosco-a about the nature of the
enemy against whom :Lunania had accepted theaxis
Denmark:. Trade agreellent with the USS1-. -signed
in Tlescow.
20 icunania! :rticlos in the Bukaresti Tageblatt
attacked Soviet rule in Bessarabia.
21 Balkan States The iied Star stated that the
USS-J:Z, 'faithful to its 157---TiTT-77f peace and neu-
trality in the present war, is staying out of
the imperialist struggle in the Balkan pcnin-
sula."- (cf. 26 September.)
Bulgaria Caljunist members of the Parliament
protested the anproval of the Craiova _Igreement
with icumania, accusing the G',wern:lent of pur-
suing a pro-German-policy which would load Bul-
garia to disaster.
Gor-:lany The StUrner published a cartoon
vilifying the Jews, as Bolshevists and destroy-
ers of civilization. This was the first nress
attack on Dolshevisla since July 1939.
24 United States The Nor York Tines published
a no=randun stated to co,ntain Gornianyts war aLas;
according to it, in tho Sprin-- of 1941'Gc=any
would ncve into the Balkans and attach ,Zussia,
to restore the Brest-Litovsk Trpaty frontier.
26 . ? Balkan States: The I-,od Star ropudiatod a
statement in its issue 7772T-7ptember suggesting
,that theSovict Union was disinterested in the
fate of th:o Balkan Peninsula.
Turkey; - Tass :,,goncy issued a, denial of a
foreign report that the Soviet Goverment wanted
i. Sarajeglu (Foreign Tanister) removed.
United States V.olotev received the U.S.
Ambassador, .who had just returned to iloscow
after 4 months' absence. ?-
? 27. -Axis: ?Pact-between Germany, Italy
and Japan signed'in'Berlin-,, article 5 stated
that the throe Powers "affin.i.that,thc aforesaid
terms (Art. ..1-4) do* not in any way affect the
political .status which -exists at present as be-
tween each ef-the three contractingparties and
Soviet Russia.0
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Septe ibor
29 Gernan-:.; ladio bulletins, referring to the
axis Pact, stated that l'Political circles in the
Soviet Union who, of course, were inforned of
thc signing of tho, pact, nnte ,7ith particular
attention the fact that it will in no way change
the rolaticns between the three Powers and the
Soviet Union. On the contrary, the pact pro-
vides for a further development of these re-'
Japan: The Nochi Shinbun recomended the
negotiation of a pact of non-aggression with
flussia as a counter arrange:lent to,the U.S.-.
attitude in the international situation.
Japan: Tho Hoscow radio, in a review of
develnpuents in Indo-China, made no reference
to the :_xis Pact with Japan, but su]:rlarized
can and other press statopents on the Japanese
operations against Indo-China. -...:Icrican resent-
;aent against the Japanese novo was referred to,
and the review onded with the words: "Tensidn
in the Paciric is grnwing 700k by week." Pravda
stated that the Pact uth Japan cane as no sur-
prise; "lanrcever, infonaation.about the proposed
signing of the Pact had boon forwarded to T.losoow
before the signature. The cla,use rogarding the
Soviet Union expressed respect for -flussials neu-
trality, confinicd the strength and significance
of the Snviet-Gernan non-aggression pact. Tho
paper attributed the conclusion of the Pact to
th.., increasing cooperation between Britain and
.Lorica, and to an.agreacient for hanCing over
further bases in .:ustralia and the Far East,
wilioh it stated had boon concluded. It was true
that the U.S:11.. had not yet entered the war, but
this was not L-Aportant, as. she was 'already in
one of the warring
October 1940'
2 Soviet Union: decree establishing a syst=
for State Labor 1:eserves.
3 ,Soviet Union: decree eli-:Iinating stipend
for a:iost students and establishing tuition foes
for study above the seven-year-school level has
been passed.
6 Soviet Union: Defense C onni ssar Tinto shenko
reviewed fled ?-rciy :laneuvers in Leningrad r.-iilitary
8 Soviet Union; L.I. Zaporozhets was appointed
Chief of Political ,..,,:'.Liinistratinn of the fled
12 Soviet Unions Pravda, cainenting on :Iilitary
tactics, called for changes in tactics, training,,
etc. to conforiq with realities eperienced in
Finland and the Far East. .
13 Black Sea: The :tissian gover.irdent was under-
stood to have issued orders a for days earlier,
forbidding navigation by foreign vessels in the
waters of the Soviet Black Sea. Soon afterwards
a Yugoslav steaner was sunk near 5ulinal and the
-1-12.1anian nonitor Tirasnol, on the way fran Odessa.
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13 ,111-1an1a; Strong concontratirns of troons re-
ported in Bukovina and Bessarabia, and Cornauti
stated to have been largely evacuated by civil-
ians in order to be converted into a largo
military center.
14 Soviet Union; Foreign o1icjm5 rticles pub-
lished in press reaffirming that neutrality re-
mained the cornerstone of Soviet. foreign policy.
Goniany:, Dr. Schnurre, deputy head of the
Economic Depart-lent of the iLoich Foreign Office,
arrived In Moscow loading tc trade delegation. '
iituwnia Tass denIod the report of the Berlin
correspondent of the Danish paper Pclitiken in
which ho said that the Soviets knew in
the objects and the numbers of Gernan troops sent
? into ilu_aania.
? Turkey: lIelotev received the Turkish ,lubas-
17 Go many, Jaan: ThDlotov received the German
and Japanese -nbassadors
Soviet Union: Portuguese sources stated the
Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, at its last
meeting, had decided to ask for a credit of
57,000 rubles for national defense, representing
almost 32% of the, Thole budget.
20 Soviet Union: - decree was issued authorizing
the' transfer from their residences-to any place
whore their services wore needed of all engineers,
designers, technicians, economists, accountants,
and skilled workers of all kinds. ...11 such lion
transferred wuld receive a bonus of 3 tc 4
monthsl wages and other benefits.
22 Gt. Britain, Baltic States: Sir Stafford
Cripps handed a nate to Deputy Foreign Coniiissar
Vishinaky containg the following proposals as a
basis for discussion: (1) a do factd recognition'
of the incorporati,m of the 3 Baltic States into
tho Soviet Union; (2) a British pledge not to
? join any anti-wussian military coalition;
(3) an undertaking to give iussia a voice at
the peace cOnforence. In return, the British
asked aigsia to observe neutrality in the war
and to undertake no anti-British propaganda in
British' territory. Vishinsky was reported to
have suggested that the undertaking about propa-
ganda would be ono-sided, to ihich Cripps had
replied it would bo reciprocal.-
25 Danube Conference: Delegates left Moscow for
the Danube Conference.
