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Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501190018-7 ?iraut nUrgr Omitt fiitb, &4ubt 41L1anb (Out untrrb aub Ihirtrrnti QInmmrnrrmrnt .0aturhug, Mag 22, 19711 tern n'rlnrk Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501190018-7 i Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501190018-7 10 IE eicorme A cordial welcome to relatives, friends, students, faculty, and alumni who gather here today to celebrate Bryant College's One Hundred and Thirteenth Commencement. Scabemic joeratbrp The caps, gowns, and hoods worn today in these Commencement Exer- cises are patterned after the attire of monks and. students in the Middle Ages. Those who have earned the bachelor's degree wear a gown and a semistiff yoke, long pleated front, intricate shirring across the shoulders and back, which is also distinguished by long, pointed sleeves. The holder of a master's degree wears a similar gown, with long or short oblong sleeves which hang down in the traditional manner and open at the wrist. Those possessing the doctor's degree wear gowns with broad velvet panels down the front and three velvet bars on the full, round, open sleeves. This velvet trimming may be either black or the color distinctive of the field of learning represented by the degree. Most of the colors and meanings of the costumes are found in the hoods. These are silk-lined with the color or colors of the institution conferring the degree. The border of the hood is velvet and its color signifies the field of learning to which the degree pertains. All those taking photographs of gradu- ates are asked to stand in space re- served on the left, facing the platform. (The Bryant Commencement honors certified graduates and degree candidates who have been scheduled to complete course work by May 21, 1976.) Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501190018-7 Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501190018-7 rber of fxertipeg ACADEMIC PROCESSION (The audience is requested to be seated after the colors are in place and during the Academic Procession) PRESIDING DR. NELSON J. GULSKI President of Bryant College THE NATIONAL ANTHEM (The audience will stand and remain standing for the Invocation) INVOCATION THE REVEREND DONAT A. BARRETTE Bryant College Religious Counselor CONVENING THE ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTEENTH COMMENCEMENT DR. WILLIAM P. ROBINSON, JR. Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Bryant College GREETINGS FROM THE STATE THE HONORABLE PHILIP W. NOEL Governor of the State of Rhode Island GREETINGS FROM THE COMMUNITY THOMAS F. FOGARTY, JR. President, Smithfield Town Council CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES PRESIDENT GULSKI Citations: GERTRUDE METH HOCHBERG Vice-President for Public Affairs Honorary Degree Recipients Escorts SISTER LUCILLE McKILLOP . . . . . . . . Dr. George J. Kelley DR. WILLIAM HENRY HEISLER, 3rd . . . . . Dr. E. Gardner Jacobs DAVID JAMES GARDAM, JR.. . . . . . . . Mr. Walter C. Tillinghast DR. MALCOLM STEVENSON FORBES . . . . Mr. Thomas J. Brown DR. ARTHUR FRANK BURNS . . . . . . . Dr. Sol Koffler Hooding: DR. LOWELL C. SMITH Vice President for Academic Affairs COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS DR. ARTHUR FRANK BURNS Chairman of the Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501190018-7 i Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501190018-7 0 PRESENTATION OF CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES IN COURSE DR. SMITH PRESENTATION OF COMMENCEMENT AWARDS DR. BARRY A. FULLERTON Vice President for Student Affairs INTRODUCTION OF CANDIDATES (Please withhold applause until the last student in each group has left the platform) PROFESSOR MARY JANE PELKEY Chairwoman, Office Education Department DR. PRISCILLA M. PHILLIPS Chairwoman, Teacher Education Department MR. RICHARD F. ALBERG Dean of Academic Administration MR. TIMOTHY P. CARTWRIGHT Director of the Evening Division DR. CLARISSA M. H. PATTERSON Dean of Academic Instruction DR. SOL LEBOVITZ Dean of the Graduate School PRESENTATION OF CLASS GIFT LARRY A. WINKLER, CLASS OF 1976 ALUMNI CHARGE DR. DAVID JAMES GARDAM, JR., CLASS OF 1952 Vice President, Industrial Relations for RCA ADJOURNMENT OF THE ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTEENTH COMMENCEMENT DR. ROBINSON BENEDICTION REVEREND FREDERICK L. YARGER Pastor of Arnolds Mills Methodist Church RECESSIONAL (Please remain standing until candidates leave the Commencement area) RECEPTION The entire Assembly is cordially invited to attend the reception immediately following the exercises. Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501190018-7 Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501190018-7 JDonorarp Jegreeo DOCTOR OF SCIENCE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SISTER LUCILLE McKILLOP, R.S.M. President, Salve Regina College Born in Chicago, Illinois, Sister Lucille McKillop began her teaching career in her hometown in 1946. A graduate of St. Xavier's College in Chicago, Sister Lucille received her MS in Mathematics from the University of Notre Dame and her Ph.D. in Mathe- matics: Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Wisconsin. From 1965 to 1975 Sister Lucille was active at St. Xavier's College as Director of Federal Aid Programs, Sum- mer School, and as Chairman of the Division of Liberal Arts and Humanities, and the Department of Mathematics. Sister Lucille was Chairman of the Higher Education