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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06TO1849R000200120012-8 III. 25 Jan 77 D 5 TSR INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS EAST EUtOPB 11 L ~~~/ The PIMP CC released camber of the CC Political Bureau Jan Szydl; It tom' ak from the the t oduties of secretary of the Central Committee in connection with his assuming ice chairman of the Council of Ministers. Edward Oierek cordially thanked Janssydlak for his contribution in his work as secretary of the Central Committee. IZVPSTIYA ROTE,4 WOJTASZEK LIAtCHEON FOR GROMYXO To the item entitled "Mojtassek Meets Kosygin, Gives Luncheon for Gromyko,? published on pegs D 1 of the 19 January Soviet Ihhion DAILY REPORT, Moscow IZVEl4TIYA on 19 January adds: *At the lunch were V.X. Novikov, deputy chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers, TSR ministers and other officials. During the lunch Be Vojtassek and A.A. Gromyko oxohanced friendly toasts.* 0OMMO0M MM) ON HUNOARIAN.PI ICAN CP TAIJ Moscow 'HAS in English 0618 OMT 25 Jan 77 LD [Teat] Budapest, January 24, TABS--The Hungarian socialist worker's Pa Meaisn Communist Party attaches Immediate rty and the unity Of the International oemmmist and working to the strengthening of the unty on the ing class movement, to the unity of action principles of proletarian internationalism. They are expressing solidarity with all forces struggling for democratic transformations, against imperialism, fascism and nee-eoloniayiss, says a ocemuntque on the visit to the Hungarian People's Republic by a delegation of the Mexican Communist Party, led by Armido Martins Verdugo, general secretary of the party's Central Committee. In the oonemique issued here, the sides emphasised that the change in the alignment favour of socialism and of forces in the world arena in progress has a favourable effect on international affairs. PRAVDA REPOR'm C'ASTRO'S CBMA EJ ECVPIVE SPEECH Moscow PRAVDA in Russian 20 Jan 77 P 5 LD (TASS report: the Puture Belongs To Socialism"] [Tat] Havana, 19 January--A CEMA Executive Committee session has opened here. Delegations from the CSMA member countries and Yugoslavia are participating in it. They will examine questions connected with multilateral cooperation in the development of the nickel and pap and paper industries and other sectors of Cuba's national sconce-. The session's agenda also includes other questions pertaining to CSMA$s work. P Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06TO1849R000200120012-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06TO1849R000200120012-8 III. 25 Jan 77 D 4 USSR INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS EAST EUROPE PZPR CERIRAL COt4ITILE PLEMJ ON ECONOMY HELD Moscow TAASS in English 0603 oP 22 Jan 77 LD [Text] Warsaw, January 21, 1977, TASS--POLISH PRESS AGENCY reports : PAP 14A, Warsaw, 21 Jan--The 6th plenary meeting of the PTMP [Polish tfiited Workers Party] Central Committee devoted to the current situation in the Polish agriculture and the tasks connected with a better utilisation of reserves in this field of economy was held in Warsaw on January 21. In his report alternate member of the PT(P CC Political Bureau, Minister of Agriculture Kazimierz Bacikowski said that the plan for 1977 envisages an increase of overall agricultural production by 5.3 percent. The overriding task in this connection is the reconstruction of the stock of pigs and the growth of animal production. The situation that shaped up in 1976 forced Poland to out considerably meat export and necessitated considerable imports of meat and fate. Also in the current year Poland will continue to import: considerable quantities of meat and animal fats. Over 600,000 million zlotys are earmarked for the development of agriculture in the current five-year period. In conclusion of the debates the floor was taken by the first secretary of the PUMP CC, Edward Gierek. He stressed that consistent implementation of the resolutions of the 5th PUMP CC plenary meeting, the programme combining the current tasks with long- range activity, is the most Important task. He said that the improvement In supplies of meat and fats for the population depends on increased agricultural production. In recent months a number of correct decisions on the problems were taken. The five- year plan earmarks considerably higher outlays for agriculture and food economy. The responsibility of all the levels of state and economic administration for the imple- mentation of obligations towards farmers should increase, emphasized Edward Gierek. The state earmarks enormous means for the development of modern food industry. This opens up broad possibilities for the creation of small food processing plants as close as possible to the producer. This would be of great importance for the food economy. The Polish party leader recalled that, In order to Improve working and living conditions of farmers and gradually diminish the differences between towns and countryside, general free medical care for rural population was introduced. At present the creation of a system of pensions for farmers is possible from the socio-economic point of view, and from the humanitarian point of view it is simply an imperative. This will be a historic progress in the implementation of the principles of social justice. All the farmers who contract crops and sell their production to the state, who have sufficient period of work behind them, who reach retirement age and transfer their farms in good state to their successors, should be ensured the right to a pension. These benefits should embrace also members of the pensioner's family. The amount of old age pension should depend on the quantity of production delivered and sold in socialized purchasing points. The PUMP Central Committee approved the speech by Edward Gierek and the report as guidelines for the work of all party committees, organizations and members. The resolution of the plenary meeting recommends the Polish Government to work out draft bills on the pensions fund for farmers and on the system of contracting. A draft system of pensions for farmers should be submitted to farmers for consultations. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06TO1849R000200120012-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06TO1849R000200120012-8 III. 25 Jan 77 D 6 USSR INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS EAST EUROPE Fidel Castro, first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee and chairman of the Cuban Council of State and Council of Ministers, delivered a speech at the ceremonial opening of the session. The economic results achieved during CEiA'a existence, he declared, provide graphic con- firmation of socialism's triumph over capitalism. Suffice it to say that from 1950 through 1973 alone the volume of industrial production in the CEMA countries increased between six- and sixteen-fold. The CEMA members outstripped sphere of ferrous metallurgy back in 1973. the EEC oountries.in the .production in the United States. Real qualitative rwth woa sn ege USSR has surpassed gistered extraction, electricity generation and so forth. Since thecouncil's creati ninational income as a whole in the CEMA countries has increased 5.8 times. Socialism"s economic victories contrast more than ever today with the growing difficul- ties experienced by the capitalist countries. The decrepit capitalist system wallows in inflation and is beset by unemployment by which hundreds of millions of working people suffer. It must always be remembered, F. Castro stressed, that the establishment of Soviet power whose 60th anniversary will be celebrated this year, was regarded at the time by the theorists of capitalism as an ephemeral, utopian creature doomed to a swift disappearance without trace. The feat of the Soviet people led by Lenin and his party gave this so- called "utopia" the astonishing strength of a magnificent achievement. The land of the soviets endured all the triad imposed upon it by aggression and blockade in the first years of its existence and endured the terrible war against Nazism--a war in which the main burden of all mankind's struggle fell to the lot of Soviet people. Today it is demonstrating an extraordinary upsurge in the economic, cultural and scientific and technical spheres. With the formation of CEMA the achievements of socialism ceased to be the isolated feat of a giant people and became a matter of the solidarity of a community of countries united by their common ideology and the socialist content of their economic policy lines. Cuba, F. Castro went on to note, is proud that it provides one of the most eloquent and vivid examples of the kind of relations which can exist between a mighty socialist country and an emergent state which has won its independence and chosen the path of building socialism. The relations between the Soviet Union and Cuba in the political and military spheres and in the spheres of trade and technical assistance are a match- less page in the history of the relations between large and small countries. Along with bilateral relations with the USSR and the other socialist countries, Cuba is successfully developing multilateral cooperation within the CEMA framework--cooperation which is already yielding very appreciable results. Touching on the question of integration under capitalist conditions, F. Castro said that it will always be fragile in both the political and economic planes. Their inte- gration is incapable of overcoming the inequality and discrimination in the relations between the developed capitalist countries and their weaker partners. The alliance between such countries--and this is particularly obvious in the case of the EEC--serves only to perpetuate unequal trade exchange in the interests of a small group of indus- trially developed countries. There cannot be genuine integration without social Jus- tice, the elimination of the exploitation of man by man and the replacement of national egoism with the practice of internationalism. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06TO1849R000200120012-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06TO1849R000200120012-8 ,JS$R I v"TERNATIONAL AFFAIRS EAST EUROPE All this vividly confirms that it is precisely to socialism that mankind's future belongs--a future which cannot be imagined without the closest economic and political unity, F. Castro stressed. Our revolution, he said in conclusion, has now been consolidated once and for all. It has democratic organs of power and relies on the support of the people--who are united, conscious and filled with a profound internationalist spirit. We have no doubts about the victorious future of our socialist community, which is rallied around the Soviet Union and has united in CEMMA. 45TH CEMA AGRICULTURAL COMKISSION SESSION REPORTED Moscow SELSKAYA ZHIZN in Russian 18 Jan 77 p 3 fl) [V. Gordeyev report: "Integration in Action"] [Text] Delegations of the 9 CEMA countries ;geld the latest, 45th, session of the perman- ent CEMA Commission for Agriculture 10-15 January in the CEEik. building in Moscow: rep- resentatives of Yugoslavia also tool; part In its, an did those of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, as observers. The session was not just the latest. but a jubilee one: it summed up the results of the commissionis 20 years of activity. At the "round table" the delegates of the frat- ernal countries analyzed in detail the course of work in one of the most important spheres of public life--the solution of the world food problem. It was precisely to this and that the permanent CEMA Commission for Agriculture :ras created in 1956--to promote the expansion and deepening of economic and scientific and tecbnioal contacts on questions of agriculture and forestry. to improve the international division of labor with a view toward accelerating technical progress and satisfying most fully the growing requirements of the national economies of the CEMA countries for food and raw materials. in the past 5-year period the Commission has forecast up to 1985 the requirements for the production and sale of a number of types of agricultural produce and the develop- ment: of the material and technical base of the agriculture of the CEMA countries on the basis of the comprehensive Program adopted in. 1971 by the 25th CEMA session. In accordance with this program the session examined the course of the commissionts elab- oration of a long-term special-purpose program for cooperation in the field of agricul- ture and the food industry. The results of the eommissionis activity have been very fruitful. In crop husbandry an international testing of plant strains was held which has acquired great practical significance. About 300 strains and hybrids produced by selection in a number of coun- tries of the community have been classified according to zones whereas in 1971 there were only 160 of them. The are sown with new strains and hybrids has increased from 8 million to over 13 million hectares during the 5 -year period. The Soviet winter wheat strains "Bezostaya," "Aurora," "Kavkaz," and "Mironovskaya-808" which have become widespread in the fraternal countries, enjoy a good reputation. There have also been achievements in coordinating the CEMA member-Countries mineral fertilizer requirements. In 20 years the number of nutrients applied to a hectare of arable land and erennial plantings has increased in these countries on the average from 38 to 93 kg. Of the 319 plant protection agents tested since 1962 93 have been recom- mended by the commission for wide use. [paragraph continues] Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06TO1849R000200120012-8