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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200110006 -7 I i I NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE SURVEY PUBLICATIONS The basic unit of the Nlio is the General Survey, which is now published in a bound -by- chapter format so that topics of greater per- ishability can be updated an an individual basis. These chapters Country Profile, The Society, Government and Politics, The Economy, Military Geog- raphy, Transportation and Telecommunications, Armed Forces, Science, and Intelligence and Security, provide the primary NIS coverage. Some chapters, particularly Science and Intelligence and Security, that are not pertinent to all countries, are produced selectively. For small countries requiring only minimal NIS treatment, the General Survey coverage may be bound into one volume. Supplementing the General Survey is the NIS Basic Intelligence Fact book, a ready reference publication that semiannually updates key sta- tistical data found in the Survey. An unclassified edition of the factbook omits some details on the economy, the defense forces, and the intelligence and security organizations. Although detailed sections on many topics were part of the NIS Program, production of these sections has been phased out. Those pre- viously produced will continue to k available as long as the major portion of the study is cons;dered volid. A quarterly listing of all activ,, NIS units is published in the Inventory of Available NIS Publications, which is also bound into the concurrent classified Factbook. The Inventor; lists all NIS units by area name and number arid includes classification and date of issue; it thus facilitates the i ordering of NIS units as well as their filing, cataloging, and utilization. Initial dissemination, additional copies of NIS units, or separate chapters of the General Surveys can be obtained directly or through liaison channels from the Central Intelligence Agency. The General Survey is prepared for the NIS the Central Intelligence Agency and the Defense Intelligence Agency un.' the general direction of the NIS Committee. It is coordinated, edited. publibl-sd, and dissemi- nated by the Central intelligence Agency. WARNING This document contai,,s information affecting the notional Wense of the United Slates, within the meaning of title 18, sections 793 and 794 of the US code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person Is prohibited by low. LASSIFIED BY 01V641. EXEMPT FROM GENERAL DECLASSIFI� CATION SCHEDULE OF E. O. 11652 EXEMPTION CAAEGORIES 57 1)' (2), (3). DECLASSIFIED ONLY ON APPROVAL OF THE RECTO DIR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE. i 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200110006 -7 i WARNING The NIS is National Intelligence and may not be re- leased or shown to represent(stives of any foreign govern- ment or international bedy except by specific authcrization of the Director of Central Intelligence in accordance with the provisions of National Security Council Intelligence Di- rective No. 1. For NIS containing unclassified material, however, the portions so narked -may be made available for official pur- poses to foreign nationals and nongovernment personnel provided no attribution is made to National Intelligence or the National Intelligence Survey. Subsections and graphics are individually classified according to content. Classification /control designa- tions are: (U /OU) Unclassified /For Official Use Only (C) Confidential (S) Secret L J yy Y 'SY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200110006 -7 5' Y i This chanter was prepared for the NI S by the Defense Intelligence Agency and includes contri- butions on merchant marine from the Department of the Navy and on airfields from the Defense Mapping Agency, Aerospace Center. Research was substantially completed by January 1973. i k I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200110006 -7 CONTENTS This General Survey supersedes the one dated Sep- tember 1970, copies of which should be destroyed. A. Summary 1 I. Systems 1 Closely integrated rail and water operations; sparse highway network; two major ports and one minor; government -owned Air Zaire; telecommunications inadequate. 2. Strategic mobility 1 Systems unable to support large-,;ale r.ditary operations; significance of civil air; vulnera- bility of telecom rystem. CONFIDFN'I L APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200110006 -7 i Page B. Railroads 2 Conwitrated in southern half of country; inte- gration with waterways and highways; interna- tional connections; yenmmel and training; facil- ities and equipment; maintenance; traffic. C. Highways 6 Limited highway network; construction and main- tenance ,problems; future building program; car- rim; vehicle inventory. D. Inland waterways Extent and importance of inland waterway sys- tem; traffic; international connections: problems; waterway ports; typo of craft; administration; maintenance and future plans. E Ports Two major Matadi and Boma) and one minor (Banana); facilities; problems. Fig. 1 Railroad operations at Ilebo photo Fig. 2 Line characteristics of the railroads Fig. (table) Fig. 3 Bituminous road between Kinshasa 5 and Kenge (photo) Fig. 4 Bailey bridge over Black River Fig. (photo) Fig. 5 Ferry crossing (Photo 1 1 1 1 Fig. 8 Characteristics of lected highways Port of Matadi photo) (table) ii Page F. Merchant marine 17 Charactivistics of the fleet; administration; cargo; perwmnel and training. G. Civil air Importance of air transportation; government controlled airline, Air Zaire; air charter and parcel delivery, characteristics of aircraft; personnel and training; maintenance; administration and inter- national agmments. 17 10 H. Airfields 18 Characterittim ant! condition of facilities; tahrr- letion of selected airfields. I. Telecommunications 18 Inadequate service; extent of facilities; govern 14 ment administration; international high frequency and satellite stations; special purpose nets; AM, FM, and TV; limited assembly of radio receivers. FIGURZS 3 Fig. 7 ONATRA facilities photo) 11 Fig. 8 Characteristics of principal inland 5 waterways table) 12 Fig. 9 Inland waterway ports table) 13 7 Fig. 10 Port of Matadi photo) 15 Fig. 11 Port of Boma photo) 15 Fig. 12 Major ports (table) 16 7 Fig. 13 Selected airfields table) 19 7 Fig. 14 Telecommunications pattern map) 20 Fig. 15 Terrain and transportation 8 map) follows 20 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200110006 -7 Transportation and 2 Teiecommunicatians A. Summary (C) I. Systems i i t a 4 1 The translx nation sYs0m of Zaire is bused on closely integrated rail and waterway systems, with highways serving as feeders ,Figure IS). Tlu, nail and waterway networks are harely able to meet the economic needs of the country, and the highway network is inadequate. Nevertheless, the transfix rta tion system compares favorably with those of neighboring countries, The railroads, which are concentrated primarily in the southern half of the c(;untry, serve the inipx)rtant mining and urban centers. Most of the route mileage is government owned, and all railroad operations are overnrnent controlled. The main railroad network is integrated with the waterways, which consist basically of the Congo River, its tributaries. and Luke Tanganyika. Inland waterway transport is rnonopo- lined by government -owned companies. The highway network is sparse and is concentrated around the more innixrtant urban areas. Ownership of highway transport is shared by the government and private interests. There area two major ports Matadi and Bomu and one minor, Banana. All are located on the lower Congo and have access to the Atlantic Ocean, Most of the petroleurn products enter at the Ango Ango section of Matadi and move inland to Kinshasa via two Pipelines. One of these is a 4 -inch line, 243 miles in length, which roughly parallels the rail line. It has a capacity of INX) hurrels a dad, is entirely above ground, and has thumping stations at Matadi (Ango Ango), Songololo, Lukala, and at Mile 133. The pipeline is 6 inches in diameter and 218 miles in length- Except for a sniall section in Kinshasa, this line is above ground, generally paralleling the Matadi Kinshasa highway. The capacity of the line is 14,0W barrels it day; pumping statior,., are at Matadi (Ango Ango) and Lukala. Zaire has a small oceangoing merchant fleet of four ships �three dry cargo and one passenger. The transportation system is of internationul importance chiefly because Zaire provides a part of the only rail link across the continent north of South Africa. Into rnationai connections are made by railroad with Ange la and Zumbia and by highways and waterways with other neighlx countries. Scheduled domestic and international civil aviati(;n operations are conducted by the government -owned Air Zaire. The country has 320 usable airfields, 59 of there with runways 4AX) feet or longer. Except in the northern border area, where the system is sparse, airfields are fairly well distributed. Ndjili, near Kinshasa, and Lubumbashi are imlxrtanl in'enw- tionul airfields and handle large jets. The telecommunications (telecorn) system is fragmentary and inadequate. Radiocommuniculion is the principal network, and o -)en -wire lines are next in importance. A few short multiconductor cables and a rNdio -reluy link provide a larger number of channels on a few trunk routes but are very limited. Kinshasa and Lubumbashi have TV stations. An extensive highway improvement program financed by .,ryrrai international organizations is underway, but no other significant development of the trunsportution and telecom systems is taking place, 2. Strategic mobility The transportation and telecommunications systems of Zaire would he unable to support large -scale military operations. The rail network consists of three gauges and five unconnected systems, and all limes are single track and have no alternate routes. The rail system serves only it limited portion of the country and must rel} heavily on integration with other modes of transportation. Transshipment points are extremely vulnerable to interdiction. Movement of military forces and supplies would be hindered by the lack of a through north -south line. and occasional traffic interruptions caused by flooding, landslides, and bridge washouts after heavy rainfall. The highway netwo& is sparse and lacks good through and alternative routes. Most roads are of poor construction, designed for only light traffic. The roads are concentrated around the more important urban APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200110006 -7 :ueas and are normally used for short haul feeder sem yes to the railroads and inland waterways. Additionally, numerous bottlenecks and the adverse affects of climate would restrict olx- rutions. 1)urinK heavy rains, the how capacity roads become sliplx -ry or inundated and are often impassable. The poor voi.dition o{' many bridges and the existence of k -rry crossings would also impede movement, The Congo River and its tributaries provide a considerable trunslxrt ation twtentiul in support of military olcrations, especially for hulk products and heavy equipment. The waterway system has no locks, although it is inte rrupte d at several lxints by falls and rapids that rvgtiire transshipping to other translxrta- tion modes. Most of the inland .