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Approved For Release 2009/08/27: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501220006-6 DCI INVITATION (SOCIAL) ~~ 4 -. 79-215 DATE RECEIVED: 27 August 1979 DATE OF EVENT: Tuesday, 25 Sept 79 1. INFORMATION REGARDING THE INVITATION: SUSPENSE: 30 August 1979 a. Source: Printed invitation b. Type of Event: Reception & Dinner William J. Donovan Award to be presented to c. Special Occasion: His Excellency Jacaues Ch~1h..~D~mas d. Hosted By: Committee of the O.S S 1900 - Reception e. Date/Time: 2000 - Dinner Tuesd~. ~5 Seotem(~er 1979... f. Location: International Ballroom_West. Wa~hing~on Hilton g. Attire: Black Tie h. Significant Info: RSVP card attached. 2. SCHEDULE: 'r Z 3 S.wr- .r ~.~[ Yy~.o1^- 3. RECOMMENDATIONS: IDE (ivy ~. 3 - Z ~ EA ~~~~ .P , ~,~ 4. DCI DECISION: (MRS. TURNER INVITED Acce t R ret b. PASS T0: DDCI D/DCI/IC D/DCI/NI Yes No ) P`'~ c a. ACCEPT REGRET ~ SEE ME 5. AIDE FINAL ACTION: 6. INFORMATION ROUTING: a. COMMENTS: $50_~er ticket. S___ T ~ ~ W,~- a ~ ~ a t~ ~ rk. Remarks Approved For Release 2009/08/27: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501220006-6 Approved For Release 2009/08/27 :CIA-RDP05S00620R000501220006-6 ~ ~ ' V' The Committee requests the Pleasure of your company at the Veterans o~ the ~.S.S. 1979 Dinner and Presentation of The William J. Donovan Award to His Excellency Jacques Cl~aban-Delmas on 1 uesclay evenin~s, tl-e twenty-iiitl- o~ -.7epteml~er Nineteen hundred an~ seventy-nine at eight ocloclz International Ballroom West, The Washington Hilton Washington, District of C'olum~ia 1ZecePtion seven oclock International Ballroom East Blac]z tie IZ. 1S.V.I~. Gaard lenclosed Dress uni~orm Tickets at the door Decorations Approved For Release 2009/08/27 :CIA-RDP05S00620R000501220006-6 Approved For Release 2009/08/27 :CIA-RDP05S00620R000501220006-6 The Donovan Award 1962 THE HONORABLE ALLEN W. DULLES 1963 THE HONORABLE JOHN J. MCCLOY 1964 LIEUTENANT GENERAL WILLIAM W. QUINN 1965 GENERAL OF THE ARMY DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER 1966 THE EARL MOUNTBATTEN OF BURMA 1967 THE HONORABLE EVERETT' MCKINLEY DIRKSEN 1969 J. RUSSELL FORGAN 1970 THE ASTRONAUTS OF APOLLO 11 1971 THE HONORABLE DAVID K. E. BRUCE 1974 THE HONORABLE WILLIAM J. CASEY 1977 THE HONORABLE ROBERT D. MURPHY The Veterans of the Office of Strategic Services will award the William J. Donovan medal to an individual who has rendered distinguished service in the interests of the United States and the cause of freedom. Any citizen of the Free World will be eligible. The purpose of this award is to foster a tradition and spirit of the kind of service to country and the cause of freedom which William J. Donovan rendered in both his private and public capacities. He was the exemplar of the citizen-soldier-diplomat who valiantly served his country and the cause of freedom throughout the world. This award, as a perpetual parallel, will be made to an individual who, in his activities, exemplifies the spirit, the tradition and the distinguishing features which characterized General Donovan's career. These include a continuing concern for the world's security and safety, for the role which the United States must play in the world, and for the rights, freedoms and welfare of individuals in our society. Perhaps the most unique feature of General Donovan's life was the continuing expression of these concerns in his private life and activities as well as in public service. Specifically, in General Donovan's career these features were expressed, as one of America's leading citizen-soldiers, as ambassador, as intelligence chief, as assistant Attorney General, as lawyer in the courtroom and in the office, as private traveler seeing what he could learn for the benefit of his country. The recipient of the Donovan medal will be an individual who has, in his own career, outstandingly exemplified these features of Donovan's career. He