Committee for the Sisters of Mercy, Province of Chicago. She was also a member of the Sisters of Mercy Social Jus- tice Committee, the Committee on Social Action Fund, Chairman of the Government Com- mission and a member of the Province Board of Directors of her order. In 1968 she was a member of the Executive Board of the American Association of University Women, Chicago Branch, and a member of the Commission on Mathematics, Preparation of Teach- ers of Elementary School Mathematics, Illinois. Named to the Presidency of Salve Regina College, Newport, in 1973, Sister Lucille has been active in Rhode Island community affairs since coming to our state. She is a member of the Board of Directors, Newport County Chamber of Commerce, and a mem- ber of the Executive Board of the Rhode Island Committee for the Humanities. In 1973 Sister Lucille took part in the Freire Workshops on the Pedagogy of the Oppressed. She is a recipient of the Pi Mu Epsilon Citation for Outstanding Scholarship, the Pi Lambda Theta Award, and the Cu Chulainn Award as Irish Woman of the Year, pre- sented by the Harp and Shamrock Clubs of Chicago-the first time awarded to a woman- for outstanding courage and integrity. DOCTOR OF SCIENCE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION WILLIAM H. HEISLER, 3rd Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Citizens Bank A native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, William Heisler graduated from Wesleyan University. A resident of Rhode Island since 1947, Mr. Heisler is Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Citizens Bank. Since coming to Rhode Island, William Heisler has taken an active part in business and civic affairs in the state. He is a trustee of the Rhode Island Public Expenditure Council and Rhode Island Hospital, and a member of the Corporation of Rhode Island Blue Cross and Johnson and Wales College. He is also a Director of the Providence Journal Company and a member of the Rhode Island Bicentennial Council and the Rhode Island State-Wide Planning Council. In 1975, William Heisler was General Chairman of the United Way Campaign. He is a member of the President's Council of Providence College and an Hon- orary Director and Past President of Children's Friend and Service. In his hometown of Barrington, Rhode Island, Mr. Heisler is a member of the Board of Associates, Barrington College, and of the Barrington Planning Board. He is married to the former Elisabeth Reeder and they are the parents of two children. Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501190018-7 i Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501190018-7 onorarp Degrees DOCTOR OF SCIENCE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION DAVID J. GARDAM, JR. Vice President, Industrial Relations for RCA David J. Gardam, Jr. received his BS degree from Bryant College in 1952 where he was energetic in student activities. Previous to that, he served in the U.S. Marine Corps for three years. After receiving his degree from Bryant, Mr. Gardam did graduate work at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. He later became a member of the faculty of the Institute of Management and Labor Relations, 1956-1960. Mr. Gardam began his career with RCA in 1955 when he joined the Harrison, New Jersey, operation as a Training Specialist. He moved to RCA's Marion, Indiana, plant as Manager, Plant Personnel in 1960, and remained there until the position of Administrator, Labor Re- lations, RCA Corporate Staff became available in 1963. David J. Gardam, Jr., became Vice President, Industrial Relations, RCA Electronics and Diversified Businesses in October, 1975. He had been Vice President, Employee Re- lations for the National Broadcasting Company since September, 1972. Previous to that, he was Vice-+President, Personnel for NBC in 1968. In his present position Mr. Gardam has responsibility for all industrial relations activities within RCA Electronics and Diversified Businesses which includes Consumer Electronics Division, Solid State Division, Picture Tube Division, Distributor and Special Products Division, Government Systems Division, Commercial Systems Division, RCA Service Company, Banquet Foods Corporation, Coronet Industries, Inc., the Hertz Cor- poration, Oriel Foods, Ltd. and SelectaVision. He now resides in Short Hills, New Jersey, with his wife, Betty, and their three daughters, Marilyn, Donna and Nancy. DOCTOR OF SCIENCE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION MALCOLM S. FORBES President, Forbes Magazine Born in Brooklyn, New York, Malcolm Forbes spent his youth in Englewood, New Jersey. After graduating from Lawrenceville School in 1937, he enrolled at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University. He graduated in 1941 and was awarded the Class of 1901 Medal "as the member of the class who con- tributed the most to Princeton as an undergraduate:' Two days after his college graduation, Malcolm Forbes became the owner and pub- lisher of the Fairfield Times Weekly Newspaper of Lancaster, Ohio. The following year he founded the Lancaster Tribune. A World War II hero, Mr. Forbes embarked on a political career in New Jersey in 1949, serving as state senator from 1951-1958. He was the unsuccessful Republican candidate for governor in 1957. During the 1960's, Malcolm Forbes concentrated on Forbes Magazine, founded by his Scottish father. During this time he began diversifying his company's holdings to reflect his own broad range of interests, which included art, motorcycles, and