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Approved For Release 2009/06/26: CIA-RDP05T00644R000401130005-1 c1I r Metropolitan (1llub of t4r fatty of }an1$nytnn .- WASHINGTON. D. C. 20006 On this evening our Club member, Kermit Roosevelt will speak to us on "Iran - 25 years ago and today". Mr. Roosevelt will begin his remarks at 7 p. m. Cocktails will be available in the Grill from 6:30 p. m. A special dinner will be served in our Dining Room after the program (around 8 p. m.) The dinner is $12. 50 per person. Because we anticipate a large turnout for this event, we request that there be only one guest per member. Reservation card enclosed. Tuesday. January 15, 1980 - "The Art of Dining" We have secured 50 good tickets for this delightful comedy at the Eisenhower Theatre. An early curtain at 7:30 p. m. makes it an absolute necessity to serve dinner promptly at 6:15 p. m. The cost of $27. 50 includes the ticket, dinner with wine and transportation to and from the Kennedy Center. Please make your reservation on the enclosed card. Wednesday, January 30, 1980 - " West Side Story" The 20th anniversary of this classic musical may be a nostalgic look at the past for some and a new experience for others. The tickets which we have reserved will go fast, so please reserve yours immediately. The curtain at the Opera House goes up at 8 p. m. Dinner will be served at exactly 6:30 p.m. so that the bus can leave at 7:30 p. m. The cost is $30. 00 per person. Reservation card enclosed. enc osed reservation card. Monday, January 14, 1980 - Discussion Evening Oysters and Clams will be freshly shucked on the 2n floor from 6 to 7:30 P.m. and a specially prepared dinner from 7 P. m. will be served on the 4th floor. A delightful evening to share with other Cl b members and friends. The cost for the Raw Bar Dinner with Wine is 18. 00 per person. Please return the 1 JANUARY SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Thursday, January 10, 1980 - Raw Bar Dinner Future Events Saturday, February 2, 1980 Please keep this date open - a beautiful Club evening (Dancing and Dining) is in the planning stage. Further announcements will give you details. Approved For Release 2009/06/26: CIA-RDP05T00644R000401130005-1 Approved For Release 2009/06/26: CIA-RDP05T00644R000401130005-1 a 1 - 949 i&npnlifan @Iluh 114 - of t4 t (Ing of Thu5411tatvffk~ WASHINGTON. D. C. 20006, JANUARY SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Thursday, January 10,1980 - Raw Bar Dinner Oysters and Clams will be freshly shucked on the 2n floor from 6 to 7:30 p.m. and a specially prepared dinner from 7 p. m. J will be served the 4th floor. A delightful evening to share with other C1 b members and friends. The cost for the Raw Bar Dinner with Wine is person. Please return the enclosed reservation card. Monday, January 14, 1980 - Discussion Evening 18. 00 per On this evening our Club member, Kermit Roosevelt will speak to us on "Iran - 25 years ago and today". Mr. Roosevelt will begin his remarks at 7 p.m. Cocktails will be available in the Grill from 6:30 p.m. A special dinner will be served in our Dining Room after the program (around 8 p.m.) The dinner is $12. 50 per person. Because we anticipate a large turnout for this event, we request that there be only one guest per member. Reservation card enclosed. Eisen nece the tip Cente at the STATlave at the p. M. Rese Please make reservations for V--people for the Discussion, Monday, January 14, 1980. We will be having dinner. STANSFIELD TURNER people. eep on ze ute ludes look awe curtain 6:30 :.son. Futu I Saturday, February 2, 1980 Please keep this date open - a beautiful Club evening (Dancing and Dining) ;n +1,c?i ~nn;T Approved For Release 2009/06/26: CIA-RDP05T00644R000401130005-1