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.? ? N -... / Mg 14. peclassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R00040041004-5-1 r ? ? - - V. 9 May 86 Islamic Council Begins Ramadan on 10 May LD090846 Algiers Domestic Service in Arabic 2300 GMT 8 May 86 [Excerpt] TheSupreme Islamic Council held a meeting this evening, at the end of which Chairman Shaykh Ahmad Haw- mani read the following statement: [Begin Hawmani recording] In the name of God the compassion- ate and the merciful. Here is a statement from the Supreme Islamic Council. The beginning of Ramadan 1406 H is Saturday, 10 May 1986. [end recording] MOROCCO Moroccan Paper Terms Fes Summit 'Positive' PM071311 Casablanca LE MATIN DU SAHARA in French 6 May 86 p 1 [Ahmed Alaoui editorial: "Improving Inter-Arab Relations"] [Text] Contrary to what has been said or written in some places, the Arab foreign ministers' meeting in Fes 30 April and I May was not negative but positive since it provided an opportunity for a broad, frank, and free discussion. Some people even spoke of the failure of the extraordinary summit, but in fact this summit has not yet been held and cannot be described as a failure. As usual the ministerial conference had the job of preparing for the meeting of heads of state and especially of drawing up the agenda. It should be noted that it is natural for this summit and the preparatory meeting to be held in Morocco because since the last summit in Casablanca His Majesty King Hassan II has been current chairman of the Arab League; in these circumstances, it is perfectly natural for an extraordinary summit to be held in Morocco at the king's invitation. The preparatory meeting which was held in Fes is positive in our view because the foreign ministers of all Arab countries were present at His Majesty King Hassan's invitation, and this in itself is a positive point. It was when the agenda was being drawn up that the differences of opinion emerged. Well, we think that these differences of opinion are a positive phenomenon in the sense that everybody now knows exactly where they stand in relations to the others. As the final communique stressed, everybody was able to freely and frankly explain his viewpoint on the situation in the Arab world, and everybody was able to say what he thought of the actions of others. For the first time the Arab countries finally washed their dirty linen in private, so to speak, contrary to what often happened when they set aside major conflicts and dis- agreements and spoke of solidarity and unity. That produced an ambiguous situation in which people judged states' policies on the basis of the atittudes adopted by individuals. Indeed do we not see virtually every day ministers embracing each other fraternally when their two countries are virtually at war. Q2 NORTH AFRICA So, for the first time, the situation has been clarified and all disagreements, quarrels, and conflicts among the Arab countries have been reviewed. The solidarity which everybody claims to feel comes first and cannot be unilateral but must be reciprocal. The Fes meeting ended the policy of burying our heads in the sand, which we had hitherto been content to practice: The ministers parted knowing clearly what the others think. They separated, not after admitting defeat but after disagreeing and there is nothing to stop these being resolved between now and the extraordinary summit which has been postponed until after Ramadan. With a view to that summit the ministers will have time to convey to their respective governments the viewpoints held by various countries. Some will be able to repeat what was said to them, namely: If you want us to show solidarity with you, you must first show solidarity with us. Everybody can therefore prepare for the forthcoming summit on sound bases. After years of quarrels, polemics, and conflicts, the Arab nation has suddenly realized that nothing worthwhile can be achieved without real solidarity and that there is a vital precondition for this: an improvement in inter-Arab relations which His Majesty King Hassan II has often advocated. LIBYA Al-Qadhdhafi Travels to Banghazi, Delivers Oration Mass 'Marvelous' Demonstrations LD081811 Tripoli Voice of Greater Arab Homeland in Arabic 1715 GMT 8 May 86 [Text] The brother leader of the revolution, passing the towns of Thulug and Nawwagiyah, was met by a marvellous popular gathering of the mass of the basic People's Congresses. Huge mass demonstrations followed the leader in a marvellous way expressing the extent of the historic popular solidarity between the leader and the people. The masses, who followed the leader, chanted slogans of defiance to U.S. imperialism. The demonstra- tions continued all the way along the leader's route until the entrance to Al-Bayan al-Awwal, Banghazi, where he was received by the masses of Al-Bayan al-Awwal who gathered at the entrance to the city in a huge popular demonstration, which showed the city in its greatest image. The demonstration com- prised horsemen, scouts, the 1 September Buds, Cubs, and Hands, school children and armed students, and veterans. They were all chanting slogans stressing that the masses of the basic People's Congresses are Mu'ammar al-Qadhadhfi. Al-Qadhdhafi Speech LD082118 Tripoli Television Service in Arabic 2024 GMT 8 May 86 [Speech by Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi, leader of the Libyan rev- olution, on 8 May at public rally in Al-Bayyan al-Awwal - Banghazi ? recorded] [Text] Dear brothers, I often come to Banghazi but I was sur- Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410045-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410045-1 ? V. 9 May 86 Q3 prised today by your coming out of Banghazi for this reception. [sound of chanting in the background] I understand now the meaning of this coming out: It is the coming out of challenge, the brave coming out in confrontation of the enemies. [sound of chanting] Dear brothers, I want challenging masses, I want brave masses, I want masses which come out under bombing to chal- lenge the aggression. I want masses which will make sacrifices. Dear brothers, we want challenging masses, masses which come out under bombing to challenge the aggression. [sound of chanting] Dear brothers, we do not want those who come out in the calm and happy days, those who leave work and waste time, their marches are invalid. The marches in which are needed, the demonstrations which are required, are the demonstrations of challenge under attack. [sound of chantings] Those who dem- onstrate under normal conditions and chant slogans in peacetime, we do not need them. [sound of chanting] Brothers, the Libyan masses were tested on Libyan land. The masses of Tripoli and Banghazi were tested when they were exposed to the arrogant unjust aggression. Brothers, at that time, the masses came out, the masses confronted, the masses defied, the masses filled the squares, and the masses raised their voices. [sound of chanting: al-jihad, al-jihad] Brothers, greetings to the masses of the city of Al-Gharbi who come out these days to raise their voice strong with defiance. Brothers, the aggression is still present. We raise our voices from the city of Banghazi in defiance of the aggression. Our voice is stronger than the voice of aggression. [sound of indistinct chanting] Brothers, the masses' defiance terrorizes aggression. When the masses defy, aggression fails. In 1967, when Jamal 'Abd al-Nasir resigned, while the bombing was continuing against Cairo, the masses of Cairo came out chanting: Nasir, Nasir. At that moment, the world knew that the aggression had failed because the will of the masses was not defeated. The Egyptian Army was defeated, the iron was broken, but the will was not broken. When the Egyptian masses went outside under the shelling and under Israeli raids which took place that day and which were still continuing over Cairo, when the Egyptian masses went outside without taking any notice of the raids, defying the aggression, proclaiming their determination on their soil, the world then realized that the aggression did not achieve what it wanted, the aggression failed because the determination of the Egyptian people would not be defeated even if the Egyptian Army were to be defeated. That was when the war of attrition started, the confrontation started, and all the Arab nation began to stand behind Al-Nasir, to stand behind Egypt, 0 brothers. The war of attrition began and if Al-Nasir had not died the result would not have been what it was. Those who sold out the Egyptian territory are the ones who made the results what they are now. During Jerusalem Day in Iran, millions of people in Tehran went outside under the bombing during Jerusalem Day despite the warnings that the city of Tehran was to shelled. In defiance, millions took to the streets in Tehran during Jerusalem Day, women carrying their children NORTH AFRICA went out paying no notice to the bombing. In fact, air strikes over the city of Tehran started, and under the air strikes the Iranian masses hailed the revolution, Jerusalem, and Palestine. That day was a memorable day for the whole world, during which the world saw how the masses defied the aggression, how the masses defied the Air Force, how the masses went out under the shelling. They showed to the world that peoples' determination, the Jamahiri determination, the revolutionary determination are stronger than the aircraft, stronger than the bombs stronger than challenges, 0 brothers. The Iranian revolution Went on defying and it is still defying with defiant masses. Brothers, let us realize that the issue is not one of terrorism, the issue is not one of violence, the issue is not one of a bomb exploding in a night club or in an airliner here or there. The issue is a serious attempt by the forces of traditional colonalism and new colonialism to impose a veto on the future of the Arab nation. The issue is not one of bombing a Berlin nighclub, nor is the issue of an airliner which exploded, nor is it the issue of a bomb which exploded somewhere. Brothers, the issue is an attempt to sub- jugate the Arab nation, an attempt to humiliate the Arab nation, and an attempt to impose a U.S.