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Approved For Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP07-02247R000200200027-9 L TFPC; 1E-*?L 2209615 . AT CONSTRUCT1Op1 PROxCTS Oft C = Subjugating the Desert 1. S. SEMYONOV hiss Winner. f nginaar, Main Turkmen Canal Proiacf Jr YEAR AGO. on ~eMber 1 1960- fly bistaic dadsici(n of the $ovlpt,loveram n x pnblislsad. yro j ding. (o Lhe.pPw~rt+s:t of M i T k l a n ur men Cana from . Darya to Krasnovodsk, and for the If ga of t e ens of I* t'arapirti b*l s I In W~irrn TorAM nhtawi tegloh ' ar- ; ?wirer Amu Darya, add-Me western pitt of 11* Kara Kum desert. This was a bold a std- jestic plan for the subjugation of the sultry deserts' of (Aifr l 41Ma: 7 3HT For fhe 5rsf time in the history of hydre. ehgtneeitng, Mar yfti ttnpttirnt pt fh--. Irriigation, water sbpp , poW and ^ lima-? port --are to be sohed rreftlv and' as NO. 1951 60-34 Hof w-tts(arn '>rltrltia*nletan tt-ftf' eeeive 0* water *Ay need thresh tight mains, Approved For Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP07-02247R000200200027-9 17 , Part of r L, scheme. The ' waters of the Amu Datyya will 'iced Potntiailr, iectile vegfons whleA nos lid +.Fchet bapegib a burning wt; 11 avaUan thstp to its, and turn sandy and "fine wastes Into flourishing /elda and aocbaerdi. no pro" da iwgas tide it atloa of I.S00100p bttirrdg of ,land. (ddely jwi 6f dot$a) and the b.i of wank '7,100. , heefdrea of pasture land. Ttras vlrid be azit ar aaair1y.a~0,oo0,We- Or- -aerue as pritte0hw WIN ;Md help the sands. The industrial I V L COUNTRY Approved For Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP07-02247R000200200027-9 1 ~ PAGE a- OF 7 PAGES totalling One tttouuad kilolpetrep to leng014 The three hydropower plants to be built on the canal and the river itself in eopaectios with the dams will have an aggtegaie capadty of 100,000 kilowatts. Lastl *otor ships east strings 61 barges wilt sail by the new water- way through the very heart of the Kara Kwl desert-from the Cspian Sea to the lower reaches of the Amu Darya sad the Aral Sea. These miracles will be w#ad by .water. The Main Turkmen Canal- represent a .hvu.. -broad river, 1,100 kfloattw long. It will carry a low of 360-400 cubic meets of water per second-as much as the Du .pet does at Kiev in the summer months More- over the low can be M Fatly increased to W cubic metres pet Where will this mass of water comae from? 1~ "VIIgs e1 Cestrai Ails" The -Turkmen: have dreamed for centuries of the day when the parched soil of their country would be sated. They knew that the waters of the Amu Darya were ample enough to vivify and transfigure the desert. 2209615 It we were to bait down as the Kars Kim desert teem a sufficient elevation, we should clearly discern to the west of the Amu Darya delta dried-up river valleys stretching to- wards the hugit Seryksmish Depression (150 kilometres i mg. 100 Idlometres broad, and about 100 metres leap). In some places these valleys are choked with sand, to others they cut deep into the soil. In the west, the Sary. imish Depression is conneetsdi vita the Uzboi-an old dried-up river eiatfnel excel- lently preserved to our day with its clearly dM shable bands, terraces of vaetOus height, and characteristic sl iwW dapoeits. The Usboi stretches in a sautbww tier1y direo- item to the Caspian Sea. It is a strange and unusual spectacle, and one that has always attracted investigators. The conjecture has been frequently hazarded that in ancient times the Amu Darya lowed through the Uzboi, and only haler turned Into the Aral Sea. But geographical and geological inveatIgations have show. that the Am. Darya, like the Syr Darya and other Central Asian rivers, emptied Into the Caspian only In the early Quaternary period, when the Aral -------------------------------------------------- The Amu Darya-known to the ancient Ro- mans, Greeks, Arabs and Chinese under vari. ous names-the Dhun, the Oxus, the Potsu-is a powerful and peculiar river. Because t length -and water volume.