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Declassified and Approved For Release 201.2/12/15 : CIA-RDP08001297R000700080002-7 Original to be Filed ina.1.1 Decentralised Files. Sla _ 1-/---. ------ 4' 1 REP EA F 0 SCI AF NEA AID ARA /0 Cu 10 SY 0,6L-a _3 e-,440114041"/ FILE ESIGNATION A-205 coo AGR - AGR COM FRB INT LAB TAR TR XMB ARMY NSA HEW NAVY OSD 3 V: CIA (?' DOT '7- Sc SUGGESTED DISTRIBUTION COPYFLO-PBR HANDLING INDICATOR NO. TO : Department of State INFO : Amconsul GUAYAQUIL DEPT PASS: ? FROM Amembassy QUITO DATE: August 20, 1971 SUBJECT : GOE Issues Decree on Straight Base Lines for Territorial Sea REF Tran itted herewith is an Embassy translation of Supreme Decree No. 959-A, establishing straight base lines for measuring the Ecuadorean territorial sea. The base lines are described fpr both the continental coast and the Archipielago of Colon (Galapagos Islands). The Decree notes that further regulations and a nautical chart portraying these base lines will be published at a later date. The Embassy will provide these additional materials when published. BURNS FORM 3.70 DS -32 Dra te. ?y POL:MLDurkee:er Clearances: POL:JPShumate rating 01.0: 8-16-71 e 0.: 233 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000700080002-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12: CIA-RDP08001297R000700080002-7 419Echment A-205 Translation (Official Register' No. 265, July 13, 1971) 7 , SUPREME DECREE go, 959-,k JOSE?MARIA VELAW2 IBARRA, President of the kepublic, WHEREAS, Article 628 of the Civil Code. establishes that the Ecuadorean territorial sea shall be measured, in both the. continental territory of the Republic and the Galapagos Islands, from:the straight base line's which will be determined for this purpose under an Executive Decree; and WHEREAS a Commission composed of representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Relations, the Navy and the Military Geographic Institute has studied the plotting of such lines and determined their trajectory; and _ WHEREAS, such study has been approved by the Ministry of, Foreign Relations and the Ministry of 'National Defense an the grounds that it is in the national interest and fully Conforms to the rules of international law which are in force on the matter, It is Decreed: Article 1. The straight base lines from which the width of the territorial sea of the Republic shall be measured will be constituted by the following-described traverses: I. ON THE CONTINENT (a) ,The line will, start from the point of intersection of the maritime border with Colombia with the straight - line Punta Manglares (Colombia)--Punta Galera (Ecuador); (b) From this point a straight line passing through Punta Galera and 'meeting the northernmost point of Isla de la Plata; (c) From this point a straight line to puntilla de Santa Elena;" Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000700080002-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000700080002-7 Page 2 Attachment A-205 (d) A straight line from Puntilla de Santa Elena in the direction of Cabo Blanco (Peru) to the intersection with the geographic parallel constitUting the maritime border with Peru. II. IN THE GALAPAGOS ISLANDS (a) From Islote Darwin a straight line to the northeastern tip of Isla Pinta; (b) A straight line to the northernmost point of Isla Genovesa; (c) A straight line passing through Punta Valdizan, Isla San Cristobal, and intersecting the northern extension of the straight line joining the southeastern tip of Isla Espanola to Punta Pitt, Isla San Crist?bal; (d) A straight line from this intersection to the southeastern tip of Isla Espanola; (e) A straight line to Punta Sur, Isla Santa Maria; (f) A straight line passing through the southeastern tip of Isla Isabela, near Punta Essex, and intersecting the southern extension of the line joining the outermost projecting point of the western coast of Isla Fernandina, approximately in its middle, with western tip of the Southern sector of Isla Isabela, in the vicinity of Punta Cristobal; (g) From this point of intersection a.line passing through the western tip of the Southern sector of Isla Isabela, in the vicinity of Punta Cristobal, to the outermost projecting point in the western coast of Isla Fernandina, approximately in its middle; and (h) A straight line to Isla Darwin. Article 2. The sea areas lying between the lines described in Article .1 (I) and the coast line on the Continent, and within the lines described in Article 1 (II), in the Galapagos Islands, constitute interior waters. ;.',P'F? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000700080002-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000700080002-7 Page 3 Attachment A-205 Article 3. The Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Navy, in cooperation with the Military Geographic Institute, will perform the necessary geodetic and astronomical work for determining the geographic coordinates of the reference points throughout the lines in both ?the continental coast and in the coast of the Galapagos Islands and the outer limits of the territorial sea, and will also establish the azimuths and extensions of the segments of each traverse described in Article 1, and any other technical data that may be essential in plotting the aforesaid straight base lines. Article 4. The funds required for performing the work to which reference is made in Article 3 will be made available to the Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Navy by the National Government through the proper Ministries. Article 5. Upon completion of the work to which reference is made in Article 3, the Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Navy, in cooperation with the Military Geographic Institute, will plot, on a nautical chart drawn up to a suitable scale, the straight base lines and the outer and lateral limits of ?the territorial sea of the Republic. Article 6. The nautical chart, with the plottings to which reference is made in Article 4,'shall be approved under an Executive Decree. Issued at the National Palace, in Quito, on June 28, 1971. /s/ J. M. Velasco Ibarra President of the Republic /s/ Luis Robles Plaza Minister of National Defense /s/ Vicente Burneo Burneo Minister of Production, Acting Minister of Foreign Relations Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000700080002-7