exotic real estate. Malcolm Forbes started motorcycle riding at age forty-eight; at fifty-two he took up ballooning. Soon after his first balloon ride he set up a balloon ascension division of Forbes, Inc., and in 1973 Malcolm Forbes became the first person to fly successfully from coast to coast in one hot air balloon. Despite his many extracurricular activities, Malcolm Forbes remains an active editor of his magazine, and for each issue he writes an opinion column of short but sprightly pieces called "Fact and Comment." He began contributing some twenty-five years ago to the "Fact and Comment" column founded by his father, and he now continues the family tradition by handing over part of the column to his son, Malcolm, Jr. Malcolm Forbes has been described as "larger than life." He is married to the former Roberta Remsen Laidlaw. They are the parents of four sons and a daughter. Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501190018-7 Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501190018-7 30onorarp egreez DOCTOR OF SCIENCE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ARTHUR F. BURNS Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Born in Stanislau, Austria, Doctor Burns received his A.B., A.M., and Ph.D. from Columbia University where he also began his teaching career in economics. For fourteen years he was a member of the faculty of Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. From 1941 to 1958, Doctor Burns was Professor of Economics at Columbia University, and for the next ten years he was the John Bates Clark Professor of Economics at Columbia. In 1953 he was named to the Chairmanship of the President's Council of Economic Advisors, as well as the President's Advisory Board on Economic Growth and Stability. In 1969 he accepted the position of Counsellor to the President of the United States. In 1970 Doctor Burns was named Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Doctor Burns is also the recipient of numerous special lectureships and awards in- cluding the Millar lecturer, Fordham University; the Fairless lecturer, Carnegie Institute of Technology; the Alexander Hamilton Medal, Columbia University; Mugungwha Decora- tion (Korean Government); Distinguished Service Award in Investment Education; Fellow, Jewish Theological Seminary of America; Award of Excellence, Graduate Faculties Alumni, Columbia University; and Award of Blue Key National Honor Fraternity, University of Georgia. A member of the Board of Directors of the National Bureau of Economic Research, and Honorary Chairman since 1969, Arthur Burns is also the author of a number of pub- lications, including "Prosperity Without Inflation," "The Management of Prosperity," "Full Employment, Guideposts, and Economic Stability," and "The Business Cycle in a Chang- ing World." Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501190018-7 Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501190018-7 0 ooeiate 1egree5 Associate in Science in Secretarial Studies Maybeth Abrevaya, Magna Cum Laude Laura Elaine Agostini Renee Marie Albert Sandra Ruth Almonte Patricia Marie Amenta Diane Helen Aquilino Cheryl Ann Aubin Linda Jo Babcock Gail Ann Bates Nancy Lee Benjamin Sheryl Beranbaum Carol A. Bettencourt Susan G. Betz Susan Allison Bieder Karen Ann Boudreau *Valerie Ann Brauckman Margaret Louise Brockhuizen Donna Susan Burritt Carol Ann Campagnone, Magna Cum Laude Karen Lynn Cappetta Pamela Beth Carrington, Cum Laude Jean Marie Carvalho, Cum Laude Christine A. Cenedella Carol Frances Charlonne, Magna Cum Laude Nancy Robin Chorney Lisa Marie Cipriano Meryl Ann Clark Linda Ann Colbert, Magna Cum Laude Elise Ann Cornachini Cheryl Ann Court Mary Elizabeth Croce Julie Anne D'Adamo Rebecca Ann Dale, Magna Cum Laude *Lynne Mary Danko, Summa Cum Laude Sandra Louise Darby Laura R. DeGennaro Janice Arlene Dengler, Cum Laude Judith Ann Desormier Donna Michele DiChiara Robin Lee Douglas, Cum Laude Patricia Eileen Doyle Ellen Margaret Driscoll Alda Maria Estrella Carla Joan Farkas Marguerite Fera Sheila Melanie Fine Loma Lee Fitzgerald Jeanne M. Floyd Jennifer Ann Forsyth Patricia Audrey Fountain Barbara Marilyn Franks Gail Ellen French Linda Marie Gramarossa Jean Elizabeth Granger Karen Lee Greene Elizabeth Jane Guzdowski Karen Anne Halibozek Cynthia Alison Haling Cynthia Jean Harrison, Cum Laude Joyce Barbara Haydasz Debra Marguerite Hebert Marilyn Alice Hedrick *Mary Valentina Herbst Jean Ellen Hildebrand LeeAnne Hillstrand, Summa Cum Laude Heather Ann Huebner Susan Ellen Iafrate Cynthia Leigh Johnson Kathryn Lee Jones Elizabeth Anne Keeley Diane Lee Keiper, Summa Cum Laude Susan Ellen Kerr Patricia Kirby Melissa S. Kirchner Laura Magdalen Knott Francine Margaret Knox Cathleen Ann Kobylenski Laura J. Kogut, Cum Laude Joanne Lee Kollett, Cum Laude Barbara Mary Koncki Cynthia Joyce Kozlicky Ellen Kraus Kathryn Maryann Kubaska Carleen Marie Laboissonniere, Magna Cum Laude Laurel L. Labretto Deborah Anne Lataille Donna Mai Layton, Cum Laude Cheryl Ann Lennon, Cum Laude Claudette Marie Levesque Karen Ann Levesque, Summa Cum Laude Lucille Claire Levesque Karen Elizabeth Lewis Marjory Jane Lewis Wendy Anne Luke Bonnie Ann Luschenat Maureen Elizabeth Lyons, Magna Cum Laude Karen Ann Macdonald Cynthia Ann Machado, Cum Laude Terry Lee-Michelle Magas Michele Karen Maisano, Cum Laude Denise Gail Malanowski Carolyn Ann Malone Jamie Kay Mann Andrea Reed Marchand, Cum Laude Susan R. Markey Jayne M. Maron, Summa Cum Laude *Debra Marie Marsella, Cum Laude Robin Lynn