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k Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000200130010-7 r Li4#?44r. ft.0104--N-01./ ,re affluent le and ex- nyentions. f planning n several Vrimences. ;eting very are more xa,Zpr "not Laie attrib- ishould he !y%by exec, o 1.4 (Irecasnevsen in- pg returns. liti'vely low tiiirovided. Y $1 per a rcerft, or ? n-;,:A dedi- Associa- ficials, are ts; and say- 1.-- gme time extent lit in the ,i,Illite great' Piselfishly kabers. 6Imercial i..sor cus- service or [. ous action !. a deficit [ibly some tici'ease-of ii) couple of revent a e -Execu- CalCitlated 'rivet year. Lions, and ome" and I dues. . , ? , E. WILSON': dent-Elect v 1 f1? * ? ., 1 1 i ! The American Association ol Petrdeum Geologists &Min Y. 56, No. 5 (May 19721 P.839-859, II Figs. a Structure and Stratigraphy of China Basin' Abstract Continuous seismic reflection profiles ac- companied by total-field magnetic measurements were made in the China basin by civilian survey ships on contract to the U.S. Navy Oceanographic Office between 1967 and 1969. The results show the pres- ence of stratigraphic units similar to those previously found in the adjacent East China Sea and South China Sea: (1) acoustic basement in the southern part of the basin that may be a continuation of the igneous and metamorphic rocks beneath the adjacent shelf which were peneplaned during Late Cretaceous-early Ceno- zoic time, and much more irregular basement in the northern part of the basin that may be oceanic base- ment (Layer 2); (2) predeformational sediment, con- formably with the surface of much of the acoustic ,* basement (probably Paleogene); and (3) postdeforma- ? tional sediment, largely turbidites deposited in deeper areas (probably Neogene to present) after the main episode of deformation. During the deformation a se- ries of northeast-trending ridges was folded along the floor of the China basin. Similar ridges underlie the . basin side slopes, and these served as dams to trap sediments brought to the ocean by streams from the adjacent land areas. Another ridge separates the Ma- nila Trench and the West Luzon Trough, and extends . northeastward as the Central Range of Taiwan. Oil -, potential appears to be greatest beneath the shelf between Taiwan and Hainan off mainland China, but the basin ridges that are surmounted by banks and - islands also warrant further investigation. INTRODUCTION ? Since 1960 there has been a general increase of geologic interest in the continental margin along eastern Asia. Studies of sediments, stratigraphy, and structure have bordered or included parts of the China basin (Fig. 1), a large depression bor- dered clockwise by Taiwan, Philippine Islands, Borneo, Vietnam, Hainan, and mainland China ? (Fig. 2). Sediments of the shelf north of the China ' basin were described by Niino and Emery (1961), and of the shelf southwest of it by Emery and ' Niino (1963). In both areas the sediments were . considered as chiefly relict from glacially lowered sea level and typical of the outer parts of most continental shelves of the world. An advance in the knowledge of the structure of the region came from broad reconnaissance seismic and magnetic surveys, first in the East China Sea (Emery et a/., 1969; Wageman et al., 1970) and then in the South China Sea (Parke et al., 1971) and in the Java Sea (Emery et al., in press). Each of these geophysical studies showed the presence of tec- tonic ridges that served as submerged dams to trap sediments derived from adjacent lands. Only . 839 ? ? 'r K. 0. EMERY2 and ZVI BEN-AVRAHAM2 Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 a EAST ? CHINA ? SEA ? o?? CHINA BASIN JAVA SEA O. 90. t00. 110. no. 130. 1;06 FIG. I ?Outlines of areas investigated in this and previous studies of China basin. Letters on land areas from north to south: K, Korea; T, Taiwan; P.1., Philippine Islands; M, Malay Peninsula; S, Sumatra; B, Borneo; N.G., New Guinea; J, Java. after several million cubic kilometers of Cenozoic sediments had accumulated in basins behind the dams were sediments able to escape in quantity over the dams and build thick sequences on the floor of the deep ocean or the China basin. 