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itt/ACTION r. ^~ - f ? . _,&& r I - . .,+M, n 4a n m., CMY! t16 i i : A..J..._ ---.~.... f Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08CO1297R000700120019-4 li94A' r' .1 ) r r ~', 7 j_1 7 '\- . l -. ~>>>a ! ' I . nt 1: u . el e'-r/p RMRI RCP I A1' I A-135 i NEA I ~js7 A1^. CIA / 0: ISM 10 v TO LNFO. FROM. SUBJECT REF. POL:RBMoon:nd V? 1'OL: EHLubensky. DEPARTMENT OF STATE Ecuador Desk,-Offic'er, ARA Amconsul GUAYAQUIL Amembassy -SANTIAGO, BUENOS AIRES, -Amembassy .QUITO- DATE:S _io Ecuador's Position .of Peruvian Boundary Quest IZ . On August- 31? the 'Ecuadorean Foreign . Minister, . Nei a1 PONCE.Miranda, handed Ambassador Bernbaum- an'officialfemoran- dum setting forth Ecuador's present position on . tl e Ecuador- Peru boundaryproblem, The Memorandum, which wasaddres -to each _ of the -.states guaranteeing the Protocol of Rio Janeiro of. January 29, 1942 ;- '-referred -to the. recent- res the Peruvian 'Chamber. of -Deputies calling. for -a uni= lateral placing of boundary markers in the so-.far. undema-rcated -Zamora-Santiago region. It.states'that.faced with this Peruvian-resolution, Ecuador. is obliged to point out .to ti.e. - Cua antor States that. any unilateral. -action, -by- Peru would--be completely. arbitrary., illegal, and. without any validity in establishing-the true boundary. -The-Memorandum refers to the geographic error (lack .of a waters.h ed between the Zamora and Santiago Rivers)* contained in -.the:.. Rio :.Protocol with. respect- to .tt-ii-s zone, stating that because of =this error the Protocol ::be .enforced in the Zamora-Santiago region .. It points cannot that because.of this error. the work .of establishing the: boundary was interrupted 15.:years-ago and that nothing-has happened 'since to, justify resumption at this ..time... : -t-ne iMiemo- randum reiterates Ecuador's position that .the, Rio Protocol as a.whole violates-- international- law and. that the entire question sho ld.he submitted to juridical procedures to determine its b?'' ore the r nc- 1 nf.' the organization of Downgraded- at -12-year intervals. Not automatic al~ZR , .oa goLklea. 41JLaL+~T-T-` NPSoL'a'neO?K OVe~y` ARA HANDLING IN01 CA-TOR Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08CO1297R000700120019-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08CO1297R000700120019-4 CONFIDENTIAL A-135-from Quito 2 American States on July 24, 1962. The Memorandum quotes the - 'Ecuadorean'Foreign Minister's ' public statement of August 17', 1963,. (not a'note to Peru as stated in Embtel 152). protesting any unilateral placement of boundary markers and insisting the geo the Protocol leaves, it as unenforceable now. .as it was. 15. -years. ago.: ,(See Embtel 110) On September ' I, the Junta published 'its ",political plan" for Ecuador outlining. itspr'oposals'for a new social and economic. structure of the nation. In'this plan'the Junta, in a-rather mild and matter-of-fact tone, ,. proclaimed. the question of Ecuador's . territory .as one, of primary concern-to the Government. COMMENT: The Memorandumhanded the Ambassador was strong yet not inflammatory in tone.. It :appears to be an unambiguous statement of.. -Ecuador.. s. position and a: repeated appeal. that the, question of .the Protocol be submitted. to a juridical solution; This Memorandum, however, . plus, the statement concerning the territorial question in the Junta's "master-plan" for E.cuador,,Jndicate.the degree to which the boundary -.question -is an active.-and potentially'-explosive issue. The Embassy has ' attempted-. to discourage, .continued public- discussion' of the boundary question, but the:-recent Peruvian resolution and the' nationalistic fervor's celebration lash week 'ofd the 400th anniversary of. Ithe Audiencia de Quito. (see -Embtel -:143) 'have , .again, brought the issue:.;to' pub lie consciousness . Although Ecuador.:is'-,ready:: o.,submit~ the .problem to an.:inter=. would expect national.. juridical solution, it is implicit that It and. strive..for-, a: decision. off. '.r unity",.. thus .allowing Ecuador . to :start over from, the .situation existing before the. Peruvian military -action -in .1941-42, the ."only ."just'' solution 'really -acceptable to Ecuador.