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STAT Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 r r. pt` -D Oil Fr.G-E WASHINGTON POST 28 August 1980 , ~y A olfidal3.?t wlimitiagthe. proposed-'penalties: to pastand -present governmthL 1the-only. one ,to!=vote, against-.;; Bering; the.. l lL Volkiner was .:- six Democrats oa-'a~ House:':Iu 4diciary:.subcommittee _iconsid. (stated the. kmer position.ofrBep 'Har- ~oIdLI., Vo1hlo:} :pfhe 't House. bill to outlaw disclosure ; iof the-names of CIA opeiatlves? 1working a b.r o a d ineorrectly- 1 - CF An article. yesterday 'abou ,'a Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 0 ARTICLE APPEARED ON PAGE-d4 Z NEW YORK TIMES 27 AUGUST 1980 panel :Softens: Proposed Bill on By CHARLES MOHR _s: Identifying agents; I Have to eci ewe e ` e1 r accep or reject m i a crime for a Government official the softening amendment. or'tormer official who had authorized ac TheDemocratic Majority Leader of the cess to classified information to reveal House, ' Representative Jim Wright of ( the identity of intelligence agents. T h d d Sped-1 to The New York Time. WASHINGTON, Aug.. 26 ? - Liberal members of a House subcommittee that is reviewing proposed intelligence legis- lation today recommended the deletion of its most controversial provisions, those that make it a crime for private persons, including journalists, -to Identify covert intelligence agents or informers. The "agents identities protection" bill has already been approved by the House Select Committee on Intelligence and, in, slightly different form. by the Senate In telligence ~onnmittee. Undei the bill,'; Identifying covert agents of United States intelligence agencies or informants for the ? Federal Bureau . of Investigation; would be a criminal offense. n ...?i The subcommittee on civil and consti- tutional rights of the House Judiciary Committee was able to review the bill on "sequential.... reference" because ? . - it created a new: criminal statute, a matter that normally would fall under Judiciary Committee jurisdiction.- If the Judiciary Committee upholds the subcommittee action. the full House will exas, a urge the subcommittee in writing'not to amend the bill because it might delay its being brought to the floor of the House. He had hoped to be able to suspend House rules -and achieve its speedy passage- Mr. Wright said in a letter to the sub. committee chairman, Don Edwards, Democrat of California, that . "the 96th maybe justly accused of dere- Congress ction of it fails to complete action ci bill." next week. :Somecivirlibertariansaad journalists There has been no serious controversy, have voiced the fear that the original bills, over previsions of the; bills' that would- come are ~Y drawn that it might be head of crime to reveal that a. foreign; government had.acterl in concert with the C.I.A. since 'he would be al covert agent.". ' ys use simple But Representative Edwards said that, methods to decipher terminological fi- he agreed with civil: liberties organiza.; tions and false titles in unclassified bio- tions that. the agent identities bill -was graphical registers. to deduce this infor- ..clearly unconstitutional," and he and mation. [four of his-Democratic colleagues, Rob-I ert W. Kastenmeie of Wisconsin, John F.: Representative Edwards ;'said after. Seiberling of Ohio; Elizabeth Holtzman of wastoday's subcommittee meeting that it Brooklyn and Robert F. Drinan of Massa- not certain that the stringent p - chusetts, prevailed..::;: 1 alone of the intelligence committee bill Harold L. Vollsmer.Democrat of Mis=' House could be blocked in a showdown on the 1 sour 1, voted against the changes but in j floor. There is a lot of momentum favor of, re rtin the bill to the . full Ju- behind the bill, almost hysteria,,. he com- diciary Committee,: which will consider it mented: The provision affecting private citizens grew out of the anger of many members of Congress, including some on the two in- telligence committees, over the Washing- ton newsletter, Covert Action Informa- tion Bulletin, which has printed the. names of what it says are Central Intelll- gence Agency officers who operate under. So-called "shallow embassy cover" in foreign posts, posing as ordinary diplo- The bulletin's staff sa it s Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05TOO644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 STAT Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 1403I PRESS '(AL,.) 8 August 19&0 e ' need some secrecy The House Foreign . ?? ~f~.111 .ilf iJ - . Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 NTIAGEED O ON PAGE By Spencer Rich washinaton Post Staff-Writer When Datsun-' chief' -Takashi :Ishi- hara came to the United States two. years ago to', explore investment- op-portunities for-the giant auto the man who-took-him around..Capitol Hill to 'meet'such, notables as Senates, Republican: Leader Howard H. Baker', Jr. (Tenn.) and House Speaker: Thomas Pi.O'Neiil (D-Mass.) was Rich- ard if. Allen,'.abusiness consultant' to Datsun That visit,.. commemorated ; in a photo of. Allen, Baker, Ishihara. and, other smiling Datsun officials, under=` scores an important ;point about Al-- len::the:44-year-old former :Nixon ad- ministration 6fficial who .is. the key foreign-affairs, adviser. to Ronald Reagan and a prime possibility to be- come the president's national security affairs adviser in.a Reagan adminis- tration..._ . , -? .. ,In; recent administrations, security affairs:. advisers and' secretaries - of. state 'have tended' to 'be scholars of high reputation like Henry A. Kis- singer, ands. Zbigniew Brzezinski..or skilled negotiators like superlawyers Cyrus R. Vance, and William Rogers.- Allen, 'however,. has- a different background. He began as an academic. wrote or edited (sometimes with oth- ers) five books on .communism' (none ?in`the 1ast110, years).'He : worked"on strategic. problems at the Hoover In-!' stitution and the Georgetown Center. ;tor Strategic and International . Stud, ies =-He, served --at -the- -National Secu rity Council and-then as a key White House'aide,.on trade matters during fwo separate: stints . in the Nixon ,ad- ministration. But his-: :reputation. as, a v- scholar doesn't begin Ito :match. that of Kis =singer or Brzezinski, and' he never?'re :eeiLed aPh.D: =In: between. his _ White: House jobs and:.for,:,the `..past eight years;~.he's moved out of:the?scholarly world. to a- much different one:.. that of the inter .national business', ..consultant,. criss :crossing Atlantic , and: Pacific; to, con-, cult with : Japanese-. or -,Portuguese clients, to. look igto business opportu- "nities in.. Taiwan, to explore invest .ment policies in ?Angpla :and Mozambi- +':que Ho firm's name here is ; Potomac ^wInternationalCorp:."'?,,,;;. WASHINGTON POST 24 AUGUST 1930 r< In?..Washington. where the daily bread of. politics is rumor, unsubstan- tiated stories have clustered about Al- len. . . In the interests of clarificatioir;: Al- I len in an interview commented on a number. of such- rumors.; He denied , each, one, as ?preposterous "." a lie" or i "categorically.untrue'R?and gave these specific ' responses:. ? "No; :I did not"_,,. encourage and "absolutely did not, indicate that Nixorf-approved" covert--signals to the South Vietnamese, to ' go? slow in' 1968 'peace negotiations, lest apeace agree- ment help the Democrats beat candi- date Nixon in the presidential- elec-tion. 'IT do not-work for-'the CIA=pe . Never.. . ?.-He asn't ?:any-special. link to.Tai- wan, but he has explored business possibilities there and visited there. -?? A story that he was somehow. in volved: when Israelis' made off with-1 five' French gunboats' on 'Christmas Day' 1369-is "preposterous."j}, ~..?:?-ln the.Nikon White 'House,`he was asked-to head up a unit that later be- carie.known as .'the Plumbers." But at the time the job involved nothing more than: `declassification of histori- cal-documents, the-unit wasn't' called the-Plumbers, he turned 'down the job, and'' he wasn't involved in? any Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 STAT Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 FORTH WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM (TEXAS) 10~August 1980 { vrms,eftort If you wonder, and perhaps scoff, when this nation's: military leaders express ,concern about the state of preparedness of our. armed forces consider this:: The Soviet Union now is de-, voting. 12 to '14 percent of its', . gross national product to mill tary -purposes, with spending -rising .4 or 5.percent a year, a . recenj flA tudy_indicates. States defense outlay of 5.3 per- cent of gross national product, and the Carter administration has. promised'. a 5 percent TII'4i~ON The GNP percentage figures .