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Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070005-3 STAT OPERATING 0 Pw% INS", A D"'THON"' STAT POTO!v AG WASTER " d Sr WASTE VYS` EVS9 INC. 202 WHrATON PLAZA~BULm?4 ''NORTH WHEATONQ MARYLAND 20902 Ocal Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RD'U2 O6298R00090OO7OO05-3 Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP036298R000900070005-3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (Or WATER CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT Dace Prepared for Potomac Water & Waste Systems, Inc. 202 Wheaton Plaza, Bldg, N Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900076bf.tgn, MD 20902-1965 Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070005-3 TABLE OF CONTENTS AQUA-MATIC CONTROLLER Model 1606-2C STAGERS Model 481-11 Print 48A--1184 (Dwg. E-48-123) Bulletin 48/51-682 AQUA-MATIC DIAPHRAGM VALVES Bulletin 8000-1182 BADGER TURBO METER, 2" Meter Bulletin MT-4702 Meter O&M Manual IOM-003-07 AR Register Head Bulletin IAR-3011 AR Register Head O&M Manual IOM-024-06 FISCHER & PORTER RATE-OF-FLOW INDICATOR Series 71K1020 Instruction Bulletin 71K1020-C, Rev. 2 Parts L;st 71K1020-C Reference Drawings: Layout -- 943-1P, Rev. A Internal Details -- 943-2P Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070005-3 Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070005-3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS These units, water softeners operating on the sodium cycle, are used to remove calcium and magnesium hardness from the returning condensate. Such hardness enters into the return system generally from unexpected leaks involving a city water source. The degree of hardness in the con- densate is a matter of how many leaks are producing these undesirable contaminants in the boiler feeder cycle. Norm- ally a well. maintenance system should only show hardness of a few parts per million (ppm), certainly less than 10 PPM- The ability of each softener to remove hardness is a function of how much is in the condensate to begin with and how many cubic feet of water softening resin is available in each unit. Based on data available in the job specifica- tio;is, the expected operating data is as follows: Each 84" dia. unit Service Run: Normal flow rate . . . . . . . . . . . 450 gpm Length between regenerations (assuming 10 ppm hardness in raw water) . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000,000 gal. Expected pressure drop . . . . . . . . 15 psi max. Expected operating temperature . . . . 180? F max. It is expected that only one unit need be on line at the known flow rate with the other in stand-by. Since it may be several days before the on-line unit exhausts, the build up in pressure drop should be monitored. Even though the hardness is still being removed, it is suggested that a of 12-15 psi be the indication that it is time to regen- erat,. The off-line unit should be secured manually until such time as it is needed on line. For flow rates up to 450 gpm, having only one unit on line will provide a better sus- pended particle removal (iron and other products of corro- s on in the condensate.) At this rate the resin bed is sufficiently compressed to provide its best filtering action. Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070005-3 Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070005-3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Redneration (Using ambient temperature city water) Step 1 Backwash: 200 gpm for 12-15 minutes Step 2 Brine step: Salt required . . . . 1,170 lbs. or 470 gal of saturated brine solution Dilution water . . . . 470 gallons Diluted brine . . . . 47 gpm for 20 min. Step 3 Slow rinse . . . . . . . 23 gpm for 30 min. Step 4 Fast rinse . . . . . . . 230 gpm for 12 min. Oper atinq Notes 1. Before each regeneration is initiated, the operator must be sure that the brine measuring tank is full. The required draw-down to produce the 470 gal. of brine is 50". The actual brine draw is on an ad- justable timed basis with 20 minutes being the ex- pected setting. 