- It Is often called the "Votg of Central Asia.'!At rises near the borders of `China and India. In the summits of the Pamirs, which attain an altitude of MOO metres. Its total length is 2,500 k1lornetres. In its first thousand, kilo- metres it flo~-s through mountains, and Is known as the Panj. Here It serves "as a n.ltural boundary be the Soviet Unto, and Afghanistan. toe, it receives the Ghuad, Bartaag, Vak?Ish,. Kairnahan, Sur Man Darya and a number of other tibutaries. Below the town of Termez, the Arnq Darya eaves the mountains for the Vast desert waste of the Kars Kum and K zf Aunt. It transects them without receiving a a tributary, nor any Increment tnsn stmesphe preclpttation. wbkh is ea~tremdy scanty here. ,In fact, It loses one4 tb of Its water, owtog to evaporatiop, lltramm and withdrats s for Irrigatigd. Nevertbekes, it has still *nou left to carry and empty Into the closed bs of the Aral Sea segue million cubic metres of w_per in as av year..: Sea was still-nonexistent. When that as was formed the Amu Darya began to flow into 0, and only sent part of its walers, through Side charnels, he the Sahfiurmf.' Depreastoew?' Whew the dearer was Stied to wetlto tug, the Uzboi was o= the stre mss that bribe. out of It, working w is a southwesterly direction and eating out the typical river channel that now marks its course. But cli- mate chanpd,=?the amount of water flowing into -the Sarykamish Depression through the doeves 0o t Am% Darya-dmhdshed, and the gradually Arkd- - u f. Tk Uzbol riveir' Hhre~--iise ,NsaptpNred, dial at- f l slugs lalres veparMd by .t kbes of dry bed. I So4mub ke his pert fix raa~, of cetttse, j y- the most Important ng is that. the Usbd has-1 some down to vs trap Nnetent times to the via or a n tibdisoly preserved. Mono dmried u , ?ritletil-ay laid by *um It f The idea of *rr)ag the waters d tbe,Amu etr~ra Onto Southwestern Tvrkmeaktan and brln~a ~1fle back to the deasc4i q agitated the at ms .,jren+ tkaes,al old. In 1713; +o1s >Kepa,.# , It+~rkmus Opt eagle 0 FORM No. MAY 1951 60-3*A Approved For Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP07-02247R000200200027-9 I FIRM NO. Approved For Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP07-02247R000200200027-9 COUNTRY'., 9 i- ? " three years literr Prtisr~ordersd the of an cuteped~tits nadir Macs 6lienMck husky. platter's iartiations saw to travel to the Khan of !hive as an smbessadat. Ms way to 1oitslu the eon rse of the rives' study it as Q lly, *W to deride whenrer _ could be divei Into Its old chat neL This- ezpedltlorl met with a and fate: qt its mm*m _ a e- i. huehsdditehY~l mw tury and a half later when another acp~iNou was sent out in l878 ender General -1lukbov- sky, and made a 6opegraphical of the Usboi. This originated the first pro cot tar diverting the Amu Darya into the ban and cresting a navigable waterway through the desert, Since then numerous other inv.stiw time were undertaken and projects drawn up by various individuals and orgauisatIons, tout in barbt times they an user with tutee samsfatk and were soon isegeltaa- they will have the half of - the Tom' CLASSIFICATION ?SCURCE PAGE J OF 7 PAGES Puler I. He Vls sot ` M 'ate the'M r M a project of at . lhnpa toile. "Wih epee," ?lub said,. "can be tooted %sek Into= lti _ [WNW Only with the rise of ow sodaffst stab 1n it beoome possible to malls tins: aoglo-sM . dram of the peeple; The the Amu Darya v t* Capolad and utiNis- ing vast quantities, at water, *blab are now wasted, to irrie deserts h?is_ bet boldly tackled by.?tihe S let peo9k. akeves at 3tsrya} _d.tihe neppar . 