'Manuscript received, September 9, 1971; accepted, Novem- ber 10, 1971. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Contribu- tion No. 2218. 1Woock Hole Oceanographic Institution. Appreciation is due the U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office through the interest of M. L. Parke, Jr., and L. M. Reynolds by providing the microfilms and other field records needed for this study. Copies of the seismic data are now available at the National Geophysical Data Center, and copies of the magnetic data are in the Magnetics Library, Naval Oceanographic Office. Financial support was provided by the National Science Foun- dation (Grant GA-27449) and the Office of Naval Research (Contract N00014-66-0O241). This is one of a series of geophys- ical studies conducted off eastern Asia in support of the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East, and particularly of its Committee for Co-ordination of Offshore Prospecting. 0 1972. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists All rights reserved. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000200130010-7 840 K. 0. Emery and Zvi ben-Avranam 110? ? ???? tructure ana 3iratigrapny OF l,11111d Da5Tri Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000200130010-7 it tne CIISICLII MUG Vi VIC %Amid uasin, usc Maria are poor in quality, but they yield some- what more information than would simple bathy- metric recordings. Geomagnetic records from all three ships plus four traverses from Project MAGNET total about 26,500 line-km. Flo. 2?Diagrammatic map of China basin and vicinity. Wide lines frame area portrayed in subsequent charts. From Heezen and Tharp (l971). bottom topography of the Manila Trench and the West Luzon Trough drawn by Irving (1951) and Dietz (1954) was updated by Ludwig et al. (1967) and by Chase and Menard (1969). Seismic pro- files, made chiefly by geophysical ships of the Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory arriv- ing and departing Manila, used mainly half. pound charges of TNT as the sound source. The profiles of Ludwig et al. showed sediments about 1.5 km thick in the West Luzon Trough, of vari- able thickness in the Manila Trench, and 0-1.5 km thick on the floor of the eastern China basin where the nearly horizontal layers tended to smooth an irregular bottom that was identified as oceanic basement (or Layer 2). Hayes and Lud- wig (1967) found that the trench and trough have negative free-air gravity anomalies, and magnetic anomalies that could not be traced over apprecia- ble distances. Seismic velocity, measured at 13 refraction stations in the eastern China basin by Ludwig (1970), yielded 2.1-2.6 km/sec for sedi- ments, and 4.4 km/sec for basement. Earth- quakes are rare in the China basin except near the Philippine Islands (Gutenberg and Richter, 1949, p. 58-61; Hayes, and Ludwig, 1967) and east of Taiwan (Katsumata and Sykes, 1969). Most are shallow (less than 100 km) and exhibit little relation to known faults (Allen, 1962), but they do occur along a westward-dipping focal plane. Between June 3 and August 26, 1969, a general geophysical study of the South China Sea (north- ern Sunda Shelf and southern China basin) was made aboard R/V F. V. Hunt on contract to the U. S. Navy Oceanographic Office from the Ma- rine Acoustical Services of Miami, Florida. Transit to and from Chilung, Taiwan, plus tra- verses previously reported by Parke et al. (1971) in the southern end of the China basin, total about 8,900 line-km. All these traverses included seismic profiles using a 30,000-joule sparker with analog recording, and magnetic measurements using a proton-precession detector. Unknown to us at that time, additional seismic profiles with a 20,000-joule sparker, plus magnetometer mea- surements, had been made between September 15, 1967, and February 27, 1968, aboard Ruth Ann and Santa Maria, two ships of Alpine Geo- physical Corporation of Norwood, New Jersey, on contract to the U.S. Navy Oceanographic Office (May et al., 1969). About 9,400 km of fair to good seismic profile's are from -traverses_of- Ruth Ann which, combined with the seismic pro- files of Hunt, total 18,300 line-km. An additional 10,100 km of seismic profiles mainly from Santa . Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000200130010-7 TOPOGRAPHY Bathymetric contours of the China basin and vicinity (Fig. 3) were taken from the compilation by Chase and Menard (1969) through interpola- tion at 1-km depth intervals from their 200-fm contours. The chart also includes the 150-m con- tour to show the approximate position of the shelf-break. The widely spaced contours of Fig- ure 3 fail to reveal many of the topographic de- tails of Figure 2, but the two figures supplement each other. In contrast to the flat shelves, most side slopes of the China basin are very irregular owing to the presence of fault blocks, volcanoes, and calcareous reef structures. Fault blocks or slumps also are present low on the slope border- ing the northwestern (mainland China) side of the basin, where they interrupt the surface of A ? '- basin rise. Smooth side slopes are present only at the southwestern end of the China basin, where Parke et al. (1971) showed the presence of sedi- ment prograding northeastward from the adja- cent northern Sunda Shelf. On the floor of the basin are broad hilly, areas?fault blocks, volcanoes, and calcareous reefs. The hilly area on the southwest includes Reed Bank and many smaller banks .and reefs, many of which have been named for ships wrecked upon them?giving rise to the general name for this region as the Dangerous Ground. Another large area of hilly basin floor borders the western and northwestern side of the basin; it includes Macclesfield Bank, the Paracel Islands, and many smaller reefs. The Paracel Islands have a small village with a tower and meteorological station. This group and the other islets containing only temporary habitations and inadequate navi- gational aids are poorly mapped (U. S. Naval Oceanog. Office, 1967, p. 71-88) and have uncer- tain sovereignty. The smooth prograded side slopes on the southwestern and to a lesser extent on the north- eastern end of the China basin continue basin- ward as gently sloping aprons or basin rises that gradually flatten into abyssal plains. The largest abyssal plain occupies the central area of the basin, where the bottom is exceedingly flat at about 4,350 m. A much smaller abyssal plain ? floors the Palawan Trough near Borneo at about 2,850 m. Additional bottom contours that show the prograded sediments, their lower slopes, and their abyssal plains have been included ,on the 842 K. 0. Emery and Zvi Ben-Avraham 20 15' 10 5' Declassified and Approved For Release 115 TAIWAN Structure and Stratigraphy of China Basin 843 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDPO8001297R000200130010-7 ? geologic map of the China basin (Fig. 15) as oceanic basement, or Layer 2. Locally, volcanic interpreted from available seismic profiles, peaks, massive coral reefs, and older folded sedi- ? Sediments at the eastern side of the China ments have similar reflective properties and must basin slope downward from the nearly flat basin be included with acoustic basement. In the south- floor into the steep-sided Manila Trench; the ern part of the China basin basement was pene- southeastern end of the trench also has a smooth planed before being buried under sediments and slope toward the 5,000-m deepest point just west then folded (Parke et al., 1971, Figs. 21-23); this of Luzon. East of the trench, the West Luzon may be a northward continuation of pre-C,eno- Trough has a flat floor at about 2,600 m that may zoic igneous and metamorphic rocks beneath the be blocked off from the