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December 18, 1980
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18 December 1980
NOTE FOR: The Director
Attached is the proposal concerning the establishment of an
"information institution" of some sort. This is the first cut
and was prepared by an ADP specialist (his biography is also
attached) and lacks some of the human warmth that I am working
to breathe into it. The way I see it, the institute would be
humans getting control and organizing the coordination of the
automated information systems which seem destined to control
our lives. The proposal needs more examples of the people
problems we would propose to solve and I am~working on that.
The attachments to the proposal as you will see are other
studies along this line and some proposed legislation to establish
an Institute for Information, Policy and Research to address
national information policy issues. I am told the bill is going
nowhere leaving the way clear for'the private foundation to
undertake the same activity.
In any case, I hope you will take a look on sunny Maui and
perhaps we can discuss when you return.
Herbert E. Hetu
Director of Public Affairs
Attachment: a/s
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The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a
previous order of the House. the gentle-
man from California (Mr. BRowN) is
recognized for 5 minutes.
? Mr. BROWN of California. Mr.
Speaker, I am introducing today a bill
entitled "The Information Science and
Technology Act of 1980." By so doing I
intend to emphasize my interest in ad-
dressing the serious challenges pre-
sented to policymakers by the explosive
growth of microelectronics and tele-
communications technologies.
Rapid advances in these fields, and
the convergence of computers and tele-
communications, have created new op-
porturities for economic growth, in-
creased export markets, and gains in
productivity, and will permit increased
public access to all kinds of useful in-
formation. At the same time, these ad-
vances have important implications for
the size and structure of the future work-
force, for the evolution of educational
institutions, for personal privacy and
civil liberties, and for many other con-
cerns central to our personal and societal
values. If we are to take advantage of
the opportunities made possible by the
new information technologies and
minimize potential negative impacts, our
social and governmental institutions
must come to grips with the important
policy questions raised by these scien-
tific and technological developments.
Mr. Speaker, information and com-
munications technologies are still in a
stage of rapid development, and this de-
velopment will be a dominant feature
of the coming decade. The bill which I
am introducing establishes on institute
for information policy and research,
with a lifespan of 10 years. I view the
institute as a transitional mechanism to
facilitate our Nation's evolution toward
a society based increasingly on informa-
tion products and services. This mech-
anism would make possible cooperative
planning among the Federal Govern-
ment, business. educational interests,
and State and local governments, for
the productive and humane use of in-
formation technology in the workplace,
school, and home.
to introduce a revised version early in the REDUCTIONS SHOULD BEGIN
97th Congress. At that time I look for- WITH THE CONGRESS
ward to entering into more extensive The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a
discussion of the fundamental impor-
tance previous order of the House, the gentle-
detail of the this case for issue, and I pursuing will this present particuIn- man from California (Mr. PANETTA) is
detail recognized for 5 minutes.
lar legislative approach. ? Mr. PANETTA. Mr. Speaker, one of
Although the legislation I am Introduc- the serious internal problems Congress
lug was developed as an outgrowth of
work in the Science and Technology
Committee, it is clear that a phenomenon
as broad in its impact as the "informa-
tion revolution" cannot respect commit-
tee Jurisdictions. The results of new tech-
nological developments are of concern to
every Member of this House, and the im-
pacts I have alluded to obviously extend
to the responsibilities, extertise, and in-
terest of numerous other committees. I
am not distressed by this shared interest
and responsibility. In fact, a concerted
effort is needed, and I look forward to
working with other Members and other
committees to meet the legislative chal-
lenges presented by these exciting new
advances. I realize I am not alone or
unique in sensing the momentous
changes we are facing as we move into
an information society. I hope that those
of our colleagues who share with me the
sense of excitement and awe over the
technological changes we are witnessing
will join in a cooperative network dedi-
cated to mobilizing the capabilities of the
new information technology for the ben-
efit of society.?
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a
previous order of the House, the gentle-
man from Ohio (Mr. VAN=) is recog-
nized for 5 minutes.
[Mr. VANIK addressed the House. His
remarks will appear hereafter in the Ex-
tensions of Remarks.]
has faced in recent years is the prolifer-
ation of staff on Capitol Hill. The House
and Senate have become major bureauc-
racies, and the cost of running Congress
has skyrocketed.
Most of us have heard this stated be-
fore, but I think the facts are worth re-
peating. In the last 20 years, there has
been a tenfold increase in the cost of
running Congress. The number of staff,
meanwhile, has virtually tripled. While
inflation is to blame for the part of the
cost increase and a rise in the Nation's
population creates a need for additional
personnel, the actual increases in costs
and staff far outstrip what might be
considered a reasonable expansion.
I believe that Congress is making an
attempt to cut costs, or at least to slow
down the increase. The appropriations
bill for the legislative branch for fiscal
year 1981, as passed by the House in July,
represents an increase from 1980 of only
21/2 percent. Given the rate of inflation,
this is a good start.
However, at a time when the cost of
all Government is soaring out of control
and inflation appears to be on the up-
swing once again, Congress must set an
example of genuine austerity. In the
other body, the future majority leader
has indicated that he will attempt to
reduce committee expenses, largely
through staff cuts, by 10 percent during
the 97th Congress. I believe the House
of Representatives, should set a similar
Of course, the party reversal in the
other body will permit the new majority
to achieve overall staff cuts while actu-
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a ally increasing its own patronage and
previous order of the House, the gentle- hiring powers substantially. Thus, while
man from Washington (Mr. Swu'r) is I am pleased to see that there will be
recognized for 5 minutes. reductions, the level of actual sacrifice
? Mr. SWIFT. Mr. Speaker. I noted with should not be overestimated.
By the same token, achieving cuts in
surprise that the record listed me as vot- the House will not be easy; great sacri-
ing in favor of the Brooks amendment fice will be required. However. I think
to the revenue-sharing bill. This would major reductions can be achieved, par-
have deleted the revenue-sharing au- ticularly in committee staffs. In my view,
thorization for State governments. For- and, I think, in the view of most indi-
tunately it was rejected by a vote of 65 vidual Members, the committee staffs
to 306. have become bloated with unneeded per-
While I have voted against State rev- sonnel. This does not mean that com-
enue sharing in the past due to large mittee employees are not quality workers
surpluses that the State treasuries have and individuals. What it means is that
boasted, I had determined to vote for it many of them simply are not necessary
this time. The surpluses have largely to the smooth operation of the com-
vanished and I fear that curtailments in mittees and the Congress. I believe that a
State revenue sharing at a time of re- commitment to austerity in the commit-
duced or nonexistent surpluses will en- tees and in other support staff could pro-
courage State governments to reduce duce substantial reductions.
assistance to local governments, which As I have said, the other body intends
already face almost impossible budget to achieve a 10-percent reduction in 1981.
crunches. Given the vastly different situation in
However, in double checking, I found the House. It would be extremely difficult
that I was indeed recorded as voting for to make identical cuts here. Neverthe-
the amendment. I wish to state for the less, if the proper effort is made, the
record that this vote was inadvertent House should be able to achieve a 10-
and that I am pleased that the amend- percent reduction in personnel costs dur-
ment was defeated 65 to 306. ing the 2 years of the 97th Congress.
I believe that the independence of the
institute would allo i i'. a broad and inte-
grated perspective on such issues as in-
stitutional structure and regulatory pol-
icy, a perspective not subject to the polit-
ical or bureaucratic constraints on the
several dispersed agencies now concerned
with information issues. As structured in
this legislation, the institute would not be
engaged in hardware research and de-
velopment, nor would it have any regu-
latory authority. Its primary purpose
would be to provide a focal point for
policy research and analysis and a forum
for consideration of the information in-
terests of Government, business, and
I regard the bill in its present form as
a working draft, and I welcome com-
ments and suggestions from interested
individuals and organizations. After con-
sideration of suggested changes, I hope
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96TH CONGRESS H. R. 8395
To maintain and enhance the United States leadership in information science and
technology by establishing an Institute for Information Policy and Research
to address national information policy issues; to provide a forum for the
interaction of government, industry and commerce, and educational interests
in the formulation of national information policy options; to provide a focus
and mechanism for planning and coordinating Federal research and develop-
ment activities related to information science and technology; and to amend
the National Science and Technology Policy, Organization, and Priorities
Act of 1976 to create a new Division of Scientific and Technical Informa-
DECEMBER 1, 1980
Mr. BRowN of California introduced the following bill; which was referred to the
Committee on Science and Technology
To maintain and enhance the United States leadership in infor-
mation science and technology by establishing an Institute
for Information Policy and Research to address national
information policy issues; to provide a forum for the interac-
tion of government, industry and commerce, and educational
interests in the formulation of national information policy
options; to provide a focus and mechanism for planning and
coordinating Federal research and development activities
related to information science and technology; and to amend
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the National Science and Technology Policy, Organization,
and Priorities Act of 1976 to create a new Division of
Scientific and Technical Information.
1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa-
2 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
4 SECTION 1. This Act may be cited as the "Information
5 Science and Technology Act of 1980".
7 SEC. 2. The Congress finds and declares that-
8 (1) advances in microelectronics and telecommuni-
9 cations have created opportunities for greater produc-
10 tivity, more efficient use of energy, increased exports,
11 and access by individuals and institutions to a great di-
12 versity of information and educational resources;
13 (2) the conduct of scientific research and develop-
14 ment activities would be benefited by improved access
15 to relevant and timely information;
16 (3) new developments in information technology
17 afford an opportunity, for the efficient collection, stor-
18 age, retrieval, and dissemination of scientific and tech-
19 nical information, which is critical to public and private
20 efforts to apply new knowledge;
21 (4) international information issues, including
22 transborder data flows and increased foreign competi-
' -`s and services,
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1 ha
tional economic well-being;
4 tivities concerned with information are uncoordinated
5 and fr
current efforts toward resolving information issues are
7 limit
on the many sectors involved;
9 (6) no comprehensive national effort has been
10 un-
dertaken to address the issues arising from the r11 development of information technology rapid
and telecommu-
12 nications, or to articulate national policy in the light of
13 this development;
14 (7) information services provided by the 15 ~ private
sector constitute an important and rapidly expanding
16 part of the information community, yet no effective
17 means currently exists to bring together public and pri-
18 vate interests to discuss national information concerns
19 in a cooperative forum; and
20 (8) the Nation's ability to exploit technological ad-
21 vances to achieve economic progress, to compete 22 in
world information markets, and to prepare citizens for
23 participation in the information society is imperiled 24 the lack of a coordinated analysis of the implications of
25 information technology.
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ve important implications for foreign Policy and na-
agmented throughout numerous agencies, and
e by the inability to consider the overall impacts
ivi r eaeral research, development, and Policy ac-
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2 SEC. 3. It is the purpose of this Act
3 (1) to promote and facilitate the conduct of scien-
4 tific research and development through the use of
5 modern information technologies;
6 (2) to provide a forum for considering the informa-
7 tion concerns of government, industry and commerce,
8 educational interests, and the public;
9 (3) to investigate and provide assessments of cur-
10 rent and projected future developments in information
11 science and technology, and of potential applications
12 and their impacts, to serve as a basis for policy deter-
13 mination in information-related issues; and
14 (4) to conduct and manage research, development,
15 and analysis in information science and technology in
16 support of the objectives described in paragraphs (1),
17 (2), and (3).
19 SEC. 4. As used in this Act-
20 (1) the term "Institute" means the Institute for
21 Information Policy and Research established by section
22 101(a);
23 (2) the term "Board" means the National Infor-
24 mation Science and Technology Board established by
25 section 101(b)(1);
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(3) the term "Director" means the Director of the
Institute for Information Policy and Research, as pro-
vided for in section 101(b)(2);
(4) the term "information science" means the
knowledge of how information is organized and trans-
ferred; and
(5) the term "information technology" means the
tools used to collect, process, store, retrieve, and trans-
mit data and information, including in particular com-
puter-based systems.
SEc. 101. (a) There is hereby established in the execu-
15 tive branch of the Federal Government an Institute for Infor-
16 mation Policy and Research.
17 (b) There are hereby established in the Institute-
18 (1) a National Information Science and Technol-
19 ogy Board, to function in accordance with section 105;
20 and
21 (2) an Office of the Director of the Institute, to
22 function in accordance with section 106.
23 (c) The Institute shall be located at a site within the
24 United States to be determined by the Board, and shall be
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w,........~ -- rjy -L- Lvaji u -1 ru;wrun nun win existing Fed-
2 eral laws.
3 (d) In addition to the Director, the Institute shall have
4 such other officers and employees as the Board may deter-
5 mine to be necessary or appropriate.
7 SEC. 102. (a) Organizations and institutions with a sig-
8 nificant interest in information policy may become members
9 *-of the Institute, under such conditions as the Board may de-
10 termine under section 104. No membership or any right,
11 privilege, or interest incident thereto may be assigned or
12 transferred by any member.
13 (b) Each member of the Institute shall be represented by
14 a designated individual who shall have the right to vote in
15 matters affecting its membership.
16 (c) The membership of the Institute shall, by processes
17 determined by the Board, nominate candidates for the three
18 seats on the Board prescribed by section 104(c)(4).
19 (d) Beginning with the second year of the Institute's
20 existence, an annual conference of the membership shall be
21 held to review the programs of the Institute and to consider
22 future plans.
23 (e) The term of an organization's or institution's mem-
24 bership in the Institute shall continue until the termination of
25 the Institute, under section 103, unless (1) it theretofore re-
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1 signs, or (2) it fails to pay the established dues for more than
2 six months after written notice of its nonpayment of dues; but
3 a member whose membership is terminated for nonpayment
4 of dues shall be entitled to automatic reinstatement to mem-
5 bership during the period of one year following such termina-
6 tion by paying all unpaid past and current dues.
7 (f) A member may resign its membership in the Institute
8 by written notice mailed to the Director of the Institute at
9 least thirty days prior to the effective date of its resignation.
11 SEC. 103. The Institute shall terminate its existence ten
12 years after the date of the enactment of this Act, unless the
13 President, in a written message to the Congress, shall extend
14 its lifetime for an additional five years. In making a determi-
15 nation to extend its lifetime, the President shall evaluate the
16 extent to which the functions of the Institute have been or
17 may be successfully integrated into existing institutions of the
18 executive branch.
20 SEC. 104. The Institute is authorized and directed-
21 (1) to collect and assess data and information
22 about developments and trends in information science
23 and technology throughout the world, including the ef-
24 forts of foreign governments to develop and articulate
25 national information policies;
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1 (2) to propose broad national goals for the produc-
2 tive and humane use of information technology, and for
3 the preparation of citizens to benefit from the. ability of
4 this technology to organize and provide access to large
5 collections of information;
6 (3) to conduct and support research into the broad
7 policy issues concerning human interaction writh, and
8 acceptance of, information technology in the home,
9 school, and workplace;
10 (4) to examine and assess potential impacts on
11 regulatory structures of new technology configurations,
12 and to propose regulatory policy options responsive to
13 new or novel applications of information technology
14 and telecommunications;
15 (5) to investigate policy options aimed at estab-
16 lishing a coordinated institutional framework for the
17 planning, conduct, and support of research and devel-
18 opment by the Federal Government in information sci-
19 ence and technology;
20 (6) to develop and assess policy options for im-
21 proving the dissemination of scientific and technical in-
22 formation (STI), with particular attention to (A) coordi-
23 nation of STI activities among agencies and identifica-
24 tion of institutional barriers to improved STI flows; (B)
25 integration of data bases through increased networking
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1 capabilities; and (C) improvements in the dissemination
2 of STI generated within the Federal Government or
3 under grants to or contracts with the Federal
(7) to conduct research into and analyses of cur-
6 re
nt and potential international information policy
7 issues, including economic aspects of transborder data
8 flows, access by foreign governments and corporations
9 to United States generated STI, and the creation of in-
10 ternational information systems to address the informa-
11 tion and communications needs of less developed
12 countries;
13 (8) to conduct studies and make recommendations
14 aimed at more efficient use of information technology
15 to improve productivity within the Federal
16 Government;
17 (9) to develop channels of communications and
18 promote extensive interaction between the Institute
19 - and appropriate governmental, educational, industrial,
20 commercial, and other private entities, in order to pro-
21 mote innovation, develop more efficient processes of
22 dissemination and utilization of STI, and provide a
23 public policy forum for informed citizen involvement in
24 information issues; and
H.R. 8395-ih--2
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1 (10) to serve, to the extent practicable, as a
2 model for the use of information technology, by exem-
3 plifying in its organization and function the employ-
4 ment of this technology to enhance efficiency and to
5 promote personal satisfaction and self-fulfillment.