Japan: Molotov received the now Japanese ---m-
bassador, General Tatokawa.
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Novel:Thar 1940.
3 Gt. Britain; ,^.n official.lioscow compunique
rejected the British protest against the Soviet
participation in the :,xis :love for control over
tho Danube, claining their participation in tho
ferning of a Danube- Connission restores the jus-
tice which was violated by tho Treaty of Ver-
sailles. .
Soviet Union: Non-connisqionod Officer ranks
created by an order to fill zaps in the ..Ced. .lrny
between officers and troops.
Soviet Unianr The 23rd anniversary of the.
October lievolution was?celebrated in iod Square
with' vigilance in light or present world affairs
stressed 'by CaaAssar of Defense Tinoshenko.
Soviet Union: Ex-chief of the ....dr ,Force
Loktionov appointed Cannander of tho Baltic
:Iilitary District.
10 Gornany: Molotov loft 7loscow for K.tImigsberg
and Berlin, accompanied by the Deputy Foreign
Conmissar, the Cmmissar for the Snelting In-
dustry, tho Deputy Calnissars for Internal
fairs, Foreign Trade, and aircraft Production,
the head of the Central European Departnent of
tho Foreign Office, the Deputy General Secretary,
and the Chief of the Diplonatic Protocol.
'Soviet Union; Lt.-Gonll V. Kachalov =led
Conmandor of the .Lrchangol Ililitary District,
and Lt.-Gonfl Cherevichenko nanod uonmander of
tho Odessa 31ilitary District.
11 Soviet Union: Pravda reported severe damage
in Bessarabia and Tart of Ukraine due to earth-
quake in i'tunania.
12 Gernany: Pronier and Foreign Coanissar
:iolotov had a three-hour conference in Berlin
with Hitler, in the presence of Goraan Foreign
Tanis-ter von labbentrop and. vicc-Coolnissar of
Foreign ;.ffairs V.G. Dokanasev..
15 Japan, China: Tass ClefliCCI_ a report that Japan
had reached an agreement with-.Aissia outlining
tho respective spheres of influence of tho two
countries in the Far East, and including a
.Soviet undertaking to cease aiding China.
16 Germany: Gorman consulates at Leningrad,
Vladivostok, and Batun were opened, indicating
reaffinaation of Ger:Ian-Soviet friendship.
ussia also recognized GernanyTs protectorate
of Slovakia by publishing the two-year old
treaty between the 1Zeich and Slovakia.
Soviet Union; Lad -my reservists aged 19-49,
non 40-49 lacking previous military service, and
women 19-49 in defense industries requi'red to
register during December 1940."
20 Slovakia: Slovak Trade lassion arrived in
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1940 '
22 Ge many: Tass announced the appcintmont of
V. G. Dohanasov, Soviet Vice Cainissar of For-
eign ffairs, replacing ,..-lexandor Shhhartzev,
as :.=_Ibassadnr to Geniany.
Hungary; Tass donied'a report in the Han-
burger Frendonblatt assorting that Hungary in
joining the -xis had had the approval of ussia.
23- ' Gornany: -Innnunconont that Dekancsov, De-
puty Foreign Connissar, had replaced Shuartsevas,
nbassador to Germany.
29 Bessarabia: IZUssian sources deny the report
that a 'revolution had broken out in Bessarabia
because of scarcity and high prices of food, fuel,
and nodicinos.
United States: The Departnent of State an-
nounced that it will open a U.S. Consulate Gen-
eral in Vladivostok after receiving approval fral
the Soviet goverment.
30 Soviet Union: Kalinin's speech liade public,
declaring that Plussia was like a "besieged
fortress", occupying one-sixth of the world no-
posed on principle by the other five-sixths.
December 1940
December '
5 China: Constantin Snotanin, iLussian --_-.1bassador
to ,Tanan, advised Japan that iLussian policy
towards China had not changed despite the Japanese
recognition of the Nanking regi-.:1e.
6 Slovakia: Gorman reports announced the sig-
nature of a trade agreement between the Soviet
Union and blovakia, fnr the exchange of lussian
cotton, chemicals and leather for cables, elec-
tric apnliances and artificial silk.
9 SoViot Union; Tho Supreue Economic Cotincil
decreed rationing of gasoline for passenger and
goverment autonebiles.
12 Poland; Ger-lany:, Announcement of final de-
limitation of frontier between Germany and i'iussia.
? 15 Soviet Union: Town and District Soviets
elected in the first local elections in Soviet
1-lestern Ukraine and Karolo-Finnish SS, despite
some local opposition.
21 LIoscow protested to 1-mnania against
the arrest of "so-called Comnunists.
25 Germany: Growing tension between liussia and
Ge many indicated by the USSIZ's sudden withdrawal
from the nixed Danubian Co]=1:lissirn, and increas-
ing pretests to lcunania over the anti-Ca,lanist
activities of ion ...ntonesculs Iron Guard.
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January 1941.
1-- Soviet Union:-: Stalin's New Year's Message
stated that the,USSicvas prepared for every
eventuality, and was in a state of total
Gt. Britain: Tass denied British reports
that Stalin had conl'lented on thc international
situation in thc Soviet press.
United States: British objections to U.S.
rubber and cotton exports toussia, constituting
a leak in the British blockade of Germany, re-
ported in 2zAcrican press. ;:lartin Dies' stated
that he had proof that ):.1.(ley was being trans-
ferred fraa thc Soviet accounts to the accounts
of Germany,- and that the USSh was using its po-
sition in the U.S. to aid the Axis.
Bulgaria:, Sofia radio revealed thousands of
petitions wore being received by and the
Goverment urging that Bulgaria stay out of the
war and that a pact be signed with the USST, to
insure peace and neutrality.-
? , China: Second part of a general Soviet-
Chinese Trade Pact signed (cf. 11 December 1940,
12 3Ylnuary 1941).
Soviet Union: TiIipshenc, Defense Colraissar,
ordered strict cconony in-usc of gasoline and oil
by the hod .1,rny in order to build up reserves.
Balkans; Soviet ;Iinisters to Bulgaria, Yugo-
slavia-, ..aumania, and TIungary loft for a confer-
one in linscov on the Gorman penetration of the
Bulgaria: 'Reports that the Soviet Govermont
? had'agrced to .a Gorman occupation of Bulgarian
erritory verc:currcnt in Belgrade.
Soviet Union; Lai' Force: Period of service
increased from .3 to 4 years.
'Bulgaria: The Director of the Centrai?Euro-
pcan Division.of the Soviet Coianissario.t Of For-
eign ffairs arrived in Soria as 'first counselor
of the Soviet Embassy..
Gernany: :Existing agreements with the Soviet
Government covering paynents for commodities ex-
changed reported extended to ,I.I.gust 1942.