Matoian Amy Jean Matthews Wendie Lorraine McGahey Kim Ellen McGovern Kathleen Mary McKenna Susan Elizabeth Meyerholz Judy Sheila Milgram Joan Theresa Milici Jayne Fellow Milne Denise Ann Minore, Cum Laude Joyce A. Monti Rebecca Anne Haines Moscone Candace Maria Muller Debra L. Murphy Geralyn Ann Naughton Deborah Ann Nelson Debra Lee Nichols Sharon Elizabeth O'Connor Jody Nora Olsen Rene Marie Onorato Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501190018-7 Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501190018-7 \ in Donna Marie Osbourne Rosemary Pacheco Debra Ann Palmieri Karen Ann Pangonis Susan Eleanor Papish Roxanne Alice Pappas Julie Rose Pavadore * Gerri Ann Pawlak, Summa Cum Laude Donna Lee Petrecca Cynthia Ann Purcell *Betsy Lynne Putnam, Summa Cum Laude Sharon Marie Quackenbush Lisa Anne Rao, Cum Laude Diane Jeanne Renaud Patricia Ann Reynolds Judith Ann Ribeiro Melanie Ann Ricci Michelle Andree Rivard Geraldine M. Rodgers Donna Ellen Roosevelt Betsy Ann Rosenthal Patricia Ann Salerno Barbara Ann Salisbury Deborah Jean Savastano Cynthia B. Schipke Liesel Marie Schuck Geri Ann Bernstein William M. Blaine Robert Borges Robert J. Brand Leo H. Breault, Jr. John E. Brock, Jr. Richard Alan Brooks Robert Toner Brown Ronnie A. Bruni Philip L. Calabro, Jr., Cum Laude John M. Capotosto Richard L. Case Robert E. Chartier Lawrence Choquette Charles Curtiss Coons, Jr. Charles William Coughlin, Summa Cum Laude Carol J. Couto, Cum Laude Ernest A. DeAngelis, Cum Laude Adele M. DiNofa, Summa Cum Laude Paulette R. Drapalla Victor J. Drapalla Raymond J. Duplessis William R. Duquette Richard Michael Ead, Cum Laude Richard W. Evans, Cum Laude Leo Glasheen, Jr. Dennis M. Guinn Patricia Louise Hervey, Cum Laude Joseph N. Hevey Ronald M. Bachand Leon Noel Blanchette, Summa Cum Laude Domenic F. Capalbo, Jr. Edward Patrick Collins Robert Walter Cooney Georgette Laurie Schultz Linda Elaine Sentementes Donna Lou Sherman Debra Celia Shimchick Margaret Rita Signorelli Karen Ann Silva Lisa Margo Sobel Nancy Carol Starr Karen Jean Strohlein Penny Jean Suk Regina N. Swanson Jeanne Marie Tallman Suzanne Linda Tellier, Magna Cum Laude Holly Susan Terrett Susan Mary Thomsen, Cum Laude Lori Jean Tucker Pamela Anne Walton Donna Lee Weaver Deanna Lynn Webb, Magna Cum Laude Sheryl Weiner Cynthia Elayne Williams Carol Jeanne Winn Debra Carol Zarrella Sharon Jean Zeitz *Cynthia Jean Zihal, Magna Cum Laude Richard Joseph Houle, Summa Cum Laude John P. Keach Richard C. Kent Arlene F. Lanifero, Cum Laude Kenneth J. Lanni Charles Joseph Lawrence Charles D. Lawton Theodore N. Lima William J. Magill John Phillip Maynard, Cum Laude Thomas W. McAvoy George Joseph McCarthy Donald Henry McKenzie Joseph E. Medeiros Roberta F. Metivier George Albert Monfette Frederick M. Mottola Peter J. Mulberry Kwong O. Nuey, Jr., Summa Cum Laude Roger M. Olivier William M. Petrasek William Francis Poole, Jr., Cum Laude Wilfred M. Proulx, Cum Laude Frederick J. Roche Joseph Mathews Russell, Jr. Leslie Ann Sprague David Robert Stearns Jeanne Sullivan James Robert Szydlo Ronald G. Workman, Magna Cum Laude Michael H. Devlin, Cum Laude Gene Arthur DeWane Matthew James Elliott Alfred Allan Ferreira Hollis J. Gates Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501190018-7 Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501190018-7 O John J. Grady Eugene F. LaCroix Richard Theodore Letourneau Ricky Allan Matteson J. Kevin McKenna Leo Edward O'Donnell Edgar T. Peavey John J. Petrella, Jr. Robert J. Picard, Magna Cum Laude John A. Santilli Donald F. Schobel Darryl L. Superczynski Glen S. Whitten Leonard Robert Wood Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501190018-7 Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501190018-7 n acccataureate egreeo Bachelor of Science in Business Education Raymond Joseph Camara, Magna Cum Laude Jane Carpenter, Cum Laude Jacqueline A. Cherenza Manuel Cordeiro, Jr. Ruth Arlene Costa Michael Eugene DeLuca Joyce Marie Desforges Robert Paul Desrochers, Summa Cum Laude Joyce Marie DiBattista, Cum Laude Aline A. Ducharme, Summa Cum Laude Carol Sara Ehrlich Gail Osborn Francis Laurie Beth Galway Barbara L. Goujon, Cum Laude Diane Hiatt Hayes, Cum Laude Carol Ann Leggee, Summa Cum Laude MaryAnn LoGiudice Mary-Ellen McKee Elizabeth F. Monahan Donald Richard Murray Judith Mary Panetta Raymond Richard Puppolo, Summa Cum Laude Anne Byrne Remy Larry Charles Tedeschi, Magna Cum Laude Margherita Marie Appleby C. Ginette Bouchard, Cum Laude Cassandra Elaine Bourque, Cum Laude Joyce Nadine Davidson Janice Ann DeBiasi, Magna Cum Laude Kathleen DiGeronimo Susan Paula Flanigan Margaret Mary French Janet Lynn Heath Susan Lani Horn Nancy Jean Middleton Jennifer Lee Sprague Patricia Marguerite Thompson Rita Arlene Williams Bruce Nelson Alexander Phillip Joseph Bajjaly Linda Lee Bartee James Francis Birt Kenneth G. Bowman Michael Carlucci Ronald David Charest, Cum Laude John Michael Dross *John Charles Egan, Jr., Summa Cum Richard Alan Fine Mark Leonard Fitzgerald Carmine Fraioli, Jr. Timothy John Gilligan Paul C. Gladding Bryan J. Gordon Steven Lee Harris David G. Himsey, Cum Laude Markeith Eugene Host George L. James Robert Thomas Kells, Sr. Russell Walker Kershaw Michael Green Kussner Donna Labbadia Roger Normand Leclerc Daniel E. Leonard Frederick Edward Luth Stephen D. Mahoney, Jr. Dennis M. McCarthy, Cum Laude Donald David McNeil, Cum Laude Roy Joseph Mumford Dennis Joseph Nelson Reginald Lewis Packer, Jr. Alfonso M. Paolantonio Norman A. Phelps, Cum Laude