- This. iss a.step better ,.than VELASCO' s unilateral. dec lara~ ? tion of "nullity`'; but.. does -not' appear. to go. so ,far .as accepting. minor- revision of the Protocol., whether as the .result of- a- .decision. by an international body or- of bilateral agreement, to allow-final determination . of:the boundary in the.undemarcated sector. Although the Junta is.`pinning its. legal argument more on the inexecutability.of the Protocol.because of the' geographical CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 CIA-RDP08CO1297R000700120019-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08C01297R000700120019-4 CONFIDENTIAL A-135 from Quito 3 Text and unofficial translation of Ecuadorean Memorandum. * They. are in effect the dame -river, -the Zamora becoming ' the Santiago-at the village of La Union where the Rio-Namangoza joins the main stream. CONFIDENTIALI Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08C01297R000700120019-4 "error", the alleged "criminal aggression"-by Peru is still in the back of its mind as the principal emotional and political basis for invalidity of the-,1942 Rio Protocol. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08CO1297R000700120019-4 Enclosure to A=135 from Quito. UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION. The Minister of Foreign :Relations of Ecuador considers it .necessary to point out to the Foreign'Ministries of the Guarantor- States of the Protocol of January 29, 1942,.-.the following points: The Chamber of "Deputies of. Peru, in its session of-August to erect'boundary markers 'in. the Zamora-'Santia'go - region. .16, 1963,-approved a motion'to'the effect that. Peru, inviting. the Guarantor States to witness - the operation, proceed unilaterally ? Faced with- this attitude on ,the. of- the Peruvian Chamber' of:Deputies the Minister of Foreign Relations of Ecuador, .hastens to make clear to:-the'. c.hatelleries of . the .Guarantor States of the -Protocol.:tha.t.;any unilateral - placement-.-of- boundary- markers :'by ; Peru 'would` be an .' act .'absolutely. -arbitrary, lacking 'any-validity in determining: `the. true boundary, and without legality according .. 4. The, Foreign - Ministries. of the'Guarantor States are well aware :Of the reasons. for:the.'-interruption7of the work of.demarcating the boundar"y.,15:?years:. ago,. Wiese reasons -have- not" disappeared, nor has Peru_..during all of .-this.. period,-been able -to refute them. Because of- this, .: it'..i.s obvious ,that Ecuador has had to -oppose _at all times. any attempt : o''.enforce -the =Protocol in .this area, with respect to which' the Protocol contains: an essential. geographic error. The'Memorsndum`present:ed.:.o;the' Guarantor States. on July 29,.1959, ' since no. watershed :'ekisted.- bet een 'the' Zamora ' and 'Santiago' Rivers; or. to- continue : the ...demarcat.z.on,.-where 'there was no. Valid, agreed the' : Protocol .6.f-. January ` .9', :194:2; . in the Zamora-Santiago region , because of .. factors. "imposed by nature., i t. was impossible -to enforce - boundary.. in tie .Zamora-Santiago sector: Ecuador .reiterated that, clearly .the.?fmpos.. lit:y of eoiit nuing-..the' attempt to demarcate' a', by Ecuador :;.through it' Anmliassador. to Rio- de Janeiro' - "who ' .was- f -the :Guarantors - established received by .the;' representatives. :o The Ecuadorean:-Government ..has. clearly expressed its point of "view with respect to this 'sti 11=unsettled problem- with: Peru. d'.d On July 24,'.19.62,. the constitutional President of Peru ? 1ff fo`rmal speech before the Council of the. Organization-.of American Sates - .in Washington, stated "It is the law:in the Americas.that all existing - problems, or those which may arise; in the Continent must be resolved by peaceful and juridical meanso A Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08CO1297R000700120019-4 Enclosure to A-135 from Quito -serious problem exists . between. Ecuador and Peru. The Protocol of -January. 29, 1942, is absolutely incompatible .with the. fundamental principles and'norms of American problem. To date, there has not been evi'denced a similar readiness- Ecuador is ready to submit the dispute with Peru to one-of the instruments for peaceful settlement--ofinternational controversies -contained in inter-American agreements- now in-force. Continental solidarity requires that a just solution to.this dispute be found, which would -permit the two - countries to begin a fruitful cooperation and intimate relationship for the common good." 