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Approved For Release 2009/08/17: CIA-RDP05T00644R000200690012-5 0 9 The rising cost and uncertain supply of petroleum and natural gas are focusing new attention on green plants as a source of energy. But firewood, grain alcohol, and methane are only a small part of the enormous "bioresource" that surrounds the world. In the following THE article, two leading thinkers offer some insights into this invaluable resource. rIENBVABLE Bioresource is a new word in our vocabulary, and for od reason. The subject is as old as hunting, fishing, d farming. But the 1970s have seen a wholesale shift pective that makes renewable processes suddenly pers \YIAV by Harlan Cleveland and Alexander King seem fresh, attractive, and much more important in our immediate future than in our recent past. The biological resources have been out there all the time, often ignored or exploited or wasted yet somehow durable in their seasonal reincarnations. There is the three-fifths of the biomass that is green plants, from the slenderest ferns to the sturdiest Sequoias; the one-fifth that is animals (including Man, the only animal that theorizes about biology or resources); and the one-fifth that is microorganisms or "microbes." But to think about all of this, in an integrated way, as a resource- that is new. vi . xor the generation of wind and water power. The urces: agricultural products, firewood, simple de- Renewable Resources Until quite recently, all humanity existed (and part of humanity flourished) mainly on the basis of renewable centuries and more ago, the life-support systems began 'But w ; he impetus of the Industrial Revolution two aj . of the human population still does so today. ransform the very nature of society in many parts of World. e new industrial societies developed by the ac- flation of scientific knowledge and the spread of 1, not as in the past essentially by the annual bounty hhological innovation. The industrial societies were ature, but also by the consumption of vast amounts enewable resources-especially minerals (which ed all the chemical elements) and fossil fuels, at coal and then oil, which had stored up the solar en- trapped by photosynthesis over the aeons. use of these new (and eventually exhaustible) the way bioresources were used. The traditional vege- table and animal fibers, for example, were increasingly replaced or extended by synthetics manufactured from coal and petrochemicals, altering the patterns of con- sumption, land use, international trade, and the distri- sources of energy influenced human development not only through industrial processes; they also modified THE FUTURIST, April 1980 47. Approved For Release 2009/08/17: CIA-RDP05T00644R000200690012-5 . Approved For Release 2009/08/17: CIA-RDP05T00644R000200690012-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/17: CIA-RDP05T00644R000200690012-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/17: CIA-RDP05T00644R000200690012-5 ? 0 bution of wealth. Exotic foods from around the world were transported to metropolitan centers in ships, trains, and trucks powered by fossil fuels. Even in agri- culture, profound changes have resulted from the use of oil-driven tractors and other farm machinery, synthetic fertilizers, and a wide range of agricultural chemicals derived, once again, from fossil fuels; these now contri- bute a considerable proportion of the total energy input to food production in the most productive parts of the world. And in parallel with these developments (and made possible in part by them), expansion of world population has been extremely rapid, calling for ever greater quantities of foods and goods of all kinds, entail- ing the use of still further quantities of nonrenewable re- sources and energy. But this pell-mell human intervention in the use of natural resources was often the opposite of beneficial. Through ignorance, thoughtlessness, and the lack of a sense of responsibility for the future, early practices- clearing land by "slash and burn," overgrazing, and damaging agricultural techniques of many kinds-led to desertification and environmental deterioration in many places. Today, with the great increase in the quantum of human activity, danger to the natural environment is more serious than ever. During the decade of the 1970s, three new perceptions became pervasive enough to make the decade a kind of watershed-a moment of major historical change that spotlighted the bioresource potential. One new percep- tion was the risk to the natural environment of staying in the groove of more-is-better economic growth. A sec- ond perception was the promise of bioresources for development in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. And a third was the sharper focus on the inherent characteris- tics of the bioresource itself-and their implications for its purposeful management. Working with Nature At the beginning of the 1970s, people in very large numbers in many parts of the world were questioning both the possibility and the desirability of continuing to stimulate "growth" in the directions that had become traditional-growth of the economic product, human populations, urban development, numbers of automo- biles, and size of bureaucracies. The environmental risks and the threat of resource depletion were