Dennis D. Pimental Donald Robert Proulx Michael M. Rebello Laude Mary V. Rees Peter Andrew Robidoux Robert Edmund Rock Dennis Robert Salvucci Michael David Schmidt William Arlan Sharp, Summa Cum Laude William Paul Sibilia Judith I. Smith Martin Allan Stone David Allan Stump David Robert Sutherland Alex John Szymanowski Kevin Joseph Thatcher, Summa Cum Laude Frederick George Theobald, Jr. Gail Travers Joseph E. Vendittelli Burton Jay Waltman, Cum Laude Daniel Webster Patricia Marie Williams, Cum Laude Kevin Michael Woodbury Gbadebo Aiyedun Adewinmbi Donald Frank Altieri Joseph David Altruda Edward Andreozzi, Jr. * Commencement Award Recipient Richard Anthony Anatone, Cum Laude Steven Paul Angel Kevin Allen Aniess Raymond Paul Ardente Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501190018-7 Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501190018-7 O Carey Paul Arico Jeffrey Peters Arpin Robert Edward Arsenault John A. Bader Alfred Allen Bagaglia Charles Rowland Bailey, Jr., Cum Laude Elizabeth Ann Bailey Rodney Roger Baillargeon Joan Elaine Balboni James Robert Baldwin Timothy John Banning Paul A. Barbosa Charlene Ruth Barnes *Carolyn R. Barone, Magna Cum Laude Marian Leona Barrette Peter George Barton, Cum Laude Howard William Bauer Steven David Bauman Roger N. Begin James William Belisle Ralph Alan Belleville Thomas A. Benoit, Sr. Byron Henry Benton, II Raymond Thomas Bergantino Joseph Anatole Bergeron, Jr. Laurel Susan Bishow, Cum Laude Royd Arne Bjornoy Richard Alan Blake Kenneth James Blowers. Cum Laude Joseph Bochar * Craig Thomas Bogar, Cum Laude Gary Allen Boisvert Steven Lawrence Bokoff Donald Paul Borrelli Thomas Carlton Bourne Donald Roland Boutin Gerald R. Boutin Robert F. Boutin Doris Ellen Bowlby, Summa Cum Laude Joseph Braga Kenneth Alan Bray Douglas Raymond Brown Lisa Michele Brown David Ian Brush James Herbert Buckley Paul Richard Buczak Robert J. Calderon William George Caldwell Robert John Calsi, Cum Laude Albert Charles Campbell, Jr. Doreen Evelyn Campbell, Summa Cum Laude Cynthia Marie Cantin, Cum Laude Roberta Anne Capaldi Richard J. Carnevale Frank Edward Carriean Peter Francis Carroll Robert Birnie Carson, Jr. Lawrence W. Cartwright Patricia Anne Caruolo Mary Antonette Casala, Cum Laude Robert Stephen Casale Robert E. Cashmon Stephen Benjamin Casserly Raymond G. Castro Lisa Marie Catuogno George Rene Champagne Rosemary Chapman, Magna Cum Laude Robert Roger Charest Alan F. Chep Ronald Neal Chorney Michael Thomas Clarkin William James Cochrane, III Robert Lawrence Cohen Harold Cohn Alfred David Colardo, Cum Laude John Peter Cole David Douglas Collier Thomas Edward Conklin Richard Kevin Connors Robert Alan Cooley Joseph W. Corcoran Beverly Jean Corman, Magna Cum Laude Jon J. Corry William Jonathan Corry Joseph Francis Costa June R. Cote Ralph Kevin Cournoyer George Alfred Courtot, Summa Cum Laude Gilbert A. Couto Cynthia Ann Cox Edward James Crawley, Cum Laude Dale W. Crook Gregory L. Cummings Eric William Daly John Alan D'Ambrosca John Carl D'Angelo, Summa Cum Laude Stephen Michael D'Angelos Brian Dillon Daniels Barry Davidson Richard Alan Davidson Michael Angelo DeCataldo, Summa Cum Laude Dennis Roy DeCesare Clifford John Deck Ronald Charles DeFlorio Peter James Delaney Robert Anthony Della Posta Roger G. Degre Jeffrey Paul Dennis Raymond William Depelteau R. James Desautels Steven Raymond Desmarais Dennis Charles DiBenedetto Stephen J. DiCarlo Steaphen Gale Dickinson, Summa Cum Laude Anthony DiSano Christopher Bruce Dixon Patrick J. Dochety Jeffrey James Dolinski Barry Joseph Donahue Dennis Michael Dooley *Richard Paul Dowd James R. Drabant * William Michael Drohan James W. Drost Robert Jules Drouin Gary Stephen DuBois Robert K. Duby Peter Kevin Dudolevitch Stephen Michael Duffy *Jeffrey David DuFour Thomas Lucien Dupont Kevin Michael Durnin Arthur Walter Eklof Douglas Morrison Emery Thomas Ennis John Leonard Enright John Raymond Estrella, Magna Cum Laude Scott Michael Famiglietti, Magna Cum Laude Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501190018-7 Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501190018-7 Stephen William Faraclas William E. Farnum, Jr. Richard Geoffrey Feeley Laurence Jan Feeney Bernard Shawn Feldman Nicholas Ferrante Frank Gabriel Ferri *Harry William Fisher Paula M. Fisher William Rieck Flanagan *Howard Alan Flaum Roland Domenic Florenz Jeffrey B. Ford, Summa Cum Laude Robert Barry Foster Ruth Jean Francis Michael J. Franklin Raymond Joseph Franzino Patrick Jerome Frazier William Oliver Frieswick Edward J. Furtado Dean Edward Fusco Constance Monique Gallant Stephen Edward Galoski John Louis Garceau, Magna Cum Laude Thomas John Gardiner Claire Veronica Gaynor Lawrence Thomas Geary Steven Ross Gebhardt, Magna Cum Laude Gerard Eugene Gelinas Steven E. Gendreau Richard Jay Gershman Kurt Carlton Giard Robert D. Gouin William John Grabert Eugene Anthony Graiko Steven N. Gray David W. Greenup Mark Joseph Grimes Wayne Allyn Hall Dean Richard Halper, Summa Cum Laude Robert Stone Hammel Richard Walker Hancock CheryLynn Hanna William Hansen Albert J. Harnois, Cum Laude Stephen Arthur Harris James Edward Hawkins Richard Kevin Hayden Russell Edward Heaton Steven Edward Hebert Thomas Adrian Hebert, Cum Laude Ernest Walter Hein, Jr. *Matthew John Heleva * Scott Jeffrey Heller Kevin William Heyde Daniel Peter Highcove, Sr. John -Paul Hill Meredith Young Hill Linda J. Hoffman Steven David Hoffman Christopher Harry Hoopis Robert Edward Hordern William Harvey Home Claude Wilfrid Houle Edward Thomas