8 SEC. 105. (a) The Institute shall be operated under the
9 general supervision and policy control of a National Informa-
10 tion Science and Technology Board, which shall consist of
11 fifteen members to be appointed by the President and of the
12 Director ex officio.
13 (b) The persons appointed to the Board-
14 (1) shall be eminent in the fields of information
15 science and technology, social and economic impacts of
16 information technology, the classification and dissemi-
17 nation of information, education, technology assess-
18 ment, science and technology policy, or public affairs;
19 and
20 (2) shall be selected solely on the basis of estab-
21 lished records of distinguished service.
22 (c) Of the persons appointed to the Board-
23 (1) four shall be from the Federal Government, in-
24 cluding the Director of the Division of Scientific and
25 Technical Information established in the Office of Sci-
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1 ence and Technology Policy as provided in title II of
2 this Act;
3 (2) four shall be from private sector businesses
4 providin inf
iog rmaton products or services, or from
labor associations;
(3) four shall be from the educational public sec-
torss,, or from scientific and professional associations, in-
8 cluding the chairman of the National Commission on
9 Libraries and Information Science;
10 (4) three shall be appointed by the President from
11 nominees made by the twelve Board members
12 appointed under paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) after such
13 Board members have prescribed procedures for such
14 nomination.
15 (d) The President shall designate one member of the
16 Board as chairperson and one member as vice chairperson for
17 a term of office not to exceed five years. The vice chairperson
18 shall perform the duties of the chairperson in the latter's ab-
19 sence. In case a vacancy occurs in the chairpersonship or
20 vice chairpersonship, the Board shall elect a member to fill
21 such vacancy.
22 (e) The term of office of each member of the Board shall
23 be five years, except that (1) any member elected to fill a
24 vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for
25 which his predecessor was appointed shall be elected for the
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1 remainder of such term; and (2) the terms of office of the four
2 members first taking office under each of the first three num-
3 bered paragraphs in subsection (c) shall expire, as designated
4 at the time of their appointment, one at the end of three
5 years, one at the end of four years, and two at the end of five
6 years. No member shall be eligible to serve in excess of two
7 consecutive terms of five years each.
8 (f) The Board shall meet no less often than once every
9 three months at the call of the chairperson, or upon the writ-
10 ten request of one-third of the members. A majority of the
11 voting members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
12 (g) Members of the Board who are not in the regular
13 full-time employ of the United States may receive compensa-
14 tion when engaged in the business of the Institute at a rate
15 fixed by the chairperson but not exceeding the daily equiva-
16 lent of the rate provided for level GS-18 of the General
17 Schedule under section 5332 of title 5, United States Code,
18 and shall be allowed travel expenses as authorized by section
19 5703 of title 5, United States Code.
20 (h) The initial twelve Board members shall act as
21 quickly as possible to adopt bylaws governing the admission
22 of organizations and institutions to membership in the Insti-
23 tute, as provided in section 102. The Board shall have the
24 power to approve memberships, to establish a fee structure,
25 and to create such classes of membership with such rights,
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1 powers, privileges, and limitations as the Board, in its sole
2 discretion, shall deem to be in the best interest of the Insti-
3 tute.
4 (i) The Board shall, in addition to any powers and func-
5 tions otherwise granted to it by this Act-
6 (1) establish the policies of the Institute, in ac-
7 cordance with applicable policies established by the
8 President and the Congress;
9 (2) review the budget of the Institute;
10 (3) review the programs of the Institute;
11 (4) submit an annual report to the President, for
12 transmission to the Congress, describing past, current,
13 and proposed activities of the Institute, and including a
14 report on significant results of the annual membership
15 meeting;
16 (5) submit biannually to the President for trans-
17 mission to the Congress, beginning with the third year
18 of the Institute's existence, a five-year outlook on
19 public policy issues concerning information and the ap-
20 plication of information technology in both the public
21 and private sectors; and
22 (6) approve or disapprove every grant, contract,
23 or other funding arrangement the Institute proposes to
24 make, except that a grant, contract, or other funding
25 arrangement involving a commitment of less than
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1 $200,000 may be made by the Director without spe-
2 cific Board action, if the Board has previously re-
3 viewed and approved the program of which that com-
4 mitment is a part.
5 (j) The Board is authorized to appoint a staff consisting
6 of not more than four, professional staff members and such
7 clerical staff members as may be necessary. The professional
8 staff members may be appointed without regard to the provi-
9 sions of title 5, United States Code, governing appointments
10 in the competitive service, and the provisions of chapter 51 of
11 such title relating to classification, and may be compensated
12 at a rate not to exceed the rate provided for level GS-18 of
13 the General Schedule under section 5332 of such title.
14 (k) The Board is authorized to establish such special
15 commissions as it may from time to time deem necessary for
16 the purposes of this Act.
17 p) Board members under paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of
18 subsection (c) shall be appointed not later than ninety days
19 after the date of the enactment of this Act. The Board mem-
20 bers under paragraph (4) of such subsection shall be
21 appointed not later than one year after the date of the enact-
22 ment of this Act.
24 SEC. 106. (a) The Director of the Institute shall be ap-
25 pointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent
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1 of the Senate. Before any person is appointed as Director,
2 the President shall afford the Board an opportunity to make
3 recommendations with respect to such appointment. The Di-
4 rector shall receive basic pay at the rate provided for level II
5 of the Executive Schedule under section 5313 of title 5,
6 United States Code, and shall serve for a term of five years
7 unless removed by the President.
8 (b) Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Act
9 the Director shall exercise all of the authority granted to the
10 Institute by this Act.
11 (c) The Director may make such provisions as he deems
12 appropriate authorizing the performance by any other officer,
13 agency, or employee of the Institute of any of his functions
14 under this Act.
15 (d) The Director shall formulate the programs and
16 budgets of the Institute, in consultation with the Board and
17 taking due consideration of the concerns of the membership.
18 As a basis for the selection and conduct of the Institute's
19 programs, the Director, shall prepare, for the approval of the
20 Board, a short-range plan of activities and a long-range plan
21 of activities. Each plan shall as fully as possible prioritize the
22 full range of infdktion policy and research activities appro-
23 priate to the Institute. Such plans shall be prepared within
24 one year after the initial selection of the Director, and each
25 such plan shall be updated annually.
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2 SEC. 107. (a) The Institute shall have the authority,
3 within the limits of available appropriations, as to all things
4 necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act, including
5 but not limited to the authority-
6 (1) to establish additional offices and other organi-
7 zational structures within the Institute;
8 (2) to prescribe such rules and regulations as it
9 deems necessary governing the manner of its oper-
10 ations and its organization and personnel;
11 (3) to make such expenditures as may be neces-
12 sary for administering the provisions of this Act;
13 (4) to enter into grants, contracts, cooperative
14 agreements, or other arrangements with whatever per-
15 sons, organizations, countries, or other entities are
16 deemed most useful by the Institute to accomplish the
17 purpose of this Act;
18 (5) to acquire, hold, or sell real and personal
19 property of all kinds necessary to carry out the pur-
20 pose of this Act;
21 (6) to receive and use funds and property donated
22 by others, if such funds and property may be used in
23 furtherance of the purpose of this Act;
24 (7) to accept and utilize the services of voluntary
25 and uncompensated personnel, and provide transporta-
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1 Lion and subsistence as authorized by section 5703 of
2 title 5, United States Code, for persons serving with-
3 out compensation;
4 (8) to arrange with and reimburse other Federal
5 agencies for any activity which the Institute is author-
6 ized to conduct;
7 (9) to receive funds from other Federal agencies
8 for any activity which the Institute or any such other
9 agency is authorized to conduct; and
10 (10) to appoint and fix the compensation of per-
11 sonnel necessary to carry out the provisions of this
12 Act.
13 (b) Except as provided otherwise in this Act, appoint-
14 ments under subsection (a)(10) shall be made in accordance
15 with the provisions of chapter 51 and subchapter III of chap-
16 ter 53 of title 5, United States Code; but the Director may,
17 in accordance with such policies as the Board shall prescribe,
18 employ technical and professional personnel and fix their
19 compensation, without regard to such provisions, as he
20 deems necessary to carry out the purpose of this Act.
22 SEC. 108. (a) The President may transfer to and vest in
23 the Institute, under and in accordance with schedules, proce-
24 dures, and standards prescribed by the Director of the Office
25 of Management and Budget in regulations-
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1 (1) any or all information or information science
2 and technology-related research programs or policy
3 studies and analyses being conducted or administered
4 within the Federal Government by agencies other than
5 the Institute;
6 (2) all functions, powers, and duties of any officer
7 or employee of the United States which relate primar-
8 ily to programs or activities transferred under para.-
9 graph (1); and .
10 (3) so much of the positions, personnel, assets, li-
11 abilities, contracts, property, records, and unexpended
12 balances of appropriations, allocations, and other funds
13 employed, held, used, arising from or available for the
14 programs, activities, functions, powers, and duties
15 transferred under paragraphs (1) and (2) as may be de-
16 termined under such regulations to be appropriate.
17 Personnel engaged in the performance of functions,
18 powers, and duties transferred under this subsection
19 shall be transferred in accordance with applicable laws
20 and regulations relating to transfer of functions.
21 (b) With respect to any function, power, or duty trans-
22 ferred under subsection (a) and exercised by the Institute
23 after the date on which this section takes effect, reference in
24 any Federal law to the agency or officer from which the
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1 transfer is made shall be deemed to be a reference to the
2 Institute or the Board.
,er than
SEC. 109. (a) There are hereby authorized to be appro-
5 priated to the Institute-
(1) $20,000,000 for the fiscal year 1982;
(2) $25,000,000 for the fiscal year 1983; and
r para-
(3) $30,000,000 for the fiscal year 1984.
(b) Funds appropriated pursuant to subsection (a) shall
sets, li-
10 be in addition to any funds provided from fees paid by the
11 members of the Institute and by additional fees for particular
~,r funds
12 research projects.
for the
be de-
15 SEC. 201. Title II of the National Science and Technol-
16 ogy Policy, Organization, and Priorities Act of 1976 is
17 amended by adding at the end thereof the following new
18 section:
)le laws
20 "SEC. 210. (a) The Director shall establish, within the
y trans-
21 office, the Division of Scientific and Technical Information.
22 "(b) The primary function of the Division of Scientific
rence in
23 and Technical Information shall be to assist the Director in
rich the
24 formulating policy and providing advice within the executive
25 branch on scientific and technical information and the tech-
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1 nologies involved in its collection, processing, and dissemina-
2 tion. In so doing the Division shall-
3 "(1) provide close liaison between the Executive
4 Office of the President and the Institute for Informa-
5 tion Policy and Research;
6 "(2) provide assistance to the Office of Manage-
7 ment and Budget with an annual review and analysis
8 of funding proposed for research and development in
9 information science and technology and the dissemina-
10 tion of scientific and technical information in budgets of
11 all Federal agencies, and provide assistance to the
12 Office of Management and Budget and the agencies
13 throughout the budget development process;
14 "(3) establish a suitable mechanism to coordinate
15 the activities of the Institute for Information Policy
16 and Research with those of executive branch agencies
17 having significant responsibilities for research, develop-
18 ment, and application of information science and tech-
19 nology, including, but not limited to the Department of
20 Defense, the National Science Foundation, the Nation-
21 al Bureau of Standards, the National Aeronautics and
22 Space Administration, the National Telecommunica-
23 tions and Information Administration, the National
24 Technical Information Service, and the Department of
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ment in
dgets of
to the
id tech-
ment of
tics and
ment of
"(4) investigate the feasibility and desirability of a
coordinated Federal information locator system for sci-
entific and technical information generated within the
Federal Government or under grant to or contract with
the Federal Government;
"(5) make recommendations to the President for
improving dissemination of scientific and technical in-
formation both within the United States and interna-
tionally, and for better coordinating scientific and tech-
nical information activities among agencies of the ex-
ecutive branch; and
"(6) make recommendations to the President con-
cerning appropriate institutional mechanisms for foster-
ing research and development activities in information
science and technology.".
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development plan
development plan
development plan
development plan
development plan
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Institute for Information Science and Technology
The George Washington University
Tompkins Hall of Engineering
725 Twenty-third Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20052
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111111111 I
development plan
development plan
development plan
development plan
development plan
January 1980
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Executive Summary
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 1
Need for the Institute
Federal Government Needs
National Needs
Institute Purpose
Institute Products
2. Initial Research Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Research Program I
Research Program II
Research Program III
Research Program IV
Research Program V
Resource Center
3. Organization and Operations . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 33
Advisory Council
University Relationships
Equipment Resources
Educational Programs
System Developments
4. Capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 43
5. Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 57
Sources of Funds
Uses of Funds
Volume II: Research Program Details-Supplemental Document
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The George Washington University is
creating an Institute for Information Science
and Technology. Established at the suggestion
of senior government officials, the Institute is
an interdisciplinary resource center which
conducts basic and applied research in infor-
mation science for government and industry.
The central focus of the Institute is on
information in government-that is, govern-
ment as both a user and policy maker in
information science and technology. Issues
such as the relationship between information
systems and policy formulation, decision mak-
ing and problem solving will be examined. The
Institute brings people, ideas, and resources
together, and acts as a catalyst for research in
furthering the state-of-the-art in information
science and technology. The Institute also
conducts applied research efforts with more
near-term outputs. when such research bears
on the central theme of the Institute research
The research plan outlined within de-
scribes study efforts in research activities such
as the fundamental understanding of the
decision-making process in government, in-
formation display systems, and the conversion
from paper to electronic communications for
offices of the future. Detailed research pro-
gram plans are contained in Volume II, a sup-
plement to this document, available in the near
to understand human-machine interactions
and to understand appropriate designs for ef-
fective information systems for the future.
This document outlines the organization
and development plan for the formation and
initial five-year period of operations of the Insti-
tute, and includes organization, procedures,
staff positions, capabilities, and budget. Pri-
mary sources of funding are foundation grants
and government and industrial research grants
and contracts. The Institute operates with a
core staff, and relies on faculty and research
contributors from George Washington Univer-
sity, as well as a broad range of other sources
from government, industry and academia. Vis-
iting scholars and fellows from government
and industry fill important research positions
while pursuing advanced studies.
The Institute is organized to conduct in-
terdisciplinary educational and training pro-
grams by integrating mid-level scientists and
managers into Institute research programs in
order to provide them with greater insight into
the latest research findings in the field of in-
formation science and technology. There is a
deliberate mix of permanent and adjunct staff:
government, industry, and university staff;
practitioners and researchers; senior re-
searchers and students-a cross-fertilization
of the spectrum of skills and roles that can be
brought to bear in the field of information
The Institute operates as a multidiscipli-
nary research organization, with a foundation
built in the field of science and engineering. It
brings together the strength of disciplines from
both the physical sciences and the social sci-
ences, including law, education, government,
psychology, political science, engineering,
mathematics, geography, and others, in order
The Institute for Information Science and
Technology's output products include: research
publications, grant and contract reports, and
scholarly papers; systems designs and devel-
opmental demonstrations; continuing educa-
tion programs, seminars, and conferences;
and trained staff and alumni.
