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A Ad i 1 A PO' T . w../ w .. -- 'd pok j k Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 te?PjQ NORTH AFRICA Q 1 Al-Qadhdhafi Addresses Revolution Anniversary Rally LD312229 Tripoli Voice of Greater Arab Homeland in Arabic 2033 GMT 31 Aug 86 [Speech by Libyan leader Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi, at mass rally held in Al-Khadra' Square in Tripoli marking the 17th anniversary of the 1 September Revolution on 31 August 1969 - live] [Text] Brothers, in 1969 the revolutionaries moved forward. They challenged in those hours five U.S. bases on Libyan territory and a British military base. They challenged the firmly established royal system which the United States was protecting with its five bases. We who are saying today to hell with America said the same thing at the same time 17 years ago, in 1969, while we were confronting five U.S. bases with the revolutionary will [words indistinct] over our land, the land of our forefathers with dignity, with power, and with loftiness and until today we say, o brother, to hell with America, to hell with colonialism, to hell with imperialism, to hell with Zionism, to hell with agents of colonial- ism, the agents of imperialism, the agents of Zionism. Brothers we challenge them by our right to live. We challenge them by our right to live freely in the land of our fathers and forefathers. This land has been irrigated by the blood of our fathers and forefathers for the sake of freedom. This land is covered with the remains of our noble fathers and forefathers. This land, o brothers, every inch of it will be defended till death, and every drop of its sea and its gulf will be defended till death. At these glorious hours and in this great and eternal day, the day of liberation and victory, the day of dignity and glory, the day of challenge and pride, on this day we salute the martyrs of The Gulf of Sidra who were martyred on the line of death, 32 degrees and 30 minutes, and whose blood has colored the waters of the Gulf of Sidra. We ask that God's blessing be upon our martyrs, and we say to America: Our martyrs are in heaven and the dead U.S. servicemen are in hell; as Muhammad said to the infidel at the battle of Uhud; brothers, at such hours we moved with maximum courage; we, the free unionist officers and our brave soldiers, we moved at such hours on the eternal night of Monday, similar to this night. We were full of courage and full of faith in our right to freedom and life, and full of faith in victory. Victory was our destiny despite America. Today 0 brothers, on Monday in the year 1986 America chal- lenges us from across the oceans and seas. However, we say to it: Reagan has to read history, at least recent history. However, Reagan does not read history. He reads cheap hollywood scenar- ios and that is the problem of the world today - namely, a second rate actor becomes the president of the biggest power. This is the crisis of democracy, and the crisis of morality and the crisis of civilization. We tell him to read history so that he can remember these hours when he opens the age of the night of Monday, 1969, and compares it with tonight, Monday night, 1986, and sees that we who are addressing him now, confronting and challenging him, we are the ones who with our people took action to destroy the monarchy which was protected by the United States with five military bases and protected by Britain with its biggest base in Tobruq. The United States used to have in Tripoli the biggest base outside its territory, the Wells Wheelus base [words indis- tinct]. The United States used to think that with five military bases it could terrorize Libya's revolutionaries and prevent them from thinking about revolution and destroying the monarchic agent regime, colonialism, the enemy of the masses, and the enemy of the nation. The United States used to think that with five military bases it was capable of terrorizing, capable of terrorizing the officers of the Libyan Army at that time and the sons of Libya to carry out revolution [as heard]. It is with the same erroneous information that the United States is basing its policy and stands, and involving itself on slippery slopes which are a threat to it and to world peace. We tell Reagan now: The same erroneous information which existed on Monday night, 1969, exists on Monday night 1986. It believes that its power, might, and planes are capable of preventing Libyan youth from challenging it and destroying the regime which was dependent on America and which handed Libyan territory to it on a silver platter, as they say. America used to reassure the monarchic agent regime and reassure all its agents that there was absolutely no possibility of a change taking place in Libya and no one in Libya dared ever think about revolution. The evidence to this, according to them, was that this was not possible in view of the existence of five super-power bases which had undertaken to protect this monarchic regime. No one could think of destroying this regime or venture to confront five U.S. bases, in addition to the British base. However, these miscalculation made America get out of al- Millahah base and of other bases, humiliated, [word indistinct] and exhausted in the face of the revolutionaries. The same miscalculations and erroneous information, and the same illu- sions and the same arrogance rule the confrontation between us and America now. America believes that with its fleets and forces it can prevent us from moving forward with all our faith and force from liberating Palestine from the river to the sea. We swear before the world, brothers, that this is our cause, the cause of our lives, our destiny and history; the cause of our sons and our sons' sons - liberation of Palestine, inch by inch even if we wash it with blood and even if we cross on bridges made up of our bodies [chanting]. We announce to America that the issue of the unity of our Arab nation is an issue that concerns us and we will achieve this unity through peace or war, and America and others have nothing to do with the issue of removing borders between the ocean and the gulf. This is an Arab issue, an internal issue that concerns Arabs, and no one has the right to interfere in the Arab nation's internal affairs if it wants to change its map. We also say that when George Washington, whose history has been defiled by Reagan, liberated America from the hated British colonialism, and when Abraham Lincoln, whose history has also been defiled by Reagan, united the southern United States by force; we say no one had the right, foremost among them Britain at that time, to interfere in the issue of uniting America or liberating it from British colonialism. But this insig- nificant person does not read history. He does not know that George Washington, the first U.S. President, waged a war, used violence and terrorism, covert and overt action, against British colonialism until he liberated and saved the United States. I believe that Reagan has read a scenario of a Hollywood [word indistinct] and is ignorant of history. He does not know that Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 Abraham Lincoln decided to unite America, unite north and south by war. He does not know that Mao Zedong united the great China by force. He does not know that Garibaldi united Italy's republics and provinces by force. He does not read history. He reads the scripts of trivial plays which all deal with the smuggling of a handful of dollars outside America. This is his education. But he will pay the price of this education. If America continues to obey Reagan the American people will pay the price of such stupidity and ignorance and of this disregard of convincing facts. Brothers, when we staged the revolution on a night such as this 17 years ago, we did not decide to invade America, nor did we decide to invade Europe. We found them to be inside our home- land and inside our territory - on our land and inside our towns. We expelled them and triumphed over them. Italy, after 60 years of settlement and colonialism, was expelled in 1970. Twenty thousand Italians used to occupy the city of Tripoli when we staged the revolution. All the farms from AI-Zawiyah to Tarhuna to Misratah - all the agricultural land was Italian settlements. All Libyans know this. Who denies that these farms were occu- pied by the Italians? Twenty thousand Italians were occupying the city of Tripoli and used to speak Italian inside the city of Tripoli. All these building used to be occupied by Italians. All these schools used to be under the supervision of the Italians. They monopolized everything. The majority of Libyan.deputies at that time used to defend the Italian community because the deputies succeeded in the elections with the money of the Italians. After 60 years the Italians used to believe that they colonised the [words indistinct]. But finally the people - the rightful owners of the land and right - triumphed, and the Italians left this port which is in front of us - they departed in columns 60 years later; they left everything behind, except their suitcases containing their personal effects; they left behind their houses, farms, shops; they left behind everything. Everything was restored to the Libyan people [applause and chanting]. What does this mean? It means that colonialism, no matter how long it may go on for, will end and the rightful owner of the land will tirumph. Even Spain regards the Arabs who colonized Spain for 800 years as colonialists who left after such a long period. The Israeli presence in Palestine is nothing but colonialism which was a phenomenon of World War II. It is a foreign colonialism and will be treated as such; it will be treated on the basis that it is a foreign colonialism and that it is our right to struggle with arms in order to liberate Palestine foot by foot. If Reagan does not like this then let him launch his intercontinental missiles and his missiles which reach the heavens. To hell with him and his missiles. The same issue that existed in 1969 exists on Monday 1986 - we are still in the same position, resisting colonialism and foreign domination, and struggling for the sake of liberty and for the sake of our right and the right of all nations so that they can live proud and free in their own homelands. Nothing has changed as fas as we are concerned. In 1911. our families fought the Italians and offered caravans of martyrs for the sake of the freedom of their land and so that they could live in their homeland free. Colonial- ism came to us after independence - America, Britain and the Italian colonialism came. We did not enjoy independence and freedom after World War II. We gave assistance to Britain during World War II. We fought on the side of the British forces. Britain, thanks to our assistance, was able to defeat Italy in Libya. But Britain colonized us by replacing Italy. Libyan terri- tory became open to the British until a night such as this in 1969. Colonialism was replaced by colonialism. Britain should have appreciated our attitude during World War II. It should have respected the Libyans because they allied themselves with it against the Italian fascist colonialism at that time. It should have, left Libya to its own people. Had Britain any ethics, principles, and civilization it would have done so. But instead of thanking us and leaving our land to us because we fought on its side and enabled it to defeat Italy on Libyan territory, it colonized us and installed Idris al-Sanusi as a king over us, against our will, because he was Britain's lackey for a long time past. It enabled the dirty Al-Sanusi family to have control over the proud Libyan people - the boot of one Libyan equals all the sons of the reactionary dirty Al-Sanusi family [chanting]; a lackey without origin and lacking a homeland, lacking religion. Britain gave that family control over our people. It transformed Libya into a kingdom while we never knew kings before; we never had a monarchical history. Suddenly we became a kingdom, British-style, because Britain is a kingdom. Britain until today is in alliance with America against this people. What was the crime which the Libyan people committed? What have the Libyan people done against Britain for the latter to reward us in this way? Is it because we were in alliance with Britain during World War II and enabled it to defeat Italy? This was the situation in 1969. We did not have relations with America then. When Idris al-Sanusi became king all the dogs - the ministers and deputies - signed a treaty with America and brought American forces to Libya. Five bases - there were five bases in Libya - the Wheelus base was the biggest U.S. training base outside U.S. territory. There was the [name indistinct] base with all its huge depots, containing ammunition and nuclear bombs; there was the Tajura base for world-wide telecommuni- cations; it was able to reach all American fleets and America itself. There was the (Al-Wafyah) base for the training of the American Air Force. There was the Sidra base for directing American warships and fleets in the Mediterranean. This is in addition to the fact that Libyan territory and airspace were open for American and Britain. This was the situation which we found and which made us stage the revolution. The oil was in the hands of America. Agriculture was in Italy's hands. The town of Barqah was totally in Britain's hands. They installed a king over us; they installed a dirty family over us. The Al-Sanusi family even gave their daughters the titles of princesses and demanded that we should pay allegiance and be loyal to them. Utmost disregard for this great people! When we fought at the martyrs square we gave martyrs; we did so in the battles of Al-Hani, Al-Shatt, Al-Hmahruqah, Al- Gardhabiyah, Al-Margaf, Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar, Al-Kufra, (Tu'adiyah) and Lisan al-Jifarah and Jabal Nafusah, but did the dirty family fight with us on our side? We deserved to be the kings - we, the people [chanting]. We the people deserved to be the rulers over our land which we later liberated with our blood [chanting]. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 V. 2 Sep 86 This was the situation that existed in Libya on a day such as this in 1969. We liberated our land by expelling America, Britain, and Italy and by handing the oil to the Libyan people and by giving the land to its owners. We have not changed. We did not become colonialists. We did not become terrorists. We are against colonialism. We are against terrorism. We did not become fanatics because we are against fanaticism and because we are builders of civilization; we were the ones who taught Europe and the whole world all the sciences on which the modern era is based. Nothing has changed; our attitude is the same as it was. We are still fighting for the sake of our freedom and in order to protect our land. This is a legitimate right of every nation. The same situation that existed on a night such as this in 1969 is the situation that America and Britain want to impose on Libya on Monday night in 1986. They want to colonize us. They want to bring the bases back to Libya. They want us to be dominated again. They want to install their dogs and lackeys over us. How about the sacrifices which our ancestors made? This trivial and ignorant Reagan does not know that our ancestors gave caravans of martyrs at this square - the martyrs square in the Al-Shatt, Al-Hani, Al- Gardhabiyah, Al-Margaf, and the Al-Jabal al-Akhdar battles; they gave martyrs at Al-Butnan, Al-Wahat, and Al-Ghizlan; he does not know that our ancestors gave caravans of martyrs for the sake of the liberty of Libya. He believes that he, by his aircraft, coming like a burglar in the darkness of night, dropping one bomb here and one bomb there, can make the Libyan people surrender. How can we surrender? Even if we die we will not surrender. The Italians killed 700,000 Libyans but the Libyan people did not die; the Arab nation did not die. Reagan is accustomed to the annihilation of the red Indian nation. They took blankets full of smallpox microbes and distributed them among the red Indians. What an ugly crime! Imagine! This is how they behave. They distributed those blankets among the red Indians. Millions of red Indians died. But Reagan cannot distribute among the Libyans blankets full of smallpox microbes; This is because we have put an end to smallpox; we have no smallpox here; even if he breeds smallpox microbes he cannot distribute blankets among the Libyan people. There is no way by which he can annihilate the Libyan people. He believes that his aircraft can annihilate the Libyan people. There is no nation in the world that can be annihilated by aircraft or by warships. Our number used to be less than it is now. We used to be I million or less when Italy came to invade us with all its warships. It shelled these towns. These red-colored buildings were