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;ain iir !dom be find ! Style #513 in _k or,Dark Brown $33.95 fined Vamp. ybber heel. e SalZ3TW?%e (where appaoable) Shops any other store Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/22 : CIA-RDPO1-01773R000100130082-0 WIISON WILL VISIT JOHNSON IN JULY Talk With President Called Part of Regular Ties By DANA ADAMS sCHMUYI' during the second half ofuly, ling street today -...n i Hr. %yilson will cross the (piamea, not av dal w, . an I particular problem, but because of the "continuing relationship' ('between our two countries. II year have become "a kind of routine," he said. t Johnson has rve the United than those of because 1'resid tions oil embarf go against the reoc ons. , Now quiet talks - technillally _ lntormal Britain and Rhodesia and many) observers believe a deal 'is in the area east of $uez and the pound sterling. The east, of Suez of Britain's co tinuing defense role,' The heal of the pound is affected by the pr'eslures of the seamen's strike d con-1 tinuing unfavorable balance of payments. come a few weeks after, Presi- dent de Gaulle's visit to Mos- cow, the President and the! Prime Minister may also face a ance. The West German Chancel- lor, Dr. Ludwig Erhard, will) be visiting Washington soon after Mr. Wilson. Irish Make Ancestral Home Of Woodrow Wilson a Shrine! Basutoland, as Leaotbo, Independent on Oct.14 STRABANE, Northern Ire- land, June 17 (Reuters) -Wood- row Wilson's ancestral home,, from which his grandfather emigrated to Ohio, was dedi- cated as a national monument here today by the grandson of the late President. The tiny, thatched farmhouse, set among the hills of County Tyrone, was the home of James Wilsoti, a printer who crossed the Atlantic 160 years ago to b Declassified and Approved For FUL$RIGOT ANBL Says Senate '8hoyld Decide Who Gets C.I.A. Data WASHINGTON, .ttfhe 17 (AP)-The Director of the Cen- tral Intelligence has informed the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that he Is willing to give it "substantive Intel- nnoot ddisclose, "sources and meth- os ode," which, he reveals to an- ether , Senate committee. And that., Adm. William F. Raborn.satd?in a let Wednes- to Senator J. W. bright, Bemocrat of Arkaitsa$, was the The New York Time. .elude is. I"11 eniv'-tine; of atleatidn the com- toland will galqIndependence supervises vawuc - and become the nation ote afctivittes. Lesotho e' Oct. 4, the British The exchange of letters, Government o~lcialiy con- Which was, learned tJbday, be. firmed today ftC the. et~l of a tween,Admfsal Rebore- and Een? constitutional mnf a on ator 13tilbr$ ht was Interprets .mall aevth- as probablly killing the las em Afriean nation.. ha ce fo . e_ ea+- -j The conference ha? been would avert rd'$ed fo Alo or 11 marred by a walkout Of the between the on Opposition parties.frdm Basu- the 'touchy-. toland, who cha*+sd that Brit- to tiMe --mate ain was rid the powitry Admiral Rabor'!i psis It dip- into'indepeacteec0 The. lomatically: "I have previously the} said, a thr k a sham stated once before your corn.' independence, the mitten, that Senate snpergiafonI black government to the th of the agency (C.I' mercies of white-ruled Sou ). Africa, which entirely our- to be one w~dCh the. Serial; a it- Basutoland self would want to resolve." rounds Fred Lee, Colonial Setre- In attempting to keep-. the Senate from resolving it with tary, denied that, the Gov- ernment was trying to un- a potentially embarrasbinglYloor burden itself of the territory fight, the Senate DemoJiratic prematurelf'., The present l#ader, Mike I. ansf}eld, has schedule, he add, reQeets the tried to work out A number wishes of the majo of the of compromises. Basuto Parliament. acrd pre- 'Senator Fulbright's group vious agreements with the has argued that because of its brief- e cur- "Custom Shirts at $7,50.711 in o ivy activigea of thee 40 Igtelligence agency: He and some ccanndttes mem- bers were disturbed when Ad, miral Reborn acknowledged in ddmnot feel he could give the as detailed Information L u~ve C.I.A. watchdog suboom- That committee, Deeded by In what apparently was a mpromise move, Senator Ft l- ight wrote raAiddmiralha ItRsabbeeora _.. _.. 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E:..,., 4,. 4,?,r it ,nrl aco Release 2012/02/22 : CIA-RDPO1-01773R000100130082-0 Barry Lakes has over 1000 acres of beautil miles of lakefront and lakeview llomesites. living only, areas for those who, would lil, plan for future winterizing, areas for comp " Homes P m, Now. with! later cony "All-Year". '1491 '1991