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STAT Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 c.Q s =Aware `of :. the Dan}(~~ers Around- Us today's,, realities:. Freedom.. sometimes survi- .val., depends on awareness. Governments;' no less: than individuals, can do a better job :if more relevant today. Military parity, economic interdependence : and political activism 'are The American intelligence community has- been the eyes and ears of the United States overseas for over 30 years. Simple rationale: It. is better to know what is happening around us than to be surprised While originally a reac- .tion to Pearl Harbor, that rationale is even American' businessman; : a . Soviet: :delegation changes its negotiating goals;'a ship carrying illegal . narcotics, enters . U.S.- coastal~?waters.: Elements of a LeCarre novel? No. Real life? . Yes. Worth knowing? That's up to you. ARTICLE APPEARED ON PAGE 7 Pt XL Y?STANSFIELD.TURNER , A terrorist organization plans to-kidnap.= 1 plan, ahead. This is neither utegat nor sinister. ..,0The:: United-~ States is an open society:. Foreigners can move freely and unnoticed in our midst . The quantities of published infor- oration'about everything that we do exceeds any . individual's.:.capacity. to absorb it.-The KGB's job is easY:c:.::.: ..:.....::. .~. i,s The CIA's job-collecting Information about other. countries as well as international activi- ties-is' a little more difficult, Terrorists and drug traffickers do not advertise. Many coun- 'tries whose -actions affect us' directly - are .closed. There is no opportunity to learn about All: nations work hard. at: being better .in- 'formed :.Unfortunately in"recent . years this has become harder- for-usand easier. for, our is'cont i1ed; : their. governments function in' secret;'and foreign initiatives are often taken :? without" explanation. Surprise is a. routine strategy. ,: ::.. ; ... : Although we are. at' a disadvantage in this qquest for information, none of- us would trade phis openness for the short-term advantages of unnecessarysecrecy. Nonetheless, if we are to function' successfully in a world :where closed societies compete with us economically; ? politica!!y and militarily; where our general public, are not denied any information ' on their ac- that they need. to ensure that what the. CIA ing is in some measure depeOdent lions and our ability to anticipate them, we too does is both legal and proper. The executive must jreservesome secrets lest we lose all :and legislative branches share this responsi= leverage. " ` ; ". ? ''': bitity through the personal involvement of the I ,..~ The intelligence community in particular is President and the Vice President. the National." out; of .business unless It: can ensure a? large Security Council, the new Intelligence. Over- degree of confidentiality in what it does. The sight Board and the two new, in the past two Russian who passes his delegation's change in years, Select Committees on intelligence itf ; negotiating strategy to .us; the'agent who can the House and Senate.. become a member of a terrorist organization and, thereafter- keep us Informed of Its plans, the allied Intelligence agencies that Work with us 'to .watch and thwart International- drug trafficking-none,will take the obvious risks if THE LOS ANGELES TIMES 11 September 1978 we cannot guarantee their' anonymity; With1-~ Secrecy, while it. .can be used to' hide mi: the organized. effort underway today to un II. deeds and mistakes, can also enable us to lear ..more about those who could harm us. der ever American intelligence officers and acts '. =vities-in the real or feigned belief., that this. ~ them. th'e. advantage of surprise, and ensu; will benefit the United States-the ability to, that our decisions are based on fact rath; protect these intelligence sources and 'meth-..;'than surmise. In itself, secrecy Is neither got nor bad, moral nor'immoral In the, ne ods is in danger..; Is the threat to America- of terrorism "and'. oversight bodies we have a responsive,' wet lawlessness real? Is there a danger that the conceived mechanism capable for perhaps t1 United States could in time lose its position of . first time of controlling. government secret leadership in .:the .world. and. maybe' some and secret activities adequately. I suggest th we give it a chance. I-?' Adm. Stanfield Turner is the director of. they Cent ral Intelligence Agency. degree of its free choice? Is',it 'worthwhile to pursue..hard=to-get'information :"so ?=thatl, decision-makers can know what other coun- tries actually plan rather than guessing what they might be planning? The decision is really up to the American citizen, _ But, if your an $wer . to . any of .those ..questions is yes, .then some individual, or group,- call. it the CIA or call itwhatever you will, must go dig out the information. `:..::.'.., :..... .; : ~... , , , . , Anti-Intelligence: protagonists will claim; ipse . dizit-that; while these. examples may seem reasonable, the intelligence community,' and the CIA in particular,,Is involved also in skulduggery of, a less savory nature. As proof, a - litany of past' abuses-some' actual, ~ many imagined-is recited There is no question that Intelligence capa-: bilities were misused in the past, albeit very: uently . There Is also no `question that the anuses that did occur were thoroughly in..., vestigated by' the .Church committee,' ? the Rockefeller commission and others, and do not continue to, exist. Anyone who is'more: than superficially informed.on intelligence matters, and who-is willing. to?be honest, knows that the CIA is operating more openly and is under tighter; controls, today than at any time in its . history. Ad,while secrecy remains indispensable to serious intelligence work. the several new 'oversight. bodies, acting as'surrogates for the Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501250001-8 TACOMA NEWS TRIBUNE 29 August 1978 Mor&openness for CIA There is a new and welcome. openness, spies are. necessary sense of openness being dis- and a degree of secrecy must be played by the Central Intelli- exercised if the nation is to pro-- gence Agency. An example was tect itself from foreign enemies. the recent appearance in San' It is unrealistic to believe that Diego, 'Calif., of CIA Director America would not be harmed if Stansfield Turner in. which he an unfriendly nation could easi- discussed CIA opeations candid- ly learn our secrets. ly before a public audience. It is, this message=-that intel- ? Turner's appearance, is part of :ligence activity is essential for a frank bid for public support to?? the wellbeing, of thet nation- counter negative criticism that that Turner is trying to get has plagued. the nation's _intelli- across: to. the American. people: gene-gathering community, for the past several years.. There ~s the danger, of course, Part of Turner's public-reIa "that- more. candor and openness tions- campaign involves -outlin- by the intelligence community ing the system of checks..and will increase the potential for balances that have been_estab- leaks, -thereby perhaps jeopard lished to monitor CIA activities. izing some espionage efforts. It The system. includes:-two con- is a risk that will have-to-be gressional oversight committees taken:: and a- special. three-man, Intelli- By. allowing more light to gence Oversight Board.-They are:,-:. shine. on CIA activities, Director there to guard against the sort Turner is taking.the necessary, of abuses that were.-. revealed - . step toward gaining a. renewal of during the Watergate investiga- the public support that is needed tions. if our intelligence apparatus is Still, even in this new era of to be effective. G -7j - Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501250001-8 STAT Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 o - &el Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 ARTICLE APPEARED ON PAGE 10 Pt.1 0 LOS ANGELES TIMES 11 September 1978 Romanian Intelligence, s * tjefi~cbQn 5~fidrs Storrr GD BONN-Ion Pacepa was a lieutenant general' in the Romanian secret service. He held a key post in a state that like other Communist na- tions maintains a massive security force. ready to crack down on any sign pf subversion or in=; ternal dissent. He was also a close associate of. the Romanian president, Nicolae Ceausescu. Pacepa had access to far more than,Rona- nia's secrets. For despite Romania's indepe'n-. dent ventures in foreign affairs,.the country's intelligence services maintain close ties with Times StaH writer their counterparts in the Soviet Union and oth So Pacepa's defection to the West last July. 28, while he was on a trade mission to Cologne, represents a the silent East-West war of espionage. Just :how important can be seen in the reverberations that have shaken the Romanian Communist Party and ? government since the 50-year-old general slipped away. Western diplomats in. Bucharest, report that at least a dozen top officials have been arrested and demoted since the Pacepa defection. A sig- nificant change occurred Wednesday when In- terior Minister Teodor Coman, the official re= sponsible for state security; was suddenly re- placed by GeorgeHomostean. Although said to have little or no security experience, Homos- lean is a trusted party functionary. : The, defection has also shaken the West Ger- .'~ .man government Pacee, believed to be in a. safe place near, CI ad gar ers in Lan le ,Va. reportedly has 'told his CIA ' interro aters'. .that-there u 'st spies m i aces m :the Bonn,. overnment~ITis is and y a novel.., disclosure inasmuc as West Germany, because ,of its location and recent history, is particularly' vulnerable to espionage: According to various sources and reports .published here, Pacepa has named at least six West German politicians as East bloc spies.. Thus far the names of only two have surfaced -Uwe Holtz, a member of -Parliament and Joachim Broudre-Groeger, an aide to Egon Bahr; an architect of West Germany's.* con- troversial Ostpolitik, - which seeks closer ties with the East. Both Holtz and Broudre-Groeger have denied any wrongdoing. ff ?Pacepa's alleged charges have '. triggered a major .controversy here, and aroused wide-. spread suspicion that there may be less espion age and far more partisan politics involved. ' 11 Critics note that all the alleged spies are' members of Chancellor Helmut Schmidt's Social Democratic Party; the senior partners in the ruling coalition with the small.Free Democratic. Party. The accusations, they note, come just a few weeks before important regional elections are held Oct: 8 in_Hesse and Bavaria:.The elec- tion is viewed important test of'Schniidt's popularity. Unless an early election is called, he. will remain in office until 1980.. The election will also .'be?a:test`of: the'coa$=' tion's 'ability : to.. remain : in : : power The * Free. Democratic Party:was ? defeatedin ?JJ regional elections in Hamburg and' Lower Saxony last ,June at the Hands of the so-called green parties...: environmental and antiestablishtnent groups. Holt4 considered one of the Social Democrat is Party's rising young stars; "? and . Broudre Groeger are. both members of. the party's left wing-a favorite target of the conservative op- position Christian Democratic Union, and its Bavarian partner, the Christian Socialist Union. '., `. Broudre-Groeger ;was a key aide to Bahr. in formulating the Ostpolitik,:.a major program of former Chancellor Willy Brandt;,who resigned, from office in 1974 :following revelations-that .one of his key aides was a Communist spy. Neither Pacepa nor anyone else has accused.; Bahr of being a spy: The ,agents . supposedly:!! identified by. Pacepa' are;,.said:'to.:be,:like Broudre-Groeger, indiyjduals close; to hiin `;? I ?Bahr'ahd his associates, according to reports;! in conservative newspapers opposed to Social,-11 Democratic: policies, formulated'a plan.under?I which West Germany would eventually, .with t,:! draw from the North. Atlantic, Treaty:,Organiza=:. tion and set itself on a-nonaligned course. In return,. the Russians reportedly - would give the West Germans a nonaggression pledge and open the way. for a reunited, neutral East and West Germany. The U.S. government..:has said;has seem .evidence of such a plan.: = .'.-: ? :::: ~: This concept surfaced 'in .. a: remark by President' Carter's national security advf- ser,. Zbigniew. Brzeainski;. that the Schmidt government was set on a course of .-Self-! Finlandization," a reference to the preca-l rfous neutrality Finland maintains alon?7.1 side its powerful neighbor;, the'. Soviet - .: Union. Pacepa's alleged statements;proriptedi emergency session last week of the 'Bunn destag,.the lower house of West Germany!g, parliament, . which stripped- Holtz of;.his parliamentary immunity.-.._ The vote was, urianimous,''*.Floh-r-bein-g! among those voting to deny him protection: against a police search, which as far as.' 111 known has uncovered no evidence sugt port the charges...:. .__.. ,. .~ i Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 ON PAGE E-4F`ED A ;.I ALE AF ornaniatiesj By Erie Bourne Special correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor Vienna The recent defection of a high-level Romanian security offi- tcer to the United States has imposed a sudden strain on U.S.- Romanian relations. U .S'. State Department Counsellor Matthew Nimitz, who is described as a general trouble shooter, has paid a flying visit to Bucharest to try to ease an acutely embarrassing turn in Romania's relations with Washington. As 'a "soothing" mission, as it' was unofficially termed, it does not. seem to have been particularly successful. Signifi- cantly, Mr.