Houle, Summa Cum Laude Paul Adrien Houle Jeffrey Robert Hug, Magna Cum Laude Steven Russell Hughes Thomas Alfred lacobucci, Jr. Frank John Imbrescia Timothy Hayes Irvin Carl William Jackson, III Gregory S. Jacobson Roland Roger Jarest, Summa Cum Laude Stanley F. Jarzombek Rita Elizabeth Jensen Nancy Elizabeth Johnson Arthur Aram Kachadourian * Michael Howard Kane Andrew James Kaplan Robert Sarkis Kashmanian, Magna Cum Laude Berj Kassabian Thomas M. Kelly John Frederick Kennedy Francis Joseph Kernan Gail Kinkade * David Edward Knoblock Walter Kociuba, Jr. James Jerome Kocsis Kevin Michael Koehler John Walter Kolwicz John Alfred Kozar, Summa Cum Laude Lloyd H. Kraus Samuel David Krutt Joseph John Kubiskey Debra Beth Kurtz Roger Armand Labonte Peter Michael LaChance Gerald Arthur Lafond, Summa Cum Laude Alberto Joseph LaGreca, Jr. Joseph Herbert Lahout, Jr., Summa Cum Laude Kevin J. Lambert Scott Howard Lamkin Edward J. LaMontagne Richard Scott Lampack Rene Raymond Lamy Paul David Landino Patricia LaPointe Richard Walter Lawton, Summa Cum Laude Brian Raymond LeBlanc Richard Lee Lecuivre Mark Dawson Lee, Summa Cum Laude Rose Lee Paul Francis Lefebvre Robert William Lema Edward Alan Lemire Norman Wilfred L'Esperance James Francis Levesque Robert Allen Levy Susan Faith Libutti Edward Anthony Lucente Michael J. Lynch Matthew Joseph Lyons, Jr. John Peter Maccarone Kenneth Michael MacDonald, Cum Laude Kevin Paul Maclntyre Craig Andrew Magacs Richard C. Maher Stanley Joseph Malachowski, Jr. Robert Thomas Manchester, Jr. Jeffrey F. Mancini Mary Ellen Mannion Robert Michael Marinaro Ellen Dorothy Marquardt, Summa Cum Laude Charles Everill Marra Stephen Michael Martone Richard Americo Massemino Joseph Anthony Mauro Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501190018-7 Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501190018-7 O Dennis Joseph McAllister Douglas Lee McClintic, Magna Cum Laude Edward Francis McGarry, Jr. Dennis Michael McGill Terrence Richard McGinn, Cum Laude Nancy Joan McHugh Glenn Francis Mcllmail Jill Gabrielle McKernan Steven William McLaughlin James Patrick Meehan, Magna Cum Laude Paul Robert Melvin Judith Chaplin Mendola, Magna Cum Laude Frank C. Messina, Cum Laude Roy H. Messmer, Jr. Henry J. Michalenka, Magna Cum Laude Daniel Mickiewicz Peter George Mihailides David Paul Miller Jane Elliott Miller Richard Kirby Miner, Cum Laude George Domenic Mirabile, Jr. Dale Arthur Mitchell Eileen A. (Kelly) Molenat, Summa Cum Laude Robert Edward Moll Raymond Morel Roger Morriseau Michael Richard Moscatelli John Benton Moscone, Jr. Burton Twichell Mowbray Stephen A. Mowry Edward James Mulvey Kenneth Donald Mulvey Stephen Mungovan Frederick Jacob Murphy James V. Murphy, Jr. M. William Murphy, III Pierre John Myette Donald Roland Nadeau Roger Armand Nadeau Bruce Ralph Nelson Kenneth Paul Nigro John Joseph Nizetic Perry E. Norman, Sr. Dwight Clarence Norris Kurt H. Nyman William John O'Hehir Donald Milton Olsen, Jr. Thomas John O'Neil Robert Dale Osterberg Marc Steven Osterman Joseph Eugene Ottaviano, Magna Cum Laude James Ferreira Pacheco Richard Palreiro Michael Pannullo Paul William Paolini Nancy Marie Paskiewicz Michael Robert Patenaude Harold James Patterson, III David Louis Pauley Jonathan Altemus Pearson Gerard William Pelletier Robert Emile Pelletier, Summa Cum Laude Robert Joseph Penta Janet Lynne Perisky Joseph Francis Perugini, Jr. David Martin Peters David Earl Perkins Alexander Barr Petrides Richard W. Phelps Richard John Piekos, Magna Cum Laude Robert Piluri Geral John Pinault Robert Piscitelli Richard Thomas Piscopiello William Albert Plante Craig Steven Polucha Louis W. Porrazzo Patricia Marie Pouliot, Summa Cum Laude Russell William Powers Gerard Edgar Prant William Paul Prochet Catherine Ann Proulx Raymond Domenic Puerini Mark Brian Rafferty Robert Francis Ragno Richard L. Ramer Alejandro Lopez Ramirez John H. Regan Bruce A. Reirden, Magna Cum Laude Scott Steven Rennicks, Summa Cum Laude Paul A. Replenski, Magna Cum Laude Paul Joseph Resteghini T. Kevin Richards Wesley James Riggins Michael Edward Riley, Magna Cum Laude Nancy L. Ring Michael J. Robinson Robert John Roselli Michael F. Roth Paul Henry Rougeot Paul Denis Roy, Magna Cum Laude Robert Charles Roy Patrice Kiely Ryan Donald Ryle John Paul Ryley, Jr. Steven Mark Sadetsky Susan A. St. Jacques John St. Sauveur Lathom W. Sandberg Victor E. Sanocki Anthony A. Sarli Joseph Henry Schmeltz Thomas Joseph Schmidt Howard Steven Schreiber Thomas William Schroth Robert Richard Schrum, Magna Cum Laude David Joel Schwartz Irving Martin Schwartz Mark Schweinshaut Donald Searfoss Glen Winfield Secor Gary R. Seaman Lawrence Bart Selvin William Walter Senk Ken Shaloum Steven Harold Shore Richard Raymond Siembab, Cum Laude James Silva Paul Harvey Silverlieb Martin Franklin Silverman * Gary M. Simonson, Summa Cum Laude Robert A. Sirrine, Cum Laude Theodore J. Sklarski Mark Edward Smith Wayne A. Smith Dale Alan Speicher Gary Steven Squires, Summa Cum Laude Nicholas A. Stamboulis Paul Andrew Stattel David A. Steere Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501190018-7 Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501190018-7 Michael D. Steinberg John Bruce Stone William Alan Sussman William Dickie Sutton Deborah L. Swanson, Magna Cum Laude John Peter Syc Paul Taubman Thomas Anthony Thomas Sandra Lee Tolley John Robert Topper Michael Arthur Topper Vito Torrisi Steven H. Townsend, Summa Cum Laude Mary Ellen Troy Raymond Truffa, Cum Laude Albert Edmond Turcotte, Jr. Rita