%aterway ports and all the maritime lxrts are adaptable to military use. The th ree dry cargo ships of the merchant fleet would have a truderatc capability for short -haul (up to 48 hours steaming) troop -lift and logistic supl,ort in near -seas operations, The self loading and unloading capability of these ships is enhanced by boons of 40 tons or more lift, and at least two units have hatches more than 50 feet lung. The estimated total capacity of Zaire's cargo ships is 30,560 cargo deadweight tuns. The passenger ship could expand its normal 2(N)- passenger capacity and provide longer haul support (more than Is hours steaming). Lairs has 19 airfields with paved rim capable of supporting C -54 to GHI type aircraft. About ;00 other fields could support -.17 or utilit\Aype craft. Air 'Zaire's fleet of aircraft and those of Congo Frigo v.ould he initnediate1v available for military use, hilt the availability of flight personnel from Air Lairs would he uncertain because many are foreign nationals. The te' system is highly vulner- able because of its dependviwv upon radioconitn(mica- tion stations. Entire regions could be isolated by jamming or by the destruction of a few stations. The wire lines also extend through isolated areas and are edually vulnerable to sabotage or other disruption. B. Railroads (C) Railroads total 3,218 route miles and are (he most important means of transport in Zaire. The rail network is concentrated mainly in the southern ha;i of the country and consis,s of five unconnected systems, which rely heavily on integration with other modes of transportution. Rail lines arc single track, comprising four different gages. The 2' n/ -gage Mayumbe Railroad (CFM) extends north from the Congo River at Boma to T',hela. The 3'6" -gage Matadi Kinshasa 2 Railroad ((:FMK) connects the sealxrt of Matadi to tit(- river sysle in at Kinshasa, bypassing intervening rapids. The :3'6" -gage Kinshas I)ilaln- Lulun fraslri Railroad Ginipany (KDL) links the interior and southern 'Zaire to the Kasai River, an inlwrtant tribut.try of the Congo, The main KIM, line extends from Ilehe (Figure 1) southeast to an international connection with the Zambian s, stein near Sakauia, Another iinlxrtant KI)L line extends westward from Tenke to Dilolo, where an international connection with the Benguela Railroad provides a direct rail link to the Atlantic- Ocean ill Lobito, Angola. Another line origina, 's al K ainina and connech with the :ungo Great bakes Railroad (*,onipany WFL) at Kabongo. The (:1, line runs northeastward from Kabongo to Kabala, and Own on north to Port de Kindcn: another extends east to Kalemie. Water transshipment at Kalemie on Lake Tanganyika provides a connection with tine rail net of Tanzania. CFL lines art- 31i" gage except for :tit isolated neter -gage (3'3 ",e lite between Kisangauni and Ubundi that provides transit around the Lualaba Iliver rapids. The I'1I "M' -gage Local Zaire 1la-lroad Company (VICIZAIBE) originates at 13unba on tlrc (:anger River, extends east to Mungbere. ..od has a branch line to Bondu and another to Titdtle. Mileages operated by the y�arious companies are as follows: COMPANY GAGE 11i n.LrAG6 CFMK 3 227 KDL 3 1,595 CFI. 3 597 CFL TWO 78 CFM 2 V 85 VICIZAIRE; ,'II% 636 Important intonational rail connections are made with the railroads of Angola u( Dilolo and with the Zambia Railway near Sakania: indirect connections via water transshipments link the CIA, at Kalenii with the railroads in 'Tanzania and the CFNIK at Kinshasa with the (amigo -Ocean Railroad in Congo, The Zaire aailroad network compaws favorably with those of neighboring countries and is more efficient (haul the Zambian network. I'll(- railroads are regulated and controlled by the Department of 'Transportation and Telveontmunic:- tions. The Zaire Government wholly owns and operates the National Transportation Office (ON ATRA)� fort erly known as OT11ACO �which has operational control of the CFM K and CFM, as well as both CH, systems. The government has controlling interest in two private companies, the KIX and VICIZAIRE. The KIM, assumed operation from the New Lower Congo K;tanga Railroad Company in November 1070. wi Sgx1r,:'4.4"r� +'i paMU timxnrr ,;'ax* APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200110006 -7 W� The skill level achieved by Zairian railroad personnel is high by African standards. Training facilities are adequate both in civalih and quantity. KDI, schools are located in I.ikasi Mid l,uhurnbashi; ONATHA bar; schools in Mbunza- Ngung,] and Kinshasa, and some students arc sent to an advanced training center in Douala, Cameroon, VICI'LAIRF. has training centers in Aketi and Isiro. Railroad eni- plovees total 27,030, including 7 12 expatriates. KDI, personnel consist of 16.092 Zairians and 5.1 expatriates; :F1� -1,465 'Zairians and 73 expatriates; ONATRA, :3,939 'Zairians and tit expatriates; and VICIZAIRE, 2,722 Zairians and 34 expatriates. The number of unskilled laborers is adeduate. but there is a shortage of technical and administrative personnel. The CIA. plans to redtic�e the number of employees to a level more in keeping with current traffic volume. The VICI ZAIRE is having difficulty recruiting experienced personnel because of its remoteness inn Ilaut -Zaire Region, Yards, terminals, and repair facilities are well distribnted throughoat each system and suffice for current traffic needs. No container terminals exist in Zaire, A limited quantity of privately owned dry freight containers, ranging in size front 65 to 282 cubic feet, are transported by rail and cat be off loaded at stations or private sidings, where cranes or forklift trucks are available. Conversions front Stearn to diesel repair and maintenance facilities are in progress at Lubumbashi, Likasi, Ilebo, and Kamima on lit(- KDI.. and at Kabalo on lit(- CIA New depots are being constructed at Kananga KDI,) and Kalentie (CIA.) and ;i new transshipping facility is ender construction at Rumba (VICI %AIRS). Zaire has 332 railroad bridges 12 feet and over is lengti,, mostly of steel -deck- girder construction; the CH, 2,442 -foot combination rail- bighway bridge over the I.rtalaba river, 7 1 2 stiles south of Kabalo is the longest. "I'be two rail tunnels in Zaire are on the (:FMK and total 7.10 feet in length; the� longest is 510 feet and is located -1.6 stiles southeast of Matadi. 'train control is b\ the absolute manual block system using senmcphore signals, except for 55 miles of centralized traffic control (CT(:) equipped with color light signals between Kinshasa and Sona -Bata on lbc- CFNIK. KDI, and CFI, lines use a key and token dispatch system, but 65 miles of centralized traffic contro are planned between Likasi and 'letnke ors the KIX. "telephone orders are used on the CFM and VICIZ.AIRE. "telephone facilities, ssipplcmentcd by telegraph and radio connections, serve all stations. A tcleh pc c�onintunications system is planne for the entire KDI, network, Stearn locomotives are being replaced by diesel,. on ,]lost systems. Cenerally, equipnu�nt is good, brit much oft I it tract M stock on (:FI, lines is in poor condition. 3 a..iscn re� r V q q' i' iGWbrr 'xt42rta+ar,:,x6a;,A. 9. w.r.,ua.'w:.A' TtlR/IY' ,.r w. n.Tu. w+crr.wAl::wr.etth.cY.e: APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200110006 -7 FIGURE 1. Railroad operation: at Ilebo, a railroad inland waterway transshipment point (U /OU) Maintenance continues to be hampered by a scarcity of spare. parts. The nust common types of KDL locomotives in service are 2 -2 and 4 -8 -2 steam units, B -B electrics having a continuous tractive effort of 36.740 pounds at I9.5 miles per hour, and B -B diesel hydraulics having a continuous tractive effort of 42,800 pounds at 33% adhesion. Other common type~ are ONATRA 2,400 -horsepower C -C diesel electrics, CFL 1,500-horsepower B -B diesel hydraulics, and VICI7AIRE 5.50 horsepower B -B diesel hydraulic units. Freight cars are generally 4 -axle gondolas or boxcars having capacities ranging from 27.5 to 44.0 short tons. Center coupler- buffers are standard on all stock. Couplers are !oceted 34�4x" above top of rail on 3'Ii and 3'3 -gage stock, and 12'ie' and 19' above nail on 2'! and 1' I 1 hip' -gage stock respectively. Vacuum or air brakes are installed on KDI, and CFL equipment; ONATRA, CFM and CFMK equipment uses vacuum brakes, and air brakes are used on VICIZAIRE equipment. The 1971 equipment inventories were as follows: railroad crompames, except for KDI. and CFMK lines, whey modern techniqurs and equipmett are utilised. Heavy construction is generally contracted to private industry. Gmstruction and maintenance equipment, rails, steel ties, track hardware, and strustuab materials for bridges and culverts are obtained from foreign sources. Renewal of equipment, especially the replacement of steam with diesel locomotives, remains foremost in development planning. Relaying and realignment of track. improvement of the permanent way and modernization of the signaling systems are planned for the near future. The KIX has ccompleted electrifica- tion from Luena to Kamina. The alignment of the planned link between the KDL 4,nd CFMK lines remains undetermined. A 115 -mile rail extension from Aketi to Bumba has been completed on the VICIZAIRE. Construction is in progress on terminal facilities at Buli:ba. The Zaire. Government has recently granted a contract o the Japanese to construct an fit -mile extension from Matadi to Banana. Railroad equipment has been imported from the United Kingdom, Belgium, France, the United States. West Germany, and japan. Rolling stock is assembled at Isiro on the VICIZAIRE line. Wood, coal, diesel oil, fuel oil, and electricity are used by locomotives operating in Zaire. Diesel oil is imported fmm the Netherlands Antilles, Italy, and Venezuela and is also supplied by the refinery at Banana. Wood is available locally. Poor grade coal from the Luena coalfields is utilized, but most cool is imported from Rhodesia. Strained re:4iions between Rhodesia and Zambia, however, result in periodic reductions in coal supply to Zaire. Ample hydroelectric pow, -,r is available to operate the 532 miles of electrified KDL lines which use 50- cycle, single phase, 2.5,000 volt alternating ciuTent. Water supplies are adequate for steam operations. Lines are well maintained except for CFM and CFL lines, which are in poor to fair condition. Maintenance is performed manually as directed by the individual 4 Available traffic statistics for 1970 (in thousands) are as follows: KDL CFMK CFL CFL CFM VICIZAIRE CAGE 3 3 3 3'336" 2' 1 Locomotives: CFMK 1,l89 310,200 1,552 79,680 KDL Mainline: 1,361,680 �,908 400,137 CFL 345 101;700 Steam 76 0 3 0 0 10 Diesel 52 13 15 0 8 16 Electric 46 0 0 0 0 0 Switchers 51 43 I5 10 6 5 Railcars 3 a 0 0 0 Passenger cars 151 89 52 20 0 7 Freight can 4,976 2,940 487 83 370 342 Railroad equipment has been imported from the United Kingdom, Belgium, France, the United States. West Germany, and japan. Rolling stock is assembled at Isiro on the VICIZAIRE line. Wood, coal, diesel oil, fuel oil, and electricity are used by locomotives operating in Zaire. Diesel oil is imported fmm the Netherlands Antilles, Italy, and Venezuela and is also supplied by the refinery at Banana. Wood is available locally. Poor grade coal from the Luena coalfields is utilized, but most cool is imported from Rhodesia. Strained re:4iions between Rhodesia and Zambia, however, result in periodic