Runania: Tass denied runers that the :Iinister
to akInania had boon recalled t, :loscov.
_Talaania: Tass denied that the, Soviet.TTinistOr
to Bucharcst.had been recalled.
United States: Bureau of Hines revealed that
tho Soviet Union had 'Decal? the third largest'
? purchaser, of .,1morican copper since thc outbreak
of the war.
8 Lithuania: Council of People's Conmissars of
O the Lithuanian SS1Z decreed to exempt peasants and
agricultural workers from arrears in taxes, levies
and fines as of 1 JcCnuary 1940.
United States: Conversations between Soviet
nbassador K. Dumansky and Under-Secretary Welles.
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10 ,:lrgentina: Soviet Trade Mission reported on
route to Buenos Lires.'
Germany; Throe accords sighed with the Soviet
Union:. Trade ar;reement extending for. one .year
the agreement signed on 11 February 1940; an
agreement on the settlement of mutual property
claims concerning Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia
and on the .exchange of nationals; .o. Treaty on .
the Soviet-German frontier from the River Igorka
to. the Baltic Sea.
. United States Presidential proclamation on
the licensing system (cf. 3 February). '
11 - Soviet Union; lzvestiya editorial protesting
that leading political personalities in Groat
Britain and U.S. accused. 'USSR of infringing the
laws of neutrality by selling 'grain to Germany
whole condoning, U.S.' selling, warships to Britain;
predicted' that in 1941 USSR-would conclude now
trade agreements with neutral, and belligerent.
powers, ignoring the ?strictu'ro's of or powers
of Soviet ?dealingS wi'i7rh'Germany.
12 Bulgaria: Tass agency-denied: that the Bul-
garian government had approached the USSR with
the question-whether the Soviet Government ',con-
sentod. to _Tho arrival of German troops in Bul-
garia (cf. 5 January),.
Latvia: Council of People's Ca=issars of the
Latvian SSR. decreed to cancel old debts and taxes
against farmers.
Soviet Union; Supreme Soviet of USSR; 130 de-
:iputies elected from Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian,
Tioldavian Republics and the izmail and Czornowitz
regions of the Ukrainian SSR.
Docree.for reorganization and expansion of,
'local industries to inorease-productionof con-
sunors"goods and food products.
13 China: Third part of a. General?Soviet-Chincse
Trade pact signed (a hurter agreoment providing
for exchanging 100,,000,000 worth of tea for
military ,supplies, and'minralS for;machinory)
(cf. 11 December 1940,',4 JaruarY. 1041).
Soviet Union; Food'; Decree for tho- decentrali-
zation of food and. conSumers' goods. industries,
ostablis:ftliont of smaller plants utilizing local
raw materials. ?
Germany: 7stimatod 57,000_120001e to be re-
patriated from the. Baltic States under, the terms
of the Soviet-German :pact (cf. 10 January). -
18 United States; Secretary Hull stated in a
press.conforence that.?ho'doubted that any substan-
tial supply of goods was going from South :,.merica
to Soviet Pacific ports for possible reshipment
to Gernany. r
- .11n executive order -was .drawn up freezing all
foreign a'ssots_in the U.S; and was awaiting the
President's Signature.
. -paL_; Bxt?nsion of the fishorioagroonont
signed; Tass stated this was ua stop forward in the
cause of liaprovement in Soviet-Japanese rela-
Switzerland;' Trade delegation arrived in
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153 ??
21 Japan: Foreign Tanister Yosuke Tiatsuoka, in a
review of foreign policy before the 'Japanese Diet,
declared that Japan dosirod to ronovo Japanese-
Soviet mipunderstanding; stated 'sone of those
pending issues are now well on the way to settle-
United States: State Department announced the
lifting of President Roosevelt's unoral obargou
on the USSI, 2,11 the articles covered by the
0:Margo (airplanes, etc.) were still subject \to
export license system.
. 28 Finland: Kuusinen, in 'a speech in Potrc-
zavodsk, stated that the Finnish Government was
persecuting the Society for Peace and Friendship
with USSR. -
Gt..Britain; :Iinistor of Econonic Warfare
Dalton told the House of Co=ons that he had a.:1-
? plc evidence that the usni-z was exporting goods
from Gemany, replacing then in the U.S. '
United States: Socrotary Hull questioned
F. Dalton's figures, stated U.S. cotton exports
to the USSR were comparatively snail; declared
that the. 'lifting of the Iloral onbargou. was done
largely for psychological effect.
.30 Bulgaria: :grarian and Conmunist Deputies in
'Sofia urged ? a treaty of friendship and mutual.
assistance with the USSR. ? '
Soviet Union; Pravda announced that duo to
..organizational changes, hod Army?training and -
-activity reached 1--toximuai approatkon to real
Hconditions of warfare.
31 Gt. Britain: ---lbassador Ilaisky protested to
'the British Foreign ?Moo against the detention
and sequestration by British warships of cargoes
bound for Vladivostok.
Soviet Union: Press published short outlinos,
without c.mient, of Hitler's speech of 30 January
attacking Dcriocracy and British Empire. \
February 1.941
.Fobruary ? ?
1 United States: .Treasury Department liberal-
ized the frozen fund control, permitting larger
remittances. ? Latvia,. Lithuania and Estonia af-
fected by the. ruling.
-3 Japan: Japanese7Soviet Cmnission appointed
to work out anon fisheries convention.
Soviet Union Supremo Soviet decree dividing
the People's Commissariat for Internal :..ffairs
into People's Conmissariats.for internal ,Iffairs
Ben) and for State Security- ,(17. i'derkulov).
L. Boria also appointed Vico-Chair:Ian of the
Council of Peoplo'S Cmmissars..
United States; ,Copper, brass, bronze, nickel,
potash were added- to the licensing system (cf..
7,10 January).-
UnderSecre:tary 'Aellos discredited 1:Texico City
,reports that the USSR: was -planning on attack on
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4 Turkey: Tass Agency denied that a'socrot
Turko-Soviet agroomont had boon onncludod under
which the Soviet Union undertook to supply
armamonts to counteract possible Gornan activity
in the Balkans.
United States: 'Oil- woll.drilling and refining
machinery, calfskins, radium and uranium to coma
under the licensing systo (cf. 10 February) to
prevent transshipment to Germany via USSR.
Soviet Union: President halinin sent congratu-
lations to president Rnosovelt on his inaugura-
tion for a third torn.
-.United States Lend-lease Bil1-azi.endmont., to
exclude. USSR from receiving aid, .defeatpd in the
1:aritime. Commission approvod the charto ring
of two ,..,.morican cargo ships by the Lmtori::
'Trading Corporation,
, .-
8 Poland:. -Tho Polish Information Center. in
Yew York ostimatod that 500,000 inhabitants of
Russian-occupied territory -in Poland had been
oxilod to Siberia. Of those 70% were Pes, and
the rest Ukrainian.
