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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06TO1849R000200120013-7 VI. 19 Jan 77 CUB A REPORTAGE ON OPENING SESSION OF CEMA MEETING Castro, Olszewski Speak at Opening Session Havana Domestic Television Service in Spanish 1800 GMT 18 Jan 77 FL [Text] Commander in Chief Fidel Castro, first secretary of the PCC Central Committee and president of the Council of State, today made a speech at the opening session of the 79th meeting of the CEMA Executive Committee. The opening session began with a speech by K. Olszewski, president of the CEMA Exe- cutive Committee. Sitting next to Fidel and the president of the CEMA Executive Committee were PCC Politburo members Osvaldo Dorticos Torrado, Armando Hart Davalos, Blas Roca, Carlos Rafael Rodriguez and Pedro Miret Prieto, all members of the Council of State. Also sitting at the presiding table were PCC Secretariat members, leaders of the Revolutionary Government and representatives of the diplomatic missions of CEMA member nations. In his opening remarks, K. Olszewski, president of the CEMA Executive Committee, thanked the Revolutionary Government for according all types of facilities to conduct the meeting in our country as well as for the hospitality of the Cuban people. Par- ticipating in the 79th meeting of the CEMA Executive Committee are nine socialist nations as members and Yugoslavia as associate member. Havana Domestic Radio/Television Services in Spanish 0139 GMT 19 Jan 7? FL [Speech by Fidel Castro, president of the Cuban Council of State, at inaugural session of the 79th CEMA Executive Committee meeting at the Habana Libre Hotel, Havana, on 18 January-.-recorded] [Text] Esteemed Comrade President of the Executive Committee, esteemed comrade per- manent representatives, esteemed delegations: I must stress first the extraordinary honor it is to our revolutionary people that, in fulfillment of the CEMA Executive Committee revolution, the 79th meeting is being held in Cuba. We fully understand the significance of this honor. We appreciate the effort that you must make in transferring the deliberations of the committee some 8,000 In from its permanent offices and sub- jecting yourselves to the contingencies created by the necessary improvisations and our unavoidable inexperience. We see in this action a demonstration of friendship toward and interest in our country, a desire to learn about our realities at close range, our modest gains and our problems and, above all, a true expression of the vitality, strength and the victorious advance of socialism. The Cuban people welcome you with hospitality and love. We have done and will do everything possible within our reach to create the most propitious working conditions for the Executive Committee. Our workers also hope to be able to show you some of the accomplishments of the revolution in the economic development of the country, in eradicating the traces left by several centuries of colonialism and imperialist domina- tion and in the material and social building of socialism. We believe that precisely the enormous geographic distance separating us, as well as the differences due to the historic and cultural medium in which Cuba and the rest of the member nations are located, will, rather than being an obstacle, help us to better understand the essence of CEMA and to evaluate the historic step represented by the incorporation of our country in its activities in 1973. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06TO1849R000200120013-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06T01849R000200120013-7 VI. 19 Jan 77 Q 2 We live in a world where integration has become the only possible alternative for any people seeking material and scientific development and the right to occupy an honorable position in the future. The degree in which the modern scientific and technical revolution brings problems of cooperation and specialization of the economies, the extraordinary current demands on technology and the enormous investments required to make rational utilization of productive resources are in direct and absolute contradiction with the scale of the political maps which were designed by the class societies for many centuries, especially capitalism. Hit this contradiction is still more acute when we refer to the levels of economic and cultural development, to the abysmal differences existing between a handful of bourgeois industrialized nations and tens and tens of countries which have barely reached the level of survival, never before has the antihisteric and obsolete nature of the capitalist system been more strongly manifested. i society that has created colossal productive forces today Only offers the sad spectacle of poor use of its industrial capacities, unrestrained crises, unlimited inflation, unemployment, hunger, arms race, the criminal waste of irreplaceable resources, energy and raw material problems, and the inability to pre- serve and protect the environment of the human species. If IDarl Marx were alive, if he could open his eyes for Just an instant to see these realities, he himself would admire the genius of his scientific