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Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-01460R000100250001-0 T JPRS 80925 27 May 1982 China. Report RED FLAG No. 5, 1 March 1982 FBIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-01460R000100250001-0 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR0001 00250001 -0 JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets [] are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. JPRS publications may be ordered from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161. In order- ing, it is recommended that the JPRS number, title, date and author, if applicable, of publication be cited. Current JPRS publications are announced in Government Reports Announcements issued semi-monthly by the National Technical Information Service, and are listed in the Monthly Catalog of U.S. Government Publications issued by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. Correspondence pertaining to matters other than procurement may be addressed to Joint Publications Research Service, 1000 North Glebe Road, Arlington, Virginia 22201. Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR0001 00250001 -0 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR0001 00250001 -0 27 May 1982 CHINA REPORT RED FLAG No. 5, .1 .March 1982 Translation of the semimonthly theoretical journal of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party published in Beijing. CONTENTS Unify Thinking, Conscientiously Rectify Party Work Style (pp 2-13, 16) (Wang Renzhong) ................................................... 1 Attach Great Importance To Raising Labor Productivity (pp 14-16) '(Editorial Department) ............................................ 22 It Is a Great Strategic Task To Strengthen the Education of Staff and Workers in Realizing the Four Modernizations (pp 17-20, 48) (Yuan Baohua) ..................................................... 26 It Is Imperative To Uphold the Basic Principles of Marx' Theory of Reproduction--Part One (pp 21-25) (Deng Liqun) ...................................................... 34 How To Help Cadres Study the Theory of Reproduction (pp 26-28) (Wang Jue, Zang Zhifeng) .......................................... 43 Question: What Is Multichannel Commodity Circulation and Why Must We Practice It, and Why Is State Monopoly of Grain Purchase and Marketing a Long-Term Policy? (pp 29-31) .................. 48 Industrial Enterprises Should Be Rectified in a Comprehensive Manner (pp 32-36) (Contributing commentator) ........................................ 54 Correctly Handle the Question of Marriage and Family (pp 37-39) (Wang Chunyuan, Chen Zheguang) .................................... 63. A Democratic Work Spirit Should Be Encouraged--Notes on Reading Volume One of 'Selected Works of Liu Shaoqi' (pp 40-43) (Yao Liwen, et al.) ............................................... 68 - a - [III - CC - 75) Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR0001 00250001 -0 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR0001 00250001 -0 Literary and Art Criticism Is the Science Which Makes Literature and Art Flourish (pp 44-48) (Qu Xing) ........................................................ 75 Lenin Attached Importance To Reforming State Organs (inside back cover) (Wen Zehuan) .................................................. 83 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR0001 00250001 -0 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR0001 00250001 -0 UNIFY THINKING, CONSCIENTIOUSLY RECTIFY PARTY WORK STYLE Beijing RED FLAG in Chinese No 5, 1 Mar 82 pp 2-13, 16 [Speech by Wang Renzhong on 11 February 1982 at a meeting of responsible cadres of departments directly under the Hubei provincial authorities] [Text] Talking about the importance of the question concerning party work style, Comrade Chen Yun once said: "The question concerning the work style of a ruling party is a question concerning the life and death of this party." That is to say, the question of party work style concerns whether our party will degenerate and whether our country will change its political color. Comrade Mao Zedong made the mistake of launching the "Great Cultural Revo- lution" because he wrongly appraised the situation and thought that our party would soon degenerate and our country change its political color. His appraisal was incompatible with the actual conditions. His wrong appraisal of the situation led to the adoption of wrong policies and resulted in the decade-long internal strife. This was an impressive lesson. However, speaking in terms of possibility, there is the danger that the party may degenerate and the country change its political color. As long as imperial- ism and social imperialism exist and before we have achieved communism, we cannot say that the danger of the party degenerating and the country chang- ing its political color does not exist. If we say that our party and coun- try are not in such a danger, we are in danger of slackening our vigilance. The correct attitude is to be aware of this danger and adopt.a correct method to overcome this danger. Only by doing so can we ensure that our party will not degenerate and our country will not change its political color. We have confidence in our ability to do so. The First Question Is What Attitude We Should Take Toward Our Party Work Style Our party work style has been appraised in two incorrect ways. One incorrect appraisal is made by a few people who hold that our party has degenerated, is hopeless and must be toppled and it is necessary to change the regime. They say that a two-party system should be adopted as in the United States and the two parties take the reins of government by turns, with one holding office and the other being