-country gives to'its military machine, and some independent analysts think the Soviet priority is even, higher than the CIA calculates, with perhaps as much as 20 percent of GNP going for military spending The Soviet economy floundered in the dol- drums-in 1978.79, .but that fact caused no cut- back in military' spending, and the lot of the average Soviet citizen improved very little. Per capita consumption increased only 2 percent in the past: two: years, compared with the mili- tary's 4 or5percent - - =The CIA study- points out that the relatively high military growth reflects the fact that Sovi- et defense programs have great momentum as wellas powerful political and bureaucratic sup- port. The defense sector continued to confis- cate a large share of the economy's best scien-. tific,.technical and managerial talent and large :amounts of high-quality materials components and . equipment::.:. r The CIA report also said approximately half of Soviet military funding in the past two years went for procurement of new equipment and? major spare parts and for construction of new '-facilities. Military research, development, test- ing.and evaluation--got another fourth ~of the= defense pot, and the Soviet soldier; whose pay is ? parsimonious, to say. the least; split the other, . fourth. with operations and maintenance needs z Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05TOO644ROO0501410001-3 LITCUD LD NT':-7;-WRAL17 ( ILL. 8 August 1980 -VOOS* PS -SCOO CIA Bob Poos, Hillsboro 3a'tive and now managing editor of "Soldier-- of Fortune" magazine, recently took. partin what his publisher claims is. a scoop of the Central' Intelligence Agency. . i The` ntMTer, tL ber't K. Brown, explained in a publisher's note in the Sep- tember issue-of the magazine that Poos - flew to Seoul, Korea, to meet author Galen{ L. Geer and take possession ! of some 5.45 mm rounds for the Soviet AKS-74 assault' rifle. The weapon is a type of rifle issued to elite Soviet : units instead of the AK-47 that ! is used in Vietnam and other, third world countries. l The Colt M-16 --is the American assault rifle:: Geer got 30 rounds'. along. with, some other , military items from Afghanistan. He. and an English photographer traveled for 11 days in Paktia' province southeast of Kabul' with Pathan tribesmen.---.-... Poos went to Korea on other;I story assignments -, and ' held partof the rounds while Geer:. went' through .customs:: Twenty-three . rounds:. :.were, seized by; . Customs.They: were. later.. returned:G eer; and'- "Brown ' flew to Washington where they.l - over turned two-of the rounds to the Defense -Intelligence rest of the rounds:=into 'the more stories=for:- =his Herald reporters Thursday. In an advance October issue" supplied to the News=Herald, the bullet was-- described in detail. It was found to have an air space, lead plug and mild- steel core directly to?the rear of the bullet's thin-jacketed point. The '.'Soldier--of For-: j tune"- staff concluded in?-the l article that the Soviets have produced an accurate, lethal lightweight round capable.of,; producing the severe wounds - reported from Afganistan.i Geer interviewed - some', doctors in Pakistan where i Pathan tribesmen are treated if they are lucky enough to live the 8 to 10 days it takes to reach help. ':'hey reported that :whole bone.` sections would explode. from the chemical-biological warfare filter from a damaged Soviet scout "car-, _reach. :.a? .laboratory in , Virginia. i?oos said, that the-results -were not available.. The" Soviets have. reportedly used nerve gas in Afghanistan. -Analysis of the filter may prove it. The writer also arranged for a tube type weapon about 12 inches long to be brought into -the country.. According to the j Mujahideen or Holy Warriors' that he met, .there are dif- ferent types: with . separate missle-like, projectiles which have a range. up, to 300 yards and include high :,:explosive; antitank, nerve gas and flares. Sticks. of =an 'incendiary material similar to napalm were also` brought back. The sticks are either dropped by a large bomb.or are scattered ky heliocopters .and i gmted by phosphorus rockets. Geer described the; character and the history of the Pathan tribesmen and their "Jihad" or holy war against the Russians. In May nearly. a . thousand Afghans representing every tribe and ~ level of society in the country ! met in Peshwar, Pakistan, in a "Loyal Jirga." _ - A Jirga is held whenever, there is a national emergency. A new govern- ment is created to decide the course of the nation. If it is successful, the ' various Mujahideen warrior .groups will' operate" under one military council. - Geer theorizes that -if the*! groups coordinated, the' Russians. will have a difficult time controlling the country because of its 'rugged desert mountains and thick forests. He also speculated that if the Soviets with d-raw,`there will be a long civil war to ! establish a government. - In the November issue of the magazine, . Poos said there.. would be a round up by Geer of the Afghanistan situation. He.'.also said his... magazine would take -some `: political stands about .the '.candidates and the sad shape'of the-U.S. military. Poos-reports-he is living in Boulder, Colo., where the magazine is -published. He sees his wife, -Carol, a' business -- executive in Washington, D.C., between his work and his travels.- :am not bitching;'.,he said, "I love it (work)'..' His wife and 1 daughter, Lisa, -a sophomore in high school,-,intend to move to Boulder when their home, in the. Washington: is ;,sold Their oth er, daughter, Laura,. is. a -.-sophomore- at' the University _of-Misssouri= r??x Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05TOO644ROO0501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 merwaia-----hi Ilizence.', NORFOLK VIRGINIAN-PILOT (VIRGNINA) 7 August 1980. :~J Harvie Wilkinson III:' Editor, The ? Virginian-Pilot-' Just how smart is American intelli- gence? Sixty of the nation's top securi- ty experts gathered not long ago in included former CIA and military olncials, staffers on congressional intelligence com- mittees, academ- ics,:: journalists, and leaders from America's strate- gic . think tanks. `The conference transcripts are fas- cinating but .not.--::..:-. .comforting. read- = Wilkinson us of future Pearl Harbors. 'But: this conference underscored the impor- tanceof non-military - intelligence as well... Would our -president, for example, have advance warning of a coup d'etat' in unstable Saudi Arabia? Well, the in- telligence report from Iran in Septem- ''ber -1978 :concluded that the shah "is expected-to remain -actively.'in. power' over the-next- 10, years'.'. (off. by.. only-. nine years,.-eight' months).. Would the -United states be able to detect a major. Soviet technological breakthrough?. Professor 'Michael . ~Randel of Harvard warns that-'.'the telligence' community'.has' never; at- tracted` the-:firsttank of scientists * (with~notable;.exceptions:during Is American .intelligence preparedto-. forewarn of. international political, te rorism? Short,: answer no ; another;problem..The CITY is still not popular on college campuses. But re- quiring certain degrees, cautions for-. Amer CIA director.. William Colby, could bar from the corps of analysts the mudcaked activist who has tramped the back jungle" and learned more than any college classroom could provide. .The CIA also-lacks linguists. This creates a backlog in-processing intelli- gence. - Complains Brookings' Richard Betts: "You can't get people who know Arabic to sit and listen to tapes all day. There aren't that many of them and , the few there are would rather do other '.One participant complained that our young CIA analysts fail. to comprehend. the'Russians. Apprentice'them for six months in a "Detroit homicide squad,' a-- union picket 'line,": he suggests. A.., university simply fails. to commuri'. - - ------------- cate "the visceral feel for the reality that periodically explodes out. of the Tartar.:Steppes " - The' classic trap that of.-wishful thinking. It's well- :. known.that Stalin refused even to hear = :the overwhelming evidence, of his se- cretservices that-Hitler-was about to--- turn on Russia. in Barbarossa: Don't laugh: American: presidents made it clear to.the CIA, that. unpleasant news about the shah wag unwelcome; it poi- soned. , the.-political ;climate for arms sales to 1ran3. Wishful: intelligence now assumes ` that the Soviet Union;is the mirror im- ageof the United. States'.. Our defense doctrine. is. labeled MAD.-,(nuclear war _involves Mutually Assured:.?Destruc = .:lion). We have assumed despite mas- and hardened 'fallout'shelters that the der?As' Senator: Malcolm' ;Wallop (R Wyo.). notes t?