2. As a unit comes off line (assuming only one in serv- ice at a time), it should be secured via the effluent gate valve being closed. A card or sign should be hung on the valve to show its closed position. The regeneration should not be done until just prior to its expected return to service. Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070005-3 CHART BTAO 8 BERE FUNCTION TOTAL POB. CKPLAT A I (BERVIOE) E PORT B S VENT C ED AT C D AM PO E SITION F 67EANLATE PART NO. CAM PART NO. CAM STYLE DIAL PART NO, 48-0 SOFTENER 4 1-2 3-4 5-6 6-1 48-CM 48-EM I 48-EM 48-1 FILTER 3 1-2 3-4 6-1 48-CM 48-GAM I 48-ERIN 48-3 SOFTENER 4 1-2 3-4 5-8 6-1 48CM 48-WIN 0 48-EM 48-4 FILTER 2 1-2 3-4 48-CM 48-OHM I 48-EHM 48-11 SOFTENER 4 1-2 2-3 - 4-5 5-8 48-CM 48-GEM T 48-EEM 48-12 SOFTENER 4 1-2 - 34 4-5 - 6-1 48-CM 48-GFM 1 48-EFM 48-8-3 FLTER 4 6 1 2 3 48-CE 48-GBM-4 II 4848-EB 4M-4M- 1 2 3 4 1 - 480E 48-0BM-5 II 48-FEIN-5 1 3 5 48-CE 48-0BM-6 II 48-IBM-B Am Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070005-3 VTEM DE_ ON PLOT CONTROL A88EWY (48-AE) 1 1 RD. HD. MACHINE SCREW 46-32 % 7/8) 2 tBACKPLATE -- - .S L 3 BACKPLATE GASKET T EENED INLET PORT 4 GASKET 2T 77N,P,T. 5 !STEMPLATE -- _ 6 SPRING 7 8 9 +1 STYLE I I/DTCIm STYLE II NOTCHED STYLE M BUTTERFLY PILOT CONTROL ASSEMBLY (48-AE1 ,10 r L 48-8-4 48-8-5 480 25~ APPROX. FILTER FILTER SOFTENER SERIES 48 MOTORIZED STAGER - STANDARD 54 2.750 FOR NO.. 10 FLAT HEAD MACHINE SCREW 3 64 70 1{~M00N~_H~~ _~ _ 1 2,244 APPROX. 'f----_ 448Q MAX. 60 51 1 114 SERIES 480 MANUAL STAGER DRAIN PORT 1/8-27 N.P.T. PRESSURE VENT OUTLET (6) POR 1/8-27 N.P T. L20 ACTUATOR 27 BACKWASH BRINE/RINSE I ___ l J~ \ X29 STAND OFF x ~/~ III _\f~~ I~-30 SELECTOR PLATE Y /1 '..~. 1 31 FLAT ID. MACHINE SCREW (6-32 % 3/4) mee-olos I INTERNAL PARTS FROM 48-AE FAST RINSE 48-IA INCLUDES ITEM NOS. 3 TIBN 8 48-MA MOTOR-CAM-DIAL PARTS INCLDDES ITEMNOS, 18121,18,21,22,23,24, 8 28 48-SA SWITCH PARTS..^^ -. Y-- y I 148-RA 1 INCLUDES KITS 48-IA, 48-MA, & 46-8A NOTE: UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED 1. DIMENSIONS ARE NOMINAL. ice-- 11500 38 3.500 89 Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070005-3 __ SCS-0078 __ 48-A 1 48-FT J SEE CHART 10 11 12 ~13 14 15 -- - - --fir 16 17 N 5 18 4 't' i9 INSULATOR 20 SWITCH ACTUATOR 21 CAM _22 JDIAL 23 MOTOR / 21 LOCK WASMEF 1. 61 t_25 :[RD, ND_MACHU E SCREW (8-32 X S!N SCS-0070 2 SERFS 48 MOTORIZED STAGER - (1 Y SWITCH 14 SWITCH -- -_-- - 314-0 2 15 R0, HO. MACHINE SCREW (2-56 X 3/4 SCS-0059 4 18 STAND OFF 4$-KB 2 19 N81A.ATOR 111 2 L20 1 SMIRCH ACTUATOR 810-AU 2 21 L_ $BE CHART 2_.. 318 SWITCH - 15 ORD. 1p. MACIIBE SCREW (2-56 X 1) 803-0080 2 r18 STAND OFF Li19 SULATOR 20 SWITCH ACTUATOR SEE CHART C T80 HZ._~S1-/A ~_ SINES 450 MANUAL STAGER 11 PLOT CONTROL ASSEMBLY r 26 ND. MACHINE SCREW (2-56 X 1/8) N~M/feEBM/ SERIES 48 MOTORIZED STAG " SERIES 480 MANUAL STAG i RETAINER --- fO-RING _. ORB 10 1 BONNET t. - ( 18-0 STRAINER ASSEMBLY SERIES 48 MOTORIZED URGER - STANDARD FILOT CONTROL ABSEMKY CABLE CLAMP {8 AE _318-U 1 - RD, HD, MACHINE SCREW (-72 X 1/4) - -- 1 SCS-0081 SWITCH 3 8-P 1 RD, HD. MACHINE SCREW 1'188 X 1/2) _ SCZ-0053 2 } TFLA . MACHINE SCREW 82-35 X 3/8) SCS-0105 NEMA i 48-BC NOUNTRIG PLATE 1 MOUNTING PLATE GASKET STAND OFF 21 1MOMITNG PLATE 22 MOMITING PLATE GASKET 51-MX 319-KX 31B-BX WAS-0003 NOTE: UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED: 1. DIMENSIONS ARE NOMINAL. 2. MODEL 48-3 STAGER SWPLIED WITH SUTTBMY CAM (4 POSITIONS ONLY). FOR USE WITH SHIFT OUTPUT TYPE TOR ASE CHART ON E-48-122) 3. ALL OTHER MOTORIZED STAGERS SUPPLED WRN TED CAM; FOR USE WITH PULSE OUTPUT TYPE TIMERS. ( WIT ON E-48-122) 4. STAGERS WITH INVERTED PROGRAM ARE AVAILAtI- 5. CONTROL PRESSURE TO THE STAGER CAN BE EITM NVDRAMJC OR PIEUMATIC AND MUST BE WITHIN 10% OF THE SYFM PRESSOR; NOT TO EXCEED 100 F.B.I. (6.8 ATM.). 6. FOR PROGRAMS OTHER THAN SHOWN, CONSULT FACTORY. 7. ALL STAGERS CAN BE MANUALLY ADVANCED BY ROTATMD THE DML IN DIRECTION SHOWN. 