shelled by their warships. Where is Italy today? Where are its warships? Where is Musso- lini? Where is Grazianni? Where is Italian colonialism? Where is Italian fascism? They are all in the dustbin of history. The dustbin of history is full of the trivial examples such as Reagan, and Thatcher. The peoples will always stay. Immortality is for the people. This people cannot be annihilated. I will tell you about our fight against America. First, the United States ? wants to colonize [tasta'mir] the Arab homeland, and wants to regain the southern shores of the Mediterranean so that it possesses the Mediterranean, both north and south - and this is not directed against Libya, but against the Soviet Union. Its post-World War II policy is to besiege the Soviet Union. Just as it tries to encircle it from the Mediterranean - from Libya and from the.shor'es of the Mediterranean - the United States seeks to encircle the Soviet Union on a large-scale from other oceans and seas and from other positions. The United States wants to be in control from Turkey to Tangiers - as the other shore of the Mediterranean is under the control of NATO, which is led by the United States. As for the remaining southern shore: occupied Palestine is open to U.S. military power; in Turkey, there are U.S. military bases; Egypt is completely' a U.S. colony, it is not an independent state at'all:'Do not blame at all Husni Mubarak, Abu Ghazalah, or any others: They are miserable people who hate the United States and hate the Israelis and want to be rid of them at any moment, but they are merely employees of the U.S. department in Egypt. They have no power whatsoever. They cannot even say to the doorman, close the door behind you. They are miserable and defeated people. Egypt has been colonized since 1973. Defeat was imposed on it, and it signed,the Camp David accords. It was subdued and capitulated to all the enemies' conditions. Egypt needs to be liberated. The Arab nation must work for the liberation of Egypt, for Egypt is occupied just as Palestine is occupied. Do not speak any longer of the liberation of Palestine, but speak of the liber- ation of both Egypt and Palestine. Zionism has occupied Egypt. If it were in the hands of Husni Mubarak, or Abu Ghazalah, or suchlike, the Americans and the Israelis would be leaving Egypt tomorrow. However, the matter is not in the hands of these miserable people. They are officers and I know them: They were with me here. We used to give them weapons and. we used to fight with them, and they used to fight the Americans and fight the Israelis and totally hated them. Husni Mubarak fought the Israelis several times.'The Israelis killed his relatives, his col- leagues, [members of] his clan, (?his people), and his soldiers. He cannot love them after the war that took place between them and after all the blood that was spilled. He hates them, it is in his blood. However, Egypt is'defeated. We must work for the liber- ation of Egypt, and for regaining Egypt. After Turkey, the United States wants Palestine, Egypt, and the other Arab countries, with the exception of Algeria, Syria, and Libya these countries are beyond the control of the United States.America is determined to regain the Libyan coast, which is 2,000 km long and then will try to defeat Syria and regain the Syrian coast so that America's military control will stretch from Turkey to the Strait of Gibraltar. Why? Because of Libya? No, because of the Soviet Union. Indeed, if America triumphed over Libya and triumphed over Syria and Algeria, the Soviet Union's situation will be in danger; the Warsaw Pact in danger. The Mediterranean will become an American lake. This is one of the reasons for a joint struggle between us and the Soviet Union, because the fall Libya will lead to the siege of the Soviet Union, and defending Libya will lead to the defeat of the Soviet Union's enemy, which is America. This is the common denominator, common enemy, and common historical objective and struggle between us and the Soviet Union. America's objective is colonialism; the stories of Berlin, Rome and Vienna and (?I do not know where else a bomb exploded); it gave money to Sudan, gave money to Yemen, and gave money to Morocco. This is laughable and it is a mockery. This can not be used as a pretext to strike against a sleeping people with bombs Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 Libya Asks Arabs of'Some Action' Against U.S. LD301718 Algiers APS in Arabic 1530 GMT 30 Aug 86 NORTH AFRICA Q I [Text] Tunis, 30 Aug (APS) - Libya has asked the Ara states to carry out some action to stop U.S. threats to the Libyv;yf people, and has warned that the continuation of such a situatio will have serious repercussions for regional and internationp peace and security. The above was stated in an official memorandum distributed by the Arab League Secretariat to member states. The memoran- dum includes the text of a message from~'Kamil Hasan Mansur, secretary of the Libyan General People's Committee for Foreign Liaison, which Arab League Secrary General Chedli Klibi received yesterday. In his message, which he asked to be distributed to all member states, Mansur says that ?the United States is carrying out terrorist provocations against Libya. He refers to the statements of official White Houle and U.S. State Department spokesmen which call for the use of all means to commit aggression against Libya and whichlinstigate European countries and other coun- tries to be hostile to Libya and to boycott it. The secretar% of the Libyan General People's Committee for Foreign Lia son says that Libya views such developments as an attempt to 4eate baseless pretexts and to prepare world public opinion for new aggression against the Libyan people. People's AssemblyrSpeaker es USSR's Vorontsov LD010030 Algiers Domestic Service-in--EEench 1830 GMT 31 Aug 86 [Excerpt] [passage omitted] Mr Yuliy Vorontsov,)USSR deputy foreign affairs minister, was received this mornin by the speaker of the National People's Assembly Mr Rabah itat. A certain number of international and regional issuef were discussed, notably the development of the situation in (he Middle East and Mediterranean, as well as the problems of peace and interna- tional security. Messaadia Receives 'Arafat, 'Important' Delegation LD301949 Algiers Dome is Service in Arabic 1900 GMT 30 Aug 86' [Text] Brother ohamed Cherif Messaadia, member of the Political Burea and official in charge of the FLN Permanent Secretariat, ?his afternoon received at the FLN central office Yasir'Araf t, chairman of the PLO Executive Committee, who was acconl anied by an important delegation. During t meeting they reviewed a number of issues related to the recen evelopments on the Palestinian and Arab arenas. The meeting s an opportunity to discuss the current international issues. T1 Palestinian delegation praised the Algerian stances Bendjedi9,latest initiative. The meeting was attended by brother Sadek Zo aten, member of the Permanent Secretariat of the Central C mittee and official in charge of the council of friendship and lidarity with foreign peoples, who received 'Arafat on his arriv 1 in Algeria. In a statement, `Arafat pointed out that his b , of visit to Algeria will enable him to have discussions with V number of Algerian officials concerning the Palestinian issun particular, and the Arab and international situation in general. Arabs Reported Refused 4iitry Into Morocco LD312336 Algiers Domesjlc Service in French 1830 GMT 31 Aug 86 [Text] Another con dquence of Rabat's rapprochement with Israel is that Arab ationals are being expelled or turned back. For the past few d ys, Arab tourists traveling via Algeria have found themselves turned back from Morocco: 288 cases of refusal of access h ve been registered to date. Yesterday 120 tra ers were turned back, including 50 Alge- rians; 68 Tunisians; o Egyptian; and one Libyan. Today eight Algerians, 27 Tunisians; nd one Iraqi were turned back. The only nationals to be spared are the Saudis and Jordanians. These measures raise a problem of the nonobservance of agreements linking Morocco with its neighbors. This is notably the case with turning back Algerian nationals resident in Morocco, whose position is governed by the agreement signed with that country in 1983. It may be recalled that this agreement guarantees free movement between the country of origin and the country of welcome for the nationals of both countries. Correction to Al-Qadhdhafi Anniversary Address The following correction pertains to page Q 4 of the item head- lined "Al-Qadhdhafi Addresses Revolution Anniversary Rally," published in the 2 September Middle East & Africa Daily Report: Page Q 4 should begin: and [word indistinct]. It wants to colonize Libyan territory and colonize the Mediterranean in an attempt to [word indistinct] the Soviet Union. This is clear and done with. Firstly, the fedayeen who attacked Rome and Vienna; they attacked Israelis and not Americans. What is the meaning of America taking revenge for attacks against Israelis? This means that America is the protector of Israelis and is defending them with its military might. This has been firmly established. This means that the Soviet Union has the right to use its military power to defend its Arab friends. That is it, as long as the Americans use their military power to defend their Israelis friends and their allies; therefore, the Soviet Union has Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 U V the right, according to this practice [matbaq] to use military power to defend its Arab allies and friends. America took revenge for an action carried out by unknown fedayeen against Israeli targets. This conflict between Palestin- ians and Israelis will not end until the liberation of Palestine. What is America's business carrying out a military action in revenge for the Rome and Vienna operations; although the two operations were against Israeli targets. This means that Israelis are American and Americans are Israelis. Any Arab country that recognizes America and has dealings with America is also consid- ered to have recognized Israel and to have dealings with Israelis; and any Arab ruler who befriends America and cooperates with America, must be considered by the Arab masses from the ocean to the gulf to be cooperating with Israelis and to be friends of Israelis and treat them in this way. [as heard]. The Arab masses from, the ocean to the gulf must realize that their true enemy who harms them is the United States, and any Arab ruler who puts his hand in America's hand is an agent, traitor, and depraved, and must be destroyed. Today I am inciting officers in Arab armies, soldiers in Arab armies, the youth of the Arab nation and the masses of the Arab nation, and telling them that the threat to the Arab nation is all coming from America and America wants to occupy the Arab nation. The struggle is at its strongest now and the confrontation is real between the American nation and the Arab nation. The Arab nation must confront the U.S. nation, and the Arab nation must triumph and be determined to triumph in this battle. All Arab military men, Arab youth, Arab students and the masses of the Arab nation must, while they are listening to my voice on this immortal night, enter the battle against traitor rulers; friends of America; friends of America and agents of America; enemies of Palestine and enemies of the future of the Arab nation. There is no friendship between us and America. America does not have friendship in its dictionary; or slaves or enemies. Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi does not want to be America's agent, and, therefore, he is America's enemy and must simply be destroyed. Another Arab ruler accepts being an agent of the United States and is therefore not an enemy. Either agent or enemy. [chanting] We have heard, as the world did, of the Rome and Vienna operations and we challenged the United States at the UN Security Council to produce evidence that a Libyan carried out this operation. The U.S. President was unable to produce any evidence. As long as Reagan is making war because of operations aimed at Israelis by Palestinian fedayeen, he is not a U.S. President and deserves the title of the rabid dog of Israel. Reagan is a rabid dog of Israel, he is vulgar and more vulgar than a dog and does not deserve to be the President of the United States. To hell with him and to hell with his [word indistinct] and with his power. However much power he has, he will not be able to wipe out the Arab nation and will never be able to make us lower our voice [words indistinct]. [chanting] We are still asking the American people to bring Reagan to trial because he is a murderer and a war criminal. We are also asking the British people to bring Thatcher to trial because she is a murderess and a war criminal. Otherwise, vengeance between us and those murderers will not end. We forwarded a memorandum to all countries of the world in which we defied the United States to produce evidence that Libya is a terrorist state, and the United States, whom we challenge tonight, was unable to produce any evidence to prove that Libya is a terrorist state. In order to get the United States out of this embarrassment before the world, yesterday it fabricated that there was a Libyan plan for terrorist operations. In fact we were bewildered by this news and Europe was astonished, the whole world was aston- ished. We contacted the Europeans and told them to let their U.S. ally produce evidence proving that we are planning terrorist operations. They said that this is a strange matter; we cannot see any justification for any military action against Libya. Libya is a country with which we are friends and we have common interests across the Mediterranean. It is a popular democratic state; a state that is making great efforts [words indistinct] in order to wipe out backwardness; a state that has attained the highest degree of moral and humanitarian advancement; a state in which exists a unique humanitarian and jamahiri experience. Libya is a country that supports just causes and has no expan- sionist ambitions. It has not crossed the seas to colonize anyone and has not crossed the ocean to colonize America. Consequently, the Europeans said that they were surprised at this strange, peculiar, indigestible, unacceptable and unjustifiable U.S. stand against this small people. We told them to tell this to the world. Some of them said that Reagan has gone mad and we are afraid of him; that we should remain quiet about him until he goes. Europeans, European officials admitted that Reagan is mad and the world must be patient for 24 months until his (?term) ends. In the end, they were forced to announce - like the Italian prime minister announced yesterday - that we Italians have nothing against Libya and do not recognize that Libya is a terrorist state. Libya is opposed to terrorism and we have nothing against Libyan international policy. We find no justification for the U.S. military rampage in the Mediterranean. The interests of Europeans are threatened, the interests of Arabs are threatened, peace in the Mediterranean is threatened and, con- sequently, the Soviet Union is threatened because of this man's madness. I would like to tell you that the reason is that there is a desire in the world to revive military colonialism. There is currently a wave of military colonialism sweeping the world. Therefore, we should get ready and arm ourselves so that all nations can defend their freedom against this new wave. Hence, my call from here for the formation of an international front embracing all nations that oppose imperialism. In fact, we have begun to set up this inter- (Page Q 4 ends) Jallud Discusses `Terrorism' at 30 Aug Press Session LD301504 Trip c ervlce to 1310 GMT 30 Aug 86 [News conference held by Staff Majo d al-Salam Ahmad Jallud on 30 August in Tripoli - rded] [Text] [Jallud] Today I wan o talk to you about the situation in the region. All the prepay ions and statements indicate that the terrorist U.S. Administr as--been rr aep ing for a new Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 aggression against the Libyan people - talk about preparing submarines, programming cruise missiles, dispatching strategic aircraft to Europe, mobilizing and deploying the fleet and air- craft carriers off Libyan shores. Naturally, we do not care about such action. If it is intended to intimidate us, there is no force on the face of the earth that can intimidate us. If it is a real threat, and it most likely is, it will not intimidate us either, because we are determined to die. Their raids might kill 1,000, 2,000 or even 10,000 of us. But they will revive a nation. More, the Arab nation will be revived morally. The region will rise and its people and the Arab nation will become more indignant with the United States. We might lose economically and militarily, but we will gain politically and morally. The Arab nation and all the