deeper (about 3,200-m) Sunda Shelf. Acoustic basement generally is bur- floor of the northern extension of the steep-sided ied beneath sediments, but locally it protrudes trough which has been termed the "North Luzon upward as isolated peaks or areas having very. , ? - Trough" (Ludwig, 1970). irregular topography. The entire area of Figure 3 is 2.7 million sq km, Above the acoustic basement is a sedimentary blanket that follows many of the undulations of and the area of the China basin beyond the shelf- the basement. Elsewhere, it is folded and faulted, break is 1.8 million sq km?nearly one quarter the area of the conterminous United States. and abuts the steeper slopes of basement topog- raphy. The most intense folding? is associated --" GEOMAGNETICS ' with basement projections and it forms a series of Magnetometer data from R/V F. V. Hunt, ridges that trend northeast-southwest. These ? Ruth Ann, Santa Maria, and airplane line Project ridges are crossed by the profiles of Figures 6-8; and are paralleled by those of Figures 9-11. MAGNET were digitized, and the regional gra- Where the unit crops out, the topography is:--,-4? dient Was' removed by a computer program at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. The re- . gently rolling and smoother than that for out- crops of acoustic basement (Fig. 12). Following suiting lines of magnetic anomalies were plotted the usage of Parke et al. (1971), the sequence is along the various traverses (Fig. 4). Anomalies in termed "predeformational sediment." This is the southern, western, and northeastern parts of somewhat simplified terminology, because at the basin are subdued, presumably because of the least two periods of deformation can be clis- great depth that magnetic basement has been cerned locally through the presence of uncon-.. buried beneath sediments. Anomalies west of Lu- formities, but they cannot be traced for more zon are larger, probably reflecting the presence of than a few kilometers or correlated from place to volcanic mountains that rise high above their surroundings. The degree of correspondence of The third and shallowest consistent sequence magnetic anomalies with topography and struc- occupies the troughs beneath the continental' ture is best shown on the geophysical profiles of shelves (Fig. 13) and the areas of lowest topogra--: Figures 6-11. phy within the China basin. Quite clearly, it is a sedimentary fill dating from the cessation of most diastrophic activity. This fill is termed the "post- deformational sediment," again in accordance with the terminology used in Parke et al. (1971), and in spite of the fact that in several profiles across this unit, some slight deformation is evi- dent, caused by slumping or underthrusting along the Manila Trench (Fig. 14). The postdeforma- - tional sediments contain many good internal re-.. flectors that are interpreted as sandy turbidites. In contrast, continuous discrete reflectors are less numerous in the pre-deformational sediment, which locally may even be acoustically transpar- ent. The interpretation of the post-deformational sediment as being largely turbidite in origin ac- ? The records revealed three main kinds of cords with its distribution as a progradation from acoustic units,as already discussed-by Parke-"irr,:^4Y,the---contipental.. shelves down the basin side al. (1971) for the southern part of the basin. slopes. Where sediment sources appear to be Deepest is acoustic basement, the deepest reflec- great, the post-deformational unit continues tor for the available energy, and the one that is smoothly down the slopes in the form of narrow. believed to consist largely of igneous rock?the aprons whose slopes gradually merge into flat - 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDPO8C01297R000200130010-7 . C NINA 0 Paracel Islands Macclesfield Bank 1 i3 0 R N E a. Flo. 3?Topography of China basin and adjacent shelves. CI = 1 km, with 150-rn contour added as dashed line. Interpolated