-: Nimitz's visit was not noted by the Romanian media which normally are meticulous in such instances. - .' While American sources say "it is business as usual in our relations," other observers say the visit has done little to re- move President Nicolae Ceausescu's displeasure and the strain.. imposed on relations by the defection.. As a result, the Soviet Union will be watching the case very closely. The Kremlin already was angered by__the spectacle of__ Romania's playing host last month to their ideological enemy from Peking Inevitably, it is pointed out, the Romanian defector, Lt. Gen. Ion Pacepa, would have had some access to material highly sensitive to the Kremlin. - And it is this fear that an opening may have, been created for new Soviet pressures that is causing misgivings in Buch- arest at a time when clouds hang over the most important of Romania's wider Western relationships.. Trade Irritation These days .Romanian officials are unable to evince any spe- cial enthusiasm about the American connection. Romania, for instance, has already been irked by its failure to persuade Washington to place its trade agreement on a long-term basis in place of the present annual review in order to facilitate planning for the 1980s. - The latest chill in the relationship. between the. two countries was tied. to the disappearance in West Germany about six weeks: ago of General Pacepa, a state secretary in the Mur 12 September 1978 detection jars istry of the Interior which controls Romania's secret police. and security services. . The general belonged also to a carefully chosen group of special counselors close to President Ceausescu - and had ac- companied him on many of his overseas visits, including the recent one to the U.S. - General Pacepa "disappeared" in West Germany in late July. At the time he was with a mission discussing a partner- ship between Romania's aviation enterprise and a German- Dutch company for the building of a'short-range passenger air- liner: Shortly afterward, it became known. that he had been flown by the CIA to the U.S. The subsequent investigation which-swept through the secu-. rity services has already involved the removal of two govern- ment ministers and reportedly also the detention of at least a dozen senior Army and security officers. Dismissals,not explained One of the dismissed government members is Interior Min- ister Teodor Coman, a member also of the party's political ex- ecutive. The other is Nicolae Doicaru, another presidential counselor and one-time first deputy interior minister. No explanation for dismissal was given. in either case. A link with the Pacepa case would seem evident In a long talk with this reporter, during the mid-August visit of Chinese Chairman Hua .Kuo-feng. a. very senior official in the Romanian Foreign Ministry curtly declined to discuss the I general's defection to the U.S. or the possibility- of its ad- versely affecting the "special" relationship Romania has, es- tablished with Washington despite its commitments within the :. . Soviet bloc. But from informal talks with. other semiofficial contacts it is clear that. the Pacepa case is. causing considerable appreheo- sion that a defection from a group so close to the President could cloud not only relations with the U.S. but prove also an acute embarrassment in Romania's ever sensitive ties with the U.S.S.R. -71Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 STAT &_ Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 _d- Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 BENTON.HARBOR:HERALD-PALLADIUM (MI.) 1 September 1978 PTA Men. Its....Own Secitrit Officials of the Central In- knowledge. The 'agency still might telligence Agency probatJty,would. be in the dark if the FBI has not be among a first. to admit agency come around asking if . such. a security is something less that it' document was missing. ought to be. First there were. the .';When . the former -,employee; ex-agents who wrote books exposing -William P. Kampiles, was arrested, other agents and no doubt causing.. it '-was.said his alleged crime had serious disruptions>.-,in.?,the in done "irreparable. harm" to=the telligence linkage. United States. Later, an unnamed Now it is alleged..., a::. former., .:official was quoted as saying the employee of the agency, a law-level.::harry .'done, wasn't all that-,-bad employee at, that. not only.. had ac= because "the Russians' .know:: this cess to secret documents copcernig Y`satellite has. been in orbit:. taking! the ".big bird" reconnaissance sa picture of their country for. some! tellites..but sold a technical manual time of the project to the Russians. It0s`a safe. bet any material the, As if that weren't enough;:;the. Russians.were willing to.payan.ex stolen document' apparently. ~-has.. -: CLk agent: for is something: not been missing a year, without.-.CIA..;.: helpful to the United States to. be revealed. ': When; :the Senate-.::.In telligence Committee has finished investigating this latest securit blunder,, it' should have . , some interesting,-,suggestions on, how- the CIA once again can. become,"a:usefu intelligence. agency n:!_;:._.j' ~.,, Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO0620R000501250001-8 -o Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 CHICAGO SUN-TIMES 3 September 1978 (0 Many loose ends. in 'case of -former CIA ..employe char. ged ~-wittelling ultra sensitive defense secrets to:.- soviet Union for $3, 000. By Brian .Kelly William Peter Kampiles, accused of- selling... a Soviet agent-the most sensitive !-.fens, secrets this-country has lost In decades,.. is either one of the more damaging traitors In: the history of U.S. Intelligence of a man living a: hlghtmare that would seem more plausible- as the-plot of a. clever spy,thriller.- His -case - Is full -of many unexplained details.-For Instance, It was Kampiles who volunteered to the FBI the information; that. led to his arrest, according to sources famil- iar with the case. After returning from- a trip to, Greece; Kampiles is said by the sources to have told former CIA colleagues that. he . had been contacted by Russian agents- seeking Intelli- gence Information.' Kampiles Is said by the sources to have offered to act. as a double agent, passing false, Information. to the Sovi- ets.. It was after. the FBI, questioned him about this that they. decided to charge him With espionage. IT WAS ALSO Kampiles who'told the FBI about the missing document he. was ' later charged with.stealing. It. was the first indi cation the government had- that the. docu- ment was gone.- - The 23-year-old Chicago. area man Is de- scribed by' friends as attractive. likeable even patriotic:. He's had several high-paying;.:, interesting jobs and his background Is. any thing but suspicious.:::..t-. ' .:.: = But. Kampiles, sitting in a. federal:. prison cell here, is the- main character in a - curious..; and preplexing espionage: case that . has: caused concern at ' the highest levels. of .` government... A federal Indictment Iliad last ..week . charges that in late winter of this year, the former CIA, employe traveled to, Athens. While there, -the indictment says, he'.sold a technical manual to a Russian agent called ! "Michael," for $3,000. The indictment charges him with six counts of espionage T and theft of government secrets, charges that could result in several' terms of life Imprisonment if he is-convicted. He Is being. held in lieu of $1 million cash bond: '....... BUT BEYOND THE sparse indictment, the government is saying nothing: All the sup- porting documents that are supposed to. detail the crime have been sealed and every. federal,. agency involved-from the CIA and FBI to=-the- Senate Intelligence .Committee- will offer. only a -curt "no comment.". The government's contention Is that If the documents;. Kampiles= Is accused of stealing 'and the:dreumstances surrounding their loss . .become public; it could ;"Irreparably damage - national security." :The'stolen document Is-- widely believed to be., an 85-page manual describing a top-secret photographic surveil- lance satellite. The satellite, nicknamed-'"Big Bird," Is used to monitor Soviet-military activity and takes pictures with remarkable clarity. It- is:.-considered a central element. of. the: U.S. Intelligence-gathering operation . and -the most crucial part of the strategic arms, limitation verification system. The-case- has already. raised some serious" questions for the Intelligence communitymost prominently how, a low-level'- officer could have access, to such a- document and bow it could be missing. for almost a year before anyone found out, But there are also questions about Kam- piles' alleged involvement. His background gives no indication of any motivation for selling the: document,--his-position:, with. the . agency makes .it unlikely-:that. be-could have . accomplished.`such-a, sale: _ : r_: _ strategic Importance, What' makes' Iran 'so crucial is its geopoliti- 'most of the $20? billion in-U.S.. arms the Shah cal position Former U.S. Ambassador to Iran..; has asked for in the 1970s have. been sold to -and ex-CIA chief Richard Helms once brief him. Congress and the U.S. administration, this re porter in his embassy"office in Tehrap..: with. a few recent exceptions,. approved them "Iran, he said, pointing to a conic map pro gladly' jection that illustrated his point. "is in political; ::. As the Shah faces both popular hostility and . terms, the real center of the world." apparently organized subversion from a broad Iran's extended land and Caspian Sea fron- spectrum- of his people, he resorts to growing tiers with the Soviet Union,' violated by the So- ` military' might to suppress - it. The human viet Red Army in the 1920s. and-again between rights dilemma in Iran suddenly takes center 1941 and 1946, have grown tougher. to defend stage again - both for him and for Presideht Afghanistan, which has sensitive tribal and wa-, y ter problems with both Iran and..Pakistan: . 7 Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 STAT a_ aj Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 _a- Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 THE WASHINGTON POST ARTICLE APPEARED 11 September 1978 ON PAGE A-3 Guesswhere the Central Intel- ligence Agency sends its spy sat- ellite '-pictures-to be' . developed. and- printed? The same place everybody else, sends their vacation pictures. East man Kodak in Rochester, N.Y.. Not the same photo lab, of course. ? The CIA has :its own. safeguarded lab at the-- Kodak :works, which sends the- finish .ed::: prints to a windowless:. build ing:. at ?,i the Washington.. Navy Yard ? calledthe- National: Photo- graphic Interpretation Center;-.- CIA:- ! 'headquarters-at Langley doesn't' get to. see, the prints.. What the headquarters types get are the interpretations of the prints that are made by the experts. at. the Navy Yard. - The, prints,--are filed in super-tough safes in the same windowless building at., the Navy Yard. --r~ Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501250001-8 Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 CHICAGO TRIBUNE 13 September 1978 THE NOW SOCIETY 1"You. give no vibrations. Are:you a spy?" Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 CD , Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 ARTICLE.APPEARED ON PAGE-C 3_ THE WASHINGTON POST 10 September 1978 ItIh Trial' gists ONDON= For the first time since the notorious British Official Secrets Act was passed. in. 1911,. two journalists went on trial here last: week. facing charges under the act's espionage section.. It convicted, they face prison terms of up to 14 years...: Their alleged crime. is to 'have delved too deeply into one of the most sensitive areas of any government's operations, communications -intelligence. One- of them. a brilliant 25. year-old Oxford physics graduate named Duncan Campbell, is accused of having his" apartment stuffed full of informa- :lion which -could' be of direct use to an'enemy: The govern- n ent has never suggested" that the information was passed to an enemyagent=or,indeed,;that Campbell' intended" to do so: Under the act it doesn't'have toc wis an offense sim- ply to eollectany information about the workings of govern- If the journalists go free - or are: Convicted :with token sentences -the trial could. in the long run, help toshift the boundary line between official. information.and the public's right to: know ma : country where, a civil servant.who tells anyone how many cups of -tea the governmentgives him in :2 day. faces: twayears' imprisonment under along: discred- ited section of the Official.SeeretsAct- as does the person '.:. :towhom hetells this. Already the'pce?trls' hearing have' put the'government and the judiciary' in some unflattering poses. In one embarL rassing episode. the government sought to keep, secret the identity of the Defense Ministry's star witness, but reporters on two left-wing .fringa papers discovered the, name from public.sources and . printed it.'Ia'another gesture: of defi- ance, the witness' name. was written In huge letters in the sand. outside the seaside -hotel where-a journalists' confer ence was... bio'Qeld: ;-, - ( .~. . .. Sl7 i. %:. Two Newsmen Are Firs To Be Tried..Unde'rp: lounge Section 'o 1Official Secrets-:Ac moreover, an important connection has emerged between II the Campbell affair and the summary expulsion from Brit. aizti last year of _CIA whisteblQwer Philip Agee and U.S. jour. nallst Mark 'HosenbalkiNo- explanation-was ever given by the Labor- government for' the Agee-Hosenballexpulsion, ? and support for their plight-from British journalists and civil libertarians was muted: In. comparison, the Campbell case has produced some fiery reactions: :Even members of ?Parliament.helped expose the Defense Minhtry's star wit.' mess by, mentioning his name ln'the House of Commons. Radical... watchdog. groups have: joined. the fray: seeking more openness in government here.:~;-; _ ;;:?: ,: 'A Strai htforward Defense;"` EM . DEFENSEof the two journallift Campbell, who ie on' the staff of the New ? Statesman; -and' Crispin Aubrey, 31; a reporter on the radical London-weekly Time Out, is straightforward: They were collecting information is the course of their' reporting duties,:.. and that information was all public It includes details of communications intelli- gence gleaned from a former British army signal corps spe- cialist, John Berry,.. 33, whom. the two journalists inter- viewed immediately before they were arrested, in February, =1977..Berry was arrested. with. them and is also, charged under'the"espionage clause" of the act. The case has be. .come: known as the "ABC.,Affair, after the names oL the `ahree defendants..: a ? '? J~U_ 6:3 Berry's.defense 3s not so easy: He` was- arrested in. the 'act of Offering, the journalists the benefitof 'his experiences is the army, in flagrant contradiction of thea he-had signed as a government employe.. Exactly what he told them may never be known, as that. part of the trial will. be held in camera. The.government's case is that the journalists, in-particular Campbell, whose expertise gave him a special insight into the meaning of the information, had. stepped beyond the. boundary -of what should reasonably be public information. = . The Official Secrets Act was first passed In.1889 after a foreign _office minion embarrassed the government by give Ll~;` COSTS" Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 l 01 Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 ?Ing a newspaper the details of a proposed. treaty with Rue. sia. The act was reinforced twice - once in 1911, during a Rave of fear of German spies, and again. in 1920, after the Irish uprisings. The act has-two main parts: Section one was originally designed-to cover espionage and Section-Two- .the discredited part-covers any government information, including cups of tea. The three defendants at.first.were charged under Section Two of the act. But three months after their arrest, the government took' the unusual. step of u:c adding the Section One charges. Several. previous cases under Section Two of the act have involved journalists, including a newspaper reporter who. was charged with receiving information' on police move- ments fronia telephone operatorand was fined $20. A sea and journalist, charged with receiving and publishing a con. fidential Foreign Office report about.the Nigerian civil, war, was acquitted. ' Until now, no journalist had been charged under Section One. . At the time of the arrests last year it seemed, on the sm% face at least, that Campbell and Aubrey had been picked up simply because they had interviewed Berry. Tight-lipped officials gave no clue' that there, might be some connection with the deportation of Agee and Hosea ball. a' few days earlier. Campbell. and'.Hosenball had re- cently published an article in Time Out revealing the wide. spread . monitoring of international, airwaves -by British army intelligence. For the first time the acronym SIGINT, as the branch of the army's secret signals intelligence opera. tions is known, was published in the popular press. Al- though there was no official'complaint about-the article, it was widely thought that Hosenballwas deported because of it. .. ':: j .:.. ,' Berry, who is now a social worker, had offered his sera does to the Agee-Hosenbai defense. committee, hoping to .provide them. with information.. which would prevent Hosenball's deportation. A Former Phone Freak C AMPBETI, with his technical''expertlse, had been brought in by Time Out to quiz the soldier on communi- cations intelligence.. Before going to the interview, Camp bell noted a declaration in the House of Home Secretary Merlyn Rees,, which in effect said that under the Labor government's promised reform of Section Two of the Official Secrets Act,: mere receipt of official. information would not, be an offense..;(This-promise was repeated in a. government white paper: on the reform of the act last July.) But it didn't work out that way... Despite his youth, Campbell is a well-known *communica- tions specialist While.still? at Oxford,.where he obtained a first-class- degree in physics; he amazed and annoyed: the bureaucrats who run the nationalized British telephone Sys- 'ten by cracking their dialing codes before they were pub.