1'lia rule M tlha ~,AW - The best route he the -MaIturhmen Canal I. sti U . bed studied. Two vadanta- rave been then as, being the most kasible, and are now uaoar uc___ttaa. Moulding to No k$111. the canal 'will start at the hs llaald of Tahla- Task an the Amu Darya, now the . town of :Nnkus, slept Me Sarykadab Dspsasysa, cross the Kara Kum desalt,. ah>a l fep. through the Uzl channel .b ?IhwsM arm* wateph Tu k z-ass a td proposes p~h t . poses to uttloe P , o , N Kuhhya ll~arlra stud Q d-uahhdan ? (indent rah 9'e ?1e 'sue CARD N02209615 t~1et`W- l t~rl ` t ~ikgl ai sur? i s Me ' M along the whole !I aao rl~i'iectla`'1A ieeoe! W 61-fhk~ Vlydl be sRolded, for It L_ of A ' {that it would true Am at to tt ea dot! t n Ms s faah now sealer tut will be leaving It to psi dawn floe eana~iq Rtasnorodd? And 1I ldMsset, ratiant Is chosen, a dam Iwo be built ON the Auhu Darya at TaMa-TaMi, together with other biR-h NSTARVIX119MUNl works ba+sr stations. locate; l tng beds, a 5F kilometre dyne. etc.). Other dams and caps- does reservoirs stilt be tomtit slang the whole route of the canals together with er eta- tions, branch trrigatkfa canals. ant water mains--In fact, tie ~haSe colossal aggregate Of works envisaged by ttl master plan. At the lrtadla*d of TaMia-sash. (which means .S1oae'Cao") the Amt Darya narrow to a wt of 1)0 a"**.' Hem Its clsjrial will be aw:sarMha datz fl loth raise 'tth"e water " odV or .11* s*m abotvoep the U~Wum =move hmasbtq .~Parart of the dam will be ,bWlt 61 macabre, through which the surplw In spite of tthe relatively low pressure, tie w cs at Talds-Tsb will resent a shoat eem- pUcited engineering . Outing foc j- time, the water' lows with 't adous spy and will lend- to wash away the fragile banks; the river carries an nrsusually tar asnougj Pt 1gW*saad =-A silt (t7rom 3 to 12 p1 jsml solid matte ? per treble mitred ; !ht addl allestlog 6i"t.' tote Morks .,will have to to The 6ilk'all via essal.llhrnuMh the sands of Get bra. N" W111111,050 p no 0Miae ,, ten indeed will a be other era tube , tat - alrliat 1)i' elhoarir,, list imws of Shah-lanes ? rMeh sR Nick. 6 LOA,, 'tiortfhss fora Mnae will have I* be a 0 a! h at' f!si sett, tan Uabe god ? aaa~lbeh a0 ,_ a_po~r station .u . lea n ter ; IN IMles~ stew are sehhssa d wo t 00*1 FORM NO. 60-34A MAY 1951 Approved For Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP07-02247R000200200027-9 Approved For Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP07-02247R000200200027-9 1-7 SOURCE PAGE OF ' PAGES lower down. Nor abbeld It be the Heart at the Kars 1Cao,, rer>AO~a from Mi/ railway. III the last section ,of, i% routes-4h an artiidal' Elahnel. and hoe twWdears . be required. The asooed-variant will ako.1a- vole the building of a ONNOW of d dykes (to dtwralos~.of the wa the sboi the Saryka De ? ter 01'r6ow of of artif>iebt ==V" -kin and tom. The best idea of the agile of voek ln*lved" they are aml p estimates, ft is tie. hundred million cubic metroo of earth will have to be excavated. This work of tiourm can be performed In so short a ti am (Ive years) only thanks to the excellent ma snes we produce: high-power excavatorsr with 14-cubic metre shovels, sera rs, tractors, hauWy vehicles and 10 , tl+~ two to-two, and a half million cube waves of C X9615 ohm ISil ity to S00A10 Mectarea of land is the kmW 600,000 S=- %Aftu blotto, and to lan lowland in Weslaco Tom. Amu a wateere will al "New" network of irrlga- dft a n g ~ the ower arefla of tiffs And The Cas- n region of WoftralUrkmesidan will be- aaadZ 0e 004 *Ys V'elsd wain source of cot- tog aroply. Ift d e r rarl tonsiditrably . from 4 metric amphpir s per bectars Ip " to In the United 16 in Eggyypt, to i $ovtet Uton. Tbp Main 'L]+rknren Carnal will help to raise tills la'lisr hgyre by at howl 50 to: 100 