and redrawn from Chase and Menard (1969). .11 Declassified and Approved For Release SEISMIC PROFILES - . The paper recordings of the continuous seismic profiles had been microfilmed and only flow- camera prints of the films were available to On these prints we marked in colored pencil the various kinds of reflecting surfaces. Only previous experience with the high-quality records from Hunt permitted identifications on many of the seismic records from Ruth Ann because of the generally lower power, poor microfilms, and short discontinuous traverses of the latter (Fig. 5). However, the final product from all three ships provides good coverage of the entire China basin in the form of structural sections. 115' I Declassified and Approved 120' For Release . , Structure and Stratigraphy of China Basin 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDPO8001297R000200130010-7 abyssal plains in the deepest parts of the basins (Fig. 15). Detailed examination of bathymetric profiles by J. Mammerickx of Scripps Institution of Oceanography (personal commun.) revealed the longest apron to be cut by deep-sea channel with natural levees, particularly near lat. 12?N., long. 113?E. ? The geologic map of Figure 15 also denotes the parts of seismic profiles that indicate outcrops of acoustic basement. Because these outcrops are small and discontinuous no attempt was made to group them. However, most of them are within the areas of predeformational sediment. A generalized impression of the distribution pattern of the three stratigraphic units and their relation to the topography. is given by the three- dimensional model of Figure 16. This model is viewed from the south, and it contains parts of profiles 9-9', 10-10',.11-11', 12-12', H-H', J-J', and L-L'. Careful inspection reveals several ridges composed of pre-deformational sediment . and acoustic basement trending northeast, and separated by low, flat-bottomed areas' underlain - by post-deformational sediment - Discussiort Geologic ,Dates. The major events recorded in the stratigraphy and structure of the China basin appear to be the peneplanation of acoustic basement and the fold- ing that separates the predeformational and the postdeformational 'sediments. The basement rocks of the Indochina Penin- sula, the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, and Borneo continue beneath the shallow Sunda Sea, and they consist mainly of Paleoioie and Mesozoic metamorphic and igneous rocks.,A review of evi- dence for the Late Cretaceous age of the pene- plain on acoustic basement south of the China basin is provided by Parke et al. (1971) and Todd and Pulunggono (1971). Magnetic (Bosum et at, 1970) and gravity (Pan, 1967; Hsieh and Hu, 1971) surveys and drillhole samples from the Penghu Islands west of Taiwan (Huang, 1967; _Chou, 1969) indicate that Mesozoic strata are far denser than Cenozoic ones, in agreement with the concept that the top of acoustic basement there could be the Late Cretaceous peneplain. In the Philippines a major unconformity also separates the Cretaceous and Tertiary Systems (Gervasio, 1966, 1968). No more specific evidence for the age of?the acoustic basement k9ck-ot4zit.s.:.arie- plain is known from the China basin. The large Northwest Borneo geosyncline con- tains thick, highly folded and faulted Paleogene 4?Lines of magnetic anomalies from ship and airplane measurements across China basi ? Four airplane lines (Project MAGNET) " " ' . ? sediments. Only sediments younger than middle Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000200130010-7 845 Miocene have gentle dips. In this region the Pa- leogene sediments appear to have been deposited in deep water, and the late Neogene ones in shallow water, presumably the reverse of the. depth sequence in the China basin (Parke et a/.,. 