`While'the -Soviets were'be 3. Ong, the: biggest military; buildup in history,': isiates] judged: that they~rwould: nor. try' to=uildas:manymissilesas .we :had; ; Approved For ber, thenNIEs said ;they were unlikely exceed tt substantially wheat exceeded it substantially, the NIEs said'they would not try for decisive su_ periority-the capability to fight and.; win a nuclear war. Only very recently'' have the NIEs admitted the possibility ' as an `elusive question.' Now the NIEs say the Soviets-may be trying for such'' ,.a capability but they cannot be sure it will work.' During the 1970s, some in Congress thought intelligence activity vaguely immoral. But where our national secu-. rity is concerned, the greatest immo-' rality is_ inadequacy. ..The president of the National Strate +i gy:Information Center, Frank Barnett, .fears that Americans have grown -too.,' comfortable to sense "how frequently. brute force, psywar, treachery;: and vi-' olence determine human events in the arena outside the Anglo-Saxon playing fields." Pleasant thinking-on the part of those who gather and those who read intelligence-has brought us into the 1980s, encumbered by the-reality of -overwhelming Soviet power. ,. "My opinion of the Russians has changed more drastically in the Iasi' week than even the previous two and a, half years before that," said Jimmy. Carter, post-Afghanistan. Somehow, someone is not getting the message. Let us hope .that statement reflects an outlook unique to this par. ticular president, not the stream of in- telligencethat passed jefore his eyes. STAT Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 CF,ANT0N TD ES (PA.) 5 August 1980 The Scranton Public Library isIfull of books 'about spies and espionage. I wonder, though, if the librarians there realize they are guar.! dians of a book that itself is the centerpiece of a real-life intrigue. Our story began a few weeks ago. -Bob Rafalko, the co-owner of Copperfield: Books' in downtown Scranton,. had a problem. , "I've been trying to order this book called "Countercoup," Rafalko explained., "It's ab- out Iran and how the Central Intelligence Agency helped bring the Shah back to power after he was overthrown in 1953. But I can't order the book." It seemed that whenever Rafalko called- up-I the title on his computer screen, he was informed that his book distributors could not get copies of "Countercoup." This was odd. Having ,read a review of "Countercoup" several months before, .I knew..; the book had been published. I had wanted to read": it, so I was mildly interested in the bookseller's revelation. Then he told me something that made me more than curious.: The word in the book trade was that the CIA was responsible for "Countercoup's" strange lack- of availability; Rafalko confided.: The CIA. The slithering sound of it made me= shudder a little. Then I got excited. I sensed a : good story here. Next day, I went to the public' library and found a ,copy of "Countercoup," by former CIA operative Kermit Roosevelt:_ Somehow the book that Rafalko could not order had reached the-library.. I savored the- forbidden fruitl That night I began reading "Countercoup,"' and the next day I. called the McGraw-Hill Book Co., its publisher: I was put in touch with ,Donald Rubin in the.firm's New York office.: The first thing Rubin -did was_ blow an Y - ---- =illusions I had about breaking a major news story. He said that on Nov. 6, 1979, The. Wall Street Journal had printed a front-page story headlined "The Coup Against 'Counter- coup.' But. Rubin was able to bring me up to date on this little publishing-industry intrigue.. "We began shipping the books last summer, but then substantial errors in the book came to. our attention," the' publisher's spokesman, said. The main objections to parts of the book had been lodged by British. Petroleum Co. Ltd; more. familiarly known as, BP,; Rubin, said.' , As The Wall Street Journal reported; offi- cials of BP, which is 51-percent owned by the British government, had raised a bowl.upon getting word that Roosevelt's book identified the.Anglo-Iranian oil Co., a BP predecessor, as avery eager partner of the CIA in organiz j ing the coup that toppled Iranian Prime Minis- ter Mohammad Mossadegh and returned thP. young Shah to the Peacock Throne.. The coup, with help from Iranian supporters of the Shah, spelled the end of Mossadegh, I whom the CIA perceived as a Communist i stooge and the British hated because he had nationalized. the_Iranianoil industry. I = -The rest is history. One of its important chapters ended last month with the ignomini- I 'ous death-in-exile of the Shah. But back to ourl own story. As a former CIA employee, Roosevelt had to submit the manuscript of his book to the agency for pre-publication review. The draft Perused by the CIA indicated that a British intelligence unit called MI 6 was the prime mover in the onslaught against Mossadegh. I 'Tut, tut, said the CIA to Roosevelt, it wouldn't I I be cricket to have .direct references to our.. cousins in British- intelligence in the book. i Roosevelt" agreed to make changes. For reasons of his own, he replaced MI 6 with i Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. in his revised draft. And that's what drew the wrath of the British oil giant. After being pressured into revising his book,, Roosevelt himself asked for a delay on a new I publication date when the American hostages I were taken on Nov. 4, Rubin said. The author i apparently did not want to spill oil on the fire started -by the Iranian militants. ' " . But it was too late. Some copies of the original "Countercoup" already were in the 1hands of book. reviewers, on bookstore (shelves, and in the stacks of libraries like the one in Scranton. Last week, Rafalko learned he finally could order "Countercoup." It's a laundered second edition, however. Nothing as juicy as the copy. I I had found at the library. - So what does our story meanYWhich ver-. sion of "Countercoup" was correct? Did -1 Roosevelt just pick AIOC out of a hat, or was the oil company the real force behind the super-secretive MI.6?..: . { I don't know and neither does Rafalko. But he says he's an ardent admirer of conspiracy theories. Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05TOO644ROO0501410001-3 ON PAGE In the 1980's 13 AUGUST 1980 CIA chief says U.S. facing 'a precarious Commercial News Staff America is not facing the bet of all possible worlds as the na= tion enters the 1980s, the Central Intelligence Agency chief says. Admiral Stansfield Turner predicted here that the 1980s would be more precarious than either the 1960s or 1970s. And what that means to business and the guy on the street is that the quality of living - and life itself. - may be in jeopardy. .Turner told a luncheon at the San Francisco Press Club this week that one reason for this was the perception by the Soviet Union of closer equality with the United States in world affairs. "The Soviet leaders don't feel inferior to the United States. Whether this is true or not, we can't count on bullying or in- timidating the Soviets. This is a new challenge to us," he said. Secondly, Turner said, " the United States cannot expect the same' rate of high economic growth in the developed coun- . tries of the world as in the past. "We will be lucky if we can sustain a rate of growth in energy of 1 to 2 perent instead of. the 6 percent we are used to. And 1 or 2 percent may be an op- . timistic evaluation." " Thirdly,- Turner said, the :situation mechanism for handling military and economic problems -will work differently in the 1980s. "The countries want a larger voice in decisions,'.' he said. "We are going to have to change our patterns of diplomacy, so we must have better information and better secret intelligence," he said. "Can we do this and still respect the provisions of the U.S. constitution? I believe we can." he said. Turner also outlined four areas of legislation that he felt were needed . to better protect the legitimate secrets of the United States. Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05TOO644ROO0501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 12"'August: -1980 WILMINGTON EVENING JOURNAL :CIA chief: Bewarie`'80s r _ ?' SAN FRANCISCO` The :1980s will be a,3 more:precarious .tune for the `U S. military,,. than the 1970sor 1960s, according to Adm Stanfield; Turner, director of the Central Intelligence Agency The threat will come from growing Soviet militarYstren and ":reduced no le- g~. r growth in the free world Turner said yester o Press i . in a speech ,at the San Francisc Turner advocated` passage of "legislation that .would, reduce : the number, of .congress sionalcommittees that must-be informed of the agency's activities and free the CIA from some provisions of the Freedom of Inforrna { lion Act, The bill would also bar the disclosure of the identities of - CIA " operatives overseas and+ :.protect CIA secrets from disclo'sureidurmgd courE hearings Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT 25 August 1980 hane~io Expubt arter ~ece Back to SALT. In foreign policy, get- details and might choose to stay away. ling his arms-control drive back on Most senior presidential aides, in- track would be high on the agenda. Al- ter the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan last. year, Carter decided that the stra- tegic-arms treaty had to be shelved un- til after the election. The President also would. renew his efforts to achieve a Middle East peace settlement, which is bogged" down by the inabiliy of Egypt and. Israel to agree on terms for Palestinian autono- .0. AgTICLE APPil+RI%D ON, PAGE J~:'~ increasingly hostile, Mos- a only one o e lem world. President's original de In both foreign and do- partmerit "heads .who has ,--tic policy' the Presi- stated? his intention, to there has been a steady a second, term ( include Energy ecre, movement of power away tary Charles Duncan, who probably "dent would use a renewed leave atlyear's end is Inte- lease on the Executive nor Secretary . Cecil An- Mansion to try to rebuild drus, former governor of presidential control over Idaho. The governor of the federal bureaucracy, another Western, state, such as Arizo- his aides say. na's Bruce Babbitt, could replace him. "In the past decade, -Other top advisers who might forgo C. from. the White House," would return to the private sector; says one Carter man. 'The Atty. Gen.. Benjamin Civiletti, who President will try to bring drew. criticism'. in they Billy Carter. af- backasense ofcentral con fair, and economic:: aides Charles. trol over the government Schultze and Alfred Kahn, who have. that has dissipated." indicated desires to leave government.. Agencies have frequent- One possible addition to the corps of ly split with the Carter aides: Irving Shapiro, chairman of E. I. White House over policy. du Pont de Nemours & Company. If re-elected, the. Presi Vice President Mondale would be a dent would be more insis- more visible figure in a second term, tent that political appoin- since he would: be seen by some as heir tees be responsive to annarent for the ton iob in 1984.;. White House wishes. Court replacements. Another focal Changes would also point would be -the. Supreme Court, show un in Carter's corps , where five justices are over, 70 years ,of advisers. Some would old. Carter has served notice he will leave, and others would shift to new jobs make the prospect of appointments, to in the administration. the Court a campaign issue. He.has not the big mentioned names,. but has. hinted he In the White House itself , estion is whether Hamilton Jordan, would fill any openings with liberals. ~ter's longtime political lieutenant, Possible appointees who have figured ..old return as chief of staff. Jordan in speculation include Education Secre-. h ' f Hu stedler, Healt and ?left that job to'help 'run the re-election tary Shirley Hu campaign. Carter would welcome him man Services Secretary Patricia Harris, dislik an ement 'Solicitor General Wade McCree and a s b k b t d EXCERPTED Candidates for Departure m g - - an ac , u jor e appeals-court judge Abner Mikva, a for- Charles Duncan mer congressnian.from.Illinois. would be seeking ways to in the agency an outsi e, improve relations with an, might be replaced. f'th stat, national-security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski' and' congressional liaison Frank Moore,% woulc'. be likely to stay., d Some assistants could win promotions. Interim chief of staff Jack Watson and senior aide. Anne Wexler are seen as possible cabinet nominees. No, change is foreseen in the foreign-policy team of Defense Secretary Har would have a . freer hand to. put pres- of State -Edmund Muskie. sure on the Israelis. . But Central Intelligence If American hostages were still being gency Director ans- held in Iran, freeing them would remain Ti"-7- urner, w o has a top priority." More broadly. advisers been criticized of wi - Despite the euphoria that re-election would bring, aides concede that the President would face many of the same troubles that marked his first term. Congress would remain a big stum- bling block. Even with the lopsided Democratic majorities in this Congress,. Carter's relations have been rocky. They could be even rockier next year if Republicans pick up additional seats this November, as expected. This likely change on Capitol Hill, combined. with the intractability of many national and international prob- lems, would almost certainly make a second term for Jimmy Carter just as turbulent as the first. 0 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 ARTICLE APPEARED ON PAGE. 1, THE WASHINGTON POST 17 August 1980 Telexes ~ov~~.~e ith- C~~firm~tion o By Walter Pincus International Telex messages, sent from--.the United States to Billy Car- ter's sidekick during the last days of.- March 1980 and apparently inter- cepted by U.S. electronic intelligence collectors, provided the White House with-confirmation that an oil deal be- tween-the president's brother and Lib- ya's Qaddafi regime was in the works. The deal, which could have -given Billy Carter-..millions of dollars- in commissions, apparently came to a head.March 31.'. On that Monday morning, Billy Car- ter had Charter Crude Oil Co. send a Telex-to his associate; Henry (Randy) Coleman, in Libya,- confirming that. Charter would buy any oil allocation grailted the president's brother- The Telex was immediately" sent, ac- ,cording to Charter-officials.- Later that same day, Central Intelligeiice Agency Director tans if eld urner told the President's national security affairs adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, about Billy Carter's nego-''- tiations for a Libyan oil allocation. -. ~' `- Inc his statement earlier this month,''.' Brzezinski :reported -,getting "in- March - 1980 ... A brief intelligence report" from Turner "which bore on Billy Car- ter's-.-commercial aealing with an oil - company ...",But he did not disclose., the exact date of the report. That was "to -protect intelligence sources and methods," Brzezinski said. " Last week,. however, in response to a`.question, the. White House con- firmed the Turner- information was given on March 31..; . On - the afternoon of March .31,. Brzezinski called',; Billy Carter, told him, he. knew,about the oil deal and suggested "this could be exploited po-. litically by the Libyans." . He -advised Billy Carter that. ...the., deal' could be embarrassing to the country and "the. president, person-_. ally" and added' that he. hoped, he would "do nothing that would be em barrassing.?' Billy Carter, , according . to ? sources; was angered by-the Brzezinski-mes= sage The president's brother was in fi- nancial-straits. HIS 'income had drop- ped sharply after his, publicized anti- Zionist remarks a- 'year : earlier: He owned money to the Internal Revenue Service. He and Coleman had.-::been trying for almost a year to-put-:together the oil deal. He had told friends earlier that month that he was sure it was, about to-come through. -Coleman had been in Libya more than two weeks .Waiting to get to the right people. So certain was Billy 'Carter on March, 31 that. he was at -last going to get his long-promised oi,.?deal that he arranged. that morning-i.^ the call requesting the Telex to 'Coleman-to- drive down to Charter Oil's headquar- ters in-. Jacksonville. Fla.; - and have lunch.