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To an increasing degree, the preparation
of legislation and the exercise of government
are dependent on the quality of information
and information handling which can be brought
to bear. This dependency has created relation-
ships between two groups who are relatively
unfamiliar with the theory and practice of each
other's fields: legislators and government ex-
ecutives on the one hand, and information
scientists and technologists on the other. This
is compounded by the fact that the field of
information science is itself interdisciplinary.
The development of information systems de-
pends not only on technical scientists and en-
gineers, but also on social scientists, lawyers,
political scientists, educators, sociologists,
psychologists, and many others. It is a truism
that the practitioners of many scientific disci-
plines seldom interact with those in other
fields; the language and literature of each dis-
cipline is unique and distinct. Distrust,
jealousy, and substantial resistance to input
from other fields are not uncommon. In the
field of information science, however, this re-
luctance to cross-fertilization must be over-
come; the design and operation of information
systems must be viewed as an interdiscipli-
nary venture.
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A model for representing information sys-
tems is presented below.* Here the information
system is viewed as a pyramid, with a large
number of routine transactions and structured
clerical activities forming the base, and a rela-
tively smaller number of increasingly complex
and sophisticated functions at the peak.
This representation of information han-
dling systems illustrates their ubiquity in to-
day's society. The value of these systems, to
their users and to society in general, varies
widely. They are used at one end of the spec-
*Adopted from Gordon B. Davis, Management Informa-
tion Systems, McGraw Hill Book Co., New York, 1974
trum, for example, by the top levels of man-
agement in decision-making systems such as
MIS; they are used by middle management in
such systems as PERT; and clerical level staff
utilize a myriad of word processing, text proc-
essing, and facsimile systems for routine in-
formation handling needs. The proliferation of
a multitude of equipment and systems creates
an ever-increasing need to address the long-
term substantial issues: how can these exist-
ing systems be made to evolve into future
systems which serve both government and
industry most usefully?
The Institute for Information Science and
Technology proposes to address this need.
(Top Managers)
= /
0 (Staff)
(Functional and first-level managers)
?i\ '(U
0'N/ Ny2
(Predominantly administrative and clerical)
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Today slightly more than half, of the work-
ing population of our nation is engaged in
information handling activities, and this portion
of our economy is still growing. While energy
resources are becoming increasingly scarce
and expensive, information resources are pro-
liferating at a great rate and decreasing cost.
Information, and the ability to rapidly analyze
and display it, represent substantial power. It is
essential to have a long-range, objective, insti-
tutional view of the design, application, and
consequences of the implementation of ad-
vanced information systems.
The ideas and expressions of need inher-
ent in the research programs in this document
were for the most part gathered from prospec-
tive users of the research and services which
the Institute will offer. Some programs are
targeted to current pressing needs in certain
agencies; others have a longer focus-into the
next millenium in one instance. Following the
nature of the needs, there is missing connec-
tive tissue between very specific data process-
ing and information science projects and the
very general needs of government for im-
provement in these areas. This lack of defini-
tion underscores the need for an institution to
explore the gaps and to assist in.the develop-
ment of a body of philosophical and policy
rationale for the deployment of information
systems technology in ways which are con-
sistent with the ends of government and
an institution will be most valuable if a deliber-
ate mix of current practitioners and scholarly
experts jointly address the pertinent issues.
The field of information science is so new
that it is still not well-defined as to breadth and
depth, content and coverage. Although infor-
mation systems can exist without computer
technology, the Institute for Information Sci-
ence and Technology is primarily interested in
the future of systems which are predominantly
computer-based. The relevant questions then
become how and to what extent computers will
be used, and how and to what extent humans
and machines will interact. As the interaction
becomes more intense, more intimate and
often more hurried, human limits of perception
are met. Increasingly, the broad channel ca-
pacity of our eyes, stimulated by pictures from
computer graphics and display systems, is re-
lied upon to overcome these limits. As organi-
zations, private and public, industrial, aca-
demic and governmental, become larger and
deal with increasingly complex technology and
decision making, the need for improved infor-
mation systems becomes critical.
Such an institution can also be of great
service to government in helping to enrich
communications between information provid-
ers in executive-branch agencies, and con-
sumers in the Congress and the White House;
between successive Administrations; and be-
tween government and information industry
An institution which is technology-based
and multidisciplinary can serve as a significant
resource center to provide long-term research
on information needs, problems, and policy for
government and industry. It is a fundamental
requirement that the center must be in close
working proximity to the center of Federal
government operations. The products of such
Although the Institute focuses primarily on
Federal government needs, the research out-
puts have direct application to industrial needs.
And to the extent that government becomes
more expert at decision making, policy formu-
lation and problem solving, all of society
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The Federal government's need for infor-
mation systems is great and growing rapidly.
The government is in the information business.
The Federal government is both the largest
generator of information and the largest con-
sumer of information, and it has the largest
data banks. In order to take maximum advan-
tage of this information, it must advance tech-
nologically and socially in the use of electronic
information systems. The attendant issues of
this advancement-not the least of which is
safeguarding our democratic institutions and
ideals-are monumental.
Within the past thirty years, the size,
scope and impact of government have in-
creased over tenfold. Concurrently, technology,
particularly in the area of information systems,
has created a whole new world of capability
and promise for those who must make deci-
sions in the last decades of the 20th century
and into the beginning of the 21st century. The
need to link the world of government and the
world of technology has grown more critical as
this nation's economy and its natural re-
sources have become increasingly scarce and
limited. Decision makers of today are forced to
choose among the competing interests and
needs of society, to determine that the monies
allocated are not wasted or abused, and to
ensure that the specific intent of legislated
programs is achieved effectively. Difficult polit-
ical choices are never fully rational. While in-
formation systems cannot automate a manifold
process of limited rationality such as govern-
ment decision making, they can improve the
quality, quantity, and sharing of information
and communication resources which support
the process.
Although the Federal government has
recognized for more than thirty years the need
for quality information in the areas of defense
and security, it has only in this decade begun
to focus on its capabilities in the field of
domestic information with the same rigor and
intensity. It has been only three years since
Congress commissioned the creation of an
information system to serve its newly formed
Congressional Budget Office, its members,
and its committees. Each domestic agency
within the Executive branch is at some stage in
establishing data systems that will allow for the,
collection, storage, display, and utilization of
the base line information needed to make
yearly budget, legislative, and program im-
plementation decisions. Even with these early
attempts to couple information needs with in-
formation technology, many government' deci-
sion makers still rely on anecdotal information
regarding problems, causes of those prob-
lems, possible solutions to those problems,
and probable impact of government funding.
There is no single facilitating mechanism for
the transfer of industrial and defense informa-
tion technology to civil government applica-
tions. As an example, in too many government
agencies, the most sophisticated technology
used to reproduce and transmit information is
the photocopying machine and the courier's
The Federal government today is bur-
dened with antiquated, time-consuming operat-
ing methods, and faces at the same time the
need to have access to information which op-
timizes decision making at minimal costs. In-
formation systems cannot guarantee the effi-
cacy of government, but they can provide
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basic tools for modernization and the promo-
tion of more efficient, responsive and effective
government decision making.
Technological discoveries will continue at
a rapid pace over the next thirty years. Given
the pressures and countervailing forces which
require better decision making in the future,
government cannot afford to remain in the
early technological age. The thoughtful appli-
cation of information technology to the follow-
ing government needs is required now:
First, the collection and availability in use-
ful form of basic information regarding the
conditions of society, and an estimation of the
relative importance of these conditions to the
nation's health and well-being;
Second, the availability of information at
critical points in the government decision-
making processes-budget formulation by the
Administration and its negotiation with the
Congress, legislative development by the
Congress and the Administration, and program
implementation by the Executive branch;
Third, the collection and availability in use-
ful form of technical information, including in-
formation about substances that affect health,
safety, food and the environment, to improve
government effectiveness in determining when
and how-or whether-to regulate in the pub-
lic interest;
Fourth, the ability to electronically transmit
and retrieve information quickly among and
within agencies, in order to minimize the bur-
densome paperwork.
At the highest levels of policy and decision
making in the government, the shortcomings
of current information systems are those of
communication and integration, not computa-
tional power. There is great need to develop
an optimum method of integrating the variety
of piecemeal information systems now avail-
able: data processing, text editing, electronic
mail, micrographics, computer graphics, finan-
cial management systems, and other sophisti-
cated decision support systems. It is generally
acknowledged that a long-term evolutionary
approach is necessary to define integrated
information systems for decision making and
policy formulation.
A current example is the Domestic Infor-
mation Display System project,* an important
first step to the formation of a distributed
geography-based information display system.
Although computer-generated cartography is
being used in a few Federal and state agen-
cies, and in some local governments, a na-
tional system which serves all branches of the
Federal government does not exist.
It will take years of basic and applied
research to design, develop, test, and imple-
ment integrated information systems for Fed-
eral decision makers. Early research programs
will permit early operational systems, and pro-
duce near-term benefits in the process. The
need to address this task has been a guiding
concept in the formation and development of
the Institute for Information Science and
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In addition to its role as a consumer-user
of information systems, the Federal govern-
ment can be a powerful agent in fostering the
growth of the information economy. Forward-
looking projects such as the information sys-
tem planned for the Executive Office of the
President can be role models for emulation by
other Federal agencies, state and local gov-
ernment, and private sector organizations. In-
teractions between defense and civil agencies
can effect delivery of information technology
developed for national defense to civil and
domestic applications. This in turn can create
new and broader markets for the results of
defense research and development dollars.
None of the above possibilities are auto-
matic or necessarily efficient. The mission-
oriented agencies which might be productively
involved in these activities do not have such
cross-fertilization or technology transfer in their
charters, even though the economics-
especially potential savings-are compelling.
Organizations which are external to the gov-
ernment play a vital role in addressing this
The government's role as policy maker is
most crucial to the success of the indigenous
information economy of the United. States, and
to its successful competition in the world mar-
ketplace. Some of the benefits of Federal de-
mocracy turn out occasionally to be disadvan-
tages when competing with, say, monolithically
governed emerging countries bent on estab-
lishing their own indigenous industries and
world marketplaces for information technology.
More attention needs to be paid to increasing
our government's awareness of the needs and
policy opportunities afforded by technological
advances. The government occasionally re-
quires assistance in avoiding the maintenance
of policy or regulatory barriers which should
fall to advances in technology.
The Institute can play a focal role in meet-
ing these national needs, by being a nexus for
people and ideas, in Washington. A NASA
official recently put it this way: "Getting one of
the key decision makers off the Hill or out of
the White House to see a computer demon-
stration is like sending a rocket to the moon:
the first mile is the hardest."
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.. The Institute for Information Science and
Technology is a multidisciplinary resource
center whose purpose is to conduct basic and
applied research in information science and
technology for government and industry. The
Institute is a unique research organization as
distinguished by its central focus on govern-
ment information issues; that is, the relation-
ship between information technology and pol-
icy formulation, decision making, and problem
solving in the government represents the core
of its research thrust. Secondly, the Institute is
located in Washington, D.C., in close proximity
to the nucleus of Federal government opera-
tions. Its purpose is to bridge the gap between
technology and policy formulation by bringing
together technologists and academicians into
intensive and continuous contact with govern-
ment executives and legislators. In the future
when electronic acculturation has taken place
and when information networking is a reality,
there might not be as great a need for the
Institute to be physically located in Washing-
ton; until that time, the need for physical prox-
imity to the center of Federal government op-
erations is clear.
The Institute is a systems research and
development organization whose purpose is to
conduct research, design, and development
efforts resulting in computer-based information
systems including software and hardware ex-
perimental designs. As a conceptualizer, an
architect of future system needs, it will not be
involved, as a matter of policy, in the actual
production of hardware.
The Institute is a resource center whose
purpose will be to build incrementally, over a
period of years, a means of maintaining a
contemporary capability in information science
and technology. The use of a multidisciplinary
cadre of experts will improve the general ac-
ceptance and usefulness of information sys-
tems, in part by increasing the efficiency and
efficacy of communications among policy
maker, analyst, and computer.
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The Institute is a multidisciplinary scien-
tific organization whose purpose is to bring
together people, ideas, resources, and act as
a catalyst for results. The problems and con-
cerns of government, industry, and academia
are addressed with inputs from all sectors of
society, and virtually all academic disciplines.
The purpose of the Institute's research pro-
grams is to support the application of informa-
tion technologies and the design and devel-
opment of information systems of the future for
government and industrial use. The Institute is
a contemporary laboratory where practitioners
and researchers are brought together to focus
jointly on the problems of user needs. There is
a deliberate mix of permanent and adjunct
staff: government, industry, and university
staff; practitioners and researchers; senior re-
searchers and students-a cross-fertilization
of a broad spectrum of skills and roles that can
be brought to bear on the issue of information
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The Institute provides its sponsoring
agencies, and society in general, three basic
products: reports and publications on research
activities and policy analysis; design and de-
velopmental efforts on information system
software and prototypes; and the training and
education of Institute staff, researchers, and
The principal products of the Institute for
Information Science and Technology are re-
search reports describing planned research
activities, research in progress, and completed
research. Reports will be in the form of
scholarly papers, research memoranda, re-
ports in response to contracts and grants from
sponsoring agencies, and presentations to pro-
fessional groups and societies.
The Institute will develop for its own use
integrated information systems to support op-
erations and research programs. Thus the In-
stitute itself is to be a living laboratory for
experiments in improving the efficacy of re-
search organizations with information technol-
ogy support. Specialized programs will require
special systems-interactive high-resolution
color graphic displays, for example. Prototypi-
cal information systems software, data bases
and equipment configurations may be devel-
oped to meet specific project requirements.
scholars and graduate students, and clients.
Participants in Institute research will be en-
gaged in some form of training or educational
program, not only within the Institute's con-
fines, but also at the George Washington Uni-
versity and other universities in the Washing-
ton metropolitan area.
In a very real sense the Institute itself will
be a product, an outcome. The incremental
development of this unique national capability
in the field of information science will result in
a valuable resource.
The Institute will seek to utilize the fore-
most available expertise in the development of
these products. It will, for example, develop
and publish a "capabilities register," compiling
a select international list of researchers and
skills available in the field, of information sci-
ence and technology. The Institute's Resource
Center, described later, will be responsible for
.the initial publication and subsequent revisions
of this register. The Resource Center will also
be responsible for the continual survey of the
research literature in the field required to keep
staff and clients abreast of current research
activities and technological developments. It
will also develop and publish a selected bibli-
ography of current needs in information sci-
ence and technology.
Finally, the Institute will conduct education
and training programs for its permanent staff,
interns, information systems users, visiting
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The. Institute for Information Science and
Technology is a resource facility for the con-
duct of basic and applied research in the field
of information science and technology. The
Institute's research plan is organized around
major research programs. Each research pro-
gram is weighed and analyzed within the con-
text of the Institute's overall mission, available
resources, and the relative value of its output
to the current and potential knowledge base
and needs. Many of the Institute's research
programs are designed to answer specific re-
search questions and relate to specific spon-
soring organization's needs. Other programs
are long-term basic research with, no finite
termination which will produce intermedi-
ate results, publications,, and potential
and research tasks and activities. Many tasks
and activities will relate to more than one re-
search program; that is, the outcome of one
research task may be necessary input to or
linkage with research tasks integral to other
research programs. The details of these pro-
grams and their interrelationships are con-
tained in a supplemental document, "Research
Program Details."