- lished, thus enabling him to make long distance calls at local rates. Campbell's favorite prank was to tall' the maternity wing of Bethlehem's hospital on Christmas Eve to give his best wishes to all new births. Campbell. became associated with a secret phone freaks club. In'a celebrated case,.the Post Office, which runs the phone system, had all the club members' arrested at a clan- destine convention in 1973 After an elaborate trial the group. was acquitted, the judge dismissing them as intellea. tual.pranksters.... " ' After Oxford; Campbell began to write for technical mar gazines on communications and in one article trod on more official toes by revealing that Britain was in the process of selling South Africa a sophisticated: communications net- work, usable for internal military purposes, in defiance of the United Nations arms embargo.-. Despite the absence of any official reaction to his increas: ingly sensitive articles, Campbell must have been annoying the British intelligence community. The area in which he: used his specialized ;knowledge had never been probed ,quite so professionally. by any journalist, and those Intelli- gence officials who had been operating behind the cover of the Official Secrets Act didn't like it. After th& arrest- detectives from the Special Branch, Br- tain's?FBI, presumably acting on orders from MI5, the inter- 3W security police, began to investigate Campbell's contacts. An old friend who' had sent him a Christmas card had his, apartment searched. A monk who had told-him about some strange4ookingantennae on a hi71'in northern England was i investigated.. The monkis to produce evidence for the prose.. The Secret Witness..-, . _...,. _ _ . T A HEARING;. Campbell's- lawyers: argued that "See. Alion One of.the act was designed for use against skunks -against spies, saboteurs and traitors,"'not "against a, fetes' ret, an investigative journalist, like Duncan Campbell, a journalist who had gone about his business zealously, per. have overenthusiastically, but not dislaalty." - The question of disloyalty under the act, however, hangs. not on whether Campbell passed on the-information but on.~ the fact that he collected it and on the fact that the Defense. Ministry'says it is of use to an enemy. To date, the'prosecu tion has not alleged that any of the information collected by-1 Campbell was either official or secret. The evidence against Campbell consists'of about: 1,000 pages of material copied. from his files. , M:.. . Sere enters the extraordinary episode of the unveiling of the ministry's star witness. It is not uncommon in a? British court of law for. a witness to be given anonymity.- to pro. .test a. rape or blackmail victim. But, for verification pur- poses, the' name is always known to. both prosecution and defense counsel The, government sought to go beyond this 'rule of thumb. The identity of their first shadowy expert;* "Lt CoL A,"'was so secret, they said, that the- defense law- yers must not have-his name. The magistrates objected::say ing this was unacceptable- procedure:? Sothearmy produced 'a'"CoL B:" His name was given to the 'defense lawyers, who were instructed to keepit secret. Under pre-trial crossexamination,."CoL B"'admittedthat his name had appeared in the officiar'journal of the Royal Corps of Signals,.where he was once referred to as the "Don of the Communications Underworld." This periodical, "The Wire," is freely available to the public and it didn't take an already aroused left-wing press long to unearth the colonel's 'Identity from it. ? Two journals, Peace News, which "flourished, during the ban-the-bomb marches of the'60s, and the Leveller, a newer left-wing weekly, ignored the court's directive to keep "Cot. B's" name secret The National' -.TJnion of Journalists' monthly newspaper, which circulates, to 30,000 members; col I j Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 C Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 The government immediately began. contempt proceed ings against all three publications and was about to fin them when four Labor members mentioned the colonel's name during a debate in the House.of Commons.ln doing so they were covered from contempt by parliamentary privi- lege. The colonel's name was then in the official parliamen~ tary record for all to see. For. newspapers not to publish its became academic. The government. attempted to salvage something from the farce by issuing a directive to-editors that the name should not be mentioned. Editors, in the name of press free- dom, published it all the same - the only exception being the conservative Daily Telegraph. But since Peace News, the Leveller and the journalists' journal had printed the name- before it was mentioned in Parliament, the lord chief jus- tice fined them for floating a.court decision. The Leveller and Peace News were fined $1,000 each and the journalists' .pa~P?M .-_ ... _:3. ~.. .ti.. Now. the government is said to, be producing.yet'an~other anonymous witaess,.a.' ir.G? .. Technicall 'GniI A-.s THE TIAL Begins, it alltde- fendants'are technically guilty. The'-act effectively. de. nies a defense to any unauthorized person who has handled any information..The soldier.passed on the information and thejournalistsreceived it. Iu 'the ? same way, .Anatoly Scharansky was-technically- guilty of passing information to Robert Toth of the Los An- 'I geles Times. The question still remains: Was the information of use to western intelligence and, therefore, was Scharans ky's crime treasonable? In a parallel case in the United States, Ronald Humphrey . and David Truong were recently convicted in a federal court of passing allegedly secret documents to the Vietnam.. ese. They admitted the physical act but, again, the question reinains-Was their information of material use to the Viet. nameseY:. When the:government opened its case here lastweek it did .concede that much of the information, not .all, that Campbell had in his possession had been published. But it al. leged that Campbell had use his skills as a physicist to fit to. pieces of a jigsaw in order to.present a picture that might be valuable, to a potential enemy .What he had done, declared-the prosecution-counsel,.had gone beyond the or- dinary inquisitiveness of a journalist. The counsel also main twined thatCampbelL although not working as a spy and not ..communicating. with spies, had beea.willing, to passion his -information.:';.':'. These two claims, which will be vigorously contested by -`the defense, ensure that-the. conclusion of the " ABC"Affair" _ .will be fundamentally important to the continuing debate about the public's right to know about government opera.. ions- - Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501250001-8 GD ON PAGE 12 SEPTE'aER 1978 World Ratna Sari Dewi... new charges against the CIA:: -. JAKARTA,:. Indonesia-Ratna Sari Dewi, the widow of President Sukarno of. Indonesia, Monday accused the CIA and former, Japanese Prime Minister Eisaku Sato.,of involvement in. the abortive coup staged by Communists in Indonesia in 1965: . Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501250001-8 Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 THE WASHINGTON POST ARTICLE APPEARED 12 September 1978 ON PAGE B-7- W1% Snepp Seeks Pennission To' Publlsli ~'wa `Arficles 01 By JaneSeaberry CIA's.intelligence:-may be made pub- . . ,, Waawnston Post st is writer-,; ; : liC.'.:?. y - . Former Central, Intelligence~Agency,- ':According to Snepp's affidavit; last. agent Frank W. Snepp III has asked a Thursday he completed an essay that federal judge' to stay his:: order re-? -stricttng what Snepp can write about. "is a reflection on.fiow'government of- the CIA and allow him to publish an ficials `compromise their-. personal be- essay on government officials and:. a. ; liefs and views: in order to stay in step romantic short story about`.; a.- CIA-. '.' with official policies and perceptions agent in Saigon. of .events:. The- essay includes a num- Last July,. after a two-day hearing- berof -vignettes. concerning State De.; on the publication of "Decent. Inter- partment.officials whom I knew in~Vi- val," Snepp's -unauthorized account of etnam while serving with the CIA.'. CIA operations. in Vietnam, U.S. Dis- The essay "also includes reflection trict Court Judge Oren R. Lewis ruled on the compromises which I made that Snepp' could. not. write anything while in government service" and in- about the CIA without prior agency formation on the U.S. involvement in Vietnam that has. already, been made ;- ::.? publi c' Snepp said. Yesterday Snepp said in a three. - page affidavit that .the' ruling .prohib-. ,. .. Snepp said he finished last Sunday its him from submitting.-to two.. na- a short story "set in Saigon concern- tional magazines two recently com- ing a romantic relationship- between a pleted articles touching on his exper- . CIA officer and a French woman. The., iences. as a CIA. officer in Vietnam. story is based on observations which 1. Snepp has asked that the judge stay made while serving with.. the CIA in his order pending. appeal of the'rul- Vietnam." ing so: that, he. can continue-his. new . Lewis' ruling places "a real and') found career as a-writer-- present burden on my First Amend Snepp claims- Lewis" rulingis"over meat right to publish and my Fifth broad concerning- the two articles and ...Amendment right to practice my eho- that neither contains. classified infor sen profession," Snepp said in the af- mation. During Snepp's trial, the gov- fidavit,- ... ernment.? never contended that his Lewis' refuses to grant a stay, book contained. classified material. Snepp's lawyers will, ask that the or- But Lewis said that "Snepp is not. the der be lifted concerning:: just the two judge of what portions, .,,if*, asiy, of., articles, according: to court papers. Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 THE WASHINGTON POST ARTICLE APPEARED 14 September 1978 ON PAGE A-18 o A, 10dV Details U.S. Misgivings Angola I overt Military Operations.i ere Mounted in 1975 Despite: the 'Longest of Odds' By Jim Hoagland Wasbiartoa?Pestai. twrltar~,~ .`. . One of Henry A- Kissingel'-s.Drinc1- pal aides during the;' An fola. crisis of 1975 reports in 'a:'forthcoming maga- . rifle article that the'Ford: administra;, tion " mounted covers;':. military opera lions in Angola. despite a :strong con- viction by -they officials' most 'directly, involved that: the effort would fails it'd ultimately-damage-American.-i erests abroad:. ,. . . Providing` the first., public account "by a high-level insider :of. the: policy attle- over Angola,. Nathaniel Davis writes -in the' fall`.,issue`of', the quar- :erly journal Foreign Affairs that Kis- singer and President Ford seemed. to relieve during both the final weeks of :Vietnam and the.Angola? crisis ."that- it .was better to roll. the dice against the `congest of odds than, to abandoa?the competition against-- our great - adver- .i rat," the Soviet. Union- Kissinger "saw. Angola as'part:'of -the U.S.-Soviet relationship; . and.'not an African, problem," argues"Davis, :gho served as assistant secretary of ?Rate for African 'affairs' under Kis- singer from March to July 1975, when :,fie- secretly. resigned because! of his differences with Kissinger and Ford`' 'Asked for comment;: Kissinger said Aat he was. "astonished that a serving nbassador would publish such a one- 'slded and distorted view of events and?- the State-Departments-has cleared %ch a piece it is not conducive- to 'Aonpartisan foreignpolicy" Quoting- from ,two highly, classified .gnemos- that he : prepared during the. '$tense?policy-debate;. Davis portrays -himself. and. other senior officials as :arguing. that Angola had to be treated" -is a diplomatic-political -problem' that. ,3ould be solved. in an African: context. ~, The account by the career, diplomat ,which was cleared for publication; fly the State Department at Davis' re- C -gguest.-appears only-a few months af- :Ier the same kind of policy battle over desponding to Russian actions in the nflicts of Ethiopia and Somalia and .,-of Zaire's Shaba _Province surfaced In ffe the carter administrations Although ' partialt ac counts 3 of .,the 1975 Angola pollcy'struggle and Davis' resignation were eventually-.leaked to. reporters,,Davis himself had?sought:to keels=them'; secret until.:. now: His ac.. cons . entitled a."Memoir; is his first: effort to explain publicly- the painful dilemma.he felt: the. Angola cri'sis.repr- resented for him. It is an account filled. with strong.,. suggestions of manipulation of the bu--. reaucracy and the-press not' only to preserve secrecy but. also to improve the chances. for getting presidential acceptance of covert operations.. :. Davis` draws a number of parallels betweew',, the dangers of covert in- volvement in Angola and initial U.S. involvement In Vietnam.;. He. states that Kissinger seemed to, share fully those perceptions, but eventually ov- errode them to go more deeply into 'Angola. "I believe the secretary is right in his conviction-if : I understand his views-that if we go in, we must go in quickly, massively, and decisively enough. to avoid the: tempting, grad- ual, mutual escalation that character- ised Vietnam :during the 1965.67 pe- riod," Davis- wrote in a.-memorandum on July 12, 1975..": - . If we are to have a test of-strength :-withthe Soviets,. we should -find -a:;..more-advantageous = X. place: a... ...., . =4; ..- head : off-- a: Central:.:; Intelligence Agency covert. Operations proposal for.;- Angola?ordered' up by the adnlinistra ' lion' in April. He : urged Kissinger and "Ford instead= to adopt the, "diplomatic- option" developed at the same time by a high-level interagency task force on Angola;.which suggested. that the ad- ministration work with Portugal and a few- key African countries to reduce the flow of arms to the three warring black nationalist factions. The task-force included senior rep- resentatives from the CIA Defense , Department, National Security Coun- cil and. other agencies involved in At. rican policy; Davis writes that the task force--"in its great majority" fa- vored the diplomatic option and op- posed the 'covert Intervention, which "would.:. commit:..U.S. resources and prestige in. a situation the outcome-of. which.waa is doubt an over which I we could at best exercise. limited in-' fluence.' But: the task; force diplomati c recce ommendation-.=was. rewritten on In- t structions?from: the- National Security' Council staff to.give: equal weight to two other- options;' a, complete hands. '.off policy'or?militaryintervention. ac.: cording to: a report of the House Se- : sect Committee.