Soviet Union; Pravda called the floxican re-
Dort of an invasion of :daska by the USSR.- a case
of udolirium tromons.;1 -
9 Japan, .ianchoukuo- Japan reported acceding
to alleged Soviet demands that lihite Russian and
anti -Soviet organizations be curbed in ::anchnukuo.
Soviet Union: ambassador Dodd's diary quoted
by Tass to the effect that the former
William C. Bullitt i'scomingly approved unlimitod
aggrossinn against the Soviet Union in the- last
as well as in the West', and that. several at-
tempts had been made. by .Lmorican and British
politicians to provoke a clash between Germany
and the USSR.
10 Bulgaria: Soviet Special Envoy, _^rkady
Sobolov, roDorto'd infnrylin[s- the Bulgcrian Govern-
ment that the USSR would not interfere if Germany
demanded passage of her troops through Bulgaria.
11 Belgium: trade delegation of throe Gorman
and five Belgian officials arrived in :loscnw to
regulate the Soviet-Belgian exchange of goods.
,Soviet Union: General Zhukov named Chief
of Staff of the Rod -rmy and Vice-Comnissar of
Defense, replacing K.R. :torotskov.
12 United States; Export lipensing?system:.
large metal drums and containers for transporting
crude oil and -gasoline added; effective 15 Febru-
13 Sweden: R SwoCish n to negotiate
for the settlement of property claims in con-
noction'with the Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian
Republics arrived in :loscow.
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19 1
- 155 -
Feb ru a ry
14 Bulgaria: Sofi report that the Soviet Tini s -
ter *had_ stated Soviet policy vi s -a -vi s the Ge man-
Bulgarian relations was one of peace and non-
interference in tho internal affairs of any other
Japan: New thass ad or to G iany stated that
close Soviet-Japanese relations were a losical
consequence of nvi c t -Go rl 'an re ti ens , and
? necessary to.the construction of a new world
15 Soviet Union; The -18th. -Uni on Conference
of the C onmuni s t Party ? opened: in I.Ios c
17 ? Balkans: 'Turk? -=B-0.1,7)?ari,an. non-aggro s s ion pact
signed in :zil-cara;. Turkish sources quoted saying
that other. Balkan countries and probably Great
Britain, Germany - and USS-Ji were consulted before
the Bulga-ri an -Turki sh t re t y Was s
18 Gt.. Britain; Sir Stafford Cripps ,arrived in
Istanbul froi?i Noscovr,
Soviet Union; 2i rmalient s : The _C ss ar for
the State i Plan, addressing the 18th :..11-Union
Conference in :.I0S c ow, stated ikussia must spare
no pains for. the greater production.. of tanks,
aircraft and warships, so as to keep the country
in a state of readiness for war. ?
Turko -Bulgarian pact; ? 'los c ow radio , stated.
that the pact was signed " through. -the interven-
tion of iZussia , Greece, and England., that Ger-
many' would have to fight for the right to march
thr ough more neutral countries, arid not
forgot the Turko-Britishpact- .of friendship.
19 Soviet Union ; Vznoonsky, Chairman of
Council of Defense Industry and of Gosplan re-
ported to the _Party -Conference on -1.-nd.ustry and
production of 1940 and- plans for 1941.
C ommuni s t Part7 mo,:ibershi p was 2, 515, 481 with
1;361 , ,.104 candidates, an increase of. 1,399,31.9
in the two categories since Parch 1939.
20 ? China: Chungking denied that the Soviet
Government had demanded .that the Chungking
Goya =lent s ? -atti tude -toward the Chinese C Om-
nuni sts be ,defined.
Germany 'Soviet' .LallbasSador Dekanos ov added
to the Central C omit te e of the C ommuni st:- Party
Gt.. Britain.: Soviet :4-.1bassador Liaisk'y also
added to the Central C t tee of the 0 ommuni st
Party iii Moscow.
Soviet Union; Communist Party ; 18th Confer-
ence ended (cf.. 15 February).IC.aganovich was
reprimand.c.,,d for bad ? work.
? Thai land: I.iontri, dsslstant Minister
Education, arrived in-Moscow: said to be
negotiating diplomatic and commercial ons
United States Post 'Office DeDartment dis-
closed seizing and -burning 15 tons of printed
te r ia 1 comma large] ,fr 01:1- Germany. and the
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21 China: Foreign Tanizter 7ang Chung-hui state(
that Soviet -ii?ussia's aid to Chiang Kai-shek would
continue unabated; that he doubted the USS'IL would
sign an agreement with Japan that would Modify
Soviet relations 7ith China.
Soviet Union Voznesensky,: Shcherbakov and
Malonkov were made alternate members of the
? Changes were announced in the membership of
the Central Committee of the Cam:munist Party and
warnings were issuc('to members important
administrative posts.
Uaxirj Litvinov among several others was dis-
missed from the Central Com_littec of the Communist
Party for. 5Inabilit7 to discharge oblic:ations'.0
United States 'i?he Department of Commerce ro-
Dnrtcd that I4.issian 'impOrts from the United States
In 1940 tota1cd?U861943,0001 making her this
ccuntrY's third largest customer. U.S. imports
from-Jussia were valued at 22,274,000 as com-
pared to 45,023,000 in 1939.
22 Netherlands: ?British protests alleging that
Dutch. vegetable oils may be reaching Germany via
Vladivostok answered by authoritative Dutch
sources statin. that export permits allowed the ?
USSIi oily enough oil for Soviet domestic needs.
Soviet Union; The Central Committee of the
Communist Party charged Gosplan.with the task of,
laying out a general fifteen-year plan.
Turke-Bulgarian Pact (17 February): Tass de-
nied Basle ?report that the pact was concluded
with the .active assistance of the Soviet Union.
23 Soviet Union; Defense: Emphasis in ?Toeches
commemorating 23rd anniversary of od -rmy on
Soviet preparedness against any fee. Tlarshal
Timoshenko said the ;led :-1-.117 was ready to uan-
nihilatb any one violating our sacred frontiers.'
24 Switzerland: Two-year trade agreement with
the USS1, signed; elect-Meal appliances, dynamos,
other precision machinery?to be exchanged for
grain; timber, oil, and cotton worth 262.4 million
Swiss francs.
United States: 'Tlashingten press reports al-
losing that the diplomatic discussions were not
pro7ressing-well, owing largely to the Soviet's
inability to purchase machine tools, etc. in the
U.S under the expert licensing system. '
? 25 Soviet Union;.Budget: .1?1c Supreme Soviet
? voted a 26% increase in the military budet? and,
doubled the peasant's income tax to pay for 'arms -
production. ? Tho. 1941_bud7et totalled .
