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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410001-9/) Yasir `Arafat Arrives in Algiers 31 Dec LD312053 Kuwait KUNA in English 1806 GMT 31 Dec 85 [Text) Algiers, Dec 3 (KUNA) - PLO Chairman Yasir `Arafat arrived here Tuesday to attend celebrations marked by the Palestinian fighters in the Tibse camp Wednesday on the 21st anniversary of the outbreak of the Palestinian revolution. `Arafat is scheduled to hold talks during his stay here with Algerian President Chadli Benjedid and a number of his aides on Arab and Palestinian developments. The Palestinian leader, on the first trip outside his Tunis head- quarters following a long illness, was received on arrival by members of the Algerian National Liberation Movement's per- manent secretariat Abdul Razak Buhara and Al-Sadeq Zuwaiten in addition to a number of Palestinian revolutionary cadres. LIBY8) 4 P NORTH AFRICA Q I S r_" Holds News Conference in Tripoli [Text] Tripoli, 1 Jan (JANA) - The brother leader of the revolution held a news conference this evening in Tripoli. It was attended by a group from two American television networks, NBC and CBS, and correspondents of two U.S. papers, JANA, and the Syrian and Iranian news agencies in Tripoli. During this news conference, the brother leader of the revolution stressed once again that Libya calls for the establishment of overall Arab unity, or at least the establishment of Arab unity between Libya and Syria, which would be the core of a compre- hensive Arab unity to face up to the imperialist and Zionist challenge. The brother leader stressed that the Zionist aggression against the Arab nation began in 1948 when the Zionists occupied Palestine by force and terror. Concerning the attitude of the imperialist and Zionist circles toward the fact that the Libyan Arab people possess defense capabilities that enable them to defend their freedom and rev- olutionary gains, the brother leader of the revolution said: They want to possess means of attack and destruction, but forbid others to have this. Moreover, they want to deny us the means of self-defense. The brother leader absolutely rejected the description of Pal- estinian fedayeen actions as acts of terrorism, saying that Pales- tinian fedayeen action is the most sacred action in the world, because it is the fight of a wronged people whose land has been taken by force and terrorism. He pointed out that it was the Israelis who used terrorism against the Palestinian Arab people. of the Dayr Yasin village and shelled hospitals in Beirut. Their aircraft attacked the Bahr al-Baqar school in Egypt, and I saw with my own eyes dozens of children killed there. It was they who shot down the Libyan Arab airliner in 1973 and killed its 99 passengers. The brother leader of the revolution stressed that the Israelis are the number one terrorist entity and they constitute a terrorist camp that must be completely removed. He said that the entire world must act to remove this terrorist camp. The brother leader of the revolution pointed out that the Americans and the Israelis are responsible for terrorism in the world. They have forced the Palestinian Arab people to perform these actions now. He pointed out that what the current Palestin- ian actions are a reply to what the Israeli aircraft did in Tunis where they slaughtered tens of Palestinians there. He said that the Israelis have no right to talk about revenge, because this operation in itself is one of revenge for what the Israelis carried out. If the Israelis reply to this action, there would be another reply by the Palestinian people. The Palestinians are completely ready for revenge because they are a people who have been deprived of their land and rights and who are hunted everywhere. Therefore, they are ready for all this until they are recognized and have their own state in Palestine. The brother leader of the revolution stressed that the appearance of the so-called Israel is the worst phenomenon on earth, and the worst phenonenon is the presence of an actor as a ruler of a superpower. Responding to the American conspiracy, which is aimed against the brother leader of the revolution and the freedom and options of the Libyan Arab people, the leader stressed that these conspir- acies do not terrify him or the Libyan Arab people. He said that they will not succeed in their conspiracies because we are a nation and they will not be able to destroy the Arab nation. He stressed that any thought of assassinating a person is naive. Replying to a question about the american military presence in the Mediter- ranean region, the brother leader declared that this presence will threaten the safety and security of the region and will threaten trade and navigation in this sea. He emphasized the importance of removing the causes of aggression so that peace and security could return to the region. Regarding the possibility of a conditional