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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP05-01430R000100040003-3 SECRET Atli kit% MURIA/ FBIS Foreign Broadcast Information Service NEWSLETTER Edition 85-6 1 November 1985 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP05-01430R000100040003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP05-01430R000100040003-3 NOTICE Fiad Buneaws cfte terninded -that copia O4 th,bs NekoteLteit. 'showed be de,tiLoyed ct4,teiL /Leading by U.S. Sta44 ernptoyea. ThLs New6tetteit -bs not be to ne,tained in 41ad bu)Leaws. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP05-01430R000100040003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP05-01430R000100040003-3 SECRET NEWSLETTER 1 November 1985 MODERNIZATION DEVELOPMENTS. FBIS Automation After initial orientation tours at FBIS Headquarters in late August, Lockheed engineers have met with personnel from the Wire, the Daily Report, MOD, LRB, JPRS and others for more detailed discussions about the Automated FBIS System (AFS). We are now in the early system design stage leading to the Initial Design Review scheduled for 14-21 November. The automation program is proceeding on schedule. GE contractors have visited London, Vienna, and Key West bureaus in connection with the Integration Contract. (C) Non-AFS Modernization Initiatives In addition to the Automated FBIS System, there are more than 50 non-AFS modernization initiatives now underway or proposed in FBIS, in such areas as administration, collection, communications, information management, production, and research and development. (C) Internet The FBIS Internet system is moving ahead as scheduled. Following INTELSAT's approval of the FBIS transponder lease on 10 September, FBIS is now proceeding toward arranging construction of earth terminals in Britain, Panama, and Quantico to complete Phase I of the system. Internet is still expected to become operational in October 1986. (C) HEPTOVAPTERS PELOCATION Plans continue for the relocation of FBIS Headquarters components in the Key, Ames, and Broyhill buildings into a single structure or complex. We hope to have a new site ready for occupancy in late 1987 so we can install the automated system directly into the new building. A location near the Metro system is one of the objectives in looking for a suitable site. (S) HIS OPEN HOUSE On Satunday, 21 Septembek, az pakt o4 the 4amity visitation day 4on the entike Agency, FBIS gave a touk o4 the Wine and MOD'4 TV Centek 4ok aU intekezted empt.oyees and theik iamitiez. Response waz gkeatek than anticipated, with about 97 peopte taking the tom o4 the Wine duting the day, and 4ome 30 visiting MOD. Mot vizitou weke linom FBIS, with a 4ew itom othen Agency components. (U/ATUO) 1 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP05-01430R000100040003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP05-01430R000100040003-3 SECRET The Field Engineering Division has moved from Key Building to the 8th floor of Ames Building. (C) MOP ACTIVITIES Langley TV Dish FBIS began supplying Soviet television programming to Agency consumers on 16 September, using the newly constructed satellite dish at Langley. Signals from the dish are fed to analysts live and recorded via an OCR television net. Subsequently, live television feeds from Italy, France, Spain, and Portugal were added. Material from the latter two countries is intermittent. A video link between the dish at Headquarters and Key Building has also been installed. (C) The dish is manned by operators from the Monitoring Operations Division using remote control equipment located in the video operations room of OCR. It provides selected live Soviet television programming of the GORIZONT satellite located at 14 degrees west; some East European programming is available from the Soviet bloc Intervision satellite pass-feeds. The West European coverage comes from monitoring of several INTELSAT satellites. (C) The Achille Lauro affair marked the first substantive use of the dish for live coverage of Italian television. DI analysts were able to view first via this source an excerpt of Craxi's resignation speech and the final autopsy report on Leon Klinghoffer. (U/AIUO) The White House asked FBIS for the first Moscow television comment on the President's UN speech, in the form of a videotape. MOD provided a videotape of a 4-minute commentary by Zorin on Soviet television recorded from the Langley dish, with the English dubbed on the tape from a translation wirefiled by London Bureau. (U/AIUO) MOD has arranged to receive every Monday morning the coming week's edition of GOVORIT, the Soviet TV guide. This enables FBIS to identify items of potential interest to SOVA which can be picked up by the Langley dish. (C) TV Center MOD's TV center is slowly taking shape. Recent equipment acquisitions include a second broadcast standards converter, which has eliminated recurring backlogs of tapes awaiting conversion from foreign 2 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP05-01430R000100040003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP05-01430R000100040003-3 SECRET broadcast standards to the U.S. system. In addition, MOD has also taken delivery on Sony-model video editing equipment, enabling the Center to produce edited videotapes for briefings, presentations or anthology tape production. Additional video equipment is on order which will allow for titling, narration, and addition of camera shots to videotape material produced by the Center. This equipment is expected to be in place and operating by late 1986. (U/AIUO) FBIS-BBC Satellite Monitoring Committee The first meeting of the FBIS-BBC Satellite Monitoring Committee was held at Caversham 2-4 October. Areas of common