reductions in coal supply to Zaire. Ample hydroelectric pow, -,r is available to operate the 532 miles of electrified KDL lines which use 50- cycle, single phase, 2.5,000 volt alternating ciuTent. Water supplies are adequate for steam operations. Lines are well maintained except for CFM and CFL lines, which are in poor to fair condition. Maintenance is performed manually as directed by the individual 4 Available traffic statistics for 1970 (in thousands) are as follows: Passenger and freight traffic has increased on most lines since the end of civil strife. The trend on KDL lines has been to increase long haul freight traffic and reduce local traffic.. Exhaustion of forest resources has ac�,ounted for a reduction in tonnage on the CF?V1- Major exports are copper, tin, coffee, palm oil, and forest products; major imports are machinery, APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200110006 -7 SHORT SHORT -TON- PA SSENGER TONb MILES PASSENGERS MILES CFM 81 4,800 0 0 CFMK 1,l89 310,200 1,552 79,680 KDL 5,588 1,361,680 �,908 400,137 CFL 345 101;700 537 60,605 (3'6 CFL 17 na na 3,000 3'336") VICIZAIRE 335 27,400 93 6,300 na Data not available. Passenger and freight traffic has increased on most lines since the end of civil strife. The trend on KDL lines has been to increase long haul freight traffic and reduce local traffic.. Exhaustion of forest resources has ac�,ounted for a reduction in tonnage on the CF?V1- Major exports are copper, tin, coffee, palm oil, and forest products; major imports are machinery, APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200110006 -7 FIGURE 2. Line characteristics of the railroads (C) Abbreviations: KDL..... Kinshasa- Dilolo Lubumbashi Railroad. Yiom Mayumbe Railroad. CFMK........... Matadi- Kinshasa Railroad. CFL Great Lakes Railroad. VICIZAIRE PASSING TRACK MAXIMUM GRADE MINIMUM RADIUS OF MAXIMUM Maximum Minimum TERMINALS AND ROUTE MILES GAGE Going Coming CURVATURE AXLELOAD interval length REMARKS Percent Feet Short tons Miles Feet Boma- Tshela 2' 3.2 2.5 164 8.8 15 *700 CFM line. 85 miles Matadi Kinshasa 3 1.7 1.0 820 19.8 8 984 CFMK line. International connection with Brarza- 227 miles Ville at Kinshasa via Congo River transshipment. Ilebo -Sakania 3 1.5 2.8 492 16.5 17 1,050 KDL line. Electrified: 358 route miles from Kamina 1,138 miles MP 582 to Lubumbashi MP 940. International connection with Zambia railroads 7 miles south of Sakania. Teske- Dilolo 36" 1.3 1.3 656 16.5 21 1,050 KDL line. Electrified: 157 route miles from Tenke 324 miles to Mutshatsha; MP 157. International connection with Angola railroads at Dilolo. Kamina-Kabongo 3 1.3 1.3 1,640 16.5 33 1,050 KDL line. Connection with CFL at Kabongo. 126 miles Kabongo- Kabalo 3 1.8 1.3 1,640 12.5 33 *1,050 CFL line. 152 miles Kabalo-Kalemi 3P6" 2.0 1.0 492 12.5 27 *1,050 CFL line. International connection with Tanzania 170 miles ra1roads at Kalemi via Lake Tanganyika trans shipmcnt to Kigoma, Tanzania. Kabalo-Port de Kindu............ 3 1.0 2.0 328 12.5 27 *1,050 CFL line. Connects Port de Kindil with Ubundi via 275 miles Lualaba river transshipment. Kisangani- Ubundi V3 1.0 1.0 328 12.5 19 *1,050 CFL line. Bypass for Lualaba river rapids. 78 miles Bumba- Mungbere I 1 1.5 1.5 656 8.5 32 689 V ICIZAIRE line. Branch lines with the same 540 miles general characteristics extend from Komba to Bondo (75 route miles), Lienart to Titule (19 route miles), and MP 186 south to Buts, (2 route miles). Estimated. Abbreviations: KDL..... Kinshasa- Dilolo Lubumbashi Railroad. CFM Mayumbe Railroad. CFMK........... Matadi- Kinshasa Railroad. CFL Great Lakes Railroad. VICIZAIRE Local Zaire Railroad. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200110006 -7 transportation equipment, iron, steel, petroleum products, and coal. Local traffic consists primarily of ores and �-gricultural products. The Portk,guese Government periodically has closed the Benguela Railroad in Angola to Zairian traffic in retaliation for attacks on lines of communication at Angola by terrorists based in "Zaire. Major operational problems include the scarcity of spare parts, inadequate maintenance of equipment and perma- nent way on CFM and CFI, lines, antiquated rolling stock, and excessive freight car turn around -time at major yards and terminals. Traffic interruptions are caused by occasional flooding, landslides, and bridge washouts after heavy rainfall. KDL international traffic has suffered periodic interruptions after terrorists have severed the line in Angola just west of the border. Low river levels during the dry season reduce by two- thirds the normal transshipment capacity at Ilebo (April October) and Aketi (November- March). The KDL is the only systern operating at a profit, but the financial conditions for most lines have improved, with CFL, showing the greatest results. Rails are T- section types weighing 59 and 81 pounds per yard on the KDL, 49 and 59 pounds on the CFL., 50 pounds or. the CFM, 67 and 80 on the CFivl K, and 36 to 66 pounds on the VICIZAIRE. Rails 23 and 33 feet in length are being welded into 115 -foot and longer lengths. KDL lines use steel aril concrete ties spaced 2,100 and 2,400 per mile; CFL lines use steel and treated wooden ties spaced 2,100 to 2,400 per mile; CFM uses steel ties spaced 2,250 per mile; CFMK uses steel and concrete ties spaced 2,400 to 2,800 per mile; and the VICIZAIRE rises steel ties spaced 2,400 per mile. Steel ties must be imported, but concrete ties are manufactured locally. Crushed and broken stone ballast utilized throughout the network is available locally. Figure 2 lists the major characteristics of Zaire's single -track railroads. C. Highways (C) The highway system plays a subordinate role in the overall economy, mainly providing short -haul feeder services to railheads and river ports and to local markets. The road system, inadequate for the country's economic requirements, is sparse, unevenly distributed, and lacking in alternative routes. Highway density is greatest in the lower Congo River area around the river ports of Boma, Matadi, and Kinshasa; in the vicinity of Luluabourg, an important rail, highway, and inland waterway junction; in the 6 southern mining region around Likasi and Lubum- bashi; the eastert, lake region around Bukavu; and in the northeastern agriculiural and gold mining; region. Highway connections are established with the (ventral African Republic, Congo, Angola Zambia, Burundi, llwanda, Uganda, and Sudan. The road network totals 86,930 miles, of which 1,097 miles are bituminous (mostly surface treatment in Figure 3), 10,427 miles are laterite, gravel, or crushed stone, and the remaining 75,408 miles are improved or unimproved earth; there are also stretches of concrete surfacing near Kinshasa. Surface widths range from 10 to 20 feet, and the overall condition of the roads is fair to poor. Shoulders, found on only a few of the better roads, are 2 to 3 feet wide. Roads in the hilly and mountainous regions in the eastern part of the country are iarrow and winding and have steep grades. There are appro.imately 1,600 bridges in the country. The majority are short -span single -lane structures, limited to a maximum gross load capacity of 3 tons. Some of the longer structures are prefabricated steel bridges, usually of Bailey -type construction (Figure: 4). These bridges have a narrow roadway but are capable of supporting 20 -ton vehicles. The newer bridges are of reinforced concrete and have load capacities of about 35 tons. Vertical clearances on most bridges are unlimited, but many ore only one lane in width. About 6(X) permanent structures and 130 Bailey bridges require extensive maintenance and repair. Timber bridges are generally in poor condition. "There are about 50 ferries (Figure 5) and numerous fords but no tunnels. Most ferries are cable operated and have low capacities. A few� larger, more modern ferries are employed at important crossings. Many ferries are in poor condition. Planning, construction, rehabilitation, and maintenance of the highway network are under the Bureau of Roads of the Department of Public Works. The World Bank and the United Nations Develop- ment Program are financing technical studies and providing technical help in road construction and maintenance. Provincial and district authorities probably maintain some local roads, but most maintenance ,vork is performed on a contract basis. The Bureau of Roads contracts with plantation owners, private commercial firms, and other users that have vehicles. equipment, and labor to provide maintenance on rc .ids, exercising supervision to insure that contracts are ;onored. The rugged terrain and adverse climate present numerous ;problems in road construction and maintenance. Annual precipitation is considerable APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200110006 -7 everywhere, and heavy local rains cause flooding and damage roadbeds; flash flood., often wash out temporary structures and sometimes under �e the abutments of reinforced concrete and steel bridges. Along the many tributaries of the Congo River, where it is generally swampy, road construction requires the addition of fill for a more su ble subbase foundation. Roads in the dry southwestern part of the country require constant scraping to remove excess sand. In the jungle areas, heavy growth is difficult to clear for road surveying and construction. Timber bridges require continual maintenance or renewal, since they are subject to destruction by fungi and brush fires. Most materials for road construction are not readily available; however, sand and gravel are available in some localities, and cement is produced in sufficient quantities to satisfy demands. Most bittnninons materials are imported, although asphalt deposits near Boma may supply all needs when this source is developed. Steel for bridge construction must be imported. Only minimal maintenance activity was performed on the network between the time of independence in 1960 until 1967 because of civil disturbances, lack of funds and trained personnel, and the destruction of equipment. Emergency repairs to roads and structures and some limited construction were performed between 1967 and 1969; activities were limited to irrportant roads near the larger southern urban areas. Other emergency repairs were undertaken in 1969 -70 to improve roads in throe southern provinces of Bas Zaire, Kasai Occidental, and Kasai Oriental to facilitate the distribution of agricultural products raised in these areas for domestic consumption. The International Development Association (IDA) in conjunction with other international organizations is financing a $46.4 million highway program in Zaire. IDA has approved a $19 million credit. The U.S. Agency for International Development (All)) is providing $9.8 million, while the balance is expected to come from the Canadian International Develop- ment Agency, the United Nations Development Program, and the French Aid aril Cooperation Fund. The Government of Zaire will finance local costs, such as those for supplies and local labor. Funds for this highway program will be used to pity for technical assistance and personnel for the Bureau of Roads, improvement of 1,180 miles of roads, road maintenance equipment, training of equipment Operators and maintenance workers, technical aid for the National Highway Laboratory, and for feasibility studies on 370 miles of roads, with detailed h APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200110006 -7 FIGURE 3. Bituminous road between Kinshasa and Kedge (C) FIGURE 4. Bailey bridge over Black River near Kinshasa, condition is typical of many bridges in country (C, FIGURE 5. Ferry crossing over Kwango River near Mayamba (C) FIGURE 6. Characteristics of selected highways (C) SURFACE. SHOULDER SURFACE ORIGIN AND DESTINATION DISTANCE SURFACE TYPE WIDTH WIDTH CONDITION CAPACITY REMARKS Miles Feel Short tonslday Matadi to Kinshasa........ 