215,400,000;000 rubles, compared to' 179,000,000,000?
rubles in 1940.
-Soviet Union; Defense:, Supreme soviet met;
budget presented by the Finance Commissar contain-
ed defense estimates totalling 70,900 million
? rubles.
26 Rumania: Two-year treaty- of commerce and
navigation with the USSR, wheriby ikulania will
ship 4,000,000 worth of high test gasoline,
:mineral oils, and industrial products to ilussia
? the first year, and will receive an equal amount
of cotton, manganese, and other materials.
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Balkans; H.,-asnaya Zvozda ca-liented that a
stru-glo was being wagedibeTroon Tlernany and
Britain for the renaining neutral Balkan coun-
t,. tries.
Japan; Through tickets to "]uropo via Siberia
from Japan reported being linite_d by the USSR
United States:- Diplomatic conversations be,-
twoon _LnbassaJor Ounansky and 'Under-Secretary,
hellos resumed (cf. 0 January)i
28. ? United States: Former -mbassador to the. USSR,
Willian C. Bullitt,. attacked the USSR in a speech
before the, Overseas Pross
--2.arch 19/11
.1 BUlgaria: Soviet. reProsontativo informed
that the goverment had agreed to the entry ,of
German.treops into Bulgaria for the purpose of
conSolidating peace in the Balkans.
: United States:. Soviet -nbassador Oumacisky
informed the :Issistart Secretary of?Stato, ,
Ifelles, that all goods bought by Russia in the
U.S.. wore-for the exclusive use of.her 'domestic
industryo Protest also' nado to the State Do-
partnent against the seizure of nail to the U.S.
from .the USSR (cf. 20 February).
2 .1Tungar: agreement .with the USSR establishin
direct rail comnunication he 1.10 scow and
_Budapest, signed.
Bulgaria: jiinister in iloscow -informed by. the
' Vico Foreign ?Commissar protesting Bulgarian at
titude on the entry of. German troops (cf. 1 March)
and refusing Soviet Support. to Bulgarian policy.
United States: State Departnent.announced
that it had protested to the Soviet Government
against the alleged pillaging of the Jr-norican
'Catholic Church in Moscow. Soviet authorities
promised an investigation.
- :Finland: Soviet-Finnish relations declared
brought back to normal; in the annual report to
the Finnish Parliament, by the Foreign Tanister.
Gt. Britain: - :.mbassador Sir Stafford Crips
returned to Moscow.:
Rumania: Belgrade report that as a result
of 'a Soviet ultimatum to Rumania for cession to
the USSR of naval bases on the Black Sea, Pre-
mier .:.ntonescu left for Vienna to, confer with
Bulgaria, 'Turkey: a3d Star stated that the
entry. of Gorman troops into Bulgaria i=ediato17-)t
after her adherence to the Tri-partite Pact had
shown the real 'neaning of the act of 'larch;
declared that diplonacy was obviously aimed
at neutralizing Turkey.
7 Rumania: Tass denied Soviet Union demanded
Black Sea base's (cf: 5 March).
8 Ru-lania: Premier :litonescu revealed that Hit-
ler, Mussolini and Gearing had been given veto
power overall Rumanian oconn:lic agreements with
foreign countries.
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- 153 -
9 Turkey :Soviet forces :Jas.sed on the Turkish --
border a Ge man dive b ea:the rs landed on the Isle-
. f Nhodos.
11 ? r.Gt. Britain: ? ;,:libassador CriPos received by
the Vice -C ormissar for Foreign ::_ffairs
i',.;_ilbo.ssador to 1.1o.sco,..7 assured. by .
Llolotov - that Turkey would not be attacked by the
USSli if it entered the war (unoffici-al -Inkt-.!_ra -
12 Thailand.: Notes establishing di plo:,-lati c 1,0.7
lot i on s exchanged - in :.iosc (-3w f 28 )
15 - Soviet Union: Decree :Jaking growing of silk
obligatory in certain. regions in order to increase
1005'silk productin in _the next five years.
16 ? - Soviet Union ;- _Stalin Prizes awarded to
Shfllokhov, -Tolstoy, -Shostakovich and Ei son-
17 Turkey 1,?i.bas sad_or in Tii.o,sc ow conferred with .
Vice C o-zr.eri ssar Vy shin sky
18 ? Soviet -Union-: Transit. of war 1-iaterials banned
unofficially; ban put in effect ( cf. 29 L,pril).
- ? United States 0-L?Ell.issi on' re j ected
the Soviet application._ 'GO charter an :---ilerican
ship to carry a ? cargo- to Vladivostok.
19 United - States; .--:1130..ssador Steinhardt inf orrJed
by the, Soviet Foreign Office of the arrest- of
.thieves re spf.-.)nsi ble for the robbing of the :.11-1.eri-;
can Catholic Church in Liosco'o ( cf. 4 1.Tarch) .
_ 20 Hungary Tho oviet Union returned flags cap-
tured. in 1840.
S ()Viet Uni on * Isakov ro Chief of Staff of
tl-le "Navy ( replacing Gallor, who was appointed
Vi co -0o-zErei ssa r nf Navy),
- China ? (Occupied) z TJSSTL C onsulai-,o, to be re-
opened _in Shanghai
? France ( Vi ch-T ) Charge (17,...ffaires Bocr-
nelev prcnoted to the rank of L.:fbas sador-.
22 .Turkey 41n1.'cara Goverment' reported assured
by the Soviet Govern-lent :that they would do .
nothing to enbarrass Turkey should he r_ rolati on s
..-with any third -.power grow rapidly worse. .
23 ? Japan: Japanese foreign -.I11-lister Ilatsucha
arrived in T.loscow.
United. States; Gorin, conviCteC. _of buying c
infory-ri.atinn on Japanese activities on the Pacific
Coast, left for Vladivostok, his sentence :having
boon suspended on the assurance that he would
leave the country Lir:16(j ?
24. .? Jap . -Foreigns to r suoka received by
Ve L'iolotov,i_n the presenbe of J. Stalin..
? Tur7.ey ; ? Tu -vire and tile ?USSN exchan?ged st at e
to their relations in the event that
one of the two countries became involved in the
war; .neutrality and full undo rstandinc,, predli sod
? by.beth. ? .?
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25 United States-:_ Undor-Secretary 1Jal,les ex--
pressed U.S. satisfaction with the Soviet stand
vis a vis Turkey (cf. 24 1-1arch)
r:ashington sources reported that the U.S.
