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r Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01 :CIA-RDP05-01559R000400400nnti_a ~~~.. - - ? NORTH AFRICA AI-Qadhdhafi Addresses Sudanese People /_DOS2300 Tripoli Voice ojthe Creaser Arab Homeland in Arabic 2/30 CMT S Apr 85 [Address by Colonel Mu`ammar a1~2a?tdhafl}to the Sudanese people on 5 April; place not given [Text] In the name of God, the compassionate, the merciful. Prepare yourselves all you can. [Koran quotation] (?1 convey) to the great Sudanese people the greetings of the Great AI-Fateh from the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jama- hiriyah. Good evening. Greetings to the burning revolution in Khartoum, Omdurman, and in every province in fraternal Sudan. Greetings to the great October Revolution which destroyed the rotten military dictatorship, the dictatorship of `Abbud [Sudanese military leader overthrown following demons- tratons in October 1964] and his corrupt clique. The greetings of the people's revolution to those who confront the fascist regime, the regime of lackies, and the lackey Numayri and his clique. The revolution is under way in Khartoum, Omdurman, and in every province in the south, against the murderers, fascists, traitors, lackies, the hirelings of America and the lackies of the Israelis in the conquered capital [Cairo]. I say to you, our brothers in Sudan, that today, as yesterday, the whole world, is attuned to your news. The whole Arab nation has become one ear which listening to your news. The revolutionaries in the Arab homeland are applauding you and are expressing their readiness to [words indistinct] with you. The masses of the Arab nation from the ocean to the Gulf are waiting for the hour which [words indistinct] for salvation, the salvation of one of the peoples of the conquered Arab nation, the nation against which the enemies, the Americans and Israelis, have banded together and dispatched wolves, agents, and murderers, such as the lackey Numayri, the traitor, murderer, and lackey, who went to kiss the dirty hands of the Christian Reagan. Numayri humiliated 20 million Sudanese. [words indistinct] of 20 million Sudanese and took them to the White House to pray and humiliate himself and [words indistinct] in the White House; he went subdued and humiliated. This shame cannot be removed except by fire. Brothers, sons of the great Sudanese people, as I have said to you, the whole world is mesmerized by Sudan; it is waiting for the outcome of the people's (?march) which (was adopted) by all the masses of the revolutionary Sudanese people, who Numayri sentenced to be excluded from the theater of life, action, and effectiveness. He sentenced you to hunger and thirst while you own rivers, the White and the Blue [Niles] and others. (?He shamed you) in front of the world when he begged for water while you own rivers. He begged from America, and refused the Libyan Arab aid which we offered to our people in Sudan. [Words indistinct] between him and you. He refused the honorable Arab aid from a brother to his brother and went to beg from America. Brothers, your news [words indistinct] is cut off from the world. [Words indistinct] the agencies, [words indistinct and the observ- ersare trying to obtain [words indistinct] the news of the people's ? revolution in the Sudan. They could not, because the Sudan has been completely cut off from the world for more than 24 hours. The radio is cut off, communications have been cut off, flights have been cut off. We are worried about you. We do not precisely know the cause of this interruption. We know that there is a total strike. I hope that when the news of Sudan reaches the world tomorrow or the day after, it will not be about the defeat of the will of the Arab nation and the disappointment of the masses and revolutionaries of the Arab nation, or about the return of the underling and the dictatorships triumph once again, and the return of reaction and fascism. We want the news of tomorrow and the day after tomorrow to be joyful, giving rise to joy in the hearts of the sons and free men of the Arab nation and weakening the determina- tion of Reagan, the Israelis, and the imperialists -the enemies of our Arab and Islamic nation, the enemies of Arabism and Islam. When your news come tomorrow or the day after - Saturday or Sunday - we want it to be news which makes us happy and which is disheartening to the enemies. 