-Western veto on the future of the Arab nation. But we say to them that the Arab nation was created to survive, to defy, and to emerge victorious in spite of America and others. [Sound of chantings] Dear brothers, dear brothers, dear brothers, when they allocated tens of planes which were refuelled by more tens of planes, and protected by more than 100 planes from the sea, when Great Britain and the United States, the superpowers, enlisted all their strategic capabilities to attack my home, my home was not the target. The aim was to kill the Palestine cause, to kill pan-Arabism, to kill the cause of Arab unity, to kill the cause of African liberation, and the Asian and Latin American liberation [sound of chanting: With our souls, with blood, we redeem you, our leader] But, dear brothers, they are ignorant and do not learn from the lessons of history. The liquidation of individuals will never be sufficient to eliminate nations. The will of the nation is renewed, generation after generation, and the aspirations of nations are not embodied only in an individual; nations struggle for self- determination and the masses triumph in the end. They were ignorant of history when they killed Guevara. They believed they had eliminated revolution in Latin America, but here is the revolution today in Central America, in Latin Amer- ica, burning the land under the feet of fascism, burning under the feet of imperialism, and is robbing the military junta in the Pentagon in America of sleep. The revolution is burning on the borders of America, the borders of the United States after the death of Guevara and after they believed that they had achieved peace with the elimination of Guevara. Let them know, dear brothers, that the masses continue with Guevara or without him, with Al-Nasir or without him, with Al-Qadhdhafi or without him. The masses continue to determine their fate, to impose their will, to live in freedom and pride on their land and under its sun. [sound of chanting] 0 brothers, what have they gained from these barbarous raids? Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410045-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410045-1 ? ? V. 9 May 86 What did they reap from these raids for which they mobilize all the capabilities of the Atlantic Alliance? They mobilized the United States' capabilities which were originally planned for attacking Moscow. They used them to attack the cities of Tripoli and Banghazii. The mobilized the capabilities of Great Britain and the strategic bases in Britain which were ready to attack the Warsaw Pact,. They mobilized the air and naval bases of NATO in Europe and the Mediterranean. But no matter what the aggressor mobilize, when they had mobilized all possible cap- abilities 'all they had left was nuclear bombs. Apart from that they deployed all their strategic weapons. They all got together in alliance, as if they wanted to invade Moscow or to attack the Warsaw Pact. They reaped disciplinary, moral, political, and military defelt, 0 Brothers. This treacherous attack was smashed because it was an unjust aggression against a peaceloving people. Their aircraft were downed. The bodies of their pilots were scattered. Their aircraft dropped their loads in the sea and they fled from the, hell which was burnung before them when the pilots realized that all the schemes were lies and that the information given to them was all deception. They found out that reality was completely different from the schemes of the American black house. [Words indistinct due to sound of chanting] They found hell facing them, they found firmness, they found struggle. Therefore, they have now started to deploy cruise missiles. It is a great thing and it is another honor for us when the United States starts thinking about deploying cruise missiles. It is a great honor for this small people, for this steadfast and defying citadel, when the United States announced yesterday and the day before yesterday in its papers and in all its rotten circles, when it talked about deploying cruise missiles. This means that they failed despite the Air Force, the fleets, the propaganda, the secret action, the poison, the assassination, and the war of nerves. They failed because we have the right. They have now begun to think about trying to terrorize us with cruise missiles. To hell with cruise missiles! We do not fear cruise missiles, we do not fear the bombers, we do not fear the carriers. We have a right on our land. Our determination is stronger than their iron which we have weakened and destroyed. Our determination will not be demolished. What did they get from the aggression? We have increased our firmness, we have more international support, our insistence on fighting imperial- ism and Zionism has increased. Let them hear brothels, and let the world hear. Has the chanting of the Libyan Arab masses changed? Are the Libyan Arab masses afraid? They are still saying: Raspberry to America, and: A thousand rasppberries to America, and: a thousand Raspber- ries to the allies of America, and: a thousand raspberries to Arab hirelings of America who are reactionaries, effeminate, and subservient around us in the Arab world. Brothers, after those raids, did our voice change? Did we bow our heads? Did we retreat? Were we terrorized by them? Did they tame us? Did they intimidate us? We will not be frightend by their childish terrorism. What did they gain from these barbaric raids? 0 brothers, did we abandon the Palestinian cause after that aggression? Did we retreat from our struggle for the liber- ation of Palestine? Did we retreat from our Arab unity? Did we retreat from socialism? Did we retreat from our leadership of the world revolution? Did we retreat from building the Jamahiriyah? Q4 NORTH AFRICA Did we retreat from the challenge? Did we abandon our steadfastness? Our determination is all the stronger. We chal- lenge, stand fast, we fight, we liberate, we unify the Arab nation so that the barbarians of the aggressive Atlantic alliance may realize that, no matter how severe the shelling is, no matter how many raids they launch, our homeland will never bow its head. We will never retreat from the struggle. We will never abandon the cause of unity. We will never abandon the cause of liberation. We will further extend our hands to the peoples of Latin Amer- ica. We will send arms to the rebels of Latin America, in spite of America, to show America that we are stronge and more chal- lenging. 0 brothers, if the struggle for the liberationof Palestine is seen by them as terrorism, then we will carry on with this terrorism, ceaselessly. If they regard the liberation of people as terrorism, then we will fearlessly carry on with such terrorism. If the unification of the Arab nation is regarded by them as terrorism, we will keep on practicing such terrorism and struggling for it. If the establishment of socialism, the Jama- hiriyah, and progress is regarded by them as terrorism, then we will continue such terrorism. If the Palestine people's struggle is regarded as terrorism, then we are terrorists. 