meeting between the brother leader and Egyptian President Husni Mubarak, the brother leader of the revolution declared that he does not fear going to Egypt, but relations with the Egyptian regime have been severed and it is on the black list. If a meeting takes place it will be centered on Egypt abandoning the traitorous stable David accords. The brother leader of the revolution reiterated the support of the Libyan Arab people for the fraternal Palestinian people. He said: We support the struggle of the Palestinian people because it is a sacred struggle for freedom; American threats will not make us back down on principles and just causes. He added that the Libyan Arab people decided that everything they possess is at the disposal of the Palestinian people. We are not responsible for the Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410001-9 qp 19 IDF Wounds Youth in Nabulus TA011118 Jerusalem Domestic Service in Hebrew 1100 GMT I Jan 86 [Text] A youth who was asked to stop and identify himself but refused to do so was wounded last night in the village of Dayr Istiya in the Nabulus District. Our correspondent Arye Gus reports that an IDF foot patrol called on the youth to stop, but when he ignored its call the soldiers opened fire. The youth was wounded in the shoulder and was hospitalized in the Rafidiyah Hospital in Nabulus. Pamphlets were disseminated and slogans were painted overnight in various places in Samaria lauding the PLO and denouncing collaborators with Israel. Five West Bank Residents Detained TA010757 Tel Aviv IDF Radio in Hebrew 0740 GMT 1 Jan 86 [Text] The security forces last night issued five administrative detentions, apprehending three inhabitants of the Janin area and two from the Nabulus area against the background of member- ship in hostile terrorist organizations. Hebron Curfew Lifted TA011725 Jerusalem Domestic Service in Hebrew 1700 GMT I Jan 85 [Text] The curfew on Hebron was lifted approximately 1 hour ago. The curfew was imposed 2 days ago after the attempted murder of an Israeli there. Our correspondent Arye Gus reports that the Civilian Administration today held up the distribution of East Jerusalem newspapers in Judaea and Samaria. The delay was explained by the need to examine the newspapers and make sure they did not contain any inflammatory material. This afternoon, a homemade explosive charge was detonated near the Gaza police station. The bomb had been placed inside a garbage can. There were no casualties in the incident. Last night a hand grenade was thrown at the Military Government building in the city, but no one was hurt in that incident either. Taxi Driver in Ramla Stabbed by Arab Passenger TA312022 Jerusalem Television Service in Hebrew 1930 GMT 31 Dec 85 [Text] A 26-year-old taxi driver from Ramla was transferred to the Asaf Harofe Hospital approximately 1 hour ago after he was stabbed in the back by an Arab passenger. This is reported by a police spokesman. Our police affairs correspondent Uri Kohen- Aharonov adds that the driver picked up the passenger in a junction near Ramla. After driving a short time he heard a weapon being cocked, so he stopped the car and started fighting with the passenger; the latter drew a knife, stabbed the driver, and escaped. Three yeshiva students who passed by noticed the wounded driver and alerted the authorities. His condition is stable. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410001-9 field operations undertaken by the Palestinian fedayeen, other- wise we would have to blame America for all the terrorist and irresponsible operations that violate international law and which are carried out by the Israelis with American weapons in the Middle East and in the world. Regarding the Egyptian president's charges that Libya was behind the hijacking of the Egyptian aircraft to Malta, the brother leader of the revolution has stressed that Husni Mubarak is a defeated man and that he receives orders and says what he is told to say. Q 2 NORTH AFRICA on Libya is considered an aggression against the cause of freedom and those struggling for it everywhere in the world. Aggression against Libya is considered to be a highly dangerous form of playing with fire at this time. Answering a question on security and peace in the Mediterranean region, the brother leader stressed that peace and security in this region will not come about unless the Jews return to the original homelands from which they came, including Libya. He explained that the Libyan Jews made a big mistake when they left Libya for occupied Palestine. Answering a question about why the American Government has called the brother leader of the revolution a terrorist, the leader said: because I want to liberate and unite the Arab nation and I want to combat the American hegemony and imperialism; Amer- ica does not like this. It wants to colonialize us and I am resisting. As long as America describes the struggle of the