8. NEMA 12 ENCLOSURE HAS (1) CLAMP AND NEMA 4 BMCLOSIIRE HAS (3) CLAMPS. STAGER POSITION FUIC7gN PORTS VENTED I BACKWASH 3 A 4 2 BRINE AND SLOW RNSE $60 3 FAST SENSE 6 A 1 4 SERVICE 1 B 2 FOR: - 1 STAGER 13 POSITION FILTER) OMIT POSITION 2 - 4 STAGER (2 POSITION FILTER) OMIT POSITIONS 2 & 3 INCH MILLIMETER SERIES 48 (OPTION X= SERIES 481 MOTORIZED STAGER SERIES 48 MOTORIZED STALAfifirYaoWal WII W W2ilmh94le 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDW2O 676 DESCRIPTION S 48 MOTORIZED STAGER - ROTARY SWITCH 1 1 PILOT CONTROL ASSEMBLY (SEE E-48-122) 48-AE I 1\~` 2 CABLE CLAMP 316-U 1 3 RD. HD. MACHINE SCREW (6-32 X 1!4) SCS-0081 1 4 SWITCH 316-P 1 5 R0. HD. MACHINE SCREW (2-56 K 1/2) SCZ-0056 2 6 FLAT HD. MACHINE SCREW (6-32 K 3/8) SCS-0 105 6 7 JMOUNTING PLATE 8 JSTAND OFF 9-INSULATOR 10 SWITCH ACTUATOR 4B-KA SI-R SEE CHART 1 11 ]CA 2 ON E-18-122 1 13 Y SWITUM CURIOIT .26 AMP) j 48-XE 1 /4 H ENCLOSURE 4 S-SC J 1 118 T 6O HZ. 230 T BO HZ. Y4 TSOHZ. 17 RD. 40._MACNNIE SCREW (6-32 X 3.~1 SERIES 481 MOTORIZED VALVE E-48-123 N Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070005-3 r r Approved For Relea 07 A stager is, essentially, a rotary pilot valve with multiple ports through which control fluid is directed, thereby operating diaphragm valves installed in a process system. AquaMatic stagers are constructed of durable, non-corroding, self-lubricating material for long, maintenance free life. They are available in three basic designs: Series 48 with six ports; Series 51 with eight ports; and Series 58 with sixteen ports (see separate bulletin). Stagers may be manually operated or driven by an electric motor that is operated through an adjustable timer. If, for any reason a motor driven stager is manually indexed, it must be re-synchronized with the timer. As an optional feature, stagers can be equipped with an electrical switch to energize display lights, or initiate ancillary equipment. Consult factory for details. The stager functions by opening and closing its ports, singly or in combination, in a sequence that fits the needs of the system. The "positions" in the sequence correspond to the number of "stages" in the process. The ports that are opened when the stager is in any given position allow pressurized fluid to flow to and operate some diaphragm valves, while venting other valves-allowing them to return to their normal positions. AquaMatic stagers can use either hydraulic or pneumatic control fluid. Process fluid, if pressurized, and not damaging to internal parts of the stager or diaphragm valve, may be drawn from the main line to the inlet of the stager. Otherwise, an independent source of control fluid is required. The pressure of the control fluid must be equal to or greater than the line pressure of the system. AquaMatic stagers provide the versatility needed to control complex water treatment systems, or the simplicity of a two valve operation. The system's diaphragm valves are operated by hydraulic or pneumatic pressure (control fluid). Continuous electrical power is not required to maintain the positions of the valves such as in a solenoid operated system. Consequently, the danger of disrupting the process is minimized. Specifications Series 48 and Series 51 Maximum pressure 100 psi (6.8 Atm.) Maximum temperature 150?F (65?C) Power port size 1/8? Inlet, drain ports 1/8" Electrical supply 120Vac/6OHz 230Vac/5OHz Electrical enclosures: Standard - NEMA, Type 1 6" x 6" x 4" Optional-NEMA, Type 12 6" x 6" x 4" (Indoor, watertight) Optional - NEMA, Type 4 (Outdoor- watertight) WHEN ORDERING, specify stager model, valve programming requirements, electrical specifications, and type of enclosure. 2412 Grant Avenue, Rockford, Illinois 61101 ^ 815/964-9421 ^ Cable "Aqua-Matic"-Telex 257-355 Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070005-3 STAGERS Typical Circuit Applications for Series 48 and Series 51 Stagers Piping fitted with AquaMatic diaphragm valves which are operated by pressurized control fluid from stager pilot. 