small peoples of the world will win. Naturally, the U.S. aggression does not need any pretext. But the U.S. Administration wants to trick, lie to and deceive public opinion. The U.S. Administration, and this is what is important, is planning serious terrorist acts against Americans and against American targets. [as heard] Q 3 NORTH AFRICA (?adopting his own) political and ideological stands. That means [words indistinct] (?an end to) world peace and peaceful coexis- tence. This means that the U.S. Administration is leading the 10th crusade against Islam the awakening of which is being witnessed now in the Jamahiriyah and in Iran. [Words indistinct] for Christians and Muslims alike [words indistinct] following the challenges laid down in the first memorandum which we wrote challenging that if the United States does not respond to these proposals aimed at avoiding catastrophe, we in Libya cannot live indefinitely under the permanent threat of organized state ter- rorism [words indistinct]. In this case, the world and the U.S. Administration will shoulder their responsibilities. In this respect, we would [words indistinct) that Reagan is the Hitler of the 20th century [as heard] who wants to destroy the world and sacrifice international peace. [words indistinct] we will not allow that battle to take place near the Libyan borders, and after that we [words indistinct] in the Mediterranean, nor in the region, nor in the whole world. Full responsibility will be shouldered by the U.S. Administration, by all the world, by the U.S. allies who work alongside the U.S. Administration, who are not trying to bring it back to its senses [words indistinct]. We, as Libyan people, reject the accusations of terrorism in part and in whole. The Libyan people are the first victims of organized state terrorism by the U.S. Administration and by Reagan personally. We declare and challenge the U.S. Administration to produce the information it possesses on the persons and prepara- tions, either to Libya or to the world. We are prepared to cooperate in aborting such actions before they take place and in arresting the persons concerned and putting them on trial. We have already challenged the U.S. Administration in an official memorandum with regard to the allegations that prompted the first aggression. However, the U.S. Administration disregarded the memorandum. We are still committed to the memorandum. At the same time we make a proposal and chal- lenge the U.S. Administration to produce information and the names of individuals and and the targets and preparations with regard to the actions it claims and of which we have no knowledge so that it can be prevented and aborted and those individuals can be arrested and put on trial.. If the U.S. Administration possesses such information let it give it to us and we will work together to abort such terrorist attacks before they take place. We will apprehend these persons and put them on trial. We will put such persons on trial in an official court and the trial can be attended by foreign correspondents, or they can be tried by an interna- tional court. If the U.S. regime is saying that these terrorist actions are now in the stage of preparation and the and the aggression is because of such operations, then the aggression can be avoided and the operations can be avoided by supplying the information on the alleged plot and then we can solve the problem. However, if there is a decision to commit aggression he who wants to commit aggression does not need a pretext. In-such a case the situation will be clear: Libya is being punished for its political and ideological stands, and there is no peaceful coexistence of ideologies or respect for the sovereignty of peoples or for detente, peace, and security or for everyone living in his own borders In fact, despite the fact that the aggression was made in line with a U.S. decision and using U.S. forces, in reality the aggression emanated from Europe, because the 6th Fleet and the aircraft carriers and submarines [as heard] were sent from U.S. bases on European territory, strategic aircraft were flown from Europe. The fleet, its provisions, its fuel, its ammunition, its plans [word indistinct] came from European soil. This means that Europe is a partner in this aggression because the ability of the United States to launch an aggression from U.S. soil is very limited. Therefore, it should be clear to the European governments and peoples that they are a party to the aggression which was waged in the past and to that being prepared now, whether it is in accordance with their will or against it. They are a party to it and shoulder responsibility for it. And this must be clear to the European peoples, especially to the European peoples on the other side of the Mediterranean. All democratic forces and peace- loving forces and movements in Europe and in the United States, all journalists, writers, and intellectuals must bear responsibility for preventing a catastrophe and detering the U.S. Administra- tion which is motivated by madness for power. This is what I had to say. Are there any questions? [Unidentified reporter] How do explain the silence of the brother leader? He has moved around and visited all the regions but he did not address us and did not address the Libyan people. [Jallud] He speaks to the Libyan people daily. After the U.S. aggression he met all the Libyan people [words indistinct]. [Unidentified rpeorter] Will he be giving a speech at the Monday celebrations? [Jallud] It has not been decided. [Unidentified reporter] You said that the Americans are prepar- ing an aggression against Libya. Are you yourselves preparing to confront this [words indistinct]? Are there preparations in this field? Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 national front, in which all nations of Africa, Central and South America, Asia, the socialist camp as well as the forces of peace in Europe will participate - even the forces of peace in the United States. This front is in the process of being born now, the front that resulted in the creation of the international cen- ter: Libya. The international conferences held on Libyan terri- tory have branches in all continents of the world. This front has been born. Reagan tried to set up a front against this front of the peoples. He gathered the industrialized states in Tokyo and announced that he wanted to set up a front consisting of the governments of the industrialized states to oppose the front made by Al- Qadhdhafi; just like that. See how stupid he is. The conference in Tokyo failed and the Japanese people attacked the participants and evicted Reagan and Thatcher. They told them: You are murderers; leave our country. The Japanese people still remem- ber the atomic bombs that the United States dropped on Japan. Thus, the Japanese people cannot accept the United States. The entire Japanese people are now supporting the Libyan people and the Palestinian people and the Arab cause. After firing rockets on him and expelling this despicable man from Japan, the governments he had gathered for the purpose of forming a front against our front hastened to declare that they were against all the decisions that the United States imposed on the seven indus- trialized states. Japan disavowed the Tokyo Declaration. Japan officially informed us that it disavows the Tokyo Declaration and that it does not consider Libya to be a terrorist state at all, bearing in mind that huge interests lie between Japan and the Libyan people that Japan will not compromise. France, Italy, Spain, and Ger- many, all of these states contacted us and told us: We have nothing against the Libyan people or the foreign policy of Libya. There exists, however, an American madness against the Libyan people. What is the reason for this? I will tell you. First there is a desire to colonize the world, particularly the Arab homeland, once again. The United States specifically wants to colonize the Arab homeland and to give it to the Israelis. That is to say, the United States wants to kick out the Arab nation and replace it by a Jewish nation - this is quite clear. Secondly, in non-political terms we can say that Reagan is suffereing from madness - I mean he suffers with his mentality [preceding word in English]. He suffers madness of the mind. That is to say that he suffers madness as an organic disease, or psychology [preced- ing word in English] disease. The foreign journalists who are present understand these words. As a matter of fact, I doubt whether Reagan is a person possessing all of his faculties. This is because he does things that make the entire world feel astonished, especially the use of aircraft carriers. This is some- thing that the world abandoned at the end of World War II and that the world has decided not to resort to again. Very simply, all those who followed the movements of his fleet on orders from the U.S. Administration were astounded. Even the American people, if they follow the movement of their own carriers and fleets, will be astounded, and will say that a madman is giving these orders. For example, one of the aircraft carriers was in Spain. Orders went out to it in the middle of the night to proceed full steam ahead to Greece. Officers, crew, and those involved with the aircraft carrier went on board in the middle of the night and then reached Crete - reached Greece. They stayed there. Why? The following. morning the matter appeared as if Reagan had not given the order and that he did not know of the movement of the carrier. The crew did not, know why the carrier should stay in Greece. After that an order was sent out to that carrier, which was in Greece, to suddenly return to Italy at maximum speed. The carrier set sail together with all the Naval units accompany- ing it, using fuel, while the crew on board were dissatisfied. I am astounded to see U.S. generals carrying out such mad orders. The officers of the U.S. 6th Fleet and those who are stationed at bases can hear and they know that my words are true. They themselves say such words. They are obeying the orders of a madman. Reagan gathered three carriers and ordered them to pass through the Suez Canal, only to order them again to pass through the Strait of Gibraltar, and then told them to assemble in the Gulf of Sidra. They assembled. Then an order went out asking them to urgently disperse - one to steam toward Turkey, the second to sail to Gibraltar, and the third to head toward Egypt, and the other to occupied Palestine; he wanted them to disperse. They arrived at their destinations, only to receive another U.S. order to assemble once again near Italy. The carriers assembled near Italy. They received orders from Reagan telling them to disperse. I told you either Reagan is mad - that is to say he is actually a madman suffering from a mental disease - or is suffering from cancer, hardened arteries, or old age and is incapable of leading his own country or issuing orders due to the effect of these diseases. In both cases, he suffers from a disease - psychological or physical. I am speaking from a position of responsibility - and Europe and the United States can hear me and I am responsible for these words: I do not at all rule out the possibil- ity of Reagan being mad. He is a man whose behavior we loathe when we are now in the era of civilization and human rights and even animal rights - there are societies that now work to protect the rights of animals - and when the world has reached such a degree of civilization and has become humanitarian and peace orientated, and when the world has become like one single state, each part needing the others. While the world has advanced so much we also see the missiles, the mining of Nicaraguan harbors, the invasion of Grenada, the establishment of camps on Lebanese territory and on Chadian territory, striking at towns with missiles and bombing them with strategic bombers, the invasion of space and chemical warfare. Reagan opposed the destruction of chemical weapons and ordered that they should continue to be manufactured. Strange things are coming from this man. He is using a language the world has abandoned. He is using means that the world dis- approves of and has abandoned. Europe was burned by the fires of world Wars I and II and paid a price in terms of 30 million people killed during World War II. Europe does not want to pay the price of another 30 million people. In fact, if there is a war the price it will pay will be its very own existence. Any new war means intercontinental mis- siles, nuclear bombs - the destruction of mankind. The world has abandoned these, while Reagan has restored them. We - all nations: the nations of Europe, Asia, Africa, America including the American people themselves - disapprove and reject the Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 w language of fleets, blockades, mines, war. We - all nations and all mankind - are in favor of peace, the destruction, of nuclear weapons, and the destruction of chemical weapons. The Soviet Union has a gigantic mighty force that equals the force of the United States. Gorbachev has intercontinental missiles; he has nuclear submarines. He has hundreds of warships. He has half the globe. He can lay mines, he can threaten, and he can launch intercontinental missiles. He can use the stars. [as heard] But look at him; Gorbachev, on every occasion, presents propos- als for safeguarding world peace: the destruction of nuclear weapons; halting nuclear tests; freeing the Mediterranean from the fleets of both the Soviet Union and the United States; the gradual withdrawal [as heard] from Afghanistan so that the Afghan sides can reach a solution; call for the withdrawal of all military bases throughout the world; calls for detente and peaceful coexistence; and calls for a meeting between leaders. Gorbachev continually submits such proposals. Gorbachev has mighty weapons similar to those of the United States. However, the difference lies in the two minds - between the two men. [as heard] One of them is mad, while the other has a sound mind: One of them is irresponsibile and the other is not: One of them is worthy of his post as leader of a superpower, while the other is not, and should remain as a second-class actor in Hollywood. Recently, Reagan, talking to friends at the White House told them: Gorbachev is weak and I am strong, and this is my opportunity to impose my control over the world and encircle the Soviet Union. He continued: if I succeed in bringing down the revolution in Libya, Syria and Algeria and set foot on the north and south shores of the Mediterranean then this will be an historic opportunity to block the Soviet Union return- ing to a situation whereby it can defend itself: it will remain at our mercy. He told them that the entire globe is a vital sphere for the United States. Imagine, peaceful initiatives from the Soviet Union are met with such words from this imperialist! He says Gorbachev is weak. How? Gorbachev has the same weapons as the United States; in fact, he has more dangerous weapons. Therefore peaceful solu- tions are futile as far as the imperialists are concerned. One should not give them any peaceful intentions. They should only be resisted. The United States is hated throughout the world. Peoples every- where fight the United States. Any operation which takes place, the United States says that Libya is behind it. This means that it is no use saying anything, but to let him daily provide bombers and missiles to attack Libya, because every day mankind is dealing blows to American presence everywhere. So, an Ameri- can intelligence officer was killed in the Yemen: he was killed by a Yemeni, and not by a Libyan. An American intelligence officer was killed in Sudan: He was killed by a Sudanese. American soldiers - Marines - were killed in Tunisia: They were killed by Tunisians. In Morocco, in Tangier, some Americans were killed by Moroccans. U.S. sailors were killed in Naples by Italian youths. There were operations in Chile, in Indonesia, in Belgium: We do not know who carried them out. Imagine, yesterday the U.S. State Department [Al-Qadhdhafi corrects himself] the U.S. Pentagon comes out with the funny, Q 6 NORTH AFRICA blatant, yet painful lie, circulated in the press, that Libya is planning to hijack a bus [hafilah] - I do not know in which part of the world - a bus carrying U.S. soldiers. Libya is planning to hijack them to use as hostages in order to barter them for the release of Palestinian prisoners of war who are in the United States and not in the hands of the Israelis. Alright, where is the Libyan who planned this hijacking of a bus? When the Americans said the day before yesterday that they discovered [pauses - changes thought] he started anew to move his carriers, and the world began to live on its nerves once again. They claimed that they discovered that Libya is planning terror- ist operations. We challenge him - and we are making a responsible political statement