only part -an important part-of this disillusion with material growth. The doubts about growth were intensified by the petroleum crisis with its sudden and massive in- crease in the cost of energy, its wholesale shift in the world balance of payments and pattern of in- vestment, and its demonstration of the vulnera- bility of industrialized, oil-importing countries to disruption of supplies that could threaten their economic health and styles of life. Most of the less developed countries likewise suf- fered from the greatly increased cost of the fuels and fer- tilizers they needed if their exploding populations were to be adequately fed. In both "developed" and "devel- oping" countries the realization was coming in a rush: that oil resources could run out, and that new energy sources had to be found or invented, and developed, before the oil wells dried up. The natural conclusion of this line of thinking was to reassess economic needs and the ways of meeting them in such a way as to reduce reliance on resources that might be near exhaustion, or at least would predictably become more and more costly during the generations to come. On the positive side, the same reasoning led naturally to working with nature. Maybe humanity should modify its economic practices so as to use much better the bioresources provided, and continuously re- generated, by a bountiful nature. Maybe the bioproduc- tivity of the planet could be preserved, and indeed en- hanced, to ensure this eternal renewal. The arguments supporting such an approach seemed clear enough: ? . Present and foreseeable increases in world popula- tion will call for increases in- materials and energy that are unlikely to be met if present practices, policies, and life-styles persist. THE DIORESOURCE ? Provision of basic physical needs (especially of food, clothing, shelter) of existing and foresee- able populations is politically and humanly urgent; so is a fairer chance for deprived peoples to partici- pate in a life of modest prosperity and human dignity. ? The limits to the carrying capacity of the planet, and its toleration of human intervention and waste, are at best uncertain. ? The interest of future generations-and perhaps even of our own-requires us to reduce our reliance on nonrenewable resources such as minerals and fossil fuels, to adopt conservationist and recycling practices, and to encourage a much more effective use of the con- tinuous inflow of solar radiation, notably the photosyn- thetic mechanism of the green plant. THE FUTURIST, April 1980 49 Approved For Release 2009/08/17: CIA-RDP05T00644R000200690012-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/17: CIA-RDP05TOO644ROO0200690012-5 0 0 ? Humanity will need to maintain and increase the bioproductivity of the planetary soil, and mould agri- cultural policies and practices so as to ensure a full and regenerative use of the biomass available to man, recy- cling "wastes" as a new form of raw material. Help for Third World Multinational and bilateral aid programs have tried hard to reduce the disparities between the world's richer and poorer regions; much has been achieved, but the gaps are still wide and in some ways are still widening. Economic growth in the Third World has, in recent years, been faster on the average than that of the indus- "The interest of future generations-and perhaps even of our own-requires us to reduce our reliance on nonrenewable resources such as minerals and fossil fuels." trialized countries. But it started from a very low base- line; its benefits have been partly absorbed by popula- tion increase; too much of it has been used for the pur- chase of military equipment, and some of that repre- sents a counter-flow of wealth from the poor to the rich; and much of the development achieved has served mainly the minority modern sectors of developing coun- tries, and has not alleviated the misery of those who live largely outside the money economy. In considering how the bioresource might be used to brighten this picture, it may be helpful to recall the problems, situations, and opportunities that are gen- erally present in, and are special to, the world's less de- veloped regions: ? Most of them are in tropical or semitropical zones and have exceptionally reliable inputs of solar radiation. ? Many of them-though not all-are already over- populated, are experiencing endemic unemployment and underemployment, and have abnormally high rates of current population increase-adding to demands for food, housing, water, and energy in places where hun- ger and poverty are already the major problems. ? They generally suffer from a scarcity of conven- tional energy resources-and in regions where energy resources may occur in nature, exploration for them has barely begun. ? Many less developed countries have a high rainfall, but this is often seasonal and there are many very and lands. ? Many of the tropical soils are extremely fragile and particularly vulnerable to unwise agricultural and other practices. ? Transportation and communication are often diffi- cult and many villages are virtually isolated. ? Poverty, disease, and malnutrition-interacting on each other-are widespread. ? In many places, agricultural residues are insuffi- ciently and inefficiently used. The spoilage of stored foods by rodents and insects is enormous. ? In