per cent, the mend being that Am Darya to s nine times as much pottim and one and a half times as aarch phosphorw as the famous waters of the Nile, and, what is more, the climaate of this region is eminently puit- able for aviten raising. The new sburae of concrete will have is be laid (in aboltF but years). To do so, we shall build tomatic concrete-awaking plants, of the type which is now so splendidly proving Its worth on the construction of the Volga-Don Canal. The . canal viii Involve the laying of hum 4 to;; 5 million cubic metre- o1 stone. To hall !be`. stone frgm the +rardes by rail inn. !1Il re. quite oovvirr 400 ysllwap hides a 4ay. Three hundred kIlomet M raU*sy and 1,500-kilo- metres of road1 be laid In the coal laxge- Such will be the scale and twn~. of the work mow p~u Rrr P*Peas of N4iparison, we t~ . ~~ lfolu~oerirop~oR tfik .'' ,~ PaeNSaas?a?40. less S I I?' s'? I Maio Tlirtrar?a ? ?! M/` +r ma f ii0nlAl * u1 extensive of an- tral Aai resort leaps d er aijsc- Istivea - P FORM NO. MAY 1951 6O-3~A sepply will provide Acid an additional two million tons of first-grade cotton a year. Frost and snow are almost unknown in Western Turkmenistan, mad, with the water suppled by the-Main Turkmen Anal, the con- ditions will be created for the growing of efives. figs; prnegrawles, petsiwnwns acid- -h1 the southern part--dates. -The soil will be capable yielding two harvests a year. The paw to desert 'wi11 baporAa an N O& of bloy 4ertiLe Gelds and or- $11001L The *?Mn of war to another seven mi(- I" -A desert 4WI create rjWt poes- bndrp ft .wwl be piw%k to pastiore Mk Deafly Ml round W to v t*" of ImaR he =16 The herds and locks I" %lopeg ms 1I ea cold. of sheep The , of OWN, to industrial plants, Vmw i swisgi 'lanole rWWn will radically Of `biiarwer of ilk Of the penpie and ~fil~sdh. '2fe wain will be piped naiv~eas,, with a total of idlomNies at the rated ty saasad, When the canal to tkmaul~i tomb 4 jiraepovu4ak will soon 'V ; Approved For Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP07-02247R000200200027-9 Approved For Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP07-02247R000200200027-9 COUNTRY 22093j5 s IPAGE_'. OF 7 PAGES ! +a feet M theft hash wailer lad In be oo& by steamer fray Baku on the other aide of the Ca an. W aeatern Turkmenistan contains pat de posits of minerals, tcludmg o11 but their ex. ploitation has been gravely hampered by lack. of fresh water. Extraction of the chemical salts contained in such huge abundance In the waters of the Gulf of Kara-Bogaz-Gol has also been retarded for the same reason. T!se Main Turkuun Canal will give a fillip to the oil and chemical industries. Power and-" transport development will change the face of these desert areas. Hydro- electric stations with an aggregate capacity of 104,000 kilowatts will provide cheap power for thk factories and farms of the Turkmen and Kara ak Republics. Electric tractors will be freely 4Sed, an j cotton and other Industrial crops will be hsrwvested with the help of elec-' trically-driven machines. The Main Turkmen Canal will be an Im- portant transport artery, carrying gran, mineral fertilizers, machinery and farm equip- ment from the Caspian, and agricultural prod- uc-apd the products of the manufacturing in- dustries. which cheap power will help to develop in these parts from the lower reaches of the Amu Darya. Tlie port of Krasnovoisk, the "gateway to Central As!a." will become-i great freight-redirecting cg~tre. Passengers "'= will be able to sail from M3seow, the capital of our country, to Tahia-Tash and Aralkk without changing steamer. When The Main Turkmen Canal Is completed, Moscow will be- come a port of six seas. All along its route, the canal will be pro- tested from sandstorm and scotching sinds werful green barrier of siblte