1 would like tomorrow and the day after tomorrow to be a day of sorrow for the underling Nunayri and the traitor Husni Mubarak - hire- ling of Zionism, contemptible and base -and his underling Numayri, and that it be a day of sorrow for the arrogant and old man Reagan, who pretends to be youthful, and for imperialism and the enemies of Arabism and Islam. We want Saturday and Sunday to be days of joy and celebration for the Arab and Islamic nation and for us all. Brothers in fraternal Sudan, revolutionaries, Iwould like to address you this evening from the soil of the Jamahiriyah, from the state of the masses, which supports you, reinforces your struggle, expresses your aspirations, and raises its voice high without hesitation or fear of the imperialists and the colonialists. It supports you and it incites you to revolution, onslaught, change, and purge. Brothers, I speak to you and am following your news as it arrives; and I am following the news of the world and what it says about you. And from the position of pan-Arab responsibil- ity and from the position of revolutionary Arab responsibility, 1 would like to say the following to you: First; you should know that the fate of Sudan is today in the hands of the people. But the people have not organized their affairs in a way which makes them able to declare to the world that they are the masters of their land. You believe that there is a government. But I say to you from outside Sudan that now the world does not recognize the existence of a government in Sudan. The underling Numayri is fleeing from America to Cairo, and he has said that he will goon to Pakistan. He is not able to enter Sudan. Husni Mubarak declared that he cannot face the Sudanese people or the Sudanese revolution. No one can confront the popular revolution in Sudan. But we can stand alongside you. Our brothers in Ethiopia can also stand alongside you. The rev- olutionaries in the south can march on to join you in the north. You should know that Sudan is now without government. `Umar al-Tayyib [Sudanese first vice president] is weak and trembling. He is a good man and simple-hearted. He is not able to govern Sudan.. Do not listen to him. He is a good man, and leave him Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01 :CIA-RDP05-015598000400400005-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01 :CIA-RDP05-015598000400400005-6 ? alone in his own house. The underling Numayri is fleeing. Only General Siwar al-Dhahab, the commander of the Army, remains. 1 ask him to keep his patriotism and his position, of which we are aware. [as heard] He should not give an order to the Army to oppose the people. He should let the Army -every individual in the Sudanese Army -define, today and tomorrow, his stand in complete freedom and without orders. He who has patriotism and conscience should take his stand alongside the Sudanese people, and he who is a traitor, a fascist, and has no conscience should take his stand alongside America, the Israelis, and the agents. Siwar al-Dhahab, you will not be blamed if you have retreated to your house. The matter is out of your hands. The reins of the affairs (?have passed on) to the Army and the people. No one will blame you. The people will put you on trial when they triumph. [sentence as heard] You have to preserve an honorable patriotic stand. Your mission is to defend Sudan and not to kill the sons of Sudan. You are still a fine man and have not joined any party. I hope that you will not end your (?military) life by joining the devil's party, the party of the lackey Numayri, and the rulers of the conquered city [Cairo], who recognize Zionism, and over whom the Israeli flag flies, and also the real enemies, the imperialists. Police General `Abbas Madani: You are a brave and patriotic man; I hope that in the end you will not be called a bloodythirsty murderer because of your support for the lackey Numayri, whokilled the sons of your homeland. You will be subjected to a courtmartial, and will end your life as a bloodthirsty traitor if you have ordered the police to combat the march of the Sudanese people. This is the will of the people, and (?the mission of the Army) is to defend the people. The police were created to defend the people and the struggle of the people. If the people want to change the regime, then combating the people is not the duty of the police or the Army. You have to obey the people. What the people want should be done. Police General'Abbas Ahmad `Abd al-Karim, commander of the Khartoum police: You are an excellent man of good reputation. Do not end your life in a dirty way. I hope that you will leave to the police the choice of either joining the people and going home or of defending the devil. Then every policeman and police officer will be responsible to the people when the people achieve victory tomorrow or the day after. Sooner or later the people will sentence everyone who fought against this people's revolution. I hope that the police force, especially the Khartoum police, either join the people or let every policeman make his own decision. It is forbidden to distribute ammunition that can be used to kill the masses of the Sudanese people. This is a crime which no one will forgive. We will not forgive you if you distrivute live ammu- nition. (?Live ammunition must be used to protect the people; not to hurt them.) What remains is the Army, the Air Force, the Navy, the Military Police, the (?Penal) Forces, the engineers, the shock troops, the Central