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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06TO1849R000200120034-4 C U B A - E - 1f2 PA021912 Havana International service in Spanish 1600 OMT 2 Apr 79 PA [Text] Cuba and Poland condemn the brutal and treacherous Chinese attack on the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, which denotes the extreme danger of the chauvinistic, expansionist and hegemonie policy of the Bering leaders, says a joint communique that was signed in Havana on the official, friendly visit which Piotr Jaroszewicz, chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Polish People's Republic, paid to Cuba from 25 to 30 March. The two countries also condemned the Egyptian-Israeli treaty which, far from being a, solution to the Mideast conflict, creates new, greater threats to peace and security in the Middle East. The joint Cuban-Polish communique voices solidarity with the struggle for liberation of the peoples of Namibia and Zimbabwe and opposes maneuvers by Western powers and their allies to impose neocolonialist solutions in both territories. Cuba and Poland also voiced solidarity with the frontline countries which are experiencing continuous aggression from the racist regimes in southern Africa. Both parties emphasized the growing and positive international role of the nonalined countries movement in the common struggle against imperialism, colonialism and other forms of oppression. They highlighted the importance of the sixth summit conference of that group of nations which will take place in Cuba next September. Cuba and Poland voiced their willingness to continue contributing to the unity and coherence of the international communist movement on the basis of the principles of Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism. The weakening of that unity, they pointed out, merely favors imperialist interests. The joint communique finally reports that Fidel Castro, first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba and president of the Councils of State and Ministers, gratefully accepted Piotr Jaroszewicz' invitation to pay an official visit to Poland. FL021843 Havana Domestic Service in Spanish 1600 GMT 2 Mar 79 FL [Text] Berlin--The Cuban-GDR intergovernmental commission for economic, scientific and technical cooperation began its ninth plenary session today in this capital. The delegat:_ons are headed by the vice presidents of the Cuban and GDR Councils of Ministers, Carlos Rafael Rodriguez and Gerhard Weiss, respectively. At the opening of the meeting, which is being held at the [name indistinct] residence, where the top-level foreign guests stay, the two leaders stressed the identical objectives of their governments and parties and the fruitful increase in bilateral relations. Carlos Rafael Rodriguez, member of the PCC Politburo and vice president of the Council of State, and part of the delegation accompanying him today at the end of the first round of talks traveled to (Neustad), in the southern Province of Dresden. In this region near the GDR-Czechoslovakian border, the Cuban leader will visit the [name indistinct] state complex for agricultural machinery building and the (Neugersdorf) textile industry. Carlos Rafael Rodriguez is scheduled to meet with the Cubans who are receiving technical training in the southern part of the GDR. FL021901 Havana Domestic Service in Spanish 1600 GMT 2 Apr 79 FL [Text] Bucharest--Today in Bucharest Cuba and Romania began talks to coordinate the economic plans of the two countries for the 1981-1985 5-year period and other aspects of reciprocal interest. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06TO1849R000200120034-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06TO1849R000200120034-4 VI. 3 APr 79 Q 2 The delegations are headed by Humberto Perez, vice president of the Council of Ministers and president of the Cuban Central Planning Board [JUCEPLAN], and (Nicolas Constantin), first vice chairman of the Romanian Government and chairman of the Romanian State Planning Committee. According to the official program for the visit, the negotiations should conclude on Thursday, 5 April, with the signing of the final documents of the session. In addition the Cuban visitors will tour a truck plant in the Romanian County of Brasov located north of Bucharest, and other centers of interest. Romania and Cuba, which are members of the CEMA, established diplomatic relations in October 1960. FIDEL CASTRO REPLIES TO LETTER FROM SYRIAN PRESIDENT Report on Al-Asad Letter FL021158 Havana Domestic Service in Spanish 1000 GMT 2 Apr 79 FL [Text] Hafiz al-Asad, president of the Syrian Arab Republic, has sent a letter to Fidel to bring him up to date on the dangers involved in the Egyptian-Israeli treaty aria the possible consequences for the situation in the Middle East so that they [Syria and Cuba] can jointly cooperate in having this problem studied at the United Nations. In one part of his message, the Syrian leader pointed to the decisive agreements taken at the nonalined countries conferences which stressed the impossibility of imposing and establishing a just peace for the area without complete Israeli withdrawal from all occupied Palestinian and Arab territories and the