out of office. This view is held by the remnant forces of the "gang of four," including Jiang Qing and Zhang Chunqiao who are in prison. Echoing them in society are the heads of some illegal Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR0001 00250001 -0 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR0001 00250001 -0 organizations and publications. Their words and deeds are counterrevolu- tionary. We must expose and crack down on their words and deeds. There are other muddleheaded people, especially some youngsters, who believe these words and lose their confidence in the party. We should not label them as counterrevolutionaries but should warn them and educate them through criticism. We should tell them to neither be taken in by the enemy nor to echo the enemy's counterrevolutionary words. There were still quite a number of such muddleheaded people in the first half of last year. The conditions now have been greatly improved. But, we cannot say that there are no such people at present. We are still required to work on them. The other incorrect appraisal is made by another small group of people who hold that there is nothing wrong with our party work style. In their opinion, people are trying to scare others when they say that our party work style is unhealthy; people are exaggerating when they say that the matter concerns the life and death of the party.. Some comrades even hold that the practices of establishing underhand connections for the sake of personal gain, securing advantages through pull or influence, putting up houses for private use, transferring rural residences to cities and seeking privileges in daily life are trifles. They do not know that these trifles have caused the dissatisfaction of the masses with our party, harmed the image of our party and impaired the prestige of our party. Moreover, these trifles are not few but exist rather extensively. For example, the practice of putting up houses for private use is widely prevalent. Some cadres put up houses for private use by adopting various undesirable means, such as encroaching on vegetable plots, embezzling public funds or using manpower of the collec- tive or the urban building construction teams. In some cases, very obnoxious practices have been involved. Some cadres have seized houses, and not just one but two or three in some instances.. Some houses were intended to be built for workers but eventually became the leading cadres' quarters. The masses were certainly critical about this. The question of "changing agri- cultural population into nonagricultural population" also exists in many localities. Some people took not only their wives and children but also their relatives and friends to the cities to consume commodity grain and unlawfully arranged jobs for them. Why was it that urban population con- tinued to grow? Many rural residents came to the cities through underhand means. The masses also were very critical about this. This shows that such phenomena are not minor problems in daily life but have posed a serious political problem. Quantitative change will lead to qualitative change when it develops to a certain extent. This is a basic principle of the Marxist dialectics. What especially attracts our close attention is that in our party and army, in the state organs and in our enterprises and institutions, there are bad elements engaged in smuggling, bribery, profiteering, graft and embezzle- ment. Up to the present, we have not discovered any province free from these conditions. Of course, conditions vary in different localities and may be serious in one locality and not so serious in another. Smuggling is rampant to an appalling extent in some localities. These economic crimes were often committed by the higher levels working in collaboration with the lower levels, by people at home working in collaboration with those abroad, Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR0001 00250001 -0 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR0001 00250001 -0 by people in the interior working in collaboration with those in Hong Kong and Taiwan and by capitalists at home working in collaboration with foreign capitalists. This is not only an economic problem but also a very serious political problem and reflects the class struggle at present. Some of those committing these crimes were recruited by special agents; they gave them information and joined their secret service. Our comrades must under- stand that as long as imperialism and social imperialism exist and before Taiwan has returned to the embrace of the motherland, they will always carry out espionage against us. Of course, we should not think that all foreigners, compatriots from Hong Kong and Taiwan and Overseas Chinese who visit our country are up to no good. But it is naive to say that none of these visitors is a special agent. Therefore, we must teach our comrades not to be taken in by them but to heighten their vigilance against them. Take for example the foreign capitalists who do business with us. Like any capitalists, they are intent on nothing but profit. Is there any capitalist in the world (except a few progressive ones) who does not want to make profit? That is the nature of a capitalist. Our open-door policy will not change. Neither shall we change our policy of making contacts and cultivating friendship with the peoples and governments of all foreign countries. However, our comrades must never forget that: First, in doing business with foreigners, we should do our best to avoid being taken in and at least to avoid suffering great losses. Second, we must pay particular attention to resisting the corrosive influence of the bourgeois ideology and way of life and always be vigilant against the bourgeoisie's attack with "sugar-coated