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1? Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/31: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400390009-4 V. 24 Aug 81 R 2 I highly appreciate your efforts towards reinforcing the everlasting ties between the peoples of the Jamahiriyah and Ethiopia, and the backing you pledged for the Ethiopian revolution ever since its eruption. As an expression of the 1 ve and appreciation of the Ethiopian revo ionaries and masses for you, the government knd people of Ethiopia have decided to d rate you with Africa's highest order. \\ revolutionary peoples of Ethiopi and Libya." I have great pleasure, in th\name of the Ethiopian Gove ent and people, to decorate you with this great order. Long I've the Libyan and Ethio an revolutions! Long live the Colonel Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi, in to decorated by your person, yet I people of the Socialist People's L me personally, but also for the Libya Jamahiriyah. will keep it with me a both our peoples and rev, throug the end. al-Fatah. if you did. brothers and ahiriyah. I am certainly honoured to be m decorated by all the Ethiopian friends s and brothers, entrusts i me an everlasting obligation towards utions, that of allegiance to Nth our peoples and revolutions. I is no doubt an evidence of Ethiopia's appreciatio toward their Libyan proof of the alliance between both great revolutions' promise to be a soldier in defence of both revolutions a the Ethiopian and (Mui..r Al-Qadhdhaf)News Conference .11 both peoples till utionaries, and [Text] Addis Ababa, 22 Aug (JANA)--Yesterday evening the brother commander made a state- ment to the press in the Ethiopian capital about the U.S. attack on the Jamahiriyah. He said that the whole world has heard the news that orders were issued to the U.S. 6th Fleet to carry out provocative maneuvers within Libyan territorial waters and airspace in the Gulf of Sidra. This news was carried by the American press, particularly NEWSWEEK. Thus, he added, from an official and legal point of view, the United States has used its 6th Fleet in a military operation with a view to.invading Libya. The brother commander said that "This time, the 6th Fleet has openly and officially carried out a campaign of invasion against the Jamahiriyah." This, he added, has actually happened. With regard to the Libyan aircraft, Al-Qadhdhafi said, they had no orders to attack the U.S. 6th Fleet. The two aircraft were on routine patrol duty guarding Libyan territorial waters and airspace and it was their duty to chase any object violating these waters and this airspace. The brother commander pointed out that the two aircraft were of a type suitable for attacking sea targets and not air targets, and that they were equipped with missiles or machineguns. "While the two Libyan aircraft were carrying out their reconnaissance duty," he added, "they were surprised to see a U.S. F-14 fighter aircraft enter Libyan Arab airspace. They rushed to warn it, but it persisted in violating Libyan airspace. tion and consequently an honour for the whole Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/31: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400390009-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/31 CIA-RDP05-01559R000400390009-4 V., 24 Aug 81 R 3 EAST AFRICA In this case, like all aircraft guarding Libyan borders and airspace whose duties include pursuing anyone violating the borders--this is the duty of all land, sea and air patrols-- the two Libyan aircraft chased and shot down the U.S. aircraft because it continued to violate Libyan airspace. The aircraft was manned by two U.S. airmen. [quotation marks as received] The two Libyan aircraft then saw eight U.S. aircraft take off from the U.S. aircraft carrier and attack them. This formation of U.S. aircraft shot down the two Libyan air- craft as they were carrying out their legitimate mission: to defend Libyan territorial waters and airspace. Thus, one U.S. F-14 aircraft and two Libyan Sukhoi aircraft were downed in Libyan territorial waters. In his Addis Ababa press statement the brother commander affirmed that the U.S. aircraft, having fallen close to the Libyan coastline, provided the best proof that it had violated the Jamahiriyah's territorial airspace. The aircraft's debris was removed to Misrata port and was shown.on television. The brother commander pointed out that nothing is yet known about the fate of the two American airmen of the downed aircraft. He told the press that the Libyan Arab Airforce had monitored message exchanges among the U.S. teams searching for the two airmen. The last such signal asked the salvageunits to return immediately from the area. The brother commander told the press that the Jamahiriyah is prepared to offer all technical assistance in the search for the two U.S. airmen whose place was shot down off the Libyan Arab shores. As a result of what has happened,he said, the U.S. maneuvers were cancelled and the 6th Fleet has withdrawn from the Libyan territorial waters. I hope, he added, that the United States has learned a lesson. The brother commander said I believe that this battle at such a place has affirmed that the Gulf of Sidra is an indivisible part of Libyan territory. It should also be stated, he said, that the Libyan Arab air and sea forces will continue operating in the Gulf of Sidra, which will always be an indivisible part of the Libyan territory, even if it means the death of the last Libyan man and woman. The brother commander affirmed that the Libyan Arab people are fully prepared, and will remain so forever, to defend the Gulf of Sidra, even if it means a bilateral war between us and the United States, or even a third world war. The brother commander pointed out that the whole world is now convinced that the United States is playing with fire and that it poses a serious threat to world peace. We consider the United States to have actually threatened international peace in the crucial Mediterranean region, he added. He declared that the world-wide support that poured into Libya from governments, peoples and organizations affirms world denunication of the United States. He added that a catastrophe could occur if the United States were again to play with fire in this area. The brother commander pointed out that the U.S. aggression has not prompted him to change his travel plans, because he is confident of the Libyan Arab people's preparedness to fight, as was manifested by yesterday's tumultuous demonstrations. He said the people possess all the necessary authority, wealth and arms and they are all Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi's. They are happy with this world support and it is their right to defend themselves, he said. The brother commander said that the map of Libya was drawn by our forefathers from the times of the Phoenicians and it is not up to the United States to define the map of this country or of the world. