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.4% Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/11/28: CIA-RDP08001297R00040002:0.3-r STA TE Offico of the Geographer NO. 29. A" iP;AI; CONSULATE, Belize, British Honduras, May 17, 1933. 1UBJCCT: Boundar Lino Between British Honduras and Guatemala AUNOliA31.,,.; TH4 3F.GaiTAA-!:. I have the honor to report the delmareelion of that portion that on May 8, 1933, of the bounder/ line between British Honduras and Guatemala, which has _ never been surveyed, was begun. ,Ipparently, the olaima of the Guatemalan Government, under the pro- visions of the Oonvention of 1.859 with the British Government, were waived, and permission was granted to begin the survey and for the Government engineers of British Honduras to enter Guatemalan territory. Both Governments have agreed that this portion of the boundary is a straight line, approximately 80 miles in length, between two established points, one, on the Graoias a Dios branch of the aaratoon River, the other, at Garbutt's tails, which is just south of Benque Viejo and is the termination of that part of the boundary which has been surveyed. No Guatemalan engineers are partleipating in the actual work of running the line, all of which is being done by the surve;ors of the British Honduran Government. The present plan is to start from each end of the line and to finish in approximately six months. On Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/11/28: CIA-RDP08001297R000400090002-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/11/28: CIA-RDP08001297R000400090002-9 On the above-mentioned date, the running of the line was offioially begun from the southern end in the presenee of the aurveyor General of British Honduras, an aocredited engineer of the Guatemalan Government and the Aloalde of the Village of Saratoon. Further developments, with =net data oonoerning the boundari, will be submitted when available. 715. wmo/G. Respeotfully yours, William U. Cramp, Amerloan Vioe Consul. (In quintuplicate to Department.) Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/11/28: CIA-RDP08001297R000400090002-9 ' ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/11/28: CIA-RDP08001297R000400090002-9 GUATEMALA .Treaty Series No. 9 (1932) Exchange of Notes BETWEEN HIS MAJESTY'S GOVERNMENT IN THE UNITED KINGDOM and THE GOVERNMENT OF GUATEMALA Boundary between British Honduras and Guatemala Guatemala, August 25/26, 1931 C., , n14,1 1,3 the .4)relelory ,,j jar Foreign Affairs Pad,,,,nrui by Cownornd of Ills AInjeAly LONDON: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED By IIIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE lo2 purchased directly from 11.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addresses: .Adastral !louse, Kingsway, London, 1V.C.2; 120, George Street, Edinburgh; York Street, Manchester; 1, St. Andrew's Crescent, Cardiff; 15, Donegall Stioare West, 141Iast; or through any Hoot:wiles 1932 Pricc 2d, Ni Cmd. 4050 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/11/28: CIA-RDP08001297R000400090002-9 . Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/11/28: CIA-RDP08001297R000400090002-9 EX CHANGE OF NOTES BETWEEN HIS MAJESTY'S GOVERN- MENT IN THE -UNITED KINGDOM AND THE GOVERNMENT OF GUATEMALA RESPECTING THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN BRITISH HONDURAS AND GUATEMALA. Guatemala, August 25/06, 1931. No. 1. Mr. Grant 11'atNou to Selior SkinlICT Klee. Brit ;sh Legal ion, Your Excellency, Guatemula, August 23, 1931. THE boundary het ween British Honduras and the Republic of Guatemala was laid down in the convention between the Republic of Guatemala and her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, signed at Guatemala OD the. 80th April, 1859,(3) article 1 (paragraph 2) - of which defines the line as heginning at the mouth of the River Sarstoon in the Bay of llonduras and proceeding up the mid-channel thereof to Gm acias it Dios Fails; then turning to the right and continuing m. by a line drawn direct fro Gracias Dios Falls to arbutt's Falls on the River Belize and from Garbutt 's Falls due north until it strikes the Mexican frontier." It was further stipulated by article 2 of the convention that " Her Britannic Majesty and the Republic of Guatemala shall, within twelve ? months after the exchange of the ratifications of the iffesent conven- tion, appoint each a commissioner for the purpose of designating and ? marking out the boundary described in the preceding article. ?Such commissioners shall ascertain the latitude and longittide of Gracias Dios Palls and of Garbutt's Falls, and shall cause the line of boundary between Garbutt's Falls and the Mexican territory to be opened and marked where necessary, as a protection against future trespass." In consequence joint commissioners were appointed in 1860 for this purpose, who marked in bitu the position of the terminal points of the southern section of the hormdary, namely, Garbutt's Falls and Gracias Dios Falls. However, the full survey of the frontier was not COM - pleted at that time. The Governments of the United Kingdom and Guatemala are now ciesirons of completing the demarcation. As a first step towards this purpose, commissioners were reappointed, who met On the Sarstoon River on the 16th January, 1929, and who,proceeded to inspect the terminal points of the. southern section of did frontier: They inspected (1) See plige 6.? Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/11/28: CIA-RDPO8001297R000400090002-9 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/11/28: CIA-RDP08001297R000400090002-9 3 the concrete monument on the north bank of the Sarstoon River at Gracias ii Dios, 900 yards up-stream from the mouth of the Chocou branch. On the 22nd January, 1929, they inspected the piles of stones on either side of the Belize River at Garbutt's Falls, erected by the joint commissioners in 1861. They decided to accept these marks as indicating the exact position of tlic two terminal points. The marks were then replaced by new concrete monuments, erected under the supervision of the commissioners, the monument at Garbutt's Palls being placed on the southern side of the river, and the former piles of stones being demolished. The work, both 011 the Belize and the Sarstoun Rivers, was duly recorded in a report signed by the said commissioners ;it. the Sarstoon River on the 29th May, 1929, of which I have received an original signed copy. I have the human to inform your Excellency that I am authorised by I his Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to confirm, on their behalf and iii t(C(ji(jijJce with article 3, paragraph 3, of the con- vention,(2) this rewd as set forth in the accompanying copy, duly certified by me, te accept the concrete monuments erected by the said commissioners as correctly marking the terminal points aforesaid, and In state that they would be glad to receive a similar assurance on the part of the Governmetli of Guatemala. The present note and your Excellency's reply will constitute the agreement between the overt' mem s of the United Kingdom and Guatemala in the matter. 1 avail, &c. E. A. GRANT WATSON. Enclosure in No. 1. Report.() AVE, the eommissioners appointed by the Governments of Guate- mala and British Honduras to establish the permanent boundary marks at Garbutt's Falls, Belize River and at Gracias a Dios Falls; Sarstoon River, met at Fallavon, Belize River, on the 7th day of May, 1929. On the 8th we proceeded to demolish the pile of stones erected at Garbutt' s Falls by the commissioners of 1861, and to erect in its place a concrete monument bearing on its top two copper plates marked '? Guatemala '-' and British Honduras " respectively. We completed this work on the 10th. From the nth to the 15th we were engaged upon other work for our respective Governments, and on the 16th we left for Belize, where we arrived on the night of the 20t1. Having made necessary preparations, we left Belize for Sarstoon River on the 24th and arrived at Gracias It Dios Falls CM the-26th. There we erected () See page 7. " (3) For Spanish text, bee page 5, Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/11/28: CIA-RDP08001297R000400090002-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/11/28: CIA-RDP08001297R000400090002-9 4 '3; a monument similar to unit at Garbutt's Falls, Ivhich we finished OD the 29t11. Wt then proceeded down the river to Sarstoon Bar, where we separated. Signed at Sarstoon River Bar this 29th day of May, 1929. FERNANDO CRUZ, Commissioner for the Government of Guatemala. FEED W. BRUNTON, thha,ac;. for the Government of Brit ish 11011,1111as. No. SW-11)1 S1, innz?r little to Alf. Grunt Watson. Secretaria de Itelaciones Exteriures, Suilur I inistro, Guatcausia, 26 de agosto de I 931. TENGo el Iloilo'. (le reciho de la nota de Vuestra Excelencia, fechada -el 2i-5 del 111e,E3 en curso. El Gobierno de Guatemala esta de acuerdolui reconocer los mojones de concreto erigidos en las caidas de Garbutt y en los rapidos de Gracias a Dios, gue fijaron los comisionados de ambos Gobiernos, Seilores Ingenieros Fernando Cruz y l''rederich W. Brunton, el 8 y 26 de may? del alio de 1929, entre Li front era de Guatemala y Belice, begot) consul en el ;tell: teValitada eli la did RIO S:11810011 I/01 ambos deleo.rados, el dia 29 del mismo ine.s. Una copia del Acta, debidamente certificada, t..4( acompaini conic, anexo. EritOiS Alojones, terminados, formai) parte de la linea fronteriza entre Belice y Li liepUblica du (Iuatemala. Aprovecho, &c. A. SKINNER KLEE. (Translation.) Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Your Excellency, Guatemala, August 26, 1931. I UAW the honour to acknowledge receipt of your note of the 25th instant. The Government of Guatemala agree to accept the concrete monu- ments erected at Garbutt's Falls and the Rapids of Gracias a Dios which were set up by the commissioners of both Governments. Engineers Fernando Cruz and Frederick W. Brunton, on the 8th and the 26th May, 1929, CM the frontier between Guatemala and British lionduras according to the report drawn up at the Sarstoon River Bar by both i delegates on the 29th day of the same month. A copy of the report duly certified is enclosed herewith. These monuments, thus determined, form part of the boundary line between British honduras and the Repub)ic of Guatemala. I avail, &c. A. SKINNER KLEE. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/11/28: CIA-RDP08001297R000400090002-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/11/28: CIA-RDP08001297R000400090002-9 Enclosure in No. 2. infrascrito Subsecretariu d0 TicMelones Exterior certifica : ',aril el elect? lia tenido a In vista el eau que dice : Lo s stiscritos eoluisionados y numbrados por Guatemala y flunduras Britilnica para colocar los mojones definitivos en Gar- butt's Falls y en Gracias a Dios, en el rfo Sarsttin DOS reunimos en Fallabon, sobre el rio Bence, el site de mayo de 1929. El oclio jnoeodin10 a demoler Li piramide de piedra tolocada ei Garbutt't; Falls put- los Comisionados de 1861, y construimos en sit lugar 011 mommiento de cunereto que Devil en in earn superior dos plicas de cobre que dice], respectivamente : ' Guatemala ' 3, ? British llonduras.' Terminainos (hello trabajo el clia diez. Del onee al quince nos ottipantos otros l5IUutOS que Dos habfan eneargado nuestros gobiernos y el diez y sois salimos para Beliee, a donde llegamus en la latch? del vejlILE. DeSplle6 de hacer los preparativos del cast., el vei?ticuatro alimos de Beliceeli direcciOn ai rio Sayst bitt . y lleganws a los rapidos de tiraeias a Dios el veintiseis. Alli Ei0 construyo iui monument? sentejante al de Garbutt's Falls, el cual (pled() Ierniiiiado ci veintinueve. Despues caminamos rio abajo hasta la Barra del Sartsttin, en dcmde nos separamos. Firinanios Li presente en In Barra del Sarstan el 29 de may? de 19:?9. - (ft FERNANno Cauz, Com. put- el Gob. de Guatemala. (f) FRED 1V. BituNToN. Cum. put- el Cob. de llonduras British.". . y pant agregarla Conn) at a In nota pi-oiler() 11443, de esta feelia, extiendo, sell? y firm() In pi-eseine tertifieacion, eonfrontada COD SU original, en la eindad de (.1u;deinala, a los vei?tiseis dfas del Ines de agosto de mil noyecientos Ireinia y into. J. Ell. G1.110N. (Seal.) (Translation.) Tn? undersigned Sub-Secretary of Foreign Affairs certifies : that he has seen the report, which states : (For English text, see enelosure to No. 1, page 8.) And in order to annex it as an enclosure to note No. 11443 of this date 1 draw up, seal and sign the present certificate, compared with its original, in the City of Guatemala, on the twenty-sixth day of the ?nonth of August, nineteen hundred and Ihirty-one. J. ED. GIRON. (Seal.) Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/11/28: CIA-RDP08001297R000400090002-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/11/28: CIA-RDP08001297R000400090002-9 ? APPENDIX. CON V ENTION DET %VEEN 11EI: 111AJESTY AND TIlE liEPUBLIC EATEAJALA , DELA:VIVI: TI1E BOUNDARY OF BRITISH 110NDUltAS.(4) Signed at Gualumulu, April 80, ]859. Idtaitfic,a;mt,5 C./elm/wed i1 Gnutemu/a, September 12, 1859.] WilEHEAs the boundary between I ler Britannic Majesty's settle- ment and possessions in the Bay of Honduras, and the territories of the Republic of Guatemala has not yet been ascertained and 'narked out ; Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. and the Republic of Guatemala, being desirous, with a view to improve and perpetuate the friendly relations which happily subsist between the two countries, to define the boundary aforesaid, have resolved to conclude a convention for that purpose, and have named as their plenipotentiaries, that is to say : ller?Alajesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Charles Lennox Wyke, Esquire, Her Britannic Majesty's Charg?'Affaires to the Republic of Guatemala; And his Excellency thu President. of the Republic of Guatemala, Don Pedro the Aycinemt, Cuuncillw. of State, and Minister for Foreign Affairs ; Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon and concluded the following articles :? AETICLE 1. ? it is agreed between Her Britannic Majesty and the Depublic of Guatemala, that the boundary between the Republic and the British Settlement and Possessions in the Bay of Honduras, .as they existed previous to and on the 1st day of January, 1850, and have continued to exist up to the present time, was and is as follows :? Beginning at the mouth of the River Sarstoon in the Bay of Honduras, and proceeding up the mid-channel thereof to Gracias Dios Falls; then turning to the right and continuing by a line drawn direct from Graeias u Dios Falls to Garbutt's Falls on the River Belize, and from Garbutt 'S Falls due north until it strikes the Mexican frontier. It is agreed and declared between the high contracting parties that all thiTterritory to the north and east, of the line of boundary above described belongs to Her Britannic Majesty, and that all the territory. to the south and west of the same belongs to the Republic of Guatemala. (4) Signed in English and Spanish. Spanish text not reprinted. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/11/28: CIA-RDP08001297R000400090002-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/11/28: CIA-RDP08001297R000400090002-9 ? 