241 Bituminous; bituminous 20 0 -6 Good......... 4,500; 1,950, wet subsoil... Some sharp curves and steep surface treatment. grades; undulating to hilly alignment; ferry connection between Kinshasa and Brazza- ville. Kinshasa to Kenge......... 204 20 0 -3 Flat to hilly alignment. Ferry over Kwango river. Kenge to Idiofa............ 338 Improved eartn.......... 16 -2C 0 -3 Poor to good... 600; negligibly with wet Hilly alignment. Many steep subsoil. grades and sharp curves. Nu- merous ferries. Idiofa to Kamina via 715 8 -20 0 -3 Poor to fair.... 550; negligible with wet Flat to undulating alignment; Kananga. subsoil. winding road probably im- passable during rainy season, dust; in dry weather. Kamina to Cuba........... 263 Laterite 16 0 -3 Fair to poor... 900; 100, wet subsoil...... Undulating to hilly alignment; often impassable during rainy seiSson. Steep grades and sharp curves. Guba to Lubumbashi via 119 Bituminous 10 -20 0 -5 Good......... 5,000; 4,500, wet subsoil. Flat alignment. Likasi. Rte. jet. 10 miles NW of 300 improved earth; laterite... 13 -20 0 -3 Poor.......... 550; negligible with wet Undulating to hilly alignment; Likasi to Manono. subsoil. some sections may be impass- able during rainy season. Manono to Uvira via Ka- 472 Gravel 16 -26 0 -3 Poor to fair.... 650; 100, wet subsoil...... Undulating to mountainous lemie. alignment. Numerous timber bridges; one ferry. Deteriorates during rainy season. Uvira to Bukavu........... 83 Bituminous 22 0 -3 Good......... 5,400; 4,850, wet sub oil... Undulating to mountainous alignment. Bukavu td Sake............ 112 Bituminous; gravel....... 16 -20 0 -3 Fair to good. 850; 150, wet subsoil...... Hilly to mountainous alignment. Steep grades, sharp curves. Timber bridges. Sake to Goma 16 Bituminous.............. 20 0 -3 Good......... 4,800; 4,350, wet subsoil... Hilly to mountainous alignment. Goma to Beni 243 Gravel.................. 10 -25 0 -3 Poor to good... 500; 50, wet subsoil....... Hilly to mountainous alignment; grades up to 7 very slippery when wet, some low capacity bridges. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200110006 -7 Kisangani to Madula........ 13 Bituminous surface treat- 20 0 -3 Good......... 5,050; 2,200, wet subsoil... Undulating alignment. ment. Madula to Bafwasende...... 159 Laterite; gravel; bitumi- 10-�20 0 -3 Poor to good... 650; 100, wet subsoil...... Flat to hilly alignment. Some nous. sections become inundated dur- ing rainy season. Bafwaeende to Mambasa.... 170 Crushed stone............ 18 -20 0 -3 Good......... 1,500; 500, wet subsoil.... Hilly alignment. Mambasa to Uganda border 127 Gravel; some improved 14 -18 0-3 Fair to good, 700; 150, wet subsoil...... Hilly to mountainous alignment. via Beni. earth. *Hight* figures based on optimum moisture condition of the subsoil. Lower figures based on saturated condition of subsoil. Capacities are based on 3.5 -short -ton loads with movements carried out over a sustained period (90 days or more) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200110006 -7 engineering for 250 miles. AID has also provided $4280H) for studies of a possible bridge to cross the Congo River at Matadi. Highway traffic is impeded or interrupted by the numerous poorly constructed roads; sharp curves and steep grades in the mountainous areas; narrow, low capacity and destroyed bridges; and numerous ferries. During the rainy season (April through October, north of the Equator; November through March, south of the E(Iuator), many of the roads are impassable becoose of the slippery conditions, and some roads become flooded because of inadequate drainage. Land :tides often block roads completely in the nhounkainotts areas. In some regions roads are difficult to traverse during the dry seasons because of drifting sand, and visibility is reduced by dust on thr many earth roads. The highway system is an indispensable element in the regional economic development of Zaire. Since independence and the subsequent civil strife, highway use has been limited ;)ecause of I the destruction of vehicles, roads. and ;ridges; 2) the deterioration of roads through lack of maintenance; and 3) the rising cost of transportation, particularly in areas where risk factors are high and where competition has diminished. Although transportation companies continue to operate integrated rail, inland waterway, and highway services, operations are limited and irregular. The principal carrier is VICIZAIRS, which operates over 9,300 miles of routes in northeastern Zaire. Freight consists of agricultural products, cemen', arid industrial products. The second largest high transportation firm is the Automotive Trans port Service of Sankunh (MAS). "Phis company operates over 6,800 miles of routes in the Kananga area. A third firm, known as TRANSC O, operates mostly in the Bukavu -Port de Kindu area. In addition there is one smaller company, known as SOTRANSCONGO, w hich plays an important though localized role in the transportation of cotton in the Gemena area. Other than these firms, highway transportation is dependent on individual transporters, who for the most part own and operate only one truck. Most highway transportation operations in the country are confined to the areas around Kinshasa, Matadi, Boma, Kananga, Lubthmbashi, Bukavu, and Kisangani. In January 1972 there were about 120,900 motor vehicles registered, including 90,900 passenger cars and 30,000 trucks and buses. All vehicles are imported, the principal suppliers being the United States, EC countries and J apan. The local affiliate of British Leyland Company is reportedly constructing an 10 assembly plant for Landrover, buses, and trucks. F igure 6 lists characteristics of Zaire's most significant highways. D. Inland waterways (C) Inland waterway transportation has a key role in the economy, combining with connecting railroads to ;provide rood of the major arteries of domestic and international traffic. The inland waterways provide over miles of navigable routes, of whicl. 8,390 rnile are in the Congo River system and 930 miles are routes un navigable lakes. About 40',i of all surface traffic moves over the inland waterways. The 1,31.1,180 tons of cargo moved on the watertiays in 1970 constitute the greatest amount of tonnage since 1960. The figure, however, is still far short of th normal pre -1960 activity. Upstream cargoes usually consist of machinery, mantfvAured goods, and petroleum products which account for about 26% of all traffic. Goods moving down,tream include copper ore from Shaba Regio palm oil and nuts, coffee, cotton, and timber. Downstream tonnages usually exceed upstream tonnages by as much as 50 Most of the tonnages are domestic, except for goods moving between Kinshasa and Bangui in the Central African Republic and between Kalemie cot Lake Tanganyika and Kigoma in Tanzania. The latter is mostly copper from Shaba Region en route to east African ports. Some 95 iniNion passenger -miles were logged on the waterways i�h 19 The distribution of inland waterways is excellent, art(] most permit year round navigation. The Congo River and its tributaries provide one of the hest natural netwo.ks of navigable waterways in the world. The Congo and the Lualuba flow through the country in a colossal inverted U, looping northward, westward, aril southwestward in its semicircular route to the sea. Between the sea and Bukama �the upstream limit of navigation waterway traffic is interrupted at several points by falls and rapids which divide the route into six separate navigable reaches. Rail lines bypass the unnavigable stretches, making through transport possible. From its mouth to Matadi the Congo is maritime, but also accommodates limited inland waterway traffic. The middle Congo and its chief tributary, the Kasai (called the Kwa along its lower extent), are the two most heavily trafficked routes in the interior. The principal waterway routes emanating from Kinshasa are via the Congo to Kisangani and via the Kasai eastward to llcho; the Kasai has become the most important and profitable route in the river network. On the Lualaba. water and rail transporta- APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200110006 -7 r p tion combine to provide through movement between Kisangani and the irnportant centers of Likasi and Lubumbashi in Shaba as well as with Kalernie on Lake Tanganyika. The higher country of the northeast and the south arc the only sections not accessible to water transpcrtation. Zairian waterways afford numerous inteniational connections. The middle Congo and the Uhang provide waterway routes to Cor., Qo and the :ventral African Republic. Lake Albert, Lake Edward, Lac Kivu, and Lake Tanganyika afford connections with Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania. and "Zambia. The maritime Congo is essentially a deepwater route and can accommodate the largest waterway vessels; the middle Congo is navigable by large vessels, but they must have relatively shallow drafts and ample power to cope with strong currents. Most of t!u� tributaries of the Congo require shallow -draft ves rds; and on the eastern lakes, where depths are no, a problem, there are both ocean and river craft. Because the Congo system is unencumbrrv:d by locks and is used mainly in its natural state, craft dimensions are not restricted 1), structures; only channel depths limit the size of craft. Dumb barges, which far outnumber self propelled units, are normally towed in -line astern of a diesel-powered tug. Push towing has been increasing in popularit and 15 -harge tows are now common. Night navigation is increasing on the major waterways because of mproved navigational aids, including a system of lighted buoys and channel marker and the more widespread use of radar. Law water is the most critical factor affecting inland waterway transportation. Seasonal clanges in water levels can vary as much as 16 feet between the wet and dry seasons. Silting is a mayor interruption factor, particularly on the maritime Conga below Matadi. Other hazards peculiar to this stretch are I'll ll;' swift currents of up to ahout 1I miles per hour and occasional turbulent whirlpw4s. Very littic dredging; has been done on the waterways anti is usualiv limited to the port areas. An increasing problem has been the clogging; of channels by water hyacinths and papyns. Lack of maintenance and ruvigational aids. such as buoys and reflectors, is a continuing problem on some waterwways. Violent storms, tornados. and waterspouts are not uncorranon during the rainy season on Lake Tanganyika and are a serious threat to small craft. Changing water levels arc� also hazards oil the lake. The waterwav network has virtually no structures restricting navigation. The single dam, immediately above Ilebo on the Kwa /Kasai, is easily bypassed. This darn blocks the left -hank channel in order to provide greeter depth in the right -hank channel and also at the wharves. Neither