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/~~~ Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/03/12 :CIA-RDP05-015598000400420023-4 ~ ~i FBIS-NES-87-189 30 September 1987 Archbishop of Canterbury Arrives in Cairo NC282254 Cairo MENA in Arabic 2130.GM7` 28 Sep 87 [Text] Cairo, 28 Sep (MENA~Dr Robert Runcie, the archbishop of Canterbury and primate of all England, arrived in Cairo this evening fora 1-week visit to Egypt at the invitation of the Anglican Church in Egypt. Dr Runcie is expected to hold talks with ranking Egyptian officials, including Pope Shanudah, head of the Coptic Orthodox Church; Yusuf Sabri Abu Talib, the Cairo governor; His Eminence Shaykh Jad al-Haq `Ali Jad al-Haq, the grand shaykh of Al-Azhar; and Dr `Abd al-Fattah Husayn al-Shaykh, president of Al-Azhar Uni- versity. The talks will deal with Egyptian-British relations regarding matter's of religion. Dr Runcie was received at the airport by the British ambassador in Cairo and Ambassador Ismail Mubarak, head of _the Protocol Department of the Foreign Ministry;`" ~ ' Libya JANA Scores Weinberger Cairo Statement LD291623 Tripoli JANA in Arabic 1445 GMT 29 Sep 87 [Text] Tripoli, 29 Sep (JANA~Caspar Weinberger, the U.S. secretary of war, met with the president of the Egyptian regime yesterday at the conclusion of a suspi- cious visit that included a number of states in the Arabian Gulf. News agencies have quoted Weinberger, in a statement he made in the Egyptian capital, that the rulers of the countries included in his visit appreciated the U.S. military role in the Arabian Gulf. He then added: "They expressed the desire to guarantee the U.S. Navy's mili- tary force in the Gulf." He noted that his meeting with the head of the Egyptian regime was fruitful as usual. JANA's editor of Arab affairs had the following com- ment on this: "It has become obvious that the U.S. secretary of war has completed an inspection tour of the U.S. colonies in the region and that those who are haughty in front of others, as if they are great leaders and sultans, soon become like dwarfs bowing before their master. "Weinberger, who is flexing his muscles at this show to demonstrate the. U.S. might in the Gulf and to threaten Iran, is not capable of doing anything; Roosevelt's stick, which he is waving anew, has become fragile, eaten away by termites, and breaks in the face of its users before it reaches its target." The editor adds: "America is the archenemy of the Arab nation, the Muslim peoples, and the peoples of the world who are aspiring for freedom. Its secretary of war, who is now desecrating Arab territories, is a war criminal and a well-known terrorist whose hands are stained with the blood of Arabs from Palestine, Lebanon, the Jamahiri- yah, and many other places in the world. "By receiving the U.S. secretary of war on a day that coincided with.the anniversary of Jamal `Abd al-Naser's death, the Egyptian regime has insulted the soul of this nationalist hero and insulted the land ;of Egypt which was, in his era, forbidden to the United States. Now it has become as submissive a colony as Berlin was after World War II when domination, protectorates, and dependency were imposed upon it." `Text' of 24-25 Sep Al-Qadhdhafi Interview JN291728 Al-Sharigah AL-KHALIJ in Arabic 28 Sep 87 pp 1, I5, 17 ["Text" of interview with leader Colonel Mu`ammar al-Qadhdhafi by Hind `Amr, the Al-Khalij Tripoli corre- spondent, on 24 and 25 September in Tripoli] [Text] Al-Khalij: The world is preoccupied by Security Council Resolution No 598 on the Iraq-Iran war. Now, the foreign ministers of the permanent Security Council members are meeting to discuss the implementation of this resolution. What is Libya's stand on the resolution? Col al-Qadhdhafi: When I was acquainted with the resolution, I did not care much about its formulation. I concentrated on the essence of the issue. My stand on the war is clear: It must end.. Since the beginning, my stand has not changed. I visited Iraq after the Iranian revolu- tion. The Iranians contacted me and informed me that Iraq had carried out air raids on the border. During my visit to Iraq, I met with President Ahmad Hasan al-Bakr and Vice President Saddam Husayn. I informed them of Iran's protest and inconvenience. Al-Bakr explained to me that what had occurred was a pursuit of Kurds. He added that they had informed the Iranians that Iraq was embarking on defensive aerial operations in that area and that these operations were not aimed against Iran. This is how the conflict began between the two countries. From the start, we have been working to keep the regional situation from deteriorating. The fact is that I had opposed backing the Arabs who are against the Iranian revolution. On the other hand, I supported the Arabs in combating the shah when his bad and expan- sionist intentions in the Gulf became clear and because he was a basic regional ally of Israel, as well as an American agent. We were the only Arab country that the shah could not bribe. How can we fight a revolution which is directed against the United States and which is an ally of the Arabs, placing all its impact in support of the Palestinian issue? I instigated the revolution against the shah. The leaders Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/03/12 :CIA-RDP05-015598000400420023-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/03/12 :CIA-RDP05-015598000400420023-4 FBIS-NES-87-189 30 September 1987 of the Iranian revolution listened to my speeches while they were in prison. They told me this. Many of them said: We did not listen to Khomeyni; while we were in prison we listened to you address the Iranian people and urge them to revolt. At the same time, Iraq is a sisterly Arab country, and we cannot possibly fight an Arab state. A country like Iraq is counted among the revolutionary, unionist, and progres- sive states. It cannot be classified as reactionary. We therefore cannot fight against Iraq. Our position on the war has been controversial and subject to many interpre- tations. Our position is, however, unchanged. Indeed, we think that the Iranian revolution's efforts should be added to Arab revolutionary efforts to liberate Palestine and to regain Arab rights. I believe, however, that there is a conspiracy against such an approach. The conspiracy is directed primarily against Iraq and the Islamic revo- lution. Imperialism lies behind this destructive scheme. Iraq and Iran are suffering losses equally, and the only beneficiary of all this is the enemy. Al-Khalij: Do you believe that the two parties are inex- tricably involved in this war? Col al-Qadhdhafi: Yes, yes, yes. Al-Khalij: The issue of who started the war constitutes a large part of the efforts to end the war. How do you view this issue? Col al-Qadhdhafi: Both Iraq and Iran have recorded the beginning of the war. Their dates for this are different. The Iraqis -have presented a report which states that several explosions directed against Iraqi civilian and military targets took place. They have also claimed that Iran stood behind these explosions, including the car bomb operation near the president's motorcade. Iraq says that it carried out its first military operation in retaliation for these bombings, while Iran denies any responsibility for these explosions. The Iranians say that Iraq's military operations against the Kurds were the beginning of the war. Al-Khalij: How does Libya view Iran's suggestion to the UN secretary general that an undeclared cease-fire take place and that a committee be established to investigate the question of who started the war, especially since you announced in your recent speech that Libya is the only country that can halt the war? Col al-Qadhdhafi: Yes, I have sent a memorandum to the Iranian leaders, specifically to Montazeri, and his reply was positive. He said that Iran is ready to end the war but that the party responsible for starting it must be identified and that Iran must be compensated for its losses. I believe that both Iraq and Iran should be compensated. Any effort to halt the war will be seen as positive. AI-Khalij: Who will pay the compensation? Col al-Qadhdhafi: All the Arab countries. I believe that there will be no decisive conclusion or victory in this war. We do not have any evidence concerning who started the war. We have to condemn the aggressor and compensate the two sides regardless of the reasons that led to this conflict. This war should end and should not be repeated. We all know that no side can occupy the other side's territory. The problem should not become a second Palestinian question. We have to take action. Al-Khalij: How can we take action in the absence of a unified Arab position?. Does the problem not require a unified Arab postion? Col al-Qadhdhafi: We have to understand that all Arabs are in danger. We face Western imperialist pressure. We face. Zionist expansion from Europe. We face a black African onslaught against the Arab countries in Africa; namely, Sudan, Algeria, Libya, and Mauritania. We are being exposed to a racist onslaught at the encouragement of the United States and Europe. There is a plan to turn the Arabs into Kurds and Red Indians so that the United States can control strategic centers such as the Strait of Hormuz and the Suez Canal. They want us to be a market for their products. They want to exploit Arab revenues. They do not want us to achieve independent development. The Arabs are in danger. Regrettably, the Arab Gulf,war is being exploited by forces hostile to the Arabs. The Iranian revolution has been made a link in the conspiratorial chain against the wishes of this revolu- tion's well-meaning brothers. It was used as a link in the chain of marching on the Arab homeland. This is part of a predetermined plan. Undoubtedly, every revolution has a counterrevolution. Certain Iranian forces maintain Zionist and imperialist contacts. The war advances these forces' interests, to destroy both the Arabs and the Iranian revolution, especially militarily. However, the truly revolutionary Iranian forces, led by Montazeri and Khomeyni, are opposed to the war. They want it termi- nated, provided that the aggressor is punished. Al-Khalil: Do you mean Irangate when you refer to the counterrevolution? Col al-Qadhdhafi: I have stated that there are Iranian forces inside the revolution working against it. They were behind the suspect Irangate deal and are addition- ally fanning the flames of this war. I just hope the truly revolutionary forces in Iran will come out on top and end the war. Al-Khalij: There has been talk and speculation about a union