Goverment was looking with nore favor on trade
with the Soviets, in view of their position in
relation to Balkan developD.ents and their assur-
ance that purchases in the U.S. were intended
exclusively for doDestic use.
? Yugoslavia: Yugoslavia signed the Tri-Partite
Pact of 27 Septerlbor 19/1Q. .11Inister to Moscow, .
Milan Gavrilovich (Leader of_the-grarian Party),
resigned fra-.7, his: post in. protost.-(cf. 19 July).
27 YugnslaVia: .Prince Paul dopes 06
-assuiled newer.
28, .YugosIavia Events of 25-27 January. 7iven?
,great prorainence in Soviet press.
29 Soviet Union; C=issariat of 1-1Ubber Industry
was estcblishee by T. I. -atr-khir.
Yugoslavia: .Linister to Moscow Gavrilovich
agreed to retail-1 This pot under the new g:worn-'
dpril 1941
1 . Soviet Union: SuproI:Ae, Soviet of in:PSTi. opened
its fourth session.
-71-tgoslaviaz. Pravda denied a report that the
Soviet Gover=ont had -congratulated the new ?
BelgradeiGoverment, but stated that
have -been notnino. extraordinary in this if it
had been the case.
. France (Vichy): 71-11.1. Labonno succeeded by
Gaston -Berzery as nibassador to McSenw.
Yugoslavia : Fivoyear Treaty of friendship.
and non-aggression with no USSh signed in Moscow;
cane into force on signature.
GerLiany: ,Gemany invaded Yugoslavia and Greece.
Japan: Mr.. Matsucka arrived in Moscow and had
a. long discussion with V. TTolntov; told the ',Dress
that the Yugoslav-Soviet pact would not affect
russials relations with Germ /any of. 23, 24.March).
United States: Secretary Hull, in a press con-
ference; declared the Soviet-Yugoslav pact
(5 .Lpril)-?ilencouraging.'
8 .Japar; Mr. ...tat-suoka?was no guest-of the U.S.
.:zabassador in Moscow.
9 Gt. Britain: Priz-e Minister Churchill stated
in the House of CoLy,ns that 'there are liany
signs which point to an abtoldlyt to secure the
granary if the Ukraine and the nil fields ,of the
TEstcnia: Suprale Soviet opened with 1941 State
budget as nain business.
Norway: Norway signed a -rode agree:lent with
the USSIL.
United States; U.S. Government sued the Curtis-
riright Conpany for clai'is against it, assigned to
the U.S. by the Soviet Gove-r=ent.
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11 Sovict Union:- Council of Peoplels-Cmaissars
ordered a restriction on the indiscrininate colo- .
bration of anniversaries.
Yugoslavia: .1inister to Bulgaria :Iilanovich
reported about to leave for Moscow.
12 Hungary, :Yugoslavia:. Hungarian Minister
Kristoffy.called,en the Vice Ca:lnissar Vyshinsky,
and interned of the occupation of the.Yugo-
-slav'territory north of Belgrade. Vyshinsky de-
clared bad dnpression.was produced by. the -attack
coninr,:.only 4 nonths after the signing of the
YugoS1av-Hun7arian pact of porflanent friendship..
13 Japan; ,:,. Pact of neutrality .with.the USSiwi
signo in iloscow, to run for ? five years (cf. 24,
27 pril). M joint statenent -declared that the
territorial integrity, and inviolability-of
Mongolian Peoplc2s :iepublic would be respected
by Japan, of the Enpire of ilancheuhuo by ,ilussia.
14 China:_ Chungking reports that the .USS:;.
Gevernr.iont had assured the- Chinese Gevernnent
that its policy of te China was not altered
by the pactwith Japan.
Japan: Pravda Stated that the developnent
of both countries -nada it imperative- for them
to be good neighbors.; that in signing the Pact
the Soviet. Union and Japan assUmed "aortain obli-
gations which they willcertainly fulfill.'
United States: Secretary Hull declared that
the significance of the.aisso-Japancse Pact .
(13 -.1pril) overestil.latod", the pact
being merely "descriptive: of a situation which:
has in effect existed...for ?se-,-le time past.
The U.S. -policy was declared unchanged. ?
15 Hungary: Issued a statonent on its occupation
of part of Yugoslavia, stating that .1joscowls
criticisn indicated that the Sovict?Governnent
iwas not correctly infornod. of the facts.
MengelianTcople's?Ilepublic: .Congratulated
Stalin and 1.1eletcv hn the conclusion of the
Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact (of. 13
- United States: ,Secretary Kncyjc stated in a
broadcast that the ]iusso-Japanese agreement was.
the latest link in chain ofeneirclenent-of the
U.S. by antagenistic'powersr served no useful
purpose to IZussia, ar7ainst
16 Bulgaria: I'Leported invading Grecian Thracej
Bulgarian-Yugoslav relations reported severed.
.Gt..Britain:- Secretary -Eden reported con-
versing with :,.-nbassador naiS".y in an.attanpt to
improve Soviet-British-relations.
-Yugoslavia: Yugoslav aviation- offic-ors and
men reported arriving in Hoscew.
17 United States: hiaritine Co=ission .approved .
a charter for a tanker to carry oil to Vladivos-
tok or Nogayevo.
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- 161
18 Turkey; --inkara reports that the Soviet ?
Govornnent.had c:loarly indicated to the Turkish
Gevernnent their d..:Jire that Turkey .should re-
fuse concessins. to Gern.any.?
, United States Dopartc:Iont of CaaJorce re-
leased February 1241 ficures for trade with the
USS-.C1 (U.S. exports, ?09,342,000; inports, 1515,000).
19 Iran:- Soviet-Iranian friction denied by
Iranian Sources in Uoscow,
Japan, Gornany; ?Pravda denied that the Zcasse-?
Japanese pact was either directed a[?:,ainst Gernany
or sined.under Gornan pressure stated liussials
Policy as that of naintaininapoace and avoidinc
an extension of the-;-war.
-20 Iran; ,Leports were current that the US-1 was
donandinoc the richt to .nccupy the northern prov-
inces and an outlet to the Persian Gulf.
Japan: ?-.2nt-iy of foroicners by way .of. :anchuria
banned hp.. the USn between -pril 17. and Nay 3.
Japanese rep62ts attributed this action to -1-uss1an
_troop :::Loven.ents. In -iianchuli? r. Tatsuoka-Statod
that the condlusion of the pact with the UPS Ii was
beyond Japan's fondest oxpoctations.
21 Finland: Hew Soviet envoy, Pavel Orley, ar-
rived in Helsinki.
United States: Secretary Hull, in a press
conference, nininized the inportance of conver-
sations with .Lmbasador Chimansl, statoci the7
had boon desultory and concerned only ninor
22 'Iran: Iranian trade representative, in -nerica
issued a denial" of Soviet-Iranian-friction.
