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WAN/ ACTION I / ir-7 ? a I I; 0.I 'TJ natiAtporuvirt AV CTAII'V Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/11/21 : CIA-RDP08001297R000200180001-2- - 11guLiiZAXV .11Q 11 .C14 p6 /iv/W/1-004A FOR RM use ONLY RM/R ANA. REP EUR E N EA CU INR ($ FRO COM / 10 Alb fes;"-S, FRB IN T LAB T A R TR rose CIA USI A ..AIR NAVY c- NSA COPYFLO-PBR -362 LIMITED OFFICIAL USE. NO.. TO : Department of State Info: Amembassy Djakarta res/A - ) FROM : Amembassy KUALA LUMPUR PPIOPITY HANDLING INDIC ? DAT Odoisommoriiii SUBJECT : Continental Shelf/Tdrritorial W te rs REF r :Kua la Lumpur 4200 Attached is one copy of the Continental Shelf Agreement between the GOM and the GovernMent of Indonesia for the Department-of State and the Embassy at Djakarta. Also attached is one copy of the map provided by the Ministry a Foreign Affairs for the Department FORM 4-62 DS-323 ?1IMITED?OPT ICIrt?U Content,iiaySE? ? FOR F,PT, USE ONLY Out ? Drafted ON : JLloyd r 11/7/69 Clearances: Apptove by:aNlam Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/11/21 : CIA-RDP08001297R000200180001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/11/21 : CIA-RDP08601297R000200180001-2 it rrnITZT TIT1'; COVF.Pn477 (sr T, yra.!. !ND THE klOVEDNMENT OF THE pprAIBLIc OF INDONESL. REL-TING TO T1i1::: DELIMIMTION OF THE CONTINEN= sliELVES BETWEEN THE TWO COUNTRIES THE GOVERMENT OF M L.YSL. ND THE GOIONKENT OF TEE 121)113LIC OF INDONESI;., DESIRING to strengthen the existing historical bonds of friendship between the two Countries, ZD DESIRING to establish the boundaries of the conti- nental shelves between the two Countries, H :,C1C,ED iS FOLLOWS : -.:TICLE I (1) The boundaries of the Malaysian and the Indonesian continental shelves in the Straits of Malacca and the South China Sea are the straight lines connecting the points specified in , column 1 below whose co-ordinates are specified opposite those points in columns 2 and 3 below :- A. In the Straits of Malocca: (1) (2) (3) Point Longitude E Latitude N 1. 98? 17'.5 24? 2;1.0 2. 00 411.5 . o 5 ,..? 3. 99? 431.6 03? 591.6 4. 990, 55'.o 03 4 ! 47,6 5. 101- 121.1 Oe 411.5 6. 1010 461.5 020 151.4 7. 102? 13,.4 01? 55,.2 8. 102? 35,.0 010 414.2 9. 10? 01.9 01? 19'.5 10. 103? 221.8 010 151.0 B. In the South China Sea Western Side Off the East Coast of West Malaysia): (3) Latitucle N (1) Point (2) Longitude E 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 104? 104? 105? 105? 1040 104? 104? 105? 105? 105? 29'.5 53,.0 051.2 P1'.2 511.5 461.5 511.9 281.8 47'.1 491.2 010 010 01? 020 020 03? 04? 0 05 05, 06" 23'.9 381.0 541.4 221.5 551.2 50'.1 031.0 ? 041.7 40,.6 05'.8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/11/21 : CIA-RDP08001297R000200180001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/11/21 : CIA-RDP08001297R000200180001-2 3. ARTICW..; y Any dispute between the two Governments arisinp: out of the interpretation or implementation of this Agreement shall be settled peacefully by consultation or negotiation. ARTICLE VI This Agreement shall be ratified in accordance with the constitutional requirements of the two Countries. ARTICTZ VII This Agroement.shall enter into force on the date of the exchange of the Instruments of Ratification. IN JITNESS ,IHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorised thereto by their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement. fk*H.: IN DUPLICATv; AT Uuala Lumpur the 27th day of October, 1969, in the Malaysian, Indonesian and English languages. in the event of any conflict between the texts, the English text shall prevail. FOR THE GOVE:?NllErT OF FOR TiE' GOV21111114T OF THE .02.3PUBLIO OF INDONESI;.: Tan Sri :dldul Kadir Yusoff Peguam Negara, Aalaysia. Prof.Ir. Soemantri Brodjonegoro, hen tori Pertambangan, Republik Indonesia. t? Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/11/21 : CIA-RDP08001297R000200180001-2 71 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/11/21 : CIA-RDP08001297R000200180001-2 95 96? 97. 911. 99 100. 101. 102' ler _ IOC 105. IOC _ _ 10r1 wr wr ilo? Ilr 112. lir 114. 113. 116. iir ius uw _ ? . 9 ----..-?????-t,..w..IIIMldilli.r'N.N\_'-....V/I '1,,,.. - w ? .(15;? 41n ?.,,, 1kt. I r ..' 4.1 e. .41 ? ????? N. IT.. .. PINY Omill Ir. I's 4 ? Ohl . ,,.. .2. / :-.) / :::' . sr ? ... T Fr ????????? ) - ????? he .... b _ 1 , 4. 4. 4- 0 _ 1111 ? .".""Vha ." ,i........4 I i ....a. -' It ...... .. e......... ....., ? I ...,m,Hila wr ... . : 0 ,...... ..t. y? . % 9 .1.4z i ?. llf . J.IfiA IIII SOUTH \ CHINA . .' yciadc mire... . ...... A: .. ?? , SULU A SEA I ? 14.11c. . ? 4:, ?N, `,,, ? 0 ? ti $141. MIMI -- P."' 1401.1 ' tiPiAit' E A ? ?, ? _,,,, .414 ,,' -.1?41/., ',.5-??= V ? . ? ...., .,??.., '.?..r. .. ......... . 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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/11/21 : CIA-RDP08001297R000200180001-2 I tr I'. I? lir 1W Amur. IMpra. N. 10.