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- Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/22 : CIA-RDPO1-01773R000100130074-9 a members, of whom no more, his decisions, his thlpking andiread tthei.a is than two could be from the .. . . - -- .. - . ';1"1 United Prep International CJRRENDERS: Joseph Romano, left, Mafia leader, witbl his bttvyer, Alfred J. Krieger, the U.S. Court House here yesterday. Bonanno had been obk,ct of a widespread hunt. ponanno Gives Himself UprIF AILURE OF A6ENA Ifter 19 Months in Hiding~gARS GEMINI TRIP Joseph Bonanno, the 61-year-old Mafia leader who has, Astronauts Will Try Again in n hunted around the world by Government agencies fgri About Three Weeks With months, unexpectedly walked into the United States, _. n_--~ rr----- _. r.,-'_-- Srlhetitntn Tornnl Unit NDS PREPARING 1FIGNTREFORMS -ual-Plan Leaders Map ctics Against S.E.C. Bid !r Change in 1940 Law to following ti 'tirelast of articles on" the' probte'nse g the mutual-fund-4ustttee8. i EILEENSHANAHAN yesterday and gave himself up. By EVERT CLARBonanno offered no explana- Special to The New York T111- on liof his return at this time. CAPE KENNEDY, Io~ay But the Government offered I'B An Atlas booster rocket w -1 . ~- gvt. urea of running; he gave ~a to pressure from members Of his underworld group, who, "In turn, were unuer pressure from the Government, and h? had to return if he wanted to regain FULBRIGHT PANEL VOTES FOR A ROLE IN POLICING C.I.A. Russell Expected to Oppose Move for Equal Voice in His Watchdog Group Special to The New York Times WASHINGTON, May 17 - The Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved today a resolution that would give it dent Johnson, in his most out- spoken attack on the opponents of his Vietnam policy so far, 'first if we v called on all Americans tonight Pitt it abo to unite behind him. rant it te. Mr. Johnson, gibing at "nerv- ous Nellies seemed ] t t O. an equal role with the Armed "' for an end to criticism of Put? e cerv;roe ,,nA Annronriatinnsi I Committees in supervising the activities of the Central Intelli- gence Agency. The vote was 14 to 5. The resolution would create a select committee of nine members to be known as the Committee in Intelligence Oper- ations. The chairmen of the Armed Services, Appropriations and Foreign Relations Commit- tees would each name three Johnson Asks U.. Behind His Vietr At Party Dinner in C at `Nervous Nel iea : y Attack on War Cr` All Excerpts from the President's speech are on Page 8. divisive t the'nii mat the I do,' the Administration's actions inlmen whir" Vietnam and to nuettinn his (m. us ON fund-raising dinner- at Mc-'fully t W,* Cormick Place, convention halt publlo. ift d trial t0 baseleandidlitt';o here said he h Senate's "legislative oversight" ~]/asp Wants NATO of the C.I.A. lVJ J Committees Sleet Jointly To Develop Policy The two Senate subcommit- tees meet jointly when looking To Reduce Tension' the House, two subcommittees' By BENJAMIN wELLES 2 Killluk# of the Armed Services and Ap- special to The New York Times pro friations Committees also WASHINGTON, May ii- ACtiOp ? W) checkaon the C.I.A. They meetPresident Johnson has orderedi Troo r s(G ?e,.. Before the vote was taken.INorth Atlantic Treaty Organi- e sponsor of the resolution, zation to start thinking more in Eugene J. McCarthy, Democrat terms of a lon of Minnesota, amended it by easing Y tension with Eastern Eof Europe ~yy to lift an Agena target r k-etibrought the counterespionage This development was reflect- d l B i i h F v e e era ues of t ureau,ed today in testimony befol'0 into space for the Gemini 9,act astronauts to chase. As a re-of Investigation within the put-Congress by Dean Acheson, suit, Gemini 9 never left thel,view of the expan ed watch-I y former Secretft of State, and dog committee. consultant ground. son enior the White current House NATO crisis. One of three Powerful Atlas' Two Goals In Mind control of his lucre.;ive Cmpi.e, engines swiveled over to "anI The second and third would ~'T,e situation has arisen from taken over in part by other extreme position" after two, have given the committee pow- President de Gaulle's challenge Maria leaders. minutes of flight, plunging bothjer to hire a staff and draw onto the alliance's integrated derworld The swarthy, gray-haired leader, Jun. oe I the Atlas and the target rocket the Senate's contingency funds military command. with Jo his e, into the sea 185 miles fromifor expenses. Mr. Acheson told the House Bananas, sat t c calmly known as 3nana5 here, space officials said. Mr. McCarthy had two ob-.Foreign Affairs subcommittee ,J,???? ~ ??, ???aJ ?,-? ' - - ~ in Vienna that France and law under which the $35- rendering. Then deputy mar- n mutual fund industryshals placed him under arrest the Soviet Union are negotiat- on an outstanding warrant. ing for the launching of a business was written to in jectives in these revisions.1on Europe that while the al- First, he hoped to win add)-Iliance had devoted its atten- tional support for his resolu-, tions to a strong defensive tion in a floor test by meetytgdeterrent to Soviet aggression, criticisms raised yesterday by, the time had come for an - - - - - ? ! - - Vashin ton's ele ant' olu~ - g Marvin E. Frankel on an in- "We have lost the Agena~ Second, he sought to avoid series of discussions with East-.ewer was "a on Hotel. 