The Institute conducts research directed
from a broad interdisciplinary viewpoint in in-
formation science in support of decision and
policy making. Although many of these study
activities are responses to government and
industry requests for proposals and grant
competitions, some of them will be in-
ternally identified, or the result of unsolicited
Each research program is divided into a
series of specific objectives, subobjectives,
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The Institute for Information Science and
Technology has established five research pro-
grams for its initial study efforts:
These five research programs represent
only a beginning in the spectrum of research
needs in the field. The matrix of initial research
program domains summarizes the impact of
these initial research activities on the entire
field of information science and technology.
The list is not meant to be as definitive as it is
to be provocative: It will evolve as the Insti-
tute's research plan becomes more defined
and is further described in the forthcoming
supplemental document of research program
In addition to its research programs, the
Institute for Information Science and Technol-
ogy has established a Resource Center to
serve as a clearinghouse for information and
research services to the field.
An introductory description of these initial
research programs is included below.' Some of
these descriptions are very specific; some are
general, and will be defined in specific propo-
sals to be developed during the first year of
operation of the Institute.
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Information Science and Technology Descriptors
? Fundamentals (examples):
Artificial intelligence
Computer science
Decision theory
r~ VY,Economics
Human-machine interaction
? -
? _
Information!management ,
Language translation & linguistics
Mathematical foundations
Policy and regulation
System architecture & topology
System management and control
Applications (examples):
Computer conferencing
. ?
Computer graphics
Coputer-assisted instruction
Data processing _
Electronic funds transfer
Electronic mail
Exotic forms: music, genetics; chemical formulae
Information storage and retrieval
Library sciences _~^ry
Management information systems
Mass media (radio, TV, motion pictures)
Office automation
Personal media (telephone, videotape, postal service,
personal computers)
Publishing (books & periodicals)
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The process by which the Federal gov-
ernment makes decisions and formulates pol-
icy is unique to its organization. Although the
process of decision making in industrial or-
ganizations has been widely studied, the
necessarily unique processes of the Federal
government have been subject to little docu-
mentation or analysis. Information systems
should be extremely valuable support tools to
decision. and policy makers at all levels of
government. The purpose of the first research
program is to develop a detailed understand-
ing of the decision-making process in the Fed-
eral government, and the role of information
systems in supporting that process.
As many of the separate government
departments and agencies begin to adopt in-
formation systems or components of such
systems, a myriad of diverse and unrelated
systems evolve. To forestall this. piecemeal ap-
proach, a comprehensive and architecturally
sound capability must be developed incremen-
tally over the next years.
Impact of Information Systems on Decision
Making and Policy Formulation
The Institute's multidisciplinary expertise
will be brought to bear on a study of the impact
of information systems on decision making
and policy formulation. This study effort will
include the identification and analysis of tech-
niques and issues involved in policy formula-
tion, decision making, problem solving, pro-
gram formulation, organizational decisions,
and other management activities. Geographic
issues involved in these analyses will also be
The effect of policy considerations and
political trade-offs on the decision-making
process is an important area for research
analysis. Even where complete and reliable
data and advanced information technologies
are available to decision makers, policy factors
will sometimes outweigh rational decision mak-
ing factors. It will be valuable to address the
impact of information systems under both op-
timal utilization conditions, and in those situa-
tions where less than optimal utilization is
mandated by policy factors.
Analysis of Government Decision-Making
Documentation and analysis of the proc-
ess of civilian government agency decision
making, intra- and inter-departmental, are the
necessary fundamental steps towards a sys-
tematic, structured understanding of decision
making in these organizations. This under-
standing will be the necessary basis for plan-
ning the modifications in the process which will
be required as conversions to electronic sys-
tems occur. Since there is substantial diversity
in both decision-making methods and decision
makers, the Institute's goal is to facilitate the
transfer of already-developed capabilities from
defense and aerospace applications, and as
necessary, develop tools which are tolerant of
this diversity. Specifically, analysts must identify:
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? Information used in decision making; type,
quantity, currency, source, reliability,
? Current method of display and presenta-
tion, and utility in decision making;
? Originators and users of the data;
? Decision points in the process;
? Additional data that may be useful in the
? Time scales upon which data needs are
To identify these factors, specific research
activities will be formulated to construct the
route of decision making and policy formula-
tion in a representative sample of government
agencies. Generalizable conclusions will be
drawn from this sample. This is an interdisci-
plinary task which requires inputs from a
number of disciplines, including political sci-
ence, management science, psychology,
sociology, government, law, and other areas of
The results of this research will have im-
mediate application in the Domestic Informa-
tion Display System (DIDS) program. The
DIDS program is the initial step to what could
be a national geography-based information
display system. The program is currently lim-
ited to a small staff in the Department of
Commerce and utilizes the available technol-
ogy; the initial efforts of this demonstration
have been very well received. The Institute for
Information Science and Technology can be a
significant research contributor to the DIDS
program. Many applied research issues re-
main to be studied to assist in the evolutionary
development of the Domestic Information Dis-
play System.
Data Base Management System
The essential element in every informa-
tion system is the data base management
system (DBMS). An adequate DBMS is a re-
quirement for an available, accessible, main-
tainable information system. However, DBMSs
used with certain specialized systems such as
geo-based information systems have special
requirements. These areas of special need will
be addressed by Institute staff as part of this
A fundamental issue is the design of stor-
age structures which optimize performance for
the manipulation of issue-relevant data. For
instance, there is a fundamental conflict be-
tween storing data for use in time series calcu-
lations and plots, and storing data for use.in
choropleth maps. In the first instance a single
variable is to be accessed as a function of
time; in the second case, as a function of
geographical location. This is the type of need
which will be explored by this research
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Standards Research and Development
The interrelationship between the devel-
opment of uniformly recognized and accepted
standards, and the development of a com-
prehensive information system policy, is poorly
understood and not a subject of current re-
search. Widespread information interchange
and access require many levels and types of
standards. In many areas, standards are now
in place or under development; in other areas,
the need for standards has been identified
but development of these standards has not
yet begun; finally, there are areas in which
the need for standards has not yet been
The Institute proposes a two-pronged ap-
proach to meet these needs. First, all areas
which require standardization will be enumer-
ated. Researchers will then match existing or
developing standards against areas of need,
and against existing and proposed information
policies. Where appropriate, the Institute will
press the National Bureau of Standards, the
Electronic Industries Association, the Com-
puter Business and Electronics Manufacturers
Association, and the American National
Standards Institute to develop appropriate
Second, the Institute will itself develop
standards proposals in areas which are par-
ticularly germane and critical to the growth and
progress of Federal information systems. Two
areas of need in which Institute staff are expe-
rienced are standards for defining geocoded
data and its associated geographics, and
standards for device-independent graphics
subroutine packages. Other important areas
for standard development include: word proc-
essing command languages, low-speed
communication protocols for electronic mail,
and statistical extensions to data base man-
agement systems.
Information Requirements and Structure
An interdisciplinary analysis will be made
of government agencies' information needs,
both current and future. The following types of
information requirements will be reviewed ini-
tially: agency operations and management,
regulatory, governmental, financial, project
management, legal-institutional, public health
and welfare, foreign and domestic policy, and
special purpose.
After projecting requirements for future in-
formation needs, an analysis of the impact of
these needs will be made on information sys-
tem capabilities for government agencies.
In the area of information structure, recent
work in the Executive Office of the President
has suggested that data for decision making is
arranged in three levels: first, statistical or
technical-the most common kinds of input
data; second, policy data-data which has
been processed to provide options for deci-
sions; and third, political data-the product of
final policy analysis.
Within this context, the need for an im-
proved information structure is clear. How can
information be rearranged so it is more acces-
sible and useful to decision makers? How can
the quality of data be depicted? How can the
decision maker query originators concerning
the pedigree and interpretation of information?
Improved structures should provide for
broader access, improved timeliness, preven-
tion of inadvertent filtering by subordinates,
exposure of full depth of available information
for decision makers, and the arrangement of
data by issues. These needs will form the
basis for development of specific research
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The substantial developments at the less
sophisticated routine clerical end of the infor-
mation spectrum have not been mirrored at
the more complex level, where integration of
information into the total business environment
is required. Accomplished word processing
systems are rapidly being adopted to many
new commercial and government uses. Free-
standing systems for text processing, elec-
tronic mail, report writing, and information re-
trieval are available from many sources. Oper-
ational electronic-based management and
project control systems are also widely avail-
able. The integration of such systems through-
out the information handling operation, how-
ever, has not proceeded at the same pace.
The design approach must facilitate the inte-
gration of these systems through information
networking and must result in increased auto-
mated information processing functions
throughout the office. The integration of auto-
mated processes through information network-
ing is termed "auto-processing" by the Insti-
tute, and should be clearly distinguished from
"office automation."
. It is potentially possible to use a central
computer tied to peripheral terminals to mini-
mize the paper required to handle files, inter-
nal communications, access to reports and
documentation, and management control of
operations. The technology is available now
and is only a short logical extension of existing
word processing equipment. The incorporation
of an efficient interface between the world-
wide telecommunications network and these
interoffice systems will create a new realm of
possibilities, challenges, and problems. By
tying a computer "network" together with "intel-
ligent" terminals globally, an entirely new set of
possibilities for management information sys-
tems emerges. These systems then offer op-
portunities for external communication; in-
terorganizational transactions; real-time con-
trol of budget, inventory, and operations; and
elimination of delays in executing policy and in
gathering timely data needed for effective
management and decisions.
The system under discussion is not
merely a patchwork of word processing, com-
mercial data base management, and electronic
mail systems. Rather, it is the integration of
this existing and projected technology into a
comprehensive unit which causes the whole
system to be substantially more powerful than
the sum of its constituent parts. The implica-
tions are at the same time exciting and poten-
tially disruptive. For example, it is possible to
replace much travel and its attendant drain on
energy resources with computer communica-
tions. But conference communications such as
interactive shared visual displays may do more
than simply eliminate substantial amounts of
long-distance business travel: because the
majority of workers today are involved in ser-
vice industries which basically manipulate and
manage data, it is in principle possible to have
people work in their homes using terminals
interconnected through a data network. Al-
though the end result may not be so untradi-
tional, integrated information systems would
certainly challenge the basis of centralized
metropolitan work centers. Because we are
now at the threshold of implementing. such
systems without understanding the possibilities
and implications they suggest, the Institute
proposes certain fundamental research.
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Basic research must first project the many
possibilities inherent in conversion of offices to
integrated electronic and telecommunication
systems, and then analyze the impact and
opportunities created by various systems. Fi-
nally, the next generation of systems integra-
tion can be designed and developed in re-
sponse to the chosen alternatives, using the
computer as the central communicator com-
mon to all these development efforts.
Distributed Data Communications and
Processing Networks
Communications networks are the basis
for integrated office auto-processing, consist-
ing of many local work stations and responsive
to heavy communications needs. The Institute
proposes research in data communications is-
sues and the analysis and design of reliable,
survivable networks.
Extensive research is needed in several
aspects of data communications. Although
similar topics are currently being studied by
universities and industry, the emphasis on
scale and integration of office auto-processing
by the Institute creates original problems.
? Investigation of formal techniques for
design and evaluation of very large
computer networks and of protocol al-
ternatives. These investigations will be
supported by computer simulation and fol-
lowed by implementations appropriately
scaled to microprocessors and local area
networks. The object of this research is to
develop algorithms and techniques to de-
sign teleprocessing networks which em-
ploy the most advanced protocols and
? Design of networks providing optimum
protection and integrity of data transmitted
over them. Issues such as security and
privacy will be addressed, along with
needs for public cryptographic protection.
Interactions between ? network archi-
tectures and protocols and data base
structures and management will be con-
sidered in creating the optimum network
Analysis of potential performance of tele-
communication networks, based upon
performance parameters which include
transmission reliability, cost/benefit analy-
sis, network reconfigurability, transmission
media (wire, optical fiber or satellite) and
network modularity.
? Research on error control in teleproces-
sing networks, taking into consideration
fault tolerance techniques which lead to
robust network designs and provide for
reliability and accuracy. This topic could
include redundant communications, data
bases, and attendant problems.
? Development of techniques to employ
data compression in the design of more
efficient and less costly teleprocessing
networks. This research will attempt to
develop advanced techniques for data
compression and representation in the
transmitting media and stations, as well
as within the digital switching facility.
? Investigation of novel uses of telecom-
munication, such as shared interactive
visual displays, office-in-home concepts,
electronic "lockers" and mailboxes, and
resource sharing.
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Interfacing the Auto-Processing Office
with the External Environment
One of the principal development issues
of an integrated information system will be its
interface with people, offices which still use
conventional office practices, and other public
and private institutions such as the courts,
banks, libraries, and schools and colleges.
Analysis of this issue will require an examina-
tion of how existing interfaces between insti-
tutions can be adapted to fit the situation when
both parties rely primarily on auto-processing,
and the situation where one party only retains
conventional office techniques. Telecommuni-
cations will be considered since interfacing
offices are not necessarily adjacent. Impedi-
ments to a smooth transition from the con-
ventional to the auto-processing office may
also arise from different organizational and
operating procedures, and these will be
A number of fundamental research issues
will be addressed. Some of these are deliber-
ately general and will be detailed later.
? Management science issues, including
fundamental management technique;
? Human systems issues, behavioral sci-
ences, and organizational interrelationships;
? Structures and processes of domestic and
international agencies and their interface
to the office;
? Human resource issues, personnel man-
agement, and job classification;
? Problems arising from the geographic dis-
persal of offices, markets, and services.
Privacy and Security Policy Issues
The application of integrated information
systems for decision support raises several
issues that need to be explored: rights of ac-
cess versus privacy of information; require-
ments to provide information versus the need
to protect sources; public versus private sector
contributions and use; coordination of agency
roles in providing integrated data bases; and
quality control.
Institute research will assess the impact of
microprocessors on privacy and the use of
microprocessors as integral parts of computer
security systems. Another research area of
use to decision makers will be risk-benefit
analysis; this is always the first step in security
planning. Analyses of the impact of privacy
regulations and law in electronic mail, point of
sale, and electronic fund transfer systems will
be made. Institute research will provide
technology assessments of information sys-
tems, and their uses and will be oriented to
identifying the potential benefits and vul-
nerabilities posed by introducing such systems
on a significant scale.
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Effective Use of Low-cost Systems
A basic cost consideration in all systems
is the high relative cost of human time as
opposed to machine time. For all computers,
program development requires significant input
of human time. But, in determining the choice
of a large versus a small computer, it is useful
to view the writing of programs as a text proc-
essing function. Small computers have been
highly successful as word processors serving
the text editing function. Particularly if software
is written in small, thoroughly tested modules,
a small, slow computer is adequate to the task.
It is not feasible, however, to do large-
scale computation on a small computer, and
therefore completed applications must be
transferred for efficient execution. Not-
withstanding recent progress in identifying this
issue and the availability of some systems
(such as the Bell Laboratories Unix System)
which address it, it is apparent that an entirely
new array of issues and problems arises when
the scale is large, the community of users is
heterogeneous, and the purposes served
transcend text editing.
The economics of small computers are
clear, since the cost of human time is so much
more important than machine time in program
development; but there are more subtle factors
adding to the value of personal computers. For
example, it is difficult for programmers to over-
come a "taxi meter" mentality when using a
time-shared computer. It is natural for users to
respond to unit time charges by economizing
on time devoted to design considerations.
Completed programs, therefore, tend to be
less clean and more costly to maintain. Also,
because operating systems, command lan-
guages, file conventions, etc., are completely
controlled by the user of both large and small
computers, consistency and custom tailoring
are feasible in both cases, negating the possi-
ble advantage of the larger computer.