foresight. pacing this panorama, ens can observe the integrationist tendencies of some developed capitalist countries as is the case with the European Economic Community, while in other areas and groups of countries, as is the case in Latin America, diverse formulas of association of different hues are emerging. These range from one having a cate- gorioally reactionary sense to those which encourage a progressive objective and defense against the voracity of the tronsmational monopolies. Life, however, confirms that any attempt at integration under the conditions of capitalism could not go beyond certain limited objectives, and that all integrationist movement sponsored by imperial- ism will always be politically and economically precarious, for not only will it be incapable of preventing the inequalities and internal discrimination between the more powerful and weaker partners, but also, as it has pointedly occurred in the case of the Eutropean Community and as can also be appreciated in the U.S. Imperialist policy, its alliance will be convolved to perpetuate the unequal trade with underdeveloped countries and to force them, this its system of protective tariffs, to subsidize with their agricultural products and raw materials the consumer economies, the waste and the high standard of living of a small group of industrial nations. In essence, it is a matter of there being no integration without social justice, without the elimination of the regime of exploitation of man by man and without the replseoment of national selfishnesses with the practice of internationalism. This is one more reason why the future of manklad--imsonceivable without the closest economic and political union and without the consistent liquidation of the abyss of inequality still prevailing -undoubtedly belongs to socialism. Capitalism has left behind and will centime to leave behind to the new social regime an extremely complex and diffi- cult task of reconstruction. the best proof of this is the task that has been faced by CIA since its founding, a little better than a fourth of a century ago. c WA is a confirmation of the necessary international nature of socialism, postulated by llarx and Engels and demonstrated in the revolutionary practice by Lenin, who per- ceived with singular genius how the historic advance of socialism will necessarily require the increasingly greater relationship and successive integration of the diverse socialist states into a oemmunity which by growing would become more like the so many times dreamed-of image of a mankind where the old borders are eliminated, the national contradictions and differences between countries disappear and the difference between languages and cultures should stop, as is now happening, being an element of separation and become an instrument of union and of mutual enrichment. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06T01849R000200120013-7---. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06TO1849R000200120013-7 VI. 19Jan77 do Q3 Of course, we are tar from reaching that goal toward which the communist societies will lead, but CM is one step in that direction. The enemies of socialism and even some of its followers use deep-rooted nationalist prejudices to now among peoples the fear that superior development and greater material strength of some countries with respect to others will inevitably lead to implanting in the socialist community relations based on predominance and even on the exploitation which characterises the old imperialist systeas and the modern structures of world capitalism. But COMA makes possible a beaafide confirmation of how the ideological nature of socialism makes the existence of such phenomena impossible and how the con- Cept of satellites, so much employed by our adversaries, really has a place only in the relations of imperialism and the shameless regimes that serve it. The entry of Cuba Into CXPA is a proof Of the growing universality of socialism. Won the North American imperialists were more confident and certain that Latin America was their comfortable backyard and their privileged pasture for their private pl*ndering, there emerged in 1959 the victorious Cuban revolution which for the first time totally liberated a Country in this hemisphere from imperialist oppression. our history quickly showed that under contemporary conditions a recently liberated country could resist and defeat the imperialism decision for military, political and economic reconquest only it it decided to maim profound transformations and resolutely advance toward socialism. It our country has had any privilege, it is that conferred upon it by history in being the first to defeat capitalism and imperialism in this part of the world and the first in which construction of socialism began. It was not a miracle, but the invincible force of morxiat-Leninist ideology merged with our revolutionary traditions and the massive heroism of the people, along with the formidable support of international solidarity, which made it possible for the mortal flags of the great October Revolu- tion to fly triumphantly over the first free territory in America, T'he iaperialista seek to attribute