between Libya and Iraq. What do you have to say to this? Col al-Qadhdhafi: This. is not so much aLibyan-Iraqi unionist project as it is part of our Arab contacts with a view to establishing apan-Arab union stretching from the [Atlantic] Ocean to the Gulf. The plan envisions the Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/03/12 :CIA-RDP05-015598000400420023-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/03/12 :CIA-RDP05-015598000400420023-4 FBIS-NES-87-189 30 September 1987 Arab heads of state alternating the governance of the Arab homeland, with the presidency rotating every 6 months within the framework of a presidential council comprised of all the member countries' heads of state. The council would unify Arab efforts in the areas of education, industry, foreign affairs, and defense policies, etc. We have made it clear that the plan rules out interference in member states' domestic affairs. Some people have interpreted our moves as being a projected union with Iraq, given that this was the first time Iraq and Libya have been in contact since they severed ties. We asked Iraq to state its opinion on the matter. It is still a mere proposal. Incidentally, Iraq was the last Arab country to be approached on the matter. Al-Khalij: Have you heard from other Arab countries on the proposal? Col al-Qadhdhafi: We have officially heard from some of them. In principle there is no one who opposes unifying the Arabs. They may rest assured that they would remain in office. Indeed, each one would gain in stature since he would preside over the entire Arab homeland instead of just one state. Al-Khalij: Can we return to Libyan-Iraqi ties, against the background of [Secretary of Foreign Liaison] AI-Talhi's recent visit to Baghdad? Col al-Qadhdhafi: To begin with, Al-Talhi communi- cated Iraq's thinking with regard to the war. He then brought up the subject of reinstating relations, since Iraq had taken a hostile stand against us and severed ties. Iraq has reconsidered its position and relations are now back to normal, I believe. Al-Khalij: Do you believe that Libya's role in ending the war will be enhanced after you receive Iraq's reply concerning the pan-Arab union project? Is there some kind of link between the two issues? Col al-Qadhdhafi: I believe that the pan-Arab union project is a necessity on the basis of my definition of the dangers that engulf the Arabs. This is so, regardless of whether our efforts to end the war succeed or not. Al-Khalij: Is it true that a ranking Iraqi delegation will soon visit the Jamahiriyah? Col al-Qadhdhafi: Nothing prevents this from taking place since relations have been resumed. Al-Khalij: Can you give us some details concerning Libya's peace plan to end the Iraq-Iran war? Col al-Qadhdhafi: I have stated that I could end the war. The war must end regardless of the causes that led to its eruption. I insist that compensation must be paid to the two sides since they have suffered such losses. After this, one can identify which party started the war. Although I have kept abreast of the war from its very start, the ARAB AFRICA information I possess does not allow me to state which party is responsible. It is very difficult indeed to specify which party is responsible for starting the war. Al-Khalij: Are there any other Arab countries that have joined Libya's efforts to end the Iraq-Iran war? Col al-Qadhdhafi: There is a general consensus to end the war. However, some parties, including Arab parties, do not want this war to end since eliminating both Iraq as a military and party force and the Iranian revolu- tion-which we view as a ray of light on the international level-serves their interests. Syria, for example, agrees with what we say and have suggested. But as I have already mentioned, there are parties that benefit from fanning the fire of this war. They do what they can to prolong it. I believe that the two parties, Iraq and Iran, have become inextricably involved in the war. There,is no reason why the war should continue. I wonder what objective there is in prolonging the conflict. Al-Khalij: Have you exerted efforts to improve relations between Syria and Iraq? Col al-Qadhdhafi: We are not only seeking to improve relations between Iraq and Syria but also to declare unity between the two countries. However, their viewpoints differ substantially, and both are displaying stubborn- ness. They do not trust each other. However, the threats we are facing dictate greater cooperation. Al-Khalij: Is there much talk about the issue of mediation between Libya and Egypt? Col al-Qadhdhafi: No, no, no. The dispute originally was not aLibyan-Egyptian dispute but an Arab-Egyptian dispute. Frankly, this dispute will continue so long as Egypt does not retract its recognition of the Zionist enemy. We are not against the Egyptian people but against the Egyptian regime. As long as this problem is not settled, there will be no mediations or dialogue. I would like to reaffirm this point. We are not in a dispute with Egypt. There may be a dispute with Iraq or Tunisia, for example, but not with Egypt. Al-Khalij: But some sources claim that YAR President `Ali `Abdallah Salih is mediating to solve the issue of the defecting Libyan pilots, extradite them, and release Egyptian detainees in Libya. Col al-Qadhdhafi: Yes, this