bullets." We must see that we are now facing a struggle between corrosion and anticorrosion. With the increase in international communication, this struggle is becoming more and more complicated. For example, a capitalist may give you television sets and tape recorders. Does he give you these things for nothing? Is he so .generous? A certain comrade borrowed money from a capitalist when he was abroad. Actually he was asking for money rather than borrowing money from others and when you sign contracts with them, you will have to agree to any terms set by them. By doing so, you have made a small profit, but the state suffers a great loss. Does such a man have an iota of patriotism, not to mention party spirit? Some other people have collaborated with foreign merchants in speculation and profiteering by recklessly smuggling gold, silver, cultural relics and rare herbal medicine. They deliberately broke the law. Their crimes cannot be pardoned. The biggest criminals ever discovered in Guangdong are the director of the Guangzhou Telecommunication Bureau and his wife. Is he the person of the highest rank involved in similar cases? No one can guarantee that there are no other persons of still higher rank involved. The CCP Central Committee has now decided to make a thoroughgoing investigation. The higher the rank of a cadre handling the cases of graft and embezzlement, profiteering, smug- gling and other economic crimes is, the more strictly he should handle these cases. Why? The first reason is that he has been long educated by the party and tempered in the revolution and therefore should have strong party spirit; he is experienced in handling such cases and is not young and naive so that he should handle the cases strictly. The second reason is that strict handling of cases involving a few leading cadres who seriously violated the law and discipline may create public opinion inside the party and in society Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR0001 00250001 -0 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR0001 00250001 -0 that bureaucrats of the CCP should not shield each other and leading cadres should be severely punished for violating the law. This means love for our veteran cadres and defends their honor. The final results,of the investi- gation will show that only a very small number of our veteran cadres have seriously violated the law and discipline. This will tell the masses that only a very small number of our veteran cadres have degenerated. This will preserve the prestige of our veteran cadres and our party. Otherwise, a small piece of rotten meat will spoil the whole pot of food. Facts have proved that the broad masses of our veteran cadres are good and maintain the fine traditions of the party and that only a very small number of them have degenerated. Some comrades have been tainted with bad habits and have made mistakes under new conditions. They are different from those who have degenerated. We believe that they will definitely change for the better after receiving education. We must correctly appraise the question concerning party work style. On the one hand, we should see that our party work style has not fundamentally changed for the better; on the other, we should see that our party work style has undergone a considerably great change for the better in the past few years. What are the chief indications which show that our party work style has changed for the better? First of all, we have a good party Central Com- mittee. Our current Central Committee has really revived and carried for- ward our party's fine traditions and the work style of integrating theory with reality, maintaining close ties with the masses and making criticism and self-criticism. It realistically acts according to the principle of democratic centralism and no longer follows the practice of letting one person alone or a few people have the say. With the exception of some questions in daily work which the Central Secretariat is authorized by the Central Politburo to decide on and handle, the decisions made by the Central Secretariat on questions concerning major principles and policies must be approved by the Politburo or the Standing Committee of the Politburo prior to circulation as central instructions. The meetings of the Central Secretariat are usually presided over by Comrade Hu Yaobang. Comrade Zhao Ziyang also takes part in the discussion of important questions concerning government work and economic work. Naturally we respect the opinions of both Comrades Hu Yaobang and Zhao Ziyang. However, a decision is never made by an individual but is made only after group discussion. During these discussions, each comrade may give his own opinion and even those comrades who attend meetings of the Central Secretariat as observers may express their opinions. Should there be different opinions, the Secretariat adopts a cautious attitude and usually postpones the making of decisions. Whether during the meetings or personal talks, the comrades of the Secretariat includ- ing our secretary general, always seriously make criticisms and self- criticisms. The situation is the same in the Central Politburo. Once in a discussion of a very important question, a few comrades put forth different opinions which were later proved wrong in actual practice. However, none of these comrades was ordered to make self-criticism or held responsible for the mistake. In fact, all these comrades who gave different opinions are good comrades and they are concerned with the interests of our country without any Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR0001 00250001 -0 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-01460R000100250001-0 selfish ideas and personal considerations. There will be no