Teresa Turcotte, Summa Cum Laude Frederick Brian Twomey Kevin L. Underwood Ronald E. Valente Anne-Marie Elizabeth Vigneau John Thomas Vileno Kim Norton Vrooman Charles Edouard Waters Richard Wilcox Webber, Summa Cum Laude Sandra Annastacia Wecal William Henry Welsh David Bruce Westby, Magna Cum Laude Thomas Kevin White Stephen Charles Whitney, Cum Laude Walter John Wiacek Jerome Francis Williams, Magna Cum Laude Robert H. Williamson Thomas Wilson Larry Alan Winkler * Thomas Harvey Yandow, Summa Cum Laude Alan Stuart Zelt Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501190018-7 Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501190018-7 drabuate Degreez Marc V. Allen Vincent Anthony Altruda Raphael A. Antrop Vincent J. Arnold Adolphus William Banks Harold Drake Barker, With Honors Jonathan A. Barnes Donat A. Barrette John J. Beliveau, Jr. Steven Alan Blazer Allen Stephen Bomes Roland M. Boucher, With Honors William H. Bradstreet Robert John Bruno Earle R. Callahan William Edward Carey, With Honors Alan Francis Cathers Edward Clark, Jr. Thomas Adams Colbourn, With Honors Edward Robert Comstock, With Honors John L. Conklin Mary Ann daCruz David Weldon Dwyer Gerard J. Eberhard Richard B. Esten, Jr., With Honors Robert W. Fiola John A. Folco Mario Robert Forte Michael Edward Foster, With Honors Robert Max Fritzsche, With Honors Charles Earl Fuller Robert Floyd Fye Fredrick Sidney Gaschen, With Honors Michael William Gendron, With Honors Eugene R. Gillispie, Jr., With Honors Joseph M. Gondusky, With Honors Neil David Gouse John Howard Grant, Jr. Kenneth A. Hendrickson Peter A. Hernandez Raymond Philip Hopkins Peter Hughes, With Honors Joseph C. Kent, Jr. Allen B. King Raymond Joseph Kuzdeba William Paul Kyle, III Helen Ann LaFrancois, With Honors William Alfred Lancellotta James A. Langmead, With Honors Joseph R. Leveille Richard H. Levine Paul G. Lindquist Ernest John Maciorowski Robert Joseph Mahoney George T. Menas Roland E. Mongeau Ernest Jackson Morrill Daniel Joseph Moss Bobby L. Napier Chris Nolan Napjus, With Honors Adebayo Solomon Oladele George Palazzo Joe D. Patterson Edmond A. Perregaux, Jr. Charles William Perry David Wendell Piper Jay McCune Potter Clinton O. Remington, III Donald Herbert Reimann Lorraine M. Robidoux, With Honors Patrick Donald Roth, With Honors Stephen C. Rothemich Charles Roger Saccardo Richard W. Schiebelhuth Khosrow Shakoori-namini Murray Snow, Jr. Philip David Stang Sandra E. Steere Donald T. Stewart Alfred R. Stokes, Jr., With Honors Henry M. Sullivan, With Honors Thomas E. Sweeney, Jr. Emmanuel Olusegun Taiwo Thomas Peter Tatro Thomas A. Theroux Anthony John Thomas Raymond Anthony Thomas Alfred Raymond Towle John E. Turpin, With Honors Samuel Graham Underhill, With Honors Arthur Michael Victorino James J. Welch Edward W. Wilson Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05S00620R000501190018-7 Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501190018-7 Commencement Ataarbo THE GEORGE M. PARKS AWARD is presented to the Bachelor's degree candidate who has done the most to enhance the reputation of the College through the intelligent use of recognized leadership qualities. GARY M. SIMONSON THE JAY HARRISON MANCHESTER POLITICAL SCIENCE AWARD is presented to the graduate who has achieved a distinguished record in the field of political science studies. JOHN CHARLES EGAN, JR. THE CHARLES CURTIS AWARD is presented by friends of the College to a graduate from the Department of Secretarial and Office Education who has demonstrated a capacity for business leadership. This award was inaugurated when the late Mr. Curtis was Vice President of the United States. THE ALUMNI AWARD is presented to a graduate from the Department of Secretarial and Office Education who has demonstrated through personality and scholastic ability the greatest potential for a successful career in the chosen field. CYNTHIA JEAN ZIHAL THE BRYANT SHORTHAND AWARD is presented to a graduate from the Department of Secretarial and Office Education who has shown outstanding achievement in short- hand. LYNNE MARY DANKO GERRI ANN PAWLAK THE JEREMIAH CLARK BARBER AWARD is presented to the Bachelor's degree candidate who has shown the most consistent record of improvement in mastering the subject matter or a specific academic program. MATTHEW JOHN HELEVA THE ROGER W. BABSON AWARD is presented to the Bachelor's degree candidate who has become distinguished within the College community because of character, orderly mind, sound judgment, and systematic business habits. HOWARD ALAN FLAUM THE BRYANT COLLEGE AWARD is presented to the Bachelor's degree candidate who, in classroom activities, has demonstrated significant improvement in critical thinking and research and who has displayed thoroughness in analyzing facts and figures. CAROLYN R. BARONE WILLIAM MICHAEL DROHAN THE HENRY L. JACOBS ENGLISH AWARD is presented to the graduate from the Department of Secretarial and Office Education who has achieved an outstanding record in the field of English studies. BETSY LYNNE PUTNAM THE PELL MEDAL FOR UNITED STATES HISTORY is presented to a graduate who has displayed excellency in the study of United States History. Rhode Island Senator, The Honorable Claiborne de Borda Pell, presents this medal to honor the memory of his father, the late Herbert C. Pell, statesman and diplomat, who served the United States as Ambassador to Hungary and Minister to Portugal. MICHAEL HOWARD KANE THE WALL STREET JOURNAL AWARD is presented to a graduate who has shown