ache a, ,la or, mulberry; apricot and trees of other a dy and long-lived vatfetles. Towns and hamlets wilt be surrounded by green belts. '11-e very ch to w1U change. And aft this p only vY years. fltr. ~ ~ .walk' ~ . , Not so long so I har&bceafon to tram se .a* wholle course from. TsMa.talsb to Prasno- vodsk- Our exptatng party trail by meter car, 4hd at that time ~we could stl1~ form tdgl s rndgh idea of the future route of '!6e ?tana . `ere and tberp we Saw the ruins of ancient fee Isis= . aid $bandoned - nomad taasps. We- made our way to the well of Yahddla by compass, with not a trace of a road and not 's sohl to be aeea srywlaata: ?v et- now and agile we had to oft our eats Out of On sand. or lay a, read for km With be$*t a at saotauk and in some places eveit"'-cut a track through liw high summits of the sand hills At last we reached a precipice 30 meow deep. and below us lay the ancient, silent and petrified channel of the lazboi. ? et co September 12, the anniversary of the publication Of the Soviet Government's deci- sion to build the Main Turkmen Canal., V tristov, chief engineer of Central Asian Hydropower Development, had the follow- ing to say in an article in the newspaper "Tbousauds of prospectors and ecienttfie workers from the Office of Hydroengtneering. the Ministry of Geological Survey, the Ministry of Forestry, the Academv of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. and the Academies of Sciences of the Uzbek. Turkmen and Kazakh Repub. ilca are today at work in the Kara Kam der, art all the way train Amu Darya to Ktasao' vixlsk and Kfsfl Arvat.. , . At the site of We Tahia-Task dam. preyaratiaas :jot the con- stradion wor{I" are in fail swing S ovte acad. clay and lime'40acriea have bees located. so& one near Hod}eiti is already in ooQQeettstion` it s equipped with a power plant, mobile campres- sots, excavators and Al -tracks. Blasti operations have begun Another end mvcs larger quarry is being apenedyie the Sultan- uizdagh hills, 100. kifometrts from Tehia- Tasb. The first parties ci workers. engineers and technicians *$.it been pent then, together with aw~lni power plants. trucks aaegmaaaors, dadUn4 equIpsMnt and taady- made -houses. - Not tar Loan ,the fe4apbrary aettlcareht for t1'~F Arst t-onw.orlmrs' h' seat Tahiia?aett. i1 7IrMe ii spfit~ up, Several reets are, already built. and the' of d!y t# ti to ta!to moved into the newt ho4se . A ten-grade K 4 cot has retie "will and ,curs of other belldh* ate te' f our .. i canstructkoi,~ - Meat one hundred 8611111100011 ono at dot _.A____;0 r emade `llmew have Just -ftfwd. OIMttrr~~-- roams and fl fs 19% cltsliho e, a publf baths surd t end age are beihe built, roads and water mains FORM No. 60-34A MAY 1951 Approved For Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP07-02247R000200200027-9 Approved For Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP07-02247R000200200027-9 2209615 11 z NVJ~ 1laaWW, - blgttansiu: 4els boos vies' Tbe?betldens fill have tremendous, tanks to cope wil'b in k962 when the volume d wsrk will focteam at least stzfoid. But it m,iy be tales bor,19rsnhd that they will lalthfalfly hl- III that pkdgs the Main Tudmen Canal" this great construction project of ppeease-will be completed' lo time, and the Stalin plan fur the .gaticr of the Kara Kum desert will become a fact? FORM NO 60-94 Nov 195i Approved For Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP07-02247R000200200027-9 Approved For Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP07-02247R000200200027-9 THE MAIN TURKMEN CANAL ?~~ :? ~w~~twi ? h?Nww/ t~~t?N~ul ?1?wt ~??ilcN ~..~~ ?uw A~N?wi-, .it~tir~ lNla \~/~~ *?.yM? (~O Drfrft ? Itd, io?wr?~ , t~ui~ ~?w~? NI ?-e?r,q ti on Approved For Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP07-02247R000200200027-9