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OMB BULLETIN No. 79-7 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013107118: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 La .1ass.-11 Lala STAT provided 'data to OMB re. CIARDS Copies sent to AO/DCI & OGC Library. Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET WASH I NGTON D.C. 20503 NAR 1 9 109 BULLETIN NO. 79-7 TO THE HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND ESTABLISHMENTS SUBJECT: Information Required for the 1981 Spring Review 1. Purpose instructions estimates of 1979 and (1981-1983). Planning and background. This Bulletin provides on the preparation and submission of revised budget authority, outlays, and receipts for 1980 and for the three succeeding years Budget allowances for 1979 and 1980 and planning ceilings for 1981-1983 were provided to agencies in formal allowance letters shortly after the 1980 Budget was transmitted to the Congress. These 1979-1983 amounts are referred to as the January planning base in this Bulletin. Agencies should now revise these estimates, where appropriate, to reflect changes attributable to reestimates (including revised economic assumptions), publicly announced Presidential initiatives, and completed congressional action. This information will be used to form a revised multi-year planning base that will be the starting point for the OMB Spring Planning Review. Agencies are also required to report on major potential changes to the planning base estimates. The 1981 Spring Planning Review will focus on the three-year planning period, 1981 through 1983. In this connection, the Office of Management and Budget will be considering a limited number of major program and budget issues. Decisions on these issues may warrant further changes to the revised planning base. Following the Spring Planning Review, agencies will be sent revised planning ceilings for 1981, 1982, and 1983. 2. Basis for revised estimates. The January planning base (amounts for 1979 through 1983) will be revised to reflect changes due to reestimates, publicly announced Presidential decisions or initiatives, and completed congressional action. General guidance on the development of multi-year Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 2 , planning egtimateg is provided in section 23.2 of OMB Circular Mo. A-11. While information on potential changes to these estimates is required by this Bulletin, the revised estimates submitted in response to paragraph 3a below should not include the effects of such potential changes. Potential changes will be reported in accordance with section 3c below. a. Reestimates. Agencies should adjust the estimates to reflect changes in spending trends and revisions to economic, demographic, or other assumptions used in the January budget. Revised economic assumptions will be provided, where necessary, by OMB. Agencies should give particular attention to 1981 outlay estimates and in instances where the rate of increase in spending from 1980 to 1981 is unjustifiably high, based on historical patterns and current spending trends, appropriate downward adjustments should be made. b. Publicly announced Presidential decisions or initiatives. Estimates should be revised to reflect changes since transmittal of the 1980 budget due to: budget amendments and supplementals transmitted or approved and pending in OMB (the final compilation of estimates will be adjusted by OMB to include only those items that have been approved by the President). deferral or rescission proposals transmitted. releases by the Executive Branch, not anticipated in the 1980 budget, of amounts previously reserved under the Impoundment Control Act. legislative proposals transmitted, approved, or publicly supported by the President. Agency proposals that have not been approved by the President should not be included in the revised estimates except as noted above for budget amendments and supplementals. c. Completed congressional action. Estimates should be revised to reflect the effects of: Mew Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 3 enacted substantive legislation (i.e., entitlement and other legislation that has a direct impact on the planning base). enacted appropriations. final action or inaction on proposed rescissions and deferrals. delays in acting on Administration-sponsored legislation (where earlier action had been assumed in the planning base). In preparing revised estimates for legislative proposals not yet enacted by the Congress, agencies should assume an effective date of July 1, 1979, where an earlier date had been assumed previously. Only those changes that follow directly from congressional action or inaction should be included. Enactment of discretionary authorizations that the agency believes may result in later appropriations above the current Administration request or out-year level should not be reflected in the revised planning base. Increases or decreases to 1979 or 1980 program levels due to congressional action or inaction should be reflected in all the years covered if the action taken by the Congress implies continuation of that program level in later years. 3. Materials required. a. Revised estimates of budget authority, outlays, and receipts. OMB will provide agencies with three copies of each of the following computer listings: Agency Budget Data. This computer listing contains budget data, by budget account, for 1979 and 1980 (see Exhibit 1). Amounts are derived from the A and C sections of the Supplementary Source Document (Standard Form 307). Agency Long Range Budget Data. This computer listing contains budget data, by budget account, for 1981-1983 (see Exhibit 2). Amounts shown are based on the Agency Planning Documents submitted to OMB by agencies for preparation of the 1980 Budget. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 4 Receipt Account Budget Data. This computer listing contains receipt account information for 1978 through 1980 (see Exhibit 3). Only the 1979 and 1980 data are to be adjusted. Receipt Account Long Range Budget Data. This computer listingcontains receipt- account information for 1981-1984 (see Exhibit 3). Only the 1981-1983 data are to be adjusted. The data on these computer listings are consistent with the estimates contained in the 1980 Budget. Agencies will revise the data on these listings in accordance with the guidelines indicated in section 2 of this Bulletin and return two copies of the marked up computer listings to OMB. Revisions will be made by striking out any amount to be changed and entering the revised amount above it in red. All data are to be reported in thousands of dollars. In cases where new accounts (or supplementals) must be added to the computer file, a Supplementary Source Document (Standard Form 307), Agency Planning Document(see section 23.3 of OMB circular No. A-11), or Statement or Receipts (SF 108) will be submitted, as appropriate. b. Planning base changes. Reports will be prepared in the format of Exhibit 4 to explain specific items of the type described in section 2 of this Bulletin that have affected the agency's January planning base by at least $50 million in any one year. The report will show data for the budget year (1980) and the three succeeding years (1981-1983). Information on 1979 amounts should also be presented when these amounts are materially affected. Care should be taken to assure that the identified changes are consistent with the marked up computer listings (see section 3a above). Reported changes to the January planning base will always include, at a minimum, changes to budget authority and outlays. If appropriate, additional information on obligations may be provided. Receipts information will be included where appropriate. Data will be presented by budget account, with a separate entry for each major function affected in multi-function accounts. The stub entry should identify whether the change is the result of reestimates, Presidential decisions, or completed congressional action. An explanation of the reasons for the change will also be provided. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 5 c. Information on potential changes to the revised plannini base. Agencies will also prepare reports in the format of Exhibit 5 to identify and describe major agency proposals that are believed essential, probable Congressional action and probable reestimates that could significantly affect the revised planning base. For this analysis, agencies should identify separately any planned requests that will alter the estimates for current policy and any potential congressional changes or probable reestimates of $50 million or more. Agency proposals to change the planning base must be limited to those that are considered essential. Because strong budget restraint must continue for the foreseeable future, proposals for new initiatives and other increases in the planning base must be limited. No increases can be considered unless they are clearly necessary to meet the objectives of the Administration. Because of the necessity for budget restraint, achievable decreases should be proposed wherever possible including program reforms, and project cancellation. Probable congressional action to be reported includes anticipated action or inaction on Administration proposals, appropriations and mandatory authorization actions that could differ significantly from the President's requests, and congressional initiatives. Probable reestimates include likely but not yet certain changes in factors that affect program levels (e.g., expected significant changes in beneficiary populations). Whenever possible, data will be provided by budget account and major function. When two or more functions are affected by the same proposal, amounts applicable to each function will be separately identified. In those cases where the item cannot be tied to an existing account, the account title and identification code will be omitted, and the description of the item will be expanded to provide the best possible identification of the organizational entities and functional categories affected. The revised planning base estimate should be consistent with the revised estimates provided in connection with paragraph 3a above. The report will always include information on budget authority and outlays. Receipts information will be included, where appropriate. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 6 d. Agency Planning Summary. A report, in the format of Exhibit 6, will he submitted to summarize the revisions to the January planning base by grouping them first into the following categories: - - reestimates. Presidential decisions. completed congressional action. The report will then provide a bridge between the revised planning base and the potential planning base by separately identifying agency proposals, probable congressional action, and probable reestimates. The initial entry on the Agency Planning Summary will reflect the January planning base amounts. The changes bridging to the revised planning base estimate should be consistent with the revisions made to the computer listings, and the potential changes should be consistent with the information reported under section 3c above. 4. Timing. Agencies will submit the required materials to OMB no later than April 3. 5. Inquiries. Inquiries and requests for assistance should be directed to the OMB program division responsible for reviewing the agency's budget estimates. James T. McIntyre, Jr. Director Attachments I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 ) Exhibit 1 Bulletin No. 79-7 Dps0310D **************************************** Amu BUDGET DATA *****************************************pADD 120 02/23/79 SUPPLEMENTARY SOURCE DOCUMENT (IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS) (2:43)********************************************************************************************************************** AGENCY: Department of Human Services BUREAU: Food Services ACCOUNT: Salaries and expenses OMB DIVISION CODE: HIM BP-TEAM-ID: 40 ACCT ID CODE: 75-0600-0-1-554 FUN DNG CT LINE /// OMB SEQ CODE: 09-10-0600-0-1-554 ION NO ISN SN -(1)---- A. ANALYSIS OF BUDGET AUTHORITY AND OUTLAYS CURRENT BUDGET AUTHORITY FY 1980 - 1979 Estimate JANUARY BUDGET DATA 1980 Estimate __(4)...___ ____(5)_ -(6) 3.5:7, APPROPRIATION (ADJUSTED) 554 4300 DN 01 295,154 316,296 SUPPLEMENTAL FOR WAGE-BOARD PAY RAISES 554 4410 DN 01 140 0 TOTAL BUDGET AUTHORITY 303,859 3+6T2.96 322, d 96 OUTLAYS OUTLAYS 554 9000 N 01 292,508 3097460. 350,141 TOTAL OUTLAYS 300,702 340T4414 354 y7 C. CHARACTER CLASSIFICATION BUDGET AUTHORITY CONDUCT OF R & D: Applied research, .322,2 94 Direct Federal programs 554 A-1420-24 01 303,859 316,2% OUTLAYS CONDUCT:OF R & D: Applied research, 354/79 Direct Federal programs 554 0-1420-24 01 300,702 310,479 Note: Data for new accounts or supplementals will be reported on a Supplementary Source Document. See OMR rirrnlar Nn A-11 Fvkihirc 11A-n All olinneroc will fin onrorod in rod and Anrn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 PS0310L 2/23/79 (09'06) ;ENCY: MEAD: AGENCY LONG-RANGE BUDGET DATA SUPPLEMENTARY SOURCE DOCUMENT (IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS) ?flSJSCLS SW. I/ ? PAGE 63 Department of Human Services Food Services Salaries and expenses OMB DIVISION CODE: HIM BP-TEAM-ID: 40 CCI ID CODE: MB SEQ CODE: 75-0600-0-1-554 09-10-0600-0-1-554 FUN CT ION DNG LINE /// NO ISN SN . LONG RANGE BUDGET AUTHORITY AND OUTLAYS CURRENT BUDGET AUTHORITY JPPROPRIATION (ADJUSTED) 554 4300 N 01 OUTLAYS IUTLAYS 554 9000 N 01 FY 1960 - JANUARY BUDGET DATA 1961 . 1982 1963 Estimate Estimate Estimate 357, 2% 371, 196 7412, Vi6 4441491. 444.n294 3(3,296 33,216 -344-r3e4 444-r39s- .4-67?216 Note: Data for new accounts or supplementals will be provided on an Agency Planning Document. See OMB Circular No. A-11, Exhibit 23. All changes will be entered in red, and data will be reported in thousands of dollars. Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 k (7)hibit.3 Bulletin No. 79-7 ? . . 8PSRADill 02/15/79 (12'04) RECEIPT-ACCOuNT BUDGET DATA FILE LISTING - ACCOUNT SEO The Judiciary RECEIPT-ACCOUNT ACT AG Bu TA ACCT XL: XX XX XX XXXXXX ( ) 02 00 i0 085000 I ) 02 00 10 088900 ( ) 02 00 10 101000 ( I 02 00 10 102000 1. 8P5R.4318 02/15/79 112:01) CHAR-CL DIV XXXX-XX XXX JTG JTG JTG JTG PL FCT L T SN TP XXX X X XX R 01 R 01 R Oi R 01 PAGE 4 AMOUNTS (NOT USED-> xxXXXXXxXXxX XXXxxxXXXxxx xX).;:xxxxxxxX XXXxxxXXXxxX 0/70 4170 391 -4130. -IBS 0 /2,4o0 /2,400 3.292 .42,J100-. -B-r44140- 0 91 90 90 0 19 19 19 0 RECE1PT-ACCOUNT LONG-RANGE BUDGET DATA FILE LISTING - ACCOUNT 5E0 The Juiliciary RELEIPI-ACCOUNT P AG uu TA ACCT CHAR-CL DIV FCTI T SN TP xx XX XX XXXXXX XxXX-XX XXX XXX X X XX I 3 02 00 0 085000 JTG L Oi 1 ) 02 00 10 086900 JTG L 01 ) 02 00 10 101000 JTG L 01 0 Note: D.) not adjust past year (PY) or 1984 (BY+4) data. PAGE 4 AMOUNTS XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX 4 zo 420 Mw 340 -390 440- 390 /2,1100 /2, goo /2,4 oo -2.,42e- -3-,-440- 3.510 90 90 90 90 1979 and 1980 data for new receipt accounts, supplementais, or legislative proposals will be provided on a new SF 108. See OMB Circular No. A-11, Exhibit 22B. The impact of such or000sals on 1981-1983 should be noted Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18 : CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Exhibit 4 Bulletin No. 79-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Date: March 17 PLANNING BASE CHANGE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES (In millions of dollars) Account title: Salaries and expenses (Food Services) Account identification code: 75-0600-0-1-554 1981 1982 1983 January planning base 1/ Change to planning base 2/ Presidential decision 1980 BA 316.3 43.7 Outlays 310.0 31.8 BA 316.3 43.7 Outlays 316.3 ? 43.7 BA 316.3 43.7 Outlays 316.3 43.7 BA 316.3 43.7 Outlays 316.3 43.7 Revised planning base 382.3 382.3 363.3 382.3 351.0 382.3 363.3 363.3 Explanation of change: [Describe the nature of each change.] Budget amendment submitted to Congress on February 27 reflecting the President's plan to consolidate all food programs into the Department of Human Services (Reorgani- zation Plan No. 7 of 1979). 1/ This amount will be consistent with the estimate for the account shown in the 1980 Budget or, if appropriate, as revised by the allowance letters. 2/ Show separately Presidentially approved changes, congressional action, and reestimates. If the change involves more than one function, a separate line should be provided for each major function. / Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Exhibit 5 (") k 1 Bulletin No. 79-7 '1/4-, Date: March 17 ANALYSIS OF POTENTIAL CHANGES TO THE REVISED PLANNING BASE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES (In millions of dollars) Account title: Salaries and expenses (Food Services) Account identification code: 75-0600-0-1-554 1 1980 1981 982 1983 BA Outlays BA Outlays BA Outlays BA Outlays Revised planning base 1/ 382 351 382 363 382 363 382 363 Potential change 2/ Probable congressional action 55 30 55 50 55 55 55 55 Total 437 381 437 413 437 418 437 418 Explanation of change: ''Describe the nature of each change.] The House Human Resources Committee typically has increased authorization levels by about 20%. While the appropriations subcommittee does not fully fund the program, the increased authorization leads to appropriations increases. The 1979 Act provides for an increase to the 1980 authorization of $76 million of the 1980 budget authority requested. The appropriations committees may fund $55 million of the increase. The House Human Resources Committee will act upon the subcommittee markup of HR 1010 next week. 1/ This amount will be consistent with the revised planning base estimate reported on Exhibit 4. 