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/31: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400390009-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/31: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400390009-4 Our confrontation of this U.S. aggression was in defense of all the world's peoples and peace and was a stand against the forces of oppression, he said, adding: We accept fighting the United States one-to-one, but should NATO, which held a meeting immediately after this aggression, become involved, then Libya too has its allies and friends in the world. The brother commander reminded the newsmen that the Gulf of Sidra was declared part of Libyan territory in 1973. Why is it that the United States has come to object to this in 1980? We know and realize, he said, that the American blustering will not end except with a breakout of a new Vietnam, "so let it be now." Mengistu 22 Aug Rally Speech States against the peop imperialism against the and peace. oppressed people of th [Excerpts] Imperiali denounce U.S. impe [Excerpts of spe history of the people of Libya the Libyan people on their o world. The recent provocation and aggre e of Libya is a living example of the v eoples of the world struggling for i Why should the U.S. Governm al-Fatah Revolution, who, through I from the bondage of feudalism which imperialism. doorstep? The answer to th; ialism and exploiters. We are honored to have with us bra responsibilities and have aptly adopted also because the people and the leadershi in transforming Libya from a state of pove peace-loving and progressive peoples of the of production. The people and leadership of, ment endeavors, mainly due to the able an Col Mu'ammaral-Qadhdhafi. Over the last 12 years, Libya has-made g peace-loving and progressive peop tions of the people and leadership the Arab world against colonialism dence stand as shining examples of t to identify their struggles with thos country's pragmatic and against colonialism, exploita of the oppressed masses of th not only because they have succeeded ne of development and prosperity, but ly recognized their respective struggling ag of the peoples o the world struggling for indepen- ogressive policies. The contribu- 'eir practical and p f Libya in the strugg imperialism and Zionis es of the peoples of Africa and are highly regarded by all progressive str could not go along with imperi ogressive leadership, the peoples' long history of struggle world for freedom, justice and progress, they have antagonized those proponents of exploitation and oppression. Consequently, imperialists bear deep ill will toward the Libyan leadership. nd progress of the sion of the United cious intentions of Ited States and intimidate s question is contained in the themselves on a long-standing tionary leadership liberated Libya bya won the acclamation and respect of the == ---- I Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/31 : CIA-RDP05-01559R000400390009-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/31: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400390009-4 There are a number of reasons behind the increasing antagonism imperialism toward Libya. Libya is rich in natural resources, in particular, mass ve oil reserves. It is strategically situated in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea acing Europe, Africa and the Middle East. In addition, it is blessed with progressive leadership with a strong anti-imperialist stance. Therefore, the aggress on of imperialists who thrive on ex oitation against the people of.Libya should not sur rise us. In fact, the people of bya have won the unswerving support of the peace-lo 'ng and progressive peoples of t world to the extent that imperialist aggression m unts against them. The people f Libya should be proud of their progressive contributions to the contemporary history o the world. yoke of exploitation an oppression that had weighed down off from their shoulders th ~ k on them both from within and abroad and scored a glo sous victory against both feudalism and American neocolonialism. However, as victory over them ould mean the end of their exploitation, the imperialist unleashed war against us, coord\nating the intern7all antirevolutionary and antiunity forces Athough we managed to win a glori s victory as the result of the sacrifice of the beloved children of the Ethiopian broad ma es, the pr'ce we were forced to pay in terms of human lives and material was extremely hi h. This . the reason why only recently we embarked upon the task of economic and social reconstr ction which is the basic objective of our revolution. Even at present, we are still not in a their followers no longer present a thr revolutionary army our people have been osi at ab ion whereby we dare say that imperialists and e to gain breathing space and concentrate us in every possible way. of mankind, has made it impossible for expansion and exploitation which it pr from extending its tentacles of explo freedom is flying high--prevented on all places where the flag of people's refrained from attempting to hind cfr the people's progressive movement. Although it has been forced to experience defeat verywhere, its beha for has not allowed it to fully accept history's verdict. In addition, American impe 'alism has been exploiting the wealth of the developing countries through its neocolonialist policies, and when this policy fails to serve its purp e, American imperialism, through its kidnapping, espionage and murder organization, the C A, in an attempt to stifl peoples liberation struggles and to destabilize progressive go ernments in developing coup ies, has caused several The peoples of Vietnam, Kor a, Laos, Kampuchea, Chile, El Sa vador, and other peoples of African, Asian and Latin A erican countries are among the vic ims. In addition, U.S. imperi ism, in total disregard of the rights\of peoples, now has over 2,500 [as heard] milita bases in over 100 countries. Through assuming leadership and supremacy over NATO, SEATO, CENTO and so forth, U.S. imperialism is threatening world peace. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/31: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400390009-4 lism to continue with its unquestioned enjoyed. It has been forced to refrain