of the two bridges over the waterways interferes %with the passage of vessels, inchiding the one over the principal waterway, the upper Lualaba. There are some 70 ports and landings of varying sizes and importance on the waterways. Thirteen are major ports, the most significant being those where rail -water transshipment occurs. Kinshasa (Figure 7) is by far the hest equipped and most important, serving as a storage area and clistril -i-ion center for goods hound to Matadi for export and for incoming goods destined for Kisangani, Ilebo, Mbandaka, and other interior ports. Cargo handled through the port of Kinshasa in 1970 totaled 660,255 tons. Most of the important river ports are equipped with wharfage, handling equipment, storage facilities, rail or road clearance, and, in some instances, shipyards. Other major inland waterway ports are Matadi and Boma, both of which serve primarily as seaports on the APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200110006 -7 FIGURE 7. ONATRA facilities at the inland waterway port of Kinshasa (U /OU) FIGURE S. CAaracr dstia of Principal inland waterways (C) CHANNEL CHAR ACTERIK. ICs Safe NAME, TYPE, AND NAYIGARLE LENGTH Width draft Maritime Congo: Mouth on Atlantic to Matadi; partially dredged stream; 82 miles. Middle Congo: Kinshasa to Kisangani; natural stream; 1,080 miles. Lower Lualaba: Ubundi to fort de Kindu; natural stream; 191 miles. Upper Lualaba: Kongola to Bukama; partially dredged stream; 404 miles. Kwa /Kasai: Junction of Congo to Ilebo; partially dredged stream; 37e miles. Kwango /Kwilu: Bandundu to Kikwit; natural stream; 227 miles Ubangi: Junction with Congo to 2ongo; partially dredged stream; 370 miles. Feet CAPACITY Short tons /day REMARKS 285 25 LW Current at tivies reaches I I mph. Regular dredging required. Navigable by 3i+ HW ocea igoing ressels and inland waterway craft. LW period June to Sept., HW Nov. through Jan. Route serves primarily at maritime approach to Matadi. 4 LW Fleet: 0 3,700. Widths normally range between 1.2 and 6.8 miles, but Pool Malebo 6.4 HW Porta: (Stanley Pool) is 13.6 miles wide. Navigable by craft, up to 1,000 tons at Kinshasa: 5,300 HW, Nov. to April. I.W period is July through Aug. Current at times Kisangani: 2,250 reaches 8 mph. 2,625 4 LW Fleet: 0 650 Navigable by 300 -tor, craft at LW, July and Aug., and by 1,000 -tun craft 6.4 HW Ports: at HW, Nc v. through April. Ubundi: 700 Kindu: 900 66 2.5 LW Fleet: 0 300 F,xtrenle drought can prevent navigation. Bridge 7.4 miles south of Kabalo 3.5 HW Ports: has least clearances of 111.5 ft. horizontal, 40 ft. vertical; LW occurs Kongolo: 700 July to Aug., with IIW Nov, to April. Bukama: 950 656 4 LW Fleet: 00 7,500............ Known as the Kwa from the middle Congo to Mile 61.5 and Fimi river. 6.4 HW Ports: Navigable by 1,000 -ton craft yearround. LW occurs June through Sept., Kinshasa: 5,300 with HW being Oct. to May. Ilebo: 2,250 na 3.2 LW Fleet: 0 600 Port capacities include both wharf and over -the -bank operations. LW 5.0 1,W Ports: occurs June to Sept., with IIW being Oct. to May. Bandundu: 1,500 Kikwit: 600 na 4 LW Fleet:** Remarks........ Navigable by barges of 200 tons at LW, March through April, when fleet 6.5 HW Ports: capability is 250 ST /day. At HW, July through Dec., fleet capacity Kinshasa: 5,300 becomes 3,600 ST /day. Principal inland terminus for this route is Zonzo: 200 Bangui. Central African Republic. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200110006 -7 34origala: Junction with Congo to Busing&; natural stream: na 3.2 I.W Fleet: Remarks........ Fleet capability is 200 ST /day at LW, Feb. and March, and increases to 204 miles. 5.0 HW Ports: 3,700 ST /day at HW. May to Sept. Kinshasa: 5,300 Businga: 400 Itimbiri: Junction with Congo to Aketi; natural stream; na 3.2 LLti Fleet: Remarks........ Junction with VICIZAIRE rail line. At HW period, Apr. to Sept., fleet 158 miles. 5.0 11W Ports: capacity totals 5,100 ST /day. Waterway often impassable during LW Kinshasa: 5,300 periods, Feb. to March. Aketi: 1,200 na Data not available. Not pertinent. *Capacity in short tons /day of vessels normally operating on waterway. *Fleet capacities based on route originating at Kinshasa. FIGURE 9. Significant inland waterway ports (C) NAME; LOCATION; ESTIMATED MILITARY PORT CAPACITY* HERTHAGE H \NDLING AND STORAGE FACILITIES REMARKS Kinshasa *18'8., *18'E; 4,420 ft. of quayage (includes 328 -foot Cranes: 57 cargo cranes, capacities 1.5 to 60 tons. Nu- On middle Congo; hub of surface transportation in 4 15 5,300 atone revetment); alongside depths, merous cranes in 3 shipyards. Stevedore gear: 30 Zaire; transshipment port for RR. movement to ST day. 4 ft. (LW) to 6 ft. (HW). 3 piers in forklifts, 20 tractors, 250 freight cars. Covered stor- Matadi, waterway shipping to the interior. SOCOPETROL oil terminal. age: 722,250 sq. ft. Open: 218,800 sq. ft. POL: ONATRA operates port and scheduled ship 594,000 bbls., of which 338 bbls. in Masina storage ping on the middle Congo. 3 shipyards build facilities. Refrigerated: 3 cold storage plants in viciu- and repair barges, tugs, river steamers, and repair ity of port; capacity of largest 1,370 cu. yd. Palm dredges and buoy tenders; facilities are 5 marine oil storage: 47,175 bbl. Grain: 2 granaries in port railways, 1 combination building /marine railway, Kisangani *30 ONATRA port area (right bank): 1,150 area; capacity of largest 5,430 cu. yd. Cranes: 6, capacities 1 to 6 tons: one 30 -ton electric 2 floating drydocks. Rail and road clearance. At upstream limit of navigation on middle Congo; 0 25 12 2.250 ST day. ft. of wharfage; minimum depth derrick. Covered storage: 4 warehouses. total area port facilities on both sides of river. ONATRA alongside, 6.5 ft. 203,000 sq. ft. POL: 38,000 bbl. operates scheduled shipping on this section. Port has road clearance. CFL port area (left bank): 738 ft. of Cranes: 4 electric portal jib cranes, capacities 3 to 5 CFL operates rail line between Kisangani and wharfage; minimum alongside depth tons; one 30 -ton electric derrick; two 5 -ton auto- Ubundi. Port has road and rail clearance. 6.5 ft. u.otive cranes. Covered storage: 2 warehouses; total floor area about 69,800 sq. ft. Ilebo *19 *35 1,870 ft. of wharfage fcr general -cargo Cranes: 7 wharf cranes, capacities 2.5 to 6 tons. Special On Kasai; terminus of large barge traffic, and rail 4 20 2,250 transfer; alongside oepths, 6.5 ft. equipment: POL pipeline, 30 forklift trucks. Covered head for strategic KDL RR. to Shaba region. ST day. (LW) to 19.6 ft. (HW). 246 ft, of storage: 2 warehouses; total floor area 4,280 sq. ft. Port and port area operated by KDL. Road and wharfage for POL transfer. One quonset -type shod; floor area na. Refrigerated: rail clearance. limited. POL: 68,000 bbl. na Data not available. *For definition of port capacity see footnote on Figure 12 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200110006 -7 maritime Congo River; Kisangani, Bumba, and Mbandaka on the middle Congo; Ilebo and Bandundu on the Kasai; Ubundi, Port de Kindu, Kabalo, Kongolo, and Bukama on the Lualaba; Aketi on the Itimbiri; Kikwit on th:r Kwilu; Businga and Akula on the Mongala; and Kalemie, the only port of significance on Lake Tanganyika. Cargoes litAndled at these ports are predominantly bulk in nature, such as palm oil, ores, petroleum products, palm fruit, and cotton. The varied character of the waterway system has required numerous types of craft- 1) self propelled craft such as steamers, rapid passenger /cargo transports, and self propelled barges; 2) dumb craft. including cargo and tanker barges ranging from 40- to 1,200 -ton capacities; and 3) tugs and the more modem towboat. The bulk of the fleet is owned and operated by ONATRA under the general supervision of the Department of Transportation and Telecommu- nications. The 1970 ONATRA fleet consisted of 180 self propelled tugs and launches (55,000 lip) and 838 barges and lighters, with a total cargo capacity of 307,000 tons. In January 1970 the CFL fleet had 10 tugs and 33 barges with a combined capacity of 3.750 tons. The condition of the fleets of ONATRA an CFL is generally poor, with about one -third of ONA i RA's motive power and total barge capacity in repair. Efforts are being made by ONATRA, however. to upgrade the quality and efficiency of its fleet. In the past, responsibility for river transportation was shared by ONATRA and the Navigable Waterways and Marine Transportation Service (SVN Two new semiautonomous administrations have been created to replace the SVN:the Marine Waterways Administration (RVM), responsible for waterways comprising the Congo River estuary, and the River Waterways Administration (RVF), responsible for inland waterways and lakes. Of the two principal carriers operating on the waterways, ONATRA and CFL, ONATRA is by far the most important, handling 95% of all waterway commerce. In addition to operating its rail network, the company operates c. 'ensive waterway facilities along the Congo from its mouth to Kisangani, on the Kasai and numerous other tributaries, and on Lac Kivu. The CFL waterway network is concentrated in the eastern part of the country on the Lualaba and on Lake Tanganyika. A privately owned company, Express, also operates on the Congo out of Kinshasa. Chronic shortage of funds and a scarcity of competent personnel are major operating problems encountered by the waterway services, and river transportation is in critical condition. It is unable to handle the current traffic 14 offered, and it is unduly slow, of poor quality, and subject to frequent delays. Maintenance of the waterways has been seriously neglected since 1%.0, but the national government is well away: of the importance of water transportation to the economy of the country. A $13 million modernization of the river transportation system is currently underway. The project includes provisions for rehabilitation of navigational aids and dredging facilities in the Congo River estuary; improvement of navigation on the Kin shasa-Ilebo waterwav; rehabilitation of OTRACO's fleet; provision of experts for ONATRA, RVM, and RVF; and a study of the most effective rail and river link between Shaba Region and the sea. The im- proved navigabilih of the main inland waterways and rehabilitation of OTRACO's river fleet will result in a faster ship turnaround and thereby help Zaire meet the increased river traffic expected over the next 3 years. Figure 8 lists characteristics of the principal inland waterways, and Figure: 9 gives details of the most significant waterway ports. E. Ports (C) The maritime port system consists of two major and one minor ports located on a 80 -mile stretch of the lower Congo River. Matadi (Figure 10), the leading port, is located at the interior end of the navigable river channel and handles about two thirds of the country's maritime requirements. The port of Boma (Figure 11 on the north rank of the Congo 45 miles from its mouth, has two medium -size shipyards that build and repair barges and river boats. The ports largest ship repair facilities are two steel floating drydocks with 1,800 tons lifting capacity each. The minor port of Banana: 'lies on a narrow spit of land near the mouth of the Congo River estuary. This small lighterage port has no commercial significance but serves as the pilot and quarantine station for Congo River maritime traffic. The marine terminal of the Congolese- Italian Refining Company (SOCIR) refinery is located on Crique de Banana about 1'b- miles from the port of Banana. Petroleum products are transferred by barge to tankers anchored in the Congo River estuary. Berthing, stevedoring, and warehousing operations are carried out by ONATRA on behalf of the Marine Service, an office of the Department of Transportation and Telecommunications. The ports of Matadi and Boma adequately rneet normal ;hipping requirements of the country, but facilities at Banana can support only a smal' lighterage operation. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200110006 -7 1:5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200110006 -7 FIGURE 10. Port of Matadi (C) FIGURE 11. Storage buildings and open storage area at Boma (C) r Mob a L 1:5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200110006 -7 FIGURE 10. Port of Matadi (C) FIGURE 11. Storage buildings and open storage area at Boma (C) FlUURE 12 MaW ports (C) MAKE; LOCATION; HILITARi PORT CAPACITY ACTIVITIES HARBOR bERTHs Matadi (incl- Ango Ango) Largest port; has modern quays with storage handling facilities; road and Improved natural river harbor consisting of two Wt -mile stretches oI river at Ango Ango Alongside --For 11 standard ocean -type cargo vessels, 3 coaster -type cargo vessels, 5 49 1 S., 13 on S. (left) bank of Congo Aiver, S0 miles and mechanical rail clearance northeast to Kinshasa; handles and Matadi; good natural protection; control- 4 lighters, and 1 small ocean -type tanker. upstream from the Atlantic 1,167,274 tons of cargo annually, including ling depth in river channel 25 ft. at extreme Depths alongside 30 to IS ft. Ocean, receipts of foodstuffs, refined petroleum prod- low water; controlling width of channel 285 Fixed mooring �None. 8,300 uct.s, building materials, and other general ft.; vessels for Matadi limited to 575 ft. in Anchorage �For 25 standard ocean -type cargoes; and shipments of copper ore, lumber, length and require speed of more than 10 knots cargo vessels in nonswinging berths. and palm oil; petroleum and explosives are in order to negotiate Mbengo- Mbengo, a 90* handled at Ango Ango, 2 miles downstream. bend with currents uetween 7 and 10 knots. go,aa Second largest maritime port; has ship repair Improved natural river harbor along 3 -mile Alongside �For 3 standard ocean -typr cargo 5 51 13 03 on N. and cargo handling facilities; connected with stretch of river with least width of 1 mile vessels, 12 lighters, and 1 standard coaster (right) bank of Congo River, Matadi by surfaced road and ferry; handles and central depths of 60 ft.; good natural type tanker. 45 miles upstream from 110,000 tons annua :iy, 90% as shipments of protection; controlling depth of river channel Fixed mooring �None. Atlantic Ocean. bananas, logs, sawn timber, and palm oil, and 25 ft. at extreme low water; least channel Anchorage �For 3 standard ocean -type cargo 2,060 10% as receipts of general cargo; has two float- width 285 ft. vessels in the river opposite the town. ing drydocks with lifting capacities of 1,800 tans each; capable of most floating repairs to ocean -type vessels. *The estimated military port capacity is the maximum amount of general cargo.- -expressed in long tone �that can be unloaded onto the wharves and cleared from the wharf aprons during a period of one 24 -hour day (20 effective cargo working hours). The estimate is based on the static cargo transfer facilities of the pert existing at the time the estimate is prepared and is designed for comparison rather than for operational purposes; it cannot be projected beyond a single day by straight multiplication. L APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200110006 -7 Because of silting, constant dredging is required to maintain depths in the Congo River channel. Chronic maintenance problems with dredging equipment present diffic�4ties for maritime navigation. Figure 12 gives detiaiis of the major ports. F. Merchant marine (C) G. Civil air (C) 1 3 f transportation plays a significant role in linking Zaire with its neighbors, many major cities of Western Europe, wid with the United States. Also, because of the limited surface transportation facilities, domestic air transportation is particularly important. A sire, the national flag carrier, was established as A, Congo in June 1961. The government controi d airline provides scheduled domestic and interne ivaal services and is utilized for troop and supply :movements when necessary. Technical and managerial assistance is furnished by Pan American World Airways under a long -term contract. Air Zaire operates a route network of approximately 56,000 miles to 29 domestic points and to 20 countries in Europe and Africa. The carrier is a member of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the Association of African Airlines (AAFRA), a regional organization whose activities complement those of IATA. The Zairian Air Transportation Agency (AMAZ), formerl. COGEAIR, is Zaire's largest air charter and air taxi organization. Under a nesv charter issued in 1971, the privately owned carrier obtained the exclusive franchise for air parcel delivery service throughout Zaire. Based at Ndolo, a small airfield in the Kinshasa urban area, AMAZ operates scheduled feeder flights to 19 other domestic points, 15 of which have no other scheduled air service. The company also performs crop dusting and spraying, air surveying, and maintenance and repair services. There is little general flying or other aviation activity in the country despite the great distances and the limited surface transportation. A number of business concerns and religious missions own and operate light aircraft. To stimulate interest in civil aviation, the formation and development of aeroclubs have been encouraged. Approximately 200 civil aircraft are registered in Zaire. Of these, 26 have a gross weight of ov(�r 20,000 pounds. Air Zaire owns 21 major transport aircraft: two Acropatiale SE210 Series l l R C:aravelles, two Douglas DC- 8-30's, two Douglas DC- 8- 63F "s, seven DC -4's, and eight Fokker F- 27- 600's. Congo Frigo, a commercial food distributing company, owns two Curtiss C -46's and one Douglas DC -4; TRAMACO Service has one Hawker- Siddeley FIS -748; any the government's Geographic Institute owns one C -47. The light aircraft are owned by Air 'Zaire, AMAZ, missionary groups, aeroclubs, and private companies and individuals. More than 4,000 persons are engaged in civil aviation activities in the country. Of a total of 3,700 employees, Air Zaire has 90 pilots, 30 other flight personnel, and 950 maintenance personnel. AMAZ has 180 employees including 16 pilots and an esumaied 50 maintenance personnel. Most flight crew and skilled technical personnel are recruited from Europe. Africanization of Air Zaire's staff is continuing; however, progress is slow. The Zaire !L' dJRYp/ eN� Sw:. w+ cY1.:-: t. a� :N.vx:+arriwhNeWR4.G+0rifM:aR4 'EEiI'7ih2M':16x nfl: d+.Y'.+.!: 4?:%:�. Zaire's merchant fleet consists of one passenger and r` three dry -cargo ships totaling 35,901 gross register tons (g.r.t.), or 45,881 deadweight tons (d.w.t.). .vo dry cargo units, totaling 24,865 d.w,t., are 10 and 13 years r' old; the remaining 11,516- d.w.t. dry -cargo ship is a year old; and the 9,500- d.w.t. passenger ship is 24 years old. The dry -cargo units have operating speeds of 13 through 18 knots and the passenger ship has a Y' speed of 16 knots. All ships are diesel powered. All merchant ships are beneficially owned by the Belgian Maritime Company (Hoed Royal), S.A., Anhverp (which takes the profit or loss from j operations) and are operated by the Zaire Maritime Company (CMZ), in which the government holds the l majority of capital shares. The fleet is employed primarily in the carriage of trade between Zairian ports and ports of the west coast of Africa, Western Europe and the Far East (Japan). CMZ has recently become a member of the Japan /West Africa (from Angola to Cameroon) Shipping Conference and is utilizing two dry-cargo ships for the transport of steel, automobiles, and other i cargo from Japanese ports. i CMZ has presently on order a new 15,800- d.w.t. dry -cargo ship being built in a Belgian shipyard and scheduled for delivery in early 1973; this unit is to replace the fleet's oldest ship. The Department of Transportation and Telecom- 2 munications is responsible for the administration of j merchant marine laws and regulations, Zaire is a member of the Inter Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization (IMCO) and a party to the following IMCO Conventions: Safety of Life at Sea, 1960, and Load Lines, 1966. Zairian seafaring officers and men are being trained in Belgian merchant marine schools and at sea to eventually fill all positions aboard Zairian merchant shi ps. G. Civil air (C) 1 3 f transportation plays a significant role in linking Zaire with its neighbors, many major cities of Western Europe, wid with the United States. Also, because of the limited surface transportation facilities, domestic air transportation is particularly important. A sire, the national flag carrier, was established as A, Congo in June 1961. The government controi d airline provides scheduled domestic and interne ivaal services and is utilized for troop and supply :movements when necessary. Technical and managerial assistance is furnished by Pan American World Airways under a long -term contract. Air Zaire operates a route network of approximately 56,000 miles to 29 domestic points and to 20 countries in Europe and Africa. The carrier is a member of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the Association of African Airlines (AAFRA), a regional organization whose activities complement those of IATA. The Zairian Air Transportation Agency (AMAZ), formerl. COGEAIR, is Zaire's largest air charter and air taxi organization. Under a nesv charter issued in 1971, the privately owned carrier obtained the exclusive franchise for air parcel delivery service throughout Zaire. Based at Ndolo, a small airfield in the Kinshasa urban area, AMAZ operates scheduled feeder flights to 19 other domestic points, 15 of which have no other scheduled air service. The company also performs crop dusting and spraying, air surveying, and maintenance and repair services. There is little general flying or other aviation activity in the country despite the great distances and the limited surface transportation. A number of business concerns and religious missions own and operate light aircraft. To stimulate interest in civil aviation, the formation and development of aeroclubs have been encouraged. Approximately 200 civil aircraft are registered in Zaire. Of these, 26 have a gross weight of ov(�r 20,000 pounds. Air Zaire owns 21 major transport aircraft: two Acropatiale SE210 Series l l R C:aravelles, two Douglas DC- 8-30's, two Douglas DC- 8- 63F "s, seven DC -4's, and eight Fokker F- 27- 600's. Congo Frigo, a commercial food distributing company, owns two Curtiss C -46's and one Douglas DC -4; TRAMACO Service has one Hawker- Siddeley FIS -748; any the government's Geographic Institute owns one C -47. The light aircraft are owned by Air 'Zaire, AMAZ, missionary groups, aeroclubs, and private companies and individuals. More than 4,000 persons are engaged in civil aviation activities in the country. Of a total of 3,700 employees, Air Zaire has 90 pilots, 30 other flight personnel, and 950 maintenance personnel. AMAZ has 180 employees including 16 pilots and an esumaied 50 maintenance personnel. Most flight crew and skilled technical personnel are recruited from Europe. Africanization of Air Zaire's staff is continuing; however, progress is slow. The Zaire !L' dJRYp/ eN� Sw:. w+ cY1.:-: t. a� :N.vx:+arriwhNeWR4.G+0rifM:aR4 'EEiI'7ih2M':16x nfl: d+.Y'.