-,on Intelligence that: was published in' February 1978 and- which Davis quotes. with evident ap- proval. Davis suggestshe was also bureau.: cratically outflanked at the crucial. July 14? meeting' of Kissinger's highly' secret "Forty Committee," a high-lever review, body for covert actions. Davis: asked to be present at the meeting to> argue his case, but he notes that he "was not invited- to the meeting. it ended with an order for further study of the covert operation plan. Within a week, Ford had approved a $6 million guns-and-cash. operation for the Angolan forces of Holden Roberto and Jonas Savimbi, according to the House Intelligence Committee report.. A month later, the figure had gradu- ally escalated to $14 million,, and, reached $32'million before the Senate legislated an end- to the covert. sup-- port on Dec. 19. Davis, who has served at lowerlevei posts since his break with Kissinger, is currently state department adviser at the Naval War College, He de- scribes his. Opposition- entirely on pragmatic grounds. He suggests at several points that he did not disagree. with Kissinger's concern' over Russian- moves in Africa and he sidesteps the question of his own. views on the prin ciple of covert action-in. such situa tions ? _ In the July memo. he submitted to Kissinger through Undersecretary- of? State Joseph J. Slsco, Davis argued that the CIA proposal "grossy.under estimates, the' -risks ' of abroad" because- of the. op~eraton s ' high 'visibility. The CIA had- Instead stressed the danger of leaks in. Wash- ington and the. need to restrict infor mation to Congress, Davis notes. - The. Russians; Davis would quickly know of theAm erican. s erguedsupport for, the Robert o and Savimbi forces Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 . Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 cil and could easily increase- their-sups plies to their .: client, 'the. Popular Movement for the Liberation of An. gola. He described the Roberto and Savimbi forces as having serious mill. tare weak points, and noted that Sa. vimbi was reported to be' receiving. SJuth African assistance, a link that Would cause problems with . African opinion. jn a section that gives a broader .scope to the CIA proposal than has previously been officially confirmed the July 12 memo noted that "the CIA paper envisages covert CIA-Organized.! military training, organization orien- tation and, leadership," along the lines of 'CIA activities "in the Vietnam hign? lands and elsewhere in East Asia." Davis- resigned immediately Ford approved the covert'optfon . j was offered. a job as ambassador to Switzerland. He Paints, the period that followed his resignation as a difficult-:Lime of feeling that he could not talk-about his resignation without disclosing the covert. operation.:' The article discloses that Davis and' Kissinger aide Lawrence S. Eaglebur- ger deliberately scheduled Davis to be on vacation. on July 28 when the Sen. ate. Foreign; ? Relations African sub. committee began hearings. at which ,Davis should have testified. When The Washington Post discovered the resignation a month later, Davis ac quiesced in what he now calls' "a' cover story" that he had quit because) of the frustration of "working against too many Psychological obstacles"; from African and congressional oppo. sition. The secret Angola operation first came to public-notice on Sept. 25 in a New York Times report that reported that. both "East and West," including! the United States, were lions: of dollars covertly Pouring milt and Angola. Davis into Portugal sue. writes that he is Puzzled why that particular re?' Port . "had so; little Impact in the United States," but suggests that it was because the story's, sources put the main emphasis on the political a,. tivity in Portugal rather than the4 military operation in Angola. and- be.j cause-it `-:'emphasized Soviet:. . action in support, of the leftists in Angola. " Staff. ~researcher_Jane Freunder,'j: --~~ Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO0620ROO.O.5012.50.00l..-8 .1.1L.W! I t- _ I I ~ LIl Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 INDIANAPOLIS STAR 29 August 1978 = . w ~ 'o_ rotectZ .CIA -Agen' Jde~tities Urged "' r' l TNR STAR'S WASHINGTON BUR!AU Washington - Rep. John T. Myers -ER-Ind:), in a newsletter Monday, said he hopes the House Intelligence Committee will quickly take up legislation to protect identities of CIA agents. "Since it is not now a crime to identify intelligence- employees, they- are the target of assassins. around. the world," Myers said. "It is' obvious that simple patriQtism is no longer a- guarantee of anonymity'for -these brave Americans. It appears -only- the: certainty of- a long prison term and a-harsh fine will serve .as. a deterrent to those-who--seek- to .jeopardize the. lives of their fellow Amen Myers noted that he had introduced a bill calling for. a 10-year prison term and 110,000 fine for identifying or tending to .identify. any: intelligence agent.. The: b? died in :the. last Congress. and was. re' ,troduced in 1977, but so far has receiv pia committee attention. Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 ,ARTICLE AP ARED. @ E CHICAGO TRIBUNE 11 SEPTEI4BER 1978 as Hauser charges that junta. troops the coup,. Horaian and his guest, Ter arrested and. killed Norman-proba- ry Simon;., met another: American;. sly with the knowledge 6f-U.S.. offs- Arthur Creter. Creter claimed to be.a... cials and perhaps under their orders "retired" US Navy engineer living. -because Norman had stumbled onto in Panama. _ ? signst that' Washington was involved . -..< .:,., ... ,,;,,..,,.. THE BOOK MENTIONS notes kept in the- co-* ... by Miss . Simon' and Norman, a free Hauser told' UPI that he hopes his lance writer, and those notes. quote book, "The Execution of Charles Hor- ' Creter as - saying: "I am; here with man," will' spark a congressional in. the -U.S. Navy.. We came down: to do vestigation -into Horman's death. a job and it's done:'.'- "Charles Horman was killed, be- "We seem to. be: stranded in the,. . cause- he knew too much, and this middleot-a monumental victory cele-,, vas: done between the CIA.-and .the bration and, the winning. team:_as--;' local authorities,'.. the book quotes a sumes we're wholeheartedly, . on . its former Chilean. army intelligence offi- side,', Miss Simon wrote in: thanotes:, '--~v_ ------ "'""'? .Stranded:at the Miramar Hotel denie3'ezecuting either ? author Thom: ..was found' an Oct. 2:. New York Emend ona tour to Viva on Homan was-taken.. from his home 'ef was quolen as saying.- i. saw tne. in Santiago on s ept, 1T His body was guys who brought him here. officially identified , one Oct::-'18. The '''The. book said Horiaan, who'imoved#= other dead American,.. Frank Teruggi with his wife Joyce to- Chile. is:mid of Des- Plaines, Ill , :was arrested in 1972, saw- signs of U.S. involvement .: his home on Sept: 20---and his -body in the coup when he took-: a visiting . o u z out Charles Hormae 31, of New York, a three.-, . was one of the twoAmericaris among days.. after. Norman was arrested:: He;> said he heard Lutz say that Hormam: the- reported ": thousands 'of.. people ``has to disappear." killed in the: Sept:: It; 4073j---military r; coup . that ousted Marxist President '.'Charles Horman was brought. because.` he "knew too much" about and an unknown American: man were -r U.S. involvement, anew book says, in the office of Army- Intelligence Chief Gen A t L t b `bloody"military coup five years ago GONZALEZ I3 'quoted ii' saying he:--,. NEW,: YORK [UPI]-CIA agents cer, Rafael Gonzalez, as saying, Gon. may.. have. ordered the execution of zalez fled Chile this year- Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501250001-8 cU) cI V Bureau- Chief Richard. Bradee pointed out. that the CIA A. recent article-by- Milwaukee Sentinel Washington- Less thaw.1& months ago, a religious dispute between two Moslem sects resulted in- 134 hostages being held in three Washington. buildings: One died and several. were wounded ' in " that episode before a negotiated release of the hostages was arranged. -K - - Who knows!when.,something that serious might oc- cur again?-And how well 'to. deaf with such a situation today?..; MILWAUKEE SENTINEL 24 August 1978 U`S ,Must Act to Defuse . Terrorist. Time. Bomb- The taking of: eight hostages by two Croatian terror- ?ists in Chicago accentuates the need for more effective planning to combat political terrorism In this country. The Croatians; appeared to be somewhat uncertain of themselves and released all the hostages after 10 hours; surrendering unconditionally. But had. they. been a little more,desperate,-or a little more- cunning. in::.exploiting the,fear of terror. the ind- dentinight.have been-tragic. Care in protecting the rights'of Americans is in order. But that protection must be reconciled with the fact that the time bomb of more widespread terrorism may now.. be ticking away while law enforcement authori- ties have no means of defusing it. As one staff member of the House International' Relations Committee which has been investigating terrorism noted: "There are a lot of refugees:from.terrorism coming here and they may attract a hit. Unfortunately; the nature of modern terrorism is that the perpetrators. are-not selective in picking their-vic- tims; The effective. terrorist intimidates society in 'gen- eral and this,mostoften is done by threatening an-inno- cent bystander rather than one's enemy: Consequently, it' is imperative that :a national policy aimed at identifying and- maintaining surveillance on. potential terrorists: be. formulated.. When terrorism strikes, the nation's duty to its citizens will demand that. innocent bystanders be.protected.:; -.:~ In the US. Meantime, the CIA and FBI,. through restric- tive legislation, .have lost much of their ability to keep track of--potential terrorists. The attorney general. has, even -been cited for contempt of. court for refusing. to disclose thousands of pages of-Investigative files.. Given much : justified concern : about. the excesses in such. investigations.-in the. previous decade; Congress has been reluctant' to loosen the reins on the investiga tive agencies. At the same time-,; action is being pursued to prevent what-amounts to old style terrorist tactics such as skyjacking And. to punish. nations that dto . not deal with terrorists within their own boundaries.'. _.-,,, I III OF Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501250001-8 Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501250001-8 "'ICLE APPEARED Ay' L ON PAGE __ -__ ___ THE SATURDAY EVENING POST September 1978 WAR ON ~ 7I tIT "Unless something is done, we are in grave danger of doing what the Soviet Union has long tried to do: cripple the FBI and CIA." y WUNT9ME. Simon Have you ever heard the name John M. Maury? Like Victor Marchetti and Philip Agee, he is a former member of the. CIA, but unlike them, he is not a disgrun- tled former employee. He carries no grudge against the CIA. He has not written a book betraying gov- ernment secrets and endangering the lives of CIA agents. Perhaps if he had done these things, his re- cent appearance before a congres- sional committee would have at- tracted the attention it deserved. In his testimony, Mr. Maury, a veteran of 27 years with the CIA, stated that a former Soviet intel- ligence officer had told him that the top priority of Soviet intelli- gence was "to put out the eyes of our enemy by disrupting and dis- crediting his intelligence service." This is not the first time we have been given this warning. As far back as 1965, Repre- sentative Melvin Price placed in the Congressional Record an ex- cerpt from a Soviet document stating that the fundamental task of the KGB-the Soviet secret police-was to "destroy the con- fidence of the Congress and the American public in U.S. personnel and agencies engaged in anti-Com- munist and Cold War activities." On' April 14, 1976, the highly re- spected C. L. Sulzberger, who re- cently retired as foreign affairs columnist of the New York Times, wrote: "It is believed Moscow has found a way to paralyze the Unit- ed States by striking at its two principal warning security services. As a consequence of such opera- tions ... the effectiveness of the CIA and the. FBI is held to have been rendered extremely anemic by apparent internal U.S. political arguments." Thus, we have been warned. What deeply concerns me is that we heed the warnings. Judging from recent events, it' doesn't seem that we are. Unless some- thing is done-unless the American people are prepared to act now- we are in grave danger of doing what the Soviet Union has long tried to do: cripple the FBI and the CIA. One of the most dramatic ex- amples of how far we have gone astray=of how we accommodate the Soviet Union-vas the in- dictment last year of John J. Kearney. Although the Justice De- partment has recently dismissed all charges against Mr. Kearney, his case provides a perfect illustra- tion of how we are persecuting the people charged with protecting our security. After devoting 25 years of his life to the FBI, Kearney retired from the Bureau in 1972 with an immaculate record and the respect and'affection of his colleagues. In April of 19.77, five years after he retired, he was indicted on five criminal counts by the U.S. De- partment of Justice, his former employer. What are the "crimes" Kearney was accused of? Graft? Bribery? No. From 1970 until his retirement in 1972, Kearney was supervisor of Squad 47, the New York-based FBI unit whose assignment was to track down the Weather Under- ground. This was the terrorist group, you will recall, that had de- clared war on the United States, vowing to adapt the guerrilla strategy of the Vietcong to the United States, which it did with a malignant proficiency, planting+ bombs from coast to coast. In its search for this band of bombers and saboteurs, Squad 47 tapped the phones of 10 people; and opened the mail of 16 people -authoritatively believed to be con-i tacts and associates of the Weather Underground. It was for these activities that the Justice Depart- ! ment charged Kearney with two! counts of obstructing correspon dence, two counts of conspiracy,; and one count of illegal wiretap- i ping-despite the fact that mail; opening and .wiretapping were in- vestigative techniques used by the FBI and other security agencies; under five Presidents and their at torneys-general. As Attorney Gen eral Griffin Bell admitted t9 a: Senate subcommittee shortly after the Kearney. indictment, what Kearney did "has been going on l: for 40 years in this country." The Supreme Court, in 1972, ruled that warrants were required for taps on domestic organizations, but the decision did not become I; effective until after Kearney had retired. Furthermore, the Court did not require warrants if those tapped had "significant" ties with a foreign power. Lest there be any doubt about the Weather Under- ground's ties with a foreign power, the FBI has compiled a 400-page report detailing the Weather Underground's relationship with foreign powers, particularly Fidel Castro's Cuba, a frequent host to members of the Weather Under- ground since the terrorist cadre's formation in 1969. Frankly, I haven't the slightest doubt why . the Justice Depart- ment decided against prosecuting John Kearney. Everybody hates to lose. But the Justice Department hasn't given up its prosecution of the FBI. It has just chosen new targets. - cONTINUO Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501250001-8 Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501250001-8 The same day that Attorney General Bell announced the dis- missal of the charges against Kearney, he also announced the es of rnn- indictmen+c on char g `,` U spiring to violate the civil liberties of relatives and acquaintances of the Weather Underground fugi- tives, of three former high-ranking members of the FBI: L. Patrick Gray III, a former acting director of the FBI; W. Mark Felt, a. former associate director of the FBI; and Edward S. Miller, a former