'As.-can be :seen, Ecuador . has expressed before 'the Americas its' readiness to seek a-peaceful and juridical solution to the Respect for- treaties does. not exclude the possibility. tha.t a treaty may. violate international law, and that, for. that juridical conscience-of the Americas;-..would'exalt and- strengthen'.. process by international law, far from.: injuring the reason, a.juridical proceeding.'may.-establish its invalidity. 'It is necessary to distinguish between the revision of a treaty and the:: nullification of a treaty: revision may be achieved through the.. .mutual agreement of parties to, the:"-treaty, but nullification does .,-not necessarily' depend upon cosent - of all- panties:, if -the nullifi cation is. a consequence of the violation. of fundamental norms o.f'-' law. For this reason, nullification, as the result of a-juridical In conformity..with this -criteria; -the.-Foreignn Ministry. -of. :taming the following '.points e f":. the -boundary, made .=a publicdeclaration:on.August; 17; :1963,. con of-Deput ies..of-'Peru concerning.. the proposed unilateral demarcation s,-.Ecuador, having knowledge of' the motion approved by .?the Chamber "As= the Protocol of 1942 violates- international' law, Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08CO1297R000700120019-4 it must be subject- to juridical procedures for. a- determination of its invalidity; Until such procedures are carried out,."it is. ,. obvious that Ecuador must oppose the .proposed execution of the Protocol,'particularly in a sector-with respect to which the Protocol contains an essential-error;. The unilateral demarcation of the boundary proposed by the Chamber of Deputies. of Peru. would clearly be.improper, since any demarcation having to be, Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08CO1297R000700120019-4 . Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08CO1297R000700120019-4 Enclosure'to A-135 from Quito by its nature, 'a combined operation of both.parties, this unilateral action would be without legality. Such action would be even more improper since, apart from the serious reasons maintained by Ecuador for-the invalidity of the Protocol, it would be proposed that a boundary be demarcated in an area with respect to which the Protocol is unenforceable due to a geographical error contained in it because of the inexistence of 'a watershed between the Zamora and Santiago Rivers which itself establishes the physical inexistence of a boundary line'. For this reason the work of establishing the boundary has been interrupted since. 1948.. Thus this problem was clearly defined 15 years ago. Quito, ..August. 31,.-1963... ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08CO1297R000700120019-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08C01297R000700120019-4 M E M O R A N D U M Enclosure to A-135 from Quito El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores del Ecuador considers. necesario hacer.presente a las Ilustres de los Estados Garantes del Proto.colo de.29'de enero de 1942 los siguientes puntos en el sector.Zamora-Santiago.. La Camara de'.Diputados del Peru; en sesibn de 16 de agosto de-1963,.ha'aprobado una moci-6n en el sentido de que el Peru, invitando a los'Estados Garantes para.que-se.hagan presentes en la'operacibn, proceda;unilateralmente a la.colocacibn de hitos 3, Ant semejante actitud de la .Camara ''de Diputados del Peru, el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores; del Ecuador se apresura a.poner, de manifiesto.ante lac ilustres. Cancillerias los Estados Garantes del:Protocolo "que cualquier.ereccion.. unilateral. de hitos- de par. te" de aque. 1 pals. seria un.'reecho -absolutainente arbi-ttario, carent'e de valor demarcatorio y .-desprovisto de .toda, juridicidad, segfin las no'rmas del Derecho. 4. .Las Cancillerias de los.Estados Garantes del ..1942'conocen:a cabalidad las razones por las cuales fub interrum- Aida la- de'marcacibn.hace quince.anos, Esas razones no han desaparecido'ni hanpodido a lo.largo de.todo este tiempo ser -refutadas por'el Peru.. Y por ello es obvio que el Ecuador-ha debido oponerse en todo momento a la pretendida ejecucibn del Protocolo en.un sector-.respecto_del'cual'.el instrumento adolece de' error geografico esencial. 