1/4" O.D. flexible tubing connects stager ports to diaphragm valves. When water is turbid, or contains high iron content, a cartridge filter should be placed ahead of stager inlet port. Tables show which valves are open at each stager position. STAGER POSITION SOFTENER FUNCTION VALVES OPEN 4 SERVICE 1,2 1 BACKWASH 3, 4, (2A) 2 BRINE 5, 6, (2A) 3 FAST RINSE 6, 1, (2A) - -------------- *-1 STAGER POSITION SOFTENER FUNCTION VALVES OPEN 1 BACKWASH 3, 4, (2A) 2 BRINE 5, 6, 7, (2A) 3 SLOW RINSE 5, 6, (2A) 4 FAST RINSE 1, 6, (2A) 5 BRINE REFILL 1, 2, 8, (2A) 0 SERVICE 1,2 'Note: Valve 2A is optional; provides raw water service during regeneration. 2412 Grant Avenue, Rockford, Illinois 61101 ^ 815/964-9421 ^ Cable " A ua-Matic"-Telex 257-355 Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070005-3 4 Diaphragm Valves ^ Lowest pressure loss. Y pattern permits higher flows at lower pressure loss than any comparable valve. ^ Positive control. Separate flow and control chambers permit positive closing without springs; and only nominal cost for spring assist opening for low pressure and self draining considerations. ^ Cost effective. Both initially and in lifetime maintenance. ^ Extended diaphragm life. Separate chamber protects diaphragm from flow stream; allows replacement without disrupting service. Pre-formed, stress relieved diaphragm minimizes fatigue, maximizes valve responsiveness and diaphragm lifetime. ^ Durable. Cast iron, brass, bronze, stainless steel, and engineering thermoplastic components. Average maintenance free life of 5 years. ^ Design/Application engineering service. ^ Optional seal and diaphragm materials for special applications. ^ Handles liquids or gases. ^ Adaptable to a variety of control devices. ^ Optional adjustable flow rate control. ^ Optional spring assist. ^ Optional position indication. Metal Body Valves Series 421 through 429 Body and cap of cast iron or brass. Pre-formed, stress relieved diaphragm of Buna N on Nylon for long life. Stainless steel and brass internal parts. Pipe sizes of 3/4" through 3" threaded (N.P.T. or B.S.P.); 3" through 6" flange drilled in accordance with ASA 16.1, Class 125, or B.S. 4504 (ISO/R 2084). Operating specifications: Pressure-Standard 125 psi (8.5 Atm.) rating. (300 psi available). Temperature- Maximum 150?F (65?C); optional 250?F (120?C). PRINCIPLES OF CM"RATION Drip-Tight Closing: Closure is obtained by directing line pressure or equivalent Independent pressure Into the upper chamber. This pressure on the large diaphragm area causes the valve disc to seal against the seat. Plastic Body Valves Series 520 through 526 Designed for de-ionized water, corrosive liquids or gases, caustics and acids. (Not applicable for aromatic hydrocarbons). Body and cap molded of 30% glass reinforced engineering thermoplastic resin. Diaphragm is Buna N on Nylon and static seals are ethylene 1propylene. Viton and Butyl seal options available. Line fluid never contacts a corrodable surface. Pipe sizes range from 3/8" to 3" with optional fittings-threaded, solvent bond, or flanges. Operating specifications: Pressure- Maximum 125 psi (8.5 Atm.). Temperature-32?F to 140?F (0? to 60?C). ftft open Operation: When closing pressure, in ups chamber, is relieved by venting the pilot line, the vstlve opens, positively, by line pressure on the dsc. d For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298000900070005-3 owrates -metal diaphragm valves Isolated Bonnet Valves Series 4421 through 4429 Designed for high temperature applications that might cause accelerated deterioration of diaphragm in standard valve. Isolated bonnet prevents heat from reaching diaphragm. Any leakage that may occur is quickly obvious around dynamic seal. Line fluid cannot contaminate pneumatic/hydraulic control because diaphragm is not accessible to fluid carrying chamber of valve. Optional indicator on valve stem permits positive, direct reading of valve position. Also, includes all the options and features of standard "Y" pattern valves; and available in same sizes and construction as standard "Y" pattern valves. Operating specifications: Pressure-Standard 125 psi (8.5 Atm.) (300 psi available). Temperature-Maximum 300?F (148?C). (Consult factory for higher temperature applications). Note: Chart applies to all metal diaphragm valves illustrated in this catalog: Series 421-429; Series 4421-4429; Series 3500; and Series 3000. Cv = Flowrate (G.P.M.) of water at 60?F (15.5?C) at 1 P.S.I. pressure drop. Liters per minute = G.P.M. x 3.78. 