tropical lands, however, the temperature, radia- tion, and water supply favor a much quicker growth of the biomass than in temperate climates. The aid programs have not, for the most part, grasped and modified the pattern of poverty they were established to tackle. For too long, they took as their starting point that growth in the gross national product, as in the industrialized countries, was the unique and in- evitable path to development everywhere; that the ben- efits of such growth would rapidly "trickle down" to the masses of the poor; and that the technologies on which Northern prosperity is based could be quickly, easily, and relevantly transferred to quite different social and cultural environments. The first two assumptions sim- ply proved to be wrong. The transfer of technology turned out to be extremely tricky, and its assimilation and extension fragile and uncertain, in the absence of scientific and technical competence inside each country, organically related to the educational system on the one hand and the productive sectors of agriculture and in- dustry on the other. The aid programs learned the hard way that it was not enough for the national scientific and technological competence to develop just to serve the interests of particular individuals, groups, or even nations, if it was not part of a wider infrastructure that in some sense was serving humanity as a whole. The promise of the bioresource is its role not as a Southern "counter culture" but as a complement to Northern technology. Each country will need, within its overall social and economic planning, to encourage a mix of different types of technology, to match its unique environment, traditions, existing level of development, and availability of relevant resources. Within this mix, bioresource development promises much-and has until now been greatly underestimated. The dangers of linear technological pathfinding have been illumined by much analysis, and illustrated by many examples, in the dec- ade of the 1970s. The bioresource approach opens a promising array of alternative paths to world develop- ment. Science and systems have already clothed the promise with some visible raiment. First, much empirical experi- ence has accumulated, mainly in rural and peasant economies, about new methods of using wastes and recycling materials so as to increase the bio-yield. Ex- amples are the widespread use of biogas generated from CLEVELAND KING Harlan Cleveland, who has served as U.S. Ambassador to NATO and president of the University of Hawaii, is currently director of the Program in International Affairs, Aspen Institute for Huma- nistic Studies, Princeton, New Jersey 08540. In August 1980, he will become director of the Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota. Alexander King is chairman of the International Federation of Institutes of Advanced Study and currently resides at 168 rue de Grenelle in Paris. With Aurelio Peccei, he was co-founder of the Club of Rome. 50 THE FUTURIST, April 1980 Approved For Release 2009/08/17: CIA-RDP05TOO644ROO0200690012-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/17: CIA-RDP05T00644R000200690012-5 human and animal waste now common in China and parts of Southeast Asia; inland pond fish cultivation; the use of algae as an intermediate in food production; the speeding up of plant growth (notably in rubber); and the use of quick-growing leguminous trees that can provide organic nitrogen, cattle fodder, and wood. There is also much promise in contemporary biologi- cal research, for example in enzyme technology, gene- tics, and a variety of methods for the production of fixed nitrogen from plants other than the traditional legumes. Behind the many lines of applied research, there seem to be great potentials in fundamental work in molecular biology and cytology. Non-biological devel- opments in the use of solar energy are also going for- ward, if somewhat slowly; they can complement the photosynthetic path in many applications. A third line of advance comes from the application of systems science to problems of total or integrated bio- resource management. The conventional approach has been to examine the possibilities of particular crops, wastes, devices, or processes in isolation from each other, with rather little attention given the management problems of resource utilization, the economic balance, or the energy flow. The systems approach tends to focus on the whole utilization of the biomass available to a particular community, including the interactions of the constituent processes, with the central objective of pro- viding optimum outputs of food, energy, and fertilizers in an indefinitely sustainable system. But the most important idea of all inheres not in the plants or animals or microbes, but in our own minds: the increasing and encouraging awareness of the inter- dependence of nations, of problems, of functions, of scientific disciplines, and of objectives. The adjectives "holistic" and "integrative" are already bordering on the cliche, but they have a very special sig- nificance in the use and management of the bioresource. They mean, quite literally, that the problems of a nation, of a city, of a village are to be seen as intercon- nected and therefore to be tackled simultaneously and as a complex, not separately or