as- sistant director in charge of the FBI's intelligence division. Obvi- ously, the war on the FBI contin- ues. Along with the indictments of Gray, Felt, and Miller, Attorney General Bell announced that he would initiate "administrative dis- ciplinary proceedings" against J. Wallace LaPrade, the director of the FBI's New York office during its hunt for the Weather Under- ground. As if his estimation of LaPrade wasn't already clear, Mr. Bell then passed suggestions that he would welcome LaPrade's resig- nation, not only from his New York command, but from the FBI. Mr. Bell also announced that he was recommending that FBI Di- rector William H. Webster initiate disciplinary , proceedings against the 68 agents of Squad 47 who engaged in the pursuit of the Weather Underground. For a man who has expressed such great con- cern about the FBI's low morale, he certainly goes about boosting it in a bizarre fashion. Though LaPrade and the agents of Squad 47 don't face any criminal punish- ment, the public spanking that Mr. Bell seems anxious to administer could well make them vulnerable to civil damage suits, which are growing ever more popular among the enemies of the intelligence ser- vices, to say nothing of what it will -ao to their career. As a result of his indictment, John Kearney is now the target of a series of civil suits brought by fans of the Weather Underground. In May of last year, shortly after John Kearney's indictment, former Ambassador Clare Boothe Luce, former Senator James L. Buckley, and I decided to do something to make the odds against people like John Kearney a little fairer. We realized that a thorough, painstaking defense against the abundant. resources of the Federal Government is diffi- cult and expensive. But we also realized that many Americans throughout the country were as outraged as we were about what was being done to the FBI-and would not want it to stand alone any longer: It was this assurance that led us to form the Citizens' Legal Defense Fund for the FBI. In the months since, we have seen how justified our assurance was. There was an overwhelming out- pouring of support for Kearney, ranging all across the political spectrum, embracing people in every walk of life. Along with the support of 78 members of Con- gress, about 15,000 people have made donations, including Charles Addams, the cartoonist; Eric Hof- fer, the longshoreman-philoso- pher; Frank Borman, the former astronaut; Senator Barry Gold- water; and. Leon Jaworski, the Watergate prosecutor. There have been countless touching letters. One man, on the chance that Kearney were to be convicted and sentenced to jail, wondered if it would be possible for him to serve the sentence in his place, saying he was "retired, ready, and willing." Besides receiving the support of thousands of private citizens, we have discovered that the Defense' Fund has also greatly boosted the l morale of the people in the intel- ligence services. Until our group was formed, there was no citizens' l group organized to lend moral support to the intelligence com- munity and financial assistance to agents and former agents under in- vestigation or indictment for their efforts in defending America. Thanks to the support we receiv- ed, we were able to hire Edward Bennett Williams, the famed trial attorney, to represent Kearney- part of the reason, no doubt, the Justice Department was willing to drop its case against him. The Defense Fund, aside from assisting Gray, Miller, and Felt, is also helping 122 active and former special agents in obtaining and re- taining legal counsel in connection with their appearances before Grand Juries investigating the FBI tactics in pursuit of such as the Weather Underground. As men- tioned before, many FBI agents and officials, along with their counterparts in the CIA and other agencies, have become targets of a rash of civil suits, asking damages running into the millions of dol- lars. Although legislation has been introduced to provide individual defendants in* such cases with im- munity from damage judgments- in the belief that people shouldn't be financially ruined for perform- ing. duties they thought were law- ful-the legislation is being bitterly challenged by a wide array of powerful groups, many of which, not coincidentally, are eager par- ticipants in the civil suits. It is fear of potential future prosecution that poses such a threat to the FBI. "I feel that I should consult a lawyer before carrying out an assignment," an agent was quoted as saying shortly after John Kearney's indictment. "How can I know if my superiors are acting properly? Or, even if they are, that some lawyer in Jus- tice, isn't going to interpret some- thing as a crime that previously was standard procedure." At- - I Send contributions to: Citizens' Legal Defense Fund for the FBI Suite 808, 95 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016 torney General Bell's intention to punish the agents of Squad 47 has opened the FBI's wounds even further. The agents in the New York office, according to one ac- count, now seem "extremely cau- tious, circumspect-almost indif- ferent." At a time when America is confronted- by the gravest threats in its history, can we af- ford to allow this kind of thinking to permeate the agencies that are charged with protecting our na- tional security? They are handi- capped enough as it is. An FBI' agent has recently writ- ten a letter to the Defense Fund detailing exactly how severely hamstrung the FBI is. Stressing cnNT INUED Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501250001-8 -- -- 5) 1 u 1 ll' 1! .1! k' 11 l Lll_L! Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SOO620R000501250001-8 that he was writing not in his offi- cial capacity but rather as an "American citizen deeply concern- ed with what is happening," the agent wrote that prior to his de- parture from the Justice Depart- ment, former Attorney General Edward Levi, Bell's predecessor, imposed new guidelines for the FBI's domestic security investiga- tions that virtually strip the Bu- reau of the intelligence function the courts have said it has a duty to carry out. The guidelines are so strict that they confer virtual im- munity from investigation of Communist fronts and many ter- rorist groups. (Example: the agent noted that the Communist Party of the United States-which the Supreme Court has found to be controlled by the Kremlin-is now immune from investigation.) In September of 1976, FBI Director Clarence Kelley revealed that the Bureau's internal security inves- tigations had dropped from 21,414 in mid-1973 to only 626':. as of September 1976 (78 or- ganizations and 548 individuals)..! Although this represented a cut of 97 percent, the number of in- vestigations has continued to j plummet: the .General Accounting I Office recently reported that only 17 organizations and 130 individ- uals are now being investigated.; The GAO says only 143 special agents are now. assigned to do- mestic security work, compared to 788 in 1975. . In the past, the Bureau received great quantities of information from the CIA and other agencies that operate abroad. Now this. flow, of information is evaporat- ing, in part because of two laws passed by Congress: the Freedom of Information Act, which gives individuals and groups the right to obtain information about them- selves, held by government agencies; and the Privacy Act, which bars the government from releasing information on anyone without his consent. Many state and local agencies, because of these laws, are withholding infor- mation from the. FBI out of fear that their informants and sources will be compromised by dis- closures. compelled by the Freedom of Information Act. The reverse is also true. The FBI is not ' giving police and other local law en- forcement agencies the information they need out of fear of violating the Privacy Act. On top of all this-on top of the threat of criminal in- dictments, the threat of civil suits, the stringent new guide- lines, the drastic re- . duction in intelli- gence personnel-the agents must also con- tend with something called the Campaign to Stop Gov- ernment Spying, an umbrella group composed of many organi- zations, ranging from the Ameri- can Civil Liberties Union and Americans for Democratic Action to recognized Communist fronts such' as the National. Lawyers Guild and the National Emergency Civil Liberties Committee.' The purpose of this Campaign to Stop Government Spying is unmistak- able. It seeks nothing less than to paralyze our intelligence services, the same goal-need I repeat?-as the Soviet KGB, a goal that seems perilously close to being realized. Last year, Robert Moss, editor of the Economist's Foreign Re- port, took to the pages of the London Sunday Telegraph to urge his countrymen not to do to their intelligence services what has been done to America's. To demon- strate that America was not set- ting an example worthy of imita- tion, Moss offered a few "symp- toms of America's malaise": ? Soviet block spies are free to roam Capitol Hill, while the FBI is constitutionally forbidden to maintain a presence there; ? Local police intelligence teams have been dismantled in many states; ? Leaks of continuing intelli- gence operations, from congres- sional subcommittees have dis- rupted America's foreign policy; ? The Civil Service Commission ; in Washington no longer bothers' to run security checks on base- grade government employees. . While nothing would please, me more than to be able to report that the American intelligence ser- vices have touched bottom and are on the rebound, this does not, seem to be the case. Various mea- sures are being discussed whose ef- fect would be to circumscribe them even further. The Carter Ad- ministration, according to Vice- President Mondale,' is preparing a new set of regulations that would prohibit the FBI from investigat- ing political organizations in the name of . "domestic security," thereby putting out to pasture the few agents still engaged in domes- tic security investigations. Repre- sentative Ronald Dellums has pro- posed a bill that explicitly states: "The Federal Bureau of Investiga- tion shall have no function other than the investigation of specific acts which violate the criminal statutes." Thus, if the FBI were tipped off about a successor to, say, the Symbionese Liberation Army, would it not be forbidden from investigating and developing information about the group until . after it had kidnapped its first vic- tim or exploded its first bomb? Would the enactment of this kind of legislation better protect our freedom, our rights as American citizens? ' While the FBI and CIA are fighting for their sur- vival, their enemies-, our enemies-are thriving.' A KGB agent was recently quoted as telling a Time magazine cor- ! respondent: `-`Of all the operations that the Soviet Union and the U.S. have con-11 ducted against each other, none - have benefited the KGB as much as the cam- paign in the U.S. to discredit the CIA. In 'our wildest scenar- ios, we could never have ' anticipated , such a plus for our side. It's the kind of ? gift all espionage; men dream about.. Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501250001-8 Today our boys have it a lot easier, and we didn't have to lift a finger. You did all the work for us." Although the U.S. intelligence agencies have an abundance, of overseers, on Capitol Hill and in the rest of the country, surprising- ly little attention is paid to the activities of other intelligence ser- vices. The Senate Select Commit- tee on Intelligence, for example, devoted most of its first annual re- port to the CIA and FBI, but it did discuss briefly the operations in the U.S. of the intelligence ser- vices from such countries as Chile, Iran, Taiwan, and the Philippines. The report neglected to mention one word, however, about the Soviet bloc's intelligence opera- tions inside the U.S. Compared to the Soviet bloc, the efforts of Chile, Iran, Taiwan, and the Philippines are strictly Little League. The Soviet Union conducts the most massive spy operations in the world. Last year, Soviet agents were . expelled from Norway, Sweden, West Germany, Switzer- land, Spain, and Zambia. In the U.S. last year the FBI arrested: a Soviet emigre in New Jersey on charges of attempting to transmit space program secrets to a KGB agent; two Americans in California on charges of plotting with a Soviet embassy official in Mexico;' an American and. a West German in Florida on charges of conspiring to smuggle cruise missile com- ponents to the Soviet Union. Since there are reliably reported to be at least 5,000 Russian spies in the U.S., it is probably safe to assume that a major share of their activities proceed free of interfer- ence. An aide to a Republican senator recently said that he takes it for granted that the Soviets have penetrated Capitol Hill. Given the fact that spies have been discover- ed inside virtually every major Western government, he says it, is naive to think .they wouldn't be capable of infiltrating the govern- ment of their major adversary, es- pecially when that adversary is preoccupied with the fumigation of its own intelligence agencies. Yet why are there no campaigns to stop KGB spying? The KGB doesn't represent the only threat to the U.S. . The attack on the FBI comes at a time when the world is experi- encing a terrorist boom. It was re- cently reported that there were 239 terrorist attacks-bombings, kidnappings, and assassinations-in the world last year, compared to only 37 such attacks a decade ago. And the boom hasn't bypassed the United States. The Symbionese Liberation Army, .as . residents of the West Coast are frequently re- minded, has already been replaced by something called the New World Liberation Front. which has taken credit for 50 bombings in California, Colorado, and Oregon. FALN, a Puerto Rican terrorist group operating in the U.S, 'has several fatalities to its credit, along with thousands of dollars' worth of damage to property. . Basic to any effort to counter the New World Liberation Front, FALN, . or any other terrorist group is governmental recognition of the importance of surveillance. As the West German government has recently learned, in order to defend itself against this modem plague a government must be will- ing to wiretap, to use informants, and to infiltrate terrorist groups: all those things various people are trying, ..with no little success, to deny the FBI. What astounds me, in -light of the brutal campaign be- ing waged against the FBI, is how the Bureau has retained any effec- tiveness at all. The Citizens' Legal 'Defense Fund is not so foolhardy as to think that it can solve all the problems of ..our intelligence ser- vices; too much has already hap- pened. But we can show leaguered agents that we are ' on their side. It is very easy, now, to ignore the scars left by the Weather Underground. But it is inconceiv- able that the Justice Department would have dared to indict any of these men in 1972, while the Weather Underground's bombs were exploding all over the coun- try. No, it waited until memories were dim, striking, in Kearney's case, just two months before the statute of limitations would have prevented the Department from prosecuting him; in the case of Miller and Felt, just one month before the statute of limitations would have placed them beyond' the reach of the Justice Depart- ment. Thanks to the thousands of people who have given their sup- port to the Citizens' Legal Defense Fund, we have been . able to show-and will continue to show-' that Americans have not forgotten what the Weather Underground did to America. We also have been able to show-and will continue to show-all the present and former members of the Federal Bureau of Investigation that we have not for- gotten what they have done for America. ~a ~~ Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501250001-8 STAT Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 ARTICLE APPEARED ON PAGE B-1 By Michael D. Davis WasSingtca Star Staff Writer Maryland: r_investig'ators- and! friends of John Paisley,; the former high-level CIA official who was found -shot to death in the Chesapeake Bay, believe he took his own life,because he had been despondent -,over. his 'financial and marital affairs.