0 K CV 1. 0 -CONTINUOUS FL)W 20 FEET PER SECOND INTERMITTENT Ft OW 3) FEET PER SECOND Model 348LC Level Control For mounting float actuated pilot remote from diaphragm valve. Control fluid is delivered to and from the diaphragm chambers through ports P1 and P2 of the pilot. Up and down positions of the float determine which port is pressurized, and which port is vented. May be used with either metal or plastic valves. DIMENSIONS ED BO NNET VALVES Size Ends Series As AF Bs BF Cs CF 06 1 BF Cs CF D E F 1 3 SCRD 421 In. 3.68 4.25 3.75 5:62 4.62 2.75 /, 4421 mm. 94 108 82 140 115 70 1 424 In. 4.75 5.37 4 7.62 6.25 3.50 1 y,-1 /2 SCRD 4424 mm. 120 136 101 190 160 89 425 In. 6.62 7.25 5.37 5.37 7.50 4.87 2 SCRD 4425 mm. 168 184 136 240 190 123 1 C D 426 In. 7.37 8 5.75 10.5 8.25 6.25 2-2 /2 R S 4426 mm. 187 203 146 265 210 155 427-S In. 9 9.75 6.75 12.25 9.25 7.25 3-S SCRD 4427-S mm. 228 247 171 310 235 184 427-F In. 10.62 10.75 7 13.00 10.75 7.25 6 0.75 3 F FLGD 4427-F mm. 270 273 178 330 275 184 160 18 F FLGD 428-F In. 11.75 14.75 10 18.00 13.75 8.75 7.5 0.75 4- 4428-F mm. 298 375 254 455 350 222 180 18 D 429-F In. 17 19 13.50 25 18.50 15.75 9.5 0.87 6 F FLG 4429-F mm. 431 482 343 635 470 402 240 20 B.S.P. threads optional on series 421 thru 427, and 4421 through 4427. European flanges optional on series 427 thru 429, and 4427 throu h 4429. Approved For Release 2009/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070005-3 Series 3500 SOLE M IEfAO LWse 2005/07/12: CIA-I Pg?- 8 "R 49 ED 4 Series AM-3500 (Energize to open) Series AM-3510 (Energize to close) Equipped with solenoid for control by timer, flow meter, pressure or temperature sensor, liquid level or manual switch. Specify "independent pressure" if a separate source of control fluid is used. Ideal for automated, continuous process systems. Float provides accurate control of liquid levels in constant cycling reservoir without surge or shock. Positive open or closed positions--not affected by mino- changes in liquid levels. Remote float mounting available. Note: Diaphragm valve and float actuator assembly may be remote from each other. See illustration of Model 348LC Level Control on preceeding page. 2';a" 57 MM.A TRAVEL 4 SERIES 3500 SERIES 3000 SIZE SERIES DIM. A B C D E SIZE A B C D E F- 3/4'-1" 421 In. 3.75 4.37 3.25 5.12 4.12 7.20 6.50 1.70 3.00 3.68 29 mm. 95 111 82.5 130 105 1.82 165 43.1 76.1 93 735 In. 4.75 5.00 3.50 6.00 5.00 8.29 7 81 4 20 1 75 4 75 28 W 11/4"-11/2 424 mm 121 127 89 152 127 11/4 -1 ~/2 210 . 198 . 107 . 44 4 . 120 711 . . W 2" 425 In. 6.62 6.75 4.12 8.25 6.37 2? 9.29 8.37 5.20 2.69 6.62 27 M mm. 168 171 105 209 162 236 212 145 68.2 168 686 VU) 2?-2y2" 426 In. 7.37 7.25 4.25 9.00 6.75 211-21/2- 9.87 9.56 5.20 3.06 7.37 26 mm. 187 184 108 229 171 250 243 145 77.6 187 660 3"S 427 In. 9.12 8.50 4.50 10.75 7.75 3?S 10.8 10.56 6.20 3.62 9 25 mm. 231 216 114 273 197 274 268 157 91.8 228 635 G 3" F 427-F In. 10.62 8.50 4.50 11.75 8.00 311 F 11.6 10.56 6.20 3.75 10.62 25 W mm. 270 216 114 298 203 294 268 157 95.1 270 635 C3 4"F 428-F In. 11.75 10.75 6.47 15.75 11.00 411 F 12.8 13.81 6.20 4.50 11.75 22 Q mm. 298 273 164 400 279 325 350 157 114 298 659 LL 6" F 429-F In. 17.00 15.75 7.87 20.00 14.50 6? F 10.9 16.94 8.81 7.25 17 37 mm. 432 400 200 508 368 278 430 223 184 432 940 Solenoid Specifications Standard AC voltages: 115, 230-50 or 60 Hz. Consult factory for other Enclosures: General-purpose NEMA 1 normally supplied. Explosion- voltages. proof and water-tight (NEMA 4, 7 & 9) available, add 1.25". Power consumption: 9.4 watts ac. Volt amperes: 16 holding, 25 * Float Rods are 18 inches (457mm) long sections. Valves up to 4" siz- inrush. are supplied with two sections. 6" valves are supplied with 3 section, Coil: Class "B" molded, continuous duty. High temperature coils available on request. Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070005-3 Series 520-526 A c t~ ~ 26*67/12 : CIA- 2-062 eves AM 4500 (Energize to open) Molded of 30% glass reinforced engineering thermoplastic resin. Line fluid never contacts corrodable surface. Series 5500 Isolated Bonnet Valves also available. Series AM-4510 (Energize to close) Series 520-526 equipped with solenoid for control by timer, flow meter, pressure or temperature sensor, liquid level or manual switch. Ideal for automated, continuous process systems. Specify "independent pressure" on purchase order if a separate source of control fluid is used. SOLENOID SPECIFICATIONS: Standard AC Voltages: 115, 230-50 or 60 Hz. Consult factory for other voltages. Power Consumption: 9 watts AC. Volt amperes: 15.6 holding, 24.6 inrush. Coil: Class "B" molded, continuous duty. Enclosures: General purpose NEMA 1 only. SIZE 3/8"-1/2" 3/4"-1" 11/4"-2" 21/2?_3" SERIES 520 521 524 526 CV 1 5.5 16 48 130 2 7.7 22.6 63 183 3 9.5 27.6 83 225 4 11 32 96 260 5 12.3 36 107 290 6 13.4 39.2 117 320 w 7 14.5 42.1 127 345 8 - 15.5 42.2 135 365 U.1 9 16.5 48 144 390 10 17.4 50.5 151 410 15 21.3 62 185 504 SIZE SERIES END CONNECTION A A A -W C D E F G H 3/e"-1/2" 520 Ring Nut In. 3.93 2.62 1.25 1.0 5.87 4.12 mm. 99.8 66.5 31.7 25.4 149 105 In. 4.5 4.06 1.62 2.75 6.52 5.12 3/4"-1 521 Ring Nut mm. 114.3 103 41.1 69.7 166 130 In. 7.75 5.06 2.28 1.0 7.62 6.25 11/4"-11/2 524 Ring Nut mm. 196.8 128.4 58 25.4 193.5 159 In. 9.56 5.06 2.28 3.00 7.62 6.25 7 0 524F Flange . mm. 242.8 128.4 58 76.0 193.5 159 177 Female In. 10.5 5.06 2.28 7.62 6.25 2" 524W Socket Weld mm. 266.7 128.4 58 193.5 159 Male In. 10.5 5.06 2.28 7.62 6 25 524WA . Socket Weld mm. 266.7 128.4 58 193.5 159 526F Flange In. 11.5 7.31 3.12 3.50 9.62 7.87 8.37 21/ 11 mm. 292.1 185.7 79.2 89.0 244 200 212 2 Female In. 15 0 7.31 3 12 9 62 7 87 526W . . . . Socket Weld mm. 381 185.7 79.2 244 200 In. 12 0 7.31 3 12 3 75 50 9 62 7 87 8 62 3 256F Flange . . . . . . . mm. 304.8 185. 79.2 95.0 12.7 244 200 218 Adaptor Dimensions A VALVE DIMEN. LENGTH LOCATION DIA. WIDTH THICKNESS SERIES UNIT A B C D E 520 INCHES 2.25 0.50 0.730 0.115 0.147 MM. 57 12.7 18.5 2.92 3.73 521 INCHES 3.00 0.50 1.200 0.115 0.179 MM. 76 12.7 30.4 2.92 4.54 524 INCHES 4.00 0.875 1.800 0.115 .200 MM. 101 22.2 45.7 2.92 5.08 Remote Float Control Direct mounting of float control on plastic SUPPLY P2 valves is not recommended. Use Model 348 LC Level Control for remote mounting. See illustration on page 2 of this catalog. AquaMatic, Inc., 2412 Grant Avenue, Rockford, Illinois 61103-3991 ^ 815/964-9421 ^ Cable "AquaMatic" Telex 257-355 Turbo Meter With Pneumatic Batching Register Meterjnc. Industrial Products Division 4545 W. Brown Deer Road, P.O. Box 23099 Milwaukee, WI 53223 (414) 355-0400 SIZES 2" TO Do Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070005-3 Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070005-3 MAGNETIC DRIVE TURBO METERS... HIGH ACCURACY OVER BROAD FLOW RANGE Badger's magnetic drive turbo meters provide industrial processors with higher accuracy over a broader flow range than traditional turbine meters with vertical rotors. Accuracy of the turbo meter can be maintained within ? 11/2 % over the meter's entire flow range-not just at one point. Repeatability is within 1/2 of 1 %. The straight-through flow design makes it possible to operate the turbo at a higher continuous flow than a comparable turbine. In addition, the low flow range on most models is extended about 50% below the minimum for vertical-rotor turbines. Because of the magnetic drive design, Badger turbo meters also help to reduce maintenance problems. There are no gears in the flow stream, no packing glands to cause leaks. Badger turbo meters are offered in four different housing materials for measuring liquids up to 250?F. They can handle a wide variety of chemical solutions, paper coating materials, oils, water and food ingredients. WIDE FLOW RANGE METERING CAPABILITY FLOW RANGE-G.P.M.' MAXIMUM METER SIZE MINIMUM MAXIMUM CONTINUOUS FLOW 2" 8 160 160 391 10 350 350 4" 25 1000 1000 6" 40 2000 2000 *Consult your Badger representative about accuracy performance above and below flow rates shown. Badger's turbo meter, with straight-through flow design, is equipped with straightening vanes and a nose cone at the inlet side. These minimize the swirling effect of upstream piping. Liquid flowing through the meter tube strikes the blades of a rotor, causing the rotor to turn. By means of a magnetic coup- ling, this motion is transferred to a vertical spindle and then to gears in the meter's register. Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070005-3 Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070005-3 I LONG-WEARING CERAMIC BEARINGS The rotor bearing, rotor spindle and endstone in the Badger turbo meter are made of a ceramic material developed especially for this appli- cation. Because of their hardness, the ceramic parts provide long-life service, even if the meter is run continously at maximum flow. 0 COMPACT, LIGHTWEIGHT... EASY TO INSTALL Badger turbo meters are easy to install and service because of their compact size and light weight. A 3" turbo meter, for example, weighs just 40 pounds compared with more than 300 pounds for a vertical-rotor turbine. The laying length is only 12". SERVICE WITHOUT REMOVAL FROM LINE For easy servicing, the rotor and 'lead assem- bly in the turbo meter can be removed without disconnec ng the me- ter from toe line Just loosen th? head bolts on top of the housing and lilt ot;t the entire assembly WIDE CHOICE OF REGISTERS AND ACCESSORIES TOTALIZING RESET SIGNAL MANUAL REGISTER REGISTER REGISTER QQC ELECTRIC CONTACTING REGISTER (ADJUSTABLE) MODEL 258 TOTALIZING AUTOMATIC RESET REGISTER 2",3",4" OR 6" TURBO METER MODEL EPT 2 TRANSMITTER ON-SITE CALIBRATION A convenient bvnass Lalve, for precise cali- tration is built ilIo the tronze am: cast -on housin(s o! 2" and meters Simply er-ov,= toe locoing -L!t and rim tie vale w r. a u-lev:- Oriver Cr adj,st flc~v, C',o ce of Regis' ., ?ion in Ga ors C.ib c Fee' Poo o tub ;s toward the rear. The "0" ring that trl.- return flow fitting is a friction drive to turn lt.o s_ ~i tube; do not lubricate with other than wat4-r to permit entry into the tube. All other "0'' rings should be lubricated with silicone grease. II. Cleaning Operator Protection Shield Clean shield with kerosene (if required) follow,-'d b,, a cleaning with a solution of soap or detergent and water. Rinse well with clean water and dry with i soft cloth. CAUTION Do not clean protective shield with cleaners containing strong mineral acids or organic sol- vents such as ketones, chlorinated hydrocar bons and aromatics or the protective and optical qualities of the shield may be impaired. Ill. Cleaning the Range Orifice The range orifice may be removed arid clear_ero while the pipe line is pressurized eceed a follows: 1) Remove the meter tubes as dis:rased in Part I preceding. 2) Using a 1/4" open end wrench, loosen and remove the threaded range orifice Clean th= orifice with a wood or plastic tooth pack so as not damage the orifice. Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070005-3 MAINTENANCE (Cor*p ;Ved For Release 2005/07/12 : GiAJtoPOtLO6298ROobg@d010b5l:,~ge orifi::e i removed. To do this, push in the reading knob, allow- WARNING ing the liquid to flow. Provide suitable protection Do not perform the following step if the pipe against liquid spray - a bucket could be inverted line contains other than plain water. Liquid over the meter or a rag held loosely around the meter orifice area. spray could come in contact with the oper- ator causing operator injury or other damage. VENT SCREW 6-V RING ROTATE KNOB SO THAT PROPER SCALE IS IN VIEW (FOUR SCALES ON TUBEI SCALE TUBE '~- CO NOT REMOVE OPERATOR PRO- TECTION SHIELD SETTING PROPER FLOW SCALE FOR PIPE SIZE SET SCREW---B _.-RANGE -RANGE ORIFICE 61-V RING 6-FLAT METAL WASHER KNOB ~---VRING IMPACT TUBE STEP 1 LOOSEN LOCKNUT B SET SCREW STEP 3 TIGHTEN SET SCREW AND LOCKNUT TO M1UDI cTc DDnf - IDc SUPPORT BEARING MODEL 71KI025 ONLY GI-2517A1 ~_ - DRAIN SCREW BALL FLOAT.---Q METER TUBE-_I{{ ` OPERATOR PROTECTION SHIELD FISCHER ROR_TER[;~3 Approved For Rel*ff?W-2OO/0?