here - we challenge him to come before the Security Council, or before the Soviet Union, or before the Arab League, or before the NATO, the EEC, or the Socialist International, or the International Court of Justice, and reveal the evidence he has proving that there is a terrorist operation planned by Libya. We want to know who has planned these operations. Is there a secret, or is Reagan mad? [passage indis- tinct] Is there a hostile party which tells Reagan that this is a Libyan plan, and he believes it? The fact is we see that the Americans are naive and they believe false reports, because the information they had following the air raid said that Al-Qadhdhafi had lost his authority. What is this authority that Al-Qadhdhafi has? Authority is in the hands of the Libyan people. They have no information at all about Libya. They said that a military collective leadership has been set up in Libya. What military leadership? We have had a military lead- ership (?since) the revolution - the Revolution Command Coun- cil. We dissolved ourselves and the Jamahiriyah was established. Authority is not confined to Mu'ammar alone. Libya is a Jama- hiriyah and authority rests with the basic people's congresses and the people's committees. If we broadcast a law over the radio then it will not be effective in Libya because the authority that can enact laws in Libya is the people's congresses; it is the party which can enact laws. We cannot announce approval of the budget; saying that this department will get so and so, and this depart- ment will get so and so. This is not permitted. This can only come from the people's congresses. A budget not approved by the people's congresses will not be recognized by the Central Bank. The treasury will not recognize it. They say that Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi has enacted a law and has signed it, announced it over the radio. It will not be accepted by officials. Courts will not apply such a law if it is not enacted by the people's congresses; Laws are not enacted by Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi; they are enacted by the people's congresses. The Americans have no information about the Jamahiri system or about the politial system in Libya. Imagine! They said that a collective military leadership has been set up in Libya. Imagine! As if Al-Qadhdhafi alone has the authority in his hands. What is this authority Al-Qadhdhafi has? Look at their information! They also claimed that there was a power struggle in Libya. Why did we introduce the Jamahiri theory which replaced the govern- ment theory? We did it so that it could solve any problem of a power struggle. Let Reagan read the first chapter of the Green Book on solving of the problem of democracy - by the establish- ment of the people's authority, a power struggle will be ended. The establishment of people's authority means that authority Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 rests with the people, and this ends a power struggle. If authority rests with all the people, then that is it, the power struggle will come an end. The Libyan people have reached the authority by way of the congresses and the committees. Therefore we have put an end to power-struggle forever. Reagan said no, there is a power struggle in Libya. [passage indistinct] He says to them - Casey, the chief of his intelligence - tells his friends that at dawn every day - Reagan suffers from cancer and he does not sleep - Reagan asks him: Is Al- Qadhdhafi still in power? Has anything happened to him? Every day he asks Casey this question. Once there was a pro-Algerian demonstration, about which we spoke yesterday. I went to a police station and I met with a police officer who was accused of collaborating with France against Algeria. [words indistinct] he was frightened of this accusation. I sat with him in a room, and the telephone of the station [words indistinct] had a loud ringing tone. It was the town police station, and as such the telephone never stopped ringing. Whenever it rang, he would say to me: This call is about me. [words indis- tinct) Poor man; he thought like that because his mental condition was disturbed. Reagan is experiencing the same condition felt by that police officer. Every day at dawn, Reagan phones his [pauses] and this man, when the phone rings, always that it is Reagan on the phone. This man asks Reagan: Yes, what can I do for you? Reagan asks: Is Al-Qadhdhafi still in power? The man replies: Yes. Then Reagan asks: How? I have been told that there is a power struggle, and that Al-Qadhdhafi is finished and no longer rules? [Al-Qadhdhafi laughs] Reagan then says: Al- right, soon we will finish him. How can you finish him? What a stupid thing to say? Reagan tells him: Give me a report about [words indsitinct]. Give me a report about the Libyan forces and their effectiveness. He answers: After the revolution about 30,000 citizens took up arms and completed their training. Reagan at this point thumps his chair and says: You told me that the officers of the Libyan Army number 2,000 or 3,000, and that if one of them conspires he can [words indistinct]. How come you tell me that 30,000 have graduated? This is not true. The reports I have say that Libya has only 1,000 or 2,000 officers. The man replies: Every year, in every batch, 3,000 officers graduate. He replies: 3,000 youth who have been brought up during the era of the revolution. Who can control them? Reagan replies: How about those liars who told me that they could make the army move? How can they move 3,000 officers? How about the Libyan Army? The man answers: About I million men. Reagan then asks: How? How can it be I million? Even America does not have an army I million strong. The man says: This is because the entire Libyan people are under arms - this is the theory of an armed people. Reagan then thumps the table and asks about the Libyan budget. He asks: Have you not told me that Libya has become bankrupt? The man replies: [passage indistinct] by moving the carriers, he threatens [words indistinct]. This is what Casey tells his friends. He tells them: I have become mad; the reason is this man Reagan, who every day, at dawn, asks me: Has Al-Qadhdhafi any enemies? I tell him: Al- Qadhdhafi has the Soviet Union. He has no unemployment such as we have in America, with 4,000 families living in the streets of Washington, on the sidewalks, homeless. How many Americans commit suicide every minute? The drugs in America! The unemployment - millions [passage indistinct] Families in thousands sleeping on the ground and homeless. Have you noth- ing else apart from Al-Qadhdhafi? It is as if Reagan was born to fight Al-Qadhdhafi! Brothers, as far as we are concerned there has been no change. Throughout history we have defended our land and freedom, struggled to liberate Palestine, our land, and to unite our arab nation. The ball is in their court. As far as America is concerned [passage omitted] first it is a state which wants to use its weapons - it has 5,000 atomic bombs; it has intercontinental missiles; it has an unlimited number of aircraft and bases, all ready to use against the Warsaw Pact, against the Soviet Union, which possesses half the globe. If he wants to use his intercontinental missiles, cruise [words indistinct] Libya has no antimissile missiles. Only the Soviet Union manufactures such a weapon system. They do not think. American citizens say [word indistinct] the taxes, I do not think about them. In other words, death and taxes are facts of life which the American citizen does not think about. The American citizen says: We no longer think about intercontinental missiles. It is like death and taxes as far as Americans are concerned. We do not think about them at all. If Reagan wants to use missiles, let him do so. If he is mad and wants to use missiles, then he will use them. He can use them. But will they put an end to a nation? By God they will not. Will they finish the Arab nation? By God they will not. Will they enable Reagan to get rid of the cancer? By God they will not. Will they allow him to live more than 24 months from the physical and political points of view? He may live more than 24 months, but we would die as martyrs in defense of our land, the freedom of our country, seeking pride for our land and our people, and glory for our history; seeking to use our capabilities for our own benefit; seeking to see our people living in freedom. Anyone who dies for this cause is a saint! Had I died on the day of the raid on my house, I would have been the historic, holy sacrifice of all human history. By God, it would have been better; had I died I would have been a saint and holy martyr of humanity, in that one had been attacked by the greatest country in the world - an attack on his house and on his children - and it killed him. And suppose Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi was killed - would that mean the end of the Libyan people, the end. of the Arab nation and the surrender of their Palestinian cause and the issue of Arab unity? Jamal `Abd al-Nasir has died; Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi still exists. Guevara died, but Castro is there. They have killed Allende, yet the revolution is going on in Chile. The struggle of the peoples for freedom cannot end by the killing of a leader or a person by dropping bombs. Bombs have never eliminated people. You know. Do not think about what would happen if America were to use its weapons; it had already has. By God, if we had possessed aircraft carriers and ballistic missiles we would reciprocate. But we do not possess these and the only thing I would like to tell you concerning America is that - abroad we ignore it. If it comes to Libyan land, America should be certain that we will fight it and we will not surrender even to the very end. It will never win, nor can it consider Libya as another Grenada. This coast, which is 2,000 km on the Mediter- ranean Sea, is difficult for America to occupy. Even if it landed on a part of this coast, we will stamp on it and obliterate it. We Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 W W will destroy any landing on the coast. Even if it succeeded in occupying the coast, we will turn the whole of Libya into hell. And after all, its aircraft carriers cannot enter the desert nor [words indistinct] neither its destroyers or frigates can cross the Green Mountain [Al-Jabal al-Akhdar][words indistinct] We will later force it to evict the aircraft carrier [words indistinct] if they are the masters of the sea, we are the masters of the land. America can not score victory over Libya on Libyan land. If it comes after us on our land, we must fight it and let it taste the bitterness, and misery, men and women fighting street to street and from house to house and from trench to trench ; and then an honorable and glorious battle will start, a holy battle. It will be the battle that we must martyr ourselves in. If we were not to be martyred over our land in defense of our freedom, then we would deserve to die. This is the sort of death that we accept in defense of our freedom over our land. We will turn the Libyan land into live coals; this is our duty. We are prepared to fight in every city and in every valley. [Slogans chanted: War, war, we have made the decision to die; we will never forget it] For this reason, I tell you that we must direct ourselves to construction and edification, the edification of the Jamahiriyah, of Arab unity, the liberation of the occupied Arab land, continuing to support the cause of freedom every- where in the world. Listen, the United States is now conducting a psychological campaign against you. America has failed militarily. It has boycotted us economically to [word indistinct] a people which does not need. We do not even need Europe. There is no means that the United States has not tried to use against us, and failed. Now the United States is launching a psychological war against the Libyan people. This is what you must pay attention to: it conducts radio broadcasts against you; it is using newspapers and publications against you. It is using all Egypt against you. Egypt is now a camp for terrorists, Americans and the U.S. intelligence fifth column, against Libya. God is most powerful. Husni Mubarak has in fact told us: I cannot do anything; the United States has done something in Egypt. There is nothing I can do. The United States is using a fifth column against you. But as far as we are concerned, if we are sure there will be harm coming from Egypt then we will strike at the den from where harm is launched against our safety and our territory; whether from Egypt or from Mars. Everyone assumes one's responsibility. [slogans chanted: September, September] Playing with fire and fooling around will backfire. In the event of any threat against us from a neighboring state, we would move with a military force to destroy the source of such a threat. We launch this warning to America's agents. From all our borders we are capable of destroying the source of any threat, all the more so since their mistress, the United States, has enacted the law: The strong can strike at the weak. We too are strong in comparison with the other [word indistinct] around us. If the United States invades us because we are weak compared to it then we are strong in comparison with others who are considered as weak. And the United States cannot protest. If it protests then it too must retreat and stay within its own borders. As long as it gets out of its borders and strikes at others then we, according to the new U.S. standards, we would go outside our borders and strike at others. I warn all America's agents at our borders: By God, if we smell any danger from them, to our revolution, to our safety, even empty propaganda, by God we will strike with an iron fist, relentlessly. By God, we are afraid neither of America nor of America's grandfather! Besides, the (?weak) agents know us. They know that their peoples are with us, and their rev- olutionaries are with us. We'have secret revolutionary commit- tees inside their territories, from their own youths, their peoples who recognize us as leaders and not them. [slogans chanted: May a storm take away reaction; The revolution is led by the colonel, it gets stronger everyday; Al-Fatih is a terrible force] There is yet another challenge, a provocative challenge, a dirty challenge, God preserve you. The United States believes that the Libyans may sell their homeland because of their stomachs. They were told - the reports they have - they were told: It suffices to boycott them militarily and not buy oil from them; then the Libyans will run out of money and destroy their revolution, their glory, and all their assets. Look at the humiliation! This is an humiliation directed at every Libyan man and woman, to every honorable Libyan family. They believe that with semolina, with biscuits, with butter and cheese, with watermelon, with all these dirty things we would abandon the revolution, glory, pride, and dignity which we have made thanks to the revolution. [slogans chanted: With challenge..] [Al-Qadhdhafi interrupts] Not with chanting, not with chanting; you young men, not with chanting. [Words indistinct] In it a provocation, an insolent provcation. You will probably notice it. You will hear it tonight, tomorrow, and the day after, from Baghdad radio and the U.S. radios. You will hear that the United States relies on using economic matters against Libya and not on war. Since there [words indistinct] of war, then this is great: [as heard] A big power contemplates waging war against us. Since [words indistinct] war, then there would be another way. It is the way of economic blockade. However, how are they to achieve this? They say that the Libyans will no longer be able to eat cheese, butter, cookies and [words indistinct]. He (Reagan) treats the Libyan people like animals, if there is no longer [words indistinct]. The Libyan people are a great and honorable people. They have lived without petroleum for thousands of years. I have proposed to the oil-producing countries that we should stop pumping oil completely. They [as heard] said: You may be confident of the people who possess the oil, namely, the Libyan people. They know that when the situation becomes serious, they can live without oil and without all these luxuries. [crowd chants: we need tanks and arms, not luxuries]. They told them: When the Libyans run out of money and their salaries are affected, and they are unable to get the things they are used to [sentence incomplete as heard] The plot was originally to transform us into a consumer market: Commodities were brought from Japan, from Britain, the United States, from Honolulu and Mars [as heard] and offered in the market. We got Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 used to this. We said to them: Well, you have succeeded in making the Libyans accustomed to these things - and not the Libyans