sequentially. The com- munity's future comprises economic, social, cultural, and political as well as technical facets; these cannot be dealt with by the politician alone, or by the economist, the engineer, or the scientist in isolation. When it comes to the use of resources, it is necessary to consider them all: agricultural, forest, soil, water, microorganisms, plants, animals, men and women. In a particular devel- opment scheme, only an integrated approach can make optimum use of the resources; consider food and energy requirements together; arrange for full use to be made of "wastes" and "residues"; include traditional agriculture in the community's planning; maintain soil fertility and humus content; explore food addition possibilities through fermentation and the use of plants not commonly consumed; use plant, animal, and human wastes to generate biogas for cooking, lighting, refriger- ation, and distillation; develop algal and fish culture; in- THE FUTURIST, April 1980 51 Approved For Release 2009/08/17: CIA-RDP05T00644R000200690012-5 Approved For Release 2009/08/17: CIA-RDP05T00644R000200690012-5 0 ? vent or adopt simple solar and windpower devices; and so on almost without end. An integrated plan will in- clude a careful appreciation of the carrying capacity of the soil, so that its fertility can be maintained indefini- tely, as well as of methods for augmenting it, for ex- ample by inoculation with nitrogen-fixing bacteria. It will consider the energy balance to ensure that the net energy balance is positive. And it will look to the preser- vation of the environment, locally and globally, in rec- ognition of the place of man in the ecosystem, living in mandatory symbiosis with all the species of creation. mICROORGANIC DIORESOURCES Character of the Bioresource What are the inherent characteristics of the biore- source? How can it be perceived by man, who is part of it? What direction-signals can we discern in the biore- Rainbow Fungus source for the development of purposeful technologies, the construction of an appropriate analytical system to guide policy choices, and the management of a "mod- ernization" that makes the best and the most of the only biosphere we have? Think first about the essence of the bioresource: ? The bioresource is alive. ? The bioresource is a ubiquitous, continuous store- house. ? The bioresource is resilient (or adaptive), versatile, and renewable. ? The bioresource is self-balancing, full of feedback mechanisms. ? The bioresource is, however, bulky (there is no way to miniaturize a forest), limited by natural cycles (each kind of organism will grow only so fast), variable (each plant or microbe is different, just as people are), and finite (unlike another recently rediscovered resource called information). ? The bioresource is interconnected. (No one has said it better than Lewis Thomas, who writes of the earth as an "immense organism" where chemical signals "serve the function of global hormones, keeping balance and symmetry in the operation of various interrelated work- ing parts, informing tissues in the vegetation of the Alps about the state of eels in the Sargasso Sea, by long inter- minable relays of interconnected messages between all kinds of other creatures.") ? Above all, the bioresource is essential to human survival. Does this inventory of characteristics suggest the changes in concepts, assumptions, and definitions-that is, the changes in man's perceptions-that the new em- phasis on the bioresource. may bring about? We think it does. Because it is alive and man is immanent in it, the bio- resource requires human cooperation with the environ- ment. Because it is spread so widely throughout the world, the bioresource has a potential for promoting equity- for responding constructively to the "global fairness revolution." The same cannot be said of oil wells or uranium deposits. Its ubiquity also carries a potential for disaggregation and decentralization, and also per- haps a potential for reordering the urban-rural balance, which industrial civilization as we have known it has done so much to distort. Approved For Release 2009/08/17: CIA-RDP05T00644R000200690012-5 Microorganism 52 THE FUTURIST, April 1980 Approved For Release 2009/08/17: CIA-RDP05T00644R000200690012-5 0 0 Because the bioresource is resilient and self-balancing, mistakes need not be irreversible. In managing the bio- mass for human purposes, we might become better able to learn from trial and error than is safe in, say, the realm of nuclear physics. Because it is continuous, the bioresource requires us to think harder about the interest of future generations, to include sustainability in our concept of "progress." Thinking of the bioresource as a continuous store- house helps us see "waste" as just another form of raw material, waiting to be recycled into some productive process. The nature of the bioresource's limits-limits to pace, to concentration, to consistency-points to ways to in- crease the limits, through breeding and selection and other synonyms of bioproductivity. These conceptual changes in turn permit and even re- quire individuals to exercise more choice. And because all choices are interconnected, in dealing with the biore- source the responsibility for outcomes is spread more widely. On a farm, productivity is a function of