+.!: 4?:%:�. Maintenance Company (SODEMAZ), a civilian maintenance service organization under contract to the Department of Defense, employs approximately 160 expatriates, including 23 to 30 pilots. This quasi military organization serves as the air force's maintenance wing. The principal aviation training activities art- conducted by the Civil Aviation Training Institute, which was established in Kinshasa by the United Nations in 1961. The institute provides instruction in air traffic control, radio operation and techniques, airport management, and other services.. In 1962, Air Zaire adopted an employee training program to raise the academic and professional standards of its employees. The program provides for the f raining of ground and flight personnel; promising students are sent abroad for additional training. Air Zaire's pilots and other technical personnel receive transitional and specialized training provided by the aircraft manufacturers. Pan American personnel assist in the training of DC -8 flighterews and maintenance technicians. Basic commercial pilot training can be obtained from the aeroclubs. The principal aircraft maintenance facilities are those of Air Zaire. The carrier's main facility at Ndjili airport (Kinshasa) can service aircraft up to the DC -8. Air Zaire also has facilities with a limited maintenance capability at Lubumbashi and Kisangani airfields. Major maintenance and overhaul of Air Zaire's jet aircraft are performed in Belgium and France. AMAZ' facility at Ndolo airfield can accomplish all light aircraft maintenance except engine overhaul. A minor AMAZ facility is located at Kananga. Zaire's Directorate of Civil Aviation in the Department of Transportation and Telecommunica- tions was reorganized as the Airways Administration in 1971. The semiautonomous agency is responsible for management, training, airport facilities, and operation and maintenance of the airways system. Management and supervision of the new organization are provided by a team of eight U.S. Federal Aviation Administration technicians. The team is working under a 5 -year technical assistance agreement designed to reorganize civil aviation in Zaire, The basic law governing civil aviation was promulgated in October 1955. Zaire is a member of the International Civil Aviation Organization and has civil aviation agreements or provisional arrangements with 26 countries. Twelve foreign air carriers conduct scheduled services which link Zaire with 23 countries in Africa, Europe, and North America. om H. Airfields' (C) The air facilities system consists of 320 usable airfields, of which 229 are civil, two are military, one joint military !civil, and 88 privately operated. In addition, there are 166 sites and five seaplane stations. All major air facilities are located at population centers throughout the country. The secondary airfields are generally along water, rail, and road transportation lines. A large concentration is found within 200 miles of Kananga in the south central area. An additional large group stretches across the country between the Equator anal 4� north; a smaller complex is situated in the western section. Few are situated along the northern border, although topography is favorable for airfield construction. The most important international airfields are Ndjili and Lubumbashi. Only Ndjili has depot aircraft maintenar-,:c; a few airfields have limited organiza- tional maintenance capability. There are 19 airfields with hard surfaced runways able to support C -54 to 0- 141 type aircraft. The remaining airfields have a capacity for C -47 or utility -type aircraft. The five seaplane stations are for emergency use. Some of the airfield sites could be made usable with a minimum amount of rehabilitation. The general condition of the major airfields is fair to good, with adequate maintenance being performed to sustain operational capability. However, airfield maintenance support and service facilities are negligible at most of the other airfields. New construction has been limited to private airfields with a capacity to accommodate utility -type aircraft. The two military airfields, Kiton,i Base and Kamina Base, are being rehabilitated for the use of the air force. All pilot training has been transferred to Kamina Base. Figure 13 lists characteristics of Zaire's most important airfields. I. Telecommunications (C) The telecommunications (telecom) system is fairly well developed by African standards. It is composed of widely separated segments cif ,vire lines, scattered radiocommunication stations, a few short multicon- ductor cables and radio -relay links, and scattered AM, FM, and TV broadcast stations (Figure 14). The principal telecom center is Kinshasa; secondary centers are Bukavu, Kisangani, Lubumbashi, 'Fur detailed information on individual airfields in 'Zaire see Volume 20. Airfields and Seaplane Stations of the World, published by the Defense Ntapping Agency, Aerospacv Center, for the Defense Intelligence Agency. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200110006 -7 CvvJlvvr I W. Vlri t FIGURE 13. Selected airfields (C) LONGEST RUNWAY: SURFACE; DIMENSIONS. ELEVATION ABOVE NAME AND LOCATION SEA LEVEL ESWLi Pounds 28,160 33.000 14,200 LARGEST AIRCRAFT NORMALLY SUPPORTED REMARKS DC- 4....... Civil. Air Zaire and the air force both use this airfield. Aviation fuel in drum storage. DC-l....... Civil. Air Zaire uses dRily and air force uses occa- sionally for C -130 operations. Aviation fuel in drum storage. C- 47........ Military. Paracommando training center for the army. Fuel supply estimated in drum storage. 28,160 DC- 4....... Civil. Air Zaire and air force both use this field Fuel supply unknown. 99,000 C- 130....... Military. Pilot training center for the air force. Aviation and jet fuel available in underground tanks. 33,000 DC 4....... Civil. Air Zaire and air force use this airfield. Aviation fuel in drum storage. 99,000 C- 130....... Military. Used by the air force to support a large army training center adjacent to airfield. Avi- ation and jet fuel available by tank trucks. 59,000 DC- 8...... Civil. International airfield. Aviation and jet fuel in aboveground storage. 35,500 DC- 4....... Civil. Used by Air Zaire and the air force. Fuel storage in drums. Ndpb Concrete (reinforced).. 99.000 C- 141....... Joint. International airfield used by both inter 4 15 15,420 x 197 national and domestic airlines. Air force's 1,014 Operations Wing and Logistics Wing based here. Aviation and jet fuel in underground storage. *Equivalent Single -Wheel Loading: Capacity of an airfield runway to sustain the weight of any multiple -wheel landing gear air- craft in terms of the single -wheel equivalent. Kananga, and Mbandaka. Services provided include telephone and telegraph over most of the country and telex in principal towns. The quality of service is generally poor �a result of deteriorating equipment, poor maintenance, and a continuing shortage of skilled personnel. Despite these handicaps the system is about average compared with surrounding countries. Zaire ranks 14th in number of telephones in sub- Saharan Africa. An estimated 22,500 telephones serve less than one inhabitant per 1,000. The number of radio receivers is in excess of 800,000, and the number of TV receivers is over 20,000, with domestic and international services improving. About 70 community listening centers are provided by the government. The Department of Posts and 'Telecommunications directs activities of the National Post and Telecom- munications Office of 'Zaire (ONPTZ) a government organization. CNPTZ is advised by Bell Congo, a subsidiary of Belgium's Bell Telephone Manufactur- ing Company, an I.T.T. affiliate. The programs of the radio and TV broadcasting stations are controlled by the Department of Information. Private networks are operated by a number of commercial enterprises and missionary organizations. The principal domestic network is the radiocom- munication system. The chief control station is at Kinshasa and connects with six regional stations, which in turn connect with 24 intermediate stations serving as control centers for a large number of smaller stations. There is a radio -relay link between Kinshasa and Matadi. Of secondary importance to the domestic network ar- widely separated open -wire segments. which are located primarily around Kinshasa and in 19 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200110006 -7 Feel Bunia Asphalt............... 1 34'N., 30 13 1 E. 6,069 x 98 4,04.`. Coma Asphalt............... 1 0 40 1 8., 29 7,546 x 98 5,069 Gbale Laterite............... 4 21 4,921 x 164 1,900 Kalemie, North........ Asphalt 53'S., 29 5,741 x 98 2,569 Kamina Base.......... Asphalt 8 25 8,858 x 147 3,622 Kisangani Asphalt............... 5 31'N., 25 �09'F.. 6,430 x 148 1,289 Kitona Base........... Asphalt 5 12 7,874 x 147 394 Lubumbashi........... Asphalt 11 27 9,022 x 164 4,288 Mbandaka Asphalt............... 0 18 6,726 x 98 1,040 Kananga, and Mbandaka. Services provided include telephone and telegraph over most of the country and telex in principal towns. The quality of service is generally poor �a result of deteriorating equipment, poor maintenance, and a continuing shortage of skilled personnel. Despite these handicaps the system is about average compared with surrounding countries. Zaire ranks 14th in number of telephones in sub- Saharan Africa. An estimated 22,500 telephones serve less than one inhabitant per 1,000. The number of radio receivers is in excess of 800,000, and the number of TV receivers is over 20,000, with domestic and international services improving. About 70 community listening centers are provided by the government. The Department of Posts and 'Telecommunications directs activities of the National Post and Telecom- munications Office of 'Zaire (ONPTZ) a government organization. CNPTZ is advised by Bell Congo, a subsidiary of Belgium's Bell Telephone Manufactur- ing Company, an I.T.T. affiliate. The programs of the radio and TV broadcasting stations are controlled by the Department of Information. Private networks are operated by a number of commercial enterprises and missionary organizations. The principal domestic network is the radiocom- munication system. The chief control station is at Kinshasa and connects with six regional stations, which in turn connect with 24 intermediate stations serving as control centers for a large number of smaller stations. There is a radio -relay link between Kinshasa and Matadi. Of secondary importance to the domestic network ar- widely separated open -wire segments. which are located primarily around Kinshasa and in 19 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200110006 -7 (*0NFInF: \'r1Al. Libenge Bambili Aketi IsiroWatsa Lisala� e to `C"'Basankusu G%Basoko Buniae jMbandaka Kisangarrit-av 7Boende Ubundi Bukavu r Kwamouth Port de Kindu impoko -Nsete B N A V.usambo r ,Kongolo G Kikwit Kananga Mbuji -Magi K.alo Kabinda Kalem /O anono Multiconductor Kaminal 1Bukama Open wire Dilalo Kol Radio relay wezi ,Tenke Domestic radiocommunication International radiocommunication Satellite communication n AM broadcast 4 G FM broadcast, u a, TV broadcast r E t ?