2/ Show separately potential changes related to agency proposals, congressional action, and potential reestimates. If the change involves more than one function, a separate line should be provided for each major function. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Date: March 17 AGENCY PLANNING SUMMARY DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES (In millions of dollars) 1980 Planning Period 1981 1982 1983 BA Outlays BA Outlays BA Outlays BA Outlays eiNUARY PLANNING BASE 20,531 18,404 23,000 21,600 23,300 22,400 24,000 22,600 Changes resulting from: Reestimates 32 21 32 32 32 32 32 32 Presidential decisions 217 210 220 215 220 217 220 222 Completed congressional action 15 13 15 14 15 15 15 15 WISED PLANNING BASE 20,795 18,648 23,267 21,861 23,567 22,664 24,267 22,869 Changes resulting from: Agency proposals 63 52 115 88 115 100 115 110 Probable congressional action 542 527 542 537 542 537 542 537 Probable reestimates )TENTIAL PLANNING BASE 21,400 19,227 23,924 22:486 24,224 23,301 24,924 23,516 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-IRDP06M00944R000200130001-1 OMB BULLETIN No. 79-6 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved fill:1127e 2013107118: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 sorz/ Copies sent to AO/DCI & OGC Library. Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET WASHINGTON, D.C. 20903 BULLETIN NO. 79-6 January 9, 1979 TO THE HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND ESTABLISHMENTS SUBJECT: Data on acquisition, operation, or use of automatic data processing and telecommunications systems. 1. Purpose. This Bulletin provides instructions for updating information on automatic data processing (ADP) and telecommunications systems submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under section 43 of OMB Circular No. A-11 and for providing that information to OMB and the Congress. ' 2. Background. The Federal Government is placing increasing reliance on data processing and telecommunications technology to support government programs, improve the delivery of services to the public, and reduce the costs of government. In order to assure that these resources are being effectively and efficiently acquired and utilized, OMB Circular No. A-11, Section 43, requires each agency to submit separate materials on its requirements for automatic data processing and telecommunications resources as part of its budget request. These materials are reviewed during the preparation of the Presidential budget. Various committees and individual Members of Congress have expressed concern about the increasing level of Federal expenditures for data processing and telecommunications activities and have requested agencies to provide information to the Congress on the purposes for which computers are used, how they are used and the level of expenditures requested for these activities. 3. Coverage. These instructions apply to all agencies in the Executive Branch whose budgets are subject to Presidential review in accordance with Section 11,1 of OMB Circular No. A-11 when the agency is required to submit materials in accordance with section 43 of that Circular. (:) 4. Material required. Upon receipt of the President's budget determinations by the agency, materials required Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 2 under section 43 of Circular No. A-11 will be revised to bring them into accord with the actions taken by the President. When requested by OMB representatives, materials for printing (e.g., program and financing schedules) and supplementary source documents will also be revised to reflect the President's determination regarding automatic data processing and telecommunications. All revisions will be made in accordance with DMB Circular No. A-11, Section 11.8, "Conforming to determinations." A copy of the revised materials will be forwarded to OMB immediately. This material should include: -- a report on ADP systems, -- a report on telecommunications services or facilities. a. Report on ADP. The following materials are required in the submission of the ADP report: A report on Obligations and Inventory of ADP Systems, Exhibit 43A of OMB Circular No. A-11; and' A narrative report that describes the agency's ADP requirements from fiscal years 1979 through 1984 including a description of the specific resources, the programmatic purpose for which they will be used, how those resources will be used, and the benefits to be derived from utilization of those resources. All anticipated procurements from FY 1979 through FY 1984 where the estimated system life costs exceed $1,000,000 should be listed and described in the narrative. A detailed breakout of interagency payments shown in the FY 1978 column of the report on the obligations and inventory of ADP systems will include: o a list of the agencies to whom payments are made, the amounts ($ in thousands) and a short explanation of the payment, (e.g., INFONET, FEDSIM, time-sharing); and o a list identifying the agencies for which offsetting collections were received, the Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 3 amount of the collection ($ in thousands) and a short explanation of the offsetting collection (e.g., timesharing, programming services, etc.). b. Telecommunications Report. The following materials are required in the submission of the telecommunications report: A report on Obligations for Telecommunications Systems; Exhibit 43B of OMB Circular No. A-11; and A narrative report that describes the agency's telecommunications requirements from FY 1979 through FY 1984 including a description of the specific telecommunication resources, the programmatic purpose for which they will be used, how those resources will be used, and the benefits to be derived from utilization of those resources. All anticipated procurements from FY 1979 through FY 1984 where the estimated system life costs exceed $1,000,000 should be listed and described in the narrative. Certain telecommunications networks, services, and facilities are exempt from the scope of the exhibit 43B. All telecommunications systems which an agency has exempted should be specifically identified. The appropriate exemption(s) for each system should also be identified. Systems may be exempted when they are: (1) dedicated to the support of critical command and control missions or military and/or foreign intelligence operations; (2) integral to weapons systems (e.g., shipboard and aircraft communications systems); (3) in support of radar or navigational systems; (4) operated outside the .continental United States; and/or Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 4 (5) primarily in support of tactical operations, police vehicular communications operations, crisis or emergency operations, or telemetry operations. 5. Budget Justification. In furnishing supplementary information to the Congress on appropriation requests and other budgetary matters, agencies may be requested to submit exhibits and narrative justifications for data processing and telecommunications systems. Data submitted will be consistent with the revisions made following the receipt of Presidential determinations. Agency officials will be prepared to testify on automatic data processing and telecommunications systems and their impact on agency budget requests during hearings before Congressional appropriations and other committees. 6. Inquiries. Questions regarding revisions to materials required under sectl.on 43 of OMB Circular No. A-11 should be addressed to the Information Systems Policy Division. Questions.regarding revisions to materials for printing and supplementary source 'documents should be addressed to the OMB program division responsible for reviewing the agency's budget estimates. 