1971). In Taiwan, the Cenozoic sediments older than Pliocene are folded and faulted, and they . ? form much of the Central Range (Juan and Wang, 1971). Lapping against them are thick "muddy sediments" of late Pleistocene age. The Miocene sediments are largely bedded sand- stones with ripple marks; and the Pleistocene "muddy sediments". are massive mudstones, pos- sibly of deep-water origin. In the Philippine Is- lands, as on Taivfan, there was a major tectonic episode during -late Miocene time, followed by postorogenic sedimentation interrupted by vol- canism and other tectonic activity (Gervasio, 1968). Uplifts and subsidence during the entire' Cenozoic are well documented on the islands of Palawan, Mindoro; and Luzon; these movements. resulted in cycles of arkosic marine sediments'. alternating with limestones. Folding and upliff1- have continued to the present 'along the' eastern' - edge of the China basin, as indicated by raised' Holocene calcareous reefs near the south end of Taiwan (Hashimoto et al., 1970), by a 25-km left- lateral movement of the East Taiwan rift since late Pleistocene time (Biq, 1967), by the 1,200-km long left-lateral movement of the Philippine fault (Allen, 1962), and by the folding of "post-defor- mational" sediment in the Manila Trench (Fig. Until drill data are available from the floor of the China basin, we believe that the best age -? estimate for the unconformity at the top ,of the ? acoustic basement is Late Cretaceous. The main , time of subsequent folding is.probably early Neo- gene, with activity continuing to the present:. along the eastern side of the China basin. ? - Structural Implicatiohs . , . The distribution of the ridges beneath the outer' edges of the continental shelves and across the floor of the China basin (Figs. 6-11, 16) is pre- sented in simplified form in Figure 17. Ridges 7: , surround the basin, where they served as sub-' - merged dams to trap large quantities of detrital , sediments brought to the ocean by rivers. One Of the ridges bordering the shelf off Borneo contin- ues northeastward as the elongate Palawan Is- ? land. These barriers appear to be close parallels with the ones previously observed in the East ? China Sea and the South China Sea. The ridge at the edge of the continental shelf off mainland. China is known from only a few traverses, best of which is one by United Geophysical Corporation across the outer part of the shelf directly south- east of Hong Kong (Figs. 5, 13). In this area the- ? 20' 110? C H I K. U. Emery and Zvi Ben-Avraham Structure and Stratiaraphy of China Basin Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000200130010-7 ic120' TAiWAN 15' 10' ? /I ,- ? ----- ' %- OR N E Flo. 5?Positions of best seismic profiles?from R/V F. V. Hunt (wide lines) and Ruth Ann (narrow lines). Dotted line across outer shelf at lat. 21?N, long. 115?E, is from United Geophysical Corporation (Fig. 13). Interpretive drawings are shown on Figures 6-11. ? . o 22? 30' N. 116? 55',E. +500- 0. 0 -poo- 1 20* 05' N. 124- oe E. 7 ? 500 2 2- 4- 19? 47'N. 115* 50'E. ? 19? 02' N. 117? 22' E. 0 -500 ? ? 20? 40'N. 117? 53's. 847 19? 53' N. 121? 00' E. +500 0 ? -500 K M o 21 18'.01' 18" '02' Pi. ? 120* 10'E. 116' 25'E. - 0+500: 113* 47' E. 16? 08' N. 7 0: 7 -500- 5 o 3 15? 39' N. 118* 35' E. 16? 43' 119* 50' E. +500 ,7500 ; _ ? ? n 4' ? - 14' 53' N. ? ' 419? 53' E. KM 7+500 0. ? ?600 2- 4- 6 15? 02' N. 111? 30' E. u) +500 z ? 0 6 -500 2 7 15* 15'N. 112? 55' E. 14? 35'N. 114* 13' E. 14? 30' N. 1160 45' E. o 51 2 0 100 6 14?35'N. .14? 251' - N? -- - " _. ? _ 118? 10'E. 119? 47' E. +500 200 KM 4- 6 -13-44stt 0 -500 o 2 4 ? 6- 6?Interpretative seismic and magnetic.profiles along traverses 2-2', 3-3', 4-4', 5-5', and 6-6' (Fig. 5), assuming acoustic velocity of 1.5 km/sec in water and-/.0-tiri/sec in sediments. Top: Total intensity magnetic anomalies. Bottom: Line- drawing interpretation of continuous seismic reflection profiles, vertical exaggeration 26.7x. Black indicates acoustic basement; coarse dots, predeformation sediments; and fine dots, postdeformation sediments. Small horizontal bar and p designate part of recording illustrated by photograph. ? . - Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000200130010-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000200130010-7 848 O 0 O 0 ta 0 in I 0 N vr K. 0. Emery and Zvi Ben-Avraham 11? 