0 brothers, we understand that we are a great nation. We are the leaders of a world revolution which combines the masses of all continents. They are burning our land under the feet of the imperialists. We understand that we are a superpower. Even if we do not possess carriers or military bases, we are back by the masses of the six continents of the world. We are supported by rebels all over the world. We are at the head of a sweeping international popular revolution. We are part of a great Arab nation which extends from the ocean to the Gulf, a revolution bent on struggle until it conquers and unifies. We are part of an Islamic world comprising a billion Muslims, who face the stumbling crusade led by the United States of America. Dear brothers, we have to realize our great strength, which has its roots in the various continents of the world. They have to succumb to our will. They have to negotiate with us on an equal basis. They have to respect our will and our borders. They have to realize that we are bent on struggle till the end. We have our rights under the sun and on the land, with all pride and merit. Dear brothers, we will force them to negotiate with us and treat us a equals. In the meantime, however, we declare that we will not negotiate with the United States of America as long as it is led by the mad Israeli dog and the Mosad agent. When he was an actor in Hollywood, he acted as an agent for Mosad. We will never negotiate with America as long as it is ruled by the mad Israeli dog who is not worthy of being an American president. He is merely a mad Israeli dog who works for Zionism. Ronald Reagan was recruited by the Israeli Mosad when he was an actor in Hollywood. He wanted to conceal his criminal background as an agent of Hitler's Gestapo. Ronald Reagan was an agent of the German Gestapo during the Nazi Hitler period. In order to hide that, he went too far in covering up his Nazi background. Therefore, he presented himself to the Israeli Mosad in Hol- lywood and offered his services to Israeli intelligence. During his time as an actor, he was recruited by Israeli intelligence to work as an Israeli Mosad spy, until he was elected governor of on of the states. Then the Zionists elected him President of the United States. In view of all that, we do not expect the President of the United States to act as a president of a superstate. This is demonstrated by what he did, what he is doing, and will do in the Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410045-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410045-1 ? V. 9 May 86 future. This is evidence that he is not acting a president of the superstate, the United States. He is merely a toy in the hands of the Zionists. I received messages, I received a stream of messages after the aggression from U.S. citizens. These messages exist and because they are so many we are unable to publish them. But any observer [mutari], any journalist in the world can see these many mes- sages. They all say: We did not at all elect Ronald Reagan to be our president. And they all swore that Zionism alone was able on election day to gather its people at the polling stations, and that the real Americans did not elect this banal man at all. This indicates that it was only the Zionists in the United States who gave their votes to Reagan to become U.S. President. And now the truth has become evident to the American people and the American people have begun to wake up and to realize that they are led by a mad man, a trivial man, by a rabid Israeli dog, and he will suffer adversity. The age of Reagan is the age of the hen you have [applause] at a chicken farm. When a hen is 2 years old, it stops laying eggs and is replaced by another hen. What is left for Reagan? Even his political age, his age in the Presidency equals the age of a hen at a chicken farm now. After 24 months, it is finished, Reagan ends and the hen ends. [applause] After the fall of the rabid Israeli dog who rules the United States and who is leading the world toward destruction now, we can negotiate with the United States as equals. [sound of chanting] After the awakening of American society, the awakening of the American people, and it grasps the farce being acted out by this actor on the world stage, and dangers which he brings to the United States and its sons and to the world ? after his fall we are ready to negotiate with the United States as equals so that it may respect our waters, provinces, air space, and recognize that we are a stubborn opponent. We do not bend, we do not submit or retreat and we are not like the Arabs who are prostrate the agents of America, whom the White House considered to be like the rulers. The White House considered all the Arabs to be like the rulers. There are agent Arab rulers, submissives, who repre- sent only themselves. But the masses, the masses are the ones which the United States should take into consideration. Greetings to the Tunisian people who attacked the Marines and killed the Marines on the land of Tunisia. [applause] Greetings to the Tunisian people whose leaders entered the prisons. Al- Mistiri is still in prison because he led the Tunisian (?angry) masses. On this occasion I tell you, dear brothers, that any Libyan citizen who had a Tunisian worker and who did not pay what .is owed to him, after you had known that your Tunisian brothers and the Tunisian workers we had here and whom we had no need for, were among those who led the demonstrations against the United States and attacked the U.S. Navy in Tunis and killed its members, they are the ones who entered prisons. Therefore, you should understand that all that was said about the Tunisian workers who were in Libya was lies, falsehood, and slander by the intelligence service. As for. the workers, they are the workers, and the workers are our allies in Tunisia, other countries, and all over the world and we are leading the revolution of the workers so that they may become partners, not wage earners, all over the world. Every Libyan who used to employ a Tunisian worker and did not pay him should Q5 NORTH AFRICA reconsider this. He knows the address of the Tunisian worker and should give it to a popular organization in the Jamahiriyah in order to present to what is due to the Tunisian worker in the form of money, possessions, and rights due from the Libyan citizen. Any Tunisian worker who is owed something by the Libyans, all the Libyans who used to employ Tunisian brothers, should pay their dues to those workers as a greeting and admiration for the pan-Arab stand by the Tunisian people, the work of Tunisia and the free men of Tunisia who stood by you and formed a single front against America. There were demonstrations everywhere in the Arab homeland. The Egyptian masses rebelled in Egypt, demonstrating their resistance to the complete hegemony which America now exer- cises over Egypt. America now knows that the Arab masses are against it, hate it, and are ready to fight it from Tunisia to Egypt. Let the United States understand the reality of the Arab nation. Let the United States know how many Arabs hate it because it is an imperialist country and because it attacks them, and because it wants to enslave them and to conquer them. The Egyptian people hate the United States and demonstrated against the United States inspite of their subservient rulers. The subservient cowardly rulers of Egypt should hide themselves and be ashamed. It is the U.S. 6th Fleet which tours the ports of Port Said, Alexandria, and Marsa Matruh, which attacks the homes of their Libyan brothers and kills their children and women, while they are [word indistinct]. The American forces, which have trained in past years on Egyptian territory ? they applied this training on Libyan territory, and they will apply it tomorrow on Egyptian territory. Are the subservient, puppet, cowardly rulers of Egypt, who have shamed great Egypt and the Arab nation, still servicing any of the U.S. 6th Fleet units? We will fight any Arab country that accepts any of the U.S. 6th Fleet units, because it interferes in the aggression against us, and we will punish it, and we are warning it from now. The U.S. 6th fleet is an Israel-American fleet, because the U.S. 6th fleet has signed a strategic military agreement with Israel, and the U.S. 6th Fleet has become American-Israeli fleet. If any Arab country accepts any unit of the U.S. 6th fleet, this means that the Israeli Navy is able to visit the ports of that country. Let the Arab masses of the Arab countries which the U.S. 6th Fleet visits, understand that the U.S. 6th Fleet is an American-Israeli fleet according to the strategic military agreement signed between the United States and the Israelis. As from now, any Arab country granting facilities to the U.S. 6th Fleet is considered to be in confrontation against the Great Jamahiriyah, and we warn its regime and rulers. We say to them: the United States will not subjugate us. We defeated the United States. You trivial people, you are nothing but a feather, a drop in the sea, a drop in the sea of the Arab nation where America is concerned. We were attacked by super- powers: the United States, Britain, and NATO. We defeated them and we demolished them. We will not capitulate. Our defiance and firmness have increased. [chanting of slogans] Therefore, we appeal in these hours in which the Arab nation is facing this new crusading aggression. We appeal to the Egyptian Army, to the officers, to the noncommissioned officers, to the soldiers, to all cadres in the Egyptian Armed Forces in Salum, Matruh and the oppressed capital, in Al-Karal and [word indis- Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410045-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410045-1 ? V. 9 May 86 tinct]. We appeal to all the forces of the Egyptian Armed Forces, its land, naval, and air forces, its air defense. We appeal to Egyptian students, farmers, workers, and intellectuals to start the revolution to defeat the United States, to defeat the cowards, to defeat humiliation, the rulers of Egypt who brought shame to the Egyptian Army and people, the history of Egypt, the great past of Egypt which Egypt wrote with blood in defense of the Palestin- ian question, in defense of the Arab identity, building socialism, building Arab unity. These cowards have tarnished Egypt, these bastards who are sitting on the throne in the oppressed capital, in the canal, and in the Egyptian sky. The Egyptian Army should revolt, the Egyp- tian people should start the revolution. We appeal to the graduates of Al-Azhar mosque, to the graduates of Al-Azhar to proclaim a holy war in Egypt against the tenth crusade campaign which is