7 ARTICLE 2. her Britannic Majesty and the Republic of Guatemala shall, within twelve months after the exchange of the ratifications of the present convention, appoint each a commissioner for the purpose of designating and marking out the boundary described in the preceding article. Such r: commissioners shall ascertain the latitude and longitude of Gracias Dios Falls and of Garbutt's Falls, and shall cause the line of boundary between Garhutt's Falls and the Mexican territory to be opened and marked Ivliere la?Ttary, as a pl'OteCtiOn against future trespass. AtericLE B. The commissioners mentioned Ui the preceding article shall meet at such place or places as shall lie hereafter fixed, at the earliest con- venient period after they sludi have been respectively named ; and shall, before proceeding lc any business make and subscribe a solemn declaration that they will impartially and carefully examine and decide, li, the best of their joileMent. and according to justice and equity, without fear, favour, or atn?rtion to their own country, upon all the matters referred to them for their decision ; and inch declaration shall he entered on the record of their proceedings. The commissioners shall then, and before proceeding to any other business, name some third person to act as arbitrator or umpire in any (asv or CaStli 11; Which they may themselves differ in opinion. If they should not be aIde to iuiee itpOli the choice of such n third pertain, they shall each Millie a pel'6011; and in each and every case in which the rot innissioners may ditier in opinion as to the decision which they ought to give, it shall be determined by lot which of the two persons so named shall be the arbitrator or umpire in that particular case. The person or persons so to be chosen shall, before proceeding to act, make and subscribe a St leIMI declaration, in a form similar to that which shall already have been inade and subscribed by the commissioners, which declaration shall also be entered on the record of the proceedings. In the event of the death, absence, or incapatity of either of such commis- sioners, or of either of such arbitrators or umpires, or of his omitting, or declining, or ce,aeino to act, another person shall be named; in the same manner, to act in his place or stead, and shall make arid subscribe such declaration as aforesaid. lIer Britannic Majesty and the Republic of Guatemala shall engage to consider the decision of the two commissioners conjointly, or of the arbitrator or umpire, as the case may be, as final and. conclusive on the matters to be ro.spectively referred to their decision, and forthwith to give full effect to the same. ARTICLE 4. ? The cormnissioilers hereinbefore mentioned shall make to each .of the respective. Governments a joint report or declaration, under their hands and Seals, acoompanied with a map or maps in quadruplicate (two for end, Government), certified by them to be true maps of the Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/11/28: CIA-RDP08001297R000400090002-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/11/28: CIA-RDP08001297R000400090002-9 8 boundary defined in the present treaty, and traversed and examined by them. ARTICLE 5. The commissioners and the arbitrator or umpire shall keep accurate records and correct minutes or not et- of ell their proceedings, with the dates thereof, and shall appoint and employ such surveyors, clerk or clerks, or-other persuns, as they shall find necessary to assist them in the transaction of the business which may conic before them. The salaries of the commissiNiers shall be paid by their respective GOVernIllellifi. The contingent expenses of the commission, including the salary of the arbitrator or umpire, and of the surveyors and clerks, shall be. defrayed in equal moieties by the two Governments. ItTICLE G. It is further agreed that the channels in the water-line of boundary described in article ] of the present cenventiou shall be equally free and open to the vessels and boats of both parties; and that any islands ?vhieh neiy he found therein shall belong to that patty On whose side of the main navigablc.- channel they are situated. A lITIOLE 7. with the oh ject LA practically carrying out the views set forth in the preamble of the present convention, for improving and per- petuating the friendly relatioes which at present so happily exist between thi t wo high coetraciing parties, they mutually agree con- jointly' to use their best efforts, by tithing adequate means for establish- nig the. easiest conennnication (either by means of a cart-road, or employing the rivers, or both united, according to the opinion of the. surveying ene?ineersh between the fittest place on the Atlantic coast, near the se.ttiBement of Belize, and the capital of Guatemala ; whereby the commerce of li`mgland on the one hand, and the material prosperity of the Ilepuldie oe the other, cannot fail to be sensibly increased, at the same time that the limits of the two countries being now clearly defined, all further encroachments by either party on the territory of the other \Yin be effectually checked and prevented for the future. AlinCLE 8. The present convention shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at London Or nut (Thief hl as soon as possible within the space of six months. lu witness whereof, the respective plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have affixed thereto the seals of their .arms. Done at Gnat einala, the thirtieth day of April, in the year One thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine. CllABLE-S LENNOX WYKE. (L.S.) - P. DE AYCINENA. 6304 Wt.. ? Iwo 4j3;., F.O.P. 6749 G. 34c. r-f Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/11/28: CIA-RDP08001297R000400090002-9