-the next day,. April 1,..with-offi cials of the company.. With that as background, Billy Car ter-according to Brzezinski's later re- port-told the president's aide "during" their March 31 phone conversation that he "had a right to make a living." f Billy Carter also emphasized he was `'entitled to. his privp y," a. reference to Brzezinski receiving information on the oil- deal. ?' On the next day, April 1, according to Brzezinski, he reported. to Presi- dent Carter on Billy Carter's oil deal and the phone conversation he had had with the president's brother. The president told Brzezinski he had done the-right thing "to caution Billy," but . apparently did nothing. about the situ- ation himself. White. House aides -said last ' week the, president. dictated-nothing :about the information he had received about his, brother that ` day in his daily remi-, niscence.,. April.1 was the day of the Wisconsin primary, when "the presi-; dent announced on early-morning tel- evision that there-had been a -break inc. the Iranian hostage crisis: As .for . Billy Carter ;:`he --did lunch April' l'-with Lewis Nasife, .:president of Charter Crude .Oil Co., and Jack -Donnell,'.president'' --of o-the: ,paren :Charter Oil Co:._ Charter'had -a real .?interest^in get= :ting :more::: oil , .because :. their- 100,000 .. barrel-a-d: y: ,contract,:'had.: ended the- day..before.';and'%their; new._arrange-:' ment.cut:ah^m-to 6;",000-barrels `a day;;. A Charter-official said recently the:: conversation was, Rbout: oil. butthat;the.:: lunch; at:a "local-hamburger. ttand," was informal and.'cost', `about~$20;",j "The oil deal ,"however;never; went through. Coleman. returned, from. , Libya within a few days and on April 7, picked up a $200,000 check. for Billy Carter at.the Libyan.,officesf in - Wash- ington. The word : "loan" was . written on the check,. according to congress= men who have seen copies of. it in the Justice Department files. - Billy Carter, has been saying ' for.. .more.than!a month-that the':govern- ment : has been listening in, on his phone : conversations-_an allegatiorr Justice Department officials strongly deny.. 'In an interview `Friday with CBS,': ,Billy Carter changed his complaint.:. The television interview took place in .Americus,. -Ga., ;.:a CBS spokesman .said, after Billy. Carter had returned from Washington, where- he had .beer. questioned on his Libyan activities by S'enate_investlgators.-. ?."I do : know that Telexes that have been sent by me, and in my name were picked up," he.. said. "Everyb,dy de- nies'doing'it. Nobody, nobody has-yet denied it was done" 'The Senate Judiciary subcommittee hearings on the-Billy' Carter rase will begin-Tuesday with his- partner, Coie man, and :his former Marine Corps :commander, Jack E. McGregor.: as the first witnesses. McGregor, once an officer of Carey . 'Energy Co.. and now a consultant.-for :Charter; ,,talked -with Billy- Carter in .Marchand April.4979 about hi3-finan-, cial problems-and -.the possibility- of: doing business 'with -the Libyans. Carey Energy:-once purchased.?.o&. from Libya and later sold out to Char= `- ter, which took over its Libyan ?oil'op-' erations.w_. _ .:. ~~:a: rz._...... Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 CHARTER LEGISLATION - PRO AND CON Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 ARTICLE APPEARED ON PAGE L. eachi Desired s WASHINGTON STAR 17 AUGUST .1980 yWashingion $terStaff Writers _ Both- INTELLIGENCE;' Bath: .charters writtenlto guide U S'intel ligence agencies but the Democrats;, tion:?of `eiviT,liberties? of.persons crime to publicly! identify IIS spies, j intelligence capacity--?geaerillyf n EXICE$PTED Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 STAT Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 CHICAGO SUN-TD-ES (ILL.) 13 August 1980 NluzzliAg the spy-namers Former-CIA agent Philip Agee and his also- agents. Which would be OK, except that Wolf.. ciates,-Louis Wolf and 'William H. Schaap. are and Schaap deny having such access and say: in the business of naming -names of intelli- they get their names from research of unclas- gence agents with the aim-of wrecking U.S. sifted material.' undercover operations..:. To broaden the net, the bill takes in people It's despicable work.:.. Last month, after without access to secrets who aim to "impair Wolf and.Schaap published the names:"of 15 or impede the foreign intelligence activities of alleged CIA agents in'Jamaica," the home of the United States." the purported station chief was raked by -gun The language is designed to. absolve. jour: ji fire. Richard Welch, CIA-station chief in Ath-- 'nalists and. others who, to expose-CIA mis- ens, was : -assassinated -in?':1975 afters being takes or misdeeds, may expose an agent's similarly identified. name. But that's slippery; laws relying on de The great majority of Americans no doubt, termination of intentions to establish guilt im- concur with members of Congress who want`"'.peril the-First Amendment rights of "good" as to legally muzzle Wolf, Schaap and their ilk,'` well as "evil" speakers and writers. but doing so effectively "without compromis-- .':: Anyway, .Wolf/Schapp claim their purpose. ing the constitutional rights of others is deli 'is: pure: it,is .not to impede but to clean up: cate work. U. S. intelligence gathering. A bill pending before committees of both '=< Justice Department lawyers say a constitu houses fails.-in the attempt:: >tional law;. to protect undercover agents can One part of it would. make,it a crime for be written.-If so, it.should be-written forth- I anyone with legal access. to government se with The one in hand falls short on practical cress to displose the names of "U .S. intelligence as well as constitutional grounds. Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 ARTICLE APPDfl ON PAG)L_~- U.S NEWS1& WORLD REPORT 25 August'1980 Report From Capitol Hill As, Congress Meads Soto Homestretch With Election Day scarcely. 11 weeks: off, key spending, tax and energy issues remain to be. settled. In prospect: Tough, legislative infighting. In air heavy with partisan maneuver- ing, Congress is returning to Washing- ton to face a crowded agenda of unfin- ished business. Battles over spending-plus a pair of two-week recesses for the, Republican and Democratic national conven- tions-have put. the lawmakers well behind in their effort to wind up ,the 1980. session by October 4. Congressional leaders. made: it. clear as they prepared to reconvene. the House and Senate. on Auguste 18 that a lame-duck?session after, the November elections is likely to be needed , to ap- prove the 1981 federal budget. . Most observers predict a tumultuous, but largely unproductive, finish to'the 96th Congress. If the past is any guide, politics, will, dominate, coloring - every.- thing from the Senate's investigation of the Billy Carter affair to the burgeon- ing debate over the 29.8-billion-dollar deficit proposed by the White House. Few share, the optimism of Senatet Majority Leader Robert C. Byrd (D-: W.Va.),who has outlined an ambi- tious schedule for the rest of the year, including final action on such items as the 1981 budget, youth-em- ployment aid, fair housing, hazard- ous-waste disposal and all'13 major .1981 appropriation bills, plus con- sideration of tax-relief proposals. "So many members of Congress are involved in re-election cam- paigns, it will be difficult to approve ! anything except appropriation bills," contends: Assistant Senate Re .can Leader Ted Stevens of Alaska.! Senator -Sam Nunn (D-Ga.) de- clares: "I don't see any new pro- grams being considered-which a lot of people think is a good thing." Much of Congress's time is ex- pected to be taken up with partisan wrangling, intensified by the major parties' 'widely differing philoso- phies- for coping with inflation and unemployment. Taking cues from GOP presiden- I tial nominee Ronald Reagan, Re- publicans are demanding that Con- gress fight inflation by balancing the budget and that it consider tax relief for businesses and a 10 percent tax cut for individuals to. spur the economy. Many Democrats argue that the cur- rent.recession demands more, not less, federal spending and that a tax cuts now would produce more inflation. Although Reagan intends to keep ! the tax issue alive with a rally on the Capitol steps in mid-September, his party, lacks the votes to prevail on this or any issue without massive Demo- cratic defections. Democrats hold a 274-to-159 majority in the House and a 59-to-41 edge in the Senate. .1 1 Other. items on the agenda that, are still being battled over- CIA reporting. Instead of drafting a new charter. for, intelligence agencies, as.originally planned, Congress is near- ing approval of a narrower bill aimed at limiting the number of Senate and House committees to whom these. agencies must report. EYCL .PI. ;D Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 HOT SPRINGS SENTIN L-RECORD (. RK. 11 August 1980 lvP,.R sand secrets The United States:-House of - Repre- :;u operatives. sentatives is considering, a bill which .