led by the United States against the Arab nation and against the Islamic nation. We appeal to the students of `Ayn Shams University and Asyut University, we appeal to the farm- ers and workers in Egypt. We appeal to the port workers in Port Said, in Alexandria, in Marsa Matruh, to oppose the U.S. presence, to destroy the U.S. presence, to refuse any U.S. pres- ence. They should revolt to destroy the shame in Egypt, to demolish humiliation in Egypt, to put an end to the life of America in Egypt. Brothers, the trivial U.S. imperialists, the agents of Zionism, say Libya is isolated. By this they are reassuring themselves and deceiving themselves. How can Libya, with whom the six con- tinents are in harmony, be isolated, you imperialists? Are you telling lies to yourselves or to the world which is now taking part with us in this eternal heroic battle. What happened after the aggression? They hit Reagan with missiles in Japan, and he fell flat on his stomach. Was it Al- Qadhdhafi who made these missiles? Was it Al-Qadhdhafi who went to Tokyo and launched these missiles? Millions went out and surrounded this conference, surrounded the child-killers and forced them to get out humbly under heavy guard. Thirty thou- sand policemen were assigned the task to guard them, assigned to guard 7 persons in fear of the angry millions. Reagan must understand. He had the answer from Tokyo; he had the answer from Japan which he believes is his ally. We also want to greet the Japanese people who answered the call. Greetings to the Japanese people [applause] who fought with you in the same trench! The front stretched from Libya to Japan. The Japanese people are holding high your pictures, holding high your slogans, and attacking your imperialist enemies in Tokyo. Greetings to the Japanese people, to the dynamic forces in Japan! But we must say a word to the Japanese Government. We want to say to it: When you agreed to the mentioning of Libya's name in the failed communique, in the failed conference ? we say to Japan: Do you, Japan, have a link with the crusade? The answer is assuredly no, because Japan is neither a Catholic, nor a Jewish, nor an Islamic state. They have their own religion. Therefore, this mad Israeli dog and the child-killer Thatcher, who are waging a crusade-type war against the Arabs and the Muslims, therefore you the Japanese ? I mean the Japanese rulers ? what is your relation with the crusade? Does your emperor feel that Q6 NORTH AFRICA he is trivial and that he wants to compensate for this by war and by terrorism on peoples? The answer is assuredly no, because the emperor of Japan does not feel that he is trivial. But Reagan feels he is trivial and he wants to offset this by putting his fleets on the move and by terrorizing small peoples. Why then should you link your fate with that of somebody who has issues and positions completely different from yours? Then you, Japanese rulers, have you been agents of the Israeli Mosad? Assuredly no! This man Reagan is an agent of the Israeli Mosad. He wants to serve Zionism. Was the emperor of Japan elected by Zionism? No! The U.S. President was elected by Zionism. Therefore, do not tie your fate with his because he is completely different from you ? in his background, his present, and his future. Thus, pressure began in Japan today at official level, and divi- sions began in the ruling party in Japan. Japan, the Japanese Government, has realized that it has been dragged along by a man ? he is not in fact a man, he belongs to a category somehwere between man and gorilla. [Al-Qadhdhafi laughs] It has been dragged along by an individual who suffers from complexes, he harbors a crusading contempt, he is tied to Zion- ism, his past was with the German Gestapo. Why should Japan make a mistake and show courtesy to him and say that Libya is a terrorist country in the statement of the failed summit. Yester- day and today, a rift on an official level emerged. Yesterday, the Japanese prime minister was obliged to hold a press conference and he said: I dissociate myuself from the statement in which we mentioned Libya, because Libya was right and it is not terrorist. We have made a mistake, this is American terrorism , this is crazy. Brothers, when we were contacted by West European officials, they told us: Do not blame us for the official statements and the official decisions because we are under American terrorism, and on the other hand we know that this Reagan is trivial and crazy. He is a supporter of Zionism. We will put up with him for 24 or 25 months, a hen's age in poultry terms. until he vanishes and we will be spared his evil. Afterwards, relations between us and you, from the political and economic view, will be restored as they were before. Official leaders in Western Europe secretly informed us of this. They said he is crazy; do not blame us; but what can we do? He is leading the United States until he dies. Let us deal with him despite his madness and triviality. They are laughing at him. The rulers of Western countries contacted us secretly and told us this. Let him listen to this. Let him attack Western Europe. We say that any country which takes any anti-Libyan action, when we smell any hostile stance from it ? be it propaganda, political or terroristic ? we will attack it according to the basis which the United States has established. The United States is a major country, with a seat at the Security Council; it is responsible for international peace. We follow the example of the United States since America's conduct is like this. From now on, whether it is Egypt, or Italy, or any country which we consider to be hostile to us, encouraging terrorism against us, we will treat it as America treats the world now. Who can say no? The basis which the United States has established was wrong? Let them say that this is wrong. We will follow the example of the United States and face violence with Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410045-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410045-1 ? V. 9 May 86 violence. Let Egypt understand that if we smell from it any action which is directed against us .. houses for terrorists, meetings of terrorists, statements of terrorists, training for terrorists ? we will attack it militarily just like America does. The United States attacked Libya without finding camps for terrorists or terrorism in Libya. But it attacked homes, schools, and the Poliomyelitis Institute in Bangahzi. But we know that there are homes and positions around us in which there are terrorists. We will attack these positions militarily, and from now on nobody can protest against us. To Italy we say: Now we are friends of the Italian people. Brothers, you should understand that the Italian people now are not the people of 1911. In 1911, the Italian people were against the aggression and demonstrated against it. It was the Italian Government then, and after that it was the fascist government of Mussolini who escalated the aggression against Libya. The Ital- ian people carried out fierce anti-American demonstrations, the last of which was about 3 nights ago, when Italian youths with knives attacked and killed American soldiers from the aircraft carriers. Let Reagan now attack Naples because some (?Italians) attacked Americans. Did he not say that he will attack anyone who attacks an American? So why does he not attack Naples with aircraft? After the aggression against Libya, did not some Germans in Germany attack Americans and kill them? So why does he not attack Bonn? They attacked him personally in Tokyo. So why does he not move the aircraft carriers in and attack Tokyo? There is an American citizen in danger, if he is an American citizen. In Khartoum, did not a Sudanese citizen kill an American with a knife or a bullet? In Sanaa, did not an Arab citizen kill the American intelligence officer of the U.S. Embassy in Sanaa? And the U.S. intelligence officer in Khartoum? In Latin Amer- ica, all the U.S. embassies were exposed to attacks. In Sri Lanka, the Tamils blew up an airliner with American and English passengers. Let him attack Colombo! Therefore, the issue is not one in which an American killed so they then attack the country which killed the American. No! The issue is a crusade. Hatred for the Arab nation; hatred for the Islamic East. Therefore we call on 1 billion Muslims to confront the tenth crusade which is led by the United States. The issue is not one of terrorism; it is an issue of jihad and a crusade aimed against Islam and aimed at destroying Islam and stopping it from developing. [sound of chanting: jihad, jihad] At this level, dear brothers, we should redouble our alliances with the Iranian Islamic revolution, with revolutionary Afghanistan, and with all the Islamic jihad movements in the world, because we are facing a crusade led by the United States, seeking flimsy justifications. When France occupied Algeria it said the Bey of Algeria hit the French ambassador with a fly whisk and con- sequently France occupied Algeria. This is a joke, but the basic objective was that the West at the time wanted to colonize the Arab homeland. When Britain occupied Egypt in 1882 they said: By God, Al-Barudi, the prime minister of Egypt, has repaired the cannons in Alexandria, in the port of Alexandria. The com- mander of the British