`r� FIGURE 14. General telecommunications pattern (C) the southeast; there are only a few minor lines in the entire northern half of the nation. Multiconductor cables connect Lubumbashi and Kol\yezi. Most international service is provided by it high frequency station and it recently completed earth satellite station. The high frequency radio -cont- munication station, with transmitting and receiving sites, is located at Kinshasa. Direct radiocommunica- tion circuits to several African and other capitals provide two -way telephone, telegraph, and telex service. There is it radio -relay link from Lubumbashi into "Zambia. A subfluvial cable crosses the Congo River between Kinshasa and Brazzaville. A minor landlinc connects Bukavu to Bujumbura, Burundi. The earth satellite communication station is at Kimpoko Nsele, about 30 miles east of Kinshasa. In addition to improving Zaire's international telephone and telegraph communications, the station is equipped to receive international TV programs. International communications are inte grated with the domestic telephone and telegraph nets in Kinshasa; a radio -relay link connects Kinshasa and Kimpoko- 20 Nsele. Satellite circuits are in operation between Zaire and Italy, the United States, Belgium, and France. Special purpose networks are operated by a number of governmental and private organizations. Govern- mental facilities include those of the civil air authorities, the army, and police. Air radio facilities crc operated for the government by the Zairian Aircraft Maintenance Company (SODEMA'Z). Array and police facilities have been improved with assistance: from thr 'uited States. The railro.�_Is and the General Quarries and Mines Company of 'Zaire (GECAMINES) operate their own networks. Other private companies and missionary organizations also maintain special radio nets. The radiobroadcast system includes a principal AM station at Kinshasa, with me fre quency transmitters for local coverage and high fre(Iuency transmitters for national and international broadcasts. Other medium- and high frequency AM stations for regional coverage are located at several towns. A small FM station is in Kinshasa, and TV stations are in the capital and Lubumbashi. Vast expanse, of tropical rain forest have forced reliance on ra,Iio rather than landlines to a much greater extent than in most countries. The humid tropical climate causes rapid deterioration of equipment, requiring special protective measures. In the past, small quantities of radiobroadcast receivers were assembled under a licensing agreement with Philips Company of the Netherlands at it plant in Kit_. )asa, but it is not known if this facility is still in operation. All other equipment is imported, primarily from Belgium, France, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the United States, and West Germany. The automatic telephone exchange equipment for the enlargement of the Kinshasa exchange came from Belgium, and the agreement with the Bell Telephone Manufachtring Company of Belgium includes an arrangement for supplying equipment. Future projects envision the completion of a radio relay route, which will connect Kinshasa and Sakania, extending to the ocean, and including automatic telephone exchanges and urban cable systems. The two routes %will total more than 2,500 km. and will have an ultimate capacity of 600 channels. In addition, Bell "Telephone Company of Belgiu; is reportedly setting up it facility to assemble telephone instruments and equipment in Kinshasa. C0NFtnF:X'rIAI, APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200110006 -7 P1 ices and features referred to in this General Survey (U/OU) D I S 2 44N 2 22N 5 51 1 05N 6 01 3 19 4 22N 0 30N 1 03 3 57 0 13 5 51 4 08N. 3 49N. 4 16 2 39N. 3 23 9 !2 2 30 2 IIN. I 34N. 10 12 3 20N. 2 48N. 12 22 6 04 6 01 10 42 4 23 4 03N. 3 01 10 37 :1 15N, 1 41 10 40 5 02 4 19 5 39 2 46N, 2 02N. 1 40N. 6 03 7 24 5 56 8 44 5 54 3 02 0 ION. 4 27 2 18 0 39 4 52 7 20 1 57 4 52 5 02 4 14 4 58 4 18 1 46 0 30N. 0 41 5 28 0 43 2 53N. 5 23 1 40 3 10 3 14 5 40 2 00 0 1E 3 46 20 11 13 26 27 W 12 24 17 22 18 35 29 28 28 54 15 54 20 52 13 03 22 27 23 40 15 17 19 42 29 22 25 51 28 52 22 28 30 15 2523 20 53 24 44 27 50 12 24 12 25 22 20 15 15 9 42 16 58 26 18 19 46 29 14 26 26 19 36 20 35 13 39 27 37 22 44 27 01 26 55 25 38 29 12 25 00 22 25 16 57 30 05 26 40 27 08 25 21 16 59 28 01 30 04 29 38 18 49 15 33 14 28 15 is 27 14 25 12 23 10 17 42 25 28 23 59 27 00 27 28 16 11 1722 12 52 29 10 COORDINATES 0 S 1 40N 1 21 9 00 0 00 3 39N 3 04N 10 59 2 09N 12 20 0 46N 0 26N 9 26 9 57 9 57 11 40 9 27 5 31 10 38 4 42 0 28N. 1 21 N. I 11 7 IS 5 52 5 49 4 46 4 30 0 04N. 5 15 5 50 6 09 1 53N. 6 08 5 56 10 47 2 38N. 4 32 12 15 10 39 3 02 4 28 3 36 4 19 4 15 2 57 1 28 3 16 12 45 1 34 4 17 11 01 4 54 5 42 10 35 3 17N. 4 59 6 25 12 18 3 30 0 21 3 24 10 42 4 05N. 5 44 0 fE. 31 00 29 35 28 45 29 30 18 38 25 31 26 44 21 31 13 34 24 16 25 20 28 33 25 58 25 57 27 28 25 47 14 32 25 21 28 38 25 23 29 03 28 37 27 25 17 03 13 27 16 46 12 30 18 16 14 52 13 26 23 36 19 46 13 44 12 21 26 37 28 30 21 21 27 38 24 27 28 26 15 21 23 03 15 19 15 25 25 57 26 27 29 14 28 34 29 03 20 25 26 46 15 09 14 02 26 07 25 32 12 56 20 48 27 58 17 42 25 29 29 08 22 12 30 40 14 39 Lake Albert (lake) Lake Edward (lake) Lake Mweru (lake) Lake Tanganyika (lake) Libenge Lienart Likasi Lisala Lobito. Angola Lomami (sirm) Lualaba (strm) Luapula (strm) Lubudi Lubudi (rr sta) Lubumbashi Luena Lukala Luilu (mine) Lulimba Madula Mambasa Maniema Manono Masina Matadi Mayamba Mayunibe (massif) Mbandaka Mbanza-Ngungu Mbengo-Mbengo (whirlponl) Mbuji-Mayi Mongala (sirm) M'Pala, Angola Muanda Mulungwishi Mungbere Mushenge Musoshi Mutshatsha Mwenga............................... Ndifli................................. Ndolo Ndolo (sec popl) Pool Malebo (pool) Port de Kindu Punia Ruzi7i (strin) Sakania Sake Sankuru (sirm) Shituru (mine) Sona-Bata Songololo Tenke Titule Tshela Tshikapa Tshinsenda, Ubangi strm) Ubundi Uvira Vila TAxeira de Sousa, Angola........... Yei, Sudan Zonzo Selerted Airfields Kamina Base S 3R 25 15 Kitona. Base 5 55 12 27 ',ubumbashi 11 35 27 32 4djili 4 23 15 27 NOTE--All latitudes are south unless otherwise indicated. a APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200110006-7 Aketi Akula...................... Ango Ango Bafwasende jl Banana Bandundu Bangui, Central African Republic........ Beni Binza Black River (strm) Boende Boma Bomu (strm) Bondo Brazzaville, Congo Budjala Bujumbura, Burundi Bukama Bukavu Bumba................................ Bunia................................. Busanga Businga Buts Chililabombwe, Zambia Congo River (sirm) Crique de Banana (tidal creek). Dilolo Djelo-Binza Douala, Cameroon...... Fimi (strm) Fungurume Gemena............................... Goma Guba................................. Idiofa................................. llebo.................................. Inga.................................. Isiro.................................. Itimbiri (strm) Ituri (strm) Kabalo................................ Kabongo Kalemie Kamina............................... Kananga Kasai (strm) Kasese, Uganda Kasongo Katanti (mission) Katonto (hill) Kenge Kiambi............................... Kigali, Rwanda Kigoma, Tanzania Kikwit................................ Kimpoko-Nscle Kinkuzu.............................. Kinshasa Kipushi Kisangani Kisenge Kitona................................ Kolwezi Komba................................ Kongolo............................... Kota Koli Kwa strm Kwango (strni) Kwilu (strm) Lac Kivu (lake) D I S 2 44N 2 22N 5 51 1 05N 6 01 3 19 4 22N 0 30N 1 03 3 57 0 13 5 51 4 08N. 3 49N. 4 16 2 39N. 3 23 9 !2 2 30 2 IIN. I 34N. 10 12 3 20N. 2 48N. 12 22 6 04 6 01 10 42 4 23 4 03N. 3 01 10 37 :1 15N, 1 41 10 40 5 02 4 19 5 39 2 46N, 2 02N. 1 40N. 6 03 7 24 5 56 8 44 5 54 3 02 0 ION. 4 27 2 18 0 39 4 52 7 20 1 57 4 52 5 02 4 14 4 58 4 18 1 46 0 30N. 0 41 5 28 0 43 2 53N. 5 23 1 40 3 10 3 14 5 40 2 00 0 1E 3 46 20 11 13 26 27 W 12 24 17 22 18 35 29 28 28 54 15 54 20 52 13 03 22 27 23 40 15 17 19 42 29 22 25 51 28 52 22 28 30 15 2523 20 53 24 44 27 50 12 24 12 25 22 20 15 15 9 42 16 58 26 18 19 46 29 14 26 26 19 36 20 35 13 39 27 37 22 44 27 01 26 55 25 38 29 12 25 00 22 25 16 57 30 05 26 40 27 08 25 21 16 59 28 01 30 04 29 38 18 49 15 33 14 28 15 is 27 14 25 12 23 10 17 42 25 28 23 59 27 00 27 28 16 11 1722 12 52 29 10 COORDINATES 0 S 1 40N 1 21 9 00 0 00 3 39N 3 04N 10 59 2 09N 12 20 0 46N 0 26N 9 26 9 57 9 57 11 40 9 27 5 31 10 38 4 42 0 28N. 1 21 N. I 11 7 IS 5 52 5 49 4 46 4 30 0 04N. 5 15 5 50 6 09 1 53N. 6 08 5 56 10 47 2 38N. 4 32 12 15 10 39 3 02 4 28 3 36 4 19 4 15 2 57 1 28 3 16 12 45 1 34 4 17 11 01 4 54 5 42 10 35 3 17N. 4 59 6 25 12 18 3 30 0 21 3 24 10 42 4 05N. 5 44 0 fE. 31 00 29 35 28 45 29 30 18 38 25 31 26 44 21 31 13 34 24 16 25 20 28 33 25 58 25 57 27 28 25 47 14 32 25 21 28 38 25 23 29 03 28 37 27 25 17 03 13 27 16 46 12 30 18 16 14 52 13 26 23 36 19 46 13 44 12 21 26 37 28 30 21 21 27 38 24 27 28 26 15 21 23 03 15 19 15 25 25 57 26 27 29 14 28 34 29 03 20 25 26 46 15 09 14 02 26 07 25 32 12 56 20 48 27 58 17 42 25 29 29 08 22 12 30 40 14 39 Lake Albert (lake) Lake Edward (lake) Lake Mweru (lake) Lake Tanganyika (lake) Libenge Lienart Likasi Lisala Lobito. Angola Lomami (sirm) Lualaba (strm) Luapula (strm) Lubudi Lubudi (rr sta) Lubumbashi Luena Lukala Luilu (mine) Lulimba Madula Mambasa Maniema Manono Masina Matadi Mayamba Mayunibe (massif) Mbandaka Mbanza-Ngungu Mbengo-Mbengo (whirlponl) Mbuji-Mayi Mongala (sirm) M'Pala, Angola Muanda Mulungwishi Mungbere Mushenge Musoshi Mutshatsha Mwenga............................... Ndifli................................. Ndolo Ndolo (sec popl) Pool Malebo (pool) Port de Kindu Punia Ruzi7i (strin) Sakania Sake Sankuru (sirm) Shituru (mine) Sona-Bata Songololo Tenke Titule Tshela Tshikapa Tshinsenda, Ubangi strm) Ubundi Uvira Vila TAxeira de Sousa, Angola........... Yei, Sudan Zonzo Selerted Airfields Kamina Base S 3R 25 15 Kitona. Base 5 55 12 27 ',ubumbashi 11 35 27 32 4djili 4 23 15 27 NOTE--All latitudes are south unless otherwise indicated. a APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200110006-7 M rN 'Batouri am eroo n %.j 7� G a b on w Banat l a Central African Republic Zonyo nzyvqqIe Berbelatt Mbatk, 3001 Busing Gemen" 4z z_7 I' o o 40umio ac _z� _C_L: I Lc Pori Ouesso eq E q a t e u r Q "JAbandaka BU B P 0\ \0Y oir I k7r A flia n t i c i 01c e a n I� Fort- ouss 1 x r Franceville _:Z7 lI It Lac t.'a Njon wa o o B d I Dekese T t A, Brazzavi 4l Doli !rpo Ur haia, lebo asa AN B a n ie ko.Nsele s du n d u L Lu 4 p upzl Mad'mba Kenge T s Kikwit I l 1ba7 A M anz a In Kasai-occl tal 16 B A- Max Gungu I JI- R Maquela M"Pnla do Zornbo SAp g_ dor 0 Kasongo. Lunda Tshikapr. )9 \J K.h, J,b. Dundo Carmona Ambriz Caungula 'd Zaire W onrinita d APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200110006-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200110006 -7 s r swrw v s aaaz rvvvrvw s-- vs sws v+ vww s F_.A_ww as l 111 T tir Boar 7 huaA__ V a o n Fort RCUSSetf ory ID I Jr L w Franceville Lac 7 Mar- Ndombe JI C� I t3andund i 277 Dekese 1 Brazzaville s r u K,m ot0- l Itele Doi le p a llob -J hashasa I i eel fi C! \tt n t' u cA o t l Tahele Madimba Kenge Kikwit' y 1 tdiofa 1 I I 2V lus la M tiail 8 a s I 1 Masai -Occa tai l Mi ngol tlO I