problem at all when they realize that their ideas are wrong and resolutely implement the party's decisions. Our current Central Committee really is developing democracy and is indeed exercising collective leadership according to the principles of democratic centralism. Now the central authorities are taking the lead in streamlining organization, training cadres in rotation, raising efficiency and overcoming bureaucratism. This is a revolution in the state system which is of profound significance. Yet, instead of merely requiring organizations at lower levels to carry out this revolution, the central authorities are the first to do so by setting an example for the lower levels and undergoing experiences to be passed on to the lower levels. Regarding the actions of senior cadres in their daily life, not one leading comrade in the central authorities has been found to have violated the rele- vant stipulations of the central authorities since they were made. In the past, each member at or above the level of the Politburo of the party Central Committee, vice premier and vice chairman of the NPC Standing Com- mittee had two cars. It was then decided that each of them should have only one car, and this stipulation is now being observed. In the past, leading comrades in the central authorities had the privilege of having a film shown at their own place. This privilege has been given up in accordance with the criticisms of the masses. Now when we want to see a film we have to buy a ticket and see the film together with other comrades. All gifts received by leading comrades in the central authorities during their visits to other countries must be handed over to the state, except for souvenir badges. Now Zhongnanhai is open to the public on Saturdays. and Sundays, and cadres and masses can buy tickets to visit it. The Great Hall of the People is also opened to the public, cadres and masses can buy tickets to visit it, and mass organizations and various associations can hold their meetings there. All this could not have happened in the past. Before the "Great Cultural Revolution," conferences were usually held every summer at Lushan or Beidaihe, so that central leaders could enjoy themselves at these summer resorts while attending conferences. This practice has also been changed. Not one leading comrade in the central authorities who is in good health takes off for a vacation, except those who are old or sick and are allowed by the central authorities to leave their posts for convalescence. Even on Sunday, they often do not rest but continue to work. This is the real life of the party Central Committee. However, some people are still attacking the party Central Committee, saying that they enjoy privileges. They have even said that the Central Committee has degenerated and deteriorated. What else can this be if it is not rumormongering? What was mentioned above shows that our party Central Committee is good. It is not as bad as some people have said. We are reasonable to say that the work style of the present party Central Committee is even better than that before the "Great Cultural Revolution." The fine traditions during the Yanan period and the period of the liberation war as well as the fine tradi- tions during the period immediately after the founding of the state have been carried on in the present party Central Committee. Of course, what is Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-01460R000100250001-0 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR0001 00250001 -0 the most important is that a correct and Marxist ideological, political and organizational line which suits China's conditions has been mapped out since the 3d, 4th, 5th and 6th plenary sessions of the 11th CCP Central Committee. The "resolution" adopted by the sixth plenary session, in par- ticular, summed up historical experiences of our party since the founding of the state and is playing an important role in bringing order out of chaos, in unifying the ideology of the whole party, in strengthening the unity of the whole party and in promoting our work. It is of great his- torical significance. Our practice over the past several years shows that the line, policies and principles formulated by the CCP Central Committee are correct. As to some mistakes and shortcomings in our concrete work, they are unavoidable at present and will also be unavoidable in the future; they were unavoidable when Comrade Mao Zedong was alive,. and would also be unavoidable even if Marx were chairman of our party. Soon'after the sixth plenary session, a forum on work on the ideological front was held. It advocated carrying out criticism.and self-criticism,. strengthening party discipline and overcoming laxity and weakness. It not only. criticized the trend of bourgeois liberalization but also required that CCP committees at all levels fight against various unhealthy tendencies on various fronts. Recently after making some investigations at the lower levels, I felt that this forum has. really played a great role. Before I made the investigations I did not expect that the forum on the ideological front work had played such a'great role and felt that many ideological problems were still not solved. But now J have realized that the role this forum .has played is greater than I had expected. As everyone can see, over the past half year or so, we have made encouraging progress in our press, broad- cast, television, film and other work. Recently I had a talk with some com- rades from the literary and art circles. I found that they all have new plans and have made up their minds to go deep into the thick of life and create better literary works. In Guangxi, Hunan and Hubei, when I called some advanced people together and had a talk with them, I found