/f2 : CI,c p1012106MR000900070005P3,b. No. 23470 4 PARTS LIST 71K 1020-C pproved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070005-3 PARTS LIST for SERIES 71K 1020 FLOW INDICATORS Design Level C pproved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070005~3 arned 7f-2~-Gk4 R PARTS LIST _ SERIES 71KI020 FLOW INDICATORS AVAIL. CODE KEY PART DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER QUANTITY 1 FRAME, Meter 09B010A22 1 2 BRACKET, Protection Shield 623B152U02 1 + 3 TUBE, Scale: Model 71K1021 621A179U01 1 + Model 71K 1022 621A 180U01 1 + Model 711(1025 621A181U01 1 + 4 TUBE, Meter 300DO04G10 1 + 5 SHIELD, Operator Protection 351C 163U01 1 + 6 KNOB 411A 103A 12 1 + 7 FITTING Inlet 601BOlOB11 1 + 8 TUBE, Impact: Model 71K1021, 668A341B11 1 + Model 711(1022 668A342Bll 1 + Model 71K1025 668A340Bll 1 + 9 NUT, Gland 397D 135E 11 t + 10 BUSHING, Return Flow: Model 71K1025 371B153UOI 1 Other Models 371B153UO2 + 11 RING, 3/411 OD IOIA904UOI 1 + 12 BUSHING 364E053B11 1 + 13 SPRING 424A259V91 1 + 14 110" RING, 7/16 -1 OD 101A706U01 1 + 15 "'O" RING, 5/161" OD 101A703U01 2 + 16 GASKET 333C487C I2 1 + 17 SCREW Drain 006M003T10 1 + 18 "O" RING, 5/16" OD 101A703U01 I + 19 SPRING 424A297V91 1 20 WASHER, Flat Metal 377A276T30 1 + 21 "'O" RING 101A705U01 1 + 22 ORIFICE, Range: Design Level A 645A118T12 1 + Desi n Level B & C 645A202U01 1 + 23 LOCKWASHER: #10 085DO10T10 4 + 24 SCREW, Set: #10-32.9/16" 019L009S31 2 + 25 NUT, Hex: #10-32 080L200T10 2 + 26 GUIDE, Meter Tube 368H072P30 1 + 27 STOP, Float 304B049T12 1 + 28 "O" RING, 3/4" OD 101A904U01 I + 29 GASKET, Flat Tube Rest 333C471Q20 1 + 30 FITTING, Return Flow 378BO46B11 1 + 31 "0" RING, 5/16" OD 101A703UOI 1 + 32 SCREW, Vent 396A013T30 1 33 MONOGRAM 338A034A30 1 + 34 FLOAT, Ball: Design Level A 303F015G42 1 + Design Level B & C 303F016G41 1 35 SCREW, Clamp: #B-32 x 3 16" 090K011U16 4 36 TAG, Caution 33BE335U01 1 37 STOP, Inlet Float 304BO38T12 1 + 38 "0" RING, 3/4" OD 101A904U01 1 + 39 "0" RING, 13/16" OD 101A71ZU01 1 40 SCREW, Set: #5-40 x 3/16" 019G003S31 1 41 TAG, Push To Read 338D224A30 1 42 NAMEPLATE Identification (Blank) 338B461A30 1 43 BEARING, Support: Model 71K1025 Only 369AO40R22 1 + 44 KIT, Conversion: Not Shown 614B542U01 I - AVAILABILITY CODE - (IMMEDIATE AVAILABILITY) + PARTS MAINTAINED IN COMPONENTS DIVISION STOCK. Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070005-3 COPYRIGHT PERRRURY -74 N5CNEP. It PORTER CO. 4 PARTS LIST 7-32 ~+- 31 KEY 44 (CONVERSION KIT) INCLUDES 30 ENCIRCLED KEY NUMBERS. 6-28 When ordering spare parts please refer to the Fischer & Porter serial and model number referenced on the instrument data tag. Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070005-3 PARTS LIST "IV SEE NOTE 2 ~~- SEE NOTE I TUBE PROTECTION SHIELD MODEL 71KI020 FLOW INDICATOR NOTE 1. Original design Model 71K1020 Flow Indicators included a tube protection shield with taper pins used to secure the end fittings. It is not practi- cal to retrofit original design Flow Indicators to Design Level C. Also, part numbers for Keys 1, 7 and 30 listed on page 2 are applicable only to the modified design (with set screws) and Design Level C. NOTE Z. Modified design Model 71K1020 Flow Indicators included a tube protection shield with set screws used to secure the end fittings. Modified design Flow Indicators may be retrofited to Design Level C by using a conversion kit. Order Key 44 from page 2. The kit is recommended by Fischer & Porter Co. and includes operator protection shield parts and instructions. Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070005-3 4 84a roved or Release - - SERVICE CLAMP AVAIL. PIPE PART CODE SIZE NUMBER + 1-1 2" 108B064U01 + 2" 108B065U01 + 2-1 2" 108B066U01 + 3" 108B067U01 + 4" 108B068U01 + 5" 108B069U01 + 6" 108B070UO1 + 8" 108B071U01 - AVAILABILITY CODE - (IMMEDIATE AVAILABILITY) BUSHING BUSHING IMPACT TUBE AVAIL. PIPE PART CODE SIZE NUMBER + 2" 112A354U02 + 2-1/2" 112A354U02 + 3" 112A354U01 + 4" 112A354U01 + 5" 112A354U01 + 6" 112A354U01 + 8" 112A354U01 + 10" 112A354U03 + 12" 112A354U03 + 14" 112A354U03 + 16" 112A354U03 Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900070005-3