The Institute's research task is the devel-
opment of a unified set of programming tools
which will permit a variety of users to switch
applications among small dedicated (or per-
sonal) microcomputers and large diverse in-
stallations as necessary.
This philosophy will be applied to a data
base management system as well. Small data
bases and associated report generators will be
created on small machines, then used in a
variety of ways. First, the small computer will
be a stand-alone processor, having no contact
with a remote system. Next, it will be a node of
a distributed system. Finally, the small ma-
chine will serve as an intelligent peripheral for
a central data base computer.
Low-cost color graphics systems-the
microcomputer combined with a high-quality
commercial color TV-are of special interest to
the Institute. These systems, typified by the
Apple II, cost but a few thousand dollars.
Coupled with data communications to a central
data repository, such systems have the poten-
tial to make real what is now only discussed:
widespread use of Federal statistical data via
interactive graphics by states, counties,
municipalities, public interest groups, and re-
search groups. Obviously, a three-thousand
dollar microcomputer and color TV will not
provide the response time or visual quality of a
thirty-thousand dollar, high-resolution display.
Therefore, the creative challenge is to do the
very best possible job with an inexpensive
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Satellite Communications
Satellite communications offers unique
possibilities for truly innovative uses of tele-
communications. A single geosynchronous
orbit communications satellite is electromag-
netically "visible" to about one-third of the
earth, and therefore, in principle, all persons
and organizations within this illumination re-
gion have potential access to one another via
the satellite. There are technical problems to
be addressed:
? There is not enough spectrum to accom-
modate all the potential users of such a
system if the allocations and use are in
the normal, traditional mode.
? Ground stations are sophisticated and
? Satellites, as they are presently deployed,
have limited suitable "parking" spaces in
geosynchronous orbit, due to elec-
tromagnetic interference rather than phys-
ical space.
? There are major unsolved or partially
solved problems in systems design and in
technology to exploit fully the capabilities
of the satellite as an "intelligent" node in a
communications network rather than as a
Solutions will require the use of multiple
spot beams with frequency reuse, satellite
switching, digital time division multiple access
and development of the higher end of the
spectrum. These ideas are presently being
planned for implementation in the Satellite
Business Systems (SBS) satellite, XTEN
(Xerox proposed network), and possibly ATT's
Satellite System. However, some of the difficult
technical issues of protocols and access tech-
niques which maximize throughput and grade
of service (availability, response time, etc.) re-
quire considerable new research.
In addition to the technical problems,
there is the broader issue of how these satel-
lite systems would be used. Should they be a
common user network (like the telephone) or
restricted, community of interest networks?
What are the general public service needs that
such satellite systems can provide? How
should satellite resources (spectrum, space,
utilization) be allocated? Should new com-
munications"services be provided? What are
the economic and social ramifications of the
new systems? Should direct satellite broad-
casting be introduced in the U.S.? These and
other issues will affect policy decisions and will
also influence the direction of the technology.
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At the highest level of government it is
essential to know the "State-of-the-Union" in
order to assess national trade-offs, to deter-
mine the feasibility of different kinds of inter-
ventions and the consequences of these in-
terventions, and make relevant and accurate
information available rapidly. Decision makers,
policy formulators, and problem solvers will
increasingly adopt and share the use of large
information systems, as data banks fill with
information and as the technologists develop
the analytical skills, processing capabilities,
and sophisticated models for the processing
and display of such data. Information and ana-
lytical skills and tools will become more com-
monly available as government fully enters the
information age. As we provide for the wide-
spread use of data and analyses of this data,
more and more people will have access to
information: all levels of bureaucracy and all
sectors of society, as well as the general
This research program will look at how the
evolving information technology can be used
to support organizational function and be-
havior; how the process of acculturation and
learning the technology can be fostered; how
organizational arrangements can be changed
to take better advantage of the changing
technology; and how incentives for sharing
information and analytical methods among
competitive groups in the policy-making proc-
ess can be developed.
The purpose of this research program is
to look ahead to the future, to forecast the
setting in which information systems will assist
decision makers at all levels of government,
and to address the resultant problems and
potential solutions which may accompany this
technological advancement.
Government is an information-intensive
enterprise, and many of its operations seek to
relieve or redress natural or artificial imbal-
ances in access to information. In our nation
today, there are incentives to move from being
an energy-based society to an information-
based society. Home computers, electronic
mail, cable television, and computer-controlled
telephone switching systems are harbingers of
a trend. What will happen to our forms of
government when access to information and
its means of manipulation becomes truly de-
mocratized? How will we choose to govern or
be governed when each of us has equal op-
portunity to see what is going on in our coun-
try, and to prepare plural analyses of options
for our future?
The concept of leadership in our govern-
ment will surely be affected. When all levels of
government and the general public have ac-
cess to the data available to Federal decision
makers, the question of leadership is raised.
Should it always be assumed that elected offi-
cials and appointed administrators are better
equipped to make decisions and formulate pol-
icy than the general public? At the least, it can
be expected that many more groups of people
and the general public will be "looking over the
shoulders" of elected decision makers. The
current assumption on the part of the general
public that data and the skills to manipulate
that data are only available at the highest
levels of government will be dissipated with
the introduction and use of computer-based
information systems to support the public's
participation in national decision making.
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Research efforts will be necessary to
adapt and refine existing models which de-
scribe organizational behavior to reflect the
future. New models based on substantial
changes in the way government operates will
have to be developed.
Organizational and operating relationships
among Departments in the Federal govern-
ment, among the executive, legislative, and
judicial branches, and among Federal, state,
and local community governments may
change as a result of widespread use of infor-
mation systems for decision making. The con-
sequences of changes to these well-
established relationships are monumental.
In a sense, some elements of our gov-
ernmental institutions have vested interests in
maintaining the status quo. These elements
owe their very existence to the maintenance of
or control over discontinuities in access to
information. Studies must be conducted on
how to assist these elements to evolve into
more productive roles as our information soci-
ety evolves.
Such policy studies as these are best
done outside of government, free from
pressure and preconception, but close to gov-
ernment, in order to gain an understanding of
the intricate nature of the way things work in
Washington. .
Management Without Paper
Paper pervades the operation of offices at
all levels of society. With the growth of copying
machines, governmental controls and regula-
tion, and the natural desire of people to be
informed, the use of paper has increased dra-
matically. As a medium for transmitting infor-
mation, paper is inefficient and represents the
loss of a natural resource at an increasing
cost. Perceptive office management personnel
have recognized the implications of the perva-
siveness of paper in their operations and made
attempts to reduce its importance. "Office au-
tomation," "the paperless office," and "elec-
tronic mail" are all harbingers of a possible
revolution in the operation of an office.
Since paper is used to convey information
in either a word format or graphic display,
information systems based upon computers
and utilizing data bases, graphic and al-
phanumeric displays, word processing, and
telecommunications can conceptually replace
much of the paper used in offices. The archival
function, i.e., records in file cabinets, can be.
served by computer techniques which also
provide rapid access to the information.
Some of the questions to be considered
? What is the impact on the functions. of
management without paper?
Do styles of management and methods of
directing organizations change?
How is the selection, education, and de-
velopment of management affected?
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The rapidly growing field of computer
graphics plays a central and critical role in the
development of sophisticated information sys-
tems. One reason for the acceptance of infor-
mation systems is the ability of the user to
perceive results rapidly and graphically. Com-
puter graphics for information display allows
policy makers and analysts to more easily and
rapidly examine and absorb computer outputs,
which, without graphics, often overpower
man's limited ability to absorb column upon
column of numbers.
Information Presentation
The problem to be addressed by the Insti-
tute is the development of those various forms
of display (maps, graphs) which will convey as
much as possible of the information contained
in the data accurately and meaningfully to the
user. In describing approaches to the problem,
cartography can be used as an example, rec-
ognizing that similar or analogous issues apply
to other forms of graphics. The most important
aspects of the display problem can be viewed
in three areas.
Information systems raise a host of
graphics display questions. Some of the chal-
lenges, such as alternative ways to depict
geocoded information, the use of color, ways
to present multiple variables, etc., are
graphics presentation questions. The chal-
lenging computer graphics questions are ones
of display system architecture, algorithms,
storage structures, low-cost systems, distrib-
uted intelligence systems, graphics standards,
and animation.
Long-term research in these two and
other related subfields of information display
will be necessary for additional technological
breakthroughs and the understanding of the
human-machine interaction in a variety of
areas outlined below. The first group of re-
search tasks addresses graphics pre-
sentations. The second group considers com-
puter graphics, which is the hardware and
software technology supporting the generators
and consumers of information.
First, color is one of the most powerful
display tools. Cartographers have been using
color for a long time, but little has been done
to integrate the relatively large body of re-
search on color perception with map design.
This area would benefit from an interdiscipli-
nary approach, including as it does elements
of psychology, physiology, and graphics
A second area to explore is another pow-
erful display tool, motion, which can be used to
represent an additional dimension. For in-
stance, time varying phenomena such as
population growth or movement can be de-
picted in an animated display. Also, three-
dimensional data presentations (see below)
can be dynamically tumbled about to help the
viewer perceive data relationships.
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? . Work with color and. motion leads to the
third area of interest: development of new
types of data presentations. In particular, ca-
pabilities for displaying many variables on the
same map and displaying time series informa-
tion need further development. This research
also includes developing the capability to pro-
duce other types of maps (e.g., isopleth, dot,
graduated symbol, three-dimensional, etc.)
and perhaps to include sufficient intelligence in
the system so that it produces the proper type
of map given the type of data to be presented.
At the least, the user should be warned when
attempting an inappropriate display. The task
here is primarily one of combining existing but
widely scattered mapping capabilities into a
coherent system. This is nontrivial, especially
since users will want to operate in interactive
mode, with fast response time needs. Most
geo-based information display systems include
only two-dimensional choropleth maps, which
are not adequate representations of some data
It is important in this process to consider
carefully the types and uses of displayed data.
In developing a geographic information display
system, government or private sources of his-
torical and current primary data must be lo-
cated and evaluated. At this stage of work, the
methodology used to gather the information
should be carefully examined and altered, as
deemed necessary and/or feasible. Appropri-
ate forecasting of scenarios for development of
certain models, indicating possible future
trends, may also be considered for inclusion in
the data package.
Interdisciplinary teams will then establish
guidelines for work assignments and select the
sets of data which are to be used. In addition,
areas of future concern and interest for policy
makers will be determined. This task is often
very difficult. However, such an effort can
prove to be an invaluable guide in the policy
and decision-making process; a crisis may
otherwise catch administrators unaware and
unprepared. The work of the Institute team will
involve the targeting of incipient problems and
trends before they mature or surface on a
nation-wide basis. One of the assignments of
the team, similar to that of a census users
committee, will be to determine the types of
new information that should be collected and
to relay these findings back to the experts
working on the gathering of primary data.
A cartographer will construct or help de-
velop the visual display and a geographer will
help to evalute this work, while a psychologist
will measure impact on users. The following
determinations will be made: Is the presenta-
tion overly complex or misleading? Does it
focus the viewer's attention on highlights or on
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trivia? Are spatial patterns easy to see? How
long does it take for viewers to extract impor-
tant information? How memorable is the mes-
sage contained in the presentation?
The following are specific areas for devel-
oping new information display methods.
Projection Modeling
Economic-demographic simulation model-
ing is an important tool for analyzing current,
future, and other hypothetical censuses. Such
models are being used to examine changes in
welfare programs, tax laws, school aid, CETA
funds, and the distribution of other Federal
formula grants. Research on information dis-
play at the Institute will aid in improving the
clarity and usefulness of these models by sup-
porting the communication of results. In addi-
tion, the Institute staff will develop generalized
simulation tools which will facilitate the im-
plementation of analytical models as computer
programs. Another application, advanced
dynamic displays of simulated community
growth patterns, will be useful in analyzing
traffic flow and congestion, provision of health,
welfare, and educational services, and fire-
fighting needs.
Interactive Data Analysis
There are many interesting research
areas in the application. of an information dis-
play system to data analysis. Each involves
the visual perception of logical structures
within a body of data which need not be
restricted to geocoded information. One of
these areas is the ability to augment data itself
to display relationships which were not ex-
pected. Consider an example from some re-
cent work on family formation. An economic
theory was developed to explain differences in
the marital status of women across the states
of the U.S. A statistical test of the model was
successful. Fortunately, however, researchers
were prodded to look deeper into the data by
examining residual variations after all. the
theoretical effects were accounted for. It was
discovered that three states (Nevada, Utah,
and Idaho) had higher than expected inci-
dence of marriage and several states (Rhode
Island, Connecticut, and New York) where the
incidence was much lower. It was then possi-
ble to postulate an inverse relation between
the incidence of marriage and the difficulty of
obtaining a divorce. This counter-intuitive
statement, while supported by the data, does
not of course indicate a causative relationship.
Contemporary information display sys-
tems should have an integrated statistical
analysis capability for model fitting and flexible
procedures for displaying the relationships be-
tween the results of these analyses and other
components of the data base. This requires a
statistical package linked to both.the data base
and the graphics capabilities. '
Computer graphics is essential to the
meaningful analysis of large bodies of dis-
aggregated data. Reports containing dozens
of pages of tabular data representations can
be communicated by a single 3-D shaded
computer graphic plot. Consider the simulation
of the effect on the income distribution of - a
major tax change. Traditional summary statis-
tics are very insensitive and tabulations of
individual responses are unwieldy. A well-
designed computer graphic. presentation, per-
haps with dynamic color changes, could easily
display the effects of the change on several
thousand representative families in one frame.
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Display System Architecture
In the long-term, a top-down approach to
the design of raster display systems is appro-
priate and necessary. Existing system designs
tend to be more technology-driven than need-
driven. A top-down design would stress func-
tional requirements, hardware-firmware-
software trade-offs, and ease of programming.
A high performance architecture might have
the refresh memory (bit map) as part of the
host computer's address space, for ease of
manipulation. The refresh buffer might contain
more pixels than the screen can display, with
video-rate zooming and panning. In fact, the
encoding might not be a bit map, but some
other form which facilitates picking, motion,
and changes.
Graphics and Data Base Management
System Integration
Most information display programs are
structured as shown in the diagram below.
Writing the application program necessary for
an information display system is a slow and
The Institute will develop a preferable
program structure in which a Data Base Man-
agement System manages the data and, upon
request, passes the data directly to the
Raster system design for interactive
graphics is still in its infancy. The overall intent
of this Institute research is to use the paradigm
of geographic information display to advance
the state-of-the-art.
Animation Language
It is well-established that animation is a
forceful means of conveying information.
However, no cost-efficient means of creating
animations of data presentations exists pres-
ently. Typical computer-generated animations
are created at great expense. Institute staff will
experiment with several approaches to simple
animation command languages which can be
used directly by the policy analyst without use
of a computer specialist intermediary.
error-prone task. Part of the problem is that
the application program must act as the inter-
mediary between the data base and the
graphics in a self-describing form. This makes
the application program smaller and simpler to
write, thus facilitating the development of in-
formation display systems.
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As successive development efforts move
to highly interactive computer-based informa-
tion systems, the human-machine relationship
becomes more important. Further psychologi-
cal, sociological, human factor, and manage-
ment insight into the nature of human use of
computer-based information systems is
needed. The kinds of tasks an operator can
perform, response times, fatigue, emotional
responses, and other dimensions of the rela-
tionship between people and machines be-
come limiting and necessary subjects of de-
tailed research.
This research will be conducted by an
interdisciplinary team of computer scientists
and psychologists. Computer scientists under-
stand the capabilities that technology can pro-
vide, while psychologists understand how
people can best interface to the capabilities.