that within our party, there are still large numbers of good comrades who have high class consciousness, are honest and upright and dare to struggle against unhealthy tendencies and evil practices. In Hubei some veteran model workers of the 1950's whom I talked with are still keeping to their lofty fine qualities in ideology and in work style. Some of the advanced people are young people. For example, in Guangxi, there is a female comrade called Zeng Xiaolian. She is a league branch secretary and has a high consciousness and a good style of work. She has done very well in helping some backward or erring youths. Her mother is a neighborhood committee director, who has been serving the masses of people wholeheartedly for 30 years or so. There is no stealing in their resi- dential district. You can just leave your bicycle in front of a gate, for thieves dare not steal things in this district. Both the mother and the daughter are advanced individuals. As soon as I learned this, I made a telephone call to Beijing, inviting two writers to come to Guangxi to write about the advanced people and their good deeds. The large number of good cadres and advanced people always act in accordance with the party. Central Committee's requirements, and their hearts and the hearts of the people Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR0001 00250001 -0 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR0001 00250001 -0 always beat as one. It is not as some people have said that, just as all crows are black, everyone is involved in the unhealthy practices. Defi- nitely not! Although such advanced people are few, their exemplary role is very important. They represent the healthy trends of our party and our nation! In Hubei, were not some female comrades labeled as the so-called "five black flowers" during the "Great Cultural Revolution"? I only wrote a short article in the past to praise "a red flower," that is, Comrade Xia Juhua. However, some people in the "rebellion faction" created the "five black flowers." They included not only Xia Juhua, but also Liu Feng, Chen Kuang, Jiang Guiying and Wang Yuzhen. This time I had a talk with some of them and some other outstanding young actors and actresses who have scored achievements in their artistic work. They are all loyal to the party and are ready to make more contributions to the party and the people before they become old. This is highly commendable. However, they feel there is insuf- ficient scope to exercise their abilities and nobody will listen to them. Although Liu Feng is a girl of strong character, she cried bitterly this time when she spoke. I said, at the time when the party Central Committee is combating the unhealthy tendencies, you have answered the party's call enthusiastically and boldly struggled against the unhealthy tendencies. Thus you have played the role of a mainstay at the mid-levels. Thus, our party is full of promise. I also talked with some comrades from the press circles. After one of the editors of GUANGMING RIBAO finished her impas- sioned speech, I said, you must insist on fighting; what on earth are you afraid of? She said she was not afraid of anything but what she said would be of no use. What conclusion can we draw from this? It shows that we have many good comrades who wish to do more work for the party, but they have not been discovered or are being oppressed. These good comrades and advanced people, as Lu Xun said, are the backbones of the Chinese nation on whom we place our hopes. What action, then, should our party take to deal with those who oppress the newly emerging forces and who mock at or attack the advanced? I think our comrades will certainly know what to do. The Second Question Is How To Rectify Party Work Style First, it is necessary to greatly strengthen communist ideological education, to widely publicize good people and good deeds and to greatly support the advanced people and newly emerging things; it is necessary to clear the way .for their advance and to get rid of all difficulties and obstacles in their work. We would like to tell all those who do not support newly emerging things or who have placed obstacles in their way of advance: We shall not punish you, but would you please leave your posts or be transferred to some other posts? If you are old, you should retire or leave your posts for. convalescence. I spent 2 and 1/2 days listening to the report given by Xiangfan munici- pality. This city has done quite a good job. In the past, Xiangfan was a very backward city. In the early years after liberation it had a little handicraft industry but was without other industry. Its total industrial output value amounted to only 50 million yuan. This increased to 100 million Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR0001 00250001 -0 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR0001 00250001 -0 in the early years of the "Great Cultural Revolution." After the "gang of four" Vas' smashed,;,-its output value rose, to only 600 million yuan in 1978,. then this amount increased by 200 million yuan each year in 1979, 1980 and 1981. At present it has reached 1.2 billion yuan. Taking the city's population as a basis for calculation, the average industrial output value per capita is 5,,000 yuan. They have indeed done a good job. Their experi- ences should be summed up and passed on to others. The first enterprise in Xiangfan to become well-known throughout the country was the Xiangfan tex- tile mill. It"was`'already one of the five national advanced units in 1963. Comrade Liang Yanbin was an advanced figure of this factory. I once wrote an article of several hundred words, entitled "A Red Banner," in praise of her. Nevertheless, she was persecuted and afterward locked up. Premier Zhou received her