expansionist objective, to socialism as if revolx- tionary ideas were not a universal patrimony and as it every nation could not on its own, according to historic laws, advance toward a superior society, No one except the Cuban people, truly free for the first time , decided on the path of socialism in our homeland. Nothing except the internationalist nature of our social system has con. verted, Cuba into the natural link between the socialist oommwnity in More" and the peoples of this continent, Neither can anyone be blamed if today cm has a Spanish- speaking member state and the force of its ideas and work radiate along with the example of its relations with the socialist countries In an arena which has town only the hate- ful relations of haughtiness, subjugation and humiliation historically imposed by North American Imperialism* A very short time ago, CIA commemorated its first 25 years of operations. The economic results of this brief period of time serve to corroborate the undeniable victory of socialism over capitalism. It will always be necessary to remember that the emergency of Soviet power--it will soon be 6 decades--was considered by all. theoreticians of capitalism as the emergency of a short-lived utopia destined to disappear in a short period of time and without leaving any traces. The deed of the Soviet people led by Lenin and his party pry that apparent contradiction the viable strength for a splendid realization that not only would survive the sacrifice imposed by the initial aggression and blockade and the terrible war for the fatherland against NMsism in which the Soviet people paid the principle cost of a struggle with which they liberated the entire human race, but also presents to us today the spectacle of extraordinary economic, cultural, scientific and technological progress which has made the Soviet Onion an impressive reality and a firm hope, Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06TO1849R000200120013-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06T01849R000200120013-7 VI. 19Jan77 Q4 With CIS, the victories of socialism ceased to be the isolated deeds of a country of slants and beesae the solitary effort of a community of nations associated by their ideological base and in the socialist content of their economies. To show the sustained and accelerated growth of the socialist community belonging to CO A during its quarter of a century, it would be ennou& to say that upon its creation the socialist member countries were producing only 18 percent of the world's industrial production and that already by 1974 their share of production had reached 23 percent. Industrial produc- tion of saw mender countries grew sixfold from 1950 to 1973 and in others it increased up to sixt enfold. Countries which had had less comparative industrial growth before their socialist revolutions attained surprising rates. Bulgaria grew 53 tines over, Romania 43 and Poland 38. In 1950, steel production in the European Economic Community countries was greater than that of the CIA-member countries= 48.4 million tons in the I Pean] CcmmAtnity and 35.8 million in C MA countries. However, by 1973 iron and steel production of CMA while with 17 million tons onsuction countries had left the European gcoaemic community behind annually as against 350 million, respectively. [as exceeded that of the United States. Electric energy production grew more than 10 times during the same period. Similar leaps were attained in oil production and even greater ones in specific technical resources such as tractors. It can therefore be explained that the national gross product of amber countries. a figure which represents the state of material well- being of their respective peoples, grew as a whole by 5.8 time over the sage period. sit this is not the only thing indicating to us that the superiority of socialism has ceased being theoretical pronouncement and has become a tangible reality. The economic victories of socialism contrast today more than ever with the growing difficulties being experienced by the capitalist countries, whether isolated powers like the United States and Japan or economic groups like the European Cessmtnity. Those who for a brief varied of time believed they had found the techniques to esiapestheme- arises of the system and paid no attention to Marxis prediction, regarding thing obsolete, today find themselves facing the specter of a new great depression like that of 1929. The capitalists are struggling between the inflation that emerges in all areas of their decrepit system and the unemployment that hurts, with "onoule most and irkers. tHow he benefits the limitations and social humiliation, hundreds eomillions of interesting thing is the fact that you yourselves possibilities offered by the integration of socialist countries have ao far been sli*tly taken advantage of and you should continuously study new methods and Programer in order to step up the already tangible results of coordinated planning, speci and the efficient integration of some industrial areas. Ih Cabe, we attribute extraordinary importance to these analyses. We observe with great interest the preparation of long-term