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Approved For Release 2009/08/27: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501220002-0 ?~"' it fr*m person obiervat$onR.. -?U_ ( ived a call from, the, office of Admiral T Davies ACS , like a half hour of fur time to discuss CTi3 f eri f ;inn, ; 25X1 tells me that this subject is pert of Year Presidential brief uled this for 1030 on u v. 4 S r_ nr4m* #,a ~l.~ .rti...~.~....1 V. - R..-. ~FW wFN ar.Fer e~. m +Hrai u v Baia rte would be n alone. 25X1 If this is oke with you--should I ask to sit in? 3. The hste luncheon i oke for the 27th of September.. 4. Learned from Presi dlertti~,j Scheduling that the Presidential briefs i l .. .. eteg: We _eO are fi rte, for September,, but Sri l t have to check the week befog the next one to determine what der'--s, the President will be taking, trips in be , so our briefings e ere -other W not or TFra, but, one in that week, r Had the Presidential BOX checked Out for the key. Ito one could find it. The Park Service SupporWedoX are Ple Who handle thi's'. I haven t called the White House ..,yet.'`burt 'l'd think,.,..,.,... this is not the first time a key eed~ I will gait another dare-.-end te ki l the Soask them first--if the + had been turned i nr Then if ll wait far their' fur rer i nsltruct i n. e s e Sunday night? found the d i kiaw and t in? t urne Admiral Turner: Due to faulty machine, here's item 1: asked if there was any '~ p or at his request. I particular subject and was told just that the President has asked him to see some people. Under the circumstances, don't you think it would be a good idea to have l1r. Donovan drop over (I could go over and tell his girl and escort him into your office). This way he could see all the people that are going to be jammed in here that day working on the Presidential Brief. Then, when the question comes up as to whether we need space, Mr. Donovan can-Confirm it from personal observation. 1. Hedley Donovan has requested some time with you. I advised his office you would be here on 5 September if-that was soon enough. He said fine, he would only need a few minutes of your time so I set if u f 1000 I I IT Approved For Release 2009/08/27: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501220002-0