- ;.One source close. to, the investiga-. . tion"said the death. has unofficially beer? ruled .a-. suicide; but. no formal; .determination will be. released. until the Coast Guard. and Maryland State -Police compleje their investigations.: -.,.;'.state.- police-, spokesman William; -Clark- said . Paisley's body was: found Sunday floating in the. bay, at. the Snouth of the Patuxent River.-. ' ,t;?: - . :;Clark said he died from'a gunshot wound to the left side of the head and that '38 pounds of . divers' weights) . were strapped to his waist and chest.. Paisley; 55,: who, lived in the- 1500 , block of Massachusetts Avenue NW. retired in 1974 as deputy. director. of. the CIA's Office of Strategic ",.Re=. search., r :.. ; .,...:......;.:::: He waslast seen Sept. 24 when-he left a' group of friends to sail. his 31- foot ; 'sailboat;::-The:' Brillig, to Solo mon's? Island. The next': day.. the owners 'of a private-yacht found his sloop abandoned:'and aground near. Point Lookout in St. Mary's County. Clark said- there were-'no- signs. of ? a . Struggle. .. ::._ THE BODY' is found'` clothed' in deck shoes,, jeans and-a- T-shirt, ac- cording- to Clark::_He said'.'the wound appeared. to be a.,-contact'. wound; which . would, indicate.: that' .Paisley was shot at close' range., An -auto matic pistol that he had -kept aboard the-ship was missing, police said...' Retired Air- Forcer Cot.. Norman Wilson. who met Paisley four-years ago and allowed him to keep his boat, at Wilson's Lusby. Md.. dock, said he talked. with- him the evening, that.he .sailed. : a. , . .t : . "He 'called-' me? on. the'' short-wave radio and said'.he.was finishing:;u some paper" work'"and" would be: in later that,evening,;'.-Wilson. said. ;'I told him I would: leave. the dock-.lights on,'' he added.,..-;::,:; A source said yesterday that- Pais-ley was despondent over his. recent separation from.-his: wife, Maryann; ;,who lives in McLean:., THE 14ASHINGTON STAR (GREEN LINE) 4 October 1978 ::The- source also-'said:- that Paisleyf had. recently' suffered. several finan- cial:-reverses and found it necessary to,; take out an. unanticipated loan to meet a tax bill. "He. had a lot of re .cent.. financial problems, but he.kept' most of them to himself." the source said-.... _ WILSON SAID Paisley sought an .early .-retirement%. from the; CIA be- ;-cause "he .wanted.; to spend 'a lot of time sailing. That was, his: one Teal -love;',' Wilson said:.. ::,Six-!; months- ago:.:.-however, , be, :applied fora full-time. job and was hired by Coopers:&_ Lybrand,: an: ac. ,counting.. firm with offices in Wash1 .ington. A company spokesman, whq ':characterized Paisley as "an intelli- gent and even-tempered man;,- saidll he'wasan.executive assistant'to thee, firm's president, Wayne Smith.- Paisley I Wilson= .said" ' hequentlyi used ? the.: boat ? to. work on office records.aiid-'that- it was.,not-unusual for. him 'to spend the night-either onl the, boat. _or' in? a small cabins on. the Wilson property. :' Wilson said that after-tle.-boat was; cecoveredit.was brought to..his dock,; where it -was searched by 'CIA and FBI agents. '.'They said they wanted to make: sure that. there- 'were no classified documents on the ship," he said: Wilson. said that.. yesterday 'he in-, ;spected.the boat. and found an un- spent: pistol'shell-An the cabin.' He said-the shell fitted a 7mm-pistol'that. Paisley kept aboard the Ship.'. "I KNEW he kept 'the pistol: on the ship for"protection?'? WilSOIL.Said "T. made. atrip with; him to the Florida Keys. and he carried that pistol for protection when there was talk about pirates boarding and, stealing private sailboats;" he. said. He. said tha ,when he inspected the boat yesterday the pistol was missing. Wilson- said he went over the sail- boat 'and found that nothing else was -missing,' despite the fact that the boat was equipped ..with expensive electronic gear.: One source said ' believed that Paisley.. an '.:accomplished. diver, wrapped the `weights '.around his body, shot himself and then fell.over- board with the pistol.:: . . .. "He apparently tried to sink him- self, but didn't realize', that he didn't- have enough weight, and that, once , the body gases began to form the ? body would rise to. the surface," the source:said. . "We believe. he, was trying: to hide the suicide," he added. ' ? : Several of Paisley's friends, who' asked that their. names not hP-.ucnrl advanced the same theory and saidi' that they too believed him to be con-i cerned about-his financial affairs ands marital status.- "I think it's just a. story about' a' guy, a_nice guy who had too many) problems:- and .,couldn't deal with them;" one of the friends said...:, CLARK. SAID that state investiga- tors are still working 'and expect toi make a formal determination within; the next few days."We're pursuing1 two possibilities. We-.don't know if.ita was a suicide or a homicide, but.wsi are investigating both possibilities,) "he said. Edward Paisley, 21-year-old son-of. the-dead man, said his father was.."in good spirits" the day he' left:. on--the:- sailboat, and he said he doubted his father's death was a suicide. ' .. -j "My father was an excellent sailor:? and swimmer.. He went'down just] about every. weekend to__ sail. - He,4 seemed in good spirits. Everyoner who talked to him that day said he{ was fine." he-said: The younger Paisley said he..knewi of:: no. - reason why, someone would; want to kill his father. - - { ..The dead man's estranged' 'wife; said her,husband:'was an excellent! swimmer; scuba: diver and sailor and, that at: one time-he had lived aboard', his boat:.. Suzanne Black. 'a CIA spokesman,j said the agency-would have no com 'went-:on.-the- case. 'Another agency sooke~manMY' investigation CIA "is not in-1 vo ve in nvestigation in,,;any way,-but.we will cooperate if asked.". A former. CIA agent-- who has`re; mained close to agency affairs told 1 ;reporter that. Paisley was not 'in-4 valved "in the agency's clandestine; work" .and-;was-. not subject of an investigation for any covert activity. He said it 'is:: standard ?procedurel for CIA representatives to accom-l pany-local, law enforcement agencies) when they- investigate theunattendedd deaths of former CIA employees,.' "Paisley- was in research. 'he had! never been assigned- to Moscoat,;andl was never in a .position to have- ac-; cess to sensitive-' information;',;.: the source , . Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501250001-8 Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 ARTICLE APPEARED ON PAGE B-1 THE WASHINGTON POST 4 October 1978 trier execution oxl iliaryland police said yesterday- Police ;. said: theytcould - not -'-deters Bay, either killed bimseii or :was-the victim of an: execution-type. murder,: John ? A. Paisley, a former high-level,: CIA employe-. whose : body. was. foundw'. Sunday floating: iii, the- Chesapeakei' By Blaine Harden . ; : `. millimeter automatic,.pistol;; the, same!;.. Maryland Chief Medical Eaaiainer Dr- .Russell.,-Risher said:: Paisley, 55; who. was last seen Sepe 24 sailing, his 31-foot sloop-on the bay, died of.a gun- shot.wound above: and. behind the?left-': ear.''..:..,:..... The-fatal: bullet was: fired: from: a..0. ham E. Clark,: it Maryland':-State Po-- lice spokesman. . -- vestigated?..,as?"suspicious;';: said WiI.: an examination:: Of;aisledecom,; posed body; : discovered wearing-. two.- cide.: through - dental:-'r'ecords,, made 'it fn = possible. tn.. checkr. for- traces-- of gun powder. on- Paisley's bands, evidence 'The medical e x a m i n e r . . said' the-, de-: "I see nog reason: to doub `ttiaf'Pais ley's 'gun_:`ifrea'' the. 'fatal;:~bu1let,"" land State Police said -yesterday, but. one 9L millimeter, keep aboard hts sailboat;: Fishee said. The gun - has> not been--:- found,. Mary the Brillig, for two years: He. retired in . fired, he-said:''.-"?~ -- cording-'to the patter uf'the wound 3 .nczae flee; according. to. a. CIA spokesman; "produces analytic studies of.-.foreign military programs. and activities.". Paisley-was in. a position to.,know "highly sensitive" military; secrets;, ac- carding.tb a former CIA colleague. The Brillig' was found unoccupied t but with its sails still set on the morn-' ing "after Paisley disappeared. It. had? run aground-near-._ Point Lookout at. the mouth of the- Potomac River, 78 miles.. southeast, of -. Washington Paisley's bodywas-found Sunday'af ternoon about 15 miles north of Point. Lookout near the mouth of the Patux- ent River, according. to the U.S.. Coast Guard. His body was dressed in blue jeans, a white - pullover shirt and had no"' shoes, Fisher said. The. diving weights, were- strapped' around his waist Pais- ley, according to- his estranged wife- Maryann,. had recently completed. a scuba-diving course. According to a. close family member who did not. be- identified, Pai-.. ley..,often had been. depressed_whilet. the'CIA; but that. in recent months-he: had-been "happier. and more: talkative. than he ever was before. In.. December, Paisley,. at the urging. :of his :family, participated in.. an:.en- counter group; called- Lifespriag,..the family ?. membei` said: "It seemed to give ,him a new-outlook on life,'"..the. relative said. Paisley had .worked for the past-six months" as ,a. consultant for, the= ac-. counting- film of. Coopers and=.Lyb rand He. recently: separated. from-his' wife;'who lives:in.-McLean; and:'mov into an. apartment- it 1500_.Massacbu setts Ave:.NW. On the day., he- Qisappeared,:Paisley, was sailing' west across the bay: from -. Hooper Island to his home-. mooring at; Solomon,. Md.. At 6 p.m., , he radioed- to ' a friend ' at Solomons, ' retired Air. Force colonel Norman Wilson, saying he was coming home after dark.- - "He' said `he? was going. to do some, :paper. work on -the boat," Wilson said= yesterday: "He sounded normal"''::.:'. ....Ti Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 type' of guno'Paisly -:was known- to Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 ART CLE APPEARED THE BALTIMORE SUN 4 October 1978 - $ody found in . a is . Paisley's Former' CIA official died- of gun wound; weapon. still sought: The body of a man wearing 40 pounds of diving weights that was pulled from Chesapeake Bay near the mouth of the Pa- 1 tuzent River Sunday was identified yes- terday as Johe Paisley, a former CIA offi. cial. State Police said. - .. He was killed by a gunshot wound, to the head, authorities said. - : ;.. Bill Clark, a police spokesman, said tests indicated the weapon was touching Mr. Paisley's bead at the time it was fired. , That could mean either a suicide or an execution?type murder, Mr. Clark said, adding that an investigation of the-case. was continuing; He added that no weapon . has been found=' ; The bullet entered the head above and behind the left ear. Sources said Mr. Pais. ley was left-handed. Friends said yesterday that Mr. Pais. :ley was despondent because he and his wife had separated. His wife, however, had said Monday that her husband was "In a fine frame of mind" and has "started a new life.. ,: . The positive identification of Mr. Pair ley, 55, who was a deputy director in the i Central Intelligence Agency division that analyzed Chinese and Soviet military op- eration, was made through dental ree- ordsr..... ... Mr_ Paisley disappeared September 24 while on an afternoon sailing trip on the the Bap aboard his 30-foot sloop, theBrilhg.:. Other. police. sources said a live shell was found in the cabin of Mr. Paisley's. pleasure boat His estranged wife, Mary ann Paisley, said her husband carried a 9=: mm. handgun on; the boat. The gun has not been found. Mr. Paisley, who lived in Washington, I retired in 1974 as deputy director of the CIA's Office of Strategic Research. Since then, be had worked-as a.consultant for the accounting firm of Coopers and Ly- brand. . - He was last seen alive while sailing his 30-foot motorized sailboat on the bay. IIis . sloop was found the following day after it ran aground near Point Lookout at the. mouth of the Potomac. River. The sails on the empty boat were still set when the vessel was found.. Police said yesterday that Mr. Paisley. was last heard from when he radioed his home mooringto tell a friend that be was oa his way in, but not to wait for him. . The body -was discovered floating at the mouth of ? the Patuxent River by- a pleasure boat, the Ramada, said Chief William Patterson of the Coast Guard. --TI -- Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 A lICLE . Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 Oil FAGE_B_~~- 3 October 1978 Identify of Body Confirmed.1 =The body of a man who was found "in Chesapeake Bay wearing diving. weights and with '.a bullet wound in. his.head has been identified as for-:.1 ?-mer CIA official John Paisley, Mary-,_ eland state police said today. . '.Paisley, 55,,was identified through- dental records, and. died from a gun- shot .wound to , the head, .authorities . said. :Bill Clark,' a police -spokesman, said tests indicated the weapon was to the victim's :head at..the time it was fired. That could mean ei- ther. a suicide,: or an' execution-type .-murder, ' Clark.said, adding that an :investigation of the case was continu ing:. Clark said no weapon has been_* -:recovered. Paisley, who, lived in Washington; retired in 1974 as deputy director of the..CIA's .Office.-of Strategic Re- :search ,, , ; = Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 THE WASHINGTON STAR (GREEN LINE) ARTICLE APPEARED 3 October 1978 ON PAGE B-3 Body Adds to mystery on Bair BALTIMORE (AP) - The decom- Island toward his home mooring ati posed body of a man wearing diving Solomons. His 31-foot sloop, The Bril-! spot in Chesapeake bay where a for-, Pier high-ranking CIA official disap- peared while sailing last week, the U.S. Coast Guard said. The Baltimore. Sun today quoted unidentified sources involved in the near Point Lookout at the mouth of the Potomac River. A Coast Guard official confirmed that the CIA had been contacted in an effort to determine the victim's iden- investigation of the disappearance as titY. ,.saying that the body had a bullet hole . The body was discovered floating "above and behind the left ear. at the mouth of the Patuxent River) by a pleasure boat.. The Ramada.( Dr. Steve Adams of the state medi- said Chief William Patterson of the cal. examiner's office refused- to com Coast Guard. ,ment on the report. and-would oc11y..- Patterson said the diving- weights say the body had been in the water. were adequate to take a body down to "a week or possibly more. the bottom until the-body bloated and Adams - said dental records would filled up with air.. be usedto- determine whether the body found was that of John Paisley;. 