> Reprehensible as Wolf's work may would make it illegal ` to divulge the be, it may not be constitutionally possi= names of U.S. intelligence agents work- ble:to stop it, nor is it 'justifiable to_ ing undercover. violate the constitution to get at Wolf. It must.. be obvious to , nearly every That is too dangerous a precendent: thinking person that-it isessentialfor Anyone who publishes secret govern- major, governments to know, what -is, .:ment:information gained while in pub- going.. oh in the world. Often, the only lie service ought to be punished, if the wayto gather valuable information is publication endangers the lives of for agents to doit covertly: Not only is- agents or , can be shown to harm agents' effectiveness ruined if their true national security. function Js revealed, their lives may be As to the likes of Wolf, the govern jeopardized. ment must look to itself to learn how Governments who put such agents -Wolf and:his colleaguesare gaining the into the field have an obligation to do all - identities of secret agentsrThe informa- they:can to protect the agents' lives:.: tion must be coming from inside the Portions of the bill are .clearly aimed government. Freedom, of speech pro- at persons such as Louis` Wolf, whose tects the despicable as -'well as the Covert Action InformationBulletin has decent. The government cannot stop reputed reputedl rpu pntrM blished' the names of 2,000 Wolf directly; it must ;stop its own Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 LOUISVILLE COLS I/R?-JOUEPd_4L (1,-Y.) 8 August 1980 Curbs .on press are. wrong approach to protecting -CIA agents. IN TAKING issue with one of our editorials, Congressman Romano Mazzoli last Sunday in: a Forum page letter de- fended a pending House bill that would :urb disclosure of the names of CIA ;pies stationed abroad. 'The bill, he :laimed, would penalize only those who cope to damage the CIA by exposing its agents. Legitimate journalistic investiga- ;ions of agency operations and policies ;upposedly would be unaffected. - We remain very much unconvinced, 'iowever, that the proposed legislation. is ompatible with the First Amendment or with the public interest served by a free and vigorous press. the House -bill. and a similar Senate neasure were prompted by the Washing- on-based Covert Action Information Bul- letin, whose editors routinely-identify CIA agents abroad in an effort to cur - afieged agency abuses. Though these: edi- tors 'claim they don't object'to the CIA's. gathering of foreign intelligence: . and have. no desire to provoke violence against CIA, agents, there's little doubt that Covert Action 'both impairs- U. S. es- pionage efforts and endangers lives. In trying to, silence this publication, .Representative Mazzoli and his col leagues on the House Select Intelligence Committee propose two lines of . legal tack:-;One which'- makes. -, sense,;-,,would severely .punish . any present pr:,: former CIA -agent. or other government employ-_ ee"w.ho:used his access to classified, infor- mation to. expose CIA spies. The, main target here is Philip Agee, an ex-CIA- agent and contributor to Covert Action. More troubling is the committee's pro-- posal. that private citizens -including journalists - also be- subject to penalties if they disclose- the names of undercover agents in a deliberate effort to expose U. S. spies and damage the CIA. In this case,. it . would. make no difference-i whether, the disclosure was based on. classified information, public sources or mere guesswork. Mr. Mazzoli emphasizes that this provi- sion of the bill would apply only when malicious intent was involved and could be shown. But if this became law, does anyone seriously doubt that the govern-:.I ment -would try - to prove mischievous intent in order to suppress news stories it considered embarrassing to the CIA? Al- most any in-depth journalistic investiga- tion of the agency is' bound, - at some point, to name names. And many, per- haps most. CIA agents abroad reportedly can be identified from public sources. including embassy personnel rosters. So Congress, in its understandable de- sire to "get" Covert Action and Mr. Agee; is being asked to venture down. a dan- gerous path. Yes, the irresponsible and malicious would be punished. But so, too. might reporters and editors who -try to inform the"American -public about some of -the--most important and sensitive oper- ations, and policies of their government. .The House should -reject "this, -bill and instruct the Intelligence Committee- to come up, with a measure that deals- only with the. likes of Philip Agee. j Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 WEST PALM BEACH POST-TIMES (FLA) 3 August 1980 Tess; Abdicates b'or inexplicable reasons Con-, to commit arms, money 'and grass is beating an all-too-hasty men to foreign adventures of un- retreat from -its 1974 pledge to. predictable consequences. . sdFutinize the activities of the .: The Iessons. of Cambodia, Chile Central Intelligence Agency. .. -and Angola seem to be forgotten,.' :The U.S. Senate already -has as has the. national. outrage at paused the Intelligence Oversight Watergate-era revelations of the' ' A?ct of:1980,..sharply limiting, the CIA's domestic, spying, drug and ni mber''of congressional 'com- ' biological:,:war...experiments,..on miltees?"the CIA must notify be- unknowing_U.S.. citizens.::,>,r.-.1, fob, comn'1lievertactivi Few would doubt that; in the tits;:- Iow the House Foreign Af- dangerous world of today_ ,an of-? fps.: Committee has declared fective ?foreign* intelligence 'ser- tlre are ' secrets Congress vice is needed. But. intelligence "needn't know" and voted the the gathering of useful' politi- vi ,virtual repeal of advance notifi- cal, military, geographical. and -cation requirements. -cultural information. -? is a- far. .Disappointingly, Rep. Dan cry from covert activities, such M ca (D-Fla.) was among those ,_ -as the plotting of :assassinations . cojnmittee members voting to and coups, the financing of- guer- relinquish: this important . over-. rilla wars and. the deliberate dis s gtir tool Earlier he and Rep. -""ruption? of-Third World econo=` A-4, Bafalis `(R-Fla.) also joined mien. a=toll-.House3'majority voting to It is the approval-of covert ac include repeal of the notification:;' tivities which is at issue. requirements iii the 1981 foreign .. Congress should. not -relinquish ,aid bill., its right to' approve. or disap- .;T'he. votes. are: a discouraging ` 'prove covert activities which in :and-ominous reflection of the re-,:. many instances: already have -I hfetance of ' members of Con- been shown to undermine the na- g;ess to assume the difficult re- tion's , foreign policy and . moral sRnsibilities= and ' obligations leadership and endanger its na- . commensurate with the privi- ? tional; security.. If anything, Con- { loges and- honor accorded.. their gress should demand to.. know: oUice:" In..effect, .Congress-. is. more, not less, about what the .once_ again transferring to 'the::CIA and its military counter iggsfdent -,.the.. unchecked .power ; parts may be doing. Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 STAT Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 SNEPP SAGA CONTINUES.... Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 o ~~c -. a 1 ARTICLE APPEARED O PAGE 4?-.2 NEW YORK TIM S 21 AUGUST 1980 interve a i "gness to A BROAD A T HOME -. cce etiyln ri m r ount es r s, money and murderous plots. iI and excesses that hurt this country. It Whatever one thinks of the need for e Pelee covert action, it is clear that the prac- 1 tice got out of,hand - with blunders is now under greater control, in the i White-House and in Congress, only be, Only an informed public can apply a defective pressure for change in failed 1 official policies. Censorship always tries to hide failure and abuse. It went B Anthon " Lryulg Lu conceai tnose works of Y. y Lewis :henry Kissinger's for. years after there was an y conceivable security The 40 Committee, which directed' reason to do so. - and only gave up, C.I.A. covert actions, met in the White one suspects,' when the bureaucrats House- on June ,27;.1970, to consider figured that Kissinger was unlikely to what could be done about Chile and be back in office soon, in?a position to Salvador Allende. -Henry Kissinger punish them. started the discussion by saying: The danger is that we- now have a "I don't see why we need to standby. system of official censorship: the first and watch a country go Communist in the peacetime history of the United due to the irresponsibility. of its own, States. Congress has net authorized it. people." , : The Constitution, many believe, Kissinger's statement was quoted.: stands in. its way. But the Federal by Victor Marchetti.and John Marks in courts, making law to meet what they their book, "The C.I.A. and the Cult of consider the C.I.A's needs, have al- Intelligence." Or rather, it was quoted lowed the agency to censor what any in their manuscript. C.I.A. censors cut former employee says for the rest of that passage, and 167 others, before his life. the book was published in 1974. - : _ The latest incident in -the develop- The _ statement came, out in -other ment of,this judge-made law of censor- ways later and was printed widely in-.. ship occurred last week. Frank Snepp, the press. But the C.I.A. still refused who wrote about official blunders in to let Marchetti and