Palestinian people as terrorism, it is not surprising that America describes me as a terrorist. In this way we could say that George Washing- ton was a terrorist, Abraham Lincoln was a terroist, Garibaldi and others are terrorists, and all the struggles of the people are terrorism. The brother leader of the revolution declared his firm rejection of reducing the sacred universal cause of the Palestine Arab people and their struggle into one of chasing individuals, be that individual Abu Nidal or anyone else, for there are millions of Abu Nidals among the Palestinians. He said that this is a [word indistinct] of this cause and we totally reject it, and that the world must realize and understand that there are I million Abu Nidals among the Palestinian people. He added that the Americans used to believe that Wadi' Haddad was the only terrorist, but here are the Palestinian people con- tinuing their struggle and you are describing them as terrorists; when Abu Nidal is finished, his like and the likes of Wadi'. Haddad will emerge. The brother leader of the revolution replied to a question on his opinion about how the head of the American Government, Rea- gan, has described him as the most dangerous man in the world who is seeking to destroy the world and bring on a third world war. He said: There is nobody in this era who is more mad, silly, and unreasonable than Reagan. The one who is leading the world to war is in fact Reagan and the Israelis. He said that the threat to Libya, Syria, and Iran is driving the world toward war. If aggression is committed against Libya we will consider this the beginning of the end. This means an endless war and then you can say farewell to peace in the Mediterranean; there no trade here or U.S. or Israeli civil and military aircraft and ships. The brother leader has stressed that aggression against Libya means war and Libya will not reply with a limited action but will declare war in the Mediterranean and in the Middle East; this war will not end until either the people of the world or Zionism and imperialism prevail. At his news conference the brother the leader declared that all people of the Arab nation and those who cherish peace and freedom support the Libyan Arab people. He said that aggression In his news conference the brother leader of the revolution pointed out that he has implemented a sacred revolution and that he is working toward the liberation of the Arab homeland and its unification, which is a legitimate work. He said: I did not go to colonize America and Europe, but they are the ones who threaten us in our homes. He said: I would like to see the world living in peace, but this will not occur until they destroy the international base for terrorism, which is Israel and America. He pointed out that the terrorist organizations in the world are the Zionist organizations which occupy Palestine, and that America is the only country in the world which protects terrorism. He said: We wish that America and Israel would make the mistake of committing an aggression against Libya. He stressed that this would trigger a war that would include the Middle East and the Mediterranean and perhaps the whole world. He added: I am warning them while they still have a chance to revise their positions. The brother leader was asked whether President Hafiz al-Asad's meeting with King Husayn had conditions and would there be a meeting between himself and the Egyptian president. He said brother Al-Asad's meeting with King Husayn was a defeat for the policies of capitulation and a return to the line of steadfastness which is adopted by Syria. He said that those who follow the road of capitulation are following a dead-end. Therefore, they returned to the road of steadfastness. The brother leader referred to the important message that he sent to the leaders of the Iranian revolution. He said that he had stressed the necessity of ending the Gulf war so that the Iranians and the Arabs could address themselves to the liberation of Palestine. If this message is accepted, then there would be very important developments. The leader talked about the latest Lebanese agreement that has been reached in Damascus. He pointed out that he supports the Syrian efforts in dealing with the Lebanese problem and said that he has confidence in President al-Asad's keenness for the masses of Lebanon and their freedom, security, and peace. This keeness is similar to his keeness for Syria. The brother leader of the revolution reconfirmed that Libya works for developing itself and for living in peace in the world. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410001-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410001-9 He said that the Libyan people, who are given weapons training, are responsible for defending themselves and for defending the Palestinian students, experts, and teachers who are in the Jama- hiriyah. If they are attacked in Libya, we will chase the Americans in the streets of America and the Israelis in the streets of occupied Palestine. Q 3 NORTH AFRICA hiriyah, the People's Committee of the People's Bureau' for Foreign Liaison is obliged to explain Libya's attitude toward this campaign: 1. The decision to launch a joint act of aggression against the Jamahiriyah by the American military machine and Israel no longer needs exposition or confirmation. The successive Ameri- can and Israeli statements affirm their aggressive intentions and their decision to pursue it even more now than at any time past. At the end of his news conference, the brother leader was asked about the relations between the Australian prime minister and Israel. He said that anyone who establishes relations with the Zionist terrorist cannot establish good relations with the Arab nation. `Any Responsibility' for Rome Attack Denied AU011950 Rome ANSA in English 1924 GMT / Jan 86 [Text] (ANSA) Tripoli, January 1- Libya's undersecretary for foreign affairs, Daw. `Ali Suwaydan [title as received] has ada- mantly denied any responsibility on the part of his country in the terrorist attack on the Rome international airport December 27. He made the denial to the Italian Charge d'Affaires Niccolo Goretti de'Flamini in Tripoli Tuesday. Suwaydan specially wanted to clarify things after the national news agency JANA referred to the simulatenous attacks on the airports in Rome and Vienna, which killed a total of 18 persons and injured some hundred more, as "heroic acts". The Libyan Government condemns international terrorism and the killing of innocent victims, Suwaydan said and the JANA reference to heroic acts does not reflect the official position of his government, he added. Suwaydan was of the opinion, he said that the JANA comment was the personal evaluation of an agency editor who had wanted to underscore the dramatic plight of the Palestinian people. The undersecretary also rejected any even indirect responsibility on the part of Libya for the Rome airport assault. Foreign Liaison Statement on U.S., Israeli `Plot' LD311413 Tripoli Domestic Service in Arabic 1330 GMT 31 Dec 85 [Text] The People's Bureau for Foreign Liaison has issued a statement about the remarks made by the prime minister of the Zionist entity and those of the official spokesman of the U.S. State Department. The statement reads: The successive statements made by the symbols of the Zionist entity and the official spokesman of the U.S. State Department unmasked the joint coordination of the U.S.-Zionist aggression against the Jamahiriyah. Having followed the escalation of the information and political campaigns and the military preparations against the Jama- 2. The U.S. Administration, by its rabid campaign, is trying to increase the participants in aggression against Libya to include those without hostility or conflict with Libya, and whose relations with Libya fall within the framework of a bilateral solution to problems that might arise. 3. The biased imperialist Western information media have rushed openly to embroil the name of the brother commander of the revolution in a statement issued by a news agency which deals in events and news like any other news agency in the world. 4. The Jamahiriyah does not need to define its position toward international terrorism or affirm this position. It denounces and rejects every action that harms the innocent and threatens their lives. It has laws that incriminate and punish such types of action with the maximum and most rigorous penalities. 5. The international public opinion must never forget a pan-Arab legal fact: The issue of the Palestinian people and the interna- tional community's disregard for its prompts the Palestinians to adopt the most violent methods. 6. The Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiryah is aware of the dimensions of the plot against it and who stands behind it. It affirms it will defend itself and its existence, and will be sup- ported in this by all the peoples and forces, which are targets of the aggressions of Zionism, imperialism, and racism. If combatting terrorism is the pretext used to jsutify the American-Zionist aggression being hatched against Libya, what can we call the preparation for military aggression against Libya? U.S. Seen Considering Air Strike on Jamahiriyah LD012006 Tripoli JANA in English 1940 GMT I Jan 86 [Text] California, Rabi Athani 19, Jan. 1, JAMAHIRIYAH NEWS AGENCY -The U.S. President held consultations last night, with his State Secretary Shultz, Casper Weinburger his war minister and his advisor on national security affairs, on the feasibility of carrying out a military action against Libya. U.S. Government's sources announced last night that the U.S. joint chief of staff sent a list of possible U.S. military options to Reagan to use them against whom they described as `Middle Eastern terrorists'. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410001-9