concern were identified and steps taken to facilitate information exchange. (U/AIUO) NEWS FROM THE BUREAUS A long-range FBIS plan is to recapitalize field installations. Housing is now being constructed for the first time at the Key West Bureau and replacement and reconstruction of housing at the Okinawa Bureau will soon get underway in phases. In addition, a new operations building is being built at Nicosia and the Jordan Bureau will become part of a new Embassy complex. The Tel Aviv Bureau moved to commercial quarters on 30 October, finally giving up its cramped quarters in the Embassy Annex. (S) The lease on the new Nicosia Bureau site was signed on 12 September and the construction contract was signed on 27 September. Work began on schedule on 4 October with completion expected in one year. (U/AIUO) Bangkok Bureau has received approval from the Thai government for microwave frequency links needed for the Bangkok ROSET facility. All approvals needed to begin operations are now in hand, and installation of equipment is on schedule. (U/AIUO) Austrian Bureau has begun monitoring Albanian television on a trial basis from the Brindisi site. A local contractor records the broadcasts and forwards them to Vienna. The newscasts represent the first visual reportage seen from this closed country, and may be the only such material available to analysts in Washington. The bureau will report on content after a representative sampling has been obtained. (U/AIUO) Panama Bureau remained open 24 hours on the day of the Mexican earthquake to monitor breaking developments from Mexican television. Southern Command staff officers visited the bureau to view damage on television in order to brief the CINCSC on possible disaster assistance. An earlier scoop from Panama's new satellite monitoring of Mexican TV came with Mexican President Miguel de la Madrid's 1 September State of the Nation speech. The prompt and full coverage this year contrasts with past years, when only sketchy reports were available from poor to unmonitorable Mexican shortwave broadcasts or from press agencies. (C) 3 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP05-01430R000100040003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP05-01430R000100040003-3 SECRET Panama Bureau has for the first time monitored via satellite the United Nations television service. The program monitored included UNGA speeches by a number of world leaders, including Israeli Prime Minister Peres. (U/AIUO) Ryzhkov's replacement of Tikhonov as Soviet premier was picked up by London PMU from the satellite facsimile transmission of the next day's PRAVDA. The item resulted in a Critic, and was available to analysts more than an hour before the story was picked up by the major press agencies from a subsequent TASS report. (C) On 25 October London Bureau monitored from satellite the text of the new CPSU draft program as printed in the 26 October PRAVDA. The Daily Report edited the 40,000-word translation as a special DAILY REPORT supplement which was on analysts' desks by 00B on Monday morning. (U/AIUO) On 1 September, Seoul Bureau dropped its midnight shift. The shift had never been productive and was a drain on personnel resources. The bureau has worked out procedures under which Okinawa Bureau will be able to provide emergency Korean coverage if Seoul is unable to get people to work quickly in the middle of the night. (U/AIUO) Abidjan Bureau began two-shift weekend operations on 28 September and is now open 0600-2230 GMT throughout the week. (U/AIUO) Acting Genetat Managen oi the BBC Monitofting Savice haz nezianed. He Witt Aemain on duty, howevek, untit ha zuccezzon named. (U) PPODI.ICTIV GP01.113 DEVELOPMENTS Production Group translated the White Paper "Soviet Acquisition of Militarily Significant Western Technology: An Update" into eight foreign languages. Nineteen intelligence officers worked on the priority project full time in a task which took hundreds of manhours. (C) The day of the Achille Lauro hijacking, three Production Group language officers worked overnight in OCPAS translating into English ship design documents in French, Italian, and Japanese. (C) 4 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP05-01430R000100040003-3 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP05-01430R000100040003-3 SECRET USSR Division and SOVA are collaborating on a 2-year project, funded by SOVA and managed by FBIS, for translation on diskettes of 4-6 million words from back issues of the MILITARY HISTORY JOURNAL for SOVA's data base. The translations will be carried out by JPRS contract personnel. (U/AIUO) Through an arrangement with DIA, NEAD will translate 26 classified Chinese military journals considered of major significance by DIA. The journals, issued monthly from 1978-1983, carry articles written by senior command and staff officers and by the Central Military Commission. The first articles to be translated will deal with chemical, nuclear, and biological warfare. Complete translation of the 1.2 million words is expected to take 6-8 months. (S) UD published an article from an Azerbaijani scholarly journal in Azeri containing the first data seen on the working age population of the USSR since the 1979 census. The information was included in a NID item. (S) Recently, a limited number of copies of CHOSON INMINGUN, the official organ of the Korean People's Army, dated July 1984 to February 1985 suddenly became available for the first time. The publication has always been tightly controlled and has never been available outside the country through normal subscription channels. NEAD will translate and publish selected articles. (S) JPRS now has 80 independent contractors submitting translations on diskettes, 28 percent of the total