Reserve Force, the guards, and the armored units. Each one of these groups must make its position clear in these decisive hours because there is no government in the Sudan which is responsible for issuing orders to you. You are all sons of one people, and you are all facing a crisis. In this crisis, the Sudanese people, either must emerge victorious over poverty, injustice, hunger, and thirst, or the Sudanese people will be killed and torn apart, and there will be massacres, which lackey Numayri will commit if he returns. If the lackey Numayri returns to Sudan, he will carry out massacres similar to the revenge of 1976 and 1978. There will be trials in the streets and massacres. To defend yourselves, you must be sure the Tacky Numayri never returns to Sudan. The armored forces -which are known for their heroism -the paratroopers, the men of Ibrahim and Zayn al-Abidin, must move the paratroopers and contribute in the success of the people's revolution [as heard] You are the May revolutionaries. Do not end your lives in a shameful way and humiliating way, leaving a shameful heritage to your children; leave a glorious record for your children to follow. You are the paratroops of May, you are now launching a new May, the May of the people, the May of socialism, the May of Islam, the May of the Arabs, the May of freedom. All the armored forces and the Air Force, the special forces, the forces of the central reserves, the military police, the forces manning the prisons, the engineering forces, each of these forces is responsible to itself. Each force is responsible to the masses of the people. Every officer and soldier in these forces must examine his conscience and his patriotism [words indistinct] from the conscience and aspirations of the Arab nation, and must remember Palestine and Lebanon, and the Israeli flag which is flying over the conquered capital, the capital of Egypt, must remember the torn and humiliated Arab nation, must be a man, and must shoulder his responsibility toward the people. We are watching yoti and recording your heroic stance, and we also record any defeatist stance. It is a shame to go toward the sea. [as heard] This is the sacred march. Do not flee. Rev- olutionaries donot flee. ]brahim is one of the revolutionaries, and Zayn al-Abidin is another. Hasan Khalid `Abbas is one of the revolutionaries. AI-Qasim Hashim is one of the revolutionaries. Ma`mun is another. Do not flee. Restore the revolutionary, socialist, and united spirit of May. I would also like to say to you our brothers that (?since you have removed) the government, this is a golden opportunity to announce a popular government, to announce the people's authority. How do you establish the people's authority? First, I call on you, if you can, at dawn if possible, to mobilize 5,000, 10,000, 20,000 people to seize the radio area. You should have the radio technicians prepare the radio to operate; the radio should be operational when you take it under your control. You should march with these thousands on the radio area and complete its seizure. `Abbas Madani, `Abbas Ahmad, `Abd al-Karim, and Siwar al-Dhahab: You must not lay a hand on the people while they are marching on the radio, or you will hvae committed a crime and the people will severely punish you. l f you are unable to join the people, you should remain in your houses and you must not give orders against the people. You should give the order that the task of the Army and the police is to defend Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01 :CIA-RDP05-015598000400400005-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01 :CIA-RDP05-015598000400400005-6 ? This is the right attitude of these forces during these decisive hours: You are the sons of the fraternal Sudanese people; while you are marching on the Omdurman radio, it is not important if some of you become victims. Let there be martyrs on the way to the radio, in order that the voice of the Sudanese be heard loudly by the world. Let there be scores of martyrs, or even hundreds and thousands. You are not cowards. You should do as the Iranian people have done, sacrificing victim after victim until they attained victory. Those who die for the sake of God's way must not be regarded as dead; they are alive. Numayri is fighting for Satan, and you are fighting on the side of God, on the side of good, on the side of the poor, the workers, the faith, and on the side of this dismembered nation. Tonight, march on the radio by the thousands. Surround all the streets which lead to the radio. 