55, who retired as deputy director of' the CIA's Office- of Strategic Re- search in 1974. Paisley vanished' Sept. 24 while sailing across the bay from Hooper wife of the missing man, said yester- day that her husband was an active scuba diver and kept diving weights on his, boat.. She said the weights were not aboard the boat when it wasi recovered. ..,Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 ARTICLE XPP ARE1h 0 BALTIMORE SUZY 3 OCTOBER 1978 Dody of man thought to beear-CIA aide found in bay, gunshot wound reported a - h 1 an a t o e m the of.,: Strategic Research: at the, agency's' his head. He would say only that the body head, authorities reported yesterday: headquarters in Langley, Va. Recently, he was decomposed and- that the man had Sources investigating the. discovery of had been. employed as a consultant for the been. in. the- water "a week or. possibly the body said last night that the dead maaw, accounting firm of-Coopers-and y L brand.. r=, more. had a bullet hole "above and behind the ?. ;' . He has been: missing since September. However, another'authoritative?source left ear' 24 when he failed to return from an after- said flatly that there was a bullet hole in The man also was found wearing diving noon. sailing trip- in. the Chesapeake. Bay. the dead man's head:- Ad i The body of a man, tentatively identi- Sunday, just north of where Mr. Paisley's examiner's office, refused to comment fied as John Paisley, once a. high-level CIA. sailboat was recovered last-week. last night about.a Coast Guard-statement official, has been found near the mouth of Mr..Paisley, 55, of Columbia, retired in- that the body recovered Sunday had "what the Patuxent River with weights tied..1974 asdepnty director of the CIA's Office' seemed to be a bullet hole" in the back of i around the w irt, d 16 11 According to the sources, investigators had sent for Mr.-, Paisley's, fingerprints, from the FBI, hoping to make a positive we ghts around his waist, they said...... identification of the body. The sources said the position of the bul- let hole suggested the man may have shot himself. . Officials investigating the matter' would-not confirm the presence of a bullet hole or say whether the man died of a gun- shot wound. They also refused to say if:. they were investigating the case as ,a hom- icide or suicide. .. . They said persons. aboard a pleasure. boat found the man's body about 3.45 P.M. ams and police said. dental His. 3o-foot. sloop, The Brillig, was found : ' . by a boater the next afternoon on shore at records would have to be located to con-- Point Look In in St. Marys- county. The firm the man's identity. sloop had its sails set and was otherwise-in- The-Coast Guard described. the man as good order: being to-his late 40's or. early 50's-with a: moustache and dressed in dungarees and a' Mary Anir. Paisley, his esstranged wife, T-shirt. He also wore gloves-and a had a; said yesterday.her former husband was an watch on his left wrist, they said. active scuba diver and kept diving weights Mrs... Paisley said her husband * wore aboard- his sloop. She said the weights . partial dental plates. Sources said last. were not on the boat when it, was re- night the body recovered Sunday also had covered.: dental plates. _ ' She said Mr. Paisley had been;"in a fine Philip Waggener a. friend of Mr. Pais- frame. of mind... very pleased." She also ley. and an employee in the same CIA sec- said he had "started a new life"; and was lion, said yesterday he had been asked to. not despondent. give the name of Mr.:. Paisley's dentist to ?! Dr. Steve .Adams, of the state. medical . CIA officials and other authorities. -T,~,, . Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 Q lid .~rofice-S' c C ty. au se JnF aisle ~~~~l h Ilncertain~ CID THE WASHINGTON POST ARTICLE APPEARED 5 October 1978 ON PAGE C-3 able to determine whether the. death 'of John A. Paisley, a former high-level. CIA.. employe found Maryland police said yesterday they are- still . un. Su" touching the victim's head and. the- wound,. above and behind the left ear could have been self g, said the. bullet that killed Paisley was -fired with. the. it was learned yesterday that Paisley, although ambidextrous, used his left hand for writin Fish sails set on the- morning.. after Paisley disappearecL. TA. L..J Police found an unspEnt. 9? mni.- cartridge;~aboard" type of gun Paisley wasp known- to, keep- aboard his,: Fisher, said Paisley, 55,? who was, last seen Sept- 24 Sunday floating. in Chesapeake Bay with a bullet. wound in his head,.was suicide or murder.. In an unusual response.: to newspaper reports that' linked Paisley's death to his,. CIA involvement, the CIA yesterday announced that Paisley, at the time of his disappearance, was' under: contract as a? CLAA consultant studying "Soviet military, expenditures and other economic-affairs." The . intelligence - agency labeled -ii'"iidiculous' and "absurd" a copyrighted story in the Wilmington (Del.) News Journal which said the CIA fears- Pais- ley was murdered by Soviet secret police because o .his connection. with, the agency's satellite surveil: lance system. CIA 'spokesman Dale Peterson said that.-Paisley; who retired in 1974 fr6m his full-time job as deputy, director of. the CIA's Office of Strategic Research;- was not a spy and. was not. involved in_clandestine, activities for-the agency. As a consultant, Paisley, was "a member of- the Military Economic Advisory Panels composed of out; I side. experts," Peterson said. "Much of this (work) is inflicted. :.' Ss ,... .. ;. - - ?,j Terrence O'Grady; a Falls Church attorney -repre;a' senting the Paisley family, yesterday denied reports that Paisley was. heavily, in debt atthe time of. his death"I've had access to his financial records and there is no evidence-of',any debts- that he` couldn't handle with his consulting earnings," O'Grady said.:. _.._,. Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 CIA label said try b e'. on -documents ao~ar sloop of dead ex-sp3~ offic al Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 ARIICL : APPEARED ON FA GE I''- - Documents bearing the words "Central Intelligence Agency" were aboard the siuop Bnllig when it was found aground near Point Lookout the day after John Ar- thur Paisley. once a high ranking Central Intelligence Agency official, was reported missing from his boat. a person who was at the scene said yesterday Although first reports on the boat were that nothing was amiss, a- Coast Guard spokesman yesterday noted that life pre- servers on. the. sloop were "scattered i about" and "not in their proper place." ' ' Mr. Paisley_ 55._ of . Washington, was found shot to death Sunday night-a week. after he had disappeared-in the Chesa- peake Bay near the mouth of the Patuxent River Forty pounds of diving weights were strapped to his chest and waist. Police officials have leaned.toward re- death garding the case as a possible suicide. but i no offictah_determination has been an- nounced and the:State Police investigation of the death continues. State Police said yesterday they had j been unable to determine whether the murder weapon-was a 9-mm: handgun. the type Mr. Paisley reportedly carried aboard the ship. or a .38-caliber revolver, a gun type not heretofore associated with One source said that the documents re- turned concerned an intelligence experi- decomposed. then said he "couldn't recall" and finally referred all questions to the State Police. Adding- to the mystery was a report' from a friend yesterday that Michael Yohn. of the Agency for International De- velopment i AID'. the last known person to= see MIr Patsley-alivee has left -the_country hurriedly. The friend, who asked not to be named. said that he did not know- where Mr. Yohn had. gone. only that he might be away as long as six months. The source who was at the scene. who asked not to be identified, said that an at- tache case: which was locked, was. in the helm of the sloop when it was found. In- side the case were documents which bore the words "Central Intelligence Agency." Central Intelligence Agency employees were on hand when Maryann Paisley. the victim's estranged. wife. went aboard last week. The CIA has officially denied any overt activity -in the- investigation. of the death. .. Sources said that the operators exam- ined the contents of the case before-turn- ing it over to Mrs. Paisley. . i An assistant state medical examiner refused yesterday to answer directly any questions as to whether there were bruises on fir Paisley's body. The medical exam- iner at first noted that the body was badly ment called "The B Team," which deals with the CIA attracting outside people to evaluate evidence and draw conclusions from the evidence. He said it is not classi- fied information. CIA officials who all week had contend- ed that Mr. Paisley had left the agency in 19T4'when he retired as deputy director of the Office of Strategic Research yesterday acknowledged that he had done consultant . work for them since he officially retired. "John Paisley worked part time on a contract basis as a member of the Mili- tary Economic Advisory Panel, composed of outside experts, which advises the director of Central Intelligence- on the CIA's assessments of Soviet military ex- penditures and other economic affairs,' the'CIA announced in a prepared state- ment. ,,,The Wilmington News Journal, in a copyrighted story- yesterday, quoted:, sources in the Washington intelligence community as saying the CIA is conduct- ing.its own, investigation because it fears. Mr. Paisley may have been murdered by the KGB, the Soviet intelligence agency. Qhoting sources in the Senate Intelli- genceCommittee, the News Journal sto- ry said that an investigation is being con- ducted into the possibility that there was a "high level mole," or double agent, within the, agency who was leaking information to the Soviet Union. The investigation began in August with .-the arrest of a 23-year-old CIA employee, William P. Kampiles, in Hammond, Ind., on charges of selling information to Soviet .representatives on the KH-11 satellite sur- veillance system. After that arrest, the story said, other classified documents were found to be missing.., Sources said the ' satellite system, known.. as "Big Bird,"will have. the major burden of: confirming-that the-Kremlin is- adhering, to any agreements reached at - the strategic arms limitation talks.. According . to . the: - News. Journal's sources, Mr. Paisley, who was an expert on Soviet and Chinese military operations, had helped plan the satellite system. The News Journaciting' sources, said that the head of the investigation into the leaks had contacted Mr. Paisley on the "remote possibility" that he was a double agent. The CIA yesterday denied the News { Journal story. . .. A spokesman for the Maryland State Police said, "We do not know if someone got on the boat and did it. We cannot sub- stantiate KGB reports." .The FBI in Baltimore..said they are monitoring the investigation, but so far have not entered because nothing has been turned up to indicate they have any juris- diction to enter it under federal law. The agency has volunteered its laboratories to the State Police to aid them, a spokesman said. Capt. Paul Rappaport, who is beading the investigation,-. said: last night. that he has been briefed by telephone but has not yet seen evidence or photographs of the boat He said that therefore he could not' l make in-depth comments on the investiga- 1 tion, which so far has been handled by two i detectives out of. the Prince Frederick: barracks,: ~. .. He said that a major meeting is planned for today at State Police head- quarters to go over the evidence. He said that then he would decide how many addi- tional men will-be put on the case. Mr. Paisley disappeared September 24 while on a cruise on the Chesapeake Bay. `Mr. Yohn, the. AID man, reportedly- I went out on a boat to see him about 2 P.M. and after cruising a while told Mr. Paisley that he was going to back to port to watch i a football game. Mr. Paisley was last heard from later that day when he radioed a friend, Col. Norman Wilson (USAF Ret.), that he was on his way back but not to wait for him. The derelict. vessel was found the next day near the mouth of the Potomac River-1 . Police.-have quoted friends as saying Mr. Paisley was despondent over his re- cent separation from his wife. The Wash- ington Star reported yesterday that he- was also upset because of recent financial 1 reversals and that Mr. Paisley had to take out a loan to pay a back tax debt . I Mrs Paisley has denied that her bus--'j band was upset over the separation. -F, , - -- - - ---- -- Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501250001-8 ARTICLE APPEARED C I A pyp U I I mul By JOE TRENTO The Central Intelligence Agency is investigating the death of a for- mer high-level agency official be- cause it fears he may have been murdered by the KGB, the Soviet secret police. '. The body of John Arthur Pais- ley, 55. of Washington, D.C., was found Sunday, weighted down and with a bullet in his head, not far from where he had disappeared while sailing Sept. 24 on the lower T-11 hesapeake Bay.. - ?1..: The The Morning News has learned from high-level CIA sources that Paisley had been in charge of the CIA's satellite surveillance sys- tem. Although he had formally re- tired in 1974 as deputy director of the Office of Strategic Research, after 30 years in intelligence work, he had continued as a consultant to the agency, according to these sources. Officials in the CIA's security division feel his murder may have been directly connected to the loss of important documents relating to the K-11 spy satellite system. According to President 'Carter, these satelliLes'will be. used to monitor any 'agreement that comes out of the current Strategic Arms Limitation-Talks (SALT) with the Soviet Union. CIA sources last night confirm- ed it was looking into the Paisley death and its possible connection with an investigation by the agen- WILMINGTON NESTS JOURNAL 4 OCTOBER 1978 cy and the senate Intelligence One source in the CIA's Office of Committee of a suspected high- Strategic Research said Paisley leelvel "mole" in the CIA. Those was "like a man on Mount Ever-- Probes have focused on whether est. He had access to everything top-level information' was leaked technical the agency did. He knew to the Soviets by someone within it all." th'e agency. Gambino was investigating the The. official CIA spokesman, however, would not directly com- ment on the investigation. Cpl. John Murphy, who'is inves- tigating the Paisley case for the Maryland State Police, told -the Morning News that "numerous 'CIA. documents". were found aboard Paisley's abandoned sail boat. '' 11 remote possibility that Paisley might have worked for the KGB, a CIA source said. "The documents that are missing are under his expertise." The same source held out the possibility that Paisley had stumbled on a security breach within the agency and had been killed to prevent its exposure. Last Sunday, in an astronaut awards ceremony at the Kenneiy turned the documents from the.' Space Center, President Carter abandoned boat over to us and we , said spy satellites provided a basis turned them over to Mrs., Pais- for the SALT agreements. It was ley," the estranged wife of the CIA the first public reference by an official. American president to the surveil- Murphy confirmed that Paisley lance of Soviet territory by sate)- was still a consultant for t:ie CIA. lites since the downing of a U-2 in ?