is reasonable. There are Libyan aircraft that were hijacked to Egypt and a num- ber of pilots who found themselves in Egypt. They requested repatriation to their country and families. However, Egypt is holding them and wants to make them equivalent to the spies it sent to carry out the ugliest crimes against the Libyan people. These spies guided the U.S. aircraft to the positions they bombed during their savage raids on Tripoli and Banghazi. We found them Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/03/12 :CIA-RDP05-015598000400420023-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/03/12 :CIA-RDP05-015598000400420023-4 FBIS-NES-87-189 30 September 1987 with equipment that had guided the raiding aircraft to us and we apprehended them. They will face the death penalty for treason. By the way, this is an opportunity to make everyone understand that these spies carried out a hideous crime through their participation in the raid. Al-Khalij: But, on the other hand, do you insist on the pilots' return from Egypt? , Col al-Qadhdhafi: Keeping them in Egypt is the taking of hostages and piracy. Al-Khalij: How far have relations between Libya and Algeria grown? And what about the unity project? Col al-Qadhdhafi: What is between us and Algeria differs from the Arab unionist project. What is between us is a constitution that will bind us together next November. We will establish a federal state, to be declared in November, God willing. Talks are continuing with Alge- ria. ' Al-Khalij: What about your efforts to reunify the Pales- tinian resistance factions? Col al-Qadhdhafi: We were and still are for the unity of the Palestinian resistance. However, some revolutionary factions regrettably do not agree with the policy of Abu `Ammar [Yasir `Arafat]. They rightfully believe that Palestinian decisionmaking must be collective and not individual. They object to having the Palestinian efforts led in this manner. We support the unity of the resis- tance. I am doing my best to reunify all the factions on the basis of armed struggle. We agree that `Arafat's unilateral adoption of decisions has led to all that happened. We believe that a change on the level of the Palestinian leadership will return the Palestinian effort's prestige. Al-Khalij: I have a question in mind, although its subject has become worn. However, some still discuss it from time to time. The question concerns the front of stead- fastness and confrontation. Is there a possibility of reviving it? Col al-Qadhdhafi: By God, we have gone beyond the front by raising the project of unity with Algeria one time, and also with Syria and Yemen. We have actually gone beyond this. However, if there is need for it, we will confront; we will confront. (The colonel laughs for a long time) It is no longer with us. The front of steadfastness and confrontation was established to heal the rift in the greater Arab homeland in the past and to prevent the remainder of the Arabs from entering the Zionist cage. As for now,' there is no need for the front. Al-Khalij: What is your opinion of the proposed tempo- rary solutions and settlements? Are they a sign of hope- lessness concerning the return of .the Arab right to Palestine? ARAB AFRICA Col al-Qadhdhafi: I do not think that the Zionist pres- ence is too strong to be removed. This is because all the existing factors oppose its continuation. It is only the element of fear. This is a psychological factor governing the Arab homeland. I think and believe that removing this entity is not impossible. We can achieve this through guerrilla and popular wars, and even through a war of armies. Al-Khalij: Jordan has decided to resume its relations with Libya, but did you not have any reaction to this? Col al-Qadhdhafi: It is Jordan that severed these rela- tions in the past,' and it is Jordan that has resumed them. The Libyan people had staged a demonstration in Tri- poli to protest the meeting involving King Husayn, President Husni Mubarak, and Reagan. As a result, Jordan severed relations, which have now been resumed. We welcome this. Al-Khalij: Will you attend the emergency Arab summit in Amman? Col al-Qadhdhafi: I do not know the justification for such a summit, and why should it be called an emergency summit? We call for the convening of an Arab summit every year, but nothing of the sort takes place. They call for such an emergency summit every time. I wonder why an emer- gency summit was not held following the European-U.S. aggression against Libya. We were exposed to a fierce onslaught in which the Arabs' enemies participated. We still experience a dangerous situation in the south. Despite this, none of them took pains to protest or even to show interest in the problem. Why then should I, Mu`ammar al-Qadhdhafi, attend such a meeting as long as it is a meeting of heads of state? In the first place, I am not a head of state. The decision first and foremost now belongs to the Libyan masses. We may attend another summit to discuss revolutionary matters, a summit of revolutionaries. Generally speaking, had the agenda of such a summit been an ordinary one, attending would have been possible. Al-Khalij: Does this mean that you agree with Syria on this issue? Col al-Qadhdhafi: Yes. I agree with Syria that there is no use in attending this summit to discuss only the Gulf war. This is unreasonable. The war is not an emergency. Therefore, there is no need for an emergency summit. The war began 7 years ago. Despite the importance of this issue, I would like to see a summit that will discuss all Arab issues. Al-Khalij: What is the secret of Libya's acceptance of Lebanese and Palestinian volunteers? Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/03/12 :CIA-RDP05-015598000400420023-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/03/12 :CIA-RDP05-015598000400420023-4 ? FBIS-NES-87-189 30 September 1987 Col al-Qadhdhafi: Well, I will take this opportunity to explain this issue since we have heard many interpreta- tions. Libya is the headquarters of the national com- mand of the revolutionary Arab factions. Similarly, all the revolutionary factions in the world maintain offices and representatives in Libya. In accordance with their general charter, all of these factions are obliged to support one another against any aggression. The Lebanese, Palestinian, and other fighters joined us on this basis. This is the most sound course for confront- ing world imperialism and its designs. We established the presence of Israeli soldiers among those who fought against us in Aozou and Tibesti. Chad repatriated the bodies of Israeli soldiers who were killed in the battles. Zairian forces also fought against us, and the com- mander ofthese forces was killed in battle. We addition- ally captured Egyptian military hardware from the Cha- dians. When we announced this, Egypt officially replied by explaining that it had sold quantities of military hardware and ammunition to Saudi Arabia, but it ignores how these weapons reached the hands of the Chadian enemy forces. These weapons were marked with the inscription of Shubra al-Khaymah industries. We later learned that Saudi Arabia had purchased them and had given them to [former Sudanese President] Numayri. We want everyone to understand that what is currently occurring on the Libyan-Chadian border is not a war between Chad and Libya but a confrontation between Libya and the revolutionary forces on the one hand and the world imperialist forces in this region on the other. Al-Khalij How do you envisage an end to the Chadian war? Col al-Qadhdhafi: The Libyan and Chadian peoples have never been two different peoples. The majority of the Chadian people, who belong to the A-Mahamid tribe, are Arabs like we are. Our relations with the Chadians require only understanding among the various Chadian factions. The groups of Goukouni, Shaykh Omar, Habre, and others must reach an understanding on a single basis. Aozou is no longer the problem. The problem now is that imperialism and reactionaries are using Chad to fight Libya. All the Chadian groups I mentioned must save Chad by reaching an understanding among them- selves and emerging from the era of tribalism to that of the state. Al-Khalij: How do you assess the experience of the peoples committees after 10 years? Col al-Qadhdhafi: This is still a new experience and we cannot yet assess it. This experience will not be restricted only to the Libyan Arab Jamahiriyah, for the entire world will become a Jamahiriyah. We are the corner- stone of the era of the masses. We are now paying the price for proceeding on this course. The peoples com- mittees will not become a party because they are the antithesis to parties. Al-Qadhdhafi Receives Saudi Charge, Note LD291210 Tripoli JANA in Arabic 1200 GMT 29 Sep 87 [Text) Tripoli, 29 Sep, (JANA~The brother leader of the revolution today received the Saudi charge d'affaires to the Great Jamahiriyah, who delivered a written mes- sage to him from King Fahd. Economic Cooperation Talks With Libyans Continue LD291512 Tripoli JANA in Arabic 1417 GMT 29 Sep 87 [Text] Khartoum, 29 Sep (JANA~Libyan Arab-Suda- nese talks continued in Khartoum yesterday between the secretary of the People's Committee for Communica- tions and Maritime Transport in the Great Jamahiriyah and the acting Sudanese minister of trade and finance. Several subcommittees specializing in commercial exchanges, oil, communications, banking, and joint holding companies have been established. In a statement to the press, the secretary for communi- cations and maritime transport stressed the importance of rapprochement and economic cooperation in order to fulfill the aspirations and goals pursued by the Arab people in the Great Jamahiriyah and Sudan to achieve Arab unity. He said: "We do not see economic cooper- ation as the ultimate goal, but a step on the long road to comprehensive Arab unity." The Sudanese acting minister of trade and finance praised these talks and said: "All aspects of the progress of commercial exchange have been reviewed and the establishment of a joint holding company and three joint technical committees in the fields of economy, trade, and transportation and communications has been dis- cussed." Libyan Armed Forces Chief Visits Hero's Tomb LD291530 Tripoli DANA in English 1447 GMT 29 Sep 87 [Text] Khartoum, Al-Fatih [September] 29, Jamahiriyah News Agency-Colonel Abu Bakr Yunis Jabir, com- mander-in-chief of the Libyan Arab Armed Forces, has lauded the role of the Sudanese. struggler Sharif Husayn Hindi. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/03/12 :CIA-RDP05-015598000400420023-4