JPRS output. The diskettes reduce editing time and eliminate retyping. (U/AIUO) At the request of the Arms Control Intelligence Staff, the format and handling of the JPRS WORLDWIDE REPORT: ARMS CONTROL have been revised to improve its usefulness to high-level consumers specifically interested in SDI material. Relevant material is now published in an "SDI and Space Arms" section (renamed from "Space Arms"), which has been moved to the front of the report to facilitate accessibility. Turnaround time has been greatly reduced by simplifying prepublication checks and decreasing the size of each report. (U/AIUO) On 31 August, Africa Program published an updated "Reference Aid: Abbreviations in the Sub-Saharan African Press." The reference aid is completely automated and will be updated on a regular basis. On 25 September JPRS published a "Glossary of French Terms in Africa," which has been put online. The "Vietnam Fact Book," a 164-page compilation of background information, was published by JPRS on 7 August. (U/AIU0) 5 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP05-01430R000100040003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP05-01430R000100040003-3 SECRET PrALYSIS (ROUP NEWS Analysis Group has been providing support to various consumers in connection with preparations for the November Soviet-U.S. summit meeting. At the request of the Assistant NIO for the USSR, AG provided the White House with materials to assist President Reagan in preparing for a meeting with four Soviet journalists similar to Gorbachev's interview with TIME magazine. AG selected recent quotations about the Administration and U.S. policies from each of the correspondents as well as providing samples from other Soviet sources on these issues. AG provided the White House Research Staff with a Kosygin quote on anti-missile systems which was used in a Presidential speech. (C) At the request of the Assistant Nb/USSR, AG is producing a weekly analysis note on Soviet-U.S relations during the period leading up to the summit. At the request of Under Secretary of Defense Ikle, AG located several items from Soviet media cited in a Moscow Embassy cable as examples of anti-U.S. propaganda leading up to the summit. AG has been actively working with SOVA in preparing briefing material for President Reagan prior to the summit, including assistance on a film and providing reports from the Soviet press on U.S. domestic events. (C) In response to a request from the PDB, AG and Media Notes prepared a world reaction report on the President's UN speech and forwarded it to New York in time for the President's briefing the morning following the speech. (C) Responding to a cable from the Embassy in Prague asking for an analysis of any differences between the versions of the Gorbachev interview for TIME as published in TIME, PRAVDA, and RUDE PRAVO, AG was able to confirm that the PRAVDA and RUDE PRAVO versions were virtually identical. AG referred the embassy to its already published analysis of the differences between the PRAVDA and TIME versions. (C) The Arms Control Intelligence Staff asked AG for an update of a special analytical memorandum on Soviet statements on SDI. The original memo had been sent to the Secretary of Defense and the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. Other SDI/disarmament special services included a response to the General Counsel on whether there has been a shift in the Soviet position on deployment of space-based ABM systems, and assistance to the Stockholm CDE delegation regarding a Soviet INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS article. (C) The U.S. delegation to the CDE asked AG for an analysis of Soviet media play on the Stockholm conference since the beginning of the year, including Soviet coverage of proposals calling for an exchange of information and verification or on-site inspection. (C) 6 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP05-01430R000100040003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP05-01430R000100040003-3 SECRET 4 AG responded to a query from USIA Director Wick for an update on Soviet comment on President Reagan. USIA was given a computer run of Soviet leadership comments and a printout of lower level commentaries. (U/AIU0) Prior to the departure of Assistant Secretary of State Wolfowitz for Moscow, AG provided him with a memo noting a change in tone in Moscow's public commentary on Chinese economic reform since Gorbachev assumed power. (C) At the request of the AJNIO for Counterterrorism, AG briefed him on initial reaction to Israel's raid on PLO targets in Tunis and produced a special report focusing on Arab perceptions of the U.S. role in the affair. (C) AWARDS The HIS Engineeting Divizion, now known az the Fieed Engineeking Divizion, waz awaAded- the Agency'z MenitolLiouz Unit Citation in a ce/Lemony at Langte on 20 S bei. The awaAd, Aeceived on behat4 o4 the diviision by Aecognized the divizion'z iine wok/a Ln dezigning and imp ementing the zatettite monitoAing 4aciaty in Panama. The pnezentation, attended by zenim. Agency o44iciatz, wa4 mad b Eva Hineman, Deputy Ditecton tioA Science and Technotogy. waz awaAded the Ca-'Leet Intettigence Meda-.. (S) RUZ awatded the Intettigence Commendation Medea,. DEATHS FBIS was saddened to learn that who retired a year ago from NEAD died September 22 at the National Institutes of Health. had been ill for a number of years. (U) FBIS learned of the death, on September 9, of formerly served in FBIS in an administrative capacity. who 7 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP05-01430R000100040003-3 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP05-01430R000100040003-3 SECRET SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP05-01430R000100040003-3