distinction in the fields of economics, finance, and investments. SCOTT JEFFREY HELLER Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501190018-7 Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501190018-7 O THE BRYANT TYPEWRITING AWARD is presented to a graduate from the Department of Secretarial and Office Education who has shown outstanding achievement in type- writing. MARY VALENTINA HERBST DEBRA MARIE MARSELLA THE BRYANT COLLEGE GOOD CITIZENSHIP AWARD is presented to the graduate who has demonstrated the qualities of sincerity and vigorous industry in the interest of good citizenship and who has by example furthered better government on and off the campus. This award is given in memory of Edwin H. Keast, a member of the Class of 1949. THE BUSINESS TEACHER EDUCATION AWARD is presented to the graduate from the Business Teacher Education Department who has done the most to enhance the reputation of this Department. CAROL ANN LEGGEE THE RHODE ISLAND SOCIETY OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AWARD is presented to the graduate obtaining the highest score in the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Level II Achievement Test. THE KAPPA TAU BROTHERHOOD AWARD is presented to the graduate who has exhibited outstanding brotherhood and leadership in promoting policies beneficial to Bryant College and the entire student body. This award is given by Kappa Tau Fraternity. THE SENIOR CLASS INVESTMENT AWARD is presented to the graduate achieving the highest distinction in the study of investments. This award is presented by the members of the Senior Class. THE VINCENT VOTOLATO SCHOLASTIC-ATHLETIC AWARD is presented to a graduate who has shown excellence in academic performance and participation in varsity athletics. It was inaugurated in 1965 by Vincent Votolato, Sr., of Hopkinton, Massachusetts, Bryant Class of 1914. CRAIG THOMAS BOGAR THE LEANDER FRANCIS EMIN ENDOWED HOMESTEAD AWARD is presented to a graduate who has demonstrated scholastic excellence in accounting. This award was inaugurated by the family of Leander Francis Emin, Bryant Alumnus of the Class of 1907, to honor his memory; his birthplace and home-the 1708 house; and the entire Emin homestead farm and airport-which has now become the campus of his Alma Mater. 6tubent Senate'erbice tuarbg These awards are given to six seniors who have given unselfishly of their time and ability in an effort to enhance the lives of their fellow students. Richard P. Dowd John P. Hill Michael J. Lynch Howard A. Flaum David E. Knoblock Ann Marie Vigneau Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501190018-7 Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501190018-7 Mjeoarb of Mrugteeo Chairman of the Board: *DR. WILLIAM P. ROBINSON, JR. Associate Commissioner of Education, Rhode Island State Department of Education PAUL F. HARTZ Chairman of the Board and President, Frain Corporation, East Providence, Rhode Island Vice Chairman of the Board: "`EDWARD F. HINDLE, EsQ. `"DR. FREDERICK C. TANNER Edwards & Angell, Providence, Chairman of the Board, Federal Products Rhode Island Corporation, Providence, Rhode Island DEFOREST W. ABEL, JR. *DR. E. GARDNER JACOBS President, Amica Mutual Insurance President Emeritus and Chancellor, Company, Providence, Rhode Island Bryant College HOWARD W. ARMBRUST President, Armbrust Chain Company, Providence, Rhode Island Assistant to the Chairman of the Board, Polaroid Corporation, Cambridge,. Massachusetts DR. BARBARA H. FRANKLIN Vice Chairman, Consumer Product Safety Commission, Washington, DC RICHARD W. FRENCH Former President, United Carbon Company and Emeritus Professor of Business Administration at Ohio University, Athens, Ohio *CLARENCE H. GIFFORD, JR. Chairman of the Board, Rhode Island Hospital Trust National Bank, Providence, Rhode Island *NELSON J. GULSKI Acting President, Bryant College DR. GEORGE J. KELLEY Investment Adviser and Former Executive Vice President, Swank, Inc., Attleboro, Massachusetts DR. SOL KOFFLER Chairman of the Board and President, American Luggage Works, Warren, Rhode Island *G. RUSSELL LEBEAU President and Treasurer, Bo Bernstein & Co., Providence, Rhode Island DR. FELIx A. MIRANDO Chairman of the Board, Imperial Knife Company, Providence, Rhode Island President, Spaulding Company, Inc., Randolph, Massachusetts Associate Director for Educational Affairs, DR. FRANK G. WANGEMAN Massachusetts State College System, Senior Vice President, Hilton Hotels Boston, Massachusetts Corporation, New York Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501190018-7 Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501190018-7 FLAG BEARERS Raymond L. Shideler '78 Howard J. Siegal '77 Timothy J. Tracey '77 Glenn A. Jette '77 Michael D. Hammer '77 Robert F. Birt USHERS Doreen Bielot '79 Laurie M. Blair '77 John Blashick '77 Thomas Bowie '78 Angela Carlucci '77 Claudio Castro '77 Joanne Cotoia '77 Thomas C. Delaney III '77 Susan L. Donovan '78 Kathie Foley '78 Jeffrey Galli '77 Paul Richard Harris '78 John J. Hastings '78 Patricia A. Hazard '77 Vivienne Carol Kerr '79 James Knipe '77 Lynne E. Benson '78 Ellen S. Ryczek '78 Scott Komita '78 Donna M. Lampen '78 Joan Marchetti '77 Susan Meigs '77 Walter S. Michalczyk '77 Paula Jean Nigri '77 Jeff Pratt '77 Robert J. Sardo '76 Jeff Schneider '78 John Sperco '79 Debbie Stevens '78 Kathleen Ann Styslo '77 Michael H. Sullivan '78 Renee Thomas '78 Carol Turcotte '77 James Vincent Verraster 111 '77 Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP05SO062OR000501190018-7