The design methodology will be top-down,
working interactively through designs at the
conceptual, semantic, syntactic and lexical
level. This four-step design process is useful
because it serves as a conceptual framework
Organize existing guidelines for designing
user-oriented interactive systems;
? Impose discipline on a generally undisci-
plined field, which has too many aspects
of art and not enough of science, while
still recognizing the important role of
creativity in the design;
? Organize existing knowledge from human
factors engineering, cognitive psychology,
and perceptual psychology so the knowl-
edge is available to user interface
User Interface Research-Long-term Goals
The Institute's long-term goal is to develop
better methodologies for designing interactive
systems, with an emphasis on the fact that the
system must interact well with many users
whose backgrounds vary widely.
? Demonstrate weaknesses in current
knowledge of how to design user inter-
faces, thereby suggesting specific areas
for further research.
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It is not expected that those in influential
policy-making positions will often interact di-
rectly with current-technology display systems
at the operational level. They will act, through
technical intermediaries who are computer-
literate. Therefore, it is productive to design
the user interface for people who may have a
good idea of what they want to do and need
only be shown how to do it. Going one step
beyond the current-technology systems, Insti-
tute researchers will also work with systems
designed for the computer-naive users who
want to access the full range of capabilities for
retrieving, manipulating, and displaying data.
The Institute will first design a computer-
aided tour of its developmental system's capa-
bilities and a course of instruction in their use.
This educational function will also facilitate ex-
tending the community of users. Second, the
"proper" levels of hierarchical structure of data
base documentation will be investigated. The
hierarchy here is not the same as that of the
data itself but rather levels of detail in the
description of data.
Next, the data base should be made ac-
cessible within the syntactic structure of a
high-level language. This would not only facili-
tate the ability of the user to generate in-
dividualized reports, but would also make pos-
sible substantive modeling and innovative
statistical analyses. The menu approach is a
useful initial method of inputting display re-
quests. However, faster command input strat-
egies for experienced users can rely on key-
board command languages, function key-
boards, or tablets.
User Interface Research-Short-term Goals
The Institute's short-term goal is to de-
velop user interfaces for a variety of informa-
tion systems. The approach, the same as for
long-term goals, is to work top-down, integrat-
ing application-oriented functional require-
ments and an understanding of user psychol-
ogy and human factors.
The short-term design work will draw on
the functional requirements developed by cur-
rent evaluation of operational projects, by ob-
serving information display users in the Insti-
tute's laboratory, and by consulting with users
and developers of other 'information display
systems. The basic working hypothesis is that
new users will find a menu-based user inter-
face desirable, but that regular active users will
want a command language system. It is also
hypothesized that regular users.. will want to
interact intimately and rapidly with the dis-
played image, perhaps using a tablet or a light
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User Hardware/ Software and Other
Technological Implements
Hardware/ software support of the user
interface encompasses many disciplines in-
cluding graphics, systems programming, data
base structure and design, human-machine
interface psychology, and signal processing.
The state of development of these disciplines
varies widely. Speech synthesis, which de-
pends on signal processing, is in a state of
early development, as is the psychology of
human-machine interaction. Graphics is fur-
ther developed but represents only one side of
the user interface. Supportive technologies
such as data base management, languages to
support interactive query of information files,
and operating and input-output systems to
support real-time operation of an information
system, are all in need of further development
dependent on fundamental research.
In order to develop the required technical
support for improved human-machine interac-
tion, the Institute will initiate a number of re-
search efforts. A representative list includes:
? Design of user-computer interfaces em-
ploying graphics, keyboards, printers, and
specialized "front end" languages;
Development of relational data base sys-
,tems to support query of related files re-
quired for demographic and cartographic
? Development of data structures to support
the decision-making process most effi-
ciently while minimizing the amount of
storage required;
? Development and evaluation of distributed
data processing networks to support
interactive graphics between geo-
graphically dispersed installations;
? Development and design of security tech-
niques to prevent unauthorized access to
data files and use of enscryption and
other techniques for the transport of data,
? Evaluation and design of networks to pre-
serve security and privacy of information
transmitted between locations:
? Establishment of security measures
? Cryptographic techniques
? Special security protocols
? Standards for transmission protocols
and security designs;
? Development of device-independent and
portable software to support all aspects of
the human-machine interface. People
want to learn only one interface, not a set
of interfaces;
? Development of controlled experiments to
measure the degree of comprehension by
the person of the machine and vice versa;
? Development of organizational concepts,
theories and practices, and behavioral
sciences skills and techniques to use
human systems' total resources.
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The Institute for Information Science and
Technology will establish and maintain a Re-
source Center. This clearinghouse will serve
as an index and repository for research infor-
mation concerning information science and
technology. It will also serve as a forum, a
"center of intellectual. exchange," where re-
searchers can share knowledge on work in
progress through an information exchange
network. Three distinct services in particular
will be provided by the Resource Center.
First, the Resource Center will be respon-
sible for developing and maintaining a direc-
tory of expertise, available nationally and inter-
nationally in the field of information science
and technology. This register of experts will
assist the Institute in selecting staff for its
research positions, in identifying particular ex-
pertise necessary for contract services, and in
maintaining a specialized, audience to whom
the Institute will disseminate findings of re-
search programs. The register will be available
for use by interested organizations, govern-
ment,' academes, and the general public. A
search service will be available so that in-
dividuals or organizations requesting the iden-
tification of particular expertise in a selected
field can be provided that information.
Second, the Resource Center will serve
as a repository to prepare and maintain a
compilation of suggested research needs and
problems in the field of information science
and technology which might be initiated by
government. This list of "open problems" will
be arranged in a taxonomic structure for ease
of retrieval, indexing, and dissemination. Other
research services, available to subscribers,
will enhance the nurturing of a community of
interest among researchers and practitioners
in the field, as well as serve research interests
at the Institute. The Resource Center will also
serve as a forum for exchange of work in
progress in the field.
Third, the Resource Center will be re-
sponsible for the preparation and publication of
all Institute reports, papers, and other publica-
tions, and for the maintenance of an index of
these documents. Publications include reports
that present progress or completion of re-
search activities underway at the Institute. The
Resource Center will maintain a current mail-
ing list of all individuals and organizations in-
terested in receipt of such research findings
and will be responsible for disseminating these
findings throughout the research community. A
monthly newsletter will be published.
The Resource , Center will be a separate,
self-funding cost center, and will play a focal
role in the conduct of seminars and confer-
ences sponsored by the Institute. Since all
seminars and conferences have an educa-
tional dimension requiring access to. informa-
tion, the data base available in the Resource
Center will be of interest to researchers in the
planning of research projects, preparation of
papers, publication of reports, and in the prep-
arations necessary to conduct such education
and training programs.
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The Institute is a contemporary laboratory
in the sense that practitioners and researchers
are brought together to focus jointly on the
problem of user needs. There is a deliberate
mix of permanent and adjunct staff: govern-
ment, industry, and university staff; practition-
ers and researchers; senior researchers and
students-a cross-fertilization of the spectrum
of skills and roles that can be brought to bear
on the issue of information science.
The core staff of the Institute will provide
the organizational continuity which the degree
of change inherent in the organization's format
might otherwise threaten. The degree of flexi-
bility and change characteristic of the rest of
the staffing pattern is apparent, and a deliber-
ate means of assuring the continual growth
and development of the organization's capabil-
ities is necessary. The majority of the research
staff will continue on career tracks which
necessitate constant professional movement;
adjunct staff will be transient, continuing to
move among government, industry, and
academia; and students and consultants, by
the nature of their positions, will be only tem-
porarily involved with the Institute.
sistant, (and comptroller). Three student as-
sistants are included as support staff. In the
second and subsequent years, the core staff
will be increased to twelve plus seven student
In addition to the core staff, the Institute
employs an extensive research staff in both
resident and adjunct positions. Six adjunct
staff will be actively engaged in direct research
efforts during the first year. In the second year
this will be increased to eighteen persons, nine
of whom may not be in residence at the Insti-
tute. The multidisciplinary research staff will be
recruited from the following sources:
? Academic and research faculty from met-
ropolitan Washington area universities
? Recognized national and international
? Undergraduate and graduate students
? Academic scholars and government ex-
ecutives on sabbatical
This staffing plan is a tool for interdiscipli-
nary development and continuing education.
The Institute provides a vehicle for the en-
hanced completion of undergraduate educa-
tion as well as a unique research experience
for well-rounded graduate students.
The initial Institute core staff will be main-
tained at a very modest level of five or six
people: executive director, administrative as-
sistant, typist, research assistant, editorial as-
Postdoctoral fellows
? Visiting government fellows
? Mid-career industry and government
? Researchers on exchange arrangements
with other countries and institutions
? Other institutional researchers
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First Year
r---- ~ --1
L - - - - - J
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Core Staff
Core staff are normally permanent full-
time members in residence at the Institute's
facilities. Among management and research
positions are the following:
Director-Responsible for overall Institute pro-
grams and policy decisions, and specifically
spends substantial time and energy on senior
staff selection, planning and policy formulation,
and the successful completion of endowment
funding and financing needs.
Executive Director-A technical manager re-
sponsible for the general management of Insti-
tute programs and administrative operations
including planning, organizing, staffing, control-
ling, evaluating, and proposal activities.
Senior Research Associate-A senior re-
searcher who may be responsible for a major
research program or the independent study of
a portion of a major research program with
supervisory responsibilities.
Research Associate-A mid-career person
who may work as an individual contributor
responsible for major research efforts, or who
participates as part of a team effort.
Research Assistant-An individual below the
doctoral level who may be a graduate student
working toward a doctorate, normally contribut-
ing under the supervision of a senior staff
member and under the guidance of a faculty
member in the case of those preparing
Student Assistant-Usually part-time or tem-
porary staff, below the bachelor's level, en-
gaged in a myriad of research and administra-
tive tasks.
Research Staff
Research positions include both resident
and adjunct positions; that is, the researcher
may be in residence at the Institute or contrib-
ute from residence at a sponsoring organiza-
tion. In addition to core research positions
described above, other appointments are as
Visiting Scholar/Fellow-The Institute's high-
est research position, with limited appoint-
ments for one to two years. Visiting scholars
and fellows are in residence at the Institute
and may be academic faculty or government
Senior Executive Service staff on sabbatical.
Adjunct Fellow-A senior researcher, not in
residence at the Institute, who will make con-
tributions to research programs, but will not
have supervisory responsibilities.
Adjunct Research Associate-A similar posi-
tion to the Adjunct Fellow, for persons mid-
career in background and experience.
Consultant-An individual with a particular ex-
pertise necessary for the Institute's research
program. Consultants will be commissioned for
periods of up to one year and may reside at
the Institute during this period of study or may
remain at parent organizations.
Intern-A mid-career person from either gov-
ernment or industry selected to work in resi-
dence at the Institute for a period of one year,
and in some instances as long as two years.
Interns are selected on the basis of promise
for future research capability and constitute a
valuable resource of eager young workers who
can execute many useful though not necessar-
ily technically demanding tasks within the Insti-
tute's research plan. Interns are encouraged to
pursue courses of graduate study during their
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The Institute, in consultation with univer-
sity, government and industrial leaders, will
establish a national Advisory Council for the
Institute during fiscal year 1980. The Advisory
Council will consist of fifteen persons of promi-
nent position or experience in government,
industry and academia. The Advisory Council
will offer broad policy guidance and function as
a reviewing board to ensure that the technical
activities of the Institute are of the highest
overall quality consistent with the stated mis-
sion of the Institute. To ensure continuity of
operations, the initial Advisory Council mem-
bers will be selected to serve for staggered
terms of one to five years. The President of
the George Washington University and the Di-
rector of the Institute will be ex-officio mem-
bers of the Advisory Council.
opment plan, financial reports, and progress
on research programs, to provide guidance in
the initiation of research activities, and to re-
view completed research results.
The Advisory Council will have the author-
ity to establish committees which may, be used
in specific reviews and in more detailed con-
sideration of individual Institute research
activities. Advisory Council members partici-
pating in meetings and activities will be
reimbursed to allow for travel, lodging, and
meeting arrangements, and will receive a
modest annual stipend. The director of the
Institute for Information Science and Technol-
ogy is responsible for providing a written an-
nual report to the Advisory Council describing
the preceding year's activities.
The Council will meet three times a year
in full session to review details of the devel-
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The Institute for Information Science and
Technology, initially formed by the Department
of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sci-
ence, will be administered by the George
Washington University School of Engineering
and Applied Science. The Institute will main-
tain a small permanent core staff with active
linkages to all universities in the Washington
metropolitan area.
The George Washington University has
the largest faculty, student body, and research
facility in Washington, D.C. Its long history of
government research work and immediate
proximity to government agencies make its
selection as the "parent" of the Institute ideal.
Further, the Department of Electrical Engineer-
ing and Computer Science will provide heavy
technical input for systems development, com-
puter sciences, and laboratories and computer
facilities as well as equipment support in the
form of computer services, computer graphics
laboratory, and use of conference rooms and
lecture halls.
There is a wide variety of technical exper-
tise in the Washington metropolitan area which
can be obtained through government ex-
change programs, industrial fellowships, and
research scholar arrangements. Individuals
working cooperatively with university faculty
and research staff provide a broad range of
technical capabilities to carry out studies and
research in information science and technol-
ogy. Working through the University, the Insti-
tute can conduct joint ventures and coopera-
tive projects with other universities, research
organizations, and industrial organizations.
The Research and Resources Office
within the School of Engineering and Applied
Science provides services to the Institute in
cluding budget control, payment processing,
and proposal review. The Office of Sponsored
Research provides legal, contractual, and
management services. Office facilities are
provided on campus with secretarial, reproduc-
tion, communication, and report preparation
The field of information technology is
growing so rapidly that the number of under-
graduate and graduate students majoring in
computer science is insufficient to meet cur-
rent demands. The Institute's affiliation with
The George Washington University School of
Engineering and Applied Science and other
universities serves as a vital stimulus in meet-
ing the needs of government and industry for
such graduates.
The student population at George Wash-
ington University consists of a relatively stable
undergraduate population and an extensive
graduate student population including a large
number of students from industry and govern-
ment agencies in the Washington area. The
University sponsors off-campus programs at
nearby government agencies, most promi-
nently NASA Langley. This affords beneficial
interaction between industrial and government
agencies and the University. This interaction
will provide access to a large number of grad-
uate students who can carry out thesis re-
search under the sponsorship of the Institute.
Conversely, this interaction also leads to
knowledge of problem areas within the gov-
ernment that can benefit from research activity
carried out by the Institute. The interaction
between the University and industry and gov-
ernment agencies provides a vital linkage to
support the Institute in the role of basic re-
search in information science and technology.
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In addition to personnel resources, the
George Washington University offers a broad
spectrum of conveniently located physical and
support resources. Facilities exist for conduct-
ing workshops and meetings and adequate
housing is close at hand. Support facilities
include a library and recreational facilities, du-
plicating and communication support, and sec-
retarial and administrative capability.
Extensive resources at The George
Washington University will support many of the
anticipated demands of the Institute for Infor-
mation Science and Technology. The Univer-
sity computation center has an IBM 3031 with
3 million characters of main memory. There is
also a DEC PDP 11/70 with thirty-two termi-
nals, operating the WIDJET system for interac-
tive programming.
graphics is provided by three Tektronic 4010
and 4012 terminals and a hard-copy unit.