1 will explain to you some of the positions which should seized so that the popular masses win out. AI-Hijrah Street, which is near the radio station, must be seized. Radio Street, which leads to the Nile, should be seized. The intersection in front of the `Abd al-Qayyum Gate and in front of the Women's Teacher Training Center and the Omdurman Prison -this gate must seized by the thousands of sons of the Sudanese people so that roads leading to the radio station can be closed. Nile Street, which leads to the radio station, must be closed. This street should be closed by the thousands staging a sit-in so that no forces coming from AI-Mawradah Street or any direction from the side of the People's Palace are able to advance toward the radio. This road must be closed. The same street from the end of AI-Sumbat Bridge must be closed by the thousands, so that traffic across the Nile is stopped. In addition, the White Nile Bridge: if you can, close it in order to ease pressure on the Omdurman side. These streets -Radio Street, Nile Street, Al-Hijrah Street, AI-Sumbat Street, Al- Sumbat Bridge, `Abd al-Qayyum Gate-all this area should be occupied by the thousands of the masses, and then specific elements together with the radio technicians should advance to reopen the radio and broadcast the voice of the popular rev- olution. In addition, in order that the people can take control and rule in the framework of the people's authority, all the forces which are now participating in the revolution can send their emissaries and representatives to form a council for leading the revolution. [words indistinct] The Ansar can send a representative, and he can be any leader from the Ansar. The Unionists can send a representative. Ifthe Communist Party is participating with you, then the representative of the Communist Party, Nuqud, or any other. If the Muslim Brotherhood is participating with you, then it can send a representative. Al-Turabi is in jail,'but they can send a representative. Those units that join the Army can send a representative. If thry join Aqsim Ibrahim or Zayn a1-Abidin, or Khalid Ma`mun, or AI-Qasim Hashitn, and join the rev- olutionary command council. [as heard] This council will only manage the revolution, and then the people's authority should be established. ? How can the people's authority be established? ]n every district in Khartoum, the masses must form a people's congress, irrespective of their party, be it Unionist, Ansar, Communist, Muslim Brotherhood and so forth. All of them must form a people's congress. For instance, the district of [name indistinct] forms a people's congress; the district of [name indistinct] forms a people's congress; the District of (?Shahada`) forms a people's congress; the Districts of (?Wad Lahu, AI-`Idah, Al-`As, Abu Ruh, Al-Addasiyah, AI-Aratah, Balagh, Zaghluiah) -for instance, all those in these districts in Omdurman and their counterparts in Khartoum who control the streets and districts form a people's congress, and select a secretariat for them. This people's congress selects a people's committee for managing the district. For instance, the District of Bayt al-Mal -its masses form 3 people's committee for managing it. The masses control the streets and alleys. This people's committee is responsible to the people's congress, which comprises all the masses of this district. This people's committee manages the issues, supplies, traffic, health, education, electricity, all the urgent matters, especially in matters of treatment, supplies, and work. Even if one person from the Army became a traitor, and tried to hit the people, he would not be able to storm a district such as the District of Wadi Nabawi and kill all its population. He would not be able to do this if the entire population of the district, men and women, have barricaded the streets. The masses around Omdurman radio must take to the streets and occupy all the streets and alleys which lead to the radio, and must not allow the police or the Army which oppose the people to pass in these streets. The masses must. erect barricades and block any movement. The men and women of Sudan must go out by the thousands in these glorious immortal hours in the history of the great Sudanese people and of the great Arab nation. You are going to write the glory of the Arab nation and the glory of the Islamic nation. You will defeat America and Israel in Omdur- man. You will do this if you carry out these directives. Women must go out to the streets and street corners and remain with their children in the streets for 1 or 2 or 3 days until the victory of the revolution. The men must also go out into the streets -even the old men must go into the streets, all the streets which lead to the city's vital functions. Occupy all the streets which lead to the power stations, post office, radio, and the news agency. The masses of men and women must go into the streets around these vital centers and occupy them. They should allow the forces which lead the masses to manage these centers. A committee must be formed from the various forces, from the Communists, the Muslim Brotherhood, Unionists; Ansar, and the others, for managing the radio. Everyone must say what he wants in the name of the Sudanese people. This is not a moment for disunity. The lackey Numayri wants others to laugh and say that the opposition consists of various factions, which will never unite; and if they unite, Sudan will be liberated. We want to transform their laughter into tears. We want to make Reagan and the lackey Numayri weep. We would like you to rise to the grave historic responsibility and to unite -Unionists, Ansar, Communists, Muslim Brothers, others. You all have to unite and form a people's committee to manage the radio, forma rev- olutionary command council, and announce the establishment of congresses and committees everywhere. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01 :CIA-RDP05-015598000400400005-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01 :CIA-RDP05-015598000400400005-6 ? Through the radio I call on the Sudanese people to block the streets, l call on the Sudanese people to form people's congresses in every district and in all provinces. Through the radio, issue the revolutionary directives necessary for forming the people's com- mittees to replace the government and establish the people's authority. The masses are to form people's congresses and select people's committees for managing the amenities and the country. The people's committees are the executive authority responsible to the people's congresses, and the people's congresses are the leaders and legislature. As for the revolutionary forces which are now leading the dem- onstrations, these are the revolutionary forces which will enable the masses to capture every position, to form the people's con- gresses, and to select people's committees of technicians and administrators who can manage the amenities. All those who are leading the demonstrations today should turn these demonstrations and the strike from negative to positive, they should turn it into a revolution, a change, the birth of the power of the great Sudanese people. The Sudanese people must not once again fall into the hands of a new `Abbud [a former president], the hands of a new lackey, a new Numayri. Fascism must not be repeated and that despotism must not be repeated and that dictatorship must not be repeated and that factionalism must not be repeated., This is the age of the masses. Brothers, you (?should take over) the radio; you should occupy it immediately. You should generate electricity and let it reach every house. The doctors should seize the hospitals instead of the strike. They should operate the hospitals in the name of the people's authority. They should form popular committees, consisting of nurses and doctors, to run the hospitals and expel the former governmental authority and the former governmental directors. All those who used to work for Numayri at the radio should be expelled. The electricity, the airport, all the amenities, all should have new elements and the government elements should be expelled which do not support the Sudanese people's revolution. However, brothers, you must not shut down the radio and the electricity as there are surgical operations, there are patients, there are women who are giving birth. There are emergency medical cases. Electricity is essential. First aid is essential. Return to the electrical generators and return to the hospitals. But form popular committees to run them. Expel the former government officials. Operate them for the benefit of the people. Seize everything for the benefit of the people. The strike has had its purpose, but it should lead to the rise of the popular revolution to change and to the rise of the Jamahiriyah and the popular authority in Sudan. The strike should not continue in a negative manner, so that the popular forces which you are moving and leading, may not weaken, and so that colonialism may not come and enter. There could be a conspiracy from America or the Egyptians or the other reactionaries. Do not let time pass without final decision. Today, with this strike, you have control over Sudan. The lackey Numayri is finished. He fled to Pakistan. He will not be able to return to Sudan. ? against the people. Therefore, the people should now declare their authority and will in an organized way. You should declare congresses and committees eveyrwhere. There is no democracy without popular congresses. You should call on the workers to seize factories, to be partners and not laborers. They should become partners in the production. The workers should seize factories. You should not quarrel among yourselves lest you fail and your thrust weaken. You must not say: This one is a Com- munist and that one is a Brotherhood member and this one is a (?secessionist) and that is a Unionist. This is what the lackey Numayri is seeking, so that he can enter into your ranks. This is not a moment of disunity or struggle (?for power). This is the moment of the entire Sudanese people. This is an expression of the revolutionary Arab nation. Tomorrow, another Arab nation will follow your example, and do as you are doing. l do not believe that there is a single Sudanese soldier who would stoop so low in treason as to fire his bullets