. Japan Pact with-lbassia (13 ,-eriI) ratified
by the Priv.:? Council.
26 8oviet Union; 500 nilo autonobilo Th.ihvay
was conploted:fron Stalinabad to. KhoroC? on the
..'..Zhanistan border.
27 Gt. Britain' Prino 1/1inister_Chilrshill, in a
spee-ch stated that. Gornany nay seize for a tine
the Ukraine and tine Caucasus.
28 Soviet Uni on; Foroicn.Trade Connissar !likoyan
pronulf;atod a decree ferbiddinc the shinnent of
war naterial throuh the Soviet Unicn, listinc
especially nuni tions, airnlano part s, and nachinc
29 Baltic States; internal.passport syston was
instituted in .the Baltic 1,2:publics to ronove
persons not oncacod in Productive :Labor fro
Foreicn-Office ratified an exchanco
acroenent .whoreby.the Soviets would receive oil.
in return for cotton anf. notal.
Soviet Union Connissariat'of Ferein Trade
decreed a ban on 'Ce shipnent'of all war nate-
rials the Soviet Union.
Tadzhik 12,500,000 rubles-woro_voted
to the IZepublic to repair danace caused .by earth-
quake. Collective farriers affected were exonpt
of 1941 taxes..
30 Finland: Pravda, stated that 12,000 German
troops had landed on 26 April at the Finnish port
of Abo and proceeded to Tammerfors in the interior.
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-162 -
Islay 1941
May -/
Soviet Union;. Annual May Day parade on Rod
Square displayed .new motorized artillery and now
long rango guns in addition to familiar equipment.
Dofonso Coimissar Timoshonko stated in his 'lay
Day' proclamation the readiness of Rod Army to re-
buff any encroachment on Soviet territory; de-
clared that the country was "in a capitalist
? 3 Iraq Government proeosod through Ankara, to
ostablish rolati ons with the USSR without making
any.conditions (cf. 12 :iay).Plovious loroposals,
at the end of 1,94Q, included a suggestion that
Moscow should publish a declaration recognizing
the indepondonce of the Arabian countrios as a
Poland; Purchase, -of Y,100,000 worth of food
Products in the -USSR by the Commission of Polish
Relief, for children in Gorman-hold Poland, ro-
por'cod by the American Red Cross.
.Iran Reports from American sources that 6000
GerMan htourists'' arrived in the country. ?
Rumania The Soviet Government announced that
it had offected the releases from a Bucharest
prison of. Anna Paukor, Rumanian labor loader*
She will .rasido in the ?USSR., ? -
Soviet Unlonz. Stalin- addrossod-graduates- of
Rod Army Acadamies-i- announcing that the Rod. Army
had boon rebuilt and rearmed.
Docroo,was issUed to mobilize 700,0.00 boys
and girls 'between l4 and 17, for enrollment in
trade schools. ?
Press reports of Hitlor/s speech omitted his
references to Turkey or to Lir. Churchill.
6- ' Soviet Union; ?Stalin roplaccd. Liolotov as.
Chairman of tho Council of "Peoplo1.2 Commissars
of the :USSR. 1.1olotov became Vice_Chairman,
United States - A Soviet citizen, G.B. Ova-
kimian, -arrested on charges of failing to regis-
ter as a foreign agent.
.United States Ma-!port Control Administrator,
Brigadior Goncral fllaxwell, stated that machine-
. tools wore being withheld from the .USSR as
sontial to. U.S. defense needs.
United States; State Department reported
socking an exit visa from Soviet Poland for U.S.
citizen, Dr. H. Putkowsl:i; Socrotary Hull ,stated
that failure to obtain one would be 'regarded
with concern.'
Maritime Commission refused permission to
American oil firms to charter tankers to carry
oil to the USSR.
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- 163 -
8 Seviet:Union Toss denied that troops- wore
. moved from ..the Far East to theKiev Military
District and that submarines and destroyers wore
sent from Baltic bases to Caspian and Black Seas.
Sweden: Legation in_ilashington issued a
'statement by. Foreign Minister Christian Guenther ?
stating: YNot only. we, wish to. maintain fT,0,00, re-
lations with a..Russia,which. has friendly inton-
tions as to the northern countries, but. We wish
also to deepen and broaden those relations. .?
9 Belgium, Norway, -Zugaslavia: Legations no
Longer recognized bySoviet Government, owing
to their countries? loss of -sovereignty."'
?Soviet Union Presidium of the. Supremo Soviet
decreed introduction of ranks in the diplomatic -
,service: Extraordinary-and Plenipotentiary Am-. -
basSador, T]xtraordinary and: Plenipotentiary
Minister and Charge dy'Affaires.
? United States: . Ambassador Steinhardt effected.
the release from Soviet prisons' of an American
? boy and girl.
- 'United States Department of Commerce released
? March, 1941, figures for trade withthe USSR (U.S.
exports, $31590,000, including .,:1,058,000-worth -
of sole loather; U.S. imports, 41264,000, largely
undressed furs).
11 JP1Ariland: The Central Mixed. Frontier .Commission
? completed the work ofdemarcation of the Soviet-:
Finnish borders established by the peace. treaty
of March 12)- 1940...
12 Germany 'First Vice Commissar of Foreign
Trade 1.rui,-ikcv loft for Moscow after a visit of
several weeks .in Berlin discussing transport
Iraq:. Diplomatic relations?wth USSR ?stab-
lisd (cf. 3 'lay).
- 14
United States; Export licenses for-1,000,000
- worth of.. machi-ne-ools to the USSR granted during
the woe.k-(cf. 6 May).
- Soviet-American trade, discussed by Ambassador
,.0umansky ;and Secretary'Hull..
16 Iraq: In Ankara notes exchanged between
Russian and -Iraqian representatives establishing
diplomatic, trade, and consular relations be-
tween the two countries.
United States: -Ambassador Oumanshy protested
an American seizure of a Russian cargo of wool
and hides aboard the Swedish merchantman
Columbia in San Francisco.
a7 Iraq: Ex-premier, Hikmat Sweiman, released
from prison, appointed Ambassador to the USSR.
In Moscow, Toss denied thatUSSR Government ?
permitted recruiting volunteer pilotsto fight
with the Iraq army.
Soviet Union: Commissariat of Foreign :?,ffairs.
issued regulations restricting travel'ef foreign.
diplomats in border- zones and certain key cities..
. Soviet Union; Defense: 250,000 civilians took-
part in' tactical defense exercises held in the.
Moscow region.:
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? 16/1 ?