There is a high-resolution Ramtek 9400
color raster display capable of displaying im-
ages with 1,000 scan lines with 1,280 pixels of
ten bits each. A picture can include up to,1,024
different colors. The resolution is approxi-
mately ten times greater than that of a home
color TV. The color maps shown in this devel-
opment plan could be generated on the Ram-
tek 9400. A film recorder connected to the
display will make 8" x 10" Polaroid or 35mm
film photographs of the contents of the screen
with no resolution loss; users of experimental
systems will be able to keep a record of their
work for later reference, presentation, and
The School of Engineering and Applied
Science has developed a modern and well-
equipped computer graphics laboratory avail-
able to the Institute. A DEC VAX
medium scale computer with 2.5
characters of main memory serves ten pro-
gram development terminals. Low-resolution
For black and white line-drawing graphics
there is a Vector General 3404 three-
dimensional display, useful for real-time
dynamic display of time-varying data or for
"flying" through and around multi-dimensional
scatter plots, response surfaces, and other
data presentations.
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Detailed research plans for each major
program, including schedule and budget
levels, are established by a consortium of Insti-
tute core staff, resident research staff and
adjunct research staff representing the rele-
vant disciplines under study. The consortium
then identifies the most appropriate available
researcher to serve as principal investigator;
this principal researcher is often not a member
of the resident Institute staff.
core staff will develop a series of proposals for
the initiation of specific research programs.
Second, the Institute will develop bro-
chures and print technical pamphlets announc-
ing its formation and the availability of the
research positions for visiting scholars, interns,
and fellows. These announcements will be dis-
tributed to a wide audience in government,
industry and academia.
The Institute may commission individual
faculty, research staff, or university depart-
ments to participate in specific research ac-
tivities. In some cases faculty from the Univer-
sity will be designated as the principal inves-
tigator on a research project; in' other cases
Institute staff or acknowledged authorities at
other institutions may be the principal inves-
tigator, and researchers from other fields will
assist on the project.
When required, a team of international
experts will be assembled to address a spe-
cific research program or review earlier find-
ings with a view towards continuing research
During the first year of operations, the
Institute staff will concentrate on five central
First, the Institute's executive director and
administration staff will be selected. Office
space will be secured to house the staff. The
Third, the research program of the initial
five-year plan, Volume II, will be completed in
sufficient detail to demonstrate research task
interrelationships. This document will be a "liv-
ing" research plan for the Institute-in daily
use and undergoing continuous modification
and expansion.
Fourth, members of the national Advisory
Council will be identified and their commitment
to participate will be obtained.
And last, Institute staff will continue efforts
to meet the endowment fund goal. Visits and
presentations will be made to a number of
foundations and industrial corporations iden-
tified as potential funding sources.
Initial research efforts budgeted at approx-
imately $400,000 are already underway.
Portions of the research plan outlined in Sec-
tion 2 are being implemented, and approxi-
mately $100,000 of initial research equipment
will be purchased.
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The Institute will conduct a variety of edu-
cation and training programs. Many seminars
and colloquia concerning Institute research ac-
tivities will be held. Graduate students at the
master's and doctoral levels and visiting
scholars and postdoctoral students. will be in-
vited to participate in the Institute's educational
activities. Members of the Institute will be ex-
pected to circulate among private industry and
government organizations to disseminate re-
search. findings and techniques concerning in-
formation systems for support of decision mak-
ing and policy making. Institute staff will be
encouraged to attend professional meetings
and seminars and to disseminate research ac-
tivities as they occur as well as research find-
ings when complete.
Educational programs conducted at the
Institute will be largely short-term in duration,
but may range from a one-day conference
meeting or seminar, to a one-year residency
for an intern. Government agencies involved in
information systems, particularly those provid-
ing sponsorship to the Institute, will be invited
to select promising mid-level. staff to partici-
pate in these programs. Scholars from univer-
sities and industry participants will also be
invited to take part in the Institute's educa-
tional programs. This richness of backgrounds
and experiences will create the potential for
significant interchange of ideas and experi-
ences between all sectors of society con-
cerned with research and utilization of informa-
tion systems.
A broad range of educational opportuni-
ties also exist at the undergraduate and grad-
uate levels of the many educational institutions
in the metropolitan Washington area. Many
cooperative arrangements exist among these
universities, expanding the range of unique
training opportunities available. Interns and
research scholars who participate in the Insti-
tute will take full advantage of such training
and educational opportunities.
In addition to their research, activities at
the Institute, interns will be encouraged to
continue their graduate education. Upon com-
pletion of their internship and associated grad-
uate studies, they will return to industry and
government well-trained in both academic and
pragmatic areas of research in information
science from an interdisciplinary approach.
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Integrated network systems are central to INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT
the Institute's information science research. As
one initial system development effort, the Insti-
tute will design, build, and use a series of
information display systems. The first system, INSTALL AN INITIAL
however, will not be an original design of the INITIAL SYSTEM RESEARCH PLAN
Institute. Rather, an existing system, such as
DIDS, SEEDIS, or ODYSSEY, will be adapted
to work with the Institute's computer equip-
ment. Intensive use of the system by policy CAREFULLY OBSERVE
analysts from universities, Federal agencies, AND QUESTION
and other sponsoring organizations is antici- SYSTEM USERS
pated. Researchers will observe how the sys-
tem is used, which features are used, and T
which features are mastered and made GENERATE
Armed with this initial experience, and
with experience from users of other systems
and research efforts, the Institute will design
and implement new information display sys-
tems. Users will then move from the original
system to the new one. A cycle of
modifications will be made over a period of
several years to the internal or external
characteristics of the system.
Several research programs outlined in
Section 2 will be responsive to the general
requirements of information display systems.
At the educational level of Institute programs,
information display systems will serve as a
focal point for teaching policy analysts how
such systems can be fruitfully used, and to
teach computer technologists the techniques
used in implementing such systems.
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The capability for innovative research and
problem solving depends on a pool of knowl-
edge and ideas from many disciplines. The
greater the variety of fields involved, the
greater the likelihood an optimum combination
will occur. A researcher from a given discipline
will bring patterns of thinking and information
not available to specialists from other fields. A
broad array of education, experience, and
fresh perspective is. more likely to foster a
significant research advance than individual
experts working in a single discipline.
The Institute for Information Science and
Technology is conceptually based on the prin-
ciple of bringing a wide range of disciplines to
bear on any of the research activities pursued
within the Institute's programs. This interdiscip-
linary approach allows the Institute to conduct
research in information science and technol-
ogy with a "systems" or holistic approach.
For example, in the area of computer
graphics to support policy making, it is neces-
sary to utilize computer graphics, geography,
political science, and statistics staff to address
this task adequately. In another area, eco-
nomic analyses and forecasting, there is a
requirement for economics, mathematics, and
data processing skills in order to address the
issue comprehensively. In still another exam-
ple, the question of urban planning issues re-
quires geography, cartography, sociology, psy-
chology, and demography disciplines for
adequate study.
The following fields of interest or discipline
areas have particular applicability to the de-
sign and use of information systems to support
the decision and policy-making process. The
list, below is an administratively convenient
way of grouping. the disciplines into distinct
categories, and is followed by a brief descrip-
tion of some capabilities and fields of interest
which will be brought to bear on Institute
? Science and Engineering
Computer Science
Data Communications
? Operations Research and
Applied Mathematics
? Statistics
? Management
Management Science
Business Administration
Public Administration
? Policy Studies
? Law
? Political Science
? Urban/Regional Planning
? Education
Human Development
? Economics
? Psychology
Human Factors
Cognitive Psychology
Perceptual Psychology
? Sociology
? Geography
The capability statements appearing
.hereafter are not a complete compilation of
available disciplines, but rather a representa-
tive listing.
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Telecommunications technology serves as
the backbone of any distributed data process-
ing system. Such systems are required to sup-
port interactive graphic displays, interoffice
communication, and decision making based
upon access to remote data. Capabilities
? Design, development and analysis of
computer communication networks includ-
ing but not exclusive to the following:
? Topological optimization
? Response time and throughput
? Performance
? Error control
? Data compaction and source coding
? Computer netting protocol
Transmission systems
Technological innovations
? Evaluation and design of networks to pre-
serve security and privacy of information
? Design and implementation of telecom-
munications security in office auto-
processing networks.
? Evaluation of teleprocessing networks
with respect to performance parameters
such as:
? Network transmission reliability, band-
width, transmitting media, and network
? Cost/benefit analysis of alternate net-
work design and security techniques
? Network reconfigurability capability
? Network modularity
? Study and design of innovative network
architectures based upon anticipated new
technological developments such as:
Packet switching vs. fast digital circuit
Fiber optic data loop switched systems
High capacity/small earth terminal digi-
tal satellite systems
Innovative uses of the telephone net-
work for interactive video and data
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Engineering support technologies include
those aspects of computer science and electri-
cal engineering which provide the underlying
design technology for such disciplines as
graphics, data base management, human-
machine interactions, word and text process-
ing, and data communication and security. The
fields of electrical engineering and computer
science provide a wide range of engineer-
ing technology capabilities to the Institute,
Development and use of software design
tools including compilers, assemblers,
input-output control systems, data dic-
tionaries, debuggers, and program library
? Development and use of hardware design
tools including logic design programs,
printed circuit layout programs, configura-
tion control systems, and digital test
? Design and development of software de-
sign methodologies to support structured
programming, requirements definition, and
automatic programming.
? Research to develop software "proof of
correctness" algorithms to verify software
? Development of specialized software to
serve as "front end" languages to interface
users with computers via keyboards, and
alphanumeric and graphic displays.
? Use of fault tolerant system design tech-
niques to support all aspects of hardware
and software design used in information
? Development and use of self-diagnosis re-
configuration and checking procedures to
provide fail-safe system operation in the
face of component failure.
? Development of new computer archi-
tectures to support data base manage-
ment, graphics interfaces, distributed data
processing networks, and parallel process-
ing arrays.
? Development and use of micro-computer
technology; in particular, bit slice archi-
tectures to support all aspects of hardware
required for graphics, data base manage-
ment, software development tools, etc.
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Computer graphics will play a central role
in offices of the future and in decision-making
procedures. A wide range of capabilities exists
in support of graphics research, including a
well-equipped laboratory with the latest, most
sophisticated equipment. Some specific capa-
bilities include:
? Development of interfaces between
graphics and data management systems
? Design and development of parallel proc-
essing techniques to support hidden sur-
face removal
? Experiments to evaluate the techniques
developed for the above
? Design of architectures to support vector
and raster graphics
An old saying of Confucius has a current
equivalent: "A picture is worth a thousand
numbers." Pictures, in the form of charts,
graphs, and maps, are one of the best ways to
convey information to policy makers and policy
analysts quickly and succinctly. The role of
computer graphics is to create pictures such
as these which show the move in home heat-
ing from wood and coal to gas and electricity.
These pictures are worth rather more than a
thousand numbers: each represents values for
the 3,106 counties in the United States.
Utility Gas
Fuel Oil
Bottled Gas
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Utility Gas
Fuel Oil
Wood 1J
Bottled Gas
Utility Gas
Fuel Oil
Bottled Gas
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Data base structure and management
play a central role in the design and use of
information systems. Some specific capabili-
ties necessary and useful for Institute research
? Development of data structures to support
graphics systems and user machine inter-
? Development of relational data base sys-
tems to support query of related files re-
quired to support demographic and car-
tographic analysis.
? . . Development of, data structures to support
the decision-making process most effi-
ciently while minimizing the amount of
storage required.
? Development of specialized techniques
required to store large sparse matrices
and large data bases acquired from cen-
sus and industrial reports.
? Development of techniques and safe-
guards required for the transborder flow of
data. .
? Design of. data bases to support special-
ized graphics requirements, including
suppression of hidden lines, three-
dimensional displays, and transformation
and rotation of displays.
Privacy and security techniques play an
important role in the design and use of infor-
mation systems. Privacy issues stem from the
demands of public and governmental sources
to protect personal information in computer
systems. Security issues are motivated by the
users of data processing equipment who want
to comply with privacy laws and protect their
data from unauthorized access. Some specific
Institute capabilities include:
? The examination of whether micro-
processors and distributed microproces-
sor systems enhance or degrade the se-
curity of present or planned computer
Development of cost/benefit analysis
techniques to determine the costs and
benefits of privacy and security protection
for computer installations and distributed
data processing systems.
? Use of non-numeric metrics to enhance
the quality of risk-benefit analyses and
social impact analyses.
? Security analysis of computer networks
with large numbers of unsophisticated
users and terminals, such as those used
in electronic mail, point of sale, and elec-
tronic fund transfer systems.
? Analysis and evaluation of present or pro-
posed privacy law and regulations from
technical and administrative points of
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The field of management science provides
a- significant input in the design and im-
plementation of information systems develop-
ment, business applications, and research and
development management. The field may con-
tribute the following different capabilities:
? General Systems and Organizational
Cybernetics. Interdisciplinary mode for
understanding the increasingly complex
systems which result from human systems
that tend to grow larger and more com-
plex as social and technological changes
accelerate at a rapid pace.
? Management. Management thought, func-
tions, practices, theories, concepts and
philosophies as applied to all types of
agencies and institutions; contemporary
issues such as general systems concepts
and contingency management, and pro-
gram management are featured.
? Administration of Science and Technology.
Technology influencing research and de-
velopment management, business and
public policy; employment of "state-of-
the-art" technology, and creation of new
technology through research and devel-
opment (R&D); management of creative
professional people; emphasizes original
research on political, economic, sociologi-
cal, and operational problems encoun-
tered by management in industrial and
governmental R&D organizations.
? Human Systems. Organizational con-
cepts, theories and practices; behavioral
sciences skills and techniques to use
human systems' total resources; design-
ing, creating, and developing necessary
behavioral and organizational systems
appropriate to rapidly changing society;
emphasizes interrelationships of motiva-
tion, leadership, problem solving, organi-
zation growth, organization complexity,
and organizational changes and
? Information Systems Technology. Manual,
mechanical and electronic information
processing; computer. programming con-
cepts, methods, languages; capabilities,
limitations, and selection procedures of
equipment; all phases of management in-
formation systems development, im-
plementation, and evaluation; and roles of
management and technicians in informa-
tion technology.
? Quantitative Analyses for Decision Mak-
ing. Quantitative or mathematical ap-
proaches to problems of managerial con-
trol and decision making; basic theory,
combined with various contemporary ap-
proaches such as simulation, decision-
trees, PERT, linear programming, queuing
theory, etc., are utilized.
? Interdisciplinary Approaches. A systems.
approach to management obtained by in-
terdisciplinary combinations; for example,
the fields of management, computer and
quantitative science combine to provide
solutions to specific management prob-
lems using mathematical simulation tech-
niques on the computer; another example.
of the interdisciplinary approach is '-the
combination of management, human sys-
tems, information systems, and sociology
to resolve management problems in the
areas of personnel and organization.
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The field of political science provides
three basic types of resource support to
the Institute for Information Science and
? Methodological Skills in Collecting and
Analyzing Political Data. Identification of
sources of data and their utilization to
understand, evaluate, or project political
developments and substantive policies is
the initial requirement that the Institute
resources meet; data analysis skills range
from the more traditional descriptive to the
more sophisticated and rigorous statistical
manipulations of aggregate data.
? Knowledge of the Structure and Proc-
esses of Domestic and Foreign Govern-
ments and International Agencies. Al-
though the range of coverage is extremely
broad, specialized expertise is ordinarily
limited to major foreign governments, in-
ternational agencies, and regional sys-
tems; however, the commonalities repre-
sented in regional governments, states of
political development, or ideological types
provide a framework,. together with the
methodologies described above, to exam-
ine more precisely individual governments
and agencies; the economic and social en-
vironments in which the government and
public agencies operate are also involved.