9111 D e lidoectorlref J es T. McIntyre, ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 OMB BULLETIN No. 79-5 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18; CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Distribution: I - AO/DCI I - OGC Library, Att: Stephanie 1 - OLC Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET WASHINGTON, D.C. 20303 December 27, 1978 BULLETIN NO. 79-5 TO THE HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND ESTABLISHMENTS SUBJECT: Legislative proposals authorizing new budget authority for submission to the 96th Congress, 1st Session 1. Purpose. This Bulletin provides instructions for the preparation and submission to the 1st session of the 96th Congress of legislative proposals authorizing additional appropriations or providing new budget authority outside of appropriation Acts. These special instructions are necessitated by section 607 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-344). They supplement and, in some respects, supersede the instructions in OMB Circular No. A-19 regarding submission of annual agency legislative programs 2. Rescission. This Bulletin supersedes and rescinds OMB Bulletin No. 78-2, dated October 21, 1977. 3. Background. P.L. 93-344 requires year-ahead requests for authorization of new budget authority. In particular, section 607 of P.L. 93-344 states: "Not- withstanding any other provision of law, any request for the enactment of legislation authorizing the enactment of new budget authority to continue a program or activity for a fiscal year (beginning with the fiscal year commencing October 1, 1976) shall be submitted to the Congress not later than May 15 of the year preceding the year in which such fiscal year begins. In the case of a request for the enactment of legislation authorizing the enactment of new budget authority for a new program or activity which is to continue for more than one fiscal year, such request shall be submitted for at least the first 2 fiscal years." 4. Legislative proposals _providing authorizations to con- tinue programs or activities into fiscal year 1980 and/or 1981. a. Proposals for agencies and programs that are cus- tomarily authorized on an annual basis (e.g., NASA, NSF, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18 : CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130601-1 'Th 2 State, Justice, Peace Corps, military procurement and construction) should cover, in the same bill, proposed language for fiscal year 1981 and resubmittals or revisions of previously proposed authorizations for fiscal year 1980. Subsequent years should also be included if agencies deem it desirable and feasible. b. Other legislative proposals to extend authoriza- tions for the enactment of new budget authority expiring at the end of fiscal year 1980 should cover, in the same bill, fiscal year 1981 and such subsequent years as is customary or deemed desirable for the particular program or activity involved. c. Under section 607, legislative proposals to extend authorizations scheduled to expire at the end of fiscal year 1979 should have been transmitted to the 95th Congress. If such proposals were not transmitted or were not enacted, new or revised proposals with language covering fiscal year 1980 should be included in the same bill as proposals for fiscal year 1981 and subsequent years. 5. Legislative proposals providing authorizations for new programs or activities. a. Proposals authorizing enactment of budget authority for a new program or activity should include at least two fiscal years, unless such new program or activity is pro- posed to be effective for only one fiscal year and to terminate at the end of that year. b. Any such proposals which provide for authorizations to begin in fiscal year 1981 should be prepared for submis- sion to the Congress no later than May 15, 1979. c. Any such proposals which provide for authorizations to begin in fiscal years 1979 or 1980 should be submitted to the Congress immediately after clearance is given in accordance with OMB Circular No. A-19. 6. General instructions for legislation authorizing new budget authority. a. In keeping with the intent of section 401 of P.L. 93-344, proposals including contract authority or borrowing authority should provide that such authority is to be effective only to such extent or in such amounts as Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 r 3 are provided in appropriation Acts. Backdoor financing provisions may be proposed only when the exceptions set forth in section 401(d) of P.L. 93-344 apply. b. As a general rule, bills submitted to the Congress authorizing new budget authority for the current fiscal year or budget year will contain specific dollar amounts for those years. These amounts should be those approved for the 1980 Budget. For subsequent years, the bills should include "such sums as may be necessary" authoriza- tions unless the agency and OMB agree that special cir- cumstances warrant inclusion of specific amounts. (1) Where specific amounts are included for years beyond the budget year, those amounts should be consistent with the five-year projections of budget authority printed in the 1980 Budget pursuant to P.L. 93-344. Such amounts will not include allowances 1 for future pay increases or for inflation, except where existing law or legislation proposed in the 1980 Budget provides automatic cost-of-living adjustments or other modifications in certain beneficiary programs. (For further explanation of these amounts see section 23.2 of OMB Circular No. A-11.) 0 (2) Authorizing legislation covering principally salaries and administrative expenses which heretofore has been enacted without specific dollar amounts may continue to be proposed for "such sums as may be necessary" for all fiscal years; including the current and budget fiscal years. . c. Agencies should draft their authorizing bills to incorporate the highest feasible level of aggregation for new budget authority. 7. Required materials. a. Fiscal year 1980 authorization extensions. As indicated in paragraph 3, proposed legislation authorizing the continuation of existing programs in fiscal year 1980 should have been submitted to the Congress not later than May 15, 1978. In cases where the 95th Congress did not enact fiscal year 1980 authorizations, new or revised authorizations should be submitted to the 96th Congress, 1st session, at the same time as the 1980 Budget. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 4 Accordingly, each agency will submit to OMB no later than January 15, 1979, six copies of drafts of proposed author- izing legislation to extend programs and activities that are authorized through fiscal year 1979, but for which it will be necessary to propose new or revised authorizations for fiscal year 1980 and subsequent years (see paragraphs 4a and 4c). b. Fiscal year 1981 authorization extensions. As also indicated in paragraph 3, proposed legislation authorizing the continuation of existing programs in fiscal year 1981 must be submitted to the Congress not later than May 15, 1979. To meet this deadline, suffi- cient time must be provided for the central legislative clearance and coordination process. Accordingly, each agency will submit to OMB as early as possible but no later than February 28, 1979, six copies of legislative proposals for programs and activities that are authorized through fiscal year 1980, but for which an authorization request is necessary for fiscal year 1981 and subsequent years (see paragraph 4b). These draft legislative proposals should include "such sums as may be necessary" authorizations, unless the agency and OMB agree that special circumstances warrant inclusion of specific amounts. These figures should be the amounts agreed on as a result of the 1980 Budget review and should be consistent with the five-year projections included in the 1980 Budget. c. Authorizations of new programs or activities. In cases where decisions have been made during the 1980 Budget review calling for authorizing legislation for new programs or activities proposed to begin in fiscal year 1981, draft bills reflecting those decisions should be submitted to OMB no later than February 28, 1979, as in paragraph 7b. Those proposed to begin in fiscal years 1979 or 1980 should be submitted, without amounts filled in, as in paragraph 7a, by January 15, 1979. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 5 8. Other legislative proposals. Agencies are reminded of the importance of submitting at the earliest possible date their other legislative proposals for consideration by the next session of Congress. These proposals should be sub- mitted to OMB in accordance with the instructions set forth in section 6 of OMB Circular No. A-19. 9. Inquiries. Inquiries and requests for assistance with respect to the requirements contained in this Bulletin should be addressed to the Assistant Director for Legisla- tive Reference (395-4864). 