Marks publish it: - the last days' in Vietnam, gave the. As recently as last winter, when the Government all he earned from his censors withdrew their objections to book, "Decent Interval." He wrote a some of the 168 items cut from the check for $116,658.15 and promised to book, they still said no to the Kissinger - pay another $24,000 as soon as he can quotation. borrow it. He is now penniless.. Now, after all those years, the C.I:A -- -- Hardly anyone noticed the 'denoue has.changed its mind. A new lawsuit meat of the Snepp case. But I think it was filed .under. the Freedom of Infor- was one of the blackest moments ever mation'Act to seek release of all the for freedom of speech and press in, censored passages _M' the Marchetti America. book. And this month, In its answer to .: The Supreme Court's decree, car the suit,. the Government . conceded ried out. by :the Justice; Department that there was no security objection, to . with rigor took Snepp's gross income publishing Kissinger.'s words r- from "Decent Interval" with no allow.: The episode tells":: us a good -deal`:.:-.ance for living. expenses during the about-the way censorship works. The??"Iz _ years he worked on the book- How censors, and'the Justice.Department many . white-collar criminals . or lawyers who defend them, always talk .::gangsters-have thus had their gross .;about the need to protect the national - income taken for violating the law? security. They-make it seem as if pub- - What- politician or official has paid a fishing what they want to ban -would -fine of $140,000 for corruption disclose our nuclear codes; or bring' , ceit?, ;:: }... Soviet missiles- down-on Washington.: - No % one even claims that Frank But almost always the real fear is that ' . Snepp disclosed any . secrets-.. in his publication will embarrass someone. . book. But for publishing without per In this case it-is hard to see how mission he has paid a penalty. savage-. there could have been any .real se? for him and dangerous_for_the rest of curity threat to the United States from - us. _ The worst irony is. the bland inno. publication. - Allende. was dead when cence of those who punished Snepp and the book first came out, and the record. imposed on us a system of censorship: . of C.I.A.-.? activity: in-: Chile _has =long,:.: _ Supreme Court.Justices who decided since beenexplored bynow. : the case -without hearing argument, :The arrogance of Kissinger's words, - ` two Carter attorneys general and their ' when seen in print,4as no doubt em- ? assistants. ?: :,:;. barrassing to him. But what he-said at ."-' _ After the Sedition.Act of 1798 lapsed,.. :-the meeting of the'40'Committee was-:.t'-^a shamed Government remitted the` more . than a :personal matter. It re- 7 2fines of editors who had 'been con..,, fleeted -what'-was'-and.had. been for*,-.:victed under, It Some day. a-Govern years a prevailing: -attitude -.- in= the meat more -sensitive than "this: . C.I A. an$ the White House: an almost ' shoulddo the same for Frank Snepp s: y's...: sci::~ a.xu$imade3t; c,.v Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 STAT STAT Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 ARTICLE APPEARED NEW YORKI TIMES ON PAGE_,__- 17 AUGUST 1930 Headliners Giving in In America, no cause is truly lost until it is lost: in the United States, Supreme Court. That is where Frank W. Snepp 3d, a for- mer C.I.A. agent, lost his in Feb. ruary, when the .Court ordered him to turn~over-to the Govern- mentall earnings from a book in nw,.. a Lc }Na uayc.L alac agciaVy as :.bungling the, evacuation of .,; check for $116,658.15, to, Justice Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 STAT Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 ARTICLE---~-~-- ON PAGE ,jack lWaury On 'the op-ed page recently, Clayton' Fritchey warned us of a 'frantic ne. arms race" resulting' from the myth, created by our militarists that the .Soviet Union-has achieved military su; periority. In the next paragraph, hen cautioned against a "futile effort. to es. tablish a superiority of our own," and concluded that.there are "laws against; shouting, `fire' * in a crowded theater,;. but unfortunately there is no way of re- straining panic-malting. shouts about:._ our national security.":` Fritchey quotes several authorities,'in eluding David Jones, chairman of: the: Joint Chiefs of Staff, Defense Secretary: Harold Brown; and Maxwell Taylor;.'for.. mer JCS chairman, in support of the con-: tention that the' United States remains;' militarily equal or superior to the Soviet,; Union. But the military balance is'neverstatic The question is. not where we are.!;;; but-where we are going. On this, hear. the';: 'recent words of those same witnesses: L, Jones:"We have been living, off the capital of previous investments while, in.,:the.-:case'; of-:.the Soviets:-,"their.. momentum. will' allow- them to gala. an.... advantage- over the United States- in. most of the statieindicators of strategic forces bythe early 1980s. Moreover, be- cause of the lead time in modern weap ons' programs;;thisi: progressive shift in, the strategic'balance will continue into; the' latter part?of the1980s'~ (FY81-Mili tary.PostureStatement). - ? Browm'The 1979 Soviet military of fort was about '50' percent' larger than. ogrown"'and has "a potential for strate gic advantages if we fail-to respond with :adequate programs"`(FY81~'Departnient.. ofDefenseAnnuaLReport) } ~, Taylor.' .. our armed forces uu~~the aggregate are dangerously deficiel3t in'. their.capability,to deter-.conflict :con- du t sustained , combat- overseas, even: 'on*. limited scale or to provide the mill:. Larbacking necessary to support :our.. foreign policy;: present or projected' (The Post, letters; Aug. 3) cr y-: :-There, are other witnesses .worth 'hearing on this .subject.. Gen."Edward; ,Meyer, chief of staff of theArmy, told a THE WASHINGTON POST 18 August 1980 House subcommittee'on May 29 that, except .for . our . , forward deployed forces, we-. have a "hollow Army." At the same hearing, Marine Commandant Robert Barrow, when asked if.-he con sidered the'FY81 budget-adequate, re- plied. "in a.word, no." Speaking to the Naval. War. CCollege on May -1, Adm. Thomas Hayward, chief of naval opera- tions,. reported that. the Soviet Navy now has 800 first-line combatants to our 300, is building twice as many modern surface combatants and four times as many submarines as we are, and that the new- Soviet ALFA :class sub-with its titaniumhull and phenomenal speed and. depth: capability-is far -beyond anything wewould consider reasonable or affordable. -And in considering the significance of - this naval balance-or imbalance-remember that the Soviet Union,:unlike the United States and its Free. World- allies,. is basically a land .power, -Aargely- self-sufficient in re- sources and. enjoying overland access to its major alliesand trading partners.. 4w,-Allen,, Air Force chief of staff, -late last'year expressed. similar concern: :"Most-ominous is the unrelenting expan- sioa of Soviet'power,-which has allowed them to achieve parity in strategic nu.. clear forces with the United States and "threatens to provide military-advantage to many areas of conflict'. To be sure, there are, as Fritchey con- *tends, alarmist and hysterical voices in 'defense debate, and the national in- terest is ill served by leading either our allies or our adversaries to. conclude that, our military- establishment. is- in . .worse shape than it is. But the authori- ties I have quoted nomeans irre sponsible?, extremists,..,.They are: re-" spected members of an administration dedicated; to cooling off rather than heating up the arms race: But they are also occupants of responsible positions. in which they have had unique access, to the facts. and a,heavy,'obligation in. -acting upon those facts. - Fritchey also invokes the , judgment' of former defense. secretary- Robert McNamara, who warns: "To the extent' that military expenditure severely re- duces the-resources available for other- essential sectors and social services and fuels-a futile reactive arms race-- excessive=military.spending:ean erode security rather than enhance it." w This= is the. same McNamara who; guided our course in Vietnam and who, in 1964, had this to say to U.S. News & World Report: "The Soviets have de. cided that they have lost the quantita- tive--race and they are not seeking to engage us in that contest. It seems that there. is no indication than the Soviets are seeking. to develop a strategic nu- clear force as large as our own." Asto the effects of military spending. on our economy, of which McNamara warns,-it should be kept in mind that during the Eisenhower administration we were spending -twice as