fleet sent a message saying that the repairing of the Alexandria cannons threatens the security of the Q7 NORTH AFRICA British fleet in the Mediterranean. Imagine this! Consequently he said: I am forced, in defense of Britain and in self-defense, to attack Alexandria. He attacked Alexandria and occupied Egypt. Ultimately they were expelled from it and they tasted affliction in it. And now the same thing: the Gulf of Sidra threatens the freedom of navigation of the United States. Imagine this! The issue, brothers, is not that of the cannons of Alexandria, or that the French ambassador was hit with a fly whisk, and not the Gulf of Sidra or the Sam-5, or the Berlin night club, Rome, or Vienna. The issue is one of looking for justifications. It is a conflict between the West and the East. It is a crusade. It is an aggressive war, very hostile to the Arab nation, hostile to pan- Arabisms, hostile to Semitism because the Arabs are Semites. They do not want this nation to unite, to get stronger, and consequently they seek the forces which will emerge and incite the nation to liberation. They want Israel to replace the Arabs. Therefore they chose Libya, not because of the Berlin night club, but because Libya is a challenging, rising, and an inciting force. It is not submissive. Yesterday and today they picked on Syria with the same tune: Terrorism, terrorism, terrorism. It is true: After Libya they go for Syria, and after Syria they go for Yemen, and after Yemen they go for Algeria, and after that they will go for those who think that they are their friends: the Arab moderates, as they say. But their turn will come as well. Let the Arab rulers, America's friends, know that this friendship is false. They must know the fate of (Shareef Husayn) of Mecca during world War I. He allied himself with the allies: they named him the king of the Arabs: they supplied him with guards and bestowed on him exaggerated respect and deceptful ceremonies. They deceived him as they are deceiving the Arab moderates now. They told him: You are the king of the Arabs, just cooperate with us against Turkey. He allied himself with them, and they liberated the Arab nation from the Ottoman colonialism. When they took the Arab nation, they threw him into the sea and he died in the Mediterranean. I am the king of the Arabs, he said. I am your friend. They told him: We do not know you. Our friend is the Arab nation which we wanted to take, and now we have taken it. Here we will put Jordan, here we will put Iraq, here we will put Syria, here we will put Lebanon and Palestine. They threw (Shareef Husayn) into the sea. This is the fate of Arab rulers who think that they are America's friends. They will be thrown in the desert. They will be replaced by the Israelis. Yesterday, 0 brothers, a very, very, dangerous step was taken. Subservient Arab rulers should understand. The Israelis signed an agreement at the Pentagon, an agreement ? one part of it is public, another part of it is secret ? on the participation of the Israelis in "Star Wars." Imagine now, what is called Israel has joined "Star Wars" program! This has extremely dangerous consequences. First of all, Israel has become America and Amer- ica has become Israel as it were, which I personally reject. Then the Israelis will fight the Arabs with Israeli-American cap- abilities. They will participate in the space program. This means that war in the future between Syria and the Israelis, between Jordan and the Israelis, between Saudi Arabia or Iraq or Egypt or us and the Israelis, will be fought by American military space shuttles, because the Israelis are participating in this program. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410045-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410045-1 ? V. 9 May 86 Internationally speaking, the Israelis have become involved in a war against the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact, because the "Star Wars" program is directed against the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union. Since the Israelis are participating in it, they have become a party in the war against the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union. This now puts us on one side, and the Israelis and NATO on the other side. On this occasion, I would like to say that the Arab official position is unable to oppose the aggressors. We appeal to the soldiers and officers in the Arab armies to start the revolution, to remove ithe borders, and to enter the battle with us, the battle of glory, the battle of honor, the battle of the Arab nation. The end of this battle will decide the fate of the Arab nation and the fate of imperialism. [chanting of slogans]! appeal to the officers, soldiers, and noncommissioned officers in the Arab armies to revolt if the Arab regimes are officially unable to confront the aggression and unable to safeguard the Arab nation. What are the Arab armies from the ocean to the Gulf waiting for? I appeal to the young, the farmers, the workers, and the intellectuals in the Arab nation to remove the borders and join the Great Jamahiriyah in the battle of honor, the battle of fate against the crusaders, imperialism, and Zionism. We say to them: 0 brothers, we will not capitulate, we will not bow, we will never let you down. We will fight! We will be the example of sacrifice and struggle for the sake of the Arab nation and its future. We will Fight until the Arab armies across the imaginary borders join us and the Arab masses across the imaginary borders join us. Salute to the masses of the Arab nation which rose in Sudan! Millions took to the streets in Sudan and they chased the Americans. Evacuation took place after the aggression, real evacuation from the Arab nation, American passenger planes evacuated thousands of Americans from Sudan and Yemen, the rest of them are scattered in the Arab nation. You should understand that after this battle a real evacuation of Americans from the Arab nation took place. The United States should understand why thousands of Americans were evacuated from Sudan and Yemen. Because the Arab people in Sudan and Yemen hate them. It jumped on them and killed them and continued killing them until they were thrown out. But as I have said repeatedly, it cannot at all be compared with the strength of the United States, which is built primarily against the USSR and the Warsaw Pact. But the United States cannot occupy Libyan soil despite its mighty strength. We in the rev- olution command have decided to arm the Libyan cities from Tubruq to Zuwarah, all of them will become arms and fire, and the Libyan coast will become a line of fire and of confrontation. [chantings of God is great and applause] We decided, dear brothers, to arm the Libyan cities so that the United States knows and its allies know that the Libyan people ? which stretches over 2000 kilometers on the Mediterranean ? will become a [word indistinct] fire, and the Libyan cities become embers, If the Americans land on the Libyan coast they will burn, they will die. We are now preparing the armed cities and are preparing the slaughter-houses for the sheep of the United States. We shall turn them into sheep in slaughter-houses. (chantings] Dear brothers, I want from you, I ask for I million Libyans to be ready to fight in cities, but, dear brothers, [chantings] what is Q 8 NORTH AFRICA requested is that each one of you, each one of the I million pay the price of a rifle, pay the price of a Kalashnikov rifle, either to manufacture it in our factories, or to buy them. I want 1 million Libyans to each have a Kalashnikov rifle [chantings]. [Words indistinct] we know that the people of Sicily is a brother and friend to us and with us, and against the U.S. presence, but we shall be forced to attack its land if new military campaigns set out from it. Also, we warn the population of the Island of Lampedusa, whom our missiles hit and destroyed the telecom- munications station belonging to the U.S. 6th Fleet, We say to them that we shall destroy completely this island in the future if a U.S. aggression is committed against us from there. The population of Lampedusa should leave this island and leave it to Americans so that we may destroy it completely when the confrontation comes, or the Americans leave it. If the Americans leave the island of Lampedusa, we shall be in peace with this island, share its hand, and establish cordial relations with it. We shall not direct any military operations against it. The same applies to Sicily and Italy as a whole. [1 minute break in transmission]. We want peace with you, friendship with you, The Italian people is our friend and hates the United States like us, because it is imperialism, it is aggressive; it wants to colonize them and us and wants to sacrifice the interests of Europe and the Arab homeland; it wants to transform the Mediterranean into a lake of war, destruction, and military operations in order to destroy the interests of Europe with the Arab world, because the United States has no interests in the Mediterranean. It wants only to achieve a military presence in order to defend Israel and to be near the Warsaw Pact. Italy should expel the U.S. presence; otherwise we cannot turn a blind eye to any new U.S. campaigns from Italy. If we can, we shall attack Italy. [Patriotic slogans chanted: Arabs, Arabs, revolutionary Arabs] The price of a Kalashnikov rifle is no more than 200 dinars; either 150 or 200 dinars. It is for nothing, by God, [laughter] a Kalash- nikov for 150 dinars. Naturally, the Kalashnikov is a great thing, and for 200 dinars it is for nothing. [Mostly indistinct slogans praising the leader] One million Libyans are required, and I want every Libyan to pay the price of a Kalashnikov rifle, whether we make it in our plants or we buy it from abroad. The price of a Kalashnikov rifle is just between 150 and 200 dinars. Every one, [more patriotic slogans chanted in defiance interrupting Al-Qadhdhafi] they must learn that the Libyan coast will become a firing line, and anyone landing on it will be burned. The United States cannot fight 1 million Libyans along all the coast. Let the United States hit the air bases; let it strike at naval bases; let it hit missile sites, but it will never hit the giant Arab Libyan will. In no way can it destroy this will. Missiles and bombs cannot but add staunchness and defiance to the will of combatants. They might destroy (?walls), they might destroy iron objects, but bombs and missiles do not destroy free will. Free will becomes more staunch and more obdurate and defiant whenever it is hit with missiles and whenever it is hit with bombs. Brothers, they have prepared 33 aircraft to attack just my room, my home. They equipped (?30) Boeing 707's to refuel them; they Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410045-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410045-1 V. 9 May 86 equipped 100 jet fights from the US. 6th Fleet to protect the 33 aircraft. But brothers, they have dropped bombs, they have dropped missiles. But we were stronger than missiles and stronger than bombs. We are more defiant, more obdurate, more willfull and more courageous. [Slogans in praise of Al-Qadhdhafi the leader] People advised me, saying: please leave the home, in Bab al- Aziziyah. Then the latest thing was that miliary targets began to appear on our radar screens, and provocations began at our broders. They said: There is a likelihood that an attack happens tonight. I told them: The world cannot be the scene of something of this kind; it did not happen in the past, and it will not happen in the future. It is not possible that the residence of a head of state ? to use their own traditional termonology ? no residence of a head of state has ever been attacked in any war in the world; nor has the home of a head of state ever been attacked, or his family and children. I said to them, this is impossible. It is impossible for an attack to be launched against the house, or against Bab al-Aziziyah, because Bab al-Aziziyah includes the Hospitality Palace ? the tent in which we receive the heads of states. The heads of states spend the night in the Hospitality Palace in Bab al-Aziziyah; the press conferences are held in Bab al-Aziziyah ? all the meetings with representatives of the people and from abroad are in Bab al-Aziziyah. They know all these things. Their press knows these things. The Americans themselves ? U.S. ambassadors and representatives ? met me in the past in Bab al-Aziziyah. I said to them, It is known that Bab al-Aziziyah does not contain anything but the house, the tent, and the Hospitality Palace, and the tent in which we prepare the banquets for the heads of foreign states when we invite them to dinner. I said to them that it is impossible for these countries to stoop to the level of attacking such place. We expected them to attack military positions, and we would resist them. But suddenly, the attack was concentrated on the house and Bab al-Aziziyah. I mean, I did not go away from... [Al-Qadhdhafi changes thought] I mean, I intended, from the house, after the people [words indistinct]. I intended to go to a military position and direct the battle. But the attack was against the house. Those who were with me said, Did we not tell you? In fact, the amazing thing is that a superpower such as Britain, a superpower such as the United States and the European countries would stoop to the level of attacking with very advanced strategic equipment. ? After these aircraft, there is nothing but atomic bombs ? and all this to strike a house and kill someone to kill his children and his wife. In fact, instead of going to the military operations center during the bombing, I was preoccupied with how to save the children and how to get them from under the ruins ? from the broken windows and the destroyed house. I knew that the attack was concentrated on the house. The whole battle, which was led by the United States, was against the house of Al-Qadhdhafi. The battle in which Britain took part by allowing the U.S. strategic bases and the F-111 aircraft to participate in it. They used all the strategic military means that they would use against the Warsaw Pact against the house of Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi. Q9 NORTH AFRICA In fact, the attack, I, do excuse me, spent all that time saving the children, and my wife. During those moments,1 did not go to the military operations center beciuse those moments were the moments spent in saving the children from the U.S. attack. I mean, it was not how to save a military base, and not have to save the Jamahiriyah. The house became the target, and in order to foil the attack it was necessary to save the house, to save the family. This is because I knew that their target was Mu'ammar Al-Qadhdhafi's family, the house of Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi and Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi himself. Therefore, if I saved the children, then the attack would fail, because the attack was not directed against a military target but against the house. Therefore, if I saved them the attack would have filed. Actually, they were saved with difficulty during the bombing, for the house was being destroyed and the windows smashed. The house began to (?disintegrate). I was going to the children when the door flew out of my hand. After we saved them, I went to the military operations center. After I was informed about the situation, we found out that the whole attack was concentrated against the house, and that they said they would strike at Banghazi and Tripoli to terrorize the masses so that they would not be alert and defend Al-Qadhdhafi. Therefore, they carried out blind raids over Banghazi and Tripoli to terrorize these two cities. They said that the majority of the Libyan population lives in Banghazi and Tripoli, so let us drop some bombs and terrorize them, and this way they would not be conscious of the death of Al-Qadhdhafi, or the attack against the house of Al-Qadhdhafi. However, they recorded their shame and cowardice. The first thing is that they are cowards, because they attacked us with aircraft that would be used in World War III. They kept their aircraft carriers near Italy, far from our aircraft. The stick of the coward is long, as we said. They brought a very long stick and (?struck with it). When they finished, they said we might hit them with intercontinental missiles. , First, If America uses cruise missiles, it is the duty of the USSR, in accordance with 'all the arrangements made in the aftermath of the World War II, to use missiles against the cruise missiles in order to destroy them, in preservation of world peace in the Mediterranean and world peace in general. Furthermore, we the Libyans, Let them hit us with cruise missiles which cannot compel us to do anything. [laughter around Al-Qadhdhafi; Al- Qadhdhafi is also laughing] We are not afraid and cruise missiles do nothing to us; our land is capable of absorbing cruise missiles and even atomic bombs. If they throw several atomic bombs on Libya, by God, nothing will happen to it. The atomic bomb with which they are scaring you, by God, if they drop several atomic bombs this will not make us surrender. [applause] [sentence as received] ' They hit Japan with atomic bombs. Today it is the biggest economic and industrial power. The American President finds himself forced ? despite the missiles they threw over his head, and the curses, and the spitting ? they hit him with shoes and missiles ? he is forced to go humiliated to Japan. Japan, whom they hit with atomic bombs the day before yesterday, has today become stronger than America ? the biggest industrial power that competes with America. The American President was forced Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410045-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410045-1 V. 9 May 86 to go and beg Japan to halt its exports and its invasion of world markets; otherwise America would go bankrupt. They hit him with shoes, missiles, and spat on him, and yet he swallowed his pride to seek sympathy from Japan, which, the day before yesterday, they used to hit with atomic bombs. I mean, atomic bombs do not end nations; otherwise, they would have annihilated Japan. Rather, after the atomic bombs Japan has emerged as the biggest industrial power despite the fact that Japan consists of a limited number of islands. As for Libya, it is a continent. Even if they hit it with atomic bombs, I can assure you, by God, that we will not surrender or even die. At Bab Al-Aziziyah, two pigeons died. Imagine, the horse was there and tied up; they