10. Effective Date. This Bulletin is effective immediately and will remain in effect until rescinded. (7taimAte eiMes T. McIntyre, Jr. rector Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 OMB BULLETIN NO. 79-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013107118: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 ? DDA assigned action. Copies sent to AO/DCI & OGC Library Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PIRESHAKNT OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET 0 WASHINGTON. D.C. 20503 BULLETIN NO. 79-4 November 13, 1978 TO THE HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND ESTABLISHMENTS SUBJECT: Information on improvements in financial management 1. Purpose. This Bulletin requests information on agency financial management improvements during fiscal year 1978. 2. Accomplishments and plans. Agency feedback on significant improvements in financial management is a primary source of information for evaluating progress under the Joint Financial Management Improvement program. Of equal importance is the need for all of us to know the extent to which plans for the period were carried out, and to identify planned future actions. Outstanding achievements and major undertakings will be summa- rized and published in the Annual Report of the Joint Program, so that a noteworthy experience in one agency can be shared with the rest of the financial management community. In so doing, we hope to minimize duplicate and overlapping efforts among the agencies. Agencies should give emphasis to any problems that may be delaying the timely development and updating of systems intended to serve the needs of management more effectively. Attention should also be given to problems involving delays in submitting accounting systems to the Comptroller General for his approval as required by law. 3. Reporting requirements. All agencies should submit data in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the attachment. Please submit an original and two copies not later than January 5, 1979. Inquiries and submissions should be addressed to: Executive Director Joint Financial Management Improvement Program 666 Eleventh Street, N.W. Suite 705 Washington, D. C. 20001 Attachment fete mes T. McIntyre, J irector Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 (r.) GUIDELINES FOR FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT IMPROVEMENT REPORTS Each agency should submit a financial management improvement report in accordance with the attached formats. The report will consist of three parts: Significant Accomplishments, Major Undertakings, and Status of Accounting System Approval and Implementation. Schedule A - Significant Accomplishments Each agency should describe its most significant financial management improvements that were completed during fiscal year 1978. Improvements installed during prior years, properly identified as such, may also be included provided the resulting operating and managerial gains were initially realized during the period which this report covers. All accomplishments should be identified on the Schedule with one of the following categories: --Accounting --Auditing --Automatic Data Processing (ADP) --Budgeting --Cash Management --Payroll --Specialized Systems and Other More than one accomplishment may be reported on a single page. However, each category should begin on a new page. The narrative presentation should include a concise description of the accomplishment, the implementation or completion date, cost savings, benefits, and the name and telephone number of an individual to whom requests for more specific information on the improvements can be directed. Schedule B - Major Undertakings This Schedule should be used to report all major undertakings-- presently in process as well as planned. The reporting instructions are identical to Schedule A with the following exceptions: --Prepare this Schedule in two sections--one for major undertakings in process and the other for planned major undertakings. --For in-process undertakings show the target completion or implementation dates. For planned undertakings show the target initiation dates and completion or implementation dates. --For those undertakings for which target dates have slipped more than 6 months, as compared to the dates reported in FY 1977 reports, explain the reason(s) for the delay or problems encountered. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Schedule C - Status of Accounting System Approval and Implementation This section of the report identifies the status of accounting systems approval by the General Accounting Office and implementation of the approved systems design. No report is required for any systems design that has been approved by GAO and fully implemented before October 1, 1977. Column (1). Reportable accounting systems will be categorized as to the stages of approval and implementation, namely: . Stage I- Working on principles and standards: List all systems for which principles and standards have not been approved. Stage II- Working on systems design: List all systems for which principles and standards have been approved but systems designs have not been approved. Stage III- Implementing approved system: List all systems for which principles and standards and systems design have been approved but for which the approved systems have not been implemented. List also all systems for which approved systems were implemented during fiscal year 1978. Column (2). Show the dates of approval of the principles and standards. There should be no entry for systems reported under Stage I. If princi- ples and standards have been approved, the system should be reported in Stage II. Column (3). Show the dates of approval of systems design. There should be no entry for systems reported under Stage II. If systems design has been approved, the system should be reported under Stage III. Column (4). Show the dates when principles and standards or systems design, as appropriate, were formally submitted for approval. No entry is required for Stage III. Column (5). Show the target dates, as appropriate, for formal submis- sion of principles and standards or systems design for approval or implementation of the approved systems. For Stage I items, show two dates--one for principles and standards and the other for systems design; the former should be identified with a "P" and the latter with an "S". If implementation was completed during fiscal year 1978, enter the date followed by "(ACTUAL)" for Stage III items. Column (6). Show the target dates that were reported in the Financial Management Improvement Report for FY 1977. Column (7). If there is more than a 6-month difference between the dates in Columns (5) and (6), explain the reason for the delay or problem(s) encountered. Use additional sheets, if necessary. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT IMPROVEMENT REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 1978 SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS Agency and Major Subdivision: Accomplishment Category: Description of Accomplishments Briefly describe improvements; include implementation date, cost savings, benefits, and name and telephone number of person to contact for further information. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT IMPROVEMENT REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 1978 MAJOR UNDERTAKINGS Agency and Major Subdivision: Accomplishment Category: Description of Undertakings Briefly describe future improvements, target date for implemen? tation, potential cost savings, benefits, and name and telephone number of person to contact for further information. Prepare this Schedule in two sections--one for major undertakings in process and the other for planned major undertakings. , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 \ I FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT IMPROVEMENT REPORT FOR FY 1978 STATUS OF ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS APPROVAL AND IMPLEMENTATION As of September 30, 1978 Agency and Major Subdivision: Schedule C Accounting System Date of Approval Principles and Standards Date of Approval Systems Design Date Submitted . but Unapproved Present Target Date . for , Submission/ Implementation Target Date Reported in FY 1977 Report Remarks (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Stage I- 4 . 4 4 ? - Working on moccomoopoodocccoucomma Principles and ? ? Standards: 0 ? ? ? ? XXXXXIMUOCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X ? ? ifr? . ? ? 41 ? Stage II -. KXXXXXXXYYXXXX Working on XXXXXXXXXXMLXX Systems Design: XX30(XX)000XXXXX ,OULXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX KXXXXXXXXXXXXX oocaoQooOoa ramoccuomma Stage III - )00D0000000000( Implementing MCXXXXXXXXXXXX Approved System: )CXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXMX 100000OD0CXXXICC IODUCCXXXXXEKXX Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 OMB BULLETIN No. 79-3 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M08944R000200130001-1 Copies sent to AO/DCI and OGC Library BMG has action. Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18 CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET WASH I NGTON D.C. 20503 BULLETIN NO. 79-3 November 6, 1978 TO THE HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND ESTABLISHMENTS SUBJECT: Increased pay costs for fiscal year 1979 1. Purpose. This Bulletin provides instructions for the submission of an analysis of increased pay costs for fiscal year 1979 and guidance on the possible absorption of such costs and on the pay supplementals required. 2. Background. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A.-11 (sections 13.4(b) and 32.7(b)) instructed agencies to include amounts for the October 1978 pay raise in their 1979 and 1980 budget estimates, if the new pay (r2 rates were known at the time of submission. If the rates were not known at that time, agencies should adjust their budget schedules to include the additional 1979 and 1980 amounts required for the pay raise when they are informed by OMB of their 1980 budget allowances. The information submitted pursuant to this Bulletin will provide the basis for requests to the Congress in the 1980 Budget for the 1979 pay supplementals. 3. Coverage. These instructions apply to the fiscal year 1979 costs of: a. Civilian personnel pay raises effective in October 1978 ?under Executive Order 12087 issued pursuant to P.L. 91-656, and comparable raises granted by administrative action. b. Military personnel pay raises effective in October 1978 under Executive Order 12087 issued pursuant to P.L. 90-207. c. Actual wage board pay raises currently effective in fiscal year 1979 and granted under 5 U.S.C. 5341, together with additional raises estimated to be granted under the same authority through September 30, 1979. (Note: The Treasury, Post Office, and General Government Appropriation Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 2 Act, P.L. 95-429 prohibits the use of funds under that Act or any other appropriations Act to fund increases in wage board pay rates authorized by 5 U.S.C. 5343 that exceed 5.5% in fiscal year 1979. 4. Absorption policy. The amount of the 1979 pay increase costs specified above will be computed on the basis of the latest approved 1979 program levels. Agencies will absorb these increased pay costs to the maximum extent possible by: a. Using all available resources within the account to cover increased pay costs, including savings obtained from 1979 reductions in: o personnel (resulting from the effects of section 311 of P.L. 95-454); o administrative travel costs (OMB Bulletin No. 78-18); and other operating costs. b. Using existing transfer authority to maximize absorption when resources within an account are insufficient to meet such costs. c. Seeking additional transfer authority between appropriation accounts within the same agency. (See paragraph 7.) Each agency will apply the principles set forth in OMB Circular Nos. A-44 and A-64 to achieve economies through cost reduction, position management, and other management improvement programs. Reapportionment requests should be submitted in accordance with paragraph 6 below to apportion any previously deferred funds (line 10 of S.F. 132) or unapportioned balances of revolving funds (line 11 of S.F. 132) that may now be used to meet increased pay costs. Pay supplementals should be proposed only when the head of the agency has determined that full absorption is not possible. Available resources will be applied first to program increases for uncontrollable items that qualify for deficiency apportionment, to the extent that the total amount of these program increases can be absorbed. Any available resources remaining should then be applied to cover the various types of increased pay costs (i.e., civilian statutory pay systems), wage board, administrative action, and military pay systems in the following order of priority: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 3 (1) Any type of increased reimbursement to other accounts due to increased pay costs (including payments to revolving funds). (2) Any type of increased pay cost that can be absorbed in full. (3) Any type of increased pay cost that cannot be absorbed in full. S. Preparation of required materials. Each agency is required to submit to OMB by November 29, 1978, an analysis of increased pay costs for fiscal year 1979. The analysis will be prepared in accordance with the instructions in Attachment A and submitted in the format of the related Exhibit. In all cases, the amount that the agency intends to request for the pay raise supplemental should be included in the budget determination print submission. Agencies whose budget determination print submission will be due in OMB prior to November 29, should perform the pay analysis in advance of that date so that their submission includes the amounts to be requested for the pay raise supplemental. In addition to the required analysis, the agency submission will include: a. A narrative explanation of the methods used in computing the increased pay costs. b. Proposed appropriation language, including that required to change limitations or to provide extended availability for multiple-year and no-year accounts (i.e., "to remain available for obligation until..."). Guidelines to be used in drafting proposed appropriation language are presented in Attachment B. 6. Apportionment and reapportionment requests. Agency requests for reapportionment to reflect increased pay costs for FY 1979 will be submitted (as necessary) in accordance with Part IV of OMB Circular No. A-34. Requests for "deficiency" apportionments that anticipate a need for pay supplementals are authorized by section 107 of P.L. 95-482 and must be accompanied by three copies of the agency head's statement of necessity, as required by 31 U.S.C. 665(e)(1). The agency head's statement will be worded as follows: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 4 "I hereby determine that it is necessary to request apportionment (or reapportionment) of the appropriation '(appropriation title)' on a basis that indicates the necessity for a supplemental estimate of appropriations for pay increases in accordance with section 107 of P.L. 95-482." When a group of such requests is transmitted at one time, a single certification may be used for all requests. 7. Supplemental appropriations for 1979. The proposed appropriation language and analysis required under paragraph 5 will serve as the basis for the request for 1979 pay supplementals. Upon approval by OMB of amounts of supplemental appropriation requests, agency budget schedules will be adjusted as necessary. Program supplementals will be handled separately, in accordance with the regular procedures of OMB Circular No. A-11. If an agency is seeking a supplemental to be derived by transfer between appropriation accounts (see paragraph 4c) that involves: - no withholding or delaying of the availability of funds, no deferral report is required. (In these cases, available resources should be apportioned in the losing accounts so that the funds to be transferred are available in the last half of the fiscal year.) - withholding or delaying the availability of funds (in order to preserve the funds for transfer), a deferral report (see OMB Bulletin No. 75-15) is required and should be submitted, as appropriate, with the supplemental request. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 5 funds that cannot be used in the losing account regardless of whether the Congress accepts the transfer request, a rescission proposal is to be submitted once a definite amount of excess funds is known. When such i?difirlite amount is not known at the time the supplemental is requested, OMB should be notified of these circumstances. In those cases, the rescission proposal (and the related request for withholding) should not be submitted until a definite amount of excess funds is known by the agency. mes T. McIntyre, r. irector Attachments Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 ATTACHMENT A Bulletin No. 79-3 Analysis of Increased Pay Costs for Fiscal Year 1979 Each agency will submit by November 29, 1978, an analysis of increased pay costs for fiscal year 1979 resulting from the pay raises specified in paragraph 3 of this Bulletin. An original and two copies of this analysis will be prepared for fiscal year 1979 in the format illustrated by the Exhibit. The analysis will be accompanied by the narrative explanation and appropriation language required in paragraph 5 of this Bulletin. For purposes of this analysis, amounts for allocation accounts (transfer appropriation accounts) will be incorporated in the amounts shown for the parent account rather than in the amounts shown for the receiving agency. Each agency receiving an allocation will furnish to the agency responsible for the parent account the data necessary to prepare the analysis (including justifications) by November 15, 1978 unless other arrangements have been made by the agencies concerned. Allocation accounts will be considered a source of transfer only by the parent agency. Advances or reimbursements between Government accounts should be treated in the following way: - The performing agency will include the associated increased pay costs in columns 2 and 3 of their analysis. (See attached exhibit). These costs will also be included in column 5, treated as a part of the performing agencies' absorption. (See instructions for entries under column 5 below.) - The ordering agency will consider these increased pay costs as a part of ordinary expenses and will fl include them in columns 2 and 3 of their analysis, since such costs relate to employees of the performing agency. The ordering agency will absorb, to the maximum extent possible, the payments to other accounts or agencies for ..he increased pay costs through administrative action and will report the portion of the payment for increased pay costs that cannot be absorbed through administrative column 4 of the analysis. (See instructions for entries under column 4 below.) Where more than one type of pay increase is involved civilian statutory pay systems, wage board, administrative Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 2 action, or military pay systems), the amounts applicable to each will be reported separately in columns 2 through 4 of each analysis. Increased pay costs for allocation accounts will be included, by type of pay raise, in the amounts shown for the parent account in columns 2 through 4. In columns 5 through 8, the amounts for each account will be reported in total (i.e., without separately identifying the amount associated with each type of pay increase or allocation account). The final entry pay increases" and agency for columns The analysis will described below: in each table will be labeled "Total, all will show the total amounts for the 2 through 8. be prepared on 8" x 13" paper, as Column 1. List under each bureau or organizational unit to which separate appropriations or funds are available, the title of each account (other than allocation accounts) out of which any increased pay costs are paid directly. These will include revolving and management funds (excluding consolidated working funds) and trust funds. Account titles will be listed in the order in which they appear in the budget. At least one line should be left between account titles. Increased pay costs under civilian statutory pay systems will be entered without further identification. Other types of pay increases (i.e., wage board, administrative action, and military pay systems) will be identified in the stub column under each account where appropriate. Column 2. Enter the direct cost of pay raises for employees paid from the reporting account whether or not the costs result from the performance of reimbursable work. Agencies should be careful to include any additional payments that are normally associated with object class 11, such as overtime, Sunday premium pay, etc. If the increased pay cost is disproportionately high in relation to the base for any account, the reasons should be fully set forth in the narrative explanation. Do not report in this column advances or reimbursements to other accounts for work or services. (To the extent they cannot be absorbed through currently authorized agency administrative action, they are to be reported in column 4.) Column 3. For each listed account, report the added costs?ETgt are indirectly related to the pay raise, whether Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 or not the costs are reimbursable. related costs include such items contributions, employer FICA taxes, to employee life insurance premiums are based on employees' salaries. 3 For this purpose, the as Government retirement Government contributions , and other payments that Do not report in this column advances or reimbursements paid to other accounts for work or services. (To the extent they cannot be absorbed through currently authorized agency administrative action, they are to be reported in column 4.) Column 4. Enter the portion of the increased pay costs to be paid as advances and reimbursements to other accounts that cannot be absorbed through administrative action. In most cases this column should be blank, since payments to ErEHHr accounts will be considered for absorption ahead of the increased pay cost of the reporting account. Column 5. Report, in total for each account, the portion of the increases shown in columns 2 and 3 that can be absorbed through currently authorized agency administrative action. This will include absorptions through transfers from other accounts and amounts to be covered by reimbursements from other accounts. Column 6. Report, in total for each portion of tHe increased costs in columns 2, 3, could be absorbed if the Congress provides increase limitations on administrative expenses services. account, the and 4 that authority to or personal Column 7. Total of columns 5 and 6. Column 8. This column should equal the sum of columns 2, 3, and 4 minus column 7, and will represent the additional appropriation considered necessary for the account as a result of the pay raises reported. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 ATTACHMENT B Bulletin No. 79-3 Guidelines for Drafting Proposed Appropriation Language for Pay Supplementals for Fiscal Year 1979 Indentation, punctuation, and capitalization will conform with the presentation used in Part III, Section II of the 1979 Budget Appendix (pp. 1050-1054). Organization titles and breaks, including the appropriation account title will generally conform to the fiscal year 1979 appropriation bills as enacted. All new items not included in the 1979 appropriation bills (e.g., chapter, organizations, accounts, or appropriation language phrases) will be underscored. Sample formats illustrating the above guidelines follow: ,DEPARTMENT OF GOVERNMENT Office of the Secretary: "Salaries and expenses", $170,870; Bureau of Economic Development: "Salaries and expenses", $314,880; "Inspection services", $213,590 to remain available until March 30, 1980; Development Trust Fund: "Limitation on general operating expenses" (increase of $1,330,000 in the limitation on general operation expenses); 'Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 NOTES: a. Amounts are in dollars. b. Actual size of this form is 8 x 13 inches. Organizational unit and account title (1) ANALYSIS OF 1979 INCREASED PAY COSTS DEPARTMENT OF GOVERNMENT Increase in direct pay and other related cost of this agency Direct Related pay cost (2) Office of the Secretary: Salaries and expenses 197,420 Wage board 31,500 Bureau of Economic Development: Salaries and expenses 949,160 Inspection Services 176,000 Development Trust Fund 1,240,000 Government Corporation: ABC Revolving Fund (adm. action) 1,065,000 Total: Civ. stat. pay systems 9,336,400 Wage board 142,500 Adm. action 1,065,000 Total, all pay increases 10,543,900 Amounts to be paid to other accounts that are not absorbed administratively Net absorption Possible Requiring by admin-; increase istrative in limi- action tation (3) (4) (5) (6) 18,700 ? ? ?) 79,7001/ 6 9 2,950 .) 89,220 723,500 16,540 21,050 ? ? ? - ? . 111,600 21,600 1,330,000 100,110 ? ? 865,110 300,000 872,660 42,310) 13,250 100,110 986,020 42,310 5,246,660 1,701,600 EXHIBIT Bulletin No. 79-3 Total Additional appropria- tion required (7) (0) 79,700 170,870 723,500 314,880 ? ? ? 213,590 1,351,600 1,165,110 ? ? ? 6,948,260 4,623,970 1/ Includes $15,000 to be transferred from "Salaries and Expenses, Bureau of Safety" under P.L. . (Cite existing authority) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 111V111 RI 71 1 i n Mn 70-7 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18 CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Li October 19/b Distribution made as follows: 1 - C/BMG 1 - C/AG 1 - DDA w/routing slip 1 - DDS&T w/o slip 1 - DDO w/o slip 1 - D/NFAC w/o slip 1 - D/PErs w/o slip 1 - All Group Chiefs/Return to Reading File 1 - AO/DCI 1 - OGC,Library Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18 CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET WASHINGTON. D.C. 20503 BULLETIN NO. 79-2 October 27, 1978 TO THE HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND ESTABLISHMENTS SUBJECT: Limitation on Federal Civilian Hiring 1. Purpose. This Bulletin provides guidance with respect to the limitation on hiring ordered by the President. It also provides, instructions for appeals in a limited number of situations where exceptions to the hiring limitation may be warranted. 