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August 29, 1978
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/12 : CIA-RDP05SO062OR000100320016-9 29 August 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence FROM SUBJECT . Defense Intelligence School Relocation 1. Conversation with Pat-Parker on 28 August 1978 I passed on the essence of our conversation enroute to Dallas, i.e., issue now on Brown's desk; DIA is only present influence on decision; NPGS and Dayton still viable alternatives; generally up to services to put forward their cases now. He appreciated the "heads up" and will act on it immediately. He plans on USNPGS originating and forwarding a strong bid for DIS collocation at Monterey. He expects channels to be sympathetic (e.g. Bill Perry). He feels there are three options: 1) USN Post Graduate School, Monterey, CA - Major advantages: o Base of quality in a serious academic environment o Depth research capability - Major disadvantage: isolation. This could be overcome if DIS closely tied to NPGS which Parker feels it would have to be. Tight links must be established to create a first class program. 2) Air Force Institute of Technology at Wright-Patterson, Dayton, Ohio Major advantage: strong technological orientation Major disadvantage: less academic than NPGS, STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/12 : CIA-RDP05SO062OR000100320016-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/12 : CIA-RDP05SO062OR000100320016-9 more hands-on applied systems environment; entrenched interests; whole organization is part of the problem vice part of the solution. 3) Lan le : inherent problems with part-time staffs tapping into DC community. Faculty bound to consider research secondary, too close to operations to be otherwise. (He recognizes the political problems inherent in this alternative). - Whether relocated to Monterey or Dayton, Parker feels there must be a Washington tie in the form of a small amount of office space (about 10 offices) closely tied to IC (preferably at Langley where faculty can come to do research and students can come during critical phases of their program. No permanent on-site staff, just empty, available space. 2. Alternatives Given: o You have taken collocation idea about as far as you can with Brown directly. o Further influence on the decision must come from the Navy or the Air Force presenting a strong case for NPGS and/or AFIT. o Time and DoD sensitivity precludes our being able to sell idea at working level and.expect, that we can keep it on track up to decision level. Therefore: Alternative A: Surface and sell relocation of DIS to NPGS idea directly to Claytor/Woolsey when you meet with them 14 September. Alternative B: Seek genuine exploration of both the NPGS and AFIT (Wright-Patterson) alternatives: Speak to Claytor/Woolsey as above. Same time (or with concurrence of Claytor/Woolsey) speak directly to Lew Allen. Put all cards on table, i.e., DIS not very good academically now - any honest man recognizes; improvement to benefit of whole IC; Wright-Patterson and NPGS both acceptable alternatives (both grant degrees, both good science base, both have substantial STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/12 : CIA-RDPO5SO062OR000100320016-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/12 : CIA-RDP05SO062OR000100320016-9 civilian academic ties; both away from Wash.,D.C.) Tell him Navy putting forth case for NPGS; suggest AF do same for Wright Patterson. Alternative C: Either A or B above plus move to scuttle DIS's bid for separate degree granting authority with the Congress, thereby narrowing DIA's options to Monterey or Wright-Patterson as their only means of picking up a degree: o The Masters Degree program legislation was coordinated and approved by OSD, JCS, HEW and OMB. It died in 1976. 0MB has just cleared similar legislation for transmission to Congress. Prognosis: very poor, running out of time. The process will all have to start again in the next session. o The obvious low priority of the bill and the valid argument that it is redundant, open to Congress the path of least resistance - no action. o The bill was introduced by Melvin Price (D, I11.), Chairman, House Armed Services Committee, and Bob Wilson (R, CA). o Best place to scuttle would probably be to present collocation case to Bob Wilson (one of the bill's sponsors) who, coming from southern California, might look favorably on moving DIS out there, and Les Aspin for obvious reasons. 3. Recommendation: Go with Alternatives A and C. NPGS in the form of Pat Parker is already working on the Navy's case. I think that if you could sell Claytor/Woolsey (Alt. A) and at the same time talk to Wilson/Aspin (Alt. C), you would indirectly bring strong pressure to bear on DoD to at least seriously consider Monterey and Dayton. Very respectfully, STAT - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/12 : CIA-RDP05SO062OR000100320016-9