alone. For this is a plot against all the developing countries: They turn the developing countries into a consumer market and get them used to having clothes, food, and other things they were unaccustomed to earlier, so that they continue to need them. They said: In earlier years, we succeeded in flooding the Lib- yans with luxury goods that they have not known before. They said: once these things become scarce, the Libyans will forget all about the revolution and glory, all about Palestine, Arab unity, Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi, his colleagues, and the free officers, and so on. They will begin to ask for money and will turn to the United States and begin cooperating with it. Imagine that. What an insult. This little man, tries to turn the Libyan people into an agent serving the United States. They could have mobilized a group like the Muslim Brotherhood, who are nothing but a CIA cell and who have been entrusted by the CIA with the task of corrupting the Islamic religion everywhere in the Islamic world. The Muslim Brotherhood is led by a U.S. intelligence officer, and it is no more than a cell or instrument of the U.S. CIA. This is a fact beyond any doubt: The Muslim Brotherhood is a cell, that is one of the tools of the U.S. intel- ligence. They could enlist the Muslim Brotherhood members; they could enlist a sick man, a cheap man, an ignoble person, an agent. They might succeed in this. But to bet on the entire Libyan people, and say the Libyan people could be turned into agents of America, and so abandon the Palestine cause, Arab unity, and Al- Qahdhafi, for whom the Libyan people are at present chanting and whom the Libyan people hold high - how to make them abandon Al-Qadhdhafi, the revolution, their principles and their independence, squander their freedom and glory and become agents - that is, to turn the Libyan people into agents serving U.S. policy? How? When the Libyans run out of money, they will not be able to remain without money. Then we will tell them: destroy your glory and your revolution, so that we may give you money. They say: Let them destroy their glory and their revolution, and then we will not give them money or anything else. What is required is for the Libyan people to destroy with their own hands the things they have built. What a disgusting challenge. This belittles the Libyan people. By God, this is a challenge and a provocation to the honor and dignity of every Libyan man or woman and every Libyan [word indistinct] I have been telling you this for many long years. You started talking about these things. Maybe a doctor, a person graduating in home economics, of a company employee has discussed these things. You started talking about them. We told you: economize here, economize there. [passage as heard] By God, I have seen them in Sri Lanka during the nonaligned conference: the people in their thousands used to wait and rush up to eat what the delegates left behind. They lived on the scraps from the conference: if they would rind a piece of watermelon, they would wolf it down. If they would rind a piece of bread thrown their way, they would eat it. If they would rind a piece of orange thrown away by a member of the delegations, they would wolf it down. I have told you that there are people who live on these things which you waste and throw away. I told you that you must give up the oil you use for cooking, which brings you nothing but heart disease and which you import drop after drop of. I told you that these confectionaries harm you and spoil the habits of your children. Your country has dates. Europe produces confectionar- ies instead of dates, because it has no dates. But you did not heed my words; you said: These people have confectionaries, and we must import them. I told you: All right, bring one kind in. You replied: No, we will bring in 20 kinds. Europe needs confectionaries because it has a cold climate and has no palm trees. If Europe had palm trees, the European would not have produced confectionaries and the world would not know about them. It is a shame for a country that has dates to import confectionar- ies and sell them in its shops. I have been talking about confectionaries, but the issue really concerns freedom, dignity, and our existence. Ultimately, we have paid the price for these in bombers flying over our heads. They said to ud: either yield, or we will annihilate you. Now they say they will resort to economic measures. They are chal- lenging us. However, we will not kneel to them. We did not kneel when we used to eat [word indsitinct]. Our fathers and forefathers used to eat [words indistinct] They stopped bringing rice from Italy. As for those who extended their hands [to Italy], we curse them at every battle. Every day, whenever we recall any battle, we curse them. Our generations curse them and so do the angels in heaven. We all curse that group of Libyans who on their own sold out their homeland. By God, each one of them blamed the others. They asked one; Do you know Mr So-and-so? He replied: No, not at all. Sons disowned their parents. [Words indistinct] entered the battle. his [not further identifiable] grandfather was righting in the battle. His uncle was righting and was martyred in the battle. He feels proud. He says: Yes, my grandfather and my uncle have taken part in the battle. He says: I wish all those who fought the battle were my family. However, those who extended their hands, starting with the Italians, asking them for rice, flour, and [words indistinct], are now being burning up in by the fires of hell. We curse them now. [words indistinct] One engages in a battle in [words indistinct] with the Italians, but the battle [passage indistinct]. Now we are facing a challenge to our dignity. The world says that the Libyan people [words indistinct] are selling out their revolution and glory. We have achieved this glory, thanks to the revolution, before the whole world. We have become the masters of the world. We have become international leaders. Peoples in Latin America look toward Libya. They felt sorry for Libya after the aggression against the house of Al-Qadhdhafi. Tripoli and Banghazi. I swear they were unhappy all over the world after the raid on libya Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 Q 10 NORTH AFRICA [words indistinct]. Everyone started to say that I have become [words indistinct] because they witnessed the realization of their dream in Libya, the Jamahiriyah, the center of the international antimperialism platform, the revolutionary leadership. [passage indistinct] Why, because the despicable ones and the agents will not be glorified by history [words indistinct]. We have financial and economic capabilities, and assets to last for ever. Do not ever worry; we have water, we have rain, we have [words indistinct] and we have enough money to last until even America perishes. Do not be afraid [words indistinct] to hell to [words indistinct] only our dignity, the cause and the gun, bread and water, but despite all this we have strong assets and a healthy economy, many countries owe us debts and are requested to pay their debts. Anyone who weakens during their confrontation should be crushed immediately be it [words indistinct]. Authority belongs to the masses; security belongs to the masses; and [word indistinct] to the masses. The masses are requested to crush anyone who weakens during this confrontation [words indistinct] every basic people's congress, its revolutionary forces, are responsible within the framework of the basic people's con- gress. [Prolonged chants: "Dawn of Freedom," "Jamahiriyah, power of the people," "Arab unity," "Against facism, against reacti- onaries," "1 September Revolution"] When they say, when they say [more chants] when they speak about a power struggle in Libya, it is insulting to the people's congresses. You have, in fact, led the United States into making the mistake of not believing that power is held by the People's Congresses. You are now required - regardless of my presence - to emphasize to the United States that power is not held by Al-Qadhdhafi, but that power is held by the Libyan people, who exercise such power through the people's congresses and the people's committees. Consequently, every people's congress is responsible for the defense of its area. Every people's congress is responsible for crushing any agent. Every people's congress is divided into districts, and the masses of every district are responsible for themselves, with regard to morale and to the destruction of the enemy agents, whom the enemy tries to infiltrate into the country - the spies of the United States, the spies of the reactionaries. As for anyone who is negligent in this confrontation, the people's congresses are responsible for crushing him without mercy and without referring to anyone. The masses of the district, and the masses of the basic people's congress [are responsible]. We will arm 1 million Libyan citizens in the towns that lie on the Mediterranean, and from next month the price of a gun for every Libyan citizen will be paid. We are waiting for them, and also the fish of the Mediterranean are waiting for them. [indistinct chants] [chants of "Jamahiriyah, Jamahiriyah"] As for Libya's international position, it is a great Jamahiriyah. It deserves to be great because it has resisted aggression by great states, and resisted aggression which was directed against great states. It is great because it resisted aggression by great states, and this treacherous aggression by great states may be directed against other great states, such as the Soviet Union or China, or any state of the world. Libya resisted this aggression and destroyed the air force which was used during this aggression, driving it back, defeated, dumping its bombs at sea. The Medi- terranean is still washing ashore the bodies of American pilots and the wreckage of their aircraft of various types. Therefore this Jamahiriyah has become truly great. Why is it named great? Because it checked aggression by great states - they call Britain Great Britain, and the United States is a superpower [last word in English] - the two jointly carried out an attack on the Libyan Jamahiriyah. Therefore the Jama- hiriyah is great because it checked aggression by great states. This aggression may be directed against Moscow, the great Soviet Union. Libya destroyed this aggression before it could reach Moscow. It struggled in defense of great states [words indistinct]. No one in the world can deny the Socialist Peoples Libyan Arab Jamahiriyah its greatness because in actual fact it checked this aggression by great states, and in doing so defended other great states. Therefore we deserve this title, we are worthy of this title despite the world. As for Europe - which America calls on to join its aggressive policy - we would like to tell it to appreciate its interests in Libya. No doubt Europe fully appreciates its own interests. We say to America that it should understand the volume of European interests in Libya - interests which America wants to destroy. America wants to destroy the interests of the European states. It does not care. America has no interests in Libya and wants to destroy Europe's interests in Libya. Look at the volume of trade exchange between Europe and Libya, trade exchange which America wants to deprive Europe. This year this volume of trade will reach 3 billion Libyan dinars - this is the volume of trade between Libya and the EEC member-states. The EEC member- states tells America that the volume of trade between them and Libya totals 3 billion Libyan dinars, that is to say $9 billion. How can Europe sacrifice $9 billion, which is the volume of trade between them and one single state - which is Libya - in return for an American dream? [words indistinct) The contracts between Libya and the EEC member-states are with companies and concern projects valued at 4 billion Libyan dinars - that is the value of the contracts between Libya and the EEC member states. That is to say they are worth $12 billion. He is ignorant [words indistinct]. There are major interests between Libya and Europe. There are interests between Europe and the Arab coun- tries. If Europe sides with America these interests will be destroyed, because we have the Arab masses on our side; everywhere we have Arab revolutionary committees on our side. They are capa- ble of destroying the interests of everyone who is hostile to the Great Jamahiriyah and the Arab nation. We are the embodiment of the glory of the Arab nation. We are the Arab nation's hope. All the free men of the Arab nation defend us. Those who killed Americans in the Yemen, Sudan, Tunisia, Morocco are not Libyans - they are unknown Arab revolutionaries who defend Libya. Those who killed American soldiers in Lebanon by det- onating car bombs are not Libyans. There are many people standing in line ready to carry out martyrdom operations in this manner. If one of us dies, 300 Americans will die in return. [Words indistinct] Look at the massive trade exchange between Libya and Europe. [Words indistinct] Europe's interests with Arab states because of Libya. The Mediterranean is a sea of [word indistinct] and trade. These interests exceed billions. To fill it with mines and aircraft carriers annoyed the Europeans: They Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 V. 2 Sep 86 Q11 said that Reagan is carrying out maneuvers to gather information from Athens, from Rome and from Malta; they said that with what is going on we now have no airspace, civil aviation is delayed, the transportation and civil aviations systems are dis- rupted, it is forbidden to go near any carriers at a [word indis- tinct]. They said: We were safe till Reagan came, with maneuver after maneuver. They said: What is the matter? As I told you, he is mentally disturbed, [word indistinct] he is pushed to revise this [words indistinct]. When the revolution started [words indistinct] to end [words indistinct] was in the program of the revolution, and then political action. There are figures for those who claim that Libya is interested only in terrorism, is spending money on terrorism. They are. deceiving you when they broadcast that Libya and Al-Qadhdhafi are squandering your money on terrorism. Let them give the accounts, bills. The maximum amount of money is given to the Palestinian resistance. It is shameful, as the Palestinian resis- tance receive a token sum of pennies every year. Your budget should [word indistinct] between you and the Palestinian people. Show us anyone who has proof of an account showing that Libya is spending money on terrorism [words indistinct]. The full bud- get is decided by the Libyan people, who understand the nature of the Jamahiri regime. The great changes which took place after the revolution - need I remind you of them every year, the list is long - every Libyan can answer the rabid campaign which is trying to harm our region and our achievements, which we realize every year and we witness during Al-Fatih Day. So far, 15,000 farms have been reclaimed. Before the revolution 15,000 farmers were without farms [words indistinct]. 