`' " "`" ` "" w. "'1"''-""` According to CIA spokesman ? they told us he still worked for Dale Peterson, the search for a them," he told a reporter last.._mole inside the agency intensified night, with the arrest of William Kam- Murphy said he had not teen di- piles, who is awaiting trial next rectly contacted by the CIA "but you can tell they have been month, for the theft of the opera-1 working quietly around us. It real- , lions manual of the K 11 recoo- ly is very weird." naissance satellite. Peterson refused official com- The Morning News confirmed ment on Paisley's death except to that. the documents found on the : say that."he was a very high-level- sailboat we a picked up from Mrs. Paisley by the CIA's office of.Se- analytical side` not one the clandese' curity, Some of the documents, ac- tine side of'the house." cording to a source, were '9f a se A high-level staff member of the curity level "that indicated they Senate Intelligence Committee' should have never been out of the warned that "the political impli- headquarters building." I cations of this murder are very' The possibility that the Soviets serious. Conservative Democrats possess vital information about and. Republicans want to know if American spy satellites was first the satellite system we have is' .opened by the arrest early this workable. People at CIA. have summer' of 23-year-old CIA been leaking information that h ffi h o watc cer w o was charged , with stealing secret documents relating to the K-11. According to an official of `the CIA security division, who refused to be identified, an investigation then revealed that ",equally important documents in connec- tion,tWith other surveillance pro- grams were missing. We definite- ly have a major, unplugged se- curity breach." ' Robert Gambino, charged with, the investigation, was called in to check Paisley's knowledge of the. satellite program, sources close to the investigat?on told The Morning.! News. Gambino - could. not be reached for comment. According to the source, how- ever, Paisley had launched the-so- phisticated K-11 satellite series before his official retirement, and then continued as a consultant.: Murphy said "The Coast Guard other documents beyond the K-11 manual are missing." Should the Soviets- know the workings of the U.S. system that would. monitor adherence to a SALT agreement, they would. be' able to figure out a way to get around such monitoring, Senate opponents of SALT have warned, . Paisley's body was found Sun-, day two miles southeast' of the Patuxent Naval Air Station, not far from ;Solomons Island on: the western shore of Chesapeake Bay. Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501250001-8 I l t I I 1 .1 1 -- - 1 .. -. t Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 THE WASHINGTON STAR (GREEN LINE) ARTICLE APPEARED 5 October 1978 ON PAGE A-1.b CIS Doubts Dead Analyst Served as a D""'ouble Agent' 3 By Michael D. Davis Washingtoe Star Suit Writer . A CIA spokesman says the agency is convinced that John Paisley, the .retired agency official who was found shot to death in the Chesapeake Bay, took his own life. He-discounted pub- lished reports which suggested that Paisley- was -a. double, agent for the Soviet Union:.. The-spokesman. Herbert E. Hectu, yesterday -said -_Paisely , became..-a, consultant for the agency after he re- tired. in 1974, but that. he specialized in reports on Soviet military.spend- ing and did not handle or have access to highly classified information. ' He said agency officials have been told by investigators that. Paisley, who was reported to have been dis- traught over his. marital and finan- cial affairs, took his own life. Hectu said a Maryland State Po- lice investigation concluded Paisley wrapped skindivers:weights around) his body, shot himself and then fell into the bay from the deck of his 31- foot sailboat, The Brillig. . HE SAID THE state police decided not to announce the findings after a Wilmington, Del., newspaper pub- i fished reports suggesting that. Pais- ley was a double. agent who was linked to the disappearance of-impor-. tant papers dealing with the U.S. spy satellite system. " I guess they want to be very cautious about their find- ings,"he said..'. Knowledgeable sources- inside and outside the CIA insisted that Paisley, who was deputy director of the agen- cy's Office of Strategic Research when he retired, never was assigned. to work on the satellite program,. did. not have access to classified informa- tion on the program and was not the subject of an internal. CIA investiga- tion. _ Hectu confirmed reports that CIA agents were % :.called to Lusby, Md., after a-Coast Guard boardingI party found Paisley's sloop aground in the..Bay and -reported finding classified documents on the ship. `--A Coast Guard spokesman at Curtis Bay said the decision to call the CIA was made "after we found zlocuments which appeared to be sensitive." HECTU SAID the. Coast Guard found Paisely's CIA identification card in a wallet on.the.boat and --then made "the inaccurate determination" that the. papers found' on the ship were classified CIA documents. He said two . agents examined the papers. and. others turned them overto-Paiseiy's-estranged'wife, ..long with his other'personal effects. , . _ 1'7 Retired Air- Force W.: Norman Wilson, who' ;owns the dock where. Paisley kept his boat,. con- ,"firmed CIA reports on the papers. "I saw the papers. It was nothing more than'-a :series of memos he was preparing on meetings. It.; was all pretty dry administrative stuff," he said. Hectu, the CIA spokesman, said, "He was not in-1 ,volved in clandestine operations, and we are leav-; ::trig the investigation of this incident to the, Maryland State-Police." .Paisley. whop ended a 30-year intelligence career1 -'in 1974, was an avid saltwater sa-ilor who took his' sloop into the-bay-alone Sept. 24. Later'he?-radioed; Wilson that he. would be returning to port later that :evening. His body, with a bullet wound, in the head, was found the following Sunday floating in the bay. FRIENDS AND investigators said Paisley. 55,7! was depressed over several recent financial re- verses and his recent separation from his wife. who lives in McLean, Va. After- that separation Paisely lived alone in an apartment at 1500 Massa chusetts Ave. NW. He took a full-time job as a con- sultant with a Washington accounting firm. ' Hectu confirmed that shortly after Paisley' re- tired from the CIA he was retained as a consultant to the Military Economic Advisory Panel, which advises the agency's director on Soviet military 'i expenditures and other economic affairs. He said Paisley was given this positon because this was his- area of specialization when he retired from the CIA. , "He was an analyst. He wasn't - a spy," Hectu said. ? Hectu said the CIA' was not taking "an active role" in the, investigation. "We are an overseas intelligence collecting organization. We don't do domestic investigations. That is prohibited. by executive order," he explained. MARYLAND State Police Cpl. Jerry Eismann.' said the police have had no contact. with- the CIA. ~ apart from asking for help in the identification of. Paisley's body from dental records: . "They have not approached us," Eisemann said...{ "We asked'them for help in. identifying the .body', ? and as far as I know that is the only connection we' have had with the CIA or the FBI." "It appears. to be a suicide by all indications," a'! source in the Maryland medical examiner's office said. "There-were no signs of a struggle." An automatic pistol that Paisley kept aboard.the boat-for protection was missing, according to Wil-?-,I son; the. dock :operator,: who said he found a, live cartridge in the ship's cabin. - ....,., Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 STAT a. Ij Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 o - &e, Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 :Iw Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 th ._:C.LE AF? Z--U_D o,i ::cGE_ A - / _ THE BALTIMORE SUN 4 October 1978 Sputnik's 21st anniversary. S a lii shave - ad- ...agger passe _The space age. which began 21 years However. ., space; ` reconnaissance ago today, has produced a maturing gen. means much more than adding up num- eration of reconnaissance. satellites hers It also means inferring intentions which, it-is said, can spot a pack of ciga of an enemy, a capability beyond price rettes from 100 miles in orbit, in military preparedness, :.These officially secret instruments of _ . Forexample..a Soviet cruiser o rat- intelligence have been the lentpart- ing off the East Coast of -Afri may nets in a.-series of. highly publicized, move .across the Indian. Ocean- toward space achievements that. began, October. Indonesia. - y? 4. 1957, with the launching othe Soviet n J Union's Sputnik 1~ - That sort of questioo.?based on a sin. Now. President Carter, 'speaking at gle. bit of information from. a satellite; Cape- Canaveral,. Fla Sunday, has-. re- : can' start- wheels 'turning. itrthe intelll- ferred to satellite reconnaissance pub- gene-community.. The answer may be licly, something no other chief executive Important, or unimportant, but the ques- has.done in the last two decades. tion might not have. been asked= two de- In that time, the capabilities of these cades age. :.; ;:; : ?,_;:: _instrumented.- spacecraft,.. which the ...'' The United States took. its first step United States and the Soviet Union have into the reconnaissance satellite busi- orbited by the score, have. been sharp- ness in 1960 with the launching of a se- erred to a point that they have revolu- ties of spacecraft designed to keep this tionized the business of gathering. inteI? country alerted to an enemy attack. ligence. The Defense Department's Advanced Sea Power, official publication of Research Projects Agency and. the Air the Navy League of the United States. Force were quick to recognize the poten- quoted one, knowledgeable observer in teat of a satellite circling the globe at its September issue as saying: . - 18.000 miles an hour. "Covert intelligence operations, if not After a string of failures, which obsolete. are obsolescent.... A satellite seemed almost inevitable in those days, circling the... world in 45 minutes will the space engineers and scientists began pick up more information in a day than ? to get.things to work right the espionage service could..pick up in: ye Midas 2; launched May 2.4,1980. and ars. ..~._.:. ,: _ While professional intelligence peo- designed to warn the nation.. of enemy ple in. the United States-and the Soviet, missile launchings, was the first Amen- Union would likely take exception . to can satellite of this type to achieve orbit that. it is apparent that the precise in . Midas. an acronym.. for -missile de- struments aboard spy. satellites have re- - fense alarm system. carried instruments corded. an untold. story. of an. amazing .sensitive to heat. ultraviolet light and X-. genre. rays; and was sent aloft. to look out for President Johnson, addressing ;~a nuclear explosions and spot, missile ex-. small audience of educators in.1967. said hausts:- - sate! rite'reconnaissance alone. had justi.. . - Discoverer 13. launched. in August of fled spending.10 times the money the na that year. carried. .a photographic pack tion had. already. spent on ,space.. then age that was. .ejected from. the orbiting. about $35 billion.. spacecraft and was recovered from" the .Because. of this- reconnaissance.. he -.ocean*. - '-' said, "I know how many, missiles the en- With the launching orDiscoverer 14- emy has." a week later, the Air Force did even bet Doubtless. the- art has: improved_in ' ter and recovered the satellite package_ thelastll,yeara. in midair with a trailing line from 'a cargo- plane. Photographs were and -are a.valued form of. intelligence information-because ;' ,_ ~?,..r ; _,;._:.,r , of their. clarity. Samos' 2'. 'designed for photographic and electronic observations, was launched in January..1961, and was the first United States. satellite of that type to attain orbit.:. Samos-.was an acronym for satellite and., missile observation system. ? . ~. . The,Air. Force, was open about these matters until :the- Kennedy administration.: decided -the .entire subject of satellite t'e? j connaissance should be a secreL?- ?- The- names, Midas. Samos and, Discov--~ erer were later dropped- from. the mili tary:. lexuron:_and in 1963; the American spy-in. the-sky-system began.working full-time -..?; -Ti , . Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 ARTICLE APPEA^.EDF ON PAGE _:ir THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE 3 October 1978 Relying on spy . satellites President Carter brought our recon one rocket engine with a more powerful naisance satellites "out of the. closet" one?]. If Mr. Carter is proposing that Sunday by acknowledging, in a speech. we rely on spy satellites, then what he at Cape Canaveral, that we are_ using didn't say becomes as important as them to monitor military. activities in. what he did. the Soviet Union; that we are well What he didn't mention is that the ahead of the Soviet Union in their devel- Soviets are generally acknowledged to opment; that "in the monitoring of arms be well ahead of us. in the development control agreements they make' an im- of killer satellites-'missiles that can seek mense contribution to the security.of all out and destroy satellites up to an alti. nations"; and that we shall do our best tude of about 900 miles,: which would be to keep. our lead. sufficient to. reach. our . reconnaisance satellites have been satellites. The Russians.are also report Until now, spy ed to be. working on. anti-satellite laser officially referred to-if at beams. the euphemism "national technical Three months ago, the administration means." Significantly, Mr. Carter's approached the Soviets with a sugges- speech came at almost exactly the mo- tion that killer satellites be banned; ment that our latest SALT talks were there was a meeting of the bodies at breaking up in Washington with only the = Helsinki? but., not. of the ? minds.. These familiar- comment that. they had been., talks have' gotten. nowhere; and small "intensive and useful." Mr..Vance keeps wonder. In view of our apparent lead in hinting that a. satisfactory agreement is spy satellites, hard to see the Sovi , just around the corner, but- .we're begin- ets . abandoning:; efforts to knock ihem ring to wonder how many corners we down. And Mr. Carter's Florida talk is t not likely to*. -Make them any- more have to round before we iut the righ In-view of the timing, we can't help, So we find Mr., Carter's assurance less wondering whether we're- being ..pre-' than comforting. Even granting. that spy pared for -a SALT agreement that con- satellites are marvelous in their capabil- tains no provision for on-ground monitor- ities, they are useful ' only so lone as ing: [long a sore. point with the Soviet ' they can fly over the areas we want to Union] and therefore depends primarily: -'watch. If the Soviets win the power to on our ability to monitor the Soviet Un- control where they fly, they will be of ion by satellite. little use to us. Clearly there are more Never mind, for the moment, whether questions that need to be answered be- t fore we can rest easy in the knowledge satellites alone can do the job adequa o- ly [can they detect the replacement of that our spy satellites are protecting us. T -711"IT Tr . Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 Approved For Release 2009/04/29: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501250001-8 ARTICLE APPEARED ON PAGE-A-1-.6 President Seeks. road Support. . For GM s Pact,- THE WASHINGTON STAR (GREEN LINE) 2 October 1978 By Vernon A. Guidry Jr. Washington StarSta It. Writer . DISNEY-WORLD;-Fla -= In -an ticipation of an agreement .with the Soviet Union to limit strategic arms, the Carter administration is stepping up its. efforts to, demonstrate it- is. capable ' of looking after. U.S.: inter gists.. i.. _, Apart from negotiating' they sub- stance. of'the limitations, the admin- istration.: has. been, conducting a campaign - of' public education ' and persuasion in support of the'treaty it .. ..