num- berless small personal efforts, often unsupervised; these efforts cannot be optimized at the point of a gun, but only by the willingness of the farmer himself to enhance his efficiency in dozens of private and unstandardized ways. The wider the spread of personal responsibility for outcomes, the more each participant in the management In a bioresource-conscious world, therefore, manage- ment will have a different "feel" to it: cooperation not coercion, horizontal not vertical structures, nobody in general charge but everybody partly in charge, multiple-objective preferred to single-purpose organi- zations. More participatory decision-making implies a need for much feedback information widely available. That means more openness, less secrecy-not as an ideolo- gical preference but as a technological imperative. In such a management environment, "planning" can- not be done with detailed blueprints. "Planning" has to be improvisation by the many on a general sense of direction, which is announced by "leaders" only after consultation with those who will have to improvise on it. Integrative Thinking Preparing people to participate responsibly in the kind of management appropriate to the bioresource will evidently require a wholesale review of existing educa- tional systems. Their dedication to the separateness of specialties may have to give way to an emphasis on inte- grative, interdisciplinary, interprofessional, and inter- national modes of analysis, since only these can be plug- ged in directly to action on an interconnected resource. Indeed, one casualty of the new emphasis on biore- sources is likely to be traditional analytical systems, es- pecially economics; in a laudable effort to be more rig- orous, economics succeeded in being too narrow. A new "Thinking of the bioresource as a continuous storehouse helps us to see `waste' as just another form of raw material, waiting to be recycled." of the bioresource has to try to understand "the situa- tion as a whole" of which his efforts can only be a very small part. Man's revised perceptions of the bioresource are pre- sented here with their positive implications. But they all imply change. That means the very nature of the biore- source is a threat to existing beliefs, concepts, institu- tions, and power structures. The technological choices implied by these revised perceptions leap to the eye. In the spectra of technolo- gies by which resources are moulded to purpose, the bioresource (as compared to nonliving resources) inher- ently favors polyculture rather than monoculture; self- sustaining systems rather than systems requiring more and more energy input from the outside; "extensive" rather than "intensive" systems (in terms of geography, capital, or labor); economic, social, and cultural pat- terns that encourage independence rather than depen- dence (for nations, for groups, for individuals), the spreading of benefits rather than the concentration of wealth, the maximization of choice rather than the sup- pression of diversity, and the diffusion of individual re- sponsibility rather than hierarchical command and con- trol. analytical system, one with a wider lens, is going to be needed to illuminate the technological choices and guide the pluralistic management that the new perceptions of the bioresource make both possible and necessary. A wider frame of thinking, a wider participation in management, a wider range of technological choice-to take seriously these implications of the bioresource will certainly mean changes in our minds and our habits. But precisely because we are ourselves part of the biore- source, we may find that adjusting our minds in the dir- ections just indicated is much more "natural" than our efforts, in this century, to adjust to space travel or tele- communications-or to urban congestion, thickening air, desertification, and the daily threat of global nu- clear war. e'40 This article is excerpted from the Introduction to Bioresources for Development: The Renewable Way of Life, edited by Harlan Cleve- land and Alexander King with the assistance of Guy Streatfeild. The book is based on an international conference on Bio-Potentials for Development, held in Houston, Texas, November 5-11, 1978. The book is to be published this year by Pergamon Press, Elmsford, New York, and is scheduled to have about 300 pages and to cost $30.00. The book's authors, specialists in energy and bioresources, recommend ecologically appropriate methods for the management of resources and the production of food energy. Many new lines of development are discussed, including suggestions for microbiologi- cal methods of nitrogen fixation to reduce the use of chemical ferti- lizers, a fish culture chain involving human effluents and algae, and a call for better understanding of photosynthesis. The book memorializes John McHale, the futurist sociologist whose Center for Integrative Studies organized the Houston meet- ing. The Center now continues to operate at the State University of New York at Buffalo under the direction of Magda McHale. The new address is Center for Integrative Studies, School of Architec- ture and Environmental Design, State University of New York at Buffalo, 108 Hayes Hall, Buffalo: New York 14214. 54 THE FUTURIST, April 1980 Approved For Release 2009/08/17: CIA-RDP05T00644R000200690012-5