? Knowledge of the Substance of Major
Domestic. and Foreign Policies of the U.S.,
Major Foreign Governments, and Interna-
tional Agencies. The range of coverage
again is broad, although the focus of spe-
cialized expertise is ordinarily that of the
U.S., major foreign powers, and interna-
tional agencies; sufficient commonalities
exist by government types to offer a
framework to study more specialized
policies of minor powers and international
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Understanding how people learn, and in
particular how they learn to communicate, is
an important capability contributing to all Insti-
tute research efforts. In an effort to improve
the general acceptance and usefulness of
computer-based information systems, the Insti-
tute will draw on the field of education to
accomplish three objectives:
? Educate policy makers and other end
users of data in how information systems
can serve their purposes and in what
types of data are needed and available.
? Educate analysts and data-providers
(those who daily and actively use informa-
tion systems and serve policy makers) in
relevant policy areas, decision-making
techniques, and computer concepts.
? Educate developers of information
The Institute has the capability to increase
the awareness at all levels of what things can
or cannot be done, and to increase the effi-
ciency of communication from policy maker to
analyst to computer, and vice versa.
The field of law supports Institute re-
search in many direct and indirect ways. Spe-
cifically, the legal profession can contribute to
information science research through knowl-
edge of:
? Government grants and contracts
? The decision-making process
? Government regulations and program
administrative guidelines
Legal researchers trained in methodical,
organized, adversary procedures will assist in
developing a greater understanding of the
government decision-making process and the
role of information systems in this process. For
example, as more official government busi-
ness is conducted through and documented by
electronic media, attention must be given to
reassessing the legal status of nonpaper rec-
ords. Also, decision-making rules and the Ex-
ecutive Branch officials responsible for making
decisions are mandated by legislation in some
cases. The Institute's legal researchers recog-
nize such requirements in the application of
modern information systems to decision
Since the field of information science is
relatively new, no body of laws to govern in-
formation use has yet been developed. Surely
new laws for control will be created. A new
body of information laws is needed to permit
an increase in the flow of information while
continuing to provide individual and organiza-
tion privacy and protection. The collaboration
of lawyers and scientists to address this need
represents a powerful synergy.
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Economists serve the Institute in a variety
of ways in both macro and micro aspects of
the field. In macro policy, economists have
expertise in productivity analysis and growth
policy, dynamic equilibrium modeling, and
stabilization policies, both monetary and fiscal.
At the macro level, policy choice and
evaluation via optimization techniques and
cost/benefit analysis is a valuable input to
information science. In the subject area of
public finance, economists conduct analyses
of, the impacts and effectiveness of particular
expenditure programs and of specific taxes. In
the broad area of human resources, econo-
mists.have the expertise to evaluate education
and training policies and programs, manpower
development programs, and policies affecting
the functioning of labor markets.
In the area of natural resources and envi-
ronment, economists provide analysis of the
impacts of natural resource depletion, the im-
pacts of environmental regulation, and of the
complex trade-offs between environmental
quality, energy availability, access to an
adequate resource base, and economic
growth. In an urban context, economists
analyze problems and policies in transporta-
tion, housing, poverty, urban renewal and de-
velopment, as well as the regional distribution
of population and economic activity. Nearly all
economic problems, policies, and programs
have an urban as well as a national dimension.
At the level of the firm, economists can evalu-
ate the functioning of markets for goods and
services, the impacts of different kinds of regu-
lation on behavior of the firm and industry,
incentives and deterrents for investment, inno-
vation, and competition, and issues of informa-
tion about products and services and con-
sumer protection.
The "application of economic analysis to
public policy is so extensive that representa-
tion of the discipline at the Institute is essen-
tial. Public programs are almost never begun
or altered without contributions by economists
to such issues as program cost, distributional
impacts, and equity. Economic modeling is ex-
tensive, with diverse simulation methodologies
complementing the widely publicized
econometric forecasting approaches. In addi-
tion, economic theory underlies efforts to
clarify our understanding of prices., wages, and
. Economists contribute to the Institute as
analysts with experience in the application of
econometric modeling and related computing
tools to policy-relevant research. These
analysts are also a part of a user base adapt-
ing experimental tools in computer graphics,
data manipulation languages, etc., to policy
problems. They provide incisive critiques of
system designs since they are actively en-
gaged in what is for them "real" work.
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Areas in which the discipline of geography
contributes expertise are as follows:
? Urban Affairs. Urban land use, metropoli-
tan area planning, settlement patterns,
sequential occupance, diffusion schema.
Use of remote sensing to determine land
use change.
? Hazard and Pollution Perception and Con-
trol. Distribution, typology, occurrence and
perception, use planning controls.
? Resource Management and Conserva-
tion. Energy sources and use, minerals,
water management. Use of remote
? Demography. Population distributions, den-
sities, characteristics (age, sex, race,
education, income, health), migration
streams, labor force analysis, employment
and underemployment.
? Industrial Location. Spatial factors in-
fluencing distribution and other charac-
teristics of industry.
? Regional Planning. Holistic geographer
appraisal of areas. Spatial identification of
poverty pockets.
? Political Geography. Spatial patterns of
political phenomena (voting, representa-
tion, legislation); law enforcement.
? Climatology. Occurrence, patterns, rela-
tionship to agriculture, influence on land
? Agriculture. Regional distributions, den-
sities, production, spatial characteristics.
Holistic appraisal of agricultural regions.
Food-population balances.
? Cartography. Techniques of presentation
of spatially identifiable data (thematic map
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The Program of Policy Studies in Science
and Technology at George Washington Uni-
versity has twelve years of experience in mul-
tidisciplinary research in the requirements of
restructuring information so that it can be un-
derstood and used by a wide range of policy
people. This experience with the communica-
tion of policy information provides tangible in-
sight into the system's requirements from the
perspective of its many users. System defini-
tion, demonstration, evaluation, and adaptivity
all need to be considered in terms of the
needs of the professional policy-making envi-
ronment. The Institute presents an opportunity
to take an important step in the evolution of
information systems to assist the policy proc-
ess based upon a closed test facility and its
The Program of Policy Studies' Behavioral
Studies and Education policy group has exper-
tise in social, clinical, communication, and
computer-assisted information technologies for
education and training. Observation of related
psychological and contextual factors promises
to improve information systems performance.
The behavioral studies group has performed
studies and analyses of user needs in informa-
tion technology, education, technology utiliza-
tion, energy, and transportation areas.
The Technology Assessment group spe-
cializes in identification and evaluation of the
potential social, environmental, economic, and
demographic impacts of technological innova-
tions; in social forecasting; and in applied fu-
tures research. Recent studies have focused
on customer thermal energy storage systems,
electronic message delivery systems, modular
integrated utility systems, materials informa-
tion systems, transportation systems, retro-
spective technology assessment experiments,
the future of small rural communities, and an
update of technology assessment activities in
all Federal agencies.
The Legal and Institutional Studies group
specializes in analysis of legal and institutional
aspects of emerging and existing technologies
and in problems associated with legal and
regulatory decision making. Recent studies in-
clude legal-institutional implications of wind
energy conversion systems development; a
survey and analysis of state land use controls;
drafting of model ordinances related to auto
and motorcycle noise based on synopses of
U.S. and foreign statutes; and the role of state
governments in the regulation of civil air carrier
airports for the purpose of noise control.
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A major thrust of Institute research is the
design of user-oriented interactive computer
systems. Psychologists understand people,
and can bring that understanding to bear on
the design of interactive computer systems.
Several subdisciplines which are especially
relevant here are cognitive psychology, per-
ceptual psychology, experimental psychology,
and the applied psychology of human factors
engineering. Cognitive psychology helps us
understand how users acquire, organize, and
retrieve information within their own informa-
tion system-the human mind. Perceptual
psychology helps explain how users see in-
formation displays. Experimental psychology
brings us specific experimental results plus the
methodology to test hypotheses about the
users of information systems. Human factors
engineering applies psychology (and physiol-
ogy) to the detailed design and layout of user
devices and data presentations.
One of the goals of interactive systems is
symbiosis between the user and the computer,
wherein the user becomes unaware of the
details of communicating with the computer
and hence becomes involved in the problem-
solving process. While this result is rarely
completely attained, it represents a significant
design goal.
The principal task of the user-computer
dialogue designer is to adapt the computer to
the user, by studying the way the user works
and processes the information the computer
presents. This exacting research can result in
easy-to-use, "user-friendly," computer systems
which bring substance and reality to the often
unrealized potential of computers to aid in
policy analysis and decision making.
The sociology of science, of social stratifi-
cation, and of formal organization all contribute
to Institute research on information science.
The uses and consequences of science and
technology must be considered when develop-
ing new information systems. The incorpora-
tion of those designs into offices with informa-
tion networks must take into consideration
existing personnel and organizational relation-
ships. Sociologists will help ensure that inte-
grated systems augment rather than erode
government, management, and organization
Research on the decision-making process
and resource allocation in government re-
quires the input of sociologists who study the
fundamental laws of social relations and insti-
tutions. Research on information systems
which increase society's capacity for cen-
tralization while pressures for decentralization
are mounting requires input from the discipline
of sociology. The development of increased
technological capacity for task breakdown will
have significant impact on professional work
domains and here again sociologists provide
insight into the different capabilities and work-
ings of government and social institutions. This
insight is essential to the effective develop-
ment of appropriate information systems.
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The operating budget anticipated for the
initial five-year period for the Institute for In-
formation Science and Technology is based on
funding from six major sources: endowment
income, foundation support, government
grants and contracts, industrial contract re-
search, general contributions, and income
from publications, seminars, and Resource
Center services.
It is envisioned that a selected small
number of major industrial organizations and
foundations interested in information science
and technology will be approached with a re-
quest for funds to endow the institute. The
endowment sought, $15 million, will provide a
secure base. of operations for the Institute, and
allow core staff maximum flexibility in refining
research agenda and preparing proposals for
future research efforts. In the first year, an
endowment of $3 million is sought, with no
income available for first-year expenditures.
Initial planning and organization monies
and beginning research tasks will be largely
funded by. grants and contracts from Federal
government agencies. A total FY 1980 income
of $665,000 is planned. Of this total, $399,000
has been secured as of December 1979. In
addition, two government visiting scholars hav-
ing a combined support cost of $140,000 are in
residence providing first-year research contri-
butions at the Institute. An additional $10,000
of government-furnished equipment has also
been provided the first year.
First-Year Funding
Foundation Support
$ 50,000
Government Grants/ Contracts
-proposals pending
-George Washington
Value of two Visiting
Government Fellows
Total Research Support
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As outlined earlier in the plan of the Insti-
tute, a relatively small core staff will be em-
ployed for the management of the Institute, the
preparation of proposals, and the organization
and management of internal educational pro-
grams for visiting scholars and interns. By
maintaining a small permanent staff and em-
ploying faculty and consultants from the many
disciplines of the university, the portion of
funds devoted to direct research expenditures
can be maximized.
The Institute will be responsive to grant
programs, requests for proposals, and other
funding sources in the Federal government in
order to increase research support and to ad-
dress problems related to its central research
programs. In instances where industrial re-
search efforts are coincident or are closely
allied with established Institute research pro-
grams, contracts will be actively sought for
such research.
General financial donations will be ac-
cepted from individuals, organizations, and
Products of Institute research and devel-
opment efforts in the form, of books, publica-
tions, and scholarly papers will be available for
sale. Income from seminars and conferences
will also be realized. The Resource Center for
information science and technology will gener-
ate income by providing research services to
interested organizations, researchers, and the
general public.
Details of the sources of funds for the
initial five-year operating period are provided
below. All figures are stated in 1979 monetary
value and do not account for the effect of
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(in thousands of dollars)
Endowment received
(cumulative total)
Endowment Income
$ 300
$ 1,000
$ 1,500
$ 1,500
Foundation Support
Government Grants/
$ 50
Industrial Contract
(individuals, corporations)
Income from Resource
Center & Seminars
$ 665
$ 1,165
$ 2,010
$ 2,820
$ 3,255
(1) In terms of 1979 dollar value
(2) Currently funded
(3) $35 currently funded
(4) Does not include the value of visiting scholars, fellows, or interns provided by parent organizations, nor the value of
government-furnished equipment
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Expenditures during the initial five-year
operating period will support a small core staff
the first year, and an expansion to double the
staff size in the second year. A modest in-
crease of one added staff person during each
of the next three years is planned.
Direct research program expenditures ap-
proximately double each year until the fifth,
when there will be only a minimal increase.
A summary of expenses followed by a
description of expense categories follows.
? Core staff salaries: five full-time staff (plus
student assistants) for the first year, and
twelve full-time staff (plus student assis-
tants) for the second and subsequent
years. Positions are as noted in Section 3,
and salaries conform to the Federal Civil
Service Commission maximums for re-
lated job categories.
? Fringe benefits: based on a fringe benefit
rate of 16.5% of all salaries and wages.
? Indirect expenses: based on an indirect
cost rate of 68%. Included in this expense
category are office facilities of 2500 sq. ft.
the first year and 6000 sq. ft. the second
? Office furniture and equipment
(purchase/lease): office furniture, word
processing equipment, typewriters, cal-
culators, tape recorders, copy machines,
projectors, and other necessary furniture
and equipment.
? Travel expenses: funds for staff, visiting
scholars, and research faculty to attend
conferences and meetings, visit other re-
search institutions, and observe demon-
strations and systems developments.
? Publications/Dissemination: includes the
development and dissemination of bro-
chures and information announcing the
formation of the Institute and the availabil-
ity of positions. As research programs
produce interim and final results, technical
publications will be disseminated.
? Advisory Council expenses: based on
meetings held three times a year to review
research activities of the Institute.
? Conferences/Seminars: Institute-sponsored
seminars and conference meetings to dis-
cuss research agenda, disseminate find-
ings, and bring together scholars and prac-
titioners to discuss research activities. As
the level of research increases, the number
of such conferences will increase.
? Research staff.- the resident professional
staff consists of senior fellows, senior re-
search associates, and research assistants.
These staff members represent the spec-
trum of experience and seniority in the field
of information science and are the major
research program contributors.
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(in thousands of dollars)
Institute Organization:
Core Staff Salaries
$ 245
$ 260
$ 290
$ 320
Fringe Benefits
Indirect Expenses
Furniture & Equipment
Publications/ Dissemination
Advisory Council Expenses
Research Program Support:
Research Staff (2)
Visiting Scholars/
Adjunct Fellows/
Research Associates
Student Assistants
Special Research
Computer Services
Research and Development
$14=1 65
(1) In terms of 1979 dollar value
(2) Where appropriate includes fringe benefits and indirect expenses
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? Visiting scholars/fellows: most will con-
tinue to have their salaries paid for by
their sponsoring organization, while some
will be supported by Institute funds.
? Adjunct fellow/research associates: staff
normally not in residence at the Institute.
Such researchers will reside at univer-
sities, government agencies, or industrial
organizations, and serve a key role in the
Institute's research plan as full-time or
part-time contributors.
? Consultants: recognized national and in-
ternational experts retained for necessary
services and research inputs on particular
tasks, or for the preparation of specialized
? Government/Industry interns: includes
expenses required to support the intern
program. Normally the sponsoring organi-
zation will continue supporting the intern's
? Student assistants: includes clerical, ad-
ministrative, messenger, receptionist, re-
search assistant, and equipment operator
? Special research services: includes con-
tracts and grants to other organizations
for the conduct of certain research ac-
tivities which support the Institute's pro-
grams but for which the Institute does not
have expertise available.
? Computer services: all forms of computer
services obtained when necessary and in-
tegral to the Institute's research programs.
? Research and development equipment:
computer and terminal equipment includ-
ing a medium scale computer, a three-
dimensional line-drawing display, a high-
resolution and a medium-resolution color
raster display, several terminals and dis-
plays, a DIDS terminal, a color film re-
corder, a telecommunications network,
and others.
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This report was initially produced on a The color photographs were taken from a
word processor and telecommunicated to a computer graphics display presentation.
computer phototypesetter.
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