15,000 farms were uncultivated but they have now become lands of paradise [words indistinct]. More than 10,000 houses have been built for farmers, which means that 10,000 farmers' families once lived in mud huts. You can appre- ciate the greatness of the deed of housing 10,000 families. Can Reagan do a similar thing for his farmers? We challenge him. Thousands of his people sleep on sidewalks in the capital. He is (?angry) at how a country can turn its oil into a factor such as this; it means his country is advanced, but he does not want progress for his nation, but regression. In America money should be with the rulers, who manage banks and hotels, and it should be spent on cars, gambling and night clubs; there should be a bourgeois, aristocratic, rich and exploitative class. This is the case in the other oil countries. However, Libya turns its oil into wealth for the people, into factories, farms, roads, education and health. This to Reagan is something grave and he does not want it. He wants our nation to remain backward. More than 6,000 km of roads were paved for the farmers, [words indistinct], as well as roads connecting farms. [passage indistinct] Now we have turned the oil which was owned by a handful of exploiters and American companies - America, by the way, is angry because its companies were denied this oil - into ammonia, urea, and methanol, which are all oil deriva- tives, and which we now export. Reagan is angry at this and wants to destroy it. He said that Ra's Al-Unuf must be destroyed. He was raving mad. No matter how long a war may go on between two states they should not hit economic targets; except Iran and Iran who, whenever they err in this respect they try to hit back. After 6 years of war they are still striking at factories. It is wrong to strike at factories. He, from the very first day, without being at war, and without any reason said he wanted to strike at Ra's Al-Unuf.'Why? How? [Words indistinct] uses the veto as far as the future of nations is concerned. He wants us to receive his permission so that we can manage a factory. [Words indistinct]. The production of bicycles, buses and trucks is done by us; whether the number is sufficient or not does not matter. But an industrial fortress has been established in Libya. Libya now exports methanol, produced from the crude oil which we used to export. Libya produces urea, fuel oil and [word indistinct] - Libya never did this in the past. [Words indistinct] used to take oil, and they used to refine it, producing these by-products and then sell them to (?themselves) in order to benefit from them, while we used to sell them cheap crude oil. Now we process our own oil and extract from it these by-products and sell them. Libya now has a cement production capacity - it is the biggest cement exporter in the Middle East. If the cement produced by Libyan plants is exported it will make Libya the biggest cement exporter in the Middle East; that is to say that the capacity of the cement factories in Libya makes Libya the biggest exporter of cement in the Middle East. [as heard] He is angry, naturally. How can he think about these things? What a difference between Libya in 1969 and 1986! The structure has changed. We have established 15,000 farms, 10,000 houses for the masses, and we have built 6,000 kms of roads for the use of farmers. We have established oil industries, yet in the past our crude oil was exported to be processed into ammonium, methanol, urea, [word indistinct] and fuel oil to be re-exported to countries of the world. Libya has become the biggest exporter of cement in the region, while in the past its sand used to be trampled underfoot. Who in the past would have said that Libya was capable of having such factories? We have built them. The Libyan citizen's share of electricity in the past used to 300 kilowatts per annum, and now it has become 2,000 kw per annum. Imagine! Each one of us used to consume 300 KW of elecrticty per annum, and now it is 2,000 kw per annum. What an astounding transformation! Reagan said: You spend your money on terrorism. Is this terrorism - cement, electricity, trucks, and so forth? [Al-Qadhdhafi laughs] He said: You are spending your money on terrorism. Terror- ism? These [word indistinct] This electricity, these vehicles, farms, roads, houses - to this day, 277,000 [words indistinct] have been built, 277,000 housing units. this means that 277,000 families have no homes - they live in shantytowns [as heard]. These oil-industry workers who used to [words indistinct] the country and their masters, the Americans [words indistinct]. For our part, we will direct our oil toward this project [words indis- tinct]. We have built a chain of ports whose capacity is 9.5 million tons. This means that Libyan ports are the biggest ones with such a capacity in this region. There used to be not even one. a chain of ports along a 2000-km stretch of the Mediterranean, with a current capacity of 9.5 million tons [passage indistinct] look at the numbers and the construction: more than 30,000 classrooms, students numbering 366,000. This is the maximum we were able to educate then; now the number has jumped to I and 1 /4 million. Look at that jump: from 300 [as heard] to I Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 V. 2 Sep 86 Q 12 NORTH AFRICA and 1 /4 million. suffering a fit similar to that which attacked, Sadat [words indistinct]. I have ruled out the psychological and physical factor; Imagine: after the revolution, 12,000 beds were added in hos- it seems that this action was imposed on him. And if it was pitals. This is extraordinary: in addition to the number of imposed on him, then it means [words indistinct]. Ever since the hospitals which were built, 12,000 beds were added after the establishment of the union between Libya and Morocco, the revolution. There used to be one doctor for every 2600 citizens, entire world has said that Morocco was not free to. set up a union nowadays there is one doctor for every 600 citizens. Before, every with a revolutionary state or to make a single step on the path of 2600 people used to have one doctor; today, every 600 people have Arab unity. However, the king of Morocco did establish the union a doctor. As of this anniversary, we have managed to dig five with us. I proposed a union to all Arabs, and he agreed. It is good water wells every month. This means that in 17 years, an average that we did not force him. If you are unable to shoulder your of 5 water wells have been dug per month: Then we eliminated historic responsibility, unable to march for 2 years in such a exploitative trading: 65,000 public markets [words indistinct] historic direction, and unable to maintain the independence of your decision, allowing the United States and Israel to order you But the funds we have spent since the inception of the revolution about, then why did you get involved - before your people, the amount to 23 billion dinars. Had there been no revolution those Libyan people, and your Arab nation? It truly is an irresponsible 23 billion dinars would have gone to the rulers, the Americans action. The, Moroccan king has turned a holy matter into a and to Europe. The foreigners were building their houses with comedy and a fiasco. The mockery and fiasco lies not in this [word indistinct] and marble. Marble is meant to be used for decision, but in the [words indistinct] in the Arab world. The bathrooms - a few meters may be - yet they built their houses theory of [word indistinct], of inheritance, delegation, and guard- on the inside with [word indistinct] and marble, and then went on ianship over. the masses, the theory of slavery, oppression, and to build them on the outside also with [word indistinct] and exploitation - these will be destroyed by the theory of the masses marble. You have seen a number of houses belonging to Libyans heralded by the Green Book. [passage indistinct]. The theory of in this form [words indistinct]. These were the funds he was fear of the masses, scorning the masses, and playing with the talking about, yet, 23 billion Libyan dinars were spent on roads, masses. the masses have become a herd of sheep, became a ball. industry and agriculture. We spend about 1 billion dinars per [as heard] Today, unity, tomorrow, no unity. [words indistinct] year on industry, agriculture, health, education and roads at the rate of [figure indistinct] million dinars each [word indistinct] There is a type of union between the Libyan and Moroccan corresponding to 4 million per day, or 160,000 dinars each hour. peoples. By taking this action, the king of Morocco has violated Imagine, each hour 160,000 dinars are spent on industry and the legality of the treaty. He will stand before the union's court agriculture, every passing hour. The income of a Libyan rose or the International Court, because we have made a provision from 600 dinars to 1,600 dinars [words indsitinct]. stipulating that if any party violates the treaty of the union, he will have to stand before the union's court. And [words indistinct] These are the achievements America is angry about, accusing us prevents the union's court from discharging its duties, or if one of terrorism every morning and every evening. They say: Where party of the union has obstructed the court, or those involved are are your funds? He has spent it on terrorism. its nationals, [as heard] then the case should-be brought before the International Court of Justice, even by one party to the union. What is the meaning of terrorism? It is the struggle for freedom. We have deposited letters in this regard with the International [passage indistinct] today, the victory of the great and historic Court of Justice. I was the one who insisted on this -condition, revolution - the echo of which is reverberating all over the world because I have no trust in the regimes [words indistinct]. Del- - which has contributed to the struggle of the world's peoples, egation on behalf of the masses, guardianship over the masses, the victory of which constituted a turning point in the history of and. disrespect and fear for the masses cannot produce someone mankind in its struggle for freedom. The peoples struggling for who can make a historic decision and alter the map. Con- freedom have benefited from the victory of the Libyan revolution. sequently I had doubts about the hands of the Arab rulers: They This is a great glory for all Libyans, men and women. are shaky and cannot sign an historic decision. The rev- olutionaries are the only ones who can sign serious decisions. I We sing and dance and [word indistinct] on this day. However, knew that the masses cannot betray themselves, but that their at the same time we express deep sorrow for the fact that on the rulers are capable of betraying the masses and selling them out. anniversary of the Moroccan-Libyan Arab-African Union, the Moroccan king has destroyed this achievement. (?Despite the [Words indistinct] was a ruler of this city. He sold out to the king), we today celebrate a new year of the federation between Italians because he was a ruler. He sold out as in [words indis- the two Arab peoples as a step on the road toward all-embracing tinct] agreement in 1912, and the Libyan people began to demand Arab unity. The Moroccan king has struck at the hopes of the that Turkey shoulder its moral and historical responsibilities for Arab nation for unity. Had we been the ones who received the the destruction which befell Libya as a consequence of the Italian enemy [reference to King Hassan's meeting with,Israel's Peres] colonization, because Libya was governed by a Turkish ruler. He then he could have taken this action [abrogation of Oujda treaty] handed it over to the Italians in 1912. [Words indistinct] if the and he would have been justified and had the right to do so. king of Morocco was free and shouldered his responsibility and However, he was the one who received the enemy and has said: I am brave, free, and independent, and I have made this attacked the union. decision to dissolve the union, then he must shoulder the respon- sibility and stand before the union's court, or stand before the I do not believe that the king of Morocco would take this action International Court. For our part we will continue to consider the while he had all his faculties. He either was helpless or is union as constitutionally still in force and will consider that it is Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 V W V. 2Sep86 Q 13 only the king of Morocco who has violated this agreement, and only he who should be put on trial, because this decision of the Moroccan king ignores, disregards, and scorns the great Moroc- can Arab people; because there was a day when the Moroccan people had to stand in lines to cast their votes on the union referendum. At that time the Moroccan people approved the union. Therefore, those who established the union on the Moroc- can side were the masses of the Moroccan people, and those capable of cancelling the union are the masses of the Moroccan people, and they will not do so. Why does the king of Morocco disregard his people? Why did he ask them to stand in line, on I 'September in a' referendum on the union? The people create the union; then the king of Morocco announces over the radio the abolition of the union. Are they people or sheep? Why on the one hand do you consider them to be the people and ask for their opinion in a referendum, while on the other hand you dissolve the union without asking for the people's opinion? This has not happened only in Egypt and in Morocco. [as heard] Egypt is still a member of the Federation of Arab Republics. Its ruler all of a. sudden declared that it is no longer a member. We asked the Egyptian people for their opinion in a referendum, and they approved the federation. We did not 'put this to the Egyptian People's Assembly but to the Egyptian people, so that there would be no delegation' standing in for the Egyptian people in this respect. [sentence indistinct] The Moroccan people have. been deeply humiliated before the world. The Moroccan people were asked their opinion on the union, and they approved it. Then the king of Morocco abrogated this union. This means that he has, nullified the will of the Moroccan people. In this matter there'is a struggle between the tool of government and the governed. [words indistinct] This is the era of -the masses. (?There is) no substitute for the people. [Word indistinct] the religion.. Where is the democracy? He [King Hassan] wrote to me in his message that the union was between the Jamahiriyah regime in Libya and the democratic, constitutional, monarchist regime in Morocco. Where is the democracy? Of course, we are speaking with all respect. First of all, he is a man who is older than I. Also, we have eaten bread and salt together, as the saying goes. The fact is that I had respected the king of Morocco for he - of all the Arab kings and rulers - had embarked on a bold step: We announce that nothing abusive should be said'or written about this man in the radio or press. He may have been helpless. He may have been forced under extenuating circumstances to (?abrogate the treaty). The union, however, still exists. The action entails 'disregard for the Moroccan people, contempt for the Moroccan people, an insult to the Moroccan people. It is also an insult to the Libyan people. How is it that you hold areferendum and then dissolve the union? You could have said-that Al-Qadhdhafi and Hassan have the right to dissolve the union.and that is it. Either of them can wake up in the morning and, according to his mood, dissolve the union. But as you have said, it isithe two peoples who have forged the union. It is only he who forges something that has the right to decide to annul it. The decision to establish a union was not made by King Hassan so' that he can revoke it. Therefore, King Hassan's decision is null and void, constitutionally and democrat- ically. NORTH AIFRRCA We demand a reasonable trial of the king of Morocco for this action, and we hold on to the union between the two fraternal peoples.,We view it as a historic gain. The United States and Israel were the first to welcome the decision by King Hassan because it served the interests of these two enemies. It was a setback for the Arab nation. The rulers of the Arab nation thus are daily providing this nation with a setback. Events will develop until the Arab nation is rid of its rulers, until the people's congresses, the people's committees, and the Jamahiri regime is established throughout the world, and until a unified Arab Jamahiriyah is established. But, if the fate of the Arab nation should remain in the hands of the rulers, the rulers will continue to treat the masses as though they are a herd of sheep. Al-Sadat used to whip on the Egyptian people, and Husni Mubarak inherited the whip from him. The Americans and the' Israelis, however, came and took the whip, and Husni Mubarak and the Egyptian ' people ? all became a herd and the ' whip - [Al- Qadhdhafi corrects himself] not a herd of sheep, but cows - and the whip came into the hands of the cowboy, who is American. That is what we can say at this glorious, and at the same time sad, moment about the action undertaken by King Hassan II. He wants to meet with the enemy, and we cannot but condemn such an action. Of course, it is a traitorous action. You meet with Peres who is slaughtering our'children in Lebanon and in Palestine, and who is destroying our cities and children and violating our dignity in Tunisia with his aircraft, and in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and in Iraq. Blood is being shed; his hands are soiled with blood and you shake hands with him? In the past, when the poor Arab citizen met with an Israeli; he was sentenced to life imprison- ment. An Arab ruler recognizes the enemy, he is not put in prison. Why [word indistinct] The Arab citizen? You meet with the prime minister of the enemy?! You swim with him?! What disregard for the Arab nation, and for the martyrs of Palestine, and the martyrs of the Arab nation. Swimming in the sea on the Moroccan coast, he said that Al-Qadhdhafi has (?reproached) me and [passage indistinct]. Then he said: We will send you another person from the government who did not see Peres. It became a mockery. There is not relationship between me and your government. The rela- tionship is between us and the federation. There are federation ministers and institutions; let the federation institution (?have a meeting) with us. President Hafiz al-Asad who [words indistinct]. Look at them in Lebanon whose land is occupied and you, their Arab brother, shake hands with the enemy, recognize him, and give him breathing space. Then, when I' and this president issue a statement against this meeting, you get