'dictment charging obstruction bird," the mission commen-,referral of the resolution to ern Europe. Military ' 01 at was 26 years ago andlof justice for willfully failingtator said. "Gemini 9 will not the Rules Committee, where it, Such discussions, he asserted, formal states law has stood ever since, wt major amendments,ito appear before a Federal fly today." might have been bottled up.iwere first proposed recently byl "At noon It --.!grand jury investigating the' Instead, Air Force Lieut. Col. The provisions on staff and fi-West Germany and might lead1the second b ;e Commission is preparing) -' .., ?ommend extensive changes I Continued on Page 43, Column 2 ' Continued on Page 26, Column 1 ! isi n ll d v o ca e such referral. Central Europe. Later the Senate Parliamen-, Secretary of State Dean Rusk, some retreati Continued on Page 6, Column 1 Continued on Page 3, Column L I Continued on am"id" dropped it on Amerlpn opbratkin 1, jungles 40, r Saigon. a U1n spokesman r Two Amer atld ,tab sod. - -11 of an infot'm: dicated that pilots but t who had err( . "There wa: ing the marl ing," the spo pilots checke by radio befo strike, to in, the right tar c law to protect f es and undue Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/22 : CIA-RDPO1-01773R000100130074-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/22 : CIA-RDPO1-01773R000100130074-9 FULBRIGIIT PANEL VOTES C.I.A. ROLE watchdog . committee argue that expansion would almost certainly increase the likeli- hood of leaks that would en- danger national security and possibly Imperil the lives of "deep cover" C.I.A. agents and their Informants. tartan, Floyd M. Riddick, told FWee' L Chad reporters that the deletions Advocates of expansion eon- would eliminate the need to tend that the present Senate send the resolution to the Rules committee has been largely Committee. content to receive without The outcome, it Is now agreed, question what the CIA. wishes Is very nueh in doubt to tell It; that it is clued in" an Nevertheless, the resolution operations after, not before, the will face two other hurdles be- event and therefore has little fore it reaches the floor. restrstni inllue an the Richard B. ? Russell, who is C.I.A., and that it has been too chairman of the Armed Services prone to judge C.I.A. opera. Committee and also of the pros tions on the basis of "military ent watchdog committee, said arguments" advanced to jus- he would move to have the tify them, without considering McCarthy resolution referred to their possible unfortunate po- his Armed ex Committee. litical consequences. If the We supports his These crit&ci of the present move, tit. A Services Con-arrangement, believe Mr. Rus- mittee is expected to bury the sell Inadvertently gave support resolution or report it out un-Ito their atgt~r~enta during floor favorably. Yesterday Mr. Rus-III ate yesterday when Ernest i t "muscle in" on the jurisdlctign of the watchdog poarmittee. If the Senate does not support Mr. Russell's move, the timing of floor action on the resolution is up to the Democratic Policy Committee. Although its chair' man, Mike Manefteld of Moon. rasa, the majority leader, sup ports the resolution, at least ruen ng, Ocra o! cited The `ghastly fiasco > the Hay of. Pigs Invasion of. Cuba in April, 1961, as evidelzoe bf the Influence that the CIA. could have cn policy. Th# epi- sode, Mr. Groaning . said.' was pertinent to the question of whether the Foreign Relations Committee .should be represent. ed on the watchdog committee. Mr. Russell replied that "the operation was hopeless, because on the committee*?* bell evedifrom the beginning it was based to be opposed to it. Three - of on mistaken" All those involved. them-Mr. Russell, Carl Hay- I Mr. Russell continued, made den of Arizona and Stuart gym- miatnkes "except the Senator ington of Missouri-are on the from Arkansas," who "ad- C.I.A. watchdog committee. vised against it." E From G.O.P., 2 Democrats Mr. Russell was alluding to a memorandum that Mr. Ful- The five members of the For- bright gave. to President Ken- elgn Relations Committee op- nedy on April 1, 1961, in which posifig the resolution were the Senator. opposed United Bourke B. Hickenlooper of IStates support for, or nartiaipa- Iowa, Frank Carlson of Kansas tion in an invasion of Cubs. Mr. and Karl E. Mundt of South Russell was also alluding to Mr. Dakota, all Republicans; Mr. Fulbright's opposition later ex- Symington and Prank J.1pressed during a State Depart- Lausche, Democrat of Ohio, ment meeting three days later Voting for the resolution at which the President's ad- were Mr. Fulbright, John J. visors pronounced the plan mili- Sparkman of Alabama, Mr. tartly feasible. Mansfield, Wayne Morse. of Mr. Russell- told the Senate' Oregon, Albert Gore of Tennes- yesterday that he knew about see; Frank Church of Idaho, the training of Cuban.refugees Thomas J. Dodd of Connecticut, in Guatemala but "did not know Joseph S. Clark of Pennsylvania the timing" of the invasion. Joseph S. Clark of Pennsylvania, "I onlywish I had been con- Gale W. McGee of Wyoming suited," Mr. Russell d&clared, and Mr. McCarthy, all Demo- "because I would have strongly crats, and George D. Aiken of advised against this kind of Vermont, John J. Williams of operation if I had been. That Delaware and Clifford P. Case may have been one reason why of New Jersey, all Republicans. 1 was not consulted." Mr. Lausche proposed an amendment that, would have re- Jelke Gets $3-Million Bequest quired the members of the WAUKEGAN, Ill., May 17 watchdog committee to be elect- (UPI)-Minot F. Jelke, play- ed by the three parent com- boy heir to an oleomargarene mittees rather than appointed fortune' who once was charged by the chairmen. This was re- with operating a New York vice) garded, informed sources said, ring, was left a one-third inter- as a "personal affront" to J. W. eat in a $3,077,900 trust fund by Fulbright, the committee chair- the will of his father, it was man, and was defeated by a disclosed today. An inheritance vote of 7 to 2. Mr. Lausche was tax return filed in Lake County joined by Mr. Williams in vot- Circuit Court indicated that the ing for the amendment. estate of John F. Jelke totaled Members of the present $8,881,600. 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