poured bombs on it and it did not die. The camel did not die. [laughing] [chantings] The biggest laser-guided bombs they directed at Bab Al-Aziziyah. Soldiers were on guard, at gates and in the open; not one soldier was killed, [chanting God is great] and nothing flew. Of course, as I have said, the angels without doubt fought with us. God's air defense together with the Libyan air defense, fought side by side. [chantings: God is great] [Slogans: God is great; may a tempest hit America] Therefore, brothers, they must reexamine all their plans against us in their policies. They must realize that military might cannot bring nations to their knees; on the contrary, it would add to our defiance and staunchness. If arbitration is sought in force we are not afraid; it cannot be written about us that we have kneeled before to force. America is not stronger than Italy was in 1911 as far as we are concerned. Furthermore, we can undertake suicide operations and destroy the U.S. Sixth Fleet. In the event of extreme need, we can do this, and we can inflict destruction on south Europe militarily. But we are still saving our military force, and we are still avoiding a mad confrontation of this kind. But when there is a case of extreme necessity we can do this; we are capable of doing this, brothers. We would accept losses but we would cause losses to the enemy. We are defending our right to live. Wrongdoers have attacked us in our homes, killing our sons and children, destroying our houses, terrorizing us and seeking to prevent us from raising our voice, from liberating Palestine. They have hit Libya, and tomorrow they will hit Syria; then they will hit Algeria. They will hit the Arab homeland state after state. Saudi Arabia must understand. Look at the crusade-like rancour! The U.S. House of Representatives has refused to allow the sale of arms to Saudi Arabia. It rejected it yesterday, saying that Saudi Arabia is in the final analysis an Arab state and we hate Arabs, we are crusaders and these are Muslims; we protect the Jews, we protect Israel, and we cannot sell arms to an Arab state, to an Islamic state; friends or no friends, in the end they are Arabs. The Saudis must grasp the deep-seated hatred in the United States against them and against the Arabs. This is indeed a good one: Yesterday, the U.S. House of Representative banned the sale of arms to Saudi Arabia, saying that in the end, Saudi Arabia is an Arab state, an Islamic state; no question of selling arms to it, arms which one day might be used against the Israelis. America sacrifices its interests for the sake of Israel. ? Q lo NORTH AFRICA The most important thing in this confrontation is that the world has realized that there cannot be weakness and strength. The world is either all weak or all strong. Therefore, we now care little about nonalignement, since nonalignment does not protect the small states. We now do not care about nonalignment. We accept that the world is divided into two strong camps, facing each other, so that peace can be achieved by military deterrence. We are thus closer now to the socialist camp now than ever before. , We are faced with two camps: a socialist camp working for peace, and an imperialist camp bent on destroying peace and peoples. Assuredly, we will choose the socialist camp; the camp that works for peace. The Soviet Union put forward a proposal for withdraw- ing from the Mediterranean Sea in return for America withdraw- ing the Sixth Fleet from the Mediterranean. America refused, saying: No, my fleet stays in the Mediterranean to terrorize the Arab peoples and to protect Israel. They told the Soviet Union: You must understand that the Sixth Fleet is present to protect the Israelis and to strike at the Arabs; therefore, we cannot withdraw from the Mediterranean; you Russians withdraw if you want. The Soviet Union said that nuclear weapons should be destroyed by the advent of the year 2000; American refused the destruction of nuclear weapons. The Soviet Union put forward a proposal for an end to nuclear tests, but America refused, and continued underground nuclear tests. Recently, the Soviet Union, through Gorbachev, put forward a proposal for the reduction of conven- tional weapons, but the United States and NATO refused. The United States and NATO refused to reduce even the conven- tional weapons. The Soviet Union has no bases at any country. It does not want to colonize any country. If the Soviet colonized a country, it would be considered colonialist and imperialist, and our stands toward it would be the similar to our stand toward the United States. But we are sure that the Soviet Union does not want to colonize any country. The interest of the Soviet Union is that people gain liberation so that the imperialist bloc decreases; whereas, the imperialist bloc wants to colonize the people so that the imperialist bloc widens. Brothers, we should reconsider our international policy. On the Arab level, if the Arab governments are unable, we should ally ourselves with the masses, with the revolutionary forces, and with the Palestinian revolutionary movements inside the Arab nation. We should ally ourselves on the Islamic level with Afghanistan, Iran, with the Islamic revolutionary forces, and with the jihad movements. On the international level, we should become allies with the socialist bloc to confront the imperialist bloc. But, everything starts from the beginning. Every Libyan should pay the price of a Kalashnikov. If he cannot pay it immediately, he should pay on an installment per annum basis or for every more years. It is only 200 dinars. I would like one million Libyans to arm Libyan cities, to prepare slaughterhouses and guns for the American sheep. We say to them as Churchill told the Nazis during wwii during the Battle of Great Britain. He told them sarcastically: This Hitler is continuously threatening: I will invade Britain, I will invade Britain, I will mobilize ships, air- craft, and submarines and defines like America mobilizing [word indistinct] [sentence as received] Hitler with his great power Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410045-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410045-1 V: 9 May 86 defeated France, Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg. He occu- pied them and turned them into bases. He defeated Norway and Scandinavia. He established air bases in Norway, France, and Holland. Every day he threatened verbally to attack Britain; I will occupy the British isles, and: it must give in. Everyday he asked them whether they were going to give in or not. Churchill sent him a message and sacastically told him: We are waiting for you and so are the fish. In fact, Hitler's soldiers came and they were eaten by fish and the fire of Britain at that time. The great Battle of Britain was the beginning of the end of the Nazi empire. From there, Hitler proceeded to Russia and he was destroyed in Russia, and that was the end of Nazism. We also say to the Americans, we, o you Americans, o you sheep, we are waiting for you, and so are the fish of the Mediterranean. [crowd shouts God is great]. Let them understand that there are no prisoners between us and them; there are no prisoners between us and them. Every American who falls in the hands of the Libyans will be killed because. when the Libyan_ ship was hit_ anti when the crew of this ship left the stricken ship by rescue boats, American aircraft tried to kill the crew which was on board the rescue boats. This is internationally banned. When the warships are destroyed, its soldiers are considered prisoners and should be rescued. When a dredger tried to rescue this ship American aircraft bombed them. We declare that there will be no mercy and no prisoners will be taken in the battle between us and the Americans. Any American who lands on Libyan territories will be massacred. We will build slaughter houses and we will build storage places in which we will receive the American sheep if they land on Libyan shores. We will turn the Libyan land into a burning fire. There are 1 million libyans in the Libyan cities who are prepared to defend the Great Jamahiriyah, to raise the flag of the Arab nation, and to raise the head of the Arab nation. Brothers, under no circumstances will we be subservient or capitulate, however great the hostile force might be. Brothers, under no circumstances will we shame our fathers and ancestors who destroyed the huge Italian military columns. We will never shame our children and grandchildren. We will leave them victory and glory. Brothers, we will fight and we will never surrender. Brothers, we will never retreat. Immortality for our martyrs! glory for the Arab nation! Death to the Americans. Death to NATO! Death to aggression! Death to the aggressors! Defeat is for the aggressors! Victory is for the masses! March forward, brothers! Forward in the battle of glory, the battle of honor, and the battle of dignity! We will never surrender! We are waiting for you, and so are the fish! USSR Envoy Praises Al-Qadhdhafi, Declares Support NC091112 Tripoli Domestic Service in Arabic 1000 GMT 9 May 86 [Text] Dr Oleg Peresypkin, the USSR ambassador to the Great Jamahariyah, has affirmed that the Soviet Union highly eval- uates the efforts and initiatives of the brother leader of the revolution to make the Mediterranean a lake of peace and security and safeguard the interests of all peoples in the area, and to fend off interference by racist U.S.