on the people while they are marching on the radio station to declare (?the end of Numayri). We are with you. All our potentials are with you. All we possess is at your disposal. Ask for anything. We are with you. We do not interfere but we meet your appeal. We are ready from every direction. Therefore, I propose to you that you send a delegation and take over control of the airport. The airport is like the radio, the electricity and everything else, a vital amenity which must be seized and run by a popular committee, or run by a free officer who is one of the people. You should give permission for one plane to take off from the airport. Send a deleaation which represents all these forces and let it come to Libya. W hen you notify us that there will be a plane carrying a delegation of the Sudanese people coming to Libya, we will receive it at any base or any airport where you wish to land, so we may coordinate our affairs. This is the battle of the Arab nation. 1 want all the Arab nation to take part with you, and bandage your wounds. When you triumph a new dawn will emerge over Sudan and the Arab nation. Darkness will descend on the capitals of the enemies, who are gloating, who want to suppress (?you). [Words indistinct]They want to extinguish God's light with their mouths, but God will continue to shine his light. We must not let these enemies gloat. You should not quarrel now. Today, you are like the ark of Noah. You should either gather all the paradoxes and sail to the shore of safety or all the dynamic forces -even when they are conflicting one other -will drown and die. All of you will reap your punishment by persecution and bloodbaths if the lackey Numayri returns. So you should unite for the sake of your own skins and necks. This man will not hesitate to set gallows in the streets, this coward and underling and ingrate, the butcher of the Sudanese people. Tomorrow when you triumph we will turn Sudan into a wheat farm and poverty will vanish as we supply the entire Arab nation from the produce of Sudan. Tomorrow, we will turn the waters of the Nile into gold. Tomorrow, Sudan will become a paradise, God willing. Tomorrow, the large pumps will start to operate and draw the water from Nile to irrigate its two banks, and the land will become green. Tomorrow, the tractors will march together with mechanical tractors in all parts of Sudan. We will (?earn Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01 :CIA-RDP05-015598000400400005-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01 :CIA-RDP05-015598000400400005-6 ? our livelihood) by the our sweat and from our land which is a gift to us from God and which we must liberate whatever the cost. And that we should live in it with pride-under the sun despite the will of the enemies. During these immortal moments, one must not spare his (?soul) of blood. All the Sudanese tribes should seize the areas in which they live. Where are the tribes of (Al-Bishr, AI-Mirar, AI- Bashshariyyin, Al-Halganah, Bani `Amir)? Where are (AI- Ja`Liyyin, Al-Sha`igiyyah), the Nubians? Where are the tribes of (Dayir) Hamid, (AI-Kawahilah, AI-Shanabilah and Al-Humr, AI-Misayriyyah and Al-Baggarah, AI-Buraygat, Al-Bulawbah, AI-Na`aliyyah, AI-Fawr, Al-Miduq, Al-Burigin, Al-Kababish, AI-Hawawir? Where are the tribes of the south? Where the the tribes of (AI-Masa`id, Al-`Abdalat) in the central region and where are (AI-Shukriyyah, AI-Dabbahiyyah, Al-Halawiyyin, AI- Falawwin, AI-Hutiyyin, Al-Lahandah, Al-Jumay`at), and where are the tribes of south (AI-Dinka, AI-Shilkah, Al-Luway; AI- Shalik, AI-Luwayr, AI-Tabusah, Al-Lihiyyah, Al-Istiwayyiah, AI-Zandi, AI-Abbari, AI-Latyugah? Will they join Garang in the south and march toward the north? Will our revolutionary brother Garang quickly march toward the north so that he will be in contact with his brothers in Khartoum? The hour of salvation has struck. The masses of all the regions should seize the capitals. All the capitals of the regions should join the popular revolutions. They should send telegrams. You should operate the post office through a popular committee. The masses which live around the post office should stay in the streets so that no hostile forces will be allowed to reach the post office. You should operate the post office which sends telegrams from all the regions to Omdurman so that these telegrams may be braodcast and the world will hear that the people in every region has seized power. 