upset. Who should get upset; you, who met the enemy,'orus? But the poor king of Morocco, he harmed himself, and he will pay the price to his people and Army and the Arab nation. He inflicted a defeat, dishonor, and harm on himself (?for the sake of) Israel and the United States. The United States was not able to (?save) the Shah of Iran, Haile Selassie, Idris al-Sanusi, [name indistinct], Somozaor [words indictinct]. All the United States' agents fell before their peoples, even Marcos. Whoever depends on the United States, .his 'fate Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 will be the same as Idris al-Sanusi, the shah of Iran, Haile Selassie, and other agents..We are not afraid. If we were,afraid of the United States we would not have fought., We regained Al-Millahah base with our guns and armory. Afraid of the United States? How? On a night such. as this, our armory and artillery surrounded Al-Millahah base and Aden base. We were ready to enter battle. On this spot, when I addressed you, the masses went there chanting: Evacuation, evacuation. We said that it is.either evacuation or Libyan land will become a red fire under the United States' feet. [words indistinct]. Q 14 NORTH AFRICA There is something else that concerns me: First, we could have taken revenge by killing an American, Reagan's ambassador, which would have been interpreted as personal revenge. What I am saying concerning our [words indistinct]. I swear by.God that we will neither hide our [word indistinct], lower our voices, nor compromise [word indistinct]; our issue is sacred. Here he is considering us terrorists; here they are, the killers of the Palestin- ian people who are in Palestine; are they not considered terror- ists? He considers them prophets of the revolution. Those who carry the hopes and pains of a dispersed, ill-fated, and oppressed people that is being pursued by U.S. imperialism and Zionism. Those are people with whom we share our food. They are our brothers, they are carrying [the banners] of a sacred cause. See, the decadent United States with its decadent government and administraiton considers those noble people terrorists. [words indistinct] after the raids, shelling, and the presence of U.S. aircraft carriers facing us, we did not retreat. We will not hesitate to struggle for the sake of liberating Pal- estine inch by inch. To hell with your planes and raids [word indistinct] the unity of the Arab nation; now we realize that it is necessary so that we can confront the U.S. raid with it. This means that the U.S. raids were against America. First they were defeated militarily and politcally before the world; then it showed us that Arab unity has become essential, and we will continue to achieve Arab unity, whether through peace or war. This issue is [words indistinct]. If the United States wants to fight us on Arab land, we are ready; on Libyan land, we are ready. What concerns me...[AI-Qadhdhafi changes thought] Before I come to the point that concerns me, [words indistinct] forgive me. On such a day in 1978 the revolution of workers and hired hands - who were some kind of slaves - broke out. They were liberated on Al-Fatih, 1978 and they added to the revolution of the soldiers; the rev- olution of workers and hired hands who became partners. On 7 September 1976 the students' revolution was added. [as heard] Thus the revolution was escalated. These popular sectors staged the revolution and [word indistinct]. Now the universities, where authority within them rests with the students, and all other educational establishments are run by students, while workers now manage all establishments of production - workers' con- gresses and workers' peoples' committees. I wish to congratulate the workers who have become partners and not employees, and tell them that [words indistinct] again for those workers and may harm the general budget. I tell them that in the Jamahiri system we should now [words indistinct] the general budget [words indistinct]. The general wealth is divided among the people - each shall get his share. This is the new socialism. We should not take from the pockets of people in order to run a budget. If there is a need for a general budget then we can decide. The people's congresses will decide when to take from their pockets in order to give to the budget. We should think about the economy of each family - this is the Jamahiri system. To think about a general budget at the expense of the people's living conditions is the opposite to what the Jamahiri system advocates; this is an exploitative system - to cheat the people in order to increase taxes and dues [words indistinct] in order to take their monies, and with these monies administer a general budget. No; on the contrary. There should be no taxes, nor dues; prices should not rise. This is prosperity. The wheels are still turning in the direction of taking from the citizen in the interest of the general budget. It should be the opposite. One should take from the general budget in favor of the citizen. The citizen, if he wishes, will afterwards deduct from his budget - the general budget - if the latter needs anything. [as heard] If we want to purchase I million rifles, each one of us should pay 200 dinars, either in installments spread over a year or in a lump sum, as from next month, and purchase the rifles. Why should you cheat him? Why should we increase prices? Why should we tell the citizen that this was necessiated by taxes, dues, customs, and take money from by theft - the sum involved, 200 dinars. Not at all. You should be free to (?take) 200 dinars and give him a rifle. Workers should not await solutions from the general people's committees. On this occasion, the 17th anniversary of the revolution, workers, from tomorrow, should implement the idea: Workers are part- ners and not employees. Workers should take their share from production, and should give up everything else in return for production and management. If the workers are rich, then this is great. This is the radical change we believe in. The aim is to enable poor workers and the needy to become rich. But when they become rich they should not abandon work. If we have 400,000 Libyans who will become rich and no longer work, then it will be right to leave them out of work [words indistinct]. Why are we frightened to proceed along this path? This is the path of transformation. Others claim that our workers will become rich. You - contractors, merchants, middlemen, those who do not produce, those who are lazy, and those who are drunk - allow yourselves to become rich, open clubs, and take money from the people by falsehood - do you deserve to become rich, or do the workers, who sweat and toil to build all these roads, houses and units, deserve to become rich? As far as I am concerned I would like to say that in the end, the United States is a goat - if you pardon the expression - it is stubborn. I can leave Libya, and the whole world can hear me say this. [chant from the crowd] Please postpone your chantings. I can leave Libya - please let finish what I want to say. [chants] Alright; alright. [chants] I can leave Libya and I can form an international army consisting of tens of thousands of fighters from Central and South America, Africa, and even Americans from the United States of America, Europe, and Asia; [chants] Alright. I can form an international army which has tens of thousands of fighters - Arabs and non-Arabs. After that I can shoulder my responsibility as a fighter and then announce the operations for which we claim responsibility and which we carry out. After that Reagan will know the state of his empire! I can - alright [interrupted by chants: We are with you in soul and in blood, the last drop of our blood] Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 V. 2 Sep 86 Q 15 Reagan is now accusing us of carrying out operations which we have not announced. He is putting the blame for such operations on a state, and wants this state to pay the price of operations unknown to us. We challenge him to bring to us the persons who have carried out or who are now planning these operations. Let him clarify his intentions - either he is mad or he wants to colonize the Arab homeland, and destroy the resistance [inter- rupted by chants] Alright. He now accuses us of operations about which we know nothing. He says that the Libyans are planning, the Libyans are carrying out terrorist operations in order to seek revenge. He is accusing us of carrying out such actions, while the fact remains that he is the one practicing official terrorism, and it is Libya which is the victim of international terrorism. It is the victim of official terrorism. No people can live constantly under the threat of aircraft carriers and the threat of another state every morning and every evening. He is imposing a state of fear on a small nation. This is the form of terrorism he wants to impose on the people of this earth. He has sufficient force with which he wants to intimidate others. I want to say to him that if you continue your tyranny, insolence, madness, and foolishness against the international community and world peace, then I Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi, want to state that I can form an international army consisting of fighters against imperialism and against the United States of America personally - please stop chanting and let me finish what I want to say - I can form an army outside Libya and I can take with me thousands of fighters from among the Libyans. This army will spread out to all corners of the globe and destroy the American presence everywhere. Then we will announce every operation. I am not a coward like him, coming from beyond the sea and striking at a peaceful people with long-range missiles. The stick of the coward is long! We will announce every operation that my army carries out. We will even say: Tomorrow, we will do such and such, and destroy him. When we destroy something, we will claim responsibility by saying that the international army which I form has carried out that operation. I say to the world that if I make such a decision and begin to gather such an army which consists of tens of thousands of people, then within a few years the world will rid itself of the evil of the American neo-Nazi empire which the entire world now hates and which threatens world peace. The Soviet Union may not be able to destroy his empire, but it will be destroyed by an army to be formed by Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi from among the world's freedom-fighters. We will fight everywhere where no aircraft carriers or intercontinental missiles can reach us. This coward Reagan can stike at a town with his aircraft carriers. He can strike at peaceful people with his long-range missiles. But I warn him that this army which I will eventually form cannot be harmed by his missiles - they cannot strike at this secret army. Personnel of this army will be able to infiltrate anywhere in the world. The United States will be in real danger if I decide to form this army some day. I draw the attention of the freedom-righters in Central and South America, Africa, Asia, Europe and in the United States of America itself to get ready; when the time comes and I am compelled to make this serious decision, I will not hesitate to gather an army of tens of thousands of fighters, and then I will leave Libya so that Libya will not be subjected to Reagan's vengeance. We will then have to face revenge from Mu'ammar Al-Qadhdhafi and from those fighters whom I shall deploy in every spot of the world, and we will undermine the pillars of the U.S. empire = the big Satan - which is theatening the whole of mankind. It threatens peace; it threatens life. It is a neo- Nazism. I can destroy it with this army within a few years. [chants] This coward - because he knows that Mu'ammar Al-Qadhdhafi resists U.S. imperialism - wants to take vengeance on Libya. At any given moment, I can embarrass him in front of the whole world. I leave Libya and fight him [words indistinct] the world. I leave Libya so that Libya can be spared. When we make such a decision we will not be afraid. We were not afraid on a night such as this when we surrounded the bases and toppled the regime on which he used to depend. We, when we declare our innocence of operations which he accuses us of carrying out, do not do so because we are afraid. If we were afraid we would not have threatened him with this decision. But, we are not responsible for something we have not decided ourselves. We destroyed his aircraft. We are shouldering our responsibility for that. We were not frightened. We did not say that his aircraft fell by an act of God. We downed the U.S. aircraft. We downed them during the first confrontation when they crossed the 32 degree latitude. We downed them during the raid that took place on 14 April, when they raided our towns. Twice we downed a group of his aircraft. Theres is still a (?sign) along our coastline. We pulled out the bodies of his airmen and showed them to the world on the [television] screen. We are not afraid, but we would like to declare that these operations about which he is talking, we do not know anything about; we are astonished at such operations. If he is a man, then let him show these operations to the world. These so-called secret plans and so-called persons who are said to be carrying them out, and the so-called targets - let him provide evidence, otherwise, he is a liar and a madman gambling dangerously with world peace. [chantings] At this moment, brothers, we challenge this enemy and declare our disdain for him and declare that in the end victory will be for us and the United States will suffer defeat because the last thing I want to say is that before the entire world I declare that I have decided to form an international army and that I will be respon- sible for commanding this army; that I will leave Libya and that this army will be deployed everywhere. I know that this army will defeat this evil empire; others empires that went on practicing their tyranny against mankind were destroyed by popular resis- tance: Napoleon, when he became a tyrant and filled the Danube with soldiers corpses and invaded the world, was defeated in Spain by the popular resistance in the Spanish mountains. Pop- ular resistance can make tyranny pay. Hulagu's [grandson of Genghis Khan] invasions were finished and destroyed. Napo- leon's invasions were destroyed. Hitler's empire was destroyed when he was resisted by:the peoples. The partisans movement in Eastern Europe - was the one that defeated Hitler, Reagan, no one: The resistance by the partisans was the one that destroyed Hitler's arrogant empire, which disregarded everything in the world, and turned the world into a vital sphere for Germany. The Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 W W new Hitler is now turning the entire world into a vital sphere for the United States. This new Hitler - Reagan - does not read history, as I have told you. He did not read how Napoleon was destroyed. Popular resistance in Spain was what destroyed Napoleon. He did not read how Hitler was destroyed - by the resistance of communist partisans in Eastern Europe. He does not read history. He thinks that an empire which possesses weapons can last. Where is the Ottoman Empire? Where is the empire of Alexander the Great? Where is the empire of Genghis Khan? Where is Napoleon's empire? Where is Hitler's empire? They were all destroyed by the resistance of the peoples. I am still at the stage of leading the revolution on Libyan and Arab territory. I check America's military campaigns over our territory and will resist it bravely and we will stand our ground. We will make them suffer affliction. We will feed them to the fish in the Mediterranean if they reach our territory. I would like to say that Libya has the military capability and the human capability - it has armed people, and as from next month we will begin collecting the money for I million rifles in order to arm I million people. They will be deployed along the Mediterranean coast and we will announce the establishment of armed Libyan towns so that this coastline will become a burning fire. I wish to say that Libya has economic capabilities that cannot be harmed by the American economic blockade. To hell with his blockade. To hell with his fleets. We are fighting here for the sake of our nation's honor, and its right to live and remain. But brothers, if we want to defeat America on its own soil and remove its bases from all continents of the world I will be compelled to form this international army. When I put out a call to the freedom-fighters and the fighters against imperialism, thousands and thousands of people from all parts of the globe will respond to this call. Reagan and his empire will then see what fate awaits them. On this day - when we salute and celebrate the 17th anniversary of the historic revolution, which has changed the course