00'N 109' 23' E. (67 +500 1 2 , 0 -500 .100 ctJ 2 2 4 6 10? 32'N. 1090 00' E. ? 0 -4 LAj 10N5 N N e o 0,1 0 O 0. 0 0 It) 0,- ,0 , 0 6, cn +500- a 0 CD ? -500- 12 ?0 S. y 2 9 09 0 0 0 0 0 p" ; SVMA1V9 I. 0 0 0 o, ,I. SVINV4V9 Ilya. 7?Traverses 7-7',8-8', and 9-9'. Symbols are same as for Figure 6? .N 41) `3 9 0 100 ' Flo. 8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000200130010-7 11 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000200130010-7 Structure and Stratigraphy of China Basin 110 00 N. ? 109? 23' E. (I) +5007 c:c 2 0 ? 2 c.9 -500- 0 849 ? " 9? 07' N. ii117? 04' E. -+500 .0 6- 10? 32'N. 109? 00'E. (r) ? +500 2 0 ? -500:. 0 2 10 NC 2 . 4 2 .4 6 7? 13' N. 116? 20' E. -+500 0 --500 O .111 2 -4 90 30' N. 109? 00' E. 5? 00' N. 113? 55' E. Ii 5? ? 10? 10? V X 26.7 00. 100 200 KM Cl) +500 2 0 2 0 -500 3.0 2 ,5 c 4-- 7? 26' N. 109? 00' E. 5? 00' N. 111? 10' E. Ii +500 Flo.. 8?Traverses for 10-10', 11-11',12-12', and 13-13'. Symbols.are same as for Figure 6. 0 -500 O 12' 2 4 +500 0 -500 O 13' 2 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000200130010-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000200130010-7 850 K. 0. Emery and Zvi Ben-Avraham 1 2' 10'N. 13? 35'N. 109' 41' E. 111? 06E. +500 2 0 0 -500 Ao 8A' 2 2 4 18? 38'N. 2040'N. 117? 05'E. 117? 101E. 4 O? 1? 1.61 2? 5? 10? 10? 6 v X 26.7 ru , ? 16? 40'N. 109? 50' E. +500 +500 0 0 7500 -500 Bo 131 Co 4 +500 0 -500 Fo 4 17? 35' N. 18? 08'N. 111?49' E. : ., 2.-.,1>,A 21? 50'N. 117* 42'E. 31'E.114 C' D +500 0 -500 4 . 4 21?01'N. 119* 21'E. +500 +500 0 21? 05'N. 118? 19'E. -500 Go 0? 0 100 200 KM 2 4 Flo. 9?Traverses A-A', B-B',.C-C', D-D', E-E', 12-F', and 0-0'. Symbols are same as for Figure 6. 1 0 -500 0 GI 2 4 0 0 in 0& 00 SVAINV Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000200130010-7 500 0 ? -5o0 D' 0 -2 -4 N. -+ 500 ? 0 -500 G' 0 2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000200130010-7 00 0 / Structure and Stratigraphy of China Basin 851 r- &J. g; (0 0 0 0 6.0t 0 in 0 ? 10 tri 0 + I 0 0 o tO 0 in 0 zW DU) ? iW IO .10 ? .41. O 0 N 0 It) S V IN VIVO 0 0 0 0 O 0 to ? ? to + i SVINVIVO N Vs1 O o 0 o o to in 4C + I awe SVNI OM I Flo. 10?Traverses 1-I', K-K', and M-M'. Symbols are same as for Figure 6. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000200130010-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000200130010-7 852 K. 0. Emery and Zvi Ben-Avraham .. o o 10 0 ill + 1 0 CV 1. 0 0 In 0 ' ? ? 0 0 0 0 N ?cr (.0 0 0 0 0 0 in I to VI,A11#1?10 I , SVININVO VVN zw -eu 00 00 IA tNI .4- o 000 oi 0 to_ WM ?+ I SVININVO '', Fia 11?TI:averses H-H', an d\ L-L'. Symbols are same as for, figure 6. . ? ' ? . Flo. 12?Sec ? Luzon Trough (pr 13?Sc? ridge beneath ou Corporation and Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000200130010-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000200130010-7 Structure and Stratigraphy of China Bain 853 DISTANCE IN KM Fin. I2?Section of seismic recording and of its interpretation showing repeated wes Luzon Trough (profile 6-6' of Figure 6 at lat. 14?25', long. 119?35') caused by repeated uplift ward thinning of sediments in West f bordering ridge. r 1 1? _ - "Viim??txx- _ ._ ---,...-- _ ..=___.):'-'..=-7.-_.----.. --,- 4,--,-.1---_--=--.---7,:;?=0,.. _..---?;;y>.,?..-2-._ . .z-,-:r--,------_ . `- ----- - _:.,...,/--:-.-.... -=?-?.--_.. --'==,---. --...,-;-.. _.-r-? .---'?.'''''.;.:'---- . . , , ,,---_-..--_,-_:- -----------r. --- .-- :e-C---*--...-4-, ---.,-.,-..e.,,z-m->_'.,- .z..-......--? ----- --? ___ _....,-, ....... .,..r. -7,---;---.--,_,-/,._-_.,____,..i_----,--,---,?;1F-- -.?:.s>?.1-,. --.7------z.?,-,--2...,, .....,,,,---,???__.,......7. ,, . _=,----- ......,xL...,_.:.? ?-? * - ? '-'.--...-,. --;.:..----, -_vir.,.. ...3,-;:::.-1.,-,--_,--.."-------_