reestablishment of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people. Fidel Castro Reply FL021317 Havana Domestic Service in Spanish 1045 GMT 2 Apr 79 FL [Text] The text of the letter our commander in chief sent to Hafiz al-Asad is carried in today's GRANMA newspaper: Our people, party and government have always followed the development of events in the Middle East closely and with great concern, and the danger for peace in this area in particular and in the world in general represented by the policy carried out by North American imperialism, which uses the Zionist State of Israel as their spearhead in the region. The signing of a separate peace treaty, as you point out in the letter sent to me, goes against all complete solutions for a just and lasting peace and allows the Israeli State to perpetuate its policy of annexation by way of the consummated events, making the situation more uncertain and dangerous. In complete opposition to the Security Council and General Assembly resolutions, to the nonalined countries movement and to many other international forums, the Zionist State of Israel and its tutor, North American imperialism, have provoked a situation which day by day becomes ro re dangerous for the Arab peoples and for all progressive humanity. This policy, which counted on the surrender policy and the betrayal by Egyptian President Anwar as-Sadat, completely removes any possibility for a just solution to the problem in the Middle East. The agreements signed in the name of peace reveal their hidden and true objective by including the colossal financing; and supplying of very modern weaponry to Israel and Egypt. And Fidel's letter to Hafiz al-Asad continues: What type of peace is it, that is estab- lished simultaneously with an escalation in the arms race? Against whom will the hundreds of tanks, the transportation equipment, airplanes and other modern weaponry which the United States generously supplied to the two countries be used after signing the aforementioned peace? Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06TO1849R000200120034-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06TO1849R000200120034-4 VI. 3 Apr 79 @ 3 CUBA It is evident that this weaponry is destined to be used against the Arab States who have not backed down, against Palestinian resistance and against the progressive countries in the Arab region and Africa. This is part of the plans and objectives of imperialist policy to safeguard its interests in the area and try to continue its policy of exploitation and subjugation of peoples. And the letter continues: With the revolutionary process in Iran, the geSdarmerie which imperialism established to oppress peoples and as part of their strategic military scaffolding against the Soviet Union and the socialist countries disintegrated; this is the substitute. In response to its principles, Cuba rejects all imperialist maneuvers, whose only objective is the maintenance of exploitation and control over the Arab peoples' wealth in detriment to their sovereignty, independence, self-determination, well-being, progress re Iaand ndesecurity. Cuba energetically condemns the signing of the agreements between Egypt which was inspired by North American imperialism, and once again reiterates that a true and just solution to the problem can only take place with Israeli withdrawal from occupied Arab territories and the recognition and exercise of the legitimate and inalienable rights of the Arab people of Palestine, including those of self-determination, inde- pendence and sovereignty. Fidel told Hafiz al-Asad: I wish to express to you our unrestricted support for your just struggle and at the same time demonstrate our willingness to jointly cooperate for a total and lasting peace solution with the participation of all parties including the PLO, the sole and legitimate representative of the Arab people of Palestine. PREPARATIONS CONTINUE FOR 8 APRIL ELECTIONS Test of Voting System FL021344 Havana Domestic Service in Spanish 1045 GMT 2 Apr 79 FL [Text] The National Electoral Commission yesterday, 1 April, tested the entire 8 April. Blas organizational and informational system for the election for next Sunday, that the test has stated tha. Roca, president of the People's Government National Assembly, was done well and carried out with great enthusiasm, and that the only deficiencies were in mobilizing the Pioneers, and in some places where [Electoral] College presidents could not find the keys to open [the centers]. Blas said that in the test Havana Province was the first to report that it was ready, at 0700 hours, followed by Cienfuegos and Ciego de Avila. Report on Readiness FL030054 Havana Domestic Television Service in Spanish 0000 GMT 3 Apr 79 FL [Text] The National Electoral Commission met this morning to examine various matters of interest prior to the 8 April elections. The important meeting was chaired by Blas Roca Calderio, and minister,ofnjustice. Torres S Santrtry , chairman of the National Electoral Commissio Representatives of the political and mass organizations and of the organizations that will be participating in the elections also attended the meeting. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06TO1849R000200120034-4 _