May '
.18 ? China:. Chung Official papar reported that
China and- RU.tElia had decided'ilin principle to
prolong thoir_barter agreement. ?
Soviet Union; Government announced a 15 year
.plan to drain and cultivate. 10 million acres of
swamp laud in Byelorussia. -
United Statos;? ,-rabassador Steinhardt visitpd
by Vice Commissar of Foreign Affairs Vyshin-
21 Danmark n= barter agreement ? with USSR gno
Finland: Le gat i on in 17asbingt on denied the pre-
sence of 5- 'German 'divisions in Finland,.
.Ge many ;. Large- German ? army concentrations
along the Soviet border reported (from Istanbul) .
22 United States ..:,.ssistant Secretary Berle
stated. in ,.tlantic City that the. .Lxis armies wore
trying to got control of Russia by guile or force;
intimated they would not ste-,p at the .Ltlantic
24 Gornanyr Berlin denied arrangements had boon '
made for trans it' of military mat e ri a 1 s through
tile USSR and Iran for uso against the British in ,
the Middle East.
25 Germany Pravda declared .that the report that '
the USSR would lease the '7.7:rai10 to Germany- was
'Holitical nonsense and an idiotic 11.0.11
Soviet Union:-11 -Uni on Z.,gricUltural Exposi
t i on opened- for the third .year.
. .
27 - Latvia:. L.. hirchanstein, -Chairman of the ,
Latvian Supreme Soviet, announced that landless
peasants received 2,373,000 acres of land and
25 milli on rubles of State credits. The;
tion received 143 million rubles for medical
28 Thailand; Establishment of diplomatic and ?
trade relations 7Ith tho US SB proclaimed in tho
official Bangkok Gazette; relations. wore in of-
feet since 12_1:Larch.
- :United States Export licensing system ex-
tended to, cover the, Philippines.
29 United States 7 Soviet press .publi shod short
versions of President, 1-oesovolt s speech of
. 27 1.1ay, with no reference to the mention of
Juno 19/11
1 Finland: Retiring Envoy to 3..IoScow, Paa ikivi
.received by Stalin.
Germany ; Soviet press reported border viola-
tions in the region of Lwow.
Slovakia Tani stor to Hose ow Frank Tisso re-
placed by Julian Simkho
Sweden: . :grooment with USSR signed, settling
SwedenY s. financial claims a7ainst the Baltic '
States when thay bocame a part of the USSR,
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-l65 --
3 Belgium: ilinistor to :(-;scol-T left for -mcric,a.
Grocce: USS-'_ Government withdrew their recog-
nition on the ground. that Greek sovoroignty vas
? lost and that there was no Soviet representative
in -then?.
Japan: Food shipments to Germany via USS7,.
reported in Tokyo.
-Jugoslavia; Linister to Moscow loft for
5 Ge rmany .sInkara rep ort s that Go many , with
the aid of 2amaniai? Vas Planning to invade the,
Ukraine. , ?
United States: John Scott,. an -,meriean writer,
ordered bY ;Soviet aUthorities to leave' 2ussia im-
modiately- for .publi shins: scandal ousi' matorial
about no Soviet- Union in an 7nglish newspaper..
St . Britain; :mbassador Sir Stafford Cripps
loft for London- for consultation with. the, Foreign
Secretary. g reaL-ilant. reached. ,London for. the
repatriation of 250 Baltic seamen -stranded in
:ngland; ships wore not released by. -Groat Britain.
Rumania nLoncscL do ni ed ot wrs tha t 2umani a
was going to war during the next few days.
Hungary ; -,-Prr.nrrorlionts were being. -compIotod
u -
for a 1..lussian free port .in the Danubian- wharves
.arca- in ?Dudapost.
8 ? Finland: Soviot Government shipped 20,000
tons of grain above 15,578 tons proviously de-
livered, because of the. Finnish,food'shortago.
, 10, 1'0:I:mania: Throe Germany.:irmy Corps reported
.to have arrived to join the forces on the
.Bossarabian frbntier;'.all.roads from Bucharest
to the 2ussian border were stated to be filled
.with military transport.
Soviet: Defense Commissa B. Ustinev?I for failure to fulfill his
11 Gt. Britain: ?Lmbassador husky assured fae
British Government that the Soviet Union was not
entering any new military', political or economic
agreement with Germany.
'Germany:, Stockholm reported 10,000 German
troops had arrived in Finland. London heard that
.Nazi soldiers wore concontratod along the Soviet
Japan:. :.L.commorcial agreement with the USSR
was initialed; provided for the most-favored
nation treatment on both sides and for the barter
of goods up to 30 million yen a year, for five-
12 ' Gt. Britain: Sir Stafford Cripps arrived in
London for consultation with the Bi;itish Govern-
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13 Germany; Tass issued a denial that Germany
had presented domands to tho Soviet Government;
declared that both Russia and Germany were abid-
ing by tho provisions of the Soviet-Gorman Non-
gression Pact; stated thab the, call-up of
i.ussian reservists and an announcement of maneu-
vers wore in keeping with usual annual procedure.
alegations That Soviet isussia is carrying out
acts hostile to Geridany aro absurd.0
Iran; Smirnov named Soviet .:.mbassador,
to replace N. Filimonov.
aamania: General mobilization (according to
London reports).
15 United States-; Baltic Froodom Rally in Now
York adopted a resolution calling for the sever-
ance of 'diplomatic relations with the USSI'L.
16 Japan: ...,grooment with the USSR on the demar-
cation of the 1:0ngolian-lianchoukue border in the
vicinity of Nomonhan announced. The 1-iorl: was to
begin 27 ,June.
United States Freezing of funds of'all_coun-
trios Of 7]urone, including the USSR ordered by
tho U.S. Government. Provision was included that
a general license could be issued fnr Russian
funds, if the S-vie.t. Gnvernmont gave assurances
that they would not bo used for anti--nerican
17 Finland Soviet troops reportedly being re-
moved from Potsamo.
Gt. Britain; -London report that the British
had stoped giving navicerts for shins going to
Hungary; Repatriation of 13,000 .1,1agyars from
Northern Bukovina revealed in Budapest.
? . Turkey, Germany; Non-aggrossion Pact signed
between the two countries. .
Finland; Called un all reserve officers..-
, Germany, Rumania ; Rumors emanating from Tur-
key that ultimata had:beer.prosented-to.?tIle
Soviet Union by Germany and Rumania., .
Rumania ; Lobilization ordered of new. grades
of -s1,-)ocialists and technicians; 25 divisions re-
ported in arms along the SOvict border'. ?
20 Finland; General mobilization was ordered'.
Germany; Ribbontron's note to the Soviet
,...cabassador listed- hostile acts by the USSR. It
was delivered on the 22nd../
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