-NATO imperialism. Q 11 NORTH AFRICA Dr Peresypkin told Channel One of Jamahiriyah television that the Soviet Union vehemently condemns the U.S. Government's blatant, provocative policy against the Libyan Arab people. He stated that the Soviet Union, which highly appreciates the steadfastness of the Great Jamahariyah and its firm resistance to imperialism, reaffirms its boundless support for the Libyan Arab people and their revolutionary leadership. The Soviet ambassador strongly attacked the results of the Tokyo summit of capitalist states, saying: This conference, which has deviated from its professed aims, is the kind of meeting devoted to attack- ing states like Libya and the Soviet Union. Al-Qadhdhafi Receives Lebanese CP, PFLP Officials NC091047 Tripoli Domestic Service in Arabic 1000 GMT 9 May 86 _ _ [Textj The brother_leader of the revolution has received George Hawi, secretary geneial of the Lebanese Communist Party, and Taysir Qubba`ah, member of the PFLP political bureau. Al-Turayki Says Israel Planning Attack on Syria LD081944 Kuwait KUNA in English 1740 GMT 8 May 86 [Text] United Nations May 8 (KUNA) ? Libya said Thursday [8 May] the United States and Israel were preparing public opinion ?for a U.S.-Israeli attack against Syria. Speaking to reporters, Libyan chief delegate 'Ali A. al-Turayki warned, however, the Soviet Union probably would not remain silent if this type of aggression continued. Al-Turayki, who until recently was his country's foreign minister, said Libya had received assurances of Soviet aid that go "beyond encouragement" and that Tripoli may formalise its "very friendly relations" with the Soviet Union by joining the Warsaw Pact treaty. On the expected attack against Syria, Al-Turayki said Israel would not act on its own but with approval from Washington. This could drag the entire Arab world into a war with Israel and the United States, he warned. Al-Turayki also demanded that the United States apologise to Libya for the killing of Libyan women and children during the recent air attack on his country and for using undignified language in dealing with leaders of other nations. Al-Turayki said Reagan was waging a "crusade against the Muslim and Arab world" and that the administration's "anti- Arabism is very clear." "The hatred Mr Reagan has for Islam and pan-Arabism is very well known now to everyone, and Libya is only a scapegoat," he said." Al-Turayki dismissed Reagan's support for arms deliveries to Saudi Arabia in the face of Congressional opposition, saying this support was nothing but a "comedy." "What kind of arms are given to Saudi Arabia?" he asked. "As (former President Jimmy) Carter himself said yesterday (Wednesday), such arms are avail- able in Belgium, in France and in other parts of Europe," Al-Turayki said. Even Saudi Arabia was now being accused in the United States of supporting terrorism, he said. Returning to his claim that an attack on Syria was imminent, Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410045-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410045-1 ? V. 9 May 86 Al-Turayki questioned the credibility of information given to the American public by the Reagan administration. "First the Americans and the Germans said they had 'irrefutable evidence' of Libyan complicity in the Berlin discotheque bombing, and now they are accusing Syria for the same incident," Al-Turayki said, adding the mass media also were being prepared for an attack. As evidence that preparations for a military strike were under way, Al-Turayki cited recent claims of Syrian involvement in terorist attacks by Vice President George Bush and Israeli Defence Minister Rabin. On the final communique issued after the seven-nation economic summit in Tokyo, Al-Turayki ridiculed the U.S. contention that a victory had been achieved on fighting terrorism. "All they achieved is including the name of Libya in the communique, but they failed to get a strong condemnatin. Reagan's 'victory' is a failure," Al-Turayki said. The official recalled that the vast majority of nations ? the 101-member Non-aligned Movement and the socialist group ? had condemned the U.S. air attack, thus isolating not Libya but the United States. On the reported cooling off of relations with the Soviet Union, Al-Turayki said, on the contrary, "they have never been so solid and friendly as they are now." Asked to comment on why the Soviet Union failed to come to Libya's aid during the Mediterra- nean conflict, Al-Turayki said, "We are a nonaligned country, we are not part of the Warsaw Pact, for the time being, not yet, but the Soviet Union gives us full support." He said if a strike against Syria is carried out, there would be a war between the Arab states and the United States and Israel. "It is now time, like every ten years, for a new aggression by Israel in order to take more land, and, I think, the failure of (secretary of State George) Shultz in Lebanon makes the administration more furious about the Arab countries," Al-Turayki said. Asked why Israel apparently had picked Syria as a target, Al-Turayki said: "I think everybody has his own preferences. Israel prefers Syria as a target, the United States prefers Libya." YAR's Al-Iryani Arrives in Tripoli 8 May LD090837 Tripoli JANA in Arabic 1800 GMT 8 May 86 [Text] Tripoli, 8 May (JANA) ? Dr 'Abd al-Karim al-Iryani, member of the Permanent Committee of the General People's Congress and deputy prime minister of the YAR, arrived this evening in Tripoli on a visit to the Great Jamahiriyah. SUDAN SPLA Spokesman Rejects Al-Mahdi Cease-Fire Call EA082315 (Clandestine) Radio Qf the Sudanese People's Liberation Army in English 1300 GMT 8 May 86 [Text] A spokesman for the SPLM-SPLA has described the recent statement by Sadiq al-Mahdi, the prime minister of Sudan, on the constitutional conference as contrary to the spirit of the Koka Dam declaration signed last March between the SPLM-SPLA and the representatives of the National Alliance Q 12 NORTH AFRICA for National Salvation. In principle, the SPLM-SPLA does not recognize the present government in Khartoum. But as a de facto government and also headed by Ummah party, which is a signa- tory to the Koka Dam declaration, Mr Al-Mahdi is bound to create an atmosphere conducive to the holding of the constitu- tional conference scheduled to take place in Khartoum next month. The call by the prime minister that the SPLA should declare a cease-fire and his threat to use the Army to wipe out the SPLA before he could solve what he called the southern problem are a violation of the Koka Dam declaration, the spokesman said. It is to be mentioned that the agenda of the proposed conference, as stipulated by the declaration, is about finding solutions to Sudan's fundamental problems and not the so-called southern problem alone. The declaration also deferred the question of cease-fire to a future date because the SPLM-SPLA considers that as a logical sequence to the prevalence of climate free of obstacles to security, safety and other restrictive laws. Sadiq al-Mahdi, however, has been persistently giving press conference to Arabic language press outside the country that he is going to destroy the SPLA, after which he could solve what he calls the problems of the southern Sudan. The SPLM-SPLA spokesman concluded that the movement is committed to the constitutional conference which its leader initiated in March last [as heard] year. And because of that, the spokesman said, we will ignore the provocative statements by the prime minister of Sudan, Mr Sadiq al-Mahdi. Samuel Aru Demands Cancellation of Islamic Laws JN081208 Khartoum SUNA in Arabic 1052 GMT 8 May 86 [Text] Khartoum, 8 May (SUNA)? Samuel Aru Pol, chairman of the Southern Sudanese Political Association [SSPA], has demanded that the Constituent Assembly cancel the Islamic laws issued in 1983, and resort to the Addis Ababa agreement for self-rule in the Southern Region. He said this will make room for negotiations with all the southern parties to reach an agreement on urgent national issues. He also demanded freezing all standing issues at the present time until the convocation of the constitu- tional conference that will discuss the form of rule in Sudan. In a statement to the newspaper AL-AYYAM issued today, Smauel Aru asserted that the SSPA's contacts with the Al-Ummah Party and the Democratic Unionist Party continue to be in complete agreement on all national issues and on the charter issued by the two parties. He pointed out that the previous negotiations resulted in positive steps. Aru appealed to the southern parties to freeze the differences, particularly on how to [word indistinct] the southern regions until the constitutional conference is convened. Defense Ministry Entrusted to Army Commander JN081058 Khartoum SUNA in English 1015 GMT 8 May 86 [Text] Khartoum, May 8 (SUNA) ?Prime Minister Al-Sadiq al-Mahdi yesterday issued a decree entrusting the commander in chief of the People's Armed Forces to assume the charges of the defense minister. The premier also entrusted the police general director to undertake the minister powers concerning immigra- Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410045-1