2. Background. In his recent memorandum the President stated that he is imposing a limitation on hiring as an 4!) integral part of his efforts toward achieving one of the top priority goals of his administration; restraining inflation. His review of the FY 1980 Budget will include a thorough evaluation of agency personnel requirements to ensure that efficient operation of the Government will be achieved with a minimum level of Federal employment. His intention in imposing this limitation on hiring is to limit growth in the Federal workforce. The limitation also recognizes the need to reduce total Federal employment to the level that existed on September 30, 1977 as required by Section 311 of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978. 3. Limitation on hirin . Pursuant to the President's memorandum, each agency will establish controls to limit the number of appointments to full-time permanent positions to not more than 50 percent of the number of vacancies occurring on or after October 25, 1978. A vacancy in existence as of October 24, 1978 can only be filled by use of one of the permitted appointments resulting from new vacancies, i.e., from among the 50% of the number of new vacancies occurring. Except for the exemptions listed below, this limitation applies to all new hires of full-time permanent Federal civilian personnel and to transfers of personnel between Executive Branch agencies. The limitation is effective immediately and will remain in effect until further notice. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000-271013.6001-1 2. Where necessary, personnel reallocations should be made within agencies to meet needs of highest priority and to assure that vital and basic services are not interrupted. Contracting with firms and institutions outside the Government will not be used to alleviate the effect of this limitation. Nor will persons be hired on a temporary basis as a substitute for full-time permanent employees to evade this limitation. 4. Standard exemptions. To preserve the continuity of Government, the following exemptions to the limitation on hiring are permitted: a. at the discretion of the agency head, hiring necessitated by emergency situations involving the safety of human life and protection of property, b. when staffing is essential for maintaining operations that directly protect human safety, c. filling of positions under programs that are presently exempt from employment ceilings, d. hiring in accordance with firm commitments made in writing by agency personnel officers, prior to the effective date of the limitation, e. hiring by the U.S. Postal Service, f. reassignments of personnel within an agency, g. executive level appointments, and h. shifting of employees from one agency to another because of a transfer of functions resulting from Presidential reorganization action. 5. Appeal of hiring limitation. In a very limited number of cases, additional exemptions maybe grante&if the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) determines that such action is necessary to preserve the continuity of Government by assuring that essential services are provided and that fundamental needs and requirements?of law are met. When an agency head believes that circumstances in an agency warrant such an exception, an appeal may be made in writing to the Director of the OMB fully justifying the need for additional personnel and explaining why intra-agency reallocation is not feasible. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 3 6. Effective dates. The instructions in this Bulletin are effeEITTre--a once and will remain in effect until further notice. 7. Inquiries. Questions regarding the instructions in this Bulletin will be addressed to the OMB representatives in charge of the agency's budget estimates. J es T. McIntyre, Director Attachment Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON October 26, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR THE HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES There is no more important goal for my Administration than restraining inflation. A crucial part of this effort is managing government more efficiently. With that goal in mind, I am imposing an indefinite limitation on the hiring of Federal civilian workers, as of October 25, 1978. I ask that you limit the number of new full-time permanent appointments in your agency to not more than 50 percent of the new vacancies occurring after October 25, 1978. In other words, for each two new vacancies, you may appoint one new permanent employee. You may not fill such vacancies (.7 as exist on October 24, 1978 except by use of the appoint- ments permitted as a result of new vacancies. I am instructing the Office of Management and Budget and the Civil Service Commission to issue instructions on this directive. In addition, I delegate authority to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget to grant specific exemptions in a very limited number of cases, when such exemptions are necessary to assure that essential services are provided and fundamental needs are met. I ask that, as you carry out this directive, you do it in a way that protects the operations in your agency that directly affect the public -- for example, Social Security claims processing and check issuance, and veterans' benefit payments. You should absorb as much of the impact as possible in the support and overhead operations of your agency. It is within your power to determine whether the government succeeds in this part of the battle against inflation. I urge you to do everything possible to assign your staff where the need is greatest, so that vital and basic Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 2 services may continue uninterrupted. Contracting with firms and institutions outside the government must not , be used to circumvent the intent of this directive. / urge you to give this matter your personal attention and support. ,7??77 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013107118: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Distribution of OMB Bulletin No. 79-1, 26 Oct 1976 , SUBJECT: Excess and near excess foreign currencies made to the following. ki>434/7e 1 copy - OGC Library 1 copy - D/Fin 1 copy - DID/Plans 1 copy - AO/DCI 1 copy - BMG Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 C EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF TI-1 5 PRESIDENT OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET WASHINGTON, D.C. 20503 BULLETIN NO. 79-1 October 11, 1978 TO THE HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND ESTABLISHMENTS SUBJECT: Excess and near excess foreign currencies 1. Purpose. This Bulletin informs the Departments and agencies of the U.S.-owned foreign currencies that have been determined by the Secretary of the Treasury to be in excess or near excess supply. 2. Rescission. This Bulletin supersedes and rescipds OMB Bulletin No. 78-4 of November 15, 1977. The provisions contained in this Bulletin remain in effect until September 30, 1980, unless superseded or rescinded at an earlier date. 3. Policy. Specific guidance on the utilization of excess and near excess foreign currencies is Contained in Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A-20, Revised. In general, full utilization of excess and near excess foreign currencies in lieu of U.S. dollars -- consistent with international agreements and availability of the currencies -- must be an objective of every agency with transactions in the respective countries. 4. Excess currencies. Currencies of the following countries are excess to the Government's normal requirements for fiscal years 1979 and 1980. Burma India Egypt Pakistan Guinea 5. Near excess currencies. Supplies of currencies available for U.S. programs for fiscal year 1979 in the following countries are above immediate needs, but are not sufficient to be declared excess. Morocco Tunisia Poland Yugoslavia Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1 2 6. Restrictions on special foreign currency programs. Special foreign currency program appropriations will be available for incurring obligations payable in any excess currencies. 7. Effective date. This Bulletin is effective immediately. 8. Inquiries. Inquiries and requests for assistance should be addressed to the Office of Management and Budget, Budget Review Division, Telephone 395-3830 (code 103, ext. 3830). = /fies T.T. McIntyre irector / Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/18: CIA-RDP06M00944R000200130001-1