of events in the world and which has constituted a new struggle phenomenon - we proudly salute, brothers, the officers and soldiers who staged the revolution and who carried out my order - the order of death - at an hour such as this, and who were not intimidated by the bases of America andd Britain, we salute the great people of Libya who took over the banner of the revolution and began to escalate it until the people's authority was established. These people, who have wealth, authority and arms in their hands and who are resisting, are not isolated. I say to you while you are fighting, with or without Mu'ammar al- Qadhdhafi and his colleagues, that you have friends with you; you have the Soviet Union, the great friend, with you; you have with you the entire socialist bloc; [applause and chants] you have with you the masses everywhere; you have with you wll peace- loving and freedom-loving peoples. If America is a superpower, we have a friend who is also a superpower: the Soviet Union, with all its capabilities, stood by the Libyan people. It is inevitable that you should know this. He Soviet Union shouldered its responsibility as a superpower against the rumpus of this mighty American power which has become a threaLto world peace and a threat to the existence of Q 16 NORTH AFRICA the Soviet Union itself. The Soviet Union realizes now that its peace initiatives are being disregarded by imperialism and has realized that the imperialists should be confronted with force. I would like to tell you that capitalism, which has produced the American camp, cannot continue to exist because it is based on exploitation, and cannot resist against war; it cannot resist against a people's war; it cannot stand its ground for long. It is built on usury and exploitation, and usury and exploitation constitute a cowardly program that cannot last long in war and cannot finance a war as long the war is a lost war. If there is a profit to be obtained from war, then they will kindle a war. If capitalism benefits from war, then it declares war, but if the war is like that in Vietnam - popular resistance - it [words indistinct]. U.S. capitalism was what led to the defeat of the U.S. war machine in Vietnam. It did not pursue the war, because it had encountered resistance that smashed its combat elements. Capitalism is thus not prepared to build another war instrument that would be smashed without profit. it seeks profit, a market (?for its goods). In the final analysis the United States is a paper tiger. America will not last long, because its system is capitalist and has no relationship with progress. Socialism will triumph in the end. Socialism will triumph, because it is the force of progress, the one that will never lose its ties with history. as for capitalism, it is a reactionary force, hostile to freedom and to life itself. it is going to end; do not afraid of it. it is doomed to disappear. Look at the world map of yesterday, and then look at today's map. The soil is burning under the feet of the imperialists. look at the revolution on the U.S. borders. Reagan has told you: Al- Qadhdhafi is going to build another Libya in front of my house, meaning Nicaragua. Look where the revolution has reached! Cuba is only 90 miles away from the United States; it is free and challenging, having set up a communist system just to annoy America on its borders. He [Reagan] cannot remove it. Even the people of Grenada will triumph. We will ally ourselves with the people of Grenada until the new [word indistinct] returns to power. Revolution is flaring up in Salvador, Chile, Guatemala, and Honduras. These are on the borders of the United States. [as heard] he cannot defeat these peoples. They will triumph. Look at how the revolution is flaring up inside the U.S. borders. The blacks inside America: we are with them until the nation of blacks is formed. The indians inside America: we are with them until the nation of red Indians triumphs. America has time bombs inside it which will explode and destroy it. As for the socialist camp, it is a sound, healthy camp, free of these con- tradictions. the progressive societies are free of these diseases. As for the capitalist society, it is like the body of Reagan himself, ridden with deadly terminal diseases; it will come to an end. To conclude, as we speak we commemorate the anniversary of the historic revolution; we have proved our right to live with pride; we declare our triumph over imperialism and our determination to inflict final defeat upon it; We reaffirm our alliance with the Soviet Union, with the socialist community, and with all peoples struggling for their freedom; we Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 reaffirm our alliance with the Palestinian combatants and the placing of all our capabilities at their disposal. At the same time, we express sadness and sorrow over the disgraceful act, contrary to the hopes of the Arab nation, perpe- trated by King Hassan II. Yesterday, during President Hafiz al-Asad's visit, there was an agreement to set up a union which you agreed to at your con- gresses, and which the Syrian people decided on between Libya and Syria in any form, any form. We two agree on the establish- ment of a union between both countries. On the other hand, we signed with Algeria a unity charter as provided by Algeria's national' charter, adopted by the Algerian people, and about which the Algerian people held a referendum - a union desired by the Algerian. people according to the Algerian charter, which will be submitted afterward to the Libyan and Algerian peoples. Only the strong survive. The struggle continues. Forward; victory is ours. [crowd shouts slogans hailing the Jamahiriyah and the Al-Fatih Revolution). Al-Qadhdhafi Reminisces About Revolution's Beginnings LD311043 Tripoli JANA in Arabic 0700 GMT 31 Aug 86 [Text] Tripoli, 21 Aug (JANA) - Within the Libyan Arab people's celebrations of the 17th anniversary of the Great al- Fatih Revolution, the brother leader of the revolution spoke over the radio and television [time and date not specified] about his reminiscences of when he was a student at the Sabha secondary school, where he started establishing secret revolutionary cells. In his reminiscences broadcast, which contained pictures, the leader referred to the situation that prevailed at that time in Sabha and the extent of oppression and injustice that was prac- ticed by the henchmen and symbols of the defunct regime against the sons of the people, who suffered from poverty, hunger and disease and who were deprived of the simplest fundamentals of life. The leader of the revolution also referred to his instigation, organization and leadership of the unity-motivated student and popular demonstrations that were staged to protest the conspir- acy of secession of Syria from the United Arab Republic. He also spoke about his collection of donations for the Algerian rev- olution and his effective participation in it. He pointed out that the demonstrations he led on such pan-Arab occasions were not appreciated by the defunct regime, which caused him to experience the oppression and injustices of the henchmen of the defunct regime. The province decided to expel him from his school and deprive him from attending any others in the province. With the aid of photographs, the brother leader then reminisced about his secondary school, a boarding school in the town of Misratah, and what he experienced there. He referred to his study at the military academy in the town of Al-Bayan al-Awwal, Banghazi, how he prepared the organization of the Free Unionist Q 17 NORTH AFRICA Officers Movement and how he strove to make officers NCO's and soldiers who were reliable and who believed in the principles and aims of the movement join the movement. He recalled that no matter what difficulties and critical situations threatened the discovery of the movement, he endured. In his broadcast the brother leader talked about the officers who joined the revolution after March 1969 and tried to steal it. He pointed out that those officers did not suffer and struggle for the revolution as the free unionist officers struggled. They did not recognize the high aims and noble purposes for which we started the revolution, and they forgot our historic dream. He stressed that their attempt to steal the revolution was unethical. They did not face the forces of the defunct era, its police forces or the U.S. and British colonialist bases that were on Libyan Arab soil. In his broadcast, the leader pointed out that he feels for those who suffer, not only in Libya, but for the whole human race, because his suffering for the revolution made him feel for those who suffer in the world. The leader pointed out a number of economic and social problems from which the peoples suffer under the current ruling regimes and false democracies, and the grave results to their living, housing, and family relations. He stressed that this tyranny, oppression and exploitation should be ended, and the injustice should be lifted. The struggle should continue to achieve final freedom from all forms of injustice and tyranny. In his reminiscences, the brother leader talked about the crises faced by revolutions all over the world. He pointed out that the masses, for which the revolutionaries struggle, are normally the prey of and are exposed to colonialist propaganda campaigns, which may, even without their knowledge, cause them to take the side of their enemies. The leader gave the example that, in the revolutions the masses put their enemies in control of their destiny because they did not know what is good for them, the revolutions ended and collapsed. He stressed that the masses are able, at the time of troubles, to work miracles and do the impossible, working and sacrificing even at time of air raids. In his broadcast, the brother leader mentioned the failed barba- rous U.S.-NATO aggression against the Great Jamahiriyah last April, which was directed against him. He stressed that the U.S. Administration directed its failed barbarous aggression against him because he did not steal the popular mass revolution but lived it and felt for the sufferings of the masses. U.S. imperialism was not happy when it saw the Libyan Arab people having its people's authority, fully controlling its destiny, holding the authority, wealth and weapons and preaching the final freedom from all forms of slavery and exploitation to the peoples of the earth. In his reminiscences on this great historic occasion of the 17th anniversary of the Great Al-Fatih Revolution, the leader pointed out that it is a pleasure for the masses to learn about the struggle and sufferings of the makers of the revolution, the free unionist officers, through photographs. Concluding his broadcast, the leader of victory and defiance saluted the free unionist officers and congratulated the heroic Libyan Arab people, who are challenging the strongest imperial- ist force on earth and achieving victory over it. He also saluted Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0 ! W the people who are struggling for freedom and for breaking the chains of exploitation and hegemony. Al-Qadhdhaf Addresses Revolutionary Committees LD301250 Tripoli Voice ctf Greater Arab Homeland in Arabic 1130 GMT 30 Aug 86 [Text] Amid great revolutionary cohesion between the rev- olutionary forces and their leader and amid resounding and defiant revolutionary chants at a revolutionary festivity to mark the celebration of the 17th anniversary of the Great 1 September Revolution, the brother leader of the revolution yesterday opened the 9th session of the revolutionary committees. Major 'Abd al-Salam Ahmad Jallud, the brothers Abu Musa [Sa'id Musa Muragha] and Ahmad Jibril, some leaders of the Palestinian revolution, and correspondents of the foreign press, radio, and news agencies were present. Our correspondent at the ninth session of the revolutionary committees reports the following: [Begin recording by unidentified radio correspondent] Brothers in Arabism, peace and God's blessings be upon you. Amid the glorious festivities and with great pride and defiance the rev- olutionary forces that have converged from various parts of the Great Jamahiriyah to Tripoli began their ninth session on 29 August. The brother leader of the revolution and founder of the rev- olutionary committees movement attended the opening of the session. The revolutionary force resolved that the slogan of the session will be: "For the sake of a genuine practice of the revolution, the revolutionary committees emphasize the chal- lenge and the building of the new Jamahiri society." The revolutionary force joined in with its leader, the leader of victory and defiance, and by its reverberating chants confirmed its commitment to the Green Thought, the thought of the Third World Theory and to its propagation at home and abroad, and emphasized their constant readiness to carry out the order of death in defense of the Great 1 September Revolution. The revolutionary force also expressed its determination to confront and engage challenges at home and abroad and to carry out the revolutionary tasks - the domestic, international, and pan-Arab tasks - so that the Arab nation will arise, achieve its unity, and defeat its enemy. Within the framework of his guiding and instigatory role, the brother leader and founder of the revolutionary committees movement addressed the conferees and spoke about several rev- olutionary issues. He stressed the role of the revolutionary com- mittees in consolidating the people's power and building human civilization. He referred to the Jamahiriyah's influential role in instigating the peoples of the world to liberate themselves from all the instruments of tyranny, oppression, and injustice, in view of the fact that the peoples of the world have set their hopes on the Jamahiriyah. The leader said that the session is being held amid circumstances created by the enemy in an attempt to influence our morale, and asserted that such an attempt will not dissuade the revolutionary force from carrying on with the implementation of its tasks. The leader also explained a number of domestic tasks which the revolutionary committees must carry out to confront the chal- lenges of U.S. imperialism. Until we meet in another dispatch, I greet you. Peace and God's mercy and blessings be upon you. [end recording] Committees Issue Statement LD011453 Tripoli JANA in Arabic 0815 GMT 1 Sep 86 [Text] Tripoli, 1 Sep (JANA) - The 9th session of the rev- olutionary committees issued the following statement at the end of its meetings yesterday: At a time when the barbaric U.S. onslaught against the 1 September Revolution is intensifying because the 1 September Revolution is the hope of the Arab masses and the haven of the free men of the world; because it is waging a popular revolution, the revolution of the future; because it is the only road to unity and liberation; because it heralds an end to the theory of arbi- trariness and the destruction of the societies of exploitation, and advocates the building of a united Arab Jamahiriyah from the Atlantic Ocean to the gulf; And at a time when U.S. imperialism is launching a terrorist military and media campaign against the Jamahiriyah and is imposing a political and economic blockade on it in order to divert it from its historic role of leading the Arab nation and instigating the peoples of the world against U.S. hegemony and the reaction- ary and fascist regimes of the Arab homeland and the world; And a time when the cause of freedom in the Jamahiriyah is being strengthened and the power of the people is being consoli- dated, socialism is being achieved, and a series of magnificent achievements are being crowned with the great man-made river; And a time when the heroic operations of the fighting rev- olutionary forces against the Zionist enemy are escalating, the world revolutionary movement is growing, and the anger of people against imperialist arrogance is rising and the Jama- hiriyah is turning into an international springboard for combat- ting imperialisms and reaction, and the fighters of the world are rallying around their internationalist leader Mu'ammar al- Qadhdhafi, leader of the challenge and victory; at this time, the 9th session of the Revolutionary Committees Movement was held from 29-31 August under the slogan of "for the sake of a genuine practice of the revolution" to emphasize the challenge and the building of a new Jamahiri society. The 9th session has adopted a number of secret resolutions on the domestic, national [gawmi], and international levels - resolutions that seek to escalate the struggle, consolidate freedom, and bring the day of victory of the peoples closer. the 9th session of the revolutionary committees declares the following: First, the Revolutionary Committees Movement addresses a strong threat to the U.S. Administration that unless that terrorist Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410055-0