1 would like to address myself to our brothers in (Al-Fashir, Darfur, Kurdufan, AI-Ubayyid, Kasala, Juba, Wau), Port Sudan, (Wad Madani), our brothers in all these areas. Atbarah - I say to you that there is no government in Omdurman; you should declare rebellion, and declare a people's government in these areas. Let popular governments be declared in Atbarah, Port Sudan, (Kurdufan, Darfur, Wad Madani, Al-Ubayyid and Al-Fashir); also in the south, in Juba, Wau, Kasala, Sharq. The peasants should seize the land where they are. The workers should seize the factories in which they are working and form popular committees to run them and they should become popular congress in the factory. Popular power should be declared today and not tomorrow in all Sudan before it is too late. When popular authority is declared and when you request that we support you before the world we will then put our weight alongside you, come what may. Let us march forward and the struggle will continue. Let us go forward. The struggle will continue until final victory, until we avenge our martyrs, and until the darkness is lifted, until a new dawn may arise, the dawn of freedom, the dawn of pride, over the Arab land, and until the Word of God is buried. Brothers in Sudan, let us go forward, and the struggle will continue until final victory. It is quite near. Your appointment is dawn, and is it not near? Reaction to Military Coup in Sudan Detailed AI-Qadhdhafi Recognizes New Regime LD061342 Tripoli Domestic Service in Arabic 1232 GMT 6'Apr 85 [Excerpts] The brother commander of the revolution has sent a message to John Garang, commander of the SPLA [Sudanese People's Liberation Army] urging him to join the popular rev- olution staged in Sudan today which toppled the regime of the lackey Numayri. In his cable, the brother commander affirmed to Garang that the situation resulting from the outbreak of popular revolution and the Sudanese Armed Forces' and Sudanese popular masses' seizing control over the affairs of the country make it imperative for the SPLA to join and cohere with the Sudanese Armed Forces and the heroic Sudanese people. A spokesman from the People's Bureau of Foreign Liaison today announced that the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriyah [SPLAJ] declares its recognition of the new regime in Sudan and greets the heroic Sudanese people and their valiant army. While affirming its neutrality in respect of the internal developments in Sudan, SPLAJ warns against any attempt at foreign intervention in the internal affairs of Sudan. ' AI-Turayki Denies Involvement LD070921 Kuwait KUNA in Arabic 0900 CMT 7 Apr 85 [Text] Kuwait, 7 Apr (KUNA) -The Libyan foreign minister, `Ali `Abd al-Salam al-Turayki, has denied that his country was behind the coup which took place in Sudan yesterday saying that "the recent events in Sudan were internal and the Sudanese people alone were the ones that staged them." The denial was made during a telephone interview with the Kuwaiti paper AL-WATAN. In this interview, published today, AI-Turayki said "what has taken place in Sudan was an upsurge which put an end to many long years of suffering by the Sudanese people. It was a natural result of the practices of the defunct regime." With regard to his government's position toward any foreign intervention in Sudan, Al-Turayki said that his country will not keep quiet in the case of any foreign intervention in Sudan because "of our responsibility as a fraternal Arab country adjoin- ing Sudan.""With the ending of the anti-Sudanese people and anti-Arab nation regime in Sudan," he added, "a new chapter has been opened in Libyan-Sudanese relations." During the defunct regime, it is recalled, Libyan-Sudanese relations wit- nessed agreat deal of tension and disharmony. The defunct regime had close relations with the Egyptian regime. AI-Turayki said that the Arab nation is called upon to exploit Sudan's enormous wealth for the good of the Sudanese people and the Arab nation. "Sudan," he added, "is one of the richest Arab countries and can feed Africa and the Arab homeland." AI-Turayki expressed his country's readiness to extend its hand to Sudan and to its people and help them. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01 :CIA-RDP05-015598000400400005-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01 :CIA-RDP05-015598000400400005-6 ? Replying to a question about the identity of the new regime in Sudan, AI-Turayki said that this regime "cannot be worse than the defunct one". He affirmed that the "popular masses were the ones that toppled the past regime and not any foreign forces." Egypt Should Hand Over Numayri LD07i40i Tripoli Domestic Service in Arabic /230 GMT 7 Apr 85 [Text) Huge demonstrations erupted today and progressed toward the Egyptian Embassy demanding that the Egyptian regime hand over the lackey Numayri in order to be tried. A statement by the Sudanese popular masses there included the assertion that protecting the lackey Numayri in Egypt is viewed as a challenge to the feelings of the millions of the sons of the Sudanese people who offered martyrs to bring down his failed regime. The statement called on the deposed lackey Numayri, his brother Mustafa, and the rest of his family to return the money which they stole and put in American and Western banks, and which is valued at hundreds of millions of dollars. The statement also called for the trying of the ex-ministers of the lackey and the restoration of the people's