1l Memorandum.que presentb_el Ecuador a los. Estados*Garantes el Ecuador. que-,. por la naturalez.a de. las cocas,. es -. imposible :ejecutar el Protocolo de'29 de enero de 1942, en la'zona afectada por la"inexiStencia del'divortium aquarum.entre el rio Zamora y .el-rip-.Santiago y p.roseguir la . demarcacibn donde - no. hay .linea - Rio de-Janeiro - quien.fue re' en'el seno'de la Junta. de .Garantes - dejb'perfectamente eistable"cida=la imposibilidad de- proseguir-la=demarcaci6n en- el - sector Zamora-Santiago. el. 29'. de Julio de 1959,. por ntermedio- del Embaj ador en vAlidamente acordada. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08C01297R000700120019-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08C01297R000700120019-4 ..del Derecho International Americano.. El Ecuador- se .mantiene-dispue'sto a someter*la.cuestion can el Peru. a uno de hos medios'de solucion pacifica de las contro- versias.internacionales'consagrados en las'convenci.ones in.teramericanas-vigentes. La.solidaridad'continental. exige que se de a .este litigio uria solucion junta, , que permitiria que.los dos pafses inicien-una fecunda cooperaci6n y estrecho intercambio para comun bene'icio:r' -Enclosure to A-135 from Quito. 6-. .E1 Gobierno.ecuatoriano ha expue-sto claramente su'criterio, respecto al problema pendiente con el Peru. El dia 24 de julio de 1962, el Presidente'Constitucional del Ecuador,. en . discurso formal que pro.niincio en- Washington,. ante .el Consejo - -de la Organization de los Estados Americanos,.dijo: r'Es , ley en' America. que todos los problemas que - existan.o se produzcan en el Continente-deben ser' resueltos por medics pacificos y juridicos. Entre .. e .Ecuador y'. el. Peru hay un grave problema pendiente. El Protocolo_de 29 de enero de 1942 es absolutamente incompatible con los principios y normas fundamentales fundamentales del'.Derecho. Tor eso, la nu-lidad,-como resultado de un- proceso ju.ridico impues-to. por _ la ley in'ternac-ional, lej os . de herir la conciencia juridica- de America., la enaltece y consolida . Partes;.Pero la' necesariamente de:ese consentim ento...'si es c.onsecuencia -de. la vio.laci6ri -de.:normal: tratado: hate por mutuo-consentimiento de Las.. distinguir entre -la, revision -de:-.un' tratado y is nuaidad .de - un .-'juradico que:- Ilegue a...establecer..'su. invalidez. Es preciso 8. l redo a suitedtviofaFgrni edgc1auy e? posibilidad de que internaclona y e que se saga por. o tanto un procedimiento buscaruna solucion pacifica y juridica..'De parte-del. Peru no ha habido todavia reaction alguna en-ese sentido. 7..' Como se ve,.:el-Ecuador expreso ante. America su voluntad de: En conformidad con. ese -crtterio, t.a l:anci.L.Lerl.a uel tL:uduui, al tener conocimiento: de-la motion-aprobada en_la-Camara de Diputados del.Peru, demarcation unilateral, entreg6, . con fecha 17 .de agosto de .-1,963, un. Comunicado - en los siguientesterminos: f Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08C01297R000700120019-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 CIA-RDP08CO1297R000700120019-4 - 3 - Enclosure to A-135 from Quito "Siendo 'como es el Protocolo-de 1942.violatorio de la- ley internacional tiene que estar'sujeto al procedimiento juridico que establezca su invalidez. En tanto no secumpla ese-procedimiento,-es?obvioque el Ecuador se ha de-oponer a la pretendida ejecuc-ion del Protocolo, en un -sector respecto del.cual el iristrumento adolece, ademas, de error esencial. -La demarcacion unilateral-que Camara de Diputados del-Peru serfa yin claro contrasentido, pues debiendo toda demarcacion ser, por'su naturaleza, una operacibn 'conjunta de las ?Partes,, esa accion unilateral careceria- de: juridiciuad.- Y.-el contrasentido seria tanto mayor cuanto que, aparte :de las Parses,- unilateral careceria de juridicidad. .Y.el contrasentido seria Canto mayor cuanto.que, aparte de -a.causa de la inex.istencia de la- divisoria de'aguas entre ei 'rio? Zamora".y = el rio' Santiago, que determi_na aun_ 'la inexis- tencia fisica de linea de.frontera.. Por eso se detuvo_ la .obra demarcator`ia desde 1948. Quedo- asi este problema las. graves causal Para -la ' invalidez que invoca el-Ecuador, :se pretenderia, ademas, demarcar una zona en la cual el. Protocolo resulto inejecutable -'por- error, -geograf.ico- eseincial, firmemente esi Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08CO1297R000700120019-4