large. a share of our gross national product on defense as we do today and, in those. years,' our economy grew vigorously and inflation was, by present' stand. ards, negligible. And when McNamara' contends that- defense at. the expense of social services, one is re- minded of the words of the late British air marshal, Sir John Slessor: "It is cus- tomary. in democratic countries to de- plore expenditures on-armaments-as, conflicting with the requirements of so. cial services. There is a tendency to for get that the most important social sere ice a government can do for its people is to keep them alive and free:' Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 -- STAT Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Perhaps even .more important in 1 considering the relative defense bur- 1 'dens is the cost shouldered by the i U.S.S.R. in defending against China. The U.S. Defense Department says: '_At least 22 percent of the increase in the Soviet-defense budget during these 13 years [1964-1977] has been attributed to the buildup in the Far East . The high - construction costs in Siberia suggest that the in- telligence estimates.may understate the cost of the -Soviet buildup in the` Far East substantially." Iii addition, according to the Defense Depart- ment, the Soviets. "station as. much as 25 percent of their ground forces and tactical -air power on their bor- der with China." ' The Soviet .burden. of. defense against China. comes more sharply. I into focus when note is made of the fact that the'Soyiets lave 44 divi- lions facing China and 31 divisions facing NATO. Of the 31 divisions in? .Central Europe, four -are standing guard in. Hungary and five have re- mained in Czechoslovakia since the' invasion of that country in 1968. In other words, there are about twice as* many.: divisions.. committed to the. China front as to the..West.German?, front..: :,:. =. _:...~... Furthermore, the ' U.S. does not have to match the Soviet forces fac- . in 'China. Those forces' are at the Q of a long and tenuous line of. communication that can be severed,., in time _ of war, by missile strikes.. These are not .forces that can ?be. readily transferred to combat inr as European war. On the other hand, if ; it is argued that. the .U.S. defense budget should provide forces . to counter the Soviet threat to China, then the Chinese defense budget should be included on our side - a total of $35 billion. The combined NATO .defense budgets -are ?greater-than the com- bined Soviet-Warsaw Pact defense budgets, and if the China. factor is included, the Soviet proportion of defense facing the U.S. and its allies is less than 75 percent of that of the NATO powers: These are -facts which Congress should have before it when it weighs the budget appropriation decisions in the. next few weeks. The Soviets .I have an ample defense budget, still does not equal its potential ad==. versaries. The perception of Soviet military superiority is .an illusion' based, in large part,.on a misunder- standing of the facts.:'; : Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 CIA TELEVISION SERIES Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 THE WASHINGTON POST MAGAZINE 17 August 1980 operations. Now the project is back on track with . at' least the tacit approval of the CIA and active assistance from'the. Associa- tion `of Former. Intelligence Officers. At the helm is Thompson again, 'as well as Gerald Ford's former jokewriter, Don Penny -(left, in' left) .and Ed' wa=d Anhalt.:(right, in same, photo), a screenwriter whose credits.l.: include "Beckett,'1."Panic in the Streets," "Man .in the Glass Booth," :and :"QB-7."` The, HOLL OOD PLOTSr A Cl~ :TV SERIES errs A?:SECOND: TRY t ' inadvertently"reveal CIA methods and three ~men are working on a two-hour script for CBS and : 20th . Century : Fos with an eye toward. a regular television series that could 'do for the embattled -CIA's image what "The FBI-- did for `Edgar Hoover's fiefdom. -"Basically we're ' doing entertain- { ment," says Penny, who doesn't much { like comparing his project, with the old Efrem ;Zimbalist Jr.. series..-"We're . not trying to whitewash.:We will dramatize case officer's life as well as the lives of -..-different ? people who - :work there- :photo . analysts, cartography experts .you're talking about a university.! Those .people do' everything from -talk, French to collect urine samples." _Penny is careful tonote thatthe CIA: not-granting any official.." assist- ante, but it's clear tliat `the crew a Langley :wouldn't mind some favorable :. ink Y:these days. And : former CI:A : em- - ployes .have met to reminisce -with writerAnhalt, -who-hopes :to= complete the pilot script in .two~months:Pro- posed names of the show: "CIA,". "The Longest Warms' ore Puzzle Palace .Once upon-a. 'time :-then-CIA: chief.Wil liam : Colby met ;with television. pro- ducer Larry: Thompson and-then-ABC head-Fred' Silverman to'iay,the ground work=for: a ;dramatic television series based on CIAleaploits But;Colby's suc ' cessor;?- George Bushy vetoed the . idea .because he-:feared=-:the =shows might Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 Approved For Release 2009/05/06: CIA-RDP05T00644R000501410001-3 DAYTON NEWS (OHIO) 6 August 1980 Between 1965 and 1974 on ABC, "The FBr fed us Contrived tales of murder, bank robbery, kidnapping,, dug smuggling, organized crime (never referred to as, the-Mafia, of course) and communist espionage. Thosel were the old reliable cops-'n'-robbers staples that th FBI' built its reputation on In the 1920s and '30s, an ' sO Hoover & Co. insisted that the TV series adhere Whitewas 'o +tales are on the Wa i. ,Remember how `"The FBI," the ABC Sunday. night Iaw-aad-order program, glorified the exploits of J. Edgar Hoover's boys? It was the phoniest cop show on television, and for nine years it ranked as the biggest weapon in the real FBrs propaganda arsenal. Well;?a similar whitewash could hit the air on CBS sometlme.? In 1981. It would be called "The CIA" and yes, the.weekly program would tell us about that sviell bunch of courageous patriots and freedom fight era who populate our beloved Central Intelligence Ag- v':'_,Ptow~ that our, nation seems to be: tilting to the rigbrpoliticauy, the CBS bosses are anxious to try to develop `a show that would pander. to that dominant eyes of Official Washington, especially if Ronald Res- 1.5 gets elected and brings. his 20-mule team into the Wliite-House. , ~ ? , ::. _ ~ _ - ,? _ ; ~fi eery Thompson, executive, producer of the Propos "CIA" program, admitted'. that America' neo-conservatism- and "anti-foreign" attitude'hav Mi. h=to. do with the creation of the TV series "Ideally-we'd like to show that the people in the CIA are American citizens with families and a Job; to. do,: AWM said ; . Advice" from former agen ,{ personal choice of the late. FBI director-J: Edg ^ Me-l"er explained that-the ttctional series vd0uld' getY"technlal assistance and advice" from the A'lociation of Former Intelligence Officers;: an outfi' eorttpiI_largely of ex-CIA agents. ,;.TW!'-rme; that sounds dangerously close to the co - between produce-Quinn Martin and top officials o the.;FBI,, a relationship that. resulted for nearly iftade in -tbe most censored. and`. propagandists w ekly series in T.V. history-A~.t Martin allowed FBI officials to screen all scrip ,. fo7.-'-the FBI,' to dictate changes and : to .veto stn Via' Ia addition, he hired only actors and'screenwrit who were "politically acceptable" to the FBI. In d ?Efrem Zimbalist Jr., the star of the show,, w Meanwhile, the FBI-rejected scripts dealing witi 84:ii hts; wiretapping, anti-war protests, draft afsttrs;-police brutality, corporate anti-trust violatio a?n:d4nything else remotely connected with .controversial issues of socio-political import. a image -a9 ca l#ro led-_ Andsowith Quinn Martin as a willing dupe, the FBI distorted Its own image and blue-penciled all stories in which the FBI appeared to be anything less .than a well-oiled machine virtually incapable of mal- function.... I ICs disgustingly clear that the potential CBS series I :about the CIA Is headed in that same JJingoistic direc- I "America's moving to the right," said Scott Sle- glee, a CBS vice president based in Los Angeles. "No matter who's president, the people want-.the United `States to protect its interests abroad. The time is right ~? It isn't hard to read between those lines. In a bid to w ..6aJssa. Y p- j nIans and other foreign people;. CBS plans to ensure ?tllattthe CIA comes off as a wonderful outfit fighting that never-ending battle for truth, justice and the ~aAnferkxn'way , So don't expect any true-life episodes about how the CIA. has assassinated foreign leaders, propped up