money which they smuggled abroad. SSPF Supports New Regime LD062257 Tripoli Voice of Greater Arab Homeland in Arabic 2/00 GMT 6 Apr 85 [Statement by the Sudanese Socialist Popular Front (SSPF) read by `Abdallah Zakariyah, the chairman of the SSPF- Revolutionary Committee Movement, at 1 September Square in Tripoli on 6 April; live or recorded] (Text] In the name of God, the merciful and the compassionate. The statement of the Sudanese popular masses in their thunder- ingmarch inthe city of Tripoli in Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriyah: Today we, the Sudanese Arab masses, gather in front of the square of the historic leadership of the Great 1 September Revolution. On this blessed day, 6 April, in Khartoum, embraces ...[remainder of sentence drowned out by cheers] On this blessed day, 6 April, the heroic Sudanese people rose in a great popular revolution. On this great day the Arab nation and its popular masses celebrate the popular revolution of the Suda- nese people. On this great day, the holy Arab march commenced from the south of our great Arab homeland, this holy popular march which will not end except in Palestine. On this day, 6 April, the Sudanese people surprised the whole world, within less than one generation, by two great popular revolutions: the 21 October 1964 Revolution and today's new green October rev- olution, the 6th April 1985 Revolution. Today we salute our great Sudanese people whose current upris- ing started on 26 March and has lasted 12 days. This people has risen, men and women all over Sudan, in its cities and villages, in this magnificent popular uprising which overthrew the May government and before whose holy march the Sudanese state has collapsed. Today we are here in the advanced bastion of the Arab rev- olution; the land of the Great Fateh [1 September], in the name of the Arab Sudanese masses in their thundering march in Tripoli, we extend our highest forms of thanks and gratitude to the guardian of Arab nationalism. [applause] [Anti-Numayri slogans chanted] We present our warmest thanks and gratitude to the custodian of pan-Arabism [chanting of slogans: Popular revolution in Sudan; People's Power in Sudan; Jamahiriyah in Sudan the brother leader Col Mu`ammar al-Qadhdhafi, the leader of the Great 1 September, to whom we say: You have stood on the side of the Arab Sudanese people over a period of 10 successive years. You have proclaimed to the world with all bravery and courage that you are with the Sudanese people and that you will not (?address) the humiliated appendage Numayri [sentence drowned out by chanting of anti-Numayri slogans]. You have stood with us, you custodian ofpan-Arabism, over more than ]0 years while the Sudanese people have been struggling day and night in order to overthrow this hireling May Regime. Today the valiant Sudanese people rewards you and says to you: Your words are the truth; your views are the truth and the people's revolution is the revolution of the future. [chanting of slogans: People's revolution in Sudan; Jamahiriyah in Sudan]. Yes, great leader: Your pioneering thought is universally being proven right. [slogans: AI-gadhdhafi is the hope, the conscience, the soul of the nation]. Yes, leader, this is the march of 22 million people of the Arab Sudanese people, who have written down with their souls, their blood, their sweat that your thought is the pioneering thought, the thought of tomorrow, and that the peo- ple's revolution that triumphed today in Sudan will move on from Sudan to Egypt, to every single inch of the Arab land until the Arab People's Socialist Jamahiriyah is realized from the ocean to the Gulf. Today, in these eternal hours and thanks to the struggle of the Arab Sudanese people, our Arab nation is living eternal days; the Arab nation is living an eternal phase. The Arab nation is living in a new situation which transforms it from the state of deterio- ration to the state of the holy march which will not end except in Palestine. [cheers] This holy march by our immortal Arab nation will not end except in Palestine. On this day, and from the south of our beloved homeland, the heroic Sudanese people, in this day the heroic Sudanese people is writing, together with this fraternal people of Libya, a new epic. [cheers] On this day, Khartoum embraces Tripoli. On this day, the socialist popular Arab rev- olution extends from the Mediterranean to the Equator. [cheers] On this day, the Arab nation is born again, a new genuine birth. On this day the reckoning for the Arab popular masses commen- ces. On this day the end of the Arab reaction begins, and the end of the Arab hireling begins. On this day, with all loyally, we advance towards the Libyan Arab people, who gave our Sudanese popular revolution the most precious of what they owned and who stood by us in a stand which will not be forgotten by the Sudanese Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/01 :CIA-RDP05-015598000400400005-6