programs that is underway for the solution of fundamental problems in the sphere of material production, especially in the branches of energy, fuels and industrial raw materials, in the construction of Plants and equip- ment of modern technology for livestock agricultural production, the food industry, e transportation and other branches, and the adoption of complex Plana aimed eat theetul scientific and technical development, plans which are undergoing profound studies aimed at their most rapid implementation. Those program will make possible the improvement of the division of socialist labor. In this aspect, each new day brings us the certainty that only socialism wwill permit an international division of labor which is Just and efficient. even referring to the contrast existing between the division of labor as exists between us today and the ems that the capitalist superpowers are attempting to perpetuate with respect to und{q ro3op~egd countries. This problem deserves to be examined at least ';k1'.itl at a p tine. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06T01849R000200120013-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06TO1849R000200120013-7 I know we are all aware that a lot has to be done to make the division of labor in our countries function in accordance with the principles and standards that we have set in our programs. Nevertheless, we are sure that we are advancing on the right path toward the progressive equalization of the levels of economic development and industrial progress between member nations. The struggle for the new international economic order has become a common goal for the countries wanting to eliminate back- wardness and abolish the exploitation of which they were and continue to be victims. We know that such economic order will not be obtainable as long as the imperialist system prevails in substantial portions of the world. But many of the reforms that will lead to accelerating its disappearance are attainable today and are part of that common program of the developing countries. The Paris conference and Ford's and Kissinger's threats demonstrate that the imperialists do not resign themselves to losing any of their privileges. The slightest examination would demonstrate that the concession of some reforms is perhaps the only path left to them to impede the total collapse--as a result of the intensification of the struggle of peoples desperate in their agony--of the system which they believe they can best defend with stubbornness and violence. In its relations with underdeveloped countries, CEMA demonstrates the radical difference that separates socialism Fran the imperialist groups. It is known that as of 1975 member countries had provided economic and technical assistance to almost 70 countries of the so-called Third World. Through CEMA, these countries have built more than 2,000 industrial enterprises and other types concerned with the fundamental branches of their economy. Currently more than 1,000 projects are under construction. CEMA- member countries have granted long-term credits of more than 11 billion rubles to de- veloping countries. However, there is not a single onerous demand behind these operations, or a search for raw materials, or extraction of dividends. Not even a single CEMA-member country has an enterprise or exploits a single worker anywhere in the world. This is the great difference that distinguishes CEMA collaboration from the exploitation and "assistance"--in quotes-- of imperialism. The historic problems caused by wars of aggression and the economic backwardness from which the Soviet Union and other socialist countries in Europe and Asia today repre- sented at this hall have emerged to explain why a period of time still remains before the socialist countries can furnish the underdeveloped world the enormous resources it requires to rease the catastrophic consequences of the 100 years of plundering by the colonialists and imperialists. What is new, however, is that the new type of relations that has emerged from the socialist character of collaboration, in which efforts are aimed precisely at the transformation of old conditions, the establishment of economic foundations for development, guarantees the complete economic independence of the country with which collaboration is being effected. This morning I wish to reiterate that Cuba feels proud of having been one of the most extraordinary and eloquent examples of what relations can be between a socialist country and an emerging state which gained its independence and was headed toward socialism through change. Relations between the Soviet Union and Cuba in the order of political and military support, in trade, technical assistance and promotion of [Cuban] development, remain as an unexcelled page in the history of relations between big and small countries. We could not possibly overlook this opportunity to reiterate it once more. Vow then, along with the bilateral relations with the USSR and other socialist countries, ae are beginning to experience the results of multilateral relations reaching us through 7EMA. During these days, you will discuss the status of the fulfillment of the agreement )y which the member countries will provide assistance to Cuba in the construction of a new iickel plant which should produce 30 000 metri t ns 8nnuglly. Othe to is concerning pos- sible cooperation with the economic.development of Cuba also are on the Working agenda. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06TO1849R000200120013-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06TO1849R000200120013-7 VI. 19 Jan 77 Q 6 CiBA pnoubtedly, p~~? ;Wimple of t ese possibilities has resulted in an increasing number of Latin Awtrican countries interested in approaching CIA and reaching cooperation agreements which represent an important step in the derense of their countries in the face of contemporary conditions of the general crisis in capitalism and the disadvanta- geous trade which imperialism imposes on them, por us, my dear Comrade Chairman, dear comrade permanent representatives, this is an encouraging confirmation of our own convictions. %oa we joined CMSMA 4 years ago we did it in our triple condition as a socialist country, underdeveloped country and a country subscribed to the history of the tradi- tions of revolutionary hopes in Latin America. We asserted at that time that we pro- posed to be a link between the possibilities opened by Raropoan socialism in its integration process as a coherent and firm system and the requirements of a Latin America that was trying to escape the conditions imposed by its dependence on the imperialist metropolis and the insufficiencies of the world capitalist market. We are part of the socialist community which we Joined. Ad we are also part of the ooamavaity of Latin American peoples with which someday we will fully integrate and with whose independent and progressive governments we are willing to do the maximum within our reach in the fields of collaboration and eci saic, cultural and scientific-technical exchange. These ideas are becoming a firm reality. We already have revolution that is definitely consolidated, equipped with its institutions of democratic government and with a people that are united, aware and deeply internationalist. We have no doubt regarding the victorious future that awaits the socialist community forged around the USSR and inte- grated in CEIA. We also do not have the slightest doubt that imperialist domination completely lacks any future am this continent and that sooner or later the Latin American peoples will find the path of full liberation and socialism. We look to the future with optimise6 that is why today, in welcoming you to our socialist fatherland, on this small island which is lib an irreducible rook and like a revolutionary beacon for the forces of the American Continent, your presence in Cuba room to no to be the anticipated imageof Latin America and the world for which we are struggling, that Latin America there there will not be capitalism or imperialism or its reactionary ideas, that free, fraternal, big and united Latin America which someday will leap to hold the honorable place that belongs to it in the future of mankind and which will give defini- tive and triumphal meaning tothe vast effort of our heroes--tree the liberation dreams of Hidalgo, Bolivar and Marti to the fruitful efforts of Cho Guevara and Salvador Allende. latherlaM or death, we will win. [applause] 18 January Session Closes [Mlditorial Report FL] At the Conclusion of Fuel Castro gas speech at 0209 ON, MMavama Domestic RadioAeleviaisf Services in Spanish continues recorded coverage of the opening session of the 79th CIA Executive Committee Meting in Eavana. Next to speak is Easimiers Olasewski, deputy chairman of the Polish Council of Ninisters and chairman of the CRI[A Executive Committee. who delivers a 15-minute speech in Polish with consecutive Spanish translation. Re begins by expressing deep gratitude to the PCC Central Committee, the Cuban Government and Fidel Castro and accepting the Cuban proposal for holding the meeting in 1Mavana. no personally thanks Fidel Castro for his attendance despite being so busy in party and state tasks and for his speech to the Executive Committee. Hailing Cuban successes in socioeconeaie life, he says they cause pleasure among the socialist coemrnity countries and all of progressive mankind. Be also hails the recent 18th anniversary of the Cuban revolution which, he says, forever destroyed the lemina- tiem by exploiters. MMe goes on to say that a solid base has been established in Cuba ''!'er subsequent development or the socialist economy and improvement of social relations.' Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06TO1849R000200120013-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06TO1849R000200120013-7 VI. 19 Jan 77 Q 7 He adds that people's government has the conditions for developing the economy, raise the standard of living of the workers and promote scientific and technological growth "in the island of liberty." He refers to the guidelines of the first PCC Congress for the country's socioeconomic development during the current 5-year period and he recalls Castro's report to the congress in which he referred to "the indestructible ties that unite Cuba with the CEMA-member countries." He says the present Executive Committee meeting is for the primary purpose of analyzing questions of collaboration of CEMA countries with Cuba aimed at Cuban economic development and speeding up the integration process of the Cuban economy with that of the other CEMA-member countries. After expressing gratitude for the hospitality received since the delegates arrived in Cuba, he announces that the meeting will be chaired by Cuban representative to CEMA Carlos Rafael Rodriguez. At this point, the Internationale is played and coverage ends at 0226 GMT. HART SPEA! AT CASA DE LAS AMERICAS EVENT Havana Domestic Service in Spanish 2151 GMT 17 Jan 77 FL [Text] Armando Hart Davalos, member of the Council of State and minister of culture, this morning made the opening speech at the ceremony held to establish the jury of the 1977 Casa de las Americas prize. Present at the ceremony were PCC Central Committee members Juan Marinello and Haydee Santamaria, director of the Casa de las Americas, and the members of the jury which is formed by intellectuals from 18 countries. The Casa de las Americas is engaged in tasks of an international and revolutionary nature, one of which is the Casa de las Americas Price, the Cuban minister of culture stated. He added that this is not a Cuban prize but a prize that is given in Cuba for our America. He announced that 350 literary works from 30 countries have been presented this year, and added that this is the largest number-of-participating nations since the literary prize was established. Elsewhere in his speech, referring to the composition of the jury, Armado Hart said: The Casa de las Americas has always selected the members of the juries for their prestige, professional skill and intellectual experience. In closing, Hart said: We wish to express our respect for those contestants or jury members of the Casa de las Americas who have been imprisoned or killed. SUGAR HARVEST NEWS--The Caracas City sugar mill of the municipality of Lajas has begun grinding cane for the 1977 sugar harvest. All 14 sugar mills of the province of Cienfuegos are now active. [Text] [Havana Domestic Television Service in Spanish 1800 GMT 15 Jan 77 FL] Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06TO1849R000200120013-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06T01849R000200120013-7 VI. 19Jan77 DOMIN ICAN REPUBLIC 0 OPPOSITION PRD DELEGATION TO ATTEND CARTER INAUGURATION Santo Domingo Radio Clarin in Spanish to Listeners Abroad 1956 GMT 18 Jan 77 FL [Text] A Dominican Revolutionary Party [PRD] delegation will attend the inauguration of President James Carter the day after tomorrow. The delegation representing the PRD at this ceremony consists of party leaders Jacobo Majluta, Pablo Rafael Casimiro Castro, Jose Francisco Pena Gomez and (Emilio Ludovino Fernandez). Carter invited this political party to send its representatives and the PRD delegation will go to the United States before Thursday. The top PRD leadership last night called a news conference to announce the invitation from President Carter. WESSIN Y WESSIN DENIES PLAN TO RETURN ILLEGALLY Madrid EFE in Spanish 1922 GMT 17 Jan 77 PA [Excerpts] Santo Domingo, 17 Jan--Former Dominican Army General Elias Wessin y Wessin refuted today in Curacao rumors of his possible illegal return to the Dominican Republic. Leading members of the Dominican opposition charged earlier that Wessin y Wessin plans to return to Santo Domingo in the same way that Spanish Communist leader Santiago Carrillo returned to Spain. In Curacao, Wessin y Wessin told the Santo Domingo daily EL NACIONAL that he "would not lower himself" to follow Carrillo's plan and that he was hoping to enter t country legally. The former general, exiled because of events in 1965, asked the Dominican public to have faith in democracy, which, he said, would triumph through the opposition parties. FOREIGN SECRETARY MAKES OFFICIAL VISIT TO BRITAIN Santo Domingo Radio C amercial Network in Spanish 2130 GMT 18 Jan 77 FL [Excerpts] Dominican Foreign Relations Secretary Ramon Emilio Jimenez Reyes is the first Dominican to make an official visit to the United Kingdom, the first nation to recognize the independence of the Dominican Republic. Jimenez Reyes, who arrived in London yesterday from Paris, started his visit with a 1-hour meeting in the Foreign office with Edward Rowlands, minister of state for relations with Latin American countries. The visit by Jimenez Reyes is-in response to an invitation by his British counterpart, Anthony Crosland. A Foreign office spokesman said the talks were held in a cordial atmosphere. The enct] spokesman said the two ministers also discussed matters concerning (words and others in the broader context of the two countries' presence in the Caribbean. The economic matters discussed included sugar, one of the principal export commodities for the Dominican Republic, and development of other Dominican natural resources, the spokesman said. He added that Jimenez Reyes also discussed, in his capacity as a naval officer, the matter of British-Dominican naval cooperation in the Caribbean. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06T01849R000200120013-7