will be selected by a committee appointed by the President of the Veterans of the O.S.S. The award will take the form of a medal, carrying a likeness of General Donovan. Approved For Release 2009/08/27 :CIA-RDP05S00620R000501220006-6 Approved For Release 2009/08/27 :CIA-RDP05S00620R000501220006-6 The Dinner Committee Chairman HENRY B. HYDE Washington Vommittee Chairman LT. GENERAL WILLIAM W. QUINN Vice Chairmen JOHN A. BROSS MRS. DAVID K. E. BRUCE RAY S. CLINE KENNETH M. CROSBY HON. EMILIO Q. DADDARIO S. DILLON RIPLEY New 1 or~ Vommittee Chairman MICHAEL BURKE Vice Chairmen FRANKLIN ~. CANFIELD NICHOLAS L. DEAK ALBERT E. JOLIS ARTHUR SCHLESINGER, JR. MRS. THOMAS A. STONE JOHN WEITZ Executive Vice Chairmen MRS. JAMES MCS. WIMSATT MRS. WALTER J. HODGES National Dinner Committee Robert Amory, Jam, Arthur J Goldberg James R. Murphy James B. Angleton Raymond R. Guest Arthur R. Natho Mary Bancroft Murray I. Gurfein Norman T. Newhouse Charles A. Bane Kay Murphy Halle Julian M. Niemczyk Jeanne F. Begg Joseph F. Haskell James St. L. O'Toole Andrew H. Berding Donald C. Hays Walter H. Page Nahum Bernstein Richard M. Helms ~ W. T. Peers John A. Blatnik John Hemingway Virginia Pryor Paul Charles Blum William J. Horrigan Edwin J Putzell, Jr. George H. Bookbinder / Amory Houghton Willis C. Reddick Edward F. Boughton Robert F. Houlihan Fred Rodell Ann Willets Boyd Lawrence P. Houston Robert R. Rodenberg Raymond L. Brittenham Fisher Howe Harry A. Rositzke_~~ Charles E. Brown ~ John J Howley Lucius O. Rucker, Jr. William J C~ey Blahoslav S. Hruby John P. Russell Julia Child Edward Hymoff Frank Ryan Paul Child Geoffrey M. T. Jones Adolph W. Schmidt Leon A. Chupp ~ S. Peter Karlow Joseph M. Scribner William E. Colby Milton Katz John M. Shaheen Joseph R. Coolidge James G. Kellis Peter M. F. Sichel David C. Crockett Sherman Kent Robert L. F. Sikes Ernest Cuneo Rolfe Kingsley ~ S. H. Simpson, Jr. Ann Brooke Currie L. B. Kirkpatrick, Jr. John K. Singlaub ~ Paul Cyr Robert Lambert Joseph W. Stanley Curtis Carroll Davis Albert G. Lanier Dolly Corbin Stone True Davis Leonard P. Laundergan Kay Sugahara Eli W. DeBevoise Edward J. Lawler Lazare Teper Richard de Rochemont Joseph E. Lazarsky~ Robert E. S. Thompson Thibaut de Saint Phalle Derek E. Lee Robert Thrun Helene Deschamps-Adams Gertrude S. Legendre ~ Hans V. Tofte , Francis T. Devlin Franklin A. Lindsay Gerhard P. Van Atkel Russell H. Dorr Lawrence W. Lowman Earl E. Walker Kenneth T. Downs Peter F. Lutken, Jr. Richard T. Walsh J. Hunter Drum Clark MacGregor Steve Weiss Raymond Drymalski Walter R. Mansfield Benjamin Welles Carl F. Eifler Guy Martin Frank M. White, Jr. William D. Eliscu Turner H. McBaine John D. Wilson Frank Farrell Owen McGivern Kai G. Winkelhorn William H. G. FitzGerald Peter G. Mero David H. Winton Chris Fragos Thomas N. Moon James R. Withrow Paolino Gerli Dan T. Moore Beverly Woodner Virginia H. Goillot William J. Morgan David Yotck Approved For Release 2009/08/27 :CIA-RDP05S00620R000501220006-6 Approved For Release 2009/08/27 :CIA-RDP05S00620R000501220006-6 ~ ~ ~~ ~~cers o~ t~Ie Veterans of t~e ~.S.S. GEOFFREY M. T. JONES RAY $. CLINE JAMES G. KELLIS LEONARD P. LAUNDERGAN GEORGE H. BOOKBINDER EDWARD F. HOUGHTON President Vice President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Assistant Secretary William J. Donovan Award Committee JOHN M. .SHAHEEN, Chairman HONORABLE JOHN A. BEATNIK RAYMOND L. BRITTENHAM MICHAEL BURKE J. R. CooLIDGE NICHOLAS L. DEAK HENRY B. HYDE JAMES G. KELLIS HONORABLE CLARK MACGREGOR TURNER H. MCBAINE JAMES ST. LAWRENCE O~TOOLE EDWIN J. PUTZELL, JR. EDWARD G. WILSON Approved For Release 2009/08/27 :CIA-RDP05S00620R000501220006-6 Approved For Release 2009/08/27 :CIA-RDP05S00620R000501220006-6 Tl~e 1979 Donovan tlward Dinner TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER TWENTY-FIFTH WASHINGTON HILTON HOTEL RECEPTION AT SEVEN DINNER AT EIGHT Enclosed is my check for $ ........................ covering ................ reservations at $50 each (includes reception cocktails and wine with dinner). Dinner Tickets and Seating Lists will be held at the door of the International Balkoom East. NAME ..................................................... ......................................................... ADDRESS .......................................................................................................... .................................................................................. ZIP CODE .................... TELEPHONE (AREA CODB) .......................................................................... Please make checks payable to VETERANS OF O.S.S. DINNER COMMITTEE. Dinner Coordinator: Margaret Wimsatt, (301) 652-5368 (ovER) ~_ Approved For Release 2009/08/27 :CIA-RDP05S00620R000501220006-6 i 1 Approved For Release 2009/08/27 :CIA-RDP05S00620R000501220006-6 All tables seat ten. ^ Please reserve ............ tables in my name. My guests are: ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. ^ I would like to sit with i i Approved For Release 2009/08/27 :CIA-RDP05S00620R000501220006-6 Approved For Release 2009/08/27 :CIA-RDP05S00620R000501220006-6 1979 WILLIAM J. DONOVAN AWARD DINNER C~O MRS. JAMES MCSHERRY WIMSATT 25 WEST IRVING STREET CHEVY CHASE, MARYLAND 2OO1 S Approved For Release 2009/08/27 :CIA-RDP05S00620R000501220006-6 1979 WILLIAM J. DONOVAN AWARD DINNER August 21, 1979 Dear Comrades, DONOVAN AWARD COMMITTEE John M. Shaheen, Chairman The Hon. John A. Blatnik Raymond L. Brittenham Michael Burke J.R. Coolidge Nicholas L. Deak Otto C. Doering, Jr. Henry 8. Hyde James G. Kellis The Hon. Clark MacGregor Turner H. McBaine James St. Lawrence O'Toole Edwin J. Putzell, Jr. Your committees are organizing a great evening on September 25 honoring Jacques Chaban-Delmas. Now President of the French National Assembly, Mr. Chaban-Delmas has had an interesting career characterized by his fearlessness and dedication to his country which liken him to General Donovan. What free time he has, he enjoys spending with wartime secret operatives. To most of us the great joy of our meetings is seeing old friends and this year's VS3 reunion gives us the chance to spend more time together than usual. We have planned an informal dutch treat luncheon at the University Club in downtown Washington at 1 p.m. on September 25. Informed speakers from our membership will tel"1 us about current developments in both US intelligence and prime foreign trouble spots. Afterward you can visit with friends or rest till the soiree begins. On a more solemn note, with Mr. Chaban-Delmas we are dedicating an OSS plaque to the Unknowa~ Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, September 26. We will also lay a wreath on General Donovan's tomb nearby. You are all invited to join in these tributes of respect and affection for 109. Wives and guests, of course, are welcome to all events. So please plan to be free from midday September 25 until midday September 16. Details will appear in our next regular mailing. Our Margaret Wimsatt in Washington has blocked 50 rooms at the Washington Hilton Hotel which must be reserved by September 5. Please advise her promptly if you desire one of these reservations and about which events you plan to attend. Let's get as many of our alumni, their families and your own guests as we can to participate.in these events. We look forward to an exciting program. Approved For Release 2009/08/27: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501220006-6 - Approved For Release 2009/08/27: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501220006-6 Approved For Release 2009/08/27 :CIA-RDP05S00620R000501220006-6 ~~-esA15~ -~ yOMFO~ BRAVE ~aM..~a ,a~~- _ czn Approved For Release 2009/08/27 :CIA-RDP05S00620R000501220006-64""'~ -" 1979 WILLIAM J. DONOVAN AWAxn DINNER Approved For Release 2009/08/27 :CIA-RDP05S00620R000501220006-6 Approved For Release 2009/08/27 :CIA-RDP05S00620R000501220006-6